Madison County High School’s student newspaper Vol. 27, No. 3 - June 2011

The Mountaineer June Issue

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The MCHS student newspaper

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Page 1: The Mountaineer June Issue

Madison County High School’s student newspaperVol. 27, No. 3 - June 2011

Page 2: The Mountaineer June Issue

Mission StatementThe Madison Mountaineer’s purpose is to inform and educate our community as well as display our community spirit and virtues to the outside world.Submissions PolicyWe accept all submissions to the paper, but reserve the right to publish them based on content.

The MountaineerMadison County High School

68 Mountaineer LaneMadison, VA 22727

Phone: (540) 948-3785Email: mchsmountaineer@madisonstu-


The Mountaineer StaffEditor............................Maggie VaillantStaff.............................Lindsey Aldridge, Kaiti Burger, Jennifer Canavan, Ashley Dean, Jake Herrman, Keriann Ketterman, Kristen McPeak, Samantha McPeak, Shawn Sudduth, Brittany Tasker, Kimberly ThomasAdviser.............................Kate LaRoue

In this issue:

Words of Wisdom......................... 3Senior Newspaper Staff Bios ......... 3Fall and Winter Sports ..................4May and June Sports Scores...........4Focus and Play Hard Each Pitch......5Spring Sports..............................5A Teacher’s Lessons for Life...........6Guidance Gives Final Advice...........7A Carpentry Gift to the Library........7Relay for Life................................82011 Prom...................................9Carpentry Helps the 2011 Prom....10Senior Class Photos................11-19What’s Next for Seniors?..............20

Cover art Cover created by Shawn Sudduth/MCHS MountaineerTop pictured: Rashad Bolden, Abby Taylor, Scott Martz, Courtney Richards, Paul Dixon, and Josie Bostic.Bottom pictured: David Orange, Amber Robson, JP Gibson, Morgan Shifflett, Scott Corbin, and Madison TuthillPictures taken by Victor O’Neill Studios, Jen-nifer Canavan, and Kate LaRoue

June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer2

Prom King JP Gibson and Prom Queen Amber Robson wait for their cue to enter. Photo by Victor O’Neill Studios

Seniors relax in the courtyard as the final days tick down to graduation. Keriann Ketterman/MCHS Mountaineer

Page 3: The Mountaineer June Issue

June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer 3

I have very little to say about high school. After all, I can barely describe my lunch at this point let alone the last four years of my life, my brain is so dead. So I have very little to say, especially as “words of wisdom” is the point of this assignment. What I can say, however, is that you can’t let it be over until it’s actually over. Attempting to learn a few lessons in Calculus after deciding post-AP exams that you were DONE is not easy. AP exams don’t mean the end of learning. They just mean the end of panicked review and last-minute lessons. So don’t think that it’s the end until it actually is. It’s much easier to pull back the brain cells you’ve set free for the summer if you’ve kept them in your skull. Also, don’t take things too seriously. That causes way to much stress. That particu-lar piece of advice should not be confused with “Don’t care about school.” That would not be a good thing. Make sure you care. High school actually does have an impact on your future and if you learn how to commit to work and set high personal standards early in your life, it’ll be less difficult to do so in the real world when you’re committing to working for mon-ey and working to someone else’s standards. Beyond that, it’s high school. I’ve met some people who will have a truly lasting ef-fect on my life. I’ve learned things I’ll use for-ever, and have memories I’ll cherish as long as they last. I thank everyone who’s been a part of it and wish those who are still here the best of luck with their lives. Now back to work.

-Maggie Vaillant

You Have so Much to be Thankful For Your experiences are what you make of them. No one can direct your life, but yourself. High school challenges the strength that you have in yourself to stay true to be who you are. Do what makes you happy. If someone wants you to change to be their friend, then they are not worth your time or energy. Through school you will find out who your true friends are; hold on to them tight because they are truly unique and once they are gone they are gone. Stick to your roots, hold your ground, don’t change for the world, and always remember home. Break out of your comfort zone. I did with Forensics, and I learned that I can’t be afraid to look stupid. People are going to judge you no matter how amazing you are. Always try to do your best. Competition is always fun, especially when beating others, but there is greater self-satisfaction when you overcome your weak points. High school is a time to make bridges that will last forever. Make as many friends as you can. Teachers are a great resource and an opportunity to make new friendships that you should take full advantage of. I personally wouldn’t have madeit through without my wonderful teachers. Donald Hitt, you taught me how to act even in the most uncomfortable situations that will truly stick with me throughout life. I am proud to be your forensics captain, and I will never forget how much you helped me make it through this crazy ride called high school. Kate LaRoue, you are like another mom to me. When school was challenging I knew I could always come cry to you and everything seemed to get better. Jayne Penn Hollar, you are the whole school’s mom, and a true encouragement to pursue my dream to be an Elementary Educator. Dawn Tucker, I would have not made it through Calculus without your encouragement. You knew when I was having bad days and took me un-der your wing like a mother. Ryan Rakow, you encouraged me to stick with SCA no matter who I had to deal with. Decorat-ing for homecoming was a blast; even though, you glued me into the column for the stairway arch. Marcie Strong, your funny side stories to history helped me so much to get through the class. I appreciate all the effort you have put forth for SCA and helping me through high school. Thanks to all of the other teacher that have taught me through high school. You are doing a job many fear to do, and some day I wish to be as suc-cessful a teacher as you all are.

