December 2012 The Mustard Seed Meditation for Advent 2012 Paul states that “you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes” each time that the body of Christ partakes in the “Lord's Supper” (I Corinthians 11: 26). Thus the Church of God, when it gathers together to share the bread and the cup, engages in a corporate sermon that looks back to the Incarnation (First Advent) and forward to the Second Coming (Second Advent). What is the substance of this sermon? Paul succinctly states that the substance is the “Lord's death”. Let us consider what that simple statement entails. Behind Paul's simple statement is the necessity for the Word to be made flesh. Jesus had to partake of flesh and blood so that He could die (Hebrews 2: 14, 15). If Jesus was to be the savior of men He had to die, thus He was born in Bethlehem. This birth was “of a woman, ...under the law “ (Galatians 4:4). Born of woman so that He could be and is the Second Adam (Romans 5: 12 17; I Corinthians 15:22, 25). He was born under the Law, so that He could learn obedience and be the “Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the World” (Romans 6:16; Hebrews 5: 8; John 1: 29; 36). Paul makes it clear that all are guilty for all are law- breakers (Romans 2 3: 20). The Psalmist asks the question “Lord, who may abide in your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?” Well might we ponder the problem presented by the answer to the question given the state of man presented by Paul (Psalm 15). Jesus, in fulfilling the Law, fulfills the requirements of the Psalm. Furthermore, Jesus states that He did not come to abolish the Law , but to fulfill the Law (Matthew 5: 17 20). Thus, the one who fulfilled the requirements of being the “Lamb of God” had to be without spot or blemish, in full compliance with the Law of God. The witness of the New Testament writer is that Jesus was without sin (II Corinthians 5: 21; also - Isaiah 53: 6 9). Jesus came to proclaim the Kingdom of God (Mark 1: 15, 38; Luke 4: 43). The proclamation of the Kingdom culminates with the manifestation of the Glory of Jesus at the cross (John 12: 23 27; 17 : 1- 5). Jesus' throne was the cross as Pilate unwittingly declared with the placard in Greek, Hebrew, and Latin. The message to the shepherds, pithy as it was announced that the one born lying in a manger, was the Christ, the Son of David, the one anointed to bear the sins of the world (Luke 2: 11). Thus, as we partake of the bread and cup, we proclaim the Lord's death. But, we not only look back to the Incarnation, ministry, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, but also look forward to His return. Paul instructs the Church that this corporate sermon is to be proclaimed until Jesus returns. There is a terminus to the Church's expectation. As the Passover looked back to the Exodus, so the Lord's supper looks back to the cross. As the Passover was terminated at the cross, so the Lord's supper will be terminated at the marriage supper of the Lamb (Matt. 26: 27 29; Mark 14: 22 25; Luke 22: 17 22) . It is the Church's great Hope that Jesus will come again to gather His people to Himself, the indwelling Spirit being the guarantee (Ephesians 1: 13, 14) . It is the Church's great Joy, that Jesus reigns and we have the privilege to serve Him (Matthew 28: 18 20). It is the Church's great state to be at Peace with God, for Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Therefore while the world around us may be in a tumultuous state, we the people of God may rest (Hebrews 4:1- 11; Romans 5: 1; Philippians 4: 7; Colossians 3: 15). Finally it is the Church's wonderful state to be Loved of God and to be able to be so filled with God's Love that we bless the World until He comes (Romans 8: 31 39; I John 3: 1 3; 4: 5 5: 5 ; John 4: 13, 14). As we consider the substance of the corporate sermon, we need to contemplate the immensity of the cross. The marks of the suffering of Jesus are retained, apparently, for all eternity for the wounds are retained in Jesus' resurrected body ( John 20: 26 -29 ). Therefore as you reflect on the wonder of the Nativity narratives and remember the shepherds, sheep, magi, Gabriel, Mary and Joseph, meditate on the work accomplished by the one born of a woman under the law in Bethlehem. He came that you might have life (Galatians 4: 4, 5; John 10: 10, 11; 20: 30, 31; I John 5: 12). Merry Christmas! Russell Kent

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December 2012

T h e M u s t a r d S e e d

Meditation for Advent 2012 Paul states that “you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes” each time that the body of Christ partakes in the “Lord's Supper” (I Corinthians 11: 26). Thus the Church of God, when it gathers together to share the bread and the cup, engages in a corporate sermon that looks back to the Incarnation (First Advent) and forward to the Second Coming (Second Advent). What is the substance of this sermon? Paul succinctly states that the substance is the “Lord's death”. Let us consider what that simple statement entails.

