The NEW Ultimate Referral Magnet Marketing System that Will Out Do ANYTHING You Have Ever Done Before!! Todd Walters, Platinum Coach

The NEW Ultimate Referral Magnet Marketing System that Will Out Do ANYTHING You Have Ever Done Before!! Todd Walters, Platinum Coach

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Page 1: The NEW Ultimate Referral Magnet Marketing System that Will Out Do ANYTHING You Have Ever Done Before!! Todd Walters, Platinum Coach

The NEW Ultimate Referral Magnet Marketing System that

Will Out Do ANYTHING You Have Ever Done Before!!

Todd Walters, Platinum Coach

Page 2: The NEW Ultimate Referral Magnet Marketing System that Will Out Do ANYTHING You Have Ever Done Before!! Todd Walters, Platinum Coach

CP Platinum“The Millionaire Agent Maker”

Todd Walters: Billion Dollar Real Estate Agent. Over 5,000 Transactions. Over $25 Million in Commissions

Earned. Top 10 RE/MAX World Wide Top 20 Agents in US (NAR) Platinum Coach with Craig Proctor

Real Estate Coaching.

Page 3: The NEW Ultimate Referral Magnet Marketing System that Will Out Do ANYTHING You Have Ever Done Before!! Todd Walters, Platinum Coach

When do clients know to come back to you or refer to you?


When you tell them!

Too many assume referrals, readership of material, or think just because you say Hi – they will “remember to refer”.

Page 4: The NEW Ultimate Referral Magnet Marketing System that Will Out Do ANYTHING You Have Ever Done Before!! Todd Walters, Platinum Coach

So how can you better how you get referrals?

• Success story

• News on personal

• Helpful program of the month

• Rewards

• Client appreciation events.

• Contests

Page 5: The NEW Ultimate Referral Magnet Marketing System that Will Out Do ANYTHING You Have Ever Done Before!! Todd Walters, Platinum Coach

The Ultimate Customer Formula

By Noah St. John • Customers are the lifeblood of your business. Without

customers -- people who buy your product or service -- you really don't have a business, do you? Duh!

• Ask any business owner, and he'll tell you he wants more customers. Yet I say that you DON'T want more customers. What you want are more Evangelists.

• What's an Evangelist? In this sense of the word, I mean someone who not only buys from you but tells everyone within earshot (and e-mailshot) how great you are.

Page 6: The NEW Ultimate Referral Magnet Marketing System that Will Out Do ANYTHING You Have Ever Done Before!! Todd Walters, Platinum Coach

There are three kinds of people who buy from you:

• 1. Customer = someone who simply buys from you

• 2. Referrer = someone who tells one or two people about you

• 3. Evangelist = someone who tells everyone about you

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So how do we move people from Customer to Referrer to Evangelist?

By using The Ultimate Customer Formula:

• Want + Trust = Customer

• Want x Trust = Referrer

• Want x Love = Evangelist

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Let's start with why someone becomes a Customer in the first place.

• First, a person has a Want -- something they desire. It could be to alleviate a PAIN or to increase their PLEASURE. That pretty much covers human Want.

• Then they find out about you (through something called marketing). And something they read, hear, see, or experience in your marketing makes them Trust that you will deliver to them the fulfillment of their Want.

• If you do what you said you would do -- help fulfill their Want -- they are satisfied with their purchase. They are now your Customer because they Trust you.

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So what do you do now?

• That's where most businesses fail. They go, "Whew, we got another one. Okay, where do we get the next one?“

• But don't you get it? You can get your next Customer -- or dozen Customers -- from that first satisfied Customer!

• How? Simple: Make them feel good about their purchase. Ask if there's anything else you can do. See what else they need or want -- that they may not even have thought of. Ask questions that no one else is asking.

• Or just be so much better than the other guys that your Customers have no choice but to choose you to fulfill their Want.

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Let me give you an example...

• I love Southwest Airlines. Why? There are dozens of reasons, but the most important one for me is that when I need to change a flight, I simply call their toll-free number and an ACTUAL HUMAN BEING picks up the phone and says, "Southwest, how can I help you?"

• Then I change the flight and there is NO service fee! What do you know? Southwest treats my money as MY money!

• I've flown other airlines, and paid as much as $450 for CHANGE FEES. Ridiculous!

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• Do you see what I just did? I just told everyone who's reading this newsletter how awesome Southwest Airlines is. I went from Customer right to Evangelist.

• If I felt so-so about Southwest, I might tell one or two friends. That would make me a Referrer.

• But because I love Southwest, I tell everyone about them -- even when I'm flying on other airlines!

