St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church Inside this Issue Organ Resurrection Flippin’ for Camp Chick Notes from the Music Room Fr. Don’s Doodles Senior Warden’s Report Holy Week Schedule and so much more! The Trumpeter March & April 2017 8:00 & 10:15 AM Sunday Services Coffee Hour following 10:15 Service Wednesday Night FaNtASTiC beginning with a soup supper at 6 pm Pysanky - Making Anyone interested in learning to make Pysaky (Ukranian Easter Eggs)? These are fun and easier to do than they first ap- pear. Noralynn Hassold will be showing folks how to do them in the Fellowship Hall on April 1 (no fooling!) from 10 until noon (or later). If you are interested, please bring two blown or raw eggs per adult and wear old clothes. Children are welcome too, and we will be using kid-friendly food coloring dye for them to use on hard boiled eggs. We will also be making some Krysanky, which are the solid red eggs that we crack against each others eggs. Nada can tell us more about that tradition. These eggs, needless to say, are hard boiled. I hope to see you there. Please call the office by March 31 to RSVP. Noralynn

The March & April 2017 Trumpeter

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Page 1: The March & April 2017 Trumpeter

St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church

Inside this IssueOrgan Resurrection

Flippin’ for Camp ChickNotes from the Music Room

Fr. Don’s DoodlesSenior Warden’s Report

Holy Week Scheduleand so much more!


TrumpeterMarch & April 2017

8:00 & 10:15 AM Sunday ServicesCoffee Hour following 10:15 Service

Wednesday Night FaNtASTiCbeginning with a soup supper at 6 pm

Pysanky - MakingAnyone interested in learning to make Pysaky (Ukranian Easter Eggs)?

These are fun and easier to do than they first ap-pear. Noralynn Hassold will be showing folks how to do them in the Fellowship Hall on April 1 (no fooling!) from 10 until noon (or later).

If you are interested, please bring two blown or raw eggs per adult and wear old clothes. Children are welcome too, and we will be using kid-friendly food coloring dye for them to use on hard boiled eggs. We will also be making some Krysanky, which are the solid red eggs that we crack against each others eggs. Nada can tell us more about that tradition. These eggs, needless to say, are hard boiled.

I hope to see you there. Please call the office by March 31 to RSVP.


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StaffThe Right Reverend Todd Ousley,

Bishop of Eastern Michigan

The Reverend Donald F. Davidson, Priest in Charge

[email protected]

The Reverend Dr. Michael Carr,Priest in Residence

The Reverend Elizabeth Morris Downie, Associate Emeritus

Nada Radakovich, Director of [email protected]

Dr. Greg Hassold, Parish [email protected]

Elizabeth Sauvie, Administrative [email protected]

Stephanie Finn, [email protected]

St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church

9020 S. Saginaw Rd., Grand Blanc, MI 48439(810) 694-3600

[email protected] Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm

Stay up to date !www.strchrisgrandblanc.org

Like us on facebook: St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church

Lent means almost nothing if we have not made a connection.Holy Week is silly if we have no connectionEaster and the Great 50 Days are worthless unless…

I love the drama and the significance of the services of Holy Week and Easter. Indeed, these services help me to recommit myself as a follower of Jesus and the unique traditions of the church. The Triduum (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Great Vigil of Easter) have been around for nearly two-thousand years. If you are looking for something new, this is

Father Don’s Doodles: Making the Connection

Welcome Rachel!We are pleased to announce the addition of Rachel Edmonds Kanuszewski as our Wednesday Program Coordinator. Ra-chel will coordinate the Wednesday night program and work specifically with the youth portion. We hope that we can find ways to bring more children and parents to the program.

Rachel Edmonds Kanuszewski is originally from the Flint area. She moved to Tennessee after high school to attend Middle Tennessee State University where she earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Sociology and Anthropology. Rachel returned to Michigan in 2010 to care for her fam-ily. She is currently completing her Master of Arts Degree in Sociology from the University of Michigan, Flint. Throughout her professional career she has been a community organizer, adult education instructor, and is currently working in the family support division of the Prosecutor’s Office for Genesee County.

Rachel has taught extensively over the past 10 years at area community continuing education programs as well as literacy programs at women’s shelters in Nashville, TN. Rachel and her family are parishioners at St. Christopher’s in Grand Blanc. She is honored and excited to bring her faith and gift of teaching together for the Children’s program to glorify God.

Rachel can be reached at [email protected]

not it as this story is very old. Yet, it says something new to me every year.