Behind Paul's simple statement is the necessity for the Word to be made flesh. Jesus had to partake of flesh and blood so that He could die (Hebrews 2: 14, 15). If Jesus was to be the savior of men He had to die, thus He was born in Bethlehem. This birth was “of a woman, ...under the law “ (Galatians 4:4). Born of woman so that He could be and is the Second Adam (Romans 5: 12 – 17; I Corinthians 15:22, 25). He was born under the Law, so that He could learn obedience and be the “Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the World” (Romans 6:16; Hebrews 5: 8; John 1: 29; 36). Paul makes it clear that all are guilty for all are law-breakers (Romans 2 – 3: 20). The Psalmist asks the question “Lord, who may abide in your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?” Well might we ponder the problem presented by the answer to the question given the state of man presented by Paul (Psalm 15). Jesus, in fulfilling the Law, fulfills the requirements of the Psalm. Furthermore, Jesus states that He did not come to abolish the Law , but to fulfill the Law (Matthew 5: 17 – 20). Thus, the one who fulfilled the requirements of being the “Lamb of God” had to be without spot or blemish, in full compliance with the Law of God. The witness of the New Testament writer is that Jesus was without sin (II Corinthians 5: 21; also - Isaiah 53: 6 – 9). Jesus came to proclaim the Kingdom of God (Mark 1: 15, 38; Luke 4: 43). The proclamation of the Kingdom culminates with the manifestation of the Glory of Jesus at the cross (John 12: 23 – 27; 17 : 1- 5). Jesus' throne was the cross as Pilate unwittingly declared with the placard in Greek, Hebrew, and Latin. The message to the shepherds, pithy as it was announced that the one born lying in a manger, was the Christ, the Son of David, the one anointed to bear the sins of the world (Luke 2: 11). Thus, as we partake of the bread and cup, we proclaim the Lord's death.

But, we not only look back to the Incarnation, ministry, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, but also look forward to His return. Paul instructs the Church that this corporate sermon is to be proclaimed until Jesus returns. There is a terminus to the Church's expectation. As the Passover looked back to the Exodus, so the Lord's supper looks back to the cross. As the Passover was terminated at the cross, so the Lord's supper will be terminated at the marriage supper of the Lamb (Matt. 26: 27 – 29; Mark 14: 22 – 25; Luke 22: 17 – 22) . It is the Church's great Hope that Jesus will come again to gather His people to Himself, the indwelling Spirit being the guarantee (Ephesians 1: 13, 14) . It is the Church's great Joy, that Jesus reigns and we have the privilege to serve Him (Matthew 28: 18 – 20). It is the Church's great state to be at Peace with God, for Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Therefore while the world around us may be in a tumultuous state, we the people of God may rest (Hebrews 4:1- 11; Romans 5: 1; Philippians 4: 7; Colossians 3: 15). Finally it is the Church's wonderful state to be Loved of God and to be able to be so filled with God's Love that we bless the World until He comes (Romans 8: 31 – 39; I John 3: 1 – 3; 4: 5 – 5: 5 ; John 4: 13, 14).

As we consider the substance of the corporate sermon, we need to contemplate the immensity of the cross. The marks of the suffering of Jesus are retained, apparently, for all eternity for the wounds are retained in Jesus' resurrected body ( John 20: 26 -29 ). Therefore as you reflect on the wonder of the Nativity narratives and remember the shepherds, sheep, magi, Gabriel, Mary and Joseph, meditate on the work accomplished by the one born of a woman under the law in Bethlehem. He came that you might have life (Galatians 4: 4, 5; John 10: 10, 11; 20: 30, 31; I John 5: 12).

Merry Christmas!

Russell Kent

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Our theme this year “Sacrifice of Praise” based on Hebrews 13:15, 16

“Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of

praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. But

do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well


Advent Events & Worship Schedule

1st Sunday of Advent - December 2nd

Worship Service - 10:30 am

New England Brass Band Christmas Concert - 3:00 pm

2nd Sunday of Advent - December 9th

Worship Service - 10:30 am

Congregational Potluck Christmas Dinner - 4:00 pm

3rd Sunday of Advent - December 16th

Worship Service - 10:30 am

Stämbandet Jul Concert - 5:00 pm

4th Sunday of Advent - December 23rd

Worship Service - 10:30 am (no Sunday School)

Christmas Eve - December 24th

Candlelight Service - 7:00 pm & 11:00 pm

Epiphany - January 6th

Worship Service - 10:30 am

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PAGE 3 “Growing In Our Faith In Jesus Christ & Sharing It With Others”

Movie Night with L.I.G.H.T. Youth Group!

Where: Here at church

When: Friday, December 14

What time: 5 - 7:30 p.m.