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• How did it happen? I have a Want -- affordable, reliable airline service to take me where I need to go, AND actual human beings who answer the phone, AND no fees when I need to change a flight.

• From the very first time I flew Southwest, they not only delivered the fulfillment of my Want -- they OVER-delivered by thinking of ways I hadn't even thought of to make my travel better and easier, and by being a company of real live human beings.

• So I emotionally moved from I Trust Southwest to I LOVE Southwest.

• How fitting that their stock ticker symbol is LUV.

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• So here's The Ultimate Customer Formula again -- this time with the thoughts that go behind it:

• Want + Trust = Customer

• I want something and trust that you will deliver it to me.

• Want x Trust = Referrer

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• Want x Trust = Referrer

• I want something and trust that you will not only deliver it to me but that if I were to send a friend to you, you'd deliver it to them too.

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• Want x Love = Evangelist• I want something and not only trust that you will

deliver it to me, you will over-deliver, take care of me in ways I hadn't even thought of, and you are a company of actual human beings.

• That last part is particularly vital today. The word we see everywhere in marketing is transparency.

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• In the old days, you could hide behind a corporate shield and be immune to criticism. Those days are long gone.

• People are amazed when I pick up the phone and call them to see if they're happy with their purchase, or personally respond to an e-mail they wrote me.

• My feeling is, why wouldn't I?

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• But the beauty is, very few of my competitors will ever pick up the phone and call people to connect with them.

• Sure, it's more work for me. But it's work that I really enjoy doing. Plus, it cements me as the guy who actually CARES about how they're doing (which, as it happens, I do).

• So, use The Ultimate Customer Formula and see what you can do today, this week, this month, and this year to move people from Customer to Referrer to Evangelist.

• And isn't it amazing that the ultimate secret to success, yet again, is Love.

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Platinum Referral Systems

1. New Client Referral System.

2. Active Happy Client Request for Referrals

3. Past Client/Customer Referral System

4. Agent to Agent Referrals

5. Host Parasite Referral System

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1. New Client Referral System

• Include a Referral letter/card in all of your new VIP buyer or new seller paper work.

• After the paper work is signed, before leaving – ask for referrals.

• ALWAYS remember WIFM.

• Referral rewards/$$ off commission for referrals.

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Ask and you shall receiveThank for the opportunity to handle the sale of

your home. Do you know of anyone else considering a move that would benefit from the same service we are offering you? A friend, neighbor, relative, associate at work?

The reason I am asking is because for every referral you pass along to me today, while we I am here we will knock $50 off the commission you are paying.

I have room for 3 referrals here, really would like to see you save $150 today, so – who do you think might be interested in making a move??

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Who else do you that would benefit from the same level of service we are providing you? A Friend, Neighbor, Relative, Associate considering

making a move?

Seller shall receive $50 OFF the agreed upon commission being paid to Todd Walters for each referral considering making a move in the next 6 months.

Here is who I know considering making a move:_____________________________________________________Name_____________________________________________________Phone Number_____________________________________________________Name_____________________________________________________Phone Number_____________________________________________________Name_____________________________________________________Phone Number______________________________________________________Seller Signature______________________________________________________Amount of Commission Discount Awarded

Certified by: ____________________________________________

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Optional Referral Reward

*For every Referral That DOES make a move with our Team, we will donate $100 to the Scottish Rite Children's Hospital.

Or to the Charity of the Referrers choice!

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OSA Compensation on Referrals

• OSA gets the referrals they generate – pay them at least 50% plus a bonus for each one above a certain number.

• The more you pay, they more they will push for them.

• Make this part of your new team member training.

• Make this part of your OSA recognition so it stays top of mind for your team.

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2. Ongoing Client Referrals

• Your Admin, Customer Service People, etc. Should be soliciting referrals from happy clients.

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OTP Admin Referral ScriptMr. Smith, I want to thank you for your business and the super nice

things you are saying about our team. Do you mind me asking you who else do you know that may benefit from the same level of service we are providing you?

We have an ongoing promotion for referrals. Every referral that buys or sells with our team, we are donating $100 to Children's Health Care of Atlanta. Our Goal is to raise $100,000 for them this year.

We really appreciate you giving it some thought. Any neighbor or associate at work that you have heard discussing it?

Would it be ok if I called you at work tomorrow and got their contact info from you?

Great Thank You!!

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3. Past Client/Customer Referral System

• Monthly News Letter leveraging a news worthy event or special holiday.

• Voice Broadcast once a month around the Letter.

• The purpose of the letter is to get referrals, not to exchange recipe's.

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• To help you make a connection to your prospects, customers, contacts and past clients as you market for referrals, each month as a Platinum Member you receive a sample news letter that you can copy and implement in your own business.

