I I AMUSEMENTS. KM 11 18 THEATER. M SpaJdlng A Pope Jroprtetrjrs Treasure! TWO PERFORMANCES THIS DAY. satarCny Evening, Juur; lBth, Last appearances of the world-tame- Ul LTNi THOMPSON AID HE1 SEW W1PAST. y a' 'nee Admtation to all paiu of the Louse, al cnUGre.. nnaer len yesrs oi age, at coals ; Oanery HI and eta. Id ti.6 Only Time, the treat Nlblo's Garden 3 IN RAD THE BAILOR. t. .r-r- tfi! aeais In Pa a cell and Drt. i 'reie, tl SO: unreservea scan and itaudiig room In Dies. Circle, fl ; Family Or la Su cents ;Oa.lery, HI ana ascents. By special request the tirani Burlesque of KESILWOBIH, By apeelal InTltaUoo to HIS HONOB THE MAYOR, The newly eleced Aldermen, Canndlmen, and School Visitors, taey nave signified tneir BiattM mum laatianoanoo. , u ilgl- - tra. hABHl M MAMFlaXD W Ul deliver a public lecture on T Bead ay Evening. January U, 1872 At the MEM PHXB CLUB HALL, Corner of Union and Second streets, for the WiiCUh o. ujv MASONIC BOARD OF ELIEF, MEMPHIS. Subject" Mankind, a Brother hood." Admittance. FIFTY CENTS Tickets oan be had at hotel, news standi and ti be door. h. c, Williamson, A. J. Wheeler end 8 Hfrm Commit lee. )ii-eo- o fcANTS. ,Ui tK-- tl Hilt I H, all O 't O. m. psrvo. a 1 oore, oi ro- . addrc at st:g ti uia, 1'jCatK n, c to W. A pea orfim.- - AlUOttM 19 tal on,, fin ooat make: a 1 Oh imL a '.M L' mms-ci- m j5 fTkrtv.Y'a in MaiMcn a reel -- Two scrub falrla anu a I haw , ih- - lommtitial Ri.ti. ap pry to i..- e..r Jl haN1 Help, white t o. colored, male I fand emu. itiduut, .JratP, notei lLLik i Abuli. Broker anu u. o iuiel-Lieuc- e Office b- - at jeotrauu eirttt. h .1. m l v i..r. ui buv.eeil or iria. t I U..r old looks at 1 " OWiU Blur; V . . . u re-- ,, a uumc rlih five oi -- ix : vtu to OUairti-- Ad n -- i aniNieiA:.. . rn.iui.. cmuibii ul J) Roueeboid ejooda oi ah kinds rough t at I 1 . . . . . . . HJfi SALE. ' ilt Out of i. e mat desirable H iie. ,1, the city, mod. rn built and t eunbainina tun lean room .... Jf ia.ae hail, i ar.ora, llora- - u. mai w.re and lrun maiitiea, clue -- tUBi e. ki.cli'L, nrvani luu ni a a aunt-i- on the flrki flaor; end nve fan siaeu roems on the ecoua noor, hi oa c. a i u.itkiic ttoaer Lain., aaier -. . Bnnn.li waanaLana. reservoir, etc n v- - r. r r,. h,lb in Llit iotas. The cat nunc lass eat si, i o. laigt liable .or horse it A , ow. . CO ami ai Licuse. tU'.LUini ,ru 7 n fiuDLdi a.e Lean i nU oeau tl nils imD c ved. n fine flu -- er garden ol Uifl ru,i: n a- - , viae, tniunbe.y. unit ana hu t; ii'e vines, e.c. Tor . tuLiii l. ul o. ih. beat In tne cilj e.i.1 fciaiy Tares irou the aneet taia, anu will in Leu minutes' walk o. Court Square. lpn i. ith. r n.r auo. to wTX. V. ii..T-- t J , Bethel Block J5 l iner nuri no Main hireeU . TO .'JtV-Ci- ie hut la'ae uooimt oiuve, An ft A as i.i at new anu 1 c mple't, tor oiit- - bal. us valuo. Appiy ai x runt ttiect. . ..m. P . L.K Oli TO Iba iA n r Oiher prep X erty m the eiiy or Its memos, slot on the m.r.n aiae ol JeHflia'-'S- i tlr. et, at iu iuter aect.on with Chrljatou avenue. Apply to C e. tXH Lifta, IBIS No. IH 1mi Uuu fireet. i .LK. EULROaD SCHIP-- We sue au- - A UiuriiMl ui khe con, Kliiuau loco linue oe.i.ng tots Scrip ouul e binary Lne Bis , tt . i e. n e oenw, wneu, ii auj a is.. uvti. it will u withdrawn rum lue martel ii. bLUka - NATIONAL. B1SK Hi.tot AND LOT 61 leet CuTI.C-- lv 1 11 f. et: boose k.tcuen, (en.' r mu new. uu Tale al ctu. near Orleans li!ir sold at a bargain tot cash. Appl on pr- il. Jee J an KdUi- L- !be power Portable tn i t KLne, built b me employes oi u.e Jsem unia ana Cnarieaton feauliuad Company an rh i.ir.k uiu Dietr lum al tne iate ra.r. W -- L,nt was bunt irum selected mate- - rlaua iu-- 0 the woit ana stjle us super lui a. narl . mum Iti.I.'V Lo . i M Bijrt aa. M.M.AC HE Co. TjuL t. a.1j i un Stewart's ave ue, t j auouI tlii yard. Horn bemacdo autti ir.LWi,ul be sold CHJLar. Apply at this netoc jae NO A fine hosewood ease Piano, new onlj IB use U lujutua, one-mir- a ie MM t. loqn re at 'his omce. !a SUA At . AST-- in good location. Address It mis omui- - ja. V h. s over One linLdred head ol Ma.ee aaiiijj6ta. e nave ja. t receiveu it- - i. i .rw., oi Muica. ana Lhiee more so arrive 3oaral muttoemeuu uhered lo planters and Sawders. J- - b. r a.ivc. a a7 as. and jgi aecand street. cbajj el deniable land; ninety m lbu. .L.vauon, tooj impiuvmania, sssq vft . ..il aas fleal'Lt : lt; iLi.m ir.w rcto. wtiia. en icaer Rom Lake road, Dersto oowniy, Mississippi. For partlcuiais app.y to P. h. niyson, ilia Main sire: t, or on the pr e m laes. ja J At. Bkl-u- w. Ii Isli K Always on hand and Df s:f Sf JD lo aa any as iheBisrket. Apply al cflloe oi eiiuwden. uveru-- A Co., oi beeccc street nUs AR i SIORA One-ha-lf Interest In the grocery sto e, ISO. .2 stain street, rur tea saa appi ou toe pi emiaea. aa Ex.L lOlATOte aUA, barreiS Ear y Boa-- aau; hu barrels Rarly Rose: frui barret Rarly Uoudrtcn; iuuv trarreis Pechbiowe , Sui oarre a Mnaejes; ten barrets London Ladies; ijbu barrels i L ten Seta. BUTTON, ittiuQU A CO., dH Nos tM ar.d aai F.uni street. T stiUl acres en avenue, LAND Poptai str.el CoLue v.r c suiu.bieie. Bjarocner ur mlik bueinef., a.. so, lot iet . ir. u leet on Moeny avenue, nea. uat outside me city .in - AP, No. glSPop.ar street. aires north was' ou: jEa of V eiilugton '.Lreel a uargaih. levii oat .oa pre miae. or M lojs obelus. l reaidenee. SM Je. XV icraou ueu iu. tr premiaas nuU U toll lit refa At a bargain,! D ol tnemos AV ouia.s.vte anu ueiigi.t.w. . s.i.enosi bneiby coumy ai.cateo ou the south slue oi ropier sueel eztenued known the Co. Mlu s piaee, recently owned and oc.upiec uy i,ion.B. a,iai. for iti a, eic, ap-- - ai me en met r.siis. not ir J m sir set, on time Apply Li at si ijCUaA The aj.e hi ... .. e drt secc- - JsA aUs4, ng fl.Ua. n recms App.y J. A. CAM! , If. ii.nt street Nr. W Hii. i r- - B, bluEL'JW, ZVAl-- n stiaet Li e.sgant fhoc now oecn :t;nai.do iitUfaso; ioj.it. j u i ..adu. n sl.eei. Acsaasi"r gl-s- is ft- rna'ir i - .,irtfj tkw uaitsisut v free asde: same. uui isosjeegtsotaui OULuLo jU-K- ' a,p j A. -- ROCK ETT, " Union s!.. or Jts'i As. A fiKstui, ill icsdiao-- . ..mi. Atuiui. etm.es L. sujilji; tloua Apply lo 1 u i WaaSJ AD.ll, I li IV L a. i.i- - s.iect M-- Otr large f.unt room. " un L,"ai WUUi 'a, Auema sUee i.'uiee omosa au lent in K lemon ailiyii to OJ.C. L. CBOCERTT, a L n, n street 'JainKi PLACr.- - inr cnern " on bu n avenue s smai; soC n mree acre a.tMiueo. riniit. A hAKci-S- i . ii tinaOu atreet. a rtWi AJm OUAMO. D- - f.oom ana tx-i- also 2 or Iday BOA dera accepted, l ht n.ahin u'Dit, TAREJI Uf. i. AA KTTTTXnbTad mat., a REM O W, J. tm. a rttii ca!'. lbs cow la in good oroei ut sett.e. nciLSaswed of, nghi ear roppett, LLueibit in le.t ear. Tneownerran get ner by lAiling oh Joies, Vrou aTenUe. anu pay log cnsigeai. las LftiT. r OW a red Cow and small red Calf, no V' trots flu rewsrd wUi be paid for her delivery at MS n. Inkiary avenue, nrst corner x.orth ol Qi iar. joM "OLD BRACELET The name of A. B. VJ Lloyd e gisvec on the Inside. A liberal ewaid will bo paid tor lis return to Bl Main treet. JssT BOARDERS. AiOARDiro Nee boaid by day or week , D front roooss, fsum had or unfarnlahed. rant, with bused, at s71 Main sueet, up a:rs dao SJJ I LOCAL NEW. Oo to Leddlnw College. Attend Root lane's Easiness Col leg. Thus. Juotilua, bricklayer, M Main streeC -- Am: oDg Puotogibphlo Ualiery, No. Ul Mam t: tu Tkuree laulLieaa gasn pictures tor a. u -- K.-. n- -a - Tid iifli.! 0411 aid Oeenloa na LL Cltl Ul S (etf.Hui.1 i MA WAiJLUL THE APPEAL IN THE CITY. at which the Dally Appeal eaus The Daily appeal can be had every morn ing at the following -- named places in the city : At Counting-Boo- u Union street. At tne uews-ausu- a oi joe locks, ro. sb Main street. Al the news-stan- d of W. J. Manstord, corner of seeond and Monroe streets. At the news-stan- d In the Peabodj boteL. At the news-stan- d In Lbe Commercial hotel. At the news-stan- d in the Worsham house. At the news-stan- d In the Overton hotel. At. Lhe npu'K-KtjLi- In ttle HouLhern butel. Al the news-stan- d of Kmtuoiu A Sou, No. 10 JpftHiMtn aLrevat- - At lbe news-stan- d of v . i). spickernagie,cor- - ner of FourLb and Poplar bireeta. At i i. on r; uiuis a lanuuau At ise news-stan- d al Lanier A Bldridge's, Second atreat, near Madison. At the news-stan- d ot Hobbday, on Beale sUeet, near Main. a ii id tiHwa-stan- d at the Kaiiroad denots. At the news-stan- d on Its Memphis and Lit- tle Bock wharfboac At South Memphis news-depo- t, No. 60 Bottle street, near tiecoua. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. The divorce snlta in til oar city courts do not average over two per month. The poetoffice department baa agreed to reoelve mutilated currency in pay- ment for stamps. The streets in various parts of the city are considerably cat ap by tne operations of the gas companies laying down pipe The hotel at Grand Junction hag' changed bsnls. It is now under the sole charge of Mr. D. G. Roeeel, a gentleman of great experience ana suavity. There wag another large sale of cot ton yesterday in this city. Four thousand bales were sold on a basis of 21c for middling. A large drove of very fine hoot passed through Union street yesterday on their jjyfu' way to the porkhouse. They seemed to be elated at their ultimate dea- - liny sausage meat. Oar streets and alleys never were in a more nltby condition than at present, since the Nicolson pavement was not down. They ought to receive Immediate attention. l here is some complaint made about tne f ul ore, occasionally, to lght the oil limps in the outskirts if the city. Will the gaa committee of the general coon oil not give this immediate attention ? The January term of the circuit courts will bectn n Monday. Magistrates who have paptrs in appealed cases are required to file tbem with the clerks of the clerks ot the courts before the beginning of the term, in order to have them properly docket d The dealt re in rata and apples at the a M-- t c rnus report business very lively. The p anut is the favorite means of molar amusement. They make a dessert which everybody indulges In a long time after dinner, and eomeiimes immediately after the usual plate ot bar-roo- soap. Daring the past three days the weather has been unexceptionable in Memphis. We had a bright, genial aun for tally eight hours each day, and the streets bad all the appearance of eprlne Ladies were oat in great numbers and in superb BfJHSBV We are under obligations to Joe Lock. , 236Vs Main street, nesr Jefferson for a fall fi.e ol of late New York papers Joe has all the late daily and weekly papers ana the popular monthly mtga ztnea. Those in want of good reading af ter supplying themselves with the Ap peal, should oall at this news headquar ters ana sappiy themselves. Oar oountv court here could learn thing or two by studying the proceedings of the Dsvidson county court. At a recent meeting (hey appropriated one dollar each to purcnaso the s amps required to go on their official bonds as magistrates. Why not appropriate money to pay their other taxes County tax-paye- rs will consult their in teieaie by availing themtelvoe ct the ' if r of the German National bank, made In an suvertisement to be found In umn. It has been authorized to wiibdraw the scrip issues' by Shelby county to the Men phis, Marion snd He- lms rsilroad after February 1st, but until that date will meet all demands at nine e. The eloquent Jewish rabbi of this city, Mr. M. 8aoitield,will deliver a lecture next Tuesday eveniDg at the Memphis o!nb hall forjtbo benefit of the Masonic Relief board. It Is expected that not only the Masons of Memphis will be present, with their fami- lies, but also every one who appreciates! eloquence, and who Is oharltable euough to contribute his mite toward the succ-s- a of a board that has accomplished so much for the relief of the distressed. The twenty fifth of this month wlll'be duly honored in Memphis by the eons and daughters of "Auld Bootia," who will have an annual oelebratlon in honor of the birth of Robert Burns. The St. Andrews society have the matter in hsnd. Colonel G. W. Alexander, A, H Douglass and John B. Campiell are the committee. From these gentlemen it is but reasonable to expect a very satisfac tory and festive event on the evening ot the 25th. Yesterday a lame horse that had cn oi hla legs bandaged with rags put his hoof into an on can mat was standing on the curb atone and got the rags well saturated with the fluid. In tew seconds afterward a gentle man thoughtfully threw a burnlnc tump of a cigar under the self same hoof, wnen tne on at ence dhzbci up acti the borss jumped off at a rattling pace. Very soon be left the wagon behind him, the contents being scattered right and left. r. rery one was astonished at the biszing lag and the wild flight of the horse. John Zant. who has bn in the lum ber business all his life snd lias succeed ed is now doing business on a large scale on North Front street opposite the gas works. He has severed his connection with the firm of Williams A Co., and set up a lumber and shingle yard of his own on the adjoining lot He has all the latest mprovemects in smogie making and aswing at his yard. The mechinery he has in motion is of the best and most ample description. Mr. Zsnt is in a po sition to supply all demands that may be made upon him. He is a cautions, con scientious and energetic business man. so has been recently chosen chair mis r f the city council. Dealing with i i: "soonies more satisractcrv ana acre'1 al f. lbe longer it Is contlnurd. His card wLl be iound in our advertislngoolumus NEW CITY OFFICERS. The Komlamtloaui ef the Mayor thai Mare been Continued. Ltst rvsnirig the r&emNsrs of the gene-raieorc- il met in caucus in the ordinary of the Overton hotel and remained closely shot up until halt-pa- st ten, thee rose ul went luto called meeting In the Excbanwe bonding, and elected the following cffl cers in a rew minutes; Fre? C Sharper, city comptroller. L R Richards, oily registrar. John Newom, treasurer. P. M. Winters, recorder. J H Humphries, city engineer. Kd. Anderson, chief ot the fire depart i mem. , Phil. J. Atbey, chief of police. A C Beetle, aergeanat-arma- . Ed Bari da, ol'y inspector. R H Norris, nonh a arke master. Bo i ner south msrke master. Hatoe old hand, Court square keeper. Same old hand, Market square. 8 W. Rice, lumber inapector. The mavor nominated George R. Phe- - lan for city attorney, and one ballot was taken with do reaul'. The mayor per sis.ed in this nomination and declined to make so Mr. Phelan's name Is sllil before the contidl for city attorney Alter triiaioe council adjourned. SWINbUNB ANU THIEVERY, ine recorder's aocket sometimes pre- - aenia curious features. It is a good means rf studying the social barometer, for the nuciuatiocs in the moral world are there pretty accurst: ly marked Home mrn as ing it win oveimw with " vagran's," at a other times " druoks" monopolies its pages. Again the assaults and batteries are so numerous that one can elmost Im agine he sees the gleam of the tremm. dons dagger and bear the crack of the v - at ciouspwtoL yesterday " swindling and inievery- - seemeu to nave the asoandanrv Early in the morning Sergeant Kelly had occasion to make two arrests of thieves. One of the unfurl unaaea at tempted to steal a caddy of tobacco from the house of Hill, r ontalne Co , on Front street, but was caught in the act lv the Mr. Cianp, who tenderly turned him over to the honest policeman Before reach- ing tha statlonhouse another person was placed in his hands charged with stealing doming. At the soil-sam- e hour Shelby cot a din patch from the chief of the Chicago police Kennedy telling him to arrest one Mart, who was accused of forging and wind ling up in that country. Shelbv went to the Overton and found his man, tall, smooth-face- youngish sort of fellow," who! had been topping there a day or two, aud had al- ready ran up a bill of eighteen dollars for rhMootg. He reposes in the aitan eral street statlonhouse. Later In the day a gentleman rushed around to the station-hous- e in and wanted four no.icemen st once to arrest C. C. Pretchard, who had for l swindling the oo mas unity of Loui siana as an inenranos agent. He left Viekaburg on the Colorado, and was ex pected In yesterday. iMBkir.AS Driven WsJfc u. Browns larthtaUHiaM THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-SATURD- AY, JANUARY 13. 