The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor for the Study of Radio Transients: Array Configuration and Sensitivity ARCC Scholar thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the ARCC Scholar program Rossina Miller April 13, 2012

The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor for the Study of Radio ... · The forthcoming Low Frequency All Sky Monitor (LoFASM) will be an array of dipoles working between 10-88 MHz adapted

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Page 1: The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor for the Study of Radio ... · The forthcoming Low Frequency All Sky Monitor (LoFASM) will be an array of dipoles working between 10-88 MHz adapted

The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor forthe Study of Radio Transients: Array

Configuration and Sensitivity

ARCC Scholar thesis

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

of the ARCC Scholar program

Rossina Miller

April 13, 2012

Page 2: The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor for the Study of Radio ... · The forthcoming Low Frequency All Sky Monitor (LoFASM) will be an array of dipoles working between 10-88 MHz adapted


The forthcoming Low Frequency All Sky Monitor (LoFASM) will be an arrayof dipoles working between 10-88 MHz adapted from the Long WavelengthArray (LWA) design. This array will offer significant advantages over otherprojects for the study of radio transients, but its effectiveness will dependon the geometric details of the array. This thesis presents the results oftheoretical sensitivity calculations for a single 12 antenna array. An optimalconfiguration was found that can effectively block terrestrial signals incidentfrom the horizon at certain ”resonant” frequencies. This configuration willallow LoFASM to operate in regions with relatively high radio frequencyinterference.


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1 Introduction 11.1 LoFASM and Radio Transients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Theoretical Framework 32.1 The Normalized Beam Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.2 Determining the Minimum Detectable Flux . . . . . . . . . . 62.3 Visible Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82.4 Horizon Rejection Factor and Array Optimization . . . . . . 9

3 Discussion 103.1 Optimal Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113.2 Validation of the Double Ring Configuration . . . . . . . . . . 14

4 Conclusion 154.1 What’s been accomplished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154.2 Future Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5 Acknowledgments 16

A Codes 17A.1 LoFASM H/Ω0 Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

A.1.1 arraydist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19A.1.2 ArrayHO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A.1.3 BeamSizeH2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A.1.4 beampatternglobal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

A.2 LoFASM H/Ω0 Script for Random Configurations . . . . . . 22A.3 randarraydist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A.4 minHO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

A.4.1 randdoubleringVol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A.4.2 randdoublering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26


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1 Introduction

In the field of radio astronomy, the low frequency band (roughly 10 - 88 MHz)is relatively unexplored. This is due to various historical and technologicalreasons. Recently, there are several new projects that are investigating thisparticular frequency range. Such projects include the Long Wavelength Ar-ray (LWA) in New Mexico and the Low Frequency Array (Lofar) in Europe.The primary science goals for these instruments include the study of 1) iono-spheric, solar and space weather; 2) solar and exosolar planets; 3) cosmicevolution; 4) acceleration, turbulence and propagation of signals in the in-terstellar medium (ISM) and 5) transient phenomena [1, 2]. The Center forAdvanced Radio Astronomy (CARA) in collaboration with the University ofNew Mexico (UNM) and the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) are workingon an innovative project focusing on radio transients; the Low FrequencyAll Sky Monitor (LoFASM).

The LoFASM instrument is based on technology developed by the LWAteam and will be dedicated to continuous, long-term observations of the lowfrequency band. The primary science goals of LoFASM will be to study at-mospheric, planetary, and astrophysical transient radio events and to designand test radio frequency interference (RFI) mitigation techniques. Of par-ticular interest are transient radio signals emitted by neutron star-neutronstar inspirals, neutron star-black hole inspirals, and black hole-black holeinspirals since these inspiral events are also sources of gravitational waves.A coincident detection of such a radio transient together with a gravitationalwave event could significantly increase the significance of the gravitationalwave detection. In this way LoFASM may play an important role in the firstdetection of gravitational waves.

LoFASM will consist of four stations, each made up of 12 LWA style antennastands in a double ring close-packed configuration. The LoFASM stationswill be separated by several thousands of kilometers. The first station will bebuilt near Port Mansfield, Texas, 63 miles north of the University of Texasat Brownsville. The second station will be located near the north arm ofthe VLA in Socorro, New Mexico. The planned location for the third sta-tion is near the Cornell University campus in Ithaca, New York. A possiblehome for the fourth station will be the Owen’s Valley Radio Observatory,California. These geographically distinct regions, each observing the samearea of sky, will allow LoFASM to quickly determine the origin of a detectedsignal. A signal detected in all four stations is most likely to be of astro-


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nomical origin, while a signal detected at one station and not the others ismost likely to be RFI [3]. The antenna stands and front end electronics areidentical to those developed by the LWA team. Additional hardware spe-cific to LoFASM, together with the digital processing, are being developedby the Center for Advanced Radio Astronomy’s Multipurpose ElectronicsLab (CARAMEL) in collaboration with the LWA team.

