COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OP RECEIPTS BETWEEN THE QUARTERS ENDING MARCH 81, 1878, JUNE 80, 1878, AND SEPTEMBER 80, 1878-Continped. FOR THE QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1878. 186 8 $1r........... 62 5 ..... . 4.....0. . S......... 1 ......... ........... ...... .......... . ..... . ... ......... ... ... . 1 70 60 4 ......... 48 11 ..... .. .. ........ ... .. ... ..... .... ........ 83 50 87 1035......... 4264 42464 6396 . ...... 5 40 ... . 46499 17 170 7 158 35 6 7477 5 .......... ...... 6 ....... ........ .......... ...... 6 2 38 1873 32770 . . . 31212 44583 24318.::::. . ....... 450 ...... ... ..... ....... 1 1874 39300 $5624 224 96 618 64 337 44'....... 150 615 1875 1,17072 15889 6.666 1,747 79 953 3 .,0 ...... .":::":: 43.702 30 1876 5,17427 722 13 2,88852 7,943 4 4332 78 .......... .. . 0 ..... . .. . ..... .... 12773 18• 941 4.668 52 18,215 03 51.35372 28,01112 14,210 46j $726 94 268 4 ....... I... . ......... ....... I 121,466 70 187 68, 11 . ...... .. ........ ... . .............. 3,5810 $143 44 $8,86700 $8631 00........ 102.556 03 Ded t r 95,231 92 5,c;)5 78, 22,245 67 62,228 89 34,019 58 14.210 46 726 94 3,980 86 143 44 6867 oo 8,63001 oo ....... 253,891 4 doers .................. 1,425 2 111 99 449 88 1,237 17 674 82 494 7 ........ 18 72 .... ... . ......... ....... 4,412 4 diatl during rdart r .. ending oo tom or 30, 1878, to form the re- colts of Troasurror Le.during said quarter .... 198 9 28 9 11 5 12 29 170 a4 .......... - -----.......----- .. ..... 23 53 i94.005, 9 51 5,522 18 $21,909 5, 11,104 01 •5$3.515 10 $13,715 68 $726 94 $35,962 14 $143 44, $a,R1i7 0o 58, ,(31 0j0 ........ 9250n30 43 I, ALLEN JUMEL, Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Louisiana, do solemnly swear or affirm that the above statement is a true and correct abstract from the books of this office for the quarters ending September 30, 1878. ALLEN JUMEL, Auditor. ----- o-- Sworn to and subscribed before me, this seventh day of October, 1878. OSCAR ARROYO, Assistant Secretary of State. IVER NEWS. OFFICE NEW ORLEANR DEMOCRAT. Tuesday. October 9. 1878. Arrivals. 'Isabel. Emma Irvine, Belloe. Mary Ida, Henry '•Tete, Fanchon, it. E. Lee, St. John, St. Mary, ,Bastrop. Departures. Alvin, Rico Farmer. Belle, Eva, Edward J. Gay. To Arrive. Isabel. Alvin, lower coast; Ouachita Belle, Edward J. Gay, Bayou Sara Belle, Rlic, Farmer. upper coast; Eva. Lafourche; Frank Pargoud, Greenville. Yesterday was cloudy and warm. Business very fair. The Trenton is In the Ocean Dock. undergo- Ing an extensive repair; entire new guards are being put on her, besides everything else to put her hull in first-class order. As soon as ready the Trenton will take the Eva's place in the .Bayou Lafourche trade. The Henry Tote brought 71 bbls new molasses. The monarch Robt. E. Lee arrived yesterday from Vicksburg with 3385 bales cotton and will return to-day, as usual. From her officers we learn that the people at some points on the river are taking fresh alarm from the fever. On the Mississippi side she was not permitted to land between the quarantine at Natchez and Stamps' landing, a distance of fifty miles. The Gold Dust. from St. Louis, arrived at some point near Kennerville Sunday, put off a lot of freight and started back. She was met by the Lee yesterday morning twenty-five miles above the city. The Edward J. Gay started on her first trip yesterday. Her skylights arrived by the St. John. and a number of men were busy putting them in. They are very handsome. The St. Mary was turned over to Capt. Joe Dalferes, who came down on her. Capt. Joe in- tends to put her in fine order and start her out a soon as possiboe for the Lafourche. The Fanchen, Capt. H. H. Broad, arrived yes- terday from the Atchafalaya with a fine trip and will return to-day as usual, promptly, at 5 p. fa. Mr. Theeo. Johin htls charge of the office. THE ST. JOHN.-Another competitor for the patronage of the coast trade is at the upper landing, having arrived yesterday fresh from the builders' hands. We refer to the boat whose name heads this article. The St. John is owned by Capts, J. P. McElroy andlE. O. Melancon and was built under the personal supervision of Capt. McElroy, by the famous Blarmore, of ,Jeffersonville, Ind.. to replace the old St. John in the Baton Rouge and coast trade. She is as staunch as good materials and skilled workmen could make her, has an easy, graceful model. with plenty of power to back, it and presents a handsome exterior. Her cabin arrangements are perfect, and we are sure that when a pus, songer cnce enjoys the comforts that abound on her the temptation to try them again will be irresistible. The name chosen for this fine boat is a happy one. It is taken from one of the finest and richest parishes in the State (St John the Bar tist.) given to her predecessor by Capt. W. It. Greathous5. the renowned coast captain, whose death was so sadly lamented at the time and whose memory is still green, and it is a synonym of good luck, a good boat and trips of unexceptional regularity, for never has a boat landed here that was better handled or mad. more regular time than the old St. John. Capts. MoElroy and Melancon are both clear-headed business men, fNo.1 steamboatmen and accom- modating gentlemen, and if they do not suc- ceed in walking right into the affections of their old patrons with the new boat, in short order, it will be something wonderful. The St. John will leave Friday at 1o a. m. on her first trip to Baton Rouge. and until Capt. McElroy, who remained West on business, returns, Capt. Melancon will command. The St. John towed down the hull of the old boat and left it at Baton Rouge. For yesterday's proceedings of the Steamboat- men's Relief Association see our local column. The Ouachita Belle leaves every Wednesday and Saturday for Bayou Sara. The Frank Pargoud will arrive to night, and leave Thursday for Greenville and the bends. We have received a copy of the Marine Jour- nal, edited and published in Cincinnati by Frank Baker & Co. In his salutatory the editor says that the Journal "Is designed to be spe- cially devoted to the steamboat interests of inland waters." Mr. Baker was formerly the river editor of the Cincinnati Times. He is a fluent writer, possessed of any amount of energy and goahoaditiveness, and judging by the first effort, his paper should and will re- ceive liberal support from the steamboat in- terests. Capt. J. M. Tindel Is due to-day on the Bas- troo. Capt. Tindel returns from the Clara S. for the purpose of starting to the Ouachita Sat- urday next the light-draft steamer D. Stein. We have been requested to announce in this -connection that the Stein will take freight for alL.,oints as high as the quarantine will per- eknit, and that Mr. Bud Winburn, her agent. 37 Natchez street, will be happy to give all the in- formation desired about the trip. The Rice Farmer, Charles DeBouchel master, Sept. Toea clerk, leaves daily. Sunday ex- cepted. for the upper coast to Kennerville, at 10 a. m., promptly. The regular tri-weekly upper coast packet Mary Ida, J. A. Ruiz master, Edward Nicolle clerk leaves to-day promptly at 10 a. m. for len 'ureaud plantation. The tri-weekly coast and Donaldsonville packet Henry Tote leaves to-day at 10 a. m. sharp, taking frheight for the Lafourche. with the privilege of reshipping. Capt. J. F. Aucoin commands. The courteous Mr. M. H. Landry presides in the office. The Emma Irvine. E. M. Vallette master, leaves this 3 p. m. for the lower coast to the Greenwood plantation. The Irvine leaves regu- larly and promptly every day at the above hour. The Robert E. Lee. Wm. Campbell master. John H. Mossop in charge of the office, leaves this 5 p. m. for Vicksburg and all way landings. The regular tri-weekly upper coast daylight .acket Belle will arrive this afternoon and re- turn to-morrow as usual at 11 a. m. The fleet United States mail packet Ouachita Belle, in place of the J. W. Cannon, John C. oLibano master, leaves to-morrow at 5 p. m. for .all coast landings through to Bayou Sara. Exchange Cllppings, October 5. Cincinnati Inquirer: Capi. A. J. Montgomery and family, of New ~Orleans, arrived from St. Louis yesterday morning. They will spend the rest of the sea- son here. The new sidewheel steamer Annie P. Silver leaves for St. Louis this evening. She wid go through without delay. Capt. D. H. tBilver is on the roof and Capt. Shields is in the office. Capt. C T. Dumont is getting out the ma- chinery for Capt. W. B. Miller's new Guiding Star, and expects to have it ready to place on board early next week. Courier-Journal: Capt. John Cannon is in the city. We regret to learn that Mr. C. T. Woolfolk, brother of Capt. R. H. Woolfolk. of this city, died in Bedford, Ind.. yest rday morning. The deceased was a good man. ST. Louis, Oct. 4.--The Belle St. Louis left f.r Baton Rouge with all she could take, and tows a lighter to Cairo. The relief steamer John M. Chambers left fIr the South at n a. m. to-day, drawing 4% feet of water. The first stopping place will be Hickman. The officers of the boat are acent M. Yore, captain; L. A. Haynes cl',i Tom Wetzell, mate; Charles Duff. and Gerge Lanawell, pilots; William Shepherd and John Williams, engineers. River stationary. with 5% feet of water to Cairo. Com. B. C. Gray writes Ward & Brady, of this city: "Inclosed you will find draft for $1000, which you will use in purchasing supplies for the Southern sufferers, and place same to credit of Pirteburg. I send it to you because I know you will take an interest in the matter." Capt. Ward invested the cash as directed, and the stuff goes forward on the John M. Chambers to-day. CAInoj Oct, 4.