A* SITUATIONS WA!rTED-F»MAL»8. A SITUATION ~WANTK1>.AS GOOD PLAIN COOK. Jk. waaher atU iroucr, a good baker. Can bja®en for Iw o daya If uot engaged lit No. 10 VorVt st., near Weet Uroidw ay. Wages not ao much an objfc'. as » go->dn om'- N AMKRTCANWOM^W. AN KXPERTBNCED NURPE, wants a situation monthly, or as Bsauutres* or objection to lake cure of ku invalid. <-*n give tbn best of city returnee. A pply at 31 .Jones st, one door from Blether, A RESPECTABLE GIRL WI8HM A SITUATION, AS good oooL. undorstiuds baking; Is a first rate washer Mid trailer; understand* English uod American cooking; Is wlllinir to «o auy where If a steady place. Good reference. Call for two Jays at 232 Mulberry street, flrst lloor, front ARKXPECTABLK WOMAN WISHES A SITUATION, as first rale cook; will assist in the w.iHhlngof a small faulty thoroughly und«i»t:iuds her business. Oau produce good city refereucc. Call for two days at 133 West 26th st., near "Ui avenue^ Avrnm.K ao*d English woman wants a situ- allon :iHUUi»e; Is pable of taking the euUre ehirge of an Infant from 11h birth, and brlnring it uji by hud. Best city reference. Apply Ktl54 iMh st., near 2d avenue, rear building AVERY RESPECTABLK YOUNO WOMAN WISIIK8 A situation, In a private family, as Brst rate waitress, or ns chambermaid and flue washer and Iron«r, or to take care of children. has no objection to ao to the country; can give the best of city reference for either of the abore situations- Oau be seen M 07 Wei 17th St., first lloar. A WOMAN or GOOD EXPERIENCE WANTS A SITU- ation as cook and to assist in the washing and ironing, or would like to go aa laundress: is neat and obliging; best or city relerenoe. Call ut 197 West 27th st, between 7th and Mth avs. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE )ottng woman, as cook, washer and lroner; has noobjec Lon to do general housework In a small private family; beit of B'.y referetce can be given from where she bus lived for the last six i ears. Call at 114 7th itve., corner ol" 18th st., old No. lit). A SITUATION WANTED.BY A PROTECTANT WELSH Jl woman as first cl»jsi o)k; undcrstADd* cooking Iu all its fcrancli't, is ao excellent baker has good city reference. Ap¬ ply at the Employment Agency of the Protestant Episcopal llrotberhood, 124 4th.av., near 12th st. A SITUATION WANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE joung girl as cook, waalier and lroner; satisfactory rele- reuces 11 required. Apply at 107 10th ave., between 17th and 13th sis. A WET NURSE.A YOUNG WOMAN WHO HAS LOST ber Uifant v. Iibes to take cliargc of a baby at her own jilace of residence, at No. 21 Thames at., third floor. A YOUNG WOMAN WANTS A 8ITU ATION, A8 <H*M bertnaid and waitress; has no objection to assist In wash fciC and iroulog; three yeiire' reference from her last p'ace t'jl: at 85 Rutgers street, near Montgomery a1., lor one day. A TOUNO WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION, AS WKT nurse; has nn Incumbrance. Call at 130 -2d at, betwee i 2d and 3d avs., for two days. A RESPECT ABLE WIDOW WOMAN WISHES TO GET ladles' and geui lemon's washing; h»a good'reconmeiida lion», also a beniTltul yard Address a note to No. 91 Grove Btreet, one block from Waverley place. AN AMERICAN 1.ADY FROM THE NORTH WOULD like tosupfcrlnteud In * genlle.man'a family, or a* h insa keeper to a partv of gentleman; can Kliethe best of cltv re I* rence* as regards a 3llity. Call far three tlajs ut No. 2,7 Ka&t iKh street. * Actuation wanted.by a most respectable young woman as iaundros In a private family; under stands ber work u> porfeetion; has tUe best of city refureuces froru her former employer. Can be aeeu lor twii d.iya at E8U1 at. between Matlmou and 4Ui km. A SITUATION WANT*!).BY A RESPECTABLE young girl. as chambermaid and waiter; would bo will- in* to the washing iind ironing; is a fir«it rate waiter. Be*t of city reference, Can be seer for two days at 81 Wegt SWtli st A COOK WANTS A SITUATION; IS A HOOD WASH- er ami trotter and a good baker; lias no objection Co the city 01 country. Can be seen fur two iluya at 237 lladiiou at n the rear. Any lady wishing an experienced monthly nurse can iind one at 169 Henderson St., Jersey City. Ad- dt ess personally or by letter E. 11., as above. A SITU ATION WANTED.AS chambermaid AND TO Jo. do fine washing and ironing, or to asubt in waiting, by a highly recommended girl. Can be seen for two days at lier present employer'", "87 Broadway comer 10th st. A LADY, A NATIVE OF GERMANY, AND A PROTES tant, who speaks good English, wants to engage herself as Soveruess to children, lady's maid or seamstresa. Call for two ays at "S 5d av., in the upholsterer's store. A SITUATION WANTKD-BY AN EXPERIENCED WO- man, aa cook in a private family; is a good family baker and willing to assist In the washing and ironing if required lteat cltv reference, Can be seen at tier employer's 1G0 West 311th st, between 6th and 7th avs. ^ A SITUATION WANTKD-BY A respectable young womm, as cook or to do general housework- Is a rwd washer and ironor. Apply at 302 tticka at., between Pi- ciAo and Amity sis., Brooklyn. A RESPECTABLE WELSH PROTESTANT WOMAN wishes a situation as lady's maid and seamstress or nurse Slid seamstress; city ret urenee given. Address, or 'sonlv at 119 Project street, Brooklyn, for three days. Abkspkctabi,.. GIRL WISHES A SITUATION, TO oook, wash and iron. Best city references. Call for two days at 49 Boeriim st.. corner of Atlantic, South Brooklyn. ASIl'UATION WANTED-BY A respectable young woman, to do cnamberwork and waiting or cham¬ ber »ork sad sewing, or to do housework for a small family; Is perfectly competent; a pleasant home more an object than hi.-h wages; best ctty reference from lier last place. Call for two daya at 333 Degraw at., curner of amlth, .South Brooklyn, DRF.SSMAKKR-A FASHION ABLE DRESSMAKER wlihes to go out by the day or week. Csll at No. 1 Oar- den row, corner of 11th st. and 6th ave. HOU6KKHEPKRS SITUATION WANTKD-BY AN Ex¬ perienced educated lady of active habits, In a family of good standing or a hotel : has travelled on the Continent, apeaka three languages and Is fully qualified In every respect for the management of a family; no ohject'on to a widower's family with children, or would take charge of the linen depart¬ ment of a hotel. Call at room 31 Globe Hotel, corner Frank¬ fort and William sta. Laundress..a respectable girl wishbs a situation as laundress; would do ehamberwork and wait¬ ing; has two years' reference from her last place. Can l>e .sen until engaged at 141 West 16th at, between 7th und 8th »ves. SITUATION WANTED.BY A PROTESTANT YOUNQ woman- as ehamhermald and nurse, or to assist In wash¬ ing and ironing If required. Call at the basement of St 3uh (t., second door east of Broadway. SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNO woman, to coolt, wash and Iron, or wonld do ehamberwork »nd wsltliigln a small private family. Haa good reference. Call at 260 West 31st st, fourth fioor, back room. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO GIRL, TO DO general housework; she In an American girl; can speak German; has good reference. Call at 141 3d av., between IStb .td IGUi sta for two days. SITUATION WANTED.BY A protestant WOMAN, as good cook and to assist in washing and ironing; two Tears' city relerence given. Call at 7< West 24th st., for two days.# SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN, as good cook In a private family, hotel or boi.rdlnq house; understands her business in all l's branches. Call at 285 West 2Mb st., oomer of 10th av., for two days. SITUATION WANTED-BY A PROTESTANT GIRL. AS coolc. Good city references. Can be seen for two d»vs St 160 Kaat 32d st SITUATION WANTED-BY A 8TEADY WOMAN. AS first class cook in u private family. Apply at 719 Broad¬ way, in the stoce, for two days. Best of city reference. SITUATION WANTED.BY A respectable YOUNO woman; is a good cook and baker; no objection to assist In washing and ironing or do the washing of a small family'. Good oily reference. Call at 107 East 16th st SITUATION WANTED.BY A YOUNO WOMAN, A8 VJ cook, washer and ironer in a private family. Good city re¬ ference. Call at 171 81at st, between 1st and 2d avs., for two days. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO WOMAN. TO DO ehamberwork and plain sewing or asaist In washing and Ironing. Bust of city reference. Call nt 13d West 33d st, be¬ tween 7 th and 8th ars . for two days. SITUATION WANTED.BY A respectable YOUNO girl, aa good plain cook, first rate washer and tronor or to do general housework for a small private family. Oood city reference. Call at 72 East 31st St., near Lexington av. SITUATION WANTKD-BY A YOUNO WOMAN, AS chambermaid and waiter or to do general housework In a small famiiy. Good relerenoe. Call at 94 West 24th st. for two days. SITUATION WANTED-BY A respectable OIRL, as cook; no objection to assist with the wsahlng and Iron¬ ing; understands her business perfcotly; Is a good bread baker; Rood references from her lust place. Apply at 71 15th st. In the rear, for two days. SITUATIONS WANTED.BY two RB8PECTA BLK girls; one as oook; understands har badness perfectly ¦well; the other as chambermaid and waitress, or to assist in Us washing and ironing; Uwy have the boat of city relerenoe. Call Bl»S27»bst- SITUATIONS WANTHD.BY two RESPECTABLE glrlb; one as good cook, and to assist with the washing and Ironing; tbeothsrtoda general housework; no olijeotion to go In the country; both bave good city reference. Inquire at or address 182 West 25th St., between 8th and 9th avs., second kouse In the rear, third lloor. Seamstress.-a respectable youno woman w islies to go out to sew by the week or month, or would lake care of a couple of children; can make ladles' and chil¬ dren's dresses; works ven neatly; Is a Protestant Apply at 346 East 24th »t., near 2d ave. SITUATION WANTKD-BY A YOUNO GERMAN lady, as lady's maid: converses In English and French as <well as in Uertnan. Can be seen at 171 Allen st, this day, be iwe.eu 11A.M. and S P. M. Inquire for M. A. Ilaebenstein. TO LADIES GOING SOUTH OR TO EUROPE.-WANT- ed, a situation to attend a lady, as housekeeper, or gover¬ ness to young children, or In any capacity where Integrity and ooaOdence are required, having lived with some of the first fa- reference. Address E. Bruwn, 136 West 10th st., for one week. rr0fcnn^X.0IlN.IiiNB~A LADY dr THOROUGH Pl-I?H!rma0^fACtnril1? Of ladlflll' clOtkg, ftlld n "? °, £,ftntleraen'a clothing by machine, and \*ho 18 weUMtttaW with thn nun&MriiMtand workiosof Te^^st rXe^^'0^ ss£b jsf note addressed to Energy, Hera'd offlar^SSih stating particulars, will be attended to. address and TTWO WIDOW LADIES OF REVERSED FORTITVtt JL desire engagements, either aa housekeepere to.E family or hi a first class hotel, or as copyists travell^ ^m panions or governesses, tescblng Ki«ll4,muslc and H.fn^lI^" Address H A M. l>oi 126 Herafd qfllTe <Un<i<1* TWO SISTKBS WANT SITUATIONS IN ONE noiNf one is a good cook, washer and Ironer; the other as rh«» fcermaid or waller, or plain sewer; tl*i best elty reft<..nn" Call at 630 Columbia st., South Brooklyn, for two daya. TWO YOUNG LADIKS WISH SITUATIONS-IN A store, either In this clly or Brooklyu. Address K. F He raid oflloe. WANTED-BY A RESPECT ABLE YOUNO WOMAN, A situation to do the work ot n small priyM« folBll.v; guxl reference Call at HI} 1st av. srr«rATiows wanted-fkmales. Wanted. a situation, by A OOwT^BTENT^K^' .tress. one who understand* rutluig ud suing la ilea' "** chiidrtn's dresses nod all limit of family sew'ng, wjuiu go tJi llie week or month. or In a perniaiseiit situation. Call m a. present employri 3, 06 West 12 ii at, for two daya. | TITANTKD.A SITUATION, BT A RESPECTABLE TV young woman. to do general housework, la u go -i «> a, Washerand iroiier; In a ainall private family. (»txvTc"y rele »i rem <;. evil at 264 lat av., lor two daya, luat floor, front." WANrEI>-A SITUATION, BT A RESPECTABLE young wi man. tin cook, wsah and Iron or to >i» fug alone; itoroughly" understands her builteiis in nil lunticl.es I.aa the ileal of city reference. C«n *c-n f.i twortava at 140 Kaet 2CUi at. W/ANTI-D.BV A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. A sin V' uaiii u aa cook, and in assiit In the washiug Gu«d city referent*. Call ut «r u lili es for two days No 21 ?Hflli «t. between fifth av. aud Culvorsity plat*. tit tb- basement. WANTKD.BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, A situation to cook, ttashand Iron, or wo.ila d. (lenir-i Iioium-w oi k In u small private famllv. Has th* best of city ref¬ erence. 1'leutc call at U2 Columbia, near Sutto at., Brooklyn, for two days- WANTED.HY A RESPECTABLE GIRL, A SITUATION iiH eliaintM-rmald and waitress In a private family. 1'U-aaa call at 250 Tentb at., east of First av. Qood city reference frem berlaat place. Call lor two days. WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, as lirst class coak; slie uudn»t»uds her business perfectly In making soups, jel'iM. pastry, Ac.; 1ms excellent ctty recommendations. Apply at 63 2l)Ui St., one door from 6Ui av. WANTKD.A SITUATION, BY A YOUNO WOMAN, AS first class cook; is a rcotl w-slier ana Iroiier, do nil kinds of baking, is willing lo coin the country, good citv refe¬ rence. Apply »t 21)1 Weal ltitli a:., between 8th at,J 9th uvs. WANTED.BY A KIRKT CLASS DRESHM AKER, TO GO out bv the day or taVe lu work. Apply at or address 69 West 241 Ii at corner of Cth >v. WANTED.». SITUATION', BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, to cook, wailia.ul iron; is a good baker; unde*atands her bu.-lness perfectly; best city reference. Ap¬ ply at £14 1st av.. between 17tlt and 18th sts. WANTKD.HY AN ENGLISH WOMAN, A SITUATION nschildrtu'a nurse; she is experienced In the caie of children; run take tbe ocuire charge of an intaut from lis birth, and also do plain sewing; best city reference from bar last place. Call for two days at 12 Uih av., uea: 4th at. WANTED.A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABLE girl, an chambermaid and to assist in the w»hIiujr and Ironing; tin objection to do housework In a small pri* ate fsmi ly; lias two years' city reference from last place. Call at I'M 6th av., between 2Mb and 34.tb sis., for two days. TITANTKD-A SITUATION. BY AN AMERICAN GIB!,. iis (liumbermaid and seamstress. Cas be aeen for tw o dtys at 111 9th av. TIT"ANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL. A SITUATION tf Mchambermaidand wsitr< ss, to take ci;-e of children ai d new or assist with the washiug. Best of city reference fun be seen i.t 100 Kant 21at st., between 2d and 3d a-» W'KT NUWSE.-W ANTED. BY A RESPECTABLE ' oucg woman, with her flrst child a aite.ati >o in a gentle- mini's lull*, as wet nurse; ha» n good bi-east of mtlk a id la very healthy aud temperate; o«n aive ^nod refc-em b aud <loe trjr'b cerilucate. v:au be seen for taree days at 127 East 29tli , kil'MI 2d and .'4 a<s., third iloo*. XJfTANTED.BY A COMPKTENT PERSON, A SITUA it ilou u seamstreu: can ctil and lit lailcs' and child: en'« dreises and do all kinds of fn.nily sawing, call operate a Whee'erA Wilson machine; Is wll'log to make *olr useful. Call lor two days at 43* 6th av., u-ar 3dtfc St.. room No 12. rANTKD.BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. A SITUA ilou to rook, wash and Iron in a prlvat- family; is a go->d plain rot end an excellent washer and ironer. Goal cit/ re feieate. Call tor two day s at 171 Cliarles at., brst ll'joi TirANTRD.A blTClATlON. '4Y A YOUNG LADY. TO \\ wwi k oil fiue shirts aud line work on bet own iusrhme. Call at 71 Mot' st. WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A COMPETENT SE \M sires-; unueit-tands ciilllnj? aiid fitting ladies'and obild ren's cresses nnd all kinds of lamUy sewing: would go by the week or month or In a permanent situation. Call for two days st her present employer's. 90 West 12thst. WANTED.A SITCATTON, BY A YOUNG WOMAN. AS cook or to do general hyusework. Call at 297 Mott st., near Houston. WANTKD.A COMPETENT OIRI, AS WAITRESS AND cliainberuiald. In a small private boarding ho se Ap¬ ply, with city reference, at 52 West 15Ui St., at the basement door. WANTED..A YOUNG WOMAN WISHES A SfTUA- tlon as good plain cook, and to aaslat lu tbe w ashlajand li\.i ing. Jlrt: ol city reference Also, a girl lately lsnded, as chambermaid and waitress. Call ut 125 East 29:h st. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE middle aged woman as first class cook in a respectable family. Eeslo'tv reference. None but resectable persons need apply, ('all for two days at 4J Henry at., room 2, seooud floor, lu the rear. WANTED-BY TWO RESPECTABLE GIRLS. SITU A tlons; one is a lirat rate laundress, and is willing to assist in tbe chanibcrwork If required; the other a*chambermaid aud waitress Good refe/ence It required. No objection to general housework. Call for two days at 67 West 20th st., near 6th avemie. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOU.NO WOMAN, a aituation as *tl nurse (n respectable umiv. Gail for three days &t3t'l Mull hi , In the store XKTt NTED.A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG FRENCH H woman hs cook. Good city reference. Uallat3V(2d avp , second ilcor. WANTKD.A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE (ilRI,, U> do chamberwork and waiting; will make hersslf gene- rally earful; has four years' city reJerences. Csn be geea for three davg at 210 Kiuit 14th st. .YXTANTEn-A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG GERMAN II girl, to cook, wasli and Lrt.u, acd do all luuOs of bouse work. Call at 275 DWigiou at. WANTED.BY A KSPI'EfTABLE PROTEST ANT HIRL- a sitrntionas chambermaid or waitress: has no oSje> iioo to do general housework tn a small famllv; ver v best of olty re¬ ferences given, t all at "7 Vork St., Brooklyn. WANTED.BY A YOUNG WOMAN, A SITUATION TO do the general housework of a small private faiullv; best of city reference can be given. Apply at 241 1st sr.,'in the store. WET NURSE..filTUATION WANTED, BY A RE sprotable married woman, with a good hreastof milk; baby three weeka old. Hag do objection to the country or to travel with a respectable family. Call at 25U East 12th at, first Hoar, Irani room, for two <lavs WANTED.BY A YOUNG WOMAN, A SITUATION AS cook; Is thoroughly experienced in all its branches; wonld assist in washing and ironlug. Has the best of cltyre- lerence. Csu he sesu at 178 West 10th St., near 8th av., third floor, front room. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, A situntIm as chambermaid or laundress, or waiter; Is capable of filling tbe above situations, vail at 79 Greenwich av., where the beat of city reference can be given. WANTKD.BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN. A fixation to do the housew* i k of a small family; or liyht chnmherwork. Call till suited at 4606th av., betweeu 2dth aud 29th sis. WANTED-A SITUATION. BY A RE8PECTABLE GIRL, to do chambenvork and wash and Iron, or general honeework for ti email family. The very best of <*v refe rerce can be given. Can be seen for two d«ys at 360 7th av,, between 82d and 33d sta. WANTED.A SITUATION AS WET NURSE, BY A henlthv Joting woman, with a fresh breast of milk hav¬ ing just lost her baby. Can be seen for two days at 166 Cham¬ bers St. "ITtrANTED.BY A MOST R#JPEOTABLK YOUNG ? T English woman, a situation as laundress or chamber- maid and to do line washing: baa tbe best of cltr reference. Can be teen until engnged at 820 Broadway, second floor, front room. WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG WOMAN, to take charge of a baby and to do light housework. Call at 53 West 32d st. WANTED-BY A WIDOW WOMAN, WITH ONE child, a situation as plain cook, washer and ironer, In a small lamily; wages not go mucl* an object as a comfortable home; good city and country reference. Can be seen at 285 :<2d st., between 9th and 10th aves. WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG WOMAN: IS a good plain cook and u good washer and ironer: good ony reference; has lived three years iu her lost place. Call at 10 Amity place. WANTED-BY A YOUNG WOMAN, A SITUATION TO tin generahousework In a small family; good cltv re¬ ference given. Apply st 108 West 19th ft WANTKD.A SITUATION AS WKT NURSE, BY A respectable young woman. Can be seen for two days at MR Dunne su WANTED-BY A GOOD HUNDRKHB. A SITUATT9N in a private family; understands French fluting and tine munlkxi. and has three years city reference from her last place. Call nt No. 11 Union court, Uni varsity place, near llth at. WANTFTD-BY AN AMKBK7AN GIRL 17 YEARS OF age, a sltuiition to mind children or do light housework; also by a young woman who wrmld like to do plain sewing hi her own house. Apply at 40910th are., between 3Mi and S6th sis., third lloor. WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A RE8PHCTABLK woman, as seamstress or to do light chamberwork. Good city reference. Call at 19 Weal lCih at., between 5th aud 6th avs. TirANTED-BY A YOUNG WOMAN, A SITUATION AS fV oook; tbe best of reference given. Cau be seen at her present place, 45 East llth St., N. Y. TirET NURSE..A SITUATION DESIRED BY AN ENG- T V lish woman, as wet nurse; will take an infant at ber own borne or will go out; good reference given. Inquire at 22 Kent ave., near Myitle, Brooklyn. