Feature: Feature: The Reinvention Strategist The Reinvention Strategist Jim Jim Jim Mathis, Mathis, Mathis, CSP CSP CSP Reveals Success Secrets: Reveals Success Secrets: “Leaders vs. Losers” “Leaders vs. Losers” Reinventing Yourself Reinventing Yourself for the New World of for the New World of Work! Work! 888 888- 688 688- 0220 0220 [email protected] [email protected] JIM’S POWER PRESENTATIONS, PAGES 6-7 Leader’s Journal Leader’s Journal THE NEW WORLD OF WORK! THE NEW WORLD OF WORK! www.jimmathis.com www.jimmathis.com $7.00 USD $7.00 USD $9.00 CAD $9.00 CAD

THE NEW WORLD OF WORK! · The Reinvention StrategistThe Reinvention Strategist JimMathis, CSP Reveals Success Secrets:Reveals Success Secrets: “Leaders vs. Losers”“Leaders vs

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Page 1: THE NEW WORLD OF WORK! · The Reinvention StrategistThe Reinvention Strategist JimMathis, CSP Reveals Success Secrets:Reveals Success Secrets: “Leaders vs. Losers”“Leaders vs


The Reinvention StrategistThe Reinvention Strategist

JimJimJimMathis,Mathis,Mathis, CSPCSPCSPReveals Success Secrets:Reveals Success Secrets:

“Leaders vs. Losers”“Leaders vs. Losers”

Reinventing YourselfReinventing Yourselffor the New World offor the New World ofWork!Work!

[email protected]@jimmathis.com


Leader’s JournalLeader’s JournalT H E N E W W O R L D O F W O R K !T H E N E W W O R L D O F W O R K !

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Page 2: THE NEW WORLD OF WORK! · The Reinvention StrategistThe Reinvention Strategist JimMathis, CSP Reveals Success Secrets:Reveals Success Secrets: “Leaders vs. Losers”“Leaders vs

About Jim Mathis, CSP: The Reinvention Strategist...

Do you want to dominate your market in a time of economic uncertainty? Areyou frustrated with the lack of leadership in your organization? Do you knowyour customers' #1 complaint? Are the challenges of the economy affectingyour productivity? Do you want to redefine your corporate message?

Jim Mathis helps you become a leader in the highly competitive, volatile,global marketplace. Jim's programs will help you discover the indisputable truthsand realities about your organization that you can't see or solve on your own.

Comments like: “I learned so much from attending your seminar!”; “Fast mov-ing, fun, informative and insightful!”; “Bring Jim back next year!” and “I am go-ing to make $500,000 this year!” are some of the comments you will receive.

A Personal Message From Jim

It’s amazing that the way you think about yourself changes the way youthink about the world. Attitude is everything! You can change the worldaround you just by changing your attitude about life, your family andyour career. I believe that anyone can go from a loser in to a leader!

Discoveries like these led me to speak to thousands of people on how to reinventtheir leadership. Sharing what I know about marketing, performance and produc-tivity has opened new doors of increased revenues for many organizations.

You have the opportunity! You will find this magazine packed with many ideasand resources that will empower, enlighten and energize you. Enjoy the ride!

-Jim Mathis, CSP

“High energy, informative and thought provoking!” -Deedra Jolly, U.S. Dept. of Justice

2 $7

Leader’s JournalLeader’s JournalT H E N E W W O R L D O F W O R K !T H E N E W W O R L D O F W O R K !

Jim Mathis, CSP, Leader’s Team Journal, 1-888-688-0220, www.jimmathis.com


Page 3: THE NEW WORLD OF WORK! · The Reinvention StrategistThe Reinvention Strategist JimMathis, CSP Reveals Success Secrets:Reveals Success Secrets: “Leaders vs. Losers”“Leaders vs









Leaders vs. Losers———————-——————–—–— 4Know how to tell the differences

Experience The Excitement!————–——–————— 6Jim’s Power Presentations, Coming to a City Near You!

Discover How to Turn Your Losers into Leaders-—–— 8An inexpensive tool you can use in your workplace!

Reinventing Yourself for the New World of Work-—–– 10Begin the journey





"I found your presentation interesting, humorous, and up-lifting. If more people behaved as you indicate theyshould, our families and our nation as a whole, would behappier, healthier, and more secure."