-Keriann Ketterman

Maggie Vaillant Q: What do you plan on doing after school?A: College at Virginia Tech, undecided.

Q: What are you going to miss about high school?A: No comment.

Q: What is your best memory about your four years?A: Forensics, qualifying for nationals.

Q: What advice would you give the freshmen about high school?A: Take advantage of opportunities.

Keriann Ketterman

Congratulations to the

Class of 2011!

Good Luck!

Q: What do you plan on doing after school?A: I plan on attending GCC in the fall for two years, then transfer to UVA’s Masters in Elementary Education. All while work-ing and having a good time with friends and family.

Q:What are you going to miss about high school?A: I am going to miss seeing my friends on a daily basis.

Q: What is your best memory about your four years? A: There are too many memories

Q: What advice would you give the fresh-man about high school?A: Just be yourself.

Page 4: The Mountaineer June Issue

June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer4

Spring Sports Seniors

Baseball- Andrew Alexander Kyle Davis Johnny Waters

Softball- Amanda Whitaker Amber Robson Megan Clark Jordan Aylor

Boys Soccer- Sam Landolt Jake Herrman Luke Crouthamel Charlie Edwards Cody Newman Matt Batman Nick Camillucci Jeremy Smithson Terez TerrellGirls Soccer- Samantha Cubbage Carrie Birkett

Girls track- Jody Butler Clare Moretz

Only three seniors made the baseball team this year: An-drew Alexander, Johnny Waters, and Kyle Davis. Alexander and Waters are outfielders, and Davis is a first-baseman and a pitcher. “Andrew is the hardest work-er I’ve been around,” said Coach Tom Butterworth. Davis said, “Andrew is a fabulous center fielder. He’s a great team leader. He’s got a great bat when we need a hit. He also has a very good arm in center, and he always has a positive emotional outcome on our team members. He’s passionate for the game!” Alexander has played on the varsity team for two and a half years. He played half a year as a sophomore on the JV team, and then he was moved up to the varsity team. “Kyle likes to have fun,” said Butterworth. Davis has played on the JV team for three years, but more recently he’s been on the var-

sity team for the past two years. “Kyle is my bestest bud-dy. I can trust his glove, and I know he will come through with a good bat,” said Alexander. “Johnny doesn’t say a word, just does what you ask him to do all the time, the best that he can,” said Butterworth. This year has been Wa-ters’s first and last year play-ing for the varsity baseball team.Davis thinks Waters is always a pleasure to have on the field. “Waters runs the bases like Ricky Henderson,” Alexander said.They will all miss the close friends that they made by playing on the team. Also they will miss playing in general. Davis will specifically miss the surroundings, environ-ment, and energy on the field. Alexander will always re-member being on the team in 2009 when they went to states, and Wa-ters will never forget his first hit. “All three have been a joy to coach,” said Butterworth.

“My advice to the seniors is wrapped around what we talk about nearly everyday in base-ball - focus and play hard each pitch. In life that means be aware of what is going on around you, being sure to treat others with respect, and doing the next right thing whatever that may be. We often talk about adver-sity striking and what we will do when it does - will we re-spond and meet the challenge or will we make excuses, blame somebody, and shrink back.”


Focus and Play Hard Each Pitch By Jennifer CanavanMCHS Mountaineer

Rashad BoldenBrandon CampbellDaniel OrangeRalph Yates

David OrangeJosh PageLynn WelchJulian Yacovone

Boys Track-

Right: Samantha Cubbage, soccer senior. Below:Andrew Alexander and Kyle Davis, base-ball seniors.John Berry/Berrys-ports.com

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June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer 5

Fall Sports SeniorsFootball- Rashad Bolden Ralph Yates Terez Terrell Bradley Meadows Drew Racer Derek Nicholson Will Brown Andrew Ruffner Andrew Alexander Johnny Waters

Boys Cross Country- Sam Landolt Lynn Welch

Girls Cross Country- Clare MoretzCheerleading- Brandy Hey Tayler Mantz Raven Turner

Golf- Luke Crouthamel Kyle Davis

Volleyball- Megan Clark Jordan Aylor Amanda Whittaker Samantha Cubbage Amber Robson

Winter Sports Seniors

Boys Basketball- Rashad Bolden Terez Terrell Luke Crouthamel

Cheerleaders- Raven Turner Anna Ford

Wrestling- Lynn Welch Ethan O’Connell Danny Camunas Brandon Campbell Derek Nicholson

Congratulations to Clare Moretz and Lynn Welch who competed Saturday, June 4 at the VHSL State Championship at Radford Universiy. Moretz is the State Champion in the 3200m and took home the 2nd place finish in the 1600m.

