4 ... 4 - '?'..-- ' i Lni . .... i Volume II., Number 351 OCALA, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1897 Price 5 Cents OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. rj onoo mm a oteel ' OTlf fJOT set toe best? C0LUMBIAS, a motion was made by Benjamin to the effect that a contract be entered into with the Electric Light Co., for 3G lights at 22J cents per light per night and have the proposition submitted to a vote of the people and have it ratified or rejected. After a thorough discussion the motion was carried. On motion of Green the matter was placed in the hands of the city attorney and a committee of three to complete the details of the con- tract and report same at next meeting. The light and water 4 SIDNEY E. HILLER, Agent, BUY A CRESCENT Price $30, $40, $50, METEOR Price $75, $100. STERLING "Built Like a Watch," Price $100. PHOENIX "Stands the Eacket," Price $100. 'For further information STI 1 Ocala till! n mm worn 2- - , $100.00 HARTFORDS $65, 60, 50 and 40 coluqbia At A Bargain. Wffi $75 an i catalogues apply to i hit . 1 ttt i horse. My aim is to srve th North o cqyqre 32; Residence 80. PROPEN o IIE1, FLA. Par Upon Receipt H. E. Taylor. Cashier. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable kest' turnouts, fastest horses. Best of attention given customer's people of Ocala to the best of my ability and only ask for my legit! mate share ot the trade. Courteous treatment toH. Lowest prices. u i U1L mill. The Light Question Will be TO A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE. Another Sunday Ordinance Liable to Explode. The (as Company Heard From. The Council Holds an Executive Session. was half past 8 o'clock last night when the regular meetinir of city council convened with a quorum present. The following answered to roll call: Waterman, Weathers, Pittman, Carmichael, Green and Davis. The reading of the minutes of last meeting was followed with the following order of business: A communication was read from Capt. A. O. Macdonell, general passenger agent of the F. C. & P., asking that a sample jug of Ocaia drinking water be sent to W. S. Webb for the pur- pose of making a public exhibi- tion of Florida jlrinking water. The matter was referred to the water committee with power to act. .Mr. Davis presented another Sunday ordinance which closes every shop and store on Sundav except news depots, cigar and to- bacco stores and soda fountains, and allows drug stores to keep open only for the sale of drugs and medicines. The ordinance was referred to the judiciary committee. ' The board of health ordinance was read and referred to the same committee. The street pay roll was read, amounting to $485, and on motion ws orflered paid. Other bills were read and or dered paid as follows: Fidelity & Surety Co., $2.50; Electric Light Co., $250.80; S. T. Sistrunk, $5.75; J. A. Giles, $18.50; B. H. Den-nar- d, $3.55; R. G. Blake, $1.00; Mclver & McKay, $27.00; Anti-Monopo- ly drug store, 75c; J. D. Williams, $10.25; Ocala Lime Co., $28.00; Fire department, $58.43; J. W. Smoak, $11.25; A. E. Delouest, $2.25. The reports of the city marshal and tax collector were read and referred to finance committee. The matter of the ire building on the Trantham lot on which the city council has been paying $5 per month rent was referred to the building committee with in- structions to investigate and make recommendation at next meeting. Mr. Green offered a resolution to the elTect that all the city scrip be advertised for and called in. It was laid on the table. The sanitary committee recom- mended that the water closet in rear of the Marion House be re- moved by the maj'or. The recommendation was accepted nnfi nn motion the mavor was given power to act. The light question was taken up and on motion of Green the ritiznns nresent were asked to participate in the discussion. Dr. Torrey argued that we liaci no alternative but to take the light that was offered to us by the .Electric Light Co., at their own price. They were in a position to dictate and we should yield as gracefully as possible. George Mackav took a different view of the matter. He stated that the 40 lights from the Elec tric Co., would cost us $3,400, and, as a representative of the Ocahi Gas Co., he offered to give the citv 200 lights for $2,400, thus ft vp. limps the number of giving lights at a saving of $1,000. After a lengthy discussion by citizens and members of council An Interesting Interview "With