The National Board and the National Staff wish a most Blessed Easter to all Catholic Daughters and their families. May the Risen Christ bring you much joy, hope, and peace during the Easter Season and always. May God always Bless you and your work in CDA. National Officers Shirley Seyfried, National Regent Helene Shepard, National Regent-Elect Olga Samaniego, First Vice National Regent Sherry Nilles, Second Vice National Regent Vickie Feist, National Secretary-Treasurer Father Matthew Kuhn, National Chaplain National Directors National Office Staff Mary Impellizeri, Executive Director Theresa Duran, Administrative Assistant Tom Panas, Public Relations Gigi Barreca Joe Delgado Martha Hamboussi Gloria Linley Brittany Pick All Catholic Daughters will be remembered in a Mass celebrated by our National Chaplain during the Easter Season at St. Henry's Church in Perham, MN. Carolyn Bachmann Letty Calvetti Joyce Ann Fleming Ruth Guidry Jo Hammen Janet Martineau Susan Mone Margi Oller Sheila Storey

The National Board and the National Staff wish a most ... · wish a most Blessed Easter to all Catholic Daughters and their families. May the Risen Christ bring you much joy, hope,

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Page 1: The National Board and the National Staff wish a most ... · wish a most Blessed Easter to all Catholic Daughters and their families. May the Risen Christ bring you much joy, hope,

The National Board and the National Staff wish a most Blessed Easter to all

Catholic Daughters and their families. May the Risen Christ bring you much joy, hope,

and peace during the Easter Season and always.May God always Bless you and your work in CDA.

National Officers

Shirley Seyfried, National RegentHelene Shepard, National Regent-ElectOlga Samaniego, First Vice National RegentSherry Nilles, Second Vice National RegentVickie Feist, National Secretary-TreasurerFather Matthew Kuhn, National Chaplain

National Directors

National Office StaffMary Impellizeri, Executive DirectorTheresa Duran, Administrative AssistantTom Panas, Public RelationsGigi Barreca

Joe Delgado

Martha Hamboussi

Gloria Linley

Brittany Pick

All Catholic Daughters will be remembered in a Mass celebrated by our National Chaplain during the Easter Season at St. Henry's Church in Perham, MN.

Carolyn Bachmann

Letty Calvetti

Joyce Ann Fleming

Ruth Guidry

Jo Hammen

Janet Martineau

Susan Mone

Margi Oller

Sheila Storey

Page 2: The National Board and the National Staff wish a most ... · wish a most Blessed Easter to all Catholic Daughters and their families. May the Risen Christ bring you much joy, hope,

10 West 71st St. New York, NY 10023

212-877-3041FAX 212-724-5923

e mail: [email protected] www.catholicdaughters.org

[email protected]

National Chaplain’s Message

Fr. Matthew KuhnNational Chaplain

Dear Sisters in Christ,Pope Francis has asked us to pray this year

for our brothers and sisters in Consecrated Life. OurAmerican church owes so much to the faithful religiouswho founded and taught in our parochial schools! It hasbeen said, quite rightly, that nuns built the Church inAmerica, one pupil at a time. I myself am a product of a parish elementary school, and will forever thank Godfor the witness of Sister Lydia, my second grade teacher.What would we do without our religious brothers andsisters in vowed Consecrated Life? I pray we will neverhave to answer that question.

Thank you for the work CDA has done to promotereligious life, both through Support Our Aging Religiousand the Labouré Society. Both are causes worthy of ourefforts and our promotion locally and nationally. Yet myheart desires to do more in support of our young womenand men who are discerning a religious vocation.

I ask you to join me in prayer and fasting on the firstFriday of each month this year for the sake of religiousvocations. Our religious brothers and sisters dedicatetheir lives to prayer, so let us set aside at least one holyhour of prayer for them each month. They make vows tosacrifice all worldly gain for the sake of the Gospel; let ussacrifice something each month in solidarity with them.

I know you already do so much and yet I am boldenough to ask another hour and another sacrifice fromyour generous hearts each month. Remember, God isnever outdone in generosity! May our sacrifice bear fruit

in many religious vocations to serve the poor and thesuffering in our schools, orphanages, and missionsaround the world. May our own sons and daughtersconsider the call to model themselves on the poverty,chastity, and obedience of Jesus Christ in ConsecratedReligious Life, and may we be willing to give them to the Lord in this vocation.

