AKIfeENENTS. wgMrMIBTBIMATMM. ' 1 aiBA MOITI.TO", .wkru a o okeaiemt MOW DAT EVKBI-iO- . C-- HJBII1"? VEMSB, DBC. ITS, At o'osoek. o" wblcb oooMilon MUX CUlhK MOCLTON. dlunfOi. i m Karon ii1 TmZw Art i7ie.es for nsr 1 WW! lH eXQUlAll. SnltBrS, SUd after btrrS"ir brilliant TFJrPHB ,.H)OT) c!odd1 lie crlnolpAl clues ed " toe levorll Tenor. mm wv nu ant l e ren wort Baritone, end are' JMkB WWU. tbe UHt PtollL , VTX Drees !an. " PI- - u . lJ,D. Tm'om a.e -- d at -- U the MoaivoB oonoeru. A i'H ZZ 1LA, BuBineee MUMIir. Orders' seem fiem surrounalrg pleee. ma, b"..nl b, mall - r telegraph, enu they W. llbfC. ie'tt.1 IIMi1!; FIRST AHN1VKRBARV BALL MAJCSKM LOD1. So. 17, 1. O. O. T., AT MEMPHIS CLUB HALL, os MOKDAT EVEN IBS. DBrCBMnEB , 1871. AUXUUOII I Gentleman and Ladlm 83 03. a- - Ticket! can be procured BOT. Prss- - Ml Co 1 ... BroB, W. n.. n r w J r .r sort A Co HMBBl nfHee and f om in. Lomn.lt tee of Ar rane enia-- W. B.. Moyeton.T. B X ntJaak. ArWiiui-CLMEIIT- S. wbrarfwioef Jake. Tiuri CANNON obidlenes the , o n--e c i vTm nounce blme-l- f ee cn-ia- ter, t c. ei.u.ag mamcij. I OK FLYNN 'r" .iTKi V1di ,1 d.t. lor eiaia For oai; mun.t-ip- election S si . in - no in to -'' C. DOLLId announces ni-- e'' Hfc.MiY (or W narmser at the la, mnnlcipel election, January . I7-- ; announcea hirnaell a can i "o I'leTo? h. iruaaurral the MrtTa, i OIRL-- To do tiooaeworrk lor a small faaaUT MO:,Bt BrRKBT, .ERVA'T-- A good female hooat aarvaaV ) at gl beoocd etreet. .ETC. r.rfgn'. '"i" IX?'' - tn ana tei i b "HMoniM't e. ApPl ailh. ..r laknn or T not WM UARU1M. Geo. tn .nsu La- - .nil omee ItSMton .treeU i .u- - Mind S ior circular to "igo Painien lae"' tety Wet eireet Cincinnati. Ohio. . tot, of Sj iet front; prioe not io LOT- - Vi ewii. Aouree. uo LOT. Appeal offlge. E"--f F To porchacAaecond-riabdSt- . II; ancti bar room Ueaoae, at ' Front 0RiKR-C- an icscmitoaate iw -i- - OaJJ at 0 t U u room, arc umw k' aireet. no-- ' PCMP(-ETijbo- dj to eall at M. CHAlS .io.81 VtkAO hATe tbell chla-pn- i made andrepaliea rej' a nouae HOLjefc-T- o a to ' " feaoody -- otel ar.ee. a kXXJD-HA- l Furaltara, Feather, onaeuod fSjJSgL ABPir HOWBB FOR SAlL LAM- -i iLeeaUtecfSam. land, Hi poh.lc rocth Court .triatialS LuMiKuAY. Lectmier MM oaah; ,w..v.monthA Executor. Main atraet. c c Ml elm etc or tlx Dm linen Ad- - noli and S I ol " (S eoou street- - I WMU, Roci. Ark. to A i acrea of on Kerr pert of ance. de--- all at aale. oa cor nir Min and m. U 6, 171. tf H-- a nt-- f srOi In alk anu K.C LK Y M I o: la una. io ce or tS .1 Ha. rue tjl z Ktit. A Are room cottage. No. at (i Allen ' tor ltOi-l- ceu ate MX every ..k moaUm. at o. Aver a' reel noil A Lip tot, centiaLy located, and LOT in I, . buAinaM part o: town, it.; .u.p.ec for a large cotton hd aaH leei roat Ma wul be .old on lu )" ume or wul be leaaed lor lit ara. and MJ pay fir . i cotton abed at tn end of toe lor! u ton 1. rnade. Apply to a EldVAiX, k.7 Main atreei. i fort acxaa, wcat of th. Fr LHI-Ai- e north o: tua At and c. R. 1L, wi . cm -- olo on io run' time, or will be leaaet lorl je . Apply W J. A. BTO ALL. w ABviR '.rwACt ...ifttMa Fonrtti diualoo .venue, Apply hyit 2c t,.L In K.Ty Yard, tear uoe'irao a wo L tW cord, dry aah wood in i tie. to ulibnjein. JOI D N A i O. I uli ANTaTiON About Uu aerc-- Ui eie-.rt- ; reeldenoe. ooHwoma. if ei, ar Loonia. iemba eouaiy. I , , . lBjj prote O ueLim eiBio uv aopii io w. w. w No. L Union elre.l. ooroa o a ba.f coiiara vj Yard. BUCK DRAJLrl roODl -- WooDI-Two hondred a:Cl UiOCK., afc m per at our mm i At Li J. W. COCHRAN. On atret, northwaat ooruer Lot Wet. lu.ion.ircet a bargain. Inquire oo ;Lr pramler- - or at thl. oflloa. n R good gond beat, KBlDKJICE Leeiraole residence, 834 J .treet. Apply on premiae. iioAo tLACE At ft bttrg&in. Henry .ic'j'l, alLUgmtoti Er iboU 'air rau rouuui.iag baa IS mart m iMiiU iocc wliti flns :eciHii oi frnu tttw, wJl - Kardenor. a-- noi J.J JESV, l" Baale n of laa-l.- LvMJ-LaN- I- rrom good lnd aniiaole fur larmiug or garden iLg parpoaf a; wili b aiii u, lota to -- .U.' puretiaMrs Aplj to C r'r. r.K Woite'a fiauon, notS ir.ph:- ar:d Ciiariaatoo K R R II.'- t a, - . aua i.. rfa.deaoas in iy cotHa y , ai uaiaxl & ibe auaib aide of u alret eziided KiauwB a ina Col i piace, recently owned and uplrl tiro: ; ... i.eq For -i etc, appl - iuiAiue: haif do4 Bd ao n UJC .Oa cor fur oc. real, .ol o: o.oiea arrived i.t : .go , a good iot of n.c.ea and bona, on ai an umea, ai r aaawaai J " er.oro trgH. . oi.ud .treet. or. us WAnct atraet, on time Appij Ia.r a-- tKOHWIi D.XQN rM RENT. OOM A urn .bad ,ng r om lor l geiilieaiar e', ! Htnaoij aueeiu iia ICt B A pair o! c; oloe ffiou.; a ao, a OF kli.gie office on aame fljor. .it u. led on oormr M.dieoc and r r .ii .ai.. imm.. "ver the bulking H maeoi 1 B. Moi-Jo- y To eoed aud pe. luanent tenant, tnay will t ranted eow. The atairway been lat" I widened, toey are without doubt the ta ea in the city for location, ligut, Union .IreeU u u. A ppi ' l)h.CK Xy reeldanea, with flee or Rjt acrea or will rent It for tbenakt year tat tillfe eitatlen). Ala baautiful vacant LOTH for aaie. ai d -- everal tra-- u or LAM u, oo at . and L. Ratioad. oo ong i.me oo improved). tnjBt ELI .taYfitK Five mile, from Men. Ms, Kthll'ISSCiC oo Kooal road a fl aa conlaiAiag It room.,a new ciatern and floe we1 ' atr on toe place, end all necee-aa- a, a fine rich garden or IS Acre S aciea o. ties Wnd. o acrea la or- chard, lu good be'rltg cnodlllon Apo y to T J PROP-HIT- . note ISO aa7, Main atraet. MempbU FLANTiTtOW-Aapieu- gld cotton CiOlTuN 6 ml el of oop.fleki.on the i.i mpc. anC Lt lie Book R-- K., near We. o : .n; 10J aerea .pen: Voleiai.ly a"d noiue an j a dilva wen that afiaeua 7b.no.nl a ipply o feiud por haallny w.ui sii oi..; trt' .ce in the tract 600 o:d 0w eo.ua w'tli take Ike rant oat la im-- v menu on the i lace, and grtH Py oi ail LkOd opened and put In cultivation. Will aa or one or mo- - yeara wga io A. ALU ft Comer of Main and aeorox uooar feu. body Hotel, rent. Ami - to R.C BHiivkUaaY, 'iU J Kfc Madiaou n el. m at. - v ti ..r.a-- rti Coerrv Plaea." on hai barn avenue, alao. a email OOT1 AOJC lite acre, a lacue K.L OI. sa.e, WI O BoXI KllLEN L.UU1AI t Die tale lean Ma go- - lor reaidenea Dr. .v.td.ir.iDL.nu H ue baa large ail i iwe. 1 to J . TAVLOA. Wo. 7 Mad-eo- a at. Bu .aJ 'R- - Alatamatrael.tronltu Mill K T. ma.nny d.ulaia par month; wa with appioved ladoreer. rt i,t 1 i.HNBOW. U Jagaraonatreet. OFFICEn I KEelUKJlcEol OfTfioi W.A.WHKAT ItlCal H- t ipuai ki a. won J, li. aa.inw, 11 Luiou btreeL o. ropiai eueeta. eigbt ci. ,p a Realdasea il Main. o u.rnando .treat: aavao coen etc; loi mu oy mm ije I Br m.uranoa uibiwi offlc t nmlen' inaurano. building. Jiaoi " eon .L ee. , . a ,. mfi .nan'., and convenient f 1 deei'lAg house, on Jaokeou atrial, ba- - iwte CO. 'iiuii - T . .. .. n,.n..vuii ah..ne K , , , K rtt r v . . " P ac-e- . fl gardaa land, wltk a i.ooibei flTTe P. .'t ireee aliaedy bearing. . Can-fr- A va nr n be Hoi yford Road, aboat la mile. n.oiLoar a :rx.DiD LuOAT.oa roa a Vaowra.ua ea auaa . To. god. rtwpon.lbie gardener It will ba at a vera aa. r rr-- - eueec Apply to ! m Frocl SIORAV-IH- O. mtEe-X- L. A BOB. m Malo l - . o Tan mlnuiae walk float . waUx.k. clriern. ...1. ftaUai . k.wl three aarea. va. ?7,r , . ao border Apply w. ;o..l.. MalB BOAfiOE. P.vi. old -- land TtlShouae JLL? ran and larol.hed.aod giMe uorlDl,.oOQae. Bjg da, 1Jfif4mE Tmyti-y- m. narrniKO OeMraHe rooms, front and iBlabed ana unfrr with r.uou. wtin a Jjr t.i.T, ores' bsB roi.mi ml board, Monroe meet. G- By UU" of to Minor Me l o a aa UI II IMS paai - I I'lkl BU C I, t I newy , ng b, la f ad byap-- l dei st ,4, reaaouAbla rate. Mrs. lions F. Hill, at it Bi aa xsrma man aula. Apply sk b AND UUARU. LMT. WATCH -- Oa rn& .y morning, lrt T Deoember, between Alaban-- a and Court umL a lady', cold watoh. The Under will ly rewarded by briaamg it to the rJcreVry ofthe Board of Ldaoallon, U Odd Feliowa HalL i OBt On the XOLh day ol BUFFALO baaala aaaa.fr am a eleigb. the boot, of U and k. The Oncer will be liberally rewarded by leaving earn, at BKUttMAN H ALL'S sTABLlt. d Bo h Union "treet. FOR LEA8E. I WLLLNti With U BaaaavanoA Apnif to bbi p. A-- Ai. ta fchallrv atreat. Tk editor, of the APPkAL daaUaa to be- come responsible lor the return ol mannacrlplf lejaated tor pubUoaUon. DEHOCRAliCHASS MEETING Purauaat to a call, numeroualy alsned, a Man Meatlnc of the Damocracy of Memphis will ba held in the Greenlaw Operahouae on Saturday, Deoember Otb, tor the purpoae ol nominating candidate tor mayor and other municipal omeea. OO AND REGISTER, LOwAL PARAGRAPHS. The general council ffi.ee la again next Wednaaday. Yeatardav waa ooneidared a disagree able day by all that were oat door. Tenneeaee bonda oloaad In New xork yeaterday at fl667kc for new and old. Tbe docket at the Adama aireet ata uonhooae waa clean np to dark yealerday. The anow had very little efleot on out rallroada. In a taw iuaUncea traine were other mlahap ta slicbtly retarded; bo They are now working in regu iar order. avtriaw. If. RaDDert. onaof the pi oneer oitiaena of Memphis, after a life of oraai nufalnsn. which he enjoyed, dieo at bis realdenoe on Poplar street, regret led by all who knew htm, Coroner Moffatt arrived In the city .eat night irooa Texas, via Mew Orleans, (creatiy Improved In health. It will be aeen lrom a notice published elsewnere (kjBt be will resume his dune on monaay. Tbe raglatrara of the city gave out a raat nnrnhu of TOtlns napers In their several wards yeeterday. lhe flrst WAti la aii.i ahead In her raarUiered vrters. Tke offioes will be oloaad by tbe twentieth of this month. The following Is the report ol bnsinee done at oar poetomee fluxing tne paai month: Number 01 lettera aeiiverou 110 278 ; local letters delivered, 7M7;inews pspers etc. delivered, 27.S76; letters; oei lected. 7L262. The folio wins iarors of the United steles courts were flood ten dollars y aeter- - dsy lor DV Jaage atujk; Louis Haneuer, Q. J. Pal knar, H. 8. Brandon, John Miller, D. Pord, M. E. Ooohran, WiUiaaa L. Dann. ar. J. TnmfcnlL of the firm of E Urqnhart A Oo., who arrived from Little Rock last night, r porta tnat the train HirnhaH at Iwvalls Hluff Friday, and tbe paaaengera bad to remain there for i wenty-fou- r hoars, until tbe n xt passen ger train eawr eiong vo waa uiom . Tne recent snow-ator- has developed he eftV iency of the snow-plo- patenieu by Ootonel Alexander. This plough took the flrat nreoiiam at the St. Louis fair, and although tbe one uaed ao aatiafac-toril- here was an impromptu "get up, li" snawered every purpoae, and from tbe re port of Mr. Clark; it gave entire sails fac- - NV Last nlgbt while a great crowd was at Mayor Johnson's residence, '.Dree oh sera were given witn a will for the AppkAL and Ledger. The reason givon was that tbeae two journals had seen proper to consult the heat interests of tbe people of this city, and hoiai the name ol John Johnson aa that of a proper oandi--iat- e for the mayoralty. About three hundred people aasemblexl iaat right ss tbe residence of Msyor J inn Johnaon. The Mayor was called on for a speech. He and Colonel J. P. Adsuv addressed the crowd, and both were loudly applauded. The people than weul into a ward meeting, at Billy Klngdon's, corner of Jenwra n and feeoond aireola. A resolution was offered declaring that the people were oppoaed to tbe holding of a convention. It we cietermlDed by a vote of about two hundred and fifty against six, that this ward would have no able- gates In the ring-taile- d and speckled convention. The orowd then dlaperaed with buzzss for John Johnson. Several old citizens hive been swept t fl by the relentless band of death re oently. Mr. J. P. Greene, for a long time connected with the cotton and grocery house of J. J. Steel A Brothers, at the lorner of Poplar street snd Front row, died on Wednesday, after a abort illness, and was buried la Cal- vary cemetery on Friday. Mr. Greene was a native of Ireland, a land which be loved all tbe days of bis life, and to which he paid aome pleasant visiia d brink, later yeara. He was an alderman of Mem- phis in times that were stirring and proa i.erous H- - waa remsrkasle for bis q aiet and mode-- t alspoeluon, and had a wide circle of . One day recently a printer went to Preerd r. Tate, of the Little Rock rail- road. He was a little modest, moreover, be had heard that Bam Tate was a great ouslneaa man, and must therefore be a Lorrible eon of person. ' Mr. Tate, I be- lieve," Inairaated typo. "Tea, what do want T" " I ahould like to get a pass to Little Rook." "On wbat grounds do oo ark for a paseT" Inquired the president it a rather 10114 voice. " On tbe ground sir," answered typo, "that I don't wan! to pay my fare' Mr. Tats, without a word, turned to his desk, wrote a pass and handed It to the youth. "Thank yon. sir; I am Indebted to you," grstslolly ushed forth typo "Don't thank me, young man," gmffly Interposed the rail- road colossus, " I'm "d d glad to accom- modate vou: you are tbe flrst person I've ever known to aak for a pass on the proper .rounds." -- Waggener, at 817 Main street, la es paciaily and beyond all question t- -t merchant tailor who can aatiafy gentle- men of tests. Thoae who do not patron-D- him, who have failed to goto Waggo- ner's clothing emporium, to get their new Bulla of clothes, feel unpleasantly ocn -- emus of not being of the mode, and re alia, the utter usalsasnsas of pretending they are in love with any girl who has artistic senae enough to wlh her beau t. be "the glass of fashion and tbe mold of form." Header, dou' 1 any longer be of this category. Go to Waggener a, at S17X Main street, and order a suit at onoe. To austaln your own t, yon mast be Oo and see Waggener about It. Ha will Introduce you to Pel-Iow- a, one of the beat euttera In the af leais-slp- Valley, who will make It all right. We learn from a Mempuian who as .lsted at the mill near New Orleans, that It waa the moat diabolically pretty piece of aavsgery that hae occurred la twenty years. The orowd of spectators wss, with- out a amgie exoei-tUin- , the worst-looki- ng set of roughs on the faoe of the earth. There was more slang uaed than would suffice for the "fast" paper of Memphis for three months. The plaoe aeiected was s swamp, overgrown with pine wood, and quite swampy. The rain poured down In inoesa.nl torrents lrom beginning to end of the tight. The "ring" waa worse than a pig pen, covered over with mud aa black as one ofLeidy's hate. After tbe flrat couple of rounds both men became .ike chimney aweepa, ao that the whole nght waa like a savage orgle ot the wont ieeoriptlon Alter flghtisg two hour, both of thnm showed a want of grit that was vary ... : eocmlng "the ring." They acted on 1 proverb "prudence la the belter part of valor." and ao managed to leave the place with a whole akin to esoh. For a whuia hour before the scene closed both men would walk np to the "swatch" and stand looking at each other, afraid to "lead off." They are a ptMly pair of RAILROAD NEWS. A friend, lo a very raltsa. brief nota, loiorma us that the New York Commerolal Bul.e tin was in error when it sald.aa we copied, .hat Hon. Tom Scott had purehaaeal the I'.im and Pulton railroad. Thalb all right. It would have been equally ao If Scott hod porcnaaed tt. Ike Memphis and Ml play. The Ripley Weakly News ssys the chief engineer of this road and some of his assistants passed through oar tows n few aaya since, on s general tour of observa- tion aa to the prectl aahiUty of building tbe road on the line already located. We understand that tbey report the line a good and entirely practicable one. of the Bt. Loots, Lawrence and Denver railroad was laid at Lawrence, Kansas, w tanlav. and the road now runs from Lawranea to Pieawent Hill, Missouri, where It connects with the Missouri Pa- - aide rosd. making a aireos une to at. Louts alk.ean miles .barter than by any other route. The road baa been leased and wlil be operated by the Missouri Pa clfloral!rod company. Mew MrPaams ae new lore. At a m ding of railroad; ameers In Mo- bile on the 21a. InaL, a new schedule waa arraBgml Ibatwaan I- - OrtosM.aod New will leave ibe for v ... ov wtiinh trains mer clt - a- - Ave o'olock p.m.. passing Mo-- l.lleal Uildulghl, Komg aou uoiuiug. oa Mobile and Onto, Aa.bama Central and tbr Selma, R Hue snd Dalton raliroadi. are included In this pobednla. It Is Intended io make this a quick and comfortable through line, with Pullman Bleeping cars from New Orleans to Lynobbuig, Virgi- nia. Ike AlaaaaSila awa Frederick. bars Tbe Alexandria (Virginia) Gaastte, 01 the27th ssys: "The late prevailing bad weatter has Interfered considerably with opera! tone on the Alexandria and Freder- icksburg railroad, but every possible la takes ol the good ape la and tbe work Is pttshed forward aa rapidly as rjjaorimstanoaa will admit Tbe l.ige lores emniovsd In tba oonstr notion of the bridge n bay did not iaat yealerday, rtw-s- W tats aha briga wilt be cimi.letedby themlddleof Jscuiry. The will bs laid to this end uf that bridge during t jaotwrent week." Alter te , Tuursdav say. I "In the MlXfeV ' Lewis, frrun the apeciAl oonDmlitsApgRMniea wutmm anrfi.. of railroad bonds. ibe eea. submitted a bill wrdoh pwmoee ior me BBamtnUasTit by the goveroor Of sn at- - ., ",, anil Hon tBymmi all pan las haying any attorney appointed to carefully examine s id tnveancata the reports of the vs- - nous railroad committees appointed by the last lagmlatare, to investigate tba issuance of bonds to the various rallroada and to aeek and obtain all Information In regard to the Issuance and use of the bonds mentioned. It gives said attorney free access to all the books and paper of every deaoriptlon and char- acter In any of the public offioes 01 tbe State. If after a full examination and investigation, the attorney ahall be of the opinion that, owing to tbe Irregular or fraudulent Issue of any bonds, be can re- cover back any of the aame, or If said bonds oannot be recovered, then where he can In a oivll proeecution make liable tbe parties engaged In the fraudulent Issue of said bonds, or having any connection therewith, he shall atonoa Inttituta suiu in tbe name of the State against all auob parties, and by a vigorous proaecution press tbe suits to a sucoeasful result. II urlher provides that when parties have laid themaelvee liable to a criminal proae-cutl- by reason of the issuanoe or dispo- sal of said bonds, then the sttorney ehail take the nerceaeary ateps, aa provided by law, to bring the guilty paitlea to punlab-men- t. As oompensstion for bis services be attorney appointed ahall receive three par cent, of the amounts recovered up to one hundred thousand dollars, and two per oent. on all amounta above that sum ; but If theaald attorney, after having in good faith instituted suits and failed to recover, be ahall be properly oompen-sate- d for his labors by tba next GO AND REGISTER.. PERSONAL. Mb. Moffatt, the coroner of Shelby oounty, who has been down south on a sanitary tour, returned home yesterday much improved in health, and hearty as ever. He will resume the duties of bis profession Loots Wbltos, 01 New Orleans, for- merly captain of tbe steamer Victoria and nf tbe Imperial, la at the Peabody hotel He atates that the same reformatory revo- lution la in progress in New Orlesns tbsv moves Johnaon, by popular force, Into the mayor's offloe. Wb notice among the recent arri- vals at the Commercial hotel the reg- istration of Captain W. J. Crook and bride, of Forrest city Tbe captain la ss "happy aa btg sutflower," and well he r,v he fur he has wedded one of tbe fair est daughters of our sunny clime. Long may they chime in union. Uboeob Fbahoib Train transmits the following dispatch. It will be seen that be baa gobbled tbe legislature; that taxa- tion, bonds, public schools, are all forgot- ten, and that the capital and our law- givers are clean gone daft for Train : "Nashville December 2. Editor t ami addressed tbe legislature ior two hours, and waa unanimously nomi- nated for the presidency by acclamation. " NEXT PRESIDENT AMERICA." Colohkl J C, Pbat, of Little Rock; T.l. Acrea- - of New Orleans: George Collia. ol New York; A. M. R dman, of Boston; G. L ParsonB, of St. Louis, and D. J. Weatherbee, of Illinois, are sojourn-in- r at the Peabodv hotel. ODe of these notbern gentlemen said last nlgbt that he had traveled wit'ln three months the whole north, and bad seen no city wearing such an aspect of unmixed prosperity as Memphis, and that mis was me oniy uny , save St. Louis, thoroughly imbued with the progressive spirit of the age. Hra host of friends in Mempbi- - will re gret to learn that Mr. Thurman, of the isw Arm 01 Warner, Lee A Ihurman, has determined to remove to Greenville, oils atslssippi, where berealtor be will mike ai. home. We oomroend him to tuegood traces of the cit of Greenville, aa a gentleman, a gallant soldier and a lawyer of merit. Wherever and whatevt-- he en- gages in, Mr. Tharmsn will carry wlih him tbe good wishes of a boat of frieni's, to whom ha iiea endeared himself by his qualities ss s gentleman. The Friars Point Delta, of the 2gth ultimo, aays: "Governor Aleorn hsa been spending s few dsy s at his home, at Jonea-town- , In thia oounty, looking after his extensive private business interests, lie is making his arrangements to proofed to Washington to take his seat aa Lolled States Senator it the beginning of the next session. Mississippi will lose a good governor, but the United senate will gain a champion by his acceeaion. We understand it is the intension of Governor Alcorn to resign, and turn over the gubernatorial dignities to Lieutenant-Governo- r R. C. Powers, aome time next week. A friend oi the Appeal, writing from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, of tbe wedding of Mr J. A J. Smith and Mlaa MoLle Bigley.st Alpsvllle.lnthe Keystone Stale, writes that " Madame Rumor has it that big dry goods merchant near the Pea-bod- contemplates seriously carrying iff another coal king's daughter from Pitts- burg to Memphis. How far tbey have got in the arrangement I am not lnforo.ed, but one 'hlug 1 do know, test the fair one, 11 this rumor be true, will have no cause to regret bar oonneclon aa tbe wife of one known and respected m all his commer- cial Intercourae as a fruestam. I oannot vouch for the truth of Madame Rumor in this case, and I only give It as it comes te me." A wrttbb In the New York Clipper paya the following merited compliment to a gentleman known to all the old printers of Mempbia as an "ornameni" to tbe profession, and the moat excellent artlat in the business: "Ah, there Is 'Pick' RuaaelL Don't know hi in? Why, I thought everyb dy knew or beard of him. Somewhst stout, with beard always out a la V. 8. G and a littie above medium bight be strolls quietly down the shsdy side of Broadway. He's usi come from Cincinnati why, I don't kuow but when at home he la at the bead of one of the largeet ahow printing houses in the world. His psrtner, Morgsn, than whom a better fellow never lived, paid a vl.lt to the writer last summer, when he waa lying siok, racked with remittent fever, and welcome visit it waa. 