The Movement of the Snake

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  • 7/31/2019 The Movement of the Snake


    Part 1 The progress of the snake

    1 The Twins

    A man enters the building through the front entrance. He is unremarkable in this day and age.

    The only thing that sets him apart is how little you can see of him. The Man has a hat and

    sunglasses on, and wears a breathing mask over the nose and mouth. He coughs every so often as

    to warrant its use. He is of average height and build. The security cameras see that he carries a

    large briefcase. The man moves to an elevator and waits for the door to open. People around

    him move away slightly as he starts into a painful coughing fit. The door to the elevator opens,

    and he is the only one to get on. The elevator opens a number of floors up and no one is inside.


    Two men enter the top office of the Extensive Enterprises building. They are twin brothers by

    the name of Tomax and Xamot. They are greeted by a man dressed in blue pants and a blue

    uniform top. He is wearing a loose fitting blue hood over his head. He is of average size and


    Ah commander how kind of you to join us Tomax starts to say and Xamot finishes

    This is not a pleasure call. I need the information that I told you to get. The Commandersays

    with no inflection in his voice.

    We have much information for you, but we would like to know How our investments in your

    ventures are proceeding Tomax and Xamot say.

    Arbco is branching out throughout the states, We have multiple companies opening up to watch

    for recruits and transport goods. The main push of Arbcos presence is still in the southern part

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    of the united states, but we have pushed forward into Denver as well. The commander says as

    he turns to look out the window.

    We have this Destro you have been looking for. You were correct in thinking he was connected

    to M.A.R.S. It would appear that the CEO James McCullan is the arms dealer known as

    Destro.Tomax recited from memory.

    Xamot continued. We have made contact with the one known as Zartan, and his Dreadnoks are

    transporting the supplies of Meth, and other drugs throughout the country.

    Neither of you like Zartan do you? The commander asked after a moment of silence

    No, we can find no basis to trust him past money There is always someone willing to pay


    The entire world is bought in some form or another. I was destroyed because I could not pay

    more than those who bought my life. Now I am no one, and I will shape this world, so it will

    finally be free. Do not worry about Zartan I have bought his loyalty in blood. He will not betray

    us. He also brought me Major Sebastian Bludd. A terrible poet, but he is extraordinarily adept at

    training the Cobra forces. Cobra now is has over one thousand troops trained well enough to be

    serviceable in combat. We are entering the point where we will not be able to hide our strength. I

    want Cobra to be ready to mobilize when that time comes. Is there any word on the island we are

    watching for in international waters?

    None yet, your net worth in legal funds is only 2.3 million. Though this is enough to purchase

    what youre looking for, it would leave too much of a trail even with purchasing it through a

    front company.

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    Very well, I want to hear positive news on this soon, for now I must pay out soon to be a friend

    Destro a little call.The commander said as he turned. I will need a private plane that can make

    the trip to Scotland, I already have a Pilot.

    We will make arrangements. Xamot said moving behind his desk.

    The commander walked out of the penthouse office. There were no cameras or employees here

    to see as he entered into the elevator. Xamot looked at his brother, his exact double except for the

    scar on Xamots Right Cheek.

    Bother I must say again I do not like that we are in league with this man. We dont even know

    his name, much less what he looks like. Xamot said sitting down

    Oh Brother, We do not need to know him, All we need to know is that his money will flow in

    fueling our business. Tomax said.

    His drug money, yes.. We are better than that. We dont need such filthy capital to make our

    grab for power. Xamot said after a moment of contemplation.

    Money is Money, how many people have we killed to get where we are today? How is that any

    different than laundering a little Dirty money at the cut we are getting? I know you do not like

    this brother, but as long as we are together we will rise above all. Tomax said to reassure his


    2 Meet the Royalty

    The night was getting late and all of the guests were still mingling and drinking. It was a good

    day for M.A.R.S. as almost all of these people would be buying something new from his

    holdings. On his left arm, Anastasia Von Stromberg his lover. She was as stunning in her skin

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    tight black satin dress as she was devious. James would have it no other way, and that is why he

    loved her so.

