{rJ I410 019E 1Famiy Paper De'oted to Literatur. .iisc('lany, elews, ,1g1iculture Maitets, Of- NEWBER-RY, S. C., HURSDAY, DEaEMER 11, 134.N - NOTICE. bef' otice i. lerth givern to al I :(ed itrs ol . M C opp twk . t -e :t.,. tr . th ir " Iimslb; properly pr've: , i t he u derxi;ned in- _ 1nt-diatcJy ;:tl tiu hare-ii :t,vtvi'e iudehtedl to Ii:c' sarme are rerpr .(t t, cti.- at ice. as anu early ret tieuki:L , lhis t.st:t'e i' (tt-itd. Jd:2N W.CPP4K No4..- t. 1'xtcutor. ,4,A PIAN OS, Upright and Square. p .leriority of ite --TIEF" po} re,-o":nized :1i41 acknowvlediged et t 'ih,tI I uts::I :Jathoritie-. and .lnd for them is i te;ttadii_ in- -ng4 :1-: thei- metrims art, berotin e;_ xtIII.vely kn1own. IIgih st Honors Over :ll Amnri:ian and many European rivalN :t thIP FExposit-oil, Paris,'" 1878 100"di'l-eren t <'rlle-. tmit rie- :UM School . a to their I),rihility. They < re P rPfet in. T7n,e and Work- m,Zail. j) <U#d Elegan in Appearance. .\ hIrU_e; asso,ritmet tf secomiJ-h:nid Pi:ato. :il :ia on lan 1. Gene'r:aI Wholesale .\-rent- t'or Burdett, Palace, Sterlinr. New Eng- t land, and Wilcox and White OR GAN.S. tNUS and ORGANS sold on EASY IN- STALLMENTS. taket inl Exrhatn"~e. also thor- -;t"nti for il!Utirate"d iianio or Or- anLJ1 c;atalUZugn. Chas. M. Stieff, .N. "D. :Nt)1TH ..iTr-STr-1-:T. i;AILTI oR E, .\I). F.. Worbr. ir.. Agen:. N bwhberry. 0t NTR ACToRS BUILDERS. " A \ND- Tummber Mill Men T uu udIPrsigned repo1) rit'(IIl ini-ormn the citi7zn1t- No ewberrV andl the 7,rnt:u ,iti(g(tnilest" that. h:-in l o("a- Id :I' atItflma. the-y are pre!pared Tot h- tr itn.tett hild. Ch:lr. he. Dwell- in 11 an other Butildlingr:. We g;tarant- Ive ,atia.a:ntir,n hmhi ink the, gnality or oittr vtr: k and iii . he p>ric- e"imrd"tl for ft.- 1I:ivin an :t exaellenst saw' mll~ we }r '-so 1 1 1 1 pr alep:a rod. at -ha rt n o ti e. to . w.:t.l. :tre:s lumber. OVfren: roliCited. SHOCKLEY BROS. iaartb 14 BO018KA YUR OWN PRiCES. Religious, MoraJ. Miscella- neous and Good Books. TfI. rEGPIETRESS of the HERALD BOOK ST~ORE, offrs a cer:tin port:n ofhe stock of Books at snehs pa'ces as Cu-mo~t Fuil to I,sure Sale, A good Bohk i- a :ignhd friend; it never disptes your ward in.dit i ways ra..dy to1 afrord .yot pleiJ.e; itcar. . rid and re- *read, andi'never p..di- on the tut We -a'miv ch-eire ' h. rid of thenu .o,: Th iuirof a 2 book rnr $1.00 . - - 1 K " 50. 50ec " 25. We desire- to annhoIltuce. to the citizesS -ol Newberry :End surrounding CJoslmties, that we hav~e locate d a M1A RBLE YAR~D -in the Town of Newhrry, andII are pre- pai-ed to fusrnish all klude~ o4 MANSLE AMD C:RANI'TETOMvB- ?r than! the salme &:Is; of Work1 by IiIth- a-rto been -0o(d h 2fewberry; eo03~nsequn. ly we e-; eectiHy soliolt a libe4al isare of their peroncaia. One block north-' we=r of Criel lrl S Oct 20 1, MILLEP~ & IIOOF. 2 more moneythatn at anythij*g el ael boolc out- Bejgne ot soceed g-rn y :1 None faii. Te'srms tree JAL.-1r l1"il (O , PorLiand. Mainze. Nov. 27.'&-iy. t.-~a~ i AIII. c~eie ree, a costlebo of t a,nyhin cle i this Woulj.. 4ll of e.4 therax.- su~cce.ed fromi :irat atr' - Thea b3o& road. to rototne open' befor 'tho Wrkn. Abltte sure. At once adrea. TI'3Lr.&Co.. ^ni.a. Maine. Nov. 27-si-ly. Land for Sale. el TRACT of- LAND. containing Svutv-seven (77) Acres. miore or les u24id4 'liyt1 of Dr. G. W. 0ienn. ~dzar Sligh, and the Wilmsn Place, is om-~red for sale. It ia wel-ata red, partyy-eTt-ed anid sugeeptible of hiei ent2Ii1vaion. Th--r is eanideri'abl e or.1 'ood aon it. . barga~:in may he had. Apply to UIEaALD) and NEWS Of4ci-, P ATENTSK S >nr-4 en f M%)i &t' Moor.L"n D'uAWIN:. W-- "es-.a.. Noit ju y RGE:NL E~ V ATE1T18 SECLn zt-- .w a ren-'. h-e. i,to the V'tia tafor, the-uW. 'f Moey On"aer i>iv., jad to of. sl-ot.he t. l'.tent 4~Omee. For wvou'at. savice. terrsm-e r(.iIr:d ce4 to crt.al clier. in ycur owni Stute or Coiuiv. tr ta to' 0. A. NOW M .. We now inntou,ct( that our stock of CL OTH ING 1N1 ui':, 'up anid hlldp.t, IS NOW COMPLETE, an we tinik UN URPASSE) in anyttin: that tends to co:stitute Al ir.st-Class Stoc,.k Uur .line of D)RESS SUITFS was naver MORE HANI)SOME, while our Business Suits 9,re a decided improvement on any- thing w.- ;lve ever been able to get. Special attention given to the se ection of Youths' and Boys' Goods. No doubt every mother will be rat- tied at the improvement in this ine. We claim to sell the BET s" E T SullRT 1!hE, cor the amount charged, and no one will doubt the ass rtion when a :omparison is made. Indeed. our whole line of FurnishingGoods was Never So Good as Now, md in every instance we will give is full value for the amount invest- d as any other house can affo-d to lo. and we guarantee satisfaction. Respectfully, WRIGHT & J. W. COPPJCK, In Fr,'nt (io")rt H Ousr, Oct 9 4' Newberry, S. C. tn d its u n a ra lc cd albu se s , : re V a1ly an d reely di:t-scd in a .e.:t 3-2 p:;e bo->k, uailed free to anv addtlres<, tw Btuod Bailm ., Athinra, G1. Drop a poarul for it, at: everv nan and Wo- nan needs and will be de"ligh:ed wi: b its val- t ble and entirely new revel;-ions. NEILVOICE io ne-im e '4ulc a Natio ! of ...,le and arouse tthem to aetit.tn. Ex+.ressiuns., >i,ilua 0 the t'otwirg, from a well kotwa Dru.- ;ist "; A tlan ra, p.,ur in 6:1a -ret . ions a hI -re 3. 13. lrt; been ued. A-rr.S..:.'. 1:2, i1st. lr i, cur firm belief that B. B. 13. i rthe 3toud Purifier on tha marker. We are telling 'uur or five bottles cf it to one or :any orher a-c,::r:io o rtt tse kind, It has I. faled itn no neance- in give err atist:: :!an. Merit is he .e'arer. WV. P. SMITl & CO., Drueglste, Thi, lat rbet ontly bloond mne<licine knoswn tst conibi:.ei quick action, cert..ain effiei, ii ap price tand uhnountded sati-'sttin WE PROVE ..ha Clri uLnt bat tle .tr 15. 15. B,. wi!l do C. nach v.ork its euring M'o3d Poisona, Skint affe'ctio.ns. Scrofat!a, Kidneiy Tromnbses. Ca- tarrbs and P>htourt .i,ram as hix b,o:tesa of' nty >rhe~r yrtpu rat.iin ou -arth.i Onte 50-yeatr.sd chroieL u!cet egred; acco- 'gla of philrern cured with one ubot ttle. Blood iol-ots cu'ed Withs a fewv butt ces. It never itib. We# ;M h;orte proot itt book form. eeid for Ir. i.ag bottio at 00, 'ix for* e5 00. -xp:ew.ed oaa receie of price, If . our* Drug- i4I.00J D UALM CO.,A tlanra, 03., Sold in Newbtrey by Dr'. S V. Fantt. Oct 1.-a ly Coughs, ColdS, CatalTh, 00o15019ti10. All Throtat. Blr'-a.i and Lung A4'aetionsa ra-d by the~ nb.-m-tk-blished --WAYNE'b ief, ;n d a oure arosau1y focows, 2e ets.. asr TATE QF SOUTH CARQLINTA, NEWBtERRY ColNT. Bly Jegb B. Fellert, Probate Jud.ge. L'hE NE.4.s, Joh n W. Coppock hathi maddi itmeto graut him Letters of Ad- aristration ch isI non~ of the estate nd efl'eets of Maximilia n Cojppoc~k, de- saLned. ''hese are, therefore, to cite andl ad-! tonaish ali aad(singl ar th'e kindr2ed and OCk, dheced. that thzey be and ap- eatr before me, in the Court of Probat'e, > e held at Newberry Court HIouse on wt .5th dayv of December next, after. ublicationx hereof, at 11 o'elock in the >It'noott, to -hew cause, if anyv they ave,w~hy thet said Admidnisitratt ion .'houtld Ot be'granted. J. B. FELLERA . . N~ . C. Nov. 27 2 TATF. OF SOUTri CAROLINA.! NEWBERRYV COUNTY. B'Jacob B. Fellers, IProbate Judge. VI!I~Euu, Wm.' .i. Faillaw hath mandd itir to me to grant him Letters of .Ad- duiltration of the e-raie and eff6ts The,se are. thmere'foro, to cite and ad- t6onish aill anid sinuluar'thte kindred and reditos of the -aid Eiazabe th Faihtw, eveI ed,thtthe be an d ap; e:u be'fora Ve n h put fPobarte, to be held r Newhrry Comt tIlou'.e oh the (tht ay ! le&en'bti net ater pubtlih:.t ton bi-e f,'at 110 ok . i *th fo.rCinoon. to shedw 1hit<rti hol d unt bat. sIyva muiar, ano Dtoraini, lass4. J. U. FELERS .j. i-. .'. c. Cttorg Seed Meal. fhave COTYON SEED MEA L to ex,v -hne o COTTON SEED) "rtf TASkI. .it is ameh ..beiter-for' 'attle han the 'whoe see~d. IN 'IH'r GR~RF;t. BY .MARY 1. EVEin::'T. I .,in I inl the rooyiv old gar:t. .Im. 1 I r : \'.'tft!ci i, l :i t t" ;b ita w lr . (**' I) w i' H e i Ita til oIli' I ilii!rt'. .,h 1'll ti t"stil11t'"' ha:\ w:ts litovwi. Yoil\\w(':'t"ithetwl,t \t 0i ' llil IIIolle .-Ill i .u 1:: rit!.- withl t"U 1:1 .it1 i1ir: I wtia to be queent"l of ?::tsTlno . With jewel"s rich a:ul rare. Here is the swingiu where yo" .wun: ltt John. Th'lat drean:ty zinlinntr I:c ,:1. AnI low. wVith iur e ihiblish ci:ttter. C_hiuned roin:'s ciu-wr;= tin:c. Ah, me. for the Jtys of chibilhood. .Joh Ah1is for m:tai:1 andt \ott h .And:t the hiopes :uid plans :tml wSi:he- Gone like a tire:nti. for:ooth A1nt the rareliess hauinliag-chilblrtn..