-The James W. Gaff had a fine trip yesterday-all she could carry on the water--for St. Louis. The Osceola Belle had a good cargo of cotton for St. Louis, The Hard Cash had cotton piled up on her as high as it could be stored, for St. Louis. She had also a lot of freight and people for this port, but neither the Hard Cash nor Osceola Belle were permitted to land, because they came from the outh. MARINE ISEWS. OFFICE NEW ORLEANS DEMOCRAT, October 8, 1878. Cleared Yesterday. Ne clearances at the Customhouse yesterday Arrived Fr bark Angelique, Burel, 56 days from Bordeaux. in ballast, to F Larne-2d dis BTEAMBOATS, Robt E Lee, Campbell. from Vicksburg St John, Melancon, from Cincinnati Fanchon, Broad from Washington Mary Ida, Ruiz, from Upper Coast Henry Tote, Aucoin. from Thibodaux Belle, Comstock. from Grove Plantation Si Mary. Brown. from Bayou Sara Isabel, Bassett, from Lower Coast Below- -omlu Up. Ship Caledonia. Potter, from Bath, Me, to J R War nor &co- Imports UTILLA-Per schr Jennie Wood-150,000 cocoa nuts 25,000 plantains 250 bunches bananas 8 bbls limes S Oteri & Bro-$4000 in specie L Vilger Reselpts of Produce VICKSBURG-Per steamer Robert E Lee-I 918 bales cotton 8 B Newman &co-475 Meyer, Weis &co -257 H Allison &co-156 J L Harris &co 146 Payne, Kennedy &co-142 A Moulton--lj4 Graham, Black & co-134 T L Airev &oo-98 Clapp Bros &co-73 Ben Gerson-72 Lehman,Abraham &co--55 J M Franken- bush-55 S Gumbel-54 Bickham & Moore-51 Rich. ardson & May-49 Moses Clark-45 Vaiden, Hawkins & Roberts-45 Gardner, Gillespie &co--38 Richard Flower &co-33 Nor cood & Richards----33 Nalle & Cammack-32 O L Walmsley &co--S8 Avondano Bros -25 Jurey & Gillis--24 H & C New inn----19 W A Peale-18 S O Thomas &co-17 Kciffer & Gardner- 17 Gwyn & Dyer-16 Buckner &co----16 Kirk atrick &co-15 Stewart Bros &co-14 March & Shlenker-i2 Cyrus Bussey-10 Jno Chaffe & Sons--9 W C Black &co-7 John I Noble-7 I Bloom &co--7 McGehee. Snowden & Violett-6 G W Sentell &co--6 Chaffe Hamilton & Powell--4 Hyman & Lichtenstein-4 Chas Gallagher--3 Clalborne &co-3 F Walker-2 H J Levy--2 D Cowent &co-2 T A Gleason--2 Doize &.co-i Renshaw, Cammack &oo---14j8 sacks cotton seed N O Cotton Seed Association--5 sacks seed cot- ton J L Harris &co-2 do G W Sentel &do---12 H Groebel-3 Meyer, Weis &oo -3 Nalle & Cammack- 700 racks oilcake T L AJrey &oo--34 kegs butter to Schmidt & Ziegler-1 sack wool J M Latimer &co -2 beeves U; Mehle &co-sundries to order--Total 3385 bales cotton 1438 sacks cotton seed 25 sacks seed cot- ton 700 sacks oalcake CCICINNATI-Per steamer St John-138 sacks oats 87 sacks corn 3.0 bbls meal Joe West & co-300 boxes candles W H Mathews & Bro-50 bbls meal C H Lawrence &co-- 300 do Vairin & Mortimer- 120 bbls flour Schwabacher, Frowenfeld & Pfeiler-200 bbls lime A Vizard--3 pails lara 140 sacks oats C T Buddeeke & Son-100 bbls flour Miller, Grigsby &co -25 cases jellies Lochte & Cordes-37 pkge mdse E C Palmer &0o--16 half bble pork 25 half bbla whisky 8 pkgs butter Schwabacher & Hirsch-10 bbls vinegar 15 hf do 25 bbls whisky Schmidt & Ziegler-10 do D Moriarty--20 bbls oil Stauffer, Macready &oo---100 idle iron M Schwartz & Bro-26 bbls whisky Wang & Cottam-30 do R F Theurer-- plgs Irdse J Miller 100 cases jellies Burke & Thompson--10 bales broom corn M McGraw-25 bbls whisky Widow B Riebl- 250 bdls paper Stouts myer & Judson--10 half bbla whisky Flasbpoller & Becker--18 pkgs mdse G Grande-25 bbls whisky F Hollander-lo do F Join- ville-60 pkge mdee H N Soria-30 tea lard John T Moore &co-lot mdse J Schwartz---5 pkgs mdse E Conery & Son-6 pkgs eggs Grove & Wildormann-2 pkge mdse Nalle & Cammack-1 Jno Chaffe & Sons- 3 C G Wayne-I J Dutr. -20 str E J Gay-3 Leonard & Maxwell-21 Kursheedt & Bienvenu-3 head stock C L Walmeley &co--i hhd tobacco Gunther & Ste- venson 75 bales cotton Lehman, Abraham &co--33 S Gumbel-28 J L Harris &co----10 John I Noble-9 Forstall & Jumonville- 6 S C Wilkerson--4 Jno Chaffe & Sons-large lot furniture sundries to order -Total 165 bales cotton BAYOU SARA-Per steamer St Mary-184 bales cotton J L Harris &co-181 Lehman, Abraham &co- 12 Meyer, Weis &co-88 S Gumbel-56 H & C New- man-54 Clapp Bros &oo-44 Norwood & Richards- 26 Richardson & My--'22 Bush & Levert-19 S Hen- derson-19 Payne. Kennedy &oo-12 McGehee,Snow. deni& Violett-ll order J JBrown-10 John I Noble -7 W C Black &co--7 J W Burbridge &co----6 Ar Miltenberger & Pollock-5 Gardner. Giliesple &co-4 Conger & Kelly-4 E J Gay &co--3 Foretell & Ju- monville-3 H J Levy---- March & Schlenker-3 Bickham & Moore-2 Keiffer & Gardner-2 Jurey & Gillies-2 Hirsch, Adler &co-2 Richard Flower &co- 1 Nalse & Cammack-1 Chas Gallagher- 178 sacks cotton seed N O Cotton Seed Association--l100 do H Groebel-sundries to order--Total 903 bales cotton 278 sacks cotton seed WASHINGTON-Per steamer Fanchon-166 bales cotton Lehman, Abraham &co- 107 J W Burbridge &co-100 Nalle & Cammack-44 Payne. Kennedy &oo -41 Mever, Weis &co-41 8 O Thomas &co-38 Nor- wood & Rtiohards--8 Clapp Bros &oo-s6 Ben Gerson -26 Bush & Levert--24 Forstall & Jumonville-20 P Casse-18 C A Philllppi &co- 17 Renshaw, Cam- mack &oo-14 Ber.ud & Gibert-12 H & C Newman -12 G W Sentell &co--11 John I Adams &co--9 Warren, Atkinson &co-7 Jno T Hardie &o-6 Jno Chafe & Sons-6 A A Mouton--6 R T Buckner & Bro-5 J Claverie jr-5 A Tertrou-4 Heiffer & Gard- ner-4 Schmidt & Ziegler-4 L Laosssagne--3 W H Letchford &co-3 J M Dowling-3 Meyer Well- 2 E H Keep-2 P L Cusach-2 John T Moore &co-1 Rob- ert Hare-I Thos Simms & Levy-:- sacks seed cotton Nalle & Cammack-2 do Robert Hare-2 do Chopin's Ginnerg--15 hides I bbl wax 3 coops poultry 59 pkgs eggs P Casse-2 do 62 hides J Claverie jr-90 Meyer Well-27 do 22 sacks rough rice 5 coops poultry 30 pkga eggs Rykoski & Manade-6 do Schmidt & Zeig- er-4 do coop poultry L Surle &co-3 pkge eggs L Medal-219 head cattle Aycock, Mitchell &co-54 do C Mehle &co-29 do J A Bandier-sundries to order -Total 818 bales cotton 7 sacks seed cotton 22 eacks rough rice 30"2 head cattle UPPER COAST-- Per steamer Mary Ida--490 sacks rough rice Allen & Syme-485 Joseph Vignes- 94 Lange & Legendre-82 T B Stamps-32 American Rice Mill-30 W E Bepp-25 bales hay Jas Regan- sundries to order-Total 1231 sacks rough rice GROVE PLANTATION- Per steamer Belle--7 hhds sugar Richard Milliken-5 do J W Bnrbridge &co-347 sacks rough rice Allen & Syme-31 Kip & Ruch-16 Sieward & Thompson-sundries to order- Total 1-2 hhds sugar 394 sacks rough rice THIBODAUX-Per steamer Henry Tte--71 bbls new molasses Delgado &co----8.7 sacks rough rice to Lange & Legendre--50 sacks corn P T Mitchell-3 hides Hay & Mehle-sundries to order Total 71 bbls new molasses 827 sacks rough rice 50 sacks corn LOWER COAST-Per steamer Emma Irvine--51 sacks runeh rice J s Kent &dco----97 do Thompson Rice Mill-O95 do Kip & Ruch-s indries tJ order- Total 41- sacks rough rice LOWER COAST-PerIsteamer Isabel----60 sacks rough rice Sieward & TI m >son----48 do Bush & Le. vert--andries to order- TO al i0 sacks roungh rice Receipts at the New Basin Hope Villa-Per steamer Alice-38 bales cotton to Renshaw, Cammack &co-21 H Allison &oo-7 J W White-3 A Bsbin-3 Beraud & Gibert 2 H C Poer ter &co-2 J W Burbridge &o--20 sacks seed cotton A L Chsppin-120 sacks cotton seed N O Cotton Seed Association-2 coops poultry 4 boxes eggs L Scho.a- mer-5 do 2 coops poultry Forcheimer Bros-50 cords wood Money & Marcy-sundries to order -Total 76 bales cotton 20 sacks seed cotton 120 skse eotton seed Tangipahos -Per steamer J C Gault---lot eggs to order Paeoagoula..Per echr Walter Denny- 45,000 feet lumber to H Buddig Wolf River-Per sohr Elba-28,000 feet lumber to H Ruddig Pearl River-Per echr Leander Jsne--55,000 feet :umber to J W Adams Wolf River-Per achr Simon Goslin -35,000 feet lumber to J L Nevers Wolf River-Per echr Oaleas--17,000 feet lumber to order Pearl River- Per echr Lillie Schmidt--45,000 feet lumber to order Biloxi-Per echr Normandie--1200 bbls 3harcoal to master Tohefuncta River-Per schr La Belle-15,000 bbls charcoal to master Pearl River-Per sechr T J Emler- 35 cords wood to master Springfield-Per sochr Lillie Simms--20 cords wood to master Receipts at the Old Basin Pearl River-Per schr Try Again-30,000 feet lum- ber to order Bayou Lacombe-Per schr Adolia-16 cords wood mar ter Pass Manchae-Per schr Pomme d'Or- 25 cords wood to mister Pasoagoula-Per sohr Olivia-1400 bbls charcoal to master Horn Island-Per achr Victoria- 300 bbls sand to order Blind River--Per schr Surprise No 2--20 cords wood to master BY RalIroads. OHIOAGO ST LOUIS AND NEW OBLEANS RAILROAD October 7-115 bales ootton Payne, Kennedy &co- 90 Richardson & May-85 Hyman & Lichtenstein-69 Lehman, Abraham &oo-55 Chaffe. Hamilton & Pow. ell-44 Jno T Hardie &co-39 Biokham & Moore-36 J L Harris &co--23 Warren, Atkinson &co-20 Allen Nugent &co--19 T L Airey &do----19 S Gumbel 16 Jno Phelps &co-16 J W White--15 C L Walmslev &co-13 S Henderson--10 H & O Newman-8 Beadles Wood &co-8 Moore & Coleman-8 Jno Chaffe & Sons -8 Britt m & Mayson-7 Keiffer & Gardner-6 order -5 Yale & Bowling-4 Allsn, West & Bush-2 Gard- ner, Gillespie &cqd-2 Nalle & Cammack-2 F Walker -1 Meyer, Wels &oo--25 bbls whisky J G Spor--5 do S Herman--5 pkge tobacco S Hernsheim &IBro--5 tierces shoulders Lochte & Cordes-5 do J Nelson & co-35 bxa nears 5 bxs p:ums S Oteri & Bro-29 bbles apples E F DelBondio-3 boxes bacon Vose Bros-10 tierces hams Zuberbier & Behan-180 bbls oil order- 60 do 9 empty bbls Insurance Oil Tank Co-502 pkgs beer F Hollander-160 no J Ziegler----18 crates cab- bage 2 car do J Bertncci &co--4 cars stock Aycock, Mitchell &co--2 do R M Flautt-2 do Leonard & Max- well-1 do J Levy--30 bbls apples Berry &co----16 boxes bacon W II Mathews & Bro--2 boxes eggs 30 bbls ppples Miller & Meyer-100 do 8 crates cabbage Chas Pleasants-25 hf bbls pork 7 hhds bacon Schwa- bacher, Frowenfeld & Pfeifer--54 pkgs butter C H Lawrence &co-17 do 21 boxes bacon 20 tierces hams 22 bxe meat Schwabacher & Hlrson-sundries to or- der-Total 745 bales cotton IOBRGAN'S LOUISIANA AND TEXAS RAIL- ROAD October 7-27 bbls molasses John Calder- -3 bbls sugar Joseph Vignea--34 bales moss J A Bourg--50 do F P Sevin-20 V H Bernard- 2 J M Walsh-2 E Odell--sundries to order NEW ORLEANS AND MOBILE RAILROAD October 7-637 bales cotton Ranger, Fatman &co- 330 do Decan &co-2 hhds tobacco Jno E King &co-- 2 cars lime Forstall & Larose-200 bbls do S Jamisoni -100 do W P Converse ir &co-87 bbls rosin 49 bbbis turpentine Simpson & Tricon--sundries to order- Total 937 bales cotton 2 hhds tobacco LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY - AND - ricul url and Me hkni l co1 e BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA. MILITARY ORGANIZATION. The nineteenth session begins October 5 next, and ends July 4, 1879. A faculty of eight professors, good library, apparatus and museums, extensive course of literature and science; tuition free; board, lodging, washing fuel, lights and medical fee $15 a month ; text books and stationery s10 a ses- sion ;uniform clothing about $22 for dress suit of West Point gray cloth $15 for fatigue suit of same material, and $2 for cap of dark blue cloth. Total expenses in every respect for session of nine months not exceeding $2o0; payable $20 on entrance and $2o at close of each month, making throughout the session of nine months ten equal payments of $20 each. Cadets can enter and withdraw at any time during the session. They will be charged only from date of entrance and for time of attend- ance. Cadets can find good boarding in the city of Baton Rouge at rates essentially the same as those above given for maintenance in the Uni- versity building. MILITARY EXERCISES obligatory on all students or cadets. Those who are quartered in the University building are constantly, day and night under military discipline. Cadets who board and lodge in Baton Rouge are subiect to military discipline only while they are performing their daily du- ties at the institution. RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTIONS. Catholic and Protestant. given in the Uni- versity, and on Sundays cadets will be required to attend the churches in Baton Rouge, desig- nated by their parents. Granted that this institution is capable of educating the youths of Louisiana. why should parents spend half as much in mere traveling expenses to and from institutions in other States as would pay all the expenses of their sons here for a whole session of nine month? For further information address jy25 9ot D&W D. F. BOYD, President ON OCTOBER 1 WE WILL REMOVE TO THE LARGE AND COMMODIOUS STORE, NO. 34 TCHOUPITOULAS STREET. We have on hand a large stock of CALIFORNIA CLARETS. WHITE WINES, PORT ANGELICA, ETC. - ALSO - Island Queeeln Chaunpagne, SWEET AND DRY CATAWBA. OPORTO. SHERRY, ETC., all of which we will sell at low rates'on account of removal. SHROPSHIRE & CO., se8 18 South Peters street. BTEAMBOATS. OPELOVUSAS. REGULAR UNITED STATEt MAIL PACKET. Leaves every TUESDAY, at r p. m. FOR WASHIRGTDON. OPELOU- sas, Port Barre. 81mmsoort, Church- ville, and all landinge on the Coast. Atchafalaya River and Bayou Courtableau-The new, light draft steamer FANCHON, H. H. Broad master, T. Jobin. clerk, will leave as above. For freight or passage ap- ply on board or to BRIITTON & EPPLER, 52 Gratier street. GEO. D. HITE, 54 Gravier st. ocs tf MUNICIPAL ADVERTISEMENTS. PROCLAMATION. MAYonRALTY OF NEW GLEANs, ) New Orleans. October 7, 1878. Whereas, his Excellency, Francis T. Nicholls. Governor of Louisiana, has issued his procla- mation.setting apart WEDNESDAY, the ninth instant, as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer throughout the State: Now, therefore, I, EDWARD PILSBURY, Mayor of the city of Now Orleans, do unite in recommending to the good people of this city to close their places of business and abstain from their usual avocations on that day, and in their resoctive places of worship that they join in the appeal to the Most High that in Ilis own good time He would stay "the pestilence which walketh in darkness and wasteth at noonday," and that they Invoke His choicest blessings upon the people of those United States, who, with one heart, without stint and without measure, have poured out their treas- ures in aid of our grief-stricken communities. Given under my hand and seal, at the City Hall, this seventh day of October, I78i. oc0 at ED, PI'ISBURY, Mayor, PROPOSALS FOR LIGHTING CITY WITH OIL. DEPAcRTMENT OF POLIOs, Administrator's Office, Now Orleans, October 3, 1878. Sealed proposals addressed to the undersigned will be received at this office until SATURDAY NOON. the nineteenth instant, for lighting, extinguishing, cleaning and keeping in repair, etc., the lanterns, lamps, etc., in those portions of the city of New Orleans lighted with oil, for a term of two years, in accordance with speciflca- tions on file in this department. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All parties making proposals for this contract are required to deposit with the Administrator of Finance, as an evidence of their intention to abide by the adjudication, the amount of one thousand dollars in cash, which shall be for- felted to the city in case of failure to sign the contract. Bidders to whom the contract is not awarded will have their deposits returned to them on the day the adjudication Is made. No bids will be received unless accompanied by the certificate of the Administrator of Fi- nance, certifying that the required cash deposit has been made. Proposals to be indorsed "Proposals for light- ing, extinguishing, cleaning and keeping in re- paeir, etc., the lanterns, lamps. etc., lighted with oil," and addressed to the undersigned. Bids to be made at so much per lamp per an- num, cash. ROBT. E. DIAMOND, 004 t19 Administrator. NOTICE. DErA•ITMENT OF CoMMERcE, CITY HALL, New Orleans September 25. 1878. Whenever it becomes necessary to REMOVE any of the OFFICES OF REGISTRATION from their present location, appliMation for said removal must be made to this department, according to the provisions of ordinance No. 4677, Administration Series, approved Septem- bher 17.1878. CHARLES CAVANAC. sec2 Administrator of Commerce. PREMIUM BONDS. DEPARTMEINT OF FINANCE, City Hall, New Orleans, September 21. 1878. The Twelfth Quarterly Allotment of Premium Bonds will take place in the office of the Ad- ministrator of Public Accounts on TUESDAY, October 15, 1878, at 10to o'clock a. m., at which time forty series will be drawn. CHAS. CAVANAC. se22 td Administrator ad interim. OFFICES OF REGISTRATION. MAYORALTY OF NEW ORLEANS, City Hall, August 30, 1878. The following mentioned localities have been selected for offices of registration in the dif- ferent wards of the city, viz: First Ward-No. 182 Annunciation street, be- tween Terpsichore and Robin. Second Ward-No. 244 Carondelet, between Delord and St. Joseph streets. Third Ward-Corner Common and Robertson streets. Fourth Ward-Rampart, corner of Conti street, Fifth Ward-Rampart, corner of St. Ann street. Sixth Ward-No. 189 Hospital, near Burgundy street. Seventh Ward-Corner of Laharpe street and Gentilly Road. Eighth Ward-Corner of Greatmen and Poet streets. Ninth Ward-Corner of Greatmen and El. mira streets. Tenth Ward-Corner of Magazine and Jack- son streets. Eleventh Ward-Corner Washington and Magazine streets. Twelfth Ward-Corner of Tchoupitoulas and Louisiana Avenue. Thirteeth Ward-Corner of Magazine street and Bordeaux. Fourteenth Ward-Magazine, between Peters Avenue and Octavia street. Fifteenth Ward-At the Algiers court-house. Sixteenth Ward-Court-house. Seventeenth Ward--arner of Second and Jefferson streets. ED. PILSBURY. au30 60t Mayor. OPENLING OF REGISTRATION OFFICES. R9EGISTRA OF VOTERS, PARISH o0 ORLEANS. I New Orleans. August 30. 1878. The different registration offices will be opened on MONDAY, September 2, 1878 at 12 o'clock m.. and every day thereafter from 8 o'clock a. m. to 12 o'clock m., and from 1:30 p. m. until 7 D. m., Sundays and legal holidays ex- cepted, until MONDAY, October 21, 1878. at 7 o'clock p. m. J. O. LANDRY, au30 6st Registrar, Parish of Orleans. REAL RUSSIAN CRASH. WE HAVE JUST BECEIVED A FULL LINE - OF - TILE A.BOVE GOODS, WITH AN ASSORTMENT OF Bath and other Towels. DI I H.I. HOL1ES, 155 Canal and 15 Bourbon Sts. 0028 1C BRANCH, CROOKES & CO., SAW MANUFACTURERS, - DEALERS IN - MILL ANDIPLANTATION SUPPLIES, a3 ....... ,,,.•ravier street...,......... 13 jv 2dDt STZAMBOATU. MEMPNIS. NEW OBLEANS AND MEMPHIS PACKET LINE. REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKETS HENRY FRANK, Capt. J. F. Hicks. Alf. Grissom clerk. CHAS. P. CHOUTEAU, Capt. W, H. Thorwegan, Geo. Miltenberger clerk, * T THE ABOVE NEW AND LARGE boats will run regularly the entire season between New Orleans and MemDhis, leaving every WEDNESDAY at a p.m. Coast town and bend freights solicited and prompily attended to. Passenser ac"vmmodatlons FIRST CLASS and RATES LOW. BROCKETT & CARTER, Agents, au25 tf 8s Msgazine street. VICKifSlR ,. GREENVILLE AND BEWDs. UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET, Leaves every TUESDAY at 5 pm.m SFOR VICKSBURG. NATOREZ DIavis' Bend and Intermediate land ings-T1"" steamer ROUST. E. LEE, William Campbell, master, John H. Mossop, clerk. leaves as above, connecting at Vicksburg with Parisot's Line for all points on the Yazoo, Sun. flower. Deer Greek and Tallahatchie, C. G. WAYNE _GEO. D. HITa, Agents, UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET. FOR GREENVILLE VICKSBURG AND THE BENDS. Leaves every THURSDAY at 5 . m. FOR GREENVILLE. VICKSBURG and the Bends-The fine and fast passenger packet FRANK PAR•OUD, J. M. White master Curt. Holmes clerk, connecting at Vicksburg with Parisott's Line for all points on Yazoo and Tallahatchie rivers. Boat reserves the right to pass all landings that the captain may deem unsafe, JANNEY & WORK, 9014 tf R. W. ADAMS. BSATURDAY VICBBUBG UNITED STATEZg MAIL PAOKET, Leaves every BATURDAY. at a. , m, , FOR VIOKSBUBG, DAVIS' BEND Natchez and all intermediate land- ings-The passenger packet NATCHEZ. T. P. Leathers master, J. F. Muse, clerk. connecting at Vickshprg with the Parisot Line for Ysazoo. Tallahatchile and Sunflower rivers and with Anchor Line for Memphis. Cairo and St. Louis. This boat reserves the right to pass all land- ras that the Captain may consider unsafe. For fregt or assae apply n board. or to JAN EY WORK 06 Common street, J. E. CARLIN. 