    James noticed one of his guards coming towards him, and he motioned himself and Anna away

    from the guests to intercept him

    There needed to be a compelling reason you are here interrupting James said with anger in his


    Im sorry Liard, but there is someone in your study who wantsto see you. The guard said

    unconcerned by McCullens anger.

    I left strict orders that No one was to be let in except my guests!

    Liard, I know. This man was not let in, he just appeared in your study and said he wanted to see


    Who is he? James now asked, interest peaked.

    I dont know he is dressed entirely in black, but has a red emblem on his chest that resembles a

    line drawing of a cobra. He wears a masked helmet that covers his face. I felt it prudent to inform

    you before we killed him The guard said matter of fact.

    Could this be someone sent to kill you my love? Anna asked an eastern European accent heavy

    in her voice.

    I doubt it, though asking for my company would be a particularly notable way to try and kill

    me. Very well let us go see what this masked man wants. James said and made his exit for a

    short time with Anna.

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    They traveled up the stairs in the old Scottish castle; it was of course fitted with modern security,

    and the further in you went the more deadly the security became. No one should have been able

    to get where this man was without permission, much less anyone knowing about it. Someone

    would pay with their life for this breach of security. At the top of the stairs, James nodded to the

    two Iron Grenadier security guards. James entered with Anna forming an icy trail behind him.

    Standing at the large window that overlooked the bay and a shear 100 foot drop was indeed a

    man dressed all in black with a mirror like face play and a fitted helmet.

    You have one minute to tell mewhy I should not kill you right here. James said to the man.

    Because I have enough explosives in my suit to level half of this castle and it is set to trigger the

    moment my heart beat becomes to erratic, or stops all together The man said with a sigh

    Well that bought you some more time, What do you want I am a busy man. James said

    I want nothing from you, James McCullen, the person I want to deal with is Destro. I am the

    leader a movement known as Cobra. Our goal is to rip the power away from those who would

    abuse it and allow the everyman person to live their lives for themselves.

    Well Mr, who are you anyway? Destro said

    Destro was a different person the James McCullen, he was sure and quick acting. Destro did not

    worry about what was best for MARS because he was not a part of MARS. Destro was a free

    agent that made the deal he wished when he wished.

    I am no one and nothing. The person I was killed long ago when the country I served faithfully

    tried to crush me. Now I am only The Commander. I have no face, no name, no life except that

    of everyone I fight for. Now I need your help to arm my forces. At the moment\, we are only one

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    thousand strong, but we are growing. Every time a disillusioned man woman or child realizes the

    world will never let them advance as it is, we gain a member. The Commander said

    What do you think Anna? Destro said to his love.

    I have heard of this organization, not much they have a web presence though no one knows how

    to contact them. Mainly just viral posters transmitted through cyberspace. I would have put it to

    random fear mongering, but there has been the echo of something larger happening in America.

    Anna said as she studied the man before them.

    You are correct Baroness, I do hope I have your name correct, or at least what you are called in

    the underground circles. I am of course willing to pay for what I need. I have a bag on the floor

    that has four million US dollars in it. I figured that would be an excellent point to start our

    business transaction. I need light and heavy armaments, and someone to show my men how to

    take down tanks. I have Sebastian Bludd training my ground troops, and my own handpicked

    pilot training an aerial group. All I need is the weapons, and your trust to move forward with an

    agreement. The commander said and then slowly retrieved the bag.

    Something was off here. Destro knew something was wrong. He also knew that this could be just

    what was needed to drive arms sales into space. Still this man was not all there; he was a zealot,

    maybe he did not follow a religion, but he was crazed to a cause all the same.

    I will take your money as payment for the arms you requested, but I do not know if I trust you

    enough to do any further business. Destro said flatly

    I understand. Allow me to give you a coordinates for my is in a small town

    called Springfield. If you would choose to come and see what I offer for yourself then feel free to

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    drop in, You will be escorted directly to me day or night. The commander wrote down the

    location of this town and turned to leave.