'Just wait,' said Morgan, 'lost wait till our new offloe is done, and I'll ahow you tbe handaomest ob printing house in the world.' " Tmb Colon and American ol Thursday ssys that the people of Tennessee will learn with regret that Hon. T. A. R. Nel-ao- one of the judges of the anpreuie court of this State, baa resigned his post tlon on tbe bench, to take effoot on Do ember 6th. Tbe reputation of Judge Nelson sa a lawyer, high aa it was be to re, baa been Increased by his opinions as one of the saeooiats judges of our highest While his brother Judges and the b.r will will eapeoially feel hla raaig nation, the public, which haa broome 10 know him better and esteem him most highly, will all n in the sorrow which hit retirement will produce. To fill the vacancy occasioned by the reaigniiUojmul Judge Nelson, his excellency the g)W-no- r hss sppointed Mr. James T. Shields, of Grainger oounty. To the people oi East Tennessee, and to the bar of the State, Mr. Shields la well-know- n as a lawyer of the highest standing, one who will wear the ermine graoerully, and eo devote himself to his high calling as to carry conviction that tbe position is s muob honored by the occupant ss the occupant by tbe position. Tmb tallowing brief and modest card appeared in the Ledger of last evening : "Memphis, Deoember a, 1871. "To tbe Editor of the Ledger: "Something has been said in the papers ofthici.y about my becoming a candi- date for Mayor, In addition to this I huve reeelved numerous personal solicitations Allow me, through your paper, to thank those lriends who hsve proposed to honor me, and to say that I cannot, under any circumatsncea, consent to become a can- didate. Yours respectlully, "8 A. PINBON." Tbe above la In perfect keeping wltfc the good sense and patriotism tor which Colonel Plnson hm ever been distin- guished. Devoted to hla business, snd determined on building up the fortune broken by tbe late civil war, in which he participated as a gallant Oonfederaie om oar, he cannot devote the time neoe to a proper conduct of the mayor's office He, therefore, very properly refuses to be a candidate. As the president of tbe chamber of commerce be now gives as much time to public affairs as we have any righi to demand of him. Jrj.T Arrived A large sock ofthe new fifty-doll- rVlison sewin f machines, a. ibt Main street. GO AND REGISTER. Cheapest sod beet kid glove, two but- ton Joteph kid glovea, all colora, at seventy Ave oents. I) C. A H. M. LOKWENSTINS. Southern Pa'aoe, SU Main atraet. CNRISTBAS CONING! DRY GOODS, from now until the boMaya are over, at SDCH LOW PRICES aa never have been known THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT must be entirely bold out by New Tear's day, and prion will be accordingly. THE GOODS MUST BE bOLD. THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD. Every purchaser of goods to tbs amount of one riolar and upward, re- ceives s handsome PRESENT. Ten new oAseaof Presents will be opened by Monday. Remember the low prioes oi our goods. HER A BK ., tslM.lB strsnt. Ladies' kid alds-lao- a gaitora. Ladlea' conr-ee- a gaiters. Marie Anto ns'te aUppaxM. The Nilssoc silppsrs. With very other aiyl" for ladle weur, Gentlemen's sllpera In every variety. At the eb.uipl hi aboe store. Thoa. B. Coffey Co., 86 Main street; Dress goods st leas than New York c-s- h vaiue. Read Southern Paieoe advertlas- - D.D. A H. M. LOEWEN8TI5K, V. No. 8ia Main street. Still Tbey wprb. The large arrivals alalia at our noiina a aar Lias i,n . .... V o 1 wo rabsbaaar orna- - wlrL l)?r"' ''", T.i.,1,. illegal and fraudulent prosperity of our oXv. We are ram., at it Mmt- - BOA f nUaa. at rem-m- sl 0nf gj. railroad com- - , tarly pleaaed to notloe.be growing JgMa ' and to represent the state in aaia laniy 01 ma waiosei. n.iguiy ayfgjr vw nnd boardat V) ft BtoU ba the duty of tba parson, registered st that hsml yeaterdsy . THE SUNDAY M PRIST 1 1ST Gr APPEAL-DECEMB- ER 3. 1871. THE TAMMANY FIZZLE BI6GE8T BEaPMIt POLITICS HAS EVER KNOWN. THE WARD MEETINGS FAILURE. A COMPLETE LOTS OF FUN BUT NOT MUCH OPPO SITION TO J HNSON. Tka inlinwtn. endeared In one of the city papers Thanksgiving day (Thursday) algnea Dy two umiuivu . "- -j - -- clilsens: "The Democrats are requested to in their respective wsrds on Saturday evening, Deoember 2, at7o'olock, for the purpoae of selecting delegates to a Democrat c convention, to be held at the Assembly Hall at 10 o'clock a.m. Wednes- day, Deoember 6th for the purpose of nominating candidatee for oily offioes, at the ensuing municipal election. The ward meetings are requested to elect one delegate for every one hundred qualified voters In their ward, according to the last municipal registration, and one delegate for each fractional part of one hundred over fifty." The places of meeting were designated aa follows: First ward Engine house No. 4. Second wsrd Exohsnge building. Third ward Engine bouse No. L Fourth ward -- Tivoll saloon. Fifth ward Greenlaw opera house. Sixth ward Waldran block. Seventh ward Ferguson hall. Eighth ward Poplar street market. Ninth ward Holsl'a. Seoond (treet. Tenth ward Misaisiippt house. In accordance wi h the above, meetings were held at the places mentioned In the several wards, the result of which wss aa follows : FIRST WARD. The Flrat ward meeting wsg he'd at 67 Ma'n street, by nominating John Z jnt to the chair and John Blancy aeo.etary. The following preamble and reaolutlon were unanimously adopted: Whereas, The Dsmocratle executive committee of Shelby oounty haa asserted Its want of authority to call a convention to nominate candidates for municipal offices; therefore Metotvcd, That it 1b the sense of tbe citi-- z na ef this ward that we decline to sand delegates to the convention oslled by cer- tain pereo. -- ft assemble oo the 6th In- stant. Alter which the meeting adjourned, cheering for. John Johnson. Bolters' Mbbtibo. Tbe other meet- ing was gathered together Immediate- ly alter the first adjourned, and organ- ised by Sleeting Owen Dwyer as ibairman and 'Squire Miller as sec secretary. The following delegates were then sppointed: John Mahony, Jacob Prince, Ben Sohreibler, Thomas Carter, Michael Cannon, John Wentland and Ki. Maloney. Owen Dwyer waa nominated for alder- man and P. A Kelley and Andrew Ren-ke- rt ta councilman. SECOND WARD Two hundred men present. The meet- ing waa called to order by Mr. Martin Reynolds, after which Dr. William Hewitt waa appointed chairman of the meeting, Mr. J. F. Henry elected secre- tary. Mr. W. J. Chase offered the follow lag resolution : Whereas, The Democratic executive committee of Shelby oounty has assarted its want of authority to cail a convention to nominate candidates lor municipal offi- cers, therefore be It Betolved, Tnat it la the sense of the clu-i-- of this ward, that we decline to send le legates to the oonventlon oalled by cer- tain persons, to assemble on he 6th Inst. Seconded by Charlea Smith. Mr. Lightburne mude a motion to lay the reaolulion on lhe table, which was loot. The previous question was oalled, and tb raa,. lotion adooied unanimously. The meeting then adjourned with three cheers for John Johnson. J r. UKH tt x , secretary, nr.. Tama' ME ati no The disappointed, when thev left the Exchange Building de moralized, retired o neighboring saloons o fire up with benzine. Two notable knots of them resolved themselves into meetings at different places one up in the rooms of Marre's saloon, and the other in a neighboring saloon. Both made notnin ations to represent their respective knots, cliques or caucuses, and then wenaeu their sorrowful way home, to dream ol their inevi'-sDl- e destiny. THIRD WARD. The meetins assembled in great force at BUiv Kingdon's old restaurant, corner of Seoond and Jefferson streets. O. F. Free colt was chatru.au, and Gibson secretary The hoube was Ailed witn si least tnree hundred people. The following prean-bi- e and resolution waa adopted by the meeting, only aix voting "no." fnaamunh as lue Democratic executive committee of Shelby oounty has asserted its want of authority to can a convention nominate candidates fjr municipal office. ; therefore, Resolved, That it la the aense of the oit- iaena ol thia ward, that we decline to send delegstes to the oonventlon calien Dy oer-tal- persons to ssaemble on lhe 6th inst When this resolution waa to decided ; earr.ed, a motion to adjourn at onoe pre vailed and ibe meeting scattered. Mo of the members went 10 John Johnson'- - houae on Adams street, to oongraluisie him on wbat tbey considered his success. Bolters' Mbbtiho After the meeting in the St. Charles had adjourned, twenty, four persons with sore crsnli had a little caucus in tbe criminal courtroom anu appointed tbe following delegates: L. Amis. John Gunn, C Barredell, A Oor- - dano, W. W. Kingdon and E Jgene Finn. FsU7RTH ward. At tbe meeting held in this wsrd there wss the same trouoie ss uaa into reiioi in otbei wards. Thoae in attendance di- vided snd one-bal- f or more under Colonel Daccn left and organized and passed resolutions of opposition to a convention, while the other, with Mr. John Louden, chairman, and Mr. M, D. Welah for aec rata y, elected me following uen-g- w: Loudon, J. T. Cartwright, M. D. We'rb, A. Reehn. A. S. Ferkins, rl. C. xoung anrl W. H. Carroll. Tbe full proceedings of the meetings will b published here- - srtar. FIFTH WARD-T- HE OONVBJITION DONE FOB At a regular meeting of the eUlzans of the Fiflb wa.d.beld ai the Greenlaw opera house, on the evening ot Deoember ad, Dr J P. Dromgoole waa oalled to tbe chair, and R. Br 11 ton elected secretary. B iug open for motions, it was movea that. Inasmuch as tbe execu tlve cjmmutrvs of Shelbv oouoty has as serted i s want of authority to call a eon- - ven.lon to nominate candidates tor muni- cipal offioes therefore, Resorred.That It ra tbe aense of the otti-zen- s ol thia ward, that we decline to aend lalaaal to the convention car led by oor- - taln persona, to on the b.b ins.. This motion being carried unanimously, upon motion the meeting then adjourned, sine die. Bolters' Meeting At a meeting ot the citiz.na of the Filth ward, M. Cohen oalled to tbe chair, and A. H. Doug-ac'e- sa secretary. After the motion to adjourn to Monday night wss voted down, the meeting then resolved to proceed to tbe selection, after tabling a resolution of Colonel Phelsn declaring It aa the sense of the meeting that no dele- gates should bs sent to the oonventlon. Whereupon a ballet was bad, and tbe following delegates el eted to attend the oonventlon. W. Carroll, Samuel Smith, J. J, Dowbb and Abe Weaver. Thereupon three cheers were given for the old Democratic flag, and the meeting adjourned. .... ..4 n SIXTH WARD. Bat few people gathered at the sixth ward meetine. J t, M icviu waa made chairman, mere was no secretary. A motion waa made to nave ins en air- man appoint delegates, which was tabled On motion of Mr. McKecn the meeting then adjourned to Monday night, at acven o'clock. THE bevbwth ward asothbr fizzle. At the meetina last night in the Sev- - OfrLh ward, in Ferguson hall, Mr. Hanson Waa OBliea to lliq uan, euo uibu vi'muri John H. Kerr, the'lsttsr, It is said, receiv- ing a major: ty of the votes. However, Mr Hanson took the chair. A secretin) waa sppointed, and a proposition was made to steer aaanrawB vo me pruia Dim oar alio oon volition. A motion waa mad to lay tbe resolution on tbe table, and when tbe vole was taken by aye and noes, tbe chairman pronounced tbat the resolution was defeated. A division waa oalled for, and when the count waa made, It waa found that thirly-fiv- e were lor tbe convention and tniriy-etgh- t against. This settled the buatneaa; tbe lights were ex tinguished, and most 01 tne people leit. Wa ware told thatsfcbe minority remained. organiaad a Utile love-fea- oi their own, relighted the gaa and went into the busi- ness of making delegates. Bolters' Hutiko AT" good-alae- orowd of people gathered In the Ferguson hall, at the coiner 01 xiarnanao suu nasi. streets. v.'onal uanson. was cnairman. anu Colonel M. Magevdny.Jr.. waa elected sec retary. The hall was us moat uvaiy place IB town for Iwo hours. Among the brst things that were done was the taking oi a division on tn question of hiving a ainvauatiraa or no subvention A oount gaye little eetisffotton, soma claiming tnat there were twenty-nin- e against tLe ..... nndrm snd oavrv twent for. while others swore .there were thirty for a oonventlon and only twenty-si- x against A motion waa than made to sdjourn, and as Mr. Hanson was about to put U, a law fallow, sunned up to tbe chairman and, putting their nraea np to his face, told htm wlih muob signlfljsnce, "We hsve our eye on you." There waa then a half hour ol chsos, after which aome or- der waa restored, and the following dele- gates were nominated: W. L. Cooper, J. W Walker, Ed. An- derson, John Fiatley, J. J. Crowley, Wb, Arnngtnn, E P. Carroll. For Councilman J. J. Crowley, J. B. The lights were than put out and the meeting broke up. RlORTH WARS, A meeting took plaoe in tbe Eighth ward in Hchliiiug'a saloon. T. W. Brown wss nominated chairman, and P. D. Boyle, secretary. Tbe following deiege-e- e were appointed: Johu L. H. Taylor. WI Ham Rlngwald E L. Belcher, W. C. C F ster, Sam. Tight, Johu Wa.era, and S. P. Rose. The door was ahut, when a email meet-laa- r waa gathered up, and great numi era of people were kept out. Men ol those irajide wars nagroea. Mr Belcher offered a reaolutlon propos-I- n to auaiain the nominee of the conven- tion, 10 be bald on the 6th lnti;-t- . The reao!uta waa carried, and the meeting broke up. BIRTH WARD TMB RBaT I3 TMB DICI, At a meeting bald in tbe Ninth ward.on mnttn. rw w p Rcamin was called to the chair and F 0. Scboper made secre tary. Alter a lew .ppn'oi . o.-- . j the chairman, the meeting unanimously passed the following resolutions, offered by Mr. W. BGiisaan: Whereas, The executive oommiitee 1 , .. . .... ,n a1I a artavantlnn nave leaiou w isiuaai .a ' to nominate a candidate for mayor and . a . 1 l .. lamnhl. aiwi other omoers 01 idv my vi sa we believe for good and sufficient rea- sons; and, whereas the Hon. John John- son, present msyor, haa made an excellent and acceptable public servsnt, and baa expressed no determination to retire from pa rlie life; therefore bait Eetotved, That In our opinion no con- vention ahonld be held for nominating city officers, but that all good ahould unite their eflorta to ol . . . tah. r.L...... in, mavnr and tbe uiii. .una ssiiiiwie o. '- -j ' other city officers as have proved them- aelvee worthy and capable .! J rfa. A n niatv fnrmallv OBlI on the Hon. John Johnson to announce himself ss a candidate tor mayor at ensuing municipal election. Bttolved, That be is our first choloe, and we believe the people's first choice tor mayor, and we promise him our undi- vided support for that position. Resolved, That this meeting Indorse the course pursued by our aldermen, council-me- n and members 01 the board of educa- tion, and they are respectfully and earn- estly requested to announce themselves for to their respective posi- tions, snd we hereby pledge them our un- - U1VIUCU Upfjwjrir. Thia waa tbe largeet meeting ever held in tne nintu wara, anu aue pnop.e sea deserve all praise for thia exhibition of excellent good aense and of devotion to the beat interests of Memphis. TRUTH ward. A meeting oonvened in the Mississippi House, near tbe Mississippi auu xcuu-j- - aaa rlnnnt In the tenth Ward. BUd Organ iaed by electing Colonel J. L Sharp to the cbstr, and ijounoumBn omim es.i....j After some talk by several gentlemen, Alderman Pendergast submitted the fot lnalnD Minlntir.n which WSS adopted l W hb eras, A eall aigned by a great number of our moat influential Dem- - crats for primary meetlnga in tne aeverai warda of the citv. for the purpoae of as. leciing delegates to a general olty conven- tion to be held oa the 6ih Inst , therefore, Besolved, That we, the Democrats of tbe Tenth wsrd, do refuse to send dele- gates to ssld convent on, ss we don't oou- - sirlar the aame to be in conformity witb Democratic principles, snd la dangerous to tbe interest of the same. The meeting then recommended the oitizsns of tbe wsrd to meet on the 16. b instant to nominate candidatee to the common council and a school visitor, after whiob the meetl-- adjourned. apportionment of delegates. As will be seen by reading the fl at part of thia artio e, the wards were to elect one for every one bundled voters, and one for every free. ion fifty. The shows tbe last registration of voters In each ward and the numbar of deb gates each ward was entitled to, Real altered Warda Voters. Delegate.. 1 718 2. 607 UH S 501... S TIE 7 ..." Il7i 12 8 720 V l 10 I pgj GO AND BE GISTER. NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS BHWIXSTEIS A BIOIHIB. We would call attention to our IMMENSE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS in all the diflerent fabrics, which we will offer, during this month, at unusually low prioes. We will also oflsr EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS HAW LB, IN CLOAMS, BEAUTIFUL ASTRAKHAN CLOAKS, At Rtyduoed Prices. BREAKFAST BHAW IB. BOOM, At less than coat. such B I III AS JACKETS Gloves, Hosiery and I nderwenr, reduced at B. LOWENSTEIN A BRO.'S, Corner Main and Jefferson streets. GO AND REGISTER. FC1 All Firrv THocsA!eri BUFrALOBf loose In the creels ol Mi niools. t'pper tuc Lir ine irieml spring vsmer of the age ..... .. tiAfl.-- . an.f BlAl.nl IrilOWII . '. . ... . ten rin.n Ki.IIIm fl lad carefully ai the spring- - An exoellent thing J ' MANSFIELD A HIOBEE, Wholesale agents TMIMMIBCI YELTMTB. A large line ol COLORED SILK VELVETS, at ti a yard, to be closed out, at MENKEN OS EN ADA. and What ol the Cotton Trade?