Peace in Christ, Father Matthew

Some Highlights:National Regent’s Corner................................2Scholarships .............................................................4BOGO! .......................................................................5New Courts ............................................................6Prayer Requests ...................................................7

Catholic Daughters of the Americas®

MARCH 2015

State and TerritorialOfficers’ Conference

The State and Territorial Officers’ Conferencewill be held this year in Belleville, Illinois, at Our Lady of the Snows, July 16-19.

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.The National Board would really appreciateseeing every State officer at the conference. Wefeel this is not only a great learning experiencefor both new and returning members of the StateBoard, but it is also a chance for you to bond as anew board and get to know each other as youbegin to work together. Look for complete detailsin a future mailing to State Regents.

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Shirley Seyfried, National Regent

Dear Sisters in Catholic Daughters,

I hope your New Year has started out well. It’s hardto believe we are about to enter the season of Lent. May it be one of Spiritual Renewal for everyone.

We have been very busy on the National level. Wewere very excited to institute a new court in Tuscaloosa,Alabama, in December. Then on January 21st , weattended the Opening Mass of the Vigil of Life at theBasilica of the National Shrine of the ImmaculateConception in Washington DC. It was, as always, veryinspirational. In his homily, His Eminence, CardinalO’Malley stated, “In the history of our country, people of faith have worked together to overcome racism andinjustice. Now we come together to be the defenseattorney for the innocent unborn and the vulnerableelderly and all those whose right to life is threatened. We shall overcome.” He went on to say that much of theproblem today is indifference, indifference to those inneed, indifference to the pregnant mother, andindifference to the elderly. He said that the Gospel of Life has to be about loving and helping the poor, whohave a disproportionately higher number of abortions. To evangelize, we must show that we care by bringinglove and joy to those in need.

The next day, we participated in the March for Life.There was estimated to be over 600,000 at the March. The March was lead this year by the students fromShanley Catholic High School in Fargo, North Dakota.They brought their entire student body, plus faculty andchaperones in eight buses to lead the March. Five of thosemarchers were my grandson, Andrew Hollingsworthand Vickie Feist's nieces and nephew, Madeline Breenand Brigid, Fiona, and Connor Smith. Needless to say,we were proud. What a testimony to the value of life!Following the March and our legislative meeting inWashington, we went to Pennsylvania to begin plans for the 2016 National Convention. Then Helene, FatherMatthew, and I went to EWTN to tape two moreepisodes for “The Church Universal” Series aboutCatholic Daughters.

We are very pleased to hear of the institution of severalmore new courts. We hear that many more are beingproposed. Keep up the great work. I am also very pleasedthat courts have begun to send me information and picturesabout their new projects. They will be featured in our nextissue of Share. If you have a new project that you can sharewith me, I would love to hear about it. Remember, eachcourt is asked to start one new charitable project in each ofthese two years. Have you started yours yet?

We are nearing State Conventions so preparation is inhigh gear. Thank you to the State Officers and the CourtChairpersons who are working so hard to have stateconventions that are spiritually uplifting and educationalfor all members. Local Courts, please send as manydelegates as possible in order for your members to beenergized by all that happens at a State Convention.They will come back to your courts with renewed vigorfor Catholic Daughters, and your courts will be morevibrant because of the attendance of your members at the State Convention.

Thank you for the invitations to your StateConventions. I wish I could attend every one, but of coursethat is not possible when we have all of them in such ashort span of time. However, know that I will be with you in Spirit, and I will pray for the success of every StateConvention. A National Officer or Director will attend eachof your conventions. In most cases, it will be your statesupervisor, but in some instances, where two of her statesare having their conventions the same weekend, anotherDirector or Officer will replace your state supervisor. Pleasegive your National Representative a warm welcome.

In addition to all of the CDA news, we are proud to announce the birth of our newest grandchild. Ourdaughter, Christina, who many of you know fromNational conventions, and her husband Gerardo, had a new baby daughter, Ella Lydia, born on January 19th.She is so precious, and we thank God for this wonderfuladdition to our family.

Thank you to those of you who send me yournewsletters. I very much enjoy reading them. It is sowonderful to read about everything you are doing in thename of Catholic Daughters. You really are living out ourtheme “Whatever you do for the least of my Brethren,you do for me.” Matthew 25:40. Thank you for all you doin CDA. May you have a very Blessed Easter and to all ofyou mothers, have a very Happy Mother’s Day.

