The Meaning of the Mark: Discover the Mysterious Success Power Behind the Classic It Works

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The famous little red book containing aworkable plan that enables you to realize

your heart’s desire.

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The Meaning of the Mark was originally published in 1931by the Larger Life Library.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Jarrett, R. H. (Roy Herbert), date.The meaning of the mark : the miracle mark of Omar, adopted

as his guide to health, wealth and happiness : in threeversions / by R. H. J., author of “It works”. — First

Tarcher/Penguin edition.p. cm.

“The Meaning of the Mark was originally published in 1931by the Larger Life Library.”

ISBN 978-1-101-61759-51. New Thought. I. Title.

BF639.J43 2013 2013015302131—dc23

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By the Same AuthorTitle PageCopyrightIntroductionAuthor’s ForewordThe Tin Gee Gee

VERSION I.I. A Mysterious ImpulseII. A Terse Romance of Action and PassionIII. Reasoning and BeliefIV. The Power of Soul DesireV. One of the Great CommandmentsVI. The Golden Square of Goodwill

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VII. The Incompetency of Will PowerVIII. The New VisionIX. The Power of That Still Small Voice of


VERSION II.X. The “How” of Paul Omar’s PhilosophyXI. The Three FundamentalsXII. Right Thinking NecessaryXIII. The Famous Little Red Book “It Works”XIV. The Law of “Comeback”XV. Silence Fosters FaithXVI. Great Souls Rely on GodXVII. As a Man Thinketh, So Is HeXVIII. A Proven Plan of AccomplishmentXIX. The Unity of Soul PowerXX. The Law of MajorityXXI. Shall “Gossip” Hurt or HelpXXII. Will You Limit God’s Supply?XXIII. The Power of Humility

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XXIV. Give the Glory to God

VERSION III.XXV. Three Men—Three Ages—One ThoughtXXVI. Limitless SupplyXXVII. A Ritual of AttainmentXXVIII. To Obtain WealthXXIX. To Obtain HealthXXX. To Obtain HappinessXXXI. To Overcome SorrowXXXII. Alpha or Omega—Which?

About the Author

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his book is the record of anexperiment in larger life.

The elements of the experiment wereblood and tears, bone and muscle andother significant factors such asheartaches, aspirations, weariness, dumbfear, blind hope and soaring joyousness.These common elements of human naturecompounded through a period of manyyears produced a man—a man with aphilosophy, a purpose and a message.

His message found expression in theform of a modest but vital book entitled

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“It Works!” This was his first book; hemade no claim to authorship but he couldnot refrain from telling others of the planthat had given him health, wealth,happiness and more perfect self-expression.

On the front cover appeared a mark,simple in design but profound inmeaning. It was the mark of the crossand square which, although notmentioned or explained in the text,nevertheless attracted attention and wasreally the undisclosed reason for thebook. This mark was the focus of theauthor’s thought, and summed up thecentral idea of his extraordinary book.

“It Works!” became the guide andhandbook of a multitude of earnest men

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and women seeking more abundant life.It spurred them on to a venture of faith,supplied them with a concise plan foreliminating wrong ideas and establishingright ones. In the lives of thousands itdemonstrated the transforming power ofdivine energy.

To these people the mark provided aconvenient reminder of their new vision.Some adopted it as a personal symbol.Copies of “It Works!” by the hundredswere bought and given away as apractical means of sharing with friendsthe blessings and benefits derived.Wherever the book went the mark of thecross and square was seen on the coverand its meaning if not understood, was atleast surmised by many.

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Great numbers wrote the author ingratitude and enthusiasm for the changethat was wrought in their lives. It wasthe conviction of those who wereprivileged to read these letters that therewas need for another book of widerscope developing and emphasizing thespiritual implications as well as thepractical aspects of this philosophy ofsoul power and material prosperity.Such a course would scatter the goodnews inherent in the mark to a muchwider audience and remove all chanceof anyone missing its full message.

The simple mark of the cross and square

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seemed much too big to risk leaving it onthe cover of a book without comment. Itclamored to be put inside a book of itsown, to be written out, explained, indeedproclaimed as the theme andconsummation of a resounding credo.

Consequently it was urged upon theauthor as an opportunity and anobligation that he undertake the largerventure of this present volume to fullyexplain the meaning of this mystic markwhich has such far-flung power to makeover lives when its significance wascomprehended and applied.

As you read these pages you will see

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how ably this task has been done. Herein three versions or interpretations isgiven a vivid and fascinating expositionof the meaning of this mysterious, potentmark. The fullness of its meaning spansthe spread from humble earth to highestheaven, ties the finite to the infinite andlifts the remotest reach of human life tothe throne of God.

December 1st, 1930Jewell F. Stevens

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t is my prayer and confident hope thatthe reading of this book may impart

new power and greater prosperity, andthat Paul Omar’s price mark of successmay become the life mark of manypeople.

The popular tendency will doubtlessbe to accept this mark and employ itsinfluence for the sake of temporalbenefit. Such a course is quite proper butthere is much more than this to the mark.

It is the embodiment of an eternaltruth. It proclaims the true relationship

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between God and man. Jesus summed upthe Law in terms of its meaning—honorGod and serve man. The angels of theplains of Bethlehem chorused itssupreme significance in the song that theages will always echo, “Glory to God inthe highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” It is this higher idealthat is of vital importance.

Because of the age-long truthembodied in the meaning of this mark Itake no personal credit for this bookexcept for the opportunity of writing itdown and even this would have beenmost arduous if not impossible withoutthe kind help of many friends and theadvantage of wide contacts that haveprovided me so generously with

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material, incidents and examples.Especially I appreciate the unflagging

interest and helpfulness which thepublishers have shown in suggestingeditorial revisions that have clarified thetext. Also am I grateful to TheresaGustafson for the typing of themanuscript and to Angela M. Crawleyfor the reading of the proofs.

As in the case of my former book, ItWorks, I prefer to be known only by myinitials.

November 15th, 1930R. H. J.

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In a Toy Shop

Then the little tin soldier he sobbedand he sighed,So I patted his little tin head.“What vexes your little tin soul?”said I,And this is what he said:“I’ve been on this stall a very longtime,And I’m marked twenty-nine, as yousee;Whilst just on the shelf above myhead,There’s a fellow marked sixty-

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“Now he hasn’t got a sword and hehasn’t got a horse,And I’m quite as good as he.So why mark me at twenty-nine,And him at sixty-three?There’s a pretty little dolly girl overthere,And I’m madly in love with she.But now that I’m only markedtwenty-nine,She turns up her nose at me.She turns up her little wax nose atme,And carries on with sixty-three.”“Cheer up, my little tin man,” saidI,

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“I’ll see what I can do.You’re a fine little fellow, and it’s ashameThat she should so treat you.”So I took down the label from theshelf above,And I labeled him “Sixty-three,”And I marked the other one “twenty-nine,”Which was very, very wrong of me,But I felt so sorry for that little tinsoul,As he rode on his tin Gee Gee.

Now that little tin soldier he puffedwith pride,At being marked sixty-three.And that saucy little dolly girl

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smiled once more,For he’d risen in life, you see.

—Fred Cape

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ou may put down three milliondollars as Mr. Omar’s

contribution to this endeavor,” quietlyremarked the young secretary to thegroup of business men seated around thetable in a private dining room at the

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Union League Club.THREE MILLION DOLLARS was said as

easily as most men would say “thirtycents” and was, indeed, a small sum ofmoney when compared with previouscontributions of many millions whichPaul Omar had made to various worthyprojects for the betterment of mankind.

Bewilderment and surprise flashedover the faces of those sincere men.They were temporarily stunned. Aterrific noiseless explosion would havecaused the same effect. Three milliondollars! True, they were all fairly-well-to-do, prosperous men. On an average,their incomes were about thirty thousanda year. One hundred thousand dollarswould have been a magnificent start on

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the Five-Million-Housing-Plan Fund; butTHREE MILLION!—three-fifths of all theyneeded—coming from ONE MAN! Thevery thought of it was almostinconceivable, especially to FrankBarnard, the youngest and one of themost active of the group.

“Where and how did Paul Omar getall those millions? How did it feel togive away such an enormous sum?Would he tell me the secret?” Thesewere the selfish thoughts which flashedthrough Barnard’s mind as he looked atthat unassuming man sitting there next tohis secretary. Barnard watched PaulOmar closely. He sensed an unusualnessabout the man—some quality entirelydifferent from anyone he had ever met.

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The questions about his money wereforgotten in the overwhelming desire toknow what made Paul Omar so differentfrom other men. What was themysterious power he had which theothers did not have or were not able toharness? What was “that something” thatmade this man an outstandingpersonality? Barnard yearned to knowand possess it for himself. It wassomething far greater than the knowledgeof material values. It seemed a“sureness” as to the purpose of life.“Absence of fear” would not define it,as fear, apparently, had never existed forhim.

Paul Omar was sure—that was hischief characteristic. His actions and his

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conversation indicated his sureness. Forexample, Barnard remembered hisremark about Lindbergh, “THE SUCCESSOF LINDBERGH WAS DUE TO THE SOULDESIRE OF A MAJORITY.”

Barnard had not the least idea whathe meant but he did know thisremarkable man was sure of what hesaid.

During this trend of thought, Barnardcaught the kindly, loving look of PaulOmar turned on him and it seemed tosay, “Come to me. I’ll gladly tell youwhat I meant and many other things thatare now troubling you. Come and learnmy secret and you, too, may become anoutstanding personality—a power amongyour associates.”

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That persistent, mysterious impulsepossessed Barnard for the remainder ofthe day. It seemed to whisper, “Go andsee Omar. Your opportunity is at hand.”Then common sense would war withintuition and suggest the absurdity ofsuch a visit.

Several times in the night heawakened with the feeling that PaulOmar was present in his room. Throughsleep-drugged senses he could hearOmar talking—explaining his secret.

About eleven o’clock the nextmorning, finding it impossible todisregard this ever-conscious urge,Barnard left his office and took a taxi toOmar’s office, with the intention ofmaking an appointment for a future

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interview. He presented his card andwas greatly astounded when the clerkreturned and said, “Mr. Omar wasexpecting you. Step right in.”

When the door closed and he wasalone with the man who intrigued hisimagination and interest by giving awaythree million dollars on the previousday, Barnard was plainly embarrassed.

Mr. Omar’s kindly greeting and hiscordial urge to take the comfortablechair beside the desk, helped little toabate the embarrassment. He was here—in Omar’s office—but why?

Paul Omar waited and finally said,“Well?”

That “Well” brought Barnard to therealization that he must speak. Haltingly

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he began, “Mr. Omar, some unknownforce has compelled me to visit you.Your personality—your manner—youare a remarkable man. I want to be likeyou—what is it that makes you sodifferent—so outstanding—such apower—so remarkable?”—here hisvoice failed him and he could say nomore.

Omar did not answer himimmediately but just smiled that kindly,powerful smile. “I knew you wouldcome to me. I’m glad you did.” Thenabruptly he asked, “By the way, haveyou ever read ‘The Tin Gee Gee’?”

Upon receiving a negative reply,Omar recited the entire poem with thesmile of retrospection lingering on his

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face. “The beginning of what you want toknow happened many years ago—when Iwas re-marked from twenty-nine cents tosixty-three. It happened almost asquickly as did the re-marking of the littletin soldier in the toy shop.”

All embarrassment was gone. Thisman who could give away millions wasextremely human. He could talk aboutchanging the price on a toy soldier andhad said that he himself once had beenmarked as low as “twenty-nine cents.”

“What a change since then,” laughedBarnard. “You need no price mark now—everybody knows it.”

Omar’s face became grave, “I wishthey did,” he said, musingly. Looking atBarnard intently and with a slight

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hesitancy of speech, he continued, “Yes,there is still a price mark. It is in code—few understand it. You cannot decipher itnow. But as I know your desire and thepurpose of your visit to be sincere, andbecause I understand the mysteriouspower which sent you here,communicating to me your intentions, Iwill gladly give you the price markplaced on TRUE HAPPINESS ANDWORLDLY WEALTH.”

Taking a pencil in his hand he madethis mark:

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Out of this visit grew manyinteresting, enjoyable and profitableevenings, some sessions lasting until thesmall hours of the morning. Theseevenings with Paul Omar gave FrankBarnard:

A new conception of God’s Law ofPossession,

A definite reason and purpose for hislife on this earth,

A positive assurance of life hereafter,and a symbol—sign—or mark, to guideand strengthen him: the mysterious pricemark.

To decipher this mark and cherish itin your heart, you, like Barnard, mustgather and kindle the thought fagotsscattered through this volume.

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“What is all knowledge butrecorded experience, and aproduct of history; of whichtherefore, reasoning and belief,no less than action andpassion, are essentialmaterials?”


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“Romances, in general, arecalculated rather to fire theimagination than to inform thejudgment.”


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Years before, Paul Omar, an orphan,

known as “Ivan Levine,” was anapprentice in the shipyards atSeattle. His associates were

Anarchists or Reds, leagued togetheragainst Capital—as they termed it—“Capital” meaning any one who hiredand paid Labor. In frenzy and with muchgesticulation, they talked of theunfairness in the distribution of Moneyand Power, predicting a time whenLabor would become strong enough torise up and control Capital. They gloatedover the thought of how wonderful itwould be when the tables were turned—when Labor could loaf and Capital—meaning moneyed men—would sweat asdid Labor now.

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Ivan, being just a boy, wanted moneyand power, too. His constant passionwas to get ahead; but the childhoodlessons of Father Abraham and Moseswere an integral part of his life andseemed out of harmony with theproposed method to getting rich byrevolution. His common sensequestioned this proposed method.

Then came that great day whenCapital, from the East, came to Seattle ina private car to meet and talk withLabor. Great was the excitement in theRed ranks. Here, at last, was theirchance to take a rap at Capital. Theywere not strong enough for violence butthey could show their contempt. Thisthey would do; and their plan was to

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break up the evening meeting bycontinuous and uncalled-for applause.No one could tell who started it; theywould be safe from blame; and what ahuge joke it would be! Ivan fell in withthe plan. Everybody seemed to be for it,but when the time came, a miraclehappened. The big guy called Charlie,representing Capital, stood up, smiled,and said, “Howdy, Fellows!” Instantly,every man was with him and for him.The speech and the smile continued,broken only by sincere and unusuallyshort applause. Ivan did not understandwhat he said but he felt that he had founda friend. A passion to be like this manwith the wonderful smile, to live as helived, to have what he had, including the

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private car, took possession of Ivan’sheart.

Then another miracle happened. Theprice tag on Ivan Levine was changed.He was on the private car, speedingback to Pittsburgh with his new friend,who had promised to give him aneducation.

At Yale, because of his love forastronomy, he was dubbed “Omar” bymany of his student friends; while others,in a vein of humor, generated by hisappearance and demeanor, nicknamedhim “Saint Paul.”