17 Tchoupitoulas st. BAYOU SARA. BAYOU SARA SEMI-WEEKLY UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET. FOR BAYOU SARA, WATERLOO, Hermitage, Port Hudson. Lobdell's Store. Baton Rouge. Plaquemine and Postoffce landings--Steamer EDWARD J. GAY, J. J. Brown master, S. S. Streak. clerk, Leaves every MONDAY and FRIDAY at 5 D. m. returning every WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY. For freight or passage apply on board or to J. E. CARLIN, 17 Tehoupltoulas at. y31 JANNEY & WORK. Io6 Common st. P. S.--Will ay particular attention to the Bayou Lafourche business of Capt. Joe Dal- feres. REGULAR SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU SARA AND ('OAST PACKET. UNITED STATES MAIL. Leaves every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 5 . m. FOR BAYOUm SARA WATERLOo, Hermitae. Port Hlckey, Baton Rouge, Plaquemine and way land. inas-The fast and splendid assonger steamer OUAClHITA BELLE. (In place of the John W. Cannon). John O. Libano, master, Thomas Howard, clerk Leaves as above, returning down the cors{ MONDAY and every FRIDAY. For freight or passage apply on board or to GEO. D. HITE. 54 Gravier at. BRITTON & EPPLEIs, trs (travier at. LORD & MoPEAKE. 46 OCamp street. auir o. G. WAYNE. 106 Gravier street. LAFOURCRI . TRI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOURCHE AND COA T PACKET. THE NEW AND FAST PASSEN- ger steamer HENRY TETE. J. F. Aucoin, master, M. H. Landry, clerk, Leaves every TUESDAY at 10 a. m., THURS- DAY and SATURDAY at 12 m. Lands all freight in daylight and Days partic- ular attention to way business, and returns down the coast leaving Donaldsonville every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday morning. For freight or passage apply on board or to B. RIVET, woe Decatur street, P. S.-Has a clerk on the landing during the day at tbhe head of Blenville street to receive freight. Freight received for the Lafourche, with privilege of reshipping at Donaldsonville. se28tf. BEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOUROHE PACKET, THROUGH TO LAUREL VALLEY. Leaves every MONDAY and THURBIDAY at 5 THE PASSENGER STEAMER EVA, U. D. Terrebonne. master. Tom Knee, clerk. Pays particular attention to way business. Re- turning leaves Thibodaux every Tuesday even. ing and Saturday morning. For freight or passage apply on board or to TR BREBONNE & BRO.. Agents. 63 Decatur street' P. S.--The Eva takes freight for all lsndinga on Bayou Lafourche as far as Melodia Planta- tion, two miles below Lafourche Crossing. ap2s tf LOWER COAST. Leaves DAILY at 3 D.m. FOR GREENWOOD PLANTA- tion, Terre aux Boeuf, and all plan- tation landings. The new, fine and fast steamer EMMA IRVINE, E. M. Vallette, master. Leaves as above regularly, commencing August 12, returning to the city early in the morning. For freight or passage apply on board, head of Conti street, auil tf ITPPER COAST. REGULAR COAST AND BATON ROUGE SEMI-WEEKLY PACKET. Leaves every MONDAY at 5 p. m. and FRIDAY at 10 a. m. S The new passenger steamer ST. JOHN, E. O. Melancon, master, Leaves as above for Baton Rouge Plaque- mine, Donaldsonville, and all Coast landings, returning every SUNDAY and WEDNESDAY. For freight or passage apply on board or to oc8 tf E. O. MELANCON. 32 Bienville st. NEW ORLEANS, KENNERVILLE AND COAST DAILY PACKET. FOR KENNERVILLE AND COAST landings-The steamer RICE FARMER, Ohs. Debouchel, master, S. Toca, clerk. Leaves daily at 10 a. m., sharp, Sundays ex- cepted. for all way landings. Pays particular attention to plantation business. For freight or passage apply on board. A clerk is always on the levee to receive freight, foot of Conti street. au4 tf SPRING AND SUMMER ARBARGEMENT. NEW ORLEANS AND UPPER COAST TRI- WEEKLY PACKET. c FOR BEN TUREAUID'S. WEL- ham's, and all plantation landings- The steamer MARY IDA, . A. Buiz master, Edw. Nicolle clerk, Leaves TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS and SAT- UBRDAYS, at to a. m. Returning down the coast on alternate days and in daylight. For freight or passage apply on board or to fe24 tf W. J. COMAUX, 2o Conti street. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Leaves every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11 a. m. R _ FOB ASHLAND PLANTATION, Ascension parish. Donaldsonville and all coast landinas--The fine side-wheel passenger steamer BELLE, J. A. Comstock. master. Geo. l. Woods and (Chas. Dean, clerks, Will leave as above. Returning, leaves Ash- land Plantation Tuesday, Thursday and Sun- day, coming down the coast in daylight. For freight or passage aeply on board or te ao2 s , HKENO, 19 Oonti street. F. S. All freight deller d in he daytime, BThAMBOATE. RED RIVER. Red River and Texas. NEW ORLEANS AND BED RIVER TRANS. PORTATION COMPANY, AND TEXAS PA. I0Fa0 RAILWAY AND CONNEOTIONL. Through bills of lading and through Dasse5O ger ticket to all landings on Bed River and an rails ay stations in Texas. The best route; o The foliowing splendld and fa st steaser compoeing tie line will leave as advertised be- low: La Belle, Maria Louise. Texas C. H. Durfee. Col. A.P. Kouns, Lotus No. . W. J. Behan, Bonnie Lee. Dawn. Kate Kinney. Silver C PORT FOR 8HREVEPORT JEFFEB.I sou. Hot Springs. and all land- ings on Bed River and railway stations in Texas. FOR SHREVEPORT. ea-- . master. Leaves , - -, at 5 p.m. o wharfboat charges, draynae or commission i1 be charged at mouth of Red River, Bayou Sara or at New Orleans. In forwarding freight cousgned to the company by bill of lading. For freight or passage a ply on board of the boats or at the office of the company No. 111 Gravier street. JOS. A. AIKEN President. M. W. JOYCE, GEO. D. HITE' iJ. E. CARBLIN. BRITTON & EPLERB. lat LORD & MoPEAKE. Agents, WEEKLY RED RIVEIR PACKET. L FOR RED RIVER EGG BEND. Norman's. Barbin's, Ware's and wan landing -- The steamer BONNIE ,EE, (In place of the New Bart Able,) Richard Sinnott, master. Geo. Hamilton, clerk. Leaves every SATUIRDAY. at 5 p. m. Will leave as above. For freigant or passage apply on board, or to R. W. ADAMS. 21 Commercial Place. P. 8.-Freight consigned to wharfboat, mouth of Red river or to agents at New Orleans. for the steamer Bart Able will be forwarded froeeof charge. Jes STEAMB•IP$. HAVANA-FLORIDA PORTS. HAVANA DIRECT. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIUI ELPLADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. To sail THURSDAY. October 10, at 5 D. m.. Steamship CHAS. W. LORD. Lodge Colton, commander, Will leave her wharf, op•oslte Jackson Saua as ayove. For freight or passage, apply to EDWARD A. YORKE, Agent., je27 a3 Carondelet street, corner Gravier. FOR HAVANA AND KEY WEST. UNITED STATES MAIL LINB. LEAVING EVERY WEEK The first-class steamship TAPPARANNOCR, Cooksey. commander. Will leave wharf foot of Calliope street. ' MONDAY. Seoot. 30. at 4 p. m. Passage rates to Havana, $4o; Excuision tick- ets, o. Passage rates to Jacksonville. 1p2 Includis state rooms and meals. Through bills of lading issued to all pointa Florida. For Freiht e or om apply to I . ROBERTS. 120 Common strea Over Louisiana National eBanM The steamship folloWS on the- - . m7's LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL SOUTHERN S. 8. LINE. Tons. Commander ALICE.... ......... 1250......J. George, CHANCELLOR ....... 2050......G. Reynolds' CHRYSOLITE ....... 10 I..... Jones. COGNA. ............. 000..... W. Aiken. COMMANDER...... .1600 ...... R. Ellis. CORDOVA.........1417......W. Lang. COUNCILLOR .....- 25o0......W. Tutton. DISCOVERER ........ 2500..... R. .Williamso EXPLORER. ... .2010.......W. Jackson. FIRE QUEEN ....... 1180. ..... Williams. GLADIATOR.... .... ioo.....L. Jones. HISTORIAN .... ..... 180......W. Wallace. LEGISLATOR.... .21.5...... T. Burley. MEDIATOR..........201oo..... J. Hanney ORATOR.... ..... 1342..... J. Corbishley. OBERON.............122......J. Campbell. STATESMAN ........10......W. Hughes. VANGUARD.........1405......- Valiant. WARRIOB............1220......W. L. Jones. The steamship COROOV A, Lang, Commander. will sail on or about October 13, 1878. from wharf, foot of Esplanade street. Will receive cotton and sign through bills o lading for the Continent, between Havre nd Cronstadt. These steamships, betng of light draft, Wil cross the bar of the MississIppi at all icme without detention. For freight apply to DECAN & CO.. de~ 01y s0 Carondelet street. GLASGOW AND LONDON. ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMEB8 Sail from New York for GLASGOW every SATURDAY- LONDON every WEDNESDAY. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed for elegance and comfort. All state-rooms on main deck, and Saloon amidships. SALOON CABINS $65 to $80 CURRENOY. SECOND CABIN, including all requisites. $4t. Excursion Tickets for First-Class Passage, Ne York to Paris and return, $135 to $108 according to state-room and route chosen. For Books of Information, Plans, etc., apply to ALEXANDER HAY, myl2 sm 50 Commerce street. BREMEN. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD. STEAM BETWEEN BREMEN AND NEW OB LEANS. VIA HAVRE. SOUTH. AMPTON AND HAVANA. The steamships of the North Oe man oyd will resume their Regular Trle as follows: From Bremen. From N. Orleans Frankfurt........ October 2 About Novem. 3 Hannover ........ October 23 About Novem. 24 Nurnbrg ......... Novem. 6 About Decem. S Braunsehwelg .... Novem. 20 About Decem. 22 Frankfurt........Decem. 4 About January 5 These steamers touch outward at Havre ano Havana. an4 on their home trip at Havana and Southampton. PRICES OF PASSAGE: From Bremen. Southampton or Havre to Ha. vana or New Orleans-Cabin, u1e (gold); Steers a, $86 (gold) om NIew rleans to Southampton. Havre 0. Bremen-Cabin. $150 (gold); Steerage, $45 (gold). From New Orleans to Havana-Cabin. ms (gold); Steerage, $15 (gold). Children under ten years, half price; chile dren under one year. free. N. B.-Our agent for Texas, Mr. Peter M. Er- hard, in Galveston, is authorized to issuesteer- age passage orders at the following through rates: From Bremen to Galveston. $42., gold From Bremen to Indianola, S54 50, gold. The comp+en reserves the rignt to enangeths route of the steamers, their advertised dare , departure and the Drices of passage. Passage tickets from Bremen, E -uthamp or Havre to New Orleans issued by .he undU aor further partlculars a DDI to ED.F . STOC xSYsE 00C.. Agents. auvl Iyn 4 Unlonul ec?,

