The New Sociology of Education PP

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  • 8/8/2019 The New Sociology of Education PP


    The new sociology ofThe new sociology of


    byby KarabelKarabel & Halsey(1976)& Halsey(1976)

    Presented byPresented by FekaduFekadu M.M.

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    Major emphases:Major emphases:

    Critiques of old sociologyCritiques of old sociology

    Elements of new sociologyElements of new sociology Countries in perspectivesCountries in perspectives

    Challenges in new sociologyChallenges in new sociology

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    Marxists see class interests behind a given patternMarxists see class interests behind a given pattern

    of educational organization and seek to specifyof educational organization and seek to specify

    the social groups supporting the relationsthe social groups supporting the relations

    prevailing between schools and other socialprevailing between schools and other socialinstitutionsinstitutions

    If both Marxism and functionalism see aIf both Marxism and functionalism see a

    harmonious fit between the educational systemharmonious fit between the educational system

    and the surrounding society, neither theory hasand the surrounding society, neither theory has

    much need for a politics of educationmuch need for a politics of education

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    For ifFor ifsocial formationssocial formations tend to have educationaltend to have educationalsystems which are "systems which are "appropriate"appropriate" to their needs,to their needs,there would seem to be little reason to expectthere would seem to be little reason to expect

    political struggle over the shape of the schoolpolitical struggle over the shape of the schoolsystemsystem

    But If theBut If the functionalistfunctionalist is susceptible to ais susceptible to aconfusion ofconfusion ofwhat iswhat is withwith what has to bewhat has to be, the, the

    Marxist is susceptible to a hyperMarxist is susceptible to a hyper--functionalismfunctionalismthat sees whatever educational system exists asthat sees whatever educational system exists asan essentially unavoidablean essentially unavoidable reflection of thereflection of theparticular class structureparticular class structure in which it is embeddedin which it is embedded

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    Many radical educational researchers,Many radical educational researchers,

    however, do not succumb to a vulgarhowever, do not succumb to a vulgar

    Marxist determinism that negates the needMarxist determinism that negates the needfor a politics of educationfor a politics of education

    Katz, for example, focused his research onKatz, for example, focused his research on

    thethe conflicting class interestsconflicting class interests that shapedthat shaped

    the structure of American education in thethe structure of American education in the1919thth centurycentury

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    Tyack has investigated theTyack has investigated the class basisclass basis ofof

    the movement to "the movement to "professionalismprofessionalism" control" control

    of educational institutions and uncoveredof educational institutions and uncoveredthe political interests behind thethe political interests behind the ideologyideology

    of taking the school "out of politics."of taking the school "out of politics."

    For reflection: Is politics in educationFor reflection: Is politics in education

    dependent on situations, existent & nondependent on situations, existent & non--existent at times?existent at times?

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    The works ofThe works ofradicalradical educational historianseducational historianstend to focus on conflicts over thetend to focus on conflicts over thestructurestructure (question of organization and(question of organization and

    control) of the educational systemcontrol) of the educational systemReflection: Has there ever been conflict overReflection: Has there ever been conflict over

    the structure of the education system inthe structure of the education system in

    Ethiopia ? ( Education Sector Review,Ethiopia ? ( Education Sector Review,completion at Grade 10 now, schoolcompletion at Grade 10 now, schoolleaving age,)leaving age,)

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    However, less visible in many of theseHowever, less visible in many of these

    struggles has been the question of thestruggles has been the question of the

    contentcontentof educationof education

    Accordingly, historians interested in theAccordingly, historians interested in the

    politics of educationpolitics of education have looked more athave looked more at

    thethe structurestructure of schooling than at itsof schooling than at its


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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    Politics of education requires more thanPolitics of education requires more than

    the study of patterns of control andthe study of patterns of control and

    educational structureeducational structure

    it calls for examination of changes in theit calls for examination of changes in the

    texture of daily life in educationaltexture of daily life in educational

    institutions that follow from macroinstitutions that follow from macro--

    structural transformationsstructural transformations

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    a critical element of the power of dominanta critical element of the power of dominant

    groups resides in their capacity togroups resides in their capacity to imposeimpose theirtheir

    own educationalown educational andand cultural idealscultural ideals on schoolon school

    These ideals areThese ideals are reflectedreflected both inboth in what is taughtwhat is taughtandand how it is taughthow it is taught, for the goal of education is, for the goal of education is

    to form both theto form both the mindmind and theand the personalitypersonality. Thus. Thus

    what is regarded as knowledge and the way it iswhat is regarded as knowledge and the way it is

    transmitted is an eminently political question,transmitted is an eminently political question,

    even in the absence of overt conflict Max Webereven in the absence of overt conflict Max Weber

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    the capacity tothe capacity to keep an issue offkeep an issue offthe agenda ofthe agenda ofpolitical debatepolitical debate may well be themay well be the ultimate form ofultimate form ofpowerpower

    Taken together, conflict theory of an analysis ofTaken together, conflict theory of an analysis ofthe content of the educational system hasthe content of the educational system hasprovedproved damagingdamaging to theto the emergenceemergence of a radicalof a radicaltheorytheory of educational politics.of educational politics.