    No one said anything as he opened the door onto the small balcony. Nor did anyone say anything

    as he looked over the edge. The Baroness only gasped slightly as he fell over the edge of the rail

    down to his death. Only then did they see how he had arrived undetected. A small aircraft that

    emitted almost no sound raised up into view with The Commander strapping into the back seat,

    and a pilot covered head to toe in a red flight suit in front. The aircraft raised a bit more and then

    jetted off into the bay. It was far too small for most radars to pick up, plus the design and paint

    made Destro think it was a stealth.

    Do you trust him? Anna asked

    I dont know, though I think if what he says is true that we do not have a choice. The

    Commander is talking about raising and army, and that is profitable. Letting him squander that

    the army would be stupid. Destro said as he looked out the window

    Then what do we do? He has a sales pitch to recruit most of the world behind, but does he have

    what it takes to pull It off? Anna said in a questioning tone

    He has the pitch to put the world into chaos and take Destros dear Anna along for the ride. This

    Commander was a radical, there was no doubt about it, but Destro had dealt with Radicals

    before. The Commander was different though. He was not just attacking thought up target. He

    was building an army of the disgruntled people with the promise of all the freedom they could

    want. The Commander was charismatic indeed.

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    We will take him up on his offer, one night in a few weeks we will visit his Springfield and see

    just how much substance he has behind him.

    3 A Midnight reunion

    There was no moon to light their way, but the systems Destro work with needed no light to

    travel. The Baroness, he, and 10 of his elite guard would parachute in on this small-town in the

    Rural south of America. It was dead Silent as Destro in a black suit and a metal mask that was to

    symbolize his ancestors punishment for selling arms to the English and French.

    The Baroness landed next to him wearing a tight fitting black leather cat suit and black boots.

    She looked around at the surrounding area. It was late at night, and the streetlights of Springfield

    could be easily viewed in the distance.

    If there is a base here my love, it is the best camouflage job I have ever seen. The baroness

    said as she lowered her MP7 submachine gun.

    Do not be so quick to Judge my dear Anna, this almost seems too perfect a picture of a small-

    town to be real. There is no noise, even at this time there should be something.

    It was then the lights flashed to life. All around Destro and his troops lights flashed to life.

    Destro was momentarily blinded by the explosion of light. Before recovering, he heard a marked

    Australian accent over a loud speaker.

    Stay where you are. The Commander has been expecting you Destro. No one will be harmed as

    long as you all stay calm. Came the Australian voice out of the blackness

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    Destro waited for a few moments. When nothing happened a shadow detached from the black

    and started to move forward. It was impossible to tell who it was. He had on some type of battle


    Well Met to the both of you, I was wondering when you would arrive. Ah Anna how good to

    see you again. It has been a long time since Bosnia. So what name are you going by now? The

    man said

    Yes Sabastian, It has been some time, this time I hope we are on the same side of the conflict.

    Destro my darling, May I introduce you to Major Sebastian Bludd. You may call me The


    Well Destro its good to see you, I have heard much about you, and I have more used your

    equipment more times than I can count. Major Bludd said, but Destro remained silent. Bludd

    went on. I will be escorting you to the Commander.

    What is the Commander like? Destro asked.

    He is a good person to work for. He listens to what I say, and takes my advice. He gives me

    complete control over the troops for their basic training and infantry. I will not talk about the

    Commander any more than that. He is a dangerous man. Bludd said as he walked to the


    There are other branches of this organization? Destro asked.

    Yes, Wild Weasel trains the Air fleet, and a scary Bloke named Croc Master trains the Range

    units. Bludd shuddered as he said the name Croc Master.

    Sebastian you are actually unnerved by someone? The Baroness asked.

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    He is the most frightening person I have seen in a long time. A small man that spends most of

    his time in the water with crocs, The Bloke literally seems more like one of the crocs then a man.

    He would kill and eat anyone along with those damn reptiles of his. You will understand if you

    ever see him. Bludd said as he opened the door for Destro and the Baroness.