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL, A situation as Ural rate oook; understands all kinds of cook ing; has no objection to assist In washing and ironing if reoutr ed; has lived in her last place several years, and cau produce thu best of referector. Call for two days at No. 631st gt., be¬ tween Madison and 5 J> avee. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A BESPECTABLE PRO testant girl, as good plain oook, washer and ironer; is a good baker; good city reference. Call for two days at 2rf0 West 10th st. WANTKD.A SITUATION, BY A COMPETENT YOUNG woman, to do general housework iti a private family, or would do chamberwork and take care of children, and make herself geuerally useful; can come well recommended, having live years reference. Call for two days at 96 West 19th st., be¬ tween 6th and 7th aves. WANTKD.A SITUATION BY A YOUNG GIRL, A8 child's nurse and seamstress, or to do light chamber- work; best of city reference. Can be seen for two days at 918 Broadway, between 21st aud 22d sts. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNii GIRL A situation to do housework In a small family, or to take care of children; is a good plain sewer; wager, .o object, w auUt a home; has best of city rflcrejoe. Apply at 108 East 22d st. WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young girl, at cook; undera'.anilsher business thoroughly; understands French cooking and all sort 4 ofjam; no objection to assist In washing and ironing; !>«»; city reference. Call *' . hoiweeu 6th and 7U1 sts. Tir\NTFD.A SITUATION, M'A EESPEt'T-MTLFGIRL, . 'odo rooking or housework »v«' the be '.of ct'.y C£'SrW9. Ui^ulro hi. 110 Noffolk id, SITC1T<05 N WA DTTSIU.ranAX<BSB. _ TIT ANTED.A SITUATION, BT A RK8P1CTABI.1C PRO TT leanuit girt, to cook. wuah and Iron, In a amall private nunly. Una Rjod city irfwrn* from her laat plaoe. Call lor - daya at 1?7 bulltvaa In Uie Uaaameut. TlTANTEr-A SITUATION, BT A YOUNG WOMAN, AS TT cook,»Ii« thorooriiljr uudeiktaada Kiencu and K.ig U . Apply ai VI Greenwich ar., near 12th at., i-^im loor Ciorvl refneuM fit en. B1TUA1I0N, itV A KK8PKCT AlILK ' ' JOUI'II JII i, to to k, *»-li »ud irou. In a min i prlv «t« ¦mily ii»'' *f city reference itiveu. Oallat 1M Uewtaat., t K<"t ti.. i ui.. f. two days. (XTANTKU.A SITUATION, JIT A PROTESTANT WO T< Hun,,... iui»e .ti-J x-amatreaa; caput'!" t i,Krmc utire cli»r;:c or » baby troin itV birth uood diy refc ui:if. Can lit' -iru lor iwo da;k tit Ui Wrst &Ah at., a lev ."'» wen ofT'likv., tatlie baacinect. WAN1R1) A SITUATION, BY A RKSPEOTABI-R young r orutn, to df (fco'-ml uouaework, can be weli n<< rnim nnra from Iter Hat place. Apply at u.l Cran'nrry ai., rooklyn. ti'tw.eu Henry ami Fulton ata- <1 rANTKf»-»*Y A MIDDLF.AUKD KNOLIS'I WOMAN, II n axuatxm an loirre, to take care of au Invalid; willing .i t»k« -ire nt tbc house. Apply to Mia. Murphy, ,'477 Kultou .> ret. Brooklyn. VITA *TKt>.A SITUATION AS CH AMBKRMAID OR TO take ore <if rliildrcn, bv a very respectab'e olrl. who an (five the beat of rrierence. Ou'n be seen at 1£TJ Hudson «(.. I'rcoklyn, uluI Milled. f WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A YOUNO WOMAN, AS inauHieiniaid and lamitlresa. or to do kl cUen work. T n ed alx veura in ber !a«t p!«ce. CaJl at 135 Court at., Brook¬ lyn, for two daya WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A YOUNO WOMAN, AB chambermaid or to do general liWbi'u ork In a xniall pri¬ vate family. Oood city reiereuce. Call at M YorkaL, Brook¬ lyn. TJTANTED.A SITUATION. BY A RK5PECTABI.K »» Kiri. l-.lo gcr.ernl Uouaewr.rk. Oood city reference, i'* at .No 7 Harper a court, between Concord and TtUary ma. HELP WAWTKD.MALES. A (JOOP STOUT BOY WANTEO-IN A DRY GOODS stor* wi'ii can make himself generally useful; salary?* ,,t< week. Address box 1,764 1'ost otlim-, w ith reference. AGENTS WANTED . A I.ARGE NUMBER OF AOFNTS, tu well a popular holiday publication, caa find Immediate Hi. plojmtu' aud make g>od wages by applying at 13 Piatt St., third story, between 1W and 3 o'c'ock Any salesman aboutmakini; a tour south on Wei>i wiU be liberally treated with tosell u siaole article, used bv hoU-I kff prs aad country store*. No oa:nple» re- nuire'i'. Adores* Si. 8., Iwx 115 Herald office nUNDEE SALESMAN WANTED.IK A Vlit.IT CIAS3 1 I hour to take ofcnrge of aiid sail Dundee trolls; one who n.i<Vca<mds il.e business and can ooaw well rejomanuded wi'l ple-ae ad.-liets 1mj\ WS l*«*t olliCS, * lill lull particular*. i/tun salesman wanted.one wno thorough I' uin!i..is .: 'I- 'In' bdi. ffs. Good reference ienured. >jip!}' at Phillips', 279')r*til Hat tmmmfr a \'i» plush sewer wa vtfd.one wbo'h<Togb\ nidirstsmls both branches. Apply U) Badoge A I eri.Vacta, flW Pearl s>t. MKRCi! \N'TS, HOTELS. AND OTHERS, SUPPLIED CRaTIS WITH (IFRKS SALESMEN, PORTERS, BARKEEPER"?, »\ rKCilAMS CIJiiliKS REGISTRY, 78 UBOADffAY. W< .(. REDPAT1I. NE BOII.ER MAKER W VNTED.ONE THAT I'aN turn tUli::"* and In band? at all kinds of boiler worn. , io X>. A Kbeutan, PuekskiH. 0 ORNAMENTAIi CONFECTIONER WANTED..TO A good workman regular employment and g wd sa'ary. Apply to N. L'Urk, KJ3 Broadway, corner of 13tii st. TO BOOKBlNDKItS..WANTED, A COMPETENT FOR warder and finisher of printed work to go South; a perm*, "eut situation to to be bad. Apply to U. B. Malin, comer of John and Dutch a'.g, TITOR WANTED-MUST BK A GENTLEMAN OF enoc t 'tin atu>u and thorougl ly competent to teach music, {.'resell aad Ueimau. Keteretce r&|Ulred. Apply at 149 Clraud St., up stairs. MtANTED.AS.VLESMaN FOR A RETAIL CLOTHING YY itnie: uiso tr o travelling salesmen, and an experi¬ enced bookkeeper A pplv at the Merchants' Clerks' Registry oil'i-e 7H Ilroad»nv Munitions procured. No commission In aa voice. >stashed 1M6. HouralHo^ ^ RRDpAT|t tT-7" ED-A MAN WHO CAN REM. A POPULAR Vt -tvi of champagne anions the grocer* and jobbers. /t if,,. who is aliont to travel Tor a liuuor hJuse. who would devote part of liia tlnie to the selling of champagne. Address Champagne Dtaltr, Herald office. WANTED-A YOUNG MAN TO TAKE CH ARGE OF A V? fish and ojite: stand in a first class market Apply at 616 0Q» »v. ; Wanted.five agents for the sottth and West Requirement*. cit7 reference as to cliararter and abi'iin and a cash deposit of $123 upon dellverv ol gooda. Sa¬ lary 'MO per month with a commission and travelling ex muses. Applr-asts for an ir.lervlew will name their rofe- rente and enclose letter stamp if from out the ci'.y. Address for one week Manufacturer, Herald oflloe. W \NTED -RESPECTABLE MEN* SEEKING SITl'A- ' Uons aa clerkB, bookkeepers, saletmi*!, porters Ac., should apply at the Men bans' Clerks' ReRlstry otlice.78 Broadwav. No cotumitsiou in advance. Reference to hrst class liouies. Applicants by mail miist enclose iwo stamps. KttabiUhed 1B50. MM. J. KKDIAIH. WANTED-A ORNTI.EUAN OF PT.F.ARING ADDRESS, to encase tn an agency for an tmjioriant enterprise, not Incompatible with a minister's position. Address Agency, He- rttidouice. T1 WANTED.A WAITER, WHO UNDERSTANDS WAIT VV toe rn th» table of a first class restaurant. Inquire at the Wvandaitk Restaurant, 381 and SS3 Fulton St., Brooklyn, opposite City Hall. TlfANTED.A YOUNG MAS, A8 SALESMAN, IN A W retail drv goods store, about slxtv miles from New \ork. Such as are coipeteut may spply, vritS references, to S II. * Co., 23" Br iadway, up stslrs. Call from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. to- **"'. ..... Wanted.to go a short distance in the country, a married mail capable of taking charge of a Datr of horses w ugon. kc he must be able to milk and willing klwke h& useful, to a good r «ffid situation. will to gives. References re<i>iired. Apply to W illiam M. UUes, 189 6th avenue, corner of tsth St. Ti"ANTED.A WHITE OB COI.ORHD PERSON, TO V\ take car* of a horse snd make himself uaciul In a fami¬ ly. Apply at ti»e spccie olllce. No. 1 Wall st. W' ANTED.A YOUNG MAN IN A WHOLESALE LOOK incglass store, one who writes a good plain hand; also a veiling man to travel for a wholesale millinery store and a caahier for a public ball. Apply at the Merchants' Clerks' Registry office, 73 Broadway. Situations proct.red Noi com- misaion iu advance. 5. W~ANt¥d^IN AN OFFICE. A KMART, ACnVTS BOY, to run on errands snd mnke fires Wages »l 50 ner week. Call at 77 Cedar st, room No. 3, Thursday, between 10 and li A. M. W~ANTED.A PORTER AND M*AN TO DRIVE A CART for a wholesale iobbing honse down town; good wages and steady employment Apply, with recommendaUons, at THOf. H AlRh. & CO.'Semployment olhec, cornerof West -id gt. and 6th av. TJtrANTED.AN HONEST. 8TEADY YOUNG MAN, AS Vt ovsterman; one willing to assist generally in a saloon msvapplv. with teference, between 9 aud 11 o'clock, at the Gramcrcy saloon, 222 Sd av. corner 20th st, basexoext SITUATIONS WANTED.MILES. A SITUATION AS STABLE FOREMAN WANTED-BY A lierson possessing a thorough knowledge of the business, and isVjlv competent to take the entire management of a livery, stage, or car stable. Address Stabje Foreman, Herald (rtfcce". AL N INTELLIGENT AND WELL RECOMMENDED BOY, who luis had some experience In landscape painting, wants a situation for Sinn, fresco or coach painting. Apply to or address Stetael, 108 West 2ttb St., second floor. SITUATION WANTED-BY A STEADY INDU8- trious young man s* coachman and garlener, anil Is willing to make himself generally usefiU. Has no objection to so In the country. Good refercuces if renulred. Call at 117 West 24th St., lor two days, A YOUNG MAN, WHO SPEAKS AND WRITES ENG lish and German, wishes to get a place, as clerk in a dry Bonds store, or anv other employment Hood reference®., S-msil wages required. Address 11. A.. Herald office. A PARTY DESIRING A GOOD INDOOR POSITION, at a cooii salary, willing to loan the advertiser $100 on unexceptionable security, can do so and hare entire charge ot Ibe business of the advertiser until the loan is paid, by applying at 61U Broadway, room 3, top floor. ALh YOUNG MAN, WHO IIAB BEEN EMPLOYED IN A first class house for five vears. desires a situation in Cali¬ fornia or at the Jouth. Address William, Herald office. FRENCH COACHMAN WANTS A SITUATION IN a nrivala familv ns coachman, haTbeen with one of the vest families hi this £ity. Good reference. Gall at Blcecier »«., filth doc* west of Broadway, tn the hat store. T_O* GROCERS WHOLESALE AND GROUERS COM MI* Dion houses..Wanted, a stwiaUon In a wholesale gro-erj- house, by s voting man of 20 years or age. a native of hind, strwng'and benlihy. and who Is well vsrsod with all kinds of ornntinghotte wriilnge and business, for the purpose to lear* and become acquainted with all goods and wares bekmg- ing to the grooery line. Salary not so mnoh an ohjnct. but mere to be plaeed tn a first siass house, where the advertiser would make himself usefuL Beat of references furnished. Address L. de W l>ox 9,906 Post office. rANTED-BT A SMART AND ENERGETIC YOUNG man. 18 years of age, a situation in a large dr" or commission bouse, to learn the business. Is a good; and rapii aocountaat Ad'lreta Horace, Herald office. WANTED.BY A SMART AND ENERGETIC YOUNa man. 18 years of age, a situation in a large dry goods or commission house, to learn the business. Is a good penman and rapii aocountaat Addreea Horace, Herald office. WANTED-A SITUATION AS GROOM, BY AN ACTIVE steady and competent man'of long experience in the can' and treatment of horses Can be seen at his present cm n'.ovcr's, where be hss lived fur tlie last seven years. Apply at the private stable, rear of 55J^s^lGui st WTnTED-UY A YOUNG M AN, WHO THOROUGHLY understands his business, a situation as coachman in a private family; lias no objection to the oountry. Can be seen for two dsys at the saddlery shop, 257 7th aye. WANTED-A SITUATION AB PORTER IN A STORE, by a respectable man, who has been five years iu last Place and where he can refer as to character and qnnliUctUio'u. Address llopkinson. Herald office. WANTED.A SITUATION AS COACHMAN AND croon, in a private family; best of references will be given; speaks Fr«nch, English audUennan. Address A. G., box lt8 Herald offioe. ANTED-BY AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN, A situation tu a bookstore or publishing house; understands bookkeeping; moderate salary expected. Address box 1,064 Vost ofllce^ ANTED.A SITUATION, AS COACnMAN AND groom, bv a voung Protestant Englishman, who i>er fecily understiii'ids the care aud managemnnt of horses: Is a Binid and careful driver; has four years reference from li's Wu-t employer. Apply for three days at 124 4th av. ko objection to the country. WANTHD-A SITUATION ASWAITER, IN A PRIVATE family, by a single man (English!, with good city refe rence. Address James, care of Mrs. Matthews, re^r ol 19( Ea-t 24th st., near 1st av. -fl'ANTED-A SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER, BY ONE I y\ vn\\ l nnrt ^tnerieuoed. Hestof rily refereuce ' g ;u A.'.P.,«l Falwa help wanted.ke «a lji». TlXbOK NUMBKB OK WOMKNAWI)OI^ WAKTKD A. da'ly.found In komI nitoattwa of eierrktnd £Tkm good. U, tbo«, vrttn no-l r«m,meaWott«rM olu. bUoe» KITCO. Al«> g. A ,'ir.l .Wj !aod^ ao-Bltd. U»tU«re lit the Uurg® IufcUmU% lfr4 Hth Ht corner «»l »th i,i, rAMtn.iKH WAhrna hood sRBVAirw nn«- Olniflty nhoii I apply uth* Large InnItuie for <urar wp:iWe h''1" tc 1411 *** dueled bj ai f»p».ctobte ujy. rfilHI' WANTKD-MUHT BK. A KIRS* RATKWAfilf l\ er i-d lroaer, mid good plain eook. Applf ai 00 Bro*nert_ ___.. 4 UI^MaN GIRL WaMU-TO A h' usevcrk f«r a small Ai-i-rn ia Alio l«° ,fr.J ..¦.>" *. v tosher. "*».» 1 Call Ml S lI'll »> p-i'ufrnf 6th a* e. 4 FRENCH filKT, WANTKTWTO TRAVEL \ Kurons viHh .. family; »1ii»iih:»i know ho'r<,,2,f^'0W* »child M.dtoww. Call M13S ll'b at, corner of 6th >". Xj1BM>.LB A<itNTh WANTED.TO A POPULAR r lvaid.1, ....bitalloo- Thj-y tod ment nut) f!0"d »»K<iv I>y applying at 13 ri»u n . bel^fiU 10 tiiiii b o cl(w:k. ^ rrioirR YOUNG lames OK BF-HPBCTABIMTlf WANT- P +<i.To attend «!¦«- rt-fre!.li'>i«ritV»l.>on* mt ¦,!",££"(lav Mnwc, from December 6 until the lfch ,t, c*rner I,, ranrrow". between ilaud 12 A. M H HI B.uook -_«ug of Wooatei T AtlM'KKf-S AM> 8KAMHTBI8S WA^,r^D ~JL'e'f li n-»ii<ati "«« miuu Ve able to tnaki" dri-ase*. ch*m- ifrv»nt* it) fKh-r eapacttiea aueh M eool£ * », 7nllt,_'be weu ^srattasafe &¦»" ¦ «. r*r ANTED.WELL RECOMMENDED «&VA5S?At U>« VV all 1.1'ir.rs Kirat ctuu plac '' nfblrd door trmplovuientOMue tor borvauUi OrAU*e «.. 0111 Kultou, JSrooklj^. (TTAKTED-TWO YOCNO LADIES, A w^ANO AND W .Uo 8'ii?«r, for » oonctfrt o^p»ny. Applf » «r^ a cod room 2SJ Metropolitan Bottil, for five daj» bet nud 7 1*. M "PISS Ai'tji'v for two da'y* S ti V. ^Veeo^t)^ bo,.r,Po( -MaU 12 o'clock. . T -_r. VTcn-A YOUBO WOMAN, OK OBKTKKti AM buurtof 11A- M. and 3 P. M. _______ ' rri^Dto «m (^.rn.. "tb!f 1-HOdreiH $12. wall out. Call on J- 0. "am. 616 Bi o^lway. .rVmiKn Af'TlYE PBOTWfANT C.IRU "rtTANTk ' Vh-,u.nw.,rk a amill family. «l«ven nilloa v\ to .1.. 'cenr \.2 SrtT rataUtSrideb»railroad- Nope trcm N»« "an fnrnl.U goo.l city refo- t.... d'.pi,K <. . ^ j, .Mh gt betwe«n lat and-l avs. W^vin-A-,'.IKtTtO^^ DO>.KNKRA-TnOU^OBK -rtTANTEO-A niRI' "J ^ wa,ber sud irowr, 'yW^. ST. A wiily from a to 12 at No. a x mtli St., near Gth ar. w ,,er oon"S>k: ^a"8H "" duSLn«t» 'he TO"ntr>'- (i00J r0ftrencel! rooulreA. Apply at #8 mk ' .T. 7 rini TO OO TI1K OKVKRAT- HOUSK- WANIKP-A OTRL Tf rourtuudenrtand oonktaf, work of J IMUJJ b l Hud cold water. «tHao:iiir> ESrarSZ;*u<^rem»y cancan we.t ism at., with ^d-n- "V'" . i;mit 1 privatefamti.t. A FtR^T asj»»^j^e.wa«ss wards. None Msell iwply ex. ^ ^ d between ^dUatTo.f^ S«t&«> Madlvin and ^_av8.__ J .rv --,K-n |iY TO "aTTBWD SAf.OON: TtTA KTT).A ^ AmiH at the W«liln*too TirANTFD-A '-OOl)|^/*kRX{,.^Ujat°hEKN«ofS w^hwaid 'lnqulrf at 30 Ku^' Bt-nw ^antf.iPfob~a JAmilToFjwo a Umdr«8B.Rnd a v-aroretis ^nmber of gnVIPt hotuework unv.-e arrt cTasa Ketnatn Offioe. 282 4tl» av. near A lady In attendance. __ t\L- i KVAt TnI>"TTT)V AMERtOAN PRO- TffASTUlVV , ^w»n or«ferr<s\>. lf» to 17 year* of I W nurve ftcbil<l two moothe old anl I ... , vnrsn WOMAN to TAKE CHABOK WANTED.AA 0)d. fb« muit bo a cood waaher of achlld tliree y«*. <' ^ flne wwinlf. Ouly a IVo K? UTn5Sfc*^ beat of rSeSnce*. need call between the ofK^nd 3 at No. 1 Abln«don_aquare. -tr V vnnJfO_OIRU to TAKE CARE of A W'ffiSfSWWiK- rences at 136 MonURU*»t., Brooklyn- . ..r"jr4T SMART AND willing OIBL Wanted.a heat, em u famlly. mu«tbo a TAP" three7 day. at 112 f,X^k: BreSSynTfrom 9 to 11 A. if- FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS. OS DEMANDE-UNE BONNE FRANCAISH, POUR prendre soln d'un enfant de deux ana et dcml et pour cuu- die. Sadrcsaer an 128 lime rue, Oiieit OiTpEMANTIE.UNK BONNE FTtANOATSK OU RUIS8E. munie de bonnes re-iommandations. pour aolgner et j renrlro soln d'un eufsnt d'un an. S'adresaer a 109 5me av., rtre 10 et 11 lieures du matin. USE DAME FRANCAIRf7d'UN AGERATSONABLE DE | mande a »e placer pour soiguer del enfant*, et pent s'oe- euper de la couture. Sadrcsaer au 16 lime rue, entre la Sine et 4 me avenue. TOO liATE FOE CLASSIFICATION. A"NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM TO LET. with Board, In a delightful location, all modern Improve¬ ment* and convenient to Broadway, suitable for a gentleman and wife or two single gentlemen. Apply at 422 Fourth street (called No. 9 Albion place). Broadway and sixtieth street.first noosE west of Broadway. Bigbtb avenue cars to Fifty-ninth street. A delightful location, near Central Park. A gontle- man aud wife, two young ladles and four or five single gentle men can be accommodated with comfortable Room.' aud Board on reasonable terms. For th<>se doicg business down town dinner at s'jc o'clock P. M. Mm. SOANLAN. BOARDINO.-TWO FRONT BOOMS ON THIRD FLOOR, suitable for mOrried or single gentlemen, with use of bath, gas. Ac : aim an excellent ltaaemeot to let uufurni^h"d, suit¬ able for a professional gentlemen; house tlrst class: location unsurpassed lu the city. Apply at 79 Ninth street, near Fifth avenue TVSEASED EYES. My new aystf Ft'MBS and u My new system of treating diseased eyes by medicated UM. VAPORS. is unquestionably the only safe. rational and successful mode of tri'atmi lit. A siratiie and cflective apparatus is used to ge- neuxte and apply them. 1 earni'Stly Invite all of this afllictnd class, and others who ieei an interest in tlie advancement of the healing art to call T. K. FRANK, M. D., Oculist, No. 106 East Fourteenth street. FOR flHARLFSTON. a C..THE WELL KNOWN, FIRST class, side wheel >teamsliln KEV6TONK STATB, Captain C. P. Mnrshn.an, will leave Philadelphia for Charleston, on Monday, December ft, at 10 o'clock A. H. Very suocrior stAte looms can be secured, by letter or telegraph. The (3TATK OF GEORGIA will »ail as above for Savannah, Ga., on Saturday, DeeMnlx.i'10. Fare on rtfher ship, $15. A.IHKROM, .lr Agwtf Corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. FOR 8ALB-A CORNER LIQUOR STORH IN TUB Eleventh ward, now doing a nice cash business Tlienanse lor selling is the owner oaunot attend to It Applv at 226 Fevenih svemte, corner of Twenty-fifth street, ia Uie liuuor store, irum 10iA. M. to 2o'clock 1'. M. FOR SALE.ONE PATH OF DARK CHESTNUT HORSB3, six and seveu years old, 16 hands high, perfectly gentle and sound,\cry stjllsh drlveis, the property of a geu'Jem in lmvlug rn further use for them, ucd who can be referred to. Can be seen at McDonald's sUblss, 23 aud 25 East Twelfth street, near University place. FURN1SUED ROOM WANTED-AND PARTIAL Board, uith some small and sulet family resi iuij; in liia upper part of the city. Address L. v. M., Herald olliee. OX THE tTH OF DEOEMftER THE CATHOLIC efcureh Maria llimmelfahrts will lie consecrated by tbe m«st worthy Archbishop, whereto all t.aUialics are invited to attend. ¦pART.NF.R WANTED.WITH ABOUT $800CAPITAL, IS JL a first c'asa Retail Drug Store, well sfcnutej, and doing a g.>od business. A rare chance for an enternrbsiu'; vonng man capable of taking entire charge. Address W. II. \V" 11», Herald office. Tin: TEMPLE! T11E TEMPLE! Call aud sec the beautiful model of .SOLiiMOS'b TRIPLE, At Temple HtU, KinUi street, one door eaat rf llrosdwa*. Lecture at 3 and 8 P. M. Open for schools morning and af iernooB. Applications made at the hall. TO GROCERS.-WANTED, BY A YOUNG MAN, WHO uiutcrs'ands his business, a situation a j clerk or salesman, Uaa first class references. Address R. M., Heiaid oilice. VALENTINE'S PERUVIAN CORDIAI.-TlfE OR WAT Tonic and Invigorator of tho a>stem. Th reu Iv in prepared upon scientific principles wmh'nln: e valuable propertieaof tbe best Pnruvl.T Itark in the o>mu>. nation with other aetlv* togredients forming a palatable and \ al nable raja pound for the (nva'id and the aged, curing Dyspepsia, Indi¬ gestion, Nanaes; General Debility, and all disease* re inlring . toule and alterative remedy, and a certain cure and preven- tiveof Fevor and A, ic It ia not a cure *11: but for lite diseases named, and all dsbiluilAd forms of the s\atom it vrill be found unsurpassed. Prepared by C W. VALENTINE A CO. Sole Proprietors and M tnufacture-s. . New York. For sale by Charles T1 Ring. 1"K Brondnay, N. Y ; l'etiotto A Hsv*. 