The New Zealand Society of Dowsing & Radionics Inc . Incorporang the Teachings of Herbert George Established 1955 Journal JUNE 2018 Volume 43 #2 President’s Leer & Meengs Past and Future 3 The Body Electric 4 Brain Waves 6 Lemurian Crystals 7 Introducon to Earth Energies 7 Very Long Alignments 9 Ley Line Updates 11 Albino Gola’s Legacy 12

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Page 1: The New Zealand Society of Dowsing & Radionics Inc

The New Zealand

Society of

Dowsing & Radionics Inc .

Incorporating the Teachings of Herbert George

Established 1955

Journal JUNE 2018 Volume 43 #2

President’s Letter & Meetings Past and Future 3

The Body Electric 4

Brain Waves 6

Lemurian Crystals 7

Introduction to Earth Energies 7

Very Long Alignments 9

Ley Line Updates 11

Albino Gola’s Legacy 12

Page 2: The New Zealand Society of Dowsing & Radionics Inc




COUNCIL - 2018


& Website Ren Ellett (09) 420 8548


& Librarian Bill Oliver (09) 846 6049

Treasurer Michelle Collier

Committee David Campbell

Journal Editor

Minute Secretary Brian Peachey

Historian Judith Rubie

Advisor & Tutor Judith Rubie

- Assistant Ren Ellett

All Correspondence to be addressed to:

The New Zealand Society of Dowsing &Radionics Inc.

P O Box 41-095

St Lukes 1346

Auckland, New Zealand.

E-mail [email protected]

Website: dowsingnewzealand.org.nz


The Committee does not promote any member or individual

as being qualified to dowse.


No current or past member is allowed to use the Dowsing Society’s

name as a qualification of their ability to dowse.

Page 3: The New Zealand Society of Dowsing & Radionics Inc



Journal of The New

Zealand Society of

Dowsing & Radi-

onics Inc. for June

2018. The farmers

of New Zealand are

devastated by the

news, that Myco-

plasma Bovis is

now widespread in

both the North and

South Islands and

is confirmed in 300 herds of dairy cows. New Zealand

was one of only two countries in the world who were free

of this disease which is caused by bacteria spread by cow

to cow contact and affects the cow’s joints and her milk

quality. Sheep can also carry Microplasma Bovis but the

meat and milk of both species is still fit for human con-


As a farmer and a dowser I know that plants and ani-

mals that are weakened by dis-ease through nutrition and

are the first to be attacked by bugs, bacteria or virus. A

few years ago, the farms in the North Island were struck

by a clover flea which eats clover leaves and severely

affects nitrogen fixing properties of this important plant.

Our farm had clover flea but no damage due to the bal-

ancing of trace elemnts and general health of the soil re-

sulting in vigorous clover able to resist the clover flea.

With this in mind I have dowsed to find what the typical

cow affected by Microplasma Bovis is lacking in the way

of minerals and have concluded that diet is the common

factor in most cases. Palm kernel is an incomplete food

after the oil, has been extracted and is something a cow

would not eat in a natural world. The other is my pet

grouch which is the use of urea that robs nutrients from

the soil. Both of these have resulted in weakened im-

mune systems that have allowed infections such as Mi-

croplasma Bovis to gain a foothold in the cow. But don’t

take my word for it, dowse it yourself.

Another example of poor diet creating a weakness that

allows disease entry to the body was that of my dog in the

1970s. He was fed dog biscuits as were other dogs on

the farm but he contracted mange, which is a mite that

lives in the skin causing hair loss and itching. This mange

persisted through weekly pharmaceutical washes, which

only made him smell better, but not stop scratching.

Break- through came when he was fed fat scraps from the

butcher’s room on the farm. The mange vanished over-

night and returned only when the fat scraps ran out and

the crackers were fed again. This is an example of feed-

ing cooked meats and grain in the form of dog biscuits as

opposed to a carnivorous diet of raw meaty fat scraps,

resulting in poor skin health that allows parasites to flour-


At this point I could go on about Microplasma Bovis, a

Green government; too many cows; pollution and the

death of common sense, but I won’t. I will say that I en-

joy having the gift of being able to dowse and sort the fact

from the fiction. I enjoy being able to grow things on the

farm, and help people around me, and help people who I

have never met on the other side of this planet. Our spirit

has no boundaries as taught by very wise dowsers here

and overseas, and the best company is that of our

Dowsing Society members.—Ren Ellett


MEETINGS—PAST & FUTURE. March 24th Field trip to a big oak tree in the park

at Chedworth Drive, Glenfield. A mature English

Oak planted on a significant energy point and pre-

served by a post and rail fence around it beyond the

drip line. This tree’s energy enhances the natural

upward rising spiral which is clockwise from the top

view. Radial energy lines emanating from the tree

trunk end in a clock wise spiral also. There was

much speculation on who planted and maintained

the tree and whether the enhanced energy is linked

to other energies across the city. We then had lunch

at a great little café and were the noisiest table by

far. Thank you to David Campbell, for finding the

tree and organising the day.