137 2. RAILROAD NEWS. The Arkansas OeatraL Twenty miles out from Devalls Bluff, says the Little Rock Gazstte, on the Cen tral road, crosses the Hue of the osvans Blutt and Pine Bluff road, and the Pine Bluff branch of the Central Is to be built over the same roadbed, the gauge of one being four aud a hair feet and the other five and a half feat. Asked te Pay Fp. Comptroller Pennebaker served no tices upou the following railroad com panies to pay up the amount of linking fund due from them as shown in the fl cures (riven b!ow: Mississippi and Tennessee- - kl&00 East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia.... 11,'J Nashville and Chstuinooga 77,140 .tfempuls snd Charleston 67,160 Mississippi Central ,60 Notices will be served to-d- upon tho Memphis and Little Rock road, which owes $14,000 on account of the sinking fund. The law as to this matter applies to all railroad companies whose bonds have been indorsed by the State as well to those to whom State bonds have been issued. Change ol Gauge of the tittle Rock. The Little Rock Gazette is authority for the statemnnt that next Sunday the peo- ple residing along the line of the Memphis railroad win nave tne pleasure ot witnei ing the modus operandi by which the gauge of a road la changed in twenty-fou- r hours. The Forrest City Times, of Saturday, says the gauge on the Memphis road is to be changed on Sunday next, "and an im- mense force is engaged in raising the grade between St Francis river and Hope- - field. Colonel A H. LSvermore the popn lar superintendent of the road, deserves the thanks of the citlsens of our S:ate, and the traveling public, for the energetic manner in which he is pushing the great work forward. AMUSEMENTS. The Thkatbb. The Lydia Thompson troupe will to-d- ay close their seoend en- gagement and second week in Memphis They will leave for New Orleans where we doubt if they will reap a larger meed of praise or measure of profit than hss fallen to them here. Not even Jefferson, the most popular artist that has ever occupied our boards, has proven a greater success. The house has been crowded every night and on the occasion ot the . benefit of the fair Lydia, laet rsinht, was filled to an extent never before paralleled lnbe history of theatricals in Memphis. How, under th circumstances, Beckett could sing, or Lydia say they were not happy, passes cur comprehension, unless that, under the rules of tho management, they must repeat "their lines," happy or no, "Filled1' we have aaid the popular tech- nicality of the gallery, "Jammed" would better convey an idea oi the crush that firevalled in the upper gallery and ca well as in the par-quet- te and dress circle. The bill was the ootnedy, "A Day in Paris," and the burletqae "Luriine," in which the Thompsons first made t heir debut here. Better played than it was then it could not well be, so far as the stars Miss Thompson and Messrs. Beckett and Kd-u- in are concerned, but In justice to the present supports it must be said that theirs was a batter perforniKioe than those whose places they occupy could have given us. The bouse came down again and again; indeed, there was an unceasing uproar of appiauso, that very properly indorsed the presence of so im- mense an audience as a gathering ol the friends of the most popular and oertainly the best burleeque troupe that makes the tour of the United States. Not only last night, but every night during the week the Thompsons have prusfcnled good bills. "Bluebeard," "Luriine" and "Ksnil worth" attest how well they have kept their advertised promises to make themselves more and more worthy of the place they occupy as a mirth-provokin- and jolly crew, who seem to b? inspired by the god of misrule, very children of Momus. A more el- egantly appointed piece than "Kenil-worth- " it has never been our lot to enjoy outside of New York. Rich aa were the costumes of the characters In " Larlino " and " Blue Beard," those worn in " Kenilworlh " were a thouaand-foi- d more so. They were gorgeous. Satin, velvet, silk, gold-lac- and fringe could not be brought together to better purpose than to make the dis- play which elicited from every aide on Thursday night ejaculations of pleas- ure and de.ight. The managers of the theater, moved by a command-abl- e impulse, improved the scenery for the occasion, and the result waa every way ss'.iniactcry to tho im- - u,ene audience which wo promise will be improved upon whan this best of all burlesques will be repeatad and before the mayor and genera coun- cil, who will be present by special invita- tion. Following very closely the "Amy KobHart" which Mrs. Bowers played so well, "Kenilworlh" depends more upon the absurd interchange of the eexes in the oasts ot characters and a few an- achronisms such as E Jouin go well knows how to interpolate, than upou the con- tinued and sometimes strained efforts t wit aud drollery thst cnaracterize some of the other pieces. There is a con- tinuity of plot that is easily followed and the argument being in the main familiar to the mass ot theater goers the result is most satisractory. No burleeque of majesty was ever more thorough than that which Beckot sllords as the carroty-beade- d virgin quoin : and no caricature, albeit, as well dressed as McOollom'a, could he mere complete, even to the de- tail of the famed garter, than the almost manikin Leicester of Miss Thompson. The contrast waa painfully laughable. When they were upon the Btage with Forney (Edouln) the audience found it impossible to hold in; the laugh became contagious, so that the "eupes," forgetful that wit of panto- mime or words is most forcible when de- livered wlh a straight lace, unable to con- tain themselves, smiled more than once and as broadly as any of the vast crowd oi eager and delighted spectators before them. A handsomer compliment than this could hardly be paid to a revelry the memory of which brings with it a laughter only less loud and prolonged than the reality so ridiculously, funny, witty, gorgeous, glorious and magnifi- cent. But one slip of the tongue marred this otherwise very correct performance, and that we submit bad better be omitted. We suggest this in the Interest if the Thompsons, who need net descend to vulgarity or a worse suggest ivenesa to raise a langh. Leave out the corkscrews. To-da- y at the raailnee "Hinbad" will be present d. Of course the ladies will be out in large numbers and crowd every part of the house. t we look for aa large an audience as on Thursday, when K ni! worth" was first given as if to show how the Memphlans could im- prove upon themselves. Lectttbbs The public will have a rloh and rate treat nex week in the way of lectures. The Rabbi Samfield lectures Thursday evening at the Olub hall on "Man, a Brotberhood," for the benefit of the Masonic Relief board. Tho Rabbi, though young in years, is a ripe scholar and a fluent speaker. His lecture will be Interesting and will attract a large udiai.ee. The very eloaaent D .minlcan. Father Barke, will lecture Monday even ing at the Greenlaw ooera house on Ireland." The disc mrnes of Fiibtr Burke are of the most profound and pleasing character, so thel his t srera go way astonished at the inysU-rlou- im- pression he hss made. This lecture, upon sntect with which the learned and el oquent divine is thoroughly acquainted, win araw a crowoeKi house, COstkiENCE R (.NT. OngRaaMl fills right is always essential. Keeping right la si ill more so. It is easier to tear down than to tulld uo. I'. Is a fa tal mistake to atart business and adopt popular prices (which are never high) aod no r oner get well on the road to success than the idea begins to assert itself that more pre fit could just as well be obtained and as much or more bualneas done. Any merchant or manularturer who is eo filly to let go ot a Bare patronage to try such fstai ponry, will as surely fall in the end as be lives, and his life need not be prolonged beyond the average duration either: Wsggener, the famous merchant taller of 317X Main street, fullv under- - ds this; hence hla prices are uniform, anu toe worst lurueu out irom ma estab- lishment unsurpassed in point of finish to and material. A CARD. Raaiisotlnily soliciting the natronsge oi public and having seoured the ser- - vioeH ot Mr. K C Han niters as DresoriD- - tlonlst and analytical obernlst in my retail department, I am prepared to fill all pro- scriptions at any hour, day or night. Mr. Saunders is a graduate of pharmacy aud chemistry in the London college and is tnorougniy competent. Domiciled in the storerooms he will answer the night-be- ll promptly. J. K. HILLS, ry, uriufgiit, 281 Main atreat. A cbtwtttbi ago the wmer Blue-Lic- k water was used only dv vast herds of buf faloes. It ia now the most popular min spring water of the age, and the best has alterative and aperient known Supplied oases of two dozen bottles, filled care by fully at the springs. An excellent thins family use. autre a iri h.L li a miurrr, Wholesale Agents. ttOPELAwVAlTrli7 CURE- - you Far sale by 1, B. Hills, druggist, SSI aarsat, PERSONAL. MR. Miller, formerly of the Cincin nati Chronicle, was in the city yesterday on his way to New Orleans. uommodore Thompson dean, oi Cin cinnati, passed down to New Orleans on the new and magnificent-steame- r, Thomp- son Daan. Hi bam F. Hale, vice president Mis- souri, Kansas and Texas railroad; Fsaker Thomas, Louisville; F. Volke, Cincin- nati ; General L. Fetiger, United States army, and J. F. Hull, LUHe Rick, are among the arrivals at the Peabody. C. J. Woodbury, correspondent Jour- nal of Commerce, St. Louis; Edward Johnson and son, Arkansas; B. S. Bon-ne- Somerville, Tennessee; A. H. Look- er, Friar's Point. Mississippi, and T. M. Henderson, Little Rock, are among the registered at the Commercial guests yestarday. Nothing denotes the prosperity ot a city more than crowded hotels. All our hotels appear to be do- ing a large business, especially the Com- mercial. The Franklin Review and Journal of the 11th instant has the following, which will be Indorsed by all who read it in the Appeal: " In the supreme court we have six very Intelligent gentlemen working most assiduously in trying the many cases which the mishaps of war and the ignorance of inferior tri bunals have piled uo here. The law and equity dockets of Williamson ana raontgomery nave occu- pied the court since its meeting on the nrst Monday in oecemher last. Many oases of importance have been tried, and many of tbem decided very strangely, if we listen to the dolorous complaints of the defeated barristers and their unfortunate clients. There is no brilliant genius on this bench. They are hard working, plodding men. To com pare It with the bench when Turiey, Reese and Green were the immortal trio who dispensed the decrees of fate to rights and persons, who would be doing infinite injustice to the It would be nearer hitting the nail on tho head to say that the present bench about equals a bench com posed of men like Totnn, Harris and Ca ruthers. They are young men enough. and mayhap some overshadowing genius will developtnmsell. if it does there will be more than one surprised. Tbev are doing their duty honestly and laborious- ly, and if not with tho ability of the first named trio, it is simply because nature has not endowed them with the brains It is pretty certain that the supreme court will compel the State to pay the new is- sue of the State bank, which will amount to between one and two millions "J. N." Triumphant. "J. N.,"' who has been sojourning at the Overton, yea terday left the city for Nashville. He is radiant with hope and recurs with delight at the reception given him here in 1865-6- 7, ween he stood on the banks of the Missis 8ippi and lifted the veil there was a heavy fog that mcrning that overshad owed the land. The snn has been shining from that day forth. Brownlow disap- peared and Tennessee is redeemed. These momontous events could never have oc- - cured but for tho intervention of "J. N Tennessee owes him s debt of boundless gratitude. He knows no sections but must ever be honored alike wherever truth dwells and philosophy reigns. The wisdom of "J. N." will ever be the mar vel of tho age and country that of Solo mon is dwarfed by contrast with the pro- found thinking of "J. N " His sacrifices will constitute themes lor iena of praise while poetry elngs and hi-to- chants endless epics illustrative of the deeds and heroism of oar race. He divides honors won in war with equal band be tweon the North and South and contem- plates rights and wrongs from his pou sto, on which he stands as with an n lever, weighing the virtues and vices of human kind. The philosopher is rnuvenatea. in lifting the pressure from the country he has Ufte.1 It from himself, Hh eye is radiant with hops His marvelous ocular orb pierces the future and clouds and darkness baye disappeared. He has bathed afresh in g fountains, and rejuvenated and reinvigorated he goes about the mighty task of removing the pressure He stands here to day and casts his eagle eye over New Orleans and South Caro- lina and oontemplAes the difficulties of lining the pressure from those un hsppy districts of the country The veil lifted, the pressure ethereal'zd, the morning sern together ss J. N wends bis way beneath cloudless skies to the Stale capital. He brings with him the sunshine of spring time and his Hps are eloquent of his philosophical views of the late war, wnicn win now oe recognized aud final reconciliation will be effected between the North and South. No other man In the north has done j ustlce to our valor and patriotism. When the onred orate flag went down with a'l tha preiu dioe of the North against him, be honored its principles and lifted the vail from the gallant dead end siood alone a martyr to his views, no speaKs in Little Rock on the 6th, and in this city on the 6th, snd in isrownavme on the ,tn proximo. LAW REPORT. First Chancery C'oorl Morgan, Chan cellor. Yesterday was motion day. The petl tion of H. Mette, and others, for charter of incorporation of the German Insurance company of Memphis, was granted. The calendar for Monday will be published on Sunday. Flmt ClreaTt Court HefgKell, Judge. The court will not be open for business later than ten o'clock this morning. The clerk will be allowed from that time till three o'clock p m,, to get up his minutes, w hen an adjournal 3nt will be had until oourl in oourse. Seconal Chancery Court Chancellor heetl. Decisions Cook vs McKlnney, Ollsson vs Knspp. Awaiting briofs Vollen'.lne vs Faro, Frick vs Uci. Heard Childress vb M. B. K, Spices vs Sharpe, Shoemaker va Bernard; Radius vs Cnrry. Continued fatsuio.-f- l vs Kiohsxcson, Maban v Easterly, M. and A. vs BMnkley, ssme vs Overton, Drake vs WcKeon, Hapsley vs McKeon, Barrett vs Hughes. McKenra vs Curry, Bbb vs Good, Chamberlain vs Curry, Henninger vs Miller, Over ton vs Easterly, Morgan vs Baker. Court adjourned to Monday, fanes set for that day: 665, Fante va Dunkerson: 6r2, Lumpkin vs Wilson; 705. Fowlkes vs Mitoheil; 71b, Donovan ve Johnson ; 716. Williamson vs Fontaine; 717, Rhodes vs Koen ; 718, Bender vs Willman; 719, (Jood- - lett vs cole; 7iu, Jones vs Dickens; 721, Anderson vs Hunt; 722, Sanderl in vs Men- - crlef; 728, Gaunt vs Wesdiy ; 724, Whitby vs jonee; Tib, Moriarty vs Moriarty; 728, caoek vs Barry ; 7i7, Drake vs Isaacs; 729, mayor and aldermen of Memphis vs Furstenhelm; 730, Allen vs Dent; 781, McGinty vs Armour; 732, Cadmontoni vs mayor and aldermen or Memphis : 783, Keliv vs Williford; 7M, Mueller vs Muel ler; 785, Goff vs Lundy ; 786, Mendenall vs Mendenaii; weed sewing machine com pany vs Denny. County Court. The county court met yesterday morn ing at ten O'clock, pursuant to adj urn- - ment, wnn ice following lustices present; E quires J. A Murray, H. B. Hale, John optnimau, r. aa winters, W. a.. Hue- - d, w m waiiace, ri jsn puiilam. i. W. Caldwell, J W Hurring, J. W. Allen, i noma-- , u. Bleckley, Uarrlson ttbv, Wm H. Walker, Henry T. Jones, W. H Hoe- - gel, J R, Brown, John E Burke, Jno. T lliott, Samnel A. Moore, R b it B filler, W. B. GUsson, C. L. Brooks, H. C. masse y anu rt it stone. John Walsh, the county undertaker, was auowea siioo ior burying paupers Messrs. M. T, Williamson, W. B aiartin and B M L-v- y, commissioners appoint- ed at the October term to revise and cor- rect the assessor's books, were allowed fioir ior tneir services. The matter of levying a tax for sobool purposes was post poned to the April term, 172. and a committee, consisting of inquires Wallace, Walker and Pailiam, required to report to the court upon the expediency of levying a tax for said pur pose. The court considered and allowed about thirty olaima from various parties. amounting to about J5oco, and adjourned lo ineei lo-o- at in MONEY SAVED! Tl X. V,nw1.(V DM1. t ., .nH FT' n "J J w" ' Buoy, i ei uaa see money and Selma railroad scrip at vny nuix, no. v maiiison street. NOTICE. All ticket holders in the rsffl for the horses at toe Overton stables are notified mend at. the ove.-to- n hotel on Satur day evening, January 18th, at 8 o'clock p.m. J. H. Carxbok informs hla old friends and acquaintances that he can now be round ate. Hmall'a Phcealx saloon, 88 Main street, snd would be niaaaed to servo mam, LUNCH! LUNCH 1 At the old Pacific saloon, No. 17 Mon roe) atreet, the finest that tha market can afford wild duck, bear meat, cele etc. win oe dianed up to all the mends oi the paoino. The beat beer, nines urn cigars win ueip to stimulate. can ana see. r. W. LOUIS. THE FIFTY CENT STORE, 348 Malt 8t , received a sood many new tn replenish the stock so fearfully reduced the big rush on Christmas and New Tear. Toilet sets, liquor teta, China and glass vases, cups and saucers in great va- riety, A fall Une of table glassware and crocjiery, etc. Heat, Comfort and Economy This will get by baying your crates set with Lemon's Improvement, Call at 9Bfi isaoona street, OFFICIAL. GENERAL COUNCIL. Adjoaraed Heeling or the Ueneral Council. COMMON COUNCIL, CITY. HALL, Memphis, January 11, 1S72. ( REPORTS. At an adjourned meeting of the mayor and common council of the city of Memphis, on I'hursday evening, January 11. 1S72, nresenl Hon. John Johnson, mayor; Messrs. President Zent, Foley, RoblDs, Schade, stelnkuhl, Gib- son, Beelsu, Norton, Hue b man, Martin, Har vey, u instead, uicaersou, pinn, ueneite, Marks. Schabel. Reder. Smith snd ulliu-sii- . councllmem An ordinance to tlx the salaries of city officers continued) : Bac-rio- L Be it ordained by the general coaneil of the city of Memphis, That the com- pensation to be paid the several officers al- ready elected and to be elected for the ensu- ing two years, whose compensation has not already been dxed, and the compensation to be paid the employees of the city, shall be as follows : FIRE DEPARTMENT. The cblef-englne- of the fire department shall be paid a salary of 11800, and be entitled to the board of uue none. One assistant-engine- er and n, a salary per annum of SJ6O0. Four each a salary per annum ot 11500. Four engineers, each a salary per annum of SlstO. One captain of the hook and ladder com- pany, salary per aunam of (120U. Firemen, each, per day, S3. POLICE DEPARTMENT. The chief of police shall be paid a salary per annum of fouoo, but shall be required to furnish his own horses, and pay for the keep-- The recorder, a salarv ner annum r.f vjica- but he shall not be allowed to retain any fees oi '.un.!- hi perquisites accruing to him as re- corder, or as ex officio lustlce of the twuv. hut he suall pay all such lees and perquisites over to the city treasurer to the credit of the city, fl'' "m" l i"00' a siary each per annum Sergeants of police, a salary each per annum oi aiooe. Detective policemen, a salary, each, per an numoisiao. Patrolmen on the police force, each, for each day of actual duty, til 00. TurnKeys at the police stations, each, for eacn aay Of actual duty, 12 jo. une si ai lonnouse keeper, a salary per an- num of urn Assistant statlonhouse keepers, each, a sala- ry per annum ol t900. One clerk for the recorder, who shall also perform the duties of clerk at the station house, a salary per annum oftl200. One clerk for the chtel of police, a salary per annum of alOOO. Each detective policeman and every police officer who may require a horse, shall furnish bis own horse and pay for the keeping of him; and each captain and sash sergeant of notice shall keep at all times, ready for use, one good serviceable saddle-hors- e. CITY HOSPITAL. The city hospital physician shall be paid a salary per annum ot sajw. The steward at the city hospital shall be paid a salary per annum ot 1900. The driver of the city ambulance, a salary pel nuuuiu 01 c The city shall be paid, aa com- pensation for bis services, one per cent, on his collections of city taxes, and the sum ofil. to pay for clerk hire. ine wnarimasier snail be paid, as compen- sation for his sei vloes, ten per cent, of his col. lections on account of whsrfaee. The comptroller, register and other officers suan pay meir own cierk-hlr- unless the con trary is expressej in tins ordinance. te i. 2. All ssiarie and com enaatlon to of- - fieri and employes of the city shall be paid U1JUIUIJT. ML LUC t UU Ul flSCU ffl'lQll SCrVlCS Sec 3. ibis ordinance shall be in force ii om ana arier us passage, and au Inoonaia- - ter i otuiuanceB are nereby repealed. Raspes fully submitted. J. M. 1 ETrlGRKW. Chairman com. of board ot eluermen. Amende! by making the salary of the captslu of the hook and ladder company the same as that of a captain of a fire com pany, nrsi reaaing oy bosid of alder men. Ku es eu'ipended by requirement of c.ty charier, and ordinance passed second and lit1 hy board of aldermen, Jan- - . . .., - .'