-loh'i A (, tll:tii :tit \ wtitl:ul n ow\ Insteail of rore- :te wrinklh-, And graty hairs on your Irow. Away on the sunet prairies. .John1. Pacing your weary round- When (hmnb are the frowning cannlon And hushed all warfare's sound- Do you ever dre:nn of that garret. John Of life we used to plan When I should he ""grrown-tp vomi:u" And you a -growln-up m:n'' Two children played in the garret. John Two are waitin for rest- One by the noaning ocean. One on the prairied West. We found life never a plaything. John ; We found much hard to bear; In the -land of the leal." my soldier, Well seek fruition there. -Bostw Cwnonweallh. lfz: D6MI, ti* :f WA LETTI1. It. is fortunate for New York thal it LaS SUeii a ne"ighl,or as 1 uoklynl for the city otf eturches acts as a p litical and reli_ious balance wheel tc us beni hted siners 0: this side of t:h river :ind keeps us mtet:lpht rically ul. to stanttard time. Ncw York cainot be called strictly 0:tlodox. Fret thinking :ond loo.se scienttific notionu flourish like a green bay t,ee. and il you hap.e to mn:itionl such it thin as a miracle, these u::w fledged p11i osophers say with tpencer and Ilux lev, prove it. But as I relarked at the hegiuning New York is fortunatc in lying so near to lirooklyn. and Brooklyn is for unate in possessing two sucn elnterprising, ind ener,etic ministers as Justin 1). Fulton and DeWitt Taluage. It the iepubli canls had only followed Fui on's ad vice Blaine would have been l'resi- lent to-day, wile Talmage knocked the underpinning srom Darw in. liux. ley, Herh:rt Spencer :cnd Tyndall, andti proved satisfactorily to himnsell that they were notinlg hut a set of presunug ignor:luuses, who were p,laying upoun the credulity o?' a con himg world. It ip lucky for Dar. win that he died aefore he waa se eonitpletly sutclted by Taliage You will see n:t a glnt1et the superior. ity of Tahnuge. DarIwinI was only t theorist, a dreaiser who drew his conc~lusions fromu a h>t or o srs uId dis.coninectedi lie i, bt. Ta! lmage knows exac.thy how tae Wng wats done andi as . inatter of course. t is mueb 11l4)re satisfactory to in;:e tne ev'idenlce ofa .uan thatL knoQws like Tahnuage thani fellows who only think thuey know, like Huxley, D)arwin, Spence: and TyndUll. Tihe. Qld Mosaie aceoi!nl of Adam and .ive in the Garden of Edeni, is good enough for T4almiage; ne don't want to go baek to the tiuse~ whenU Adau a gregt,gr-at.great granid father sat up on the top of a seventy foot telegraph pole craelsing cocoa uiuts for his~ breakfast, or mntpfchin~ bantanuas or guavas for his supper no rin4gtailed monkey fr Talmaige. It is niutx asefoTalnmage to be lieve tha. Eve was manufactured out of a rib, than that rhe was evoluted froma Fllyog.At any rate' hE stldDarWin's hash, and you need not xpet t her o hiin again Great 'maP, great uman, Talmnage Fulton iholds out at the Taberngecle otherwise knqs a augung the profan4 as the Rink, h us one of the'largesl Oudnsin iErgokyn:it was here key sroed tlzeir gosp)el seed aboul ten: yepLrs agg; seeA,' which I regrel to say, was niot sown on fallqw grognad but which fell amuong the rqeks and was devoured by the ioWls o s he ai for spargeIy a ic<ly aboot remaim: to mark the passage of the Evangel ists. Aft r that the Rink served the uurigl.4eous for walkin g matches an' boxiungnmatches, profanue danrces and other wiciced dpiings. At last it wa rescued from the clt4tches of Satat by Brother Fulton, and for $he las four years he has been having a~hani to hand tight wd.h the World, t.he deal and theC d-=.. 134other islton believel w:ih the Rev. Dr. Burchard that the Democratie pairty is the party of Rum 1somnanism and Rebellion, and he feels assured that if Brother Blaim haid only nilied Dr. Bqrchard flag to his~ mas~ttad. he y,'oghl have lel Gover Cleveland to the quiet seclu son of ogt capita'l at .lbany ag Jame G'. Brlie would hiare made tI umphanit u'i*rch pui the Wihit< House~ in the City pf Washinigton bn will our so-called stateei ler wisdom ? Here wras lilane i brooklyn, hle migTht jgut as well ha~v e'gled on F ulton as not, andl Fultol could h: .ie toldj h'im js hlow ' w!i but1V. wi itnpLardonale sttipidity bi ri-rHili be. . 93 TUhanksgiving~ week. Tile store are.l fifled with hine goods andu rri now til New Yeam'o we usimioolwfi Taking uip the paer you hear th crv of hard timnes. It is a iflea thing to realize it as y'ou wa~lk thr'otg u..consumed to this day. This coac m:n business ought to be play out though from present appear: ite.. Mrs. Ilulskamp Morrisini in: tu:-)) her escapade with her coac mnan itt) golden du cats. It is n near so romantic to sav that shte lm;arrietl to a ticket taker as a c(a man, but before she finishes her cu cert tour she will tind that the felk who looks out for the ticket ox is etihl) more import:nt lersou t;: tie ielh>w who sits oi tibe co):i box. I h)ave often remark.ed th)at wh: ever I want a point. i have to go Brooklyn for it. The latest is t; robbery of the Ein;ts County Pei tentiary. Some thtiev-s broke in at cnrriel ofT the cash. If you ha, :my prisons o.it your way keepi eye on them Or some daring burgi may run away with the colls anti tl ke(epers. The success of the new operat star Miss Emma Nevada was pronounced t at we shall have r further occasion to import foreic singers. Each appearance has be( a triumph never before accorded an American singer. She is as goc as sie is talented, and America n. well be proud of her new star. Yours truly, BROA LBRI. GilViN A F.%IItt I.6IIT. The National Agricultural Exhibition, Inaug rated by the Southern Faposion Compar Fairly Booming. LCourier- 'ournal. Louisville. Ky.1 The favorable action of the Natio :al G2 ange and the cordial endoi went of the American Agricultur Congress given to the proposed N tional Agricultural Exhibition, haU given the t)roject inaugurattd l.y 1! Southern Exposition Compavy a f. start before the country. The r- resenittives of the movement wI visited Nashvilln, were treated by ti representatives of the agiienlur interests ( f the country with t.l most hospitable consileration. an their explanations of the pnrposes the Southern Exposition (ompar were lstened to with attentiun an l eceive-d w" ith approva', and esulte in f..v'rabie f~rmal ntion. Ti opini'"n was Very _.-en- rdiv oxpres ed t:at ti.e agrie1ul r| intterets our country had not it).1 the sau opportunities in this dir etion as hi b en extt-nded to the arts and man fact miring indnstrlies. and that con petitive exhibitions on a sealo tih would cover the entite eounrtiv an bring together comtparativ( displai of agricultural and natural prodnc were very essential to the develo] ment of the farming, miniug, timbt and live-stock business. The aggr gation of capital in manufactures an the ease with which mannfacture dispose of th-ir ai ticles of displa; as illustrated by the Rale of 500 ca loads of machinery out of 600 at ti Southern Exposition of 1883, an the inability of the farmer, actin alone, to make a display at a natioc al exhibition, led to the freely?e: pressed opinion that it was now rig] and proper that Congress shon1 contribute to the aid of the farm< in takin.g advantage of the offer mad by' the Southern Er,position Cot pany. The press of the country are no beginning to endorse the propose plan, as the few following extrac will show, and in a short time thne j1 formation will he so widely distribi ted that it is hoped the people at the newspaper press all over ti country will give encouragementi the undertaking, y'OR THE QoUNTny. 3 [New Par!:. (O.,) Mirroy.) We have received the initial pro pectus of a National A grienltura. at Live Stock Exhibition wh.cl1 it proposed to hold at L4ouisville, E.3 under tbe joint auspices of the Sont! ern Exposition Company and ti Department of Agriculture of ti General Government. The Expoi tion Company proposes to fuinit the large facilities now to its posse sion and to manage the eabibition the Government will make c'erty appropr'iations to seonre the prop representation of the great. ngrict taral inte:estQ co the nation. TI committee very truly says thata previons national erhibitions ha been puim' rily for the advanceme of the arts and manufactures, and is desirabie nowv to give attention tbe agricultural interests of ti country, We do not hesitate io say that the money spent in our frequent p litical campaigns was directed in t manner. proposed in this prospect it would do far more to aid mnakit us a united, happy and prospero pe-p:e. IT CoMMIENDs ITsELF; Walliadelphia Times.1 The citizona of Louisville, 1W -having made a remarkable success their Southern Exposition for ts successeive years. now propons toi augurate in their city the fIrst of series ot inter-State competitive d Iplays of the agrienltural, borticulta al and mineral prodnets, live sto and lumber of the whole counti The sceheme is framed upon a grai scale. and contemplates the holdia of sueh displays from time to tit in various parts of the country. ScornJends itself especially tot farmrno,~ stock raisers and owners rich ineral'i and lumber lands. a wilI e. doubt do mttich! to iino(ira jthese most important in.tereMts. 9 A woIIT W is,TERhl4E, 2iGran~d Rtapids, Mh,i Agrieaullural Wor: SIThe managei-s of the Southern I SpQsition are out with a prospect Sor Iather a memorial to Congress Iaid in giving their Ezposition a wi< , range, to be called the National 1 su-n TTorni'tural. morain anid Brooklyn. 11: rdi\ e :: or. o. !ivint ien has t ere I n sucl t;sty v exIrr:i-n ,: m i:- wi ' 11f m echaIIies .lti Ades ct dr res ietttr !o day tlhin :1 it- had Coil Iddress f~rty vears '. 1i:, Iona tihe w\e"st si:h f l o ,:g broug1, 1-th or -..:;d s:i i --: :m1;\ 1 as:ant a!'t.'rilt .o.- :t.;i :ti:a:t : thu r eIi riei \ l .S.e i . I': t< Iil t a ;>t,: rly r .1 n'i\tt' "..:. li: is ior i.art tit :a I: .i.- : : l"our )'clock in t .. r n-I 'an: t ;. .r t. ti,:t!tis :r();: :...- hitns< hi\.- i ' t ,:w 'r pat, ' f i .'ity but :ttnongt tlit-in alil it is r;r i" ee: poorly dri ssed wt i f t t.;lrst' t.here are soine extr:orlii::rv rsonl w. to especially IIh sir.- i ,:. ein S. 1v"s Conlstlo s. bu I,.1 like : "",ir t'er dils.-Iti. od h: : a o The prevaliing st.yl-s o' :.t is :ire marvels of Ibeaut.:. nii: t.t' . nera i:lke it. o' thInt there is : I))()at CX quisitt: i;.s e wttrthy" of :il ctnul;endaii tmt)n 11 hien we r,-rni-mber t'- flaunt int- atomn:Iat;(,lls of fttllr or iv, years a t we t" , It. we" i.tve r, ason to n:ikr!i;.- to ;-A, ached or pir senit. va:ii.:. ;..rondi Ta-t i:t s v:stly iinirt v t.he ir, s . s thai cost some four .r five <da'ltrs a vard i1n longer do the wIork al.oi.ted for the eitV se-nvc rs. 