Peace and God Bless,

Shirley Seyfried, National Regent


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Responsibility and LeadershipHelene Shepard, National Regent-Elect

National Leadership Chairman

Have you ever thought about the relationshipbetween responsibility and leadership? I have alwaysunderstood that the two were linked and both veryimportant. We need to ask ourselves two questions:

1. What kind of leaders are we promoting in our organization?

2. What impact does this leadership have on our membership?

The word responsibility is a noun. It is something for which one isresponsible; a duty, obligation, or trust.

When we think of our State Conventions, we can’t help but think aboutthe word responsibility. This word is important for both the leaders and themembers of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas.

As members of this great organization, we have the responsibility to attend our state conventions to let our voices be heard and to cast our votes for the future leaders of our state. The second part of this aspect ofresponsibility is to support the leaders who will take office for the next twoyear term. It is our duty and our obligation, but it should not be a burden. All members need to be able to adapt to change. Sometimes change can bedifficult but remember growth will be the result of change.

As leaders we have the responsibility to lead ourmembers in the right direction.

• The leader has a responsibility to be committed to the mission.• The leader has a responsibility to know her job.• The leader has a responsibility to set the example.• The leader has a responsibility to focus the board and membership

on the big picture.Cultivating a culture of responsibility in an organization through effective

leadership has several advantages. Responsibility breeds honesty andtransparency. If people know that they will be held accountable for theiractions and that accepting this accountability is a value that the organization'sleadership respects, they will be more forthright about their mistakes.Similarly, a culture of responsibility can foster greater productivity, as peoplefeel more closely tied to the fruits of their labor. Both leaders and memberswill have ownership for what is going on in the state or in the local court.

Be a leader and attend your state convention. Enjoy your time thereknowing that you are assuming your responsibility.

Are YouCalled to

Serve?It is not too late to think

about running for state office.If you look at the slate of officersfor your state and see an openslot, prayerfully considerrunning from the floor for thatoffice. Of course, you can alwaysrun from the floor for any office,so if you decide now that youwished you had submitted yourname to run for state office, it isnot too late for that either. Inorder to run from the floor, youmust submit the following to theState Regent prior to the first rapof the gavel of the first meeting:

1. A statement of Eligibility

2. A statement of endorsementby your Local Court signed bya majority of the Local CourtOfficers, and

3. A written Consent to Servesigned by the candidate.

The delegate making yournomination shall give a statementof your qualifications. The StateBoard determines the amount of time to be allowed for thisstatement.

Please read pages 36-37 of theBylaws for complete information.

Just a reminder, in caseyou missed it in the lastQuarterly, there will beno CDA Lecture onCatholic Church Historyat Catholic University inWashington, DC, this year.

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ImportantNotice About

ChecksThere are new banking laws andrestrictions causing problemswith some checks received at theNational Office. ALL checksMUST be written out ONLY to: Catholic Daughters of the Americas.

Please do not write the word“National” or the name of anyofficer, employee, NationalProject or National Charity onthe “Pay To” line. Our bank willno longer accept these, and wemust return the checks to youfor replacement.Please indicate the invoicenumber, charity or project on the“Memo” line and ensure that thecheck displays your courtnumber and has two signatures.Additionally, please do notstaple the checks to any invoiceor note as they can rip easilywhen we remove the staples.Thank you for your cooperation.

ScholarshipsYouth Scholarships

A $1000 National JCDA Scholarship will be awarded to a JCDA Member entering college in the fall 2015.

A $500 National Scholarship for an 8th grader entering 9th in a Catholic High School in the fall of 2015.

A $500 National Scholarship for an 8th grader entering 9th in aPublic/Private High School in the fall of 2015.

All entries must be postmarked no later than May 1, 2015 and mailed to:Letty Calvetti854 Country LaneIndiana, PA 15701

Graduate ScholarshipsA $3000 first place and a $1000 second place Father Leonard BachmannGraduate Scholarship will be awarded to persons who have completedundergraduate studies and who desire assistance for tuition in order tocontinue studies on the graduate level.

All entries must be postmarked no later than May 1, 2015 and mailed to: Joyce Ann Fleming, National Education Chairman62 Cushing StreetMedford, MA 02155

Campus Court ScholarshipScholarships sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas have beenavailable for Junior Catholic Daughters, youth and graduate students formany years. With an emphasis on increasing the number of Campus Courtsand members in the courts, it is time to offer a scholarship especially for thatmembership.

A Campus Court Scholarship in the amount of $2000 will be awarded for the very first time in 2015.