260 Or.aud andjlO? Division streets, N. "V , Mr*. Haves 175 Fulton street. Brooklyn; G. It Lawrence, M t> '170 Grand street, Williamsburg; Jartwrn R. Merclen. 41 Monte us ry street .lersrv t.ltjr, %udby druggi«t« Rendu"* thivuilwat VWhrtftW** A POLITICAL. ATA MEETING Of TliK OEKMAN DEMOCRATIC Central Club, beId November JO. si Ho. 101 Kiijisbeih .UMt, the following eao'ntion *u adopted;. Resolved, TluU we fully endorse the nomination ofWil iism V. Uuvemayer for Mayor, Samuel J. Tilda* for Counsel to the Corpatatipn, and Patrick MrKlroy for Governor of the AJstsbouse, and we piedge oiirselre* to support the Hint for lite ooui'.uii election. ANTHONY DDQRO, free, l'uir.j" Muuls, Fee.; Mi.kTINO or HOC EIGHTEENTH WARD DEMO erotic Workingineu'* Club will be bold at Concert Hall, IQOaveuue A.ou Friday eveulrg, Dec.2,at 8 o'clock. J. Dag- KSUiiut will addres* the meeting. Br order. JOHN O'BRISK, Chairman. Euu. Poknih, Vice Chairman; Mastic* OaiiAtJi.iii«iu>xLir, lieaaurer; Thomas Stkicii and W. Ukiaiit, Secretaries. AT A MKETINO OK THK DEMOCRATIC WARD COM- H mittee of the Seventeenth ward, held on Wedue»lsy eveu I.t, at Smith's Hall, It was ItihoUed. That this ot ganlzatlou do heartily endorse the m mtMtion of Frederick Kollwageu, Jr.. and John U\an as our csndUktes for Councllineu from Una ward, in lbs Fifth lAiuuciiinnult district. JtlllN b. KouKIli V, C'hu luriu Ckawhold. Sec All rjciit in the seventh district. At a large ami enthusiastic raeellou of the tltClOST 1* DKPRN) >KNT Cl.ll B, belli at the lumae of Mr. Hartland, Kit sixth street and Fifth avenue, on the evealog of the :ni'h rli.. the meat enroiu-HRiuK report* were received from the dllWent Ward Committee* In the t-eventh dutrict. and other business connected with their organization transacted, when the. meedu* was elcni nenlly addressed by Mr. Kelly in favor of Fernando Wood for Mayor, and Kar.aom C. Park* for Councilman for the Seventh<Umiin; ait< r which Uie following resolution* were of teied by Mr. Kelly, and uuiuummisly adopted by the meeting, vt/.;. Koiolvfd, by the wwklngtnen of the Seventh Connci.'nwiio district, That in Uie Hon. Fernando Wood we reooguise the only esndidate belore the people fot the Mayorhlty a* being of and f' r tlie people; th»t in htm we hill the fearless champion of municipal rtfclita, the uncompromising opponent of the aurrep- tlticu* leu'sistlou of the free solnsui. black repuolicanuin and Htxilltkm am of Tammany Hall, the ftustom Houae, Post Ofllce, and rotten lUgency of Alb»ny. with Weei at tb» head and Cimsldy at ihelr toll; that we approve of hla manly tearing In ¦baking off the dual of Tammany Hall from hi* feet, and that tn pledyim: him our support we bid him continue "Excelsior" a* nl* motU> until the weak minted Governor and corrupt I-e^tal*- ture. who would rob u* of our chartered righU, are numbered uinoug tlie past. IteaoKed, That we pledge our support to Ransom C. Parka, Kwt , our candidate for t'nuiicllntm fur the Sexenih dutrn-t. »rd ink our lellow democrats of the working men to aid ua in our cause: that we hare unbounded confidence in hi* honor aiid integrity.all the more a* we know hi in to be a modeat, nu assuming workliixman, and not . professional tricky polltl eian. When, after giving tnine time* nine for Mayor Wood. Te- renre Farley candidate for Alderman. Mr. Paiki candidate and the Chairman. the meeting adjourned in the m »t perlect order, to meet agaiu on Saturday evening next, at 7% o clock, at the sain* place. J. KK1.1.Y, l'ruaident. Thohas i.uvus, Secretary. ATA MRRTTM; OK THK DEMOCRATIC UKi'Cltlif :\ can Wa'd Committee of the Seventeenth Ward held at Smith's, corner of Eleventh street and Klrat avenue, on Wed negday evening, N'o\emt>er. 3ti, 18W, the follotring rewlutloo* were uunnimciiHlv adopted Whereai, at tbl* Important eri»li In the biltory o( the demo orutlc patty of ibiii gieat city, when we are called oa not only to battle Hj-alnat our o'd enemier but aluo ainiatt a faetion elaiming to be democrat*, but whoie only object and desire i< to divit'e, ard therthy defe\t, our party In tula the.; e.it i.trongbold of democracy. it iNinniea the di;ty of every dem e oral to come forward anil eien himself to aecire the ucceM of our candidate* at the doming election; Therefore. Mesolvrd That »« pledge onraelve*. Indlvldu*!!v and col- lectlvely.toT»*e nil U.moral le meac*t" securetheeieetiou of William K. Haveme; er, for Mayor; Kaui'iel J. 'f illen, for ComineI to the Corporation, and INtrlrk >!'¦ Kir-*y for < I-ovei nor ol the Almabou e, at the e;;aotDgelectioi>. JOHS B. PotlARTf, ChalrtMO. David CbaWTOKP, Secretary ATA M*RTTX0 OF THE IJfDKPl'N'DRVT DFVOORA tic t'iubof the Tweltlh Aldermanii; district, held at -i-1 Tenth street, on Wodneaday eM-nitij.', Nov. "vv tlie Pre*idi"it, Mr. i". Kearney. In the chair, tlie following ticket wm 'inaiil- moti^lv endorsed;. Kor Mayor Fernando Wood. For tlnrpora'lon t 'onnsel. (!reeoe C fteonsm. For AluiKhi ufce Uovernor. Jaune* Lyuvh For Aldfir.-isii, Edward Mallnr. For t'ouiicilmen. Fifth Keiutturlal district. Fdward tios'ello, John Roliwajjon, Jr. I*. LOUDEN, Secretary. N ADJOURNED MKETINfi OF THi: TWENTY FIRST ward Democratic t'lubwill be he!d at the Metropolitan Garden ibl* evening, llee. 1, for the purpose of participating in the tr.rrfalight procession and Rrand demonstration <.'. the Kf rnando W ood lUub, tn Thirty-second street and Fourth ava nne. The member* aad th'ifce lo favor of Feruiudo Wood for ieayor are requeated to attend By order of JOB* J MofiR A.TH, President / MT1ZKNB' MKETJNG. \J WM. F. HAVEMEYER FOR MAYOR. A meetingof citizens of New York. Irrespective nf i &v^Jss^^hsrssffis5^,5 fflvim's .iffe,'* WILLIAM F, HAVEMKYKR SAMUEL J. TILDE!? ifuyor' "ld s?£iSSV" jp »<«»">¦' i?TiSX?ffirt DEMOCRATIC RALLY..THK tstenty FIR<it m.nT Wood Club will hold a meeting in th« tr^e. Lit ^^-RD 0.tab!e«, h, ni&2£5tml£,?15£s °»rePnl'h,e hkev«ntoK.ia,'to cloeW. Fernando Wood, T. W *£*£. to**,.. ,>ohn M. Harrington, is ho. W Wekks. >c. , HUSTOA, I resident. Jis. Timomev, }8*cj*S»rie«. T\EMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN GENERAL COMutt JJ tea..The members <>( (he committee are renuestedS?J, u,4u' «**«*rwide alfred chakceixou, /!!* A< V* BOWLER, Chairaaau. M. Aubbosk Gilchrist, > scr®* rR MAYOR. """ "" ^ HOV. GEORGE OPPTKK. n at Thorp's Hotel, corner of Kicfatb ntroud Broadway. CiUaens of all partloa who arafkf*.?®Laikf ¦££*} "L«"nlD,!,tratton of the city *orartunent^r?iSri£i V1 tnaet daOy at this place. "* la"UxJ w FOCRTH AND SIXTH VPAnna a »nn.. ... meeting and torchlight procewloo'.FriilinF » 1,8 Coyle. attention! -7bere will be a grand rallv o?th»°£< P*Jrlck Patrick Coyle at Warren Ha^ of ot streets, on Friday evening, at '% p M wu. ,l. Eernr voter* of the Seoond AldermanI? distrta are?nWtlt id mam. Messrs lion. Henry Arcultjrtti* R £ n 12. a"end W. MoMabon. llenncMey and others will ah<i l* U*r^,on. T. By order of tie ccjwfilf'" "* OMU»f patrick Kctxnr, SecreUrr"^0' BAIKD' «*«*«. Grand rally for the union. " ~~. k r.i * t Cou,e to the Rescue. 1 j Buchanan and of tH* /»r KL«"th) Wl" imeeting &hssss*? Mahooy oorner of Hudson ond Roach, this ~J£L^ S o clock, for the pm pose of devising meaiTim 'H election by a triumphant mnioritv of r *ecore the his demiicratic principles, his pure and^iuTere«tod°i^^r assisjr'aa^ L «. ".s^rsg'« w.. wK"-""'0 ^00D ¦SS5V88- Chat. A. Schindlrr, W.2n c a/i..h. A rchibald IJttle. Edward'sSth1' J*' as?? i-ih" g.fe;, ss" sjrar' M^Ta^Mnr,"' J^aSo^^k '^^noldcr'. h^lSuST" ' Daniel O'Oonnel!. Jolm Ronm!' . Henry Rollins. The meeting will be addrM-ed hy several ab!e'a|..'%ker«. wm. Wm.it, Secretary. ° EAOAN- ^Innat, proclamation. i thec?yo?!???® C3mm^ Couact.of rkward ONE IIl'NDRED DOLLARS for the detection of anv person VOTING or attempting to vote ILLEGALLY. oro. any person who shall procure aodaaaist eo*n..i~..j viae another to give or offer his vote illeTalT , r ^ ward or election district for that piu oose it the iif?i ?uy Hon to be held In this city on PP 1 Ule easai»« el«s- . Tt'ESDAY, the 6th day of December unit !¦!, ?V, '1?0D '!,n Cf nvietion of the ofl'endcr Md the eertifl cate of tiie Keoorder, District Attornev nr«h«r.!J c*rHfi" Court where convicted thit auch conviction w «k« «re ^ ?f the person or persona claiming SUPh ^ard"" Jiut all claims for such reward not 0.!?^\ £ IS u* . signed in wrltinc within twenty davVafW^K. thetinder- such oU'rndfr shall be disregarded conviction of Given tinder my hand, at the Mayor's oilice. new York, Nov. 29, ISM."*1"*'' F' TI**A"W. Mayor. NATIOMAL DEMOCRATIC NOMflTATInv For Alderman of the ^Fourteenth diatrlot^JSjghteonth JAMES G. OflFTHY. REVUBLlrAN AND CITIRKIfS* nominations HIT teenthward. I^e^tategrMy of ottr .Common SVhonis^ " "tssKt i 'jissi "*°°± M*, A. n*u~.*££g?' MRWrT- Hall nomlnjitions, and the elcation of th« jum i Mo*»rt clpal rights, are ^ Ti!± sneakers will address the meetin* n fro»t or fi^ i??U^h1<1 Wt«d headquarters, 130 Greenwich street! "«n)«iao Roreht p. bckk*.*^'.0- O'CONNOR, Chafrman. Regular republican nomination ... , M*TH «;OUNfILMANIC DISTRICT .Ninth, I iitecmh, Sixteenth and Eighteenth wards For Councilman, "arcs. henry c. Parke. CHCOND aldkrmanio DISPRIOT . . , Fourth nod Kiith Wards Tie independent denjocratic ritiypna nf *»m. . nominated and decided to elect at thi districl have Jacob Meyer, tihaccouiit. as their canrtlJuE r* °1,<*'lion- Mr this district. Mr. Meyer has llve.1 tadStaSfiJ? AId«rmH" of lifeUme, asd Is well and tavorahlv knl^.^4l«*rtot neariyali hLs dent ot the district as a Krupulmmlr S^n.'l, Si everT oM and a staunch demccrniTand neS? J ""1' prinriplen And k having swerved frfcm his hive anhoneat «ZT!S tT®, by bta "lotion the district will We, therefore. everv hon#»«t-»nH hearty aupport «nd voteo of r^l,7,,r inHl , In the district. Hv I SSTL-l ^lJ,,Qt Demooratl.- <>lnb. Second Mdarmanlc "1CL L. HITZHB. Clulrman. rpAMMANY iiall ' x regular DKMocnATrr1 vosnvatioys. .. Wthrounciltnanifl Plftrict. Ata rocriinsr of the Fifth Oounc/foiinle Convention, he! ! at union Hall, corner Fourth .ntre<H and avenue 0, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 29, the foJlowinjr ticket wan unantm^miy elec- ted:. Tenth wait), John Van Tine. RlevcDth ward, John H. Hooktrfc- .* M Kdwnrd C. CoMello. Thirteenth ward. John WeOonneJI. 8event« euUj ward, Frederick Hoiwajrgao. " / u John H|an. AA R(VC rolltxs. |«i«rri T. Wrs,«wt, Tertli ward, OfcairmM, P. H. 0PU4NS. Thn tV'fu'.h « ard, Sfy.r,*rv{j. POLITICAL. Republicans.look out fob youb almshoubh Governor, WM. T. PfNCKNKY. Friend* uiaet every evening at BmUhaoglan House, Corntr of Urosdwa) and Honaton atreet, day tad evening TIIK TITOKK8 OF THE FrBST WARD ABB gSVTTajf Ui attend a meeting+t the Broad Street House, oWUturdaf '"'"'"g. Dec. 3, at 8 o~olock. Hon. Fernando Wooil aud othora wUl address the meeting. WOOD AND VICTOBY.-AT A MEETING OF TUB . * independent voters of the Seventh ward, held at Ili/t', 1*7 Madison atreet, on Wednesday evening, Nov. SO. it WM uiianlninualy reaolred, that we eudoito the uouiituitiou of Fer¬ nando Wood for Mayor. ,, JOHN P. LONEBOA*. Preside**. Kn. Hats, Secretary. JaskhJ Muiiriiv, Trtiaaurer. N. B..A meeting of the nub wilt be held en Saturday eve*- lng. TTNIOIf, HARMONY aNI) YIWORY.-AT AMSETINO I- of the delegate* seleatod liy Hit candidates nominated bp Hie T unany and Miuart Halls Sixth Coutiabmanlc CoB?«a- tlons, held for tbe purpoite ol trotting ilia detu.Kjraoy of saM dlbU-ki na (ha Couucl.'iiianic ticket, l»v« uuanlmaubly agradd U|jjii the followluB named gentlemen u Uiu candid*'.®* of Du uniteddemocracy faraaidolMrlot;. Ninth Ward.A lesander L. Shaw Fifteenth ward.Cornelius W. Campbell. " " l.awrenee M. Vau Aart. MttecntU ward.Pierre C. Kane « Samuel T. Mnusoa. Eighteenth ward.John Raker. Chairman, OBOBfSK OAULFtELD, K. J. Hahhto*. Seoretary. Of tbe Fifteenth ward, ¦lame* P. Dnnn, Pat'k MeArdle, Haniel (lllloepie, Timntiiy Gainey, John IfouiAtalin, W. Yaa Arsdale, Joint Committee from Tammany aud Mozart Hall*. 61H WARD-AT a mbetino of the DEMOCRATIC Republican Constables' Convention of the Fi/lh ward, held at No. Sft" Oreenwleb *treet, on Wednesday evening, the 30th Inst, Mr. Michael Madlgan having declined the nnmfnati.m fot Com table of a*>U wsrd on motion, Charles F. W«tu «u ucauimoubg nomuuueil In Iiik ntead WULIAM L. HERBERT, CkatrmML Miciuki. Kerkioan, Secretary. rjU BBMAIOBIAL DISTRICT O THK MOZART HALL Councilmanle Congestion, lin t at th<- Ea&ex Houae, Nlf ft, 1MAI, «U»n the following named candidates having rm-mved the untuiinioua vote of the Cootvutiou were duly fieclsr<vl dat nominees . Wardn 10.Tlieodore I'dell. 11.Frederick Keppe.r. 11.Tbomaf J. Cantos. 13.KdwardT. Murphr. 17.Mit bael Daltoo. 17. Pau itk Fla^nagan. PKTKR McRfilQUT Ohalrma*. .'oiiif W. Cbcmp, ) Hot a A. Bbadi.«t, <®ecr '.Cea. MEMBERS OF THE Cf>\VBJTTMW rrxni WAun. t»iut**ktm viitt S E Nolan, Hitjjb K Bradlay, PbUip Ml!(s, llinmaall Karrla, Jf'hn ^tokey, John <5r»hani John W frump, Richard Kaofleld, .lamea Downing Joha Fennel! Birrr.1rrn w.ird. j>*rp«TBK«rH waiu>. Ji lin K»-il!y, R hard Harnfib, i'litrick Puriell, Miehaal McMabua, Pi-j r McK right. Mi.-htel Halin, John 1). Onrroil, .lolin K. Rodgzr% Ibotuaa Kiuaiii numda. hi1mm Autg. 6TH WARD DFJfOCBATIO REPUBLICAN' RBOtTLAK NOM1NATIOIT& A! a mwiiie of ibr* Ward Crn eouon. held at Patrick Oar- rick'a Math Ward Hotel en Wodneaday evening. Nor 30. IMC tbe following aantlemen were utianimoaaiy nuiuinated:. For Hchool Ci-mmissltiner.1Tljomaa StepheLa. For 1 napeoior.Jeremiah Mabony. For fruataea.Patrick Oeraghtjr, Henry" O'Keeffp, Thorn** W. Casay (t» fill '.acancv) For Constables.Patrick Bovlr Daniel Duffy. JaM£S .vlAijUlttE, Cliau jia* Pkter Ryan, Secretary. 9TH WARD. HAYEHEYER FOR MAYOR. A meet.i.R' f the ..itUens of the Ninth ward favorable to ka election oi Wm. 1". Havemeyer for Mayor of this etty, and of aai honest city government, are re^ueMed to meet at tbe AdrtaMi twner of Harrow and Hudson aueeta, on Friday eveulag, Be- cemt>ei 2. atS o'clock. T he iuoe(i;ig »ill be addreaaed by several disUngitiahad gas- Uemea. By order of the committee. Joaefh D. Baltlv in. Ptuliji W. Bnga, Wm. D. Kennedy, John Oakford, Henry C Bailey, haaiuel lx>ng, Frederick RodefelJU, Cbas. J. t'hipp, I. B. Haines Jacob Wlulm ilier, Wm 11. Duaenberry, Solomon Banta, R. B Foadiek, P. Fol»r. Cbaa. Mcllbargy, John Walsh. Wm. Baldwin, 9TH WABD.-AT A MEETINO OF THE WARD Con¬ vention of the Ninth ward, held la?t evening, for the par poee of nominating ward otllsers, the following ticket ma unanunoua'y adopu-d aa the Mozart Hall nomination.!'. For <>>natables. Abram Sprinsntein. Thotnaa Farrelt. For Bcboo! C-ommiaateuer. William J. t an Aradale. For Sciool lnapector.William H. Clray. For Hcbool Trij»k>»a.John C. Caraon, James Vaa NardM. (to till vacancy; Peter Banta. W. J. BRTSLKY, Ctudrmaa. Jas. McT akdless. Secretary. T ATIl WARD HICKORY CLUB MEETS AT McQUADR'8, 1U 87 Canal atreet, corner of Ludlow. Democraui, oa dock, be up and doinK. PKTKR McQUaDE, tiau&cmi Jamxs Bhadv, Secretary. UVH AND 17TH WABDS ON DECK. A grar.d mw ratltieatlon Meeting of the Friend* at FKRNAN1 O WOOD, the Champion of Municipal Bighta, wlB be held at Vo'.k'a Theatre, Fourth atreet, near avenue A, aa 'thuraday evening, December I. The fallowing eminent speakers will be present'..Hon. F. Wood. John M. Haxnug- t i, Tbos, W. MacMahou, Dr. R. B. Bradford, Phillip Huts Dr. J. H. GrivU, W. Dafget Hunt, (kinrad Swackha<ner adi others. By orler of the Committee of Arrangements. TH WARD HA.VEMEYF.R OLCB WIIJ. MEET AT ibehouse of John McQuade, Third avenue, near Eighty- ninth atreet, Yorkville. this evening at 7% o'clock. The mem¬ bers of the club, together with their friends, are Invited to at¬ tend. HUGH CROMBIE, ChairmML C. W. Bidut, Secretary. 12 1QTH WABD A MEBTf-VQ OF THE YOfTKO D Heoioeratle Ifavemeyer Aasociatlon of the Th want will be held on next Thursday evening, Dee. 1, Irvi®. at Ilaatlnga' Hall, corner of Fitt and Broome streets. All thiee In favor of the election of Messrs Havemeyer, Tilde* aad MoKli oy will pleaae be on hand and enroll their oaoae*. g| order, JOHN CABBOLL, Chalrmu M. O'Bhikh, 5 wretarlea. 1 CTH WARD HAVKMKYER CLUB..THE RESIDENTS lu of this ward favorable to the eiectiou of Wo. F. Ilave- meyer u Mayor are requested to meet at " The Store," 12 La- roy place, Blcecker street, this (Thursday) evening, at TH o'clock. I CTH WARD DEMOCRATIC WORKINGMEN'S CLOB. JL'J A meeting of the above named Club will be bell in Tte Store, 12 Leroy place, Bleecker street, cn Thursday evening, Dec. I, at "Jj o'clock. It 1s existed tluii every member wit be present, as business of tmpnrtanoe will be transacted. Br order. FLYNN CLARK, Vice President James Gitbs, Secretory. UTH WARD HAVKMRTBR CLUB.-A MEETING OF the above Club will be held at Hermitage Hall, corner of Houston ann Allen streets, on Thursday evening, Dee. I, at Jfc o'clock, on business of importance. By order. JOHN TANDEfcVOORT, Chairman. Dr. Cvbcs Ramsey, Secretary. TH WARD.THE REGULAR DEMWRATIC WARD Committee of the Seventeenth ward will meet Una (Thursday) evening, at Hermitsi:* ball, at 7>4 o'clock. BYLVESTER BOBBINS, Chairman. JOHH TOMIT, ( vi«,r»tor)«. Jacob W. Mooue, j iwH"1w' nTH WARP REGULAR DEMOCRATIC UNION NOMINATION. For School (Yimmissloner, Joseph MeOnire. For School Inspector, Michael Hahn. For School Trustees, John II. WiiilaniH and Theader ZeoUar. MOZART IIAI.I.. TAMMaST IIALL. Michael Altera, Chairman. John B. Fogerly, Chairman. Jacob W. Moore, Sec. Joseph Koeible, Sec. 17 1QTH WARD, AROUSE-THE CITIZENS OF THE lO Eighteenth ward, who are In favor of an honest ettr government, are requested to meet on Thursday evening, Dec. I, at J o'clock at Patrick Prultv's store, corner of Twenty second street anil third avenue, to organize and elect officers for the Eighteenth Ward Victory Ilavemeyer Club. 1 QTH WARD. io RRFUBLICAN NOMINATION rOK Al.HERMAN, WM. LAIMBEER, Jr., Builder, 57 Kaat 25th at RIQHT WILL PREVAIL. Of his abfltty and fidelity we say nothing. Read pracjedoffi s( the Board of Councilman for u>e laat yew. II. A HURLBUT, Chairman, THKO. G. OLAUBKNHKLKB, Sea'T, OATH WARD-FBRNANDO WOOD .AT A MEETING iiU of the members of the Morart Hall Genera! Committee and many democrats ef the ward, the fallowing gentlemen. were appointed a finance oommltte#.James Connolly. Cant. T!x>a Hiinnigan. William McConkey. None others are autho- thorirad to collect any funds for the ward. By order, P. G. MOLONEY, Chairman. We J. A. McGrath, Soc. OlST WARD IIAVEMBYER DEMOCR ATIC AS80dA- 1 tion.A meeting of the above Aanooation was he'd at Die rooms of Mr, B. McCabe. No. 391 Third avenue. On motion of Mr. .lonathna Trotter. Mr. 0. H. liaswell was oaUed to Ilia obair; and on motion of Mr Andre Proment, Mr. Nelson Smith and lmctor McDonnell were olectad aacreta rlea. Speeches made bv Andre Fromcait, Eaq., Hon. Judge Clarke, and other*. Spirited renoltiion* were passed,endorsing Mr ftareme/er in every particular; and. on motion of Mr. King, the meeting ad jeurned until next Friday evening, Dec. 2. to meet again at Mr. JfeCaba'a, No. 301 Third avenue, al o'clock P. M. Br order, CHAS. H. HASwKLL, Chairman. NELSOH SKlTn, liWrptorlM Da. P. W. McDomcEtL, j OOD WARD YOUNG MEN'S DEMOCRATIC OUTR-A ZiLt meeUug ot the above Club will take plaM at the himae of Mr. Hugh Murray, corner of Forty second street aud Wn- venlb uveuue, oil Thursday D*c- 1. at o clock. Punctual attendance Is requisite, m>»*i^ of ia^rtance m to be transacted. By order. PATk. KMLLY, President. B. J. Burnt, Secretary. POI1TICAL THE SMALL RUBBER RINGS FOR FA3 ui-ilnir ballot* can be had ot the sole manufacturer tmrt.tr O^vfar patents. C. A. BUNNKfc, So John street, opp<> iSnS miTc: w. BROWKR, corner of Nineteenth street and Fourth avenue. THE TRADES. COMPOSITORS-TWO OR TOREK GOOD STEAD T book compositors wanted at 12 Ann at. ("-i ARDKNER WANTED.FOR A FARM IN ROCKLANR T eoiintv, a sober, r«]iable singl" man, one who is willing do farm nork when required. Address S. W. 8., bcx 479 Post office. TO WI8MAKEHS AND HAIRDRESSERS..WANTED bv a person tn the above line a situation. Address A. B. care ot Mis. Barkiey. 15 Lerov place, Bleecker at. TV*ANTED.TWO FOREMEN OF TRACKS AND SIX f T stonemasons. tn go to the Isthmus of Panama. Aoply with ic.'nmmerdi.tlons at the ofllue of the Pauama P-atlroat Company, 88 Wall «t. "TJXANTV.O.A GOOD SATINET PRINTER; A SOBtfR f T man, and one who understands his business thornufh?r None others need spp'y- Addreas 0. F., box 185 Uerai.i ortlee. TITANTED.A GOOD PHOTOGRAPHER, FOR NS'tA II Uu-s nnd positives, at t'.'l Canal at. Genniui pn?to«re4. WANTED.A SITUATION IN A MANUF tCTUSI v" Es¬ tablishment, by a man capable of wwkinl ou cirnu ai siul scroll saws, planing and teiicming owwh't"' ima U'* I '. 'a nmchit er> in a nuihiltr;".tin.' sin has ..;... a .«(».. lU'-ti, AiU.~e«i Jsr»?> W K*