• For the month of March, we can enter the conversation

going on in our customers head by leveraging the ending or Winter and Beginning of Spring! Remember - NEVER pass up a News Worthy Event or “National Holiday” or Special Time of Year to TALK to your clients and ASK for referrals.

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Housing News Watch - March!Todd Walters 8:14am Hopefully the Ground Hog Got it Right!!All I can say is WOW! I am sitting here at my computer, thinking of you, how grateful I am for the value you bring to my business, looking out my

office window and there is not a cloud in the sky, temps forecasted at 60 degrees today for the high. It looks like Spring has Sprung. I get that for many across the country it’s still COLD! But one thing is for sure, this winter season is coming to an end. It does every year. Without fail. Spring is a time of action, people busy trying to get things done they could not do during the winter months. Sort of a renewing of the mind, spirit, of may things GOOD! Hopefully this special season will bring awesome happenings your way as your year unfolds. Wouldn’t it be great to simply just grab your favorite book along with your favorite lounge chair, set it right down in your favorite spot somewhere, outside or next to your window, while looking out on a beautiful Spring day and simply ‘RELAX”. Yea, that would be nice. My hope is that you will get to something like that on more than one occasion this Spring. Unfortunately, there are some that will have a Spring Time they would much rather forget.

With all of the beauty this time of year brings, there is also the ugly. Just down the street from where I am typing this, Children’s Health Care of Atlanta has a full house of kids fighting for their lives. For them and their families, the Ground Hog seeing or not seeing HIS shadow is the furthest thing from their mind. Don’t get me wrong, these families long to see their kids out in the yard, playing or riding their bikes – but for now, they are praying that this Spring will be a season of healing. As you may have heard, Children’s Health Care of Atlanta is front and center in the fight against nasty diseases that destroy or cut short the lives of Children. We are thankful to have such a wonderful facility close by, doing such great work to help heal and save young people.

So even though we are eager to enjoy Spring, many are simply hoping they can be here to see it. This is why we here at Todd Walters & Associates have resolved to do what we can to help. For every house we sell this year, we are donating $250 of our income to Children’s Health Care of Atlanta. Our goal is to raise $100,000 to help them in their quest to Heal, Save, Cure and Comfort Children under their care.

This is where we need your help.

Life moves fast for some and we are eager to make the Home Selling or Home Buying experience a smooth and rewarding one. Over the last two decades of helping thousands of families sell their home and/or buy another, we have met some wonderful, loving, caring people. People like you! So your referrals, those you know considering a move, that we help – you can rest assured that not only will they get the award winning service we are known for, but that a solid portion of the income we receive from the transaction will go toward a very worthy cause.

And as always, ALL of our past clients are eligible for the annual Las Vegas All Expenses Paid Vacation – give away drawing held at our annual Client Appreciation Event in October (no referrals necessary to win). We hope to be announcing that the $100,000 goal for Childrens Healthcare was obtained at our Next Client Appreciation Event. More on that BIG event in next months news letter.

It’s easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move. Simply go to www.------

ReferralRewards.com. Of course you can always call me direct as well at 770-000-0000.

You and your referrals mean more than ever to me and my team. As we move forward in this new season, please know we are extremely thankful for you and your being a special part of our business.

With all my appreciation.TW

P.S. Remember we love honoring our past clients like you. Read all about that at www.__ReferralRewards.com. $250 of every real estate transaction being happily donated to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. You can read more about Children’s at www.CHOA.org

P.P.S. I have enclosed an article that discusses the issues many area home owners are facing in today’s market. As you read it, you will see that our unique offer to guarantee the sale of a home or buy it gives home sellers great peace of mind when selling in today’s market.

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Housing News Watch - APRIL!Todd Walters 8:14am TAX Day – Ugh!!

I recently read where we were working Jan. 1 through June 30th of each year, just to pay all of our taxes. After that, you keep all you make. Prior to that, 100% goes to the government in some form or fashion to pay for some kind of government worker, work program, social program, defense, project, health care, common good, etc. Whatever you want to call it, April 15th is TAX day; the deadline for filing your federal income taxes in the U.S.A.

So in celebration of this special day, let’s talk TAX relief. If you received last months letter from me, you will recall our goal of trying to raise $100,000 for Children’s Health Care of Atlanta. But – we need your help and I believe you can benefit from the TAX relief as well.

Just down the street from where I am typing this, Children’s Health Care of Atlanta has a full house of kids fighting for their lives. For them taxes are not “top of mind”, health is. Living is. Surviving is. As you may have heard, Children’s Health Care of Atlanta is front and center in the fight against nasty diseases that destroy or cut short the lives of Children. We are thankful to have such a wonderful facility close by, doing such great work to help heal and save young people.