-- A Sus-sres- llou t hrlstinaa I lines MeraBMlia Psli tin Dawn There ef slaBtar'Igbl w the Longevity ef Hens. B QRENAOt, Nov. 2t. Editor Apnea!-- 1 be Daily Appeal comes to hand rery promptly. We sll well : family send kind regards. aena over riowllnu la red-h- at the Appeal's cor respondent, but hss a poor way of helping bimeell. Price is senator from this district. Da vld Greer's oolored preacher is our sentative tor Grenada oounty. c r. j,id- - ooln. Priced is clerk of chan cirv. Grenada eountv. Cotton is oomlng in heavv into Grenada on tee 28th. W received two hundred and eixiy-oa- e bales; New Orleans sot I wo hundred snd thirty ftsx and Memphis twenty-seven- . Mem bbiii merchants asleep and i How would it to have a line of Memphis and New Orleans steamers, carry ootton at leaa rates than the Central railroad, the steamers to run in oonue tlon with the Mississippi and Tennessee railroad? Thia would give Memphis the chAtiCrj ol handling seven thousand bates of cotton more than she doea now. The eighth ward of Memphis la my old home Here'a my ticket: for mayor John Johnson; for eouncimen. W. C. C Foster and John McKenz s. Fester la a ootton broker, McKecaie la foreman of the Memphis and Ohio railroad shop. All good men, Intelligent men, and working-me- Each Memphis railroad should elect one man to the city council, this man tocime from the shops. To, this if you wsnt railroads to have a ahow In the eity of Memphis, the seventh ward ought to send Mr. Rurke or El. Anderson, tenth ward. Jamst Eolen, Chiokeca will roost In peace this Christ mas. aa lbs nia-ht- will be moonlight. Grenada has improved more in tbe Iaat twelve months than she has oeiore in tne last twelve years Bv the first of Febru a.--v 1872. we will have two good hotels convenient to railroad depots. Grenada wants a white barber: a decent one would do a decent business. Grenada needs a decent Dostofflce and poatmaetor; also a rood msiketbouse. sidewalks on Depot and Main streets, Donovan gas, and fence in the public square, plant ornamental trees snd shrubbery thereon, and isy It oil In walks; in fact, make a mlnature Court equare. At present It is used as s general stock lot for Atrtca 00 Saturdays. Well. subDO-- e I dry ud for the present If there la anything I have written that you see any aense in take it, you can have It gratis how kind of me. I hope to see you soon down our way, will try to trest you right, give you norroik oysters, not JdailDy's. x ours to count on, WAGNER. Just Arrived. A large stock of the new fltty dollar Wi.son sewing maoninea, at gag Main street. Miss., repre work Just opened, a new assortment of ladies shawls; alao, black velvet and cloth cloaks, which are offered at extra low prices, BOUIHEKN r ALAoo, No. 83a Main street. "Neuril" ts the great anlldom for nen raigia. American Driven Wells at Browne A Browne's, SIS Second street. ilGO AND REGIS IKK. ANOTHER INDORSEMENT. There was a curlou. Incident the other day at the Louisiana State fair. A bridal nartv went to examine Buck's Brilliant gtova. Deal ring to ahow the bride what hi stove could do, the ex bibilor put In It three and a half pounds of wood, ana witn mis rEea sn eignt pound loaf of bread In forty-tbr- a mm ate. Tbe stove was Immediately pur obased as a bridal present. Brides, or la- - l.es lcnirer married she u Id go at once t Risk A Johnson's, 306 Main street, and secure one ui tneae biesaiugs to a family, NOTICE My health being Buffloiantly restored, I will resume tbe duties of my offlcs ou . . Ta a a itsi asonaay, ueccmoer 1, n. JAM KS G. MOFFATT. Coroner Shelby oounty 8lATbUCCES. Selling furs at extra low prices, and the - - anal bast assorted sleek in iheo tv. i Dollars sod mutts from tl 75 to flOO at tne Southern palace ra ..a U J r 1.' . J . ta aa. aa. av. . ... , No. 12 Main street. ATK.HD THIS GRAND BTjrraosITlON OF REAL LACEbV ,1'lilUI"- - AT KMla B Articles, LoitDOB toeaaluAMJAaef sndTuUet at KLLrOTT A R.'DGELT.TBMBlnjjtreet, " NktJBIL ' Immediately relieves and per- manently cures neuralgia. AMUSEMENTS. Katies is going to California, where she will give aerlsa of oonoertt, occupying ner me whole winter. The San Francisco Call ssya tloketa for bar flrst concert In that city are selling are more rapidly than her agent naa imagined possiDie. BAIL Banner lods-- s No. 147 of the Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows give their first anniversary ball on Monday evening, at the Memphis Club hall. Tlok- eta two dollars, lo be bad of the commit tees. This will be one of the most re- cherche affairs of tbe seaaon. " Mrs. Evsweia . t. doing well st ths Academy ot Music, New Orleans, The Picayune aaya truly. There la a spell about Mrs. Bowers' act ing that faolnates our people. None ren- der sooner their hearty tribute to true genlns. The magnetism of her wonder ful acting in vesta any character that sbe plays with an Interest that la quite ab sorbing." Ills banded aad Be. engaged. The Worrell troupe disbanded In Savan nah Iaat Saturday night. Sophie and Irene Worrell returned to New York Jenny Worrell, tbe star of the troupe, Harry Jackson, tbe comedian, ana toe Leon Brothers, msde an engagement with Manager John Templeton. and are now playing In Charleaton with Templeton'a old company. Mrs. Woollen Arrived In the city Iaat nlgbt and will ap- pear on Monday nlgbt, when ahe will no doubt present a programme mat win enaoie ner to give me lovers or music in Memphis a teat 01 her great merit aa an artiste. Webil, the pianist, Bowler, the tenor, sad Ferrsntl, the bari tone, will assist to the beat of their abil ity. There are aome good seats yet to be uaa. Punch la tbe Sreeaa Tbe provincial green-roo- Polonins "Well, in my 'Amlet dsya I used to read it 'a 'awk from a 'andsawr,' and I think that'a correct." Hamlet "What do p antes know of hand-eawa- ? I thawt, from yer Polonias. ve forgot me fast thai uawmlet waa a prancs i never do. Wbat do you tblnd should be the reading. Mr. Hicks?" First Grave-Digg- "Don't know, and don't care. Never liked the pie e. It's pernicious alow. And wbat comic business there is ooines on so late that the 'ouse la tired." Tile On Mnndav and Tuepuiav nlo-ht- it was " house to let." On Wednesday the j sps" commenced an engagement that was fiercely contested by tbe most in c ement weather the oldest Inhabitant in Memphis can rememojr, not yltbeiand- - lug which tbey were wen sustained Thanksgiving day, with its matinee and nlgbt performance, waa rich in receipts. On Friday they had a paying-hous- snd Saturday was almost aa good. On the whole, tne "jape" nave no reason to complain of Memphis, lbey have lined ibeir pockets, Increased their fame, snd made many additional friends. They go to New Orleans, where they will play an engagement 01 two weeks. aVaoat and Alexia. Tbe young Russian prince whole just now turning the heads of tbe silly fashion abieaof New York city, attended the Academy ot Music on Monday Iaat, where an extra performance was given In hla honor. The opera selected was "Faust. with the glorious Niisaon for Afarimsrite. The Jenkinses ol the several great dallies of New York were enraptured with the Duke's performance, in what they snob bishly term the " royal " dox, and could cot spare a word of commendation for the more royal amger woo entranced her au dlenoe, and upneld her lame aa a true queen ot song. Tate Markbam a i'nllnre. Pauline MarkLam's debut in legitimate drama calls forth from the Hartford Courant the following remarks: "The plsy presented by Pauline Marklutui and a supporting company Iaat night waa, we suppose, intended to be a drama of the serious older, but no tares ever furnished more food lor mirth. Pauline Markham herself is not a good actress, and evidently lacks the ability to become ens, A pretty lacs and flue dresses are not all that Is necessary to success In the dramatic art. If Miss Markham did not find this out Iaat nlgbt, she will when ahe faces leas lenient audlenoea." Mlaa Csombs, who is playing at the St. Charles Theater, New Orleans, with an ex- oellent company, reoently appeared in the ' Wife's Secret," the repre- sentation of which drew forth the unqual- ified commendation of the Crescent city papers. The Picayune, always good au- thority, aaya: 'The'Lidy Eveline' ot Miss Coombs (the wife; waa the oentra! figure of the drama. It waa, indeed, ex quialie in its flalahed elegance, and none who heard hers render it will fail of due tribute to her genius. Gentle mannered, tender and full of grace, bar ' Lady Eve-lin- n' seemed a living reality instead of the counterfeited lancy of an artlat." Mrs. Oalea a Mobile, Mrs. Oatea la delighting the people of Mobile. She appeared there In "Little Faust'- recently to an andienoe that seemed heartily amused and pleased. Tbe it gistersaya: "Mrs Oates wss herself in all her vivacity, elasticity and charming abandon, though we must confess to in- disposition to ass ao bewitching s little wolnnri transformed into the aemblance oi Satan, though a devilish pretty little devil did she make. Aa Arab, a waif, the serv- ant of Marguerite, sbe appeared to much greater advantage, tbe, characters auiiing her style much better than Mephlsto, which was rendered, however, in her usua. excellent and graceful manner. She was rapturously applauded." Baatley. The following, from a brief account oi Mr. Santley's life, whlob has recently been prepared, will prove interesting, as showing ihe esteem in whioh this gentle- man, said to be tbe first among living barltot es, la bald ; " Ths company hsa no w sung in most of tbe large cities of tbe Uni n, and everywhere it has received the unqualified praise of the mualcal press, Mr. Sautley being especially recoguiz.-- ss tbe best exsmple of pure vocal art that England haa aant to this country. Vari- ous attempts have been made to secure bis servioes In opera, his n his- trionic powers rendering such an acquisi- tion desirable to the lmpreasario, but his engagement with Mr, Dolby would Rot permit such aaarrangemen'.." Matilda Heron, The St, Louis Democrat of the 28 1 Inst, says: "'Once an actor, always an actor,' George Sand ssys of tbe return of a Bohe- mian of the theater to private life, that ennui assails him, ths mind fills wLh phantoms ot the past, and in the evening, when be was wont to see the footlights rise to illUL lnate his face, he fancies he la nailed alive in his coffin. There are many-thing- which com blue to thrust tbe retired actor back to aeek the excitement to be found nowhere else than on the stage. Often the return la rarely successful. Matilda Heron was once a bright light among the stars St. Louis waa proud to honor. What she baa passed through since then, few can appreciate, and it is no part of our purpose to review it But it Is, nevertheless, pitiful to think 01 the first evening of her reappearanoa. Much that seemed strange then waa due to tbe unfortunate plsy still more was due to tbe nervous excitement natu- rally following a long absence. "Cainille" waa placed upon the boards last evening. There are many potest reasons why this should not hsve been selected. Yet it wss alao thought that in what was onoe her strong character, she might overcome the effecta of the Injudi- cious "Naomi," She succeeded to a cer- tain extent, and her part was as well per- formed as ahe la capable of performing it. Her voice is sadly impaired, yet here and t here the old tones were recognised, and enthusiastic applause. "Oamille" waa a vast Improvement on "Naemi," and along with much that was lndiSerent there were occasional flashes of genius We failed to observe anything ridiculous, anything strange in the actress, anything which might not be rationally accounted for. Aba was three tlmea called before the curtain, and bora herself In a lady- like aad creditable manner." BaW Leon's MOW Play. Of "Paris, or the Days of the Oom-muns- by T. O. De Leon, formerly man- aging editor of tbe Mobile Register, pro- duced at tie Grand opera-hous- e of New Yurk, on Monday night, the Tribune says: "Tbe piece Is comprised in a prologue and three acta. The time of the prologue Is 13o2; that of the la IS7&-7- 1. Nine persons aot in the former, and sixteen in the latter. The hero Is an American. The play will be presented In ten scenes painted by J. S. Schell, G. W. Dayton and Mlnard Lewis from photographs of Parisian views. Among tbe places thus shown ar the park at ml Cloud ; a court- yard In the prison of La Roquette; the square in front of the Hotel de VUle; the quarries of Moutmartre; the Plaoe Vsn-dom- e, with the fallen column, and tbe Tuilerles In flamee. These minutes Indi- cate a fine pageant, oi real and memora- ble objects, together with s plenty of The story, which is highly ro- mantic and also exceedingly oomplex, denctsa a great deal of action. Among theincidenta are: a duel by moonlight, a street flgbt In Par la, and the execut on of a "putroleuse." The story deals with friends and foes In two generations, ahowlng bow a great crime was avenged and a nameless girl restored to her rightful name and station ; and upon thia thread of dramatic narrative la hang the exp- ositionby scene and action of the ter- rible days through which Parts (and therein France) has ao lately passed. The vital topio ol the Iaat French Revelation, treated In thia way. may well arrest the attention of the passing hour. The critic of the World saw this "Days ol the Com- mune" and condemns U as s sort of theat-rio- "hash," messed Into inextricable con- fusion. He says: "Mr. DeLeoo's talents are adapted rather to ibe Chinese than the English stage. Give him a thousand years to unfold a plot and his audience tbe same modern season to comprehend It, snd with mankind for his characters, and the universe for bis theme, he would bs likely to sueoeed. With anything less he will not be likely to. " Paris" Is a med- ley of mismanaged Incidents, unenliv- ened by anything but costumes and line scenery. The dlaloarne of ths pleas ta sillied stupidity and the situations are ao improbable and forced that tbe beauty of their Illumination will not redeem them." Exeunt DeLeon in the t flulgenoe snd glory of calcium lights, gauss side-light- Mtacellaneons. M'lle Schneider hss had presented to ber by sn American coxcomb a hatrcomb which cos: s000. ,80, at least, aaya tbe Paris Figiro. Joseph Barnby, tbe English composer and oratorio director, expeota to visit this country next summer, to attend the uni versal muawal luotiee aa austou, Arabella Goddard, the oelebrated Eng- lish plan lat, who will visit thm country nx. fall is one of tbe beat living expo- nents of the highest olsas of piano-fort- e music. In the compositions of Chopin and Mendelssohn, she la said to be pecu liarly felicitous. Theater drama SEESSEL SON'S Great Clearing-ou- t Sals; days longer. FROM DEOZMBBBlaT. The entire stock ot Retail Dry Goods to All A M be disposed of In that time. DRY SMH BXTMA CHEAP I Ws call special attention to our CLOAK AND SHAWL STOCK 1 Guaranteed leas than any house In ths olty. The Entire Stock Marked Extra Low, We offer thia week tba cheapest Una of FANCY GOODS Ever sold in Memphis. Oar stock of LACK 9 LESS THAN GentlemescjD search of Engtisk Ooatmg will find a splendid assortment at less than cost. Bear In mind, ON Y THIRTY DAYS LONUEM To Clear Oat out' Entire Retail Stock. A. SEESSEL t SON, 269 Main atraet, opposite Court Square. GO AND REGISTER. CHRISTMAS IS C0MIN6, And for the advent of this chiefeat of all our holidays ths indefatigable Charley Howard haa made every preparation. Hut taaty little establishment la packed with all manner of "goodies" bon bom, pure candies, and all the toothsome sugar-war- e for which bs baa so long been famed put np In elegant boxes, all ready for delivery to your lady-lov- But all this haa not distracted Mr. Howard's attention from his luncheon-room- s the favorite resort of the ladlea when on Main street shop- ping. Delicious coffee, broiled oyster-- , mince-pie- , rich cakes snd other luxuries are yet to be obtained at 278 Main street, served up Charley'a beat atyle. TO THE PUBLIC. Memphis, December 2, 1871. The Laderalgned having a fire risk In the Hartford Fire Insurance company brought suit thereon be'ore his claim be- came due, and Ltamedlately sfter the Chi-csg- Are, he then apprehending that said company might be permanently affected by the calamity will oh prostrated so many otbsr companies. But, learning that the Hartford met all Its loaasa promptly, maintaining its standard char acter for soundness, he dectms it bat jest thst he should make thia statement, and that said suit would not h tve been com menced had be then kno-t- the My claim haa been aettled. L. U BENSON Just Arrived. A large stock of the now fifty-doll- ar Wilson sewing machine at SSS Main street. MEW Mr. Leo Ehrlleh hsa this day entered Into copartnership with me In the management of lue a on hi egeru. o. lue nunawawiii insurance lOmoallT. of Milwaukee. for the Stale of Tennessee, and (he buaiuam will henceforth be conducted under the nraa name of Lso Khbi.icb A Co. JOHN R.STEBBINS, State Agent. The Memphis Gaslight company Is bow furnishing its consumer with gaa of very su- perior n.nminaMna nowar. nui surBasssd by any company In the world, which ts due In a great measure to the Naptha process. Mpuere person 1 fall to get a mllelaelory light UJf jfce to some defect or obstruction in the pesos inside toe build ng. If the quality of the aa is good In ene locality, IX sorely ahould be bureugnoai me enure city, a. no gas company can nuas. good gas for one pa, ty and poor gas for aa other. 