What is new about the story and the traditions is my own connection with Jesus, my personal faith in who Jesus is in my life. That connection is different and unique for every human being. Your relationship with God is your own and no one can tell you what it should or shouldn’t be like. It is yours. In several ways, it is like your relationship with anyone else, even the most intimate of relationships as they are unique and wonderful and un-like any thing else.


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After over two years of overhaul, the St. Christopher's Pipe Organ will be heard once again beginning at the Great Vigil of Easter, Saturday, March 15, 2017 and at the 10:15 A.M. service on Easter morning.

The Pipe organ consists of 64 ranks of pipes originally the gift of the Huber fam-ily and purchased in Canada prior to the construction of our present building.

The organ has had a tough history but now is the time for celebration as what was nearly lost has indeed returned.


Pipe Organ Makes Resurrection on Easter

FR. DON’S DOODLES (continued from page 2)

Holy Week demands a willingness to be in rela-tionship with Jesus. Maybe that relationship is not fully formed, or maybe that relationship has had a few tough moments as of late and needs a bit of refreshment? Whatever might be happening in your desire to either have a more fully expressed relationship with Christ, or a refreshing renewal of your current one…Holy Week is a good start.

A few years ago, the parish I was serving at the time had to have all their Holy Week services in a very large wedding tent. Although we had heaters in various places, the outside temperature of less than 10 degrees in early April was a surprise to all. The clergy were pleased to be wearing vest-ments over their sweaters, and even the Bishop was happy to have extra layers. While it was cold, there was a warmth as we heard once again Jesus’ commandment (mandate) to “love one another;” as we stood at the empty cross and then as we wel-comed the Resurrection with shouts of Alleluia! The love of Christ, the presence of Christ, and our Relationship with Christ can never be overcome with cold, or anything that may seem so pressing in our lives.

Please come and join us this Holy Week and renew your relationship with Christ, and feel the warmth of your church, your community of the faithful.

See you in Church,Fr. Don

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Upcoming LessonsRCL Year A

April 2 - Lent 5Ezekiel 37:1-14Psalm 130Romans 8:6-11John 11:1-45

April 9 - Palm SundayThe Litrugy of the PalmsMatthew 21:1-11

The Liturgy of the WordPhilippians 2:5-11Matthew 26:14- 27:66

April 15 - Easter VigilRomans 6:3-11 Psalm 114Matthew 28:1-10

April 16 - Easter SundayActs 10:34-43or Jeremiah 31:1-6Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24Colossians 3:1-4or Acts 10:34-43John 20:1-18or Matthew 28:1-10

April 23 - Easter 2Acts 2:14a,22-32Psalm 161 Peter 1:3-9John 20:19-31

Find the readings every week on the church

website or at lectionarypage.net

notes v the

Room Happy Spring all music lovers of St. Christopher!

Many wonderful and exciting things hap-pening in the musical life of our church! If you take a moment, cup your hand and lift it up to you ear, come on now, go ahead and try this---okay? Is your hand there?...now, lean in just a little bit....and listen....listen carefully--- can you hear it yet?

It's coming-we are just two weeks away from it--can you almost hear it? Those sounds that are tantalizing your ear at the moment are the soon-to-be-played glorious tones of our pipe organ!

Father Don, Greg Hassold and I are just smiling in our hearts, so thrilled that we will soon (Easter Sunday) have our gorgeous instrument ringing throughout our church! What a thrilling dimension this will add to our celebration of our risen Lord. I hope that many of our church family willbe in attendance. Also, in preparation for Easter Sunday, we will be hav-ing a beautiful service for Maundy Thursday in the form of a re-enactment of the Last Supper. The teens of our congregation and the St. Christopher Adult Choir will be combining talents for this service, presenting a piece known as, The Living Last Supper. Please don't miss this beautiful ser-vice. It will be held at St. Christopher at 7:00 p.m.

Good Friday (April 14th) brings a number of our area churches together for a moving ecumenical service, that this year will be hosted by The First Congregational Church of Christ of Grand Blanc. That service will begin at 7:00 p.m. Participating churches will be, as mentioned, our host church, The First Congregation Church of Christ, St. Christopher's Episcopal Church, Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, Kirkridge Presbyterian Church, Halsey, South Mundy & Grand Blanc United Methodist. It is a very mov-ing service. I hope we all will make the effort to be there!

In case anyone was wondering, our bell choir just seems to keep growing! We now have a complement of three octaves of ringers! (how did this hap-pen??!!!???) and our Adult Choir now is singing our hearts out atroughly 15 members. God is good!!!

