PO Box 3217 Broadmeadows VIC 3047 General enquiries: (03) 9351 3600 Email: [email protected] Website: www.lentarauc.org.au LENTARA LIGHT The official newsletter of Lentara UnitingCare A Uniting Church community services agency DECEMBER 2015 EDITION Ann-Maree Colborne Chief Executive Officer Message from the CEO Welcome to the summer edition of Lentara Light. As this year draws to an end, it is worth remembering that there are still many vulnerable community members in need of support over the Christmas Period. To support vulnerable community members who would otherwise go without at Christmas, we are again holding our Christmas Giving Program. You can be a part of this and show your support by making a financial or in-kind donation. This edition includes information about some recent fundraising activities including the Melbourne Marathon, The Brunswick Ball and our first crowdfunding campaign for the Asylum Seeker Project’s Community Housing Program. We also have updates on our Children’s Services centres, including two important milestones and a closure celebration. Christmas is a great time of year to take stock and remember those less fortunate than ourselves. I would like to thank you for your support throughout the year and wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy festive season. Did you know that you can send your friends, family and loved ones Christmas greetings while simultaneously supporting someone in need? This year, for just $8 you can purchase a pack of 10 Lentara Christmas cards. Proceeds from sales go towards Lentara’s programs and services, to help continue supporting vulnerable community members. Lentara’s Christmas cards can be purchased at our retail stores in Sunshine, Yarraville and Glenroy, or at Lentara’s head office in Camp Road, Broadmeadows. For more information, phone (03) 9351 3600. Christmas Giving Program As Christmas rapidly approaches, we request your help in assisting the hundreds of people in need who come to us at this time of the year. Our Christmas Giving Program is on again, providing Christmas gifts, material aid and food hampers to families and individuals who would otherwise miss out. Last year, thanks to the generosity and support of our donors, Lentara was able to assist more than 600 people in need. This year, we would like to give even more! Our Christmas Giving Program will be held at Penola Catholic College in Broadmeadows, from Tuesday 8 December until Thursday 17 December 2015. Gifts and food items can be dropped off at 413-419 Camp Road, Broadmeadows or at the Sunshine Mission, 32 Withers Street, Sunshine, by Thursday the 17th of December. Food items must be non-perishable and in-date, and may include ones that are special at Christmas time, such as plum pudding or shortbread. You can also help spread the Christmas cheer by donating gifts or money through the UnitingCare Christmas Appeal, in conjunction with Target. The appeal aims to brighten Christmas for thousands of disadvantaged people all over Australia. To support the appeal, you can buy a gift or make a donation at your nearest Target store. Gifts donated to Target Epping, Highpoint, Caroline Springs, Northland, Broadmeadows, Brimbank Central, Greensborough and Plenty Valley will be distributed through Lentara’s community. Lentara’s Christmas Cards available to purchase this year Give Twice with Lentara’s Christmas Cards

The official newsletter of Lentara UnitingCare LENTARA ...€¦ · Food, drinks, live music and dancing to support Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre Fundraising Update- Asylum Seeker Program

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Page 1: The official newsletter of Lentara UnitingCare LENTARA ...€¦ · Food, drinks, live music and dancing to support Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre Fundraising Update- Asylum Seeker Program

PO Box 3217 Broadmeadows VIC 3047 General enquiries: (03) 9351 3600 Email: [email protected] Website: www.lentarauc.org.au

LENTARA LIGHTThe official newsletter of Lentara UnitingCareA Uniting Church community services agency


Ann-Maree ColborneChief Executive Officer

Message from the CEOWelcome to the summer edition of Lentara Light. As this year draws to an end, it is worth remembering that there are still many vulnerable community members in need of support over the Christmas Period.

To support vulnerable community members who would otherwise go without at Christmas, we are again holding our Christmas Giving Program. You can be a part of this and show your support by making a financial or in-kind donation.

This edition includes information about some recent fundraising activities including the Melbourne Marathon, The Brunswick Ball and our first crowdfunding campaign for the Asylum Seeker Project’s Community Housing Program.

We also have updates on our Children’s Services centres, including two important milestones and a closure celebration.

Christmas is a great time of year to take stock and remember those less fortunate than ourselves. I would like to thank you for your support throughout the year and wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy festive season.

Did you know that you can send your friends, family and loved ones Christmas greetings while simultaneously supporting someone in need?

This year, for just $8 you can purchase a pack of 10 Lentara Christmas cards. Proceeds from sales go towards Lentara’s programs and services, to help continue supporting vulnerable community members.

Lentara’s Christmas cards can be purchased at our retail stores in Sunshine, Yarraville and Glenroy, or at Lentara’s head office in Camp Road, Broadmeadows.

For more information, phone (03) 9351 3600.

Christmas Giving ProgramAs Christmas rapidly approaches, we request your help in assisting the hundreds of people in need who come to us at this time of the year.