1 1 all ooines lrom one reservoir. "N'ii hil" Is kept by all Aral rises drug gists. Apply to them for a circular. New roots made, tin rood painted, and all kinds of rood repaired, by E. C JONES, 117 Poplar street. Joe Locre, 23j Main street, has the largest assortment ol Magaslnim, Pictorial, and did- - liss In ths city. Gas Fitting, tu) Second street. mmiick to BHirri OrricE Erie Tra nbport atto n Oostpant, I November 11th, IS7L f Mr. C. H. Height Mi this dsy appointed agent of this company at Memphis T. A. LEW la, Buperlntendsnt. GO AND REGISTER TWKNTT-yiV- CR.VTS- - This ameunt will buy a bottle of Mrs. Waitcomb a syrup, the great aootbiug reinea'y for all dlaasam incident to lnianle and children. Ir you sutler from neuralgia, apply "NeurlL' December patterns of we lateral ew x ark styles just received at toe Howe sewing machine rooms, 264 Second suvsl Just Arrived. A large stock of the new fifty-doll- Wilson sewing machines, at 868 Main street. HAVANA ROVAL LOTTERY. From the New Orleans Bulletin. Ths popularity of thia old, responsible aad Judknoualy-manage- d instltuticn st ands eo high In America, ss well aa In Europe, and In fast is ao wo that we moat not feel satonlshed to ob- serve the patronage it ao deservedly con- tinues to obtain from oar population, one of the most lucky In drawing capital Brlxsa, It la. Indeed, extraordinary that out of the four last drawings which took place in Havana, tne capital prize of SIOO.oou, with many other smaller prizes, hsve been won three ttmee in our eity, aad in tbe two last oases by poor people, holding th of the lucky tloket, which entitled esoh of them to $6000 st onoe, for the small outlay of a ooupie of dollars. The $100,000 haa been gained in our city In the drawings of tba 1Mb of September, 6th of October and loth of November last. The one of ths 19th of September was drawn by Mr. Goldman, lawyer. Bare, who held half of the tloket, $60,000, and the other half by three individuals, who went themaelvee to Havana to oaah tbe same amount, $80,000. It la quite gratifying to see New Orleans so csreaaed by the blind goddess " Fur-tans- ," snd ws take pleasure in string publicity to these facts for the benefit of oar numerous readers out of the Cmsoent City, whose favored investors draw over one-thir- d of a million of dollars froMi the royal treasury in Havana in less than two montha. In the last extraordinary drawing, of April tt, 1871, the capital prise of $3gO,0T0 waa drawn by parties in Mew York, and $60,000 la New Orleans. From in formation obtained of anolii and highly respeotabls Arm In thia city, tba prise f 8100 000 hsa. been won In New Or leans iweuty-on- e times from 1866 to 1868. J- ana sum times ironiisTM opto the tenth if novemoer, 151 In tbe last two drawings the ticket! that drew the $100,000 prise wars In each case sold three day a after the drawing had taken plaoe at Havana, which ta sn Incon- testable proof that the cable is never used there to the peejndios of outaddera that play regularly la tba Havana Royal Lottery. Ladies1 kid aids lacs gaiters. Ladies' ooaaxHBi . Marie Antoinette slippers. Tbe Nil-so- slippers. With every other atyle for ladles' wear. Gentlemen 'a aiipperaln every variety. A: the champion shoe store Thoa. B. Coffey A Co., 886 Main street. Read the advertisement of the Southern Palsos. D. O. A H. M. LOE W EN STTNE, No. 882 Main atraet. GO AND REGISTER. AT Tat E OSe STOMA, 818 MAIN STREET. Raw goods arrived. A great variety In Ladle.' Underwear, Fancy tsoada, shell Boxes, Tea Beta, Liquor Beta and numer- ous otbsr artlelts. GUI and examine the good. 229 MAIN STREET, Largest stock of useful and fancy articles FOR THE HOLIDAYS. MORE GOODS FOR ONEtTOLLAR than elsewhere for tan. Foe coughs, colds, and throat disorders, use 'Brown's Bronchial Troches," having proved ihalr efficacy by a lest of many rests. HCRZOQ BRO. Are out oxasa nraors with a new advsrttaa- - wbloh, aa usual ty, prcsdncsa tbe of a HERZOG EFFORT. Strictly true, Hsrxog A Bro. mean to aell every yard of dress goods by New Year's Day, and have made prices aoeord-lngl- y. Avail yourself ol UnM opportu- nity and bay ths QBSspsst drees goods In the city. In connection with the above, HERZOG A BRO will give to each pareriasag of goods A HANDSOME PBJD8ENT, valuing from on to one hundred dollars according to the amount of goods pur chased. This enterprise of theirs is ths greatest originated hers and every one. NO LOTTERY, SO CHANCES, NO DRAWING, Is oonnsoted with tba affair. According to the amount of goods purchased ths presents vary in value. Every purchaser to ths amount of one dollar la entitled to a present, whiob la immediately delivered to ths buyer. NO HUMBUG, No ad vertiesmont anhstns Is thia new Ids ol HERZOG', Bat bona fidt affair. The tlon from now till New Yaw, ths GREAT SACRIFICES And low prioes of Goods. Call at HERZOG A BROS. frM Main street. FINE KID AND CLOTH 8H0BB, TO BS CTLoaED OCT. An elegant line of French KID SIDE-LAC- E AND BUTTON SHOES, To be dosed out at 81 CO. The are warranted. GO AND REGISTER Notiob Old Poles at Home The members of the association will meet at Hibernian halL Main street, st 1 o'clock to attend the funeral aoi luus of oar de- ceased brother. P. H. Tailey, at Wesley chapel, at 2 o'clock p.m. inn aay isundsy Decern roer sa. roe punctual attendance of each member la required. V, Li. MCLEAN. I TgHISHl. A STAUNCH HOUSE. We ask tbe attention of planters who do business in Memphis to the card of Messrs. Roaser, Izard A Co., to be found in another plaoe In thia paper. The here or tbe firm Muss is. John Van B. Iztrd, Mark W. I Bard. Frank M. Prewltt, P. J. Izard and George A Ittrd ire well-know- n for business lntegrit throughout Arkansas snd Mlmlastaa snd their patrons may rely anon every attention being paid to toeir interests. HANDSOMELY DONE Mr. Bingham, the ranownad photo- - grapner, has notinsa the st. Andrew society thst he will make them a preset of a group-pl- ot ure.em bracing avsgy megR ber of the society, as an ornameni ior mair hall. Tbe well-know- n skill of Mr. warrants us in saying that the pre will be one of value to the society, and will be highly priasd aa a testimonial ot hla good win toward the genial gentlemen who so worthily represent Aula Scotia In our city. Ladies' kid side-lac-e gaiter?, Ladlea' congress gaiters. Marie Antoinette alippsrs. The Niisaon slipper. With every other atyle for ladies wear. Gentlemen's slippers in every variety. At the champion shoe store. Thoa. & Ccfley A Co., 886 Main ate sat. rMOFKHSSOB CHAMLKM MA Organist ot St. Bridget's church, graduate of the Lelpslc conservatories of music, and late of New York loity, would respeotfully an nounceto the clUmns of Memphis that he pre pared. to receive pupils on the plane and la vocal music Classes In harmony and thoroughlbam will be formed, tap plication be made at the music stores of the city. Terrs gtu per. quarter, or 816 per.month; payable monthly. GO AND REGISTER. A. F. Davis, house and sign painter, Seoond street Orders promptly executed reason shls rates. BEMDIBtl ABM tP ATI who wish to purchase furniture. tresses and au kinos 01 oeaaing ai iuw 1 or have anv kind of uthceaterv WOrk will find It to their Interest to call oa Win. Thlston. Noa. 44 and at (Mart street, next raoinhern K.TnrejiH. He is orenared h) do any thing In his une. and guaranlsaa allsnMEtril spare-ribs- , backbones and hoc tenderloin received dally, fresh and In large quantities. at gs Jefferson street market. FCR8TENHEIM A HEX TES TS' AT BROILER AT gCBICH A rH B, SM STREET, Is an article needed In every household, so all the "gode" housewives say, aad Ills great satisfaction to roam thl ough their large establishment, attended by Mr. Q. A. Wilson, whom patience never tires, snd even though a purchase Is sot made, the same genial man- ner la always there. He waa delighted ysstai day whan be received the following telegram. "New Orleans, 1, 1871 "Messrs. Rubach A Duah, Mempbia : "First premium to American and Columbian cooks to vea, after actual trial. -- W. D. C. LLOYD, Hurrah for Memphis, and susnms to our go-- ahead townsmen, Bnbsch A Dash. GO AND REGISTER. COMF For the present, and until further notice, cotton will be compressed at the Chickasaw press ICC iaici tweniy-uv- e cents per oaio. W. J. CRAWFcRD A CO. J. R. Wrat. with Menken Brothers. Call and see him 11 you want good and cheap goods. MAIN Heat, Comtobt and Economy. This you will ast by hiving your grates set with Lemon's Improvement. Can at am Bisobk street. Coax, and coke tar Aw sale at the Gas earn sany. office, 2H Bsoondsti 1st. The cheapest and best Dyeing and Cltaa lag house In the city la at XM Seoond street Hunt A Hanson's old staBd Those was are daasawm af RELIABLE and GENUINE SSON A WALK of Furs, we would advise you to call on Leldy A Co., where yon wdfAaonn their asatsnunent of Gentlemen 's Dram and Business Mats, and yourselL December For. Ahe tnat are worn ana pro-- Good Advice to Housrxriprra Do notbuyvoar blankets before you have Inapssun the vast assortment at B. Lo-- a mail alii A Bros., who offer their entire stock of blankets st gr sally red need prieaa. ; GO AND REGISTER. oar attention was attracted by a crow j in front of th-- handsome show windows of Messrs. B Lowensteln A Bros. We We soon dlaoovered the cause to be the exhibition in the window of a magnificent point laoe oversktrt. trimmed in deep a ju noes of the aame costly material, and said to re worth Ease. It is indeed a beautlfa! niece of 1 work, and ws would advise sll our lsdy mends to call and inspect It at the oor ner o! Jefferaon and Main HOLIDAY Messrs. Boyle A Chapman, No. I7VH Main street, an receiving the advance packages of their holiday goods, and no prettier display could De made than that which haa been commesoed in tola reposi tory or tne useful ana neaniimi, LOCAL NEWS. Go to Leddln's Collage. Attend Robertson'. Business College. Thoa. Cn brans, ortrrkhsyer, Ms Mai J. H. McClure. arahzmst, cor. 3d A Union Photographic Gallery, No. Zli Main street. Tbise fsaltlem asm plotasH tsr may Banes. CnrNRsa Porcelain Ware, at ELLIOTT A RIDGELY, till Main rtreet, Adaiaa. saving of grata in this oflloa. a t BS See advertisement of Be beaded Book for the Million in another column KB. near Tit Dr. MarrtaaV&iae It be. Peepaxe for weather and have year grama sat with Lemon's TliipnifwaaBt Leavs orders at smeond staaet. Wanted To parouaaa lumber for maniiiacaariaruepj-ejoaaB- . Ts pastry w ELLIOTT A 13 EL l Adams. rk. Xaphsrs, etc Main ?rrnaa, an aaasnd street. East India Curloal.les at ELLIOTT A EIDGXLY, lis Main near Adama. GO AND REGISTER OoooAurn dra the shooM walnut its street. steam street, i hair imaiillnillj a Japanese lAsqaetsd Boxes and trays, at ELLIOTT A BaDQELY, US Main street near T. W. J MHa)B at OaX, Have now a eomplata stock of ZEPHYR WOOL, EMBRc DXatED CANVAS rsLIPPXR PATTERN 8, and YARNS of every kind. OgHilts Paabody hotel. Paris Fans snd Jewelry, at ELLIOTT A JUDO ELY, 'Jul Main atraet, near Adams, Pumps, Hi Besonr. etreat. EooNeatr Take your Mil Am read by cold M6 rU the clotbicg to BEt JHoaas(Hunt A HANSON" A w'aj.mebx, Vienna Wrttinajaka, Wmk and Jaweiry Boxsa, at ELLIOTT A aUDGELY, 8M Matn as-se- aaar Ana BILK AND LACX 1ALB FANCY 3. ILEA at assets. EVENING ruXKB atfl ay. EVENING BBADEB OROS GRAIN BILES at II ST. AS AT BLACK GBOS GRAIN STLKS at 81 36. Elegant Ceehemlie and Bonnet SUks.rsduead fotntB ApBUqne Laem, from gl up. Wats Points Applique Fkjunem. POINTE D'AXENCON f .17181 Baal rutsts AsadtasM atosaa, najaa BtS W (MR Thaws asp as samstaa aloisa oa and will be sold out at a aaerinsa. noa OO AND REGISTER. GIGANTIC ENTERPRISE. LARGEST STOCK OF FANCY AMD HOLI DAY GOOD. IN Tax CITY. of OLH thing costs aonsthlng v bats. Thoae purporting to give say-thin- g awsy mast add ths price of gift on their wares. For these Insisting on prima, we have in luted tbe following at an enormous outlay. Look at the GRAND FRIZES : 1 ManstSm la ths Skim. Laurge Lota of Corn Cobs. SS Cases of ChLU. in Poor House Rd La neb Roll lee. iB OwlSla. Georgia Major's. as leUa Pallet as. In Insane Asylum. S MeSsvUa Cases, Hoist's boat, lucky I as Ti ie ners to e soapy imm.rtmtsly. Teeth, new. Bear In" mind we will sell yon for one dollar than any other two. Bi member, OF In ths nltlaa R Gibson, Donoho A SohwobACo me.nken DOLLAR STOKE, TELE8R8.BS remaining WuaflaB Union Bulkly, I PLsarnaa. j Brooks, Mealy Co, 2 C H Mayan, Mm M D HAnoock. 2 J U A W a ft mnei. P eastern Mia. Sophie h. A Co. ChaaT Curtis, VD Facha, 2 Wm Lylea, ueaj Llghtbarne, Ledyard A i A Chhumlo, i F D A Co. J U Davis A CO, a LrtleA B D Willi good MEM PHIS LIST Arthur Irwin, Pron's Paabody Brsosa. Horse Hobart ttaoo, Peny, Overton house, Karnura Mrs Mary Warck. Stewart Bros A Co, REGISTER. ft ss A E S STEAMBOATS. ARKANSAS RIVER. MtsBmor Clebu siBzant Com TW as M Aaae .D. w L C Ore F3 Da via, 1 Jesse A Forrest, Tav lor, . Henry TG WA M F Millar. J r lohnaon A Co. r arris a j A r B rapl AND Agent ArdiSU MeUaa A Oo, r c Mr- - O CM aaas Tate. GO FOB PIN B The f ThU and Life will Isava aa tth. 5 For or an ar ta dl of W. KENNXDAY, Offloe on a H. or a ,. ea Will Mi S DA T , tth at p. m. For on or to M W. U Has E, Age A For e, lie and IBS IB j. MONDAY, tth day. HBtnrdaya. LOU. LEU Yordley. tracy Levy, prasaaant, Kaoch Warnsa, PnluAm. YarasU, HoPhatadsr. ebsa Special Harnaon ASteffy, Jaltos Hrrrou, Tayior, Angus, Campbell neaay, Annie Kstehnm lna FOR BLUFF AND LITTLE ROCK. elegant l smiBgsr Past swift above MONDAY. Decamber freight passage apply board Agent, rVoJSi A Mil gg aas I Vharfboat. Ooart FOR EVAN3VILX.E. jEratrsaxxss-t7-xLl- .. Heilmaa ugUjC agssasa leavs lost., freight orpasaigs apply beard LIGHTS Senaral IaJUISVILIiE CINCINNATI, Evanavil Loulsvl Olaelaaatls- - aBBBTB BaSBBBgar H. S. Ttfraar LBBvaa ELLIOTT anaw Jagaraoi. FOR WHITE RIVER. steospbia and Whits Ml tot VmH Mall Lima. aa. at. V. W. J. gafciSs Laavm si Tltp" A V Aril laius AI.BI Ba. LkfiALTUSgR tA Mampnia Rw laaksnaasst TTJKbDAY. at. Ban. TasssbotBE Devall 'a Rind with the I USB daya and Ibarsdays; and goods will tor BRIE, Jamas. msster WALT Iar Leavm MVRMX coining or te W. M. etJBMAMuAY, Ansat, Office cm Company 'a Wharfboat.motOonrti FRIAR'rj POINT AND HElNiJte. Loaves Mempbia Mondays and Fridays, at i ran., connecting at Helena with the steamer BMoxtA for Marian aa aaa au points oo ' '"l-i- ". nvar. rya. FOB HELENA AND FRIAR'S POINt Far Ii isliril, Aaatta, . MARK R. 6ao. W. Ctoekj Will run ragnlariy, aa above, laaylng Mam anla every VCBaUAX , IMUiBUlAX aad SAT URDAY, pen etna I ly st t tratght or paeaaga, apply om board. Fir HsisMg, FrlsFa Pslst, Slatali, WkRi Bktar, Msagiggg gs8 ttw aVtsafA, The United State. Mall Packs jaMflEat A J. WHITafga. vaaavm - Will Leave phis MOMDAYS DAYS, pmnetBBliy at i paw. it Prea'tennthsra J.eksonport fUlLROAO PACKET C0MPAMY WiHts Rrrsr IjMgtStatos HsM Urn The Staamars Osag o9ai8BtfBf AMD SAlalalE V, una n saltan with ths MamahM and LiBEB) Beak Ballrsal. kawtmg Dew slit Bins every mamemp, w y am ear. ai i o'eloak Baw Rsr ism AasW A e and Jaokaew port. Avswy Tn mg.y ssnaf Frt-mm- r tor aa polnta kst tin DBVaii'ii Bing and MlBlk af waits rivsr. aao. arvsry Tsar at m o'clock a-- , and .vary nannnjf at to par i '"i nan nvar. JOHN A DAVIS. rrsaklaaL FOB A.RKAWRAH BJVnBhV I"J Tjwjrra?Bg KLAMT PISMlHSg Ml ITS OF THM Una Mmvo MwssaaBSt Bar aMpetmta on ArxBBsaa rtvar nexDAYS ass FMlMATn, an H p-- For rrwaxbi. pessnge er athsr iBBumsakm PPiy w ea vaawasiv a a w. aa. ai eiisas eiiaai . a ll Offios on Company a Wnar fboat, riot as Oaart stnst. FOB ST. FRANCIS RIVER. RaMfic 1ST. f IUBC18 atatfat T B Saeaaa master. Will ttave Mempbia lrtmin aad TMvns- - BATa, as . o a. oca uaiaa For frelhl or passBge apply on ooard.ina- - FOR NEW ORT.BANB. T wdsy aai Hew Brhsai 1HUB&DA PACKJE1. For Maw OrteM aari tka rand Freight At. a BELLE LEE Frank Hicks master I J. & Saiiivaai.. elsrk WIU leave Memphis for Row Ortaaas at luuim . . ImMT Is Thursday N wombat 18th, at Bjn Thursday Buimtbss 8th,atpm Thuradav Pun umber 1Mb. at 5 n ra Thursday Daeembar tslB, at S p.m 1 mm - Thursday Janaary Uth, at pja ZZT fekrsaripm Tborsaay reorwBry mas at a ptm Tnarsaay Kama 7th. at t pan U. MAIL COACH LINES. rsBsTo tWMSBSljll OB aulas; I - - ' ie mil six dates s weak, via tAwBowtkwrn Paetasrai road ee tnree tlmea a rross sort HaaBA. 70 mXim strath 19 saltaa aal aw miles, vl or soBttaauna eel U. RFOTtalirs iT ol mPort sRDsen; uienc dally III Bugs l ll si in l ii a Arose, le to For. SuT; BtAdaiiv .roDa BBaava fat aallaa daouag sstwmrd,y une of mlfia to BU Paas: or southward wajiy into central Tessa, ar by railroad, via Marstuail te Longvlew aad westward into Oseysral Texas: ar a ataward man Luiaglfa, via Maaiavih. n. .s.vaaota. a miles, on Texas Oaaural Rau.roxi. tnsBven- - i sxe sy IMDIAAOLA I sag I is m at the band of to vai was rail- - iwmpwwniaua, ana raa la batlar atyle rver before, and n SAWTag Sk FieAvLAA, PH BLUFF BHAftCH Menahis Little Rock R. A Cf , ay Books xra bow open for sasssrtpttan to ths aapilal slock ol uaa b .3 Bcaacnof tba Mempbia and Little eoek Ha. ..om- - paay.at uaa lo.io.i.s pis ear urn .e of P. wraoa, rTnaRlan; rule-- , of D.F.SLaw. Little amatol B. o. U.iama,l.aL't o.uff; ef uiSDaat. No 17 Jetfara u orao Mar mparts, T.an. Tne axuipa.y agree uaas Arkansas wild mad atitu p,.oa, anu leaue fall SBld-B- a to R .a a. A o... sensed aanue lat J .naa u-a-, will be sa mriuwa hub .or are jaara. and 'n. loss paay gave tne pany .au , : ng i. upturn of any Ibr nail una lands am.fr ipso ai ths asu prut, wutls Ufa lean. Ina. 1 paatof the mala lias lo Bnreveport acu i o Kin, wnare oosnecuon win oe uaaua W1LO ma rxriru. BlABj agsnts sn Pastas Ban mail taanttall lBiormatlon furniaaed by Land Mmm t weak oatcB, . ll good 4 r- L WILLIAMS. J .or com Ban v. A. t. . CcR AgeaU Btrast. jtoa.iuis. lean us Litits Rank 8. K. Co. MratafB agile la Csatracisrt, 1' H E cos tram aor Be i id log ne am twenty-Bv- a Jbs Bailee of ina r.ae o.ull giai.t. iram tevai. a blaff, baa beam . aa-Uo-U u Mcuavoek. Vsnm A lb. Bids W4a4 ba ssamsaa. "- - of this Company at Lt.tls iLcx, Ark, o .w.a.y ow; aays tor balluigg a -a, , , . laaaiy-av- e misca, tne w.rk to coo. .. e. puling, OBlidlag piss TittI-- . taiawAlir .lOaMiaa and .ay lag track. A. b. a I r.a.M . maipnm, sty, xt. lavL Ovu'i aap'L MaaVUSSl 4 Teiii.c4vy8 ti. R. OTT aTa TkJCAt! Oa W. WVUIdEB I3!ii, iS7i. i tJg aad attrnMOMiiAY, November 18,1x71, J trains run ss miiows : LaavA Arritt stswOTlanaa Mali iaai. at p.m. Bxplaw 4. la pan. : SJ xan. Fi eight daily .excel i Banaay) tJbaaa. mis. anu Port JAB. 1 . ... . Mi L NEW FRtlCHT KOUTE AND OOttOn jSaXpXOgaVnBZ pads to sew Mbsibw, Paxlw dalnhla. Elnli Inas.re amd Mew tea. VIA CHARLESTON. rap HIS rents (as favorably known oe fare tba X war) anatn a aawi anas, ana es asm am aawaatages to sn.npeis low rates, so transfer tsr' m . i,o Ulisilssliin XMs aoade Ui mitral nave asset a rirtair nasasox ol cais Memphis aad Charlsaton Sot toe aat oe bmo exeiuaivej ior eaapp og a ihsa cars run on a reguar Caoutasu -- .Caeda to caatdeaum. Timer rui . : snip- - para are resuaatad to tavartnJanns wnaia trial. T.IA fUsU-ia- , Aae.t not. ... jaeln a.reeL Menpbis and Loubviiia WINTER SCHEOOlc. 13, frain lsavm.Uay EarpnwB, " Msw YuA 8rown.vU.s sooommoaaUon t cart rot and j.as. train. The 1 .13 pai at d io run on Son day. j. noli Utaphis and Caafiesun fi. R. CHANGE OF TIME. DsXeraxxct m-- Itov. TL Mail train. Through way I37L aleentn. lau--- . EUnie, tl. and ois aot IJSt a.m. Ida p.m. i io St. AU, nirArrsi U.:l. Jll:4 put srro am. SraS lattch'd :a pan. am C ia A uaa rON. rsup t NOTIC a MAYOR'S OFFICE, CITY HALL, 2, M7L j in soaoi mai.ee w lan tne pro i oon.. o i oaet.on 7i of ths en y Charter, r e .. pexsonshtve been appotuteo and ei oy the Boars of Alder luc- - a saaiiisakri, for the of carry mg aa.u rt.u.B execu Uob. i wlai be alias usmad balow, on t , ine J7ia 11 o'cictk m , Bad ieaa.1. o.eu until men time wul ceaae. tit Beis will latiensttse that ail .rl.ia vote thss ma. ieiasal aseei.ou are ba reglsasrsd tue ward Wuion rea.de. oertiSeates hereto. are asu, wr.l aot ba JtiitN Owen Dairy, Rat ta.tr. r IBM Ba, roast Annrvss: y.ax litlaaan UXlajn ; Tenn., Nov-mo- er nnrmed purpose into heir opened u ai a parties a- so at uu..rid to In in r.ey o re BBVaBUEa r . c o -- First Ward. OSes. a Front, P. Tn Wigmtta. Octaa, Mo. a Pop. Iar, sornar Basoud, P. OfsVrey Mo. lag Sseoua ggisat. aaraar st a asnlostoB. John C Offloe. No. escona .treat. .ten; ostem rtftkl WauraL A N. Rsgls - r. OMee, No. EM dassaal antasg, earser ol Union. Baxtn Want. Jamas c nlee. No. MB Main timet, earner af A, A Tngaans. Resit lar. Offlm, No. Ut Boale sUast, mock. D. Pants, Register. Offloe, No. rt street, lhe J. D. Dan bury. Ontco, corner of Fourth and , Tmlk Ward. Mlcbaal Dea. efflea, earner of Mean and .tree i. aiil or Uiacon yanienoe of the el:!aans ,iv!ng in it. i sstsrn of tare ward, bit offlce will beat Sriioa horn the l.tk 1 seam hag aa aatardsy. the lath Inc. uai v a aoaB M Ink, NaanviUe tratght. MerNna DetemlH. roal.lrallon Riaaisiav Mayor. wiBWtnl, Thomas Adams, Register. Laniar, Register. DrosBhar, BssJu, BegUler. PoaBstsa. Poplar opposite Market. BigMlsr. Auction. BsgBrter Caihoun Monday, N0TICL RhlPHIB CITY FTRX AGENT. INS. CO., ampaiia, ap. rwfauioar, isti. Tata Annaal Oonvaatloa of tt. Stockhold- ers of this company wtli be held at Lhe offlce ot taw eosBpany, So. 18 Madlaon atraet. on MONDAY, the tth Daeembar, I87L at whieh lhara will be an election for seven Directors, a President, nt and Cashier. nM F. W. SMITH. CssLlar. Tka Medical Oouble Chamber. ally invented. Is high- - Been sn a rr.ao. 1 oy is g tWB PUL.at Bi exam toe bub tenia asaeraleiy . by w ui ah he gaiaa a knowledge of disease, una tamable by the aao at taeelagle or oommua caamtwr. with ana iIMaatrawa In a mixea .Lata. AaVJL AMEUT TM AT a Tha --- a. c. a Bhysiclan ot one's ( may oe aa aaagaiutm wm tew wwbbbs nwaii. 1Tb Llfg VaLU A in tba aick roam Is in Tamable IktUlotmni year In daSnlag yoaur dlssaas, oy wm.bywar tlfa sty taste the piece af the eosno.on r. Tarsals oy LLOYD, t LA rut aa CO. asg Ed stain atrest. RW LES AH j SALE. L TS on Prstton - lace BUILDING extended, lot lease .or ten rears, at sow rent Desirable lea. oa Court street extended, tot EaOTBTklB, TKfcZRV AMT A CO. LAVIU O PBk.-r.-- AM COJhSCLT MADAM GRAFF, Tan aaadm ful Sa r and tha la as aavaaan anamntar at tna aovantn aaaan. Im she ai ki mai n lnl n II in 'T ll nm TRAL HOTnX. lor a few cays only: saw gtvsa advise va all bualnem mattara; lel.s nawto nunim last or stoicn pio, ano , tUa af lovars, and oven taua toe name of the per-- ywB are so mmrry. fwa.lt AU .cUBTB rrompuy wj loataanag stamp. an.n a pan. Bam S.T. ' Ws own s and store made on IMg W. TATLOR, Ford, Porter 4 Co., WHOLESALE 8H0CERS COTTON FACTORS AMO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ha. 35 (Mm Sinwt, MJeMPHIS, MsvtMhr Shed, advaaraa u of METROPOLITAN HOTEL, XsltRle Feooit. axrfav. THE MetropoUtaa Ho .1 haviBgbvtn too, renovated, aad tea anto I oos msda Ml boddirg. .oruiior., etc . ihe aoaas at aow osan, and win be condui.sd o.t tha EUROPE AN PLAN. will be maxiero.rr.eot lr THE RESTAURANT Will ba eondamaai oy Mr Jr ru ter, ansa. nsneneed oawrer.waoha- - red' ted end placed pgax-a- to MiarT K.am3raTJJ,g TBI 8 awfaVT Bp aWia n.m P.