Four years later, following hisapplication and prayer to the CircuitCourt, Judge Graham signed the petitiongiving him the name of Paul Omar, now

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known throughout the country.

Like Saul of Tarsus and Omar Khayyam,those tent makers of old, builders ofhomes which gave comfort to humanity,Paul Omar in this Twentieth century hasfashioned a tent of curious design,housing and comforting thousands ofhuman souls.

Like Khayyam, he sought for truthand, later, like Saint Paul, he found it tosuch a degree that he could say with allthe assurance of understanding, “This ismy way—the way.”

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This mysterious symbol is the pricemark of knowledge, wealth, happinessand truth.

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“A hair perhaps divides the Falseand True;Yes, and a single Alif were the clue—Could you but find it—to theTreasure-house,And peradventure to the Master,

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“I sent my Soul through theInvisible,Some letter of that After-life tospell;And by and by my Soul return’d tome,And answer’d, “I Myself am Heav’nand Hell.”

oor old learned Omar Khayyam!How close he came to the truth—

within a hair’s thickness—but failed toreason it out. His Soul whispered untohim, “I am Heaven and Hell”; but hecould not grasp the idea that his Soul

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might be THE GOD-GIVEN,INDEPENDENT, EARTHLY POWER, oftencalled the “subconscious mind,” whichguides our destiny and makes us whatwe are; that expression of the law ofGod which gives to man his true desire—the things he thinks of, longs for,expects or dreads the most; that powerwhich shows you the way, brings to passand MAKES A REALITY of your dominantthought.

Paul Omar smiled at the expression onBarnard’s face. “Do not be so serious,my dear friend,” he said. “You cannotforce your reason to accept these facts

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which I have proved to myself for somany years. The acceptance will, I hope,eventually come to you; but for thepresent, simply endeavor to understandwhat I say. Get the fundamentals. Nevermind about the truth of the statements.Joubert wrote something like this:‘There is a malignant reason whichdelights in the errors it succeeds indiscovering; that unfeeling and scornfulreason which insults credulity.’

“Most of us have an abundance ofthis sort of reasoning. In fact, we try tocompel reason—something which cannotbe done. I do not expect you at once tobelieve what I am telling you but will besatisfied if you can comprehend mybelief. Later on, you may choose what to

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believe.“God Himself elects to be served by

choice—not by compulsion. His lawcompels man to work out his owndestiny and nothing can change this law.Faith and doubt are voluntary acts.Freewill is one of the conditionsattached to human life. You must chooseby thought, word and deed, and what youelect to do God will not prevent. Thechoice is yours. What greater gift couldyou ask? God is good; and by this verylaw man may rise to the greatest heightsor sink to the lowest depths.

“The dominating thought of man’sobjective mind (the mind you use everyday) is transferred to man’s Soul-power,which infallibly acts as directed. This

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moment your life is exactly what YOUhave made it and tomorrow will be whatyou make it. Your present material worthis as you planned and your happiness orsorrow as you made it—by choice.‘But,’ one might say, ‘it was not mychoice. I wanted this or that and did notget it.’ The answer is, he got exactlywhat he expected. Another might say, ‘Ifall this is true, I may obtain anything Iwant very easily just by thinking aboutit.’ The answer to this is—not easily, butsurely.

“Merely saying something is by nomeans thinking it. So often you say onething and think the opposite or, like theeight-year-old boy betting a milliondollars, you do not think at all.

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“A man who verbally swears may notbe taking God’s name in vain any morethan the man saying the Lord’s Prayermay be praying. Thinking is far morethan making a noise. In fact, noises of allkinds, including loud talking, greatlyinterfere with thinking. Reading is an aidto thought but writing your thoughts is ofimmeasurable benefit to well-founded,organized and definite reasoning.

“‘I could be arrested for what I amthinking,’ is jokingly said by people whodo not know the potent power of thoughtand think only what they do is ofimportance; but every man’s actions anddeeds are the DIRECT RESULT OF THE WAYHE THINKS.

“‘As a man thinketh, so is he.’

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“As the soul directs, desires becomerealities and no morals or codes of anypeople are incorporated in this basiclaw. This is God’s law, not man’s law.

“The Old Testament is full of proofthat at the fall of man, his power ofachievement was not taken from him.God seemed to have said, ‘You wouldnot be governed by My judgment whenall was well with you; now use yourown and see what happens. Learn byexperience that the false and corrupt willbe swept away. Discover, if you will,what truth is, for truth alone shall lastforever. Seek and ye shall find, evenunto My judgment and help, if that beyour true desire; but I will not compel it.You must do so of your own will. Yours

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is the choice.’”What a privilege it was to listen to

this man so firmly grounded, who statedhis opinions so simply, so calmly, sofrankly; who made no attempt to forcehis belief but whose every act of lifewas a setting forth of the facts which, tohim, could not be denied. He answeredevery question of Frank Barnard’s. Oneanswer for instance: If two personsdesire the same and only thing, theperson with the most sincere desire willwin. Victory comes to him who mostdesires it because he is, to the extent ofhis desire, willing to earn it.

“Then is it wholly a matter of desireand effort?”

“Not at all. There is also a mystery in

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accomplishment by Soul-desire which isbeyond human understanding. This factis positively and constantly proved bydemonstration. The thing which CANNOTBE DONE Is DONE by Soul-desire orfaith, if this term is more acceptable.

“Miracles are being performed dailyby Soul-desire; individuals healing theirown bodies and healing others by thisGod-given power. Hundreds of religiousshrines all over the world testify to thepresence and activity of this powertoday. The Indian “Medicine Man” ofearly America and the “EpilepticShaman” of early history indicate theever constant presence of this powerwith man.

“Happiness is one of the most easily

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obtained objectives. Material riches maybe as readily secured but great richesand happiness together form acombination difficult, indeed, toaccomplish as you shall learn by myown sad experience. Later, when youunderstand the meaning of The Mark andthe real reason of life, you will find it soworth while the riches will be of far lessimportance.”

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et us now reason with the saying,‘When two or three are gathered

together.’ What can it mean other than,‘In unity there is strength’? Homerexpresses it in six simple words, ‘THEFORCE OF UNION CONQUERS ALL.’

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“A united Soul-desire is anirresistible force. I will give you asimple business illustration. When amajority of souls in a city, state orcountry unite in the desire for goodbusiness conditions, the united soul ofthat city or country creates the belief ofgood business and to believe is to know.Therefore, when fifty-one per cent of thepopulation know business is good, it ISGOOD. This is, indeed, a blunt simplestatement. The refutation could be thatbusiness, in the ordinary course ofevents, happened to become good, andtherefore, the majority knew it; but theexplanation that things or conditions‘just happen’ has no place in reasoning.

“Abraham Lincoln sought the aid of

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united Soul-desire during one of thedarkest periods of the Civil War. Hedesignated April 30th, 1863, as a day ofconfession and prayer, ending hisproclamation with these words, ‘All thisbeing done in sincerity and truth, let usthen rest humbly in the hope authorizedby the divine teachings that the unitedcry of the nation will be heard on high,and answered with blessings no lessthan the pardon of our national sins andthe restoration of our now divided andsuffering country to its former happycondition of unity and peace.’

“Individual human selfishness is thegreat obstacle to united Soul-desire; butin times of calamity, quite frequently selfis forgotten and God given a chance by

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the uniting of Soul-desire for the benefitof all.

“The stirring declaration of GeneralPhillippe Petain, ‘Ils ne passent pas’(They shall not pass) was so firmlyimbedded in the souls of the French thatit created a Soul-desire and a Soul-power which could not be overcome,regardless of the material odds againstthem. There were reports of angels withflaming swords and other supernaturaloccurrences which assisted the French intheir heroic defense of Verdun; but, tomy reasoning, the united Soul of Francehad the majority of power.

“It is a very common occurrence forsmall groups, an organization, forinstance, to establish a united Soul-

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desire, which is clearly and positivelymanifested as the cause of theaccomplishment.

“Seldom does this occur nationallyand, more rarely, internationally; butfresh in your memory is an occurrencewhich, to me, was a vivid demonstrationof international Soul-desire. Whatstarted this great united wave is notclear to me but you were one of themillions in this country whose inner selfexpressed a ‘hope that he would makeit.’ You even said something like that.Millions in France said the same thing inanother tongue; millions more in theBritish Isles and all over the civilizedworld had the hope and the desire for thesuccess of one lone man. Thirty thousand

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fight fans in the Yankee Stadium, in NewYork, needed only a word from theveteran announcer, Joe Humphries, to beon their feet, bare-headed and united insilent prayer (soul-desire) thatLindbergh would reach the heart ofFrance—a victor. It was later calculatedthat Lindbergh was at no time five milesoff the direct course, when fifty mileswould not have been considered much ofa variance. Considering the limitedequipment he had, does it not seem quitereasonable that there was some otherguiding power, and can you conceive ofany greater assistance than the unitedSoul-desire of the world? Perhaps youwould like the wording better if I said,‘God, as He always has and always

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will, answered the united prayer of themajority of the people’; but I prefer tosay, ‘God’s law operated, as it alwayshas and always will.’

“Again I say, do not try to forceyourself to believe this. Be satisfiedwith the thought that it could havehappened in this way.

“Would there be need for Federalassistance provided a majority of soulsdesired a strict enforcement of the 18thAmendment? Of course not; becausewhen a majority of souls desire a certaincondition, it becomes a reality. When anindividual has a Soul-desire, sincereenough to overcome any opposingdesire, his sincere desire becomes areality for him.”

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Such was the conception of God’slaw of Possession given to FrankBarnard by Paul Omar, the man whowould give away millions, to changeanother man’s price mark.

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he knowledge of this law ofPossession had not come to Paul

Omar suddenly but was revealed to himgradually through application combined

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with diligent study of cause and effect.With the unfolding of this great law camethe intuitive warning of its danger.Possession would be a curse or ablessing depending upon its worth; andto choose wisely, he must solve the truthin values. His search for this knowledgeover diversified paths seemed to end ata common center.

The Hebraic Law, a time-wornparchment, believed to have beeninscribed 2500 years ago, reads,“Whatsoever you do not wish yourneighbor to do to you, do not that tohim,” and added to it for emphasis,“This is the whole law. The rest is amere exposition of it.”

“The true rule of business is to guard

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and do by the things of others as they doby their own,” was the way this law waswritten for the Hindu Kingdoms alongthe Ganges river 3500 years ago.

Later, in history, 1070 B. C., theGreeks knew of this law: “Do not that tothy neighbor which thee would take illfrom him.”

Was this, then, the “pearl of greatprice?” The sages of old seemed to thinkso but Omar could not find where it hadbeen practised or given a fair trial.

That superwise Chinaman, Lao Tze,proclaimed it as follows: “Requiteinjury with kindness. To the not good Iwould be good in order to make themgood.”

At the first Buddistic Council, the

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Scribes advised: “One should seek forothers the happiness one desires forone’s self.” In Persia: “Do as you wouldbe done by.” In the Koran of Mohammedis written: “Let none of you treat hisbrother in a way he himself woulddislike to be treated.” Confuciuscounsels: “What you would not wishdone to yourself, do not unto others,”and Moses said: “Thou shalt love thyneighbor as thyself.”

This, then, was the conviction of theages—the true value in life. This was therule followed by his friend “Capital”that night in Seattle and Paul Omarresolved that his life would be dedicatedto his fellow man. He would do untoothers as had already been done unto

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him. The Golden Rule would be hisguide and the Golden Square his symbol.Gold he would have, millions of it; notfor himself but for the benefit of hisbrothers, the masses, who were in denseignorance of God’s law of Possession.

Humbly he would work withgratitude to God for enlightening himwith the priceless knowledge that manmay have his choice of destiny and thathe has no enemy save that which iswithin himself.

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he law of Possession workedperfectly. Wealth came in

abundance and for quite a while his planof establishing Philanthropic Funds was

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unnoticed; but as years went by, withinterest earning interest, and thousandsbecoming millions, attention wasattracted to Paul Omar.

This was not his wish. By word ofmouth and in written statements to thepress, he said so; but there was a slightsatisfaction in seeing his picture on thefront page and in hearing his modestyheralded as a virtue. A radical changewas gradually coming over him. Hebegan to welcome chances to talk abouthis great plans. His stationery was of thefinest linen and graced with a small butattractive gold square.

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One press notice referred to him as“Golden Square Omar.” While heinstructed his secretary to see that thisdid not happen again, he secretly liked itand indulged in several smug smiles ofsatisfaction. Small matters, these, but inhis actual reasoning moments he knewthey were not small, but of graveimportance.

Man has no enemy except that whichis within and Paul Omar knew the lawsof his soul. Vanity is the parent

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demoralizer and Pride had taken root.He alone suspected it. He knew it anddetermined to weed it out; but Pride andWealth are boon companions and a soulwhich has gratified all desires is weak;so his efforts were futile. He evenboasted of reducing his resources bydisbursing a greater percentage of hiswealth; but this was not done. He alsofirmly resolved he would make no morespeeches when his present engagementswere filled but found himself weak againand booked for more far in advance. Hewas so busy that there was no time for,and little thought of, meditation.Conferences and interviews claimedhim. Plans were suggested for greaterdevelopment of his present projects,

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plans for new endeavors; plans, plans,plans. Every one seemed to have a newone. All seemed good because he wasbeing tactfully flattered.

Little by little suspicion seeped intohis mind; first of one and then of anotheramong those who sought his aid. Evenhis trusted confidential secretary wassuspected of intrigue, and his good wifewas regarded as a victim of impositionwhen she suggested a paltry fivethousand donation to a neighborhoodcharity.

Full of self-pity and sick at heart,Paul Omar awoke to the fact that, withall his wealth, he was miserable. Therule that Gold and Happiness are seldomcongenial comrades had proved true,

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even to him, with all his knowledge. Thetrouble was, he was full of pride. “Whata fool I have been,” he told himself, “tolet it grow, but now I will root it out. . . .I still have my will power.”

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“There is no passion whichsteals into the heart moreimperceptibly and covers itselfunder more disguises than

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ll engagements were cancelledand the word was passed that

Paul Omar was going to England but,instead, he made entirely differentarrangements. Dressed in an old suit, heboarded a night train for Seattle. Mealswere served in his drawing room. He lethis beard grow to further his disguse.Only twice did he leave the train; onceat Pocatello, where there was quite astop, and again at Portland the nextafternoon, where he was forced tochange Pullmans on account of a hot box.

Arriving after dark at Seattle, he

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registered at the old Washington Hotel as“William Jones of Los Angeles” and feltquite safe from recognition. For twodays he wandered through streets sofamiliar to him in his boy-hood, aroundthe docks and through the stores. Hepassed the place where he lived as a boybut the old frame building was gone anda three-story brick tenement stood in itsplace. No one knew him. It made himlonesome. He wanted to talk to someone; so he went out to the shipyards. BillOleman, now boss of the yards,recognized him at once and Paul Omarwas delighted. He wanted to berecognized. The fact that he shavedbefore starting out indicated it. What areception the boys gave him! Of course,

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the news flashed through the city. Hispicture, with the story of his early lifeand rise to wealth, occupied the frontpage of the Daily Times next morning.Such a story it was! . . . “Golden SquareOmar, the nationally-knownphilanthropist, who once was Seattle’sorphan waif, without a chance . . . nowback home with power to give all achance.”