So even though we are trying to figure out how much we owe the tax man, many are simply hoping they can be here to pay taxes. This is why we here at Todd Walters & Associates have resolved to do what we can to help. For every house we sell this year, we are donating $250 of our income to Children’s Health Care of Atlanta. Our goal, again, is to raise $100,000 to help them in their quest to Heal, Save, Cure and Comfort Children under their care.

This is where we need your help and how you can benefit at the same time.

Charitable contributions are tax deductible to a point. Rather than give your money to the government, you should consider making a donation to a charity. If you like this idea, we will match your donation up to $250 if you decide Children’s Health Care is a good place to donate. Check with your CPA to verify the deduction allowed on your taxes before pursuing this avenue.

Either way, your referrals are in good hands and help us contribute to a good cause.

Life moves fast for some and we are eager to make the Home Selling or Home Buying experience a smooth and rewarding one. Over the last two decades of helping thousands of families sell their home and/or buy another, we have met some wonderful, loving, caring people. People like you! So your referrals, those you know considering a move, that we help – you can rest assured that not only will they get the award winning service we are known for, but that a solid portion of the income we receive from the transaction will go toward a very worthy cause.

And as always, ALL of our past clients are eligible for the annual Las Vegas All Expenses Paid Vacation – give away drawing held at our annual Client Appreciation Event in October (no referrals necessary to win). We hope to be announcing that the $100,000 goal for Children’s Healthcare was obtained at our Next Client Appreciation Event. More on that BIG event in next months news letter.

It’s easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move. Simply go to www.------ReferralRewards.com. Of

course you can always call me direct as well at 770-000-0000.

You and your referrals mean more than ever to me and my team. As this year continues to unfold, please know we are extremely thankful for you and your being a special part of our business.

With all my appreciation.TW

P.S. Remember we love honoring our past clients like you. Read all about that at www.__ReferralRewards.com. $250 of every real estate transaction being happily donated to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. You can read more about Children’s at www.CHOA.org

P.P.S. I have enclosed an article that discusses the issues many area home owners are facing in today’s market. As you read it, you will see that our unique offer to guarantee the sale of a home or buy it gives home sellers great peace of mind when selling in today’s market.

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Referral Reward Program for Past Clients

• Find a local restaurant or servicing company that understands the life time value of a customer.

• Have them give you coupons or vouchers to pass out to your past clients for any referrals.

• Have them give you more substantial valued items to pass out as a reward/thank you when the referral closes.

• Same big annual vacation drawing for past clients referrals.

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Example of Past Client Referral Reward

• For every referral you pass along you get a free ice cream at Brusters Ice Cream

• When your referral buys or sells, you are rewarded with a Free Steak Dinner for Two at Chops Lobster Bar and Steak House.

• Each referral gives you a separate entry into our annual drawing for a Free Las Vegas Vacation.

*RESPA Rules: may want to check with your local governing authority on how to properly apply this. We prefer the gift to come directly from the sponsoring business!

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Leveraging News Worthy Events

• Do you celebrate Leap Year?? You should! Use it as an excuse to make an offer to your customer.

• People always respond to whats already on their minds.

• People respond better to special occasions because they are already thinking of them.

• Enter the conversation already going on in your customers mind.

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That one special day each month• January – New Years Resolution• February – A Valentines gift• March – Time for a Change • April – Tax Day• May – Mother always said you should…• June – the Donald• July – Celebrate your independence• August – back to school• September – Labor Day• October – Halloween• November – I am thankful for you…• December – A holiday gift that keeps giving

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Voice blast for referrals using NEWS

Hi, it’s Todd Walters. In order to avoid playing phone tag, I wanted to record this special audio message for you. First of all, thank you so much for you business. I just popped My newsletter in the mail to you. This month includes information on how the foreclosure market has impacted the housing market in your area. I also let you know about our quest to raise $100,000 for Childrens Miricle Network and how you can help! If you have a friend, associate, family member or neighbor considering a move, simply call me direct at 000-0000 or refer them online at www._.com. This will help us reach our goal for Childrens and we appreciate your help with that.Thanks again and have a Grand Day.

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Referral Rewards Landing Page Your Referrals Help the Children… (PLUS an all expense paid trip to Las Vegas for YOU*)!

Please Complete the Form Including Your Referral’s Contact Info, we’ll take it from there! Thank you.