The New York herald. (New York [N.Y.]). 1859-12-01 [p 9]. · 2017-12-26 · Callfor two days at 133 West26thst., near"Uiavenue^ Avrnm.Kao*dEnglishwomanwantsasitu-allon: ... man,aacookin

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Page 1: The New York herald. (New York [N.Y.]). 1859-12-01 [p 9]. · 2017-12-26 · Callfor two days at 133 West26thst., near"Uiavenue^ Avrnm.Kao*dEnglishwomanwantsasitu-allon: ... man,aacookin



Jk. waaher atU iroucr, i» a good baker. Can bja®en for Iw odaya If uot engaged lit No. 10 VorVt st., near Weet Uroidw ay.Wages not ao much an objfc'. as » go->dn om'-

N AMKRTCANWOM^W. AN KXPERTBNCED NURPE,wants a situation monthly, or as Bsauutres* or

objection to lake cure of ku invalid. <-*n give tbn best of cityreturnee. A pply at 31 .Jones st, one door from Blether,

A RESPECTABLE GIRL WI8HM A SITUATION, ASgood oooL. undorstiuds baking; Is a first rate washer

Mid trailer; understand* English uod American cooking; Iswlllinir to «o auy where If a steady place. Good reference.Call for two Jays at 232 Mulberry street, flrst lloor, front

ARKXPECTABLK WOMAN WISHES A SITUATION,as first rale cook; will assist in the w.iHhlngof a small

faulty thoroughly und«i»t:iuds her business. Oau producegood city refereucc. Call for two days at 133 West 26th st.,near "Ui avenue^

Avrnm.K ao*d English woman wants a situ-allon :iHUUi»e; Is pable of taking the euUre ehirge of

an Infant from 11h birth, and brlnring it uji by hud. Best cityreference. Apply Ktl54 iMh st., near 2d avenue, rear building

AVERY RESPECTABLK YOUNO WOMAN WISIIK8 Asituation, In a private family, as Brst rate waitress, or nschambermaid and flue washer and Iron«r, or to take care ofchildren. has no objection to ao to the country; can give the bestof city reference for either of the abore situations- Oau be seenM 07 Wei 17th St., first lloar.