There was no avoiding publicity afterthat article. Explanations of his FundingPlans were in demand and requests forcontributions came pouring in. He wasback in the lime-light and doing a greatworthy work. . . . Paul Omar, the manamong men, with confidence in himselfand these good Western people, was

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talking “self” again, with a new vigorbut still the wrong viewpoint: HIS wasthe power, not GOD’S.

On the last day of the week, among themany callers waiting to have a wordwith him was one who appeared to be asubstantial, conservative, well-balancedbusiness man, quite likely a banker. Hewas slight of build, with sparce grayhair, rather heavy brows and a face thatimpelled confidence. His attitude oftranquility, when a late comer of self-importance rudely pushed by him, wasnoticed by Omar, who smilingly gavehim recognition. Mr. Omar was

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surprised to learn that he was theReverend George Brown, pastor of thewealthiest church in Seattle.

His mission was not one of moneybut a request for moral assistance. Hewould be grateful, his wealthycongregation would be helped, the poorof Seattle would profit and God wouldbe pleased if Paul Omar would talk inhis church at the eleven o’clock servicethe following day. The subject, ofcourse, would be his experiences andjoys in the application of the GoldenRule.

The invitation was accepted, butGeorge Brown, Priest of God, walkeddown crowded Second Avenue thatSaturday morning much perplexed. Had

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he acted wisely? What would hisfollowers—those well-to-do,complacent men and women—think ofit? Would he be criticized for inviting aJew to occupy the chancel and talk tothose who professed the Christianfaith? . . . A prayer flashed out of hissoul. The answer came, immediately,direct and positive: “Peace be unto you.It is My will.”

How true it is, “God moves in amysterious way, His wonders toperform.”

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unday was one of those perfectdays so common in Seattle. The air

was just crisp and salt enough toencourage physical exercise. Paul Omarnever felt more fit as he walked from hishotel to the foot of James Street and,although the cable car was about to start

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up the hill, he decided to walk the rest ofthe way to the ivy-covered church wherehe was to tell Seattle’s Best of hisexperiences. This he would do withextreme modesty, so he told himself, butthe tall hat and new frock coat he hadjust purchased seemed a littlecontradictory to a humble demeanor.

At the church, the Reverend Mr.Brown gave him a cordial welcome,explained the order of the service inwhich he was to have an important part,and hurt his feelings, somewhat, when hedesignated the top step of the chancelwhere he was to stand when making theaddress. In Omar’s opinion, thebeautifully carved pulpit would havebeen more fitting; but, apparently, it was

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not customary.Seated alone in the front center pew

of the large, well-filled church, helistened with interested admiration to thesincerity of the priest and was impressedwith the solemnity of the service.Kneeling and standing with thecongregation, he endeavored to get themeaning of their responses and prayers.Long ago, at college, he had studied thisservice but, today, one line of the Creedseemed strangely significant to him: “Ibelieve in the Holy Ghost, the Lord andgiver of life.” He recalled onceconsulting the Americana for thedefinition of Holy Spirit and findingthree words “See Holy Ghost.” . . .Strange this thought should come to him

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now but it was dismissed instantly as allarose to sing the hymn which precededhis talk.

Paul Omar had the correct place inthe Hymnal, number 289, but he was sodeeply engrossed with the openingremarks of his talk that he neither sawthe words nor heard the tune. It endedwith a glorious “Amen,” and his time tospeak had come.

With dignity he stepped out of thepew and took his place, the book still inhis hand and his first finger marking thehymn just sung.

Firmly he expostulated, counselledand recommended The Golden Rule,from every angle. He was sincere andimpressive, although a wee bit too loud

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of voice for this sacred place. Theaddress ended with these words: “If youwill live on the square and follow theGolden Rule, life will have full meaningfor you.”

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e took his seat, finger still dividing thepages of the book, and the service

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Hcontinued with a solemnity in such

contrast with his speech that thehot blood rose in his veins. . . .He laid the book down, open at

the place his finger had marked andmopped the perspiration from his faceand neck. . . . If he could only get out inthe cool air he would feel better—butthat front pew was such a long distancefrom the door! And although he lookedaround several times, once even startingto go, he finally decided it could not bedone without discourtesy; so he wouldstick it out. . . . “I believe in the HolyGhost” flashed again through hismind. . . . What a fool he had been—boasting of his plan in God’s house,even though it was not of his faith. . . .

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Quite a majority of the congregationwere devoutly going to the altar. Heknew it was the Communion. Somepeople had queer ideas as to the HolyPresence at this service. . . .

. . . The atmosphere becamesuffocating! His head seemed in a whirl!What he wanted was to get out and notattract attention. Restlessly twistingaround, his body touched the book stillopen and he picked it up. . . .

“The Body of our Lord JesusChrist which was given for thee

The Blood of our Lord, JesusChrist, which was shed for thee”

came softly to his ears as he read the

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“Come, Holy Ghost our soulsinspire,And lighten with celestial fire.Thou the anointing Spirit art,Who dost Thy sevenfold giftsimpart.

Thy blessed unction from aboveIs comfort, life, and fire of love.Enable with perpetual lightThe dullness of our blinded sight.

Anoint and cheer our soiled faceWith the abundance of Thy grace.Keep far our foes, give peace athome:

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Where Thou art guide, no ill cancome.

Teach us to know the Father, Son,And Thee of both to be but one,That through the ages all along,This may be our endless song:

Praise to Thy eternal merit,Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

With the last line he laid, or ratherdropped, the book on the seat besidehim, and the church seemed to swim. . . .How brilliantly the Cross shone throughthe blur! . . . What were they singing?Who was it singing? There were no

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words, and yet, there must have been,because he heard, distinctly, above thesong, his name, his name in the song. . . .“Lo, this is the man that made not Godhis strength, but trusted in the abundanceof his riches and strengthened himself inhis wickedness.” . . . “O God! Grant mePEACE.” . . . “Paul!” . . . “Master, whatwouldest Thou?” . . . “Knowest not that Igave thee all?”. . . “Yea, Lord,whosoever Thou art, forgive, forgive.”

“I am the Holy Comforter, sent by thelove of Jesus Christ, Son of the EternalGod, to heal your tortured soul. Look tothe CROSS, glorify God in the highest,and receive the wisdom and peace thouseekest. . . . No earnest prayer remainsunanswered. Thinkest thou the law of

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majority is for this small world—alone?Thinkest thou there is no higher form ofthinking life than pigmy man? Thou hastbeen blind, indeed. . . . Canst thou notread the answer to that earnest suppliantcry of the majority of ages past; thatoverwhelming desire for God to come tothis earth?: ‘THERE WAS A SONG IN THENIGHT, A GREAT STAR’S LIGHT AND THEFACE OF A CHILD DIVINE.’

“That was the answer, Paul, to themajority of Soul-desire at the beginningof your present calendar for recordingtime. God came to this earth, incarnate inJesus, child of Nazareth; lived a perfecthuman life of love as an example for all;demonstrated the power of faith and itseffect on material things; shared human

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suffering and temptations; died on thecross and demonstrated the power offaith in the spiritual world by Hisresurrection and reappearance.

“Your Golden Square, symbol of theGolden Rule, represents only thematerial life, which so soon passesaway. The Kingdom of God is ETERNAL.The Cross of Christ Jesus, one with theFather, is a symbol on your earth for thefirst and great commandment: ‘Thoushalt love the Lord thy God with all thyheart and with all thy soul and with allthy mind.’ Love and glorify God Eternal,Who was and is and always will be.PERFECT PEACE, which you so muchdesire, is impossible without faith inEternal God and in the eternal life of

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your spirit.“Continue your earthly progress with

the full knowledge that your place in theeternal home of God will be as near toHim as you are able to prepare for itduring your human life.

“Follow the example of Christ Jesus.Disregard not your symbol of the GoldenSquare, but, to the glory of God, put thecross of Christ ABOVE it.”

Indistinctly he could see the Cross onthe altar shining through the fog. . . .

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“And the Blessing of God Almighty, theFather, the Son and the Holy Ghost beamongst you and remain with youalways. Amen.”

“Onward Christian Soldiers,marching as to war,With the cross of Jesus going onbefore.”

They were marching out. TheReverend Mr. Brown touched him as hepassed and whispered, “Wait for me.”

Paul Omar was alive, dazed a little,but with a peace of soul beyondunderstanding. The Holy Presence wasnow a reality to him. A gentleman camefrom across the aisle, saying, “Sorry, sir,

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your time was limited. I should haveliked so much to hear more, particularlyregarding the spiritual satisfaction youmust enjoy.”

“I, too, am sorry I could not have toldabout that,” replied Omar, in a voice hehardly recognized as his own; a newvoice, quite low, but filled with apeculiar magnetic quality of sureness,peace and love.

Together they walked to the door—the last to leave; and as the hand ofGeorge Brown clasped that of PaulOmar, there was a bond of understandingwhich no words can describe. Eachknew that both were at peace—thatpeace which passeth humanunderstanding and comes to so few, and

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only comes from a positive convictionof Eternal Life and Life Immortal.

Five days later, Omar was home again—a new man with a new price marksymbolic of his earthly requirements, hisreason for life and, above all, a constantdeclaration of Life Eternal. The Cross ofChrist, representing the first and greatCommandment; the square of humanity,representing the second; blendedtogether in the mysterious symbol on andthrough which Paul Omar has built hislife, his fortune and his happiness.

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Naturally, hearing the brief outline ofOmar’s life and knowing the generalmeaning of his price mark on unlimitedwealth and happiness, was to Barnardonly the beginning of his education in aphilosophy which would bring to himthe same result if he could understandand practice it; so their enjoyableevenings together continued and stillcontinue to this day.

Barnard, guided by the Cross and theSquare, is becoming an outstandingsuccess in his long-hoped-for secretambition to be a great artist. Money haslittle place in his life but comes easilyand in large amounts.

Paul Omar, that modest, powerfulpersonality, is daily living his

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interpretation of God’s desire for theunity of love as demonstrated by theperson and life of the Man of Galilee.His continued contributions in millionsamaze the world; yet little, if any,thought is given to his far greater asset—the working knowledge of God’s laws.

So endeth the story of the Meaning ofthe Mark.

But knowing that you, dear reader, arehungry for more facts and have manyquestions you would like answered, anattempt is made to satisfy this longing bya second version of the Meaning of theMark, explaining the philosophy of Paul

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Omar, his rules of accomplishment, thereason for them and some definite factsand experiences of others who haveproved the never-failing laws withresults so mystifying that they defy allreasoning.

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Man is an Organ of Life andGod alone is life.


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The philosophy of Paul Omar teaches that

the Kingdom of God is LIFE—onthis earth—right now, and that manhas been given the power to

become the most important factor in it.The requirements necessary to harnessthis power, however, baffleaccomplishment by their extremesimplicity.

Man, in his worldly wisdom, is usingless than one per cent of his God-givenpower of achievement.

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of Godand His righteousness,” as interpreted byOmar, means to accept the bounteousgifts of wealth, health, happiness andunderstanding offered by God in returnfor your expressing His purpose on this

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earth.God’s apparent purpose for man’s

life on earth is progress toward a life ofindividual and united love, which meansa harmonious existence, one withanother, brought about by theunderstanding and operation of His fixedlaws.

Merely giving you the simple rules toaccomplishment, with brief instructionsas to their use*, while beneficial, is notsatisfying. You want to know the reasonback of the rule and, therefore, we muststart with the fundamentals, the laws andexplanations of them, so that you mayuse this knowledge to offset the falseconception you may now have.

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The first fundamental is that man has amind, objective in character, being thefunction of a physical brain. It is the

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outgrowth of man’s physical necessitiesand its normal method of observation isthrough the five physical senses.

It is man’s material and physicalguide. Its highest function is that ofreasoning by inductive, deductive,analytic and synthetic methods.

The mind of man, while possessingno powers whatever independent ofphysical organization, directs man’sdestiny.

It has, in general, little or no faithbeyond objective reason.

The mind of man, under normalconditions, is not controllable againsthis will, his reason, his positiveknowledge or the evidence of his sensesby the minds or suggestion of another.

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For our purpose, let us defineinductive reasoning as starting fromcertain particular facts rather thanfrom a general law. The propositionsderived from inductive reasoning donot cover every single case of the law itendeavors to establish. Inductivereasoning accepts as truth a theorywhich cannot be proved except byresults. Inductive reasoning starts witha theory to fit the facts, then proceedsto verify the results, observing errorsand, if necessary, formulates a newtheory, on the basis of observed data,avoiding the errors.

The necessity for inductivereasoning is lack of knowledgeconcerning the central fact or

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concerning the law governing the facts.


The second fundamental is that manhas a soul which is a distinct entitypossessing independent powers andfunctions.

The soul has a mental organizationof its own and is capable of sustainingan existence independently of the body.

It is the substance, essence andexpression of faith, possessing adynamic force independent of body,CAPABLE OF ANYACCOMPLISHMENT.

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It is the seat of all emotions and isin constant, absolute control of everyfunction, condition and sensation of thebody.

It is the storehouse of memory andnever discards any thought or action ofthe mind.

The soul can and does communicatewith the souls of other persons. Thisfaculty is unlimited by time and space.

It communicates with the mindintuitively.

Knowing all of nature’s (God’s)laws, the soul has no need for, and isincapable of, inductive reasoning but isall capable of deductive reasoning.

Its one limitation is inability toformulate its own premises. (This

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means that the soul can start noactivity without instruction from themind to do so.)


The third fundamental is thatsuggestion is the all potent factor ofboth soul and mind.

The soul of man is unqualifiedly andconstantly amenable to the mind of manand the power of suggestion.

Suggestions from the mind—oftenregistered unconsciously—areconstantly guiding and controlling thefunctions of the soul.

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The soul of a man is more amenableto the suggestions of his own mind thanto suggestions from the mind ofanother.

The control of soul by mind—whichis mortal and physical—makes man afree moral agent with the power totrain or direct his soul for weal or woe.

There you have the threefundamentals of Omar’s philosophyboiled down for the purpose in mind;namely, understanding a simple methodthat will give you any and every thingyou want. You do not necessarily haveto believe this statement to accomplishthe result.

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ow can I get what I want, whetheror not it is good for me to have it?

I’ll take the chance. Give me thatmillion,” is about the verbal expressionof the non-thinking human being; and tothe outburst might well be added, “How

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can I get it for nothing and keepeveryone else from having it?”

The philosophy being explained toyou assumes to do that very thing,provided it is your wish. You arepromised anything you want, if you canfollow the right path.

