.t of' gfeWtwTrkodetfcKl not yet t (States, TtoSeW yJW urging the ; fcla abdhis fnenJs must voto J 1, Buchanan 0,"V "afo 80ud : i5!fttWMi tlt tte only 5s news of Pennington's d&ttbs as -- iker reached herb on Sunday last, and uik BoW of tKo'Oyent; having ;pfcr with which' to ", SseSacrJ-trora- ' am66rati Who,, ( Mift tier, a'heodoro Parker m Written tona of jmother tevblfitioii is beginning, b that' nemo kKirtbcnw'tYrUerj thatt4'0Hy morning of the fiyiin;'im t Mbrcair, ow Mii!rlcetl.!nicr;ctQv one, nation. -- eaadtefs mWdd,r?6cnlayoffiriiposslp HgjoW.? ;Ho,Stty.8'8Taxery; shall go evcu'If it bo toat.doivnWiUiifred Se,4WJy-ft- ' wbddy o are )JJftkt'looso-in.'Jthfrstonji- y tithals eforo' us,? ' . ';; T'- - fti' :S' DxRiifo Ecato jFjtou pRisorrJiatelyi girl named MWf K,jMIW'rtaXll'i '. ipe frcM thofifthoryof;lhcJ,ColtunilJu j jfiblSUto prison, lypassiiig on of.hcy Ma' a cornice, or watcc Wlo ,'aliQat 18 clics brtadl. Easing, olong the front-o- f lobttnaingRtielramciiSoheightotfirty rilsfjr Tcet fronttlw ground, willi . noth- - g io hcWTMJ-PA'0- arccIylSftibfb! from Ihofrountlshc owheSiHiifelhn as beccssaw rofheeStoTjump' clve'feet'to'tiicroof.of.thtS west W; io leap was iakmi proved ft safe oiic,, id the daatless woraatijjciiffestcned to. . ecorSeriOf tlitf roof; R ropoj-wjhicl- i. lia j aftafBCturcdpf her beddings-graspe-d .It Jfcr'hahdsiill, swinging fronhe;- roof. ojgrou-&)lisumcc,o- f omonCdftouV iHtcliingvlean ; d followingiAipcrsoHal, difficulty .liapV' 4tbp-- ' odjQutu- - J bhjtiof rtfife'IIOu5tf6a-tiio':.iOt- ult, . As wU'llio'CSpttoltgrpuiids; liOi Wa ".: hOrupSu approaqbIngJ.Wra,f dallediout ''Strike. Mnj UngtnriWhCvWaS'' accidcutaliynassing '. ' tcppeiV;upnd;sqiz5?d; Ula an6,wbenTMrv I mondsou '.itruckAfcMr; Jttjckiartn AVitb; lAlettlitaa; kao'cking Offhbatrbu,tdo: - sW him Mo.injuryl:?The wholoaiffair was. ahstaiitan'coili te'ul fleenied1o;su.rprise Mr. J Hickraap't3IrrCorItJiic0 ?2. up 'took Win aw'a'y4ai)d thtf Ifccno. cuaca. r'Q lcgedrprovbcftt!on for'this?.-tfttoc-k -- wasniusuUfng Veflecjtlo.biC Virginia ftcanliaiiedtfi'wccutpcccU,ttf;3jIXic . Vman in wjiicb. ho charged 'that It; tiiea ; Kand a.covr'had. frightened 'tliQ"Statc,.' '; ?:fisl.heWtfiAtioWofiKn"8a is ) isBlVpreHriosndaicrVipcacoV ; "of mueUquwtfon-- ': :,- - mi& j ieDllylmucb cxcitemcnt,haS.'prevailed.,; A" j portion' of the.cityhas b"eca.:Vjvinipcd!J by, aWycloa:to"JJumnicrs.'i,Q,u the; j igktof the:isViho.cIalmrcrui: destroyed jatoperswhoVecmjto boa.jfofraidablc j of;.tho,lcidct8''of ?jthoy cjtaiuJxclqb were, ffionghf'to ber in .danger;, iThrcorfihoU were firedatlonor MajQrradror4 by .CaptiPirkUobAvA rjfl- - Ya?"lpYellat; Mr; Whlisttti thasecrotaryof j tub, Den- - , vlisfcicompany'hosb.lifo iyasavc'donly : hy;tli6.iutervc;uingof,a;thirdi)ersou, reatsoffmufder ,and jttrsonvlseeuica to ' ;ffflliPaiSWeeft6ffto''ltpw!By i wttwco.ubtshe.qBnrpcra werff defeated ' thbjibio'o'dsUcdjnridthc cHifisrcstiorc'd , w.llieltip'roetiewnefA''4'-'1-'--'- ' ' "fired at noon on 'tuol6l(i ultl, 'Cas8iB3'J,M'Ciay.'6fiKy? ;2ffthe"oVcriing ju ftiy kCoopcc InstJtutevJtc eip&jli'ated 6mhe ;.rapid.nrogi'cfflbf;repubUcan"prjticiickui, . ;Q.duTereuJStatcs.iSpeaking";of the "President, "hp;; iays:Sirfes' BucUana'ii ".watplacedin poWerAyinbw,'' confessed iW...V,Mi(itirdv ballot boxand by.an toitte4''ttworlty.-iiopr-- p In; bne;of,hisf'chargc3bgainst thoidemo-ci:ats'hc-says;W- itho gbllaiit old fr,f Cqminbdorc; Paulding,vr;ccwvcdii .rtrnction? if. Jib caught Walked ta rliig wm homcVftho'told icllow-'tlwught'tU- e ' ftca'dcoti oL ilia, United Satda jneaut nitl(6t8atd;''-'anwiifent;.brdcre4.bl- Clauses utp ttud'brobghYhoniQtho iti'dr- - X'iar-an- d .w.ha$icttiio Picaia'crity ? ni?V'4'?i L) Commodoro; at ' 'bcWcX.becamb vdcanditatb or f the; Southcrnidcmocracy.that ,wb wautetl Caba;;4ndtbat wor,woutd.'bit1ftve WoWrand.lf Spain- - wobld iibt sell itj wc iwd.itakeivva'py'.l(wayinnd d.o, yob snppwfc'ilmt;whenwexsay wcdoii.t lucbn jpbaTe Nicaragfiaive; don.wanjt to bare I uaVf a, grearubftorffo "dismiss you Jroathcisebftcejyou'arc; a uVr-do- td fool.1" loercfqro; 'F'say; arotriot,' Pn:aliedrbtttn Wfllkerbtiso visit the 'Uesldeutof ' the TJnitgd Slates, that you rt gmtty oMUlibusteringViC hdhad Veen 5a.i'tScahy.any goyernnieutbf $uiB $& Powqr abVba'dl that! tf arbjbxccute thb contra'rjrto.your syropatbyjlio. would 5$! ecn, lung until hb was dead,- - and tterc wbuld'HayY'bced'thc'last of Billy, "8 greyHjyed. rnaui0fdeatiny.p3 ,rcat wmth bffefeu'ngfwas manifested ty fhe Wdience during tho whole of '"Boon aaMr. Clay rcBumcd bis seat UWlVriW-?- - . , "ito 'V, T, a, ir.l.c Vwng! Ub;vWjt4t1tfa , coNoiiEssroJTAt. . Tip ftrosi4tl9:si8lgnd tho jPbst i Officio appropriation bilt Ttl bill legal- - izes,'thc;Py9)il.ofl4&l,Wt'fotTconx n&ainaioa to TJoatmaflicrs and clcrk8,for ncidntalox)euseawiduigtwitlil)eccmbcr, leaving like ieminacc df the tout, williod appt;bif iatedior.thcso purposes subject, to tho Jmaicdiato order of thaPtmastet Gcncrai .fhoamouni of ihtercat paid on deferred payments to. 'mail contractors will be about $100,009, '.""-- -' 1ttf. 'Glu,- - ;o Oal;f roportcd from tlib Committer br, Post Ofliccs and Xb?t lloada A bill for the, coii9tmdtiobf?,,Hnd m $.! tar tho Itttbittc, it .: :s. The Cotnmittco haVo, befdrb lhcmlTcrtitbrhiIrttlJs! for; the Tlirf ftrW i!l frobitbly b.repbJtcd at, the host me,cjln&r f Arizona it Is ; thiasbssiori.' ''.'.'' MM&'ifM)iA rdtictlHo,:pu0 Mr Tbllandigha;m,,(dem.)J of. dhio in- troduced a bill, which rai refertcu,- - nmcii datory .bt'tha .aci to arm nhd equip the wholbbdyof thdWilitiAifeOastQincroasb. tltetappropriatiojj, for! arms, from,-tw- hW drcd thousand tb: six hundred thousand dollars., ,.... . ,frormtbf,.13I.,JiWntroducctfVo the llbiisbthbpliowingA bill naturalization .. laws,, a, bill Ifrbvlding- - for: tlmpcbWof thcr,a!prrit6rlc3 blcctiug all- - th.eJr,"bfficcrsiAlso a"jbllf -- for; tlib. lco'tlott bf.2ej)n(y;Pok rnastefS;by"'ithe people, ".. ' ,1- -. ;;- 'JhoBcftatohad tattfied'tlibl Paraguay, tfcatj; 'Ctho Paraguay1', Coramtssloiiefs ; UfrivcdfWWahington'pn theriit.U'uU.3;? ; Senator;' 3Jrbwitbf' Miastsaip'piha'd prepared bill, VrMch lib Was-t- o offer jn, aL ijev;dnysi prqytdiug'.fbr; ailavbcclctor; ' ;i;ho.lcrritorie3, U. - .: ".', Mr..ietitifc ;(rbp,),; of Ind.;rbfteVcdo resoluti'o'u; iiistrnctii'i ,the .Qg'tiwittcu ofj tho judiciary to:Jwmirbintanndrcpbrfc the power 'of, employing.au armed (QKi'Mpqhecomitafut m the territories. Oo'tlift; J'JJlp 3ilii-aylo- (deuv), o.a.", introduced bill provlditig for; ilon of, Cuba by; negotiation;' and for Jtsjur Qbrpbmtidn'.into tUoiUJiloii liUocyiJnCbf tUijifelngjBb&iuirMRefe CbmmittedbnPorcigd;-AHatrSii- ; , 'v ..' ' V.Mr?;iajrnswortbV.(rbpV)fbfJli;bfl iibsoluttbnjnstrtfctingthdpommittco'.oir l?brcl'guiraTrs'l;to'Jnquiroluto diency J:ofiTafcqulrnjj f"by begotiaiiohj-th- b BrilisliXbrillAnjcHchn provinces.;- - " MessravGurtiScoti voidy-fPhelps' severally-- jjjrgdac'cil:P4ciflcJLlailroad and 'a'clegVaiml&wlfiaiVcr'crcferreatoihb. d-fi- t ; OiUdeommittoe' 'X ? PJ TK'fcCiork;bf;thc.U6ttSo of JRcpreseuta-- s tlvcs ,has"eeapta'tcd ttnumb'w ofdqmoi rbratic.lioldera ofjEubbrdinato Q(Hcca.