THE OMAHA DAILY BEE * SUNDAY , .APRIL 15 ; 1888.SIXTEEN PAGES. .SPECIAL NOTICES.Adv- crtlKemcuts . under thlnhend , lo cents per line for the llrst Insertion , "cents for raclisul- eeqnent *- insertionnnd No- ndvertiKcmenttnkcn for less than 25 cents for the nrst insertion Seven words will bn count- ed ¬ to the linn ; they must run consecutively and must bopnlil In advance. AH advertisement * must bo handed In before 12'tfi o'clock p. m , , and under no circumstances will they bo taken or discontinued by lelophono- .I'nrtles . ndv crtlsltm In these columns nnd liar- Ing - the nnswcrH nddressed lu care of the Hee , v 111 plen o nsk for n ciieck to enable them to get their lellcrs.nsnone will be delivered except on- ircscnlntlon of check. All answers to ndv or- tlsements - shouldbo enclo cd In envelopes. Ail ndverllscments In theo columns nro pub- Ilshedlnbolh - morning nnd cvrnlngedltlonsof- Ilio lien , the clrculntion ot which ncgregntei more than 18000p.ipcrs dally , nnd gives the ad- vertisers ¬ the benefit , not only ot the city circula- tion ¬ of the llee , but nlso ot Council lllurrs. Lin- coln nnd olhcr cities and town * throughout tuts part of thew e- at."BRANCH . OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will betaken , on the above conditions , nt the following bus- iness ¬ house' , who are authorized agents for TIM, Jin : special notices and will quote thesanis- rales as can bo hud at the miln otilce- .O1IN . W HELL , Pharmacist , MO South Tenth SUi'cl.- HASIJ . l .V EDDY , Stationer * andPrlntein , 11.- 1Soillh - > ICth htreeU I'AUNSWOHTH , I'harmnclst , 2115 Cum- Sit. btreet. _ _ __ _ Mixr J. HUQTUJf , I'lmrnmclst , 031 North 10th . VT st. _ _ . W. PAHH. 1'harmaclst , 1RW St. Mary's- Avenue. . _ Glir.UTHr.lt , . News Dealer , 1'ost Otilce , SITUATIONS WAHTED.- Wnntoil . , )) ) amlddle-aRcd widow JL a position tunny capacity not menial. A homo tno object. AiUlrcHStT.il , Ileoolllce- .771llj . PEHSONAL A JOIIIIK gentleman well ac ¬ lu HID city would llko to matte the ncQunlntfince of n j outij; lady or JOUDK widow lauy ; object umubement. Aailri'sa U 41 , Ilev. W'ANTni ) Steady employment by a youn 37 years old. Host of retuiincpt , O 40 llco olHco. 75 1C- '"MTANTUD A position as bookkeeper or- Tt cashier by a competent bookkeopi r , hns- Jiad over jcars experience ; wholesale bouse preferred ; ciinyhe A 1 rcforcnu ) . Address (3 111 , lice olllco. 761 ! , rellablo man wants Htc.idy employ- inoiit - , good penman , and not afraid of work ; BOOdrof. Address (1 37, lloo olllce. 701 Kit WANT KD Situations for good , rollublo wo- as housikeepori No olllcu fees- Mra. - . llresa. UIO 8. ir.th. Tel h . 707 15- tANTKDSltuatlon WU- nionEmployment lu n small family by u girl " 4 jears of ape steady and rellablo. oliiee,8i3 South il th st. WANTED Situation as book keeper or clerk , wholesale warehouse , best of ref- erences ¬ , not nf raid of work , wages no object at- flrat. . lllchnrd Hedtnnn. IbOH llaruey t t. 703 16 * ' "WTANTKD Situation by an experienced book ii keeper , best of references , no objections to leaving city. Addiess G , G llee olllce. 