.. ivwiuu i.j euuuoil. I Bules suspended sgieesbly to charter pro- is uu, huu UIU1UHUCO pssvea N CO U ' 1 ftQG final res-uln- b roun-1- 1. Janaarv 1 1. 175. An ordinance to fix the bonds of city officers iui mcriuum. lwo years: Section L Be It ordained by the General U.uucn ol the city of Memphis, That the oQi- - oers of the city shall respectively execute ooiius ior ine lanniui penormance or ibeir rt spective duties, as now required by ordinance, In the following sums: The bond shall be in the sum of 17500. The treasurer's bond shall be in the sum of gSUJASI. The comptroller's bond shall be in the stun or szd.uw. The c ty engineer's bond shall be In the um of 20,000. The wharfmaater's bond shall be in the sum oi liU,UUU. The city attorney's bond shall be In the sum of rno.ooo. The ebl'f of police's bond shall be In the snm of ti0.000. The chief-engine- of the fire department's ouuu suai: ue in ine sum oi siu.ovu. The recorder's bond ahall be In the sum of oi 3,UUU. Each captain of police shall give a bond lu iiir sum Ol 93 uuu. sergeant or the police shall give a rxnia id tne sum ot '9,000. The sergeant-at-anm- ,' bond shall be In the sum oi axagg The city physician a bond shall be la the sum oi The city register's bond shall be in the sum Of 16,000. Th- - market-master- s, each, shall give a bond of rism The keepeis of the public parks, each, shall give bond In the sum of tluoo. The lumber Inspector's oond shall be in the sum of hum. Each tiLilrolman on the nollrn forcA shall give a bond In the sum of finoo. The city hospiial steward shall gives bond in the snm of lcj. Each engineer ot the Ore department and each captain shall give a bond in the sum of bobs The assistant chief ot the fire department or fire warden's bond shall be In the sum of The city inspector's bond shall be In the sum ot fZoUO. Sec. 2. ThK ordinance shall take effect and be in lorce Irom and alter Its passage, and all in consistent ordinances are hereby repealed By Alderman Peltlgrew: Passed first read ng, and rules suspended bv requirements of charter, and ordinance paused second and final reading by board of aiciermen.January 11, 1S.2. Passed first reading by couuci .and rules suspended as per charter, anu in..t'u aim nusi reaaina- - uv Luuuiii, aauuarj ii, io,a. RESOLUTIONS. A resolution that the city engineer have the chamber of the board of aldermen fitted up with suitable desks, etc.. for each of the al dermen, similar to the council chamber, eto. Adopted by the board of Aldermen, January 11, 1S72, and concurred lu bv council. Januarv 1, ' By i 'ouncilman Smith: Hetolved. That the standing rules adnntml and In UNe by the last board be adopted to govern this board, and that two hundred coping be pointed. Adopted by council, Janu- - CU 11, 10., Business Prom the Board of Aldermen ACCOUNTS. lne account of M j. Wrieht. sheriff n rjneiny oonnty v200 for offi-l- servP us In holding elections, municipal, etc., of 1371-- 2 was allowed dv ooard ol aldermen lannarr 11, lfl72, and their action concurred in by couucii January ii, 15.Z. PETITIONS. The petition of Q P. Fonte and other resl. dents on Jones avenue, between Alabama and Hawley streets, in relation to the closing uuoi a uuuuc uaaswav ana ior ine onen ntr w k.uv uiiia wna reierreu uy o arc oi aiae: men to their improvement committee, Janu ary 11, 172. Same action was taken bv com mon council by a like reiorer.ee to their Im provement committee, January 11, 1872. REQ.UIS1TION8. The CltV register's reonlalrlon fnr blanb- - bOOkS for thataenarimeut was eranted. when the council adjourned subject 'o the mayor's can. L. B, RICHARDS City Register BOARD OF ALDRRMKR. CITY HALL, Memphis. January 11. 1872. I At an adiiurned meeting of the mavor and board of aldeimen, held Thursday evenlug. January 11. lS7a nreent Honorable John Jonnson, mayor; Chairman Dent, Walsh Mal um, iuacKan, retngrew, uaiateata, icaua, uurke, betils and Peuduigrast, aldeimen. A quorum b.lrg announced, the chairman took bis seat, called the members nresent to oruer anu naa tne ron oi aiaermen oanea. The minutes of the previous meelinae were reau aaukuop'ea. Thereupon the chairmsn of the board of al dermen submitted the following list of namea of aldermen appointed on the respective siauoioj committees ior one lony-ui- w cor porate year, etc. : Mandlnr Committees. IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE. Mr. Thomas F. Mackall. chairman, ot tha ihird ward. Mr M Barke, ol the Eighth ward. Mr. A. C. Beltis, ot the Ninth ward. Mr. P J. Mallon, of the Second ward. Mr. P. Clcalla, of the Sixth ward. Mr. M. J. Pendergrast, ot the Tenth ward. COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS. Mr. A. C. Bettis. chairman, cl the Ninth waru. Mr. J. M. Pettlgrew, of the Fourth ward. Mr, P. Clcalla, of the Second ward. COMMITIEE ON FINANCE. Mr. J. M. Pettlgrew. chairman, of the Fourth vara, y, .. f n : ... . v. ri.kii, .. i "A A1A Blll.r, O. III. .IflU IAA mi VI. Mr. Thomas F. Mackall, of the Third ward. COMMITTEB ON CLAIMS. Mr. P. J. Mallon, of the Second ward.' ohair- - van. Mr. P.Clcalla, of the Sixth wrrd. Mr. A. C Bettis, of the Ninth ward. COMMITTEE ON WHARF AND LANDING. Mr. Thomas F. Mackall. of t ,e Third want Mr. P. J. Mallon, of the Second ward. Mr. N M:il siesta, of the Fifth ward. COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCE. Mr. A. C. Bettis. of the Mnth ward, ohair. man. Mr. J. M. Pettlgrew, of the Fourth ward. mr, r. iicana, oi me aixtn waru. COMMITIEE ON PRINTING. Mr. M. J. Pendergrast. ot the Tenth ward cnairraau. r. N. Malateata. of the Fifth ward. Mr. M. Burke, of the Eighth ward. COMMITTEE ON GAS. Mr. P. Clcalla, of the Sixth ward, obalrman. er Mr. jonu waisn, oi me r irsi wara. Mr. A. C. Hettls of the Ninth, ward. COMMITTEE ON HOSPITALS. Mr. N. Malateata. chairman, of tha Fifth ward. Mr. John Walsh, of the Flmt ward. Mr. Thomas F. Mackall, of the Third ward. COMMITTEE ON FIRE DEPARTMENT. Mr. John Walsh, chairman, of the First waru. Mr. N. Malatesla, or the Fifth ward. Mr. M. J. Pendergrast, of the Tenth ward. COMMITTEE ON MARKETS. Mr. M. J. Pendergratt. ctiufrmaa. of tha lenin waru. Mr. M. Burke, of the Eigbth ward. Mr. P. J. Mallon, of the Second ward. COMMITTER ON REAL ESTATE. Mr. P. Cloalla, chairman, of the Sixth ward. Mr. J. M. Pettlgrew. of the Fourth ward. air, j una w amn, oi toe jnrst' '"OMMrTTEE ON RAILROADS AND UAIL- - HOAD CONNECTIONS. Mr. P. J. Mallon. chairman, of the Seeond ward. Mr. Thomas F. Mackall, of the Third ward. Mr. J. M. Pettlgrew, ot the Fourth ward. Mr. A. 0. Bettla, of the Ninth ward. Mr. M. J. Pendergrast, of the Tenth ward. COMMITTEE ON WATER-WORK- Mr. M. Burke, chairman, of the Kigbth ward. Mr. N. Malateeta, of the Fifth ward. Mr. John Walsh, of lbe First ward. Mr. P. Clcalla, of the Sixth ward. . Mr. P. J. Mallon, of the Second ward. PETITIONS. The petltiousof sundry clt'zens residing and owning property on Jones avenue, between Alabama aud Hawley streets, stating that the alleyway in the rear of tbelr property has been entirely olosed, to their material detri- ment, and praying that tha city authorities have the same speedily opened, etc.: referred by board of aldermen to their improvement committee, January 11. 1872, and their action concurred In by council, January It, 1872. RESOLUTION. By Alderman Pettlgrew: Rcfofnad, That the city engineer be Instruct- ed to have the aldermena room provided with suitable desks for each alderman, and a tun- able stand for the president of the board, which shall be arranged similar to the coun- cil chamber, and such other lmDrovemeuls as the room may require. Adopted by board of aldermen, January 11, 11172; concurred In by council, January 11, 1672. REPORTS. Your committee report favorably on te account of M. J. Wright, ahsria of Shelby county for holding elections, etc amount t0. Report adopted by board of aldrsmen end their action concurred In by council, January it, nil For the reports of the special committees on salaries and effloera' nonda re'erence Is made to the publisned proceedings of the common oouncil, where said report will he found published at length. January U 1372. A reqnl ltlon lor three bl- k books for the useo: tbe city register's office: granted by r uncll and concurred In by board of alder- men. when the board adj inrned, sul jsct to the mayor s can, January ii i L. R RICHARD-- , City Register family marketing Current Retail Prices of Meats, Poul try, Visa, Game, Frails, Vegeta bles and Dairy Products. We have no headquarters for family marketing in this city. We haye no splendid or oommodioua building in which all those who deai in family sup- plies may keep stalls. The business here is carried on principally by storekeepers, scattered all over town, so thst there Is not half a dozen places, nor even a single in which all the articles of Elace, requeriments can be found. We gathered our in'ormation from many dealers, and there Is no doubt the prices will be round current : MSATS. Loin lF(52iV Veal, hlndquarter ...13 Porterhouse ISy J0t Veal cultets 18c "ound steaks iSc Saasage meat ..18e Roasting beef.. 5I8-Stewlne Fresh pork l&lc piece .1215 C irned pork 15c corned beef 12 thoat 12 6003 Mu'.ton.forcqaar- - iniote-- ! ham ....... .Tic ler 13H(91S- - Whole tripe. H'.ntunarter- - I5r Buffalo meat ..i2Ki Veal, lorequarter ..15c 1 teak? FISH. Dried cod per It. I0c Pike, per It. Jfto lrssed oaifliu Pic trout, per a S0e Fresh heirtng IS White fish pa-9- ) Me Shad, each....... tl 4almon,per Quad rr.isjj There is very little river fish in the market. Salt water fish begin to come in Irom Savannah and find a ready sale a. high figures. POULTRY AND QAMF. Prairie chickens, pair...... 50c per pair tl feal, per pa:r a0o Chickens, each. .60c j'Poaeum and Wild tnrkerys.tiaM 6t coon. ......... A; I Tame turkey, Venison hams .20c dressed, or. Ib 20 V'enaon aho'ldr Li.4 Mallard duckB, per Venison steak .25c The supply of game in the market is running out. It has been vary good so far. PROD DOTS, ETC. M lis, per gallon 40r ooking butter 25c Ooscen tin iter 508 Ch ese .25c t rime table but- - rga. per uoa-- j 40( ter S5A40t Lard, per pound ii; VQ B.T ABL .' Potatoes per peck 40c supply and can be veel iiolatoe 3ar had al a l uilo'fl-l- . miens Oelery, per dcz$n...tl 1'arniDs are lu lame jabhaas pr. h'dJM The vegetable market is well supplied this season, and housekeepers can make good bargains. FRUIT, ETC Apples, per peck.. ..85c per ft - 10Nll Cemjus. per 0; z tu uriea apples, pi r a pr. gai.76 lr 10i5c While gr' i e- -, per h.i ibs, psr pouuo. . id.. krlsd kernel , Drleu peaches. doney, In couit 35c Gam Fittino. 315 Second Mrs it. ATTENTION! Taxes paid on most favorable terms, by City Rank, JNO.H Madison street. Eoomokt. Take your fall clothing to the Steam Dyeing and Cleaning iiouse inont a Hanson a out stanai, mo aeconu sireeu HANSON A WALKm Cocoajsi dresses the hair beautlnuiy. S, TAKE NOTICE 1 County scrip, Tennessee money and Selma railroad sarin for sals st lowest rates by City Bank, No. 9 Madison sueet. If you suffer from neuraiglajipply "NeurlL " NxTjaxx, " Is the great antidote for neu- - aigia. Ex amine the grate In this office. Tia a great saving oi men ess. KulvArtlurant.nf lie Rnft'a TiUnenRArv. headed Book lor the Million Marriage Uuide in another column, it snouiu oe reau oy an. Pest) , 815 Second street. .true iMm. 238 1 Main street-- has the lar wast I assortment of Magazines, Pictorials and dai-- 1 ue is the city. A. F. 0AVI8, House and sign painter. 281 Second street. Or ders promptly executed at reasonable rates. CojrNUBiAL Felicity. Nothing tends more to connubial happiness than cneerrm ana hnaltlie infanta and children. Mrs. WhlL- - comb's syrup la the great children's sootlllng remeuy. As Abticlb or Taus Merit. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are the most popular arti cle In this country or Europe lor throat diseases and coughs, aud this popularity is based upon real merit. v Nbtjbil Immediately relieves and Per mian en 11 y cures neuralgia. Stka M FiTTiiro, 316 Second street RIVER NEWS. Boats Leaving To-da- Friars Point O. W. Chibk. 5 p.m Arkansas river....!, w. allbs p.m White river.. Emma C. Elliott o pjn Osceola ....CNniirK . o p.m New Madrid Will. 8. Hats ..J p.m New Orleans TJextbs. U m New Orieans Ukkat Ripublic 4 pjn New Orleans IlHS Kllgoub 4 p.m Arrivals. Phi! Allln Friars Point St. Francis Phillips Bayou Mary Millar Cairo EmmaC. Elliott... ...White river W. J. Lewis ., viestabn-- a Louisville .....Louisvllle Thompson Dean Louisville ie par tares. RobL Burns Cincinnati Phil AiUn . Friars Point A.J White rsapi.ievn St. Francis. JSC Francis river Frank Forrest 1 ulton Mary Miller .New Onesns Thompson Dean --New Orleans Boats Ib Port. Emma C. Elliott. W. s Bays. T. H. Alien. at. Mary. Louisvuie. River Report January 13, 1S79. WBATHXB. New Orleans-- .. 0:01.. Clear. Pittsburg . Mi Clear. Leavenworth.-- , Cloudy. Cairo ,to:a! Clear. Vlcksburg . Aim Clear. Nashville ......... .lx....-- ) Clear Louis vllle... ...... . OrOOl Clear. Cincinnati . 1:101 Clear. St. Louis !0KB! Fair. Omaha. ... Cloudy. Mem obit 0:08 Fair. anrevepen. Fair. The figures indicate feet and inches. Local Weal her Report January 13. 1 0:43 a.m '30 260 .006 1 BE clear 2:111 p.m 10.164 lit) 4 'calm!.... clear or 111:18 p.m.. JSOWSo tWOi 17 2 calm!.... fair PROBARLITIKR. WasHiKOTOit. January !2 - The b.rometer will probably fail pomewbat on the lower lakes, the highest pressure remaining in Canada. Southwesterly winds, with partial- ly oloudy weather, wllfprevall on Saturday from New England to Wisconsin. Clear and pleasant weather will prevail very generally ttom that region southward to the null1, ex cepting a small area of cloud and tain in Gtorgia snd South Caroilns. Cloudy WMtt- - win extenueastwaru io aansae ana aun nesota. Dangerous winds are not autlclna- - tea ior Silvers aad Rosin ess. Business on the wharf was fairly active. the weather favoring operations. There rr waa an unusual crowd present to witness II the arrival of the new and elegant Thomp son Dean She Is worthy the name she ly rjears. me river here naa naen i inches. The Oalo is falling. At St. Louis the Mis 4th sissippi la slowly declining, hut with plenty or water ior an practical purposes. By Talearraph. Vickbbtjbo. January 13 Down: Alice Dcau, 2 a-- m ; H. O. Yeager, 4p.ni; Gov- ernor Allen, 6 p.m ; K. K. Lee, 7 pjn. LITTLR ROOK, January ill. WaaaaBal dear and pleasant. River Using. Arrived i iron criDsoa, irom aoove; oarrw v. Kountz, New Orleans. Departed: Minnie, New Orleans. New Orleans, January li. Arrived : Mary Houston, Loi.le and Tom Jasper, from St. Louis Kate Kinney, Evansviile. Departed : Exchange and Eiperansa, tor Cincinnati; Susie Silvnr, Silver Bow, Mollis Moore and City ot Qulncy, St. Louis ; John Howard, Arkansas river, PiTTfBUBo, January 112 The Mononga-heiahas- 4 feet 7 inches in the channel, and la stationary. Weather dear and pleasant. Arrived: Argosy. Louisville, January 12. This morning a colored deck hand named Sam Smith, alias Scott Coff.e, fell off the steamer United States at tha wharf, and was drowned. He waa from Lancaster, Ken- tucky. The Picket sunk one of her boats with 20,000 bushels ot coal, above West-po- rt y. The Botz, Baker and Dick Fulton left for points below. All the local packets departed with good trips. The W. J. Lewis arrived from Vieka- burg with nineteen bales cf cotton and six hundred sacks seed. She departed after adding over three hundred bales of cotton for above. The new iron water-gaug- e at the foot of Jefferson street is nearly completed. The Louisville earns in from the Ohio yesterday afternoon. She diachsrged evenly five tons of miscellaneous freight and lays ever until this morning. Toe new Thompson Dean arrived from above at dark. Throngs of admirers boarded her as she landed, and all pro- nounce her superb and unrivalled in ev- ery department. She discharged several packages and departed drawing ten feet, with eighteen hundred tons of freight on board. Captain Stein, a well-know- steamboat commander has recently oean appointed captain of the steamer John Kilgour. Captain S. is a popular commander and is sure to win. She is advertised to leave tis afternoon. The St. Francis came In from Phillips bayou with seventy-fou- r bales of cotton. two thousand sacks of seed and a lot of sundries. The Phil. AUin, from Friars Point, brought in fifty-on- e bales of cotton, two hundred sacks of seed and a fair passen ger list. The Mary Miller arrived from Cairo yes terday morning. She discharged here a number of hogs, eleven head or horses, and departed, drawing seven feet, with seven hundred tons, mostly an grain The Emma C. Elliott came In from White river with four hundred bales of cotton, three hundred and sixty-eigh- t sacks of seed and s lot of sundries. She reshlpped fifty bales of cotton at the mouth for New Orleans. The officers of the Elliott will please accept oar thanks for favors. The Rjbert Burns departed with 8 good load of cotton and a lot of way freight for the Ohio. The Louisville Ledger has the follow ing: "Captain Dan Richards finished one bulkhead vesterdv in the bow of the Sam Hale, aud will bave the other com pleted bv ten o'clock this morning, when the Falls Pilot will taka a barge of clay and other material to be uaed to fill in between the bulkheads, so as to make them tight, when they will commence to trv and pump the water out oi tne noia. The towboat Joseph H Bigley, with fourteen coal boats, containing about 300 000 bushels ot coal, was to have left the foot ot the canal