The New Orleans daily Democrat (New Orleans, La.) 1878-10 ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83026413/1878-10-08/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · The fleet United States mail packet Ouachita

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186 8 $1r........... 62 5 ..... . 4.....0. .S......... 1 ......... ........... ...... .. ........ ...... .... ......... ... ... .1 70 60 4 ......... 48 11 ..... .. .. ........ ... .. ... ..... .... ........ 83 5087 1035......... 4264 42464 6396 . ...... 5 40 ... . 46499

17 170 7 158 35 6 747 7 5 .......... ...... 6 ....... ........ .......... ...... 6 2 381873 32770 . . . 31212 44583 24318.::::. . ....... 450 ...... ... ..... ....... 11874 39300 $5624 224 96 618 64 337 44'....... 150 6151875 1,17072 15889 6.666 1,747 79 953 3 .,0 ...... .":::":: 43.702 301876 5,174 27 722 13 2,888 52 7,943 4 4332 78 .......... .. . 0 ..... . .. . ..... .... 12773

18• 941 4.668 52 18,215 03 51.353 72 28,011 12 14,210 46j $726 94 268 4 ....... I... . ......... ....... I 121,466 70187 68, 11 . ...... .. ........ ... . .............. 3,581 0 $143 44 $8,867 00 $8631 00........ 102.556 03

Ded t r 95,231 92 5,c;)5 78, 22,245 67 62,228 89 34,019 58 14.210 46 726 94 3,980 86 143 44 6867 oo 8,63001 oo ....... 253,891 4doers .................. 1,425 2 111 99 449 88 1,237 17 674 82 494 7 ........ 18 72 .... ... . ......... ....... 4,412 4

diatl during rdart r ..

ending oo tom or 30,1878, to form the re-colts of TroasurrorLe.during said quarter .... 198 9 28 9 11 5 12 29 170 a4 .......... - -----.......----- .. ..... 23 53

i94.005, 9 51 5,522 18 $21,909 5, 11,104 01 •5$3.515 10 $13,715 68 $726 94 $35,962 14 $143 44, $a,R1i7 0o 58, ,(31 0j0 ........ 9250n30 43

I, ALLEN JUMEL, Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Louisiana, do solemnly

swear or affirm that the above statement is a true and correct abstract from the books of this

office for the quarters ending September 30, 1878.ALLEN JUMEL, Auditor.

----- o--

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this seventh day of October, 1878.

OSCAR ARROYO, Assistant Secretary of State.


Tuesday. October 9. 1878.Arrivals.

'Isabel. Emma Irvine, Belloe. Mary Ida, Henry'•Tete, Fanchon, it. E. Lee, St. John, St. Mary,,Bastrop.

Departures.Alvin, Rico Farmer. Belle, Eva, Edward J.

Gay. To Arrive.Isabel. Alvin, lower coast; Ouachita Belle,

Edward J. Gay, Bayou Sara Belle, Rlic, Farmer.upper coast; Eva. Lafourche; Frank Pargoud,Greenville.

Yesterday was cloudy and warm.Business very fair.The Trenton is In the Ocean Dock. undergo-

Ing an extensive repair; entire new guards arebeing put on her, besides everything else to puther hull in first-class order. As soon as readythe Trenton will take the Eva's place in the.Bayou Lafourche trade.The Henry Tote brought 71 bbls new molasses.

The monarch Robt. E. Lee arrived yesterdayfrom Vicksburg with 3385 bales cotton and willreturn to-day, as usual. From her officers welearn that the people at some points on theriver are taking fresh alarm from the fever. Onthe Mississippi side she was not permitted toland between the quarantine at Natchez andStamps' landing, a distance of fifty miles.

The Gold Dust. from St. Louis, arrived atsome point near Kennerville Sunday, put off alot of freight and started back. She was met bythe Lee yesterday morning twenty-five milesabove the city.

The Edward J. Gay started on her first tripyesterday. Her skylights arrived by the St.John. and a number of men were busy puttingthem in. They are very handsome.

The St. Mary was turned over to Capt. JoeDalferes, who came down on her. Capt. Joe in-tends to put her in fine order and start her outa soon as possiboe for the Lafourche.

The Fanchen, Capt. H. H. Broad, arrived yes-terday from the Atchafalaya with a fine trip andwill return to-day as usual, promptly, at 5 p. fa.Mr. Theeo. Johin htls charge of the office.

THE ST. JOHN.-Another competitor for thepatronage of the coast trade is at the upperlanding, having arrived yesterday fresh fromthe builders' hands. We refer to the boat whosename heads this article. The St. John is ownedby Capts, J. P. McElroy andlE. O. Melancon andwas built under the personal supervisionof Capt. McElroy, by the famous Blarmore, of

,Jeffersonville, Ind.. to replace the old St. Johnin the Baton Rouge and coast trade. She is asstaunch as good materials and skilled workmencould make her, has an easy, graceful model.with plenty of power to back, it and presents ahandsome exterior. Her cabin arrangementsare perfect, and we are sure that when a pus,songer cnce enjoys the comforts that aboundon her the temptation to try them again will beirresistible. The name chosen for this fine boatis a happy one. It is taken from one of thefinest and richest parishes in the State (St Johnthe Bar tist.) given to her predecessor by Capt.W. It. Greathous5. the renowned coast captain,whose death was so sadly lamented at the timeand whose memory is still green, and it is asynonym of good luck, a good boat and trips ofunexceptional regularity, for never has a boatlanded here that was better handled or mad.more regular time than the old St. John. Capts.MoElroy and Melancon are both clear-headedbusiness men, fNo. 1 steamboatmen and accom-modating gentlemen, and if they do not suc-ceed in walking right into the affections oftheir old patrons with the new boat, in shortorder, it will be something wonderful. The St.John will leave Friday at 1o a. m. on her firsttrip to Baton Rouge. and until Capt. McElroy,who remained West on business, returns, Capt.Melancon will command. The St. John toweddown the hull of the old boat and left it atBaton Rouge.

For yesterday's proceedings of the Steamboat-men's Relief Association see our local column.

The Ouachita Belle leaves every Wednesdayand Saturday for Bayou Sara.

The Frank Pargoud will arrive to night, andleave Thursday for Greenville and the bends.

We have received a copy of the Marine Jour-nal, edited and published in Cincinnati byFrank Baker & Co. In his salutatory the editorsays that the Journal "Is designed to be spe-cially devoted to the steamboat interests ofinland waters." Mr. Baker was formerly theriver editor of the Cincinnati Times. He is afluent writer, possessed of any amount ofenergy and goahoaditiveness, and judging bythe first effort, his paper should and will re-ceive liberal support from the steamboat in-terests.

Capt. J. M. Tindel Is due to-day on the Bas-troo. Capt. Tindel returns from the Clara S.for the purpose of starting to the Ouachita Sat-urday next the light-draft steamer D. Stein.We have been requested to announce in this

-connection that the Stein will take freight foralL.,oints as high as the quarantine will per-

eknit, and that Mr. Bud Winburn, her agent. 37Natchez street, will be happy to give all the in-formation desired about the trip.

The Rice Farmer, Charles DeBouchel master,Sept. Toea clerk, leaves daily. Sunday ex-cepted. for the upper coast to Kennerville, at10 a. m., promptly.

The regular tri-weekly upper coast packetMary Ida, J. A. Ruiz master, Edward Nicolleclerk leaves to-day promptly at 10 a. m. forlen 'ureaud plantation.

The tri-weekly coast and Donaldsonvillepacket Henry Tote leaves to-day at 10 a. m.sharp, taking frheight for the Lafourche. withthe privilege of reshipping. Capt. J. F. Aucoincommands. The courteous Mr. M. H. Landrypresides in the office.

The Emma Irvine. E. M. Vallette master,leaves this 3 p. m. for the lower coast to theGreenwood plantation. The Irvine leaves regu-larly and promptly every day at the above hour.

The Robert E. Lee. Wm. Campbell master.John H. Mossop in charge of the office, leavesthis 5 p. m. for Vicksburg and all way landings.

The regular tri-weekly upper coast daylight.acket Belle will arrive this afternoon and re-turn to-morrow as usual at 11 a. m.

The fleet United States mail packet OuachitaBelle, in place of the J. W. Cannon, John C.

oLibano master, leaves to-morrow at 5 p. m. for.all coast landings through to Bayou Sara.

Exchange Cllppings, October 5.Cincinnati Inquirer:Capi. A. J. Montgomery and family, of New

~Orleans, arrived from St. Louis yesterdaymorning. They will spend the rest of the sea-son here.

The new sidewheel steamer Annie P. Silverleaves for St. Louis this evening. She wid gothrough without delay. Capt. D. H. tBilver is onthe roof and Capt. Shields is in the office.

Capt. C T. Dumont is getting out the ma-chinery for Capt. W. B. Miller's new GuidingStar, and expects to have it ready to place onboard early next week.

Courier-Journal:Capt. John Cannon is in the city.We regret to learn that Mr. C. T. Woolfolk,

brother of Capt. R. H. Woolfolk. of this city,died in Bedford, Ind.. yest rday morning. Thedeceased was a good man.

ST. Louis, Oct. 4.--The Belle St. Louis left f.rBaton Rouge with all she could take, and towsa lighter to Cairo. The relief steamer John M.Chambers left fIr the South at n a. m. to-day,drawing 4% feet of water. The first stoppingplace will be Hickman. The officers of the boatare acent M. Yore, captain; L. A. Haynescl',i Tom Wetzell, mate; Charles Duff. andGerge Lanawell, pilots; William Shepherd andJohn Williams, engineers. River stationary.with 5% feet of water to Cairo.