7JU lot SITUATION wanted by young man ( (23) ) ns , good references. Address G- a Uea olllco. 740 1C * WANTED Situation by n young Germnn- ot ( xperlenco ns clerk lu groc- ery ¬ store, good letters. Address G 30 , Hee ollice. 738 15 * WANTED Sltuntiou as housekeeper in ho ¬ nn Irish ghl ot 23. 7 > rs In last * place. Heat of references. Mrs. Dre a , 3108 15th Tel ( At. 07016 * QJITQATION wanted as traveling salesman , 5- JO venrtt' experience in the grocerj business , nnd can furnish best of references. Postollico lOX 40, Stauton , Neb. C03 18 * SITUATION Wnnted-lly n jouug man "iTs In a private family. 1'our vears- rofeernce. . Address R17 8.25th st. G'U Usu WANTED Dy n llrstclass dressmaker , en- In private families. I S 18th. Miss Turner. ONJ inflj WANTED r HELP.- ANTDDA . llrst class tinner who has n know lertgo ot the implement and hard- ware ¬ business. State wages wanted and gior- cforeiKes. . Kobeit llazlowood , Osccola. Neb- .WANTIJD . Good pants makers to co to , Neb Union pilces piild. II , Jlernlu , Ileatrlce. m'J ' 17- JWANTIJD Men to light gasoline lamps nflirnoou wet K for right men. Address It. 0. Goodwill , Hot 51. , Omiiha. 7K3 a3J- T'ANTUD _ W- J Experienced at Cam- ti - on iV Smith's , 111U Dodge st. 'TJ-17 * CANVAbSIJKS wanted for city household nr- J - tlelo ; cnn make from U to &b JHT din. Call 1400 Capitol nvonuo Mondnj nuif Tuesday , be- twocn - U and II) n m. 77b j- uW ANTED Painters nt the Murrav hotel. 74- SA GENTS are making big money selling our now stvlo albums. Cull uud see us. i oem <J2 , Pnxton block. 717 I'J IXTANTIJD-Pollshei fortho Helmout Lnuu VV dry , 1122 N. Hith Bt. 7B5 15 ? W ANTED No 1 baker. $10 per week , room nnd board , Mis. Jircga , JIB S. 15th , 767 15"- "VXTANTED Oeneinl nnd local agents for Ti "Hougliton'i ) Now Hovorslbli ) Pol Ith nl- pud U. 8. M pcomblned. ; baniilooutllt | Iicolo- Jigeut w ho guarantees to payexpic'ss cmirges. y, T, Neoly , Chicago. 710 IS * wagoumnkerto woikon shales- Ti none but n sober man nud good wiik- r juuii need apply. Wilte to Geoige A. Duvk-s , ( jlunwood , la. 71'J J5 Good carrlugo wood woikor , n- ii man cum put cut to l i wheels , icpalrbof- lle.setc. - . Apply nt factorj , Albright btailou , Monday morning. Ouiilia CnirluBO A. Hlelfc- hl l - 72'J l'i ' WANTED A good baker nt once. Addiesa Murphy , Stromsburg , Polk Co , Nob.- MO . 17 * boy In drug store. Address Tt P.O. 110X 372 , city. W5 15 * WANTED A good , hteady bm bi'r , at oneq *2 pel day Come, or uddress to J. 0. Colbuui , O'Neill , Neb. 141. JBJ- A competent butcher who un ilor- atuuilsthabusmibsIn - all its bum'lies- t bo a good uhop man. Mnrrlud limn pro- eied. - < ) . ( iood rofeii'iiceuwiUboieiiulml. Hen- < y Urchin , Button , Nob. oWJ W- Maiy's good salesmen. 1721 St. COO IS * TTVANTED 1'our hainosbmnkcrj nt Murks jT * Hroa Saddlery C'o. tel ] 8- V7 * ANTED -Agents to canvass n full line of- i * household goodw ; big coinmlssloii Those vrhomenot wllHiiK lo canvass ! Min lion.in to- Iiousu need n ot upply.i. Lov ell HTtf Co J.t'd, , JX'l N , nth st , tv'-lSj ) Competent bilcklajirs , wages . 