The proposed placement of the antenna stands within a single LoFASMstation can be found in Figure 1 on page 11. The antenna stands will beplaced in a close-packed configuration, which consists of two concentric ringsof six antenna stands. Following a close-packing of identical spheres, theradius of the outer ring is fixed at

√3 times the radius of the inner ring. This

work shows that this double ring configuration maximizes instantaneoussky coverage at an individual station, while minimizing the effects of RFIoriginating from the horizon. The double ring configuration allows for someinteresting combinations of the signals from the inner and outer rings, whichmakes the array sensitive to different areas of the sky. When added togetherin-phase, the region of maximum sensitivity is directly overhead. Whenadded at 180 degrees out of phase (i.e. subtracted from each other) thearray will be most sensitive to signals from the horizon. Hence, an analysisof the signals from the two rings will enable one to constrain the zenith angleof a source, thereby allowing one to determine its origin.

The remainder of this thesis is organized in the following way. The differentpotential sources of radio transients are discussed in Sec. 1.1 which coversthe applications of LoFASM. The optimization and validation of the arrayconfiguration are then presented in Sec. 2, with the results of these calcu-lations being presented in Sec. 3. Conclusions are given in Sec. 4. Codesshowing the functions used to obtain results are relegated to Appendix A.

1.1 LoFASM and Radio Transients

The primary science goal of LoFASM will be to study radio transients. Ra-dio transients are burst of radio radiation that can last from micro-secondsto several days. Some local (within the Solar System) sources of radiotransients are energetic particles striking the atmosphere, solar flares, ra-dio bursts from Jupiter’s magnetosphere [6] and terrestrial lightning. Othernon-local sources of radio transients include magnetic activity on the sur-faces of brown dwarfs and particle acceleration in the magnetic fields of flarestars[4, 5]. Radio pulsars are also known to exhibit giant radio pulses de-


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tectable in the low frequency band [7], as well as rotating radio transients(RRATs)[12].

Potential, yet currently unconfirmed, sources of radio transients include su-pernovae, merging neutron stars, coalescing black holes,[8, 9] and Gamma-ray bursts [11]. The most exciting aspect of radio transient work is theunforeseen discovery of unknown sources.

LoFASM may prove to be instrumental in the detection and confirmation ofgravitional waves. Neutron star-neutron star inspirals, neutron star-blackhole inspirals, and black hole-black hole inspirals are all potential sourcesof gravitational waves that may also emit a burst of low frequency radioradiation just prior to merger or in the afterglow phase[9]. It has beenpredicted that the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Ob-servatory (aLIGO) will see several neutron star-neutron star mergers whichLoFASM may be able to confirm by observing the associated radio transientevent [10].

LoFASM will also expand the search for radio pulsars, an exotic type ofstar that emits beams of radio waves from its magnetic poles. Pulsars canexhibit both periodic and transient signals. Unlike normal radio pulsars,RRATs cannot be detected through time-averaged emission and typicallylast for less than 1 second per day. The spin periods of radio pulsars rangefrom a 1.3 milliseconds to 8.5 seconds [13], while the spin periods associatedwith RRATs range from 0.4 to 7 seconds[12]. A LoFASM survey shouldyield around 30 pulsars in the first year, with the possibility of new discov-eries. Such a survey would be sensitive to pulsars with periods longer than0.5 seconds. The new data obtained by LoFASM will help to further ourunderstanding of the basic workings of radio pulsars [14].

2 Theoretical Framework

We are interested in finding the optimal configuration of the LoFASM arrayin order to maximize its sensitivity to radio transients. In essence, we wantthe array to see a large portion of the sky and reject signals coming fromthe horizon, which would most likely be RFI. First we need to calculatethe antenna array’s ”normalized beam pattern” which quantifies the array’ssensitivity to a source in a particular direction. Once this is known it willbe used to calculate three important statistics that will help determine the


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array’s effectiveness at detecting transient signals. These statistics will beused to determine the optimal array configuration.

2.1 The Normalized Beam Pattern

The array will be modeled as a set of N antennas, each located at distinctpoints in space denoted by the displacement vector xj, where the subscriptj runs from 1 to N . Under the plane wave assumption, the electric field atthe location of the jth antenna stand is given by

E = E0pei(k·xj−ωt), (1)

where k is the wave vector pointing in the direction of propagation, ω is theangular frequency of the wave, E0 is the scalar amplitude of the wave, andthe unit vector p points in the direction of the electric field’s polarization.At each antenna, the voltage generated across the terminals by the planewave is

Vj(t) = Gn(k,p)E0ei(k·xj−ωt), (2)

where Gn(k,p) is the antenna’s response to the wave, Vnj is the and thesubscript n denotes the polarization of the antenna. Each antenna standis made up of two independent dipole antennas, oriented at 90 to eachother. The gain of the North-South (East-West) aligned dipoles is given byGNS(k,p) (GEW (k,p)).

Since we want the maximum sensitivity of the array to be directly overhead,the received signals from all the antenna stands will be added in phase.