The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1871-12-03 [p ]. · Er iboU 'air rau rouuui.iag alLUgmtotibaa IS mart m iMiiU iocc wliti flns :eciHii oi frnu tttw, wJl-Kardenor. a--noi J.J

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Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1871-12-03 [p ]. · Er iboU 'air rau rouuui.iag alLUgmtotibaa IS mart m iMiiU iocc wliti flns :eciHii oi frnu tttw, wJl-Kardenor. a--noi J.J



' 1 aiBA MOITI.TO",.wkru a o okeaiemt


HJBII1"? VEMSB, DBC. ITS,At o'osoek. o" wblcb oooMilon


dlunfOi. i m Karon ii1TmZw Art i7ie.es for nsr1 WW! lH eXQUlAll. SnltBrS, SUd after

btrrS"ir brilliant TFJrPHB,.H)OT) c!odd1 lie crlnolpAl clues

ed" toe levorll Tenor.mm wv nu ant l e ren wort Baritone, endare' JMkB WWU. tbe UHt PtollL

, VTX Drees

!an. " PI- -u . lJ,D.Tm'om a.e -- d at -- U the MoaivoB oonoeru.

A i'H ZZ 1LA, BuBineee MUMIir.Orders' seem fiem surrounalrg pleee.

ma, b"..nl b, mall - r telegraph, enu theyW. llbfC. ie'tt.1 IIMi1!;


MAJCSKM LOD1. So. 17, 1. O. O. T.,





Gentleman and Ladlm 83 03.

a- - Ticket! can be procured BOT. Prss- -

Ml Co 1 ... BroB, W. n..n r w J r .r sort A Co HMBBl

nfHee and f om in. Lomn.lt tee of Ar

rane enia-- W. B.. Moyeton.T. B

X ntJaak.




Tiuri CANNON obidlenes the, o n--e c i vTmnounce blme-l- f ee cn-ia-

ter, t c. ei.u.ag mamcij.I OK FLYNN 'r" .iTKi V1di,1 d.t. lor


For oai;

mun.t-ip- election S si . in -


in to-''

C. DOLLId announces ni-- e''

Hfc.MiY (or W narmser at thela, mnnlcipel election, January . I7-- ;

announcea hirnaell a can

i "o I'leTo? h. iruaaurral the


i OIRL-- To do tiooaeworrk lor asmall faaaUT MO:,Bt BrRKBT,

.ERVA'T-- A good female hooat aarvaaV) at gl beoocd etreet.

.ETC. r.rfgn'. '"i" IX?''- tn ana tei i b

"HMoniM't e. ApPl ailh...r laknn or T

not WM UARU1M.




La- -

.nil omeeItSMton .treeU

i .u-- Mind

S ior circular to "igo Painien lae"'tety Wet eireet Cincinnati. Ohio.

. tot, of Sj iet front; prioe not ioLOT- - Vi ewii. Aouree.

uo LOT. Appeal offlge.

E"--f F To porchacAaecond-riabdSt- .II; ancti bar room Ueaoae, at ' Front

0RiKR-C- an icscmitoaate iw -i--

OaJJ at 0


U u

room, arc umwk' aireet. no-- '

PCMP(-ETijbo- dj to eall at M.

CHAlS .io.81 VtkAOhATe tbell chla-pn- i made andrepaliea

rej' a nouaeHOLjefc-T- o

a to' " feaoody -- otelar.ee. a

kXXJD-HA- l Furaltara, Feather,onaeuod fSjJSgL



LAM- -i iLeeaUtecfSam.land,

Hi poh.lcrocth Court .triatialS

LuMiKuAY. Lectmier MMoaah;

,w..v.monthA Executor.

Main atraet.c



elm etc or tlxDm linen Ad- -


S I ol "(S eoou street- -

I WMU, Roci. Ark. to A

i acrea of on Kerrpert of ance. de---

all at aale. oa cornir Min and m.U 6, 171. tfH-- a nt-- f srOi In alk anu

K.C LK Y MI o: launa.


ce ortS


Ha. rue

tjl z Ktit. A Are room cottage. No. at(i Allen ' tor ltOi-l- ceu ateMX every ..k moaUm. at o. Avera' reel noil

A Lip tot, centiaLy located, andLOT in I, . buAinaM part o: town, it.;.u.p.ec for a large cotton hd aaH leeiroat Ma wul be .old on lu )"ume or wul be leaaed lor lit ara. and MJ

pay fir . i cotton abed at tn end of toelor! u ton 1. rnade. Apply to

a EldVAiX, k.7 Main atreei.i fort acxaa, wcat of th. FrLHI-Ai- enorth o: tua At and c. R. 1L,

wi . cm -- olo on io run' time, or will be leaaetlorl je . Apply W J. A. BTO ALL.










t,.L In K.Ty Yard, tear uoe'irao a

wo L tW cord, dry aah wood ini tie. to ulibnjein. JOI D N A i O.

I uli ANTaTiON About Uu aerc-- Ui

eie-.rt- ; reeldenoe. ooHwoma.if ei, ar Loonia. iemba eouaiy.

I , , . lBjj prote O ueLim eiBiouv aopii io w. w. w

No. L Union elre.l.

ooroa o

a ba.f coiiaravj Yard.


roODl -- WooDI-Two hondreda:Cl UiOCK., afc m

per at our mm i


On atret, northwaat ooruerLot Wet. lu.ion.ircet a bargain. Inquireoo ;Lr pramler- - or at thl. oflloa. n





KBlDKJICE Leeiraole residence, 834 J.treet. Apply on premiae. iioAo

tLACE At ft bttrg&in. Henry.ic'j'l, alLUgmtoti

Er iboU 'air rau rouuui.iag baa ISmart m iMiiU iocc wliti flns :eciHiioi frnu tttw, wJl - Kardenor. a--

noi J.J JESV, l" Baalen of laa-l.-

LvMJ-LaN- I-rrom good lnd aniiaole

fur larmiug or garden iLg parpoaf a; wili baiii u, lota to --.U.' puretiaMrs Aplj to

C r'r. r.K Woite'a fiauon,notS ir.ph:- ar:d Ciiariaatoo K R


II.'-t a, -. aua i.. rfa.deaoas in

iy cotHa y , ai uaiaxl & ibe auaib aide ofu alret eziided KiauwB a ina Coli piace, recently owned and uplrl

tiro: ; ... i.eq For -i etc, appl- iuiAiue: haif do4







real, .ol o: o.oiea arrived i.t: .go , a good iot of n.c.ea and bona, onai an umea, ai r aaawaai J "



. oi.ud .treet. or.

us WAnct atraet, on time AppijIa.r a-- tKOHWIi D.XQN


OOM A urn .bad ,ng r om lor l

geiilieaiar e', ! Htnaoij aueeiu iia

ICt B A pair o! c; oloe ffiou.; a ao, aOFkli.gie office on aame fljor. .it u. led onoormr M.dieoc and r r .ii .ai.. imm..

"ver the bulking H maeoi 1 B. Moi-Jo- y

To eoed aud pe. luanent tenant, tnaywill t ranted eow. The atairwaybeen lat" I widened, toey are without doubtthe ta ea in the city for location, ligut,

Union .IreeU uu. A ppi 'l)h.CK Xy reeldanea, with flee orRjt acrea or will rent It for tbenakt

year tat tillfe eitatlen).Ala baautiful vacant LOTH for

aaie. ai d -- everal tra-- u or LAM u, oo at . andL. Ratioad. oo ong i.me oo improved).

tnjBt ELI .taYfitKFive mile, from Men. Ms,

Kthll'ISSCiC oo Kooal road a fl aaconlaiAiag It room.,a new ciatern and

floe we1 ' atr on toe place, end all necee-aa-

a, a fine rich garden or ISAcre S aciea o. ties Wnd. o acrea la or-

chard, lu good be'rltg cnodlllon Apo y toT J PROP-HIT- .

note ISO aa7, Main atraet. MempbUFLANTiTtOW-Aapieu- gld cotton

CiOlTuN 6 ml el of oop.fleki.onthe i.i mpc. anC Lt lie Book R-- K., near

We. o : .n; 10J aerea .pen: Voleiai.lya"d noiue an j a dilva wen that afiaeua7b.no.nl a ipply o feiud por haallny w.ui

sii oi..; trt' .ce in the tract 600 o:d0w eo.ua w'tli take Ike rant oat la im--

v menu on the i lace, and grtH Py oi ailLkOd opened and put In cultivation. Will

aaor one or mo- - yeara wga io

A. ALU ftComer of Main and aeorox

uooar feu. body Hotel, rent.Ami - to R.C BHiivkUaaY,'iU J Kfc Madiaou n el.

m at. - v ti ..r.a--rti Coerrv Plaea." onhai barn avenue, alao. a email OOT1 AOJC

lite acre, a lacueK.L OI. sa.e, WI O







go- -


reaidenea Dr..v.td.ir.iDL.nu

H ue baa largeail i iwe.

1 to J . TAVLOA.Wo. 7 Mad-eo- a at.

Bu .aJ 'R- - Alatamatrael.tronltu MillK T. ma.nny d.ulaia par month;wa with appioved ladoreer.rt i,t 1 i.HNBOW. U Jagaraonatreet.



ItlCal H-t ipuai kia. won


li. aa.inw,

11 Luiou btreeL

o. ropiaieueeta. eigbt


a Realdaseail Main.

o u.rnando .treat: aavaocoen etc; loi mu oy mm ije

IBr m.uranoa uibiwiofflc t nmlen' inaurano. building. Jiaoi

"eon .L ee. , .a ,. mfi .nan'., and convenient

f 1 deei'lAg house, on Jaokeou atrial, ba- -

iwte CO. 'iiuii -T . . . .. n,.n..vuii ah..ne K, , , K rtt r v . . "

P ac-e- . fl gardaa land, wltk a i.ooibeiflTTe P. .'t ireee aliaedy bearing. . Can-fr-

A va nr n be Hoi yford Road, aboatla mile. n.oiLoara :rx.DiD LuOAT.oa roa a Vaowra.ua

ea auaa .

To. god. rtwpon.lbie gardener It will baat a vera aa. r rr-- -

eueec Apply to! m FroclSIORAV-IH-

O.mtEe-X- L. A BOB.

m Malo l -

. o Tan mlnuiae walk float. waUx.k. clriern. ...1. ftaUai

. k.wl three aarea. va.?7,r , . ao border Applyw. ;o..l.. MalB


P.vi. old -- land TtlShouaeJLL? ran and larol.hed.aodgiMe uorlDl,.oOQae.

Bjg da, 1Jfif4mE Tmyti-y- m.

narrniKO OeMraHe rooms, front andiBlabed ana unfrr with

r.uou. wtin a

Jjr t.i.T, ores'



ml board,Monroe meet.

G- By



to Minor Me lo a

aa UI II IMS paai - I I'lkl BU C I, tI

newy ,ng b,


ad byap-- ldei


reaaouAbla rate.

Mrs. lions F. Hill, at itBi

aa xsrma man aula. Apply sk



WATCH --Oa rn& .y morning, lrtT Deoember, between Alaban-- a and Court

umL a lady', cold watoh. The Under willly rewarded by briaamg it to the

rJcreVry ofthe Board of Ldaoallon, U OddFeliowa HalL

i OBt On the XOLh day olBUFFALO baaala aaaa.fr am a eleigb.the boot, of U and k. The Oncer will

be liberally rewarded by leaving earn, atBKUttMAN H ALL'S sTABLlt.

d Bo h Union "treet.


I WLLLNti WithU BaaaavanoA Apnif tobbi p. A-- Ai. ta fchallrv atreat.

Tk editor, of the APPkAL daaUaa to be-

come responsible lor the return ol mannacrlplflejaated tor pubUoaUon.


Purauaat to a call, numeroualy alsned,

a Man Meatlnc of the Damocracy of

Memphis will ba held in the Greenlaw

Operahouae on Saturday, Deoember Otb,

tor the purpoae ol nominating candidate

tor mayor and other municipal omeea.



The general council ffi.ee la again nextWednaaday.

Yeatardav waa ooneidared a disagreeable day by all that were oat door.

Tenneeaee bonda oloaad In New xorkyeaterday at fl667kc for new and old.

Tbe docket at the Adama aireet atauonhooae waa clean np to dark yealerday.

The anow had very little efleot on outrallroada. In a taw iuaUncea traine were

other mlahap taslicbtly retarded; boThey are now working in regu

iar order.avtriaw. If. RaDDert. onaof the pi

oneer oitiaena of Memphis, after a life of

oraai nufalnsn. which he enjoyed, dieoat bis realdenoe on Poplar street, regret ledby all who knew htm,

Coroner Moffatt arrived In the city.eat night irooa Texas, via Mew Orleans,(creatiy Improved In health. It will beaeen lrom a notice published elsewnere(kjBt be will resume his dune on monaay.

Tbe raglatrara of the city gave out a

raat nnrnhu of TOtlns napers In theirseveral wards yeeterday. lhe flrst WAtila aii.i ahead In her raarUiered vrters.Tke offioes will be oloaad by tbe twentiethof this month.

The following Is the report ol bnsineedone at oar poetomee fluxing tne paaimonth: Number 01 lettera aeiiverou110 278 ; local letters delivered, 7M7;inewspspers etc. delivered, 27.S76; letters; oeilected. 7L262.

The folio wins iarors of the Unitedsteles courts were flood ten dollars y aeter- -

dsy lor DV Jaage atujk;Louis Haneuer, Q. J. Pal knar, H. 8.Brandon, John Miller, D. Pord, M. E.Ooohran, WiUiaaa L. Dann.

ar. J. TnmfcnlL of the firm of EUrqnhart A Oo., who arrived from LittleRock last night, r porta tnat the train

HirnhaH at Iwvalls Hluff Friday, andtbe paaaengera bad to remain there fori wenty-fou- r hoars, until tbe n xt passenger train eawr eiong vo waa uiom .

Tne recent snow-ator- has developedhe eftV iency of the snow-plo- patenieu

by Ootonel Alexander. This plough tookthe flrat nreoiiam at the St. Louis fair,and although tbe one uaed ao aatiafac-toril-

here was an impromptu "get up, li"snawered every purpoae, and from tbe report of Mr. Clark; it gave entire sails fac- -

NVLast nlgbt while a great crowd was

at Mayor Johnson's residence,'.Dree ohsera were given witn a will for theAppkAL and Ledger. The reason givonwas that tbeae two journals had seenproper to consult the heat interests of tbepeople of this city, and hoiai the name olJohn Johnson aa that of a proper oandi--iat- e

for the mayoralty.About three hundred people aasemblexl

iaat right ss tbe residence of Msyor J innJohnaon. The Mayor was called on for aspeech. He and Colonel J. P. Adsuvaddressed the crowd, and both wereloudly applauded. The people than weulinto a ward meeting, at Billy Klngdon's,corner of Jenwra n and feeoond aireola. A

resolution was offered declaring that thepeople were oppoaed to tbe holding of aconvention. It we cietermlDed by a voteof about two hundred and fifty againstsix, that this ward would have no able-gates In the ring-taile- d and speckledconvention. The orowd then dlaperaedwith buzzss for John Johnson.

Several old citizens hive been sweptt fl by the relentless band of death reoently. Mr. J. P. Greene, for a long timeconnected with the cotton and groceryhouse of J. J. Steel A Brothers, at thelorner of Poplar street snd Front row,died on Wednesday, after a abort

illness, and was buried la Cal-

vary cemetery on Friday. Mr. Greenewas a native of Ireland, a land which beloved all tbe days of bis life, and towhich he paid aome pleasant visiia d brink,later yeara. He was an alderman of Mem-

phis in times that were stirring and proa

i.erous H- - waa remsrkasle for bis q aietand mode-- t alspoeluon, and had a widecircle of .

One day recently a printer went toPreerd r. Tate, of the Little Rock rail-

road. He was a little modest, moreover,be had heard that Bam Tate was a greatouslneaa man, and must therefore be aLorrible eon of person. ' Mr. Tate, I be-

lieve," Inairaated typo. "Tea, what dowant T" " I ahould like to get a pass toLittle Rook." "On wbat grounds do ooark for a paseT" Inquired the president ita rather 10114 voice. " On tbe groundsir," answered typo, "that I don't wan!to pay my fare' Mr. Tats, without aword, turned to his desk, wrote a passand handed It to the youth. "Thank yon.sir; I am Indebted to you," grstslolly

ushed forth typo "Don't thank me,young man," gmffly Interposed the rail-road colossus, " I'm "d d glad to accom-

modate vou: you are tbe flrst person I'veever known to aak for a pass on the proper.rounds."

-- Waggener, at 817 Main street, la espaciaily and beyond all question t- -t

merchant tailor who can aatiafy gentle-men of tests. Thoae who do not patron-D-

him, who have failed to goto Waggo-ner's clothing emporium, to get their newBulla of clothes, feel unpleasantly ocn-- emus of not being of the mode, and realia, the utter usalsasnsas of pretendingthey are in love with any girl who hasartistic senae enough to wlh her beau t.be "the glass of fashion and tbe mold ofform." Header, dou' 1 any longer be ofthis category. Go to Waggener a, at S17XMain street, and order a suit at onoe. Toaustaln your own t, yon mastbe Oo and see Waggenerabout It. Ha will Introduce you to Pel-Iow- a,

one of the beat euttera In the af leais-slp-

Valley, who will make It all right.We learn from a Mempuian who as

.lsted at the mill near New Orleans, thatIt waa the moat diabolically pretty pieceof aavsgery that hae occurred la twentyyears. The orowd of spectators wss, with-out a amgie exoei-tUin- , the worst-looki- ng

set of roughs on the faoe of the earth.There was more slang uaed than wouldsuffice for the "fast" paper of Memphisfor three months. The plaoe aeiected wass swamp, overgrown with pine wood, andquite swampy. The rain poured down Ininoesa.nl torrents lrom beginning to endof the tight. The "ring" waa worse thana pig pen, covered over with mud aablack as one ofLeidy's hate. After tbeflrat couple of rounds both men became.ike chimney aweepa, ao that the wholenght waa like a savage orgle ot the wontieeoriptlon Alter flghtisg two hour,both of thnm showed a want of grit thatwas vary ... : eocmlng "the ring." Theyacted on 1 proverb "prudence la thebelter part of valor." and ao managed toleave the place with a whole akin to esoh.For a whuia hour before the scene closedboth men would walk np to the "swatch"and stand looking at each other, afraid to"lead off." They are a ptMly pair of


A friend, lo a veryraltsa.

brief nota, loiormaus that the New York Commerolal Bul.etin was in error when it sald.aa we copied,.hat Hon. Tom Scott had purehaaeal theI'.im and Pulton railroad. Thalb allright. It would have been equally ao IfScott hod porcnaaed tt.

Ike Memphis and Ml play.The Ripley Weakly News ssys the chief

engineer of this road and some of hisassistants passed through oar tows n fewaaya since, on s general tour of observa-tion aa to the prectl aahiUty of buildingtbe road on the line already located. Weunderstand that tbey report the line agood and entirely practicable one.

of the Bt. Loots, Lawrence and Denverrailroad was laid at Lawrence, Kansas,w tanlav. and the road now runs fromLawranea to Pieawent Hill, Missouri,where It connects with the Missouri Pa- -

aide rosd. making a aireos une to at.Louts alk.ean miles .barter than by anyother route. The road baa been leasedand wlil be operated by the Missouri Paclfloral!rod company.

Mew MrPaams ae new lore.At a m ding of railroad; ameers In Mo-

bile on the 21a. InaL, a new schedule waaarraBgml Ibatwaan I- - OrtosM.aod New

will leave ibe forv ... ov wtiinh trainsmer clt - a- - Ave o'olock p.m.. passing Mo--

l.lleal Uildulghl, Komg aou uoiuiug. oaMobile and Onto, Aa.bama Central andtbr Selma, R Hue snd Dalton raliroadi. areincluded In this pobednla. It Is Intendedio make this a quick and comfortablethrough line, with Pullman Bleeping carsfrom New Orleans to Lynobbuig, Virgi-nia.Ike AlaaaaSila awa Frederick. bars

Tbe Alexandria (Virginia) Gaastte, 01the27th ssys: "The late prevailing badweatter has Interfered considerably withopera! tone on the Alexandria and Freder-icksburg railroad, but every possible

la takes ol the good ape la andtbe work Is pttshed forward aa rapidly asrjjaorimstanoaa will admit Tbe l.ige loresemniovsd In tba oonstr notion of the bridge

n bay did not iaat yealerday,rtw-s- W tats aha briga wilt be

cimi.letedby themlddleof Jscuiry. Thewill bs laid to this end uf that bridge

during t jaotwrent week."Alter te ,

Tuursdav say. I "In theMlXfeV ' Lewis, frrun the

apeciAl oonDmlitsApgRMniea wutmmanrfi.. of railroad bonds.ibe


submitted a bill wrdoh pwmoee ior meBBamtnUasTit by the goveroor Of sn at- -., ",, anil

Hon tBymmi all pan las haying any

attorney appointed to carefully examines id tnveancata the reports of the vs- -

nous railroad committees appointed bythe last lagmlatare, to investigate tbaissuance of bonds to the various rallroadaand to aeek and obtain all Information Inregard to the Issuance and use of thebonds mentioned. It gives said attorneyfree access to all the books andpaper of every deaoriptlon and char-acter In any of the public offioes 01 tbeState. If after a full examination andinvestigation, the attorney ahall be of theopinion that, owing to tbe Irregular orfraudulent Issue of any bonds, be can re-

cover back any of the aame, or If saidbonds oannot be recovered, then where hecan In a oivll proeecution make liable tbeparties engaged In the fraudulent Issue ofsaid bonds, or having any connectiontherewith, he shall atonoa Inttituta suiuin tbe name of the State against all auobparties, and by a vigorous proaecutionpress tbe suits to a sucoeasful result. IIurlher provides that when parties have

laid themaelvee liable to a criminal proae-cutl-

by reason of the issuanoe or dispo-sal of said bonds, then the sttorney ehailtake the nerceaeary ateps, aa provided bylaw, to bring the guilty paitlea to punlab-men- t.