Policies, procedures, and the application are outlined on the Campus CourtScholarship form, which is attached to this Quarterly newsletter. Theguidelines and application blank can also be found on the Catholic Daughtersof the Americas website www.catholicdaughters.org

The due date for submission of the application is May 1, 2015. Questionsabout the scholarship and applications must be directed to:

Letty Calvetti, National Campus Court Chairman854 Country Lane Indiana, PA 15701

Information on all CDA scholarships may be found at www.catholicdaughters.org

CDA PilgrimageThere is still room on theCDA Pilgrimage to Romeand Medjugorje!

For information about the trip,check out the web site atcatholicdaughters.org and clickon the CDA Pilgrimage to RomeRegistration link. There you willfind details and registration forms.This wonderful pilgrimage, lead byour National Chaplain, FatherMatthew Kuhn, is filling up fast, so don’t wait—we would love to have you join us.

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Priest Appreciation Day this year is June 7th. Please show your appreciation

to your priests for all they do for us.

It is almost spring, and CDA is blooming! Since ourkick-off in August, 10 new courts have been institutedand five more are in the planning stages. Five states have instituted at least one court and are well on theirway to achieving their goal of five new courts for theterm. Several more states have started court developmentteams and are actively searching for areas in which CDAcan expand in their states. If our momentum continues,we should double the number of courts instituted lastyear. Speaking of expansion, we are back in Alabama! We had lost all of our courts in that state, but inDecember we instituted a new court in Tuscaloosa, andwe have another lead in Birmingham! We are so excited!Our dream to have CDA courts in all 50 states is on itsway to becoming a reality.

More good news—members are embracing Bringone; Gain one! I am hearing wonderful reports ofsuccessful membership drives and of individualmembers who are inviting women to come and see. Keep up the good work; in addition to wonderful newmembers, your court could be a contest winner at theNational Convention.

Three things to remember: • We are in the middle of a huge membership drive, but

don’t forget how much you can accomplish with themembers you already have. A court full of womendetermined to do God’s will, Can Do Anything!

• Pray and listen to God together. Service is rooted inprayer. Service is born from a desire to answer God’scall, and CDA service is powerful because women areanswering God’s call together.

• Follow our patroness’s advice, “Do whatever he tellsyou.” (John 2:5 ) Make sure your court is doing whatGod is asking you to do today. We are called to serveall our lives, but we are not always called to the sameservice. If your service has become forced or stale, orif there is no joy in your service, God may be callingyour court to do something else. A vibrant court thatis responding to God’s call with joy is the court thatwill attract others to join.

BOGO! Is Getting Hot!Olga Samaniego, First Vice National Regent

Chairman of Membership and Court Development

“Fun”D: Are You In?

Thank you to all who have sent in entries for the “Fun”D calendar. If you have not sent yours in, it is not too late. There are drawings five days a week for $30 plus holiday drawings for $100 and a $1000drawing on Catholic Daughters’ Sunday, October 18,2015 so you still have many chances to win even if you are just entering.

NOTE: Typo in Share BOGO Ad. Local Court Division Two should read 76-150 members.

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Court Tuscaloosa #2686Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Regent: Invera-Capria Woodon-TaborP.O. Box 2181, Tuscaloosa AL 35403-2181

Court St. Elizabeth #2687Melville, New York

Regent: Kim Sparaco20 Greenhills Road, South Huntington NY 11746

Court Loving Mother of Mercy #2689Brownsville, Texas

Regent: Ella Rios5137 Sugar Mill, Brownsville, TX 78526-3802

Newly Instituted Courts

Please welcome and pray for the officers and membersour newest courts. May they enjoy many years of Unity& Charity in our great Order. Feel free to send them acard of welcome and encouragement.

One Million RosariesFor Unborn Babies2015 will be the 7th year that CDA hasparticipated in this event sponsored by the SaintMichael the Archangel Organization. The threeday event will take place May 1st-3rd. Personsparticipating in this multinational pro-life prayerevent will pray at least one Rosary for an end tothe surgical and non-surgical killing of unbornhuman persons. Please contact your Courtmembers and parish to promote this event sothat the One Million Rosaries goal will be met.You may find additional information on theirwebsite saintmichaelthearchangelorganization.org

National Office E Mails:

Executive DirectorMary [email protected]

Administrative AssistantTheresa [email protected]

For rosters: Gloria [email protected]

For orders & address changes:Martha Hamboussi

[email protected]

For copies of invoices/dues questions:Brittany Pick

[email protected]

For membership Info:Gigi Barreca

[email protected]

For shipping questions:Joe Delgado

[email protected]

For Share: Tom [email protected]

Morality In MediaFounded in 1962, Morality In Media (MIM) is the

leading national organization opposing pornography andindecency through public education and the application ofthe law. MIM is one of our National Charities and all courtsare encouraged to maintain a $50 annual membership. MIMNews is included with each issue of National Quarterly.