Our Christmas Giving Program is on again, providing Christmas gifts, material aid and food hampers to families and individuals who would otherwise miss out.

Last year, thanks to the generosity and support of our donors, Lentara was able to assist more than 600 people in need.

This year, we would like to give even more! Our Christmas Giving Program will be held at Penola Catholic College in Broadmeadows, from Tuesday 8 December until Thursday 17 December 2015.

Gifts and food items can be dropped off at 413-419 Camp Road, Broadmeadows or at the Sunshine Mission, 32 Withers Street, Sunshine, by Thursday the 17th of December. Food items must be non-perishable and in-date, and may include ones that are special at Christmas time, such as plum pudding or shortbread.

You can also help spread the Christmas cheer by donating gifts or money through the UnitingCare Christmas Appeal, in conjunction with Target. The appeal aims to brighten Christmas for thousands of disadvantaged people all over Australia.

To support the appeal, you can buy a gift or make a donation at your nearest Target store. Gifts donated to Target Epping, Highpoint, Caroline Springs, Northland, Broadmeadows, Brimbank Central, Greensborough and Plenty Valley will be distributed through Lentara’s community.

Lentara’s Christmas Cards available to purchase this year

Give Twice with Lentara’s Christmas Cards

Page 2: The official newsletter of Lentara UnitingCare LENTARA ...€¦ · Food, drinks, live music and dancing to support Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre Fundraising Update- Asylum Seeker Program



Our fundraising team of staff members, volunteers and supporters raised almost $12,500 for Lentara’s Asylum Seeker Program, by participating in the Melbourne Marathon Festival.

This is an excellent result, especially considering there were just 15 people in the team.

Thank you to everyone who supported our team with generous donations. Most team members completed the 10km run, 5.7km run or 3km walk on Sunday 18 October.

Special mention, however, goes to Paul Sartori, Janine Reid and Bruce Watson for completing the half Marathon, and to Heathmont Uniting Church Minister, Nigel Hanscamp, who impressively ran the full marathon in just under 3½ hrs.

This is the second time Lentara has entered a team in the festival, and it is hoped in 2016 the team will be bigger and stronger than before. Keep training!

The Melbourne Marathon

In August, Lentara launched its first ever crowdfunding campaign to raise money for the Asylum Seeker Project’s Community Housing Program. The program provides free accommodation to people seeking asylum who have no other source of income.

The campaign ran on chuffed.org for one month until September 25th. We released two short videos and had some great rewards on offer. Donors were very generous, with an average donation of roughly $50.

The campaign was a success, and we are pleased to announce that we raised $20,287! These funds were used to pay for utilities, appliances, cleaning products, groceries and furnishings for the houses. They also helped us provide a small monthly basic living allowance to asylum seekers in need, and contributed significantly in repairing a 9 bedroom house which now houses 9 asylum seeker women.

A small morning tea was held at the Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre to thank donors and volunteers who contributed to the campaign’s success.

The Brunswick BallOn Saturday 10 October, The Brunswick Ball was held at the Brunswick Town Hall. This inaugural community event raised much-needed funds for Lentara’s Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre in Brunswick.

Run by The Brunswick Ball Trust, consisting of local residents Sue Brady, Brenda Kenny and Cathy Stirling, the ball was about having a good time while supporting a local charity.

“We established the trust to advance social and public welfare through annual fundraising events”, said Cathy Stirling. The Brunswick Trust aims to hold the event each year in support of Brunswick charities. This year, the ball completely sold out, raising more than $10,000 for our Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre, through ticket sales and a silent auction.

More than 250 people attended the event, reflecting the compassionate and welcoming attitude of Brunswick’s residents in supporting new members of their local community.

Food, drinks, live music and dancing to support Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre

Fundraising Update- Asylum Seeker Program

Sara and Georgina ran 10 kilometers in support of the Asylum Seeker Program

Asylum Seeker Program caseworker Sara Lane speaks at the donors thankyou morning tea

Lentara’s first crowdfunding campaign

Asylum Seeker Program Manager Mohammed, and Welcome Centre Coordinator Paul at the Brunswick Ball

Page 3: The official newsletter of Lentara UnitingCare LENTARA ...€¦ · Food, drinks, live music and dancing to support Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre Fundraising Update- Asylum Seeker Program



Children’s Services Update

Doors close at the Derek Robson Children’s Services Centre

Children at Melton plant a tree to celebrate the kindergarten’s birthday.

A huge congratulations to two of our volunteers who are award nominees for the Victorian Premier’s Volunteer Champion- Team Award.

Tony and George, also known as the “truck team” have been friends for 59 years, and volunteered for Sunshine Mission together over 15 years ago. They work tightly as a team and are integral to the running of the Sunshine Mission, which provides food parcels to over 2,000 adults and 2,100 children each year across 28 suburbs.

In addition to their duties driving the truck, Tony and George consistently go the extra mile to help the community. They are extremely generous with their time and volunteer additional hours- sometimes even on a Saturday- to take rubbish to the tip and complete last minute op-shop pick-ups.

