THE MISSION STATEMENT “ A Mission Statement is a statement of the purpose of an organization, its reason for existing.”

THE MISSION STATEMENT “ A Mission Statement is a statement of the purpose of an organization, its reason for existing.”

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Page 1: THE MISSION STATEMENT “ A Mission Statement is a statement of the purpose of an organization, its reason for existing.”

THE MISSION STATEMENT“ A Mission Statement is a statement of the purpose of an organization, its

reason for existing.”

Page 2: THE MISSION STATEMENT “ A Mission Statement is a statement of the purpose of an organization, its reason for existing.”


“A Mission Statement is a key tool that can be as important as a business plan. It captures, in a few succinct sentences, the essence of a business’s goals and the philosophies underlying them. Equally important, the mission statement signals what the business is all about to its customers, employees, suppliers, and the community which it serves. “

Page 3: THE MISSION STATEMENT “ A Mission Statement is a statement of the purpose of an organization, its reason for existing.”

WHAT & HOW?Answering the following questions will help to create a verbal picture of AIRN’s Mission:

•Who are the customers? What can be done to tailor the organization’s services to meet customer needs and contribute to their success – now and in the future? (literacy, numeracy, gender?)

•What image of the organization do you want to convey? Customers, employees and the public will all have perceptions of the organization. How will the desired picture be created?

•What is the nature of the organization’s services? What factors determine pricing and quality? Consider how these relate to the reasons for the organization’s existence. How will all this change over time?

•What level of service do the organization actually provide? Most organizations believe they offer "the best service available," but do your members agree? Don't be vague; define what makes your service extraordinary.

•How does the organization differ from its competitors? Many organizations forget they are pursuing the same Taka as their competitors. What do you do better, cheaper or faster than other competitors? How can you use competitors' weaknesses to your advantage?

Page 4: THE MISSION STATEMENT “ A Mission Statement is a statement of the purpose of an organization, its reason for existing.”


To assist and represent the agricultural retail (and wholesale?) supply (and service?) industry while promoting the sound stewardship and utilization of agricultural inputs. We accomplish this objective by:

Gathering and communicating useful information for our members; Influencing policy processes that affect the agro-inputs (retail)

industry; Developing and fostering the communication and utilization of high

standards of agronomic practices; and Promoting and encouraging the safe and environmentally sound

handling and use of quality seed, nutrient and crop protection products.

Page 5: THE MISSION STATEMENT “ A Mission Statement is a statement of the purpose of an organization, its reason for existing.”


Vision statements:

•Describe an ideal future.•Reflect the essence of an organization’s mission and values.•Answer the question, what impact do we want to have on society?•Unite an organization in a common, coherent strategic direction.•Convey a larger sense of organizational purpose, so that employees see themselves as “building a cathedral” rather than “laying stones”.