As oompensstion for bis servicesbe attorney appointed ahall receive three

par cent, of the amounts recovered up toone hundred thousand dollars, and twoper oent. on all amounta above that sum ;

but If theaald attorney, after having ingood faith instituted suits and failed torecover, be ahall be properly oompen-sate- d

for his labors by tba next



Mb. Moffatt, the coroner of Shelbyoounty, who has been down south on asanitary tour, returned home yesterdaymuch improved in health, and hearty asever. He will resume the duties of bisprofession

Loots Wbltos, 01 New Orleans, for-

merly captain of tbe steamer Victoria andnf tbe Imperial, la at the Peabody hotelHe atates that the same reformatory revo-

lution la in progress in New Orlesns tbsvmoves Johnaon, by popular force, Into themayor's offloe.

Wb notice among the recent arri-vals at the Commercial hotel the reg-

istration of Captain W. J. Crook andbride, of Forrest city Tbe captain la ss"happy aa btg sutflower," and well her,v he fur he has wedded one of tbe fair

est daughters of our sunny clime. Longmay they chime in union.

Uboeob Fbahoib Train transmits thefollowing dispatch. It will be seen thatbe baa gobbled tbe legislature; that taxa-tion, bonds, public schools, are all forgot-ten, and that the capital and our law-

givers are clean gone daft for Train :

"Nashville December 2. Editor tami addressed tbe legislature ior

two hours, and waa unanimously nomi-nated for the presidency by acclamation.


Colohkl J C, Pbat, of Little Rock;T.l. Acrea- - of New Orleans: GeorgeCollia. ol New York; A. M. R dman, ofBoston; G. L ParsonB, of St. Louis, andD. J. Weatherbee, of Illinois, are sojourn-in- r

at the Peabodv hotel. ODe of thesenotbern gentlemen said last nlgbt that hehad traveled wit'ln three months thewhole north, and bad seen no city wearingsuch an aspect of unmixed prosperity asMemphis, and that mis was me oniy uny ,

save St. Louis, thoroughly imbued withthe progressive spirit of the age.

Hra host of friends in Mempbi- - will regret to learn that Mr. Thurman, of theisw Arm 01 Warner, Lee A Ihurman, hasdetermined to remove to Greenville, oilsatslssippi, where berealtor be will mikeai. home. We oomroend him to tuegoodtraces of the cit of Greenville, aa a

gentleman, a gallant soldier and a lawyerof merit. Wherever and whatevt-- he en-

gages in, Mr. Tharmsn will carry wlihhim tbe good wishes of a boat of frieni's,to whom ha iiea endeared himself by hisqualities ss s gentleman.

The Friars Point Delta, of the 2gthultimo, aays: "Governor Aleorn hsa beenspending s few dsy s at his home, at Jonea-town- ,

In thia oounty, looking after hisextensive private business interests, lieis making his arrangements to proofed toWashington to take his seat aa LolledStates Senator it the beginning of thenext session. Mississippi will lose a goodgovernor, but the United senatewill gain a champion by his acceeaion.We understand it is the intension ofGovernor Alcorn to resign, and turn overthe gubernatorial dignities to Lieutenant-Governo- r

R. C. Powers, aome time nextweek.

A friend oi the Appeal, writing fromPittsburg, Pennsylvania, of tbe weddingof Mr J. A J. Smith and Mlaa MoLleBigley.st Alpsvllle.lnthe Keystone Stale,writes that " Madame Rumor has it that

big dry goods merchant near the Pea-bod-

contemplates seriously carrying iffanother coal king's daughter from Pitts-burg to Memphis. How far tbey have gotin the arrangement I am not lnforo.ed,but one 'hlug 1 do know, test the fair one,11 this rumor be true, will have no causeto regret bar oonneclon aa tbe wife of oneknown and respected m all his commer-cial Intercourae as a fruestam. I oannotvouch for the truth of Madame Rumor inthis case, and I only give It as it comes teme."

A wrttbb In the New York Clipperpaya the following merited complimentto a gentleman known to all the oldprinters of Mempbia as an "ornameni"to tbe profession, and the moat excellentartlat in the business: "Ah, there Is 'Pick'RuaaelL Don't know hi in? Why, I

thought everyb dy knew or beard of him.Somewhst stout, with beard always out ala V. 8. G and a littie above mediumbight be strolls quietly down the shsdyside of Broadway. He's usi come fromCincinnati why, I don't kuow but whenat home he la at the bead of one of thelargeet ahow printing houses in the world.His psrtner, Morgsn, than whom a betterfellow never lived, paid a vl.lt to thewriter last summer, when he waa lyingsiok, racked with remittent fever, andwelcome visit it waa. 'Just wait,' saidMorgan, 'lost wait till our new offloe isdone, and I'll ahow you tbe handaomestob printing house in the world.' "

Tmb Colon and American ol Thursdayssys that the people of Tennessee willlearn with regret that Hon. T. A. R. Nel-ao-

one of the judges of the anpreuiecourt of this State, baa resigned his posttlon on tbe bench, to take effoot on Do

ember 6th. Tbe reputation of JudgeNelson sa a lawyer, high aa it was be to re,baa been Increased by his opinions as oneof the saeooiats judges of our highest

While his brother Judges andthe b.r will will eapeoially feel hla raaignation, the public, which haa broome 10

know him better and esteem him mosthighly, will all n in the sorrow whichhit retirement will produce. To fill thevacancy occasioned by the reaigniiUojmulJudge Nelson, his excellency the g)W-no- r

hss sppointed Mr. James T. Shields,of Grainger oounty. To the people oiEast Tennessee, and to the bar of theState, Mr. Shields la well-know- n as alawyer of the highest standing, one whowill wear the ermine graoerully, and eodevote himself to his high calling as tocarry conviction that tbe position is smuob honored by the occupant ss theoccupant by tbe position.

Tmb tallowing brief and modest cardappeared in the Ledger of last evening :

"Memphis, Deoember a, 1871.

"To tbe Editor of the Ledger:"Something has been said in the papers

ofthici.y about my becoming a candi-date for Mayor, In addition to this I huvereeelved numerous personal solicitationsAllow me, through your paper, to thankthose lriends who hsve proposed to honorme, and to say that I cannot, under anycircumatsncea, consent to become a can-

didate. Yours respectlully,"8 A. PINBON."

Tbe above la In perfect keeping wltfc thegood sense and patriotism tor whichColonel Plnson hm ever been distin-guished. Devoted to hla business, snddetermined on building up the fortunebroken by tbe late civil war, in which heparticipated as a gallant Oonfederaie omoar, he cannot devote the time neoeto a proper conduct of the mayor's officeHe, therefore, very properly refuses to bea candidate. As the president of tbechamber of commerce be now gives asmuch time to public affairs as we haveany righi to demand of him.

Jrj.T Arrived A large sock ofthenew fifty-doll- rVlison sewin f machines,a. ibt Main street.


Cheapest sod beet kid glove, two but-

ton Joteph kid glovea, all colora, atseventy Ave oents.

I) C. A H. M. LOKWENSTINS.Southern Pa'aoe, SU Main atraet.



from now until the boMaya are over, at


aa never have been known


must be entirely bold out by New Tear's

day, and prion will be accordingly.



Every purchaser of goods to tbs amount

of one riolar and upward, re-

ceives s handsome


Ten new oAseaof Presents will be opened

by Monday. Remember the low

prioes oi our goods.


tslM.lB strsnt.

Ladies' kid alds-lao- a gaitora.Ladlea' conr-ee- a gaiters.Marie Anto ns'te aUppaxM.

The Nilssoc silppsrs.With very other aiyl" for ladle weur,Gentlemen's sllpera In every variety.At the eb.uipl hi aboe store.Thoa. B. Coffey Co., 86 Main street;

Dress goods st leas than New York c-s-h

vaiue. Read Southern Paieoe advertlas- -

D.D. A H. M. LOEWEN8TI5K,V. No. 8ia Main street.

Still Tbey wprb. The large arrivalsalalia at our noiina a aar Lias i,n . ....

V o 1 wo rabsbaaar orna- - wlrL l)?r"' ''", T.i.,1,. illegal and fraudulent prosperity of our oXv. We areram., at it Mmt- -BOA f nUaa. at rem-m- sl 0nf gj. railroad com- -,

tarly pleaaed to notloe.be growingJgMa' and to represent the state in aaia laniy 01 ma waiosei. n.iguiyayfgjr vw nnd boardat V) ft BtoU ba the duty of tba parson, registered st that hsml yeaterdsy .










Tka inlinwtn. endeared In one of thecity papers Thanksgiving day (Thursday)algnea Dy two umiuivu . "- -j - --

clilsens: "The Democrats are requestedto in their respective wsrds onSaturday evening, Deoember 2, at7o'olock,for the purpoae of selecting delegates to aDemocrat c convention, to be held at theAssembly Hall at 10 o'clock a.m. Wednes-day, Deoember 6th for the purpose ofnominating candidatee for oily offioes, atthe ensuing municipal election. Theward meetings are requested to elect onedelegate for every one hundred qualifiedvoters In their ward, according to the lastmunicipal registration, and one delegatefor each fractional part of one hundredover fifty." The places of meeting weredesignated aa follows:

First ward Engine house No. 4.

Second wsrd Exohsnge building.Third ward Engine bouse No. LFourth ward -- Tivoll saloon.Fifth ward Greenlaw opera house.Sixth ward Waldran block.Seventh ward Ferguson hall.Eighth ward Poplar street market.Ninth ward Holsl'a. Seoond (treet.Tenth ward Misaisiippt house.In accordance wi h the above, meetings

were held at the places mentioned Inthe several wards, the result of whichwss aa follows :


The Flrat ward meeting wsg he'd at 67

Ma'n street, by nominating John Z jnt tothe chair and John Blancy aeo.etary.The following preamble and reaolutlonwere unanimously adopted:

Whereas, The Dsmocratle executivecommittee of Shelby oounty haa assertedIts want of authority to call a conventionto nominate candidates for municipaloffices; therefore

Metotvcd, That it 1b the sense of tbe citi-- z

na ef this ward that we decline to sanddelegates to the convention oslled by cer-

tain pereo. --ft assemble oo the 6th In-

stant.Alter which the meeting adjourned,

cheering for. John Johnson.Bolters' Mbbtibo. Tbe other meet-

ing was gathered together Immediate-ly alter the first adjourned, and organ-ised by Sleeting Owen Dwyer asibairman and 'Squire Miller as secsecretary. The following delegates werethen sppointed: John Mahony, JacobPrince, Ben Sohreibler, Thomas Carter,Michael Cannon, John Wentland andKi. Maloney.

Owen Dwyer waa nominated for alder-man and P. A Kelley and Andrew Ren-ke- rt

ta councilman.SECOND WARD

Two hundred men present. The meet-ing waa called to order by Mr. MartinReynolds, after which Dr. WilliamHewitt waa appointed chairman of themeeting, Mr. J. F. Henry elected secre-tary. Mr. W. J. Chase offered the followlag resolution :

Whereas, The Democratic executivecommittee of Shelby oounty has assartedits want of authority to cail a conventionto nominate candidates lor municipal offi-

cers, therefore be ItBetolved, Tnat it la the sense of the clu-i--

of this ward, that we decline to sendle legates to the oonventlon oalled by cer-

tain persons, to assemble on he 6th Inst.Seconded by Charlea Smith.Mr. Lightburne mude a motion to lay

the reaolulion on lhe table, which wasloot.

The previous question was oalled, andtb raa,. lotion adooied unanimously.

The meeting then adjourned with threecheers for John Johnson.

J r. UKH tt x , secretary,nr.. Tama' M E ati no The disappointed,

when thev left the Exchange Building demoralized, retired o neighboring saloonso fire up with benzine. Two notableknots of them resolved themselves intomeetings at different places one up in therooms of Marre's saloon, and the other ina neighboring saloon. Both made notninations to represent their respective knots,cliques or caucuses, and then wenaeutheir sorrowful way home, to dream oltheir inevi'-sDl- e destiny.


The meetins assembled in great force atBUiv Kingdon's old restaurant, corner ofSeoond and Jefferson streets. O. F. Freecolt was chatru.au, and Gibson secretaryThe hoube was Ailed witn si least tnreehundred people. The following prean-bi- e

and resolution waa adopted by themeeting, only aix voting "no."

fnaamunh as lue Democratic executivecommittee of Shelby oounty has assertedits want of authority to can a convention

nominate candidates fjr municipaloffice. ; therefore,

Resolved, That it la the aense of the oit-

iaena ol thia ward, that we decline to senddelegstes to the oonventlon calien Dy oer-tal-

persons to ssaemble on lhe 6th instWhen this resolution waa to decided ;

earr.ed, a motion to adjourn at onoe prevailed and ibe meeting scattered. Moof the members went 10 John Johnson'- -

houae on Adams street, to oongraluisiehim on wbat tbey considered his success.

Bolters' Mbbtiho After the meetingin the St. Charles had adjourned, twenty,four persons with sore crsnli had a littlecaucus in tbe criminal courtroom anuappointed tbe following delegates: L.Amis. John Gunn, C Barredell, A Oor- -

dano, W. W. Kingdon and E Jgene Finn.FsU7RTH ward.

At tbe meeting held in this wsrd therewss the same trouoie ss uaa into reiioiin otbei wards. Thoae in attendance di-

vided snd one-bal- f or more under ColonelDaccn left and organized and passedresolutions of opposition to a convention,while the other, with Mr. John Louden,chairman, and Mr. M, D. Welah for aecrata y, elected me following uen-g- w:

Loudon, J. T. Cartwright, M. D. We'rb,A. Reehn. A. S. Ferkins, rl. C. xoung

anrl W. H. Carroll. Tbe full proceedingsof the meetings will b published here- -


At a regular meeting of the eUlzans ofthe Fiflb wa.d.beld ai the Greenlaw operahouse, on the evening ot Deoember ad, DrJ P. Dromgoole waa oalled to tbe chair,and R. Br 11 ton elected secretary.

B iug open for motions, it was moveathat. Inasmuch as tbe executlve cjmmutrvs of Shelbv oouoty has asserted i s want of authority to call a eon- -

ven.lon to nominate candidates tor muni-cipal offioes therefore,

Resorred.That It ra tbe aense of the otti-zen- s

ol thia ward, that we decline to aendlalaaal to the convention car led by oor- -

taln persona, to on the b.b ins..This motion being carried unanimously,

upon motion the meeting then adjourned,sine die.

Bolters' Meeting At a meeting otthe citiz.na of the Filth ward, M. Cohen

oalled to tbe chair, and A. H. Doug-ac'e-

sa secretary. After the motionto adjourn to Monday night wss voteddown, the meeting then resolved toproceed to tbe selection, after tabling aresolution of Colonel Phelsn declaring Itaa the sense of the meeting that no dele-

gates should bs sent to the oonventlon.Whereupon a ballet was bad, and tbe

following delegates el eted to attend theoonventlon. W. Carroll, SamuelSmith, J. J, Dowbb and Abe Weaver.

Thereupon three cheers were given forthe old Democratic flag, and the meetingadjourned. .... ..4 n


Bat few people gathered at the sixthward meetine.

J t, M icviu waa made chairman, merewas no secretary.

A motion waa made to nave ins en air-man appoint delegates, which was tabled

On motion of Mr. McKecn the meetingthen adjourned to Monday night, at acveno'clock.THE bevbwth ward asothbr fizzle.

At the meetina last night in the Sev- -

OfrLh ward, in Ferguson hall, Mr. HansonWaa OBliea to lliq uan, euo uibu vi'muriJohn H. Kerr, the'lsttsr, It is said, receiv-ing a major: ty of the votes. However,Mr Hanson took the chair. A secretin)waa sppointed, and a proposition wasmade to steer aaanrawB vo me pruiaDim oar alio oon volition. A motion waamad to lay tbe resolution on tbe table,and when tbe vole was taken by aye andnoes, tbe chairman pronounced tbat theresolution was defeated. A division waaoalled for, and when the count waa made,It waa found that thirly-fiv- e were lor tbeconvention and tniriy-etgh- t against. Thissettled the buatneaa; tbe lights were extinguished, and most 01 tne people leit.Wa ware told thatsfcbe minority remained.organiaad a Utile love-fea- oi their own,relighted the gaa and went into the busi-

ness of making delegates.Bolters' Hutiko AT" good-alae-

orowd of people gathered In the Fergusonhall, at the coiner 01 xiarnanao suu nasi.streets.

v.'onal uanson. was cnairman. anuColonel M. Magevdny.Jr.. waa elected secretary. The hall was us moat uvaiyplace IB town for Iwo hours. Among thebrst things that were done was the takingoi a division on tn question of hiving aainvauatiraa or no subvention A oountgaye little eetisffotton, soma claimingtnat there were twenty-nin- e against tLe..... nndrm snd oavrv twent for.while others swore .there were thirty for aoonventlon and only twenty-si- x against

A motion waa than made to sdjourn,and as Mr. Hanson was about to put U, alaw fallow, sunned up to tbe chairmanand, putting their nraea np to his face,told htm wlih muob signlfljsnce, "Wehsve our eye on you." There waa thena half hour ol chsos, after which aome or-

der waa restored, and the following dele-

gates were nominated:W. L. Cooper, J. W Walker, Ed. An-

derson, John Fiatley, J. J. Crowley, Wb,Arnngtnn, E P. Carroll.

For Councilman J. J. Crowley, J. B.

The lights were than put out and themeeting broke up.

RlORTH WARS,A meeting took plaoe in tbe Eighth ward

in Hchliiiug'a saloon. T. W. Brown wssnominated chairman, and P. D. Boyle,secretary. Tbe following deiege-e- e wereappointed: Johu L. H. Taylor. WI HamRlngwald E L. Belcher, W. C. C F ster,Sam. Tight, Johu Wa.era, and S. P. Rose.

The door was ahut, when a email meet-laa- r

waa gathered up, and great numi eraof people were kept out. Men ol thoseirajide wars nagroea.

Mr Belcher offered a reaolutlon propos-I- n

to auaiain the nominee of the conven-

tion, 10 be bald on the 6th lnti;-t- .

The reao!uta waa carried,and the meeting broke up.BIRTH WARD TMB RBaT I3 TMB DICI,

At a meeting bald in tbe Ninth ward.on

mnttn. rw w p Rcamin was called tothe chair and F 0. Scboper made secretary. Alter a lew .ppn'oi . o.-- . jthe chairman, the meeting unanimouslypassed the following resolutions, offeredby Mr. W. BGiisaan:

Whereas, The executive oommiitee1 , .. . .... ,n a1I a artavantlnnnave leaiou w isiuaai .a '

to nominate a candidate for mayor and. a . 1 l .. lamnhl. aiwiother omoers 01 idv my vi

sa we believe for good and sufficient rea-

sons; and, whereas the Hon. John John-son, present msyor, haa made an excellentand acceptable public servsnt, and baaexpressed no determination to retire frompa rlie life; therefore bait

Eetotved, That In our opinion no con-

vention ahonld be held for nominatingcity officers, but that all goodahould unite their eflorta tool . . . tah. r.L...... in, mavnr and

tbeuiii. .una ssiiiiwie o. '- -j 'other city officers as have proved them-aelvee worthy and capable

.! J rfa. A n niatv fnrmallv OBlI

on the Hon. John Johnson to announcehimself ss a candidate tor mayor atensuing municipal election.

Bttolved, That be is our first choloe,and we believe the people's first choice tormayor, and we promise him our undi-vided support for that position.

Resolved, That this meeting Indorse thecourse pursued by our aldermen, council-me- n

and members 01 the board of educa-tion, and they are respectfully and earn-estly requested to announce themselvesfor to their respective posi-

tions, snd we hereby pledge them our un- -

U1VIUCU Upfjwjrir.Thia waa tbe largeet meeting ever held

in tne nintu wara, anu aue pnop.esea deserve all praise for thia exhibitionof excellent good aense and of devotionto the beat interests of Memphis.

TRUTH ward.A meeting oonvened in the Mississippi

House, near tbe Mississippi auu xcuu-j- -

aaa rlnnnt In the tenth Ward. BUd Organiaed by electing Colonel J. L Sharp to thecbstr, and ijounoumBn omim es.i....jAfter some talk by several gentlemen,Alderman Pendergast submitted the fotlnalnD Minlntir.n which WSS adopted l

W hb eras, A eall aigned by a greatnumber of our moat influential Dem- -

crats for primary meetlnga in tne aeveraiwarda of the citv. for the purpoae of as.leciing delegates to a general olty conven-tion to be held oa the 6ih Inst , therefore,

Besolved, That we, the Democrats oftbe Tenth wsrd, do refuse to send dele-gates to ssld convent on, ss we don't oou- -

sirlar the aame to be in conformity witbDemocratic principles, snd la dangerousto tbe interest of the same.

The meeting then recommended theoitizsns of tbe wsrd to meet on the 16. binstant to nominate candidatee to thecommon council and a school visitor, afterwhiob the meetl-- adjourned.

apportionment of delegates.As will be seen by reading the fl at part

of thia artio e, the wards were to electone for every one bundled voters, andone for every free. ion fifty. The

shows tbe last registrationof voters In each ward and the numbar ofdeb gates each ward was entitled to,

Real alteredWarda Voters. Delegate..