(l,V i mvt arbopcr o'ffcred;;howpc)itlo; chttrd.lJriizicrV praying "Jbnnncrca'"sc,bf fiisjic'iiBlbni:- :a' "''H"- - h'- - S ""tlsbi. ;tho, ;pa8,rclatlvcHb,refiiiaiJto tq jUttt!c.'erritbry: tlidnrnbuut expended in". suppressing Indian hostilities: ;r " " ''4 '! Vi'r.V,;' ' ra'dnl-'Kad'aibug'JnlEervicw- ' with theSecfetaryTof'Statb, -- .tit'Waslmigtonr ' in veference tq-lth- o prbhbsitiotiof,thb Eiigiislugoverbnicnt.fofJthoiettlw , '- -? s " , Itj-i- bbtttiiliprobable.tliat ,llie pro posal will "bcfacbeptablb, as tho President has' trepacWy'fltitSh 1m would.upt fotirafroni the .positibu.jjojjad Assumed Intho.mattor;., ,. x g. ' , A disease is rnguig, in London and lubughfc'ifbibbsmall-pbxaMJwasjt.rpat- c as such' by the' focnlty ; this treatment failed. It""is:"ndiy cbtisideredsbhieother ; ijiscaso. jaudiforwon knpylng it jeol ' naniej it ii'calfcd lheptague. Tho people ard being- - rVvabcrnatediPtecabtipnsaro pbsttd hi tho streets" wavbtd' persons oftlictcdvith tfaamiclb.a8 possibleiund directions given where tO'takbsqclr."as aro allbcftcd wUh,.thodiseafo, n fact, the. ' pre'eauttdnary measures adopted forcibly ;rcraiudu?of tho 'Great piagub? .Jtr'm6re-tlia- n the? mdstt virulent small-po- x would. It I? lookbdnipon.bs ii.ff r Cdnstd'crabld.fdjsturbance "has Jbccn ma'de in1 thocnstbrn paWof London, con- sequent upon tho adoption of theLpusoyifc rituafbyomoofhe.Churoh-pfEnglnu- d ccclesiasflcV in thatAriclnityrand on the TilgWpbfaSnn Joy, ?Jalu Sptl'thcjriqt'dus proc'lcaii'rgs at theChbrchof tc. George In ' tlw'Eastfrdachedfsuch ajdisgraccTul hoigliMlmt bttempts ytcro made iQ;dcmpi ltsh tho altaraud tlm officials of tho cluwch werb'trcafed vith violcucid;? -- Tbo to Btop sucli oiTairs, Considtfrablc'nrQrier-t- y iifthbidhurch was'dVstroyedHlurlng the felfauKec cbn miils jafliV tcr "lioU liidif nmrned, involving ti lossrof. je3o;ooo' J ' - vT?iEok " X.'V'nittfs, ofParisbtulpulilished tho replif,tUobpS.todTipdlcou letter, aud ithe 'paper- - w8upprcssedin.cqusor quenqci - ' Tho Corrttpondcnt, also n. rehgious periodical, Bad rcccfvc?! a sbcoud Warning. ,Tho, MoniltiZMtH Slst says the Government had; .often deplored the ir- ritating character of ihb controversy on religious question Tho Uhivert having been suppressed,'. fojcut grtiqles in reply toltaprovbcStibxaro henceforth without motive nuit without oxcusd. Tho whole prc;iif 'orstand tliaimtsdSto qteattonp jam &b clisedssbd 'I vtU ihat' (aiciuM6 and wderatipwkich : re tc oitcd, by the intfefesta of the publiopeaco ;and respect for religion. , t. A Brnssbtsteleifani; says, that tbo 'rrnWication at the? Vtiitft, wiUfabTcdti-;Unuedi- if .that cty, Tho JGmior Ijad quito a large nombcf of congratulatory addresses from impbrtartt commfclalbodtc expres-siv- o of their estirb satisfaction with the contemplated tariff. Qn tbo otherfhwid tho French Protectionists ero making desperate cfibfts, against t&o Emperor's proposed' commercial reform Petitions wcro bcimg: numerously signed in all, Jho mannfacttlriiig towns against tho mcasnirc5. t Tlhb authorilies.atPnrlshnvo summarily elosedbn English lusoyieb churbhrbcbntly cStablishbd ihereV Air, appeal hgotn'st this arbitrary excrclso of, authority lias, however, bcbu laid beiore Uio Emperor, abdliopcsare adertdiflcd that' hb wlll'ttf ybrse th dc'eiilbii of bis Suborditiatcir: . ' ;': ' ;;rr. n t - , ,, ,. riSAf&j:. ; .;,. . ;'thcf .London llbit says . thb ireaticsof Tillafraca,andi5urididrj .vfrually Tl'ic? Western Towbrsf-bav- e com mapded that; ilb. armed interventibri hall takd plafeo In; Italy, unless it is provjoosly sanoiioned;by tbetmanimpuSf approval' of all .the great. European 1,'owers. P'raicjUr bally. such a,conditibu. is' tantamonnfr to aljsolutd 5- - Thb sauie paper, jslsb'annbnriccs that Euglaud and Prahcj'darbJftllled on 'the Italian .questidn; oudbotb: arc 'firmly; determined that no bdycrmittedt;. , ar jTdctcf rojried to' recognize; of th&sCent'rdli Italy question J ':' J;,0n.'thB'S7tli''ofr'Jop,bary)thb;Sa?lIni(in Mliifster'.jfq r Jferelgu,-Affarsfd- r warded clrdtttarj t' the r Sardinian tAmoassadors inbrOttd..on..thbqnesti6n"bfv5Hentrhl'.Jtalyi ,Couiit'COT9ur-,ob'scr?e.s-,thatVsth- I'tjhiibt .tanta;df';Cbtfaitaiy.'.bad;yicccp1cdtlid' Cbngrcss' Wltti; coi'iiiadnco, butjlbpottant otciitsi fdliovvbdi wh.ic,b causediite adjourn-raejit;iII- e, alsbVays, JlTiid'pamphlbCe ijcf te(jrwhtclvithbqt'icek" itfgtsaulhdtU .impbrtdded btthdleVter.' of 'Tf&pblcqn, to; .tho.topK-iJXhe- . spee'cirbfi'thorQiiecn 'of; Enld'nd;fandvtho1spbeclrorLord,t stdu Ufjthd;; ndilsbiofCommdnS;. arjl- - facts ijUrsliowJtliompoitiilijiy of. tho;rcstO:, itlon;"of tiic, ancieutld'iialyIt'is .certain 'tKafthd.ougrUtiSqtlio' ,EbmbIed.fdr;;th1tst(iirosenti; Z''Sho Govern-- , irflent'bfOciiltaiutalybclngsStlsB, .th'dirpar't;ivIshcalM';;toi;sati prQvincds'iby pro'datinlngtlib';ldwJfaf- - dinimmlforipdliticalA'dasbnsfpt 4ne .present ouly atinbuhcingthesd facts,- - .; that;;fhc 'will.nbv'cr, fall in;hisv.rcspbnsibilltyfqi'.thc trnnquilit'ofBurdd'.andpaqiucaUoh'fpf 'Italyi-v;-c,'- ;' 1 T ' '".'.- - '.' - .., ' - v '". i , .; .f-X- ' pnt'hfr;i2iit'Ta,ft.,;t.rt IleriTmiiiif 'can- -, sumption, JAMe;Coornu,ned 53 jeaM iMoni)i: and 8!.day. Mt. Coon'er, .was dueof',hearl ponietav,o?TMft anilate of GrTm'ea.C, UW was aalriVtflJiB."Bojtllr.v'.Heenli(fd In tlia j tvlcei tri lhTeiaa-ryoIutloifajfr- Jlfsicej .ano.pjdTed hlinself ;& true ioWler .in'UiVsTtuwio foKlndeHndonce.VPAa'co (alii maiiafei.lla ;(dd iilll wltlifallli;lii;tli6 cofpepaud.bis worlia will' follow., Wmi&m.'vfTtxar.papflra,-- , pldasa '&$'.' "' v- i.v, '"' ;.';;.;"'; ,.1, .1H.ii. if " '"; " .,- :'- j. . ,,,,X7aixtccltoJUjnt.,. , X" Vffw'llIw'VormWr-HOUSprnnflf- ' jtx, Tibornaelo. Apply r tho Mounwiifea "Ori'irt. ' ' "'"ftStf- - TAILWW;' ;i , yniuKitiiH& sproat :,. : respectfully to Inform" Uie fubabttah'teol . BEG city that' i the fr$ttor Jiorth of GPOURB GOD BAUD'S, Et IVrapIn Street?. Whew tliey twill keep' a iflfipiy of GOODS; auitabla forCoata and Patitaioons, always on hand. Ifaucjr -- JBUcktkte Coata,. od..P?nts A Rood iij)ply or ItEAUY-lAB- B GUTHING:alway5fli hand ' i,i" , ,Cuttjr.e4one . IVrwa rcasoMMa. 3U-3- " - a - ; t V, ' - ' t. u " - -- - Sailors, t( or iMt SOLDIEUS;--'Trafrr;- . orphan ckilJrtn,) wlio atiVed to any wars or hatlle$r either in California or tlwi lWI,iresjiruirtoJlircJi 3d, 1855, ot thtirtthMce "wtio"ioSvd on tha co'aat 6t Califorulali th 'Mtilcaa war, virioTWtll"to uddreis ui. Cklm mat haVa'bMn'Jt'jicletLIn tbehamljof other ag?nU,,liave..;been succewfully oblalned. by n. Afi'enks actloB'for. u, liberally paid.- - tnd Warrant hoagfiCarid'wU-l- order, ami all bal-n- a i reataff;rra!Ut at1Wbingioii, aUnded to;? j 'iv fcjco., Artbraeys fof'Cialpia, PIijIoLb, Baufily (j..v'u j t' Lioaj.&c- fg"RefrH( of the.heaf jof Popart" " ro?i 30.10t NOTICE. X HAVEIn ray poeilfln ho following Stray: JL One Wacfeanir.wUHo.Ovf $i'm$.ti. a Whjteittlp dowi htf fac j brnd oo ert hip a VU'mootI,thouiirriJ.'ye1yjlia'Jtck Oae "while Hfifr,2oj Syeara old, crop off right ear, i wallow fdrkMn If M branded on left boroin two pUces.wlih theaoehartcter "Vl r"'1 Ooe red roan yeaillogirlfrjcropoff left ear) do brand vblblo OoU t4 nd whlto yoatllrtj; Ilelferj'iwrilow foklntfiB.Tlht4ar,iEUUailieleft. ; lOocibriodla Steers about U yesrji old, wjhltof act, and wbUe bnih on ihe tallrHleglble brand on left One d Steer, 2 yeara old, boWaU; acr on left !hIb;dano'by doji'or'wolvetj eara tnarked, but uot legibly. Ond whlta Sleer, 2 yeara oldjbroWa taia, underblttnlhalefteiirV ' Alao.ouo red and whlla IItlfer2 yeara, old; no mark ot branda,YUlblt- - The owners pt aaid cattle w requested to Proo nrope'itv and pay charges -- JOHN THOMPSON, Pouod keeper, 30-t- i. Ogdeo City. JOfi Hi Edit ?$fo tfntitn SputrifG,. S, T CUif, ADMrM$i'o ot gomLAivs; ' ?A Me. 9A p" jlini, jiirft, THIS Academy, will U under the keneral of Txofefwof ORSON PRATT, and wilt comaionce With Meaanu ORSON PJtATT, Jan., anil JAMES COBB, is Teacher! to whoaet aid olhef teacbeta will be added when- ever . the. number ot aebolar stay tender k rtaakllo. ., r , No taillon .wilt be charred t6 thoae whoatudy Ateebra, Satyeyto, or other higher branchea of Mathemaa,Atroftomy,Chmiatry,Mlneratoeyj Geology, and Modem Juahguegen which, with whatever elte may be.taugbt It la expected will botaoghtohd learned tu,a tharottuhly practical 8aaut foe .which .inatran)etitiibeniicalai St, wlllbejfarnWied. V . It la aha deigned; rta;ii,iy';pvrniiiciDle. to provHcto loine f x'tent, ,tpola ilaed th the Quer- ent, mechanical ijepaitmenti, aud giro tlie student au opportuniiy to learn thlf 'ual, and at tho aaroa time develop' and prosene tkelr phrilcal energice. ., ,ly.,-- , : Those who wish to attend tho'TJnlon Academy will please to jlvo notice (hereof Immediately, for the, scholars to faclt' teacher will be limited to ilia 'number, Jie can. properly, take-charg- e of ; and iaatruet.: , , . BRtGIIAM. YQ.V.NG, Sen miylitt il li'.iinaimiii'ii iiim Tii nwt.M..a .j mat, i im wn i Ma li am a mil 1VOXICE. , - I;nATE In my posjwsion a ilElit brlodle COW) i left ear,' away backed. No brand viilble Slie, lias leCeiitly liad a calf. Prove property and pay charges . ,i-- . V, C.'UJV19i 29-- 2 Point. of Ve Mountain. ,.i, ,:.,.,,'.';..., ,:..,.;lix-l,'- ' , '- - " . "- - t ",-- . NOTICE Is hereby given lo.all partlejjnter pply at tha nxi regi'tla? icriit otthe'CountyCourtor D6X Elde'r.Goitrity, fora. KtanTtoi'lliB Kanyoa.'khdwn.aa Grover'a Kariyoa. .,'. 