Event description: We will be watching "Breaking the Press", a

contemporary retelling of the parable of the prodigal son set in

the world of Texas high school basketball (parents may check out

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1504354/ for more details) - boy scouts grades 6-12 are

invited, plus any similar-age friends or family welcome as well! Parents may drop

off their kids and return after the movie is over to pick them up. Popcorn, snacks, &

drinks will be provided by the youth group. Please tell Keith if you can come no

later than Tuesday, Dec. 11, so we know how much food to provide!

Annual Reports for Stewardship, Diaconate, Pastor and Scouts are due Wednesday, January 9, 2013. Need reports from Stewardship (please include Tellers & Memorial gifts) and Diaconate (please include Christian Ed, Missions, Music and Flowers).

Thank you!

Christmas F lowers 7” pot poinsettia - $9.95 each. Please indicate first and second color choices, as poinsettias

are available on a first come first serve basis.

___ x Red (1st choice 2nd choice) ____ x white (1st choice 2nd choice)

___ x pink(1st choice 2nd choice) ____ x Marble(1st choice 2nd choice)

___ x Jingle Bell (1st choice 2nd choice) ____ x plum pudding(1st choice 2nd choice)

___ x ice punch(1st choice 2nd choice)

The following flowers are limited availability. If you would like to try to arrange for this flower, please order as soon as you are able. We may not be able to obtain the item, and you will be refunded or asked to make other choices.

____ x 6” Cyclamen - $10.50 ____ x 6” Christmas Cactus - $9.95

____ x 10” Multi- color red/white poinsettia - $24.95 ____ x 12” Multi- color red/white poinsettia - $34.95

Please write your honorarium(s) or memorial(s) as you would like it to appear in bulletin on the back of this order form.

PLEASE Make Checks payable to Congregational Church of Wilmington (note poinsettias in memo line)

put money/form in offering plate or to Jenn Coviello by Sunday, December 16th

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The Biblical Alphabet

A lthough things are not perfect

B ecause of trial or pain

C ontinue in thanksgiving

D o not begin to blame

E ven when the times are hard

F ierce winds are bound to blow

G od is forever able

H old on to what you know

I magine life without His love

J oy would cease to be

K eep thanking Him for all the things

L ove imparts to thee

M ove out of 'Camp Complaining'

N o weapon that is known

O n earth can yield the power

P raise can do alone

Q uit looking at the future

R edeem the time at hand

S tart every day with worship

T o 'thank' is a command

U ntil we see Him coming

V ictorious in the sky

W e'll run the race with gratitude

X alting God most high

Y es, there'll be good times & yes some will be bad, but…

Z ion waits in glory... where none are ever sad!

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PAGE 5 “Growing In Our Faith In Jesus Christ & Sharing It With Others”

Red Cross Community Blood Drive

Friday, December 14, 2012-10 - 3:00 pm

Blood Donors needed, walk-ins welcome or to call and make an appointment, 1-800-REDCROSS. We also need volunteers to assist with set-up/break-down, handing out forms, snacks, water & juice. If you are able to volunteer, please talk to Peter James.

December Coffee Hour


December 2 - Stewardship

December 9 - Youth Group/Young Adult

Sun. Sch.

December 16 - Congregation - Christmas

Potluck at 4:00 pm

December 23 - Congregation

December 30 - Home Bible Studies

Hartwig & Sonja Schmidt would like to thank the church family for the wonderful baby shower they put together on

Sunday, November 18th. We were not only showered with gifts but

with blessings and the love of Christ. Thank you so much!

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Fall Fair Proceeds

Fair Proceeds from the Fall Fair 2012 will be donated to help those in need from Hurricane Sandy. EFCA TouchGlobal has sent in teams to assist. Many other EFCA churches have donated monies or sent volunteers to help with clean-up and rebuilding in New Jersey and Staten Island. A demonstration of God’s people coming together to help those in need. Thank you.

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Congregational Church in Wilmington (EFCA)

220 Middlesex Avenue Wilmington, MA 01887


Please notify the church office of any address change. Please help us

keep our mailing list up-to-date. Thank you!

Pastor: Russell Kent Secretary: Heidi Kumm

Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. - 9:00- 3:00 pm

Phone: 978-658-2264 E-mail: [email protected]


The Mustard Seed-A publication of the Congregational Church in Wilmington, 220 Middlesex Avenue, Wilmington, MA 01887.

Editor: Heidi Kumm. The Mustard Seed is published monthly, excluding the month of August, to keep members and friends informed of programs of the church and to report news about the congregation. Deadline for copy: Third Wednesday of the month.

January Newsletter Deadline December 19, 2012