    From there the transport of two cars drove quietly through the small city. The Vehicles must

    have been electric because they move in almost complete silence. They turned off the road to an

    underpass, there was a tunnel under the bridge that the vehicles went down to the lower tunnel.

    Behind them the entrance closed.


    Destro and the Baroness walked alone into a room filled with people. The Commander was the

    easiest to pick out as he stood there with an air of control.

    "I'm sorry that the surprise of your visit was ruined" The commander said with obvious sarcasm.

    "How did you know we were coming? "Destroy asked.

    "We have been tracking your movement since you entered American soil. When your Nighthawk

    entered our perimeter we started continuous tracking and plotted out your most likely drop

    coordinates. " The Commander said as he looked at his two guests.

    " That's impossible, or aircraft is invisible to all forms of detection " The Baroness said hiding in

    her anger less efficiently.

    "Techo-Viper 1011, please come over here and show our guests the surveillance of their arrival.

    " The Commander ordered.

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    The Baroness demanded to know how anyone could track a stealth jet that is far beyond what is

    out there now. The female officer looked to the Commander, and he nodded. Destro admired the

    high level of training for protocol, and permission.

    "We have tracked your jet before and were able to isolate it's wake signature and heat output

    from satellite observation. We guessed that any trip made here would start at your weapons

    testing facility. So we set up computers to monitor and alert us when reading matching your

    Nighthawk appeared. " The techno-vipers said matter-of-factly.

    "Now Baroness and Destro I want to show you what our purchase agreement has gone towards.

    Please follow me. " The commander turned and walked to the door.

    As he expected Destro and the Baroness followed closely behind. They walked. Down a hallway,

    that looked as though it could have been in a hospital. There was no mess anywhere to be seen.

    The hallway curved, and the Commander started up a flight of stairs. At the top was a set of

    double doors that lead into a conference room. The Commander walked through the room and

    went through the doors at the opposite end.

    What greeted the Baroness and Destro made them both stop. Below them was an assembly area,

    and filling that area up was rank after rank of Cobra soldiers. To their left, two rows of an oddly

    styled tanks numbering twenty in total. To the right were seven A-10 warthog jets and ten KA-50

    single pilot choppers.

    The Commander was not a madman running a small band of militia troops. He was the head of

    an army that could seize control of a lot of land. The Commander could also easily hold any

    position against a stronger military force. Especially if you figure in the technology that was in


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    "This is about half of Cobra's military force. Our ground forces and the beginning segment of all

    Cobra soldiers are trained by Major Bludd and a cord of selected troops. After that they branch

    off into their specialty training. The air patrol portion of Cobra is trained by a pilot code named

    wild weasel. I would be grateful if you could offer up a candidate to train specialists in tank

    maintenance and operations. There is more for you to inspect, but that must wait. Now I must

    address the troops I have assembled and see to some business before the night is over. Tomorrow

    I would like to propose another business venture we could undertake together. " The Commander

    said before turning and addressing his troops.


    Destro and the Baroness were lead through the underground maze and up through the basement

    into what looked to be a four-bedroom family home.

    "What do you think of the show put on for us tonight? " Destro asked when they were alone and

    had swept for any surveillance.

    " I think no one builds an army who does not plan to use it. What we saw tonight is a dangerous

    environment. We may or may not wish to stay here. "

    "He could do a vast deal even with the troops we saw tonight. And if that is only half of his force

    as the Commander claims, then I fear we must stay and watch over this." Destro replied.

    "I'm interested to hear what this proposal, the Commander has, might entail. If he brings

    instability here, then the rest of the pillars of the world will start to crumble. That means MARS

    will be hard pressed to keep up with order demands. " The Baroness said as she sat down on the

    couch and started to take off her boots.

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    The Commander watched as Destro and the Baroness left.The Commander hated more that he

    needed to trust them now. The ones like Destor and the Baroness always needed their egos

    stroked, and had to find some way to feel that all power was theirs. He held no illusions; Destro

    would betray him and try to take what was his if the Commander was not careful. His old lawyer

    stole his business and his family from him. They also destroyed the car dealership he had worked

    so hard to build. What was worse they did it right after his brother died. The commander knew

    they waited for the who would help him overcome anything to die, then they struck.