April 16th An interesting workshop was held on

‘Raising the energy of the body.’ President Ren,

spoke using guidelines from Albino Gola and Ray-

mon Grace on how to clear negative energies, enti-

ties, electro-magnetic fields and geopathic stress.

Once completed, the body energy measured in

Hertz, can be lifted by using our water prayer, crys-

tals or the energy of a big old tree, among other



celebrated by meeting at a garden centre in central

Auckland. We met with the intention of dowsing the

layout of plants shrubs and trees by the green fin-

gered staff. Plants were already placed in blocks

with other plants shrubs and trees of compatible en-

ergies by people who feel the energies and don’t

bother with pendulums and rods. This exercise was

acknowledged by our group who headed straight for

the coffee shop where we had lively discussions on

all things dowsing over lunch.

May 21st At a member’s request, farmer President

Ren gave a brief explanation of Mycoplasma Bovis,

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how it affects cows and how culling affected ani-

mals will impact on farmers and the national econo-

my The big screen was brought out and David

Campbell presented DVD clips on interesting ener-

gy lines to complete the evening

June 18th Viewing of Raymon Grace’s DVD

on Prosperity.

July 16th The return of a popular speaker but

who we haven’t seen for a long time, Peter Pat-

terson. A man with great knowledge in many

areas, this evening he will share his interest in

the ‘mythology and secrets of spiders.’

August 20th A workshop, subject yet to be

decided upon.




We are continuously bathed in the energy of electro-

magnetic fields (EMF). This energy spectrum is a contin-

uum of many wavelengths, from ionizing radiation

(radioactivity) to the more common non-ionizing radiation

– all invisible except for visible light. Man-made irradia-

tion is produced by microwave ovens, electric blankets,

lighting, motors, radio and TV transmission, radar and

other electrical uses. The earth, sun and moon all have

characteristic EMFs and our own bodies produce many

such fields. Overall, we are exposed to an enormous

range of frequencies and intensities.

Our bodies work electrochemically; electric impulses

flow in living tissue, so it is logical to expect that natural

and man-made EMFs interact with biological processes.

However, as recently as 7 years ago, there was no

agreement about the potential for EMFs to cause

biological effects. A large mass of research has ended

that debate: EMFs are capable of a wide range of effects

on living organisms. The controversy has now shifted to

whether these effects are harmful.

The therapeutic uses of EMFs have grown considera-

ble, promotion of bone and soft tissue healing, pain relief,

control of osteoporosis, drug detoxification, Therapeutic

Touch, control of epileptic seizures, ultra sound for moni-

toring and therapy, non-invasive monitoring of brain and

heart activity (EEG and ECG), Polarity Therapy etc.

If specific applications of low level EMGs applied by a

physician can be therapeutic, it is not logical to assume

that exposure to fields from transmission lines or home

and industrial use of electricity would not affect health.

Reported harmful effects associated with EMF exposures

include leukemias, changes in brain and blood calcium

balance, some birth defects and many stress type symp-



The earth acts as a huge bar magnet with north and

south magnetic poles and a relatively symmetrical field

on the surface. The earth’s field strength has varied over

time and the poles have reversed, but a field has existed

since before life originated. The major component of this

field is generated within the earth, but there are also cy-

clic components derived from the sun, the moon and

probably all celestial bodies. This combined field pro-

vides directional information as well as the very precise

daily and seasonal variations necessary for synchroniz-

ing our biological clocks. Locally, the geomagnetic field is

affected by mineral deposits, earthquake and volcanic

activity and large storm systems.

Life on this earth has evolved within this geomagnetic

field. Many organisms are known to use the field for ori-

entation and navigation, either as a primary cue or as a

back-up when more obvious cues, such as the sun and

stars, are not available. The animals are directly related

to cyclic solar and lunar EMF fluctuations. It is no coinci-

dence that the low frequency micro-pulsations of this

field are in exactly the same range as our brain waves.

Until recently, however, no method of sensing or inter-

preting this information was known, and most scientists

discounted the importance of EMF radiation.


Until 1975, there was no known magnetic field recep-

tor. In that year, the discovery of magnetite was reported

in bacteria. This microscopic deposit is biogenic, i.e.

synthesized by the living organism rather than the miner-

al ore minded from the earth, It is the mechanism that

keeps these bottom dwelling bacteria in the sediment of

their marsh habitat. Since this finding, biogenic magnet-

ite has been found in a wide range of organisms: honey-

bees, tuna, dolphins, migratory birds and fish, turtles,

whales, monkeys and humans. It is likely that all living

organisms have one or more organelles of magnetite

used for a number of daily functions. It appears to be a

common biological product that had not been previously

discovered for two reasons: no one looked and only re-

cently have adequately sensitive instruments been avail-


There are at least two areas where our bodies deposit

these particles: the sinus areas behind our nose, and

throughout our adrenal glands. It is thought that the de-

posits in the sinus are used by us for magnetic direction

finding, while the adrenal deposits are necessary for set-

ting our biological clock as well as for “sensing that

something is wrong” prior to a storm or earthquake or for

getting a “feel” of someone upon first meeting, even with-

out seeing the person come in a room. There is also

evidence that a magnetic sensing mechanism is associ-

ated with the retina of the eye.


