The Moderat Rode

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  • 8/2/2019 The Moderat Rode


    The Moderate Road

    Daniel Valverde

    Gov. 2301

    March 11, 2012

  • 8/2/2019 The Moderat Rode


    Though several Ideological spectrum's have formed in our nations history, two of the most strongest

    groups are Liberals and Conservatives. Liberalism has the meaning of the state or quality of being

    Liberal; Liberal views and policies, esp. in regard to social or political questions. Its view is the belief

    of Liberty and equal rights which support ideas as to Constitutional freedoms, the right to life, liberty,

    and property. Liberalism at best focuses on limiting the power of the government and believes that the

    people can rationalize and think of how to resolve disputes and obtain a compromise resolution without

    government intervention. Liberals established various social and political reforms that separates church

    and state and the implementation of public education. In the 20 th century many changes in the Liberal

    Ideology occurred, but more so during the Great Depression when Modern Liberalism began to

    blossom. This Ideology encouraged that the state invest and intervene during hard economic times.

    Opposite to this is the Conservatives, which advocates the value of traditional institutions and its

    practices. Conservatism is defined as the disposition in politics to maintain the existing order and

    to resist or oppose change. It favors traditional values and views to maintain stability. Conservatives

    view, that the government was created to serve the people and not itself. They believe that humans can

    be morally through political and social changes. Conservatives view certain social programs a burden,

    that destroys the economy. In light of the many political Ideologies which have been established and

    have some similarities and yet differ in views of governmental control. Its difficult to select where

    oneself can either be of one particular Ideology or of another. It is my my belief that I best resemble

    more of a Moderate Ideologist, meaning that I would possibly describe myself as either a Liberal or a

    Conservative. In a Liberal view, the concept of political and liberty equality, which supports those

    changes within the social, political, and economic structure for the well-being of its people. However,

    in a Conservative aspect, traditional values and economic rights which stabilizes society also reflects

    some strong interest. I do believe that the government should have some limitation in regards to the

    rights of its people, so that constitutional rights are not infringed. On the other side of the coin I do

    believe that the people should maintain their constitutional rights, so that the government does not have

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    control over individuals daily life. The government should have the responsibility to protect the

    rights, of its people, but establishing laws and rules to maintain order and stability so that neither the

    people or the government dominate one another. Liberalism also urges that the church and state

    political views or values be separated from one another, but promotes political movement for the

    subjugated. Modern Liberals encourage government involvement in economic affairs, such as the social

    welfare programs which include social security, medicaid, and medicare; regulations governing the

    conditions in the businesses and workplace. Conservatives realize the importance of maintaining

    tradition, the status quo, or leaving things just the way they are currently. Much like the Liberals,

    Conservatives stress on a community and family base structure. It views in limiting government

    authority and emphasizes the rule of law. Therefore, my belief is more of a moderate Ideology, than that

    of a total Conservative or Liberal. A Moderate by its definition within reasonable limits; not

    excessive or extreme, not violent; mild, of medium or average quantity, quality, or extent; opposed to

    radical or extreme views or measures, esp. in politics and religion. One who holds Moderate views or

    opinions. Liberal Conservatism supports tax cuts, privatizations, deregulation's, and limiting growth in

    the public sector, however it supports most of the social benefits introduced in the 1930's. The

    Moderate party emphasizes action against violent sex crimes and violent crimes, as well as promoting

    the value of working and better quality within the system of education. It is a nondiscriminatory

    concept in supporting some government intervention in the economic structure. Though its role plays

    actively in protecting political equality and economic opportunities, it supports the government in

    becoming involved in economic affairs and social programs, with government regulations in place.

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    I do agree with these two Ideologies but only to an extent. My beliefs lie in-between these categories to

    where I find myself to being a Moderate. The bases of my beliefs stem from parental influence. Though

    both are of opposite political parties, both have interlocking views. I believe, as they believe when it

    comes to the issues of voting. My parents believe that voting is important and have always told me

    when I become of age, to get a little more involved with our government politics so that I would

    understand why it is important for everyone in this country to vote. Voting is a way to formally express

    my views, opinions, and values during electoral process. My family values, religious beliefs, education,

    and the rule of law extend mostly from my father. As a child 10 years of age, my father has been the

    primary influence as well as my religious up bring. My father a retired U.S. Marine Corp person, has

    strong beliefs in government intervention to a degree which is based from his experiences from his

    travels to other parts of the world. His views has established a base line of my development in the

    political aspects that lie on several issues as to church and state, work ethics and conditions, education,

    capitalism, immigrations, and criminal and civil law. As a Vietnam veteran and currently in law

    enforcement my father beliefs that without rules of law with in the government and in the social

    structure, this nation would collapse. Both my parents differ in political party affiliation, however agree

    in many issues. My father is Hispanic, born and raised in South Texas. My mother is Anglo, born in

    New York, raised in North Carolina. Regardless of their political parties or origin, religion and family

    values was very important to my up bringing. They both vote, but never discuss how they voted,

    except for those issues that they may both agree on. Both my parents have strong religious values

    within the catholic faith in which I also practice. My parents do believe that church and state should

    be separate in politics, much like keeping politics out of conflicts that military operations are involved

    in. Both my parents believe that freedom is not free and democracy is always in a struggle. Religion

    plays a major part in my Ideology, but more so in my parents views and values.