Prof. W. I). Carn on the Subject or Common School Education. In a pleasant talk with W. D. Carn, county superintendent of public instruction yesterday by a representative of this paper, some very important facts were ob- - tained concerning the condition and future prospects of Marion county schools. Among them we gleaned the following: All the schools in the county have closed lor tnc present term, liic regu lar spring examination for teach ers will be held next week com mencing on Tuesday, .June Sth; Mr. Carn expects about lift y white and thirt3-flv- c colored teachers present. He thinks it is much better to take the June ex- amination than to wait until Sep- tember, as most of the schools will begin in August or first of September. It is hardly probable that the school term next year will be over five months on ac- count of the great scarcity of school funds The county board is now in debt to the amount of $24,857.CS and the expenses will have to be cut down. By reduc- ing the term one month and cur- tailing as much as possible along other lines it is thought that by next year we can have better schools and longer term. Four schools in the county em- ployed teachers and extended their terms. Ocala had two months extra term with an aver- age attendance of over 200 pupils. Mcintosh had an average of GO with an extra two months term. Fort McCoy and Greenwood are both running successful nor- mal schools. The fowner under the able management of Prof. M. J. Turner has an average of 48 young ladies and gentlemen teachers from all parts of the county. Greenwood with Miss Julia Humphries as teacher, has twenty-on- e students nearly all of whom are teachers. These young people arc doing nobly in the way of improving themselves in the profession and deserve great credit and encouragement in their efforts. We found Prof. Carn diligent ly at work on a graded course of study that he wriil soon introduce into all the county schools. His purpose is to arrange the course in such a manner that it will pre- sent a complete term course for each pupil. It is so arranged that when a pupil enters school he will have a definite idea of what he is expected to accomplish during the term. He will under- stand that a certain amount of work will have to be done in order to acquire a "common school edu- cation." It is thought that such a plan will be of great benefit to pupils and simplify the work of the teachers. It will also be an incentive to more thorough wo'rk both by teacher and pupil. Mr. Carn is also preparing a school report that when com- pleted will be the most interest ing and comprehensive document of the kind ever attempted in this county. It will contain all the valuable school statistics relative to the schools of Marion county, besides a complete financial re- port of the receipts and expendi- tures for the school year of 1S9G and 1S9 7. It will contain a brief history of the educational develop- ments of the county with cuts of all the principal school buildings with a complete set of rules and regulations He expects to have this work readv for distribution by the first of October. Protect yourself against sick- ness and sulfering by keeping your blood rich and pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Weak, thin, impure blood is sure to re- sult in disease. Ktcnarasons uia staia Telephones: Stable sr. voif, mm Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leaven- ing strength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal. Baking Powder Co . New York. Ocala Lannlry Sold. The Ocala Steam Laundry changed hands today. It was the property of the First National bank and receiver G. C. Stap-1- - ton sold it to E. M. Howard of Ai bundalc, Polk county who will take charge at once. Health and strength carry us through dangers and make us safe in the presence of peril. A perfectly strong man with rich, pure blood, has nothing to fear from germs. He may breathe in the bacilli of consumption with impunity. If there is a weak spot where the germs may find an entrance to the tissues, then the trouble becrins. Disease likc rapidity. Once in the blood, the only way to get rid of them is to kill them. That is what Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery is for. It purifies the blood. That means that it kills the germs but that is only part of what it does. It assists digestion by stimulating the secretion of di- gestive lluids, so promoting as similation and nutrition; purifies