last night for Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Captain Balrd purchased the steamer Glasgow yesterday from the Arkansas River Packet company. He will take her to Madison in a few daya, put her on the ways, and give ber a thorough overhaul Ing. He intends to put her in the White river trade from this city." Boat Leaving To-Da- y. For New Orleans '1 he new and fine sldewheel passenger steamer Dexter, Cap tain I H, Jones, leaves to-ds-y at noon lo: New Orleans and all coast landings. She has large and splendid staterooms, with her taHes always supplied with the deli cades that our market affords. Mr. O wen a. Gates Is ber popular secretary. For Friars Point The regular tri weekly pisseager packet G. W. Cheek, Captain Gwrcra Ma one. leaves this eveu ing at live o'clock for Friars Point and all way landings. F 8. Gonterman and L. H Brigas are clerks. For White River The new and elgant paesenzer steamer Emma 0. Elliott slips her cable tMs afternoon at five o'clock lor Jacksonport. taking in all the way land lnaa be ween this and that port. The saipp'tp us psssnnger acronimodations of the Elliott, the obliging disposition oi ner officers, snd hor well-know- n speed make this the golden opportunity or travelers and shippers. Captain John D. Elliott commands, and Messrs. Joe Elliott, Walker Outlaw and Arthur Fields are her clerks. For Osceola Tho Undine, Captain Goodr!ch,leavos at five o'o look this after noon for Oo la ana ail wsy lardmsrs. A Goodrich and Henry Dickinson officiate a:; cierks, ForArkensss Rivor The regular p? sengcr steamer Thoe. H. Allen, Captain Eugene Smith, leaves this evening at fjur o'clock for Pine Bluff, Little Rock and all points on the Arkantias river. Pat Mcr rison is chief purser. For New Orleans The Groat Rf public, Captain Thorwegan, leaves this afternoon at four o'clock. For New Madrid Toe light-draug- steamer Will S. Hays, Captain fessenger leaves at five o'clock this evening for Now Madrid and all the coast lsndlngs. Mr. Alonaj Murray has charge of tho office For New Orleans The Kugour. C aptaln Stein, leaves this evening ct four o'clock Vioksbutg, New Orleans and all way landings. OAS. A Card from the Memphis Oasltgbl Comi any. 2b the Put;v. The board of directors of the Memphis Gas light company desire to declare, In an author itative manner, the future policy of their com pany In regard to the sale of gas : Our company is possessed of the most com plete and ample appurtenances necessary for the manufacture and distribution of an ade quate supply of illuminating gas for the city of Mempbls, the right to vend which we claim as an exclusive and vested right, In addition to the extensive works for the manufacture of coal gas, we have In operation apparatus lor mauuuicturiug gas iruui uaptna, unuer me process secureu oy me nana a uaie patent. hy this inetuod gowned and controlled en tirely by us,, an illuminating uus Uraaaufao- - tured by out company superior to that wtiioh any other company can manufacture in this city, by from oily to one hundred per cent. This iact which W'iil become patent lo every gas comomer of the city should another company enier into competition wuu us" Within the present week an improvement has been made at our works which will forever secure to this city the credit oi posser-Moc- , a ngnt unsurpasaeu inrougnout me giuoe. through the same agency we win hereaiier be able to correct, in a few minutes, deneleu- - oles In the power of the light we furnish occa- sioned by cold weather, or from other cause. v e do not propose to lose a consumer on ac count of price. Should another company com mence to sen gas at a price lower man tne rate fixed by this company, we will at once reduce our rate to a point nny cents per luousauu cubic feet lower than the amount fixed upon by such other company, and will keep ue- - sc nding in he same ratio. vtewouui remind the public that we desire uo assurances or miaranUes ou the nan of our consumers, as e ue.ieve mat wnenever mat ters com to open coiuiietiiio.i, the supcriority of the light odered by this c mpauy, to say nothini; ul inducements lu once, will secure a continuance oi tho patronage it has so long eno ed. It is made the Imperative duty of every offi cer and employe of this company to paw strict attention to the wants and requirements of our patrons, and aoy lack of courtesy or neglect of complaints will su bject the ohender to severe rebuke or prompt dismissal irom oar service. Adopted by the board, and ordered pub- - iisueu, uecem oer xa, isri. J ami.s ja. w ii.i.iaiai prealdeni. Geo rue W. oirr. Secretary. "Nbtril" Is kept oy all nist-ola- si drug-- gists, appiy to inem tor a circular. JOHN LILLY, LSTOBTB. AJTP QBAI.BB HI Wines and Liquors, Na. 351 Hala Strut, nran, Ttisu COTTON SEED. THE MEMPHIS OIL COMPANY will fur X nish eacts on application, and pay tU per ton or son ml seed, either by wagOD. rail river, nicuest mar set price paid at all Umn. J. y. BtAaWtBK BBBjVt. December i. isri dec'.! of AdnniaUater'a Notice. lr solvency of the estate of Jos. R. THE deceased, having been sug- gested, nct'co Is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to file the same, aotneniiQateu in tne manner pro scribed oy law, with the uiera oi the county of joint of Shelby comity, on or batcre the i th day of July, 1873, or they will be forever barred In law and equity. JtA.lt I it. W1LU1AB-)- , jalS fr Admx. of J. R Wllttams, deo'd. Crecitor's Notica. A V ING suggested the in, olvan try of the estate oi ueorge ncmpnreya. deceased. this la to notl v ail Ders-n- s having claims against said estate io nteine same, proper to authenticated, with the Clerk of the for County court oi aneicy county on or before day May, so, or toe same win be forever uarrea. by Tins Decani - r :t, is i. diMeo HE Kl IKD.AdBaib'atra'OT KOTIOa. be S we shall withdraw our office finiiiMsan phis to st Louis by tha iota Jaauary, we would raspetiully ask those in. deotad to na to call at tS4 Main sueel and actus oeiore uuusiw. the (Us M COUMhR, a RIiUR RTXRXaV asai 8T AM BOATS. FOJB CINCINNATI. For Cincinnati. Memphis and Cincinnati Racket Caw fur Cairo, Lauiavuie ana uineinnaii The One passenger and freight st Sliver M.aa I'on. .......... .... . master. Will leave TUajsdaY, Win lost., at 6 pun. For freight or passage appiy oa board or to sv V. tuna agent. Jalt M Front SSfSSt FOB NEW" MADRID. cga'agMemaJkas and javaehr'd Pakt joi ev asena, romt riesisut, r u . :nu , Oseeola. tne Bauds am', intermediate Landlogs-T- ue Regular Packet WILL s. HAxS J. T. Snannon, master j. l. ssnmon ciera This elegant passenger iteamer win leave aa aoove LVBl BtiL KUAX ai f p.m. For ii igni or apply on boar J or to .ll.i'jii auAasasaa, agents, la' 2 No 2 Promenade street. FOB HAILE8 POINT. Regular Memphis and HaUes Point Packet For bailea Point and Way laandings. FRANK FUKJB3I J. . Andrews, master This elegant ste.mer will leave a" a Mam phis for Rallea Paint andJgmaaaafaV way points KVRRY. MO DAY AAU rod-- A r, a li o'clock p m. FOB NEW OBLEANS. "fra-- v TsTa-vx- t Orlaaiia. Rcgulai iew O leans Packet For Vieka burg, Nalches and New Orleans, ine M earner John Kilgara A a eln AT. bnrl cle-k- . Leave mi's DAZ.ll n Inst all pm i.LLiUll O .n. l.ie.iw. ageuua, JS13 drner Jefferson aau Promenade ata St. r f . v Orleans Packet Co, Fur Vlcksburg, Natches and New Orleans. steamer OREAT 11EPUBLIC -- TLorwelgan. master Xnja eitguii psaenge.- - p cxei will leavn aa abuve satl k ja i u s in-t- ., at i p.m. For freight or passage apply to J. 1. .,siu.iu, Agont. jail No. I Madison street. St. Letiis V NewOrhtaBt Packet Co. For v icksbura. aiahl a and New Orleans. Str LtXik.lt -- . R.J ones, maaier Tula spiendld p&ssengur packet aU will leave as above daaaaaaal SAicnDAi, mat., at Km. For freight or passage apply lo J. T. ,. Agent, FOB OBCEOEA. For Osceola and Sfl landings The tuuu..cii......n... r i A. Uood len uieik lair.. 1 H a oil Un tl St.. St o u.m. or ueikiii or pasa.e apply on board. (JH WHITE & LITILE BED BIVEBS, Memphis n line ass utile ated Rivera CM. Stall Line. For Helena, DeVaii's Blurt, Searcy, Augusta. Jacksonpoit, ana aii v a oauiuuia The taaaenatr LEOAL TENLKR. W. j. A,h oru, master Leaves kauiiiuiJ every iumiai, at a Sir" EM-M- C. ELLIOTT.. J. D. KU'ott, mtatST L es Mempu.s .very baioroai, at o'ciocx p.m. - . ine tjov e eiegsnt imuu, vuuu Vail'a B.os w.tntoe I tllioal kUl) itsmil t i ,i;aj.d WltiJaoiJAls andaA.UiiL) ib. . ologdj.n. RLLiuii amnr-a- , agents, jail i Proincnaae, n.ot ol JeOarsom FOB ABKAN6AU B1VEB. Mcaawhla and Arhaawaa River racket loanuajay V. s Mall Liar. For Pine n.un, Lr tie Rock and uirough to Fort Ulbaou direct. Str. T. 11. ALtU .kkgcao aaallM.asaafr v in iave rftuuVf, oiiillllll, gat - lata laalaut, at 5 y.m aaamafBjaam J? or ireiv-n- - 01 pas, age appiy ou uuiu oi m W. ri KkuNNikuAY, Agent, Office on Company's wmtitboat, root of Conn Mreet FBiAJti'b POINT AND BiNDs. mar's Palit. Hsteka M gUUM 3Wl rMaJ Leaves AAempui Mendaya, Wtdneadays ane Fridays, at 1 p.m., eonnecltJag al ne.ena wltn the steamer KacsA lor MarlAnna ami an al. no i ar. ola rl V- P- 'aj xuis MJUkJkMM tki v Rak aaamtaU gad ArxAagajj River Pektt Cea- - pasyU. 8. Rail UM, ratHIC ff I .El. A NT r A s. . J t. rt I '1 'r X this line leave Memphis for ail points on Arkansas ti vsr MON DATS AND FRIDAYS, al i.cl For rre-g- passage or oilier UiioiaKiia, appiy to w. n . . .T . 1 .j i, vit c OfHea. ou Company a w narfboat, oa root of Court st.-eat- . FOB NEW OBJLEANa For lTo-v- r OrXosn as. FBSRUaRT Is. Pj72. The " aulucent otss.nger stramer BRLLK LEE Fraah Mleha, sasadssr JOUU a. Bc.iivaa, LI tra. ILL leave this city ou WEDNESDAY, VVJ fr binary 7 th. Is., arriving at Hit Ot- - kkaas Monday, Febrnaiy i3ih, giving ex.ur sionlats five uayi lu the Ceacent City during the Mardl Uraa Mondays, lie pa: ting, win leave New Orleans on her up trip Saturday, February i.ta. uoomi can oe uoiauntu ior tne excursion by applying on board or to Ua7 juu.s ir. a AMS. Regular Memphis art Maw Orleans 2BVB&DA T PACKE1, For New Orleans aad tin Beads, i xx 1871-187- 8. Tha Elegant Paaiangai and Freight BELLE LEE J. Frank Hicks. master J. 8. Bulllvan.clerk WUI leave Mam phis for New Orlaana at louows; 18711 Thursday.. Novate tier 18th, at 5 pjjb Thursday November toth, at 5 pm Thursday -- .Liecember 14th, at 6 pm Thursday........ December atth, at 6 p.m 1878i Thursday.."-- . lanuary nth, at S pjn Thursday ... .lanuary itSLh. sit 5 p.m Wednesday r ebruary 7la, at 6 p.m Thursday M, at a pjn Thursday -- March 7th, at a o.m Thuriuay... . March Slat, at 6 p.m R KENNKDAY Agent FOB HEI.SNA AND FKLAB'b POIS1 Aaatia, C. i,. BriMal eh- - itaani MM The rsllsbla, arrt-nlnS- B MARK R CHRRjS. maatar. Will run rearalarly. aa above, leavtna Mam puis every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and RAX Uf.DA V, pur.ctnally at 5 pjn. ror rrrignt ot past age, apply on Doara. asas Far kbIku, Frtar't Petst, Hffi' Nata. Xbe taltsd A. J, WHITE, mi.r- - .- WUI leave Mem c Ills MONDAYS and rSI- - uaid. pacctsaiiy at 5 p.m. tor rraigni or pawags, appiy on bcaru. aajB FOB ST. FRANCIS RIVEB. Mslewa, afaurlaaaa aad at, PraBtCM River racket. steajsier ST, rRAC!S nrmin maatai Will leave Memphis Tossdayb ami Thltuv sats, at 3 o oiocx pan. Vor freight or pass.-g- apply on board .!Bri7 WlnPr PrMf Sy.teaaa. TaicR and flannels are necessary at this seat in, but the haman frame requires soatajkllig more than those to render it winter-proo- f. The In ner man, aa well as the over surface of the body, must be protected. The raw, moist. chilly winds which prevail at this trans plerae the warmest clothing, and are apt to afloat the health unfavorably, both through the pores an j the respiratory org ans. The rarest way to avert the evil is to strengthen the Internal machine, and thus enable it to renal the devitalising inflaancs unwholesome weather. Enrich the stood, gently stimulate the circulation, regulate taw bowels, invigorate the stonuch, tone the liver, and brace the nerves with Eostetter Stomach Bitten, and no condition of 'he at to of mosphere, however inclement, no variation the barometer or thermometer, however sudden, will have power to disorder the sys- tem thus fortified In advance, and put In per- fect working older. Damp and cold, acting upon a sensitive or feeble organisation, may produce oousnmption, diptherla, neuralgia. rheumatism, dyspepsia, liver complaint, low nervous fiver, or intermittent fever ; the Im as portance of rendering the ay stem impervious thwe two destructive el am eats Is there 3 obvious. Persona In delt?ate health, or the Who are at all liable to be injuriously affected atmospheric influences, should take the Bitters dally throughout the winter and spring. Ia this way dangerous diseases may warded off, and a condition of perfect in as Hli preserved by individuals of com par a-- uveiy leeine pna.siuc, aiun inrec more ro- - i bast, who scoff at precautions, are luSarlng I penalty of their leskleasnets ia aospttala I tlakroama. JeJ I j BBaaaaPar latglllssWia laaaaaaaMi i saawnnanmissaianwi, iiin.it nBmiii mix imlBai .mm aBaaWaaaaTlTfstii! aa ItfTja illMgWllBBflBtMl iiiiaWlTllTlTillaBa AUCTION SALES. ItaMaa lfarb aad Alsawtar Statu- ary, raamsnted Goads, Fica i Etc., jT AUCTION, ST GEORGE SHIELDS & CO., Auotloneoi ca. BsTo. S40 TVTaal-r- t sStreot. Tittday ltd Wtdaetday, JaBui y 6 aad 17, Coaaaaent intt every a ay at lo aab and LABOR aobee loo of the flseat Statu sa froii the besttMadioe of Eciope aaca Vanes of Cancvs, Oronp of iiancmg Oirls, Venas ot Medici, arl-no- e, Apollo. theOreek Slave, e'c. etc., beautiful Rarb e Rooiaa, Florentine, Euvan and Oreclan Vases, Pompeii Urns, apiea, Taaxaa Card Baakets, Card Receivers genuine sr. on Wnnea Clocks, Figures, el e . with a It g-- , and ela-ga- variety of Works or Art. ail f me direct importation o elsnor F. Panaoifint. who has aelented the entlie coliec'lon in pers-- with a view to meet tne t at or h a naoy .'rlends Is this city the wnola wi i be end raadv 'oraxhlbiuon oi. IDir.Jisaarr 131b, 172, when ladits .nu are lavned lo call aad examine the oeaatl'oi dkin'a-- . URO. SHIELDa at O.. Aactlajaastra, tadl 3SV Sain SOMBBk 1S Barrel. CHOI Y ' 111 UOM, At Auction. On the Levee, fort cf Monroe street, BY A. M. STODDARD & CO. THIS MOBNING, AT U O'CIXJCK. To Whoa it fity conuOfB. WE will sell at pn'olte anetlon, on the loth instant, a' lb o clock a.m. In 'i ot of A. M. Bloudaid's aueiinn-bb- te, H in ion a'reet, to the highest b Oder, for cash, to da-fra-y storsga and o ber chartea, nnlais sooner settled, the loilowing goods: 1 LltiieOiant Corn MiiL 1 Sorghum Mill I Corn Pointers. 23 CavLaoun Flows, a Rldlag CulUvatora. 1 Corn rubellar. 1 Hand-Oi- js8 MILBURS. vVa.Lg'TR AC J. Miiilii 4 riMlnlw afatVlTta U4 FROST aH., ABDTR ADA BUS, WUI sell THIS misMlsu at 1 a'era, Witboot rraerveor i'mit: 100 eases .f Mens Call, fcjp, Wax aasd Bkl! ItaassWi too eases al Mens and Roys' wrw aty iea; SO raaea Waaaan'a aad 1 sorted. Also, SO eeta of Fnrv gor.d qualltv and styles. Sou gruaa ua.in i Toilet Soap-- . iue dozen Armv Socks; lOOgroea fresh Blacking: ala , CloiMng, Dry uoda. aaLacapa Bata Coos, intle j, OlBewar- -, et-- . any-- country mercnajita, an i the trade gca erajy, will find It to tbelr interest to a; cat our sales. Private salea a: auction pricee, at all timet. ! TBAJISPOR ATWL Wempliis and Louisville WINTER SCHEDULE aV4R Train lesveslnay Exnree?. j-- i " New Y .11. - 1 - ns BrowusviUe accommodation 4d4 p.iu. Elegant aleeulng cars run Cirocgh to St. Louis, Nashville and Loaiavllie on the Ida pjn. train. The tilt pjc. and trains do not run on Sariilay. J. F. BOYD, ola en pen caoenl. ta0i8 ana . ,oarljttu:i R. 8, CHANGE Of TIME. oudAv, xvov. xa, vx. akp-ives- - skrABta: Mail tram h):lfBun- - 11:13 ajn Exprtss.... 10:4) p.ai. uxl aja Throcgh freight.. Saw km. Islni. Way height coac aiich'd TMpja. SMajB Junction and Somerville arcommooauou- - S i3 .im. 4:.j aja (iermanlowa ace k: ajn. i-- SOU L. sa! .sH. npST QjsatAjparca-- oy XaQaxau 4 aN and after SLNDAY, December n. mTL J until farther notice, trains will ran aa follows: Express Train, daily 1: 15 p.m. tcSCi Freight Train, dally ... C30 a.m. i0ti Btvurirsu aii maxes airect cons ror siew orlsant, Vicisbun , Shicvspart. ... . . a.luin -- , I - .1 a - - vast ana ooutu om, Baggage checked th rough. ror in'ormation ar trek eta ttpplv tol viuo,xu t ai-- i street, - ttu at of MainitroeL U7 JAR. TONOR. San . SnpX Ledge .pylm asaeral Metini af tba Staekhalderg , tag Mtapaig and Cfcarleslaa Raiintd Ceflpaay. PURSUANT to the : evolution cf tee Board of the Msmplils ind Cnariea- ton taiiroad Oonm adopied at a called meeting tuerecf, neid In tha city of Meaa- - ehis, fennessee, ou ine Utth dy cf Daaasa 1871, a geneial meeting of the - toak. holders of Ice said rail-ua- d fct called, to be haul In aaid ety of Memphia, oa Weiaeaday, Ua 17th Cay af January, 1872, For the purpose o' eonsP'erlne ub1 tsklng sncb action aa aaid St nek holders mnj cieenT advisable In reference tq a piopr.ti made by taefcuthern Raiiw. y Seccrlty Company for tne ieaee st the Main Read aad tne FioreSkSa. Somerville aud Winrhetter branch lnaa of the said Memphis and Crarluri Railroad Company. M J. WltRS, Preel-en- i. Qbo bonxaTSox, Ul daw In Order to Close THE REMAINDER CF Dress Goods STOCK, -- WS SHALL OFFER- - FIVE HUNDRED PIECES OF Plain, Plaid. Striped N3 Figured Dress fioeds At less than Importation prices, ranelnj from fifteen to thirty cents. These goc-'- s etost be said. Call early fcr 0. C. & H. M, Uewtnsfane, "SOUTHERN PALACE," 888 IKaln XBsBtAalOXTaaiACXo lOUO, df.Tnger RIFLE AN0 PI8T0L FACTORY 3R0NAU6N M.5Tr!N6ER 4 80.: Successors to Haamr DssntGin. sola in. vantor and Macuiacturer of GENUINE DERINGER PISTOL. , Re-- aw7 aasfl saa Taaaarlai grseei. In the rear ot t!2 North Front, Paiiadalr aia. Would inform the public that tbev a... manufacture their celebrated fire armA aiiiUss and otfleient styles of flnln"it" ther ami w.l.s.- - '.V tory In Philaderphia. essam. W. It. Clarke a Co , - 94 JSaln a. axeoej Aaatats- - sleaaphla. TM Medical Deubis ufauQer, THIS VESSEL, recently Invented, Is reeommencfld and indorsed oy lead, lag physicians, eontalalna two assart sella, enabling the physician to examine the contents aenaratelv. bv wiimh v, ...... knowledge of dlasaaes unattainable by tha use ot the single or oooamen chamber with alackargas la a mixed state. ADMIT The mistake of a ikaakiaa in nna ITS LIFE TvLOR ta ihe atak room is in- - valuable. Wltn 11 von yieian aeunmg your LIT Ilx its convenient enape lo'coatmoc nc will .the ptaca ot the - u latbtD. CLAH.H.E m alt UatRariu. LO