-Randy Lindborg, Bismarck, ND

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New World of WorkNew World of Work Audio CD’sAudio CD’s

Leader’s Team Journal is publishedby The Mathis Group, LLC

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Page 4: THE NEW WORLD OF WORK! · The Reinvention StrategistThe Reinvention Strategist JimMathis, CSP Reveals Success Secrets:Reveals Success Secrets: “Leaders vs. Losers”“Leaders vs

In prosperous times even the worstexecutives looked good from a dis-tance. But now you can tell just bytheir attitude who the leadersare...and who the losers are. Theother day I got into a discussionwith some leaders I meet with on aregular basis.

We talked about the differences be-tween real leaders and those whoare just in a position someone elseput them in. The result I came upwith is this list of Leaders vs.Losers.



4 Jim Mathis, CSP, Leader’s Team Journal, 1-888-688-0220, www.jimmathis.com

I have to admit, I am a poor loser. Idon't like losing business that I haveworked hard to secure. I don't likewhen my team works for monthswith a CEO or meeting plan-ner only to have a haphazard com-mittee come in with their ownagenda and hire someone else. Theeconomic crisis can make it evenworse. Still I press on, but onequestion remains: Can anythinggood come out of a recession?

There are a few positives going for-ward. One positive outcome of abad economy is that it separates theleaders from the losers. You canspot them at a glance.

· Leaders think "Yes" - losersthink "No." Most successful lead-ers know they are in their positionbecause of the dominating positivethoughts that are in their minds andnot their accomplishments. If youare resting on your laurels be care-ful that they don't wilt under thepressure of your ego. Henry Fordchallenged his engineers to developan 8 cylinder motor in a day that itwas unheard of. Time and timeagain they came back to him sayingit was impossible. But Ford wouldstubbornly say, "Go back and tryagain."

He was convinced that it could bedone and nothing would deter him.

"I have learned to care about my staff as much as I care about myself." -George Kinney, Ohio Veterans Homes Agency

Can anything good comeout of a recession?

Page 5: THE NEW WORLD OF WORK! · The Reinvention StrategistThe Reinvention Strategist JimMathis, CSP Reveals Success Secrets:Reveals Success Secrets: “Leaders vs. Losers”“Leaders vs

Eventually he was proved right bythe same people that spent theirtime thinking of ways it couldn't bedone. How about you? Losers taketheir eyes off of the customer andconcentrate on the competition.They don't think there are enoughcustomers to go around. They hoardand are jealous. Remember EttaJames' negative remarks after Be-yonce sang "her song" at the presi-dential inauguration? As authorLarry Winget says: "Stop whining,shut up and get a life!" That leadsus to...

• Leaders are confident in them-selves - losers are insecure. Losersspend their time trying to hold on tothe territory. They view the worldthrough scarcity. Their battle cry is:“There’s not enough to go around!”Leaders view the world through anabundance mentality: “There willalways be enough to go around.”People who try to hold their posi-tion don't hold it for long. Their in-securities become evident and theylose followers. If you are spendingyour time reinforcing yourself youwill quickly run out of support andsupplies. The great generals havealways been known for the territorythey took and battles they won, notthe things they did when no onewas fighting. Leaders know theirstrengths and abilities. They knowtheir weak points and how to com-pensate; how to put the right peoplein the right places to cover the gap-ing holes. They live by the VidalSassoon motto: "If YOU look good,WE look good." That way the creditgets passed around. A loser wantsall the credit for themselves in avain effort to reinforce their role as"leader."

Leaders think “Yes” - Losers think “No.”

Jim Mathis, CSP, Leader’s Team Journal, 1-888-688-0220, www.jimmathis.com 5

• Leaders see the big picture -losers try to get a snapshot. Lead-ers see a downturn in the economyand look for ways to make it workto their advantage. They try tomake the universe a better placethrough their influence. It is lonelyat the top but the view is much bet-ter. You can see how one decisionaffects another and how it will playin your overall vision for the or-ganization. Losers, fearful of doingtoo much and making waves take inonly sections of the big picture andrarely venture beyond the bordersof the mat. There is a Seinfeld epi-sode where Elaine's boss is unableto see a 3-D picture because hecan't focus his eyes correctly. It isan illustration of the mistakes he ismaking in running the company.Losers are afraid of making deci-sions and wait on the economy toturn around. Leaders steer the boatto safer waters. Losers are justalong for the ride.