A WOMAN or GOOD EXPERIENCE WANTS A SITU-ation as cook and to assist in the washing and ironing, orwould like to go aa laundress: is neat and obliging; best or cityrelerenoe. Call ut 197 West 27th st, between 7th and Mth avs.

A SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE)ottng woman, as cook, washer and lroner; has noobjecLon to do general housework In a small private family; beit ofB'.y referetce can be given from where she bus lived for the

last six i ears. Call at 114 7th itve., corner ol" 18th st., old No.lit).

A SITUATION WANTED.BY A PROTECTANT WELSHJl woman as first cl»jsi o)k; undcrstADd* cooking Iu all itsfcrancli't, is ao excellent baker has good city reference. Ap¬ply at the Employment Agency of the Protestant Episcopalllrotberhood, 124 4th.av., near 12th st.

A SITUATION WANTED.BY A RESPECTABLEjoung girl as cook, waalier and lroner; satisfactory rele-

reuces 11 required. Apply at 107 10th ave., between 17th and13th sis.

A WET NURSE.A YOUNG WOMAN WHO HAS LOSTber Uifant v. Iibes to take cliargc of a baby at her own

jilace of residence, at No. 21 Thames at., third floor.

A YOUNG WOMAN WANTS A 8ITUATION, A8 <H*Mbertnaid and waitress; has no objection to assist In wash

fciC and iroulog; three yeiire' reference from her last p'acet'jl: at 85 Rutgers street, near Montgomery a1., lor one day.

A TOUNO WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION, AS WKTnurse; has nn Incumbrance. Call at 130 -2d at, betwee i

2d and 3d avs., for two days.

A RESPECTABLE WIDOW WOMAN WISHES TO GETladles' and geui lemon's washing; h»a good'reconmeiida

lion», also a beniTltul yard Address a note to No. 91 GroveBtreet, one block from Waverley place.

AN AMERICAN 1.ADY FROM THE NORTH WOULDlike tosupfcrlnteud In * genlle.man'a family, or a* h insa

keeper to a partv of gentleman; can Kliethe best of cltv re I*rence* as regards a 3llity. Call far three tlajs ut No. 2,7 Ka&tiKh street. *

Actuation wanted.by a most respectableyoung woman as iaundros In a private family; under

stands ber work u> porfeetion; has tUe best of city refureucesfroru her former employer. Can be aeeu lor twii d.iya atE8U1 at. between Matlmou and 4Ui km.

A SITUATION WANT*!).BY A RESPECTABLEyoung girl. as chambermaid and waiter; would bo will-

in* to the washing iind ironing; is a fir«it rate waiter.Be*t of city reference, Can be seer for two days at 81 WegtSWtli st

A COOK WANTS A SITUATION; IS A HOOD WASH-er ami trotter and a good baker; lias no objection Co the

city 01 country. Can be seen fur two iluya at 237 lladiiou atn the rear.

Any lady wishing an experienced monthlynurse can iind one at 169 Henderson St., Jersey City. Ad-

dt ess personally or by letter E. 11., as above.

A SITU ATION WANTED.AS chambermaid AND TOJo. do fine washing and ironing, or to asubt in waiting, by ahighly recommended girl. Can be seen for two days at lierpresent employer'", "87 Broadway comer 10th st.

A LADY, A NATIVE OF GERMANY, AND A PROTEStant, who speaks good English, wants to engage herself as

Soveruess to children, lady's maid or seamstresa. Call for twoays at "S 5d av., in the upholsterer's store.

A SITUATION WANTKD-BY AN EXPERIENCED WO-man, aa cook in a private family; is a good family baker

and willing to assist In the washing and ironing if requiredlteat cltv reference, Can be seen at tier employer's 1G0 West311th st, between 6th and 7th avs. ^

A SITUATION WANTKD-BY A respectableyoung womm, as cook or to do general housework- Is a

rwd washer and ironor. Apply at 302 tticka at., between Pi-ciAo and Amity sis., Brooklyn.

A RESPECTABLE WELSH PROTESTANT WOMANwishes a situation as lady's maid and seamstress or nurseSlid seamstress; city ret urenee given. Address, or 'sonlv at119 Project street, Brooklyn, for three days.

Abkspkctabi,.. GIRL WISHES A SITUATION, TOoook, wash and iron. Best city references. Call for twodays at 49 Boeriim st.. corner of Atlantic, South Brooklyn.

ASIl'UATION WANTED-BY A respectableyoung woman, to do cnamberwork and waiting or cham¬

ber »ork sad sewing, or to do housework for a small family; Isperfectly competent; a pleasant home more an object than hi.-hwages; best ctty reference from lier last place. Call for twodaya at 333 Degraw at., curner of amlth, .South Brooklyn,

DRF.SSMAKKR-A FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKERwlihes to go out by the day or week. Csll at No. 1 Oar-

den row, corner of 11th st. and 6th ave.

HOU6KKHEPKRS SITUATION WANTKD-BY AN Ex¬perienced educated lady of active habits, In a family of

good standing or a hotel : has travelled on the Continent,apeaka three languages and Is fully qualified In every respectfor the management of a family; no ohject'on to a widower'sfamily with children, or would take charge of the linen depart¬ment of a hotel. Call at room 31 Globe Hotel, corner Frank¬fort and William sta.

Laundress..a respectable girl wishbs asituation as laundress; would do ehamberwork and wait¬

ing; has two years' reference from her last place. Can l>e.sen until engaged at 141 West 16th at, between 7th und 8th»ves.

SITUATION WANTED.BY A PROTESTANT YOUNQwoman- as ehamhermald and nurse, or to assist In wash¬

ing and ironing If required. Call at the basement of St 3uh(t., second door east of Broadway.

SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNOwoman, to coolt, wash and Iron, or wonld do ehamberwork

»nd wsltliigln a small private family. Haa good reference.Call at 260 West 31st st, fourth fioor, back room.

SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO GIRL, TO DOgeneral housework; she In an American girl; can speak

German; has good reference. Call at 141 3d av., between IStb.td IGUi sta for two days.

SITUATION WANTED.BY A protestant WOMAN,as good cook and to assist in washing and ironing; two

Tears' city relerence given. Call at 7< West 24th st., for twodays.#

SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN,as good cook In a private family, hotel or boi.rdlnq house;

understands her business in all l's branches. Call at 285 West2Mb st., oomer of 10th av., for two days.

SITUATION WANTED-BY A PROTESTANT GIRL. AScoolc. Good city references. Can be seen for two d»vs

St 160 Kaat 32d st

SITUATION WANTED-BY A 8TEADY WOMAN. ASfirst class cook in u private family. Apply at 719 Broad¬

way, in the stoce, for two days. Best of city reference.

SITUATION WANTED.BY A respectable YOUNOwoman; is a good cook and baker; no objection to assist In

washing and ironing or do the washing of a small family'.Good oily reference. Call at 107 East 16th st

SITUATION WANTED.BY A YOUNO WOMAN, A8VJ cook, washer and ironer in a private family. Good city re¬ference. Call at 171 81at st, between 1st and 2d avs., for twodays.

SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO WOMAN. TO DOehamberwork and plain sewing or asaist In washing and

Ironing. Bust of city reference. Call nt 13d West 33d st, be¬tween 7 th and 8th ars . for two days.

SITUATION WANTED.BY A respectable YOUNOgirl, aa good plain cook, first rate washer and tronor or to

do general housework for a small private family. Oood cityreference. Call at 72 East 31st St., near Lexington av.

SITUATION WANTKD-BY A YOUNO WOMAN, ASchambermaid and waiter or to do general housework In a

small famiiy. Good relerenoe. Call at 94 West 24th st. fortwo days.

SITUATION WANTED-BY A respectable OIRL,as cook; no objection to assist with the wsahlng and Iron¬

ing; understands her business perfcotly; Is a good bread baker;Rood references from her lust place. Apply at 71 15th st. Inthe rear, for two days.

SITUATIONS WANTED.BY two RB8PECTABLKgirls; one as oook; understands har badness perfectly

¦well; the other as chambermaid and waitress, or to assist in Uswashing and ironing; Uwy have the boat of city relerenoe. CallBl»S27»bst-

SITUATIONS WANTHD.BY two RESPECTABLEglrlb; one as good cook, and to assist with the washing and

Ironing; tbeothsrtoda general housework; no olijeotion to goIn the country; both bave good city reference. Inquire at oraddress 182 West 25th St., between 8th and 9th avs., secondkouse In the rear, third lloor.

Seamstress.-a respectable youno womanw islies to go out to sew by the week or month, or would

lake care of a couple of children; can make ladles' and chil¬dren's dresses; works ven neatly; Is a Protestant Apply at346 East 24th »t., near 2d ave.

SITUATION WANTKD-BY A YOUNO GERMANlady, as lady's maid: converses In English and French as

<well as in Uertnan. Can be seen at 171 Allen st, this day, beiwe.eu 11A.M. and S P. M. Inquire for M. A. Ilaebenstein.

TO LADIES GOING SOUTH OR TO EUROPE.-WANT-ed, a situation to attend a lady, as housekeeper, or gover¬

ness to young children, or In any capacity where Integrity andooaOdence are required, having lived with some of the first fa-reference. Address E. Bruwn, 136West 10th st., for one week.

rr0fcnn^X.0IlN.IiiNB~A LADY dr THOROUGHPl-I?H!rma0^fACtnril1? Of ladlflll' clOtkg, ftlldn "? °, £,ftntleraen'a clothing by machine, and\*ho 18 weUMtttaW with thn nun&MriiMtand workiosof

Te^^strXe^^'0^ss£b jsfnote addressed to Energy, Hera'd offlar^SSihstating particulars, will be attended to. address and

TTWO WIDOW LADIES OF REVERSED FORTITVttJL desire engagements, either aa housekeepere to.Efamily or hi a first class hotel, or as copyists travell^ ^mpanions or governesses, tescblng Ki«ll4,muslc and H.fn^lI^"Address H A M. l>oi 126 Herafd qfllTe <Un<i<1*

TWO SISTKBS WANT SITUATIONS IN ONE noiNfone is a good cook, washer and Ironer; the other as rh«»

fcermaid or waller, or plain sewer; tl*i best elty reft<..nn"Call at 630 Columbia st., South Brooklyn, for two daya.

TWO YOUNG LADIKS WISH SITUATIONS-IN Astore, either In this clly or Brooklyu. Address K. F He

raid oflloe.

WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNO WOMAN, Asituation to do the work ot n small priyM« folBll.v; guxl

reference Call at HI} 1st av.

srr«rATiows wanted-fkmales.Wanted.a situation, by A OOwT^BTENT^K^'.tress. one who understand* rutluig ud suing la ilea' "**chiidrtn's dresses nod all limit of family sew'ng, wjuiu go tJillie week or month. or In a perniaiseiit situation. Call m a.present employri 3, 06 West 12 ii at, for two daya. |TITANTKD.A SITUATION, BT A RESPECTABLETV young woman. to do general housework, la u go -i «> a,Washerand iroiier; In a ainall private family. (»txvTc"y rele »irem <;. evil at 264 lat av., lor two daya, luat floor, front."

WANrEI>-A SITUATION, BT A RESPECTABLEyoung wi man. tin cook, wsah and Iron or to >i» -»

fug alone; itoroughly" understands her builteiis in nillunticl.es I.aa the ileal of city reference. C«n b« *c-n f.itwortava at 140 Kaet 2CUi at.

W/ANTI-D.BV A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. A sinV' uaiii u aa cook, and in assiit In the washiug Gu«dcity referent*. Call ut «r u lili es for two days No 21?Hflli «t. between fifth av. aud Culvorsity plat*. tit tb-basement.

WANTKD.BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, Asituation to cook, ttashand Iron, or wo.ila d. (lenir-iIioium-w oi k In u small private famllv. Has th* best of city ref¬

erence. 1'leutc call at U2 Columbia, near Sutto at., Brooklyn,for two days-

WANTED.HY A RESPECTABLE GIRL, A SITUATIONiiH eliaintM-rmald and waitress In a private family. 1'U-aaa

call at 250 Tentb at., east of First av. Qood city reference fremberlaat place. Call lor two days.

WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLEyoung woman, as lirst class coak; slie uudn»t»uds herbusiness perfectly In making soups, jel'iM. pastry, Ac.; 1msexcellent ctty recommendations. Apply at 63 2l)Ui St., one doorfrom 6Ui av.

WANTKD.A SITUATION, BY A YOUNO WOMAN, ASfirst class cook; is a rcotl w-slier ana Iroiier, c» do nil

kinds of baking, is willing lo coin the country, good citv refe¬rence. Apply »t 21)1 Weal ltitli a:., between 8th at,J 9th uvs.

WANTED.BY A KIRKT CLASS DRESHM AKER, TO GOout bv the day or taVe lu work. Apply at or address 69West 241 Ii at corner of Cth >v.

WANTED.». SITUATION', BY A RESPECTABLEyoung woman, to cook, wailia.ul iron; is a good baker;unde*atands her bu.-lness perfectly; best city reference. Ap¬ply at £14 1st av.. between 17tlt and 18th sts.

WANTKD.HY AN ENGLISH WOMAN, A SITUATIONnschildrtu'a nurse; she is experienced In the caie of

children; run take tbe ocuire charge of an intaut from lis birth,and also do plain sewing; best city reference from bar lastplace. Call for two days at 12 Uih av., uea: 4th at.

WANTED.A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABLEgirl, an chambermaid and to assist in the w»hIiujr andIroning; tin objection to do housework In a small pri* ate fsmi

ly; lias two years' city reference from last place. Call at I'M6th av., between 2Mb and 34.tb sis., for two days.TITANTKD-A SITUATION. BY AN AMERICAN GIB!,.V» iis (liumbermaid and seamstress. Cas be aeen for tw odtys at 111 9th av.

TIT"ANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL. A SITUATIONtf Mchambermaidand wsitr< ss, to take ci;-e of children

ai d new or assist with the washiug. Best of city referencefun be seen i.t 100 Kant 21at st., between 2d and 3d a-»

W'KT NUWSE.-W ANTED. BY A RESPECTABLEI» ' oucg woman, with her flrst child a aite.ati >o in a gentle-mini's I» lull*, as wet nurse; ha» n good bi-east of mtlk a id lavery healthy aud temperate; o«n aive ^nod refc-em b aud <loetrjr'b cerilucate. v:au be seen for taree days at 127 East 29tli

, kil'MI 2d and .'4 a<s., third iloo*.

XJfTANTED.BY A COMPKTENT PERSON, A SITUAit ilou u seamstreu: can ctil and lit lailcs' and child: en'«dreises and do all kinds of fn.nily sawing, call operate aWhee'erA Wilson machine; Is wll'log to make b» *olr useful.Call lor two days at 43* 6th av., u-ar 3dtfc St.. room No 12.

rANTKD.BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. A SITUAilou to rook, wash and Iron in a prlvat- family; is a go->dplain rot end an excellent washer and ironer. Goal cit/ re

feieate. Call tor two day s at 171 Cliarles at., brst ll'joi

TirANTRD.A blTClATlON. '4Y A YOUNG LADY. TO\\ wwi k oil fiue shirts aud line work on bet own iusrhme.Call at 71 Mot' st.

WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A COMPETENT SE \Msires-; unueit-tands ciilllnj? aiid fitting ladies'and obild

ren's cresses nnd all kinds of lamUy sewing: would go by theweek or month or In a permanent situation. Call for two daysst her present employer's. 90 West 12thst.

WANTED.A SITCATTON, BY A YOUNG WOMAN. AScook or to do general hyusework. Call at 297 Mott st.,

near Houston.

WANTKD.A COMPETENT OIRI, AS WAITRESS ANDcliainberuiald. In a small private boarding ho se Ap¬ply, with city reference, at 52 West 15Ui St., at the basement


WANTED..A YOUNG WOMAN WISHES A SfTUA-tlon as good plain cook, and to aaslat lu tbe w ashlajandli\.i ing. Jlrt: ol city reference Also, a girl lately lsnded, as

chambermaid and waitress. Call ut 125 East 29:h st.

WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLEmiddle aged woman as first class cook in a respectable

family. Eeslo'tv reference. None but resectable personsneed apply, ('all for two days at 4J Henry at., room 2, seooudfloor, lu the rear.

WANTED-BY TWO RESPECTABLE GIRLS. SITU Atlons; one is a lirat rate laundress, and is willing to assist

in tbe chanibcrwork If required; the other a*chambermaid audwaitress Good refe/ence It required. No objection to generalhousework. Call for two days at 67 West 20th st., near 6thavemie.

WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOU.NO WOMAN,a aituation as *tl nurse (n respectable umiv. Gail for

three days &t3t'l Mull hi , In the store

XKTt NTED.A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG FRENCHH woman hs cook. Good city reference. Uallat3V(2davp , second ilcor.

WANTKD.A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE (ilRI,,U> do chamberwork and waiting; will make hersslf gene-

rally earful; has four years' city reJerences. Csn be geea forthree davg at 210 Kiuit 14th st.