THE MEMPHIS DAILY JANUARY · 2017-12-16 · anunia ana Cnarieaton feauliuad Company rh i.ir.k uiu Dietr lum al tne iate ra.r. W --L,nt was bunt irum selected mate- - ... of the gas

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Page 1: THE MEMPHIS DAILY JANUARY · 2017-12-16 · anunia ana Cnarieaton feauliuad Company rh i.ir.k uiu Dietr lum al tne iate ra.r. W --L,nt was bunt irum selected mate- - ... of the gas




KM 11 18 THEATER.MSpaJdlng A Pope Jroprtetrjrs



satarCny Evening, Juur; lBth,

Last appearances of the world-tame-


y a' 'nee Admtation to all paiu of the Louse,al cnUGre.. nnaer len yesrs oi age,

at coals ; Oanery HI and eta.

Id ti.6 Only Time, the treat Nlblo's Garden


t. .r-r- tfi! aeais In Pa a cell andDrt. i 'reie, tl SO: unreservea scan anditaudiig room In Dies. Circle, fl ; FamilyOr la Su cents ;Oa.lery, HI ana ascents.

By special request the tirani Burlesque of

KESILWOBIH,By apeelal InTltaUoo to


The newly eleced Aldermen, Canndlmen,and School Visitors, taey nave signifiedtneir BiattM mum laatianoanoo.

, u ilgl- - tra. hABHl M MAMFlaXD

W Ul deliver a public lecture on

TBead ay Evening. January U, 1872


Corner of Union and Second streets, for theWiiCUh o. ujv


Subject" Mankind, a Brother hood."

Admittance. FIFTY CENTS

Tickets oan be had at hotel, news standiand t i be door.

h. c, Williamson, A. J. Wheeler end 8Hfrm Commit lee. )ii-eo- o


,Ui tK-- tl Hilt I H, all O 'tO. m. psrvo. a 1 oore, oi ro- . addrcatst:g ti uia, 1'jCatK n, c to W. A peaorfim.- -

AlUOttM 19 tal on,, fin ooat make: a

1 Oh imL a '.M L' mms-ci- mj5 fTkrtv.Y'a in MaiMcn a reel

--Two scrub falrla anu a I haw, ih- - lommtitial Ri.ti. ap

pry to i..- e..r JlhaN1 Help, white t o. colored, male

I fand emu. itiduut, .JratP, notei

lLLik i Abuli.Broker anu u. o iuiel-Lieuc- e Office

b-- at jeotrauu eirttt.

h .1. m l v i..r. ui buv.eeil or iria. tI U..r old looks at 1 " OWiU Blur; V . .

. u re-- ,, a uumc rlih five oi -- ix: vtu to OUairti-- Ad

n-- i aniNieiA:.. . rn.iui.. cmuibii ul

J) Roueeboid ejooda oi ah kinds rough t atI 1 . . . . . . .


' ilt Out of i. e mat desirableH iie. ,1, the city, mod. rn built andt eunbainina tun lean room

.... Jf ia.ae hail, i ar.ora, llora- -

u. mai w.re and lrun maiitiea, clue-- tUBi e. ki.cli'L, nrvani

luu ni a a aunt-i- on the flrki flaor; end nvefan siaeu roems on the ecoua noor, hioa c. a i u.itkiic ttoaer Lain., aaier

-. . Bnnn.li waanaLana. reservoir, etcn v- - r. r r,. h,lb in Llit iotas. The

cat nunc lass eat si, i o. laigt liable .or horseit A , ow. . CO ami ai Licuse. tU'.LUini,ru 7 n fiuDLdi a.e Lean i nU oeautl nils imD c ved. n fine flu -- er garden ol Uifl

ru,i: n a-- , viae, tniunbe.y. unit anahu t; ii'e vines, e.c.

Tor . tuLiii l. ul o. ih. beat In tne cilje.i.1 fciaiy Tares irou the aneet taia, anuwill in Leu minutes' walk o. Court Square.lpn i. ith. r n.r auo. to

wTX. V. ii..T-- t J , Bethel BlockJ5 l iner nuri no Main hireeU

. TO .'JtV-Ci- ie hut la'ae uooimt oiuve, Anft A as i.i at new anu 1 c mple't, tor oiit- -

bal. us valuo. Appiy ai x runt ttiect.. ..m. P . L.K Oli TO Iba iA n r Oiher prepX erty m the eiiy or Its memos, slot onthe m.r.n aiae ol JeHflia'-'S- i tlr. et, at iu iuteraect.on with Chrljatou avenue. Apply to

C e. tXH Lifta,IBIS No. IH 1mi Uuu fireet.

i .LK. EULROaD SCHIP-- We sue au- -

A UiuriiMl ui khe con, Kliiuau locolinue oe.i.ng tots Scrip ouul e binary LneBis , tt . i e. n e oenw, wneu, ii auj a is..uvti. it will u withdrawn rum lue martelii. bLUka - NATIONAL. B1SK

Hi.tot AND LOT 61 leetCuTI.C-- lv 1 11 f. et: boose k.tcuen, (en.'r mu new. uu Tale al ctu. near Orleansli!ir sold at a bargain tot cash. Appl on

pr- il. Jee J anKdUi-L- !be power Portable tnit KLne, built b me employes oi u.e Jsem

unia ana Cnarieaton feauliuad Companyan rh i.ir.k uiu Dietr lum al tne iate ra.r.W -- L,nt was bunt irum selected mate- -

rlaua iu-- 0 the woit ana stjle us super luia. narl . mum Iti.I.'V Lo

. i M Bijrt aa. M.M.AC HE Co.

TjuL t. a.1j i un Stewart's ave ue,t j auouI tlii yard. Horn bemacdo auttiir.LWi,ul be sold CHJLar. Apply at thisnetoc jae

NO A fine hosewood ease Piano, newonlj IB use U lujutua, one-mir- a ie

MM t. loqn re at 'his omce. !a

SUA At . AST-- in good location. AddressIt mis omui-- ja.V h. s over One linLdred head ol Ma.eeaaiiijj6ta. e nave ja. t receiveu it--

i. i .rw., oi Muica. ana Lhiee more so arrive3oaral muttoemeuu uhered lo planters andSawders. J- - b. r a.ivc. a

a7 as. and jgi aecand street.

cbajj el deniable land; ninety mlbu. .L.vauon, tooj impiuvmania, sssqvft . ..il aas fleal'Lt : lt; iLi.m ir.w rcto.wtiia. en icaer Rom Lake road, Derstooowniy, Mississippi. For partlcuiais app.yto P. h. niyson, ilia Main sire: t, or on thepr e m laes. ja JAt. Bkl-u- w.

Ii Isli K Always on hand and Df s:f SfJD lo aa any as iheBisrket. Apply al cflloeoi eiiuwden. uveru-- A Co., oibeeccc street nUs

AR i SIORA One-ha-lf Interest In thegrocery sto e, ISO. .2 stain street, rur

tea saa appi ou toe pi emiaea. aa

Ex.L lOlATOte aUA, barreiS Ear y Boa--

aau; hu barrels Rarly Rose: frui barretRarly Uoudrtcn; iuuv trarreis Pechbiowe ,

Sui oarre a Mnaejes; ten barrets LondonLadies; ijbu barrels i L ten Seta.

BUTTON, ittiuQU A CO.,dH Nos tM ar.d aai F.uni street.

T stiUl acres en avenue,LAND Poptai str.el CoLue v.rc suiu.bieie.Bjarocner ur mlik bueinef., a.. so, lotiet . ir. u leet on Moeny avenue, nea.

uat outside me city .in -AP,

No. glSPop.ar street.

aires north was' ou:jEa of V eiilugton '.Lreel a uargaih. leviioat .oa pre miae. or M lojs obelus.

l reaidenee. SM Je.XV icraou ueu iu. tr premiaas nuU

U toll lit refa At a bargain,! D ol tnemosAV ouia.s.vte anu ueiigi.t.w. . s.i.enosibneiby coumy ai.cateo ou the south slue oiropier sueel eztenued known the Co.Mlu s piaee, recently owned and oc.upiecuy i,ion.B. a,iai. for iti a, eic, ap-- -

ai me en met r.siis. not

irJ m sir set, on time ApplyLi at si

ijCUaA The aj.e hi ... .. e drt secc- -JsA aUs4, ng fl.Ua. n recms App.y

J. A. CAM! ,

If. ii.nt streetNr. W Hii. i r-- B, bluEL'JW,

ZVAl-- n stiaetLi e.sgant fhoc now oecn:t;nai.do iitUfaso; ioj.it. j

u i ..adu. n sl.eei. Acsaasi"r gl-s- isft- rna'ir i - .,irtfj tkw uaitsisut v freeasde: same. uui isosjeegtsotaui OULuLojU-K- ' a,p

j A. --ROCK ETT, " Union s!.. orJts'i As. A fiKstui, ill icsdiao-- . ..mi.

Atuiui. etm.es L. sujilji; tloua Apply lo1 u i WaaSJ AD.ll,I li IV L a. i.i- - s.iect

M-- Otr large f.unt room. " unL,"ai WUUi 'a, Auema sUeei.'uiee omosa au lent in K lemon

ailiyii toOJ.C. L. CBOCERTT,a L n, n street

'JainKi PLACr.- - inr cnern " onbu n avenue s smai;

soC n mree acre a.tMiueo.riniit. A hAKci-S- i .

ii tinaOu atreet.



D- - f.oom ana tx-i- also 2 or IdayBOA dera accepted, l ht n.ahin u'Dit,


i. AA KTTTTXnbTad mat., a REM O W,J. tm. a rttii ca!'. lbs cow la in good

oroei ut sett.e. nciLSaswed of, nghi earroppett, LLueibit in le.t ear. Tneownerran

get ner by lAiling oh Joies,Vrou aTenUe. anu pay log cnsigeai. las


r OW a red Cow and small red Calf, noV' trots flu rewsrd wUi be paid for herdelivery at MS n. Inkiary avenue, nrst cornerx.orth ol Qi iar. joM

"OLD BRACELET The name of A. B.VJ Lloyd e gisvec on the Inside. A liberalewaid will bo paid tor lis return to Bl Maintreet. JssT


AiOARDiro Nee boaid by day or week ,

D front roooss, fsum had or unfarnlahed.rant, with bused, at s71 Main sueet, up

a:rs daoSJJ I


Oo to Leddlnw College.Attend Root lane's Easiness Col leg.Thus. Juotilua, bricklayer, M Main streeC

-- Am: oDg Puotogibphlo Ualiery, No. UlMam t: tu Tkuree laulLieaa gasn pictures tor

a. u -- K.-. n--a - Tid iifli.! 0411 aid Oeenloana LL Cltl Ul S (etf.Hui.1



at which the Dally Appeal eaus

The Daily appeal can be had every morning at the following -- named places in the city :

At Counting-Boo- u Union street.At tne uews-ausu- a oi joe locks, ro. sb

Main street.Al the news-stan- d of W. J. Manstord, corner

of seeond and Monroe streets.At the news-stan- d In the Peabodj boteL.At the news-stan- d In Lbe Commercial hotel.At the news-stan- d in the Worsham house.At the news-stan- d In the Overton hotel.At. Lhe npu'K-KtjLi- In ttle HouLhern butel.Al the news-stan- d of Kmtuoiu A Sou, No. 10

JpftHiMtn aLrevat- -At lbe news-stan- d of v . i). spickernagie,cor--

ner of FourLb and Poplar bireeta.At i i. on r; uiuis a lanuuauAt ise news-stan- d al Lanier A Bldridge's,

Second atreat, near Madison.At the news-stan- d ot Hobbday, on Beale

sUeet, near Main.a i i id tiHwa-stan- d at the Kaiiroad denots.At the news-stan- d on Its Memphis and Lit-

tle Bock wharfboacAt South Memphis news-depo- t, No. 60 Bottle

street, near tiecoua.


The divorce snlta in til oar city courtsdo not average over two per month.

The poetoffice department baa agreedto reoelve mutilated currency in pay-

ment for stamps.The streets in various parts of the city

are considerably cat ap by tne operationsof the gas companies laying down pipe

The hotel at Grand Junction hag'changed bsnls. It is now under the solecharge of Mr. D. G. Roeeel, a gentlemanof great experience ana suavity.

There wag another large sale of cotton yesterday in this city. Four thousandbales were sold on a basis of 21c formiddling.

A large drove of very fine hoot passedthrough Union street yesterday on theirjjyfu' way to the porkhouse. Theyseemed to be elated at their ultimate dea- -

liny sausage meat.Oar streets and alleys never were in

a more nltby condition than at present,since the Nicolson pavement was notdown. They ought to receive Immediateattention.

l here is some complaint made abouttne f ul ore, occasionally, to lght the oillimps in the outskirts if the city. Willthe gaa committee of the general coonoil not give this immediate attention ?

The January term of the circuit courtswill bectn n Monday. Magistrates whohave paptrs in appealed cases are requiredto file tbem with the clerks of theclerks ot the courts before the beginningof the term, in order to have themproperly docket d

The dealt re in rata and apples at thea M-- t c rnus report business very lively.The p anut is the favorite means of molaramusement. They make a dessert whicheverybody indulges In a long time afterdinner, and eomeiimes immediately afterthe usual plate ot bar-roo- soap.

Daring the past three days theweather has been unexceptionable inMemphis. We had a bright, genial aun fortally eight hours each day, and the streetsbad all the appearance of eprlne Ladieswere oat in great numbers and in superbBfJHSBV

We are under obligations to JoeLock. , 236Vs Main street, nesr Jeffersonfor a fall fi.e ol of late New York papersJoe has all the late daily and weeklypapers ana the popular monthly mtgaztnea. Those in want of good reading after supplying themselves with the Appeal, should oall at this news headquarters ana sappiy themselves.

Oar oountv court here could learnthing or two by studying the proceedingsof the Dsvidson county court. At a recentmeeting (hey appropriated one dollar eachto purcnaso the s amps required to go ontheir official bonds as magistrates. Whynot appropriate money to pay their othertaxes

County tax-paye- rs will consult theirin teieaie by availing themtelvoe ct the' if r of the German National bank, madeIn an suvertisement to be found In

umn. It has been authorized towiibdraw the scrip issues' by Shelbycounty to the Men phis, Marion snd He-lms rsilroad after February 1st, but untilthat date will meet all demands at nine


The eloquent Jewish rabbi of this city,Mr. M. 8aoitield,will deliver a lecture nextTuesday eveniDg at the Memphis o!nb hallforjtbo benefit of the Masonic Relief board.It Is expected that not only the Masons ofMemphis will be present, with their fami-lies, but also every one who appreciates!eloquence, and who Is oharltable euoughto contribute his mite toward the succ-s- a

of a board that has accomplished so muchfor the relief of the distressed.

The twenty fifth of this month wlll'beduly honored in Memphis by the eonsand daughters of "Auld Bootia," whowill have an annual oelebratlon in honorof the birth of Robert Burns. The St.Andrews society have the matter inhsnd. Colonel G. W. Alexander, A, HDouglass and John B. Campiell are thecommittee. From these gentlemen it isbut reasonable to expect a very satisfactory and festive event on the evening otthe 25th.

Yesterday a lame horse that had cnoi hla legs bandaged with rags put hishoof into an on can mat was standing onthe curb atone and got the ragswell saturated with the fluid. In

tew seconds afterward a gentleman thoughtfully threw a burnlnctump of a cigar under the self same hoof,

wnen tne on at ence dhzbci up acti theborss jumped off at a rattling pace. Verysoon be left the wagon behind him, thecontents being scattered right and left.r. rery one was astonished at the biszinglag and the wild flight of the horse.

John Zant. who has bn in the lumber business all his life snd lias succeeded is now doing business on a large scaleon North Front street opposite the gasworks. He has severed his connectionwith the firm of Williams A Co., and setup a lumber and shingle yard of his ownon the adjoining lot He has all the latestmprovemects in smogie making and

aswing at his yard. The mechinery hehas in motion is of the best and mostample description. Mr. Zsnt is in a position to supply all demands that may bemade upon him. He is a cautions, conscientious and energetic businessman. so has been recently chosen chairmis r f the city council. Dealing withi i: "soonies more satisractcrv ana acre'1al f. lbe longer it Is contlnurd. His cardwLl be iound in our advertislngoolumus


The Komlamtloaui ef the Mayor thaiMare been Continued.

Ltst rvsnirig the r&emNsrs of the gene-raieorc- il

met in caucus in the ordinaryof the Overton hotel and remained closelyshot up until halt-pa- st ten, thee rose ulwent luto called meeting In the Excbanwebonding, and elected the following cfflcers in a rew minutes;

Fre? C Sharper, city comptroller.L R Richards, oily registrar.John Newom, treasurer.P. M. Winters, recorder.J H Humphries, city engineer.Kd. Anderson, chief ot the fire depart i

mem. ,Phil. J. Atbey, chief of police.A C Beetle, aergeanat-arma- .

Ed Bari da, ol'y inspector.R H Norris, nonh a arke master.Bo i ner south msrke master.Hatoe old hand, Court square keeper.Same old hand, Market square.8 W. Rice, lumber inapector.The mavor nominated George R. Phe- -

lan for city attorney, and one ballot wastaken with do reaul'. The mayor persis.ed in this nomination and declined tomake so Mr. Phelan's name Issllil before the contidl for city attorney

Alter triiaioe council adjourned.


ine recorder's aocket sometimes pre--aenia curious features. It is a good meansrf studying the social barometer, for thenuciuatiocs in the moral world are therepretty accurst: ly marked Home mrn asing it win oveimw with " vagran's," at aother times " druoks" monopolies itspages. Again the assaults and batteriesare so numerous that one can elmost Imagine he sees the gleam of the tremm.dons dagger and bear the crack of the v - atciouspwtoL yesterday " swindling andinievery- - seemeu to nave the asoandanrv

Early in the morning Sergeant Kellyhad occasion to make two arrests ofthieves. One of the unfurl unaaea attempted to steal a caddy of tobacco fromthe house of Hill, r ontalne Co , onFront street, but was caught in the act lv theMr. Cianp, who tenderly turned him overto the honest policeman Before reach-ing tha statlonhouse another person wasplaced in his hands charged with stealingdoming.

At the soil-sam- e hour Shelby cot a dinpatch from the chief of the Chicago police

Kennedy telling him to arrest oneMart, who was accused of forging andwind ling up in that country. Shelbv

went to the Overton and found his man,tall, smooth-face-

youngish sort of fellow," who! had beentopping there a day or two, aud had al-

ready ran up a bill of eighteen dollars forrhMootg. He reposes in the aitan eralstreet statlonhouse. Later In the day agentleman rushed around to the station-hous- e in

and wanted four no.icemen stonce to arrest C. C. Pretchard, who had for

l swindling the oo mas unity of Louisiana as an inenranos agent. He leftViekaburg on the Colorado, and was expected In yesterday.

iMBkir.AS Driven WsJfc u. BrownslarthtaUHiaM


The Arkansas OeatraLTwenty miles out from Devalls Bluff,

says the Little Rock Gazstte, on the Central road, crosses the Hue of the osvansBlutt and Pine Bluff road, and the PineBluff branch of the Central Is to be builtover the same roadbed, the gauge of onebeing four aud a hair feet and the otherfive and a half feat.

Asked te Pay Fp.Comptroller Pennebaker served no

tices upou the following railroad companies to pay up the amount of linkingfund due from them as shown in thefl cures (riven b!ow:Mississippi and Tennessee- - kl&00East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia.... 11,'JNashville and Chstuinooga 77,140.tfempuls snd Charleston 67,160Mississippi Central ,60

Notices will be served to-d- upon thoMemphis and Little Rock road, whichowes $14,000 on account of the sinkingfund. The law as to this matter appliesto all railroad companies whose bondshave been indorsed by the State as wellto those to whom State bonds have beenissued.

Change ol Gauge of the tittle Rock.The Little Rock Gazette is authority for

the statemnnt that next Sunday the peo-ple residing along the line of the Memphisrailroad win nave tne pleasure ot witneiing the modus operandi by which thegauge of a road la changed in twenty-fou- r

hours.The Forrest City Times, of Saturday,

says the gauge on the Memphis road is tobe changed on Sunday next, "and an im-mense force is engaged in raising thegrade between St Francis river and Hope- -field. Colonel A H. LSvermore the popnlar superintendent of the road, deservesthe thanks of the citlsens of our S:ate,and the traveling public, for the energeticmanner in which he is pushing the greatwork forward.