25-- f . , .?.;-- . EMPJT.V i ... ' ' 'K"'m ",' '- - ?)k COMMODIQOT'M etilVgVJtlQlf'SE, ilJui XiJ'ate,'! ' on- - lat- - South "Tem'plelSueet, a" half bjdck otily from tlo TaWrnacle Tlie. house hiis'a garden, n'akfe corral, a'.to"diiiybarii acda alabfo .attached.! For'prikulara;n(tlro ut the;MobjrrXtNEOmei:.-- , i', "irtf ;, ' .ftEw:'. iboMltssio.CsTittiJ. VBRpfl;-ja'vltf- .;prcfaso at gcncy;.f and ycbw'mlsslidi,; Sf orb, Ei$CTm.ie'tiVoppo Sugar or Cbirct?, 3IUJ. for t Wbllar; n ,..., ;.jrw.w vivi J.V ',",iJ,i.,"- - Hest mfctrimacW- - lirlnts, 1 8 cents per yard; good' per yard bleache.mualtii; uoit) ,12 Weiita " ".iv A Complete: assortment of Xinware, Boota and Shoes jof:,, every description, Fmo- - Gun--pond- aiidotherUTen clieop..;.A' choice lot of Wnseya CoUonkdtevSatlhetteV, .Englhb mole; aklnsVHaU, Caps,l&c,- - fcc "Cheaper.Uian.tb'e cheapest. "Come and a ee. V.l 'T .tyb'at, Bloy Com. Oats, Butler, Eggs ;andi Chie,MakenNf6r.'Ko''oa.x .. rNvflililch,Cowa.ror.Sale.,u, " St-t- ft , ?,!.;,, ', fiH,,i inli'w ;i.i''"ii ; ' The Illiislraltd Anuu.il Register' of .; itwral A (rail's, fi2 CONTAINING Ul page3,.emle.lli5hei wlh;; ; and cous'i;uting a.complete Miniature Encyclopedia for: the Farm. Orchard andjOarden.; (ce 25 cerits,.- ,- ;' - -- . t- - 'V;. , The most popular and tho most f roly pracflcat ' Jolirnalpf its chsjv "iS nee tta'establljhment In . ,1833, upwards of half n million of itavoluraea have been issued. "It li tho best nionthly journal hi ilia United States, and unsur-'pass- ed ttt' the "num"er6f' Its, contributors iihd lllustratibnsf. 400 pages peryear;. . - JV , V" ' ?t--- ' One copy Gallivatirr? t;-- 1 4 ;; v;';. 50c.' One cnpyiCulttvalor,and Registers - v:j-7- :Ten copies Cullivator.and Register ;- - j,5'00 ,: To clubs bfl Jeoi twenty; thlrty&'C, w Will . . - givo'preiniuml. c.' & '3 SHE COUBTftY GENTLE'kanI ., A. Weekly JoufnaJ fpctjw' fatiritthe gardenVnd the ftrejlderTXatamlai'd'aa. thoilty, bothtu agrlcnlttiro anA Jiorflcuhuw, in- valuable to- - tbef fanner arid the country' retUeiit,-- ' a.trijly; ".national ;Kficultural jbMh-ggOO- . pifieVperyear, v ,sj. - f ' nSv.! , Tsrms -- ! The CountrvGentUban, oneTcopy, $2J00; thtea'corileii. fS 00? ffivocopl4s,--$SiC(lr'teu- . copje,"$i5 00. '- - - f;y: The CouHt ry GcHticMan aud the Annual fi Register. . One copy Qouhlry Gentleman andjteglster $2 25 " "" "' Fiva copies' - - - - 9 00 Tea copies - - "TV -- . -- . ' :6;5U A premium copy of 'the Country Gentleman and tho;Rglsler wllPbe. sent ifreo. tola tuVot ten, and .the same, to every additional ten. prepay tha postage 'otrthe.'A'unu of R'B1 ter clubs. .. .. to - i 3 v - r .i'rJ .Mawi.,.'- - - "Albany,y.Y.. i: ' WALKEivs uoteiv H "SSrvnwicA terf (near Ae rUoHery), 'V"T NBJW Y.'OHK. ' " " A-- T llta. above Hotel Uia stranger,. wil! find iTJb; good and. safe accommodation at: moderate charges, v, " 'Everyluformatlo.o afforded to travellers, '30.Ct j"";. .fr, ',,. . .".,.. ... ..- -. f r, in.,,,.; i i...-- . ri-uir- i ow,tiiii MAxcmn BEG'ijrrspeolfully toTtnform thrlrfrwnds of Ulali, that tliey liave"esta1du)ird,ni)d I'avo in successful opera. tioa,iatJPAYSON, to,Ulsh County, - - A FIRST-CIAS- S Warmsfmima, AH EXTKNS)VE with- - r B4-'"SMiTt"lN'G- ; ',.: Jn aU VtaWraJicJt'eianiV ha, aFURNITirBB SHOPton a larKJaud superior scate Tby arc, therefore; 1u,ly -- prepired'to "promptye-eut- e all ordwfjr.lhe. erection and completion of Thrashing, Shingle, gaussge. Lair, CorUb, ahdShooTeR Machhies,and allfkindsof Ma-cftl- work that majfbu riquiredf ' Every description of Forniturt made to order. Horses, .mulfs and oxen, shod on tbo shortest police r I ,.. ' ' . 1 Wafgorw'and Carriages- - made and repaired, AUkindot TurniDg.Tn Iron or Wood, and every description of Cooper "(Vare me to order. Stock," Produce, Sic., "taken for; pay, aftd cash not refuse,!, '30nf IT j '' ' CM AKI.M TAYLtJit STILL,, contlnuea la tho Mamcct-- , anil can be t the old atand of laaac Ilrdckbank, on doot' awrth of LiiaftenyelA;Co.'sVM, MalnbtreetjWhMethoolferi a sBpertot sjuility, or B9ttt Mutton, Porfe, fipare-tibs- , SaatajrV, Caodlei Eggs, Bdiiafj lAifdJlliconi Tallow, m' .llama extra dried, to tha purchase; of which, lw, call the altentloao--f his IrieniJa and cuslomcfs, Glvohimatal 7 frboialudebltdiohlmafertspectf'tiilylitvHed Ito.callj and na up, or1 close their account by ao. fiU-f- i '" ''''"' ' - .. '', i, y rP,jnigned,havlnir had A tone expsrlenco X mthe bUsnea, would respectfully inform his frlenda and the people o(Utali generally, that he is on hand to make out AlltCLES OF AGlWEMENTi ' rii all other dbotimenis Of like character; also ' APPLICATIONS FOR PENSIONS, JJOVNTYIAND ? and olharclatmeon Government, mada out on tbo shortest notice.. ., lie is connected with responsible persons who win. promptly ntlend to the, , ' ' "' ' i,i.t:ction or monev , In the UFnUed'Statei and laEurOpe.' ' N charges-mad- e for any lnformktloa,b.emay beablo tocomniunlcale on these subjects to Bay person who may favor Mm with a cai. By a strict and rigid, attention to business he hopes to receive a liberal hare ot pablic patron age: For reference In regard toc;omp'ltecB)'ItH tegriy and juat,dealtagt'refr'to'.ai(y person who. hiu, heed acquainted Avltli him for the last, tea or fifteeByeats, . - . OFFICE-r-I- n feo. Cronyn SL'CbJk. Stoto sin of tho big T Temple Street, U. S. L. City , 2?U; ,. ; .v" CLAYTON., i':,;fi'' "ffl."-'''- ' 'V ;"! .t it.V..i; ,',,- - '.r...).... i, 1''''TA'KG''ptaatm''fln''tnnonncla my business at' .uie .?',' "i " - '''," '" ' " - y f ilAWjiHAAKtEltY;.' drt 'MafL,Stre(tfpppotU; MXdfrs STORE, Arid constantly keep"OB hand aNb, I attlclo-f- lf LtghtBread, tresli everyday, r Bans, Pound, Cakes, Tea Cakei, t Butter, ,Hllk Gfoger Nut, Jumbles, Eptesi and Boston Roogll and Readies; Rock Cakes, Craekersj1 , Mince, Pies'1 and Drop,. Cakes;. Hard "Bread, Appto Pies and Chester Cake, Soda & other I Peach rie.Cu8tardi,-''''V.,r- - Biscuits - &"''', ',;"" .m'a'dotoorder tiio'.abvei'the public can . bofaceomraodatedat aUJlEA'SONABIiE itau'as:.iihivt' &i'.s u? j- - iSJ . ;;t3 i '$ ''- - i 3 1fr. tvSlevved'OyaleMiand'Safdiues,;? ?' SftW '"ndi-EsifS,- ; V '44Vlpt Roast Beer; -- .J "..,-.- ' . Beefsteaks, &,,! ' J' V j.-l- n facl,n.;good Uuchfbftjeaionablertermsjjts pjf paredandgot'lup' on "short notice,;' If Ui.rio irpuble'lowaition customers forthovj,,-",.,- '- ,'i; '.HavlnpaUvays on hand the best stock the mari, afTordsiand a long experience In 1hl)UainesVl !kel roytelf to ho able to please myfrlends'and public generally wllh aometiilne good to. est .byfrpeatiiig,t,!ir' visits',: an'oflen Br;theyrlijl hicliued,nt lite - - - : irAND IN HAND. BAKERY. AND - '" " , , RESTAVRANJ. . ;'..' ."A" Hr" .' 'DANIEL GRENIG,,' "'I'iW'lli take superfine F'our Grain,- - Butter, Ebb; Cheese, Beef and, PorkrTitfiiui Receipts; W.oodi- - Potatoes. Cash' ahd..Hloro brderalfit rx- - cliatife f or liio above cotnmodltleSj-s- as to 'give everybody ft chaiiqe'to patroriizt the 'S-'- :' . , HAND IN HANnBAKBRY,.ANnatE3 ;V v" ..' TAtiRANT ,: ':,y'. community ."are ntsodnvlted to gfeo iue n call for their outfit across' (he plains wJlh;thos(affof life; .r' ;C'? - .,?' . Jtrfroember jheplaco opposite Nixon's Store, oh JMaln street, west sldeV " w;25-3- ;j.