• Leaders think about the next dec-ade - losers think about the weekend.A true leader is always thinking severalsteps ahead of his/her people. Con-stantly scanning the horizon for newterritory to take and opportunities toseize, they see to the fifth and sixthgenerations of leadership. It was saidthat Alexander the Great wept when hemarched his army off the known mapfor there were no more lands in sight toconquer. Leaders want to leave a leg-acy. Losers don't want to equip some-one else to succeed them. They fearthat they will be replaced by someonebetter. John Maxwell says, "There isno success without a successor." Los-ers think about how they are goingto spend their weekend relaxing andplaying. Which brings us to...

Continued on Page 8


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"Great for companies that constantly have change and develop teams daily ." -Vicki Prosser, Columbia, SC

Page 6: THE NEW WORLD OF WORK! · The Reinvention StrategistThe Reinvention Strategist JimMathis, CSP Reveals Success Secrets:Reveals Success Secrets: “Leaders vs. Losers”“Leaders vs

Jim Mathis, CSP, Leader’s Team Journal, 1-888-688-0220, www.jimmathis.com6

MOTIVATING KEYNOTESMOTIVATING KEYNOTESMOTIVATING KEYNOTESReinventing Yourself for the New World of WorkEveryone can reinvent themselves in a challenging economy. The economy isn't down; it's different!

The realities of business have changed. You don't manage change, but rather the way you react to it.No matter what, the next year is probably the end of the way most of us do business. 72% of theworld's organizations will have to reinvent the way they do business in the next two years! The truth isthat the business we're in is determined by the need or want that is satisfied when the customer buysour service. To be effective you must see yourself from the customer's point of view. A product or ser-vice is a convergence of customer value satisfactions. Before you reinvent yourself and your organiza-tional approach, you must identify these values as indisputable truths.

Key presentation points:

1. The economy is not down; it's different. Leaders are different…

2. The Recession will NEVER end;

3. People don't buy what you sell; the buy what they buy

4. To lead in your industry you have to get OUTSIDE of it.

5. Get close to your customers and you have MORE customers, and LESS competition

6. Teamwork doesn't always work; building community always does...

7. If you fail to reinvent your business model you may be OUT of business in two years.

Leaders vs. LosersOne positive outcome of a bad economy is that it separates the leaders from the losers.You can spot them at a glance. Now you can tell just by their attitude who the leadersare...and who the losers are.One theme—10 segments to choose from:

1. Leaders think "Yes" (Attitude).2. Leaders are secure in themselves (Confidence)3. Leaders see the big picture (Vision).4. Leaders think about the next decade (Planning).5. Leaders make things happen (Initiative).6. Leaders develop healthy relationships with people (Relationships).7. Leaders inspire (Motivation).8. Leaders generate momentum (Momentum).9. Leaders raise other leaders (Succession)10. Leaders listen to others (Listening Skills).

"Your average evaluation score on a scale of 1 to 10 was 9.7 for subject matter and 9.9 for delivery presentation."

-Jon Campos, North Carolina Bankers Association


Page 7: THE NEW WORLD OF WORK! · The Reinvention StrategistThe Reinvention Strategist JimMathis, CSP Reveals Success Secrets:Reveals Success Secrets: “Leaders vs. Losers”“Leaders vs

Jim Mathis, CSP, Leader’s Team Journal, 1-888-688-0220, www.jimmathis.com 7


Today's business environment has changed...forever. It calls for a new way of thinking about employ-ees and management. The concept of "team building" has fostered a culture of competition for manyyears. More and more today companies are seeking a way to unite their workforce into a positive com-munity that supports one another - rather than a culture of conformity. Individual contributions are wel-come and respected. The movement to a loyal, supportive community within the workplace promoteshealthy relationships with customers as well.

YOU WILL LEARN TO: Build a loyal, supportive positive culture of leaders at all levels.

Sales Trac Sales WorkshopSales and marketing has changed forever. They will never be the same again. The methods thatworked just a few months ago are obsolete. Once you allow the customer to negotiate on price, youhave lost the sale. Your prospects buy on the value of products and services. You need to reinventyour sales strategy. The Sales Trac Workshop helps you gain the competitive advantage and improve

effectiveness of your sales calls. Through dialogues and interactive methods

YOU WILL LEARN TO: Sell more in less time at higher profits.