The Thkatbb. The Lydia Thompsontroupe will to-d- ay close their seoend en-gagement and second week in MemphisThey will leave for New Orleans

where we doubt if they will reap alarger meed of praise or measure of profitthan hss fallen to them here. Not evenJefferson, the most popular artist that hasever occupied our boards, has proven agreater success. The house hasbeen crowded every night andon the occasion ot the . benefitof the fair Lydia, laet rsinht, was filled toan extent never before paralleled lnbehistory of theatricals in Memphis. How,under th circumstances, Beckett couldsing, or Lydia say they were not happy,passes cur comprehension, unless that,under the rules of tho management, theymust repeat "their lines," happy or no,"Filled1' we have aaid the popular tech-nicality of the gallery, "Jammed" wouldbetter convey an idea oi the crush thatfirevalled in the upper gallery and

ca well as in the par-quet- te

and dress circle. The billwas the ootnedy, "A Day in Paris," andthe burletqae "Luriine," in which theThompsons first made t heir debut here.Better played than it was then it couldnot well be, so far as the stars MissThompson and Messrs. Beckett andKd-u-

in are concerned, but In justice tothe present supports it must be said thattheirs was a batter perforniKioe thanthose whose places they occupy couldhave given us. The bouse came downagain and again; indeed, there was anunceasing uproar of appiauso, that veryproperly indorsed the presence of so im-mense an audience as a gathering ol thefriends of the most popular andoertainly the best burleeque troupe thatmakes the tour of the United States.Not only last night, but every nightduring the week the Thompsons haveprusfcnled good bills. "Bluebeard,""Luriine" and "Ksnil worth" attest howwell they have kept their advertisedpromises to make themselves more andmore worthy of the place they occupy asa mirth-provokin- and jolly crew, whoseem to b? inspired by the god of misrule,very children of Momus. A more el-

egantly appointed piece than "Kenil-worth- "

it has never been ourlot to enjoy outside of NewYork. Rich aa were the costumes of thecharacters In " Larlino " and " BlueBeard," those worn in " Kenilworlh "were a thouaand-foi- d more so. They weregorgeous. Satin, velvet, silk, gold-lac-

and fringe could not be brought togetherto better purpose than to make the dis-play which elicited from every aide onThursday night ejaculations of pleas-ure and de.ight. The managers ofthe theater, moved by a command-abl- e

impulse, improved the sceneryfor the occasion, and the resultwaa every way ss'.iniactcry to tho im- -u,ene audience which wo promise willbe improved upon whan thisbest of all burlesques will be repeatadand before the mayor and genera coun-cil, who will be present by special invita-tion. Following very closely the "AmyKobHart" which Mrs. Bowers played sowell, "Kenilworlh" depends more uponthe absurd interchange of the eexes inthe oasts ot characters and a few an-

achronisms such as E Jouin go well knowshow to interpolate, than upou the con-tinued and sometimes strained effortst wit aud drollery thst cnaracterize

some of the other pieces. There is a con-tinuity of plot that is easily followed andthe argument being in the main familiarto the mass ot theater goers the resultis most satisractory. No burleeque ofmajesty was ever more thorough thanthat which Beckot sllords as the carroty-beade- d

virgin quoin : and no caricature,albeit, as well dressed as McOollom'a,could he mere complete, even to the de-tail of the famed garter, than the almostmanikin Leicester of Miss Thompson.The contrast waa painfully laughable.When they were upon the Btagewith Forney (Edouln) the audiencefound it impossible to hold in;the laugh became contagious, so thatthe "eupes," forgetful that wit of panto-mime or words is most forcible when de-livered wlh a straight lace, unable to con-tain themselves, smiled more than onceand as broadly as any of the vast crowd oieager and delighted spectators beforethem. A handsomer compliment thanthis could hardly be paid to a revelry thememory of which brings with ita laughter only less loud and prolongedthan the reality so ridiculously, funny,witty, gorgeous, glorious and magnifi-cent. But one slip of the tongue marredthis otherwise very correct performance,and that we submit bad better be omitted.We suggest this in the Interest if theThompsons, who need net descend tovulgarity or a worse suggest ivenesa toraise a langh. Leave out the corkscrews.To-da- y at the raailnee "Hinbad" will bepresent d. Of course the ladies will beout in large numbers and crowd everypart of the house. t we look foraa large an audience as on Thursday,when K ni! worth" was first given as ifto show how the Memphlans could im-prove upon themselves.

Lectttbbs The public will have a rlohand rate treat nex week in the way oflectures. The Rabbi Samfield lecturesThursday evening at the Olub hall on"Man, a Brotberhood," for the benefit ofthe Masonic Relief board. Tho Rabbi,though young in years, is a ripe scholarand a fluent speaker. His lecture willbe Interesting and will attract a largeudiai.ee.

The very eloaaent D .minlcan.Father Barke, will lecture Monday evening at the Greenlaw ooera house on

Ireland." The disc mrnes of FiibtrBurke are of the most profound andpleasing character, so thel his t srerago way astonished at the inysU-rlou- im-pression he hss made. This lecture, upon

sntect with which the learned and eloquent divine is thoroughly acquainted,win araw a crowoeKi house,

COstkiENCE R (.NT.

OngRaaMl fills right is always essential.Keeping right la si ill more so. It is easierto tear down than to tulld uo. I'. Is a fatal mistake to atart business and adoptpopular prices (which are never high) aodno r oner get well on the road to successthan the idea begins to assert itself thatmore pre fit could just as well be obtainedand as much or more bualneas done. Anymerchant or manularturer who is eo filly

to let go ot a Bare patronage to try suchfstai ponry, will as surely fall in the

end as be lives, and his life need not beprolonged beyond the average durationeither: Wsggener, the famous merchanttaller of 317X Main street, fullv under- -

ds this; hence hla prices are uniform,anu toe worst lurueu out irom ma estab-lishment unsurpassed in point of finish toand material.


Raaiisotlnily soliciting the natronsge oipublic and having seoured the ser- -

vioeH ot Mr. K C Han niters as DresoriD- -tlonlst and analytical obernlst in my retaildepartment, I am prepared to fill all pro-scriptions at any hour, day or night. Mr.Saunders is a graduate of pharmacy audchemistry in the London college and istnorougniy competent. Domiciled in thestorerooms he will answer the night-be- ll

promptly. J. K. HILLS, ry,uriufgiit, 281 Main atreat.

A cbtwtttbi ago the wmer Blue-Lic- k

water was used only dv vast herds of buffaloes. It ia now the most popular min

spring water of the age, and the best hasalterative and aperient known Suppliedoases of two dozen bottles, filled care byfully at the springs. An excellent thinsfamily use.

autre a iri h.L li a miurrr,Wholesale Agents.

ttOPELAwVAlTrli7 CURE--you

Far sale by 1, B. Hills, druggist, SSIaarsat,


MR. Miller, formerly of the Cincinnati Chronicle, was in the city yesterdayon his way to New Orleans.

uommodore Thompson dean, oi Cincinnati, passed down to New Orleans onthe new and magnificent-steame-r, Thomp-son Daan.

Hi bam F. Hale, vice president Mis-

souri, Kansas and Texas railroad; FsakerThomas, Louisville; F. Volke, Cincin-nati ; General L. Fetiger, United Statesarmy, and J. F. Hull, LUHe Rick, areamong the arrivals at the Peabody.

C. J. Woodbury, correspondent Jour-nal of Commerce, St. Louis; EdwardJohnson and son, Arkansas; B. S. Bon-ne-

Somerville, Tennessee; A. H. Look-er, Friar's Point. Mississippi, and T. M.Henderson, Little Rock, are among the

registered at the Commercialguestsyestarday. Nothing denotes theprosperity ot a city more than crowdedhotels. All our hotels appear to be do-ing a large business, especially the Com-mercial.

The Franklin Review and Journal ofthe 11th instant has the following, whichwill be Indorsed by all who read it in theAppeal: " In the supreme court we havesix very Intelligent gentlemen workingmost assiduously in trying the manycases which the mishaps of war and theignorance of inferior tri bunals have pileduo here. The law and equity dockets ofWilliamson ana raontgomery nave occu-pied the court since its meeting on thenrst Monday in oecemher last. Manyoases of importance have been tried, andmany of tbem decided very strangely, ifwe listen to the dolorous complaints of thedefeated barristers and their unfortunateclients. There is no brilliant geniuson this bench. They are hardworking, plodding men. To compare It with the bench when Turiey,Reese and Green were the immortal triowho dispensed the decrees of fate to rightsand persons, who would be doing infiniteinjustice to the It would be nearerhitting the nail on tho head to say that thepresent bench about equals a bench composed of men like Totnn, Harris and Caruthers. They are young men enough.and mayhap some overshadowing geniuswill developtnmsell. if it does there willbe more than one surprised. Tbev aredoing their duty honestly and laborious-ly, and if not with tho ability of the firstnamed trio, it is simply because naturehas not endowed them with the brainsIt is pretty certain that the supreme courtwill compel the State to pay the new is-sue of the State bank, which will amountto between one and two millions

"J. N." Triumphant. "J. N.,"' whohas been sojourning at the Overton, yeaterday left the city for Nashville. He isradiant with hope and recurs with delightat the reception given him here in 1865-6- 7,

ween he stood on the banks of the Missis8ippi and lifted the veil there was aheavy fog that mcrning that overshadowed the land. The snn has been shiningfrom that day forth. Brownlow disap-peared and Tennessee is redeemed. Thesemomontous events could never have oc--cured but for tho intervention of "J. NTennessee owes him s debt of boundlessgratitude. He knows no sections butmust ever be honored alike wherevertruth dwells and philosophy reigns. Thewisdom of "J. N." will ever be the marvel of tho age and country that of Solomon is dwarfed by contrast with the pro-found thinking of "J. N " His sacrificeswill constitute themes lor iena of praisewhile poetry elngs and hi-to- chantsendless epics illustrative of the deedsand heroism of oar race. He divideshonors won in war with equal band betweon the North and South and contem-plates rights and wrongs from his pousto, on which he stands as with an n

lever, weighing the virtues andvices of human kind. The philosopheris rnuvenatea. in lifting the pressurefrom the country he has Ufte.1 It fromhimself, Hh eye is radiant with hopsHis marvelous ocular orb pierces thefuture and clouds and darkness bayedisappeared. He has bathed afresh in

g fountains, and rejuvenatedand reinvigorated he goes about themighty task of removing the pressureHe stands here to day and casts his eagleeye over New Orleans and South Caro-lina and oontemplAes the difficulties oflining the pressure from those unhsppy districts of the countryThe veil lifted, the pressure ethereal'zd,the morning sern together ss J. Nwends bis way beneath cloudless skies tothe Stale capital. He brings with him thesunshine of spring time and his Hps areeloquent of his philosophical views of thelate war, wnicn win now oe recognizedaud final reconciliation will be effectedbetween the North and South. No otherman In the north has done j ustlce to ourvalor and patriotism. When the onredorate flag went down with a'l tha preiudioe of the North against him, be honoredits principles and lifted the vail from thegallant dead end siood alone a martyr tohis views, no speaKs in Little Rock onthe 6th, and in this city on the 6th, snd inisrownavme on the ,tn proximo.


First Chancery C'oorl Morgan, Chancellor.

Yesterday was motion day. The petltion of H. Mette, and others, for charterof incorporation of the German Insurancecompany of Memphis, was granted. Thecalendar for Monday will be published onSunday.

Flmt ClreaTt Court HefgKell, Judge.The court will not be open for business

later than ten o'clock this morning. Theclerk will be allowed from that time tillthree o'clock p m,, to get up his minutes,w hen an adjournal 3nt will be had untiloourl in oourse.

Seconal Chancery Court Chancellorheetl.

Decisions Cook vs McKlnney, Ollssonvs Knspp. Awaiting briofs Vollen'.lnevs Faro, Frick vs Uci. Heard Childressvb M. B. K, Spices vs Sharpe, Shoemakerva Bernard; Radius vs Cnrry. Continued

fatsuio.-f-l vs Kiohsxcson, Maban vEasterly, M. and A. vs BMnkley, ssme vsOverton, Drake vs WcKeon, Hapsley vsMcKeon, Barrett vs Hughes. McKenra vsCurry, Bbb vs Good, Chamberlain vsCurry, Henninger vs Miller, Overton vs Easterly, Morgan vs Baker.Court adjourned to Monday, fanes setfor that day: 665, Fante va Dunkerson:6r2, Lumpkin vs Wilson; 705. Fowlkes vsMitoheil; 71b, Donovan ve Johnson ; 716.Williamson vs Fontaine; 717, Rhodes vsKoen ; 718, Bender vs Willman; 719, (Jood- -lett vs cole; 7iu, Jones vs Dickens; 721,Anderson vs Hunt; 722, Sanderl in vs Men- -

crlef; 728, Gaunt vs Wesdiy ; 724, Whitbyvs jonee; Tib, Moriarty vs Moriarty; 728,caoek vs Barry ; 7i7, Drake vs Isaacs; 729,mayor and aldermen of Memphis vsFurstenhelm; 730, Allen vs Dent; 781,McGinty vs Armour; 732, Cadmontoni vsmayor and aldermen or Memphis : 783,Keliv vs Williford; 7M, Mueller vs Mueller; 785, Goff vs Lundy ; 786, Mendenall vsMendenaii; weed sewing machine company vs Denny.

County Court.The county court met yesterday morn

ing at ten O'clock, pursuant to adj urn- -

ment, wnn ice following lustices present;E quires J. A Murray, H. B. Hale, Johnoptnimau, r. aa winters, W. a.. Hue- - d,w m waiiace, ri jsn puiilam. i. W.Caldwell, J W Hurring, J. W. Allen,i noma-- , u. Bleckley, Uarrlson ttbv, WmH. Walker, Henry T. Jones, W. H Hoe- -

gel, J R, Brown, John E Burke, Jno. Tlliott, Samnel A. Moore, R b it B

filler, W. B. GUsson, C. L. Brooks, H. C.masse y anu rt it stone.

John Walsh, the county undertaker,was auowea siioo ior burying paupersMessrs. M. T, Williamson, W. B aiartinand B M L-v- y, commissioners appoint-ed at the October term to revise and cor-rect the assessor's books, were allowedfioir ior tneir services.

The matter of levying a tax for soboolpurposes was post poned to the April term,172. and a committee, consisting ofinquires Wallace, Walker and Pailiam,required to report to the court upon theexpediency of levying a tax for said purpose. The court considered and allowedabout thirty olaima from various parties.amounting to about J5oco, and adjournedlo ineei lo-o- at in


Tl X. V,nw1.(V DM1. t ., .nH FT' n"J J w" ' Buoy, i ei uaasee money and Selma railroad scrip atvny nuix, no. v maiiison street.


All ticket holders in the rsffl for thehorses at toe Overton stables are notified

mend at. the ove.-to-n hotel on Saturday evening, January 18th, at 8 o'clockp.m.

J. H. Carxbok informs hla old friendsand acquaintances that he can now beround ate. Hmall'a Phcealx saloon, 88Main street, snd would be niaaaed toservo mam,


At the old Pacific saloon, No. 17 Monroe) atreet, the finest that tha marketcan afford wild duck, bear meat, cele

etc. win oe dianed up to all themends oi the paoino. The beat beer,nines urn cigars win ueip to stimulate.can ana see. r. W. LOUIS.


received a sood many new tnreplenish the stock so fearfully reduced

the big rush on Christmas and NewTear. Toilet sets, liquor teta, China andglass vases, cups and saucers in great va-riety, A fall Une of table glassware andcrocjiery, etc.

Heat, Comfort and Economy Thiswill get by baying your crates set

with Lemon's Improvement, Call at 9Bfiisaoona street,


Adjoaraed Heeling or the UeneralCouncil.


Memphis, January 11, 1S72. (

REPORTS.At an adjourned meeting of the mayor and

common council of the city of Memphis, onI'hursday evening, January 11. 1S72, nresenlHon. John Johnson, mayor; Messrs. PresidentZent, Foley, RoblDs, Schade, stelnkuhl, Gib-son, Beelsu, Norton, Hue bman, Martin, Harvey, u instead, uicaersou, pinn, ueneite,Marks. Schabel. Reder. Smith snd ulliu-sii-.

councllmemAn ordinance to tlx the salaries of city officers

continued) :Bac-rio- L Be it ordained by the general

coaneil of the city of Memphis, That the com-pensation to be paid the several officers al-ready elected and to be elected for the ensu-ing two years, whose compensation has notalready been dxed, and the compensation tobe paid the employees of the city, shall be asfollows :

FIRE DEPARTMENT.The cblef-englne- of the fire department

shall be paid a salary of 11800, and be entitledto the board of uue none.One assistant-engine- er and n, a

salary per annum of SJ6O0.Four each a salary per annum

ot 11500.Four engineers, each a salaryper annum of SlstO.One captain of the hook and ladder com-

pany, salary per aunam of (120U.Firemen, each, per day, S3.

POLICE DEPARTMENT.The chief of police shall be paid a salary

per annum of fouoo, but shall be required tofurnish his own horses, and pay for the keep--

The recorder, a salarv ner annum r.f vjica-but he shall not be allowed to retain any feesoi '.un.!- hi perquisites accruing to him as re-corder, or as ex officio lustlce of the twuv. huthe suall pay all such lees and perquisites overto the city treasurer to the credit of the city,fl'' "m" l i"00' a siary each per annumSergeants of police, a salary each per annum

oi aiooe.Detective policemen, a salary, each, per an

numoisiao.Patrolmen on the police force, each, for eachday of actual duty, til 00.TurnKeys at the police stations, each, for

eacn aay Of actual duty, 12 jo.une si ai lonnouse keeper, a salary per an-

num of urnAssistant statlonhouse keepers, each, a sala-

ry per annum ol t900.One clerk for the recorder, who shall also

perform the duties of clerk at the stationhouse, a salary per annum oftl200.

One clerk for the chtel of police, a salaryper annum of alOOO.

Each detective policeman and every policeofficer who may require a horse, shall furnishbis own horse and pay for the keeping of him;and each captain and sash sergeant of noticeshall keep at all times, ready for use, one goodserviceable saddle-hors- e.

CITY HOSPITAL.The city hospital physician shall be paid a

salary per annum ot sajw.The steward at the city hospital shall be paid

a salary per annum ot 1900.The driver of the city ambulance, a salary

pel nuuuiu 01 cThe city shall be paid, aa com-

pensation for bis services, one per cent, on hiscollections of city taxes, and the sum ofil.to pay for clerk hire.

ine wnarimasier snail be paid, as compen-sation for his sei vloes, ten per cent, of his col.lections on account of whsrfaee.

The comptroller, register and other officerssuan pay meir own cierk-hlr- unless the contrary is expressej in tins ordinance.

te i. 2. All ssiarie and com enaatlon to of- -fieri and employes of the city shall be paidU1JUIUIJT. ML LUC t UU Ul flSCU ffl'lQll SCrVlCS

Sec 3. ibis ordinance shall be in forceii om ana arier us passage, and au Inoonaia- -ter i otuiuanceB are nereby repealed.

Raspes fully submitted.J. M. 1 ETrlGRKW.

Chairman com. of board ot eluermen.Amende! by making the salary of the

captslu of the hook and ladder companythe same as that of a captain of a fire company, nrsi reaaing oy bosid of aldermen. Ku es eu'ipended by requirement ofc.ty charier, and ordinance passed secondand lit1 hy board of aldermen, Jan- -

. ..., - .'.. ivwiuu i.j euuuoil.I Bules suspended sgieesbly to charter pro-

is uu, huu UIU1UHUCO pssvea N CO U ' 1 ftQGfinal res-uln- b roun-1- 1. Janaarv 1 1. 175.

An ordinance to fix the bonds of city officersiui mcriuum. lwo years:

Section L Be It ordained by the GeneralU.uucn ol the city of Memphis, That the oQi- -

oers of the city shall respectively executeooiius ior ine lanniui penormance or ibeir rtspective duties, as now required by ordinance,In the following sums:

The bond shall be in the sumof 17500.