11. W tu r day tor U hours' work , llrlck ' 'ContractourAsBoclutlun , Omaha , Neb. Apply j3f-9 Pax ton block. fc.7 2- .AG . EN'J S w nutoil nv i-r j w ho re. 'three now nr- Jiibt out. Hlg iiiimcy. r.xeliHh n tor- tuory. - . IiKliiH stamj ) tor partlvulais. Mtmplca- of nil thrt : * cents. AdJii'HshvslubiuneA : Co. , Cuinufiicturc'rs , LaCiosauMi , 61U 1UJ $78 J'erMonthAl 'ntiiwauteiHnoveij couutv Plan ot work t.vuj ; iie'H gooiU ; iltov ltli tamps ( idiild M f'g Ageiicj. 1C K: I'nliersUy frJuce , N. Y. Clt ) . IWnw- jHrANTEDLocal agent fur a mw bpeclnlty 1 Klre proof kuf es ; , agent unit red n Carload llrst week , n.S J agent l.aUuu loid , n Michigan canvasser cleurtii tin ) mst month , a- lliiiralo dealer , v1th Ins otlun uu .m-s is doni- iuy - f IK ) pnr month on uui opi 11 tit ) Send 2 cant Hump tor Illustrated Luuilo0uo. Alpine tuf- X [ ) ,, Cincinnati , O. V77 a 1, . ' > - - * % Mn and women tneiywh-ru foi- T ? nje'Uteplbuslnetuaiiinttei | to pay Jia- J erweck pic-lit tasifi thauoUitr lines pay tf tier month. JJ eampltis Irto to tltliibjeek' liitcly unnvcessnry. 'Minlll Mfu' . ' * 5o. , H Chicago- .X7ANTED . - A tow persoi-a lii ticli place lo d ( Ti liht VMltl.lg. J.IK'lobu rt.Ulip fOr&Jpilgit- JOOk of jjiullculuis to J. 11 AVoellmry. Albant- r Y V.n' ) l- 'W' ANTED-MTror rniiroailxi'oTk Albrigl-.t' Labor ttRvcry , 11 W jAiliim. 'tfi _ ___ Aiu lutaelco.lS04 Douslns. WANT EFfcNA Lfc. HELP.- gaiicrfcl . liMisnvtork. 71- TH 1- UIX7ANTEDA cnmpilent girl for Kener V > iiousBworkmsk aoh : tt. booi ? ANTED Good girl for pnntiral hoti evvor YI laitboutti Wia menus. Mis.'J.W. J.oouu- Utt WANTED Colored woman for housekeep Good wages. 107 North 12th street. 717 l'i ' * 1TCHEN Klrl vanlcd , Mrs V. V.UR- DoilRlus. . TT li- fer general housework , 1IJJ Dodge. W ANTED Etporknoed milliner to take n positional Woodbine In. Apply 20V2IO 8. llth t. 1. OberfeUUrACo. B07 10 * _ " girl for general housework , V > 192J California st , cor. sotli. 007 _ " competent servant girl for IT small famtl ) , call at once. Mrs H. G- .Claik . , H2d nnd Capitol avenno. _711 is * for2 lady lKKkkeeiH r i. ' i .1 pantry girls , 2 housekeeper * , I nurc .1 chambermaids , "cAmstiesic' , Jaultrexse' . milli- ners , cashiers. ropylsls , MTond glrN , girl * fur general houseworic , etc. . nt the City Intelligence onice , Cielghton block , corner 15th nud Douglas gts. HI | j f- ANTIJIoman _ _ ) cnok out of clj "JlO- .inistry . cook 8-ii ), 1 for Mls ourl Vnllty 121, 2 Rood girls lor ollicers' families J20 , 1 waltirtw , Mwetll'h hoii'pkeopor lucltv , 4 Gcimitn girls ,. ! Itohemlnnx , 2 dlnlngioom girls In sniun hotel ami 2 i tor gcneinl housework. Mrs. Itregn , 31U- S Kith 7U7 If. * class jslrl : nmall family. > Mrs J , II HavneB , N. JSd.bet. Chicago nnd- Cas . 7Hin Lady acents for our Improved combination bustlc-sklit. Hemovnblr- hoops. - . Can bo Inundrlcd. Latest P.uli style. Ono ngent told 500 lu Columbus hist fprlug , nnd- innilo liVX ) . Spring Irndo now. Address vMth- stnmp. . E. H. Campbell k Co , 481 W. Hnndolphs- prout. . ( lilcrtgo. _ MUlrt WAN'lED-Anuroe girl , 2017 Lcav cnw ortlTsT6- VJ ANTED-Woninn cooks , pislry cook and VV meat cook. Inquire at 112 Foiuth-st. . Conn- ell - llluirs , lu. fMS 17 _ " nirl , must be competent cook and 1 1 laundress bc t of wages. 