The New that Stays New I tried to give Jesus my very best this year. As I did, I was afraid I would lose joy, lose love, lose contentment. Though there were difficult parts, I did not lose but found all three: joy, love, contentment. Life was better, deeper, more meaningful. Trying to live the Gospel is the hardest and most wonderful thing I’ve ever done. It’s not hard like academics, sports, or musical talent is hard. It’s hard on my ego, my self-centeredness, my need to always be right. To know I did not try to personally cheat on the challenges we faced this year in “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” is very satisfying to me. At other times in my life, I wouldn’t have done it. As the year ends, I also realize God has so much more to show us. 2016 is directly ahead and I’m excited about where God will lead us next. In following Christ, Paul found enough challenge to last a lifetime and commended this new perspective to his beloved church in Corinth: “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all . . . . So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 4:16-17, 5:16-17). Paul loved this church, just like I love you guys. Like him, I invite you to give Jesus your very best. You won’t regret it! January 1 st Starts Our Month of “Prayer & Fasting”! Our Calendar for January is up! Sign up with a check-mark on the day you will pray and fast. This is the BEST way to start the new year. God’s blessing on our lives and on this church is a huge advantage! YOUTH GROUP: TODAY! Christmas Party & Pollyanna at church. Stay after Worship for a festive lunch & to hang out with friends! The McEntires will provide the main dish. Teens can bring their favorite holiday treat. Remember to bring your “Pollyanna” gift. Tuesday, December 29 th : We will be serving at the Cathedral Kitchen 3:30-5:30. See Vivian Carter. FINAL on “Catch-up” Special Collection— As you may have heard, SOMEBODY anonymously stepped in last Sunday and filled the $414 gap, so that NOW our total for our Special Collection this year is $37,500. The GOAL was reached! Praise God for his provision through his people! January 3 rd Begins Ladies and Men’s Bible Classes. Our ladies will meet in the auditorium and the men in the new basement. Haircuts for Missions: THANK YOU Margaret, for your faithfulness in donating all these proceeds to our Missionary families! Margaret has been doing this for many years, so let her know you appreciate her devoted use of her talent for the Lord. Next Haircut day is January 9 th .

The New that Stays New January 1 Starts Our Month of

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Page 1: The New that Stays New January 1 Starts Our Month of

The New that Stays New

I tried to give Jesus my very best this year. As I did, I was afraid I would lose joy, lose love, lose contentment. Though there were difficult parts, I did not lose but found all three: joy, love, contentment. Life was better, deeper, more meaningful. Trying to live the Gospel is the hardest and most wonderful thing I’ve ever done. It’s not hard like academics, sports, or musical talent is hard. It’s hard on my ego, my self-centeredness, my need to always be right. To know I did not try to personally cheat on the challenges we faced this year in “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” is very satisfying to me. At other times in my life, I wouldn’t have done it. As the year ends, I also realize God has so much more to show us. 2016 is directly ahead and I’m excited about where God will lead us next. In following Christ, Paul found enough challenge to last a lifetime and commended this new perspective to his beloved church in Corinth: “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all . . . . So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 4:16-17, 5:16-17). Paul loved this church, just like I love you guys. Like him, I invite you to give Jesus your very best. You won’t regret it!

January 1st Starts Our Month of “Prayer & Fasting”! Our Calendar for January is up! Sign up with a check-mark on the day you will pray and fast. This is the BEST way to start the new year. God’s blessing on our lives and on this church is a huge advantage!

YOUTH GROUP: TODAY! Christmas Party & Pollyanna at church. Stay after Worship for a festive lunch

& to hang out with friends! The McEntires will provide the main dish. Teens can bring their favorite holiday treat. Remember to bring your “Pollyanna” gift.

Tuesday, December 29th: We will be serving at the Cathedral Kitchen 3:30-5:30. See Vivian Carter.

FINAL on “Catch-up” Special Collection— As

you may have heard, SOMEBODY anonymously stepped in last Sunday and filled the $414 gap, so that NOW our total for our Special Collection this year is $37,500. The GOAL was reached! Praise God for his provision through his people! January 3rd Begins Ladies and Men’s Bible Classes. Our ladies will meet in the auditorium and the men in the new basement. Haircuts for Missions: THANK YOU Margaret, for your faithfulness in donating all these proceeds to our Missionary families! Margaret has been doing this for many years, so let her know you appreciate her devoted use of her talent for the Lord. Next Haircut day is January 9th.

Page 2: The New that Stays New January 1 Starts Our Month of

Children’s Church Parents: The list of teachers and subjects is on the back of the “Worship Participant List” in the bulletin.

Nursery Lists: are on the bottom of the “Worship Participant List” in the bulletin.

Today’s Worship Leaders

Worship Leader: Carl Smith Welcome & Scripture: Josh Henderson (Rev. 21:1-5)

Opening Prayer: Bret Goen Lord’s Supper: Jeff Powers, Darren McEntire, Rich Fabi, Larry Scripture Before Message: Jiony Colon (2 Cor. 4:16-17, 5:16-17)

Announcements & Prayer: Rick Boyle __________________________________________________________________

Nursery: Wini & Elaine Next Week- Tina & Hannah Purple Cleaning Team: Dec. 30-Jan. 2 Becky Coordinates ____________________________________________________________________________

OUTREACH/MINISTRY Worship .................. 142 Mark Finn – Preacher Bible Class ................ 82 Church Office- (856) 854-0197 ELDERS: Rick Boyle (856) 986-4876 Tony Ceraso, Jr. (856) 278-6276 Bret Goen (856) 996-5267 Chet Churchill (609) 560-7179 Contribution ..... $2,353

Howard Mansdoerfer (609) 790-9969 Budget Goal .......... $4,260

Daily Bible Readers: 30

NEW Scriptures for a NEW Year:

“Sing to the LORD a NEW SONG” – Psalm 96:1

“We are looking forward to a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH”

–2 Peter 3:13

“I will give you a NEW HEART and put a NEW SPIRIT in you” –

Ezekiel 36:26

“Put on the NEW SELF which is being renewed” –Col. 3:10

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW CREATION; the old has gone,

the NEW has come!” –2 Cor. 5:17

Collingswood Church of

Christ Church Website: www.ccc123.org

300 White Horse Pike Collingswood, NJ 08107 December 27, 2015 Vol. XVIII No. 52

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not


(Hebrews 11:1)