Congratulations to the MCHS Softball team as they advance at State

Girls Varsity SoccerVs. Manassas Park- Won 5-0Vs. Clarke- lost 2-1Vs Central Woodstock- lost 4-2Vs. Clarke- lost 3-2

Above: Ralph Yates, Terez Terrell, and Bradley Meadows, football seniors. Below: Raven Turner, Cheerleading senior. John Berry/Berrysports.com

Congratulations to all of the Madison Mountaineer teams that competed in Regional,District, or State Championships!

Page 6: The Mountaineer June Issue

June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer 6

A Teacher’s Lesson For Life. .“Welcome to the real world”- Ms. Johnson

“Beauty comes in many forms. You’re

one of them! In your career as a professional

cosmetologist ..may your friends become your customers, and may your customers become your friends. Remember - you are no longer ordinary...

you are extraordinary.” - Mrs. Lindsey

“Strive to be the best you

can be after high school. Be-come a good role model for young-er people who look to you for guid-ance both in the community and in

your everyday lives. God bless you.”- Mrs. Paramore

“Cast a cold eye on life, on death, but lick your fingers.”- Mr. McSherry

“Whatever you do in life, be honest, be dependable, and be trust worthy, pay your bills.”-

Mrs. Henshaw

“Have a good life,

and be happy.” - Mrs. Blankenbaker

“Follow your dreams and be the best person you can possibly be.

Be respectful of yourself and oth-ers, hold your head high and show

dignity to all.”- Ms. Taylor

“Don’t ever be satisfied with just being good enough”- Mr. Stanton

“Time is money.”-

Mrs. Weaver.

“Be something that others can believe in.. it is the foundation of believing in

yourself.”- Mr. Novack

“Always do the right

thing.”- Mr. Honaker

“ I n his song, Di-

amonds on the In-side, Ben Harper sings,

‘Make sure the fortune that you seek/is the fortune that you need.’ So pick a career you love - something you would do if you did not need to work for a living!! That’s how i see my

job - most days!!! Choose well!”

- Mrs. Penn Hol-larJayne Penn Hollar makes waf-

fles for her class. Jennifer Cana-van/MCHS ountaineer

Samantha McPeak and Casey Stanton work on some home-work. Jennifer Canavan/MCHS Mountaineer

Joyce Lindsey and a student. Jen-nifer Canavan/MCHS Mountaineer

Page 7: The Mountaineer June Issue

June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer 7

For the seniors of Madison County High School, the Guid-ance Department has played a big role in their high school years. Celinda Bailey and Hilary Patter-son have been constantly busy throughout these past years help-ing the seniors get to where they are now. Whether it was creating their yearly class schedules, mak-ing schedule changes, helping with scholarships, sending transcripts, or arranging for college visits, guidance has been very busy. The Madison County High School Class of 2011 will be go-ing off to college or work very soon, and guidance has a cou-ple words of advice for them. To help the students get through their first year of col-lege, Patterson advised that stu-dents should make a calendar of what is due, so that the students don’t procrastinate and wait to the last minute to get assignments done. Bailey wanted to remind the student that “There is no such

thing as late work in college!”, so making sure that work is done on time is extremely important! Asking questions and lis-tening carefully are also good tips mentioned by Bailey for both stu-dents going to college and those going straight into the workforce. Also, when given reading assign-ments, it’s essential to read the entire assignment! The students won’t be able to wing an assignment

as easily as they did in high school! If the college experience is ever overwhelming, always remem-ber that your parents are there to help support you! And make sure there is a balance between study-ing and going out to have fun. Too much fun and too little study-ing would not be a good habbit! Guidance’s final word of advice is to “believe in yourself!” They would also like all Madi-son students to hold on to their values, but to experience and grow from meeting people of di-verse backgrounds and places. Now for the juniors this year who are upcoming seniors, the main advice that guidance wants the students to know is to take as many college visits over the summer as possible! Juniors also need to take the ACT and SAT’s. Waiting too long to apply to colleges also is a concern for the guidance department, so ju-niors make sure to apply early!