-." i : a. , r'Dt'p:'. ' ji '"! - . T 'i ' . i 1 t ' ui i'i ' : 'tO''!)';. '1?;I Mf E 'S ;"C f ,v' -- ,. 5';i v v3 OEOKfil iWRfBI & CO:, J?4Sr TEMPLE STREET, AT T.11.B S.Ifl.N.OJe- - tllB -- B1U 'IT .' . ' i i - "" "C-J- f 1 i - i .-- to inform the' Farmers and Public In ' -- enerarthaUtjeare selling their " .SPLENDIDiStOCK OK,STAPLE CritooEJiiES, ; " ' DYE sklfFFS 'h-- i h Low for cash or ready pay,detennfaed to moke room for a newlccklhls aummert their price? will be fjund eakonabja.. Call and examrnVtno trouble showing goods. Teaa.beat quality, from-S- l 50 to $2 0,0 per )b. Sugar, 3lbs for on dollar' ColTee, 35 cehtt per pound, Slate Nail. 3tt cents per pound. With every other Btliclo in proportion, Afew Hodges' best Steel PIows;at75cts:perlb Aim Flour, Corneal, Corii.'Barley, pits, Chopped Wheat for sale. , TRADERS AKE JPEDZARS WillBnd Itthe'tf interest to give uatn call before purchasing elsewhere. V- - .... ' r XO MKCHAWi M'UFAC-TV&M-& M?1 OXJIEItSi. rnlJB Subscriber will return to'tho. Slstea on i r about the let of Apr?, nex, and mil freiEhtln.counectloa with hts own train, from UiUty-l- a fifty tons, of Mrchandl, or, heavy maciiiueryfal tho followiift raes, contracts.! to be mode1 bfthe ?5i!f.of thepresent motith:-Fro- m ITillsdelpbTa, New York or VTsslilngton, to;Xltab,2i)cnt'perlh.. ! From ClrclnnaU, St. Louis, or 6t. Jotaplii, to Utah. 18 cents per lb. From Dmabaor FlOrenceto Ultb, at17 cents perlb. Oho half of freight money, Cash itr advance; jha refldue on the ariiva) ot. the train at tho points agreed up&frhtthei contract. Also; a lot of superior work oxea from fiva to ssven years old in goud working order, for sal at cash price. The above rates .Includes Jrelght and Insurance to the atartlt'g point of train it Mi6rtrl river. AddresK-GE- O; W. ARMSTRONG? Provo City, Uub. March lit, IECQ. 29-3-1 AIIAlVCEFRTIH:riaPv ittjiuuHfi'ORTteAsm,. . ; THOMAS BOX fi HAS purchased the well assorted stock of ' W taM Of Im ,31 MILLEKUELLACO., I I f cohs'sUng of Reftdy.roade CfothiBfr (Incittdlr , , W '$W in that tlst, first class-dres- frock, sad over-- ' m coats), a great vorlety ot h fatet stylo of, - 1 im Prints, Hals, Caps, bleached and Rrej JJoaestlcs, u . Llnseys,Jeans,IIomepans,IIosleTycfallklndtt H '1 kid, buckkin, silk and thread gloveit ;Boots and mm ',Mm Shot for ladles, gentlemCB and children; arid ' .' - Mm m Tea'a of all good kinds; ColTee, Sugsrj every v '' II JJWi variety of dencated vegetables, : ,'."" JWtiK 'w ih e 8 jj. an. 'S'i-B- t y' mm Of . the hest quality i"f , , 4m Whkky, Cerrthtis, Krnk4ML , f, if Cltcirlcs, SyrHs, Srlliief ..'. l"l and in fact Fancy Groceries ;t. every deterb' ri.. " , i I'jp tlon... ,, .;'w- - w "Alio, "a "fine.assortraent ot Tin-ware- V Irba ''.;--- ' Tyilfc warf,r;and sl Yeast Powders, 7'V "P and plain, and faneyfSopsj hunllag and fiihlag , ,'i" ; : If "BV Bppurtenanceai Including powder, leid, caps, ';X'' flmB andtll kinds of ahotj Madlcinf, including Cai- - " i" - 'wlW lor Oil, Patent pills and, Bitters and Adda; , Infill Stationery envelopes, Istter; foolscap and nole ,' ''.-- t iK paper; red, b)ue and black Inks, deskvsand,4tc, ; 'i'tmW Together with What generally bearstfee nam , !l"A3?Hl of Yankee nbtiotta, and Jibst Includes, tverythmit' "'i , fJ&jfP that thehumsn family requires, . ., " ' ,. 4 1 ifi'iWf! Remember! GODDARD'S STORErat-th- a ' - j M tli pld stand of MILLER, r RUSSELL ' CO, ve MiH? , .THOMAS.BOX. ' , , S ( Sp P.S.Cattla taken m exchangjir tor Goods; ,. w .- . IvMr J A.lso;afewhundreit.Mate,waatea' T.B. "-- . v-"- ,; J ;.- . ,. ivow-;i- s the TiME-aro-KsSciiMs- ?' ;N ,r. r M ', I'fil? THB'adWc;nK'prospeiUy;of lkecity; wi- - "ii ; develotaBaeat-- " - " ,- v; PlftSF '6fartlsttclase,havolttducei .- - ..llt'-- " ' Sk rTd.- - cohnotok & cq. ' &? &'.. mm "; ... ' - to oriar; ., Y ;.f -- - ,Mwt Fitter cLA.jij?;&-?- - -- ;.:. JlW PICTURE .0;AIfX-i.Ttl.;:V(- . ;'". Jljfj - OnTftlruJfPrt',''-V'74- ' I-- ' " IM TWO DOORS WfcST OF THE, POST f'$ 6 '- - ili '' " OFFICE, -' ;. ..,fJ:" . ,r- ,lM whero every bbject of- - tatereat and ' adrairalloa, r I '9 can be takenand prtaervcd.for eternal'ages. J.' - IS 'AVlhts Gallery, pottraits' can bo takenauBi-- : . j. ?a clently small slo-- f enclose Id and . ' - -' &JL jbreMt'phis,.and-larg- e enough to decorate tha' ,; :Hs 1 walli of the.diowlnir room. ' '.-.'- - . im sV ' AMBRO0PES, , TIlOT0.6ttAEHS;;, ; lIB ' '' ' lyBMi A:very?;lage stock" of ,caieo and. l.a'raea'1 ob ul B hand to"suit-th- e varied taatea' or customers-:..-- , J UK . While- - asa'rtlst, they; ' Vt.MB' fcbnd to none; anCrarety equalled ' isntwl'pfo- laV fesslorr, ihey also calculute to ba uurivalltd or, vHVB excellWtn.IoW prices,' V ''vJ-- UlaV I Come an3, see us at our Gallery: - ; ,iBn I " ' XD; COVINGTON. : CO., , , 'IfV P3AlsbfCatCAJP.FLOYDrasiMceUeM. v V Ilpfc aud commodious gallery Is open to the publUf' . . tjSl and thelr'patron8 aoficltedlhere; ' - " " '" ' i. - j: an 25-i- f . - E. Cic'Co. - - - 'HI 11 3m tin .imit n,i fin .1 .l.i. i,,n ii y WLf JPH t : ;t';" CAMLET TCBNIV''-.--y ; Iflfl 'BEG ICave to Inform my friends,, and :th', , fi.Jjm I public. generally, that t bave, secured Mhf twrf JeervlceSOf JoiiNl'owELt.oneoflhebejt turners ICviFf , ?tb'ba,fotiudlti iheTerrljary. Having had ,con-'.- - KcClM slderablo experience, lie can lurn out all klhdi of liUfJI work Tn the. ilrstlyloK Glveitsa .caland:'yp;, '.wrftls ; vwillbeaolfedinwork'and price: '.'-'- 'WiWf , " Bedsteads,); Tables, Chairs, &c, &c, always - fjiIig ohhandiforsaloatreawnablerate. .i,.. "2 "ftlF &? J -- r a':- - E- - M.CAST,i3lhtVard,'V? . j rRs On State Road, half. n, block north of Emlgratiost ,Xi mla " Streat, and opposife; Hemao Uyda'fc.-'lT-t- f j J 4T ;; V'- -j. ;otjici: y'j;. iilfi dellVtied at my residence In the i7th Ward, ,1 tffsfJK j "mjv ionehouso east of, the Union Academy; Jl ha'va' ,mW- - a' good llodgoSjeel Plow .(new) for sale cheap; . , ijif tfl itfs ready ,to;putlii;tho grouhd.- -j " .. . j,V ',. " : ; Hif !':". ',- - k witKur. . J ;M GSClty,Feb,2t,-lB60,f.5-.'- - . W? BL ICKSMITIIIIVO J vS J & " ''BiNciiE 'V ?f -- ? : s . i; eC,XACKs6H.wlKob'hand1dacco ' his .( . .Qkl Stand, inearBALLO.'S -- IIALL; whero the " ' m hopes, by strict attention lobualuessy.tobs ! ;worlhyJhRp;ajoriagj;p.f aUjivhp want gpd work . " j " i' ?.'i"rJ ; " Accounts of longstanding will, be collected. ;i iAS without fail. Ahintto4ho wise Is sufficient. 4Ji ??:ir'''j .y-r- t ' J WMWtMMW' 111 .; - cburiTES with ii-f- i 'H"'"''.: Inform the public that he' constantly M l ' BEGS'to on band, c" . . - c.. '.'p A Ne.. I .Beefs Perk' HifteiiKueV, - 3 Vcnl30H,'8aHSages, LarJ, iBtteiP' 'SS 3 ' Eggs;-,- : ; ;, 4vi ",'''""'4 r iis ;ozir stand, east1 temple m'Wi '' STREETj . - ' '- - - ' '1, ' '3i slid Icrepard (Jaccomm'od'ateJ'alj .who may faVorhlm wtth tbeir'patroriage.' lT : '" M - "sB ;L '.vJE.wiXq t ftia Kecps'conJlantly.ou handalarge asiortment of j ?fi ,Esa7.7i:DounfaiWktA;aadCU:BooUiat 1' $1Q. and $12..' Ladles'. Kip,. 2 75; .Oatf,. 3; .1 iM' Ckivr,a0iMeft;havyBiQ-wJa'$3!- ( , Wffi IWsrrants his Boots, andJShoes to wear to the . f j"t--a- i satisfacUou of "purchasers; Glv him a call. 'iVJ 'CitmAaTiw CiikAre'sfl, J' ;. . " .i' y 4 9 .j"'V!"- - aTXiBN JN JUKTGMasl M Pm keeps constantly on hand a superior stock. of W yM "". CAfcF' SUXNjt - ' - 13? at low' prfcerj' also, well-taane- il SOLE' and m" riM UPPER ''' .J JLAJrWBft ;l unequalled, in quality and price, jn ithls,.Tei;rj- - J, 3 tory. Call and see. i '' i&i nM 'fcriAV. JENNINGS would sayl? Ibis filends a kJ and patrons, call and settle If yp'u! have' not M fl" money to close your account ! call and cloie by ' jms due bill. 23.lt. HI