Com. B. C. Gray writes Ward & Brady, of this

city: "Inclosed you will find draft for $1000,which you will use in purchasing supplies forthe Southern sufferers, and place same to creditof Pirteburg. I send it to you because I knowyou will take an interest in the matter." Capt.Ward invested the cash as directed, and the stuffgoes forward on the John M. Chambers to-day.

CAInoj Oct, 4.-The James W. Gaff had a finetrip yesterday-all she could carry on thewater--for St. Louis. The Osceola Belle had agood cargo of cotton for St. Louis, The HardCash had cotton piled up on her as high as itcould be stored, for St. Louis. She had also alot of freight and people for this port, butneither the Hard Cash nor Osceola Belle werepermitted to land, because they came from theouth.


October 8, 1878.Cleared Yesterday.

Ne clearances at the Customhouse yesterday

ArrivedFr bark Angelique, Burel, 56 days from Bordeaux. in

ballast, to F Larne-2d dis

BTEAMBOATS,Robt E Lee, Campbell. from VicksburgSt John, Melancon, from CincinnatiFanchon, Broad from WashingtonMary Ida, Ruiz, from Upper CoastHenry Tote, Aucoin. from ThibodauxBelle, Comstock. from Grove PlantationSi Mary. Brown. from Bayou SaraIsabel, Bassett, from Lower Coast

Below- -omlu Up.Ship Caledonia. Potter, from Bath, Me, to J R War

nor &co-

ImportsUTILLA-Per schr Jennie Wood-150,000 cocoa

nuts 25,000 plantains 250 bunches bananas 8 bblslimes S Oteri & Bro-$4000 in specie L Vilger

Reselpts of ProduceVICKSBURG-Per steamer Robert E Lee-I 918

bales cotton 8 B Newman &co-475 Meyer, Weis &co-257 H Allison &co-156 J L Harris &co 146 Payne,Kennedy &co-142 A Moulton--lj4 Graham, Black &co-134 T L Airev &oo-98 Clapp Bros &co-73 BenGerson-72 Lehman,Abraham &co--55 J M Franken-bush-55 S Gumbel-54 Bickham & Moore-51 Rich.ardson & May-49 Moses Clark-45 Vaiden, Hawkins& Roberts-45 Gardner, Gillespie &co--38 RichardFlower &co-33 Nor cood & Richards----33 Nalle &Cammack-32 O L Walmsley &co--S8 Avondano Bros-25 Jurey & Gillis--24 H & C New inn----19 W APeale-18 S O Thomas &co-17 Kciffer & Gardner-17 Gwyn & Dyer-16 Buckner &co----16 Kirk atrick&co-15 Stewart Bros &co-14 March & Shlenker-i2Cyrus Bussey-10 Jno Chaffe & Sons--9 W C Black&co-7 John I Noble-7 I Bloom &co--7 McGehee.Snowden & Violett-6 G W Sentell &co--6 ChaffeHamilton & Powell--4 Hyman & Lichtenstein-4Chas Gallagher--3 Clalborne &co-3 F Walker-2 HJ Levy--2 D Cowent &co-2 T A Gleason--2 Doize&.co-i Renshaw, Cammack &oo---14j8 sacks cottonseed N O Cotton Seed Association--5 sacks seed cot-ton J L Harris &co-2 do G W Sentel &do---12 HGroebel-3 Meyer, Weis &oo -3 Nalle & Cammack-700 racks oilcake T L AJrey &oo--34 kegs butter toSchmidt & Ziegler-1 sack wool J M Latimer &co -2beeves U; Mehle &co-sundries to order--Total 3385bales cotton 1438 sacks cotton seed 25 sacks seed cot-ton 700 sacks oalcake

CCICINNATI-Per steamer St John-138 sacksoats 87 sacks corn 3.0 bbls meal Joe West & co-300boxes candles W H Mathews & Bro-50 bbls meal CH Lawrence &co-- 300 do Vairin & Mortimer- 120bbls flour Schwabacher, Frowenfeld & Pfeiler-200bbls lime A Vizard--3 pails lara 140 sacks oats C TBuddeeke & Son-100 bbls flour Miller, Grigsby &co-25 cases jellies Lochte & Cordes-37 pkge mdse E CPalmer &0o--16 half bble pork 25 half bbla whisky 8pkgs butter Schwabacher & Hirsch-10 bbls vinegar15 hf do 25 bbls whisky Schmidt & Ziegler-10 do DMoriarty--20 bbls oil Stauffer, Macready &oo---100idle iron M Schwartz & Bro-26 bbls whisky Wang& Cottam-30 do R F Theurer-- plgs Irdse J Miller100 cases jellies Burke & Thompson--10 bales broomcorn M McGraw-25 bbls whisky Widow B Riebl-250 bdls paper Stouts myer & Judson--10 half bblawhisky Flasbpoller & Becker--18 pkgs mdse GGrande-25 bbls whisky F Hollander-lo do F Join-ville-60 pkge mdee H N Soria-30 tea lard John TMoore &co-lot mdse J Schwartz---5 pkgs mdse EConery & Son-6 pkgs eggs Grove & Wildormann-2pkge mdse Nalle & Cammack-1 Jno Chaffe & Sons-3 C G Wayne-I J Dutr. -20 str E J Gay-3 Leonard& Maxwell-21 Kursheedt & Bienvenu-3 head stockC L Walmeley &co--i hhd tobacco Gunther & Ste-venson 75 bales cotton Lehman, Abraham &co--33S Gumbel-28 J L Harris &co----10 John I Noble-9Forstall & Jumonville- 6 S C Wilkerson--4 JnoChaffe & Sons-large lot furniture sundries to order-Total 165 bales cotton

BAYOU SARA-Per steamer St Mary-184 balescotton J L Harris &co-181 Lehman, Abraham &co-12 Meyer, Weis &co-88 S Gumbel-56 H & C New-man-54 Clapp Bros &oo-44 Norwood & Richards-26 Richardson & My--'22 Bush & Levert-19 S Hen-derson-19 Payne. Kennedy &oo-12 McGehee,Snow.deni& Violett-ll order J JBrown-10 John I Noble-7 W C Black &co--7 J W Burbridge &co----6 ArMiltenberger & Pollock-5 Gardner. Giliesple &co-4Conger & Kelly-4 E J Gay &co--3 Foretell & Ju-monville-3 H J Levy---- March & Schlenker-3Bickham & Moore-2 Keiffer & Gardner-2 Jurey &Gillies-2 Hirsch, Adler &co-2 Richard Flower &co-1 Nalse & Cammack-1 Chas Gallagher- 178 sackscotton seed N O Cotton Seed Association--l100 do HGroebel-sundries to order--Total 903 bales cotton278 sacks cotton seed

WASHINGTON-Per steamer Fanchon-166 balescotton Lehman, Abraham &co- 107 J W Burbridge&co-100 Nalle & Cammack-44 Payne. Kennedy &oo-41 Mever, Weis &co-41 8 O Thomas &co-38 Nor-wood & Rtiohards--8 Clapp Bros &oo-s6 Ben Gerson-26 Bush & Levert--24 Forstall & Jumonville-20P Casse-18 C A Philllppi &co- 17 Renshaw, Cam-mack &oo-14 Ber.ud & Gibert-12 H & C Newman-12 G W Sentell &co--11 John I Adams &co--9Warren, Atkinson &co-7 Jno T Hardie &o-6 JnoChafe & Sons-6 A A Mouton--6 R T Buckner &Bro-5 J Claverie jr-5 A Tertrou-4 Heiffer & Gard-ner-4 Schmidt & Ziegler-4 L Laosssagne--3 W HLetchford &co-3 J M Dowling-3 Meyer Well- 2 EH Keep-2 P L Cusach-2 John T Moore &co-1 Rob-ert Hare-I Thos Simms & Levy-:- sacks seed cottonNalle & Cammack-2 do Robert Hare-2 do Chopin'sGinnerg--15 hides I bbl wax 3 coops poultry 59 pkgseggs P Casse-2 do 62 hides J Claverie jr-90 MeyerWell-27 do 22 sacks rough rice 5 coops poultry 30pkga eggs Rykoski & Manade-6 do Schmidt & Zeig-er-4 do coop poultry L Surle &co-3 pkge eggs L

Medal-219 head cattle Aycock, Mitchell &co-54 doC Mehle &co-29 do J A Bandier-sundries to order-Total 818 bales cotton 7 sacks seed cotton 22 eacksrough rice 30"2 head cattle

UPPER COAST-- Per steamer Mary Ida--490sacks rough rice Allen & Syme-485 Joseph Vignes-94 Lange & Legendre-82 T B Stamps-32 AmericanRice Mill-30 W E Bepp-25 bales hay Jas Regan-sundries to order-Total 1231 sacks rough rice

GROVE PLANTATION- Per steamer Belle--7hhds sugar Richard Milliken-5 do J W Bnrbridge&co-347 sacks rough rice Allen & Syme-31 Kip &Ruch-16 Sieward & Thompson-sundries to order-Total 1-2 hhds sugar 394 sacks rough rice

THIBODAUX-Per steamer Henry Tte--71 bblsnew molasses Delgado &co----8.7 sacks rough rice toLange & Legendre--50 sacks corn P T Mitchell-3hides Hay & Mehle-sundries to order Total 71 bblsnew molasses 827 sacks rough rice 50 sacks corn

LOWER COAST-Per steamer Emma Irvine--51sacks runeh rice J s Kent &dco----97 do ThompsonRice Mill-O95 do Kip & Ruch-s indries tJ order-Total 41- sacks rough rice

LOWER COAST-PerIsteamer Isabel----60 sacksrough rice Sieward & TI m >son----48 do Bush & Le.vert--andries to order- TO al i0 sacks roungh rice

Receipts at the New BasinHope Villa-Per steamer Alice-38 bales cotton to

Renshaw, Cammack &co-21 H Allison &oo-7 J WWhite-3 A Bsbin-3 Beraud & Gibert 2 H C Poerter &co-2 J W Burbridge &o--20 sacks seed cottonA L Chsppin-120 sacks cotton seed N O Cotton SeedAssociation-2 coops poultry 4 boxes eggs L Scho.a-mer-5 do 2 coops poultry Forcheimer Bros-50 cordswood Money & Marcy-sundries to order -Total 76bales cotton 20 sacks seed cotton 120 skse eotton seed

Tangipahos -Per steamer J C Gault---lot eggs toorder

Paeoagoula..Per echr Walter Denny- 45,000 feetlumber to H Buddig

Wolf River-Per sohr Elba-28,000 feet lumber toH RuddigPearl River-Per echr Leander Jsne--55,000 feet