Serve Trac Customer Service WorkshopCustomers are more savvy than ever. By the time they call you on the phone, they know more aboutyour competition than you do. They don't have time to wait on hold or for an untrained person to findan answer. They make decisions in an instant and expect the same speed from your service repre-sentatives. Serve Trac is a skill-building training program that uses participant dialogue and interaction

to help customer service professionals develop first-class competencies in the service needs of theircustomers.

YOU WILL LEARN TO: Turn every customer opportunity into a positive experience tocompete locally and globally.

Reinvention Coaching/Strategizing SessionsPeople know that the Reinvention Process is easy, but they want to know how to avoid the pitfalls somany organizations fall into as they transform their culture, marketing, workforce, products and ser-vices. The Reinvention Coaching/Strategizing Sessions are dialogues with your leadership, customers

and Jim Mathis, The Reinvention Strategist. These sessions help you repurpose your thinking, prod-ucts, services, systems and strategies for results in a challenging economy. You work in a customizedcoaching series to determine your products, customers and services that differentiates you.

YOU WILL: Develop a customized specific reinvention plan of actionable steps.

"I learned things I wish I had known before I was promoted - This could have helped my employees and myself a lot!"-Kara Denault, Salt Lake City, Utah


Page 8: THE NEW WORLD OF WORK! · The Reinvention StrategistThe Reinvention Strategist JimMathis, CSP Reveals Success Secrets:Reveals Success Secrets: “Leaders vs. Losers”“Leaders vs

LeadersLeadersvs.vs.LosersLosers (Continued)(Continued)

• Leaders make things happen - losers have thingshappen to them. It's the difference between"actionary" and reactionary leadership. Leaders seethemselves as part of the solution while losers be-come part of the problem. Leadership is all aboutmaking decisions that other fear to make. Losers onlywant credit for success. Leaders can admit their fail-ures because they use them to learn and move aheadin life. John F. Kennedy earned respect when he cameon national television admitting the failure of the Bayof Pigs invasion. It allowed him to move to a higherlevel of leadership. Today we have many leaders onboth sides of the political landscape who won't admittheir failures and then they wonder why people arehesitant to follow their guidance.

• Leaders get close to the ones they want to grow –losers distance themselves from their staff. FrankLloyd Wright, the American architect who re-wrotethe rules of design in the 20th Century would alwayshave his apprentices move their desks closest to hisown. He wanted them to learn from his example andhe poured his knowledge into them. Why wouldn’tyou want the new guy or girl to turn out successful?As a result the success ratio of his staff was far abovethat of any of his contemporaries.

Losers start the new people at the bottom of the peck-ing order and force them to work their own way up.Most often "newbies" drop out on the way up the cor-porate ladder. If you want someone to succeed, keepthem close to you and model the behavior you wantthem to replicate.

• Leaders develop healthy relationships with peo-ple - losers "date" people looking for the like-minded. Leaders know that you can't cast vision topeople who aren't close to you. If you were going tofind someone to dedicate your life to, would you bar-hop until the right person came along, or spend timebuilding a deep commitment level? Organizationsare too full of people dating prospects and failing tobuild relationships. As my friend Don Hicks in Mis-souri puts it, "There is a difference between havingsales and having clients." Sales leaders developdeep, healthy relationships on which future businesscan be built. Losers go from one job to the next justtrying to stay alive. A friend of mine has a sign inhis office that reads: "I don't have to survive, I canthrive!" Are you thriving or surviving?

• Leaders inspire - losers perspire (then expire).You can always tell a leader by the vision she/he isable to cast and the followers it gathers. John Max-well says if anyone says they are leading but has nofollowers, they are merely taking a walk! Is anyonefollowing you? Are you able to whip everyone intomotivation by your leading ability? Tenure contrib-utes much to this as the longer you are with peoplethe more they can reflect on what you have done forthem and the organization. At this point you haverisen to a new level of leadership. Losers inspire noone and eventually run out of steam. In the last daysof the American Revolution when his generals weretrying to revolt against congress, George Washing-ton was able to inspire them to put their trust in hisleadership and fight on.