    This same omission points to a weakness inThis same omission points to a weakness inconflict theory even with respect to the problemconflict theory even with respect to the problemto which it has been principally addressedto which it has been principally addressed--thatthatofofclass reproductionclass reproduction

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    few conflict theorists would deny thatfew conflict theorists would deny thatmuch of class reproduction takes placemuch of class reproduction takes placethrough thethrough the differential levels ofdifferential levels of

    achievementachievement of children from differentof children from differentsocial originssocial origins

    How, then, is differential academicHow, then, is differential academic

    performance explained in conflict theory?performance explained in conflict theory? the "rules of the game" favor the affluentthe "rules of the game" favor the affluent --

    maintain the system of inequalitymaintain the system of inequality

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    This leads to analysis of the social relations ofThis leads to analysis of the social relations ofpedagogy, showing how they reflect the culturalpedagogy, showing how they reflect the culturaldominance of elites handicap the learning of thedominance of elites handicap the learning of the

    children of the poorchildren of the poor InIn rejecting genetic and cultural deprivationrejecting genetic and cultural deprivation

    explanations of the correlation betweenexplanations of the correlation betweenscholastic achievement and social class, conflictscholastic achievement and social class, conflicttheorists find themselves pointing to the schoolstheorists find themselves pointing to the schoolsas the source of the problem without being ableas the source of the problem without being ableto specifyto specify what it is about them that iswhat it is about them that isresponsibleresponsible

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    Conflict theory has thus been unable toConflict theory has thus been unable to

    resolve the perennial problem of workingresolve the perennial problem of working

    class "educability"class "educability"

    focusing directly on thefocusing directly on the contentcontent ofof

    education and theeducation and the internal operationinternal operation ofof

    schools came to be called the "new"schools came to be called the "new"

    sociology of educationsociology of education

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    "social construction of reality" has become"social construction of reality" has become

    an influential lines of inquiry of the newan influential lines of inquiry of the new



    symbolic interactionistssymbolic interactionists

    a network of research workers sharing a commona network of research workers sharing a commonskepticism about macrosociological analysis ofskepticism about macrosociological analysis of

    educational content appeared over the horizoneducational content appeared over the horizon

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    the strategy for educational equality which hadthe strategy for educational equality which had

    hitherto been followed put its main emphasis onhitherto been followed put its main emphasis on

    structural reform but "never attacked the vitalstructural reform but "never attacked the vital

    centre of the system, the curriculum, thecentre of the system, the curriculum, the contentcontentof what is taughtof what is taught

    By the earlyBy the early 1970s1970s, a school of thought stressing, a school of thought stressing

    the content of education was formed, wasthe content of education was formed, was

    described as "the new sociology of education"described as "the new sociology of education" --

    an emergent "an emergent "alternative paradigmalternative paradigm""

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    the new concerns for educational researchthe new concerns for educational researchinclude:include:

    curricular, pedagogic and assessment categoriescurricular, pedagogic and assessment categories

    held by school personnelheld by school personnel teacherteacher--student interactionstudent interaction

    the curriculumthe curriculum

    From this perspective, the sociology ofFrom this perspective, the sociology of

    education is no longer conceived as aneducation is no longer conceived as anarea of enquiry distinct from thearea of enquiry distinct from the sociologysociologyof knowledgeof knowledge..

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    Perhaps the most striking feature of the "new"Perhaps the most striking feature of the "new"

    sociology of education is that it is almost entirelysociology of education is that it is almost entirely

    a British creation; it has, as yet, made fewa British creation; it has, as yet, made few

    inroads into American educational researchinroads into American educational researchwhich is dominated by conflict theorywhich is dominated by conflict theory

    the British cultural and political context wasthe British cultural and political context was

    much less conducive than its Americanmuch less conducive than its American

    counterpart to macrosociological studies ofcounterpart to macrosociological studies of

    social conflictsocial conflict

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    What is being questioned by theWhat is being questioned by the

    ethnomethodologists in demonstrating theethnomethodologists in demonstrating the

    fragility of tacit understandings underlyingfragility of tacit understandings underlying

    daily social interactiondaily social interaction is not so much theis not so much the

    legitimacy of existing social and politicallegitimacy of existing social and political

    institutions as the accuracy of the commoninstitutions as the accuracy of the common

    sense view ofsense view ofrealityrealityitselfitself

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    the etbnomethodologists direct their attentionthe etbnomethodologists direct their attention

    more tomore to microlevelmicrolevel interactions than tointeractions than to largerlarger

    social structuressocial structures

    their rebellion, thoughtheir rebellion, though radicalradical in its rejection ofin its rejection ofthe routines of everyday life,the routines of everyday life, avoidsavoids directdirect

    confrontation with theconfrontation with the status quostatus quo

    ethnomethodological epistemology: "knowledgeethnomethodological epistemology: "knowledge