The resulting summed signal for a given antenna polarization, Sn, is denotedas

Sn =∑j

Vj(t) =∑j

Gn(k,p)E0ei(k·xj−ωt). (3)

The detected average power in the signal is given by

Pn = |Sn|2 =∑j,l

|Gn(k,p)|2|E0|2ei(k·(xj−xl)). (4)


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The received power for each polarization is given by

PEW =∑j,l

|GEW (k,p)|2|E0|2ei(k·(xj−xl)), (5)

PNS =∑j,l

|GNS(k,p)|2|E0|2ei(k·(xj−xl)). (6)

The total power received will be a sum of the two polarizations.

PT = PNS + PEW . (7)

PT =∑j,l

(|GNS(k,p)|2 + |GEW (k,p)|2)|E0|2ei(k·(xj−xl)). (8)

We will assume that the source is unpolarized, which means that there isequal power in each of the two possible polarization states. In order toaccount for this we simply add together the received power in each of theorthogonal polarizations. In this case, the total power takes the form:

PT =∑j,l

AT (k)|E0|2ei(k·(xj−xl)), (9)


AT (k) = |GNS(k,p0)|2 + |GEW (k,p0)|2 + |GNS(k,p1)|2 + |GEW (k,p1)|2.(10)

In the above equation, the subscripts on the polarization vectors differentiatebetween the two polarization states possible for a plan wave traveling in the kdirection. For a crossed-dipole antenna configuration in the long wavelengthlimit lying in the x-y plane, one can show that

AT = A0

(1 + cos(θ)2


), (11)

where A0 is a constant that depends on the geometry of the antenna and θis the angle from the z-axis.


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Using this one can rewrite Equation 9 as

PT (θ, φ) = A0

(1 + cos(θ)2




ei(k(θ,φ)·(xj−xl)), (12)

where we have explicitly written the directional dependence in terms ofzenith and azimuthal angles, θ and φ. Dividing the above equation byits maximum possible value, A0|E0|2N2, we obtain the normalized beampattern:

B(θ, φ) =

(1 + cos(θ)2





ei(k(θ,φ)·(xj−xl)). (13)

The normalized beam pattern is the key to understanding the effectivenessof the LoFASM array at detecting radio transients. Matlab codes weredeveloped to calculate this quantity as a function of the array configurationas well as the source location. A knowledge of the normalized beam patternallows us to calculate the array’s minimum detectable flux, the maximumvisible volume as well as the horizon rejection, a statistic that determineshow well the array rejects signals coming from the horizon.

2.2 Determining the Minimum Detectable Flux

The normalized beam pattern will now be used to determine the minimumdetectable flux. Assuming a single source at a sky location given by θ andφ, the power per unit frequency received by the array is

Ps = AmB(θ, φ)Fs(θ, φ), (14)

where Am is the effective area of the telescope, B is the normalized beampattern and Fs is the source flux per unit frequency.

Radio transients, our main focus, only emit finite bursts of radio waves.These bursts would create an increase in the noise power above that gener-ated by the sky background. The noise power due to the sky background isdetermined by the following expression:


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Pn =

∫AmB(θ, φ)Iν(θ, φ)dΩ, (15)

where Iν(θ, φ) is the specific intensity of the sky. It is typical to model thebackground radiation coming from the sky as a blackbody with temperatureTsky. In this case, it can be shown that [15]

Iν(θ, φ) =kbTskyλ2

. (16)

where kb is Boltzmann’s constant and λ is the wavelength of the wave at thefrequency ν. The equation for the noise power then becomes

Pn = Am


dΩ. (17)

Since kb, Tsys and λ are not dependent on direction, the power may be writtenas

Pn =AmkbTskyΩ0

λ2, (18)


Ω0 =

∫BdΩ. (19)

Ω0 is known as the antenna beam solid angle and quantifies the size of theregion of the sky that the array can see.

In order for a source to be detectable, the signal power received must begreater than the noise power. Hence, Ps > Pn. This leads to the followinginequality:

AmB(θ, φ)Fs(θ, φ) >AmkbTskyΩ0

λ2. (20)

By solving for Fs(θ, φ) one finds that

Fs(θ, φ) > Fmin(θ, φ), (21)

where Fmin(θ, φ) is defined as the minimum detectable flux for a sourcelocated at θ, φ and is given by:

Fmin(θ, φ) =kbTskyΩ0

B(θ, φ)λ2. (22)

Since the maximum value of B(θ, φ) is 1, the smallest value of the minimumdetectable flux is

Fmin =kbTskyΩ0

λ2. (23)


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2.3 Visible Volume

A good measure of how effective an instrument is at detecting transientsources is given by the total volume of space in which a particular source maybe detected. This volume may be calculated using the minimum detectableflux and the total luminosity, L, of a source.