'T'-; ernze for blonde h:i a-s has -roni out of lashiion :tud( ouir angeb r com1 io in; back to their natura c,llors, though confess it looks odd to -ee one-half of a woman's hair a bright golden yellow and th, portior next her h1. ad of a vetrv resi ectabi cut-stnut. but as it. tells of r. turning common sense we ftci like forgiving oil.w of the most unitardlonabil"s follies of which our sisteis have ieen guilty sie lVe went apple hun:ting. I was talking with a gentleman largely e.nt_al_"d iii bIrUsiness-a man who had trav h-d% extensivel\" and knew the world. and he remarked. if a man wants :itllin' that is to be found on t e face of the t artih i.e can get it in this city. Thii may set m like a bold :issl- titll, but we ia':e grown wonder:ully. As yo 11pas, along the stri et.s in the stores you see the rich- est of ori."ttal h:nginus, tapestries. laces an<i all sorts of beautiful and costly goods, bronzes. elegant nic. naes, articles of vertu a.:d ornament. such as a few years ago could only be ound in Paris, London. Berlin or VenI:. I' was a rare thing for a tor:ign artist of reputatio;n to send a picture across the watet. and now they Come by thousands, many indif ferel;t canvasses finding ready pur chas;rs among the over credulous Yankees. A number of colossal fortunes havc been piled up among us within the past twenty years. it goes for say ing tlut not a single ou of our new ly teclged millionaires knew the di'- fererce between a Raphael or a Ru- hens or a John Smith. or a Tom Brown The late Mir. Stewart gave %0O.iU.1 for RLosa Boanheurs llorse Fair, and bie knew as much nhout its acrtistic merits as one of the~ horses othe~ picture. A capital judge of1 linens and calicoes, well versed in silks aind cloths, besidlen being some. thaing of a cla~ssical scho:ar, he knew 0o miore about pictures thlan a hod carrier Yet he built :a fine gallery whi'h nob.ody i allm.ed to enter and he imp)risoned. W1Lhin its brik~walls thre ..ndre t.aousanid dollars worth of fine pie.t;res which milght just as well b e i :..ie e:stacqimbs of Egypt as in lIis wi te marble p)alat:e on] the Fiftti .A t enue. A verv; .iiereut m;an was Marshall A Ro larts. ile was a v'ery ricih man and t4ne who' knew the valre of a dol-4 4 well as any man in the city, but he was a b)road guage mvan ol lib'eril principles and exquisits taste, and} he was blest with a'wife just as gop] as himself, an he was willing th.at the millions of the poor should share the bleasings of his gbtmdance, Firs; hs threw his mgifeent pic tqre gallery open ti aid some chatri table institutiqre, gud1 Angljy he ad mitted the public on st.ated days and this was kept gp glmost to thE day of his death. it was an inesti mnable bogn to the lovers of art and gnJ tu will niot soon be forgotten air Va~nderbilt did1 sometlyin~g of th( in d hisL winter, and the ptiblic arE in h opes thast by jil! not be weary o1 well-aging, but with the return 0 frpst will gzive themn another peep a thgae famous pictures which only a millionaire like hngelf could eve have brought W this side of the At lantic. 4ay Goiuld has some I icture' hb;t nos. one ever sees them. W hat a year this has been' for jilt ings. I have before me a list o twenty brides andi grooms who wver deserted in t.he last year at tbe al tar's toot. riour faithles~s brides an< sixegg~ r-ereant grooms. Only th other night our fashlionable coloret Ssociety was mnqyed to its innermos Sdepths by %-. desertion of one of thi most epihanting sable belie in thi c ty Like many other romnanti< voug mnaidene ihe had tixed be a!ieetions onP .y coaeb man. (W'hat i: .i er1islLeO is there about these co4eh men ?) Well this particular Jelni walked oif with th is young lady' afiections og ii he had been drivin' his~ myn horses. [he weddingr da; wa's ixed, the friends were invitedi the t est we prepared, the mniniste was han, the bride 2Appb.i deckce a g s iosos,but the graiil ~1 ~. .Wlhenhe ShoUuld litf eheri hisfaithiles's genom wa cro)i~sn 'his horbes at a stable o I lihton .\venus. After waiting long tm 'the bride went off int hysterics, the minister went withot ti tee, the bridal party went wit! h out thicr supper, and the doughnut k Iweddinvreake: chafl otte~ russe. remnai h- Live Stock Exhibition. The succe;s e,l and popularity of iis Exposition for I- the past two years is a guarantee that n it is wortLy of recognition by the h- 'Genei al 'uvernmeti t . One of the ot prminlpatl features c,ncernin,, the is uri:au, of-: olhisvile: for thisIExt,rsi- I- I' is its location in one of the b,r- n- de: Si --s. aind, b-in:r nearly rmidway! w h, w a tile East and West. 'he : ".r.n ne: t d ; : r "ila tio n s b e tw ee n th e II 1N 1l S thLI have ne!vfr been b, fj r. d .s t::r shiotid have been. TmI: - au r t:r GcvCru nt 1 h1 : lr.: .bt !~arT":t'it-loi eet of to t ic ~talf, .. 1 - ~h- '.. h- Se" rat";tt na- ' tion:l; . x..i;;: .., ;au iv set forth dIt ,-a.nn:,t be det"iedi tha:t all the 3 grea;tt I-1' m iins of Ih- wor\i.l. fmm,hh m that of L..nlon mu 18:71 r ~ i the r 1,:, n , lutv.- h adi for hc-ir ,"bj, ,t th+e m( w l vah,weiu )il of m,alnl".tet ,l la: iuI 'r- ,"sts la: l.,'r ti; f tblose of :1-,.r i Il):- Ic . .. %V 'ostrUNE-ss.MKEttU!s. tot t is :ie strong. aente ni..--nit the u.igl:ua, thimlaker -- who makes m1on1ev in airge Ittmps Few have been int"llee"e i7=! ; el. tui,igi one, My. .11r. Ii,bh-en:. inv' ite.1 the lneifer mtenttu t.o tlw per ,u;i1"fnnt t-eief of ualk,md : a seeonul. M r. Perkin, was an ncntr. exprun ent:i (1et-imst : and a third, Sir 11. Besseua. wo: bed} ont the gteatest iiinprovenwint of our time U- in the preparatiou of it utl. But they Y, all Ihtl blsinesa cotira;;e. Nut one hesitated to risk a fo itune on a new process, to adopt new machinery at a huge cot, or to enlarge works to alny requiire etenCt. it Thiet kind of timidity which springs n., iIn motist thoughtful men in safe ' positions sehs not to lov: heLn in t~s r1t mnuufctures, and to ia vte bet-I Ie pl:tced by a sort of ce;r- tain:.v :kin to that of .an arithmcti- Scia. It was of no use talking about expense to Mr. Holden or Mr. Listcr The pet fect wo:,l-combhir,g machine I could he made, and should be made. d and whether ten thonsaid were spent in experiments or two millions made no manner of difference. d 0d OIIurs, speciail knowledge he!p- ed the courage. hut withoat the cour- age the kno.'ledge would not have madle fortune; and courage of that kiitl and to that extent is not co:n mon. Most4 men who succeed a little in busi::ess become conservative, and nine men in ten who have made mon- ey are cowards about losing it in any- thin- but the ordinary jog-trot of the tia'le. -he few exceptiors are those who l become wcillionlares. They are nil, too. perseveiing nen. working away 1 r for years with a d.-t .-i"nination which, if we did not l.r:,.w it to be of the very p aiu of t.e character, and as s little it lnattr of effort as the color of a man's hair, we ilhould also pro nounce admirable: Mr. S. C. Lister, 6 for instanee, the wool comber of Biadford, Tngland, going one day ginto a1 Lodo warehouse, came upon a pile of rnbbish which strongly at- t ra'cl his attentiorn. He inquired wh1at it was, and was told that it was Wha'~v't do youi doe with it ?'' e e skI 4 11 ~ itfor Nbi.biai, that is all," Iwas the suswor ; '-it is impossible to1 do any thing else with it.'' Mr. L4ister felt it, poked his nose sinto it. and yetlled it about in a man- ner that gestonishecd the London ware- b ousemen, It was neither agreeab'e to the feel. the smell, nor the touch ; 0jbut sim ply p, mass of knotty, dirty. impure siuff, fl;ll of bits of stick and malberry leaves, In the end Mr. is~jter m.ade the offer of a half penny a ponnd for the "rubbish," the ven. s dcr being especially pleased to get Clrid of' it o-n such advantageocs terms. s Mr. Lister came, to the conclusion that if he could mak~e a machine 1- which would tear that strong, cheap eC rubbish effectually, there was endless .e wealth to be obtained. He sold his 'patents, gave up other business, and hb devoted himself, fur ten~years, to ex- Speriments in tearing silk waste, and aended by turning thte despised staff ~iinto beautiful an~d costly velvet, r Sir T!it4s $;.lt, in nearly t be i,ame Iway, dotected in some musty bales e of haiuv wool a ubr'e w bich could be 1made to look well, and so founded re Saltaire and the alpaca trade: and it Sir Henry Bessemer devoted years it to his process for changing iron into to steel. .He saw the money in it, plod.I 10 dad on determinedly, and was able ,at last to announce that ha had made If a million. 0- Sagacity of that kind is a fine qual- ie ity to possess, a gift like the power as to sing i and tog, like singing. it Shas little relation to the intellect, its ais possessor is neier a fool. Trhe for- tne onghers' work, as a rule, is bene- ficial to humanity, for they give us something which the woiId wants, --or it would not buy it iand if mater- of ia civilization is good, that must be rojgood too. a THE~ IADDEsT WomAx 1N Uts-ros. is It~was on Tremont careet only last ir~Tbgraday afternoon,.4A lady of very ek genteel ~appearince was leisurely 'y- promienading just above WVest street. ad Ooming from the' opposite direction og was a man, follo~wed by a brace of ne hounds, that is, two hounds wL.ose tcollars were joined together, and he bth man and dogs were very mucb in :a hii ry,. The* la-ly ws in n a ieuar :s o.Themequickl'y r)a-se do the same, only on opposite sid'. IThe result wag that tbc.- lady' ft *. suddenly flewv o6t from nnder' hier -the hounds ran a gauntlet of i-k:rtIs us, Iand dress goods: the mapD~ blushed for iind offered profusec apologie4 h 1er lady fied, r'ayed andl zatt d. th.e Lgc rowd laughed. arid I patted the ,nd head of each innocen.t brute. A l, i:p hot<-!-ki eper is especi-tl- ly "a"t"' on lIssw: r) (ISiomlR. - hev a- b r . --e vem. he sta'e : ""tltv tFso:rt," ntot. the :'coonts. Oo:-e t o.I,,-tl Mosel f wit.h mle a Count ilI - - -.' h .}:t s. --WhI-" he arrive.l th e i w.