:umber to J W AdamsWolf River-Per achr Simon Goslin -35,000 feet

lumber to J L NeversWolf River-Per echr Oaleas--17,000 feet lumber

to orderPearl River- Per echr Lillie Schmidt--45,000 feet

lumber to orderBiloxi-Per echr Normandie--1200 bbls 3harcoal

to masterTohefuncta River-Per schr La Belle-15,000 bbls

charcoal to masterPearl River-Per sechr T J Emler- 35 cords wood

to masterSpringfield-Per sochr Lillie Simms--20 cords wood

to master

Receipts at the Old BasinPearl River-Per schr Try Again-30,000 feet lum-

ber to orderBayou Lacombe-Per schr Adolia-16 cords wood

mar terPass Manchae-Per schr Pomme d'Or- 25 cords

wood to misterPasoagoula-Per sohr Olivia-1400 bbls charcoal to

masterHorn Island-Per achr Victoria- 300 bbls sand to

orderBlind River--Per schr Surprise No 2--20 cords

wood to master


RAILROADOctober 7-115 bales ootton Payne, Kennedy &co-

90 Richardson & May-85 Hyman & Lichtenstein-69Lehman, Abraham &oo-55 Chaffe. Hamilton & Pow.ell-44 Jno T Hardie &co-39 Biokham & Moore-36J L Harris &co--23 Warren, Atkinson &co-20 AllenNugent &co--19 T L Airey &do----19 S Gumbel 16Jno Phelps &co-16 J W White--15 C L Walmslev&co-13 S Henderson--10 H & O Newman-8 BeadlesWood &co-8 Moore & Coleman-8 Jno Chaffe & Sons-8 Britt m & Mayson-7 Keiffer & Gardner-6 order-5 Yale & Bowling-4 Allsn, West & Bush-2 Gard-ner, Gillespie &cqd-2 Nalle & Cammack-2 F Walker-1 Meyer, Wels &oo--25 bbls whisky J G Spor--5do S Herman--5 pkge tobacco S Hernsheim &IBro--5tierces shoulders Lochte & Cordes-5 do J Nelson &co-35 bxa nears 5 bxs p:ums S Oteri & Bro-29 bblesapples E F DelBondio-3 boxes bacon Vose Bros-10tierces hams Zuberbier & Behan-180 bbls oil order-60 do 9 empty bbls Insurance Oil Tank Co-502 pkgsbeer F Hollander-160 no J Ziegler----18 crates cab-bage 2 car do J Bertncci &co--4 cars stock Aycock,Mitchell &co--2 do R M Flautt-2 do Leonard & Max-well-1 do J Levy--30 bbls apples Berry &co----16boxes bacon W II Mathews & Bro--2 boxes eggs 30bbls ppples Miller & Meyer-100 do 8 crates cabbageChas Pleasants-25 hf bbls pork 7 hhds bacon Schwa-bacher, Frowenfeld & Pfeifer--54 pkgs butter C HLawrence &co-17 do 21 boxes bacon 20 tierces hams22 bxe meat Schwabacher & Hlrson-sundries to or-der-Total 745 bales cotton


October 7-27 bbls molasses John Calder- -3 bblssugar Joseph Vignea--34 bales moss J A Bourg--50do F P Sevin-20 V H Bernard- 2 J M Walsh-2 EOdell--sundries to order

NEW ORLEANS AND MOBILE RAILROADOctober 7-637 bales cotton Ranger, Fatman &co-

330 do Decan &co-2 hhds tobacco Jno E King &co--2 cars lime Forstall & Larose-200 bbls do S Jamisoni-100 do W P Converse ir &co-87 bbls rosin 49 bbbisturpentine Simpson & Tricon--sundries to order-Total 937 bales cotton 2 hhds tobacco


ricul url and Me hkni l co1 eBATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA.


The nineteenth session begins October 5 next,and ends July 4, 1879.

A faculty of eight professors, good library,apparatus and museums, extensive course ofliterature and science; tuition free; board,lodging, washing fuel, lights and medical fee$15 a month ; text books and stationery s10 a ses-sion ;uniform clothing about $22 for dress suitof West Point gray cloth $15 for fatigue suitof same material, and $2 for cap of dark bluecloth.

Total expenses in every respect for session ofnine months not exceeding $2o0; payable $20 onentrance and $2o at close of each month, makingthroughout the session of nine months tenequal payments of $20 each.

Cadets can enter and withdraw at any timeduring the session. They will be charged onlyfrom date of entrance and for time of attend-ance.

Cadets can find good boarding in the city ofBaton Rouge at rates essentially the same asthose above given for maintenance in the Uni-versity building.


obligatory on all students or cadets. Thosewho are quartered in the University buildingare constantly, day and night under militarydiscipline. Cadets who board and lodge inBaton Rouge are subiect to military disciplineonly while they are performing their daily du-ties at the institution.

RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTIONS.Catholic and Protestant. given in the Uni-versity, and on Sundays cadets will be requiredto attend the churches in Baton Rouge, desig-nated by their parents.

Granted that this institution is capable ofeducating the youths of Louisiana. why shouldparents spend half as much in mere travelingexpenses to and from institutions in otherStates as would pay all the expenses of theirsons here for a whole session of nine month?

For further information addressjy25 9ot D&W D. F. BOYD, President




We have on hand a large stock ofCALIFORNIA CLARETS. WHITE WINES,


Island Queeeln Chaunpagne,SWEET AND DRY CATAWBA.

OPORTO. SHERRY, ETC.,all of which we will sell at low rates'on accountof removal. SHROPSHIRE & CO.,

se8 18 South Peters street.




FOR WASHIRGTDON. OPELOU-sas, Port Barre. 81mmsoort, Church-ville, and all landinge on the Coast.

Atchafalaya River and Bayou Courtableau-Thenew, light draft steamer

FANCHON,H. H. Broad master, T. Jobin. clerk,

will leave as above. For freight or passage ap-ply on board or to

BRIITTON & EPPLER, 52 Gratier street.GEO. D. HITE, 54 Gravier st. ocs tf



MAYonRALTY OF NEW GLEANs, )New Orleans. October 7, 1878.

Whereas, his Excellency, Francis T. Nicholls.Governor of Louisiana, has issued his procla-mation.setting apart WEDNESDAY, the ninthinstant, as a day of fasting, humiliation andprayer throughout the State:

Now, therefore, I, EDWARD PILSBURY,Mayor of the city of Now Orleans, do unite inrecommending to the good people of this cityto close their places of business and abstainfrom their usual avocations on that day, and intheir resoctive places of worship that theyjoin in the appeal to the Most High that in Ilisown good time He would stay "the pestilencewhich walketh in darkness and wasteth atnoonday," and that they Invoke His choicestblessings upon the people of those UnitedStates, who, with one heart, without stint andwithout measure, have poured out their treas-ures in aid of our grief-stricken communities.

Given under my hand and seal, at the CityHall, this seventh day of October, I78i.

oc0 at ED, PI'ISBURY, Mayor,


DEPAcRTMENT OF POLIOs,Administrator's Office,

Now Orleans, October 3, 1878.Sealed proposals addressed to the undersigned

will be received at this office until SATURDAYNOON. the nineteenth instant, for lighting,extinguishing, cleaning and keeping in repair,etc., the lanterns, lamps, etc., in those portionsof the city of New Orleans lighted with oil, for aterm of two years, in accordance with speciflca-tions on file in this department.

The city reserves the right to reject any andall bids.

All parties making proposals for this contractare required to deposit with the Administratorof Finance, as an evidence of their intention toabide by the adjudication, the amount of onethousand dollars in cash, which shall be for-felted to the city in case of failure to sign thecontract.

Bidders to whom the contract is not awardedwill have their deposits returned to them on theday the adjudication Is made.

No bids will be received unless accompaniedby the certificate of the Administrator of Fi-nance, certifying that the required cash deposithas been made.

Proposals to be indorsed "Proposals for light-ing, extinguishing, cleaning and keeping in re-paeir, etc., the lanterns, lamps. etc., lighted withoil," and addressed to the undersigned.

Bids to be made at so much per lamp per an-num, cash.

ROBT. E. DIAMOND,004 t19 Administrator.


New Orleans September 25. 1878.Whenever it becomes necessary to REMOVE

any of the OFFICES OF REGISTRATIONfrom their present location, appliMation forsaid removal must be made to this department,according to the provisions of ordinance No.4677, Administration Series, approved Septem-bher 17.1878.

CHARLES CAVANAC.sec2 Administrator of Commerce.


City Hall,New Orleans, September 21. 1878.

The Twelfth Quarterly Allotment of PremiumBonds will take place in the office of the Ad-ministrator of Public Accounts on TUESDAY,October 15, 1878, at 10to o'clock a. m., at whichtime forty series will be drawn.

CHAS. CAVANAC.se22 td Administrator ad interim.


MAYORALTY OF NEW ORLEANS,City Hall, August 30, 1878.

The following mentioned localities have beenselected for offices of registration in the dif-ferent wards of the city, viz:

First Ward-No. 182 Annunciation street, be-tween Terpsichore and Robin.

Second Ward-No. 244 Carondelet, betweenDelord and St. Joseph streets.

Third Ward-Corner Common and Robertsonstreets.

Fourth Ward-Rampart, corner of Contistreet,

Fifth Ward-Rampart, corner of St. Annstreet.

Sixth Ward-No. 189 Hospital, near Burgundystreet.

Seventh Ward-Corner of Laharpe street andGentilly Road.

Eighth Ward-Corner of Greatmen and Poetstreets.

Ninth Ward-Corner of Greatmen and El.mira streets.

Tenth Ward-Corner of Magazine and Jack-son streets.

Eleventh Ward-Corner Washington andMagazine streets.

Twelfth Ward-Corner of Tchoupitoulas andLouisiana Avenue.

Thirteeth Ward-Corner of Magazine streetand Bordeaux.

Fourteenth Ward-Magazine, between PetersAvenue and Octavia street.

Fifteenth Ward-At the Algiers court-house.Sixteenth Ward-Court-house.Seventeenth Ward--arner of Second and

Jefferson streets. ED. PILSBURY.au30 60t Mayor.


R9EGISTRA OF VOTERS, PARISH o0 ORLEANS. INew Orleans. August 30. 1878.

The different registration offices will beopened on MONDAY, September 2, 1878 at 12o'clock m.. and every day thereafter from 8o'clock a. m. to 12 o'clock m., and from 1:30 p. m.until 7 D. m., Sundays and legal holidays ex-cepted, until MONDAY, October 21, 1878. at 7o'clock p. m. J. O. LANDRY,

au30 6st Registrar, Parish of Orleans.


- OF -



Bath and other Towels.

DI I H.I. HOL1ES,155 Canal and 15 Bourbon Sts.

0028 1C





a3 ....... ,,,.•ravier street...,......... 13jv 2dDt





HENRY FRANK,Capt. J. F. Hicks. Alf. Grissom clerk.

CHAS. P. CHOUTEAU,Capt. W, H. Thorwegan, Geo. Miltenberger clerk,

* T THE ABOVE NEW AND LARGEboats will run regularly the entireseason between New Orleans and

MemDhis, leaving every WEDNESDAY at ap.m.

Coast town and bend freights solicited andprompily attended to.

Passenser ac"vmmodatlons FIRST CLASSand RATES LOW.