Currently, Morality In Media directs the War on IllegalPornography coalition, an effort with Congress to pressurethe US Department of Justice to enforce existing federalobscenity laws.

MIM also maintains a research website about theharms of pornography and regularly directs nationalawareness campaigns to help the public understand theconsequences of pornography and find resources to aid intheir struggles. Visit moralityinmedia.org to learn moreabout their efforts

It is requested that all donations to MIM be sent to the National office with a check made out to CatholicDaughters of the Americas and on the bottom writeMorality in Media where it says “For” or “Memo.” The National office will then forward one CDA check to Morality in Media. Of course, if an individual in yourcourt or the court itself wishes to communicate directlywith MIM, they may do so at any time.

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Prayers Needed

Well done, good and faithful servant —Matthew 25:21Please keep the families of the following deceased in your prayers:

William Rodger, brother-in-law of Second Vice National Regent SherryNilles, passed from this life to the next on January 28, 2015. Condolencesmay be sent to Lee and Sherry Nilles, 711 25th Avenue, Sheldon, IA 51201

Rita Medland, sister of National Director Jo Hammen entered the gates ofheaven on November 21, 2014. Messages of condolence may be sent to Joat 10 Fern Court, Little Chute, WI 54140

Father Clarence Waguespack, National Clergy Consultant during the termof National Regent Eunice Riles, was called home to the Lord on December8, 2014. Condolences may be sent to his sister, Mrs. Claire Amedee at 1711Hwy 18, Vacherie, LA 70090

Mary Ann Rowe, USN (Retired), Past National Legislative Chairman wentto her heavenly reward at the end of December. Condolences may be sentto her brother, Jack Rowe, 42285 Via Del Gavilan, Fallbrook, CA 92028

Charlotte Rossmeissl, Past Wisconsin State Regent, went home to Jesus onJanuary 24, 2015. Condolences may be sent to her daughter, Mary Keller,1016 E. Green Tree Ct. Unit C, Appleton, WI 54915

Also please lift in prayer all those members and friends of CDA who are in need of physical and spiritual healing, especially:

Past National Regent M. Joan McKenna who suffered a bad car accidentwith some injury. She is now home and on the mend. Send her greeting at 25 Edith Road, Framingham, MA 01701.Past National Officer Sally Rytlewski, who is recovering from a fall inwhich she broke her pelvis. We are glad to report she is back at her home and doing well. You cand send her a card at 13324 State Route 31,Albion, NY 14411.Past National Director Arline Rich who had a hip replacement inNovember and is healing very nicely. Send her a note at 16 LincolnAvenue, West Hartford, CT 06117Past National Director Vickie Melanson who had an “update” to herpacemaker. She is feeling great and you can send her well wishes at 18082 DeWolf Road, Iowa, LA 70647.

Enclosed with this Issue:BOGO Contest

Spring Prayer ServiceOperation Morningstar Newsletter

1903 SocietyCampus Court Scholarship Form

Financial Review Form

Liability InsuranceThe liability coverage for all

CDA Courts will be sent to theCourt Regent for payment.

Be sure to save the Certificateof Liability for future reference. Ifyou need to add your Church, hallor restaurant as an additional insuredyou need to contact the name on thecertificate from our insurance carrier.

Outstanding BillsPlease be aware that any court

owing money to either the NationalOffice or your State as of December31, 2014, may not participate asdelegates at your State conventionunless the bills are paid. This wouldinclude dues, supplies, insurance, etc.

The National Office has sent outstatements to those who are pastdue. Please pay all debts on time.

Semi Annual Financial Reviews

A Financial Review Form isincluded with this issue of NationalQuarterly. Please complete afinancial review of your court’sfinances after March 31st and submitthe form to the National Office nolater than April 30th.

Remember, your District Deputyor State Representatives shouldattend your Financial Review if atall possible.

State Court Financial Reviews

All State Courts are required tocomplete a Financial Review eachyear. Please refer to Section 4 pages19, 20 and 21 in the Tools of theTrade. These forms are due to theNational Office before June 1, 2015.