Given the measured flux of a source, F , with luminosity, L, the distancebetween the receiver and the source is given by

r =


4πF. (24)

Since Fmin(θ, φ) is the minimum detectable flux of the receiver, the maximumpossible distance that a detectable source could be is given by

rmax(θ, φ) =


4πFmin(θ, φ). (25)

The total visible volume of space is then given by

V =

∫rmax(θ, φ)3

3dΩ. (26)

Using Equation 25, the above becomes

V =




4πFmin(θ, φ)


dΩ =




) 32

Fmin(θ, φ)−32dΩ. (27)

Using Equation 22 for Fmin(θ, φ), the volume may written as

V =




) 32(B(θ, φ)λ2


) 32

dΩ. (28)

The only thing dependent on direction is B(θ, φ), therefore the volume takesthe form

V =1




) 32

λ3γ (29)

where γ is defined as

γ =

∫B(θ, φ)

32dΩ. (30)


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2.4 Horizon Rejection Factor and Array Optimization

Unwanted signals are most likely to originate from the horizon at high zenithangles. An ideal array would reject such signals while maintaining sensitivityto signals coming from overhead. The integral of the normalized beampattern over the horizon region, as opposed to over the entire sky, is ameasure of the array’s sensitivity to signals coming from the horizon. Wedefine the following quantity:

H =


B(θ, φ)dΩ. (31)

where δ is the angle subtended by the horizon, which we will take to be 10.The ratio of H to the antenna beam solid angle, Ω0, is a measure of how wellthe antenna rejects signals from the horizon and admits signals from over-head. We refer to this ratio as the horizon rejection factor. When optimizingthe array configuration, one would want to minimize this quantity.

The horizon rejection factor can be directly related to the apparent increasein the sky temperature due to signals from the horizon. Up to now, wehave been modeling the sky brightness as an isotropic blackbody with tem-perature Tsky. Now we will consider a two component model where thetemperature within the horizon region is Tsky + ∆Th and is Tsky elsewhere.For this case, the received noise power becomes

Pn =AmkbTskyΩ0




B(θ, φ)dΩ. (32)

Since all the terms under the integral, except for B(θ, φ), are independentof θ and φ we can rewrite the above equation using Equation 31 as

Pn =AmkbTskyΩ0


λ2. (33)

After factoring, we find that

Pn =AmkbTskyΩ0


(1 +




), (34)

By comparing this result to Equation 18, we see that we can define anequivalent system temperature given by


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Tsys = Tsky(1 +∆ThTsky


Ω0). (35)

The noise power induced in the array by this two component non-isotropicsky brightness model is equivalent to the noise power induced by an isotropicsky with temperature Tsys.

For the case where the array is located in a low RFI environment, the secondterm in the parenthesis of Equation 35 is small. Hence, the system temper-ature is simply the isotropic sky temperature independent of the horizonrejection factor, as expected. In a high RFI environment, the system tem-perature is dominated by ∆ThH/Ω0. Therefore, minimizing the horizonrejection factor will minimize the total system temperature and hence thereceiver noise power.

3 Discussion

This section analyzes the properties of the Double Ring Close-Packed config-uration (see Figure 1 on page 11) and shows that it appears to be an optimalconfiguration to reject unwanted RFI coming from the horizon. The size ofthe inner radius sets the optimal observing frequency for a station. Thisconfiguration allows for two distinct combinations of the signals from theinner and outer rings, which makes the array sensitive to different areas ofthe sky.


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Figure 1: Double Ring Close-Packed Configuration: The radius of the outerring is fixed at

√3 times the inner radius. When added together in-phase,

the region of maximum sensitivity is directly overhead. When added at 180degrees out of phase, the array will be most sensitive to signals from thehorizon.

3.1 Optimal Arrangement

For a LoFASM station, the system noise is dominated by two sources: theGalactic noise background and local RFI. The ideal design of LoFASM aims,not only to optimize sky coverage, but to be as insensitive as possible tothe local RFI. By adding together in phase the received signals from all12 antennas, one can numerically calculate the normalized power pattern,B(θ, φ), for a station. For the particular configuration optimized for 20MHz, Figure 2 shows the normalized beam pattern at 20 MHz as a functionof θ and φ, where θ and φ are the azimuth and zenith angles, respectively.This is a 3D plot of the surface defined by B(θ, φ) as given in Equation 13.


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Figure 2: Normalized Beam Pattern at 20 MHz for an array optimized at20 MHz (i.e. an inner radius of 4.42 m). The color pattern represents thesensitivity, with red being the highest sensitivity and blue being the weakest.

For the purpose of rejecting local RFI, a configuration with the lowest possi-ble H/Ω0 was selected. In order to determine this for a particular frequency(i.e. 20 MHz), values for the horizon rejection of the double ring configura-tion were plotted against a range of radii, from 3 to 83 meters, to determinethe ideal inner radius (See Figure 3 for page 13).


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Figure 3: H/Ω0 was evaluated over a range of radii at a fixed frequency of20 MHz in order to determine the ideal radius for this frequency. As can beseen in the above figure, the minimum of H/Ω0 occurs at a radius of 4.42m.

At 20 MHz, H/Ω0 is minimized at 4.42 m. The values of the inner radii forfrequencies between 5 to 30 MHz can be found in Table 4.1 on page 16.