    Little did any of those from his past life, his life that burned-out when he dropped the match that

    sent his business up in flames, know was he was in control of their lives now. The Commander

    first came to Springfield because of his son. His ex-wife and the lawyer, her boyfriend, that

    ruined him had moved her. The Commander first simply planned to take his son and run, but

    when he saw the destitute state of this area another plan formed.

    The commander started to recruit people in the shadows to look the other way as drugs came

    through the town. In return, they would be paid. Why should the people of Springfield care about

    the laws of a nation that let them die. Soon the town started to prosper as more people came to

    the mythical Commander for help. He held seminars in pitch-black rooms to show people they

    were one entity with no visible differences. His real reason for the darkness as to protect his

    identity. Soon Springfield prospered and need a front to launder money. The Commander gave

    them Arbco. It was a multifaceted business that transported and manufactured goods. The best

    part is that they could launder any amount of money through shadow accounts.

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    Soon, the Commander all but owned Springfield. They saw him as their savior as the city grew

    and prospered. All the time he watched his ex-wife and her boyfriend lawyer. He made sure they

    did not prosper, as everyone else did. The Commander made sure they knew how it felt to live

    off others charity.

    Finally, the Commander had the lawyer who stole his family and life brought before him. The

    Commander wore a blue single tone uniform with black boots. He wore a blue hood with the line

    drawing of a cobra over the center of our covered face. Cobra's are poisonous and wait to strike,

    as he had waited. When the trembling man was placed before the Commander and begged for

    mercy on whatever it was he had done. The lawyers last look was one of shock as the

    Commander pulled off the mask to show the face of the dead car sales agent to his foe. Then the

    Commander shot the kneeling man in the head.

    The Commander hated this world of politics and powerful money, always killing the little man.

    He was going to change all of it, but he had to go further than changing the government. No, the

    Commander needed to change the very core of people. He needed to change the world to a place

    where politics could never form. Places where the population survived on their own strength, and

    not on forcing others under foot. The Commander world was one where a person went only as

    far as their own ability could take them. Not this world, were sniveling cowards could hide

    behind words on paper. He would change all of it and that change would start frighteningly soon.

    At that moment, a soldier wearing a light blue top and black pants came entered.

    "You ordered to see me Commander. " The range viper said when the Commander nodded.

    "Yes I did Golbus. You have been with me from the beginning. You were there when I killed my

    wife's usurper, and then ransacked his office. I trust you more than most. I trust you enough to

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    say I trust no one fully. You will be leaving Springfield and traveling to Washington DC. You

    might have a travel companion by the name of the Baroness. If so you will keep her alive at all

    costs. Your mission is to kidnap doctor Adele Burkhardt. Once you have her, you will make

    contact with Zartan and Zarana at the same location you delivered d venom, Mindbender, and

    Doctor Pythona. Leave Burckhardt and return here with the Baroness. " The Commander said

    into the silence.

    "Will I have any contacts on site? " Was all Golbus said.

    "You will be tuned into the com channels of the crimson guard and night vipers that will be in

    the area, but you are not to make any contact with them. The military has started to look for us,

    and a leak I put out there will have them in your area. They do not know who we are or why we

    are there, so they should pose nothing more than an inconvenience to you. If they prove to be

    more than expected, then complete the missions by any means necessary. Golbus, you are the

    first shot fired, and after this mission nothing will ever be the same again. "

    The range viper nodded and stood there silently. No question was asked so no response was


    From your knowledge of the troops, is there one in particular that would be quick to say too

    much in the presence of uncertain ears? The commander asked.

    If you mean do I know of any soldiers that are too quick to show their knowledge, yes there are

    a few. A common officer by the names of Jenkins comes first to mind. Golbus said

    Good, while you are in the company of the baroness let her know what I desire. Not everything,

    but enough to bring her into the coils more deeply. I will leave the details of what she learns to

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    you. Just remember if you say too much you are just as replaceable as any other soldier in this

    army. The commander's words burned with the implied danger of his statement.