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BOGO!Bring one;Gain one!

Goals: Every member will participate in BOGO! Bring one; Gain one!Every state will institute five new courts!

BOGO!Bring one;Gain one!


Contest Dates: August 1, 2014, to June 1, 2016

Special awards will be presented by our National Chaplain to members who are instrumental in developing courts and/or spreading the word and publicizing CDA!

Award winners will be nominated by their State Regents or National Representatives.

How will you BOGO? For more info: [email protected]

to the courts that brings in the most new members.

First, Second, and Third place awarded in each division.

Division One: 1 – 75 membersDivision Two: 76-150 membersDivision Three: 150+ members

Largest percentage of increase will determine winners in each division.

$200 1st Place$150 2nd Place$100 3rd Place

Local Court Prizes

to States that bring in the most new courts over the requisite 5.

First, Second, and Third place awarded in each division.

Division One: 5 to 20 courtsDivision Two: 21-75 courtsDivision Three: 76+ courts

Tie breaker will be determined by total number of Charter Members welcomed in the state.

$500 1st Place$350 2nd Place$200 3rd Place

State Court Prizes

Page 10: The National Board and the National Staff wish a most ... · wish a most Blessed Easter to all Catholic Daughters and their families. May the Risen Christ bring you much joy, hope,

Reader 1 Lord, do we act in love? Do we knowhow much you love each of us? Do we witnessyour love to the world? When we are faced withdecisions or choices as a group, do we make thosedecisions out of love for God’s people?

Reader 2 Lord, are we joyful? Do we find joy in our work and in our service? Happiness is fleeting,but joy comes from knowing God and knowingthat we are living as He asks us to live. Do welook forward to each new day with excitement?Do we find joy in our court and in our sisterhood?Are we optimistic?

Reader 3 Lord, are we peaceful or are we filledwith anxiety and tension? Do we rest secure inknowing that You are in charge and that we are in Your hands? To we place our needs before You and trust that You will supply those needs?

Reader 4 Lord, are we patient? Do we hurry though our prayers and meetings in hopes to “get it over with,” or do we take time to listen and to be guided by the Spirit of God. Do wepersevere in prayer and expect Your answers? Do we listen patiently when others speak? When we discuss ideas with each other do we do so with open minds?

Reader 5 Lord, in addition to being kind to ourfamily members and our sisters in Christ, are wekind to ourselves? Do we rest enough, eat well, and take care of our own well-being? Do we tryour best to act and speak kindly? When we speakof others, do we speak only kindness?

Spring Meditation prepared by Olga Samaniego

All: It’s spring. It is time for growth and renewal. Lord, you made us a specialpromise while you were on earth. You said, “I will ask the Father, and He willgive you another Advocate [Paraclete] to be with you forever, the Spirit ofTruth…” John 14:16. As we reflect on ourselves and on our court, we ask foryour Spirit of Truth. As we reflect on the Fruits of the Spirit together, help usto know if we are bearing fruit. Grant us your wisdom, O Lord.

Reader 6 Lord, arewe generous? Do we share our time,our talent, and ourtreasure with others? Do we give of ourselves inaddition to giving our money? Do we try to put others first?

Reader 7 Lord, are we faithful? We are not called to understand yourplans, we are only called to be faithful inservice. Do we honor our commitments? Can our sisters count on us?

Reader 8 Lord, are we gentle? If we must disagree or correct, are we mindful of others feelings? Do we strive to speak the truth in love?

Reader 9 Lord, do we practice self-control? Do wepractice living moderately? If we are tempted to shirk a duty or not to take care of ourselves, do we pray for the strength to remain in control? Do we work oncontrolling our minds instead of worrying?

All: Lord, in your mercy you show us what a life lived for You is supposed to look like. As we reflected on the Fruits of the Spirit, you were with us showingus where we are growing and where we are fallingshort. We ask for an extra measure of your HolySpirit. Help us to hear Your voice and to work on ourareas of weakness. Help us to welcome change andgrowth. We trust that as we place ourselves in yourhands, you will transform us daily into your person.Come Holy Spirit; fall afresh on us! Amen.

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Volume VIII, No. 3 March 2015

Catholic Daughters of the Americas®

Operation MorningstarAbortion Funding Is Rampant In Federal Healthcare LawThe Obama Administration is hiding the massivetaxpayer funding for abortion that is in Obamacare.Obamacare contains subsidies/funds for plans withelective abortion coverage.