Our body generates many hundreds of individual mi-

nute electric currents, some very short lived, other fluctu-

ating but fairly continuous. Each of these produces its

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own electric and magnetic field in the surrounding tis-

sue and air, lasting as long as the current flows. These

currents involve brain activity, blood flow, nerve firings,

muscle activity (including the heart) pumping of spinal

fluid, and also piezoelectric currents on our long bones

(walking, standing, running, etc.)

These individual fields interact to form our aura.

While the aura has been a foundation of metaphysical

teachings for centuries, it is only recently that western

medicine has been able to measure this external ex-

pression of internal activity. Heart and brain wave ac-

tivity are now measured externally without surgically

implanting electrodes. These fields have also been

mapped to determine areas of brain tumours and the

location of mental disorders through the external moni-

toring of the EMFs associated with the specific region

of affected brain tissue. This interaction can work both

ways, or course. Internal electric activity produces the

external field, while interaction with EMF can affect

internal electric activity and therefore biological pro-

cesses. It is this external EMF, the aura, that is manip-

ulated in Therapeutic Touch, a procedure recognized

in western medicine for relaxation, stress relief and

pain reduction.



The electric currents generated by routine stress of

bones are in turn, the signals necessary for bone

growth and healing. A mix-up in the signal affects the

shape of a bone or creates one which won’t heal. Re-

cent techniques simulating this low electric current

across broken bones have all but eliminated the non-

unions which previously ended in some 2000 amputa-

tions per year. This stressor action and the associated

electric current also appear important in osteoporosis.

There is daily cycle of calcium deposition and removal

in bones and brain tissue. Weightlessness and pro-

longed confinement to bed reduce calcium deposition

and contribute to osteoporosis.

Very low level man-made EMFs affect brain and

blood calcium binding cycles, apparently upsetting our

own EMF system involved with bone shape and mass

development, possibly again causing osteoporosis.

Externally applied EMFs have been used in space

suits and in extreme cases of osteoporosis to help

build bone mass. This very common and debilitating

disease of older folks may soon be alleviated by thera-

peutic EMFs.


Although our use of electricity is a little over 100

years old, it has only been since the late 1940s that we

have exposed ourselves to high levels of EMFs of var-

ying characteristics. We have changed our electro-

magnetic exposure more than any other aspect of our

environment. These invisible energy radiations exist

throughout the world. EMFs emanate from all electri-

cal use, i.e. electric power lines, lighting, kitchen and

shop appliances, motors, electric heating, radiation

from radio and TV transmission, satellite and other

communication systems, and radar and medicinal uses

of EMFs. The strength of an EMF decreases rapidly

with its distance from the source. The electric fields

component may be distorted, shielded, or blocked by

the individual, a house, tree, etc., whereas the magnet-

ic component penetrates almost everything un-



In the 1970s concern was raised over the electric

fields that would exist along the large electric transmis-

sion lines being proposed at that time. Because of this

and similar concerns raised about a major antenna

system designed by the Navy for worldwide communi-

cations with submerged submarines, research was

initiated to determine the effects on humans living or

working near these facilities, since then, research stud-

ies every year by the electric utility industry and by the

U.S. Departments of Defence and Energy. Some of

these studies, particularly in the early years, were

poorly designed and unproductive, with some scandals

and cover-ups. Results in recent years, however, have

contributed to the recognition that we are exposed to

and affected by man-made EMFs at various frequen-

cies and strength from our use of electricity. Ironically,

it appears that the level of exposure to biologically ac-

tive distribution systems in residential areas may be as

much of a concern as the EMFs from the new lines that

prompted the research.



It appears that the stress response is one of the

most important effects that EMFs have. This stress

syndrome is measured by changes in reaction time,

ability to concentrate, sleep patterns and brain function

tests, endocrine system changes, a variety of blood

changes as well as changes in growth systems and

immune response measurements. What is not yet

known is how serious these changes are and how

many people they affect.

This is difficult answer to obtain from routine scien-

tific research which requires uniformly healthy partici-

pants (lab animals or humans). The results therefore

can only be applied to healthy individuals. This test

bias is particularly important with prescription drug or

EMF stress effects. Exposing someone who is already

experiencing a heavy load of emotional or physical

stress to a particular lever of EMF COULD VERY




UAL. Another complication is the potential for additive

effects with other treatments. As with the recognized

interaction of drugs and alcohol, the side effects of

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some glaucoma treatments, Librium and other drugs are

increased with exposure to some EMFs. LEUKEMIAS,


The first study clearly associating EMF EXPOSURES


in 1979, where 344 deaths from childhood cancer from

1950 – 73 were studied in relation to the wiring charac-

teristics of the home and the distance to nearest trans-

formers. Childhood death rates from leukemia, lymph

node cancer, and nervous system tumours in the high

current homes (those with strong magnetic fields) were

more than double the rate in low current homes. Later

studies contain similar findings.