.YXTANTEn-A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG GERMANII girl, to cook, wasli and Lrt.u, acd do all luuOs of bousework. Call at 275 DWigiou at.

WANTED.BY A KSPI'EfTABLE PROTESTANT HIRL-a sitrntionas chambermaid or waitress: has no oSje> iioo

to do general housework tn a small famllv; ver v best of olty re¬ferences given, t all at "7 Vork St., Brooklyn.

WANTED.BY A YOUNG WOMAN, A SITUATION TOdo the general housework of a small private faiullv; best

of city reference can be given. Apply at 241 1st sr.,'in thestore.

WET NURSE..filTUATION WANTED, BY A REsprotable married woman, with a good hreastof milk;

baby three weeka old. Hag do objection to the country or totravel with a respectable family. Call at 25U East 12th at, firstHoar, Irani room, for two <lavs

WANTED.BY A YOUNG WOMAN, A SITUATION AScook; Is thoroughly experienced in all its branches;

wonld assist in washing and ironlug. Has the best of cltyre-lerence. Csu he sesu at 178 West 10th St., near 8th av., thirdfloor, front room.

WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, AsituntIm as chambermaid or laundress, or waiter; Is

capable of filling tbe above situations, vail at 79 Greenwichav., where the beat of city reference can be given.

WANTKD.BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN. Afixation to do the housew* i k of a small family; or liyht

chnmherwork. Call till suited at 4606th av., betweeu 2dth aud29th sis.

WANTED-A SITUATION. BY A RE8PECTABLE GIRL,to do chambenvork and wash and Iron, or general

honeework for ti email family. The very best of <*v refererce can be given. Can be seen for two d«ys at 360 7th av,,between 82d and 33d sta.

WANTED.A SITUATION AS WET NURSE, BY Ahenlthv Joting woman, with a fresh breast of milk hav¬

ing just lost her baby. Can be seen for two days at 166 Cham¬bers St.

"ITtrANTED.BY A MOST R#JPEOTABLK YOUNG? T English woman, a situation as laundress or chamber-maid and to do line washing: baa tbe best of cltr reference.Can be teen until engnged at 820 Broadway, second floor, frontroom.

WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG WOMAN,to take charge of a baby and to do light housework.

Call at 53 West 32d st.

WANTED-BY A WIDOW WOMAN, WITH ONEchild, a situation as plain cook, washer and ironer, In a

small lamily; wages not go mucl* an object as a comfortablehome; good city and country reference. Can be seen at 285:<2d st., between 9th and 10th aves.

WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG WOMAN: ISa good plain cook and u good washer and ironer: good

ony reference; has lived three years iu her lost place. Call at10 Amity place.

WANTED-BY A YOUNG WOMAN, A SITUATION TOtin generahousework In a small family; good cltv re¬

ference given. Apply st 108 West 19th ft

WANTKD.A SITUATION AS WKT NURSE, BY Arespectable young woman. Can be seen for two days

at MR Dunne su

WANTED-BY A GOOD HUNDRKHB. A SITUATT9Nin a private family; understands French fluting and tine

munlkxi. and has three years city reference from her last place.Call nt No. 11 Union court, Uni varsity place, near llth at.

WANTFTD-BY AN AMKBK7AN GIRL 17 YEARS OFage, a sltuiition to mind children or do light housework;

also by a young woman who wrmld like to do plain sewing hiher own house. Apply at 40910th are., between 3Mi and S6thsis., third lloor.

WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A RE8PHCTABLKwoman, as seamstress or to do light chamberwork. Good

city reference. Call at 19 Weal lCih at., between 5th aud 6th avs.

TirANTED-BY A YOUNG WOMAN, A SITUATION ASfV oook; tbe best of reference given. Cau be seen at her

present place, 45 East llth St., N. Y.

TirET NURSE..A SITUATION DESIRED BY AN ENG-T V lish woman, as wet nurse; will take an infant at ber own

borne or will go out; good reference given. Inquire at 22 Kentave., near Myitle, Brooklyn.

WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL, Asituation as Ural rate oook; understands all kinds of cook

ing; has no objection to assist In washing and ironing if reoutred; has lived in her last place several years, and cau producethu best of referector. Call for two days at No. 631st gt., be¬tween Madison and 5 J> avee.

WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A BESPECTABLE PROtestant girl, as good plain oook, washer and ironer; is a

good baker; good city reference. Call for two days at 2rf0 West10th st.

WANTKD.A SITUATION, BY A COMPETENT YOUNGwoman, to do general housework iti a private family, or

would do chamberwork and take care of children, and makeherself geuerally useful; can come well recommended, havinglive years reference. Call for two days at 96 West 19th st., be¬tween 6th and 7th aves.

WANTKD.A SITUATION BY A YOUNG GIRL, A8child's nurse and seamstress, or to do light chamber-

work; best of city reference. Can be seen for two days at 918Broadway, between 21st aud 22d sts.

WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNii GIRL Asituation to do housework In a small family, or to take

care of children; is a good plain sewer; wager, .o object, w auUta home; has best of city rflcrejoe. Apply at 108 East 22d st.

WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLEyoung girl, at cook; undera'.anilsher business thoroughly;

understands French cooking and all sort 4 ofjam; no objectionto assist In washing and ironing; !>«»; city reference. Call

*' . hoiweeu 6th and 7U1 sts.

Tir\NTFD.A SITUATION, M'A EESPEt'T-MTLFGIRL,. 'odo rooking or housework »v«' the be '.of ct'.yC£'SrW9. Ui^ulro hi. 110 Noffolk id,


TITANTED.A SITUATION, BT A RK8P1CTABI.1C PROTT leanuit girt, to cook. wuah and Iron, In a amall privatenunly. Una Rjod city irfwrn* from her laat plaoe. Call lor- daya at 1?7 bulltvaa In Uie Uaaameut.TlTANTEr-A SITUATION, BT A YOUNG WOMAN, ASTT cook,»Ii« thorooriiljr uudeiktaada Kiencu and K.ig U .

Apply ai VI Greenwich ar., near 12th at., i-^imloor Ciorvl refneuM fit en.

B1TUA1I0N, itV A KK8PKCTAlILK' ' JOUI'II JII i, to to k, *»-li »ud irou. In a min i prlv «t«¦mily ii»'' *f city reference itiveu. Oallat 1M Uewtaat.,t K<"t ti.. i ui.. f. two days.(XTANTKU.A SITUATION, JIT A PROTESTANT WOT< Hun,,... iui»e .ti-J x-amatreaa; i» caput'!" t i,Krmcutire cli»r;:c or » baby troin itV birth uood diy refcui:if. Can lit' -iru lor iwo da;k tit Ui Wrst &Ah at., a lev."'» wen ofT'likv., tatlie baacinect.

WAN1R1) A SITUATION, BY A RKSPEOTABI-Ryoung r orutn, to df (fco'-ml uouaework, can be weli

n<< rnim nnra from Iter Hat place. Apply at u.l Cran'nrry ai.,rooklyn. ti'tw.eu Henry ami Fulton ata-

<1 rANTKf»-»*Y A MIDDLF.AUKD KNOLIS'I WOMAN,II n axuatxm an loirre, to take care of au Invalid; willing.i t»k« -ire nt tbc house. Apply to Mia. Murphy, ,'477 Kultou

.> ret. Brooklyn.VITA *TKt>.A SITUATION AS CH AMBKRMAID OR TO*» take ore <if rliildrcn, bv a very respectab'e olrl. whoan (five the beat of o« rrierence. Ou'n be seen at 1£TJ Hudson

«(.. I'rcoklyn, uluI Milled.f

WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A YOUNO WOMAN, ASinauHieiniaid and lamitlresa. or to do kl cUen work.T n ed alx veura in ber !a«t p!«ce. CaJl at 135 Court at., Brook¬lyn, for two daya

WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A YOUNO WOMAN, ABchambermaid or to do general liWbi'u ork In a xniall pri¬

vate family. Oood city reiereuce. Call at M YorkaL, Brook¬lyn.TJTANTED.A SITUATION. BY A RK5PECTABI.K»» Kiri. l-.lo gcr.ernl Uouaewr.rk. Oood city reference,

i'* at .No 7 Harper a court, between Concord and TtUary ma.


A (JOOP STOUT BOY WANTEO-IN A DRY GOODSstor* wi'ii can make himself generally useful; salary?*

,,t< week. Address box 1,764 1'ost otlim-, w ith reference.

AGENTS WANTED .A I.ARGE NUMBER OF AOFNTS,tu well a popular holiday publication, caa find ImmediateHi. plojmtu' aud make g>od wages by applying at 13 Piatt St.,third story, between 1W and 3 o'c'ock

Any salesman aboutmakini; a tour south onWei>i wiU be liberally treated with tosell u siaole article,used bv hoU-I kff prs aad country store*. No oa:nple» re-nuire'i'. Adores* Si. 8., Iwx 115 Herald office

nUNDEE SALESMAN WANTED.IK A Vlit.IT CIAS31 I hour to take ofcnrge of aiid sail Dundee trolls; one whon.i<Vca<mds il.e business and can ooaw well rejomanudedwi'l ple-ae ad.-liets 1mj\ WS l*«*t olliCS, * lill lull particular*.i/tun salesman wanted.one wno thoroughI' uin!i..is .: 'I- 'In' bdi. ffs. Good reference ienured.>jip!}' at Phillips', 279')r*til

Hat tmmmfr a \'i» plush sewer wavtfd.onewbo'h<Togb\ nidirstsmls both branches. Apply U)

Badoge A I eri.Vacta, flW Pearl s>t.



NE BOII.ER MAKER W VNTED.ONE THAT I'aNturn tUli::"* and In band? at all kinds of boiler worn., io X>. A Kbeutan, PuekskiH.


ORNAMENTAIi CONFECTIONER WANTED..TO Agood workman regular employment and g wd sa'ary.Apply to N. L'Urk, KJ3 Broadway, corner of 13tii st.

TO BOOKBlNDKItS..WANTED, A COMPETENT FORwarder and finisher of printed work to go South; a perm*,"eut situation to to be bad. Apply to U. B. Malin, comer ofJohn and Dutch a'.g,

TITOR WANTED-MUST BK A GENTLEMAN OFenoc t 'tin atu>u and thorougl ly competent to teach music,

{.'resell aad Ueimau. Keteretce r&|Ulred. Apply at 149Clraud St., up stairs.

MtANTED.AS.VLESMaN FOR A RETAIL CLOTHINGYY itnie: uiso tr o travelling salesmen, and an experi¬enced bookkeeper A pplv at the Merchants' Clerks' Registryoil'i-e 7H Ilroad»nv Munitions procured. No commission Inaa voice. >stashed 1M6. HouralHo^ ^ RRDpAT|ttT-7" ED-A MAN WHO CAN REM. A POPULARVt -tvi of champagne anions the grocer* and jobbers./t if,,. who is aliont to travel Tor a liuuor hJuse. who woulddevote part of liia tlnie to the selling of champagne. AddressChampagne Dtaltr, Herald office.

WANTED-A YOUNG MAN TO TAKE CH ARGE OF AV? fish and ojite: stand in a first class market Apply at616 0Q» »v. ;Wanted.five agents for the sottth and

West Requirement*. cit7 reference as to cliararter andabi'iin and a cash deposit of $123 upon dellverv ol gooda. Sa¬lary 'MO per month with a commission and travelling exmuses. Applr-asts for an ir.lervlew will name their rofe-rente and enclose letter stamp if from out the ci'.y. Addressfor one week Manufacturer, Herald oflloe.


Uons aa clerkB, bookkeepers, saletmi*!, porters Ac.,should apply at the Men bans' Clerks' ReRlstry otlice.78Broadwav. No cotumitsiou in advance. Reference to hrstclass liouies. Applicants by mail miist enclose iwo stamps.KttabiUhed 1B50. MM. J. KKDIAIH.

WANTED-A ORNTI.EUAN OF PT.F.ARING ADDRESS,to encase tn an agency for an tmjioriant enterprise, not

Incompatible with a minister's position. Address Agency, He-rttidouice.

T1WANTED.A WAITER, WHO UNDERSTANDS WAITVV toe rn th» table of a first class restaurant. Inquire atthe Wvandaitk Restaurant, 381 and SS3 Fulton St., Brooklyn,opposite City Hall.

TlfANTED.A YOUNG MAS, A8 SALESMAN, IN AW retail drv goods store, about slxtv miles from New \ork.Such as are coipeteut may spply, vritS references, to S II. *Co., 23" Br iadway, up stslrs. Call from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. to-**"'.


Wanted.to go a short distance in thecountry, a married mail capable of taking charge of a

Datr of horses w ugon. kc he must be able to milk and willingklwkeh& useful, to a goodr «ffid situation. will togives. References re<i>iired. Apply to W illiam M. UUes, 1896th avenue, corner of tsth St.

Ti"ANTED.A WHITE OB COI.ORHD PERSON, TOV\ take car* of a horse snd make himself uaciul In a fami¬ly. Apply at ti»e spccie olllce. No. 1 Wall st.

W'ANTED.A YOUNG MAN IN A WHOLESALE LOOKincglass store, one who writes a good plain hand; also

a veiling man to travel for a wholesale millinery store and acaahier for a public ball. Apply at the Merchants' Clerks'Registry office, 73 Broadway. Situations proct.red Noi com-misaion iu advance. 5.W~ANt¥d^IN AN OFFICE. A KMART, ACnVTS BOY,

to run on errands snd mnke fires Wages »l 50 nerweek. Call at 77 Cedar st, room No. 3, Thursday, between 10and li A. M.

W~ANTED.A PORTER AND M*AN TO DRIVE A CARTfor a wholesale iobbing honse down town; good wages

and steady employment Apply, with recommendaUons, atTHOf. H AlRh. & CO.'Semployment olhec, cornerof West -idgt. and 6th av.TJtrANTED.AN HONEST. 8TEADY YOUNG MAN, ASVt ovsterman; one willing to assist generally in a saloonmsvapplv. with teference, between 9 aud 11 o'clock, at theGramcrcy saloon, 222 Sd av. corner 20th st, basexoext


A SITUATION AS STABLE FOREMAN WANTED-BY Alierson possessing a thorough knowledge of the business,

and isVjlv competent to take the entire management of alivery, stage, or car stable. Address Stabje Foreman, Herald(rtfcce".

ALN INTELLIGENT AND WELL RECOMMENDED BOY,who luis had some experience In landscape painting,

wants a situation for Sinn, fresco or coach painting. Apply toor address Stetael, 108 West 2ttb St., second floor.

SITUATION WANTED-BY A STEADY INDU8-trious young man s* coachman and garlener, anil Is

willing to make himself generally usefiU. Has no objection toso In the country. Good refercuces if renulred. Call at 117West 24th St., lor two days,

A YOUNG MAN, WHO SPEAKS AND WRITES ENGlish and German, wishes to get a place, as clerk in a dry

Bonds store, or anv other employment Hood reference®.,S-msil wages required. Address 11. A.. Herald office.

A PARTY DESIRING A GOOD INDOOR POSITION,at a cooii salary, willing to loan the advertiser $100 on

unexceptionable security, can do so and hare entire charge otIbe business of the advertiser until the loan is paid, by applyingat 61U Broadway, room 3, top floor.

ALh YOUNG MAN, WHO IIAB BEEN EMPLOYED IN Afirst class house for five vears. desires a situation in Cali¬

fornia or at the Jouth. Address William, Herald office.

FRENCH COACHMAN WANTS A SITUATION INa nrivala familv ns coachman, haTbeen with one of the

vest families hi this £ity. Good reference. Gall at 8» Blcecier»«., filth doc* west of Broadway, tn the hat store.

T_O* GROCERS WHOLESALE AND GROUERS COMMI*Dion houses..Wanted, a stwiaUon In a wholesale gro-erj-

house, by s voting man of 20 years or age. a native ofhind, strwng'and benlihy. and who Is well vsrsod with all kindsof ornntinghotte wriilnge and business, for the purpose tolear* and become acquainted with all goods and wares bekmg-ing to the grooery line. Salary not so mnoh an ohjnct. butmere to be plaeed tn a first siass house, where the advertiserwould make himself usefuL Beat of references furnished.Address L. de W l>ox 9,906 Post office.

rANTED-BT A SMART AND ENERGETIC YOUNGman. 18 years of age, a situation in a large dr"

or commission bouse, to learn the business. Is a good;and rapii aocountaat Ad'lreta Horace, Herald office.

WANTED.BY A SMART AND ENERGETIC YOUNaman. 18 years of age, a situation in a large dry goods

or commission house, to learn the business. Is a good penmanand rapii aocountaat Addreea Horace, Herald office.

WANTED-A SITUATION AS GROOM, BY AN ACTIVEsteady and competent man'of long experience in the

can' and treatment of horses Can be seen at his present cmn'.ovcr's, where be hss lived fur tlie last seven years. Applyat the private stable, rear of 55J^s^lGui st

WTnTED-UY A YOUNG MAN, WHO THOROUGHLYunderstands his business, a situation as coachman in a

private family; lias no objection to the oountry. Can be seenfor two dsys at the saddlery shop, 257 7th aye.

WANTED-A SITUATION AB PORTER IN A STORE,by a respectable man, who has been five years iu h« last

Place and where he can refer as to character and qnnliUctUio'u.Address llopkinson. Herald office.

WANTED.A SITUATION AS COACHMAN ANDcroon, in a private family; best of references will be

given; speaks Fr«nch, English audUennan. Address A. G.,box lt8 Herald offioe.

ANTED-BY AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN, Asituation tu a bookstore or publishing house; understands

bookkeeping; moderate salary expected. Address box 1,064Vost ofllce^

ANTED.A SITUATION, AS COACnMAN ANDgroom, bv a voung Protestant Englishman, who i>er

fecily understiii'ids the care aud managemnnt of horses: Is aBinid and careful driver; has four years reference from li's Wu-temployer. Apply for three days at 124 4th av. ko objectionto the country.

WANTHD-A SITUATION ASWAITER, IN A PRIVATEfamily, by a single man (English!, with good city refe

rence. Address James, care of Mrs. Matthews, re^r ol 19(Ea-t 24th st., near 1st av.