Guidance Counselors’ Final Guidance

Hilary Patterson and Celinda Bailey, the MCHS Guidance Counselors, work to help the students get to college and beyond. Jennifer Canavan/ MCHS Mountaineer

By Lindsey AldridgeMCHS Mountaineer

Everyone knows seniors Madison Tuthill and Michael Taylor, but what most don’t know is that for part of this school year they were fixing the tables in the li-brary. “They wanted to leave a leg-acy,” said Nancy Lowey, the Madi-son County high school librarian. The seniors created the project as a way to give back to the High School. Tuthill and Taylor re-finished the tables in Joe Novack’s Carpentry class. Where before there were carvings and doodles, now the table tops have smooth

surfaces from hours of sanding. Lowey says,“students and teach-ers have noticed the difference.” Taylor and Tuthill started their project at the beginning of the the school year and finished some time in April. The tables have been in need of fixing according Lowey. Taylor and Tuthill had to clean the tables as well, removing years of gum students had stuck under the tables. They then used a power sander and finished the tops off with a shiny coat of var-nish. The bases were painted to look nice and new. Some of the other carpentry students helped Tuthill and Taylor by helping them to carry the eight tables to the workshops and back to the Library.

When asked why Tuthill participated in this project he said, “It was just something to do.” Taylor said he did it be-cause, “it was something to do, and I knew that no one else would have done it”. The guys did all that they could with the tables and they like the results of their work.A certificate will be framed and hung on the wall in their honor. Tuthill was surprised when he found out about the certificate. The certificate will “indicate their lasting contribution to the high school”, said Lowey. So go to the library and run a hand over the new ta-bles. Be sure to thank Tay-lor and Tuthill if you see them.

Carpentry Seniors’ Legacy

The refinished tables in the MCHS Library. Jenifer Canavan/MCHS Mountaineer

By Kristen McPeakMCHS Mountaineer

Page 8: The Mountaineer June Issue

June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer8

Rela y F o r L i f e

The second annual Madison County Relay For Life, whose motto is “creating a world with more birthdays” took place on Saturday, May 21, and Sunday, May 22. At the closing of the Re-lay For Life event the whole community had raised a total of over $49,000. There were a total of 21 teams including two youth teams. The middle school youth team was led by Colton Ketter-man, and the high school team, The Royal Blues was led by Keriann Ketterman. The Royal Blues encompassed Madison high school students of the past and present, and a few from surrounding counties. This year there were 26 members on the team and 12 of them are MCHS seniors: Cody Anderson, Carrie Birkett, Cecil Clark, Samantha Cubbage, Sara Gruenburg, Grace Jablonski, Chris Klein, Wesley Meredith, Sara Beth Murray, Andrea Pike, and Drew Racer. These sen iors have each g iven the i r t ime for a co l lect ive cause to one day hopefu l ly f ind the cure and e l iminate cancer as a whole.

S e n i o r s B r i n g o n t h e B i r t h d a y C a k e

Drew Racer- “I am doing Relay because

it is for an awesome cause, and it’s a lot of

fun. Cancer is something that has had an

impact in my life, so it is something that

we need to find a cure for.”

An -d r e a

Pike- “I’m doing Relay

to help cure cancer. Fortu-nately, I have not had cancer affect my family, but I would still like

to help raise awareness.”


Turner- “I’m do-

ing Relay in memory of my

grandmother. Cancer has made

an impact on my life by tak-

ing the life of someone I

love.”Carrie Birkett-

“I’m doing

Relay because

I want to help

raise awareness

for cancer. It is

important for

people to know

about it. I have

also tried to

help Relay in

some way for

most of my life.”

Samantha Cubbage- “I’m

walking in Relay For Life

for my grandmother. It

means a lot to her when I

get involved with Cancer programs.”

Maggie Vaillant- “I participate in Relay because someone needs to take the steps to help every-one who needs it.”

Keriann Ketterman- “ I relay in honor of my Popa, Granny, and Grandma, in Memory of Jeremy, and many other family members and friends. Cancer has affected or will affect all of our lives in some way or another. I want to do all I can to help stomp out cancer and create a world with more birthdays.”

By Keriann KettermanMCHS Mountaineer

From left to right: The Royal Blues; Drew Racer, Wesley Meredith, Keriann Ketterman, Cody Anderson, Andrea Pike during the Relay for Life.

Page 9: The Mountaineer June Issue

June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer 9

Our Student Body Should Be More Like Stephanie Everyone knows by sight the little girl who’s always out in the history hall waving and saying hi to passing students; her name is Stephanie Ry-der. She won’t be out in the hall next year since she is graduating this year, at the young age of 22. It may have been tough, but Stephanie made it all the way through high school. Stephanie has trouble with learn-ing and speaking. She needs some-one to be with her at all times. Most things are hard for her. She needs help with most everything. She will give it her best though. “She shows such joy when she gets something correct while doing her school work,” said Connie Ryder. She knows quite a bit of sign lan-guage, but every time she meets a new person she signs “I love you.” “My fondest memory of Stephanie is her enthusiasm. She always shows such joy when greeting other students in the hallway,” said Connie Ryder. After high school Stepha-nie will spend most days home with her nanny, who is also her best friend. Her family is work-ing on getting her into a day pro-gram called Didlake in Opal, Va. Didlake is a program all about helping people with disabili-

“I believe there is an angel inside of Stephanie.” -Joan Archer

By Jennifer CanavanMCHS Mountaineer

Congratulat ions Stephanie!