There have been a dozen or more studies of the rela-

tive risk of leukemia in the work environment. Adults

who work in strong EMFs have a leukemia incidence

significantly higher than the norm. Such occupations

are electrical equipment assemblers, telegraph, radio

and radar operators, power station operators, welders,

etc. Also high voltage switchyard workers appear to

have an increased rate of genetic damage and birth de-


Extensive use of electric blankets and/or waterbed

heaters during pregnancy seems to be related to re-

duced birth weights and an increase in spontaneous

abortions. An electric blanket produces a relatively high

EMF at the waist of a user, while the field, at the waist of

a person standing in a transmission line field, is effec-

tively zero because of the shielding due to the upright

position. Embryos develop electric currents which play

a role in their own future development and it is likely that

this process is affected when a man-made field exists in

the fetus and surrounding fluid and tissue.


There is a healing tradition in many societies that re-

ferred to magnetism and magnetic healing long before

modern medicine or our present understanding of elec-

tricity. This tradition has entered our society with vary-

ing levels of acceptance and success in the forms of

spiritual healing, laying-on-of hands, psychic healing,

faith healing, Reiki, Reiko and Mari El. Other EMF ther-

apies have a broader acceptance, documentation and

clearer success, such as Polarity Therapy, the 2500

year tradition of acupuncture and acupressure and our

nursing school development of Therapeutic Touch.

Some of the present medical applications of EMFs in

monitoring and healing have already been mentioned,

such as EEGs, bone healing, relief of chronic pain, re-

ducing osteoporosis and drug detoxification. Similar

applications are likely to increase tremendously.

EMFs possess the potential to alleviate symptoms or

arthritis through cartilage restoration, to reduce ulcers

and some cancers, to provide anaesthesia, and to cor-

rect some genetic birth defects. There is evidence that

EMFs increase the mitotic rate of growing cells. While

this would promote healing, it might also accelerate the

growth of malignant tissue.

The Quester –Vol 10 No.1 Jan-Mar 1990

………………………………… BRAIN WAVES

By John Living

In ‘The Day after Roswell’, Col Philip Corso mentions that the “medical examiner wrote that measurements of the brain activity … showed that its electronic signature … displayed a signal similar to what we would call long, low frequency waves. … the brain lobes seem to have been not just physiologically and neurologically integrat-ed but integrated by an electro-magnetic current as well.”

He found this report disturbing, because it reminded him of suggestions made by some leading Italian scien-tists to him privately just after World War 2. Dr Gislero Flesch, professor of criminology and anthropology had told him of his theory of experiments on ‘the basis of life’. He proposed that there was a ‘filament’ within each cell which “was activated by some cosmic action or form of electro-magnetic radiation that bombarded the earth continuously from outer space and resonated against a constant refresh of electrical activity from the brain.”

Dr Flesch said “The electro-magnetic forces in the body are the least understood, yet they account for more activity than anyone realizes.” He introduced Corso to Professor Casmiro Franck, one of the first people to ev-er photograph brain waves, and who had been able to trace long, low frequency waves generated by animal brains and trace the path taken to the muscles.

“Certain muscles were attuned to respond to certain wavelengths of specific frequency. In cases of muscle paralysis, it is not the muscle that is necessarily dam-aged, it’s the muscle’s tuning mechanism that has be-come disabled so that it no longer picks up the right fre-quency. It is like a crystal radio, where the crystal needs readjustment.”

Corso also met the celebrated research biologist and physician Dr Castellani, who has found that many skin rashes, psoriasis, or inflammations that looked like bac-terial infections are curable by changing the skin’s elec-tro-magnetic resonance, so allowing the long, low fre-quency waves from the brain to do the needed healing. He had developed an ointment to achieve this change of resonance in skin cells.

“All three men were using these electro-magnetic waves to promote healing in ways that I considered astounding. They made claims about the ability of elec-tro-magnetic treatments to affect the speed at which cells divide and tumours grow. They claimed that through directed electro-magnetic wave propagation they could cure heart disease, arthritis, all types of bac-teriological infections that interfered with cell function, and even certain forms of cancer.”

“I spent many hours with them … they did not have the research funds nor the endorsements of the medical societies to allow them to expand their work or to treat patients with their unconventional methods.”