1 7182. 607


S 501...S TIE7 ..." Il7i 128 720V l

10 I





We would call attention to our


in all the diflerent fabrics, which we will

offer, during this month, at unusuallylow prioes. We will also oflsr





At Rtyduoed Prices.


At less than coat.



Gloves, Hosiery and I nderwenr,

reduced atB. LOWENSTEIN A BRO.'S,

Corner Main and Jefferson streets.




Firrv THocsA!eri BUFrALOBf loose In thecreels ol Mi niools. t'pper tuc Lir ine

irieml spring vsmer of the age..... .. tiAfl.-- . an.f BlAl.nl IrilOWII

. '. . ... . ten rin.n Ki.IIIm fl ladcarefully ai the spring- - An exoellent thing

J ' MANSFIELD A HIOBEE,Wholesale agents



at ti a yard, to be closed out, at




What ol the Cotton Trade?--A Sus-sres-

llou t hrlstinaa I lines MeraBMlia Pslitin Dawn There ef slaBtar'Igbl

w the Longevity ef Hens. B

QRENAOt, Nov. 2t.

Editor Apnea!-- 1 be Daily Appealcomes to hand rery promptly. Wesll well : family send kind regards.



riowllnu la red-h- at the Appeal's correspondent, but hss a poor way of helpingbimeell.

Price is senator from this district. Davld Greer's oolored preacher is oursentative tor Grenada oounty. c r. j,id- -

ooln. Priced is clerk of chancirv. Grenada eountv. Cotton is oomlngin heavv into Grenada on tee 28th. Wreceived two hundred and eixiy-oa- e bales;New Orleans sot I wo hundred snd thirtyftsx and Memphis twenty-seven- . Membbiii merchants asleep



How would it to have a line ofMemphis and New Orleans steamers,carry ootton at leaa rates than the Centralrailroad, the steamers to run in oonuetlon with the Mississippi and Tennesseerailroad? Thia would give Memphis thechAtiCrj ol handling seven thousand batesof cotton more than she doea now.

The eighth ward of Memphis la my oldhome Here'a my ticket: for mayorJohn Johnson; for eouncimen. W. C. CFoster and John McKenz s. Fester la aootton broker, McKecaie la foreman ofthe Memphis and Ohio railroad shop. Allgood men, Intelligent men, and working-me-

Each Memphis railroad shouldelect one man to the city council, this mantocime from the shops. To, this if youwsnt railroads to have a ahow In the eityof Memphis, the seventh ward ought tosend Mr. Rurke or El. Anderson, tenthward. Jamst Eolen,

Chiokeca will roost In peace this Christmas. aa lbs nia-ht- will be moonlight.

Grenada has improved more in tbe Iaattwelve months than she has oeiore in tnelast twelve years Bv the first of Februa.--v 1872. we will have two good hotelsconvenient to railroad depots. Grenadawants a white barber: a decent one woulddo a decent business. Grenada needs adecent Dostofflce and poatmaetor; also arood msiketbouse. sidewalks on Depot

and Main streets, Donovan gas, and fencein the public square, plant ornamentaltrees snd shrubbery thereon, and isy It oilIn walks; in fact, make a mlnature Courtequare. At present It is used as s generalstock lot for Atrtca 00 Saturdays.

Well. subDO-- e I dry ud for the presentIf there la anything I have written thatyou see any aense in take it, you canhave It gratis how kind of me. I hopeto see you soon down our way, will try totrest you right, give you norroik oysters,not JdailDy's. x ours to count on,


Just Arrived. A large stock of thenew fltty dollar Wi.son sewing maoninea,at gag Main street.




Just opened, a new assortment of ladiesshawls; alao, black velvet and clothcloaks, which are offered at extra lowprices, BOUIHEKN rALAoo,

No. 83a Main street.

"Neuril" ts the great anlldom for nenraigia.

American Driven Wells at Browne ABrowne's, SIS Second street.



There was a curlou. Incident the otherday at the Louisiana State fair. A bridalnartv went to examine Buck's Brilliant

gtova. Deal ring to ahow thebride what hi stove could do, the exbibilor put In It three and a half poundsof wood, ana witn mis rEea sn eigntpound loaf of bread In forty-tbr- a mmate. Tbe stove was Immediately purobased as a bridal present. Brides, or la- -

l.es lcnirer married she u Id go at once tRisk A Johnson's, 306 Main street, andsecure one ui tneae biesaiugs to a family,


My health being Buffloiantly restored, Iwill resume tbe duties of my offlcs ou. . Ta a a itsiasonaay, ueccmoer 1, n.

JAM KS G. MOFFATT.Coroner Shelby oounty


Selling furs at extra low prices, and the- - anal bast assorted sleek in iheo tv.

i Dollars sod mutts from tl 75 to flOO at tneSouthern palace

ra ..a U J r1.' . J . ta aa. aa. av. . ... ,

No. 12 Main street.



,1'lilUI"- -


KMla B

Articles,LoitDOB toeaaluAMJAaef sndTuUetat KLLrOTT A R.'DGELT.TBMBlnjjtreet,

" NktJBIL ' Immediately relieves and per-manently cures neuralgia.


Katiesis going to California, where she will give

aerlsa of oonoertt, occupying ner mewhole winter. The San Francisco Callssya tloketa for bar flrst concert In thatcity are selling are more rapidly than heragent naa imagined possiDie.

BAILBanner lods-- s No. 147 of the Independ

ent Order of Odd Fellows give their firstanniversary ball on Mondayevening, at the Memphis Club hall. Tlok-eta two dollars, lo be bad of the committees. This will be one of the most re-cherche affairs of tbe seaaon. "

Mrs. Evsweia .t. doing well st ths Academy ot Music,New Orleans, The Picayune aaya truly.

There la a spell about Mrs. Bowers' acting that faolnates our people. None ren-der sooner their hearty tribute to truegenlns. The magnetism of her wonderful acting in vesta any character that sbeplays with an Interest that la quite absorbing."

Ills banded aad Be. engaged.The Worrell troupe disbanded In Savan

nah Iaat Saturday night. Sophie andIrene Worrell returned to New YorkJenny Worrell, tbe star of the troupe,Harry Jackson, tbe comedian, ana toeLeon Brothers, msde an engagement withManager John Templeton. and are nowplaying In Charleaton with Templeton'aold company.

Mrs. WoollenArrived In the city Iaat nlgbt and will ap-pear on Monday nlgbt, whenahe will no doubt present a programmemat win enaoie ner to give me lovers ormusic in Memphis a teat 01 her greatmerit aa an artiste. Webil, the pianist,Bowler, the tenor, sad Ferrsntl, the baritone, will assist to the beat of their ability. There are aome good seats yet to beuaa.

Punch la tbe SreeaaTbe provincial green-roo- Polonins

"Well, in my 'Amlet dsya I used to readit 'a 'awk from a 'andsawr,' and I thinkthat'a correct." Hamlet "What dop antes know of hand-eawa- ? I thawt,from yer Polonias. ve forgot me fast thaiuawmlet waa a prancs i never do. Wbatdo you tblnd should be the reading. Mr.Hicks?" First Grave-Digg- "Don'tknow, and don't care. Never liked thepie e. It's pernicious alow. And wbatcomic business there is ooines on so latethat the 'ouse la tired."

TileOn Mnndav and Tuepuiav nlo-ht- it was" house to let." On Wednesday the

j sps" commenced an engagement thatwas fiercely contested by tbe most inc ement weather the oldest Inhabitant inMemphis can rememojr, not yltbeiand- -

lug which tbey were wen sustainedThanksgiving day, with its matinee andnlgbt performance, waa rich in receipts.On Friday they had a paying-hous- sndSaturday was almost aa good. On thewhole, tne "jape" nave no reason tocomplain of Memphis, lbey have linedibeir pockets, Increased their fame, sndmade many additional friends. They goto New Orleans, where they will play anengagement 01 two weeks.

aVaoat and Alexia.Tbe young Russian prince whole just

now turning the heads of tbe silly fashionabieaof New York city, attended theAcademy ot Music on Monday Iaat, wherean extra performance was given In hlahonor. The opera selected was "Faust.with the glorious Niisaon for Afarimsrite.The Jenkinses ol the several great dalliesof New York were enraptured with theDuke's performance, in what they snobbishly term the " royal " dox, and couldcot spare a word of commendation for themore royal amger woo entranced her audlenoe, and upneld her lame aa a truequeen ot song.

Tate Markbam a i'nllnre.Pauline MarkLam's debut in legitimate

drama calls forth from the HartfordCourant the following remarks: "Theplsy presented by Pauline Marklutui anda supporting company Iaat night waa, wesuppose, intended to be a drama of theserious older, but no tares ever furnishedmore food lor mirth. Pauline Markhamherself is not a good actress, and evidentlylacks the ability to become ens, A prettylacs and flue dresses are not all that Isnecessary to success In the dramatic art.If Miss Markham did not find this outIaat nlgbt, she will when ahe faces leaslenient audlenoea."

Mlaa Csombs,who is playing at the St. CharlesTheater, New Orleans, with an ex-oellent company, reoently appearedin the ' Wife's Secret," the repre-sentation of which drew forth the unqual-ified commendation of the Crescent citypapers. The Picayune, always good au-

thority, aaya: 'The'Lidy Eveline' otMiss Coombs (the wife; waa the oentra!figure of the drama. It waa, indeed, exquialie in its flalahed elegance, and nonewho heard hers render it will fail of duetribute to her genius. Gentle mannered,tender and full of grace, bar ' Lady Eve-lin- n'

seemed a living reality instead ofthe counterfeited lancy of an artlat."

Mrs. Oalea a Mobile,Mrs. Oatea la delighting the people of

Mobile. She appeared there In "LittleFaust'- recently to an andienoe thatseemed heartily amused and pleased. Tbeit gistersaya: "Mrs Oates wss herself inall her vivacity, elasticity and charmingabandon, though we must confess to in-

disposition to ass ao bewitching s littlewolnnri transformed into the aemblance oiSatan, though a devilish pretty little devildid she make. Aa Arab, a waif, the serv-ant of Marguerite, sbe appeared to muchgreater advantage, tbe, characters auiiingher style much better than Mephlsto,which was rendered, however, in her usua.excellent and graceful manner. She wasrapturously applauded."

Baatley.The following, from a brief account oi

Mr. Santley's life, whlob has recentlybeen prepared, will prove interesting, asshowing ihe esteem in whioh this gentle-man, said to be tbe first among livingbarltot es, la bald ; " Ths company hsa no w

sung in most of tbe large cities of tbeUni n, and everywhere it has received theunqualified praise of the mualcal press,Mr. Sautley being especially recoguiz.--ss tbe best exsmple of pure vocal art thatEngland haa aant to this country. Vari-ous attempts have been made to securebis servioes In opera, his n his-trionic powers rendering such an acquisi-tion desirable to the lmpreasario, but hisengagement with Mr, Dolby would Rotpermit such aaarrangemen'.."

Matilda Heron,The St, Louis Democrat of the 28 1 Inst,

says: "'Once an actor, always an actor,'George Sand ssys of tbe return of a Bohe-mian of the theater to private life, thatennui assails him, ths mind fills wLhphantoms ot the past, and in the evening,when be was wont to see the footlightsrise to illUL lnate his face, he fancies he lanailed alive in his coffin. There are many-thing-

which com blue to thrust tbe retiredactor back to aeek the excitement to befound nowhere else than on the stage.Often the return la rarelysuccessful. Matilda Heron was once abright light among the stars St. Louis waaproud to honor. What she baa passedthrough since then, few can appreciate,and it is no part of our purpose to reviewit But it Is, nevertheless, pitiful to think01 the first evening of her reappearanoa.Much that seemed strange then waa dueto tbe unfortunate plsy still more wasdue to tbe nervous excitement natu-rally following a long absence."Cainille" waa placed upon the boardslast evening. There are many potestreasons why this should not hsve beenselected. Yet it wss alao thought thatin what was onoe her strong character, shemight overcome the effecta of the Injudi-cious "Naomi," She succeeded to a cer-

tain extent, and her part was as well per-formed as ahe la capable of performing it.Her voice is sadly impaired, yet here andt here the old tones were recognised, and

enthusiastic applause. "Oamille"waa a vast Improvement on "Naemi,"and along with much that was lndiSerentthere were occasional flashes of geniusWe failed to observe anything ridiculous,anything strange in the actress, anythingwhich might not be rationally accountedfor. Aba was three tlmea called beforethe curtain, and bora herself In a lady-like aad creditable manner."

BaW Leon's MOW Play.Of "Paris, or the Days of the Oom-muns-

by T. O. De Leon, formerly man-aging editor of tbe Mobile Register, pro-duced at tie Grand opera-hous- e of NewYurk, on Monday night, the Tribune says:"Tbe piece Is comprised in a prologue andthree acta. The time of the prologue Is13o2; that of the la IS7&-7- 1. Ninepersons aot in the former, and sixteen inthe latter. The hero Is an American. Theplay will be presented In ten scenes

painted by J. S. Schell, G. W. Daytonand Mlnard Lewis from photographs ofParisian views. Among tbe places thusshown ar the park at ml Cloud ; a court-yard In the prison of La Roquette; thesquare in front of the Hotel de VUle; thequarries of Moutmartre; the Plaoe Vsn-dom- e,

with the fallen column, and tbeTuilerles In flamee. These minutes Indi-cate a fine pageant, oi real and memora-ble objects, together with s plenty of

The story, which is highly ro-

mantic and also exceedingly oomplex,denctsa a great deal of action. Amongtheincidenta are: a duel by moonlight, astreet flgbt In Par la, and the execut on of a"putroleuse." The story deals with friendsand foes In two generations, ahowlngbow a great crime was avenged and anameless girl restored to her rightfulname and station ; and upon thia threadof dramatic narrative la hang the exp-ositionby scene and action of the ter-rible days through which Parts (andtherein France) has ao lately passed. Thevital topio ol the Iaat French Revelation,treated In thia way. may well arrest theattention of the passing hour. The criticof the World saw this "Days ol the Com-mune" and condemns U as s sort of theat-rio-

"hash," messed Into inextricable con-fusion. He says: "Mr. DeLeoo's talentsare adapted rather to ibe Chinese than theEnglish stage. Give him a thousand yearsto unfold a plot and his audience tbesame modern season to comprehend It,snd with mankind for his characters, andthe universe for bis theme, he would bslikely to sueoeed. With anything less hewill not be likely to. " Paris" Is a med-ley of mismanaged Incidents, unenliv-ened by anything but costumes and linescenery. The dlaloarne of ths pleas tasillied stupidity and the situations areao improbable and forced that tbe beautyof their Illumination will not redeemthem." Exeunt DeLeon in the t flulgenoesnd glory of calcium lights, gaussside-light-

Mtacellaneons.M'lle Schneider hss had presented to

ber by sn American coxcomb a hatrcombwhich cos: s000. ,80, at least, aayatbe Paris Figiro.

Joseph Barnby, tbe English composerand oratorio director, expeota to visit thiscountry next summer, to attend the universal muawal luotiee aa austou,

Arabella Goddard, the oelebrated Eng-

lish plan lat, who will visit thm countrynx. fall is one of tbe beat living expo-nents of the highest olsas of piano-fort- e

music. In the compositions of Chopinand Mendelssohn, she la said to be peculiarly felicitous.




Great Clearing-ou- t Sals; days longer.


The entire stock ot Retail Dry Goods to




be disposed of In that time.


Ws call special attention to our


Guaranteed leas than any house In thsolty.

The Entire Stock Marked Extra Low,

We offer thia week tba cheapest Una of


Ever sold in Memphis. Oar stock of


GentlemescjD search of Engtisk Ooatmg

will find a splendid assortment at lessthan cost. Bear In mind,


To Clear Oat out' Entire Retail Stock.


269 Main atraet, opposite Court Square.



And for the advent of this chiefeat of allour holidays ths indefatigable CharleyHoward haa made every preparation. Huttaaty little establishment la packed withall manner of "goodies" bon bom, purecandies, and all the toothsome sugar-war- e

for which bs baa so long been famed putnp In elegant boxes, all ready for deliveryto your lady-lov- But all this haa notdistracted Mr. Howard's attention fromhis luncheon-room- s the favorite resortof the ladlea when on Main street shop-ping. Delicious coffee, broiled oyster-- ,mince-pie- , rich cakes snd other luxuriesare yet to be obtained at 278 Main street,served up Charley'a beat atyle.


Memphis, December 2, 1871.The Laderalgned having a fire risk In

the Hartford Fire Insurance companybrought suit thereon be'ore his claim be-

came due, and Ltamedlately sfter the Chi-csg-

Are, he then apprehending that saidcompany might be permanently affectedby the calamity willoh prostrated somany otbsr companies. But, learningthat the Hartford met all Its loaasapromptly, maintaining its standard character for soundness, he dectms it bat jestthst he should make thia statement, andthat said suit would not h tve been commenced had be then kno-t- theMy claim haa been aettled.


Just Arrived. A large stock of thenow fifty-doll- ar Wilson sewing machineat SSS Main street.


Mr. Leo Ehrlleh hsa this day entered Intocopartnership with me In the management oflue a on hi egeru. o. lue nunawawiiiinsurance lOmoallT. of Milwaukee.for the Stale of Tennessee, and (he buaiuamwill henceforth be conducted under the nraaname of Lso Khbi.icb A Co.


The Memphis Gaslight company Is bowfurnishing its consumer with gaa of very su-perior n.nminaMna nowar. nui surBasssd byany company In the world, which ts due In agreat measure to the Naptha process. Mpuereperson 1 fall to get a mllelaelory light UJf jfce tosome defect or obstruction in the pesos insidetoe build ng. If the quality of the aa is goodIn ene locality, IX sorely ahould be bureugnoaime enure city, a. no gas company can nuas.good gas for one pa, ty and poor gas for aaother. 1 1 all ooines lrom one reservoir.

"N'ii hil" Is kept by all Aral rises druggists. Apply to them for a circular.

New roots made, tin rood painted, and allkinds of rood repaired, by

E. C JONES, 117 Poplar street.

Joe Locre, 23j Main street, has the largestassortment ol Magaslnim, Pictorial, and did- -

liss In ths city.

Gas Fitting, tu) Second street.

mmiick to BHirriOrricE Erie Tranbport atto n Oostpant, I

November 11th, IS7L fMr. C. H. Height Mi this dsy appointed

agent of this company at MemphisT. A. LEW la, Buperlntendsnt.

GO AND REGISTERTWKNTT-yiV- CR.VTS- - This ameunt will buy

a bottle of Mrs. Waitcomb a syrup, the greataootbiug reinea'y for all dlaasam incident tolnianle and children.

Ir you sutler from neuralgia, apply "NeurlL'

December patterns ofwe lateral ew x ark styles just received at toeHowe sewing machine rooms, 264 Secondsuvsl

Just Arrived. A large stock of thenew fifty-doll- Wilson sewing machines,at 868 Main street.


From the New Orleans Bulletin.Ths popularity of thia old, responsible

aad Judknoualy-manage- d instltuticnst ands eo high In America, ss well aa InEurope, and In fast is ao wothat we moat not feel satonlshed to ob-serve the patronage it ao deservedly con-tinues to obtain from oar population,one of the most lucky In drawing capitalBrlxsa,

It la. Indeed, extraordinary that out ofthe four last drawings which took placein Havana, tne capital prize of SIOO.oou,with many other smaller prizes, hsve beenwon three ttmee in our eity, aad in tbetwo last oases by poor people, holding

th of the lucky tloket, whichentitled esoh of them to $6000 st onoe, forthe small outlay of a ooupie of dollars.

The $100,000 haa been gained in our cityIn the drawings of tba 1Mb of September,6th of October and loth of November last.The one of ths 19th of September wasdrawn by Mr. Goldman, lawyer. Bare,who held half of the tloket, $60,000, andthe other half by three individuals, whowent themaelvee to Havana to oaah tbesame amount, $80,000.

It la quite gratifying to see New Orleansso csreaaed by the blind goddess " Fur-tans- ,"

snd ws take pleasure in stringpublicity to these facts for the benefit ofoar numerous readers out of the CmsoentCity, whose favored investors draw overone-thir- d of a million of dollars froMi theroyal treasury in Havana in less than twomontha.

In the last extraordinary drawing, ofApril tt, 1871, the capital prise of $3gO,0T0waa drawn by parties in Mew York, and$60,000 la New Orleans.

From in formation obtained of anolii andhighly respeotabls Arm In thia city, tbaprise f 8100 000 hsa. been won In New Orleans iweuty-on- e times from 1866 to 1868. J-

ana sum times ironiisTM opto the tenth ifnovemoer, 151In tbe last two drawings the ticket! that

drew the $100,000 prise wars In each casesold three day a after the drawing hadtaken plaoe at Havana, which ta sn Incon-testable proof that the cable is neverused there to the peejndios of outadderathat play regularly la tba Havana RoyalLottery.

Ladies1 kid aids lacs gaiters.Ladies' ooaaxHBi .

Marie Antoinette slippers.Tbe Nil-so- slippers.With every other atyle for ladles' wear.Gentlemen 'a aiipperaln every variety.A: the champion shoe storeThoa. B. Coffey A Co., 886 Main street.

Read the advertisement of the SouthernPalsos.

D. O. A H. M. LOE W EN STTNE,No. 882 Main atraet.



Raw goods arrived. A great variety InLadle.' Underwear, Fancy tsoada, shell

Boxes, Tea Beta, Liquor Beta and numer-ous otbsr artlelts.

GUI and examine the good.


Largest stock of useful and fancy articles



than elsewhere for tan.

Foe coughs, colds, and throat disorders, use'Brown's Bronchial Troches," having provedihalr efficacy by a lest of many rests.

HCRZOQ BRO.Are out oxasa nraors with a new advsrttaa- -

wbloh, aa usual ty, prcsdncsa tbeof a

HERZOG EFFORT.Strictly true, Hsrxog A Bro. mean to

aell every yard of dress goods by NewYear's Day, and have made prices aoeord-lngl- y.