Figure 4: Frequency vs Horizon Rejection: This shows the values of H/Ω0

for the Double Ring Configuration optimized for 20 MHz. The frequencyruns from 3-83 MHz with 300 bins. The magnitude of the highest horizonrejection for 20 MHz, is - 39.5 dB


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3.2 Validation of the Double Ring Configuration

To eliminate the possibility that a configuration different than that of thedouble ring close-packed configuration might have a higher horizon rejection,a Monte-Carlo style analysis was done to test random array configurations.Random configurations of 12 antennas were generated and H/Ω0 was calcu-lated for each one at a fixed frequency of 20 MHz. Figure 5 below shows thehistogram of the H/Ω0 values for 750,000 trial arrays. The smallest valueof H/Ω0 generated was -8.46 dB, which was much higher than -39.5 dB, thelocal minimum found with the double ring configuration.

A second test of the double ring configuration was done by looking at smallperturbations, no more than a tenth of the wavelength in magnitude, aroundthe existing positions of the antenna stands. This helps determine whetheror not the original placement of the double ring configuration is actuallyoptimized for a given frequency. This test was devised because it was de-termined that it would take roughly 1026 different random configurations toget an array that would create a local minimum for H/Ω0. This method isa more efficient test of the double ring configuration than the Monte-Carlotest.

Figure 5: Minimized values of H/Ω0: This shows the lowest values of H/Ω0

generated for 750,000 random arrays. The smallest value of H/Ω0 generatedwas -8.46 dB.


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Horizon Rejection (dBs)

-36.5 -35.5 -34.5 -33.5 -32.5 -31.5 -30.5

Figure 6: This histogram displays the minimized values of H/Ω0 generatedfor the skewed double ring configurations. There were a total of 1000 differ-ent iterations and the lowest value was -36.4 dBs.

1000 different perturbations in the double ring configuration were tested(See figure 6 on page 15). The lowest value of H/Ω0 was found to be -36.4dBs which is still higher than the local minimum obtained with the doublering configuration. This is strong evidence that the double ring arrangementminimizes H/Ω0 for a set of 12 antennas, with a higher horizon rejectionthan other configurations.

4 Conclusion

4.1 What’s been accomplished

We calculated the sensitivity and horizon rejection of the array in the doublering configuration optimized for specific frequencies between 5and30 MHz.(See Table 4.1). The radii for each target frequency was also determined.The final tests of the double ring configuration established it as an opti-mal configuration for observing radio transients. The Monte-Carlo analysisfound the smallest value of H/Ω0 to be -8.46 dB, a much lower level ofhorizon rejection than the -39.5 dB of the double ring configuration. 1000different skewed double ring configurations were tested and the lowest value


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of H/Ω0 was found to be -36.4 dBs, a higher value than the local minimumof the original double ring configuration.

Frequency (MHz) 5 10 15 20 25 30

Radius (m) 17.4 8.79 6.04 4.42 3.51 3.01

Volume (×1029) 1.26 2.21 2.99 3.82 4.17 5.37

H/Ω0 (dB) -33.8 -36.8 -36.7 -39.5 -37.2 -37.6

Min Flux (×10−20 Jy) 5.63 3.77 2.92 2.38 1.98 1.67

4.2 Future Questions

This project did not address the potential issue of mutual coupling. Thereare two different software packages that could be used in the future to testmutual coupling, NEC3 and Comsol. Both of these can model the propertiesof the array, as well as each individual antenna stand. It has been suggestedthat the effects of mutual coupling can be small (private communicationswith S.W. Ellingson).

In order to truly optimize the double ring configuration longer simulationsof both random array tests need to be run. A run of 1 million arrays foreach test would give a more accurate picture of the results.

5 Acknowledgments

I am grateful for the guidance provided by my advisor Fredrick Jenet, andall members of the ARCC faculty. I would also like to thank Namir Kas-sim and Paul Ray (NRL) and Greg Taylor (UNM) for all the feedback andsupport they gave this project. I thank the Department of Physics & As-tronomy at the University of Texas at Brownsville for providing the settingand support that allowed this work to be done. I thank the National ScienceFoundation for the PAARE grant AST-0545837 that supported the ARCCScholars program, and hence supported my own education and research.