Through their own initiative they have been able to source goods from large motel chains, state trustees, clothing

The Truck Team Triumph!

After being an approved provider and serving the local community for two years, The Derek Robson Children’s Services Centre will close on Friday 11 December. The centre provided long day care and occasional care to families in Broadmeadows.

Changing demographics in the area mean that there are substantially fewer families in the local area requiring child care.

Lentara decided to close this centre after there were no confirmed enrolments for 2016 and increasing operating costs meant that it was no longer financially viable. The centre is located in an isolated and industrial part of Broadmeadows, with no car parking facilities or footpaths, making access to the centre difficult.

For any parents in Hume who are searching for another place to send their children in 2016, there are fortunately an abundance of high quality child care centres in the local area, and nearby suburbs.

Tony & George, the Truck Team

It has been a big year for Lentara’s Children’s Services centres. Two centres celebrated significant milestones, one centre closed its doors for good, and many achieved high National Quality Standards ratings.

Happy Birthdays to Melton and St Andrews!

In November, two of Lentara’s kindergartens celebrated significant milestones.

St Andrews Sunbury Kindergarten was lucky enough to turn 50! For half a century

it has been part of the Sunbury community, providing top quality care for children.

Over this time the kindergarten has built up a solid reputation with local families, resulting in increased demand for its services year after year.

Melton Uniting Kindergarten also celebrated its birthday after 40 years of creating opportunities for children to grow and learn.

outlets and department stores such as Myer, to pass onto disadvantaged people.

They deliver food parcels to Asylum Seekers and other families in the local region, and are actively involved in Sunshine Mission’s fortnightly community lunches which enable 2,010 disadvantaged people a year to receive a cooked meal.

Tony and George also often extend their friendship, comradery and kindness to vulnerable and socially isolated people at the community lunches, Men’s Shed, drop-in centre, and asylum seeker welcome centre.

The two men are integral to the life of Sunshine Mission and are shining examples of volunteers who have a long lasting community strengthening impact. Award recipients will be announced at an award ceremony on the 29th of November.

If you are interested in volunteering for Lentara, please contact [email protected]

Celebrations included a tree planting ceremony, producing a birthday mural painting, a display of artwork by children at the centre, and of course, cake and popcorn.

More than 50 community members and families of children attending the kindergarten came along to celebrate this milestone. Special thanks to staff and parents for their help in the preparations.

Page 4: The official newsletter of Lentara UnitingCare LENTARA ...€¦ · Food, drinks, live music and dancing to support Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre Fundraising Update- Asylum Seeker Program


PAGE 4Please send donations via the enclosed reply paid envelope.Lentara UnitingCare, Reply Paid 24154, Melbourne, VIC, 8060. Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible.

Please put my donation towards: Any Program Children’s Services Emergency Relief Asylum Seeker Program

I enclose Cheque / Cash / Money Order / Visa / Mastercard (please circle)

Donation amount: $

Card holder name: Signature:

Card number: Expiry Date:

Cheques should be made out to: Lentara UnitingCare. Tick to receive future editions of the Lentara Light newsletter electronically.

Donate to Lentara We thank you for supporting Lentara UnitingCare. Financial contributions to our programs are gratefully received and if you would like to help, please complete and mail the form below.

Name: Email:

Address: Postcode:


Lentara UnitingCare ‘s Broadmeadows, Sunshine and Brunswick sites raise awareness by hosting a White Ribbon event to help raise much needed funds to support White Ribbon Australia’s work to end men’s violence against women. All funds raised will support primary prevention initiatives in schools, workplaces and the broader community.

The men of Lentara UnitingCare and its volunteers held a fundraising luncheon at their Broadmeadows site on 25th of November to raise vital funds for the White Ribbon Foundation. All 30 men took the “Blokes Oath” and swore never to commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women.

“Violence against women is at epidemic proportions. Devastatingly, over 12 months, on average, one woman is killed every week

in Australia as a result of intimate partner violence,” Lentara UnitingCare’s Chairman Mark Heintz said.

“Murder is at the pointy end of a broad spectrum of violence against women. A spectrum that encompasses financial, verbal, emotional, psychological, physical and sexual abuse, as well as workplace harassment. They all form part of a devastating cycle of violence.

Those who wish to support the critical work of White Ribbon Australia in the prevention of men’s violence against women should visit www.whiteribbon.org.au. If you are experiencing violence or suspect someone else is, please contact 1800 RESPECT for advice and support. In an emergency, call the police on 000.


This newsletter is economically printed on responsibly sourced paper, produced using ECF and FSC certified Mixed Sources pulp

White Ribbon Day

Vulnerable Children’s Fund

9-15th of November was National Recycling Week. To reduce the impact on the environment, please consider switching to an electronic copy of this newsletter by emailing your details to [email protected]