and enriches the blood and so supplies the tissues with the food they need. It builds up strong, healthy flesh and puts the whole body into a disease-resistin- g state. Send 21 one-ce- nt stamps to cover cost of mailing only, and get his great book, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, absolute free. Address, Worldts Dispensary Medical Association, No. GG3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. To South Georgia and West Florida. June 7th the Plant System will sell excursion tickets to Lake City at $4; Live Oak 4; Valdosta, Ga., $4.50;Thomasville $4.50; Chattahoochee $5.50; Mon-ticel- lo $4.50; Uainbridge $5.50 and Albany $5.50. All tickets limited to return 10 days from date of sale. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McGrath will leave in a few days for their summer home on Lake Luwapaa, New Hampshire. Dr. King's eiv Discovery for Con- sumption. This the is best medicine in the world for all forms of coughs and colds and for consumption. Ev- ery bottle is guaranteed. It will cure and not disappoint. It has no equal for whooping cough, asthma, hay fever, pneumonia, bronchitis, la grippe, cold in the head, and for consumption. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to take, and, above all, a sure-cure- . It is always well to take Dr. King's new life pills in connection with Dr. King's new discovery, as they regulate and tone the stomach and bowels. We guarentce per- fect satisfaction or return money. Free trial bottle at F. C. Ahvorth & Co. C. committee was named to attend to the matter. The request of Glasco Smith to erect a fruit stand on the square was refused. The council then went into executive session on the water question and the crowd of citizens that had assembled to get some light on that important question were invited to vacate the room Deafness Cannot lie Cured. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased por- tions of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is b3r constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the eustachian tube. When this tube gets inllamed you have a rumbling sound of imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out ot ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give one hundred dol-ar- s for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHEXNEY& Co., Tolcdo,0. i? Sold by druggists, 75c. Funeral Services of 'Judsro Hill. The remains of Judge Hill ar rived here from Lake Weir at 1:30 this afternoon accompanied by the family and a number of sorrowing friends. They were conveyed to the family residence on Tuscawilla street. At 3 o'clock, the hour for the services to begin, a very large crowd assembled to pay their last tribute to a de parted friend. The pall bearers were O. T. Green, Charles Abson, S. T. Sistrunk, U. R. Waterman, D. A. Miller and A. Mclntyre The Knights of Pythias lodge No. 17, Jno. F. Dunn lodge No 82, F. & A. M., and members of the Ocala bar association attend- ed in a body. Rev. J. C. Porter preached a brief but' very touch ing discourse, after which the re- mains were convej-e- d to Green- wood cemetery where they were tenderly deposited in their long resting place. D. . E. Mclver, Our leading undertaker, had charge of the remains. Another spirit's gone to rest, Another soul is with the blest, It upward wings its flight. But let the scalding tear drop start For death has stilled another heart; And we must weep tonight. The suburbs of our city are thickly spriukled with small but thrifty patches of tobacco. The many patrons of the narrow guage barber shop will find it a few doors further south in the Montezuma, where George Williams, the proprietor, will be pleased to see vou. Base balls, 50c, 75c and $1. The standard league ball for $1. regular price $1.50 at the Anti-Monopo- ly drug store. i You say you enjoy; those dead clocko, , are Poor Company. Do all Kinds of Repairing and our Work is Guaranteed. r clock in and have it made alive again so that you will enjoy life more A. E. BURWETT. Ocala, IFla. The Erst National Bank OF GAINBSVI Solicits Your Business ! Clieclcs Credited at WHITE T7JS. Jas M. Graham, President. -- SPEI AT 1 steel range, 1 portable baker's oven 1 wagon cover 3x8 ft., 1 wagon pole com plcle, 1 Williams type writeiygoodasnew, 1 6ft zinc bath tub, 2 enamel stationary wash basins, 1 "Quick Meal" gasoline cook stove, 1 ice box, 1 refrigerator. Yours forithe Trade, J. A. Pittman k .Co. A-- J'l ' ,.f fp- 'i!'.