The Mountaineer (Salt Lake City, UT). (Salt Lake City, UT ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83021447/1860-03-17/ed-1/seq-3.pdf.t of'gfeWtwTrkodetfcKl not yet t (States, TtoSeW yJW

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Page 1: The Mountaineer (Salt Lake City, UT). (Salt Lake City, UT ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83021447/1860-03-17/ed-1/seq-3.pdf.t of'gfeWtwTrkodetfcKl not yet t (States, TtoSeW yJW

.t of' gfeWtwTrkodetfcKl not yet t

(States,TtoSeW yJW urging the ;

fcla abdhis fnenJs must voto J

1, Buchanan 0,"V "afo 80ud :

i5!fttWMi tlt tte only

5s news of Pennington's d&ttbs as--iker reached herb on Sunday last, and

uik BoW of tKo'Oyent; having ;pfcrwith which' to ",

SseSacrJ-trora- ' am66rati Who,, (

Mift tier, a'heodoro Parker m Written

tona of jmother tevblfitioii is beginning,b that' nemo kKirtbcnw'tYrUerj

thatt4'0Hy morning of thefiyiin;'im t Mbrcair, ow

Mii!rlcetl.!nicr;ctQv one, nation.

--eaadtefs mWdd,r?6cnlayoffiriiposslp

HgjoW.? ;Ho,Stty.8'8Taxery; shall goevcu'If it bo toat.doivnWiUiifred

Se,4WJy-ft-' wbddyo

are)JJftkt'looso-in.'Jthfrstonji- y tithalseforo' us,? '

. ';; T'-- fti' :S'

DxRiifo Ecato jFjtou pRisorrJiatelyigirl named MWf K,jMIW'rtaXll'i '.ipe frcM thofifthoryof;lhcJ,ColtunilJu jjfiblSUto prison, lypassiiig on of.hcy

Ma' a cornice, or watcc Wlo ,'aliQat 18clics brtadl.Easing, olong the front-o- f

lobttnaingRtielramciiSoheightotfirtyrilsfjr Tcet fronttlw ground, willi

.noth- -

g io hcWTMJ-PA'0-arccIylSftibfb! from Ihofrountlshc

owheSiHiifelhnas beccssaw rofheeStoTjump'clve'feet'to'tiicroof.of.thtS west W;io leap was iakmi proved ft safe oiic,,id the daatless woraatijjciiffestcned to. .

ecorSeriOf tlitf roof; R ropoj-wjhicl- i. lia jaftafBCturcdpf her beddings-graspe-d .ItJfcr'hahdsiill, swinging fronhe;- roof.

ojgrou-&)lisumcc,o- f

omonCdftouV iHtcliingvlean ;

d followingiAipcrsoHal, difficulty .liapV'4tbp-- ' odjQutu- - J

bhjtiof rtfife'IIOu5tf6a-tiio':.iOt- ult, . As

wU'llio'CSpttoltgrpuiids; liOi Wa ".:

hOrupSu approaqbIngJ.Wra,f dallediout''Strike. Mnj

UngtnriWhCvWaS'' accidcutaliynassing '.

' tcppeiV;upnd;sqiz5?d; Ula an6,wbenTMrv I

mondsou '.itruckAfcMr; Jttjckiartn AVitb;

lAlettlitaa; kao'cking Offhbatrbu,tdo: -

sW him Mo.injuryl:?The wholoaiffair was.ahstaiitan'coili te'ul fleenied1o;su.rprise Mr. J

Hickraap't3IrrCorItJiic0 ?2.up 'took Win aw'a'y4ai)d thtf Ifccno. cuaca.

r'Q lcgedrprovbcftt!on for'this?.-tfttoc-k

-- wasniusuUfng Veflecjtlo.biC Virginiaftcanliaiiedtfi'wccutpcccU,ttf;3jIXic .

Vman in wjiicb. ho charged 'that It; tiiea ;

Kand a.covr'had. frightened 'tliQ"Statc,.' ';?:fisl.heWtfiAtioWofiKn"8a is )

isBlVpreHriosndaicrVipcacoV ;"of mueUquwtfon-- ': :,- - mi& jieDllylmucb cxcitemcnt,haS.'prevailed.,; A" j

portion' of the.cityhas b"eca.:Vjvinipcd!J by,aWycloa:to"JJumnicrs.'i,Q,u the; j

igktof the:isViho.cIalmrcrui: destroyed

jatoperswhoVecmjto boa.jfofraidablc j

of;.tho,lcidct8''of ?jthoy cjtaiuJxclqb were,ffionghf'to ber in .danger;, iThrcorfihoUwere firedatlonor MajQrradror4 by.CaptiPirkUobAvA rjfl- - Ya?"lpYellat;Mr; Whlisttti thasecrotaryof j tub, Den- -


vlisfcicompany'hosb.lifo iyasavc'donly :

hy;tli6.iutervc;uingof,a;thirdi)ersou,reatsoffmufder ,and jttrsonvlseeuica to '

;ffflliPaiSWeeft6ffto''ltpw!Byiwttwco.ubtshe.qBnrpcra werff defeated '

thbjibio'o'dsUcdjnridthc cHifisrcstiorc'd ,

w.llieltip'roetiewnefA''4'-'1-'--'- ' '

"fired at noon on 'tuol6l(i ultl,'Cas8iB3'J,M'Ciay.'6fiKy? ;2ffthe"oVcriing

ju ftiykCoopcc InstJtutevJtc eip&jli'ated 6mhe;.rapid.nrogi'cfflbf;repubUcan"prjticiickui, .

;Q.duTereuJStatcs.iSpeaking";of the"President, "hp;; iays:Sirfes' BucUana'ii".watplacedin poWerAyinbw,'' confessediW...V,Mi(itirdv ballot boxand by.an

toitte4''ttworlty.-iiopr-- p

In; bne;of,hisf'chargc3bgainst thoidemo-ci:ats'hc-says;W-

itho gbllaiit oldfr,f Cqminbdorc; Paulding,vr;ccwvcdii.rtrnction? if. Jib caughtWalked ta rliigwm homcVftho'told icllow-'tlwught'tU- e

' ftca'dcoti oL ilia, United Satda jneautnitl(6t8atd;''-'anwiifent;.brdcre4.bl-

Clauses utp ttud'brobghYhoniQtho iti'dr--X'iar-an- d .w.ha$icttiio Picaia'crity ?

ni?V'4'?i L) Commodoro; at' 'bcWcX.becamb vdcanditatb or

f the; Southcrnidcmocracy.that ,wb wautetlCaba;;4ndtbat wor,woutd.'bit1ftveWoWrand.lf Spain- - wobld iibt sell itj wc

iwd.itakeivva'py'.l(wayinnd d.o, yobsnppwfc'ilmt;whenwexsay wcdoii.t lucbnjpbaTe Nicaragfiaive; don.wanjt to bare

I uaVf a, grearubftorffo "dismiss youJroathcisebftcejyou'arc; a uVr-do- td fool.1"loercfqro; 'F'say; arotriot,'Pn:aliedrbtttn Wfllkerbtiso visit the

'Uesldeutof ' the TJnitgd Slates, that yourt gmtty oMUlibusteringViC hdhad Veen

5a.i'tScahy.any goyernnieutbf $uiB

$& Powqr abVba'dl that! tfarbjbxccute thbcontra'rjrto.your syropatbyjlio. would

5$! ecn, lung until hb was dead,- - andtterc wbuld'HayY'bced'thc'last of Billy,"8 greyHjyed. rnaui0fdeatiny.p3 ,rcat

wmth bffefeu'ngfwas manifested ty fheWdience during tho whole of'"Boon aaMr. Clay rcBumcd bis seat

UWlVriW-?- - . , "ito 'V, T, a, ir.l.c

Vwng! Ub;vWjt4t1tfa ,

coNoiiEssroJTAt.. Tip ftrosi4tl9:si8lgnd tho jPbst i

Officio appropriation bilt Ttl bill legal- -izes,'thc;Py9)il.ofl4&l,Wt'fotTconxn&ainaioa to TJoatmaflicrs and clcrk8,forncidntalox)euseawiduigtwitlil)eccmbcr,

leaving like ieminacc df the tout, williodappt;bif iatedior.thcso purposes subject, totho Jmaicdiato order of thaPtmastetGcncrai .fhoamouni of ihtercat paid ondeferred payments to.'mail contractorswill be about $100,009, '.""-- -'

1ttf. 'Glu,- - ;o Oal;f roportcd from tlibCommitter br, Post Ofliccs and Xb?tlloada A bill for the, coii9tmdtiobf?,,Hndm $.! tar tho Itttbittc, it .: :s.The Cotnmittco

haVo, befdrb lhcmlTcrtitbrhiIrttlJs! for; the

Tlirf ftrW i!l frobitbly b.repbJtcd at,the host me,cjln&r fArizona it Is

;thiasbssiori.' ''.'.''

MM&'ifM)iA rdtictlHo,:pu0

Mr Tbllandigha;m,,(dem.)J of. dhio in-troduced a bill, which rai refertcu,-- nmciidatory .bt'tha .aci to arm nhd equip thewholbbdyof thdWilitiAifeOastQincroasb.tltetappropriatiojj, for! arms, from,-tw- hWdrcd thousand tb: six hundred thousanddollars., ,.... .

,frormtbf,.13I.,JiWntroducctfVothe llbiisbthbpliowingA bill

naturalization .. laws,, a, billIfrbvlding- - for: tlmpcbWof thcr,a!prrit6rlc3blcctiug all- - th.eJr,"bfficcrsiAlso a"jbllf

-- for; tlib. lco'tlott bf.2ej)n(y;PokrnastefS;by"'ithe people, ".. ' ,1- -.;;- 'JhoBcftatohad tattfied'tlibl Paraguay,tfcatj; 'Ctho Paraguay1', Coramtssloiiefs


UfrivcdfWWahington'pn theriit.U'uU.3;? ;

Senator;' 3Jrbwitbf' Miastsaip'piha'dprepared bill, VrMch lib Was-t- o offer jn, aL

ijev;dnysi prqytdiug'.fbr; ailavbcclctor;';i;ho.lcrritorie3, U. - .: ".',

Mr..ietitifc ;(rbp,),; of Ind.;rbfteVcdoresoluti'o'u; iiistrnctii'i ,the .Qg'tiwittcu ofjtho judiciary to:Jwmirbintanndrcpbrfc

the power 'of, employing.au armed(QKi'Mpqhecomitafut m the territories.

Oo'tlift; J'JJlp 3ilii-aylo- (deuv), o.a.",introduced bill provlditig for;ilon of, Cuba by; negotiation;' and forJtsjurQbrpbmtidn'.into tUoiUJiloii liUocyiJnCbftUijifelngjBb&iuirMRefeCbmmittedbnPorcigd;-AHatrSii- ; , 'v ..' '

V.Mr?;iajrnswortbV.(rbpV)fbfJli;bfliibsoluttbnjnstrtfctingthdpommittco'.oirl?brcl'guiraTrs'l;to'Jnquirolutodiency J:ofiTafcqulrnjj f"by begotiaiiohj-th-


BrilisliXbrillAnjcHchn provinces.;- - "

MessravGurtiScoti voidy-fPhelps'

severally--jjjrgdac'cil:P4ciflcJLlailroad and'a'clegVaiml&wlfiaiVcr'crcferreatoihb.

d-fi- t ; OiUdeommittoe' 'X ? PJTK'fcCiork;bf;thc.U6ttSo ofJRcpreseuta-- s

tlvcs ,has"eeapta'tcd ttnumb'w ofdqmoirbratic.lioldera ofjEubbrdinato Q(Hcca.(l,V i

mvt arbopcr o'ffcred;;howpc)itlo;chttrd.lJriizicrV praying"Jbnnncrca'"sc,bffiisjic'iiBlbni:- :a' "''H"- -

h'- - S""tlsbi. ;tho, ;pa8,rclatlvcHb,refiiiaiJtotq jUttt!c.'erritbry: tlidnrnbuut expendedin". suppressing Indian hostilities: ;r

"" ''4 '!