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    My opinions in being a Moderate Ideology are and can be similar to what other Ideologies view. One of

    the issues of what Liberals and Conservatives talk about is education. The Liberals believe that public

    schools are the best way to educate a student. Vouchers or (financial assistance) just take money away

    from those schools. Government should pay more attention to having more funds on every public

    school, to raise the teachers pay grade, and making class sizes smaller. On the Conservative side, they

    think that school vouchers can create competition so that it may encourage other schools can better

    there performance. Parents should have the right to choose which school is the better choice for their

    child rather if the parents can afford their children to go to a private school or not. In my opinion I

    agree more on the Conservative side. All parents should have the right to choose what school their

    children should go to because they have their legal rights to that child, so that also gives them the right

    to cloth them, feed them, discipline them, and to give them a good education. The only thing I agree

    from the Liberal side, is that teachers salary should be raised and appreciated more. The reason why I

    say this is that I personally want to be a teacher someday and I have always respected them as

    individuals, even though they don't complain about their salary and that they do it because they love to

    teach. I still think that teachers should be appreciated by being paid more, they deserve it because

    without teachers in this world to give the young generation the proper education, people would not be

    doing what they do now or would not know how to do it properly. Another issue that is discussed is

    immigration. Liberals argue that immigrants should have the same right as every legal citizen here in

    the United State and that they should be given the same equal benefits as every American citizen

    because to them it is not fare that citizens should be paid more and have more benefits than illegal

    immigrants. Conservatives say they have nothing against illegal immigrants, but they do not agree that

    these immigrants should have the same equal rights as legal immigrants or U.S. citizens and that the

    borders need to be secured and protected before taking the illegal immigrants back to the country where

    they came from. My views on the situation is that I do rule in favor of the Conservatives, because they

    are right, illegal immigrants do not have the same rights as citizens, so that can not be paid the same

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    hourly wage or have any benefits such as health insurance, and financial aid, and that if caught they

    would be kicked out of this country and back into their own. I think in a sense it is unfair that these

    immigrants should be sent back to a country probably where they were suffering and came to America

    for a reason. If it were me in a position like this and I noticed that there was an illegal immigrant, really

    I would just ignore it, because as long as he is not causing any trouble I will mind my own business that

    is what I would do. I am not one to go telling on other people to so that anyone can get themselves into

    trouble. It is my way of being generous. One last issue that is also brought up is United Nations (UN).

    Liberals think that the United States should not act independent or on its own but should share its

    interest with the rest of the world. That the U.S. Should fall under UN command and to discuss about

    keeping peace and security. Conservatives have a different point of view. They think that the United

    States should not have to submit to UN control. That the U.S. Should leave the UN, because of proof

    that the United Nations has failed many times to keep world peace, and that the U.S. Is the symbol of

    freedom, prosperity, and tolerance. I personally appreciated that the Liberals try to make such actions to

    keep world peace. However, I still must agree with the Conservatives, because the United States has

    been doing its part for many years in keeping peace and order. Why should it be the responsibility of

    the United States to be apart of UN army and council to remind other countries about peace when no

    one else will do their part. It does not in anyway look fare for the United States to be held responsible.

    Therefore, I believe that the UN should not really existed. From what I hear about it, the UN sound

    pointless not just to me but I am sure to other people as well. They're plenty of other issues I could

    discuss and not all issues from either Ideology, especially on Conservatism, I will not always agree

    with. This is to just give an idea to anyone of what kind of Ideology I may be. What I just discussed

    will give you a hint that I must be more Conservative than Liberal, that I intend to agree more with

    their beliefs than I do with others. That maybe true, but I still am different because I agree on some of

    what the Liberals aspects are. Either way I am not on anyone's side nor am I offending anyone's

    beliefs that I just so happen to disagree with. I am just a neutral person or the man in the middle.

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    My Ideology and the issues that I have discussed has been reflected to where I seem to be more

    Republican than a Democrat. However, I have not discussed all the issues that both Liberals and

    Conservatives argue about so no one can start assuming that I am Republican. I am Democrat by

    political party, but I am a Moderate Democrat. Just like my father, I do not vote for one person, in one

    political party to become the next president of the United States. I can vote for either a Democrat or

    Republican when it comes to presidential elections. Depending on what promises either candidate

    will make when they get elected into office and they keep that promise and it happens to be a great

    commitment after when that person is put in office. It can be commitments such as cheaper prices on

    health insurance, taxes, or house bills. That is the person I will vote in office regardless if he is in my

    political party or not. I will not just vote for anyone. Its got to be someone who has what it takes to be

    the leader of this nation. A person who I can say is worthy to be president and not just some guy I

    choice to be elected in office because he is a Democrat and that I just so happen to be from that area

    also. No! With me, that is not the way it works. I have always called myself an Independent for along

    time because it always seemed to be more easier that way. Why should I be apart of only one political

    party when I can be right in the middle of both. Why only have certain opinions and believes within

    one Ideology when I have so much more than that. I do have some beliefs in common with other

    Ideologies so why not explore them. Though I have not completely experienced the political spectrum

    of our government, I feel that my beliefs will be exposed as I develop knowledge within the scope of


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    Bibliography/Work Cited

    Houghton Mifflin Company (1982). Boston. ISBN-0-395-32943-4

    The American Heritage Dictionary (Second College Edition)

    The McGraw-Hill Company (2011) ISBN-13:978-0-07-753441-7

    American Democracy Now (Texas Edition) (2005) revised 2010

    Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs. Retrieved March 15, 2012