Later on, you will be given threelaws, which work as positively as alllaws of nature, but for the present wewill analyze the three fundamentals.

Briefly, the fundamentals state thatwhile your soul has ultimate control ofevery happening in your life,nevertheless, your soul has no self-starter. Mind, alone, does the starting;your mind or another’s. In other words,your soul is constantly directing your

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body in its functions, telling each atomwhat to do. Therefore, if your mind istelling or suggesting to your soul to dosomething which your reason says is notgood for you, naturally you are gettingwhat you direct and are causing the thingnot good for you to happen. It is veryimportant that this situation bethoroughly understood.

You may not want something tohappen but if you fear it, naturally youare thinking about it and the soul acts onthis thought. You are making your ownconditions by your thoughts.

Faith is the essential prerequisite tothe successful exercise of power.

Christ, when living on this earth inthe man Jesus, being limited by God’s

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laws for mortals, did not hesitate toacknowledge his inability to heal thesick in the absence of faith. Just whyfaith is necessary can not be answeredbut it is known and proved to be a fact.

This statement need not bediscouraging to you, as the firstfundamental states that the mind has nofaith beyond objective reasoning; whilethe second says the soul is the substanceand essence of faith; and the thirdfundamental explains that soul acts at thesuggestion of the mind. It has noalternative. Therefore, it is notnecessary that the mind believe thesuggestion possible of accomplishmentin order for the soul to obtain theresult.

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After results have been accomplishedtime upon time and the mind knows, byobjective results, that the systemoperates without fail, then the mind alsoacquires faith. AT THIS STAGE, NOTHINGIS IMPOSSIBLE.

For sake of emphasis, the faithrequired may be purely soul faith, andthe requirement to soul-action sinceremental desire, communicated bysuggestion—not retarded by abnormalactive opposition in the way of adversesuggestion from the mind.

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ell, what about that million youwant; or the new car; or many

other material things of little value? Canthey be obtained by just thinking about

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them? Yes indeed; unqualifiedly,according to this philosophy; but, do youreally think about what you want or areyou most of the time thinking and talkingabout what you do not want? Be fairwith yourself in answering this question.Isn’t it a fact that you are today gettingjust the things about which you thinkmost? Wasn’t today about what youexpected it would be?

The brain functions rather arbitrarilymost of the time. The mind has thousandsof thoughts in the course of an hour. Thesoul records them all and acts on thedominant thought. The most powerfuland constant suggestion receives firstattention.

There is found, in the book “It

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Works,” a definite plan for soulcommunication. It reads as follows:

“Write down on paper in order oftheir importance the things andconditions you really want.

“Do not be afraid of wanting toomuch. Go the limit in writing down yourwants.

“Change the list daily, adding to ortaking from it until you have it aboutright. Do not be discouraged on accountof changes, as this is natural.

“There will always be changes andadditions with accomplishments andincreasing desires.

Three Positive Rules toAccomplishment:

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Rule 1. Read the list of what youwant three times each day—morning, noon and night.

Rule 2. Think of what you wantas often as possible.

Rule 3. Do not talk to any oneabout your plan except to theGreat Power within you whichwill unfold to your mind themethod of accomplishment.”

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t would be hard to give a moreconcrete or more definite plan for

suggesting to the soul or for getting whatyou want; but have a care! Nothing, sofar, has been said about the three laws,the first of which is:

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LAW ONE“As ye sow, so shall ye reap.”

“Give, and it shall be given unto you;good measure, pressed down, andshaken together, and running over, shallmen give into your bosom. For with thesame measure that ye mete withal it shallbe measured to you again” (Luke 6:38).You have heard this law quoted in manyways and up to the present it probablyhas meant little to you. BE ASSUREDTHAT IT OPERATES WITH EXCEEDINGACCURACY AT ALL TIMES.

“This law is called ‘The Law ofKarma,’ meaning ‘comeback.’ Manreceives only that which he gives. Thegame of life is a game of boomerangs:

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man’s thoughts, deeds and wordsreturning to him sooner or later withastounding accuracy.” Often this is not inthe nature of a desire for something.

John and Bill were bosom friendsliving in different cities. John had anideal home life; while Bill, at least inJohn’s opinion, had a “millstone aroundhis neck” in the shape of an indolent,lazy wife.

John arrived in Bill’s town oneSaturday morning. Bill took John hometo dinner. Mrs. Bill knew he was comingbut when they arrived there was a lackof welcome—no indication of anypreparation for dinner. Mrs. Bill wassitting in the living room complaining ofthe heat and suggested dinner at some

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convenient restaurant.Bill was somewhat upset but turned

in with a wonderful show of goodhumor, got the dinner as though he wereaccustomed to it, and everything went offsmoothly with the exception of John’sincreasing disgust for Mrs. Bill. He eventold Bill what he thought but Bill onlylaughed it off.

John proceeded on his way and forthe next few years the principal topic ofhis conversation was: “Poor Bill and hislazy wife.” It took him just about threeyears to wake up to the fact that his ownwife had changed and was about asuseless to him as any wife could be.

Some five years later Bill took a tripwith his family and called on John. What

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he thought of Mrs. John is not known, butJohn noticed that Mrs. Bill was not halfbad; in fact, he wished his wife were ascompanionable. Later, some one sentJohn that little red book “It Works.” Thisstarted him in the study of correcting hiscondition.

Both Mrs. John and Mrs. Bill areliving ideally today, but the point is this:John, by his constant dwelling on Bill’slazy wife offered this suggestion to hissoul and received what he most thoughtof and least wanted: a lazy wife of hisown.

The story of Bill and John is true andillustrates the effect of the mind on thesoul and the power of the soul to bringabout the reality of a thought. You may

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say “it just happened”; but whenthousands of such events happen in thesame way, it ceases to be coincidental.John was sowing a “crop of lazy wives”and the harvest could not have beenotherwise. Had he, regardless of hisopinion, expended the same time,attention and remarks to the charmingqualities of Mrs. Bill, his wife, as wellas Bill’s, would have been what hehelped to make them—industrious andcharming.

Nothing “just happens.” There is areason for every result. There is a causefor every effect.

Do you think it was a coincidencethat all those sages of old expressed inone way or another what we know as the

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Golden Rule: “Do unto others as youwould they should do unto you”? Whyshould they recommend such aprocedure if it were not profitable?Does not this really imply: you mayexpect others to treat you as you treatthem; or, “whatsoever a man soweth, thatshall he also reap”? Would you like toprove it this day? Well, start out withlove in your heart for every human beingalive and you will receive love in returntoday. Hate—and hate will return to you.Cheat—and you will be cheated. Give—and you will receive. Hold back—and itshall be held back from you.

There is no evading this law and itgoes further. If you secure somethingthrough your soul power and, by so

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doing, injure another, you will pay in full—no more, no less—in the samemysterious way you received andinjured. That is the way Law NumberOne operates and, because of theobservation of this law, the Golden Rulewas recommended and even explainedas the summary of the law by theHebrews of old.

Is it wisdom or ignorance todisregard such a law when we see it indaily operation? Pause and think thisover because you are going to prove thepower of the soul to give you what youwant by actual results and it is of vitalimportance that you use this powerwisely. You may be ever so wise but youcan not change the Law of

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Compensation. You will receive inproportion to what you give—measurefor measure. That is God’s law, a gift toyou and all mankind.

There are enough riches in the worldto make every man a millionaire withoutinjury to another. There is also aplentiful supply of poverty for all whodesire it; but it is rather difficult toacquire without injury to yourself andothers.

Mrs. Annabell Grayson was not hername but she was 62 years old and thewife of a minister. Her husband, the Rev.Mr. Grayson, died in 1927, leaving anestate of some $5500, $3500 of whichwas represented by a certificate of stockin a well-known automobile company

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headed by an aviation ace. Just how thisstock was acquired is not known but thecompany was in the hands of a receiverat the time of Mr. Grayson’s death. Thestock was worth not more than ten centson the dollar and could not be sold forfive.

Mrs. Grayson interviewed anattorney who, for the sum of twenty-fivedollars, investigated her chances andinformed her that the stock wasvalueless. Then some one sent her thebook “It Works,” containing the plan andrules you have read. Probably Mrs.Grayson was not so well informed inbusiness matters but she, at least, wassensible enough to take a chance, as itcost nothing. She wrote down that she

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wanted instructions in converting thecertificate for $3500 into real money. Inless than a week, she had convincedherself that the Rev. Alward Jones—andthis is not his name—of Indianapolis,who went through the seminary atGreensburg with her husband, wouldhelp her. (Her soul could and probablydid tell her this.) So she went toIndianapolis and put the problem beforehim. He was helpless, having had noexperience in the investment field butsuggested their calling on Franklin Wills(not his name), president of anautomobile manufacturing company, whowas one of his parishioners.

Wills listened to the story, looked atthe certificate and then at the little gray-

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haired lady so sweet in her simplicity,saying, “Mother, the lawyer who toldyou this stock was no good did not knowhis business. I will cash it for you. Takethis check of mine to the Union TrustCompany, sign your name on the backand they will give you the $3500; andwhen you get home tell that lawyer togive you back your twenty-five dollars,because he erred.”

Just another coincidence, was it? Thestock is not now worth ten cents on thedollar but that automobile manufacturerfollowed a hunch—which came to himshortly after this occurrence—to lowerthe price on his line of cars and to doanother more radical and apparentlyunreasonable thing in connection with

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his marketing.As Mrs. Grayson’s gain—brought

about by him—took her estate from thedebit to the credit side of her ledger, sodid the changes in price and method putthat automobile company on a handsomeprofit basis the following year. Another“coincidence” brought about by sowingthe right kind of seed and reaping a full,rich harvest.

Mrs. Grayson told her part of thisstory. A news item in an automotivemagazine furnished the data for thefinish.

Do not let fear of the action of the

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Karmic law keep you from using yoursoul power to gain any possession thatmay be of benefit to yourself or others.In most cases your common sense is asafe guide. If there is doubt in your mindthat you may be injuring others, makeyour request or petition conditional uponthe general welfare and God’s approval.Cast on Him the burden of the decisionand its results.

Your soul will answer youintuitively. You also have the TenCommandments and the Golden Rule toguide you. Anything not in violation ofthese three guides for human action—which have stood the test of time—isgood for you to have: Riches, Health,Happiness and Love.

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Proceed according to the plan andfollow the three rules taken from “ItWorks”:—

Write down what you want.Keep it in your mind constantly.Figure out how you might possibly

get it. Affirm it is already yours in theidea and you have by this action of themind planted the seed in the soul. Youhave started something and if you willnourish it by continued affirmation andact upon the intuitive message from yoursoul, you will accomplish your desire.

Your soul may tell you to work for italong certain lines or it may come to youin the way of a coincidence—so-called;but remember, when it comes—no matterin what way—give thanks to God for

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giving you a soul power capable of theaccomplishment.

In other words, thank your soul,whether or not your mind believes yoursoul had anything to do with the result. Ifyou do this, your mind will finally havefaith and then, with the combined faith ofsoul and mind, you can accomplish theimpossible.

If, on the other hand, you consideryour accomplishment a coincidence andmake this affirmation or attribute theresult to your own natural-borncleverness, you will not encouragebelief in or use of your soul powerconsciously or intelligently.

Mary Humphrey is private secretaryto the president of a large hardware

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manufacturing concern. She received “ItWorks.” The plan sounded foolish butshe thought it worth a trial, so she wrotedown that she wanted a diamond ring.Then she followed the details ofselecting the ring, wrote down thejeweler’s name, the price of the ring, thesetting chosen, and diligently read whatshe had written for four days; but nothinghappened. She decided it was all“hooey,” to use her term, and told heremployer about the silly book. He read itand told her it was the finest plan foraccomplishment he knew, incidentallyinquiring if she had tried it. “Yes,”replied Mary, “but it didn’t work.”

This was in October. On the 25th ofDecember of that year Mr. and Mrs.

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Employer gave Mary the identical ringshe had selected. Just how he found theslip with the written desire anddescription of the ring is not known; butMary is still telling of the remarkable“coincidence” and the poor, overly-wisegirl who performed this simpleaccomplishment by soul power is still inignorance of her power of possession.Her total result was just one ring ahead,which is really pathetic.

Here is another “ring” incident:—Rose Marie is an employee at a

beauty parlor in Chicago. Weekly shedid the hair of Mrs. Gaylord. One dayshe related to her customer how she hadpaid a dollar a week on a ring in ajewelry club. Each week she was told

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that she would win and assured that noone could contribute fifty weeks withoutwinning. She won—after depositingforty-five dollars but, upon having thering appraised, she found it worth abouttwo dollars.

Now forty-five dollars was a fortuneto Rose Marie and Mrs. Gaylord wasmuch concerned. She took the matter upwith Mr. Gaylord who that day had read“It Works.” He suggested that she writedown her desires; so she wrote “I wantRose Marie to get back her forty-fivedollars” and she diligently followeddirections; but nothing happened formany days. Still she persevered.

After two weeks time Mr. Gaylordinterested himself in the matter. He

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called on the Police Department but didnot get very far. Several days later hecalled on the Vice President of a leadingChicago newspaper, who gave him aletter to a police official. Then actionstarted. A plain-clothes man,accompanied by Mr. Gaylord, called atthe office of the jewelry club where themoney was refunded. That night Mr.Gaylord said to his wife. “You mayscratch off that one want from your list.Here is Rose Marie’s forty-fivedollars.”

Call this “coincidence” but if theplan had not been followed or if Mr.Gaylord had never heard of it throughthe book, Rose Marie would never haverecovered her money.

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These true stories are told toencourage and persuade you consciouslyto direct your soul power. When you failto do so consciously, rest assured you doso unconsciously—usually to yourdetriment.

You may get some consolation out ofalibis for your condition in life; but afterreading the plan, the rules and theexperiences of others, there is certainlyno excuse for at least not trying todemonstrate God’s great gift—your soulpower for achievement.

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“The vision that you glorify inyour mind, the ideal that youenthrone in your heart, this youwill build your life by, this youwill become.”


“A desire in the heart foranything is God’s sure promisesent beforehand to indicate thatit is yours already in thelimitless realm of supply.”


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ule Three in “It Works” tells younot to talk of your plan or the

result of your experiments with soulpower. The reason is two-fold. If youhave been unsuccessful, most of yourlisteners will agree with you that theplan is foolish. If successful and you tellabout it, they will doubt you; and unless

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you have a firm conviction of this truthyou may lose the faith you have gained.

Billy Hoyne was cross-eyed. AChristian Science practitioner, afterseveral treatments, succeeded instraightening the eye. Billy knew it wasstraight. He saw it in the practitioner’smirror and was very happy. Just outsidehe met a friend and said to him, “Look!Chistian Science straightened my eye!”The friend did not believe in ChristianScience and his face expressed hisdisbelief as he looked at Billy’s eye.The doubt was communicated to Billy bytelepathy: “You’re crazy!” was about the

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substance of the message; and he lookedinto the show window of MarshallField’s to convince himself it was stillstraight. The result could not have beenotherwise—he was afraid the eye mighthave gone crooked again and—it had!