-s ntt : l rtlm'-d hom- from ni circle ; my wife was all frightened. un:l She cry t iii,-. -G" speak t, the Mis- the ter Rrsitn : -e i,-:t :1 the waiters; alth te is in i!ger: hi: what an anger !' ulrd I aked < f what it is question. One 1 ss. ti-Us me tlt' <"nnt he insists that the as a wa tirs take him of his boots. They raise are brave Bi; Ii:n; they will not. the He strike tht"m and say stern follies. vars I had coinme. I : I feared m-. not of in a him. I go it, h:s rotm- and say, 'Mr. the Ionnt. I am the proprietor : what fact will von ? Sir.' he sxv: -I wi!l think ,I. it yon pil mfe <-11 1t< boorts !' ly first sentitent is de bli :llontger nne -ater clagnf--to give him a smack : hut I the naster tt:vself and say. -Wait only two winutes, Mr. the Count, I have vial, an order to give.' So I ran to my lost, wife and tell her to give me my dresR coat, my --loves gray petl. myc gihns, the my pantaloon- blaLck. In two mins lade ites behol me. of groat t<nne. t easy go back to the eutint; I say him1 way 'Only in dri.s of tala can the pro. 11Ces prietor of this h.ott-l take ofr yonr 1low hoot, and. my f:ith. I take timi bed- them off in one, two ! He raise him- but self, bow bimself. and thank tie very politely. By and byv. in thiee weekr, is to he ask for h biil. I iribrihe on it le- as extra, -To ttking off Mr. the Count's boots b th. - oplitetor in a tell dress coat and gray-:eari glovis. 100 -the francs -,20.' H-- fi own iti. eve. the bI o-, s Wh:en he ie.i that. lnt he say vitnot tOe w1 He t-av that addition LSil' integra!y. t'-'-. he a.i ime more and to serve him as a pa!!-boot. " her like- !AT A ENT GrzOW% TO. ick : turn A cent seems of little value, hut It' hut it is only doubled a few times, it utl, grows to a marvelous sum. A young red, lady in Portland caught her father in iow. a very rash prcm.ise. by a knowledge sick of' th,is fact on her part: s to She io(,c'tiy lrtoposei that if her ates father would give her c.nly one cent on one day, and Iouble the amount on each successive day for just one r. month, she wonid plei,ge herself nev- er to ask of him another cent of mon- t in ey as long as she lived. Pater famili- ice. as, not stopping to run over the figures s at in his head, and not supposing it are wouid amount to a large sum, was ny, glad to accept the offer at once, think. k at ing it also a favorable opportunity and to include a possihle marriage dowry ped in the future. On the twenty-fifth heir day he became greatly alarmed, lest for if he complied with his own accep- nice tance he m,itt be obliged to be "de- lved clared a b,ankrupt on his own peti. > or tion." > do But on the thirtieth day the young oe girl demanded oniy the pretty little use. sum of $5..36g,70.12! The aston- cry. 'ished merchant was only too happy 3 on to cancel the claim by advancing a n is l.an.isomtc- casL pay menit for his folly re is in allowing htimi±irl to give a bond- un for his word he considered as good' ;ueh as his bond-with~out noticing the rac consideration thereini expressed, and heir by promising to return to the old one, custom of advancing smaller sums two. daily until otherwise ordered. con. IOur arithmnetieal reporter has been the "f!guring on it," and say that if the~ her old en'leman had fulfilled his prom- ~rtu- ise, his dauenter would have het ~e'ul upon the receipt of the thirtieth pay. very m ient. the snug little sum of $10.46,- can 517.43, res It require±s a judlicious5 employer to Wiit handle the hired men suc.cessfully. Le at They should be treated withi respect, bsas persons having rights, but should orn be taught to understand that their Sfor jemployers alSO have rights which 11 be should be fir'mly enforced. They bit should not be allowed to smoke du- the ring work hours. neither to indu'ge too in profanity. They should be taught d in to consider that they have not the she right to abuse the farm animals or :fnes other property; to work faithfully rimg and intelighently during hours of la- wnbor,. not striviu:: to kill time wvhen will unobserved; to act like men. The ad laborers at the samne time should in- >and sist that they be treated like men by d to thei- employers, and that the labor ares which it falls to their part to do, be .son- such as their e.niovers would not only feel ashamed to dio 'were they them. but selves called upon. The labor ques. tion on the farm is a difficult one to er- handle. especially so where many la- borers are -emlo~tyed. But the ob- 'istacles are overcome in a measure when good laborers are secured; . T when rowdies and laggards are given the to unders:end that they are not wan- in ted. lHe who knowindy hires a row- ched jdv to work for him, when better men :ried ecrn be obtained, deserves no sympa- lay- thy from others. cond- !ienry Labourchere, writing of the propose-I beauty show in Paris, de- rel ares that the time has come when nean annual beauty show of some form . 1 or other is absc!utely essential in u Europe. This is the only way in with which middle-class p)retty girls can ownl he sure of obtamning husbands at g Ifr)resent. Many of th--m compare ange their lot unfav<orably with that of the try harmaids ini the si~ns of our great r 'eshment conut.ti~'ors1, adi soime of' thmmeso wi!a }odalay theair Lo3kB beauties that ro.al academicians are oa receiving eunust.at offters from the~ most respectable young ladies to aet ~ Oas r,mate:r mnodels. h it s i'. nT' the promises a m.tn makes, but. the nonbuler he keeps, ;"N ihat gives~ him a position among reB1 i.eetble eopl Frot Good Ch,r. VAI;ABLE IIINTS ANI) 2; MATION. BY "RIVErtSID:. It; all cuasv, if th'rr h:is pa: alysis. there is Visible a s whie circle around the pupil o eye. between that and the iris. According as a person"s ti naturally inclines inward t 'ward paln, more or less, so is the h >f tlt person. and a decided in nelination indicates s5:rious i;l The Professor who stated this fact. first asked his class to heir hands; lie also said that humbs of a drowned person ah sSume this inward inclination marked degree. Einel:t llhysiciains st::te as a bat paralysis need not he feal .he bowels are kept open. l;ather than (I ink :uuch cold v n hot w. ather, pour it over vrists to cool the temperature. In dropping medici- es from a lways hold the label-side upperti o keep the label cleau. Have no woolen carpets on oor of a si k-room Those I froin cork, are almost noiseless. -o keel) clean, and Letter every Put all medicines and applia )it of sight until wanted. and a .o food, drink or fruit by the >ide waiting the patient's will ,ring it when wanted. Do not allow chamber vesse emain a moment longer than ,essary. If he is able.' let the patiem ;he docter his feelings. etc.,- iurse giving a full account to >hVsic:an outside of t:e room. >ut an air of secrecy. it is e: lone. if the nurse is cheerful iopeful always iii the sick-rootn nomentary absence will not be y to excite suspicion. Never deceive the conscious s 3vade answers if need be, or he attention to something else, f the patient insists, tell the ti rhich often is not as had as he le mtd generally quiet rest will foi A constant inciinatioa of tihe o slide down from the pillow vard the foot of the bed. indi erious illness. A PRE Il V HOME TOILE Husband and children deligl eeing "mother" look neat and r .evertheless, many women dres iome in such a style that they tlways ashamed to be seen by )ody but home-folks If a knoc he tront door is heard, they run lide, or wait till they have "prin ip'' before opening it. In 1 reed anything is good enough iome-folks; all nice things- lothes, food, danties-must be si or company. Any old caii( vooien dress is good enough t< nouse work in, any old worn out ood enough to wear in the la is a natural result of this th< he parlor is always sh ut up sav ~reat occasions, the sitting roo 'arely used, and the family 11 ntirely in the kitchen, It is nc sual thing for women who hold heories and carry them out in I ice, to find no time to comb: air till after the dinner work is d Lad go round with it in a frowse birds of the day. As a natural equence, she forfeits much~of espect and admiration whichx is lue. Tro antidote th:s unf tate rerit, a pretty and tas tome toilet will be found (fiient. Calico of fair quality >e p)urchased at eight cent ard. andi with a clean calico i Lnd a nice calico apron the house nay be always dressed up whi ser work. It she unvaryingiy ct 1er hair before engaging in any n ng task, her hair will be in orde he day, and a lesson of value wi aught her entire household. J >f edging in her neck may tak< iace of a collar, if the collar b auch trouble, and neatly attir< 're.sh calico and whole shoes ieed not run and hide if there c< Sknock at the door. The labc an's *wife who is careiui of her ippearance while at her work mave a buetter op)portunlity for nfiuence in persuading her husi o look no wo'rse tihan lie net wvhile at his work, than she who< for none of these tlhngs. A ret ible attention to externals nlot forfeits our own self-respect. gains the respect of others. ( Am,erican~ Frm A CHIICKEN GODMfOTHE A sight unusual is at Mr. J1 Moon's, near Sandy Cross, sayt Ogleth~orpe (Ga.) Echo. Earl the Spring one of his hens hat a brood of chiekens, but only ea them two weeks. when she went t< ing. again, and soon batched a se brood. Wh<.n she camne off brood No. 2, she~took brood 3 une her charge again, and them~ both sbont a week, when died. Then one of brood N aboet frying size, adopted the y chicks, and now goes round th'-m as5 if they were her' brood, clacking to and scratchit them in earnest. It is ast sight to see the little go.dmothe: ing~ to cover the i2 or 1:8 abi'k lt ta e,ad that when a :sne int;; a ;nirror he immi~aOiV wtsto tki('i h.imi for beit the hir.d girl. espl'.ily