2108 rnrnnm. | 570 _ _ _ _ to take cnro of chlldreu. nnd- IT do second work. Mrs. Hobert lurvH. 2402- St. . Mnry's live. _ C40 Wh- omes. ANTED Immcdlntoly , ladles to work fer- n wholesale house on needlework nt their . ( Scut any distance. ) Good pay cau bo- miulo. . furnished. Particulars free. AddrcusArtistic Needlework Co.ltiitith M. . Now York . ' the City Intelligence oniro , N.- W. . . corner loth nud Douglas sts , places for bakers , butchers barkeepers , cnnvns-scrs , col- lectors ¬ , looks , dishwasher *, errand bojs , fore ¬ men. Janitors , packers , porteis , salesmen , men gardners , cash bojs , boys , yard men , Btreet in n , etc. , etc. No charge tocniploscrs , B14 l'i ' Employment Olllco Male nnd fe- CANADIAN scut to nil pails if fnro Is nd- vnnced. - . Heleieiice , Omaha National bank. Mrs- .llrega . tc Son , DID 815th. Tel. 8H4. 7 5mH WANTED All persons needing lu'lpto tele- caRat the store , Ma- chine ¬ olllce. 1S1 N 15th Ht. Emplojmt'iit olllco telephone 4J. TIB 15 ATE City Kmp. office , 314 BIStb , Help for all kinds of work'sent to all parts. Refer- ences ¬ Douglas county bank. Tel 1100. M4 10J WANTED Cooks and house girls for good . Whlto Mnchluo ollice , Ul N luth- sf. . Telephone 4JI. 793 l' ANTED Men and boj-s out of woi k to call at the City Intelligence oflico ( Ciclghton- blk. . ), corner Ijth and Douglas sts. Jfi7 NTBD Good girls with recommendations- for best families In city. Whlto Machine otilce , 121 North 15th st. Emplojment olllco tel- ephone - 421) ) . 70J 1- 5f 1ANADIAN Employment olUce , male and to- v - > male help sent to all parts If faro Is ad- vanced. ¬ . Itefereuco , Omaha National bank.- Mrs. . . Urcga & Son. ,! 10 S. 15th. Tel. 8S4. 4 ) )5 a 14 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED To apply n lot In good addition as for building house In hamo- nild'n. . Address G Ofl. llee. 75!) 16 * WANTED 1'aitles wanting help call and we are ready for business. Herring .V Pierce , 1201 Viunnm st , tol. (KB. Otllces In Chi cago. Kansas City and bt. Joseph U)3 v- A PHYSICIAN of regular school. 10 years piactlce.giadtmto of two best schools In U. 8. , wants to locate In Omaha or Uclulty , will buy practice or partnership with a good doctor , or will rent an olllco in connection with drug store. I'or a personal Interview address Ui- illroadwuj - . Council lllulfs , la. CM 15 * To borrow two to three thotmnd WANTED live jeais , real ostito security worth live times amount , state low est interest- .Atldnss . G 27, this olllce. OJ'J 20 * and board for gentleman TT and wife , leferonces changed , pi Unto family piefeued. Address O25. llee. IH8 l'- iWAN'l ED ririt class pioperty for oureus- . St. John ic Ely, loom r , 1'rcnzer C21 li- iEN ; do dressmaking in faml- lles - solicited Miss Sturdy , K.'J h. IBth Bt. 071 in 10 * WANTED Good real cstato listed with me. , 418 S. 16th st. JI1- 5T more small honses for rent , r. TJ JL GicgiNT ; . rental agent , iiOU S. 10th. Old BOARDING. 