The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.) 1897-06-02 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027621/1897-06-02/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · your blood rich and pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Weak,

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Page 1: The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.) 1897-06-02 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027621/1897-06-02/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · your blood rich and pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Weak,

4... 4 -

'?'..-- '


Lni. .... i

Volume II., Number 351 OCALA, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1897 Price 5 Cents

OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. rj onoomm a oteel'

OTlf fJOT set toe best?C0LUMBIAS,

a motion was made by Benjaminto the effect that a contract beentered into with the ElectricLight Co., for 3G lights at 22Jcents per light per night andhave the proposition submitted toa vote of the people and have itratified or rejected. After athorough discussion the motionwas carried. On motion ofGreen the matter was placed inthe hands of the city attorneyand a committee of three tocomplete the details of the con-

tract and report same at nextmeeting. The light and water



CRESCENTPrice $30, $40, $50,

METEORPrice $75, $100.

STERLING"Built Like a Watch," Price $100.

PHOENIX"Stands the Eacket," Price $100.

'For further informationSTI 1

Ocala till! n mm worn2--

, $100.00HARTFORDS$65, 60, 50 and 40

coluqbiaAt A Bargain.



an i catalogues apply toi hit . 1 ttt i

horse. My aim is to srve th

North o cqyqre32; Residence 80.



Par Upon ReceiptH. E. Taylor. Cashier.

Livery, Feed and Sale Stablekest' turnouts,fastest horses.

Best of attention given customer'speople of Ocala to the best of my ability and only ask for my legit!mate share ot the trade. Courteous treatment toH. Lowest prices.

u i U1L mill.The Light Question Will be


Another Sunday Ordinance Liable toExplode. The (as Company

Heard From. The CouncilHolds an Executive Session.was half past 8 o'clock last

night when the regular meetinirof city council convened with aquorum present. The followinganswered to roll call: Waterman,Weathers, Pittman, Carmichael,Green and Davis.

The reading of the minutes oflast meeting was followed withthe following order of business:

A communication was readfrom Capt. A. O. Macdonell,general passenger agent of theF. C. & P., asking that a samplejug of Ocaia drinking water besent to W. S. Webb for the pur-pose of making a public exhibi-tion of Florida jlrinking water.The matter was referred to thewater committee with power toact.

.Mr. Davis presented anotherSunday ordinance which closesevery shop and store on Sundavexcept news depots, cigar and to-

bacco stores and soda fountains,and allows drug stores to keepopen only for the sale of drugsand medicines. The ordinancewas referred to the judiciarycommittee. '

The board of health ordinancewas read and referred to thesame committee.

The street pay roll was read,amounting to $485, and on motionws orflered paid.

Other bills were read and ordered paid as follows: Fidelity &Surety Co., $2.50; Electric LightCo., $250.80; S. T. Sistrunk, $5.75;J. A. Giles, $18.50; B. H. Den-nar- d,

$3.55; R. G. Blake, $1.00;Mclver & McKay, $27.00; Anti-Monopo- ly

drug store, 75c; J. D.Williams, $10.25; Ocala LimeCo., $28.00; Fire department,$58.43; J. W. Smoak, $11.25; A.E. Delouest, $2.25.

The reports of the city marshaland tax collector were read andreferred to finance committee.

The matter of the ire buildingon the Trantham lot on whichthe city council has been paying$5 per month rent was referred tothe building committee with in-

structions to investigate andmake recommendation at nextmeeting.

Mr. Green offered a resolutionto the elTect that all the city scripbe advertised for and called in.It was laid on the table.

The sanitary committee recom-

mended that the water closet inrear of the Marion House be re-

moved by the maj'or. Therecommendation was acceptednnfi nn motion the mavor wasgiven power to act.

The light question was takenup and on motion of Green theritiznns nresent were asked toparticipate in the discussion. Dr.Torrey argued that we liaci noalternative but to take the lightthat was offered to us by the.Electric Light Co., at their ownprice. They were in a positionto dictate and we should yield asgracefully as possible.

George Mackav took a differentview of the matter. He statedthat the 40 lights from the Electric Co., would cost us $3,400,and, as a representative of theOcahi Gas Co., he offered to givethe citv 200 lights for $2,400, thus

ft vp. limps the number ofgivinglights at a saving of $1,000.

After a lengthy discussion bycitizens and members of council

An Interesting Interview "With Prof.W. I). Carn on the Subject or

Common School Education.In a pleasant talk with W. D.