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A Codes

A.1 LoFASM H/Ω0 Script

Script to plot the horizon rejection over an array of frequencies

clear a l l

%Theta d i r e c t i o n o f maximum gainalpha = 0 ;

%Phi d i r e c t i o n o f maximum gainbeta = 0 ;

%Number o f antennas in the inner c i r c l eN i = 6 ;

%Number o f antennas in the ou t t e r c i r c l eN o = 6 ;

%Generates the array o f l o c a t i o n s f o r each antenna ,%each antenna 1 meter away from the o therR = a r r a y d i s t ( N i , N o , 1 , sqrt ( 3 ) , pi / 6 ) ;

%phi0 = zeros (1 , N i+N o ) ;%phi0 = 0 ;

%The d i r e c t i o n o f maximum gainK0 = [ sin ( alpha ) . ∗ cos (beta ) sin ( alpha ) . ∗ sin (beta ) cos ( alpha ) ] ;

%Optimized Radius f o r 5MHz%R = 17.4 .∗ R;%Optimized Radius f o r 10MHz%R = 8.79 .∗ R;%Optimized Radius f o r 15MHz%R = 6.04 .∗ R;%Optimized Radius f o r 20MHzR = 4.42 .∗ R;%R = 5.763 .∗ R;%Optimized Radius f o r 25MHz%R = 3.41 .∗ R;%Optimized Radius f o r 30MHz%R = 3.01 .∗ R;


Page 21: The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor for the Study of Radio ... · The forthcoming Low Frequency All Sky Monitor (LoFASM) will be an array of dipoles working between 10-88 MHz adapted

N freq = 300 ;

V = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;HO = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;

H = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;O = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;

Nu = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;

nu s = 3 ;nu e = 83 ;

d nu = ( nu e − nu s ) / ( N freq − 1 ) ;

for i = 0 : N freq−1

nu = i ∗d nu + ( nu s ) ;

Nu(1 , i +1) = nu ;

T s = 10000 .∗ (nu /38) . ˆ ( −2 .55 ) ;T h = 900 .∗ T s ;

[V(1 , i +1) H(1 , i +1) O(1 , i +1)] =ArrayVolume2 ( R, K0, T h , T s , nu , phi0 ) ;

a = i+1end

%Ca l cu l a t e s the minimum va lue o f H/OminHO = min(10∗ ( log10 (H) − log10 (O) ) ) ;

%Plo t s Frequency vs . Volumef igure ;plot (Nu,V, ’bˆ ’ )

xlabel ( ’ Frequency ’ )

ylabel ( ’ Volume ’ )

%Plo t s Frequency vs . Horizon Re jec t ionf igure ;plot (Nu,HO, ’bˆ ’ )

xlabel ( ’ Frequency (MHz) ’ )


Page 22: The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor for the Study of Radio ... · The forthcoming Low Frequency All Sky Monitor (LoFASM) will be an array of dipoles working between 10-88 MHz adapted

ylabel ( ’ Horizon Re j ec t i on (dB) ’ )

A.1.1 arraydist

%This func t i on genera t e s the inner and outer c i r c l e s o f the arrayfunction [R] = a r r a y d i s t ( num i , num o , r i , r o , o f f s e t )

%num i i s the number o f antennas in the inner r ing%num o i s the num of antennas in the outer r ing%r i i s the inner rad ius%r o i s the outer rad ius%o f f s e t i s the ang l e o f r o t a t i on o f the outer r ing to the inner r ing

%The ang le between each componenta n g l e i = 2∗pi / num i ;ang l e o = 2∗pi / num o ;

%The x , y l o c a t i o n s o f each component o f the inner c i r c l ex i = zeros (1 , num i ) ;y i = zeros (1 , num i ) ;z i = zeros (1 , num i ) ;

for j = 1 : num ix i (1 , j ) = r i ∗cos ( a n g l e i + ( j −1)∗ a n g l e i ) ;y i (1 , j ) = r i ∗ sin ( a n g l e i + ( j −1)∗ a n g l e i ) ;


%The x , y l o c a t i o n s o f each component o f the outer c i r c l ex o = zeros (1 , num o ) ;y o = zeros (1 , num o ) ;z o = zeros (1 , num o ) ;

for l = 1 : num ox o (1 , l ) = r o ∗cos ( ang l e o + ( l −1)∗ ang l e o + o f f s e t ) ;y o (1 , l ) = r o ∗ sin ( ang l e o + ( l −1)∗ ang l e o + o f f s e t ) ;


%The array wi th a l l the l o c a t i o n s o f the antennasR = [ x i x o ; y i y o ; z i z o ; ] ’ ;



Page 23: The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor for the Study of Radio ... · The forthcoming Low Frequency All Sky Monitor (LoFASM) will be an array of dipoles working between 10-88 MHz adapted

A.1.2 ArrayHO

%This func t i on determines the va lue o f the hor i zon%r e j e c t i o n o f the array f o r a g iven f requency

function [ H, O ] = ArrayHO( R, K0, T h , T sky , nu , phi0 )

%R i s the antenna d i s t r i b u t i o n%T h i s the temperature o f the hor i zon%T sky i s the temperature o f the sky%nu i s the f requency

%Boltzmann ConstantK b = 1.38 e−23;

%WavelengthW = 2.998 e2/nu ;

%The i n t e g r a l o f the gain ra i s ed to 3/2gamma = BeamSize2 ( R, nu , K0, phi0 , 3/2 ) ;

%The i n t e g r a l o f the gain over the whole skyO = BeamSize2 ( R, nu , K0, phi0 , 1 ) ;

%The i n t e g r a l o f the gain over the hor i zonH = BeamSizeH2 ( R, nu , K0, phi0 , 1 ) ;