    I understand Commander. Everything shall be as you have ordered. Golbus responded in a

    military tone.

    The commander handed the range vipers a packet with instruction to memorize everything and

    burn the packet within two hours. The Commander sat back as the viper left. Soon everything

    would begin to turn, and the world would never be the same again.

    Royalty Awakens

    It was late morning when Destro and The Baroness awoke and began their day. Last night they

    dressed in fighting garb, today though it was more informal. One could only give the appearance

    of being willing to go to war for so long before either they must act, or seem the fool. Destro

    dressed in a form fitted gray suit, while the baroness choose to wear skin tight black dress pants

    and a white cotton top.

    As the two made their way downstairs, they were treated to a shock. They came into the kitchen

    and an elderly man and woman were cooking breakfast.

    Oh you two are finally awake, Well go sit right down Breakfast is almost ready. I hope your

    hungry Pa and I love to cook, especially when we have company. The elderly lady said in a

    pleasant voice.

    This is your house then? Destro inquired.

    Yep it is. The commander said we should be expecting company and to let you two settle down

    in peace. We stayed the night over at our sons house and came back here this morning. Hope

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    the bed was to your liking, We have not had guests in a long time. Pa said with a smile as he

    flipped the bacon over.

    Thank you for letting us stay here. You have a beautiful home. My name is Anastasia, and this

    is James. The Baroness said in an almost family acquaintance type of way.

    My names Edna, and that old coot is Jack. Everyone always calls us Ma and Pa though.

    Breakfast was served, and everyone talked about little nothings of life. Much was learned about

    the weather, and Scottland, but nothing of any importance was discussed. Well after the table

    was cleared, and the Anastatia helped clean the dishes, a car came to pick up Destor and the

    Baroness. They waved their goodbyes to Ma and Pa and got into the vehicle. The back seating

    was separated by glass from the front, but still Destro and the Baroness talked in sign language.

    That was very unlike you Anastasia. Destro signed.

    Better we fit in with the locals then stand out, besides there was something about those two. I

    could not bring myself to see them as anything less than doting parents. If this is the world the

    commander wants, then it is something to fight for. Replied the Baroness.

    I do not think the Commander has any care about the niceties of two grandparents. I think we

    are being shown things to draw at us. We are being woven into a very intricate tapestry, but I still

    do not know what the end design is.

    Maybe in the end something will grow out of all of this, that not even the commander could

    foresee, or control. There is always the possibility that new things can blossom from the ashes of

    the old. The baroness signed in small quick gestures.

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    I will not hear of mutiny, and betrayal, when we have not even figured out if we should stay

    here. Destro responded with angry signs.

    I dont think we have a choice. Even if MARS does not supply his weapons directly, with the

    army he is amassing, MARS tech will get to them. Better It be controlled from the start than

    cleaned up at the end.

    I have had much the same thought has been running through my head as well. I think by coming

    here we have been delt into a game without even knowing it. Destro said out loud as his mind

    wandered down the path that they now seem to be following.

    The Snake Charmers Tune

    The Commander was waiting for Destro and The Baroness as they entered into the room. He

    stood and greeted them both and ushered them to a chair. Once seated he gave them both files

    In that file is a report on an island out in international waters. It is currently held by the US

    government, and was originally used as a weapons testing ground. My goal is to take ownership

    of that island through corporate backing of Extensive Enterprises. The Commander finished

    speaking to await the questions he knew were coming.

    This is interesting, but I have reservations that the United States Government will just sell you a

    large plot of land that could jeopardize their security. Destro Stated the obvious.

    No, under normal circumstances they would never even think to do that. My plan will create

    circumstances that are far from normal. This is where I would like your help Baroness. I plan to

    have a team kidnap a scientist by the name ofAdele Burkhardt. On her own she is of little

    interest, but a cobra operative will replace her and then we will have access to her husband who

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    is the real target. Once our operative has assumed the role of Burkhardt her husband will then be

    replaced giving Cobra Access to the most secure areas of the NSA databases.