The Newberry herald and news (Newberry, S.C.).(Newberry, S ...historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067777/1884-12-11/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · {rJI410019E 1Famiy Paper De'oted to Literatur..iisc('lany,

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Page 1: The Newberry herald and news (Newberry, S.C.).(Newberry, S ...historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067777/1884-12-11/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · {rJI410019E 1Famiy Paper De'oted to Literatur..iisc('lany,

{rJ I410019E1Famiy Paper De'oted to Literatur. .iisc('lany, elews, ,1g1iculture Maitets, Of-


- NOTICE.bef'

otice i. lerth givern to al I :(ed itrs ol. M C opp twk . t -e :t.,. tr . th ir"

Iimslb; properly pr've: , i t he u derxi;ned in-_ 1nt-diatcJy ;:tl tiu hare-ii :t,vtvi'e iudehtedl to Ii:c'sarme are rerpr .(t t, cti.- at ice. as anu earlyret tieuki:L , lhis t.st:t'e i' (tt-itd.

Jd:2N W.CPP4KNo4..- t. 1'xtcutor.


PIAN OS,Upright and Square.

p .leriority of ite --TIEF"po} re,-o":nized :1i41 acknowvlediged

ett 'ih,tI I uts::I :Jathoritie-. and.lnd for them is i te;ttadii_in-

-ng4 :1-: thei- metrims art, berotine;_ xtIII.vely kn1own.

IIgih st HonorsOver :ll Amnri:ian and many European

rivalN :t thIP

FExposit-oil,Paris,'" 1878

100"di'l-eren t <'rlle-. tmit rie- :UM

School . a to their I),rihility.They < reP rPfet in. T7n,e and Work-

m,Zail.j) <U#d Elegan inAppearance.

.\ hIrU_e; asso,ritmet tf secomiJ-h:nidPi:ato. :il :ia on lan 1.

Gene'r:aI Wholesale .\-rent- t'orBurdett, Palace, Sterlinr. New Eng-

t land, and Wilcox and WhiteOR GAN.S.


taket inl Exrhatn"~e. also thor-

-;t"nti for il!Utirate"d iianio or Or-anLJ1 c;atalUZugn.

Chas. M. Stieff,.N. "D. :Nt)1TH ..iTr-STr-1-:T.

i;AILTI oR E, .\I).F.. Worbr. ir.. Agen:. N bwhberry.



Tummber MillMenT uu udIPrsigned repo1) rit'(IIl ini-ormn

the citi7zn1t- No ewberrV andl the7,rnt:u ,iti(g(tnilest" that. h:-in l o("a-

Id :I' atItflma. the-y are pre!paredTot h-

tr itn.tett hild. Ch:lr. he. Dwell-

in 11 an other Butildlingr:. We g;tarant-Ive ,atia.a:ntir,n hmhi ink the, gnality or

oittr vtr: k and iii . he p>ric- e"imrd"tl forft.- 1I:ivin an :t exaellenst saw' mll~ we

}r '-so 1 1 1 1 pr alep:a rod. at -ha rt n o ti e. to. w.:t.l. :tre:s lumber. OVfren: roliCited.



Religious, MoraJ. Miscella-neous and Good Books.

TfI. rEGPIETRESS of the HERALDBOOK ST~ORE, offrs a cer:tin port:n ofhestock of Books at snehs pa'ces as

Cu-mo~t Fuil to I,sure Sale,A good Bohk i- a :ignhd friend; it never

disptes your ward in.dit i ways ra..dy to1afrord .yot pleiJ.e; itcar. . rid and re-

*read, andi'never p..di- on the tutWe -a'miv ch-eire ' h. rid of thenu .o,:Th iuirof a 2 book rnr $1.00 .

- - 1 K " 50.50ec " 25.

We desire- to annhoIltuce. to the citizesS-ol Newberry :End surrounding CJoslmties,that we hav~e locate d a M1A RBLE YAR~D

-in the Town of Newhrry, andII are pre-pai-ed to fusrnish all klude~ o4


?r than! the salme &:Is; of Work1 by IiIth-a-rto been -0o(d h 2fewberry; eo03~nsequn.ly we e-; eectiHy soliolt a libe4al isareof their peroncaia. One block north-'we=r of Criel lrl S

Oct 20 1, MILLEP~ & IIOOF. 2

more moneythatn at anythij*g el

ael boolc out- Bejgneot soceed g-rn y :1None faii. Te'srms tree JAL.-1r l1"il (O ,PorLiand. Mainze. Nov. 27.'&-iy.

t.-~a~ iAIII. c~eie ree, a costlebo of t

a,nyhin cle i this Woulj.. 4ll of e.4 therax.-su~cce.ed fromi :irat atr' - Thea b3o& road. torototne open' befor 'tho Wrkn. Ablttesure. At once adrea. TI'3Lr.&Co.. ^ni.a.Maine. Nov. 27-si-ly.

Land for Sale.el TRACT of- LAND. containingSvutv-seven (77) Acres. miore or les

u24id4 'liyt1 of Dr. G. W. 0ienn.~dzar Sligh, and the Wilmsn Place, is

om-~red for sale. It ia wel-ata red,partyy-eTt-ed anid sugeeptible of hiei

ent2Ii1vaion. Th--r is eanideri'abl e or.1'ood aon it. . barga~:in may he had.Apply to

UIEaALD) and NEWS Of4ci-,

P ATENTSKS >nr-4 en fM%)i &t'Moor.L"n D'uAWIN:. W-- "es-.a..

Noit ju y RGE:NL E~ V ATE1T18 SECLn zt--.w a ren-'. h-e. i,to the V'tia tafor, the-uW. 'f

Moey On"aer i>iv., jad to of. sl-ot.he t.l'.tent 4~Omee. For wvou'at. savice. terrsm-er(.iIr:d ce4 to crt.al clier. in ycur owni Stuteor Coiuiv. tr ta to'

0. A. NOW M ..

We now inntou,ct( that our stock of


1N1 ui':, 'up anid hlldp.t,IS NOW COMPLETE,

an we tinik UN URPASSE) in

anyttin: that tends to co:stituteAl ir.st-Class Stoc,.k

Uur .line of


while our

Business Suits9,re a decided improvement on any-

thing w.- ;lve ever been able to get.Special attention given to the se

ection of Youths' and Boys' Goods.No doubt every mother will be rat-tied at the improvement in this

ine.We claim to sell the

BET s" E T SullRT 1!hE,

cor the amount charged, and no onewill doubt the ass rtion when a

:omparison is made. Indeed. ourwhole line of FurnishingGoods was

Never So Good as Now,md in every instance we will give

is full value for the amount invest-d as any other house can affo-d tolo. and we guarantee satisfaction.Respectfully,

WRIGHT& J. W. COPPJCK,In Fr,'nt (io")rt H Ousr,

Oct 9 4' Newberry, S. C.

tn d its u n a ra lc cd albu se s , : re V a1ly a n d

reely di:t-scd in a .e.:t 3-2 p:;e bo->k,uailed free to anv addtlres<, tw Btuod Bailm

., Athinra, G1.

Drop a poarul for it, at: everv nan and Wo-

nan needs and will be de"ligh:ed wi: b its val-

t ble and entirely new revel;-ions.

NEILVOICEio ne-im e '4ulc a Natio ! of ...,le and

arouse tthem to aetit.tn. Ex+.ressiuns.,>i,ilua0 the t'otwirg, from a well kotwa Dru.-;ist "; A tlan ra, p.,ur in 6:1a -ret . ions a hI-re

3. 13. lrt; been ued.

A-rr.S..:.'. 1:2, i1st.

lr i, cur firm belief that B. B. 13. i rthe3toud Purifier on tha marker. We are telling'uur or five bottles cf it to one or :any orhera-c,::r:io o rtt tse kind, It has I. faled itnnoneance- in give err atist:: :!an. Merit ishe .e'arer.

WV. P. SMITl & CO., Drueglste,Thi, lat rbet ontly bloond mne<licine knoswn

tst conibi:.ei quick action, cert..ain effiei,ii ap price tand uhnountded sati-'sttin

WE PROVE..ha Clri uLnt bat tle .tr 15. 15. B,. wi!l do C.

nach v.ork its euring M'o3d Poisona, Skintaffe'ctio.ns. Scrofat!a, Kidneiy Tromnbses. Ca-tarrbs and P>htourt .i,ram as hix b,o:tesa of' nty>rhe~r yrtpu rat.iin ou -arth.iOnte 50-yeatr.sd chroieL u!cet egred; acco-

'gla of philrern cured with one ubot ttle. Bloodiol-ots cu'ed Withs a fewv butt ces. It neveritib. We# ;M h;orte proot itt book form.eeid for Ir. i.ag bottio at 00, 'ix for* e5 00.-xp:ew.ed oaa receie of price, If . our* Drug-

i4I.00J D UALM CO.,A tlanra, 03.,Sold in Newbtrey by Dr'. SV. Fantt.Oct 1.-a ly

Coughs, ColdS, CatalTh, 00o15019ti10.All Throtat. Blr'-a.i and Lung A4'aetionsara-d by the~ nb.-m-tk-blished --WAYNE'b

ief, ;n d a oure arosau1y focows, 2e ets.. asr


Bly Jegb B. Fellert, Probate Jud.ge.L'hE NE.4.s, John W. Coppock hathi maddi

itmeto graut him Letters of Ad-aristration ch isI non~ of the estate

nd efl'eets of Maximilia n Cojppoc~k, de-saLned.''hese are, therefore, to cite andl ad-!tonaish ali aad(singl ar th'e kindr2ed and

OCk, dheced. that thzey be and ap-eatr before me, in the Court of Probat'e,> e held at Newberry Court HIouse onwt .5th dayv of December next, after.ublicationx hereof, at 11 o'elock in the

>It'noott, to -hew cause, if anyv theyave,w~hy thet said Admidnisitratt ion .'houtld

Ot be'granted.

J. B. FELLERA . . N~ . C.

Nov. 27 2


B'Jacob B. Fellers, IProbate Judge.VI!I~Euu, Wm.' .i. Faillaw hath mandditir to me to grant him Letters of .Ad-duiltration of the e-raie and eff6tsThe,se are. thmere'foro, to cite and ad-t6onish aill anid sinuluar'thte kindred andreditos of the -aid Eiazabe th Faihtw,eveI ed,thtthe be and ap; e:u be'fora

Ve n h put fPobarte, to be heldr Newhrry Comt tIlou'.eoh the (tht ay

! le&en'bti net ater pubtlih:.t ton bi-ef,'at 110 ok . i *th fo.rCinoon. to shedw

1hit<rti hol d unt bat.

sIyva muiar, ano Dtoraini, lass4.J. U. FELERS .j. i-. .'. c.

Cttorg Seed Meal.fhave COTYON SEED MEAL to ex,v

-hne o COTTON SEED) "rtfTASkI. .it is ameh ..beiter-for' 'attlehan the 'whoe see~d.

IN 'IH'r GR~RF;t.

BY .MARY 1. EVEin::'T.

I .,in I inl the rooyiv old gar:t. .Im.