The coverage and abortion surcharge is nearlyimpossible to find on healthcare.gov and stateexchanges. Americans should not have to spendenormous amounts of effort to find out which plansdo and do not cover elective abortion.

The American people should not be forced tosubsidize others’ abortions.

Because the Obama Administration has failed to betransparent about abortion coverage, the FamilyResearch Council (FRC) and Charlotte Lozier Institute(CLI) have done extensive research and inferred fromthe 2014 GAO Report to piece together as muchinformation as they could for the consumer to makean informed choice about Obamacare insurancepurchases, and is launching their findings onObamacareAbortion.com.

Through their taxes, people who live in states whereplans do not cover abortion are still subsidizingabortion on demand in plans in other states–thiswould never be allowed if the Hyde amendment had truly been applied to Obamacare.

Because Obamacare violates the principles of the Hyde amendment ban on subsidizing abortion,and because Obamacare lacks transparency forAmericans, Congress must enact the AbortionInsurance Full Disclosure Act (H.R.3279) and the NoTaxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (H.R.7). The newSenate offers hope that these bills could become law.

This project is aimed at helping Americans find outabortion coverage in Obamacare plans, but due tothe lack of transparency, we will continue to researchthe many unknowns still present in this data. (fromwww.ObamacareAbortion.com, 2015 Fact Sheet)

Russian Patriarch Says Reducing Abortions Would Solve Population CrisisThe same day that pro-life Americans took to the streets in the March for Life, Russian OrthodoxPatriarch Kirill spoke to the Duma, the Russianparliament. It was the first time a head of the Russian Orthodox Church has spoken to lawmakers in modern Russia.

Reuters reported Kirill called for a deep cut in the"horrifyingly high" number of abortions.

"The idea of absolutely prioritizing the value of freechoice and of rejecting the priority of moral normshas become a slowly exploding bomb for Westerncivilization," he said. "If we could just cut in half thenumber of abortions, there would be steady andpowerful demographic growth."

Russia's population has been declining since the mid-1990s. "Russia's ability to stand up in the face of modern pseudo-values depends to a large extent on the active stance of Russianparliamentarians," he said.

National Headquarters 10 West 71st Street New York, NY 10023

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia

Approved by National Regent Shirley Seyfried

Page 12: The National Board and the National Staff wish a most ... · wish a most Blessed Easter to all Catholic Daughters and their families. May the Risen Christ bring you much joy, hope,

157 Babies Killed Every Hour in United States AbortionsCatholic Daughters took part in the annual March forLife again this year, praying for an end to legalizedabortion in the United States.

Since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision 42years ago, approximately 57 million children havebeen aborted. On average, 3,767 babies are killed inabortions every day. That's 157 unborn babies killed inabortion every hour. Almost three babies are killedevery single minute.

We must never give up hope that Americans willonce again protect the lives of the most vulnerable:the unborn. (Statistics taken from LifeSiteNews.com)

House Passes H.R. 7, the NoTaxpayer Funding of Abortion ActThe same day that hundreds of thousands ofAmericans joined in the March for Life on Capitol Hill,the United States House passed H.R. 7, the NoTaxpayer Funding of Abortion Act which creates apermanent, government-wide ban on abortionfunding, in health care bills, overseas aid, andanything else Congress subsidizes. Currently, the HydeAmendment prevents taxpayer-funding of abortion infederal appropriations bills, but it has to bereauthorized every year to stay in effect.

The bill next advances to the Senate, but if it passes,the President is expected to veto it. (Taken from FamilyResearch Council)

Marriage Reality Movement Works to Restore MarriageIs marriage a thing of the past or is it a universalreality? What happens to children when marriagedisappears? How can people support the norm ofmen and women marrying before having children?

The Marriage Reality Movement (TakeBackMarriage.org) began in January under theleadership of William May. It is a network of people ofall faiths and beliefs who want to work in a positiveand practical effort to rebuild a culture of marriageand family. Concerned about the state of marriagein society, the organization works to reveal the truthabout marriage in simple and practical ways.

How young people understand the truth aboutsexual intimacy, marriage, and family influences thechoices they make in their own lives. The culture isfeeding them a steady diet of information that isdesigned to lead them away from the truth, tocorrupt their understanding about the reality ofmarriage, family and sexuality.

The Marriage Reality Movement first and foremostseeks to “reintroduce” marriage at all levels ofsociety, providing a bedrock of truth for childrenand society.

Members of the Marriage Reality Movement:

• Focus on what people are for, not what they are against.

