The Moral Uprising of Roman

The Moral Uprising of Roman. Romans originally worshipped nature spirits, which evolved into gods and goddesses. Adopted Greek religion and mythology

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The Moral Uprising of Roman

Romans originally worshipped nature spirits, which evolved into gods and goddesses.

Adopted Greek religion and mythology. Saw the emperor as Rome’s chief priest. Variety of religions existed because

Romans were allowed to worship freely.

Jews were free to practice their religion but Roman government was cruel to them.

Jews rebelled in 66 A.D. but were put down in 70 A.D. The Temple was destroyed and thousands of Jewish people were killed.

132 A.D. The Jews are exiled from Jerusalem.

Many Jews hoped a messiah would save them.

Jesus (5 B.C. – 27 B.C.) grew up in Nazareth and traveled Judea preaching to his fellow Jews and collecting many disciples.

Preached about the approaching kingdom of God, repenting for sins, love, and forgiveness. Used parables to convey messages.

Some Jews believed he was the Messiah. Romans believed Jesus to be a powerful

political man who could jeopardize their ways.

They sentenced him to be crucified until death.

He was resurrected 3 days later. For followers, proof that he was the Son of God. Christo = messiah

Began as a sect of Judaism, Christians taught their faith was the only true one. Rejected the emperor, military, and festivals.

In time, became its own religion. Romans feared that any other religion would

bring the wrath of their Gods and Goddesses.

Christians were persecuted by the Romans. If caught creating trouble, they would be killed or thrown to the lions in the arenas.

Christians would be killed by lions in the arenas.

They would rather be killed than give up their faith. Known as martyrs, or people who died for what they believed in.

With the downfall of the empire, people turned to the solid and comforting beliefs of Christianity.

Constantine was important in defending the rights of Christians and their worship. By 300’s A.D., Christianity increased dramatically in Italy.

Theodosius made Christianity the official religion in 392 A.D. Outlawed Hellenistic & Roman religion.

Realized they needed to be organized and unified to maintain their status as a religion.

Needed a clear statement of Christian beliefs to avoid divisions in the church.

St. Augustine was a brilliant man and made many important defences for Christianity. Was made a saint for his works.

The church’s hierarchy had the perish at the bottom. It was run by a priest. A group of perishes was called a diocese, overseen by a bishop.

Archbishops governed Christians in the large cities of the empire. The archbishops of the five leading cities were called the patriarchs.

The head of all churches was the Pope.

Greek-speaking Christians in the east would not accept the Pope. They would eventually become the Eastern Orthodox Church.

The Latin Westerns who accepted the Pope became Roman-Catholics.

The separation was known as a schism.

Golden Rule: Do onto others as they would have do onto you.

The Bible is the word of God and Jesus. Jesus loves us unconditionally, despite our

sins. Monotheism: Only 1 God. Jesus is the Messiah. Loving God / Christ will result in

everlasting life.