Class of 2011Stephanie Ryder’s hard at work in Connie Ryder’s class. Jennifer Canavan/MCHS Mountaineer

“She is such a sweet and happy young lady who will be missed...” - Connie Ryder. Jen-nifer Canavan/MCHS Mountaineer

ties in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. Didlake’s mission is, “Creat-ing opportunities that enrich the lives of people with disabilities.” “We have found that peo-ple—regardless of their abili-ties—tend to perform to the level of expectation that is set for them. At Didlake, we be-gin with high expectations for every person we serve—and when those expectations are met, we set the bar higher,” ac-cording to didlake.org online. Her family will also plan some day outings so she can still go out and be with other people. When Stephanie is home she often plays

with her Labrador Retrievers, Shania Twain and Steven Tyler. “She’s very quiet when you first meet her, but when you get to know her she talks a lot, and sometimes you can even un-derstand her,” said Joan Archer, Stephanie’s former teacher, “and she stomps her foot when she gets excited, that’s when you know she’s not shy anymore.” Each and every day Stephanie looks forward to seeing the bus come. Stephanie will miss seeing Alma Frye, Linda Weakley, and Connie Ryder, her teachers. They have worked with Stepha-nie for a long time. Stephanie has met and made friends with a lot of people since 20 years is a long time to come to school.

Because Stephanie started school at the age of two, not coming back next year will be really hard on her. “I will always remember that when we went down to lunch I would be asking her ‘what are you having for lunch today,’ and she would always be on the other side of the door watching Mrs. Weakley,” said Frye. “She is such a sweet and happy young lady who will be missed greatly by many. Stephanie brings a smile to all of our faces,” said Connie Ryder. Unlike most students, she is nev-er unhappy. No matter how cold it is outside. She loves going for walks. She loves going places and spending time outside. She espe-cially likes going out in the garden. Stephanie also enjoys going out and watching our school band play. Her parents are very proud of their sweet little girl. “It’s amaz-ing seeing Stephanie each year growing in ways we were told she would never do. Between home and school Stephanie has shown that she can learn lots of things with help. Seeing anybody com-plete things that have been hard … is the greatest thing ever to see,” according to Sharon and Tony Ryder, Stephanie’s parents.

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June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer10

Bella Sera: A Beautiful Night at MCHS’s Prom

Bella Sera. A beautiful night. That was the theme of Madi-son County High School’s Prom of 2011. Senior teacher Dawn Tucker and the Class of 2012, this year’s juniors, spent months planning and ironing out the details for the last dance of the year, and final major event for seniors before they’re out of school for good. Despite the night beginning with a touch of rain, students were safely delivered from their respective vehicles to the doors of the Daniel Technology Center in Culpeper by waiting chaper-ones, including physics teacher Shane Conlon, armed with umbrellas to protect the girls in

their dresses and the guys in their tuxes. Though several students, includ-ing senior Megan Smith, admitted that they thought the prom band

wasn’t the best, most attendees thought that the decorations and overall prom was “beautiful.” The band, Burning Bridges, was making its second appearance at MCHS’s prom, and was very enthusiastic. Although, it was agreed among those asked that Burning Bridges was an improve-ment over the band that played last year, Molly Brumfield asked, “Why couldn’t we just have a DJ?” The Prom King and Queen were crowned following the Se-nior Walk at 10:30. This year’s King was JP Gibson, also voted most likely to be found in the hallways during class. Joining him as Queen was Amber Rob-son. This year’s theme song was Hero by Enrique Iglesias.


Bella Sera

By Maggie VaillantMCHS Mountaineer

Above: Mason Bowman and Anna Artale share a dance at the 2011 MCHS PromBelow: Prom King JP Gibson and Prom Queen Amber Robson share a dance while their subjects dance the night away. Photos provided by Victor O’Neill Studios

“I do my little turn on the catwalk” - Right Said Fred Around 10:30 PM at Prom, the seniors began their traditonal Senior Walk down the path to their future. Each senior that attends prom lines up with their date or a good friend, and waits for his/her name to be called, recognizing them as seniors at prom. It is a wake up call that they are finally graduating, and this is the last high school prom they will probably attend. According to Dawn Tucker, the Senior Walk has been a tradition at prom since the school opened. Photos by Victor O’Neil Studios

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June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer 11

“I do my little turn on the catwalk” - Right Said Fred Around 10:30 PM at Prom, the seniors began their traditonal Senior Walk down the path to their future. Each senior that attends prom lines up with their date or a good friend, and waits for his/her name to be called, recognizing them as seniors at prom. It is a wake up call that they are finally graduating, and this is the last high school prom they will probably attend. According to Dawn Tucker, the Senior Walk has been a tradition at prom since the school opened. Photos by Victor O’Neil Studios











Four senior boys spent two weeks making this year’s prom decorations. Those seniors were Madison Tuthill, Michael Taylor, Scott Corbin, and Steven Hale. Creating and putting togeth-er the decorations was not very difficult for these talented young men. According to Ste-ven Hale, “The hardest part was coming up with the design.” In a short period of time, the four seniors made the benches, archway, and the lanterns. The archway was positioned at the front entrance beside the main entrance inside to the dance. Hale said, “We made all we could.” Dawn Tucker, one of two co-coor-dinators of Prom said, “They did a beautiful job.” Mary Davis, the oth-er coordinator, agrees with Tucker that the decorations were beautiful. Outside help was needed to put the decorations up. The people who helped were Tucker’s hus-band and son along with Davis’s husband.“Everything turned out like we wanted it to,” said Tuck-er. Davis said, “At midnight they came back to help clean up.”