So it is probable that this research has been forgot-

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ten – filed away and ignored ! Such low frequency waves would be in the Delta-Theta range. Can we, as Dowsers, use our ‘Power of Thought’ to accomplish such changes – to re-tune body cells to respond to these healing ema-nations

……………………………….. LEMURIAN CRYSTALS

were first discovered in Brazil in 1999. They were found in sand on the top of a hill near a quartz mine. Immediately they attracted attention as they were unlike any other crystal previously found in the area and were not from a crystal bed like the quartz in the mine. The first Lemurian crystals found were quite frosty and dull in appearance but with the unusual char-acteristics of lines (striations) down the sides. To preserve their knowledge and energies the Lemu-rians programmed seed crystals with the message of oneness and buried them all over the world to be discov-ered when mankind were ready. This time is now; they are being rediscovered (resurrected) to aid humanities’ spiritual evolution which is accelerating at a rapid rate. So far the crystals have been found in Brazil, Co-lombia, Mexico, Peru, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Col-orado, Montana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Washington, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zam-bia, Russia, India, China and Tibet although this list is by no means complete. The Lemurian crystals will help us to return to a heart

based society, each person working with them has an

energetic affect on those up to 10 miles around

them. Connecting with a Lemurian crystal will help you

become more aware of your intuition and access a higher

consciousness. They help you open your soulstar chak-

ra, bringing in a higher energy to open your heart centre

and help you heal emotional wounds. In healing our-

selves and others we also heal the planet moving us on

to the next stage of our evolution – The Golden Age.

A Quartz Lemurian crystal is usually recognised visu-

ally by horizontal striations (lines) on one side and

smooth the next although this does vary. Although usual-

ly clear some Lemurians are slightly pink due to a light

transparent coating of iron oxide. If they are very pink

they may include lithium and rare pieces can be orange,

light blue, smokey, purple, even hematite in colour.

All Lemurian Crystals are record keepers of Lemurian

and Galactic history. Some have raised or indented trian-

gles typical of the trigonic triangles of other crystals al-

lowing access to akashic records. Others may have

more subtle triangular markings on them like this exam-

ple, some say these are also record keepers. They con-

nect with each other to create a grid of energy, when

worked with this energy is magnified and the grid grows



Understanding crystals and their attributes is a complex

study in itself, but with the use of one’s pendulum, the

choice of which crystal for you at any particular time is a

pendulum swing away. Ed



By Richard Creightmore & Jewels Rocka

LEY LINES & POWER SPOTS Ley lines are lines of energy running over-ground in straight lines, often reflected in ancient trackway lines and alignments of prehistoric and historic sacred sites in the landscape. Ley lines are properly defined as straight over-ground energy lines that echo the sinuous paths of larger under-ground rivers. They carry Yang Qi relative to the Yin Qi of underground water, and are associated with Heavenly consciousness and human spiritual ceremonial sites. These straight (at least over dozens of miles) spirit paths are found equally in China as elsewhere in the world, and frequently define the processional routes to major palaces, temples and cathedrals. Appropriate for sacred sites, these energy pathways are less comfortable for secular living, and houses built on them are generally a thoroughfare for all manner of spirits. They can be compared and contrasted with the more yin underground water lines as a yang energy matrix as-sociated with a more heavenly consciousness, and are frequently worked by human ceremonial practice at sa-cred sites designed and constructed at key points in the landscape along these lines. Straight lines in the landscape can be divided into three types: The first are represented by lines of one or other of the global geomagnetic grids, and the ‘Second Schneider Grid’ is especially related to the paths of Roman roads in Europe. A second type of line is exemplified by the 41 lines radiating from the Sun Temple in the middle of Cuzco, central Peru, along which shrines, temples, graves, sa-cred hills, bridges and battlefields lie. These are derived from the deliberate imposition of a geometrical design

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(resonant with the central temple design) upon the land-scape, as a vehicle for political-theocratic control of a nation. In Cuzco the pattern also interacts with the under-ground energy currents; in Washington, D.C., a Masoni-cally-inspired geometrical design has been placed with-out reference to the underground patterns (unlike Can-berra, where the Heavenly and Earthly components have been more successfully united). A third type of line is the classic ley line as described by Alfred Watkins in his 1925 book ‘The Old Straight Track’. These are overground lines of energy, straight over perhaps 60 miles with slight changes of path over

longer distances, which echo the sinuous paths of under-ground rivers across the earth. These carry energy of various types and levels, and can be worked via key points either as part of a programme of regular mainte-nance for the spiritual hygiene of a land, or as a specific therapeutic action. MICHAEL AND MARY LINE Perhaps the most famous Ley line is the ‘Michael and Mary’ line which runs across England from St. Michael’s Mount in Cornwall to Hopton in Norfolk. Twin under-ground water currents, known as the Michael and Mary lines after the number of churches dedicated to either St. Michael and St. George, or St. Mary found upon them,

St. Michael’s Line: St. Michael’s Can Brea. 2. St Michael’s Mount. 3. St Michael’s Chapel., Roche Rock. 4. The Cheesewring. 5. St Michael’s Brentor. 6. St Michael’s Burrowbridge. 7. St Michael’s Glaston-bury Tor. 8. Avebury. 9. St George’s Ogbourne ST George. 10. Royston Cave. 11. Abbey Bury

St. Edmunds

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run with a central overground Ley across England, ori-ented to Mayday sunrise. This reveals the primal ‘Caduceus’ pattern that can be found within all such energy lines: a triple-fold axis com-posed of Fire, Water and Spirit currents, which may be experienced by the practising Geomancer as containing information in the Thinking, Feeling and Subtle Entity realms respectively.