    There is no way this foolish plan of yours can work. You cant simply replace two people who

    will be tested repeatedly on their own memories! The Baroness Exclamed. .

    I would have agreed with you Baroness, but I know for a fact that Cobra has the ability to

    overcome that problem. We have a team of three scientists who have found a way to remove a

    lifetime of memories from one person and store them in a chip so that nanobots can access them

    for another person to remember. The Commander said calmly in the face of the Baronesses


    Commander please forgive my Annas outburst, but I do share her disbelief in your claims.

    Perhaps if you could show us this process, then we could understand you plan more. Destro cut

    in before the Baroness could counter.

    The Equipment is not here, but I will show you the documentary footage that I have about the

    process. The commander said as he picked up a remote and hit a button.


    The Science of the Damned:

    My name is Dr Cobra, and these are my colleagues Dr Mindbender, and Dr Pythona.

    A middle aged man with brown gray hair introduced himself and two others. Dr Cobra was a

    slim man with a weasel like face, He dressed neatly in a white lab coat and the common blue

    pants of most cobra officers. Where Dr Cobra seemed to strive for absolute normality, Dr

    Mindender seemed to scream out to be different. He was a Tall muscular man with a shaved

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    head and a thin Curled mustache. Mindbender had a pair of slim deeply tinted glasses, and he

    wore a gray stretched shirt with black pants. Covering his clothing he had on a purple lab coat.

    Dr Pythona was a tall female with long black hair, and a thin face. She had striking pale blue

    eyes and pale white skin. She wore a purple jumpsuit with black rubber boots and a white black

    lab coat

    Dr Cobra, Dr Mindbender, and I have found a way to transfer entire lives worth of memories

    from one person to another. It all started with a Mind probe Dr Cobra created to unlock the

    memories of people suffering from amnesia. It was found that the machine could record any and

    all memories in the mind of a subject. Allow us to demonstrate. Pythona said calmly

    The camera moved from the three scientists over to a woman strapped into a chair. She was in

    heavy restraints and there was a gag in her mouth to stop her from biting off her own tongue.

    Around her head was a large metal band with probes that attached to her shaved head.

    This subject is a spy for the united states government, We have attached her to the machine and

    set up the output to show visual translations of the memories we will be recording onto disk. Dr

    Cobra said

    The machine was turned on, and for a moment there was nothing. Then the Woman started to

    scream and writhe against her bonds. On the monitor images of a young girl playing in a pond

    appeared, then she was in school, then she was graduating, giving birth, getting married, and

    more. It was easy to tell that the images were of the same woman at different stages in her life.

    The visuals were disjointed and random, but it showed the life of a woman from childhood until

    she was captured in the bed of her cobra training bunker. Finally the screaming stopped and the

    screen went black. The woman in the chair had blood leaking from every orifice on her face.

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    Of course this process can be made completely painless with the right sedatives and if the

    process is more monitored. This was a prisoner, and she was to be executed with extreme

    prejudice. This was her execution. Dr Mindbender said without emotion.

    Mindbender went to the machine and pulled out a tiny chip, and then said All of her memories

    are now stored on this drive. From here we can use the technology that Pythona and I have

    created to implant this chip into a human host then allow Nanobots to transfer the memories to

    the host as needed. For the purpose of this demonstration though I will insert this chip into one of

    my own Battle Android troopers. This should be a sufficient enough demonstration to show that

    every possible part of the test subjects' memories have been indeed recorded.

    Dr Mindbender walked over to what looked like a black suit of body armor. He lifted a panel in

    the front of the BAT and placed the memory chip inside. He then flipped a switch and shut the

    front of the unit before backing out of the way of the camera. The BATs eyes started to glow red

    and then its head lifted up. Then a voice emanated from the android.

    Where am I? Wh..whats happening. I was in bed, and then.. A womans voice came from

    the BAT.

    From there the BAT became hysterical. It screamed that they had killed it, and that the US

    government was onto them. Eventually it self-terminated .