Avail yourself ol UnM opportu-nity and bay ths QBSspsst drees goods Inthe city. In connection with the above,


will give to each pareriasag of goodsA HANDSOME PBJD8ENT,

valuing from on to one hundred dollarsaccording to the amount of goods purchased. This enterprise of theirs is thsgreatest originated hers andevery one.NO LOTTERY,


Is oonnsoted with tba affair. Accordingto the amount of goods purchased thspresents vary in value.

Every purchaser to ths amount of onedollar la entitled to a present, whiob laimmediately delivered to ths buyer.

NO HUMBUG,No ad vertiesmont anhstns Is thia new Idsol

HERZOG',Bat bona fidt affair. Thetlon from now till New Yaw, ths

GREAT SACRIFICESAnd low prioes of Goods. Call at

HERZOG A BROS.frM Main street.



An elegant line of French


To be dosed out at 81 CO. Theare warranted.


Notiob Old Poles at Home Themembers of the association will meet atHibernian halL Main street, st 1 o'clockto attend the funeral aoi luus of oar de-

ceased brother. P. H. Tailey, at Wesleychapel, at 2 o'clock p.m. inn aay isundsyDecern roer sa. roe punctual attendanceof each member la required.



We ask tbe attention of planters who dobusiness in Memphis to the card ofMessrs. Roaser, Izard A Co., to be foundin another plaoe In thia paper. Thehere or tbe firm Muss is. JohnVan B. Iztrd, Mark W. IBard. Frank M.Prewltt, P. J. Izard and George A Ittrd

ire well-know- n for business lntegritthroughout Arkansas snd Mlmlastaasnd their patrons may rely anon everyattention being paid to toeir interests.


Mr. Bingham, the ranownad photo- -

grapner, has notinsa the st. Andrewsociety thst he will make them a presetof a group-pl- ot ure.em bracing avsgy megRber of the society, as an ornameni ior mairhall. Tbe well-know-n skill of Mr.warrants us in saying that the prewill be one of value to the society, andwill be highly priasd aa a testimonial othla good win toward the genial gentlemenwho so worthily represent Aula Scotia Inour city.

Ladies' kid side-lac-e gaiter?,Ladlea' congress gaiters.Marie Antoinette alippsrs.The Niisaon slipper.With every other atyle for ladies wear.Gentlemen's slippers in every variety.At the champion shoe store.Thoa. & Ccfley A Co., 886 Main ate sat.


Organist ot St. Bridget's church, graduate ofthe Lelpslc conservatories of music, and lateof New York loity, would respeotfully announceto the clUmns of Memphis that hepre pared. to receive pupils on the plane andla vocal music Classes In harmony andthoroughlbam will be formed, tap plicationbe made at the music stores of the city.

Terrs gtu per. quarter, or 816 per.month;payable monthly.


A. F. Davis, house and sign painter,Seoond street Orders promptly executedreason shls rates.

BEMDIBtl ABM tPATI who wish to purchase furniture.

tresses and au kinos 01 oeaaing ai iuw 1

or have anv kind of uthceaterv WOrkwill find It to their Interest to call oa Win.Thlston. Noa. 44 and at (Mart street, nextraoinhern K.TnrejiH. He is orenared h) do anything In his une. and guaranlsaa allsnMEtril

spare-ribs- , backbones and hoc tenderloinreceived dally, fresh and In large quantities.at gs Jefferson street market.




Is an article needed In every household,

so all the "gode" housewives say, aad Illsgreat satisfaction to roam thl ough their large

establishment, attended by Mr. Q. A. Wilson,

whom patience never tires, snd even though

a purchase Is sot made, the same genial man-

ner la always there. He waa delighted ysstaiday whan be received the following telegram.

"New Orleans, 1, 1871

"Messrs. Rubach A Duah, Mempbia :

"First premium to American and Columbian

cooks to vea, after actual trial.-- W. D. C. LLOYD,

Hurrah for Memphis, and susnms to our go--

ahead townsmen, Bnbsch A Dash.



For the present, and until further notice,cotton will be compressed at the Chickasawpress ICC iaici tweniy-uv- e cents per oaio.


J. R. Wrat. with Menken Brothers. Calland see him 11 you want good and cheapgoods.


Heat, Comtobt and Economy. This youwill ast by hiving your grates set withLemon's Improvement. Can at am Bisobkstreet.

Coax, and coke tar Aw sale at the Gas earnsany. office, 2H Bsoondsti 1st.

The cheapest and best Dyeing and Cltaa laghouse In the city la at XM Seoond street HuntA Hanson's old staBd

Those was are daasawm afRELIABLE and GENUINE


of Furs, wewould advise you to call on Leldy A Co., whereyon wdfAaonn their asatsnunent of Gentlemen 'sDram and Business Mats, and



For. Ahetnat are worn ana pro--

Good Advice to Housrxriprra Donotbuyvoar blankets before you haveInapssun the vast assortment at B. Lo-- a

mail alii A Bros., who offer their entirestock of blankets st grsally redneedprieaa. ;


oar attention was attracted by a crow jin front of th-- handsome show windowsof Messrs. B Lowensteln A Bros. WeWe soon dlaoovered the cause to be theexhibition in the window of a magnificentpoint laoe oversktrt. trimmed in deepa ju noes of the aame costly material, andsaid to re worth Ease.

It is indeed a beautlfa! niece of 1

work, and ws would advise sll our lsdymends to call and inspect It at the oorner o! Jefferaon and Main


Messrs. Boyle A Chapman, No. I7VHMain street, an receiving the advancepackages of their holiday goods, and noprettier display could De made than thatwhich haa been commesoed in tola repository or tne useful ana neaniimi,


Go to Leddln's Collage.Attend Robertson'. Business College.Thoa. Cn brans, ortrrkhsyer, Ms MaiJ. H. McClure. arahzmst, cor. 3d A Union

Photographic Gallery, No. ZliMain street. Tbise fsaltlem asm plotasH tsrmay Banes.

CnrNRsa Porcelain Ware, at ELLIOTT ARIDGELY, till Main rtreet, Adaiaa.

saving ofgrata in this oflloa. a t


See advertisement of Bebeaded Book for the Million

in another column




Dr. MarrtaaV&iaeIt be.

Peepaxe for weather and have yeargrama sat with Lemon's TliipnifwaaBt Leavsorders at smeond staaet.

Wanted To parouaaa lumber formaniiiacaariaruepj-ejoaaB- .

Ts pastry wELLIOTT A 13EL lAdams.

rk. Xaphsrs, etcMain

?rrnaa, an aaasnd street.

East India Curloal.les at ELLIOTT AEIDGXLY, lis Main near Adama.


OoooAurn dra




its street.



i hair imaiillnillj


Japanese lAsqaetsd Boxes and trays, atELLIOTT A BaDQELY, US Main street near

T. W. J MHa)B at OaX,Have now a eomplata stock of


rsLIPPXR PATTERN 8, andYARNS of every kind.

OgHilts Paabody hotel.

Paris Fans snd Jewelry, at ELLIOTT AJUDO ELY, 'Jul Main atraet, near Adams,

Pumps, Hi Besonr. etreat.

EooNeatr Take your Mil


read by





clotbicg to BEtJHoaas(Hunt A

HANSON" A w'aj.mebx,

Vienna Wrttinajaka, Wmk and JaweiryBoxsa, at ELLIOTT A aUDGELY, 8M Matnas-se- aaar Ana


FANCY 3.ILEA at assets.EVENING ruXKB atfl ay.





Elegant Ceehemlie and Bonnet SUks.rsduead

fotntB ApBUqne Laem, from gl up.

Wats Points Applique Fkjunem.


Baal rutsts AsadtasM atosaa, najaa BtS W (MR

Thaws asp as samstaa aloisa oa and will besold out at a aaerinsa.





of OLHthing costs aonsthlng v

bats. Thoae purporting to give say-thin- g

awsy mast add ths priceof gift on their wares.

For these Insisting on prima, we have inluted tbe following at an

enormous outlay. Look at the


1 ManstSm la ths Skim.

Laurge Lota of Corn Cobs.

SS Cases of ChLU.

in Poor House

Rd La neb Roll lee.

iB OwlSla. Georgia Major's.

as leUa Palletas. In Insane Asylum.

S MeSsvUa Cases, Hoist's boat, lucky I

as Ti


ners to esoapy imm.rtmtsly.

Teeth, new.

Bear In" mind we will sell yonfor one dollar than any othertwo. Bi member,


In ths nltlaa

R Gibson,Donoho ASohwobACo




remaining WuaflaB Union


I PLsarnaa. jBrooks, Mealy Co, 2C H Mayan,Mm M D HAnoock. 2

J U A W a ft mnei.P easternMia. Sophie h.

A Co.ChaaT Curtis,V D Facha, 2Wm Lylea,ueaj

Llghtbarne,Ledyard A

i A Chhumlo, iF D A Co.J U Davis A CO, aLrtleAB D Willi




Arthur Irwin,

Pron's Paabody Brsosa.



Peny,Overton house,


Mrs Mary Warck.Stewart Bros A Co,









MtsBmor ClebusiBzant


TWas M Aaae .D.wLC OreF 3 Da via, 1Jesse A Forrest,

Tav lor, .



F Millar.J r lohnaon A Co.

rarris a

j Ar B rapl




A Oo,

r cMr- - O

CM aaas Tate.



ThU and


will Isava aatth. 5

For or an ar ta



W. KENNXDAY,Offloe on




,. eaWill Mi S DA T , tth at p. m.For on or to

M W. U Has E, Age


For e, lie andIBS IB

j.MONDAY, tth

day. HBtnrdaya.







HoPhatadsr.ebsaSpecial Harnaon




Angus, Campbellneaay,Annie Kstehnm



BLUFF AND LITTLE ROCK.elegant l smiBgsr


aboveMONDAY. Decamber

freight passage apply boardAgent,


A Milgg aas I



jEratrsaxxss-t7-xLl- ..

Heilmaa ugUjCagssasa

leavs lost.,freight orpasaigs apply beard

LIGHTS Senaral


Evanavil Loulsvl Olaelaaatls- -aBBBTB BaSBBBgar

H. S. Ttfraar

LBBvaaELLIOTTanaw Jagaraoi.


steospbia and Whits Ml tot VmHMall Lima.

aa. at. V. W. J. gafciSsLaavm si Tltp" A V Aril

laius AI.BIBa. LkfiALTUSgR tAMampnia Rw laaksnaasst

TTJKbDAY. at. Ban. TasssbotBEDevall 'a Rind with the I USBdaya and Ibarsdays;


goodswill tor







or te W. M. etJBMAMuAY, Ansat,Office cm Company 'a Wharfboat.motOonrti


Loaves Mempbia Mondays and Fridays, at iran., connecting at Helena with the steamerBMoxtA for Marian aa aaa au points oo' '"l-i- ". nvar. rya.


Far Ii isliril, Aaatta, .


6ao. W. Ctoekj

Will run ragnlariy, aa above, laaylng Mamanla every VCBaUAX , IMUiBUlAX aad SATURDAY, pen etna I ly st t

tratght or paeaaga, apply om board.

Fir HsisMg, FrlsFa Pslst, Slatali, WkRi

Bktar, Msagiggg gs8 ttw aVtsafA,

The United State. Mall PacksjaMflEat A J. WHITafga.

vaaavm -

Will Leave phis MOMDAYSDAYS, pmnetBBliy at i paw.





WiHts Rrrsr IjMgtStatos HsM UrnThe StaamarsOsag o9ai8BtfBf


SAlalalE V,una n saltan with ths MamahM

and LiBEB) Beak Ballrsal. kawtmg DewslitBins every mamemp, w y amear. ai i o'eloak Baw Rsr ism AasW A


and Jaokaew port. Avswy Tn mg.y ssnaf Frt-mm-rtor aa polnta kst tin DBVaii'ii Bing and

MlBlk af waits rivsr. aao. arvsry Tsarat m o'clock a-- , and .vary nannnjf at


par i '"i nan nvar.JOHN A DAVIS. rrsaklaaL


I"J Tjwjrra?Bg

KLAMT PISMlHSg Ml ITS OFTHM Una Mmvo MwssaaBSt Bar aMpetmtaon ArxBBsaa rtvarnexDAYS ass FMlMATn, an H p--

For rrwaxbi. pessnge er athsr iBBumsakmPPiy w ea vaawasiv a aw . aa. ai eiisas eiiaai . a ll

Offios on Company a Wnar fboat,riot as Oaart stnst.


RaMfic 1ST. f IUBC18 atatfatT B Saeaaa master.

Will ttave Mempbia lrtmin aad TMvns- -

BATa, as . o a. oca uaiaaFor frelhl or passBge apply on ooard.ina- -




aai Hew Brhsai1HUB&DA PACKJE1.

For Maw OrteM aari tka

rand Freight At. a

BELLE LEEFrank Hicks master I J. & Saiiivaai.. elsrk

WIU leave Memphis for Row Ortaaas atluuim . .

ImMT IsThursday N wombat 18th, at BjnThursday Buimtbss 8th,atpmThuradav Pun umber 1Mb. at 5 n raThursday Daeembar tslB, at S p.m

1 mm -

Thursday Janaary Uth, at pjaZZT fekrsaripmTborsaay reorwBry mas at a ptm

Tnarsaay Kama 7th. at t pan


rsBsTotWMSBSljllOB aulas;


- - ' ie milsix dates s weak, viatAwBowtkwrn Paetasrai roadee tnree tlmea a rross sort

HaaBA. 70 mXimstrath 19 saltaa

aal aw miles, vlor soBttaauna eel

U. RFOTtalirs



mPort sRDsen; uienc dallyIII Bugs l ll si in l iia Arose, le to For. SuT;

BtAdaiiv .roDa BBaava fat aallaadaouag sstwmrd,y une ofmlfia to BU Paas: or southwardwajiy into central Tessa, ar

by railroad, via Marstuail te Longvlew aadwestward into Oseysral Texas: ar a atawardman Luiaglfa, via Maaiavih. n. .s.vaaota.a miles, on Texas Oaaural Rau.roxi. tnsBven- -i sxe sy

IMDIAAOLAI sag I is m at the band of to vai was rail- -iwmpwwniaua, ana raa la batlar

atylerver before, and nSAWTag Sk FieAvLAA,


Menahis Little Rock R. A Cf ,

ay Books xra bow open for sasssrtpttan toths aapilal slock ol uaa b .3 Bcaacnoftba Mempbia and Little eoek Ha. ..om- -paay.at uaa lo.io.i.s pis ear urn .e of P.wraoa, rTnaRlan; rule-- , of D.F.SLaw. Little

amatol B. o. U.iama,l.aL't o.uff;ef uiSDaat. No 17 Jetfara u orao

Marmparts, T.an. Tne axuipa.y agree uaasArkansas wild mad atitu p,.oa, anu leauefall SBld-B- a to R .a a. A o...sensed aanue lat J .naa u-a-, will be samriuwa hub .or are jaara. and 'n. losspaay gave tne pany .au , : ng i. upturnof any Ibr nail una lands am.fr ipso ai thsasu prut, wutls Ufa lean. Ina. 1 paatofthe mala lias lo Bnreveport acu i o Kin,wnare oosnecuon win oe uaaua W1LO marxriru.


sn Pastas Ban mailtaanttall lBiormatlon furniaaed by

LandMmm t


oatcB, .




r- L WILLIAMS.J .or com Ban v.

A. t. . CcR AgeaUBtrast. jtoa.iuis. lean

us Litits Rank 8. K. Co.

MratafB agile la Csatracisrt,

1' H E cos tram aor Be i id log ne am twenty-Bv- a

Jbs Bailee of ina r.ae o.ull giai.t.iram tevai. a blaff, baa beam . aa-Uo-U uMcuavoek. Vsnm A lb.

Bids W4a4 ba ssamsaa. "- - of thisCompany at Lt.tls iLcx, Ark, o .w.a.yow; aays tor balluigg a -a, , , . laaaiy-av- e

misca, tne w.rk to coo. .. e. puling,OBlidlag piss TittI-- . taiawAlir .lOaMiaaand .ay lag track. A. b. a I r.a.M .

maipnm, sty, xt. lavL Ovu'i aap'L

MaaVUSSl 4 Teiii.c4vy8 ti. R.

OTT aTa TkJCAt! Oa W.WVUIdEB I3!ii, iS7i.

i tJg aad attrnMOMiiAY, November 18,1x71,J trains run ss miiows :

LaavA ArrittstswOTlanaa Mali iaai. at p.m.Bxplaw 4. la pan. : SJ xan.Fi eight daily .excel i

Banaay) tJbaaa. mis.anu


JAB. 1 . ... . Mi L


OOttOn jSaXpXOgaVnBZ

pads to sew Mbsibw, Paxlwdalnhla. Elnli Inas.re amd Mew


VIA CHARLESTON.rap HIS rents (as favorably known oe fare tbaX war) anatn a aawi anas, ana esasm am aawaatages to sn.npeis

low rates, so transfer tsr' m . i,oUlisilssliin XMs aoade Ui mitral naveasset a rirtair nasasox ol caisMemphis aad Charlsaton Sot toe aatoe bmo exeiuaivej ior eaapp og aihsa cars run on a reguar Caoutasu --.Caeda

to caatdeaum. Timer rui . : snip- -para are resuaatad to tavartnJanns wnaiatrial. T.IA fUsU-ia- , Aae.tnot. ... jaeln a.reeL

Menpbis and Loubviiia



frain lsavm.Uay EarpnwB," Msw YuA

8rown.vU.s sooommoaaUont cart rot

andj.as. train. The 1 .13 pai at dio run on Son day. j.


Utaphis and Caafiesun fi. R.


DsXeraxxct m-- Itov. TLMail train.Throughway


aleentn.lau--- .

EUnie,tl. and




Ida p.m.i io St.


nirArrsiU.:l.Jll:4 put

srro am. SraSlattch'd :a pan. am

C ia A uaa rON. rsup tNOTIC a


in soaoi mai.ee w lan tne pro i oon.. o i oaet.on7i of ths en y Charter, r e ..pexsonshtve been appotuteo and eioy the Boars of Alder luc- - a saaiiisakri,for the of carry mg aa.u rt.u.Bexecu Uob. i wlai be alias

usmad balow, on t , ine J7ia11 o'cictk m , Bad ieaa.1. o.eu until

mentime wul ceaae. tit Beis willlatiensttse that ail .rl.ia vote

thss ma. ieiasal aseei.ou are bareglsasrsd tue ward Wuion rea.de.oertiSeates hereto. are asu, wr.l aot ba


Owen Dairy, Rat ta.tr.r




Annrvss:y.ax litlaaanUXlajn


Tenn., Nov-mo- er

nnrmedpurpose into

heir opened

u ai a

parties a- soat uu..rid to

In in r.eyo re

BBVaBUEa r . c o

-- First Ward.OSes. a Front,

P. Tn Wigmtta. Octaa, Mo. a Pop.Iar, sornar Basoud,

P. OfsVrey Mo. lagSseoua ggisat. aaraar st a asnlostoB.

John C Offloe. No.escona .treat.



rtftkl WauraLA N. Rsgls - r. OMee, No. EM

dassaal antasg, earser ol Union.

Baxtn Want.Jamas c nlee. No. MB Main

timet, earner af

A, A Tngaans. Resit lar. Offlm, No. UtBoale sUast, mock.

D. Pants, Register. Offloe, No. rtstreet, lhe

J. D. Dan bury. Ontco, corner ofFourth and ,

Tmlk Ward.Mlcbaal Dea. efflea, earner of

Mean and .tree i. aiil or Uiaconyanienoe of the el:!aans ,iv!ng in it. i sstsrn

of tare ward, bit offlce will beatSriioa horn the l.tk 1 seam hagaa aatardsy. the lath Inc. uai va aoaB







Riaaisiav Mayor.


Thomas Adams, Register.

Laniar, Register.


BssJu, BegUler.PoaBstsa.

Poplaropposite Market.





RhlPHIB CITY FTRX AGENT. INS. CO.,ampaiia, ap. rwfauioar, isti.

Tata Annaal Oonvaatloa of tt. Stockhold-ers of this company wtli be held at Lhe offlceot taw eosBpany, So. 18 Madlaon atraet. onMONDAY, the tth Daeembar, I87L at whiehlhara will be an election for seven Directors,a President, nt and Cashier.

nM F. W. SMITH. CssLlar.

Tka Medical Oouble Chamber.

ally invented. Is high- -Been sn a rr.ao. 1 oy is

g tWBPUL.at Bi exam

toe bub tenia asaeraleiy . by w ui ah he gaiaa aknowledge of disease, una tamable by theaao at taeelagle or oommua caamtwr. withana iIMaatrawa In a mixea .Lata.


a Tha --- a. c. a Bhysiclan ot one's (

may oe aa aaagaiutm wm tew wwbbbs nwaii.1Tb Llfg VaLU A in tba aick roam Is in

Tamable IktUlotmni yearIn daSnlag yoaur dlssaas, oy wm.bywar tlfa

sty taste the piece af the eosno.onr. Tarsals oy

LLOYD, t LA rut a a CO.asg Ed stain atrest.

RW LES AH j SALE.L TS on Prstton - laceBUILDING extended, lot lease .or ten

rears, at sow rentDesirable lea. oa Court street extended, tot



MADAM GRAFF,Tan aaadm ful Sa r and tha laas aavaaan anamntar at tna aovantn aaaan.Im she ai ki mai n lnl n II in 'T ll nmTRAL HOTnX. lor a few cays only: sawgtvsa advise va all bualnem mattara; lel.snawto nunim last or stoicn pio, ano , tUaaf lovars, and oven taua toe name of the per--

ywB are so mmrry. fwa.lt AU .cUBTBrrompuy wj loataanag stamp.an.n a pan. Bam


' Ws own s and storemade on



Ford, Porter 4 Co.,



Ha. 35 (Mm Sinwt,MJeMPHIS,


Shed,advaaraa u of


XsltRle Feooit. axrfav.

THE MetropoUtaa Ho .1 haviBgbvtn too,renovated, aad tea anto I oos

msda Ml boddirg. .oruiior., etc . ihe aoaas ataow osan, and win be condui.sd o.t tha

EUROPE AN PLAN.will be maxiero.rr.eot lr

THE RESTAURANTWill ba eondamaai oy Mr Jr ru ter, ansa.nsneneed oawrer.waoha- - red' ted end placed

pgax-a- to MiarT K.am3raTJJ,gTBI 8 awfaVT Bp aWia