Carn, county superintendent ofpublic instruction yesterday by arepresentative of this paper, somevery important facts were ob--

tained concerning the conditionand future prospects of Marioncounty schools. Among them wegleaned the following: All theschools in the county have closedlor tnc present term, liic regular spring examination for teachers will be held next week commencing on Tuesday, .June Sth;Mr. Carn expects about lift ywhite and thirt3-flv- c coloredteachers present. He thinks it ismuch better to take the June ex-

amination than to wait until Sep-

tember, as most of the schoolswill begin in August or first ofSeptember. It is hardly probablethat the school term next yearwill be over five months on ac-

count of the great scarcity ofschool funds The county boardis now in debt to the amount of$24,857.CS and the expenses willhave to be cut down. By reduc-ing the term one month and cur-tailing as much as possible alongother lines it is thought that bynext year we can have betterschools and longer term.

Four schools in the county em-ployed teachers and extendedtheir terms. Ocala had twomonths extra term with an aver-age attendance of over 200 pupils.Mcintosh had an average of GO

with an extra two months term.Fort McCoy and Greenwood

are both running successful nor-mal schools. The fowner underthe able management of Prof. M.J. Turner has an average of 48young ladies and gentlementeachers from all parts of thecounty. Greenwood with MissJulia Humphries as teacher, hastwenty-on-e students nearly all ofwhom are teachers. These youngpeople arc doing nobly in the wayof improving themselves in theprofession and deserve greatcredit and encouragement in theirefforts.

We found Prof. Carn diligently at work on a graded course ofstudy that he wriil soon introduceinto all the county schools. Hispurpose is to arrange the coursein such a manner that it will pre-sent a complete term course foreach pupil. It is so arrangedthat when a pupil enters schoolhe will have a definite idea ofwhat he is expected to accomplishduring the term. He will under-stand that a certain amount ofwork will have to be done in orderto acquire a "common school edu-cation." It is thought that sucha plan will be of great benefit topupils and simplify the work ofthe teachers. It will also be anincentive to more thorough wo'rkboth by teacher and pupil.

Mr. Carn is also preparing aschool report that when com-pleted will be the most interesting and comprehensive documentof the kind ever attempted in thiscounty. It will contain all thevaluable school statistics relativeto the schools of Marion county,besides a complete financial re-

port of the receipts and expendi-tures for the school year of 1S9G

and 1S9 7. It will contain a briefhistory of the educational develop-ments of the county with cuts ofall the principal school buildingswith a complete set of rules andregulations He expects to havethis work readv for distributionby the first of October.

Protect yourself against sick-ness and sulfering by keepingyour blood rich and pure withHood's Sarsaparilla. Weak,thin, impure blood is sure to re-

sult in disease.

Ktcnarasons uia staiaTelephones: Stable

sr. voif,mm

Absolutely Pure.Celebrated for its great leaven-

ing strength and healthfulness.Assures the food against alumand all forms of adulterationcommon to the cheap brands.Royal. Baking Powder Co .New York.

Ocala Lannlry Sold.

The Ocala Steam Laundrychanged hands today. It wasthe property of the First Nationalbank and receiver G. C. Stap-1- -

ton sold it to E. M. Howard ofAi bundalc, Polk county who willtake charge at once.

Health and strength carry usthrough dangers and make ussafe in the presence of peril. Aperfectly strong man with rich,pure blood, has nothing to fearfrom germs. He may breathe inthe bacilli of consumption withimpunity. If there is a weakspot where the germs may findan entrance to the tissues, thenthe trouble becrins. Disease

likc rapidity. Once in the blood,the only way to get rid of themis to kill them. That is what Dr.Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is for. It purifies the blood.That means that it kills the germsbut that is only part of what itdoes. It assists digestion bystimulating the secretion of di-

gestive lluids, so promoting assimilation and nutrition; purifiesand enriches the blood and sosupplies the tissues with the foodthey need. It builds up strong,healthy flesh and puts the wholebody into a disease-resistin- g


Send 21 one-ce- nt stamps tocover cost of mailing only, andget his great book, The People'sCommon Sense Medical Adviser,absolute free. Address, WorldtsDispensary Medical Association,No. GG3 Main Street, Buffalo,N. Y.

To South Georgia and WestFlorida. June 7th the PlantSystem will sell excursion ticketsto Lake City at $4; Live Oak 4;Valdosta, Ga., $4.50;Thomasville$4.50; Chattahoochee $5.50; Mon-ticel- lo

$4.50; Uainbridge $5.50and Albany $5.50. All ticketslimited to return 10 days fromdate of sale.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McGrathwill leave in a few days for theirsummer home on Lake Luwapaa,New Hampshire.