1 I r :\'.'tft!ci i, l :i t t";bitawlr .

(**' I)w i'H e i Ita tiloIli'I ilii!rt'. .,h1'll ti t"stil11t'"' ha:\ w:ts litovwi.

Yoil\\w(':'t"ithetwl,t\t 0i 'llil IIIolle .-Ill i

.u1:: rit!.- withl t"U 1:1 .it1 i1ir:I wtia to be queent"l of ?::tsTlno .

With jewel"s rich a:ul rare.

Here is the swingiu where yo".wun: ltt

John.Th'lat drean:ty zinlinntr I:c ,:1.

AnI low. wVith iur e ihiblish ci:ttter.C_hiuned roin:'s ciu-wr;= tin:c.

Ah, me. for the Jtys of chibilhood. .JohAh1is for m:tai:1 andt \ott h

.And:t the hiopes :uid plans :tml wSi:he-Gone like a tire:nti. for:ooth

A1nt the rareliess hauinliag-chilblrtn..-loh'iA (, tll:tii :tit \wtitl:ul now\

Insteail of rore- :te wrinklh-,And graty hairs on your Irow.

Away on the sunet prairies. .John1.Pacing your weary round-

When (hmnb are the frowning cannlonAnd hushed all warfare's sound-

Do you ever dre:nn of that garret. JohnOf life we used to plan

When I should he ""grrown-tp vomi:u"And you a -growln-up m:n''

Two children played in the garret. JohnTwo are waitin for rest-

One by the noaning ocean.One on the prairied West.

We found life never a plaything. John ;We found much hard to bear;

In the -land of the leal." my soldier,Well seek fruition there.

-Bostw Cwnonweallh.

lfz: D6MI, ti*:f WA LETTI1.

It. is fortunate for New York thalit LaS SUeii a ne"ighl,or as 1 uoklynlfor the city otf eturches acts as a plitical and reli_ious balance wheel tcus beni hted siners 0: this side of t:hriver :ind keeps us mtet:lpht rically ul.to stanttard time. Ncw York cainotbe called strictly 0:tlodox. Fretthinking :ond loo.se scienttific notionuflourish like a green bay t,ee. and ilyou hap.e to mn:itionl such it thinas a miracle, these u::w fledged p11iosophers say with tpencer and Iluxlev, prove it. But as I relarked atthe hegiuning New York is fortunatcin lying so near to lirooklyn. andBrooklyn is for unate in possessingtwo sucn elnterprising, ind ener,eticministers as Justin 1). Fulton andDeWitt Taluage. It the iepublicanls had only followed Fui on's advice Blaine would have been l'resi-lent to-day, wile Talmage knockedthe underpinning srom Darw in. liux.ley, Herh:rt Spencer :cnd Tyndall,andti proved satisfactorily to himnsellthat they were notinlg hut a set ofpresunug ignor:luuses, who werep,laying upoun the credulity o?' a con

himg world. It ip lucky for Dar.win that he died aefore he waa seeonitpletly sutclted by TaliageYou will see n:t a glnt1et the superior.ity of Tahnuge. DarIwinI was only ttheorist, a dreaiser who drew hisconc~lusions fromu a h>t or o srsuId dis.coninectedi lie i,bt. Ta! lmageknows exac.thy how tae Wng wats doneandi as . inatter of course. t is mueb11l4)re satisfactory to in;:e tne ev'idenlce

ofa.uan thatL knoQws like Tahnuagethani fellows who only think thueyknow, like Huxley, D)arwin, Spence:and TyndUll. Tihe. Qld Mosaie aceoi!nlof Adam and .ive in the Garden ofEdeni, is good enough for T4almiage;ne don't want to go baek to the tiuse~whenU Adau a gregt,gr-at.great granidfather sat up on the top of a seventyfoot telegraph pole craelsing cocoauiuts for his~ breakfast, or mntpfchin~bantanuas or guavas for his supperno rin4gtailed monkey fr Talmaige.It is niutx asefoTalnmage to believe tha. Eve was manufactured outof a rib, than that rhe was evoluted

fromaFllyog.At any rate' hEstldDarWin's hash, and you neednotxpet t her o hiin again

Great 'maP, great uman, TalmnageFulton iholds out at the Taberngecleotherwise knqs a augung the profan4as the Rink, h us one of the'largesl

Oudnsin iErgokyn:it was herekey sroed tlzeir gosp)el seed aboulten: yepLrs agg; seeA,' which I regrelto say, was niot sown on fallqw grognadbut which fell amuong the rqeks andwas devoured by the ioWls o s he aifor spargeIy a ic<ly aboot remaim:to mark the passage of the Evangelists. Aft r that the Rink served theuurigl.4eous for walking matches an'boxiungnmatches, profanue danrces andother wiciced dpiings. At last it warescued from the clt4tches of Satatby Brother Fulton, and for $he lasfour years he has been having a~hanito hand tight wd.h the World, t.he dealand theC d-=.. 134other islton believelw:ih the Rev. Dr. Burchard that theDemocratie pairty is the party of Rum1somnanism and Rebellion, and hefeels assured that if Brother Blaimhaid only nilied Dr. Bqrchard flagto his~ mas~ttad. he y,'oghl have lelGover Cleveland to the quiet secluson of ogt capita'l at .lbany agJameG'.Brlie would hiare madetI umphanit u'i*rch pui the Wihit<House~ in the City pf Washinigtonbn will our so-called stateeiler wisdom ? Here wras lilane i

brooklyn, hle migTht jgut as well ha~ve'gled on F ulton as not, andl Fultolcould h:.ie toldj h'im js hlow ' w!ibut1V.wi itnpLardonale sttipidity bi

ri-rHili be. . 93

TUhanksgiving~ week. Tile storeare.l fifled with hine goods andu rrinow til New Yeam'o we usimioolwfi

Taking uip the paer you hear thcrv of hard timnes. It is a ifleathing to realize it as y'ou wa~lk thr'otg

u..consumed to this day. This coacm:n business ought to be playout though from present appear:ite.. Mrs. Ilulskamp Morrisini in:tu:-)) her escapade with her coacmnan itt) golden ducats. It is n

near so romantic to sav that shtelm;arrietl to a ticket taker as a c(aman, but before she finishes her cu

cert tour she will tind that the felkwho looks out for the ticket ox is

etihl) more import:nt lersou t;:tie ielh>w who sits oi tibe co):i

box.I h)ave often remark.ed th)at wh:

ever I want a point. i have to goBrooklyn for it. The latest is t;robbery of the Ein;ts County Peitentiary. Some thtiev-s broke in at

cnrriel ofT the cash. If you ha,:my prisons o.it your way keepieye on them Or some daring burgimay run away with the colls anti tlke(epers.The success of the new operat

star Miss Emma Nevada was

pronounced t at we shall have r

further occasion to import foreicsingers. Each appearance has be(a triumph never before accordedan American singer. She is as gocas sie is talented, and America n.well be proud of her new star.

Yours truly,BROA LBRI.

GilViN A F.%IItt I.6IIT.

The National Agricultural Exhibition, Inaugrated by the Southern Faposion ComparFairly Booming.

LCourier- 'ournal. Louisville. Ky.1The favorable action of the Natio

:al G2 ange and the cordial endoiwent of the American AgriculturCongress given to the proposed Ntional Agricultural Exhibition, haUgiven the t)roject inaugurattd l.y 1!Southern Exposition Compavy a f.start before the country. The r-resenittives of the movement wIvisited Nashvilln, were treated by tirepresentatives of the agiienlurinterests ( f the country with t.lmost hospitable consileration. antheir explanations of the pnrposesthe Southern Exposition (omparwere lstened to with attentiun anl eceive-d w" ith approva', and esultein f..v'rabie f~rmal ntion. Tiopini'"n wasVery _.-en- rdiv oxpresed t:at ti.e agrie1ul r| intteretsour country had not it).1 the sauopportunities in this dir etion as hib en extt-nded to the arts and manfact miring indnstrlies. and that con

petitive exhibitions on a sealo tihwould cover the entite eounrtiv an

bring together comtparativ( displaiof agricultural and natural prodncwere very essential to the develo]ment of the farming, miniug, timbtand live-stock business. The aggrgation of capital in manufactures anthe ease with which mannfacturedispose of th-ir ai ticles of displa;as illustrated by the Rale of 500 ca

loads of machinery out of 600 at tiSouthern Exposition of 1883, anthe inability of the farmer, actinalone, to make a display at a natiocal exhibition, led to the freely?e:pressed opinion that it was now rig]and proper that Congress shon1contribute to the aid of the farm<in takin.g advantage of the offer madby' the Southern Er,position Cotpany.The press of the country are no

beginning to endorse the proposeplan, as the few following extracwill show, and in a short time thne j1formation will he so widely distribited that it is hoped the people atthe newspaper press all over ticountry will give encouragementithe undertaking,

y'OR THE QoUNTny. 3

[New Par!:. (O.,) Mirroy.)We have received the initial pro

pectus of a National Agrienltura. atLive Stock Exhibition wh.cl1 itproposed to hold at L4ouisville, E.3under tbe joint auspices of the Sont!ern Exposition Company and tiDepartment of Agriculture of tiGeneral Government. The Expoition Company proposes to fuinitthe large facilities now to its possesion and to manage the eabibitionthe Government will make c'ertyappropr'iations to seonre the proprepresentation of the great. ngricttaral inte:estQ co the nation. TIcommittee very truly says thataprevions national erhibitions habeen puim' rily for the advancemeof the arts and manufactures, andis desirabie nowv to give attentiontbe agricultural interests of ticountry,We do not hesitate io say that

the money spent in our frequent plitical campaigns was directed in tmanner. proposed in this prospectit would do far more to aid mnakitus a united, happy and prosperope-p:e.

IT CoMMIENDs ITsELF;Walliadelphia Times.1

The citizona of Louisville, 1W-having made a remarkable successtheir Southern Exposition for tssuccesseive years. now propons toiaugurate in their city the fIrst ofseries ot inter-State competitive dIplays of the agrienltural, borticultaal and mineral prodnets, live stoand lumber of the whole countiThe sceheme is framed upon a graiscale. and contemplates the holdiaof sueh displays from time to titin various parts of the country.ScornJends itself especially totfarmrno,~stock raisers and ownersrich ineral'i and lumber lands. a

wilI e. doubt do mttich! to iino(irajthese most important in.tereMts.