• Leaders model - losers "phone it in." Leadersknow the way and show the way. They are at theforefront modeling. Losers are hiding in the back-ground waiting for someone else to take charge;waiting for someone else to make the first move.They fear the problems even success brings so theyhang in the background to “check the barometer”before acting. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin LutherKing believed in peaceful resistance, and they ledout front. They modeled what they believed in and itstill inspires millions today. You always saw themout front - no matter how violent their adversariesbecame. When Hitler's Third Reich was crumblinghe was in a bunker. When times are tough a trueleader will model the behavior and attitude theyteach. They become a walking talking picture ofwhat they want their followers to become.

Jim Mathis, CSP, Leader’s Team Journal, 1-888-688-0220, www.jimmathis.com8

"This training taught me how to deal with others." -Stephanie Jennings, Palmetto GBA

“If you want someone tosucceed, keep them close

to you.”

Page 9: THE NEW WORLD OF WORK! · The Reinvention StrategistThe Reinvention Strategist JimMathis, CSP Reveals Success Secrets:Reveals Success Secrets: “Leaders vs. Losers”“Leaders vs

• Leaders generate motivation – losers generatestagnation. Leaders empowered with a vision knowhow to go to the right people and cast that vision.They go out looking for discontent with the statusquo and use that to instill a desire for change. Losersprefer to maintain the status quo. “If it ain’t broke,don’t fix it.” or “We’ve never tried that before,” aretheir mottos. They fear the unknown and usually hopesomeone else will step up and take the reins. Losersdon’t want to go one-on-one for fear that they will bediscovered lacking the ability to lead. Nothing growsand everyone goes – away. Abraham Lincoln moti-vated everyone he met during his presidency. He per-sonally went out in the field to coach new generals.He would go to the Union Station in Washington, DCto greet and say “farewell” to the soldiers beingshipped out to the battlefield. The result was the un-dying support of each and every soldier who felt per-sonally motivated by their President.

• Leaders embrace failure – losers avoid it at allcosts. Again Frank Lloyd Wright constantly experi-mented with ideas that ultimately failed. “How elsecan you succeed unless you try something new andlearn from it?” More of his designs were built thanhis two top rivals combined. He pushed his appren-

Leaders are willing to come out of their comfort zone.

9Jim Mathis, CSP, Leader’s Team Journal, 1-888-688-0220, www.jimmathis.com

When they would write him from overseas job sitesabout difficulties they faced saying, “How do yousolve X problem?” he would wait several weeks thenwrite them back with the reply, “How do YOU solveit?” Only through repeated trial and error do youlearn and grow. Thomas Edison experimented withover 10,000 substances before finding the solution toa working light bulb. When asked why he didn’t quithe answered, I simply have found 10,000 ways itwon’t work.” Losers are so afraid that they will failthey risk nothing, learn nothing and fail to grow.

• Leaders listen to others – losers talk about them-selves and their accomplishments. Leaders knowthat they must constantly hear new ideas from peoplewho have never had an opportunity to share them.Your greatest skill in leadership is the ability to keepyour ear to the ground for movements, ideas andopinions. Listen more than you talk and you willlearn more. President John F. Kennedy surroundedhimself with advisors that were smarter than he sothat he would get the best advice when he needed it.

Want to be a Leader? Be a risk-taker, defy the statusquo, succeed through others, and keep casting vision.



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-What kind of plan do you have in place this year to change



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LEAD TRACLEAD TRACTurning Losers into LeadersTurning Losers into Leaders

Page 10: THE NEW WORLD OF WORK! · The Reinvention StrategistThe Reinvention Strategist JimMathis, CSP Reveals Success Secrets:Reveals Success Secrets: “Leaders vs. Losers”“Leaders vs


A New World of WorkA New World of WorkA New World of Work

1. Leaders know their business atti-tude is a choice. You choose yourattitude. You also choose your busi-ness attitude in the same way. Youchoose these in the same way youchoose what to wear each day. No oneis responsible for your business atti-tude but you. If you feel cheated in adeal, you choose to feel cheated. Ifyou feel like a failure, you choose tofeel that way. Conversely, if you feelsuccessful it is your choice. More im-portantly, if you feel the recession isdominating your life, then it does. Ifyou choose to cut back or wait out thedownturn, then you are responsiblefor that, not the circumstances. Wecan't manage change, we can onlymanage how we react to it. Thesooner you come to grips with this,the sooner you will take responsibilityfor your actions and reactions to situa-tions and quit blaming everyone else.