A.1.3 BeamSizeH2

%This func t i on t ha t t e l l s us the ins tan taneous%f i e l d o f view o f the arrayfunction [ H ] = BeamSizeH2 ( R, nu , K0, phi0 , power )

%array s p e c i f i e d by R%nu corresponds to the f requency%K0 i s the d i r e c t i o n o f maximum gain%T i s t h r e s o l d%phio i s%p i s power o f the gain%de l t a i s the ang l e above the horizon , from pi /2

global bpg R bpg K0 bpg phi0 bpg nu bpg power


Page 24: The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor for the Study of Radio ... · The forthcoming Low Frequency All Sky Monitor (LoFASM) will be an array of dipoles working between 10-88 MHz adapted

bpg R = R;bpg K0 = K0 ;bpg phi0 = phi0 ;bpg nu = nu ;bpg power = power ;

%In t e g r a l o f the beampattern over the s o l i d ang l e o f the hor i zonH = dblquad ( @beampatterngenglobal , (4∗pi )/9 , pi /2 , 0 ,2∗pi ) ;


A.1.4 beampatternglobal

%This func t i on genera t e s the normal ized beam pa t t e rn o f the arrayfunction [ output ] = beampatterngenglobal ( theta , phi )

global bpg R bpg K0 bpg phi0 bpg nu bpg power

R = bpg R ;K0 = bpg K0 ;phi0 = bpg phi0 ;nu = bpg nu ;power = bpg power ;

c = 2.998 e2 ;

Ntheta = length ( theta ) ;

output = zeros (1 , Ntheta ) ;

for j = 1 : Ntheta ,

K = [ sin ( theta ( j ) ) . ∗ cos ( phi ( 1 ) ) sin ( theta ( j ) ) . ∗ sin ( phi ( 1 ) ) cos ( theta ( j ) ) ] ;K = K.∗ ( 2∗ pi .∗ nu/c ) ;

%The dot product between K and the%disp lacement o f each antennaKr = K ∗ R’ ;

%The dot product o f the d i r e c t i o n o f maximum gain%and the d i sp lacement o f each antennaK0r = K0 ∗ R’ ;

%Sum of induced v o l t a g e ss = sum(exp ( (1 i .∗ Kr) + (−1 i .∗ K0r ) + (1 i .∗ phi0 ) ) ) ;


Page 25: The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor for the Study of Radio ... · The forthcoming Low Frequency All Sky Monitor (LoFASM) will be an array of dipoles working between 10-88 MHz adapted

%number o f data po in t s in KrN = length (Kr ) ;

%Squared Sums2 = ( conj ( s ) .∗ s )/Nˆ2 ;

%Unit v ec t o r o f KKh = K/( sqrt (K∗K’ ) ) ;

%Gain o f the t e l e s c o p eG t = 1 + cos ( theta ( j ) ) ˆ 2 ;

%Power in a c e r t a i n d i r e c t i o nP = G t ∗ s2 ;

output ( j ) = (P. ˆ power ) ∗ sin ( theta ( j ) ) ;



A.2 LoFASM H/Ω0 Script for Random Configurations

%s c r i p t to f i nd va l u e s o f H/O fo r Random Conf i gura t ions

clear a l l

%Theta d i r e c t i o n o f maximum gainalpha = 0 ;

%Phi d i r e c t i o n o f maximum gainbeta = 0 ;

%Number o f antennasnum a = 12 ;

%Number o f antennas in the inner c i r c l eN i = 6 ;

%Number o f antennas in the ou t t e r c i r c l eN o = 6 ;

%Generates the array o f l o c a t i o n s f o r each antenna ,%each antenna 1 meter away from the o ther


Page 26: The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor for the Study of Radio ... · The forthcoming Low Frequency All Sky Monitor (LoFASM) will be an array of dipoles working between 10-88 MHz adapted

R = randar rayd i s t (num a ) ;%R = ar r a yd i s t ( N i , N o ,1 , s q r t (3) , p i /6 ) ;%RR = randdoub l e r ing (num a ) ;

%phi0 = zeros (1 , N i+N o ) ;%phi0 = 0 ;

%The d i r e c t i o n o f maximum gainK0 = [ sin ( alpha ) . ∗ cos (beta ) sin ( alpha ) . ∗ sin (beta ) cos ( alpha ) ] ;

%Optimized Radius f o r 5MHz%R = 17.4 .∗ R;%Optimized Radius f o r 10MHz%R = 8.79 .∗ R;%Optimized Radius f o r 15MHz%R = 6.04 .∗ R;%Optimized Radius f o r 20MHzR = 4.42 .∗ R;%Optimized Radius f o r 25MHz%R = 3.41 .∗ R;%Optimized Radius f o r 30MHz%R = 3.01 .∗ R;

R = R + RR;

N freq = 300 ;

V = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;HO = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;

H = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;O = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;