-fl'ANTED-A SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER, BY ONEI y\ vn\\ l nnrt ^tnerieuoed. Hestof rily refereuce'g ;u A.'.P.,«l Falwa

help wanted.ke«a lji».TlXbOK NUMBKB OK WOMKNAWI)OI^WAKTKDA. da'ly.found In komI nitoattwa of eierrktnd£Tkm good. U, tbo«, vrttn no-l r«m,meaWott«rM olu.bUoe» KITCO. Al«> g. A ,'ir.l .Wj !aod^ ao-Bltd. U»tU«relitthe Uurg® IufcUmU% lfr4 Hth Ht corner «»l »th

i,i, rAMtn.iKH WAhrna hood sRBVAirw nn«-Olniflty nhoii I apply uth* Large InnItuie for<urar '¦ wp:iWe h''1" tc 1411 ***dueled bj ai f»p».ctobte ujy.rfilHI' WANTKD-MUHT BK. A KIRS* RATKWAfilfl\ er i-d lroaer, mid good plain eook. Applf ai 00Bro*nert_


4 UI^MaN GIRL WaMU-TOA h' usevcrk f«r a small Ai-i-rn ia Alio l«°,fr.J ..¦.>"*. v tosher. "*».»1Call Ml S lI'll »> p-i'ufrnf 6th a* e.

4 FRENCH filKT, WANTKTWTO TRAVEL\ Kurons viHh .. family; »1ii»iih:»i know ho'r<,,2,f^'0W*»child M.dtoww. Call M13S ll'b at, corner of 6th >".Xj1BM>.LB A<itNTh WANTED.TO A POPULARr lvaid.1, ....bitalloo- Thj-y C« todment nut) f!0"d »»K<iv I>y applying at 13 ri»u n .bel^fiU 10 tiiiii b o cl(w:k. ^rrioirR YOUNG lames OK BF-HPBCTABIMTlf WANT-P +<i.To attend «!¦«- rt-fre!.li'>i«ritV»l.>on* mt¦,!",££"(lavMnwc, from December 6 until the lfch

,t, c*rnerI,, ranrrow". between ilaud 12 A. M H HI B.uook-_«ugof Wooatei

T AtlM'KKf-S AM> 8KAMHTBI8S WA^,r^D ~JL'e'fli n-»ii<ati "«« miuu Ve able to tnaki" dri-ase*.ch*m-ifrv»nt* it) fKh-r eapacttiea auehM eool£ * », 7nllt,_'be weu^srattasafe&¦»" ¦ «.

r*rANTED.WELL RECOMMENDED «&VA5S?At U>«VV all 1.1'ir.rs Kirat ctuu plac '' nfblrd doortrmplovuientOMue tor borvauUi OrAU*e «..0111 Kultou, JSrooklj^.(TTAKTED-TWO YOCNO LADIES, A w^ANO ANDW .Uo 8'ii?«r, for » oonctfrt o^p»ny. Applf » «r^a cod room 2SJ Metropolitan Bottil, for five daj» bet .«nud 7 1*. M

"PISSAi'tji'v for two da'y* S tiV. ^Veeo^t)^ bo,.r,Po( -MaU 12o'clock.

. T


buurtof 11A-M. and 3 P. M.


' rri^Dto «m (^.rn.. "tb!f1-HOdreiH $12. wall out.Call on J- 0. "am. 616 Bi o^lway.

.rVmiKn Af'TlYE PBOTWfANT C.IRU"rtTANTk ' Vh-,u.nw.,rk i» a amill family. «l«ven nilloav\ to .1.. 'cenr \.2 SrtT rataUtSrideb»railroad- Nopetrcm N»« "an fnrnl.U goo.l city refo-t.... d'.pi,K <. .

^ j, .Mh gt betwe«n lat and-l avs.W^vin-A-,'.IKtTtO^^ DO>.KNKRA-TnOU^OBK-rtTANTEO-A niRI' "J ^ wa,ber sud irowr,'yW^. ST. A wiily from a to 12 at No.a x mtli St., near Gth ar.

w ,,er

oon"S>k:^a"8H ""duSLn«t» 'he TO"ntr>'- (i00J r0ftrencel!rooulreA. Apply at #8 mk'

.T. 7 rini TO OO TI1K OKVKRAT- HOUSK-WANIKP-A OTRL Tfrourtuudenrtand oonktaf,work of J IMUJJ b l Hud cold water. «tHao:iiir>ESrarSZ;*u<^rem»y cancan we.t ism at., with

^d-n- "V'" . i;mit 1 privatefamti.t. A FtR^T

asj»»^j^e.wa«sswards. None Msell iwply ex.^ ^ d between^dUatTo.f^S«t&«> Madlvin and ^_av8.__J .rv --,K-n |iY TO "aTTBWD SAf.OON:TtTA KTT).A ^ AmiH at the W«liln*too

TirANTFD-A '-OOl)|^/*kRX{,.^Ujat°hEKN«ofS w^hwaid'lnqulrf at 30 Ku^' Bt-nw

^antf.iPfob~a JAmilToFjwo a

Umdr«8B.Rnd a v-aroretis^nmber of gnVIPt hotueworkunv.-e arrt cTasa Ketnatn Offioe. 282 4tl» av. nearA lady In attendance.

__t\L- i KVAt TnI>"TTT)V AMERtOAN PRO-TffASTUlVV, ^w»n or«ferr<s\>. lf» to 17 year* ofI W

nurve ftcbil<l two moothe old anl

I... , vnrsn WOMAN to TAKE CHABOKWANTED.AA 0)d. fb« muit bo a cood waaherof achlld tliree y«*. <'

^ flne wwinlf. Ouly a IVoK? UTn5Sfc*^ beat of rSeSnce*. need call between theofK^nd 3 at No. 1 Abln«don_aquare.-tr V vnnJfO_OIRU to TAKE CARE of A

W'ffiSfSWWiK-rences at 136 MonURU*»t., Brooklyn-. ..r"jr4T SMART AND willing OIBLWanted.a heat, em

u famlly. mu«tbo aTAP" three7day. at 112f,X^k:BreSSynTfrom 9 to 11 A. if-FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS.

OS DEMANDE-UNE BONNE FRANCAISH, POURprendre soln d'un enfant de deux ana et dcml et pour cuu-

die. Sadrcsaer an 128 lime rue, Oiieit

OiTpEMANTIE.UNK BONNE FTtANOATSK OU RUIS8E.munie de bonnes re-iommandations. pour aolgner et

j renrlro soln d'un eufsnt d'un an. S'adresaer a 109 5me av.,rtre 10 et 11 lieures du matin.

USE DAME FRANCAIRf7d'UN AGERATSONABLE DE| mande a »e placer pour soiguer del enfant*, et pent s'oe-

euper de la couture. Sadrcsaer au 16 lime rue, entre la Sineet 4me avenue.


A"NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM TO LET.with Board, In a delightful location, all modern Improve¬ment* and convenient to Broadway, suitable for a gentleman

and wife or two single gentlemen. Apply at 422 Fourth street(called No. 9 Albion place).

Broadway and sixtieth street.first noosEwest of Broadway. Bigbtb avenue cars to Fifty-ninth

street. A delightful location, near Central Park. A gontle-man aud wife, two young ladles and four or five single gentlemen can be accommodated with comfortable Room.' aud Boardon reasonable terms. For th<>se doicg business down towndinner at s'jc o'clock P. M. Mm. SOANLAN.

BOARDINO.-TWO FRONT BOOMS ON THIRD FLOOR,suitable for mOrried or single gentlemen, with use of bath,

gas. Ac : aim an excellent ltaaemeot to let uufurni^h"d, suit¬able for a professional gentlemen; house tlrst class: locationunsurpassed lu the city. Apply at 79 Ninth street, near Fifthavenue

TVSEASED EYES.My new aystfFt'MBS and

u My new system of treating diseased eyes by medicatedUM.

VAPORS.is unquestionably the only safe. rational and successful modeof tri'atmi lit. A siratiie and cflective apparatus is used to ge-neuxte and apply them. 1 earni'Stly Invite all of this afllictndclass, and others who ieei an interest in tlie advancement of thehealing art to call T. K. FRANK, M. D., Oculist,No. 106 East Fourteenth street.

FOR flHARLFSTON. a C..THE WELL KNOWN, FIRSTclass, side wheel >teamsliln KEV6TONK STATB, Captain

C. P. Mnrshn.an, will leave Philadelphia for Charleston, onMonday, December ft, at 10 o'clock A. H. Very suocrior stAtelooms can be secured, by letter or telegraph. The (3TATK OFGEORGIA will »ail as above for Savannah, Ga., on Saturday,DeeMnlx.i'10. Fare on rtfher ship, $15.

A.IHKROM, .lr AgwtfCorner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia.

FOR 8ALB-A CORNER LIQUOR STORH IN TUBEleventh ward, now doing a nice cash business Tlienanse

lor selling is the owner oaunot attend to It Applv at 226Fevenih svemte, corner of Twenty-fifth street, ia Uie liuuorstore, irum 10iA. M. to 2o'clock 1'. M.

FOR SALE.ONE PATH OF DARK CHESTNUT HORSB3,six and seveu years old, 16 hands high, perfectly gentleand sound,\cry stjllsh drlveis, the property of a geu'Jem inlmvlug rn further use for them, ucd who can be referred to.Can be seen at McDonald's sUblss, 23 aud 25 East Twelfthstreet, near University place.

FURN1SUED ROOM WANTED-AND PARTIALBoard, uith some small and sulet family resi iuij; in liiaupper part of the city. Address L. v. M., Herald olliee.

OX THE tTH OF DEOEMftER THE CATHOLICefcureh Maria llimmelfahrts will lie consecrated by tbem«st worthy Archbishop, whereto all t.aUialics are invited toattend.

¦pART.NF.R WANTED.WITH ABOUT $800CAPITAL, ISJL a first c'asa Retail Drug Store, well sfcnutej, and doing ag.>od business. A rare chance for an enternrbsiu'; vonng mancapable of taking entire charge. Address W. II. \V" 11», Heraldoffice.

Tin: TEMPLE! T11E TEMPLE!Call aud sec the beautiful model of

.SOLiiMOS'b TRIPLE,At Temple HtU,

KinUi street, one door eaat rf llrosdwa*.Lecture at 3 and 8 P. M. Open for schools morning and af

iernooB. Applications made at the hall.

TO GROCERS.-WANTED, BY A YOUNG MAN, WHOuiutcrs'ands his business, a situation a j clerk or salesman,Uaa first class references. Address R. M., Heiaid oilice.

VALENTINE'S PERUVIAN CORDIAI.-TlfE OR WATTonic and Invigorator of tho a>stem. Th f« reu Iv in

prepared upon scientific principles wmh'nln: e valuablepropertieaof tbe best Pnruvl.T Itark in the o>mu>. nation withother aetlv* togredients forming a palatable and \ al nable rajapound for the (nva'id and the aged, curing Dyspepsia, Indi¬gestion, Nanaes; General Debility, and all disease* re inlring. toule and alterative remedy, and a certain cure and preven-tiveof Fevor and A, ic It ia not a cure *11: but for litediseases named, and all dsbiluilAd forms of the s\atom it vrillbe found unsurpassed.

Prepared by C W. VALENTINE A CO.Sole Proprietors and M tnufacture-s.

. New York.For sale by Charles T1 Ring. 1"K Brondnay, N. Y ; l'etiottoA Hsv*. 260 Or.aud andjlO? Division streets, N. "V , Mr*. Haves175 Fulton street. Brooklyn; G. It Lawrence, M t> '170Grand street, Williamsburg; Jartwrn R. Merclen. 41 Monte usry street .lersrv t.ltjr, %udby druggi«t« Rendu"* thivuilwatVWhrtftW**



ATA MEETING Of TliK OEKMAN DEMOCRATICCentral Club, beId November JO. si Ho. 101 Kiijisbeih.UMt, the following eao'ntion *u adopted;.Resolved, TluU we fully endorse the nomination ofWiliism V. Uuvemayer for Mayor, Samuel J. Tilda* for Counselto the Corpatatipn, and Patrick MrKlroy for Governor of theAJstsbouse, and we piedge oiirselre* to support the Hint forlite ooui'.uii election. ANTHONY DDQRO, free,l'uir.j" Muuls, Fee.;Mi.kTINO or HOC EIGHTEENTH WARD DEMOerotic Workingineu'* Club will be bold at Concert Hall,IQOaveuue A.ou Friday eveulrg, Dec.2,at 8 o'clock. J. Dag-KSUiiut will addres* the meeting. Br order.

JOHN O'BRISK, Chairman.Euu. Poknih, Vice Chairman; Mastic* OaiiAtJi.iii«iu>xLir,lieaaurer; Thomas Stkicii and W. Ukiaiit, Secretaries.

AT A MKETINO OK THK DEMOCRATIC WARD COM-H mittee of the Seventeenth ward, held on Wedue»lsy eveuI.t, at Smith's Hall, It wasItihoUed. That this ot ganlzatlou do heartily endorse the

m mtMtion of Frederick Kollwageu, Jr.. and John U\an asour csndUktes for Councllineu from Una ward, in lbs FifthlAiuuciiinnult district. JtlllN b. KouKIli V, C'huluriu Ckawhold. Sec

All rjciit in the seventh district.At a large ami enthusiastic raeellou of the tltClOST 1*DKPRN) >KNT Cl.ll B, belli at the lumae of Mr. Hartland, Kitsixth street and Fifth avenue, on the evealog of the :ni'h rli..the meat enroiu-HRiuK report* were received from the dllWentWard Committee* In the t-eventh dutrict. and other businessconnected with their organization transacted, when the. meedu*was elcni nenlly addressed by Mr. Kelly in favor of FernandoWood for Mayor, and Kar.aom C. Park* for Councilman for theSeventh<Umiin; ait< r which Uie following resolution* were ofteied by Mr. Kelly, and uuiuummisly adopted by the meeting,vt/.;.

Koiolvfd, by the wwklngtnen of the Seventh Connci.'nwiiodistrict, That in Uie Hon. Fernando Wood we reooguise the onlyesndidate belore the people fot the Mayorhlty a* being of andf' r tlie people; th»t in htm we hill the fearless champion ofmunicipal rtfclita, the uncompromising opponent of the aurrep-tlticu* leu'sistlou of the free solnsui. black repuolicanuin andHtxilltkm am of Tammany Hall, the ftustom Houae, Post Ofllce,and rotten lUgency of Alb»ny. with Weei at tb» head andCimsldy at ihelr toll; that we approve of hla manly tearing In¦baking off the dual of Tammany Hall from hi* feet, and that tnpledyim: him our support we bid him continue "Excelsior" a*nl* motU> until the weak minted Governor and corrupt I-e^tal*-ture. who would rob u* ofour chartered righU, are numbereduinoug tlie past.

IteaoKed, That we pledge our support to Ransom C. Parka,Kwt , our candidate for t'nuiicllntm fur the Sexenih dutrn-t.»rd ink our lellow democrats of the working men to aid ua inour cause: that we hare unbounded confidence in hi* honoraiid integrity.all the more a* we know hi in to be a modeat, nuassuming workliixman, and not . professional tricky polltleian.When, after giving tnine time* nine for Mayor Wood. Te-

renre Farley candidate for Alderman. Mr. Paiki candidate andthe Chairman. the meeting adjourned in the m »t perlect order,to meet agaiu on Saturday evening next, at 7% o clock, at thesain* place. J. KK1.1.Y, l'ruaident.Thohas i.uvus, Secretary.ATA MRRTTM; OK THK DEMOCRATIC UKi'Cltlif:\ can Wa'd Committee of the Seventeenth Ward held at

Smith's, corner of Eleventh street and Klrat avenue, on Wednegday evening, N'o\emt>er. 3ti, 18W, the follotring rewlutloo*were uunnimciiHlv adoptedWhereai, at tbl* Important eri»li In the biltory o( the demo

orutlc patty of ibiii gieat city, when we are called oa not onlyto battle Hj-alnat our o'd enemier but aluo ainiatt a faetionelaiming to be democrat*, but whoie only object and desire i<to divit'e, ard therthy defe\t, our party In tula the.; e.iti.trongbold of democracy. it iNinniea the di;ty of every dem eoral to come forward anil eien himself to aecire the ucceM ofour candidate* at the doming election; Therefore.Mesolvrd That »« pledge onraelve*. Indlvldu*!!v and col-

lectlvely.toT»*e nil U.moral le meac*t" securetheeieetiou ofWilliam K. Haveme; er, for Mayor; Kaui'iel J. 'f illen, forComine I to the Corporation, and INtrlrk >!'¦ Kir-*y for < I-ovei norol the Almabou e, at the e;;aotDgelectioi>.

JOHS B. PotlARTf, ChalrtMO.David CbaWTOKP, Secretary

ATA M*RTTX0 OF THE IJfDKPl'N'DRVT DFVOORAtic t'iubof the Tweltlh Aldermanii; district, held at -i-1Tenth street, on Wodneaday eM-nitij.', Nov. "vv tlie Pre*idi"it,Mr. i". Kearney. In the chair, tlie following ticket wm 'inaiil-

moti^lv endorsed;.Kor Mayor Fernando Wood.For tlnrpora'lon t 'onnsel. (!reeoe C fteonsm.For AluiKhi ufce Uovernor. Jaune* LyuvhFor Aldfir.-isii, Edward Mallnr.For t'ouiicilmen. Fifth Keiutturlal district. Fdward tios'ello,John Roliwajjon, Jr. I*. LOUDEN, Secretary.N ADJOURNED MKETINfi OF THi: TWENTY FIRSTward Democratic t'lubwill be he!d at the MetropolitanGarden ibl* evening, llee. 1, for the purpose of participating

in the tr.rrfalight procession and Rrand demonstration <.'. theKf rnando W ood lUub, tn Thirty-second street and Fourth avanne. The member* aad th'ifce lo favor of Feruiudo Wood forieayor are requeated to attend By order of

JOB* J MofiR A.TH, President

/ MT1ZKNB' MKETJNG.\J WM. F. HAVEMEYER FOR MAYOR.A meetingof citizens of New York. Irrespective nf i&v^Jss^^hsrssffis5^,5

fflvim's .iffe,'*WILLIAM F, HAVEMKYKR

SAMUEL J. TILDE!? ifuyor' "ld

s?£iSSV" jp »<«»">¦' i?TiSX?ffirt


Wood Club will hold a meeting in th« tr^e. Lit ^^-RD0.tab!e«, h,ni&2£5tml£,?15£s °»rePnl'h,ehkev«ntoK.ia,'to cloeW. Fernando Wood, T. W *£*£.to**,.. ,>ohn M. Harrington,

is ho. W Wekks. >c. ,

HUSTOA, I resident.Jis. Timomev, }8*cj*S»rie«.

T\EMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN GENERAL COMuttJJ tea..The members <>( (he committee are renuestedS?J,

u,4u' «**«*rwidealfred chakceixou, /!!* A< V* BOWLER, Chairaaau.M. Aubbosk Gilchrist, > scr®*

rR MAYOR.""" ""


nat Thorp's Hotel, corner of Kicfatb ntroud

Broadway. CiUaens of all partloa who arafkf*.?®Laikf¦££*} "L«"nlD,!,tratton of the city *orartunent^r?iSri£i V1

tnaet daOy at this place.'¦ "* la"UxJ w

FOCRTH AND SIXTH VPAnna a »nn.. ...meeting and torchlight procewloo'.FriilinF »

1,8Coyle. attention! -7bere will be a grand rallv o?th»°£< P*JrlckPatrick Coyle at Warren Ha^ ofotstreets, on Friday evening, at '% p M wu. ,l.