9 A woIIT W is,TERhl4E,2iGran~d Rtapids, Mh,i Agrieaullural Wor:SIThe managei-s of the Southern I

SpQsition are out with a prospectSor Iather a memorial to CongressIaid in giving their Ezposition a wi<

, range, to be called the National1 su-n TTorni'tural. morain

anid Brooklyn. 11: rdi\ e ::

or. o. !ivint ien has t ere I n suclt;styv exIrr:i-n ,: m i:-

wi '11fm echaIIies .lti Ades ctdrres ietttr !o day tlhin :1 it- hadCoil Iddress f~rty vears '. 1i:,Iona tihe w\e"st si:h fl o ,:gbroug1, 1-th or -..:;ds:i i --: :m1;\

1as:ant a!'t.'rilt .o.- :t.;i :ti:a:t : thu

reIi riei\ l .S.e i . I': t<Iil t a ;>t,: rly r.1 n'i\tt' "..:. li:is ior i.art tit :a I: .i.- : :

l"our )'clock in t .. r n-I

'an: t ;. .r t. ti,:t!tis :r();: :...- hitns<hi\.- i ' t ,:w 'r pat,' f i .'itybut :ttnongt tlit-in alil it is r;r i" ee:

poorly dri ssed wt i f t t.;lrst'

t.here are soine extr:orlii::rv rsonl

w. to especially IIh sir.- i ,:. ein

S. 1v"s Conlstlo s. buI,.1 like: "",ir t'er dils.-Iti. od h: : a o

The prevaliing st.yl-s o' :.t is :iremarvels of Ibeaut.:. nii: t.t' . nerai:lke it. o' thInt there is : I))()at CX

quisitt: i;.s e wttrthy" of :il ctnul;endaiitmt)n 11 hien we r,-rni-mber t'- flauntint- atomn:Iat;(,lls of fttllr or iv, yearsa t wet" , It. we" i.tve r, ason to

n:ikr!i;.- to ;-A, achedor pir senit. va:ii.:. ;..rondi Ta-ti:t sv:stly iinirt v t.he ir,

s . sthai

cost some four .r five <da'ltrs a vardi1n longer do the wIork al.oi.ted forthe eitV se-nvc rs.

'T'-; ernze for blonde h:ia-s has-roni out of lashiion :tud( ouir angebr com1ioin; back to their natura

c,llors, though confess it looks oddto -ee one-half of a woman's hair a

bright golden yellow and th, portiornext her h1. ad of a vetrv resi ectabicut-stnut. but as it. tells of r. turningcommon sense we ftci like forgivingoil.w of the most unitardlonabil"s folliesof which our sisteis have ieen guiltysie lVe went apple hun:ting. I

was talking with a gentleman largelye.nt_al_"d iii bIrUsiness-a man who hadtrav h-d% extensivel\" and knew theworld. and he remarked. if a manwants :itllin' that is to be foundon t e face of the t artih i.e can get itin this city. Thii may set m like a

bold :issl- titll, but we ia':e grownwonder:ully. As yo 11pas, along thestri et.s in the stores you see the rich-est of ori."ttal h:nginus, tapestries.laces an<i all sorts of beautiful andcostly goods, bronzes. elegant nic.naes, articles of vertu a.:d ornament.such as a few years ago could onlybe ound in Paris, London. Berlin or

VenI:. I' was a rare thing for a

tor:ign artist of reputatio;n to send a

picture across the watet. and now

they Come by thousands, many indifferel;t canvasses finding ready purchas;rs among the over credulousYankees.A number of colossal fortunes havc

been piled up among us within thepast twenty years. it goes for saying tlut not a single ou of our newly teclged millionaires knew the di'-fererce between a Raphael or a Ru-hens or a John Smith. or a TomBrown The late Mir. Stewart gave%0O.iU.1 for RLosa Boanheurs llorseFair, and bie knew as much nhout itsacrtistic merits as one of the~horsesothe~ picture. A capital judge of1

linens and calicoes, well versed insilks aind cloths, besidlen being some.thaing of a cla~ssical scho:ar, he knew

0o miore about pictures thlan a hodcarrier Yet he built :a fine gallerywhi'h nob.ody i allm.ed to enter andhe imp)risoned. W1Lhin its brik~wallsthre ..ndre t.aousanid dollars worthof fine pie.t;res which milght just aswell b e i :..ie e:stacqimbs of Egypt asin lIis wi te marble p)alat:e on] theFiftti .A t enue.

A verv; .iiereut m;an was MarshallA Ro larts. ile was a v'ery ricih manand t4ne who' knew the valre of a

dol-4 4 well as any man in the city,but he was a b)road guage mvan ollib'eril principles and exquisits taste,and} he was blest with a'wife just asgop] as himself, an he was willingth.at the millions of the poor shouldshare the bleasings of his gbtmdance,Firs; hs threw his mgifeent pictqre gallery open ti aid some chatritable institutiqre, gud1 Angljy he admitted the public on st.ated daysand this was kept gp glmost to thEday of his death. it was an inestimnable bogn to the lovers of art andgnJtu will niot soon be forgottenair Va~nderbilt did1 sometlyin~g of th(ind hisL winter, and the ptiblic arEin hopes thast by jil! not be weary o1well-aging, but with the return 0frpst will gzive themn another peep a

thgae famous pictures which onlya millionaire like hngelf could evehave brought W this side of the Atlantic. 4ay Goiuld has some I icture'hb;t nos. one ever sees them.What a year this has been' for jilt

ings. I have before me a list otwenty brides andi grooms who wverdeserted in t.he last year at tbe altar's toot. riour faithles~s brides an<sixegg~r-ereant grooms. Only thother night our fashlionable coloretSsociety was mnqyed to its innermosSdepths by %-. desertion of one of thimost epihanting sable belie in thic ty Like many other romnanti<voug mnaidene ihe had tixed bea!ieetions onP .y coaebman. (W'hat i:.i er1islLeO is there about these co4ehmen ?) Well this particular Jelniwalked oif with th is young lady'afiections og ii he had been drivin'his~ myn horses. [he weddingr da;wa's ixed, the friends were invitedithe test we prepared, the mniniste

was han, the bride 2Appb.i deckcea gs iosos,but the graiil

~ 1 ~. .Wlhenhe ShoUuld litf

eheri hisfaithiles's genom wacro)i~sn 'his horbes at a stable oIlihton .\venus. After waitinglong tm 'the bride went off inthysterics, the minister went withot

ti tee, the bridal party went wit!h out thicr supper, and the doughnutk Iweddinvreake: chafl otte~ russe. remnai

h- Live Stock Exhibition. The succe;se,l and popularity of iis Exposition for

I- the past two years is a guarantee that

nit is wortLy of recognition by the

h- 'Geneial 'uvernmeti t . One of theot prminlpatl features c,ncernin,, theis uri:au, of-: olhisvile: for thisIExt,rsi-I- I' is its location in one of the b,r-n- de: Si --s. aind, b-in:r nearly rmidway!w h, w a tile East and West. 'he: ".r.n ne: t d; : r "ila tions b

etween theII 1N 1l S thLI have ne!vfr been

b, fj r. d .s t::r shiotid have been.TmI: - au r t:r GcvCru nt

1 h1 :lr.: .bt!~arT":t'it-loieet ofto tic ~talf, .. 1- ~h- '.. h- Se" rat";tt na-

' tion:l; . x..i;;: .., ;au iv set forth

dIt ,-a.nn:,t be det"iedi tha:t all the3 grea;tt I-1' m iins of Ih- wor\i.l. fmm,hhm that of L..nlon mu 18:71 r ~i ther 1,:, n , lutv.-h adi for hc-ir ,"bj, ,t th+e

m( w l vah,weiu )il of m,alnl".tet ,l la: iuI 'r-

,"sts la: l.,'r ti; f tblose of :1-,.r i Il):-Ic . ..

%V 'ostrUNE-ss.MKEttU!s.tott is :ie strong. aente ni..--nit

the u.igl:ua, thimlaker -- who makesm1on1ev in airge Ittmps Few havebeen int"llee"e i7=! ; el. tui,igi one,My..11r. Ii,bh-en:. inv' ite.1 the lneifermtenttu t.o tlw per,u;i1"fnnt t-eief ofualk,md : a seeonul. M r. Perkin, was

an ncntr. exprun ent:i (1et-imst : anda third, Sir 11. Besseua. wo: bed} ontthe gteatest iiinprovenwint of our time

U- in the preparatiou of it utl. But theyY, all Ihtl blsinesa cotira;;e. Nut one

hesitated to risk a fo itune on a newprocess, to adopt new machinery ata huge cot, or to enlarge works to

alny requiire etenCt.it Thiet kind of timidity which springsn., iIn motist thoughtful men in safe'positions sehs not to lov: heLn int~s r1t mnuufctures, and toia vte bet-I Iepl:tced by a sort of ce;r-tain:.v :kin to that of .an arithmcti-

Scia. It was of no use talking aboutexpense to Mr. Holden or Mr. ListcrThe pet fect wo:,l-combhir,g machine

Icould he made, and should be made.d and whether ten thonsaid were spentin experiments or two millions madeno manner of difference.d0d OIIurs, speciail knowledge he!p-ed the courage. hut withoat the cour-age the kno.'ledge would not havemadle fortune; and courage of thatkiitl and to that extent is not co:nmon. Most4 men who succeed a littlein busi::ess become conservative, andnine men in ten who have made mon-

ey are cowards about losing it in any-thin- but the ordinary jog-trot ofthe tia'le.

-he few exceptiors are those who lbecome wcillionlares. They are nil,too. perseveiing nen. working away 1

r for years with a d.-t .-i"nination which,if we did not l.r:,.w it to be of thevery p aiu of t.e character, and as

s little it lnattr of effort as the colorof a man's hair, we ilhould also pronounce admirable: Mr. S. C. Lister,6for instanee, the wool comber ofBiadford, Tngland, going one day

ginto a1 Lodo warehouse, came upona pile of rnbbish which strongly at-tra'cl his attentiorn. He inquiredwh1at it was, and was told that it was

Wha'~v't do youi doe with it ?'' ee skI 4

11 ~itfor Nbi.biai, that is all,"Iwas the suswor ; '-it is impossible to1do anything else with it.''

Mr. L4ister felt it, poked his nosesinto it. and yetlled it about in a man-ner that gestonishecd the London ware-bousemen, It was neither agreeab'eto the feel. the smell, nor the touch ;0jbut sim ply p, mass of knotty, dirty.impure siuff, fl;ll of bits of stick andmalberry leaves, In the end Mr.is~jter m.ade the offer of a half pennya ponnd for the "rubbish," the ven.

s dcr being especially pleased to getClrid of' it o-n such advantageocs terms.

s Mr. Lister came, to the conclusionthat if he could mak~e a machine

1- which would tear that strong, cheapeC rubbish effectually, there was endless.e wealth to be obtained. He sold his

'patents, gave up other business, andhb devoted himself, fur ten~years, to ex-Speriments in tearing silk waste, andaended by turning thte despised staff

~iinto beautiful an~d costly velvet,r Sir T!it4s $;.lt, in nearly tbe i,ameIway, dotected in some musty bales

e of haiuv wool a ubr'e wbich could be1made to look well, and so founded

re Saltaire and the alpaca trade: andit Sir Henry Bessemer devoted years

it to his process for changing iron intoto steel. .He saw the money in it, plod.I10 dad on determinedly, and was able,at last to announce that ha had made

If a million.0- Sagacity of that kind is a fine qual-ie ity to possess, a gift like the poweras to sing i and tog, like singing. itShas little relation to the intellect, its

ais possessor is neier a fool. Trhe for-

tne onghers' work, as a rule, is bene-ficial to humanity, for they give ussomething which the woiId wants,

--or it would not buy it iand if mater-of ia civilization is good, that must be

rojgood too.

a THE~ IADDEsT WomAx 1N Uts-ros.

is It~was on Tremont careet only last

ir~Tbgraday afternoon,.4A lady of very

ek genteel ~appearince was leisurely'y- promienading just above WVest street.

ad Ooming from the' opposite direction

og was a man, follo~wed by a brace of

ne hounds, that is, two hounds wL.ose

tcollars were joined together, andhebth man and dogs were very mucb

in :a hii ry,. The* la-ly ws in n a

ieuar:s o.Themequickl'y r)a-se

do the same, only on opposite sid'.IThe result wag that tbc.- lady' ft

*. suddenly flewv o6t from nnder' hier-the hounds ran a gauntlet of i-k:rtIs

us, Iand dress goods: the mapD~ blushed

for iind offered profusec apologie4 h

1er lady fied, r'ayed andl zatt d. th.eLgcrowd laughed. arid I patted the

,nd head of each innocen.t brute.