Vi'r.V,;' '

ra'dnl-'Kad'aibug'JnlEervicw-' with

theSecfetaryTof'Statb, --.tit'Waslmigtonr '

in veference tq-lth- o prbhbsitiotiof,thbEiigiislugoverbnicnt.fofJthoiettlw ,

'- -? s ",

Itj-i- bbtttiiliprobable.tliat ,llie proposal will "bcfacbeptablb, as tho Presidenthas' trepacWy'fltitSh 1m would.uptfotirafroni the .positibu.jjojjad AssumedIntho.mattor;., ,. x g. '

, A disease is rnguig, in London and

lubughfc'ifbibbsmall-pbxaMJwasjt.rpat- c

as such' by the' focnlty ; this treatmentfailed. It""is:"ndiy cbtisideredsbhieother ;

ijiscaso. jaudiforwon knpylng it jeol '

naniej it ii'calfcd lheptague. Tho peopleard being- - rVvabcrnatediPtecabtipnsaropbsttd hi tho streets" wavbtd' personsoftlictcdvith tfaamiclb.a8 possibleiunddirections given where tO'takbsqclr."asaro allbcftcd wUh,.thodiseafo, n fact,the. ' pre'eauttdnary measures adoptedforcibly ;rcraiudu?of tho 'Great piagub?

.Jtr'm6re-tlia- n

the? mdstt virulent small-po- x would. ItI? lookbdnipon.bs ii.ffr Cdnstd'crabld.fdjsturbance "has Jbccn

ma'de in1 thocnstbrn paWof London, con-

sequent upon tho adoption of theLpusoyifcrituafbyomoofhe.Churoh-pfEnglnu- d

ccclesiasflcV in thatAriclnityrand on theTilgWpbfaSnn Joy, ?Jalu Sptl'thcjriqt'dusproc'lcaii'rgs at theChbrchof tc. GeorgeIn ' tlw'Eastfrdachedfsuch ajdisgraccTulhoigliMlmt bttempts ytcro made iQ;dcmpiltsh tho altaraud tlm officials of tho cluwchwerb'trcafed vith violcucid;? --Tbo

to Btop sucli oiTairs, Considtfrablc'nrQrier-t- y

iifthbidhurch was'dVstroyedHlurlng the

felfauKec cbn miils jafliVtcr "lioU liidif nmrned, involving ti lossrof.

je3o;ooo' J '

- vT?iEok "X.'V'nittfs, ofParisbtulpulilished tho

replif,tUobpS.todTipdlcou letter,aud ithe 'paper- - w8upprcssedin.cqusorquenqci - '

Tho Corrttpondcnt, also n. rehgiousperiodical, Bad rcccfvc?! a sbcoud Warning.

,Tho, MoniltiZMtH Slst says theGovernment had; .often deplored the ir-

ritating character of ihb controversy onreligious question Tho Uhivert havingbeen suppressed,'. fojcut grtiqles in replytoltaprovbcStibxaro henceforth withoutmotive nuit without oxcusd. Tho whole

prc;iif 'orstand tliaimtsdStoqteattonp jam &b clisedssbd 'I vtU ihat'(aiciuM6 and wderatipwkich : re tc

oitcd, by the intfefesta of the publiopeaco;and respect for religion. , t.

A Brnssbtsteleifani; says, that tbo'rrnWication at the? Vtiitft, wiUfabTcdti-;Unuedi- if

.that cty,Tho JGmior Ijad quito a

large nombcf of congratulatory addressesfrom impbrtartt commfclalbodtc expres-siv- o

of their estirb satisfaction with thecontemplated tariff. Qn tbo otherfhwidtho French Protectionists ero makingdesperate cfibfts, against t&o Emperor'sproposed' commercial reform Petitionswcro bcimg: numerously signed in all, Jhomannfacttlriiig towns against tho mcasnirc5.

tTlhb authorilies.atPnrlshnvo summarily

elosedbn English lusoyieb churbhrbcbntlycStablishbd ihereV Air, appeal hgotn'stthis arbitrary excrclso of, authority lias,however, bcbu laid beiore Uio Emperor,abdliopcsare adertdiflcd that' hb wlll'ttfybrse th dc'eiilbii of bis Suborditiatcir: . '

;':' ;;rr. n


- , ,, ,.

riSAf&j:. ; .;,. .

;'thcf .London llbit says . thb ireaticsofTillafraca,andi5urididrj .vfrually

Tl'ic? Western Towbrsf-bav- e commapded that; ilb. armed interventibri halltakd plafeo In; Italy, unless it is provjooslysanoiioned;by tbetmanimpuSf approval' ofall .the great. European 1,'owers. P'raicjUrbally. such a,conditibu. is' tantamonnfr toaljsolutd 5-

- Thb sauiepaper, jslsb'annbnriccs that Euglaud andPrahcj'darbJftllled on 'the Italian .questidn;oudbotb: arc 'firmly; determined that no

bdycrmittedt;. ,

ar jTdctcf rojried to' recognize;

of th&sCent'rdli Italy question J ':'J;,0n.'thB'S7tli''ofr'Jop,bary)thb;Sa?lIni(inMliifster'.jfq r Jferelgu,-Affarsfd- r wardedclrdtttarjt' the r Sardinian tAmoassadorsinbrOttd..on..thbqnesti6n"bfv5Hentrhl'.Jtalyi,Couiit'COT9ur-,ob'scr?e.s-,thatVsth- I'tjhiibt.tanta;df';Cbtfaitaiy.'.bad;yicccp1cdtlid'Cbngrcss' Wltti; coi'iiiadnco, butjlbpottantotciitsi fdliovvbdi wh.ic,b causediite adjourn-raejit;iII- e,

alsbVays, JlTiid'pamphlbCeijcf te(jrwhtclvithbqt'icek"

itfgtsaulhdtU.impbrtdded btthdleVter.' of 'Tf&pblcqn, to;.tho.topK-iJXhe- . spee'cirbfi'thorQiiecn 'of;Enld'nd;fandvtho1spbeclrorLord,tstdu Ufjthd;; ndilsbiofCommdnS;. arjl- - facts

ijUrsliowJtliompoitiilijiy of. tho;rcstO:,itlon;"of tiic, ancieutld'iialyIt'is

.certain 'tKafthd.ougrUtiSqtlio',EbmbIed.fdr;;th1tst(iirosenti; Z''Sho Govern--,irflent'bfOciiltaiutalybclngsStlsB,.th'dirpar't;ivIshcalM';;toi;satiprQvincds'iby pro'datinlngtlib';ldwJfaf- -dinimmlforipdliticalA'dasbnsfpt 4ne.present ouly atinbuhcingthesd facts,- - .;

that;;fhc'will.nbv'cr, fall in;hisv.rcspbnsibilltyfqi'.thctrnnquilit'ofBurdd'.andpaqiucaUoh'fpf

'Italyi-v;-c,'- ;' 1 T' '".'.- - '.' - .., ' - v '". i , .; .f-X- '

pnt'hfr;i2iit'Ta,ft.,;t.rt IleriTmiiiif 'can- -,

sumption, JAMe;Coornu,ned 53 jeaM iMoni)i:and 8!.day. Mt. Coon'er, .was dueof',hearlponietav,o?TMft anilate of GrTm'ea.C, UWwas aalriVtflJiB."Bojtllr.v'.Heenli(fd In tliaj tvlcei tri lhTeiaa-ryoIutloifajfr- Jlfsicej.ano.pjdTed hlinself ;& true ioWler .in'UiVsTtuwiofoKlndeHndonce.VPAa'co (alii maiiafei.lla;(dd iilll wltlifallli;lii;tli6 cofpepaud.bis worliawill' follow., Wmi&m.'vfTtxar.papflra,-- , pldasa'&$'.' "' v- i.v, '"' ;.';;.;"';

,.1, .1H.ii. if " '"; " .,- :'- j.

. ,,,,X7aixtccltoJUjnt.,. ,

X" Vffw'llIw'VormWr-HOUSprnnflf- '

jtx, Tibornaelo. Apply r tho Mounwiifea"Ori'irt. ' '

"'"ftStf- -TAILWW;'

;i , yniuKitiiH& sproat :,. :

respectfully to Inform" Uie fubabttah'teol .BEG city that'i the fr$ttor Jiorth of GPOURB GOD

BAUD'S, Et IVrapIn Street?. Whew tliey twill

keep' a iflfipiy of GOODS; auitabla forCoataand Patitaioons, always on hand.

Ifaucjr --JBUcktkte Coata,. od..P?ntsA Rood iij)ply or ItEAUY-lAB- B

GUTHING:alway5fli hand ' i,i" ,


IVrwa rcasoMMa. 3U-3-

"- a - ; t V,

' - 't. u " - -- -

Sailors, t( or iMtSOLDIEUS;--'Trafrr;-


orphan ckilJrtn,) wlio atiVed toany wars or hatlle$r either in California or tlwilWI,iresjiruirtoJlircJi 3d, 1855, ot thtirtthMce

"wtio"ioSvd on tha co'aat 6t Califorulali th'Mtilcaa war, virioTWtll"to uddreis ui. Cklmmat haVa'bMn'Jt'jicletLIn tbehamljof otherag?nU,,liave..;been succewfully oblalned. by n.Afi'enks actloB'for. u, liberally paid.-- tndWarrant hoagfiCarid'wU-l- order, ami all bal-n- a i

reataff;rra!Ut at1Wbingioii, aUndedto;? j 'iv fcjco.,

Artbraeys fof'Cialpia, PIijIoLb, Baufily(j..v'u j t' Lioaj.&c-

fg"RefrH( of the.heaf jof Popart""ro?i 30.10t

NOTICE.X HAVEIn ray poeilfln ho following Stray:

JL One Wacfeanir.wUHo.Ovf $i'm$.ti.a Whjteittlp dowi htf fac j brnd oo ert hip aVU'mootI,thouiirriJ.'ye1yjlia'Jtck

Oae "while Hfifr,2oj Syeara old, crop offright ear, iwallow fdrkMn If M branded onleft boroin two pUces.wlih theaoehartcter

"Vlr"'1Ooe red roan yeaillogirlfrjcropoff left ear)

do brand vblbloOoU t4 nd whlto yoatllrtj; Ilelferj'iwrilow

foklntfiB.Tlht4ar,iEUUailieleft.; lOocibriodla Steers about U yesrji old, wjhltofact,and wbUe bnih on ihe tallrHleglble brand on left

One d Steer, 2 yeara old, boWaU; acr onleft !hIb;dano'by doji'or'wolvetj eara tnarked,but uot legibly.

Ond whlta Sleer, 2 yeara oldjbroWa taia,underblttnlhalefteiirV '

Alao.ouo red and whlla IItlfer2 yeara, old;no mark ot branda,YUlblt- -

The owners pt aaid cattle w requested to

Proo nrope'itv and pay charges-- JOHN THOMPSON, Pouod keeper,

30-t- i. Ogdeo City.