Global geomagnetic grids, of which there are several,

follow laws of symmetry and direction. They are thought

to arise from the earth’s magnetic field as a form of vert-

tical, and sometimes horizontal, radiation. Researchers

have found on the lines changes in the earth’s magnetic

field, the intensity of sferics,(EM signal) the electrical

conductivity of the ground, variations in ultra short wave


increases in positive ions, differences in blood sedimen-tation rate, and over some grid lines increased gamma radiation. The grids are at their strongest between 12.00 mid-night and 3.00a.m. and at their weakest at 5.00p.m.; they are influenced by earthquakes and weather conditions, and are weaker in fog; they do not rise vertically but at an angle which can change a few degrees during the night; and, unlike underground streams, they are not influenced by phases of the moon. They show varying weak zones of resonance (echoes) outside the main line; however decorations, mozaic patterns, windows and statue recesses in old churches which indicate the grid lines always correspond to the exact width of the main line.

In the Stone Age standing stones were set up on grid line crossings; the Chinese, Indian, Greek, Roman and European Medieval civilizations knew of them, as the location of temples, monuments and cathedrals bears witness. Further to this article go to: https://www.facebok.com/landandspirit.net


By Freddy Silva

A few of the 800 temples, cathedrals and sacred sites dedicated to Apollo and Athena aligned across Europe. Ley lines can be found all over the world, and their con-nections vary from local to global. Where sacred sites are still in abundance, such as southern Britain, it is still possible to reconstruct the old engineering. Leys connecting standing stones with stone circles from the same era throughout Cornwall are well documented. Then there are those that connect very old places across several continents: the pyramids of Giza connect to Delphi, which connects to Stonehenge that connects to sites in County Sligo, Ireland. Many lesser-know sites exist along this path. When researchers Broadhust and Miller were discov-ering sites across Europe that aly at the node points of two magnetic lines of energy, they also discovered how all the sites— and there are dozens of them— formed a diagonal path from one end of the continent to the other. This alignment is known as the Apollo and Athena. Like the Michael and Mary lines that align to the Bel-tane sunrise, so the Apollo and Athena follow the general path of the rising sun on the winter solstice. This would

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suggest that the ley alignment of sacred sites was done for both geomantic, astronomical, and ritualistic purpos-es. In Britain, fires would be lit along the Michael-Mary axis at Beltane as part of welcoming the sun's fertilizing qualities upon the land. While we do not know if this practice was maintained in Europe, a line of beacons shining from Skellig Michael on the Irish coast to Meggi-do in the Middle East would have been quite a sight to behold. So, it is feasible that once upon a time a colossal

engineering project linking sacred places was undertak-en across whole countries. But would our ancestors have dared to try a global ley alignment? The answer is yes. While in New Zealand I took time to investigate one of the most profound sacred sites in the southern hemi-sphere, if not the world. Kura Tawhiti, otherwise known as Castle Hill, is a major hill temple consisting of esotic limestone blocks, some 50-feet in height. Each was used as a 'classroom', and the pilgrim would move fur-

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ther up the hill to another stone as they learned their wis-dom. The site is said to be as old as the Waitaha, the spiritual race which occupied New Zealand before the Maori. Initially I was looking for geographic connections to Castle Hill on the opposite side of the world. I noticed that early Maori art is almost indentical to ancient Celtic, particularly in its use of spiral flourishes. In fact the two styles of spiritual art are practically identical. The Celtic influence originally extended to what is today northern Spain and Portugal, and if you traced a straight line from Castle Hill through the Earth you end up in northern Spain. In the province of Galicia, to be exact. And this is where the fun begins Take a line from Castle Hill and aim it at the nearest known landscape temple. In this case, Uluru, -or Ayers Rock in central Australia. If you continue that ley you will reach one of the most beautiful temples on Earth: Borobudur in Java. If you keep extending the line you will then cross Asia, the Ukraine, central Europe, and eventually arrive in Gali-cia, at an ancient place of veneration called 'the field of stars'. The Romans named it Campo Stella. Today it is one of the most famous pilgrimage places, Santiago de Compostella. - Length of ley? A whopping 11,500 miles.




By Francois Capmeil

You may recall the article I wrote in June 2015 on my

return from Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy last year. At

the time, my wife and I had been very disappointed with

the level of vitality in the Apollo and Athena lines at the


We had found out that as part of an upgrade plan, the

French government dammed the river, built a dyke on the

entrance to the Apollo line and placed 3 huge rock barri-

ers, partly buried at the time, blocking the exit of the

Athena line from the mont.

It is clear that the vitality and energy of these lines

have a great positive and spiritual impact on human be-

ings. We have both felt this effect and come back from

our visits in the past, with changed perspective and inner

landscapes. Not so lately.

So I feel it is essential that we do take the repair and

preservation of these lines of energy ‘under our wings’.