BROCKETT & CARTER, Agents,au25 tf 8s Msgazine street.



SFOR VICKSBURG. NATOREZDIavis' Bend and Intermediate landings-T1"" steamer

ROUST. E. LEE,William Campbell, master,

John H. Mossop, clerk.leaves as above, connecting at Vicksburg withParisot's Line for all points on the Yazoo, Sun.flower. Deer Greek and Tallahatchie,

C. G. WAYNE_GEO. D. HITa, Agents,


BENDS.Leaves every THURSDAY at 5 . m.

FOR GREENVILLE. VICKSBURGand the Bends-The fine and fastpassenger packet

FRANK PAR•OUD,J. M. White master Curt. Holmes clerk,

connecting at Vicksburg with Parisott's Linefor all points on Yazoo and Tallahatchie rivers.

Boat reserves the right to pass all landingsthat the captain may deem unsafe,

JANNEY & WORK,9014 tf R. W. ADAMS.


, FOR VIOKSBUBG, DAVIS' BENDNatchez and all intermediate land-ings-The passenger packet

NATCHEZ.T. P. Leathers master, J. F. Muse, clerk.connecting at Vickshprg with the Parisot Linefor Ysazoo. Tallahatchile and Sunflower rivers

and with Anchor Line for Memphis. Cairo andSt. Louis.

This boat reserves the right to pass all land-ras that the Captain may consider unsafe.For fregt or assae apply n board. or to

JAN EY WORK 06 Common street,J. E. CARLIN. 17 Tchoupitoulas st.



FOR BAYOU SARA, WATERLOO,Hermitage, Port Hudson. Lobdell'sStore. Baton Rouge. Plaquemine and

Postoffce landings--SteamerEDWARD J. GAY,

J. J. Brown master, S. S. Streak. clerk,Leaves every MONDAY and FRIDAY at 5 D. m.returning every WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY.

For freight or passage apply on board or toJ. E. CARLIN, 17 Tehoupltoulas at.

y31 JANNEY & WORK. Io6 Common st.P. S.--Will ay particular attention to theBayou Lafourche business of Capt. Joe Dal-feres.




Hermitae. Port Hlckey, BatonRouge, Plaquemine and way land.

inas-The fast and splendid assonger steamerOUAClHITA BELLE.

(In place of the John W. Cannon).John O. Libano, master, Thomas Howard, clerk

Leaves as above, returning down the cors{MONDAY and every FRIDAY. For freight orpassage apply on board or to

GEO. D. HITE. 54 Gravier at.BRITTON & EPPLEIs, trs (travier at.LORD & MoPEAKE. 46 OCamp street.auir o. G. WAYNE. 106 Gravier street.



ger steamer

HENRY TETE.J. F. Aucoin, master, M. H. Landry, clerk,

Leaves every TUESDAY at 10 a. m., THURS-DAY and SATURDAY at 12 m.

Lands all freight in daylight and Days partic-ular attention to way business, and returnsdown the coast leaving Donaldsonville everyWednesday, Friday and Sunday morning.

For freight or passage apply on board or toB. RIVET, woe Decatur street,

P. S.-Has a clerk on the landing during theday at tbhe head of Blenville street to receivefreight. Freight received for the Lafourche,with privilege of reshipping at Donaldsonville.





U. D. Terrebonne. master. Tom Knee, clerk.Pays particular attention to way business. Re-turning leaves Thibodaux every Tuesday even.ing and Saturday morning. For freight orpassage apply on board or to

TR BREBONNE & BRO.. Agents.63 Decatur street'

P. S.--The Eva takes freight for all lsndingaon Bayou Lafourche as far as Melodia Planta-tion, two miles below Lafourche Crossing.

ap2s tf



tion, Terre aux Boeuf, and all plan-tation landings. The new, fine and

fast steamerEMMA IRVINE,

E. M. Vallette, master.Leaves as above regularly, commencing August12, returning to the city early in the morning.For freight or passage apply on board, head ofConti street, auil tf


SEMI-WEEKLY PACKET.Leaves every MONDAY at 5 p. m. and FRIDAY

at 10 a. m.

S The new passenger steamer

ST. JOHN,E. O. Melancon, master,

Leaves as above for Baton Rouge Plaque-mine, Donaldsonville, and all Coast landings,returning every SUNDAY and WEDNESDAY.

For freight or passage apply on board or tooc8 tf E. O. MELANCON. 32 Bienville st.



RICE FARMER,Ohs. Debouchel, master, S. Toca, clerk.Leaves daily at 10 a. m., sharp, Sundays ex-

cepted. for all way landings. Pays particularattention to plantation business. For freight orpassage apply on board.

A clerk is always on the levee to receivefreight, foot of Conti street. au4 tf


WEEKLY PACKET.c FOR BEN TUREAUID'S. WEL-ham's, and all plantation landings-The steamer

MARY IDA,. A. Buiz master, Edw. Nicolle clerk,


Returning down the coast on alternate daysand in daylight. For freight or passage applyon board or to

fe24 tf W. J. COMAUX, 2o Conti street.


SATURDAY at 11 a. m.R _ FOB ASHLAND PLANTATION,Ascension parish. Donaldsonvilleand all coast landinas--The fine

side-wheel passenger steamerBELLE,

J. A. Comstock. master.Geo. l. Woods and (Chas. Dean, clerks,

Will leave as above. Returning, leaves Ash-land Plantation Tuesday, Thursday and Sun-day, coming down the coast in daylight. Forfreight or passage aeply on board or te

ao2 s , HKENO, 19 Oonti street.F. S. All freight deller d in he daytime,





Through bills of lading and through Dasse5Oger ticket to all landings on Bed River and anrails ay stations in Texas. The best route; o

The foliowing splendld and fa st steasercompoeing tie line will leave as advertised be-low:La Belle, Maria Louise. TexasC. H. Durfee. Col. A.P. Kouns, Lotus No. .W. J. Behan, Bonnie Lee. Dawn.Kate Kinney. Silver C PORTFOR 8HREVEPORT JEFFEB.I

sou. Hot Springs. and all land-ings on Bed River and railway

stations in Texas.

FOR SHREVEPORT.ea-- . master.

Leaves , - -, at 5 p.m.o wharfboat charges, draynae or commission

i1 be charged at mouth of Red River, BayouSara or at New Orleans. In forwarding freightcousgned to the company by bill of lading.

For freight or passage a ply on board of theboats or at the office of the company No. 111Gravier street. JOS. A. AIKEN President.



L FOR RED RIVER EGG BEND.Norman's. Barbin's, Ware's and wanlanding -- The steamer

BONNIE ,EE,(In place of the New Bart Able,)

Richard Sinnott, master. Geo. Hamilton, clerk.Leaves every SATUIRDAY. at 5 p. m.

Will leave as above. For freigant or passageapply on board, or to

R. W. ADAMS. 21 Commercial Place.P. 8.-Freight consigned to wharfboat, mouth

of Red river or to agents at New Orleans. forthe steamer Bart Able will be forwarded froeeofcharge. Jes





To sail THURSDAY. October 10, at 5 D. m..Steamship


Lodge Colton, commander,Will leave her wharf, op•oslte Jackson Saua

as ayove.For freight or passage, apply to

EDWARD A. YORKE, Agent.,je27 a3 Carondelet street, corner Gravier.



The first-class steamship

TAPPARANNOCR,Cooksey. commander.

Will leave wharf foot of Calliope street.' MONDAY. Seoot. 30. at 4 p. m.

Passage rates to Havana, $4o; Excuision tick-ets, o.

Passage rates to Jacksonville. 1p2 Includisstate rooms and meals.

Through bills of lading issued to all pointaFlorida.

For Freiht e or om apply toI . ROBERTS. 120 Common streaOver Louisiana National eBanM

The steamship folloWSon the- - . m7's



Tons. CommanderALICE.... ......... 1250......J. George,CHANCELLOR ....... 2050......G. Reynolds'CHRYSOLITE ....... 10 I..... Jones.COGNA. ............. 000..... W. Aiken.COMMANDER...... .1600 ...... R. Ellis.CORDOVA.........1417......W. Lang.COUNCILLOR .....- 25o0......W. Tutton.DISCOVERER ........ 2500..... R. .WilliamsoEXPLORER. ... .2010.......W. Jackson.FIRE QUEEN ....... 1180. ..... Williams.GLADIATOR.... .... ioo.....L. Jones.HISTORIAN .... ..... 180......W. Wallace.LEGISLATOR.... .21.5...... T. Burley.MEDIATOR..........201oo..... J. HanneyORATOR.... ..... 1342..... J. Corbishley.OBERON.............122......J. Campbell.STATESMAN ........10......W. Hughes.VANGUARD.........1405......- Valiant.WARRIOB............1220......W. L. Jones.

The steamshipCOROOV A,

Lang, Commander.will sail on or about October 13, 1878. fromwharf, foot of Esplanade street.

Will receive cotton and sign through bills olading for the Continent, between Havre ndCronstadt.

These steamships, betng of light draft, Wilcross the bar of the MississIppi at all icmewithout detention.

For freight apply toDECAN & CO..

de~ 01y s0 Carondelet street.





Passenger accommodations unsurpassed forelegance and comfort. All state-rooms onmain deck, and Saloon amidships.

SALOON CABINS $65 to $80 CURRENOY.SECOND CABIN, including all requisites. $4t.Excursion Tickets for First-Class Passage, Ne

York to Paris and return, $135 to $108according to state-room and

route chosen.For Books of Information, Plans, etc., apply to

ALEXANDER HAY,myl2 sm 50 Commerce street.




The steamships of the North Oeman oyd will resume their Regular Trleas follows:

From Bremen. From N. OrleansFrankfurt........ October 2 About Novem. 3Hannover ........ October 23 About Novem. 24Nurnbrg ......... Novem. 6 About Decem. SBraunsehwelg .... Novem. 20 About Decem. 22Frankfurt........Decem. 4 About January 5

These steamers touch outward at Havre anoHavana. an4 on their home trip at Havana andSouthampton.

PRICES OF PASSAGE:From Bremen. Southampton or Havre to Ha.

vana or New Orleans-Cabin, u1e (gold); Steersa, $86 (gold)

om NIew rleans to Southampton. Havre 0.Bremen-Cabin. $150 (gold); Steerage, $45 (gold).

From New Orleans to Havana-Cabin. ms(gold); Steerage, $15 (gold).

Children under ten years, half price; chiledren under one year. free.

N. B.-Our agent for Texas, Mr. Peter M. Er-hard, in Galveston, is authorized to issuesteer-age passage orders at the following throughrates:

From Bremen to Galveston. $42., goldFrom Bremen to Indianola, S54 50, gold.The comp+en reserves the rignt to enangeths

route of the steamers, their advertised dare ,departure and the Drices of passage.

Passage tickets from Bremen, E -uthampor Havre to New Orleans issued by .he undU

aor further partlculars a DDI toED.F . STOC xSYsE 00C.. Agents.

auvl Iyn 4 Unlonul ec?,