A l, i:p hot<-!-ki eper is especi-tl-ly "a"t"' on lIssw: r) (ISiomlR.-hev a- b r . --e vem. he sta'e :

""tltv tFso:rt," ntot. the :'coonts.Oo:-e t o.I,,-tl Mosel f wit.h mle a Count

ilI - - -.' h .}:t s. --WhI-" he arrive.lth e i w.-s ntt : l rtlm'-d hom- from ni

circle ; my wife was all frightened.un:l She cry t iii,-. -G" speak t, the Mis-the ter Rrsitn : -e i,-:t :1 the waiters;alth te is in i!ger: hi: what an anger !'ulrd I aked < f what it is question. One

1 ss. ti-Us metlt' <"nnt he insists that theas a wa tirs take him of his boots. Theyraise are brave Bi; Ii:n; they will not.the He strike tht"m and say stern follies.

vars I had coinme. I : I feared m-. not ofin a him. I go it, h:s rotm- and say, 'Mr.

the Ionnt. I am the proprietor : whatfact will von ? Sir.' he sxv: -I wi!l think,I. it yon pil mfe <-11 1t< boorts !' ly first

sentitent is de bli :llontger nne-ater clagnf--to give him a smack : hut Ithe naster tt:vself and say. -Wait only

two winutes, Mr. the Count, I havevial, an order to give.' So I ran to mylost, wife and tell her to give me my dresR

coat, my --loves gray petl. myc gihns,the my pantaloon- blaLck. In two minslade ites behol me. of groat t<nne. teasy go back to the eutint; I say him1way 'Only in dri.s of tala can the pro.11Ces prietor of this h.ott-l take ofr yonr1low hoot, and. my f:ith. I take timibed- them off in one, two ! He raise him-but self, bow bimself. and thank tie very

politely. By and byv. in thiee weekr,is to he ask for h biil. I iribrihe on itle- as extra, -To ttking off Mr. the

Count's boots b th. - oplitetor in atell dress coat and gray-:eari glovis. 100-the francs -,20.' H-- fi own iti. eve.the bI o-, s Wh:en he ie.i that. lnt he say

vitnot tOe w1 He t-av that additionLSil' integra!y. t'-'-. he a.i ime moreand to serve him as a pa!!-boot. "her

like-!AT A ENT GrzOW% TO.

ick :

turn A cent seems of little value, hut It'hut it is only doubled a few times, itutl, grows to a marvelous sum. A youngred, lady in Portland caught her father iniow. a very rash prcm.ise. by a knowledgesick of' th,is fact on her part:s to She io(,c'tiy lrtoposei that if herates father would give her c.nly one cent

on one day, and Iouble the amounton each successive day for just one

r. month, she wonid plei,ge herself nev-er to ask of him another cent of mon-

t in ey as long as she lived. Pater famili-ice. as, not stopping to run over the figuress at in his head, and not supposing itare wouid amount to a large sum, was

ny, glad to accept the offer at once, think.k at ing it also a favorable opportunityand to include a possihle marriage dowryped in the future. On the twenty-fifthheir day he became greatly alarmed, lestfor if he complied with his own accep-nice tance he m,itt be obliged to be "de-lved clared a b,ankrupt on his own peti.> or tion."> do But on the thirtieth day the youngoe girl demanded oniy the pretty little

use. sum of $5..36g,70.12! The aston-cry. 'ished merchant was only too happy3 on to cancel the claim by advancing an is l.an.isomtc- casL pay menit for his follyre is in allowing htimi±irl to give a bond-un for his word he considered as good';ueh as his bond-with~out noticing therac consideration thereini expressed, andheir by promising to return to the oldone, custom of advancing smaller sumstwo. daily until otherwise ordered.con. IOur arithmnetieal reporter has beenthe "f!guring on it," and say that if the~her old en'leman had fulfilled his prom-~rtu- ise, his dauenter would have het~e'ul upon the receipt of the thirtieth pay.very mient. the snug little sum of $10.46,-can 517.43,

res It require±s a judlicious5 employer toWiit handle the hired men suc.cessfully.Leat They should be treated withi respect,

bsas persons having rights, but shouldorn be taught to understand that theirSfor jemployers alSO have rights which

11 be should be fir'mly enforced. Theybit should not be allowed to smoke du-the ring work hours. neither to indu'getoo in profanity. They should be taughtd in to consider that they have not theshe right to abuse the farm animals or:fnes other property; to work faithfullyrimg and intelighently during hours of la-

wnbor,. not striviu:: to kill time wvhenwill unobserved; to act like men. Thead laborers at the samne time should in->and sist that they be treated like men byd to thei- employers, and that the laborares which it falls to their part to do, be.son- such as their e.niovers would notonly feel ashamed to dio 'were they them.but selves called upon. The labor ques.

tion on the farm is a difficult one toer- handle. especially so where many la-

borers are -emlo~tyed. But the ob-'istacles are overcome in a measure

when good laborers are secured;. T when rowdies and laggards are given

the to unders:end that they are not wan-in ted. lHe who knowindy hires a row-

ched jdv to work for him, when better men:ried ecrn be obtained, deserves no sympa-lay- thy from others.cond-

!ienry Labourchere, writing of thepropose-I beauty show in Paris, de-

relares that the time has come whennean annual beauty show of some form

. 1 or other is absc!utely essential inu Europe. This is the only way in

with which middle-class p)retty girls canownl he sure of obtamning husbands at

gIfr)resent. Many of th--m compareange their lot unfav<orably with that of thetry harmaids ini the si~ns of our great

r 'eshment conut.ti~'ors1, adi soime of'thmmeso wi!a }odalay theairLo3kB beauties that ro.al academicians are

oa receiving eunust.at offters from the~most respectable young ladies to aet

~ Oas r,mate:r mnodels.h its i'. nT' the promises a m.tn

makes, but. the nonbuler he keeps,;"N ihat gives~him a position among reB1


Frot Good Ch,r.VAI;ABLE IIINTS ANI) 2;



It; all cuasv, if th'rr h:ispa: alysis. there is Visible a s

whie circle around the pupil o

eye. between that and the iris.According as a person"s ti

naturally inclines inward t 'wardpaln, more or less, so is the h>f tlt person. and a decided innelination indicates s5:rious i;lThe Professor who stated this

fact. first asked his class toheir hands; lie also said thathumbs of a drowned person ahsSume this inward inclinationmarked degree.

Einel:t llhysiciains st::te as a

bat paralysis need not he feal.he bowels are kept open.

l;ather than (I ink :uuch cold v

n hot w. ather, pour it overvrists to cool the temperature.In dropping medici- es from a

lways hold the label-side uppertio keep the label cleau.Have no woolen carpets on

oor of a si k-room Those Ifroin cork, are almost noiseless.-o keel) clean, and Letter everyPut all medicines and applia

)it of sight until wanted. and a

.o food, drink or fruit by the>ide waiting the patient's will,ring it when wanted.Do not allow chamber vesse

emain a moment longer than,essary.

If he is able.' let the patiem;he docter his feelings. etc.,-iurse giving a full account to>hVsic:an outside of t:e room.>ut an air of secrecy. it is e:lone. if the nurse is cheerfuliopeful always iii the sick-rootnnomentary absence will not bey to excite suspicion.Never deceive the conscious s

3vade answers if need be, orhe attention to something else,f the patient insists, tell the tirhich often is not as had as he lemtd generally quiet rest will foiA constant inciinatioa of tihe

o slide down from the pillowvard the foot of the bed. indierious illness.


Husband and children deligleeing "mother" look neat and r

.evertheless, many women dresiome in such a style that theytlways ashamed to be seen by)ody but home-folks If a knoche tront door is heard, they run

lide, or wait till they have "prinip'' before opening it. In 1reed anything is good enoughiome-folks; all nice things-lothes, food, danties-must be sior company. Any old caii(vooien dress is good enough t<

nouseworkin, any old worn out

ood enough to wear in the lais a natural result of this th<he parlor is always sh ut up sav~reat occasions, the sitting roo'arely used, and the family 11ntirely in the kitchen, It is ncsual thing for women who holdheories and carry them out in Iice, to find no time to comb:air till after the dinner work is dLad go round with it in a frowsebirds of the day. As a naturalequence, she forfeits much~ofespect and admiration whichx islue. Tro antidote th:s unftate rerit, a pretty and tastome toilet will be found(fiient. Calico of fair quality>e p)urchased at eight cent

ard. andi with a clean calico iLnd a nice calico apron the housenay be always dressed up whiser work. It she unvaryingiy ct1er hair before engaging in any n

ng task, her hair will be in ordehe day, and a lesson of value wiaught her entire household. J>f edging in her neck may tak<iace of a collar, if the collar bauch trouble, and neatly attir<'re.sh calico and whole shoesieed not run and hide if there c<

Sknock at the door. The labcan's *wife who is careiui of herippearance while at her workmave a buetter op)portunlity for

nfiuence in persuading her husio look no wo'rse tihan lie netwvhile at his work, than she who<

for none of these tlhngs. A retible attention to externals nlot

forfeits our own self-respect.gains the respect of others.


A sight unusual is at Mr. J1Moon's, near Sandy Cross, saytOgleth~orpe (Ga.) Echo. Earlthe Spring one of his hens hata brood of chiekens, but only eathem two weeks. when she went t<ing. again, and soon batched a sebrood. Wh<.n she camne offbrood No. 2, she~took brood 3une her charge again, andthem~both sbont a week, whendied. Then one of brood Naboet frying size, adopted the ychicks, and now goes roundth'-m as5 if they were her'brood, clacking to and scratchitthem in earnest. It is astsight to see the little go.dmothe:ing~to cover the i2 or 1:8 abi'k

lt ta e,ad that when a :sneint;; a ;nirror he immi~aOiV

wtsto tki('i h.imi for beit

the hir.d girl. espl'.ily