Eernrvoter* ofthe Seoond AldermanI? distrta are?nWtltid mam. Messrs lion. Henry Arcultjrtti* R £ n 12. a"endW. MoMabon. llenncMey and others will ah<i l* U*r^,on. T.By order of tieccjwfilf'" "* OMU»f

patrick Kctxnr, SecreUrr"^0' BAIKD' «*«*«.

Grand rally for the union." ~~.

k r.i * tCou,e to the Rescue.


jBuchanan and of tH* /»r

KL«"th) Wl" imeeting&hssss*?Mahooy oorner of Hudson ond Roach, this ~J£L^ So clock, for the pm pose of devising meaiTim'Helection by a triumphant mnioritv of r

*ecore thehis demiicratic principles, his pure and^iuTere«tod°i^^rassisjr'aa^L «.".s^rsg'«

w.. wK"-""'0 ^00D ¦SS5V88-Chat. A. Schindlrr, W.2n c a/i..h.

A rchibald IJttle. Edward'sSth1' J*'

as?? i-ih"g.fe;, ss"sjrar'M^Ta^Mnr,"' J^aSo^^k'^^noldcr'. h^lSuST"


Daniel O'Oonnel!. Jolm Ronm!'.Henry Rollins.

The meeting will be addrM-ed hy several ab!e'a|..'%ker«.wm. Wm.it, Secretary.

° EAOAN- ^Innat,proclamation. i

thec?yo?!???® C3mm^ Couact.ofrkward

ONE IIl'NDRED DOLLARSfor the detection of anv person

VOTINGor attempting to vote

ILLEGALLY.oro. any person who shall procure aodaaaist eo*n..i~..jviae another to give or offer his vote illeTalT , r

^ward or election district for that piu oose it the iif?i ?uyHon to be held In this city on

P P 1 Ule easai»« el«s-

.Tt'ESDAY, the 6th day of December unit

!¦!, ?V, '1?0D '!,n Cfnvietion of the ofl'endcr Md the eertiflcate of tiie Keoorder, District Attornev nr«h«r.!J c*rHfi"Court where convicted thit auch conviction w «k« «re ^

?f the person or persona claiming SUPh ^ard""Jiut all claims for such reward not 0.!?^\ £ IS u*


signed in wrltinc within twenty davVafW^K. thetinder-such oU'rndfr shall be disregarded

conviction ofGiven tinder my hand, at the Mayor's oilice.

new York, Nov. 29, ISM."*1"*'' F' TI**A"W. Mayor.

NATIOMAL DEMOCRATIC NOMflTATInvFor Alderman of the ^Fourteenth diatrlot^JSjghteonth


REVUBLlrAN AND CITIRKIfS* nominations HITteenthward. I^e^tategrMy of ottr .Common SVhonis^

" "tssKt i 'jissi "*°°±M*, A. n*u~.*££g?' MRWrT-

Hall nomlnjitions, and the elcation of th« jum iMo*»rt

clpal rights, are T̂i!±sneakers will address the meetin* n fro»t or fi^ i??U^h1<1Wt«d headquarters, 130 Greenwich street! "«n)«iao

Roreht p. bckk*.*^'.0- O'CONNOR, Chafrman.

Regular republican nomination... ,

M*TH «;OUNfILMANIC DISTRICT.Ninth, I iitecmh, Sixteenth and Eighteenth wards

For Councilman,"arcs.

henry c. Parke.

CHCOND aldkrmanio DISPRIOT. . ,

Fourth nod Kiith WardsTie independent denjocratic ritiypna nf *»m. j» .

nominated and decided to elect at thi districl haveJacob Meyer, tihaccouiit. as their canrtlJuE r* °1,<*'lion- Mrthis district. Mr. Meyer has llve.1 tadStaSfiJ? AId«rmH" oflifeUme, asd Is well and tavorahlv knl^.^4l«*rtot neariyali hLs

dent ot the district as a Krupulmmlr S^n.'l, Si everT oMand a staunch demccrniTand neS? J ""1'

prinriplen And k having swerved frfcm his

hive anhoneat «ZT!S tT®, by bta "lotion the district willWe, therefore.

everv hon#»«t-»nH hearty aupport «nd voteo of

r^l,7,,r inHl, In the district. Hv ISSTL-l ^lJ,,Qt Demooratl.- <>lnb. Second Mdarmanlc

"1CL L. HITZHB. Clulrman.

rpAMMANY iiall'

x regular DKMocnATrr1 vosnvatioys...

Wthrounciltnanifl Plftrict.Ata rocriinsr of the Fifth Oounc/foiinle Convention, he! ! at

union Hall, corner Fourth .ntre<H and avenue 0, on Tuesdayevening, Nov. 29, the foJlowinjr ticket wan unantm^miy elec-ted:.Tenth wait), John Van Tine.RlevcDth ward, John H. Hooktrfc-

.* M Kdwnrd C. CoMello.Thirteenth ward. John WeOonneJI.8event« euUj ward, Frederick Hoiwajrgao.

" /u John H|an. AA R(VC rolltxs.

|«i«rri T. Wrs,«wt, Tertli ward,OfcairmM,

P. H. 0PU4NS. Thn tV'fu'.h « ard,Sfy.r,*rv{j.


Republicans.look out fob youb almshoubhGovernor, WM. T. PfNCKNKY.Friend* uiaet every evening at BmUhaoglan House,

Corntr of Urosdwa) and Honaton atreet, day tad evening

TIIK TITOKK8 OF THE FrBST WARD ABB gSVTTajfUi attend a meeting+t the Broad Street House, oWUturdaf'"'"'"g. Dec. 3, at 8 o~olock. Hon. Fernando Wooil aud othorawUl address the meeting.WOOD AND VICTOBY.-AT A MEETING OF TUB. * independent voters of the Seventh ward, held at Ili/t',1*7 Madison atreet, on Wednesday evening, Nov. SO. it WMuiianlninualy reaolred, that we eudoito the uouiituitiou of Fer¬nando Wood for Mayor.

,,JOHN P. LONEBOA*. Preside**.Kn. Hats, Secretary.

JaskhJ Muiiriiv, Trtiaaurer.N. B..A meeting of the nub wilt be held en Saturday eve*-lng.

TTNIOIf, HARMONY aNI) YIWORY.-AT AMSETINOI- of the delegate* seleatod liy Hit candidates nominated bpHie T unany and Miuart Halls Sixth Coutiabmanlc CoB?«a-tlons, held for tbe purpoite ol trotting ilia detu.Kjraoy of saMdlbU-ki na (ha Couucl.'iiianic ticket, l»v« uuanlmaubly agraddU|jjii the followluB named gentlemen u Uiu candid*'.®* of Duuniteddemocracy faraaidolMrlot;.

Ninth Ward.A lesander L. ShawFifteenth ward.Cornelius W. Campbell." " l.awrenee M. Vau Aart.MttecntU ward.Pierre C. Kane

« Samuel T. Mnusoa.Eighteenth ward.John Raker.

Chairman, OBOBfSK OAULFtELD,K. J. Hahhto*. Seoretary. Of tbe Fifteenth ward,¦lame* P. Dnnn, Pat'k MeArdle, Haniel (lllloepie, TimntiiyGainey, John IfouiAtalin, W. Yaa Arsdale, Joint Committee

from Tammany aud Mozart Hall*.

61H WARD-AT a mbetino of the DEMOCRATICRepublican Constables' Convention of the Fi/lh ward, held

at No. Sft" Oreenwleb *treet, on Wednesday evening, the 30thInst, Mr. Michael Madlgan having declined the nnmfnati.m fotComtable of a*>U wsrd on motion, Charles F. W«tu «uucauimoubg nomuuueil In Iiik ntead

WULIAM L. HERBERT, CkatrmMLMiciuki. Kerkioan, Secretary.rjU BBMAIOBIAL DISTRICT

O THK MOZART HALLCouncilmanle Congestion, lin t at th<- Ea&ex Houae, Nlf ft,1MAI, «U»n the following named candidates having rm-mvedthe untuiinioua vote of the Cootvutiou were duly fieclsr<vl datnominees .Wardn10.Tlieodore I'dell.11.Frederick Keppe.r.11.Tbomaf J. Cantos.13.KdwardT. Murphr.17.Mit bael Daltoo.17.Pau itk Fla^nagan.

PKTKR McRfilQUT Ohalrma*..'oiiif W. Cbcmp, )Hot a A. Bbadi.«t, <®ecr '.Cea.

MEMBERS OF THE Cf>\VBJTTMWrrxni WAun. t»iut**ktm viitt

S E Nolan, Hitjjb K Bradlay,PbUipMl!(s, llinmaall Karrla,Jf'hn ^tokey, John <5r»haniJohn W frump, Richard Kaofleld,.lamea Downing Joha Fennel!

Birrr.1rrn w.ird. j>*rp«TBK«rH waiu>.Ji lin K»-il!y, R hard Harnfib,i'litrick Puriell, Miehaal McMabua,Pi-j r McK right. Mi.-htel Halin,John 1). Onrroil, .lolin K. Rodgzr%Ibotuaa Kiuaiii numda. hi1mm Autg.


A! a mwiiie of ibr* Ward Crn eouon. held at Patrick Oar-rick'a Math Ward Hotel en Wodneaday evening. Nor 30. IMCtbe following aantlemen were utianimoaaiy nuiuinated:.For Hchool Ci-mmissltiner.1Tljomaa StepheLa.For 1napeoior.Jeremiah Mabony.For fruataea.Patrick Oeraghtjr, Henry" O'Keeffp, Thorn**

W. Casay (t» fill *¦ '.acancv)For Constables.Patrick Bovlr Daniel Duffy.

JaM£S .vlAijUlttE, Cliau jia*Pkter Ryan, Secretary.


A meet.i.R' f the ..itUens of the Ninth ward favorable to kaelection oi Wm. 1". Havemeyer for Mayor of this etty, and of aaihonest city government, are re^ueMed to meet at tbe AdrtaMitwner of Harrow and Hudson aueeta, on Friday eveulag, Be-cemt>ei 2. atS o'clock.T he iuoe(i;ig »ill be addreaaed by several disUngitiahad gas-Uemea.

By order of the committee.Joaefh D. Baltlv in. Ptuliji W. Bnga,Wm. D. Kennedy, John Oakford,Henry C Bailey, haaiuel lx>ng,Frederick RodefelJU, Cbas. J. t'hipp,I. B. Haines Jacob Wlulm ilier,Wm 11. Duaenberry, Solomon Banta,R. B Foadiek, P. Fol»r.Cbaa. Mcllbargy, John Walsh.Wm. Baldwin,

9TH WABD.-AT A MEETINO OF THE WARD Con¬vention of the Ninth ward, held la?t evening, for the par

poee of nominating ward otllsers, the following ticket maunanunoua'y adopu-d aa the Mozart Hall nomination.!'.For <>>natables.Abram Sprinsntein. Thotnaa Farrelt.For Bcboo! C-ommiaateuer.William J. t an Aradale.For Sciool lnapector.William H. Clray.For Hcbool Trij»k>»a.John C. Caraon, James Vaa NardM.

(to till vacancy; Peter Banta.W. J. BRTSLKY, Ctudrmaa.

Jas. McT akdless. Secretary.T ATIl WARD HICKORY CLUB MEETS AT McQUADR'8,1U 87 Canal atreet, corner of Ludlow. Democraui, oa dock,be up and doinK. PKTKR McQUaDE, tiau&cmiJamxs Bhadv, Secretary.

UVH AND 17TH WABDS ON DECK.A grar.d mw ratltieatlon Meeting of the Friend* at

FKRNAN1 O WOOD, the Champion of Municipal Bighta, wlBbe held at Vo'.k'a Theatre, Fourth atreet, near avenue A, aa'thuraday evening, December I. The fallowing eminentspeakers will be present'..Hon. F. Wood. John M. Haxnug-t i, Tbos, W. MacMahou, Dr. R. B. Bradford, Phillip HutsDr. J. H. GrivU, W. Dafget Hunt, (kinrad Swackha<ner adiothers.By orler of the Committee of Arrangements.

TH WARD HA.VEMEYF.R OLCB WIIJ. MEET ATibehouse of John McQuade, Third avenue, near Eighty-ninth atreet, Yorkville. this evening at 7% o'clock. The mem¬

bers of the club, together with their friends, are Invited to at¬tend.HUGH CROMBIE, ChairmML

C. W. Bidut, Secretary.


1QTH WABD A MEBTf-VQ OF THE YOfTKOD Heoioeratle Ifavemeyer Aasociatlon of the Th

want will be held on next Thursday evening, Dee. 1, Irvi®.at Ilaatlnga' Hall, corner of Fitt and Broome streets. All thieeIn favor of the election of Messrs Havemeyer, Tilde* aadMoKli oy will pleaae be on hand and enroll their oaoae*. g|order, JOHN CABBOLL, ChalrmuM. O'Bhikh, 5 wretarlea.

1 CTH WARD HAVKMKYER CLUB..THE RESIDENTSlu of this ward favorable to the eiectiou of Wo. F. Ilave-meyeru Mayor are requested to meet at " The Store," 12 La-roy place, Blcecker street, this (Thursday) evening, at THo'clock.

I CTH WARD DEMOCRATIC WORKINGMEN'SCLOB.JL'J A meeting of the above named Club will be bell in TteStore, 12 Leroy place, Bleecker street, cn Thursday evening,Dec. I, at "Jj o'clock. It 1s existed tluii every member witbe present, as business of tmpnrtanoe will be transacted. Br

order.FLYNN CLARK, Vice PresidentJames Gitbs, Secretory.

UTH WARD HAVKMRTBR CLUB.-A MEETING OFthe above Club will be held at Hermitage Hall, corner of

Houston ann Allen streets, on Thursday evening, Dee. I, at Jfco'clock, on business of importance. By order.JOHN TANDEfcVOORT, Chairman.

Dr. Cvbcs Ramsey, Secretary.TH WARD.THE REGULAR DEMWRATIC WARDCommittee of the Seventeenth ward will meet Una

(Thursday) evening, at Hermitsi:* ball, at 7>4 o'clock.BYLVESTER BOBBINS, Chairman.

JOHH TOMIT, ( vi«,r»tor)«.Jacob W. Mooue, j iwH"1w'


For School (Yimmissloner, Joseph MeOnire.For School Inspector, Michael Hahn.

For School Trustees, John II. WiiilaniH and Theader ZeoUar.MOZART IIAI.I.. TAMMaST IIALL.

Michael Altera, Chairman. John B. Fogerly, Chairman.Jacob W. Moore, Sec. Joseph Koeible, Sec.


1QTH WARD, AROUSE-THE CITIZENS OF THElO Eighteenth ward, who are In favor of an honest ettrgovernment, are requested to meet on Thursday evening, Dec.I, at J o'clock at Patrick Prultv's store, corner of Twentysecond street anil third avenue, to organize and elect officersfor the Eighteenth Ward Victory Ilavemeyer Club.


WM. LAIMBEER, Jr.,Builder, 57 Kaat 25th at

RIQHT WILL PREVAIL.Of his abfltty and fidelity we say nothing. Read pracjedoffis( the Board of Councilman for u>e laat yew.


OATH WARD-FBRNANDO WOOD .AT A MEETINGiiU of the members of the Morart Hall Genera! Committeeand many democrats ef the ward, the fallowing gentlemen.were appointed a finance oommltte#.James Connolly. Cant.T!x>a Hiinnigan. William McConkey. None others are autho-thorirad to collect any funds for the ward. By order,

P. G. MOLONEY, Chairman.We J. A. McGrath, Soc.

OlST WARD IIAVEMBYER DEMOCR ATIC AS80dA-1 tion.A meeting of the above Aanooation was he'd atDie rooms of Mr, B. McCabe. No. 391 Third avenue. On motionof Mr. .lonathna Trotter. Mr. 0. H. liaswell was oaUed to Iliaobair; and on motion of Mr Andre Proment, Mr. Nelson Smithand lmctor McDonnell were olectad aacreta rlea. Speechesmade bv Andre Fromcait, Eaq., Hon. Judge Clarke, and other*.Spirited renoltiion* were passed,endorsing Mr ftareme/er inevery particular; and. on motion of Mr. King, the meeting adjeurned until next Friday evening, Dec. 2. to meet again at Mr.JfeCaba'a, No. 301 Third avenue, al o'clock P. M. Brorder, CHAS. H. HASwKLL, Chairman.NELSOH SKlTn, liWrptorlMDa. P. W. McDomcEtL, jOOD WARD YOUNG MEN'S DEMOCRATIC OUTR-AZiLt meeUug ot the above Club will take plaM at the himaeof Mr. Hugh Murray, corner of Forty second street aud Wn-venlb uveuue, oil Thursday D*c- 1. at o clock.Punctual attendance Is requisite, m>»*i^ ofia^rtance mto be transacted. By order. PATk. KMLLY, President.

B. J. Burnt, Secretary.

POI1TICAL THE SMALL RUBBER RINGS FOR FA3ui-ilnir ballot* can be had ot the sole manufacturer tmrt.trO^vfar patents. C. A. BUNNKfc, So John street, opp<>iSnS miTc: w. BROWKR, corner of Nineteenth

street and Fourth avenue.


COMPOSITORS-TWO OR TOREK GOOD STEADTbook compositors wanted at 12 Ann at.

("-i ARDKNER WANTED.FOR A FARM IN ROCKLANRT eoiintv, a sober, r«]iable singl" man, one who is willing t«

do farm nork when required. Address S. W. 8., bcx 479 Postoffice.

TO WI8MAKEHS AND HAIRDRESSERS..WANTEDbv a person tn the above line a situation. Address A. B.

care ot Mis. Barkiey. 15 Lerov place, Bleecker at.

TV*ANTED.TWO FOREMEN OF TRACKS AND SIXf T stonemasons. tn go to the Isthmus of Panama. Aoplywith ic.'nmmerdi.tlons at the ofllue of the Pauama P-atlroatCompany, 88 Wall «t.

"TJXANTV.O.A GOOD SATINET PRINTER; A SOBtfRf T man, and one who understands his business thornufh?rNone others need spp'y- Addreas 0. F., box 185 Uerai.i ortlee.

TITANTED.A GOOD PHOTOGRAPHER, FOR NS'tAII Uu-s nnd positives, at t'.'l Canal at. Genniui pn?to«re4.

WANTED.A SITUATION IN A MANUF tCTUSI v" Es¬tablishment, by a man capable of wwkinl ou cirnu ai

siul scroll saws, planing and teiicming owwh't"' ima U'*I '. 'a nmchit er> in a nuihiltr;".tin.' sin has ..;... a .«(»..lU'-ti, AiU.~e«i Jsr»?>W K*