We will be leaving for France at the end of May 2016,

After our visit to Mont-Saint-Michel, we intend to visit oth-

er sites further inland following on Hamish Miller’s foot-


I do not want to come back disappointed again. As a

group of dowsers there is something we can do. We

know that these lines do respond to human conscious-

ness. Hamish has proven that at the Castle Rock

site, in New Zealand, where he found that the pattern

of energy had greatly responded to the human con-

nection he and others made at the time. He de-

scribes the interface in his last book ‘In Search of the

Southern Serpent’. The response took the form of

enhanced energy patterns.

He wrote: “I was excited to find that the number of

radials had increased to thirty… The rod quivered in

my hand like a tuning fork………………………..”

If Hamish was able to prompt changes in energy pat-

ters like that, what is stopping us as a society to do the


So I would like to propose that we all individually and

collectively, or anyway we feel comfortable to do, send

our attention, prayers, energy, Grace….. to dissolve the

great nasty blocks placed in the pathway of these lines,

in Normandy.

If you feel hesitant about what to do, just ask a fellow member, ask at the meeting. We could even have a small segment at the next meeting to do a ‘group ley line healing’ together. Whatever it takes, let’s do it

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When I return I will report on our findings, and I sin-

cerely hope that we will be able to report a difference.

The effect of these lines cannot be underestimated. In

the Middle Ages it prompted people to walk all the way

from Normandy, south to the Pyrenees Mountains, and

then on to Spain in pilgrimage, with nothing more than a

walking staff and small bag.

The spiritual devotion they experienced fuelled the

construction of the great churches and cathedrals of


In a bit more than a hundred years, 1500 of these

were built.

Very poor people spent their savings to purchase

one stone to be part of the construction, to be part of


What can we NOT do today if we want to?

…………………………………... ALBINO GOLA’S LEGACY

By Alison Ellett

How many times have you tried to explain dowsing and

resorted to saying – ‘most people understand water di-

vining, this is dowsing for water.’ This explanation al-

ways clears any doubts. Meanwhile your inner thoughts

are racing through all the fields one can use dowsing in.

It takes a special searching mind to then accept my de-

scription that water dowsing is seeking out the energy of

the underground water. Everything in creation is com-

posed of energy, so with dowsing you can explore any-

thing of energy. At this point you can tell by the dead

pan expression or by the light (energy) in their eyes if

they understood.

I cast my eyes over the different categories in our

Society Library: Astrology and Predictions: Colour and

Crystals: Dowsing: Earth Energies and Messages: Heal-

ing: Health: Magnetics: Paranormal and the Unknown

and Forbidden. Quite a variety. Such a wide and varied

choice of books to read that while not all on dowsing, we

can use dowsing methods in the study of all of the stat-

ed subjects. Thinking back over our members, we have

known dowsers who have all chosen different paths –

earth energies – crystals – homeopathy – colour healing

– water divining – health – naturopathy – herbalism –

shifting of unwanted entities - EMF detectors and pro-

tection - and the list goes on, Just how does someone

new to dowsing know which avenue is going to push

their button. I suppose it is no different to our school

education, have a taste of a cross section of subjects,

there’s usually one that you are more in tune with.

Reading is so important, but also is talking to other

dowsers (perhaps questioning and listening is better

wording here). I am reminded of the simple saying –

‘we have two ears and one mouth, and this is the ratio

they should be used’!

When husband Ren became President of the Society

and I was Journal editor the enormity of the responsibil-

ity lead us to spend time with Albino Gola. Albino was

a very humble man with great integrity. He had known

the founders of our Society and seen the growth of the

organisation over 50+ years. He explained the pitfalls to

watch out for that they had to steer around. We dis-

cussed our Constitution and what being an

‘Incorporated Society’ meant, both its advantages and

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limitations. In short. ‘Those who don’t know their history,

are doomed to make the same mistakes.’ Those mid-

week sessions were priceless. Albino taught us such

respect for the ability to dowse and the importance of the

role of our Society to teach dowsing.

When I was introduced to dowsing my emphasis in life

was the health of my husband and children, and the

study of nutrition to provide meals of value for the family

and farm employees. So it was obvious that health and

nutrition was the areas I used my pendulum. While for

Ren it was the health of the farm animals and the soil.

While these areas are still very important to us, our

dowsing encompasses a much wider field now. From the

Society dowsing courses, the four day ‘Spiritual Re-

sponse Therapy ‘ course with Robert Detzler from the

U.S.A. the ever so many books and the teaching of

those who have gone before us, our questions and

searching knew no bounds. All in a drive in our learning

to search out the truth. This path is what leads one to

awareness – enlightenment – wisdom – call it what you

will. I remember well, laughing with Albino on the discus-

sion of wisdom. We agreed that the wiser you get the

more you realise you have to shut your mouth! Instead,

speak in response to the seekers and searchers, and

allow them to grow. The real seekers will drag your ac-

cumulated knowledge out of you. So not everybody will

be attracted to dowsing. Reminds me of the example,

you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it

drink. It has to want to. You may even drown it trying to

force the issue!.