We need your help because your referrals are the lifeblood of our business.  Only through YOUR assistance can we keep building the business and consistently provide the level of service that ensures my clients are always completely satisfied.  We sincerely hope you will tell your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers about our services.  You'll be doing them (and us) a favor because they too will receive the same excellent service that you have experienced with our home selling team.

YOUR REFERALS HELP THE KIDS TOO… For every house we sell this year, we are donating $250 of our income to Children’s

Health Care of Atlanta. Our goal is to raise $100,000 to help them in their quest to Heal, Save, Cure and Comfort Children under their care.

So your referrals, those you know considering a move, that we help – you can rest assured that not only will they get the award winning service we are known for, but that a solid portion of the income we receive from the transaction will go toward a very worthy cause.

*And remember as a Past Client you automatically earn a chance to win an All

expense paid trip to Las Vegas. 3 Day 2 Night plus air at the Bellagio Resort. Annual drawing held in June.

Please Complete the Form Including Your Referral’s Contact Info, we’ll take it from there! Thank you.

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CP $500 off Commission Referral Reward page Your Referrals Can Earn You $500 (or more)!

We need your help because your referrals are the lifeblood of our business.  Only through YOUR assistance can we keep building the business and consistently provide the level of service that ensures my clients are always completely satisfied.  We sincerely hope you will tell your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers about our services.  You'll be doing them (and us) a favor because they too will receive the same excellent service that you have experienced with our home selling team.

TO THANK YOU for your continued support we will send you a Commission Savings Certificate, which reduces our commission by $500.00 on your next move, (one for each referral who becomes a client of our services).  IMPORTANT:  Even if you have no plans to move and personally are unable to take advantage of this offer, you can pass your Commission Savings Certificate along to a friend or family member or someone who can benefit from the savings.

If you know someone who is thinking of selling or buying a home,

please fill in the form below

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TW’s Referral Letters

• On the 15th of each month, TW will send to Platinum Members a Referral Letter for the following month.

• Feel free to copy and implement.

• But please Take Action!!!

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4. Agent to Agent Referrals

• Identify who the agents are in your MLS that sell less than 5 homes a year.

• Email/Mail to them once a month a newsletter soliciting referrals.

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It’s Todd Walters and I hope you won’t mind this most unusual letter, but I thought you may be interested in what I am going to share with you.

A common problem many agents are experiencing today is listings, sitting on the market, not selling, sellers taking their frustrations out on them. Even worse, agents investing time, money, family sacrifices into months of trying to get a listing sold only to have the seller decide to go with another agent or sell FSBO.

Well it does not have to be that way. In case you were unaware, we have a very special, unique program we have been running now for close to 20 years; one that has admittedly made it tough for other agents in the market place to compete when going head to head with me and my team. You may know it as “move up to any one of my listings and I will buy your home for cash!” I call it my guaranteed sale program. But due to the tough market for many agents, I wanted to do every thing I could to help the agents in our market make money from the hard work they are putting in.

So I have developed an exclusive program that will put money into a Listing Agents hand literally over night. I call it the Win Win Win Home Selling System. Bottom line is that you can get paid on any listing, you do no work, invest no money and still get paid.

Here’s how it works. Any listing you have or will have that you are not that motivated to work on, call me – I will pay you $300 CASH on the

spot for the referral AND pay you a larger than life referral fee at the close of sell. I want to be right upfront and say I am not hear to steal or take any of your hard fought for listings. But, for those that

you are not selling or can’t put the time into – I would be O.K. with discussing those with you and again – insure you get immediate CASH for the referral as well as the big bonus referral at closing when we close on it or sell it.

Thank about what this could mean for you: You get paid whether the home sales or not. And if your seller is a buyer, we will guarantee you get 100% of the Buyers commission if they decide to move up and buy one of our listings.

Now you can see why I call it a Win Win Win. You win by getting some much needed cash and a handsome referral fee. The seller wins because we are able to guarantee their home sale. I win because I get a great listing referral from you and a sale.

Call me now to discuss the referral fee!ThanksTW

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Broker Remarks

• $300 CASH for your ugly listings ON THE SPOT Plus a BIG Referral Fee. Call TW now to discuss!

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Page 42: The NEW Ultimate Referral Magnet Marketing System that Will Out Do ANYTHING You Have Ever Done Before!! Todd Walters, Platinum Coach

5. Host Parasite Referrals

• Find a local restaurant or servicing company that understands the life time value of a customer.

• Have them give you coupons or vouchers to pass out to your past clients for any referrals.

• Have them give you more substantial valued items to pass out as a reward/thank you when the referral closes.

• Same big annual vacation drawing for past clients referrals.

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• Give them a link on your website

• Create their Continuity Program.

• They promote you, you promote them.

• Strategic alliance!! More on this….