This story came direct from Billy tohis employer. His eye was straightenedagain by the same practitioner, but notuntil six months later.

While this is a tribute to ChristianScience, and many remarkableaccomplishments are performed in thatfaith, any one of a dozen other methodswould have gotten the same result—tobe as easily reversed as this one wasthat day when Billy inadvisedly talked tohis doubting friend and then looked into

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the window. This is a true story and agood illustration of why you should nottalk of your power of possession untilyou have a conviction which cannot beshaken or changed.

John Weitzel was a day laborer. Hiswife, Helen, did odd jobs to increase thefamily income. They promisedthemselves that Anna, their three-year-old daughter, would have an educationand advantages denied them. Then asecond daughter, Mary, was born. Thedoctor said she was blind.

Helen Weitzel, strong in her Catholicfaith, took her problem to God. She did

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not question the cause of this tragedy.She only wanted relief from it—thechild’s eyesight restored. Her only hopesprang from simple faith in a healingshrine. She knew that thousands werehealed each year at Ste. Anne deBeaupré; so she decided to take the babythere.

John was not in favor of her spendingtheir money to do so. He reasoned if thedoctors could not help Mary, there wasno hope; but Helen, braving theharshness of her husband, withundaunted courage, took the familysavings for the trip. At Ste. Anne, shewent up the steps on her knees, a prayeron every step; but no miracle happened!

Home she came, still strong in her

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faith. She had seen others healed andreasoned that her prayers were notcorrectly said. Perhaps, because ofJohn’s attitude, they were not.Immediately she went to work as a scrubwoman, at night, to earn the money foranother trip. Two years later, she made asecond pilgrimage. Again she went upthe steps, again she prayed and, againnothing happened.

Home again. She once more began towork and save for the third journey. Twoyears passed, years of toil and undauntedfaith. When Mary was five years old,this courageous mother again took herchild to the healing shrine. Half way upthe long flight of steps the miraclehappened. The eyes of the child were

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opened! Helen’s great faith had won.No one can tell Helen Weitzel that

God did not do this and she is right. Sheworked His law correctly. There was nointerference from John the third time.Her overtowering faith had surmountedevery obstacle.

The doctors might claim that somedirt or grit in the child’s eyes had cut thefilm which covered the pupils. CouldHelen believe this? Would she say it“just happened”?

Mary is now 24 years old and aprivate secretary with a beautiful pair ofstrong blue eyes. She wears no glasses.Anne, her sister, a brilliant businesswoman, told me this story. It is repeatedto you to illustrate the effect of soul

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hat difference does it make whatmethod is used if the result is

secured.Ste. Anne de Beaupré and those God-

fearing priests of old who started thishealing shrine have relieved thousands

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upon thousands of suffering humanity;and if your soul suggests a visit to Ste.Anne, obey the suggestion; if to ChristianScience or your physician, follow thesuggestion.

It may be true, and doubtless is, thatone great source of the power of drugs toheal disease is attributable to thesuggestion of the mind to the soul of thepatient at the time the drug isadministered. This being true, it followsthat when a patient believes in drugs,drugs should be administered.

Anything within or without reasonyou can do to make the mind behave asyou wish, should be done. Whether thefound horse-shoe be nailed “toes up ortoes down” makes little difference if the

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result is obtained. Many a horse chestnutcarried in the left trouser pocket hascured rheumatism of long standing andthe bones of many people always achejust before a storm. We laugh at theabsurdity of the old Indian medicineman, who painted his face sogrotesquely and waved frantically ahighly-colored bladder whileperforming his cure; but his methodsworked. Today, for mental effect, weoften find a beautiful bouquet ofAmerican Beauties in the operating roomof the mental healer.

The mind of man is swayed innumerous ways and “fortunate indeed ishe who has found the key to the controlof his mind”; or, in other words,

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fortunate indeed is he who has learnedhow to pray so that his prayers areanswered.

An outstanding personality inChicago, Father David Gibson, head ofthe Cathedral Shelter (Episcopal) atPeoria Street and WashingtonBoulevard, is such a man. At the Shelter,the bread line of unfortunates at timesseems to be without end. Food, clothingand shoes must be had in enormousquantities but all are fed and clothed andcomforted. When Father Gibson is out ofshoes, he prays for shoes—and getsthem. His needs are supplied—hisprayers are answered. The same prayerssaid, with the same vocal expression,before the same altar, by some one else,

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might bring no result. The difference issimply this: Father Gibson knows that hewill get the shoes or anything elseneeded. He puts the situation up to God—and the shoes, or whatever else it is,arrive. The average mind is sure such aprocedure could not possibly bereasonable and, of course, to such amind it is not.

To make the mind behave as you wishit to, or to have your prayers answered,is not an easy matter—even after youhave actually proved this can beaccomplished; and if any materialobject: the crucifix, a holy shrine, abouquet of flowers, the sea, a mountainpeak, a dose of medicine, or a paintedbladder, will assist you, by all means

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use it.

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n a small Ohio town lives an inventorwhose name is known over the

world. He has studied and understandsmost of the systems of accomplishment

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by so-called “Mind over Matter”methods. He has proved, beyond anydoubt, that he can, by faith of his mindand soul, accomplish results apparentlyimpossible to all material and scientificlaws.

He lives in a beautiful country house,surrounded by his birds, flowers anddumb animal friends, demonstrating withthem and obtaining results which, if told,would detract from, rather than add to,the object of this book. They areunreasonable, apparently unreal, andcannot be believed by others even whenactually proved by the senses of sightand hearing.

You would presume, then, that such aman, having demonstrated the power of

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God capable of such miracles, wouldhave the ability to control his mind underall conditions; but such is not the case.

Many years ago he was afflicted withwhat physicians termed “weak valvularcontrol.” The valves of the heart andother organs fail to function at certaintimes, causing collapse. These collapsesusually occur when he is in the companyof acquaintances who know of hisaffliction and who are momentarilyexpecting a collapse. The mind of theacquaintance apparently communicatesto him by telepathy, the valves cease towork, and down he goes—usually at amost embarrassing moment or in themost inconvenient place.

Proof that such collapses are

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controllable by the mind wasunquestionably demonstrated by thewriter this last summer. The inventorwas showing me his new car, driving atthe rate of sixty or more miles per hourwith perfect control; but upon alightingat the far end of his estate to issueinstructions to some of his workmen, the“valve thought” took possession of himand he started to sway. In less than twoseconds I had a cigar in my mouth, feltfor a match and said loudly, “Darn theluck, I haven’t a match! Have you one?”The effect was instantaneous. His handwent to his vest pocket for a match; the“valve thought” was arrested and thebody became normal.

The inventor knew he was “going”;

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he knew why he snapped out of it. WhenI suggested that I drive the car home, hesaid: “Don’t be afraid. I never have anytrouble when I am driving. That is why Idrive so fast—I can’t think of anythingexcept controlling the car.” In otherwords, the valve trouble came onlywhen he thought of it.

There are two reasons for thisillustration. First, to show the difficultyof erasing a wrong idea that has becomeestablished in the mind—a difficultyjustifying the use of suggestion suppliedby a material object or otherwise.Second, that when this inventor friend ofmine reads his own case, he may beawakened to see the foolishness of thissituation and to find the method of

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forcing his mind to continually suggest aperfect physical organism.

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n the plan copied from “It Works,”the material object suggested as an

assistance in directing the mind is yourwritten list of what you want, definitely

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described in detail—

If money, the amount you wantand how you might get it.

If an automobile, the make,color, price and where sold.

If a trip, where, when and withwhom.

You are told to make a written listbecause your vacillating mind is proneto forget. You read your list three times aday to fix it firmly in your mind; and youtalk of your plan to no one, lest they mayweaken your faith by wrong suggestion.

As long as you live, your soul isconstantly acting upon the suggestionsthat are dominant in your mind.

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You must realize that on yourselfalone rests the responsibility of directingyour life and fortune. Hence you mustcorrectly and intelligently govern yourmind’s action at all times.

You were told that the requirementswere so simple that you might overlookthem and you, time upon time, haveagreed with the saying: “As a manthinketh, so is he”; but it should meanmore to you now, inasmuch as you mustunderstand the importance ofconsciously directing your thought.

What about the million?Are you still thinking it is not for

you?Possibly “One Hundred Thousand” is

all your vision can encompass.

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Whether it is to be a five-dollarincrease in the weekly pay envelope orthe blue slip of dismissal; whether it isto be the announcement that you havebeen appointed to control, or reduced tothe ranks; whether you are to be one ofthe four hundred or one of the fourmillion—is UP TO YOU PERSONALLY.

If you really want to accomplishsomething, you must START. Lay out yourplan and follow it. Nothing ofimportance occurs without a plan; andone sure way to check up on yourprogress is keeping a diary of your dailyactions and noting the results.

Law Number One “As you sow, soshall you reap” is so simple and so truethat most of us fail to follow it or realize

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its power; therefore, take the GoldenSquare of Paul Omar. Plant it in yourmind as a reminder of this law. Let ithelp to make that peculiar mind of yoursact to your advantage.

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here is nothing more beneficialthan someone’s having confidence

in you and nothing more wholesome thanyour having confidence in someone else.Sometimes even pretended confidenceworks miracles.

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Forty years ago in a small town, astreet faker was selling a mysteriousconcoction, to which he gave the high-sounding name of “The Elixir of Life.”According to the lecture which precededthe sale, the concoction would cure allthe pains and aches to which mankind isheir. To attract a crowd, within the circleof light from the flaring torches on hisgaudily painted wagon, he would give atalk on phrenology, illustrating his pointswith the aid of a human skull and suchsmall-boy subjects as he could induce toassist him.

Arriving at the particular time in hisphrenological discussion when herequired a human subject to operateupon, he called for volunteers. After a

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moment’s hesitation, a small, unkemptfigure mounted the steps that led to thewagon-bed and stopped beside him.With good-natured ridicule, the crowdnudged one another and laughedhilariously. The “subject” who hadvolunteered was the son of Pete, thevillage drunkard, probably regarded asthe sorriest specimen of the risinggeneration in the town. “If he’s got anybumps on his head,” said a voice nearme, “the old man put ’em there with aclub.”

The boy stood blinking in the light ofthe torches. He was plainly nervous andill at ease, yet there was a certain touchof courage in his daring this publicitythat caught my fancy.

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The phrenologist, knowing thepsychology of crowds, was quick to takeadvantage of this opportunity to playupon the humor of his audience. Hisnimble fingers searched over the boy’shead, he turned him this way and that, hetilted his chin, then lowered it, keepingup a running fire of comment andexplanation which convulsed thebystanders. . . . “Here is a rarespecimen . . . mental, motive type, astudent, an executive, a leader . . .benevolent, courageous, industrious,forceful, dominant.”

So he rambled on until he saw thatthe crowd wearied of the jest; then heabruptly dismissed the boy and turnedenthusiastically to the sale of “Elixir of

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Life.” The villagers watched him but Iwatched the boy, and it seemed to methere was a new look on his face, a newlight in his eyes, as though a dormantpower within him had been awakened.

He slipped from my sight and theincident was forgotten.

This last summer, I visited the old townagain. A street faker held forth in thesquare. So identical was he with the oneof long ago that the incident of the boycame back to me. I turned to the “oldinhabitant” who was with me. “By theway,” I asked, “whatever became of oldPete’s boy?”

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He laughed.“Funny thing, that,” he replied. “Ever

hear of the Hon. Henry PorterDonnellson who’s made such a stir at theCapitol as representative of the State’sbig business interests? Well, that’s him.”

What looked like a shabby trickplayed on old Pete’s son was a joke toeveryone but the boy. Strange to say, hebelieved it. Some one had confidence inhim, and he was to be a big man aspredicted.

My friend, Tim Thrift, who told methis story, added, “Drop a pebble into aplacid pool and the ripple of it travels inever-widening circles to its farthestedge. Drop a thought into a receptivemind and the effect of it for good or ill

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permeates in ever-increasing measure toits farthest mental horizon.”

When Mohammed told Kadijah, hiswife, of his vision of heaven and hisdivine appointment, strange as it mayseem, she believed him and was his firstconvert. Her confidence in Mohammedstrengthened his belief and was greatlyresponsible for the success of thereligion he founded.

How true this is and how fortunate,indeed, is the child with parents sensibleenough to prophesy a bright future forhim or her instead of emphasizingshortcomings. Such parents do notconsider the devastating effect of thesenegative suggestions planted in the alertand fertile mind of the child.

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A united soul desire of parent andchild for a future success in the life ofthat child cannot fail to bring such acondition into reality.

The power of suggestion from onemind to another especially when thesubject of the suggestion is agreeableand desirable to both, instantly contactswith both souls and a united soul desireis the result.

A prominent Rotarian, now living inPhoenix, Ariz., recently told me thefollowing story about himself:

“One day when I was about sixteenyears of age, while I was sitting on abench watching two teams practicebefore starting a baseball game, I wastalking to a catcher for the St. Louis

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Browns by the name of Buzz Keck, whohad his finger broken and who wasspending his time at home in De Soto,Mo., waiting for his finger to heal. Hewas the idol of all the boys who playedball.

“One of the players on the home teamhad his finger broken in practice and thecaptain of the team came over where wewere sitting and said to the professionalto whom I was talking: ‘We sure havesome tough luck. The game is ready tostart and we have no player to put in theplace of our shortstop.’

“The professional said, ‘This kid isthe best shortstop in the State. Put him inthere.’

“Then turning to me, he said, ‘Go

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under the grand stand, put on your suitand show them how to play thatposition.’

“I went into the game and got alongall right until my time came to bat. Theprofessional was sitting beside me and Isaid to him, ‘This is a hard place for meto come up to bat. There are two men onbases and they are going to walk thisfellow to get a chance at me and I willcome up with the bases full.’

“He said, ‘It is the best place in theworld for you to come up, as anybodycan hit the ball when there is no one onbase but it takes a real batter to go upwith the bases full and bring them in andyou can do it. Remember he has to throwthree strikes over the plate and you only

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have to hit one. No pitcher can throwthree over without your hitting one ofthem. Remember also, that either you areafraid of him or he is afraid of you.Don’t be in a hurry to get to the plate.Stand outside of the batter’s box, spit onyour hands, tighten up your belt andlaugh at him. Let him know that you arenot afraid of him and you’ll have the bestof it. Let the first ball go by and keeplaughing at him. He is not as good as thekids you have been playing with and youare the best batter in the world at yourage.’

“I went to bat with the idea that I wasthe best batter. I hit a two-bagger andscored all three runs. I played against thesame pitcher several times afterwards

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and he often told me he would soonerpitch against anybody else as I wasalways laughing at him and gave him agreat deal of trouble.