JOfi Hi Edit ?$fo tfntitn SputrifG,. S, T CUif,

ADMrM$i'o ot gomLAivs;' ?A Me. 9A p" jlini, jiirft,

THIS Academy, will U under the keneralof Txofefwof ORSON PRATT,

and wilt comaionce With Meaanu ORSONPJtATT, Jan., anil JAMES COBB, is Teacher!to whoaet aid olhef teacbeta will be added when-ever


the. number ot aebolar stay tender krtaakllo. ., r ,

No taillon .wilt be charred t6 thoae whoatudyAteebra, Satyeyto, or other higher branchea ofMathemaa,Atroftomy,Chmiatry,MlneratoeyjGeology, and Modem Juahguegen which, withwhatever elte may be.taugbt It la expected willbotaoghtohd learned tu,a tharottuhly practical8aaut foe .which .inatran)etitiibeniicalai St,wlllbejfarnWied. V .

It la aha deigned; rta;ii,iy';pvrniiiciDle. toprovHcto loine fx'tent, ,tpola ilaed th the Quer-ent, mechanical ijepaitmenti, aud giro tliestudent au opportuniiy to learn thlf 'ual, andat tho aaroa time develop' and prosene tkelrphrilcal energice. ., ,ly.,--

, :

Those who wish to attend tho'TJnlon Academywill please to jlvo notice (hereof Immediately,for the, scholars to faclt' teacher will be limitedto ilia 'number, Jie can. properly, take-charg- e of;

and iaatruet.: , , .

BRtGIIAM. YQ.V.NG, Senmiylitt il li'.iinaimiii'ii iiim Tii nwt.M..a .j mat, i im wn i Ma li am a mil

1VOXICE. , -

I;nATE In my posjwsion a ilElit brlodle COW) i

left ear,' away backed. No brandviilble Slie, lias leCeiitly liad a calf. Proveproperty and pay charges .

,i-- . V, C.'UJV19i29-- 2 Point.of Ve Mountain.

,.i, ,:.,.,,'.';..., ,:..,.;lix-l,'- '

, '- - ".

"- - t ",--.

NOTICE Is hereby given lo.all partlejjnterpply at tha nxi regi'tla?

icriit otthe'CountyCourtor D6X Elde'r.Goitrity,fora. KtanTtoi'lliB Kanyoa.'khdwn.aa Grover'aKariyoa. .,'. 25--f . , .?.;--. EMPJT.Vi ... '

' 'K"'m ",' '- -

?)k COMMODIQOT'M etilVgVJtlQlf'SE, ilJuiXiJ'ate,'! ' on- - lat- - South "Tem'plelSueet, a" halfbjdck otily from tlo TaWrnacle Tlie. househiis'a garden, n'akfe corral, a'.to"diiiybarii acdaalabfo .attached.! For'prikulara;n(tlro utthe;MobjrrXtNEOmei:.-- , i', "irtf ;,


.ftEw:'. iboMltssio.CsTittiJ.VBRpfl;-ja'vltf- .;prcfaso at

gcncy;.f and ycbw'mlsslidi,; Sforb,Ei$CTm.ie'tiVoppo

Sugar or Cbirct?, 3IUJ. for t Wbllar;n ,..., ;.jrw.w vivi J.V ',",iJ,i.,"- -

Hest mfctrimacW- - lirlnts, 1 8 cents per yard; good'per yard

bleache.mualtii; uoit) ,12 Weiita " ".ivA Complete: assortment of Xinware, Boota

and Shoes jof:,, every description, Fmo-- Gun--pond-

aiidotherUTen clieop..;.A' choice lot ofWnseya CoUonkdtevSatlhetteV, .Englhb mole;aklnsVHaU, Caps,l&c,- - fcc "Cheaper.Uian.tb'echeapest. "Come and a ee. V.l 'T

.tyb'at, Bloy Com. Oats, Butler, Eggs ;andiChie,MakenNf6r.'Ko''oa.x ..

rNvflililch,Cowa.ror.Sale.,u, " St-t- ft,

?,!.;,, ', fiH,,i inli'w ;i.i''"ii ;'

The Illiislraltd Anuu.il Register' of.; itwral A (rail's, fi2CONTAINING Ul page3,.emle.lli5hei wlh;;


and cous'i;uting a.completeMiniature Encyclopedia for: the Farm. OrchardandjOarden.; (ce 25 cerits,.- ,- ;' - -- . t-- 'V;.


The most popular and tho most f roly pracflcat'

Jolirnalpf its chsjv "iS nee tta'establljhment In.

,1833, upwards of half n million of itavoluraeahave been issued. "It li tho best nionthly

journal hi ilia United States, and unsur-'pass- ed

ttt' the "num"er6f' Its, contributors iihdlllustratibnsf. 400 pages peryear;. .

- JV ,

V" ' ?t--- '

One copy Gallivatirr? t;--1 4 ;; v;';. 50c.'

One cnpyiCulttvalor,and Registers - v:j-7-

:Ten copies Cullivator.and Register ;-- j,5'00,: To clubs bfl Jeoi twenty; thlrty&'C, w Will

. . -givo'preiniuml. c.' &'3 SHE COUBTftY GENTLE'kanI

., A. Weekly JoufnaJ fpctjw'fatiritthe gardenVnd the ftrejlderTXatamlai'd'aa.thoilty, bothtu agrlcnlttiro anA Jiorflcuhuw, in-

valuable to- - tbef fanner arid the country' retUeiit,-- 'a.trijly; ".national ;Kficultural jbMh-ggOO- .

pifieVperyear, v ,sj. - f '

nSv.! , Tsrms --!

The CountrvGentUban, oneTcopy, $2J00;thtea'corileii. fS 00? ffivocopl4s,--$SiC(lr'teu-


copje,"$i5 00. '- - - f;y:The CouHt ry GcHticMan aud the Annual

fi Register. .

One copy Qouhlry Gentleman andjteglster $2 25" "" "'Fiva copies' - - - - 9 00

Tea copies - - "TV --. --. ' :6;5U

A premium copy of 'the Country Gentlemanand tho;Rglsler wllPbe. sent ifreo.tola tuVotten, and .the same, to every additional ten.

prepay tha postage 'otrthe.'A'unu of R'B1ter clubs. .. ..to - i 3 v - r .i'rJ.Mawi.,.'- - - "Albany,y.Y..

i: ' WALKEivs uoteiv H"SSrvnwicA terf (near Ae rUoHery),

'V"T NBJW Y.'OHK. ' " "

A-- T llta. above Hotel Uia stranger,. wil! findiTJb; good and. safe accommodation at: moderatecharges, v, "

'Everyluformatlo.o afforded to travellers, '30.Ctj"";. .fr, ',,. . .".,.. .....-

-.f r, in.,,,.; i i...--


ri-uir- i ow,tiiii MAxcmn

BEG'ijrrspeolfully toTtnform thrlrfrwndsof Ulali, that tliey

liave"esta1du)ird,ni)d I'avo in successful opera.tioa,iatJPAYSON, to,Ulsh County,


Warmsfmima,AH EXTKNS)VE

with- -

r B4-'"SMiTt"lN'G-

; ',.:Jn aU VtaWraJicJt'eianiV ha, aFURNITirBBSHOPton a larKJaud superior scate Tbyarc, therefore; 1u,ly -- prepired'to "promptye-eut- e

all ordwfjr.lhe. erection and completionof Thrashing, Shingle, gaussge. Lair, CorUb,ahdShooTeR Machhies,and allfkindsof Ma-cftl-

work that majfbu riquiredf 'Every description of Forniturt made to order.Horses, .mulfs and oxen, shod on tbo shortest

police r I ,.. ' '.

1 Wafgorw'and Carriages- - made and repaired,AUkindot TurniDg.Tn Iron or Wood, and

every description of Cooper "(Vare me to order.Stock," Produce, Sic., "taken for; pay, aftd cash

not refuse,!, '30nf


j '' ' CMAKI.M TAYLtJitSTILL,, contlnuea la tho Mamcct-- , anil can be

t the old atand of laaac Ilrdckbank,on doot' awrth of LiiaftenyelA;Co.'sVM,MalnbtreetjWhMethoolferi a sBpertot sjuility,or B9ttt Mutton, Porfe, fipare-tibs- , SaatajrV,Caodlei Eggs, Bdiiafj lAifdJlliconi Tallow, m'.llama extra dried, to tha purchase; of which, lw,call the altentloao--f his IrieniJa and cuslomcfs,

Glvohimatal 7frboialudebltdiohlmafertspectf'tiilylitvHed

Ito.callj and na up, or1 close their account byao. fiU-f-i

'" ''''"' ' - .. '', i, y

rP,jnigned,havlnir had A tone expsrlencoX mthe bUsnea, would respectfully inform

his frlenda and the people o(Utali generally, thathe is on hand to make out

AlltCLES OF AGlWEMENTi 'rii all other dbotimenis Of like character; also


and olharclatmeon Government, mada out on tboshortest notice.. .,

lie is connected with responsible persons whowin. promptly ntlend to the, , ' '

"' 'i,i.t:ction or monev ,

In the UFnUed'Statei and laEurOpe.' 'N charges-mad- e for any lnformktloa,b.emay

beablo tocomniunlcale on these subjects to Bayperson who may favor Mm with a cai.

By a strict and rigid, attention to business hehopes to receive a liberal hare ot pablic patronage: For reference In regard toc;omp'ltecB)'ItHtegriy and juat,dealtagt'refr'to'.ai(y person who.hiu, heed acquainted Avltli him for the last, tea orfifteeByeats, . -

. OFFICE-r-I- n feo. Cronyn SL'CbJk. Stotosin of tho big T Temple Street, U. S. L. City ,

2?U; ,. ; .v" CLAYTON.,

i':,;fi'' "ffl."-'''- ' 'V ;"! .t it.V..i; ,',,- - '.r...).... i,

1''''TA'KG''ptaatm''fln''tnnonnclamy business at'

.uie .?',' "i " - '''," '" ' " - yfilAWjiHAAKtEltY;.'

drt 'MafL,Stre(tfpppotU; MXdfrs STORE,Arid constantly keep"OB hand aNb, I attlclo-f- lf

LtghtBread, tresli everyday, rBans, Pound, Cakes, Tea Cakei, t Butter, ,HllkGfoger Nut, Jumbles, Eptesi and BostonRoogll and Readies; Rock Cakes, Craekersj1

, Mince, Pies'1 and Drop,. Cakes;. Hard "Bread,Appto Pies and Chester Cake, Soda & other

I Peach rie.Cu8tardi,-''''V.,r- - Biscuits -

&"''', ',;"" .m'a'dotoordertiio'.abvei'the public can

. bofaceomraodatedat aUJlEA'SONABIiEitau'as:.iihivt' &i'.s u? j-- iSJ .

;;t3 i '$ ''-- i3 1fr. tvSlevved'OyaleMiand'Safdiues,;? ?'

SftW '"ndi-EsifS,- ; V '44VlptRoast Beer; -- .J "..,-.-'

. Beefsteaks, &,,! ' J' Vj.-l- n facl,n.;good Uuchfbftjeaionablertermsjjtspjf paredandgot'lup' on "short notice,;' If Ui.rioirpuble'lowaition customers forthovj,,-",.,- '- ,'i;

'.HavlnpaUvays on hand the best stock the mari,afTordsiand a long experience In 1hl)UainesVl

!kel roytelf to ho able to please myfrlends'andpublic generally wllh aometiilne good to. est

.byfrpeatiiig,t,!ir' visits',: an'oflen Br;theyrlijlhicliued,nt lite - - - :


;'..' ."A" Hr" .' 'DANIEL GRENIG,,'"'I'iW'lli take superfine F'our Grain,- - Butter,

Ebb; Cheese, Beef and, PorkrTitfiiui Receipts;W.oodi- - Potatoes. Cash' ahd..Hloro brderalfit rx- -

cliatife for liio above cotnmodltleSj-s- as to 'giveeverybody ft chaiiqe'to patroriizt the 'S-'-


;V v" ..' TAtiRANT ,: ':,y'.community ."are ntsodnvlted to

gfeo iue n call for their outfit across' (he plainswJlh;thos(affof life; .r' ;C'? - .,?'