Lanterns and Garden Benches: MCHS Carpentry Builds the 2011

Prom DecorationsBy Kristen McPeakMCHS Mountaineer

Seniors Madison Tuthill and Scott Corbin work on the benches for Bella Sera, the 2011 Prom. Kate LaRoue/MCHS Mountaineer

Page 12: The Mountaineer June Issue

June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer12

Andrew Alexander Cody Anderson Kevin Atkins Jordan Aylor Cody Banks

Aaron Barnes Matthew Batman Carrie Birkett Rashad Bolden Jeremy Borden

William Brown Jody Butler Nicholas Camillucci Brandon Campbell Daniel Camunas

Elizabeth Canfield Stephanie Cervens Cindy Chappell Bryan Clark Cecil Clark

Megan Clark Whitten Cluff Scott Corbin Luke Crouthamel Samantha Cubbage

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June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer 13

Megan DentWill DeJarnetteAshley DeanRobert DavisDaniel Davis

Christopher EstesCharles EdwardsPayge DrakefordWilliam DowellPaul Dixon

Ralph FowlerAnna Ford Kyhla Flippen Jonathan FieldsTessa Farnsworth

Samone GrantAndrew GoodingAmelia GoldsboroughJoshua GibsonJohn Franklin

Calvin HallumsSteven HaleSara GruenburgAustin Gray Jason Hamilton

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June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer14

Brandon Hartman Jacob Herrman Brandy Hey Kevin Hooper Faith Hotaling

Grace Jablonski Cara Jackson Paul Jackson Donnie Jenkins Taylor Jenkins

Christopher Johnson Courtney Kessler Keriann Ketterman Dylan Kidwell Christoph Klein

Samuel Landolt Chelse Layman Nicola Lemmer Tayler Mantz Amber Martin

Jeffrey Martz Zachary McMullen Bradley Meadows Ben Meeks Wesley Meredith

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June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer 15

Derek NicholsonCody NewmanSara MurrayClare Moretz Sarah Mickelberry

Joshua PageDavid OrangeDaniel OrangeTyler OmerEthan O’Connell

Andrew RacerAndrea PikeShane PhillipsNathan PayneHolly Panos

Kyle Rowe Rebecca Rosenblatt Amber RobsonBrittany ReedDevonté Reaves

John SimpsonMorgan ShifflettDanielle ScheidelerStephanie RyderAndrew Ruffner

Page 16: The Mountaineer June Issue

June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer16

Megan Smith Jeremy Smithson Daniel Stratton Krysten Taylor Michael Taylor

Terez Terrell Brandon Tharp Raven Turner Codie Tuthill Madison Tuthill

Margaret Vaillant Sui Vang Jennifer Vaughn Alexandra Want Lanitra Ward

Jonathan Waters Hunter Welch Amanda Whittaker Brittany Woodward Julian Yacovone

Ralph Yates

Seniors Not Pictured:

Cody BreedenMelissa CullopGabriela Hernandez-DimasVictoria KinneyRachael Reed

To the Class of 2011The Mountaineer Staff wishes you all the best!

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April 5, 2011 • The Mountaineer16June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer 17

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June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer18

My four years here at Madison County High School went by very fast. I can’t believe my high school years are just about over. When I first started high school there was a lot of drama in my life.The older I got, the more I matured and all the drama stopped. I made a lot of friends through these four years and have really learned a lot. My favorite classes I got to take would be the Nursing Program. I am going to miss everyone after we all leave this school and start to move on with our future. For the up-coming Freshmen, I want to say good luck to you with your four years and I hope everything will go great for you! After I graduate from high school, I am planning on going to Ger-manna for four years to get my nursing degree and then start my career as an RN.

-Ashley Dean

Ashley DeanQ: What do you plan on doing after school?A: Go to college at Germanna to study nurs-ing.

Q: What are you going to miss about high school?A: My friends.

Q: What is your best memory about your four years?A: Football games and sports.

Q: What advice would you give the fresh-men about high school?A: Stay out of trouble.