“That great lesson of boyhood hasbeen remembered in every walk of mylife to this day. It shows what confidencewill do and how it is strengthened by theconfidence and suggestion of another.”

How few realize the great power ofsuggestion. Take a family of four, livingindependently of the desires of eachother and the result is a disorganized,wrangling, unhappy group, eachsincerely believing that one or all of theother three are responsible for thecondition. There is little, if any,accomplishment by any one of the four

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and they would be much better off livingseparately unless the situation iscorrected.

Another family of four living for oneanother, each knowing and agreeing withthe desires of the others, represent a soulstrength sixteen times as powerful as thefirst family mentioned. Each individualis accomplishing progress with theassistance of the other three. The entirefamily progresses because of soul unity.

When you can get some one “pulling”for you, believing in you, hoping andaffirming your success, your chances aretwice as good. You secure this, ofcourse, by giving in like kind to others.

The united good-will of its customersis one of the greatest assets of a business

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because in unity there is always strength.To obtain genuine benefits it is not

sufficient merely to consolidate physicalassets. The soul desire of executives,employees, distributors and customersmust be focused on a center of commoninterest. The success or failure of anybusiness depends upon the opinion (souldesire) of all the people it touches.

Both advertising and propaganda areused solely to secure mass approval inaffairs of business, cities, states, nationsand, in fact, of the whole world.

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he character of the world is theresult of the soul expression of the

world and as soul is amenable to mind,naturally, as the world thinketh, so it is.As a nation, state, city or businessthinketh, so it is, and thus the Second

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Law in the Philosophy of Paul Omarreads:


“A united soul desire of a majority of thesouls affected by the desire becomes areality.”

The desire may not be for the BESTinterests of the whole but if the majorityof the whole want it and are united inthat want, the soul of the whole swayedby the majority brings the desire intoreality.

Sometimes the propaganda of a few“pulls the wool” over the eyes of the

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many. Thus is created a desire forsomething which benefits only the fewwho originated the propoganda. Peoplesay: a minority rules. Better say: only aminority thinks with reason.

You remember the peroration ofLincoln’s Gettysburg Address: “That thisnation, under God, shall have a newbirth of freedom, and that government ofthe people, by the people and for thepeople shall not perish from the earth.”

Law Number Two affirms the abidingtruth of Lincoln’s immortal words: thatunder God’s law, government, in itsfinality, is and was and always will beof and by and for the people. Thequestion of whether such government isgood or bad does not enter into the

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operation of the law.Law Number Two deals with unity of

souls, two souls or all souls inexistence; the soul of a businessorganization, the soul of a village, city,state or nation.

Many soul desires affect only twopersons, or a small group.

Sometimes the desire is the mosthorrible persecution but the lawoperates with unfailing accuracy.

The frenzied persecution ofwitchcraft at Salem is an example.

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ossip is the most common methodof propaganda, creating soul

desire of the small group. There is anatural impulse in people to repeat whatthey hear. Rumors are started and likethe pebble thrown into the pond fly to the

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farthest edge.Gossip is of two kinds, helpful and

hurtful. The first is capable of producingbeneficial results, improvement, goodwill and profit; the second, of inflictinginjury, oppression, deterioration andloss.

When James Nason landed in CedarFalls with his wife and two children,they were met at the depot by Rollins,the chauffeur for Dudly Kahn, presidentof the plant where Nason was to be headbookkeeper, at the modest salary ofeighty-five dollars a month and housefurnished. At the new home, they mettheir “guardian angel,” Mary Gilroy,general help-woman of the exclusive setin Cedar Falls and self-styled “cateress

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de luxe.” “Good-news Mary”—as shewas called—knew every one worthwhile; and, better yet, was loved by allbecause of her never-failingcheerfulness and an inexhaustible supplyof good-news gossip.

In less than a month every one in thevillage knew that the Nasons werelovely—Mary saw to that. The onlyapparent flaw lay in the fact that neitherMr. nor Mrs. Nason attended church.The children had entered the Sunday-school and stood well in their classes.The boy soon became librarian of themusic and books, and the girl, an activemember of the Junior League.

A year later, Mary tipped off thereason why the parents did not go to

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church: “Mr. Nason is English, youknow; he’s very proud and he won’t gounless he can contribute along with therest. They’re lovely people and soconscientious.” The next month, Nasonwas solicited to take charge of theaccounts of the church at a fee, which hepromptly refused to do except on onecondition: that the fee be returned to thechurch as his contribution. This, ofcourse, was quite satisfactory.

That was the beginning of Nason’sadvance. Next, he took charge of thebooks and records of the CommunityCenter. This work not only paid hiscontribution to that activity but gave hima close contact with a majority of theparents and children in the community.

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He became one of the most popularcitizens.

“It would be a wonderful thing foryou to have a car”; suggested MaryGilroy to Mrs. Nason one day. “Whydon’t you have one?”

“We will some day, perhaps,” wasthe reply, and Mary built her good newson this: “Some day the Nasons will havea car”; and before the summer was over,Charlie Brown, Buick agent, traded in abargain. Then he went to Nason and theterms were such that Sunday morningsaw the Nasons arrive at church in avery attractive coupe. Mary Gilroy wasmore delighted than the Nasons, if thatwere possible.

It is now twelve years since Mary

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Gilroy first started her Good-NewsGossip about the Nasons. James Nasonhas a private office at the plant andunderneath his name on the door is“Vice-President and Treasurer.” Eventhe town of Cedar Falls has prospered,due greatly to the Good-News Gossip ofMary Gilroy, the happiest and mostsuccessful of its towns-people. Thesuccess spoken of is not measured bydollars and cents, but in leadership forgood.

About the time the Nasons moved toCedar Falls, another episode had itsbeginning in a far eastern city. John

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Harrison, experimental engineer, had formonths worked long hours on aperplexing transmission problem. Histheories seemed logical but there was aflaw somewhere.

Jefferson Godfrey, head of the salesdepartment, was a cruel, boisterous,unsympathetic go-getter, hiring and firingthose he liked or disliked. He hadearned his position by consistent hardwork, mingled with a plentiful supply ofshrewd politics and crafty tact. Hisdisgust for John Harrison and for hisfailure to produce the equipment neededwas manifest on every occasion. “Listento me,” he would say, “that manHarrison is just a plain nut. He should beput in a cage. He’s CRAZY, I tell you!”

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This affirmation was made not oncebut many times. Poor Harrison quitelikely wasn’t entirely himself; the longhours and worry were telling on him.

One day, when leaving the factory,his mind occupied by other things, hepushed outward on the street door whichopened in. The guard at the door sawhim and having heard the out-bursts ofGodfrey repeated by others, enlargedupon this event. His story of Harrison’sstrange actions went the rounds. Thecrew were actually sorry that “John hadgone dippy” (that’s about the way it wasexpressed) and in less than a year Johnwas actually in an asylum where he dieda few years later.

This is by no means the end of this

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true story. Five years later, Godfrey, atthe height of his success, began to actqueerly, was requested to take a leave-of-absence and rest for a year; but hisdomineering and unreasonable mindwould not hear of it. Finally resignedentirely, soon lost his wealth, and he,too, was placed in a private sanitarium,dying a year later.

Common sense tells you not tobelieve that the cause was unity ofthought or soul power. You gladly agreewith the Nason story because it turns outbeautifully, but the Harrison case is toohorrible for you to accept. Warmimpulse says “no.” Cold reason,however, says “yes.”

Nothing on earth could induce you to

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print in bold letters on the family mirror:“Our baby will die this year.” Why not?Because it might HAPPEN, especially ifmany absorbed the thought printed.

It is an exceedingly poor law whichwill not work both ways and these truestories illustrate the effect of unity ofthought in creating soul desire in smallgroups. May they also “burn home” thecrime of hurtful gossip.

There should be no doubt concerning thetruth of the operation of Law Two inyour smallest group of associates.Lavator quotes: “A frequent intercourseand intimate connection between two

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persons make them so alike that not onlytheir dispositions are moulded like eachother but their very faces and tones ofvoice contact a certain analogy,” andShakespeare says: “It is certain thateither wise bearing or ignorant carriageis caught as men take disease, one ofanother. Therefore, let men take heed oftheir company.”

Society is formed by affinities.Judgment is largely formed inconversation with your associaties.

The soul desire of your groupbecomes a reality for the group and you.It is, therefore, prudent to frequent thesociety of your superiors and make yourlife wholesomely progressive in theassociation of great men and good

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books.This is, indeed, good counsel to any

young reader, as it is self-evident noadvancement can be made by associationwith those who know less than you.

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“Things bad begun make strongthemselves by ill.”


“We shape ourselves, the joy orfearOf which the coming life ismade,And fill our future’s atmosphereWith sunshine or with shade.”


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he strength of a group or nation isnot measured by number but by

unity of purpose (soul desire of themajority). So with the world. Sixty-sixnations have ratified the Kellogg-Briandrenunciation of War Treaty, hailed as thegreatest modern step in outlawry of war.With proper and continued publicity, the

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majority of souls in these sixty-sixnations may firmly unite in the desire forpeace. The reality of peace under such acondition is unquestionable and peacewould continue until the majoritydesired otherwise.

The soul, character and life of anation is the reflection of the thoughtsand actions of the majority of theparticles of which it is composed. Thesoul of a nation is affected in the samemanner as the soul of an individual. Thesoul is constantly directing the actions oflife, which cannot stand still. There is nostopping place, no top or bottom to theladder of life.

When a nation or an individualbecomes wealthy and powerful, it is in

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grave danger. Christ said, “Verily, I sayunto you, a rich man shall hardly enterinto the kingdom of heaven.” Surely, theaccumulation of any sort of materialobjects, worthless rocks or valuableores, diamonds, money, lands, bits ofbroken glass or bright pebbles could notof itself have any bearing on the subject;but it could and generally does affectwith telling results the mind of man ornation. A top may have been reached andthere is no top for the soul. Life must begoing in some direction and if the mindis satisfied with the heights reached anddoes not direct the soul in what to do,the life of the nation or individualbecomes like a ship without a rudder,ending on the rocks of destruction.

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Majority rules; therefore, a so-styledself-sufficient man or nation becomes aminority and cannot advance.

What star shines brightest at the topof your “ladder of desire?” When youreach it, what then? You will have toselect another, higher up, to strive for orelse go down as so many do, carriedswiftly along in the current of vanity,self-sufficiency and minority.

The amount placed upon the pricemark of success by most of us isridiculously low, when we stop to thinkof it: just a little power over a few; justa few more dollars than our neighborsand we reach our heights of success.

Do not pass this statement tooquickly, as it is of vast importance.

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There is in the mind of most individualsa hope for success; a hope to reach thetop; and how many there are whobecome self-sufficient, vain and of novalue, whatever, to the world, with onlya taste of the bounteous supply ofsuccess God has prepared for all.

Joe Boescher, eighteen-year-oldapprentice, became a junior salesman attwenty-one. His salary increased duringthis period from $50 to $150 a month. Attwenty-two he was made a seniorsalesman on commission basis. Within avery short time he sold, unassisted andwith much credit to himself, the largestsingle order ever received by hiscompany to that date. The commissionamounted to over $2000. Joe reached his

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top—the height of his desire—as manyothers have and will.

In spite of good advice from his salesmanager and others interested in thesuccess of this bright young man, Joecould not think of any further progress.He had arrived, he was good—he knewit—and needed no advice from any one.He was self-sufficient. He purchased asmall car and hired a chauffeur—at leastthe sales manager said so. Joe called thechauffeur his “junior salesman” but,nevertheless, for several months helolled in magnificence on the back seatwhile the chauffeur drove—and salesdropped off.

It was about ten years ago when Joereached his top, arriving at the bottom

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two years later. He is now with anotherfirm in a different line at a salary of$125 a month.

Are you sure this could not happen toyou? Of course you are; but have a care—it is such an easy matter for mosthumans to reach the top round of theladder of desire.

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aul Omar conquered his materialtop early in life and was on the

down-grade until that eventful Sunday inSeattle when he discovered that thefundamentals of mind and soul, the Lawof Karma and the Law of Majority were

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not all. There was another power greaterthan these. True it was—thefundamentals had been proved to becorrect and the two great laws workedwith unerring accuracy. His symbol ofthe golden square had brought thedesired result by keeping his mind in theconstant direction of his objective goal.The goal itself seemed helpful to themajority, was desired by the majorityand so became a reality.

It was all so simple that he began todoubt it. He doubted the benefit and hedoubted himself. He had, in fact, reachedthe end of his mind, havingaccomplished everything he had set outto do but it was not sufficient. His souldemanded more. Mind—that function of

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the human brain guided largely by thesenses—could not think more.

Lowell expresses this predicamentwhen he says: “It is only the intellect thatcan be thoroughly and hideously wicked.It can forget everything in the attainmentof its aims. It has only one failing which,to be sure, is a very considerable one,—it has no conscience.”

Paul Omar knew that the great powerhe had discovered and proved was a giftto all men from God but his intellect ormind made him forget this and he tookthe credit. His behavior was as idioticas simple Joe Boescher’s. He evenforgot the law of Karma: “take and itwill be taken away; give and it will begiven back.” HE TOOK THE CREDIT OF

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POWER—and he knew he had lost hispower. In his bewilderment and shame,fearing the loss of his intellect or mind,he forgot his self-sufficiency for themoment and called upon his soul forassistance. “God grant me peace” washis prayer.

He was, at the time, in a structurededicated to God, surrounded by manysouls united in devotion to God. Theremay have been little, if any, unity ofmind belief in the song which hadpreceded his talk; yet there was a unityof mind understanding in the words“Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire”and, regardless of the interpretation ofwhat happened to him, his soul receiveda message which has carried past the

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threshold of his consciousness, givinghim the peace he desired and satisfyingthe demand of his soul. He had a highergoal to achieve and it was not of thisworld. The power, greater than all hehad discovered was THE SPIRIT OF GOD.When he had acknowledged GOD as thesource of power, he received the spiritof God and power because ONE SOULAND GOD IS A MAJORITY.

It is the privilege of any man to forcehis soul to act as if there were no God.He can, if he chooses, mentally believesuch a situation to be a fact. He canbelieve that life on this earth is all thereis for him and, according to thephilosophy of Paul Omar, that becomes areality for such as so choose. But,

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believing that the vast majority whohave read, thus far, accept the fact thatthere IS a God who created this world,the stars and the millions of other worldswe mentally know to exist, is it notfoolish even to suggest that such a God,capable of these wonders, does notcontrol his creations? Is it not alsofoolish, even to our limited minds, tosuggest an absence of purpose in His socreating and controlling?

Every consciously-directed endeavorhas an objective or purpose. There is areason for the action—some result is tobe obtained. The law of Karma indicatesthat God wants man to do only thatwhich is pleasing to man. The law ofmajority indicates that unity of purpose

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is another desire of His.Doing those things which are

pleasing to each other creates a love forone another. A unity of the majority in sodoing binds a people together in love,with each man interested in the welfareof his brother, and establishes theoperation of the spirit of God—a powerfor good greater than all others.