Casting my eyes over my own personal library the

topic range from Health- both mental and physical; Nutri-

tion – covering food content giving which food for which

ailment: History – covering from the Old Testament to

current times. Funnily enough several books crossover

between the sections and it is a toss-up which section

they go into. I instantly think of my precious book ‘The

Scottish Kitchen’ a reprint of old Scottish recipes. Reci-

pes that show: -The importance of and how to dry and

salt fish and meat before the day of the refrigerator: The

savoury more than tasty treats, before the assault of sug-

ar on the country’s taste buds: The fermentation of vege-

tables and juices, not only to store for winter use, but for

a source of essential probiotics: and the simple process

of raw milk and cream into butter and cheese. The big

question should this book go into the nutrition, health or

history section. But before reaching for my pendulum I

did a bit of soul searching. This precious book captures

the traditional eating of the Scots. It goes a long way to

understanding my food likes and dislikes (not many of

those), no doubt inherited from my 100% Scottish ances-

try. It reinforces my strong belief that it is so important

what we put in our bodies., both the food we physically

eat and the knowledge we mentally digest. It is wonderful

to see in this book the continuance of ways of the prepa-

ration of real food that hark back to the Old Testament

Biblical food laws. So I am happy that it sits with the rest

of my history books.

The more I seek and search to understand the ener-

gy of life and creation, the more I appreciate there is an

order to everything. Rock this order and create dis-ease.

Dowsing gives us such a simple and effective way to

check or detect and work with or balance energies, we

can achieve ease, or a state of lack, of disease.

Albino instilled in us to uphold the mission statement

as in our Constitution, to TEACH, TEACH, TEACH dows-

ing. Our meetings, and our quarterly Journals (that are so

important to the majority of our members around the

country) must reflect the importance of teaching dowsing.

Yes embrace all aspects of life (energy) as per our library

books, but have these aspects presented to show how

they can, or do interact with dowsing.

It is not so many years ago, that our Society, that was

legally registered as a Charitable Trust, had our Charity

status removed. When the Society was formed in 1955

the teaching of dowsing, which enabled anyone to help

themselves in so many aspects of life, was deemed to be

of a charitable nature. This century’s officialdom deems

‘charitable’ to mean the donating of money! From this

Albino impressed upon us strongly to uphold our stated

mission statement to teach dowsing, and to not get side-

tracked into being anything other than proponents of


Far be it for the

Society, of loss any

other standing,

through veering off


Ren and I are

eternally grateful

for the knowledge

that Albino impart-

ed to us.

Alison is a long

standing member of

the NZ Society.


“A wise man makes more

opportunities than he finds!” Francis Bacon 1563-1626

English Philosopher

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Monthly meetings are held on the THIRD MONDAY of each month

7.30pm –Entrance $6.00

Mt Eden Senior Citizens Hall

487 Dominion Rd, Mt Eden, AUCKLAND

Plenty of parking on the road behind the Hall



June 18th DVD on Prosperity Raymon Grace

July 16th Mythology & Secrets of Spiders Peter Patterson

Aug 20th Workshop—Yet to be decided upon


Polished Natural Wood 15.00

Stainless Steel with silver chain and key ring 20.00

Pendulum Pouches 3.00


Wisdom of Water by Alanna Moore 45.00

Companion Letter to Robin 20.00

Technique of Colour Healing by Herbert George 25.00

Art of Dowsing 20.00

All items available at Monthly Meetings or from the Treasurer

When ordering by mail please add $5.00 for post and packaging.

A complete library list is available on request.

Library books available for reading by post for cost of postage.

If you are in a position of being able to bequeath funds

Considering us would be greatly appreciated -

The New Zealand Society of Dowsing & Radionics Incorporated.

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The objects of the Society are as follows:

- Promote, develop and record the principle knowledge and techniques of the system of Dowsing and Radiesthesia incorporating the teaching of the late Herbert George and to incorporate the laws of science with the philosophies of various cultures throughout the ages.

- Collate, disseminate and publish information relating to the object of the Society and to provide Library facilities and other services for Society Members.

- Encourage, assist and instruct individuals with classes for the understanding of the

Metaphysical and Paranormal aspect of life, outlining the basic ethics and principles of Dowsing.

- Encourage and promote Dowsing, Radiesthesia in a manner consistent with the highest standard of personal integrity.

- Encourage all members to uphold the dignity, integrity and reputation of the Society, in a code of conduct that always reflects the ideals and standards set out by the Society.

American, Canadian, British and Australian Dowsing Societies.

American Society of Dowsers Canadian Society of Dowsers PO Box 24, Danville www.canadiandowsers.org Vermont 05828 USA E: [email protected] www.dowsers,org British Society of Dowsers Dowsing Society of NSW Wyche Innovation Centre 22 Bundock Lane Walwyn Rd, Upper Colwall Randwick NSW 2031 Malvern WR136PL (UK) AUSTRALIA E: [email protected] www.dowsingaustralia.com www.britishdowsers.org Dowsing Society of Victoria Radionics Association P O Box 2635 Mt Waverley Baerlein House, Goose Green Victoria 3149, Australia Deddington, Oxford OX5 4SZ www.dsv.org.au Great Britain www.radionics.co.uk

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