There are tons of worries on the typical high school Se-nior’s mind and in any other school system they are left to solve these problems on their own. In Madison, there is one teacher who refuses to watch her students strug-gle. Renowned for her passion for teaching that is fueled by her loving maternal instinct, Mrs. Tucker makes it her personal mission to ease the lives of our resident seniors. Always eager to help, Mrs.Tucker organizes prom and serves as a constant reminder to students on tasks to com-plete before graduation. She helps students combat se-nioritis through tutoring and study sessions in her well-earned free time. It is rumored that after one stormy SAT study session she gave out her cell number to her stu-dents to make sure they reported in to her when they got home safe and sound. On top of all of this she even works to allow seniors to swim at Graves without a membership. Mrs. Tucker, the senior class of 2011 cannot thank you enough for your hard work and inability to watch us struggle. When we finally walk across that stage, we will realize that you are irreplaceable. We love you, Mrs. Tucker. - Jake Herrman

Jake Herrman

Q: What do you plan on doing after school?A: Going to college at UVA, undecided major.

Q: What are you going to miss about high school?A: Mr. McSherry

Q: What is your best memory about your four years?A: Don’t have one.

Q: What advice would you give the freshmen about high school?A: Don’t do drugs.

Thank You, Mrs. Tucker

Page 19: The Mountaineer June Issue

June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer 19

ScholarshipsR.H. FowlerMatt BatmanSara MurrayAndrew RacerAshley Dean & Taylor JenkinsEthan O’ConnellWilliam DowellSara GruenburgRaven TurnerAndrew AlexanderSarah Mickelberry & Raven TurnerAshley DeanJake Herrman & Derek NicholsonJordan AylorAshley Dean & Taylor Jenkins & Ethan O’ConnellDaniel Camunus & Andrew RacerSamantha CubbageCindy Chappell & Ethan O’ConnellSteven HaleSarah MickelberryR.H. FowlerRashad Bolden & Derek NicholsonSara MurrayAndrew RacerMatt BatmanMatt BatmanDaniel Camunas

Andrew Racer & Megan ClarkWhitten CluffR.H. FowlerBrittany ReedSamantha Cubbage & Taylor JenkinsJody ButlerCindy Chappell & Keriann KettermanR.H. FowlerDaniel Camunas Keriann Ketterman, Christoph Klein, & Margaret VaillantCarrie Birkett & Sara MurraySara MurrayDaniel CamunasR. H. FowlerDaniel Camunas & Sarah Mickelberry

Awards and Scholarships from Colleges and UniversitiesAccess UVAAverett UniversityBridgewater College McKinney ACE

Eastern Mennonite Academic ScholarshipGreensboro Academic ScholarshipJohnson &WalesLiberty University ScholarshipsPVCC 100 Black Men of Central VirginiaVirginia Tech - Pamplin Scholarship

Sara GruenburgLynn WelchSarah Mickelberry, Andrea Pike, Amber Robson, & Raven TurnerJordan AylorDerek NicholsonBrittany ReedTessa FarnsworthJonathan WatersSamantha Cubbage

DAR Good Citizen Award

Sara Gruenburg

MCHS Citizenship Award

Luke CrouthamelSara Gruenburg

MCHS Sportsmanship Award

Nick CamillucciTayler Mantz

MCHS Spirit AwardEthan O’Connell

Clare Moretz

Marines Sempre Fi


Sara Mickelberry

Marines Athlete AwardClare Moretz

Perfect Attendance AwardsAndrew Alexander - Grade 12Tyler Omer - Grade 12Jake Herrman - Grades 11 &12Jonathan Waters - Grades 10, 11 &12Cody Anderson - Grades 10, 11, &12Scott Corbin - Grades 6 - 12Whitten Cluff - Grades K-12

Principal Mike Sisler reads off the Perfect Attendance Awards. Colton Ketterman/ WMS Student

Marines Achievement


Zach McMullen

Wendy’s High School


Daniel Camunas

U.S. Army Reserve National Scholar/Athlete Award

Luke CrouthamelSamantha Cubbage

Armstrong Foundation Brightwood RuritanBrightwood Ruritan - Optimist ClubBurnt Tree GrangeByrd L. Daniel MemorialClaude H. NeffD.A. Woolfrey, Jr. FoundationDAR Good Citizen AwardEarle H. BlankenbakerFreshmen Academy Gamma Omicron Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa BookGeorge P. Beard, Jr.Greater Piedmont Area Association of Realtors, Inc.Green - Madison Retired TeachersHenry & Iva Smith Memorial

James P. & Frankie C. Carpenter FoundationDr. James Early MemorialJohn W. Price Jr. MemorialLewis GravesMadison County Education AssociationMadison County Farm BureauMadison County Youth FootballMary McNeil WillisMerchants’ Grocery CompanyNat’l Association for the Advancement of Colored PersonsNat’l Association of Letter Carriers - Branch 518Nat’l Society Daughters of the American Revolution - Mont-pelier ChapterNat’l Wild Turkey FederationOrange Music SocietyPlow & HearthProject DiscoveryRochelle Ruritan Club Ruritan NationalSCA Somerset Steam & Gas Engine AssociationUVA Community Credit UnionVA Association of Speech, Debate, and Drama Coaches Virginia Rucker Crigler MemorialWelters Family Wetsel MemorialWolftown Ruritan ClubWoman’s Club of Madison County

S e n i o r Aw a r d s N i g h t

Page 20: The Mountaineer June Issue

What’s Next After Graduation?