The history of man as told in theBible, or any accurate history of man ornation, indicates clearly that when themajority are not functioning according tothe purpose of God, something happens.The spirit of God takes a hand in theprocedure and corrects the situation.

Let no one—man or nation—boastthat he stand, lest he fall. Success,

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wealth, power, and man taking the creditfor it, brought on a pride and vanitywhich caused our world war—the resultof which is an example of divineinterference in the affairs of men whichshould not soon be forgotten; but,unfortunately, the mind of man forgetsquickly.

When the spirit of God in manbecomes manifest on this earth, by amajority, the Kingdom of God on earthwhich Christ prophesied will become areality.

Paul Omar assumes “soul” to be theGod-given man-power—the powerwhich changed water into wine andraised the dead; while “spirit” in man isthe purpose of God released in him,

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making truth and love in his life, andmaking you what in your unselfishmoments you long to be—perfect in theSpirit of a God your soul knows to exist.

Spirit is that something you long forand cannot define and which, if oncesecured, completely satisfies you. Spiritis eternal, soul being an intermediatebetween the material and the spiritual.You may by soul power gain the spirit ofGod, or accept falseness and death.

“For as in Adam all die” (I Cor.15:22) meant to Omar that man by sins,such as Adam committed, lost his Spirit.“Even so in Christ shall all be madealive” meant that Christ—God in man’sform—showed by human example theway to regain the Spirit and also sent the

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Holy Ghost as a comforter and guide totruth. The good and true in you is Spirit—and the good and true of the universeis the Spirit of God.

Just what God’s ultimate objective isfor man may not be made known to us,—but we do know, intuitively, by messagesfrom the soul—

“that there is a life beyond thedeath of the body and that ourspirit goes on to take its placein another world and that thekind of life lived on this earthwill make a difference in thepossible opportunities in thelife beyond!

“There will be a

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continuation of personalidentity. The limitations ofhuman life will be removed andan infinitely closer knowledgeof God will be possible. Therewill be progress anddevelopment and there will beactive service of a broadersphere.

“For such an immortalitythere is a universal seekingimplanted in the heart ofhumanity in all ages. The ideawas in the process ofdevelopment during the OldTestament times; it wascompleted in the Christiangospel and it was established

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by the fact of the resurrectionof our Lord, Jesus Christ.

“As to the ‘how’ of it, as the‘where’ or whether there willbe any ‘where’ about it, as towhat people will look like, howthey will talk, what they will do—Christianity professes areverent ignorance.” (Quotedfrom “Common SenseReligion.”)

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od has given you a soul capableof any accomplishment—and a

mind to direct that soul. You can havewhat you want: health, power, wealthand eternal life, but the human mind is sofickle and wicked that such gifts have

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proved disastrous to many.

“If drunk with sight of power welooseWild tongues that have not Thee inawe;Such boastings as the Gentiles useOr lesser breeds without the law—Lord God of Hosts, be with us yetLest we forget—lest we forget.”

So cautions Kipling in his famous“Recessional” and so the Third Law ofthis Philosophy reads:


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“The glorification of God is necessary tocontinued or eternal advancement.”

This means, in simple words, to giveGod the credit, the glory and the thanksfor your successful accomplishmentsand, further, to blame your method ofthinking for life’s misfortunes.

God is Love and the power of love isthe power of God. If you couldunderstand this fully you wouldunderstand life eternal but the power ofGod (love) is beyond humanunderstanding. The best we can do, withour human minds, is to use the greatpowers God has given us in expressingHis purpose as we see it and glorifyHim in thought, word and deed.

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You, individually, can possess theSpirit of God by continually giving outof the never-ending supply of love Godgives to you. This, however, is notenough—you must also unite with othersand increase by unity the Spirit andpurpose of God on earth.

Unity is the elemental virtue andfoundation of religious life and,therefore, the church of God is anecessity to advancement.

“Glory to God in the Highest—andon earth Peace, Good Will toward men.”THAT is the MEANING OF THE MARK ofPaul Omar—the Cross of Jesus Christ,an ever-present reminder that the glorybelongs to God; and the square ofhumanity below it to remind us of that

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love we must necessarily give ourfellow man in order to live in thefullness of God’s love.

If you can interpret the meaning ofthis mark—and live it as does PaulOmar—you will be filled withabundance of health, wealth andhappiness and, above all, a positiveintelligence that you are training yourspirit for an active and purposeful life tocome which will be eternal according toGod’s plan.

So endeth the second version of theMEANING OF THE MARK; but there may besome among you unable to put intopractise the wonderful truths set forth inthe story and explanations. For such, athird version, based somewhat upon the

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application of the “Mark of Success”and the philosophy it suggests, follows.

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n the study of scientific salesmanship,you will find this important rule: In

order to have the prospect fullyunderstand the value of the goods or

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service you have for sale, three steps arenecessary: first, tell him what you intendto tell him; second, tell him; third, tellwhat you have told him.

In this third interpretation of theMeaning of the Mark of success, youwill be told in a different way what youhave already been told in the first andsecond versions. This is for the benefitof the thousands whose minds reactthrough an appeal to the emotions withsuch intensity that soul-accomplishmentoccurs without apparent reason or cause.


Several months ago I read a little

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circular, printed on blue paper, andsigned by a man of whom I had neverheard. The closing paragraph indicatedthat his business had to do with gettingorders and the only apparent intent ofthis piece of printed matter was toencourage many struggling individuals inhis line of endeavor.

The substance of the contents of thiscircular follows:

“For as he thinketh in his heartso is he.”


“There is nothing either goodor bad but thinking makes itso.”

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“No man sinks in the waters offate except one cramped withfear. Kick and you will float.”


Here, my friends, we find three mensaying the same thing.

King Solomon lived thirty-fivehundred years ago. He was the RICHEST,the most PROSPEROUS and the WISESTman of his time.

The second statement, byShakespeare, was made about threehundred and fifty years ago. In his playsand poems he left for all generations alegacy of keen penetration and shrewd

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revelation of human nature that has neverbeen surpassed.

Mr. W. C. Dunlap is an outstandingexample of the modern big man, with abig job in a big corporation.

Three men, representing three ages,all saying the same thing in differentwords. Aren’t their utterances deservingof attention and thought?

Physically, these three men resembleyou and me—two legs, two arms, abody, ears to hear with, eyes to see with,a mouth to talk with and a brain to thinkwith. That is the point—A BRAIN TOTHINK WITH.

Our good friends, the M.D.’s, tell usthat the average human male brainweighs fifty ounces. There is little

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variation. The difference in weightbetween the brain of the down-and-outbum and that of the scientist or businessleader is only a few ounces. Soundsmysterious, doesn’t it? Not at all. Theonly difference between that down-and-out bum and that scientist or businessleader is a difference in the way theyuse their brain.

What are YOU going to use YOURbrains for? What am I going to use MYbrains for? You can’t decide that for me.Neither can I decide it for you. But youmust agree that no amount of argument orspeculation can alter the fact that “As hethinketh in his heart so is he.”

Are you going to think: “It can’t bedone”; “I can’t do it”; “I am afraid of

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this”; “I am afraid of that”? Shucks andrubbish! my friend. They sell ash cans toput that stuff in.

I don’t know what YOU are going tothink but I know what I am going to keepon thinking.

I am going to keep on thinking upnew, simpler and better ways whereby“it CAN be done”; newer, simpler andbetter ways of approaching people andinfluencing them toward right thinking,which produces prosperity andhappiness.

Folks like to have you approach themwith this attitude. They will thank youfor it. Yes, they will thank you both inwords and WITH ORDERS. Fear? It isn’tthere, it doesn’t exist.

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—C. F. Wyant,Minneapolis, Minn.

Will you do as Mr. Wyant suggestsand, by using your mind correctly,eliminate this self-created fear?

Mr. Dunlap’s editorials concerningbusiness-building methods are publishedon a national scale. He directs a largesales force, is actively engaged in manylocal and national civic organizations,but with all this is not too busy to writeone or more mind-building editorialseach week. This is his contribution tohumanity. An editorial appears later inthis volume.

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hy not expose yourself tosuccess? Train your mind not to

believe all your senses tell you. Imagineperfect conditions. Affirm what youwish to exist. Tell yourself that the thingsyou want already exist for you in

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limitless supply. This may seem foolishto the reasoning mind but you will find itworks in the same mysterious way as doall the wonders of God.

Quit brooding and worrying aboutthings you fear may happen. Train yourmind to think correctly of GOOD andwonders will constantly unfold to yourreason. You cannot be successful orhappy when in misery which, togetherwith every undesirable condition in life,is caused by lack of harmony with good;in other words,—caused by being out oftune with God and your fellow man.

The mysterious Mark of Success isthe tuning key, but before receivinginstructions in its use you must knowabout the cause and effect of correct

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thinking. Correct thinking causes correctaction which brings about a body-and-soul harmony with good, thus formingthe foundation for success andhappiness.

Your mind, which does the thinking,is controlled greatly by the five senses.What you see, hear, feel, taste and smellis instantly made known to you throughthe mind. The thoughts of your mind arein constant contact with your soul, thepower which governs every action ofyour life. The soul puts into existence oraction what the mind suggests. For thisreason, a man’s environment andassociates have greatly to do with thekind of life he lives, his success and hishappiness.

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The mind of man is by no meansentirely controlled by the five humansenses. The soul of man also suggestsintuitively to the mind and an unspokenword or phrase becomes a thoughtunrelated to the senses. Therefore,correct thinking, causing correct actions,bringing to you success and happiness,may be achieved only by correctenvironment of the five senses, thecorrect interpretation of the intuitivesuggestions of the soul and the correctunspoken word or phrase.

The definition of correct thinking forour purpose is: “thoughts which areharmoniously agreeable to God and manas a whole.”

Thoughts agreeable to God come to

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you through the intuitive messages fromyour soul, often intensified by the senses.Thoughts agreeable to man come to youmore frequently through the senses andare often intensified by intuition. Wordsand phrases spoken and unspoken are thebeginning of action, life and realities.

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ow can you get that habit-contaminated mind of yours

working in harmony with good andsuccess and happiness?

Bill Jones, quick on the trigger, readyfor an argument or a fight at all times,

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placed in his office that beautiful,peaceful, blue picture, entitled“Daybreak” by Parrish, in a positionwhere he was forced to look at it whenusing the telephone. The picture,working through the sense of sight,suggested beauty, peace and harmony.The telephone conversations improvedby harmonizing with the picture andBill’s friends and business increased.

His desk, as well as that of hissecretary, was always untidy; so hearranged for a small vase of freshflowers to be placed on each desk daily.Beautiful flowers do not harmonize withdisordered papers, hence the result was—two tidy, well-arranged desks.

A bright and cheerful phonograph

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record, played while he ate breakfast,started him off for work whistling thistune and seeing a blue sky on a rainyday.

In this same manner your five humansenses create thousands of thoughts dailywhich are relayed to your soul and, ifunrestrained, make your life subjectentirely to what you see, hear, feel, tasteor smell.

You positively know that such a lifecould not be productive of success orhappiness. The intuitive messages fromyour soul tell you there is something ofgreater worth; otherwise life could notbe worth the living. Let us tune in with“that something” we know to exist.

Do this: Take your pencil and make

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the sign of the Cross of Christ Jesus.Have you done that? Look at this symbolsteadfastly and say, “Thanks be unto Godfor His unspeakable gift (II Cor. 9:15).Glory to God in the highest.” . . . Didyou say that, and did you mean it?Repeat it for good measure. Burn thisthought into your mind until it dominatesthe thoughts created by the senses, thusforming a contact with your soul whichis the power God gave you. Now say, “Igive Almighty God, my Father, all thecredit and all the glory for this powerHe has given me as revealed in Christ.”Say it again. Try to mean it, WHEN YOUREALLY MEAN IT, YOU WILL FEEL THEPOWER OF GOD IN YOU.

Now make the sign of the square.

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Look at it steadfastly for at least aminute. Make this silent vow: “By thissymbol I will ever remember to do untomy fellow man as I would he should dounto me.”

When you have allowed this vow tosink deep into your inner consciousness,say: “My God, my Father, I love you andI know you love me because it is yourwill that I be perfect in every way. Onlyby not believing this am I denied itsfulfillment. Lord I believe. Help Thoumy unbelief.”

Do this at every opportune time, insilence and alone except for thepresence of God, until you can feel Hispresence. Some day you will see Hispresence in every flower, star, cloud and

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every object of vision; in every sound,touch, smell and taste. You will becomeconscious of His nearness and onenessto you.

If perchance, about this time in yourreading, you should hear that vagabondmind of yours say “Old stuff! I’ve heardall this before”—do not be discouraged.Don’t give up. Go back and read it allover again because you are being told ofa method by which you can gain theWHOLE WORLD, and by egotisticallytaking the credit, may lose a millionyears of soul progress. Do not let yoursense-controlled mind rob you of thegreat divine gift of soul guidance.

Keep the cross of Christ and thesquare of humanity ever before you as

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you go on.“Glory and credit to God in the

highest and on earth peace, good willtoward man.” As the Great Teacher said,“Render unto Caesar the things that areCaesar’s and to God the things that areGod’s.”

With glory to God and good willtoward man, you eliminate fear and can,without worldly-wisdom contradictionsay: “The power of God within me ispossible of every accomplishment.”

A boy going to school is in need of areference book in order to progress withhis studies. His father is the source of

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supply in purchasing the book. The boyknows his father is interested in hisprogress at school, so he comes to hisfather and says that he needs the book.He tells where it can be obtained, thereason for the need of it and how much itwill cost. He does not beg for it ordemand it. He simply states hisrequirements and the father,understanding them, arranges for the boyto secure the book.

In the same manner are you to go toyour Heavenly Father and state the factsconcerning YOUR requirements.

Your mind needs considerableassistance, so get out your pencil againand a sheet of paper. At the top make thesign of the cross and square. The reason

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is obvious by now. Next, write downyour first and most important desire; thereason for it is important; why youdesire it and where it can be obtained.Seek the opinion of your soul as to thevalue of this possession and do notdemand it. When you have completed athorough survey of the desire, finish bywriting, “Thy will, O God, not mine, bedone. Direct me and I will follow.”

The result will be as God wills, andyou are in no danger as you have placedthe matter in His hands. If you aresincere and will follow the suggestion ofyour soul, the desire will become areality and at the very time expected; orelse you will have good reason for notwanting it.

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That there be no misconstruction ofwhat has just been said, let it be statedthat apparently God does not interferewith the soul desires of individualsexcept by request. It is beingdemonstrated constantly that humans aredesiring and securing by soul powerconditions contrary to God’s plan forthem. For this reason is suggested thesymbol of the mark of Paul Omar as aguide to correct thinking, correct desiresand God-pleasing accomplishments.