. Jtrfroember jheplaco opposite Nixon's Store,oh JMaln street, west sldeV "

w;25-3- ;j.-." i : a. , r'Dt'p:'.' ji '"! -

.T 'i '

. i 1 t ' ui i'i ' :

'tO''!)';. '1?;I Mf E 'S ;"C

f ,v' -- ,. 5';i v v3OEOKfil iWRfBI & CO:,


AT T.11.B S.Ifl.N.OJe- - tllB --B1U

'IT .'. 'i i -

"" "C-J- f 1i - i .--

to inform the' Farmers and Public In

'-- enerarthaUtjeare selling their "


CritooEJiiES, ; "

'DYE sklfFFS 'h-- i h

Low for cash or ready pay,detennfaed to mokeroom for a newlccklhls aummert their price?will be fjund eakonabja..

Call and examrnVtno trouble showing goods.

Teaa.beat quality, from-S-l 50 to $2 0,0 per )b.

Sugar, 3lbs for on dollar'ColTee, 35 cehtt per pound,Slate Nail. 3tt cents per pound.With every other Btliclo in proportion,Afew Hodges' best Steel PIows;at75cts:perlb

Aim Flour, Corneal, Corii.'Barley, pits,Chopped Wheat for sale.

, TRADERS AKE JPEDZARSWillBnd Itthe'tf interest to give uatn call beforepurchasing elsewhere. V--

.... ' r



rnlJB Subscriber will return to'tho. Slstea on

i r about the let of Apr?, nex, and milfreiEhtln.counectloa with hts own train, fromUiUty-l- a fifty tons, of Mrchandl, or, heavymaciiiueryfal tho followiift raes, contracts.! to

be mode1 bfthe ?5i!f.of thepresent motith:-Fro- m

ITillsdelpbTa, New York or VTsslilngton,to;Xltab,2i)cnt'perlh.. !

From ClrclnnaU, St. Louis, or 6t. Jotaplii, toUtah. 18 cents per lb.

From Dmabaor FlOrenceto Ultb, at17 centsperlb.

Oho half of freight money, Cash itr advance;jha refldue on the ariiva) ot. the train at thopoints agreed up&frhtthei contract. Also; a lotof superior work oxea from fiva to ssven yearsold in goud working order, for sal at cash price.The above rates .Includes Jrelght and Insuranceto the atartlt'g point of train it Mi6rtrl river.

AddresK-GE- O; W. ARMSTRONG? ProvoCity, Uub.

March lit, IECQ. 29-3-1

AIIAlVCEFRTIH:riaPvittjiuuHfi'ORTteAsm,. . ;

THOMAS BOX fiHAS purchased the well assorted stock of 'W taM


cohs'sUng of Reftdy.roade CfothiBfr (Incittdlr , , W '$Win that tlst, first class-dres- frock, sad over-- ' mcoats), a great vorlety ot h fatet stylo of, - 1 imPrints, Hals, Caps, bleached and Rrej JJoaestlcs, u .

Llnseys,Jeans,IIomepans,IIosleTycfallklndtt H '1kid, buckkin, silk and thread gloveit ;Boots and mm ',MmShot for ladles, gentlemCB and children; arid ' .' - Mm mTea'a of all good kinds; ColTee, Sugsrj every v

' ' II JJWivariety of dencated vegetables, : ,'."" JWtiK

'w i h e 8 jj. an. 'S'i-B- t y' mmOf .the hest quality i"f , , 4m

Whkky, Cerrthtis, Krnk4ML , f, ifCltcirlcs, SyrHs, Srlliief ..'. l"l

and in fact Fancy Groceries ;t. every deterb' ri.. " , i I'jptlon... ,, .;'w-- w"Alio, "a"fine.assortraent ot Tin-ware- V Irba ''.;---' Tyilfcwarf,r;and sl Yeast Powders, 7'V "Pand plain, and faneyfSopsj hunllag and fiihlag , ,'i" ; : If"BVBppurtenanceai Including powder, leid, caps, ';X'' flmBandtll kinds of ahotj Madlcinf, including Cai- - " i" - 'wlWlor Oil, Patent pills and, Bitters and Adda; , InfillStationery envelopes, Istter; foolscap and nole ,' ''.-- t iKpaper; red, b)ue and black Inks, deskvsand,4tc, ; 'i'tmW

Together with What generally bearstfee nam , !l"A3?Hlof Yankee nbtiotta, and Jibst Includes, tverythmit' "'i , fJ&jfPthat thehumsn family requires, . ., " ' ,.

41 ifi'iWf!

Remember! GODDARD'S STORErat-th- a' - j Mtli

pld stand of MILLER, r RUSSELL ' CO, ve MiH?, .THOMAS.BOX. ' , , S ( Sp

P.S.Cattla taken m exchangjir tor Goods; ,. w.- . IvMrJA.lso;afewhundreit.Mate,waatea' T.B.

"-- . v-"- ,; J;.-.

,.ivow-;i-s the TiME-aro-KsSciiMs- ?' ;N ,r. r M', I'fil?THB'adWc;nK'prospeiUy;of lkecity; wi- - "ii ;

develotaBaeat-- " - ",- v; PlftSF

'6fartlsttclase,havolttducei .-- ..llt'-- " ' SkrTd.- - cohnotok & cq. ' &? &'.. mm

"; ... ' - to oriar; ., Y ;.f --- ,MwtFitter cLA.jij?;&-?- - --;.:. JlW

PICTURE .0;AIfX-i.Ttl.;:V(- . ;'". Jljfj- OnTftlruJfPrt',''-V'74- ' I-- '

" IMTWO DOORS WfcST OF THE, POST f'$ 6 '- - ili'' " OFFICE, -' ;. ..,fJ:" . ,r- ,lM

whero every bbject of- - tatereat and ' adrairalloa, r I '9can be takenand prtaervcd.for eternal'ages. J.' - IS'AVlhts Gallery, pottraits' can bo takenauBi-- : . j. ?aclently small slo-- f enclose Id and .

' - -' &JLjbreMt'phis,.and-larg- e enough to decorate tha' ,; :Hs1 walli of the.diowlnir room. ' '.-.'- - . im sV' AMBRO0PES, , TIlOT0.6ttAEHS;;, ; lIB

' '' ' lyBMiA:very?;lage stock" of ,caieo and. l.a'raea'1 ob ul B

hand to"suit-th- e varied taatea' or customers-:..-- , J UK. While- - asa'rtlst, they; ' Vt.MB'

fcbnd to none; anCrarety equalled ' isntwl'pfo- laVfesslorr, ihey also calculute to ba uurivalltd or, vHVBexcellWtn.IoW prices,' V ''vJ-- UlaV

I Come an3, see us at our Gallery: -; ,iBnI " ' XD; COVINGTON. : CO., , , 'IfVP3AlsbfCatCAJP.FLOYDrasiMceUeM. v V Ilpfc

aud commodious gallery Is open to the publUf' . . tjSland thelr'patron8 aoficltedlhere; ' - " " '" ' i. - j: an25-i- f . - E. Cic'Co. - - - 'HI 113m tin .imit n,i fin .1 .l.i. i,,n ii y WLf JPH


:;t';" CAMLET TCBNIV''-.--y ; Iflfl'BEG ICave to Inform my friends,, and :th', , fi.JjmI public. generally, that t bave, secured Mhf twrf

JeervlceSOf JoiiNl'owELt.oneoflhebejt turners ICviFf, ?tb'ba,fotiudlti iheTerrljary. Having had ,con-'.- - KcClM

slderablo experience, lie can lurn out all klhdi of liUfJIwork Tn the. ilrstlyloK Glveitsa .caland:'yp;, '.wrftls

; vwillbeaolfedinwork'and price: '.'-'- 'WiWf, " Bedsteads,); Tables, Chairs, &c, &c, always - fjiIig

ohhandiforsaloatreawnablerate. .i,.. "2 "ftlF&? J -- r a':- - E- - M.CAST,i3lhtVard,'V? . j rRsOn State Road, half. n, block north of Emlgratiost ,Xi mla

" Streat, and opposife; Hemao Uyda'fc.-'lT-t- f j J 4T;; V'--j. ;otjici: y'j;. iilfi

dellVtied at my residence In the i7th Ward, ,1tffsfJK

j "mjvionehouso east of, the Union Academy; Jl ha'va' ,mW- -

a' good llodgoSjeel Plow .(new) for sale cheap; . , ijif tflitfs ready ,to;putlii;tho grouhd.- -j " .. . j,V ',. "

: ; Hif!':". ',- -

k witKur. .J ;M

GSClty,Feb,2t,-lB60,f.5-.'- -. W?

BL ICKSMITIIIIVO J vSJ & " ''BiNciiE 'V ?f-- ? : s

. i;eC,XACKs6H.wlKob'hand1dacco


his .( .

.Qkl Stand, inearBALLO.'S -- IIALL; whero the " ' mhopes, by strict attention lobualuessy.tobs !;worlhyJhRp;ajoriagj;p.f aUjivhp want gpd work .

" j" i' ?.'i"rJ ;" Accounts of longstanding will, be collected. ;i iASwithout fail. Ahintto4ho wise Is sufficient. 4Ji??:ir'''j .y-r- t



WMWtMMW' 111.; - cburiTES with ii-f- i 'H"'"''.:

Inform the public that he' constantly M l '

BEGS'to on band, c" . .- c.. '.'p

A Ne.. I .Beefs Perk' HifteiiKueV, - 3Vcnl30H,'8aHSages, LarJ, iBtteiP' 'SS3 ' Eggs;-,- : ; ;, 4vi ",'''""'4r iis ;ozir stand, east1 temple m'Wi'' STREETj .

- ' '- - - ' '1, ' '3islid Icrepard (Jaccomm'od'ateJ'alj .who mayfaVorhlm wtth tbeir'patroriage.' lT : '" M - "sB;L '.vJE.wiXq t ftiaKecps'conJlantly.ou handalarge asiortment of j ?fi

,Esa7.7i:DounfaiWktA;aadCU:BooUiat 1'$1Q. and $12..' Ladles'. Kip,. 2 75; .Oatf,. 3; .1 iM'Ckivr,a0iMeft;havyBiQ-wJa'$3!- ( , Wffi

IWsrrants his Boots, andJShoes to wear to the . f j"t--a- i

satisfacUou of "purchasers; Glv him a call. 'iVJ'CitmAaTiw CiikAre'sfl, J' ;..

" .i' y 4 9.j"'V!"-- aTXiBN JN JUKTGMasl M Pmkeeps constantly on hand a superior stock. of W yM"". CAfcF' SUXNjt - ' - 13?

at low' prfcerj' also, well-taane- il SOLE' and m" riMUPPER ''' .JJLAJrWBft ;lunequalled, in quality and price, jn ithls,.Tei;rj- - J, 3tory. Call and see.

i'' i&i nM

'fcriAV. JENNINGS would sayl? Ibis filends a kJand patrons, call and settle If yp'u! have' not M fl"money to close your account ! call and cloie by ' jmsdue bill. 23.lt. HI