In Christ, Nada


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the Senior Warden’s ReportAs with Fr. Don, my biggest concern at the moment is attendance. My concern is with those who have stopped attending rather than with those who miss a week or two a month. If you're friendly with people who are no longer attending, please reach out and invite them back Sometimes a personal invitation is all that's needed. You and they are also cordially invited to our Wednesday night events - at least once to check them out. During Lent we include a Eucharist at 5:30 (before our 6 p.m. soup supper) and an adult formation opportunity at 7.

If you talk to people and hear about problems or concerns, please share them. We can't fix problems or address concerns people are not voicing. Anonymity is fine if it's a general problem or concern. Names are only needed if the issue is personal and any response should be addressed to that person.

Currently we're in Lent - a time of waiting and preparation. On the other hand, according to the calendar (not necessarily the weather) it's now spring. Soon it will be Easter. A symbol both of spring and of Easter is a but-terfly which emerges from its cocoon like Jesus emerged from the grave. Spring is also a time for new begin-nings. Maybe we should try thinking like caterpillars and get ready to emerge like butterflies at Easter - ready for new life as a congregation.

Linda Rathburn, Senior Warden

ORGAN RESURRECTION (continued from page 3)Under the direction of Brian Fowler and the Fowler Organ Company of East Lansing almost all of the case work (the wood bases to which the pipes are affixed) has been re-crafted to fit in our small pipe chamber. The organ includes all new wind, in fact it took four men to carry the new motorized bellows into the building and install them in place. There are a number of new pipes including the large 32 foot pipes.

The console has been totally re-done with new keys and stop pulls along with the installation of a computerized MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) which allows the instrument to record pieces of music played on it and can play those back through the pipes themselves. The MIDI can be expanded to include sounds that are not native (acoustic) to the organ itself. The MIDI also allows for many organists to keep their individual set-tings and pre-sets untouched by other players.

Please join us Easter morning when our own Pipe Organ will make its own resurrection.

Combined choir made up of the University of Michigan, Flint choirs, New Century Chorale and the Carolyn Mawby Chorale at The Carolyn Mawby Chorale’s 15th Annual Flint Festival of Choirs held here at St. Christopher’s on March 19th.

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New fundraising program to decrease our defecit:

The Shop with Scrip programYou buy/order gift cards on the first and third Sunday of each month and we will deliver them to you the second and fourth Sundays of the month. Ask our junior warden, Angela Campbell, if you have questions.

Easter FlowersIf you would like to contribute to the flowers that will decorate St. Christopher’s for Easter Sunday, please turn in your donation with a memo or note specifiying who is giving the contribution and who you would like it in memory of / in thanksgiving for. The suggested donation is $25, but you are welcome to give whatever you are able. Thank you for your generosity!

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The Great Vigil of Easter is one of those suggested times for the sacrament of Holy Baptism. If anyone wishes to be baptized, or if anyone would like their child baptized, please call Fr. Don at the church office at 694-3600.

The Diocesan Confirmation will be held Saturday, May 13, 2017 at St. John's Church in Saginaw. Confirmation is a rite of making an adult profession of your baptismal vows in the presence of a Bishop. The typical age for confirmation in the Episcopal Church is 14-15 years old. Adults who have not been confirmed may also be confirmed.

Those who have been confirmed in other denominations (with the exception of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA or the Moravian Church) are welcome to be received into the Episcopal Church. Those who have been confirmed in the two denominations mentioned above are in full-communion and would only need to have their membership transferred from their home church to St. Christopher's.

In addition to Confirmation and Reception, the Bishop will also hear and affirm your affirmation. This is par-ticularly appropriate if you have left the church for any reason and have now returned, or after a major traumatic event in your life.

If you wish further information, please schedule an appointment with Fr. Don by calling 810-694-3600.

Baptism and Confirmation

Why are there so many computers in the Rector’s office? The first answer is that the Priest-in-Charge who is currently using the office is a geek. Some of the computers belong to me, others belong to the church and still others have been donated to me.

In addition to Windows and Apple, there are many other computer Operating Systems, think of an OS as the computer’s ability to think. When a computer gets old some just quit, while others can run for many years. Sadly, the software is not. I install Operating Systems which are “open source” meaning they normally are not sold, and within a few moments old computers come to life and are quite usable once again.

These computers are not the fastest, nor do they have all the ability of the newest Windows or Apple systems, but they work and work well. They are stable and are great for e-mail, web browsing, some streaming and word processing. All the software is already installed.

Right now, I have two of these systems complete with keyboards, mice and monitors for anyone who cannot afford a system of their own. You will need to provide your own broadband connection.

For more information, contact me.Fr. Don

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