I spoke to a group of automotive partsdistributors last month. They, likeeveryone else were suffering becausetheir business was down. Then wetalked about how an economy whereconsumers are keeping their automo-biles longer and not buying new carsactually favors this industry. In fact,this industry hasn't seen a time whennew car purchases were down likethis since World War II. More peopleare retaining and repairing their exist-ing cars than ever before. They needparts and repairs more than before.Their new attitude is now, "This is thebest market we've had in decades!"Your mental outlook about your busi-ness is your choice, not the media's,the headlines' or the economy's fault.Stop whining and get a life!

“A laugh out loud presentation.” -RoseAnn McRedmond, Harrisburg, PA

3. Leaders know that nobody buys aproduct; they buy what it does. Peopledon’t rent cars: they buy convenienttemporary transportation. They don’tcare who is really selling it as long as itgets them there. When you boil it downthere is really no difference betweenHertz, Avis, National, Thrifty or Budgetcars. They still are just cars. Is therereally a difference between LeSeuer andGreen Giant Peas? Absolutely not. Youmake choices based on personal prefer-ence that is often dictated by habit ormarketing. I bought a Fujitsu computerlast year. Why? Because I like Fujitsu’scustomer service. They have fixed prob-lems for me when the unit was out ofwarranty. Not only that, when I toldthem that I tell my audiences about theircustomer service, they offered to shipthe laptop for free and threw in a freetravel case. It was what the product did(offered extended service, shipping anda case all for free) that got my business.

So the better you can convey what yourproduct or service does, the betterchance you have of selling it. This iswhere value marketing comes in. Youneed to learn how to describe what yourproduct or service does for consumersin a unique way that nobody else is do-ing. If it does something extra, so muchthe better. When everybody else is do-ing it, then you have to be different.Really, what is the difference betweenscrew drivers? Yet Craftsman andStanley have been at it for years tryingto convince you that their products aredifferent and better. So they guaranteethem for the rest of your life. When wasthe last time you needed a lifetime guar-antee for a screwdriver? On the flipside, though, we buy appliances andelectronics that have certain features onthem that others don’t. Why? Becausethey differentiated themselves from therest of the pack.

Read the next 7 segments at:w w w . j i m m a t h i s . c o m / p d f /IndisuptableTruths.pdf



Jim Mathis, CSP, Leader’s Team Journal, 1-888-688-0220, www.jimmathis.com


2. Losers wait for the recession toend. Recessions never end. There, I saidit. Why do I say this? I say they willnever end because the sooner you cometo grips with this, the sooner you willstop doing what you have done and startdoing something new, creative and dif-ferent. Realizing it will be here to staywill force you to act differently and getinto the game of life. Circuit City and ahost of other companies have alreadygone out of business because theycouldn't transition and sell like success-ful businesses who aren’t waiting forthe recession to end (They were proba-bly run by committees!).

So many people are sitting on the side-lines, waiting for "The Recovery." Whata bunch of losers! Even if there is a fullrecovery, things have been changed somuch that you won't be able to do busi-ness the way you did 2 years ago everagain. Life on the other side will be per-manently different in ways only intui-tive thinking people can imagine. Thetwo most expensive items we buy arecars and houses. Cars will be made dif-ferent and houses will be bought, soldand priced different forever.

Don't assume everything else will re-main the same. Don’t believe me? Ilearned to drive in 1972. The next yearwe suffered through the recessionbrought on by the Arab oil embargo.After that, fuel prices shot up and wenever bought gasoline the same wayagain. We learned a new phrase: “SelfService Pumps” and how to use them. ItLife changed after the recession of2001. Remember going to the airportand standing at the gate to people? After9/11, we never traveled the same wayagain. After today banks will to change;and health care distribution will be for-ever changed.

Major storms alwayschange the landscape. Thesame is true for economic


Page 11: THE NEW WORLD OF WORK! · The Reinvention StrategistThe Reinvention Strategist JimMathis, CSP Reveals Success Secrets:Reveals Success Secrets: “Leaders vs. Losers”“Leaders vs

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Leader’s JournalLeader’s JournalT H E N E W W O R L D O F W O R K !T H E N E W W O R L D O F W O R K !

Jim Mathis, CSPThe Mathis Group, LLC100 Old Cherokee RoadSuite F, #10Lexington, SC 29072 USA