    ... becomes thoroughly relativized and the... becomes thoroughly relativized and the

    possibility of absolute knowledge is denied"possibility of absolute knowledge is denied"

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    unlikeunlike either theeither the functionalistfunctionalist ororconflictconflict

    theories of education, which aretheories of education, which are

    essentially concerned with the macroessentially concerned with the macro--

    sociological question of thesociological question of the structurestructure of theof the

    relationships between schools and otherrelationships between schools and other

    social institutions, thesocial institutions, the interpretiveinterpretive

    approachapproach focuses directly on thefocuses directly on the internalinternaloperationsoperations of the schools themselvesof the schools themselves

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    Proponents of the interpretive approachProponents of the interpretive approach

    cited its relevance to teacher training ascited its relevance to teacher training as

    one of its virtuesone of its virtues

    as illuminating the classroom,as illuminating the classroom,

    its appeal to students in schools ofits appeal to students in schools of

    education and those sociologists whoseeducation and those sociologists whose

    job it is to teach themjob it is to teach them

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    With the "interpretive" paradigm, deeplyWith the "interpretive" paradigm, deeplyinfluenced by theinfluenced by the sociology of knowledgesociology of knowledge,,providing the theoretical framework of theproviding the theoretical framework of the

    "new" sociology of edu"new" sociology of edu, three related, three relatedproblem areas emerge as the keyproblem areas emerge as the keyconcerns of the fields:concerns of the fields:

    teacherteacher--student interactionstudent interaction,,

    the categories or concepts used by educatorsthe categories or concepts used by educators,,andand

    the curriculumthe curriculum

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    Two of the key research issues identified by theTwo of the key research issues identified by the

    interpretive approachinterpretive approach--thethe curriculumcurriculum & the& the

    conceptsconcepts of educatorsof educators--posed particularposed particular

    problems for the prospective researchers, for theproblems for the prospective researchers, for thenovelty of the subject matter called for thenovelty of the subject matter called for the

    creation of new methodscreation of new methods

    Even the more familiar problem of studentEven the more familiar problem of student--

    teacher interaction, already treated by symbolicteacher interaction, already treated by symbolicintegrationists, posed at every turn the thornyintegrationists, posed at every turn the thorny

    question of what counts asquestion of what counts as valid knowledgevalid knowledge

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    empirical investigation of the problemsempirical investigation of the problems

    raised by the interpretive approach couldraised by the interpretive approach could

    not proceed with the type of "rigor"not proceed with the type of "rigor"

    demanded by ademanded by a disciplinediscipline whichwhich accordsaccords

    scientific statusscientific status only to propositions thatonly to propositions that

    are replicable and falsifiableare replicable and falsifiable

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    the "new" sociology of education wouldthe "new" sociology of education would

    never generalizenever generalize data as tidy as thedata as tidy as the

    quantitative figures on social stratificationquantitative figures on social stratification

    produced in the political arithmetic traditionproduced in the political arithmetic tradition

    Furthermore, careful and longFurthermore, careful and long--termterm

    classroom observation called for anclassroom observation called for an

    enormous 'investment of money, time, andenormous 'investment of money, time, andenergyenergy

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    Interpretive sociologists hold thatInterpretive sociologists hold that social realitysocial reality,,which is "constantly in a state ofwhich is "constantly in a state ofbecomingbecomingrather thanrather than beingbeing ... is such as to preclude... is such as to preclude

    conventional social science approaches to dataconventional social science approaches to data This suspicion of quantitative evidence, coupledThis suspicion of quantitative evidence, coupled

    with a commitment to relativism, often leadswith a commitment to relativism, often leadsethnomethodologists to move from validethnomethodologists to move from validcriticisms of measurement error to a wholesalecriticisms of measurement error to a wholesaledismissal of attempts to measure phenomena asdismissal of attempts to measure phenomena asdiverse as academic performance anddiverse as academic performance andeducational aspirations.educational aspirations.

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    The new sociology of educationThe new sociology of education

    The preferred method of the "new" sociology ofThe preferred method of the "new" sociology of

    education is that of participant observationeducation is that of participant observation

    Depending upon whether researchers draw theirDepending upon whether researchers draw their

    theoretical cues from ethno-methodology ortheoretical cues from ethno-methodology orsymbolic interactionism, they may speak of thesymbolic interactionism, they may speak of the

    ""social construction of realitysocial construction of reality", or the "", or the "definitiondefinition

    of the situationof the situation," but their closely related," but their closely related

    concerns come together in analyzing theconcerns come together in analyzing theprocess of "process of "negotiation" over meaningsnegotiation" over meanings