“One thing I know, thatwhereas I was blind, now I see”(John 9:25), replied he, thatwas blind, to the questions ofthe Pharisees. It is sincerely

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believed that before thisvolume is finished, you will saylikewise.

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our mind does not necessarilyhave to believe at the start of your

experiment but you cannot becomewealthy when constantly talking, thinkingand acting poverty. You cannotaccumulate wealth by association with

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those who are poor and always expect tobe. Therefore, change your environment,your thoughts, actions and talk. In thisway you unconsciously secure theassistance of the five senses in forming adominant wealth-thought. Prepare forwealth. See it already yours in limitlesssupply. Spend some money. Get out ofthe pinching-the-penny habit.

Several years ago a salesmanexplained to me that he would have toquit his job. Sales were dropping off; heowed the company for advancedcommissions; the grocer’s bill wasunpaid and the rent was two months pastdue. I explained to him that there wasplenty of money in his town, only he wason the wrong side of it—recommending

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that he use his persuasive salesmanshipon the boss for one hundred dollarsadditional advance and to spend themoney as instructed.

It is surprising what a modish dresshis wife secured for fifteen dollars andwhat a chic hat for five dollars. A newsuit, hat, shoes and tie were hispurchases and that evening, with thirty-five dollars in real money, this couple“stepped out” just as though it was thecustomary thing for them. They had areal dinner at one of the best eatinghouses. He bought two good cigars andtipped the waiter one dollar. They thenwent to a show and when it was overwere about to take a taxi home when agentleman said to the salesman: “Good

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evening, Mr. Jones. Would you mindletting me have this taxi? My wife is notfeeling so well.”

“Sure thing,” said Jones.“And by the way,” said the man, “see

me at the office tomorrow. The deal yousuggested is about ripe.”

Jones and wife walked home “onair”—a new man and woman. Theyreally felt and acted as if business wasgood. The commission on the deal,closed before noon the next day, wasover four hundred dollars and Jonessnapped out of his slump by investingone hundred dollars in PROSPERITYACTIONS. He has never slumped sinceand is at present a large stockholder andacting head of a milling company in the

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suburbs of Cincinnati.You can readily understand that Jones

could have spent this one hundreddollars and remained in the slump; but,on the other hand, it would have beenalmost impossible for him to secure theassistance of his senses in attaining aprosperity attitude without funds.

If you really want prosperity, ACT IT—LIVE IT—THINK IT—AND IT IS YOURS.There is an unlimited supply to drawfrom. Get out the pencil, put down theamount you want and work out anhonorable plan intuitively agreeable toyour soul for securing it. Follow the planand the amount is yours—at the time youplanned for it. Simple enough, isn’t it?

Play fair with yourself, with God and

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your fellow man. Try it.

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re you ill? Are you sure of it?God never intended you to be so

but if you know you are then somethingshould be done about it.

The following news item taken fromone of the big Dailies is interesting and

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is food for thought:“This is a snake story to keep one up

nights—and sober. It was brought intoNew York today by Allan A. Lonnberg,vice-president of the Grace Line.

“The Grace liner ‘Santa Rita,’ onwhich Lonnberg was a passenger fromValparaiso, Chile, put in on July 7th atthe port of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Mr.Lonnberg went ashore.

“Shortly before midnight he heard atremendous clamor in the town. Policewere called out, the militia throngeddown the narrow streets, fire enginesclanged over the cobbles.

“Mr. Lonnberg followed theprocession to the edge of town, wherethe jungle begins and where is located

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the Civil hospital.“A ten-foot boa constrictor had

glided out of the undergrowth and madeits entrance into the hospital through awindow. Gliding down corridor aftercorridor, it finally got into the cripples’ward. Night lights were burning. Someone screamed.

“Then, all at once, panic reigned andshrieks of fright and hysteria rent the air.The snake had attacked a male nurse.The cripples, many of them bedfast formonths, leaped from their beds and fledon newly vitalized limbs to thewindows.

“One man who had been paralyzedfor more than two years jumped six feet,from his bed to a window, and another

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eight feet to the hospital’s patio.“Doctors, examining him later,

believed him cured. His had been ahysterical paralysis.

“The police and militia killed thesnake.”

In the year of 1904 there lived inIndianapolis, across the street from me,a crippled man of some sixty years ofage. He was an early riser and between6:30 and 7:00 o’clock each morningwould, with the assistance of a crutchunder the right arm and a cane in the lefthand, manage to navigate to the corner,some two-hundred feet away, making the

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laborious round trip in just about thirtyminutes.

I always inquired concerning hishealth when we met and he invariablyreplied that he hoped to hold out for themonth.

About twelve o’clock one night thewhole neighborhood was awakened. Theold fellow’s house was a mass of flamesand we were sure he had perished.Rushing up to the thorough-fare corner towatch for coming fire engines, I cameupon the old man, clad only in his nightshirt, surrounded by a dozen or so of theneighbors. He was dancing and actuallyshowing how he could kick. “Let ’erburn,” was one of his remarks, “I’mcured!”

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He had been aroused by the heat, sawthe room full of flames, jumped througha window and ran to the corner, sanscrutch, sans cane, sans slippers. Bare-footed he had made it in a few jumps. Isaw him many times afterwards, walkingas well as any man of his age; but hewould never discuss the miracle whichhad happened to him.

The following editorial by W. C.Dunlap, page 55 in his book, “CheerfulCommon Sense,” is stimulating indeed:

MIND-HEALING“Dr. Charles Gilbert Davis, aChicago surgeon, has written abook entitled, ‘The Philosophyof Life.’ The gist of the book is

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the influence of thought upon thebody, the power of thought toprevent and to cure diseasedconditions.

“The thought is not new.“But the particular value of

this book is that this idea ishandled by a skilled physician.

“The reasonable man doubtsthe direct connection betweenwhat takes place in thought andwhat takes place in the body.‘Thought,’ says Dr. Davis, ‘canproduce hunger or destroyappetite; it can cause a chill or afever; it can make the bodyperspire; it can dry up the thesaliva; it can make the teeth

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chatter and the eyes swim withtears; it can bring sleep orinsomnia; it can slow down theheart till death ensues.’

“From this he continues: ‘Ibelieve that it is only necessaryto enter upon a course oftraining and in a brief space oftime the results will be seen inimproved health.’

“‘No living human beingneed be a chronic invalidrepining at fate.’

“‘Every hopeful idea createdin the mind stimulates the heart,improves digestion andpromotes normal action of everygland.’”

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“Well, what is your trouble, if any?Surely, no snake or fire is recommended;but healthful thoughts, healthful actionsand healthful environment will, by thegrace of God in His glorious gift in you,do the healing.”

If you are surrounded by sympatheticfriends or relatives, you have a doubleduty to perform. You must convince themas well as yourself that you are dailyimproving.

Denying the existence of your real orimaginary trouble will only makematters worse. The senses willcontradict the statement and your friends,if not openly, will silently do likewise.

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Make a MIND PICTURE of yourselfwholly perfect, as God wills you to beand say: “This is the way I was intendedto be; the way God wants me to be.” Bydoing this you will reflect such a pictureon your soul, the correcting process willstart and you will see yourself day byday, becoming nearer and nearer theperfect picture until you are entirelywhole. Idleness does not harmonize withhealth; action does.

Get your pencil busy writing plansfor work, play and romance when youhave become perfect again. Includeothers in these plans, when possible,because if you can get one or morefriends actually to believe in the pictureof your perfect health and to be

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interested in the accomplishment of yourfuture plans, the recovery will be asmany times more rapid as the square ofthe number believing with you.

Jesus Christ said, “Whatsoever yeask the Father in my name, He will giveit you.” Put the picture of your perfectself in God’s sight, ask in Christ’s nameand you will be made whole. Thisstatement bears the testimony of millionswho have proved it.

Can humanity—when filled with theglory of God and love for all mankind—be anything but perfect in mind, body,soul, spirit and estate? It can not;consequently use the sign of the Crossand square as a symbol to assist yourmind in so picturing yourself.

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God wills that YOU be perfect. Yourhelp is necessary to make this a reality.

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God Is Good and Good Is Happiness

appiness, like every gift of God,can be avoided only by contrary

thinking.In the room next to my study, a young

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girl is singing:

“I’m in love with you, Honey;Say you love me too, Honey.No one else will do, Honey,Seems funny, but it’s true.Loved you from the start, Honey;Bless your little heart, Honey,Every day would be so sunny,Honey,With you.”

A humanity filled with the Glory ofGod and love for all mankind can benothing short of perfect. Such a love fillsthis little girl at this very moment. Godis a part of her happiness. She is thinkinglove and all is well.

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When you can see good in all thingsyou can not fail to be happy; and goodmeans God.

If you have the “croaking” or gloom-spreading habit, you are certainly not inharmony with God. Change yourcontrary thinking. You’re all right andthe world’s all right. There’s a sky ofblue above. Sing, dance, fish, hunt, playgolf, read, go to the theatre, concert andgo to church. Do what your soul tells youa happy man or woman should. GlorifyGod in your happiness. Love mankind inyour joy.

“Those who joy would win,must share it.Happiness was born a twin.”

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Share it and live it. Think happiness,feel happiness, see happiness, hearhappiness, taste happiness and smellhappiness in every act of your life.Happiness is so easily secured that it isnot even necessary to write down theplan for obtaining it, as has beenrecommended with other desires.

Be your natural self, good, as Godintended you to be and happiness isyours. God’s supply of happiness isoverflowing in you. Take it in thefullness of the Giver and share thisabundant blessing with every livingthing. HAPPINESS IS YOURS BY DIVINERIGHT.

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rom what has been said abouthappiness, it would seem there

should be no sorrow in the world butthere can be no denying the fact thatsorrow is at times very real. A youngwife is taken away from a loving

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husband and three small children; a boyjust finishing college, the pride of hisparents and the life of a community, isthrown from a horse to rise no more; ayoung husband is drowned on hishoneymoon.

Sorrow is real to those who lovedand are left behind. With perfect health,sufficient wealth, living in a world ofhappiness, sorrow suddenly knocks atyour door. The senses and understandingare of no help to you in such a time.

Real sorrow must be overcomethrough the unspoken word and thesoul’s intuitive yet positive answer. Inthis manner you get a glimpse of a Lovebeyond understanding.

Christ’s sorrow was real but He

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overcame it.Wisdom, satisfaction and peace

cannot be had except through silentcontact with a real personal God. Goalone into a quiet place and there in thesilence ask for guidance and wisdom.Do this regularly and at certain periodseach day—early morning preferably.

You may need objective assistance. Ifso, look at the cross of Christ. Silentlypray, and eventually your humanunderstanding will make way for thesoul’s message which will come to youfrom your Heavenly Father clearly,distinctly and with positive meaning.Fear and doubt will be erased foreverand you will, like Paul Omar, go out intoGod’s sunshine with a perfect peace of

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soul which can not be explained.To avoid sorrow, to eliminate fear

and to live a life of overflowinggladness, you must experience this innercommunion with your Creator; seekwisdom, satisfaction and peace in silentcommunion with your soul.

“Seek and ye shall find.” Yea, verily.You will be surprised how quickly youwill find. It may be in less than a weekof silent prayer, daily, at the same time,that you will feel the strength, power andsureness of divine guidance. Then,surely, before you at all times will be theMeaning of the Mark: Glory to God;good will to man.

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all what you have read“philosophy,” if you like. Call it

“religion,” if you wish. Call it anythingyou want. The fact remains that you,yourself, are a power for good or evil.Naturally you desire good but at the

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same time you are surrounded by evilthoughts, fears and doubts—your own,and those of others.

The Bible is given to us as a guide,the life of Christ as an example; yetthousands upon thousands do notunderstand the Bible and know not howChrist lived. Ministers, priests, laymenand writers tell such conflicting storiesregarding Truth that many of us are lostin the wilderness of ideas. We wantsomething which can be proved and Godhas given us the proof.

You can prove God’s gift ofachievement by creating a dominantmind-thought which contacts with yoursoul and becomes a reality.

Your life is made happy or

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miserable, healthful or sick, rich orpoor, by the way you think. You can bebad or good and have ever with you thefaculty of knowing one from the other.

Following what you have read in thisvolume, forcing your mind to act as youwish it to, writing your desires, readingthem, enlarging on the plan ofpossession, affirming it has come to passbefore the worldly mind believes it,going into silence for soul assistancewill and does bring into actual reality,the dominant desire. This you can prove.

Giving and receiving in the samemeasure can be proved in less than aminute, although sometimes a greedy,cheating, rotten character seems toprogress in power for years before the

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bill of compensation is presented forpayment. It comes, sooner or later, andnothing is more sure than the proof ofthis law.

Unity with others creates power forgood or bad. This we see daily. Egotism,self-importance and self-sufficiencyprevent unity of purpose, resulting inloss of power. This has been provedtimes innumerable, from the fall of manto this day, individually and collectively.

Giving the credit and the glory toGod prevents egotism and pride. Thusalso, by giving, we receive.

The poor old mind is so busy withthe multitude of thoughts beating throughour senses and souls, together with theactivity of millions of other senses and

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souls, that it seems almost impossible tocontrol it or become centered.(“Centered” means having a home port—a permanent starting and stoppingplace; a headquarters where you can befound and find yourself; a place ofrefuge from the flights of imagination,business struggles, doubts and fears.)

Ivan Levine, an uneducated boy,through a peculiar, mysterious thought-wave, connected with an idea whichcould be proved, was proved andimproved by wealth, sorrow,dissatisfaction, and finally, wisdom,satisfaction and peace—centered arounda symbol which as Paul Omar, he calledthe “Price Mark of Success.”

Behind this centering symbol,

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necessary to control his unruly mind,shines the true and glorious center of hislife: God, the Father and Creator, towhom all glory must be given; togetherwith man made in His likeness and bygrace impelled to unite in love, one foranother, thus harmonizing with the planof eternal advancement.

If you are so disposed, you may atthis moment take your pencil and repriceyour personal value by making the codesymbol of Paul Omar and then, assistedby the sense of vision, feel its truemeaning to be a beginning of a new lifefull of Wisdom, Satisfaction, Happinessand Peace.

This may be the end.

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It can be the beginning.

The choice is yours.

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Roy Herbert Jarrett (1874–1937) was aChicago sales executive and advertising man.After many years of studying metaphysicalsuccess methods, Jarrett produced thelandmark pamphlet It Works in 1926. It has soldmore than 1.5 million copies. In 1931, Jarrettfollowed up his mind-power classic with hissecond and final book, The Meaning of theMark, which served as the “inner key” to hisearlier volume. Long unavailable, The Meaningof the Mark is restored to print in thisrediscovery volume.

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Page 282: The Meaning of the Mark: Discover the Mysterious Success Power Behind the Classic It Works

* This is available in the book “It Works.”