June 9, 2011 • The Mountaineer20

Andrew Alexander: GermannaCody Anderson: GermannaKevin Atkins: WorkJordan Aylor: Eastern Mennonite UniversityCody Banks: GermannaAaron Barnes: Technical SchoolMatt Batman: Virginia TechCarrie Birkett: Radford UniversityRashad Bolden: Saint Paul’s CollegeJeremy Borden: WorkWill Brown III: WorkJody Butler: Art Institute of Washington D.CNick Camillucci: Radford UniversityDanny Camunas: PVCCElizabeth Canfield: Virginia TechStephanie Cervens: PVCCCindy Chappell: GermannaBryan Clark: WorkCecil Clark: U.S. NavyMegan Clark: Radford UniversityWhitten Cluff: James Madison UniversityScott Corbin: WorkLuke Crouthamel: Liberty UniversitySamantha Cubbage: Virginia TechDaniel Davis: PVCCKyle Davis: PVCCAshley Dean: GermannaWill DeJarnette: PVCC Megan Dent: WorkPaul Dixon: U.S. ArmyWilliam Dowell: Virginia TechPayge Drakeford: WorkCharlie Edwards: Radford UniversityChris Estes: Universal Technical InstituteTessa Farnsworth: Liberty UniversityJohnathan Fields: PVCCKyhla Flippen: WorkAnna Ford: University of Mary Washington Ralph Fowler IV: Embry & Riddle Aeronautical UniversityJohn Franklin IV: WorkJP Gibson: GermannaAmelia Goldsborough: PVCCAndrew Gooding: WorkforceSamone Grant: WorkAustin Gray: U.S. NavySara Gruenburg: University of VirginiaSteven Hale: Universal Technical InstituteJason Hamilton: AirforceBrandon Hartman: WorkGabriela Hernandez- Dimas: GermannaJake Herman: University of VirginiaBrandy Hey: PVCCKevin Hooper Jr.: U.S. NavyFaith Hotaling: PVCCGrace Jablonski: James Madison UniversityCara Jackson: PVCCPaul Jackson: University of Mary WashingtonDonnie Jenkins: Lord Fairfax CCTaylor Jenkins: Germanna

Christopher Johnson II: U.S. ArmyMarcel Johnson: Universal Technical InstituteCourtney Kessler: Bridgewater CollegeKeriann Ketterman:GermannaVictoria Kinney: GermannaChristoph Klein: Bridgewater CollegeSam Landolt: James Madion UniversityChelse Layman: PVCCNicole Lemmer: WorkTayler Mantz: PVCCAmber Martin: WorkBradley Meadows: GermannaBen Meeks: PVCCWesley Meredith: University of Richmond Sarah Mickelberry:Bridgewater CollegeClare Moretz: University of RichmondSara Murrary: GermannaCody Newman:PVCC Derek Nicholson: Greensboro CollegeEthan O’Connell:Germanna Tyler Omer: U.S NavyDaniel Orange: FerrumJoshua Page: ITT Technical InstituteHolly Panos: GermannaNathan Payne: WorkShane Phillips: PVCCAndrea Pike: BridgewaterAndrew Racer: Virginia TechDevonte Reaves: Norfolk State UniversityBrittany Reed: Johnson & Wales UniversityRachael Reed: PVCCAmber Robson: Bridgewater CollegeRebecca Rosenblatt: University of Virginia Kyle Rowe: GermannaAndrew Ruffner: GermannaStephanie Ryder: DidlakeDanielle Schiedeler: WorkMorgan Shifflett: PVCCJohn Simpson: Virginia Commonwealth UniversityMegan Smith: University of Mary WashingtonJeremy Smithson: Virginia Weslyan CollegeDaniel Stratton: Old Dominion UniversityKrysten Taylor: GermannaMicheal Taylor: WorkTerez Terrell: Virginia Union UniversityBrandon Tharp: GermannaRaven Turner: Bridgewater CollegeCodie Tuthill: PVCCMadison Tuthill: PVCCMaggie Vaillant: Virginia TechJennifer Vaughn: Liberty UniversityAlex Want: WorkLanitra Ward: PVCC Jonathan Waters: PVCCLynn Welch: Avertt UniversityAmanda Whittaker: West Virginia UniversityBrittany Woodward: GermannaJulian Yacovone: Performing Arts CollegeRalph Yates: Virginia Union University

*PVCC - Piedmont Community College*Germanna- Germanna Community College

Cap and Gown. Ashley Dean/MCHSMountaineer