1 EVTI.KMAN and wlfo wish room nnd- VJf board in icspectiblo family State pilco and location. Kefurencea. G 'M, Dee olllco- 7W 15- JBO A HI ) nud loom for two persons , $22 per mouth , 419 bouth Nineteenth , references , 7U7 16 $ Fl IIS I'-CLASS table bowl , private family , 11 IN. Ibtn Bt. , bet. Dodso nnd Cap. mo. 01710 ? WANTED-TO RENT.- V7"ANTED . 'ihreo nnfiirnlshoil rooms for- T > light IIOUMS keejilug in good locnlll j ldie-bs VT. W. Conuoian , caio Lir Oluu , ltth- nnd , Harnoy. 800 17J NEAT1 Y furnished room with bonul , 141" ) , $1 60 jiai'week. UMi I5J WANTED To rent on or Iwforo May 2'ith , house , family otthioe , no chil- dren. ¬ . Aduitsa Geo. It. l.ivls , Millanl hotel. 711 WANTED Six or seven-room house fuin- Indisliable locationiormmmer by small family. Address F 71 , Ileo oillce G7 ! RENTHOUSES.T- TiOU . 11ENT A line plafo. o roonu > and birn J largo lot. J. il. Miner , room wi I'axton- block. . Tolopjtfini ) 874. 'dH-15 J.IOrSK roil HUNT-When you nud vour nail al Moody H lor youi china nnd- glassvnrc Pikes the Jov.est and goods the best. .XJ ) N. Iflth st , 7U7 1- 5F OH HENT-lvimlly without children ban rooms , furnished or rnfuinlahod ; board It- dosirtid ; m.iblo room for 1 or2horaus ; hireet- cais puss the door. 1510 N 10th ht. 7K 15 * CO1TAOE I looms and nbout 4 ncies laud , mile north of foit , 115 per mouth tu good tenant. Applj J17 S. llth ht. 7b- 4rpKNHOOM house , vacant , in c ntr.il locii- "J turn , re-iit t5. best of nil comculimccs.- Coop , L. L. Co . SOU N Iflth ft 75(1 ( Id- HOOM hoiieo lor rent nnd fuiultuio for mile , 701 1C* 7r"uOI ) Klx rooJn ( ottnco- VJ Ja enpoit8t. . ent 400. liunlti.io foi bale, cheip. Co-op. L , tt l ,. C-o. , 20o N Uth st. 7W H- i"IjlOK HUNT A bnven-rooi.i house , J. . leiitly loc.ittd. tXi pel mouth. Inquire oC- N. . H. Hall , 21U South Uth tit. , second llooi. 710 1- Q"jjUNE large now lioui-es with II to 11 1 coins J.1 with nil modern iniprov tuueuts , iir'Clarki 1'lace , " rats8nml24thbts. on car line for renl- O. . I' HavisCo. 7TO 2J- T710H HENT ( (1 room Mat fronting llauscn- nJ' IV.tk. Hath. tfls , liot and1 cold vvnter , IW 1% L. Ure , or } , Heutnl .ijjoat , .M 8 Jbth b- r.IfV3HHE.'fT2iiowllrooM . bouset510. . by S ' _ . . Doiiglai. 7- 4POIl HENT House f. lOi.ms. rorafiii Ubiy 7iir , on rarnam t , W5 per mo. I'arlj- muit L'lve rc'feiensnj. Aildre-s G.IW , lite. _ _ . ' house. Kiiltabln for renting ri oins. oi- Jacksonst : rent ito. fuiulturu foruale , 1323- Co Op L L Co , 2U1 N l hst. 757 n WOK HKNT-fl room"cotttae , 17tl > st , b t Cull JL' forula nnd Cass. $ W. 0 rooir. house w Ith to n.Gruut bet Slit and 22d- W.N N a son. Cl.amber ot romuicreo , 834 I- TIVK HUNT I S-room IIOUBO. North Pauodcn Enquire of 0. W. Ueall i. Co. , 31S S- JUtli. . JCi- "IT'OK ' HUNT ID-room houso. all convents ace : .1 lctii : t. : T-i >om cottage. Howard st , O. 1 ! 1 homnsQii. .114 8. l&th tt upstairs. eg ) FOP. KENT ll-rp'jm ) house with all inoner ; nive-montatonco. &MS Douglas Bt. In- qul'cat IJODoiiiUist. 1)0 ) n * rj ) HKNT May ut. 1C ro oi liousis All . -oa i.1 iTwlciCua.UM. | { .JJ. rnutbure. 