The treasurer's bond shall be in the sum ofgSUJASI.

The comptroller's bond shall be in the stunor szd.uw.

The c ty engineer's bond shall be In the umof 20,000.

The wharfmaater's bond shall be in the sumoi liU,UUU.

The city attorney's bond shall be In the sumof rno.ooo.

The ebl'f of police's bond shall be In thesnm of ti0.000.

The chief-engine- of the fire department'souuu suai: ue in ine sum oi siu.ovu.

The recorder's bond ahall be In the sum ofoi 3,UUU.

Each captain of police shall give a bond luiiir sum Ol 93 uuu.

sergeant or the police shall give arxnia id tne sum ot '9,000.

The sergeant-at-anm- ,' bond shall be In thesum oi axagg

The city physician a bond shall be la thesum oiThe city register's bond shall be in the sum

Of 16,000.Th- - market-master- s, each, shall give a bond

of rismThe keepeis of the public parks, each, shall

give bond In the sum of tluoo.The lumber Inspector's oond shall be in the

sum of hum.Each tiLilrolman on the nollrn forcA shall

give a bond In the sum of finoo.The city hospiial steward shall gives bond

in the snm of lcj.Each engineer ot the Ore department and

each captain shall give a bond in the sum ofbobsThe assistant chief ot the fire department or

fire warden's bond shall be In the sum ofThe city inspector's bond shall be In thesum ot fZoUO.

Sec. 2. ThK ordinance shall take effect and bein lorce Irom and alter Its passage, and all inconsistent ordinances are hereby repealedBy Alderman Peltlgrew:

Passed first read ng, and rules suspended bvrequirements of charter, and ordinancepaused second and final reading by board ofaiciermen.January 11, 1S.2. Passed first readingby couuci .and rules suspended as per charter,anu in..t'u aim nusi reaaina- - uvLuuuiii, aauuarj ii, io,a.

RESOLUTIONS.A resolution that the city engineer have the

chamber of the board of aldermen fitted upwith suitable desks, etc.. for each of the aldermen, similar to the council chamber, eto.Adopted by the board of Aldermen, January11, 1S72, and concurred lu bv council. Januarv

1, '

By i 'ouncilman Smith:Hetolved. That the standing rules adnntml

and In UNe by the last board be adopted togovern this board, and that two hundredcoping be pointed. Adopted by council, Janu- -CU 11, 10.,Business Prom the Board of Aldermen

ACCOUNTS.lne account of M j. Wrieht. sheriff n

rjneiny oonnty v200 for offi-l- servP us Inholding elections, municipal, etc., of 1371-- 2

was allowed dv ooard ol aldermen lannarr11, lfl72, and their action concurred in bycouucii January ii, 15.Z.

PETITIONS.The petition of Q P. Fonte and other resl.

dents on Jones avenue, between Alabamaand Hawley streets, in relation to the closinguuoi a uuuuc uaaswav ana ior ine onen ntrw k.uv uiiia wna reierreu uy o arc oi aiae:men to their improvement committee, January 11, 172. Same action was taken bv common council by a like reiorer.ee to their Improvement committee, January 11, 1872.

REQ.UIS1TION8.The CltV register's reonlalrlon fnr blanb--

bOOkS for thataenarimeut was eranted. whenthe council adjourned subject 'o the mayor'scan. L. B, RICHARDS

City Register


Memphis. January 11. 1872. I

At an adiiurned meeting of the mavor andboard of aldeimen, held Thursday evenlug.January 11. lS7a nreent Honorable JohnJonnson, mayor; Chairman Dent, Walsh Malum, iuacKan, retngrew, uaiateata, icaua,uurke, betils and Peuduigrast, aldeimen.

A quorum b.lrg announced, the chairmantook bis seat, called the members nresent tooruer anu naa tne ron oi aiaermen oanea.

The minutes of the previous meelinae werereau aaukuop'ea.Thereupon the chairmsn of the board of aldermen submitted the following list of nameaof aldermen appointed on the respectivesiauoioj committees ior one lony-ui- w corporate year, etc. :


Mr. Thomas F. Mackall. chairman, ot thaihird ward.

Mr M Barke, ol the Eighth ward.Mr. A. C. Beltis, ot the Ninth ward.Mr. P J. Mallon, of the Second ward.Mr. P. Clcalla, of the Sixth ward.Mr. M. J. Pendergrast, ot the Tenth ward.

COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS.Mr. A. C. Bettis. chairman, cl the Ninth

waru.Mr. J. M. Pettlgrew, of the Fourth ward.Mr, P. Clcalla, of the Second ward.

COMMITIEE ON FINANCE.Mr. J. M. Pettlgrew. chairman, of the Fourth

vara,y, . . f n : ... . v. ri.kii, .. i"A A1A Blll.r, O. III. .IflU IAA mi VI.Mr. Thomas F. Mackall, of the Third ward.

COMMITTEB ON CLAIMS.Mr. P. J. Mallon, of the Second ward.' ohair- -van.Mr. P.Clcalla, of the Sixth wrrd.Mr. A. C Bettis, of the Ninth ward.

COMMITTEE ON WHARF AND LANDING.Mr. Thomas F. Mackall. of t ,e Third wantMr. P. J. Mallon, of the Second ward.Mr. N M:il siesta, of the Fifth ward.

COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCE.Mr. A. C. Bettis. of the Mnth ward, ohair.

man.Mr. J. M. Pettlgrew, of the Fourth ward.mr, r. iicana, oi me aixtn waru.

COMMITIEE ON PRINTING.Mr. M. J. Pendergrast. ot the Tenth ward

cnairraau.r. N. Malateata. of the Fifth ward.

Mr. M. Burke, of the Eighth ward.COMMITTEE ON GAS.

Mr. P. Clcalla, of the Sixth ward, obalrman. erMr. jonu waisn, oi me r irsi wara.Mr. A. C. Hettls of the Ninth, ward.

COMMITTEE ON HOSPITALS.Mr. N. Malateata. chairman, of tha Fifth

ward.Mr. John Walsh, of the Flmt ward.Mr. Thomas F. Mackall, of the Third ward.COMMITTEE ON FIRE DEPARTMENT.Mr. John Walsh, chairman, of the First

waru.Mr. N. Malatesla, or the Fifth ward.Mr. M. J. Pendergrast, of the Tenth ward.

COMMITTEE ON MARKETS.Mr. M. J. Pendergratt. ctiufrmaa. of tha

lenin waru.Mr. M. Burke, of the Eigbth ward.Mr. P. J. Mallon, of the Second ward.

COMMITTER ON REAL ESTATE.Mr. P. Cloalla, chairman, of the Sixth ward.Mr. J. M. Pettlgrew. of the Fourth ward.air, j una w amn, oi toe jnrst'


Mr. P. J. Mallon. chairman, of the Seeondward.

Mr. Thomas F. Mackall, of the Third ward.Mr. J. M. Pettlgrew, ot the Fourth ward.Mr. A. 0. Bettla, of the Ninth ward.Mr. M. J. Pendergrast, of the Tenth ward.


Mr. M. Burke, chairman, of the Kigbth ward.Mr. N. Malateeta, of the Fifth ward.Mr. John Walsh, of lbe First ward.Mr. P. Clcalla, of the Sixth ward. .Mr. P. J. Mallon, of the Second ward.

PETITIONS.The petltiousof sundry clt'zens residing and

owning property on Jones avenue, betweenAlabama aud Hawley streets, stating that thealleyway in the rear of tbelr property hasbeen entirely olosed, to their material detri-ment, and praying that tha city authoritieshave the same speedily opened, etc.: referredby board of aldermen to their improvementcommittee, January 11. 1872, and their actionconcurred In by council, January It, 1872.

RESOLUTION.By Alderman Pettlgrew:

Rcfofnad, That the city engineer be Instruct-ed to have the aldermena room provided withsuitable desks for each alderman, and a tun-able stand for the president of the board,which shall be arranged similar to the coun-cil chamber, and such other lmDrovemeuls asthe room may require. Adopted by board ofaldermen, January 11, 11172; concurred In bycouncil, January 11, 1672.

REPORTS.Your committee report favorably on teaccount of M. J. Wright, ahsria of Shelby

county for holding elections, etc amountt0. Report adopted by board of aldrsmenend their action concurred In by council,January it, nil

For the reports of the special committeeson salaries and effloera' nonda re'erence Ismade to the publisned proceedings of thecommon oouncil, where said report will hefound published at length. January U 1372.

A reqnl ltlon lor three bl- k books for theuseo: tbe city register's office: granted byr uncll and concurred In by board of alder-men.

when the board adj inrned, sul jsct to themayor s can, January ii i

L. R RICHARD-- , City Register

family marketing

Current Retail Prices of Meats, Poultry, Visa, Game, Frails, Vegeta

bles and Dairy Products.

We have no headquarters for familymarketing in this city. We haye nosplendid or oommodioua building inwhich all those who deai in family sup-plies may keep stalls. The business hereis carried on principally by storekeepers,scattered all over town, so thst there Isnot half a dozen places, nor even a single

in which all the articles ofElace, requeriments can be found. Wegathered our in'ormation from manydealers, and there Is no doubt the priceswill be round current :

MSATS.Loin lF(52iV Veal, hlndquarter ...13Porterhouse ISy J0t Veal cultets 18c"ound steaks iSc Saasage meat ..18eRoasting beef.. 5I8-Stewlne Fresh pork l&lc

piece .1215 C irned pork 15ccorned beef 12 thoat 12 6003Mu'.ton.forcqaar- - iniote-- ! ham ....... .Tic

ler 13H(91S- - Whole tripe.H'.ntunarter- - I5r Buffalo meat ..i2KiVeal, lorequarter ..15c 1 teak?

FISH.Dried cod per It. I0c Pike, per It. Jftolrssed oaifliu Pic trout, per a S0eFresh heirtng IS White fish pa-9- ) MeShad, each....... tl 4almon,per Quad rr.isjj

There is very little river fish in themarket. Salt water fish begin to come inIrom Savannah and find a ready sale a.high figures.

POULTRY AND QAMF.Prairie chickens, pair...... 50c

per pair tl feal, per pa:r a0oChickens, each. .60c j'Poaeum andWild tnrkerys.tiaM 6t coon. ......... A; I

Tame turkey, Venison hams .20cdressed, or. Ib 20 V'enaon aho'ldr Li.4

Mallard duckB, per Venison steak .25cThe supply of game in the market is

running out. It has been vary good sofar.

PROD DOTS, ETC.M lis, per gallon 40r ooking butter 25cOoscen tin iter 508 Ch ese .25ct rime table but- - rga. per uoa-- j 40(

ter S5A40t Lard, per pound ii;VQ B.T ABL .'

Potatoes per peck 40c supply and can beveel iiolatoe 3ar had al a l uilo'fl-l- .

miens Oelery, per dcz$n...tl1'arniDs are lu lame jabhaas pr. h'dJM

The vegetable market is well suppliedthis season, and housekeepers can makegood bargains.

FRUIT, ETCApples, per peck.. ..85c per ft - 10NllCemjus. per 0; z tu uriea apples, pi r

a pr. gai.76 lr 10i5cWhile gr' i e- -, per h.i ibs, psr pouuo.. id.. krlsd kernel, Drleu peaches. doney, In couit 35c

Gam Fittino. 315 Second Mrs it.


Taxes paid on most favorable terms, byCity Rank, JNO.H Madison street.

Eoomokt. Take your fall clothing to theSteam Dyeing and Cleaning iiouse inont aHanson a out stanai, mo aeconu sireeu


Cocoajsi dresses the hair beautlnuiy.


County scrip, Tennessee money andSelma railroad sarin for sals st lowestrates by City Bank, No. 9 Madison sueet.

If you suffer from neuraiglajipply "NeurlL

" NxTjaxx, " Is the great antidote for neu- -


Ex amine the grate In this office. Tia a greatsaving oi men ess.

KulvArtlurant.nf lie Rnft'a TiUnenRArv.headed Book lor the Million Marriage Uuide

in another column, it snouiu oe reau oyan.

Pest) , 815 Second street.

.true iMm. 238 1 Main street-- has the larwast I

assortment of Magazines, Pictorials and dai-- 1

ue is the city.

A. F. 0AVI8,House and sign painter. 281 Second street. Orders promptly executed at reasonable rates.

CojrNUBiAL Felicity. Nothing tends moreto connubial happiness than cneerrm anahnaltlie infanta and children. Mrs. WhlL- -

comb's syrup la the great children's sootlllngremeuy.

As Abticlb or Taus Merit. "Brown'sBronchial Troches" are the most popular article In this country or Europe lor throatdiseases and coughs, aud this popularity isbased upon real merit. v

Nbtjbil Immediately relieves and Permianen 11y cures neuralgia.

Stka M FiTTiiro, 316 Second street


Boats Leaving To-da-

Friars Point O. W. Chibk. 5 p.mArkansas river....!, w. allbs p.mWhite river.. Emma C. Elliott o pjnOsceola ....CNniirK . o p.mNew Madrid Will. 8. Hats ..J p.mNew Orleans TJextbs. U mNew Orieans Ukkat Ripublic 4 pjnNew Orleans IlHS Kllgoub 4 p.m

Arrivals.Phi! Allln Friars PointSt. Francis Phillips BayouMary Millar CairoEmmaC. Elliott... ...White riverW. J. Lewis ., viestabn-- a

Louisville .....LouisvllleThompson Dean Louisville

iepartares.RobL Burns CincinnatiPhil AiUn . Friars PointA.J White rsapi.ievnSt. Francis. JSC Francis riverFrank Forrest 1 ultonMary Miller .New OnesnsThompson Dean --New Orleans

Boats Ib Port.Emma C. Elliott. W. s Bays. T. H. Alien.at. Mary. Louisvuie.

River Report January 13, 1S79.


New Orleans-- .. 0:01.. Clear.Pittsburg . Mi Clear.Leavenworth.-- , Cloudy.Cairo ,to:a! Clear.Vlcksburg . Aim Clear.Nashville ......... .lx....-- ) ClearLouis vllle... ...... . OrOOl Clear.Cincinnati . 1:101 Clear.St. Louis !0KB! Fair.Omaha. ... Cloudy.Mem obit 0:08 Fair.anrevepen. Fair.

The figures indicate feet and inches.Local Weal her Report January 13.


0:43 a.m '30 260 .006 1 BE clear2:111 p.m 10.164 lit) 4 'calm!.... clear or

111:18 p.m.. JSOWSo tWOi 17 2 calm!.... fairPROBARLITIKR.

WasHiKOTOit. January !2 - The b.rometerwill probably fail pomewbat on the lowerlakes, the highest pressure remaining inCanada. Southwesterly winds, with partial-ly oloudy weather, wllfprevall on Saturdayfrom New England to Wisconsin. Clear andpleasant weather will prevail very generallyttom that region southward to the null1, excepting a small area of cloud and tain inGtorgia snd South Caroilns. Cloudy WMtt- -

win extenueastwaru io aansae ana aunnesota. Dangerous winds are not autlclna- -tea ior

Silvers aad Rosin ess.Business on the wharf was fairly active.

the weather favoring operations. There rrwaa an unusual crowd present to witness IIthe arrival of the new and elegant Thompson Dean She Is worthy the name she lyrjears. me river here naa naen i inches.The Oalo is falling. At St. Louis the Mis 4thsissippi la slowly declining, hut withplenty or water ior an practical purposes.

By Talearraph.Vickbbtjbo. January 13 Down: Alice

Dcau, 2 a--m ; H. O. Yeager, 4p.ni; Gov-ernor Allen, 6 p.m ; K. K. Lee, 7 pjn.

LITTLR ROOK, January ill. WaaaaBaldear and pleasant. River Using. Arrived i

iron criDsoa, irom aoove; oarrw v.

Kountz, New Orleans. Departed: Minnie,New Orleans.

New Orleans, January li. Arrived :

Mary Houston, Loi.le and Tom Jasper,from St. Louis Kate Kinney, Evansviile.Departed : Exchange and Eiperansa, torCincinnati; Susie Silvnr, Silver Bow,Mollis Moore and City ot Qulncy, St.Louis ; John Howard, Arkansas river,

PiTTfBUBo, January 112 The Mononga-heiahas- 4

feet 7 inches in the channel,and la stationary. Weather dear andpleasant. Arrived: Argosy.

Louisville, January 12. This morninga colored deck hand named Sam Smith,alias Scott Coff.e, fell off the steamerUnited States at tha wharf, and wasdrowned. He waa from Lancaster, Ken-tucky. The Picket sunk one of her boatswith 20,000 bushels ot coal, above West-po-rt

y. The Botz, Baker and DickFulton left for points below.

All the local packets departed with goodtrips.

The W. J. Lewis arrived from Vieka-burg with nineteen bales cf cotton andsix hundred sacks seed. She departedafter adding over three hundred bales ofcotton for above.

The new iron water-gaug- e at the foot ofJefferson street is nearly completed.

The Louisville earns in from the Ohioyesterday afternoon. She diachsrgedevenly five tons of miscellaneous

freight and lays ever until this morning.Toe new Thompson Dean arrived from

above at dark. Throngs of admirersboarded her as she landed, and all pro-nounce her superb and unrivalled in ev-ery department. She discharged severalpackages and departed drawing ten feet,with eighteen hundred tons of freight onboard.

Captain Stein, a well-know- steamboatcommander has recently oean appointedcaptain of the steamer John Kilgour.Captain S. is a popular commander and issure to win. She is advertised to leavetis afternoon.

The St. Francis came In from Phillipsbayou with seventy-fou- r bales of cotton.two thousand sacks of seed and a lot ofsundries.

The Phil. AUin, from Friars Point,brought in fifty-on- e bales of cotton, twohundred sacks of seed and a fair passenger list.

The Mary Miller arrived from Cairo yesterday morning. She discharged here anumber of hogs, eleven head or horses,and departed, drawing seven feet, withseven hundred tons, mostly an grain

The Emma C. Elliott came In fromWhite river with four hundred bales ofcotton, three hundred and sixty-eigh- t

sacks of seed and s lot of sundries. Shereshlpped fifty bales of cotton at themouth for New Orleans. The officers ofthe Elliott will please accept oar thanksfor favors.

The Rjbert Burns departed with 8 goodload of cotton and a lot of way freight forthe Ohio.

The Louisville Ledger has the following: "Captain Dan Richards finished onebulkhead vesterdv in the bow of theSam Hale, aud will bave the other completed bv ten o'clock this morning, whenthe Falls Pilot will taka a barge of clayand other material to be uaed to fill inbetween the bulkheads, so as to makethem tight, when they will commence totrv and pump the water out oi tne noia.

The towboat Joseph H Bigley, withfourteen coal boats, containing about300 000 bushels ot coal, was to have leftthe foot ot the canal last night for BatonRouge and New Orleans. CaptainBalrd purchased the steamer Glasgowyesterday from the Arkansas RiverPacket company. He will take her toMadison in a few daya, put her on theways, and give ber a thorough overhaulIng. He intends to put her in the Whiteriver trade from this city."

Boat Leaving To-Da- y.

For New Orleans '1 he new and finesldewheel passenger steamer Dexter, Captain I H, Jones, leaves to-ds-y at noon lo:New Orleans and all coast landings. Shehas large and splendid staterooms, withher taHes always supplied with the delicades that our market affords. Mr. O wena. Gates Is ber popular secretary.

For Friars Point The regular triweekly pisseager packet G. W. Cheek,Captain Gwrcra Ma one. leaves this eveuing at live o'clock for Friars Point and allway landings. F 8. Gonterman and L.H Brigas are clerks.

For White River The new and elgantpaesenzer steamer Emma 0. Elliott slipsher cable tMs afternoon at five o'clock lorJacksonport. taking in all the way landlnaa be ween this and that port. Thesaipp'tp us psssnnger acronimodations ofthe Elliott, the obliging disposition oi nerofficers, snd hor well-know- n speed makethis the golden opportunity or travelersand shippers. Captain John D. Elliottcommands, and Messrs. Joe Elliott,Walker Outlaw and Arthur Fields are herclerks.