Nu = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;min HO = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;

nu s = 3 ;nu e = 83 ;

d nu = ( nu e − nu s ) / ( N freq − 1 ) ;

for i = 0 : N freq−1

nu = i ∗d nu + ( nu s ) ;

Nu(1 , i +1) = nu ;


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T s = 10000 .∗ (nu /38) . ˆ ( −2 .55 ) ;T h = 900 .∗ T s ;

[V(1 , i +1) H(1 , i +1) O(1 , i +1)] =ArrayVolume2 ( R, K0, T h , T s , nu , phi0 ) ;

HO(1 , i +1) = H(1 , i +1)/O(1 , i +1);

a = i+1end

figure ;plot (Nu,V, ’bˆ ’ )

xlabel ( ’ Frequency (MHz) ’ )

ylabel ( ’ Volume ’ )

f igure ;plot (Nu, log10 (H)−log10 (O) , ’bˆ ’ )

xlabel ( ’ Frequency (MHz) ’ )

ylabel ( ’ Horizon Re j ec t i on (dB) ’ )

A.3 randarraydist

function [R] = randar rayd i s t ( num a )

%The x , y , z l o c a t i o n s o f each antenna standx = zeros (1 , num a ) ;y = zeros (1 , num a ) ;z = zeros (1 , num a ) ;

for j = 1 : num ax (1 , j ) = 2 .∗ ( rand ( 1 , 1 ) − 0 . 5 ) ;y (1 , j ) = 2 .∗ ( rand ( 1 , 1 ) − 0 . 5 ) ;


%The array wi th a l l the l o c a t i o n s o f the antenna s tandsR = [ x ; y ; z ] ’ ;

plot (x , y , ’bˆ ’ )


Page 28: The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor for the Study of Radio ... · The forthcoming Low Frequency All Sky Monitor (LoFASM) will be an array of dipoles working between 10-88 MHz adapted


A.4 minHO

%s c r i p t to p l o t min H/O fo r N random arraysclear a l l

%Number o f antennasnum a = 12 ;

%Number o f random arrays to t r y%N = 750000;N = 1000 ;

%Matrix to ho ld a l l min H/OHO min = zeros (1 ,N) ;

V max = zeros (1 ,N) ;l i m i t = −7;

for i = 0 :N−1

[V,HO] = randdoubler ingVol (num a ) ;HO min( i +1) = min(HO) ;V max( i +1) = max(V) ;

i f HO min < l i m i tHO array = [ [min(HO) 0 0 ] ; R ] ;dlmwrite ( ’ HO array ’ , HO array , ’−append ’ , ’ r o f f s e t ’ , 1)endb = i + 1


figure ;hist (HO min)

f igure ;hist (V max)

A.4.1 randdoubleringVol

%Ca l cu l a t e s the Volume and Horizon Re jec t ion f o r%the Skewed Double Ring Conf i gura t ionfunction [V,HO,R] = randdoubler ingVol ( num a )


Page 29: The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor for the Study of Radio ... · The forthcoming Low Frequency All Sky Monitor (LoFASM) will be an array of dipoles working between 10-88 MHz adapted

R = randdoubler ing (num a ) ;

N freq = 160 ;

phi0 = 0 ;K0 = [ 0 0 1 ] ;

V = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;HO = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;

H = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;O = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;

Nu = zeros (1 , N freq ) ;

nu s = 3 ;nu e = 83 ;

d nu = ( nu e − nu s ) / ( N freq − 1 ) ;

for i = 0 : N freq−1

nu = i ∗d nu + ( nu s ) ;

Nu(1 , i +1) = nu ;

T s = 10000 .∗ (nu /38) . ˆ ( −2 .55 ) ;T h = 900 .∗ T s ;

[V(1 , i +1) H(1 , i +1) O(1 , i +1)] =ArrayVolume2 ( R, K0, T h , T s , nu , phi0 ) ;

HO(1 , i +1) = log10 (H(1 , i +1))− log10 (O(1 , i +1)) ;

a = i +1;end


A.4.2 randdoublering

%Creates a skewed doub le r ing con f i g u ra t i onfunction [R] = randdoubler ing ( num a )

%The x , y , z l o c a t i o n s o f each antenna standx = zeros (1 , num a ) ;


Page 30: The Low Frequency All Sky Monitor for the Study of Radio ... · The forthcoming Low Frequency All Sky Monitor (LoFASM) will be an array of dipoles working between 10-88 MHz adapted

y = zeros (1 , num a ) ;z = zeros (1 , num a ) ;

for j = 1 : num ax (1 , j ) = rand ( 1 , 1 ) / ( 1 5 ∗ . 1 ) ;y (1 , j ) = rand ( 1 , 1 ) / ( 1 5 ∗ . 1 ) ;


RR = [ x ; y ; z ] ’ ;

%Generates the doub le r ing con f i g u ra t i onR = a r r a y d i s t ( 6 , 6 , 1 , sqrt ( 3 ) , pi / 6 ) ;

%The array wi th the random per t u r ba t i on o f%each antenna stand l o c a t i o nR = 4.42∗R + RR;



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