    The Chains that Bind:

    The room was silent as the video ended. Neither The Baroness nor Destro had any idea what to

    say about what they had just witnessed. Both of them tried to find some way to say that it was

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    Enter the Dreadknauts

    Its a crowded night nameless dive of a bar. The thoughest of the night life clogs the space

    around the Pool Tables and dart boards. Music screams out, but is almost drowned out by the

    shouting of the patrons. This is not a place for normal people. No, this is a place where only the

    strong survive..

    I dont trust this commander, you have got us working for. Dont get me wrong, the money is

    good, but there is something wrong in his head m.

    Never use that name Zarana. My name is Zartan. A man with a brown hood up over his head

    says in a dark mood.

    Why not use that name, it was the name you were born too. Zartan is only a name you stole.

    Sometimes I wonder whether my brother is in there any more, or if your just a collection of

    names and parts. Zarana said with a sad tone

    Hey there Baby, how about you ditch the loser and come back to my play for a real time. Some

    drunk slurred as he tried to grope Zarana.

    Before the Drunks hands can even make contact with their intended targets Zarana is up out of

    her seat with a knife in her hand. She spins the idiot drunk around so he is facing away from the

    table and knows him down to his knees. The Tall lady with the pink dyed hair then pulls the

    drunks arm behind his body, placing this hand on the table. In a Flash her knife slams down

    through the mans hand and imbeds deep into the table.

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    Two other Dreadnoks point and start to laugh , but before they can do much else the monster of a

    man rushes them throwing one With a green shirt stained with oil into into the Wall. The man

    falls to the ground with a groan. His sunglasses are knocked off and face, and he looks even

    more odd with a full black beard and Mohawk. Road pig lifts the other Dreadnok off the ground.

    The man with his shaggy brown beard and hair fights back with punches and kicks, but they

    phase the monster holding him, little.

    Enough, Ripper I told you to leave Road Pig alone. Next time I may let him just kill you. As for

    you Torch, I should let Road Pig finish whatever he is about to do. Still youre a founding

    member so I suppose that counts for something. Zarana says with a wicked smile. Road Pig

    drop him, you have made your point.

    The large man named Road Pig dropped Torch and stalked off into the darkness barely

    containing his rage.

    Zarana looks around and takes into view 30 bikes, It looks like most of the crew that followed

    them to DC and the few hosting them here seem to be in. Zarana chose to start a recruiting drive

    when she could, in this area. With the growth of the dreadnoks, what not have a branch in the US

    capital. Zarana then followed after Zartan through the halls into an office where her brother sat

    behind a computer.

    Any Idea where Zack, I mean Zandar could be? Zarana asked as she sat down in a

    comfortable chair.

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    None. I hate how he just disappears without a word. Zartan said leaning back in his chair and

    pulling the hood off of his brown haired head.

    He learned that from you. You left both of us in the same way. Zandar never got over that. Not

    blaming you, mind you. Just telling it like it is. Zarana said as she kicked her feet up onto the


    Why do you hold so tightly to the past? Zartan asked

    We have been over this, or was I talking to another persona? All we have is each other Zar, and

    we are family. You left Zachery and I when you killed that boy to protect us. We never gave up

    on us being a family again. Zack and I stuck together, and ran away from the orphanage instead

    of being separated. Then we started looking for you. You had already stolen a name and a new

    life. When we found you, it looked like you had no idea who we were at first. In the end though

    we had our family again, but no one came out of it the same.

    Enough, are you ready for your mission? Zartan said after a long silence of looking into his

    sisters pained eyes.

    Yes, though I dont like it Zar. You steal lives and become them, and I act the roll of who I am

    impersonating. I do not like the idea of a microchip being implanted in my head so I can learn all

    the memories of the person I am playing. Zarana said after she saw a tiny shard of her true

    brother in Zartans eyes flicker to life, and then die out.

    The Machine works. I have used it a few times, though I took the memories in by watching

    them. You will not be changed, and when the mission is over the chip will be removed. You will

    meet up with the Cobra scientists tomorrow, and they will brief you on your role as well as give

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