For Osceola Tho Undine, CaptainGoodr!ch,leavos at five o'o look this afternoon for Oo la ana ail wsy lardmsrs. AGoodrich and Henry Dickinson officiatea:; cierks,

ForArkensss Rivor The regular p?sengcr steamer Thoe. H. Allen, CaptainEugene Smith, leaves this evening at fjuro'clock for Pine Bluff, Little Rock and allpoints on the Arkantias river. Pat Mcrrison is chief purser.

For New Orleans The Groat Rfpublic,Captain Thorwegan, leaves this afternoonat four o'clock.

For New Madrid Toe light-draug-

steamer Will S. Hays, Captainfessenger leaves at five o'clock thisevening for Now Madrid and all the coastlsndlngs. Mr. Alonaj Murray has chargeof tho office

For New Orleans The Kugour. C aptalnStein, leaves this evening ct four o'clockVioksbutg, New Orleans and all waylandings.


A Card from the Memphis OasltgblComi any.

2b the Put;v.The board of directors of the Memphis Gas

light company desire to declare, In an authoritative manner, the future policy of their company In regard to the sale of gas :

Our company is possessed of the most complete and ample appurtenances necessary forthe manufacture and distribution of an adequate supply of illuminating gas for the cityof Mempbls, the right to vend which we claimas an exclusive and vested right, In additionto the extensive works for the manufacture ofcoal gas, we have In operation apparatus lormauuuicturiug gas iruui uaptna, unuer meprocess secureu oy me nana a uaie patent.hy this inetuod gowned and controlled entirely by us,, an illuminating uus Uraaaufao- -

tured by out company superior to that wtiiohany other company can manufacture in thiscity, by from oily to one hundred per cent.This iact which W'iil become patent loevery gas comomer of the city should anothercompany enier into competition wuu us"Within the present week an improvement hasbeen made at our works which will foreversecure to this city the credit oi posser-Moc- , angnt unsurpasaeu inrougnout me giuoe.through the same agency we win hereaiierbe able to correct, in a few minutes, deneleu- -oles In the power of the light we furnish occa-sioned by cold weather, or from other cause.

v e do not propose to lose a consumer on account of price. Should another company commence to sen gas at a price lower man tne ratefixed by this company, we will at once reduceour rate to a point nny cents per luousauucubic feet lower than the amount fixed uponby such other company, and will keep ue- -sc nding in he same ratio.

vtewouui remind the public that we desireuo assurances or miaranUes ou the nan of ourconsumers, as e ue.ieve mat wnenever matters com to open coiuiietiiio.i, the supcriorityof the light odered by this c mpauy, to saynothini; ul inducements lu once, will secure acontinuance oi tho patronage it has so longeno ed.

It is made the Imperative duty of every officer and employe of this company to pawstrict attention to the wants and requirementsof our patrons, and aoy lack of courtesy orneglect of complaints will su bject the ohenderto severe rebuke or prompt dismissal irom oarservice.

Adopted by the board, and ordered pub- -iisueu, uecem oer xa, isri.

J ami.s ja. w ii.i.iaiai prealdeni.Geo rue W. oirr. Secretary.

"Nbtril" Is kept oy all nist-ola- si drug--gists, appiy to inem tor a circular.


Wines and Liquors,Na. 351 Hala Strut,

nran, Ttisu


THE MEMPHIS OIL COMPANY will furX nish eacts on application, and pay tUper ton or son ml seed, either by wagOD. rail

river, nicuest mar set price paid at allUmn. J. y. BtAaWtBK BBBjVt.

December i. isri dec'.! of

AdnniaUater'a Notice.lr solvency of the estate of Jos. R.THE deceased, having been sug-

gested, nct'co Is hereby given to all personshaving claims against said estate to file thesame, aotneniiQateu in tne manner proscribed oy law, with the uiera oi the county ofjoint of Shelby comity, on or batcre the i thday of July, 1873, or they will be foreverbarred In law and equity.

JtA.lt I it. W1LU1AB-)- ,jalS fr Admx. of J. R Wllttams, deo'd.

Crecitor's Notica.A V ING suggested the in, olvan try of theestate oi ueorge ncmpnreya. deceased.

this la to notl v ail Ders-n- s having claimsagainst said estate io nteine same, proper to

authenticated, with the Clerk of the forCounty court oi aneicy county on or beforeday May, so, or toe same win be forever

uarrea. byTins Decani - r :t, is i.diMeo HE Kl IKD.AdBaib'atra'OT

KOTIOa. beS we shall withdraw our office finiiiMsan

phis to st Louis by tha iota Jaauary,we would raspetiully ask those in.

deotad to na to call at tS4 Main sueel andactus oeiore uuusiw. the

(Us M COUMhR, a RIiUR RTXRXaV asai



For Cincinnati.Memphis and Cincinnati Racket Caw

fur Cairo, Lauiavuie ana uineinnaiiThe One passenger and freight st

Sliver M.aaI'on. .......... .... . master.

Will leave TUajsdaY, Win lost., at 6 pun.For freight or passage appiy oa board or to

sv V. tuna agent.Jalt M Front SSfSSt


cga'agMemaJkas and javaehr'd Paktjoi ev asena, romt riesisut, r u . :nu ,

Oseeola. tne Bauds am', intermediateLandlogs-T- ue Regular Packet

WILL s. HAxS J. T. Snannon, masterj. l. ssnmon ciera

This elegant passenger iteamerwin leave aa aoove

LVBl BtiL KUAX ai f p.m.For ii igni or apply on boar J or to

.ll.i'jii auAasasaa, agents,la' 2 No 2 Promenade street.


Regular Memphis and HaUes Point PacketFor bailea Point and Way laandings.

FRANK FUKJB3I J. . Andrews, masterThis elegant ste.mer will leave a" a

Mam phis for Rallea Paint andJgmaaaafaVway points KVRRY. MO DAY AAU rod--

A r, a li o'clock p m.


"fra-- v TsTa-vx- t Orlaaiia.Rcgulai iew O leans Packet For Viekaburg, Nalches and New Orleans,

ine M earnerJohn Kilgara

A a elnAT. bnrl cle-k- .

Leave mi's DAZ.ll n Inst all p mi.LLiUll O .n. l.ie.iw. ageuua,

JS13 drner Jefferson aau Promenade ata

St. r f . v Orleans Packet Co,Fur Vlcksburg, Natches and New Orleans.

steamerOREAT 11EPUBLIC -- TLorwelgan. master

Xnja eitguii psaenge.- - p cxeiwill leavn aa abuvesatl k ja i u s in-t- ., at i p.m.For freight or passage apply to

J. 1. .,siu.iu, Agont.jail No. I Madison street.

St. Letiis V NewOrhtaBt Packet Co.For v icksbura. aiahl a and New Orleans.

Str LtXik.lt -- . R.J ones, maaierTula spiendld p&ssengur packet aU

will leave as above daaaaaaalSAicnDAi, mat., at Km.For freight or passage apply lo

J. T. ,. Agent,


For Osceola and Sfl landings The

tuuu..cii......n... r i A. Uood len uieiklair.. 1 H a oil U n tl St.. St o u.m.

or ueikiii or pasa.e apply on board. (JH


Memphis n line ass utile ated RiveraCM. Stall Line.

For Helena, DeVaii's Blurt, Searcy, Augusta.Jacksonpoit, ana aii v a oauiuuia

The taaaenatrLEOAL TENLKR. W. j. A,h oru, master

Leaves kauiiiuiJ every iumiai, at a

Sir" EM-M- C. ELLIOTT.. J. D. KU'ott, mtatSTL es Mempu.s .very baioroai, at

o'ciocx p.m. -.ine tjov e eiegsnt imuu, vuuuVail'a B.os w.tntoe I tllioal kUl) itsmil

t i ,i;aj.d WltiJaoiJAlsandaA.UiiL) ib. . ologdj.n.

RLLiuii amnr-a- , agents,jail i Proincnaae, n.ot ol JeOarsom


Mcaawhla and Arhaawaa River racketloanuajay V. s Mall Liar.

For Pine n.un, Lr tie Rock and uirough toFort Ulbaou direct.

Str. T. 11. ALtU .kkgcao aaallM.asaafrv in iave rftuuVf, oiiillllll, gat -lata laalaut, at 5 y.m aaamafBjaam

J? or ireiv-n- - 01 pas, age appiy ou uuiu oi m

W. ri KkuNNikuAY, Agent,Office on Company's wmtitboat,

root of Conn Mreet


mar's Palit. Hsteka MgUUM 3Wl rMaJ

Leaves AAempui Mendaya, Wtdneadays aneFridays, at 1 p.m., eonnecltJag al ne.ena wltnthe steamer KacsA lor MarlAnna ami an

al. no i ar. ola rl V- P- 'ajxuis MJUkJkMM tki v Rak

aaamtaU gad ArxAagajj River Pektt Cea- -

pasyU. 8. Rail UM,

ratHIC ff I .El. A NT r A s. . J t. rt I '1 'rX this line leave Memphis for ail points

on Arkansas ti vsrMON DATS AND FRIDAYS, al i.cl

For rre-g- passage or oilier UiioiaKiia,appiy to

w. n . . . T . 1 .j i, vit cOfHea. ou Company a w narfboat,

oa root of Court st.-eat-.


For lTo-v- r OrXosn as.

FBSRUaRT Is. Pj72.The " aulucent otss.nger stramer

BRLLK LEE Fraah Mleha, sasadssrJOUU a. Bc.iivaa, LI tra.

ILL leave this city ou WEDNESDAY,VVJ fr binary 7 th. Is., arriving at Hit Ot- -

kkaas Monday, Febrnaiy i3ih, giving ex.ursionlats five uayi lu the Ceacent City duringthe Mardl Uraa Mondays, lie pa: ting, winleave New Orleans on her up trip Saturday,February i.ta. uoomi can oe uoiauntu iortne excursion by applying on board or to

Ua7 juu.s ir. a AMS.

Regular Memphis art Maw Orleans


For New Orleans aad tin Beads,

ixx 1871-187- 8.

Tha Elegant Paaiangai and Freight

BELLE LEEJ. Frank Hicks. master J. 8. Bulllvan.clerkWUI leave Mam phis for New Orlaana at

louows;18711Thursday.. Novate tier 18th, at 5 pjjbThursday November toth, at 5 p mThursday --.Liecember 14th, at 6 p mThursday........ December atth, at 6 p.m

1878iThursday.."-- . lanuary nth, at S pjnThursday ... .lanuary itSLh. sit 5 p.mWednesday r ebruary 7la, at 6 p.mThursday M, at a pjnThursday --March 7th, at a o.mThuriuay... . March Slat, at 6 p.m



Aaatia, C. i,. BriMal eh- -

itaani MMThe rsllsbla, arrt-nlnS- B

MARK R CHRRjS. maatar.Will run rearalarly. aa above, leavtna Mampuis every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and RAXUf.DA V, pur.ctnally at 5 pjn.

ror rrrignt ot past age, apply on Doara.asas

Far kbIku, Frtar't Petst,Hffi' Nata.

Xbe taltsdA. J, WHITE,

mi.r- - . -WUI leave Mem c Ills MONDAYS and rSI- -uaid. pacctsaiiy at 5 p.m.

tor rraigni or pawags, appiy on bcaru.aajB


Mslewa, afaurlaaaa aad at, PraBtCM Riverracket. steajsierST, rRAC!S

nrmin maataiWill leave Memphis Tossdayb ami Thltuv

sats, at 3 o oiocx pan.Vor freight or pass.-g- apply on board .!Bri7

WlnPr PrMf Sy.teaaa. TaicRand flannels are necessary at this seat in, butthe haman frame requires soatajkllig morethan those to render it winter-proo- f. The Inner man, aa well as the over surface of thebody, must be protected. The raw, moist.chilly winds which prevail at thistrans plerae the warmest clothing, and areapt to afloat the health unfavorably, boththrough the pores an j the respiratory org ans.

The rarest way to avert the evil is tostrengthen the Internal machine, and thusenable it to renal the devitalising inflaancs

unwholesome weather. Enrich the stood,gently stimulate the circulation, regulatetaw bowels, invigorate the stonuch, tone theliver, and brace the nerves with EostetterStomach Bitten, and no condition of 'he at to

ofmosphere, however inclement, no variation

the barometer or thermometer, howeversudden, will have power to disorder the sys-

tem thus fortified In advance, and put In per-fect working older. Damp and cold, actingupon a sensitive or feeble organisation, mayproduce oousnmption, diptherla, neuralgia.rheumatism, dyspepsia, liver complaint, lownervous fiver, or intermittent fever ; the Im asportance of rendering the ay stem impervious

thwe two destructive el am eats Is there3 obvious. Persona In delt?ate health, or theWho are at all liable to be injuriously affectedatmospheric influences, should take the

Bitters dally throughout the winter andspring. Ia this way dangerous diseases may

warded off, and a condition of perfect inas Hli preserved by individuals of com par a--

uveiy leeine pna.siuc, aiun inrec more ro-- i

bast, who scoff at precautions, are luSarlng I

penalty of their leskleasnets ia aospttala Itlakroama. JeJ I

j BBaaaaPar latglllssWia laaaaaaaMi i saawnnanmissaianwi, iiin.itnBmiii mix imlBai .mm aBaaWaaaaTlTfstii! aa ItfTja illMgWllBBflBtMl iiiiaWlTllTlTillaBa


ItaMaa lfarb aad Alsawtar Statu-ary, raamsnted Goads, Fica


GEORGE SHIELDS & CO.,Auotloneoi ca.

BsTo. S40 TVTaal-r- t sStreot.Tittday ltd Wtdaetday, JaBui y 6 aad 17,

Coaaaaent intt every aay at lo aabandLABOR aobee loo of the flseat Statu safroii the besttMadioe of Eciope aaca

Vanes of Cancvs, Oronp of iiancmg Oirls,Venas ot Medici, arl-no- e, Apollo. theOreekSlave, e'c. etc., beautiful Rarb e Rooiaa,Florentine, Euvan and Oreclan Vases,Pompeii Urns, apiea, Taaxaa Card Baakets,Card Receivers genuine sr. on WnneaClocks, Figures, el e . with a It g-- , and ela-ga-

variety of Works or Art. ail f me directimportation o elsnor F. Panaoifint. who hasaelented the entlie coliec'lon in pers-- witha view to meet tne t at or h a naoy .'rlendsIs this city the wnola wi i be endraadv 'oraxhlbiuon oi. IDir.Jisaarr131b, 172, when ladits .nu arelavned lo call aad examine the oeaatl'oidkin'a-- .

URO. SHIELDa at O.. Aactlajaastra,tadl 3SV Sain SOMBBk

1S Barrel. CHOI Y ' 111 UOM,At Auction.

On the Levee, fort cf Monroe street,BY A. M. STODDARD & CO.THIS MOBNING, AT U O'CIXJCK.

To Whoa it fity conuOfB.

WE will sell at pn'olte anetlon, on the lothinstant, a' lb o clock a.m. In 'i ot of

A. M. Bloudaid's aueiinn-bb- te, H i n iona'reet, to the highest b Oder, for cash, to da-fra-y

storsga and o ber chartea, nnlais soonersettled, the loilowing goods:

1 LltiieOiant Corn MiiL1 Sorghum MillI Corn Pointers. 23 CavLaoun Flows,a Rldlag CulUvatora.1 Corn rubellar.1 Hand-Oi-

js8 MILBURS. vVa.Lg'TR AC J.

Miiilii 4 riMlnlw afatVlTta


WUI sell THIS misMlsu at 1 a'era,Witboot rraerveor i'mit:100 eases .f Mens Call, fcjp, Wax aasd

Bkl! ItaassWitoo eases al Mens and Roys'wrw aty iea;

SO raaea Waaaan'a aad 1

sorted.Also, SO eeta of Fnrv gor.d qualltv andstyles. Sou gruaa ua.in i Toilet Soap-- . iue

dozen Armv Socks; lOOgroea fresh Blacking:ala , CloiMng, Dry uoda. aaLacapa BataCoos, intle j, OlBewar- -, et-- .

any-- country mercnajita, an i the trade gcaerajy, will find It to tbelr interest to a; catour sales. Private salea a: auction pricee, atall timet. !


Wempliis and LouisvilleWINTER SCHEDULE

aV4RTrain lesveslnay Exnree?. j-- i" New Y .11. - 1 - nsBrowusviUe accommodation 4d4 p.iu.Elegant aleeulng cars run Cirocgh to St.Louis, Nashville and Loaiavllie on the Idapjn. train. The tilt pjc. and trainsdo not run on Sariilay. J. F. BOYD,

ola en pen caoenl.

ta0i8 ana . ,oarljttu:i R. 8,CHANGE Of TIME.

oudAv, xvov. xa, vx.akp-ives- - skrABta:Mail tram h):lfBun- - 11:13 ajnExprtss.... 10:4) p.ai. uxl ajaThrocgh freight.. Saw km. Islni.Way height coac aiich'd TMpja. SMajB

Junction and Somervillearcommooauou- - S i3 .im. 4:.j aja(iermanlowa ace k: ajn. i--

SOU L. sa! .sH. npST

QjsatAjparca-- oy XaQaxau4 aN and after SLNDAY, December n. mTLJ until farther notice, trains will ran aafollows:

Express Train, daily 1: 15 p.m. tcSCiFreight Train, dally... C30 a.m. i0tiBtvurirsu aii maxes airect cons

ror siew orlsant, Vicisbun , Shicvspart.... . .a.luin -- , I - .1 a - -vast ana ooutu om,

Baggage checked th rough.ror in'ormation ar trek eta ttpplv tolviuo,xu t ai--i street, - ttu atof MainitroeLU7 JAR. TONOR. San . SnpXLedge .pylm

asaeral Metini af tba Staekhalderg , tagMtapaig and Cfcarleslaa Raiintd


PURSUANT to the : evolution cf tee Boardof the Msmplils ind Cnariea-ton taiiroad Oonm adopied at a calledmeeting tuerecf, neid In tha city of Meaa--ehis, fennessee, ou ine Utth dy cf Daaasa

1871, a geneial meeting of the - toak.holders of Ice said rail-ua- d fctcalled, to be haul In aaid ety of Memphia, oaWeiaeaday, Ua 17th Cay af January, 1872,For the purpose o' eonsP'erlne ub1 tsklngsncb action aa aaid St nek holders mnj cieenTadvisable In reference tq a piopr.ti made bytaefcuthern Raiiw. y Seccrlty Company fortne ieaee st the Main Read aad tne FioreSkSa.Somerville aud Winrhetter branch lnaa ofthe said Memphis and Crarluri RailroadCompany. M J. WltRS, Preel-en- i.

Qbo bonxaTSox, Ul daw

In Order to Close


Dress Goods




Plain, Plaid. StripedN3

Figured Dress fioedsAt less than Importation prices, ranelnj fromfifteen to thirty cents. These goc-'- s etost besaid. Call early fcr

0. C. & H. M, Uewtnsfane,


888 IKalnXBsBtAalOXTaaiACXo lOUO,


3R0NAU6N M.5Tr!N6ER 4 80.:Successors to Haamr DssntGin. sola in.vantor and Macuiacturer of

GENUINE DERINGER PISTOL.,Re-- aw7 aasfl saa Taaaarlai grseei.

In the rear ot t!2 North Front, Paiiadalr aia.Would inform the public that tbev a...manufacture their celebrated fire armAaiiiUss and otfleient styles of flnln"it"ther ami w.l.s.- - '.Vtory In Philaderphia.

essam. W. It. Clarke a Co , - 94 JSaln a.axeoej Aaatats- - sleaaphla.

TM Medical Deubis ufauQer,THIS VESSEL, recently Invented, Is

reeommencfld and indorsed oy lead,lag physicians, eontalalna two assartsella, enabling the physician to examinethe contents aenaratelv. bv wiimh v, ......knowledge of dlasaaes unattainable by thause ot the single or oooamen chamber withalackargas la a mixed state.

ADMITThe mistake of a ikaakiaa in nnaITS LIFE TvLOR ta ihe atak room is in- -

valuable. Wltn 11 von yieianaeunmg your LIT Ilxits convenient enape lo'coatmoc nc will

.the ptaca ot the - ulatbtD. CLAH.H.E m

alt UatRariu.