Dr. King's eiv Discovery for Con-


This the is best medicine in theworld for all forms of coughs andcolds and for consumption. Ev-ery bottle is guaranteed. It willcure and not disappoint. It hasno equal for whooping cough,asthma, hay fever, pneumonia,bronchitis, la grippe, cold in thehead, and for consumption. It issafe for all ages, pleasant to take,and, above all, a sure-cure-. It isalways well to take Dr. King'snew life pills in connection withDr. King's new discovery, as theyregulate and tone the stomachand bowels. We guarentce per-fect satisfaction or return money.Free trial bottle at F. C. Ahvorth& Co. C.

committee was named to attendto the matter.

The request of Glasco Smith toerect a fruit stand on the squarewas refused. The council thenwent into executive session on thewater question and the crowd ofcitizens that had assembled toget some light on that importantquestion were invited to vacatethe room

Deafness Cannot lie Cured.

by local applications, as theycannot reach the diseased por-tions of the ear. There is onlyone way to cure deafness, andthat is b3r constitutional remedies.Deafness is caused by an inflamedcondition of the mucous lining ofthe eustachian tube. When thistube gets inllamed you have arumbling sound of imperfecthearing and when it is entirelyclosed deafness is the result, andunless the inflammation can betaken out and this tube restoredto its normal condition, hearingwill be destroyed forever; ninecases out ot ten are caused bycatarrh, which is nothing but aninflamed condition of the mucoussurfaces.

We will give one hundred dol-ar- s

for any case of deafness(caused by catarrh) that cannotbe cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.

F. J. CHEXNEY& Co.,Tolcdo,0.

i? Sold by druggists, 75c.

Funeral Services of 'Judsro Hill.

The remains of Judge Hill arrived here from Lake Weir at1:30 this afternoon accompaniedby the family and a number ofsorrowing friends. They wereconveyed to the family residenceon Tuscawilla street. At 3 o'clock,the hour for the services to begin,a very large crowd assembled topay their last tribute to a departed friend. The pall bearerswere O. T. Green, Charles Abson,S. T. Sistrunk, U. R. Waterman,D. A. Miller and A. Mclntyre

The Knights of Pythias lodgeNo. 17, Jno. F. Dunn lodge No82, F. & A. M., and members ofthe Ocala bar association attend-ed in a body. Rev. J. C. Porterpreached a brief but' very touching discourse, after which the re-

mains were convej-e-d to Green-wood cemetery where they weretenderly deposited in their longresting place. D. . E. Mclver,Our leading undertaker, hadcharge of the remains.

Another spirit's gone to rest,Another soul is with the blest,

It upward wings its flight.But let the scalding tear drop startFor death has stilled another heart;

And we must weep tonight.

The suburbs of our city arethickly spriukled with small butthrifty patches of tobacco.

The many patrons of thenarrow guage barber shop willfind it a few doors further southin the Montezuma, where GeorgeWilliams, the proprietor, will bepleased to see vou.

Base balls, 50c, 75c and $1.The standard league ball for $1.regular price $1.50 at the Anti-Monopo- ly

drug store.


You say you enjoy; those dead clocko,, are Poor Company.

Do all Kinds of Repairing and ourWork is Guaranteed.

r clock in and have it made alive againso that you will enjoy life more

A. E. BURWETT.Ocala, IFla.

The Erst National BankOF GAINBSVI

Solicits Your Business !

Clieclcs Credited atWHITE T7JS.

Jas M. Graham, President.


1 steel range, 1 portable baker's oven1 wagon cover 3x8 ft., 1 wagon pole complcle, 1 Williams type writeiygoodasnew,1 6ft zinc bath tub, 2 enamel stationarywash basins, 1 "Quick Meal" gasoline cookstove, 1 ice box, 1 refrigerator.

Yours forithe Trade,

J. A. Pittman k .Co.

A-- J'l ' ,.f fp- 'i!'.