• Recognize that marriage is a universal reality,integral to God’s plan for creation, but notdependent on belief in God.

• Evaluate every law, every institution, and everycurriculum by how well it:

- promotes men and woman marrying beforehaving children;

- helps young people develop the kinds offriendship that lead to marriage; and

- supports people in their marriage.

• Stand with Children® and their interests in themarriage of their mothers and fathers.

• Are in solidarity with young people who have a right to know the truth about love, sexuality,friendship, and marriage as the foundation of the family so they can make positive choices in their lives.

• Think globally, but act locally by staying informedand learning new ways for revealing the truth andbeauty about marriage in ways that anyone canunderstand. They share insights with family andfriends, and provide messages on Facebook andby forwarding emails. They also form study groupsand distribute literature and educational materialthat reveal the truth about the reality of marriage.Some even make presentation in the communityto alert people of the crisis of the breakdown ofmarriage that is touching every family. Every childis at risk today.

For more information on how your court canbecome involved, visit www.TakeBackMarriage.org.

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Ways to Support our National Headquarters2


Memorialize a needed window at

the National Office for only $1,000• Windows will be energy efficient thus saving money

• Window will keep with the décor of the historicneighborhood

• Receive a Certificate and an inscription on a Plaqueof Honor at the National Office.

Send Window checks made payable to: Catholic Daughters of the Americas with Window of Opportunity in the memo to: Sherry Nilles, 711 25th Ave., Sheldon, IA 51201

Support the upkeep of the

Grand Old Lady for only $1,903• Become a Perpetual Member of the 1903Society• Make a Pledge of $1903

• Receive a plaque and an inscription on the Wall ofHonor at the National Office.

• Receive a 1903Society Pin and Membership Card

Send Pledge checks made payable to: Catholic Daughters of the Americas with 1903 Pledge in the memo to: Helene Shepard,PO Box 455, Washingtonville, NY 10992

Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________ City ___________________________ State ___________ Zip _______________

Court __________________________________________________________________________________________ Number ___________________

Inscription (Max. 3 lines 25 characters each, includes spaces) __________________________________________________________________________


Signature ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Complete this form and mail with your check, made payable to Catholic Daughters of the Americas to the appropriate address listed above.

• Honor outgoing Officers, District Deputies, Chairmen •

• Donate in memory of a deceased member •

• The perfect Mother’s Day gift •

❑ 1903 Pledge❑ Window of Opportunity

Page 14: The National Board and the National Staff wish a most ... · wish a most Blessed Easter to all Catholic Daughters and their families. May the Risen Christ bring you much joy, hope,

Catholic Daughters of the Americas®

Campus Court Scholarship

2015 Guidelines One $2,000 tuition scholarship will be awarded to a member of a Catholic Daughters of the AmericasCampus Court in order for her to continue studies at a college or university. The recipient must be enrolled in a college or university and be a member of the Campus Court.

1. This official Catholic Daughters application form must be completed and returned to the NationalCampus Court Chairman and must be accompanied by the following four (4) requirements.

a) Class registration for the fall semester 2015.b) A letter outlining your reasons for applying for the Catholic Daughter scholarship.c) Your autobiography.d) A letter from the Campus Court Advisor listing you as an active member of the Campus Court.

2. Applicant must be of the Catholic faith.3. Applicant must be a member of a Campus Court.4. Only application blanks dated 2015 are to be used.5. Application must be signed by the applicant.6. No emailed applications, registration forms from the college/university, or letters from the Campus

Court advisor will be accepted. All must contain valid signatures and bear a postmark.7. All Catholic Daughter application forms and required attachments are to be sent to the National

Campus Court Chairman and must be postmarked by May 1, 2015.

2015 Application (Please print or type clearly.)

Name of applicant ______________________________________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________ City ______________________ State _______ Zip __________

Telephone ________________________________________________ E Mail _______________________________________

Name of Campus Court_____________________________________ # ____________ School_______________________

I attest that the information on this application is accurate.

Signature___________________________________________________ Date _______________________________________

All entries must be postmarked by May 1, 2015. Please include all required enclosures with this completedapplication in one envelope and send to the National Campus Court Chairman:

Letty Calvetti, National Campus Court Chairman, 854 Country Lane, Indiana, PA 15701

Page 15: The National Board and the National Staff wish a most ... · wish a most Blessed Easter to all Catholic Daughters and their families. May the Risen Christ bring you much joy, hope,