11SN litl ' , C il 15J f po HENTElshtrootn lint , front room suit- X - nblo for oinces , with nil modern conren- encos - C02 S. Uth , nu- rrtOIl HENTSix desirable houses , from EH to JL JV ) per month. Lcuvltt llurnlmni , lUximl , Crelghton block. C7- 71OH HKNT-Cottaco 0 rooms. 7th and Will.- XI . lams. Inquire J. P. Hoe , 10th nnd Hickory. __ r ____ _ 733 FOl'IlTIJEN room house on Pierce st , rent Jin, for - tln ? AX ). Co-operative Lnnd & Lot Co. . a N. 18th st. 077 15 HEST- Now 7-rootn hoiifie , with all good Improvements , well and cistern viator , C2SH l.Mhst , near Martha , 21. 5I I- WWE have S good boarding houses in good lo- cation. ¬ . I of IB rooms and 1 of !M rooms- .entsnnd . ( furnlturo remarkable. Call and in- i stliwti ! A lare chalice. Co op. L. nnd L. Co. , U N 11 111 * .t 757 15 _ | ? )H HENT Nine room house with all modern L conveniences , furniture forhalo nt bargain. Inquire of J. H Shtrfy.at O'lonahoo& ) Shcrfj's- OH HENT-A neat $JO cottage. &J1nt once. C. r Hnrtlson.4M8 15th st. I710H HENT 2 elegant S-ioom hoimfi. nil mod- - Aem t onvenlcnres , excellent location , con- enlent - lo street cars , ftt per month If taken oon. H E Cole , no 15th nnd Douglas. I'M- I71OH ' HENT DiulUB the summer months J onlj.lOroom house tompletoly furnished , nil modern Improvements , ou Park ave Address r 40, lleo olllce ( Al- i Oll HENT ATYoTm llut. Innulra of Geo. X1 Htgglns , In the cigar store Ifili Howard st. fx'JO * _ HENT When you want to rent n house , store of olllce go to H. E. Cole. 2(1- 2TjlOH - HENT B-room houso. Inquire, J. r. JL' llnrton , 2010 Capitol ave Gas in * [ilOll HENT A largo nine loom house , con- L' - trally located. J'O per mo. Apply to A. 0- .Wiikely . , room 21 , omalm National bank. 700 18 _ hnvo listed seieral good Hats , all In con- IT - tral location. Hents nnd furiiltuio to suit all. Co op. L. nnd L. Co. , 205 N. IGth Ht. 75010 _ " HOUSES cenf-nlly located , rent from 812 to ' 875, Itirnlturo for sale on monthty paj incuts.- Coop. . . L and L. Co . 2tt'i N. ICthht. fiO- J"I71OU _ HIJN'l Nico'rooin house , close to store , J ' H'chool , church , st. cars , only S-M n mouth. C. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 074- HENT An elegant now 8-room house nnd Iwiin , ovciy modern convenience ; a complete home , good neighborhood , street cats , cheap rent. J. II. Pnrrotte , rentnl ngonev. 1W- Ohlcngo ( street. 7 4o2l- TT10H HlfNT And furnlturo for sale , almost X' new, at n bargain , best house nud location nclty ; every moucru convenience ; this wlllpav- o ; investigate nt once. Apply 1701 ! Dodge 3ill FOR HENT Twelve-room house , Kith nnd Mason streets , $10 pur month. J. S- .wnullleld. . . 1301 rarnam st "VJ FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. FOH HENT Nicely furnished room , ou cnr ; 810 per mouth ; 11J S 24th st. bovisj- "VTICELY furnished front room , sult.iblo for J- > two or thioe gentlemen , vvlih board If do- sited. - . IJOt N. IBth St. iJO'i 15- JT710H HENT-Wlth board , largo nicely fur- X' - nlshed front room , nlso accommodation for single genlloinnn , Hoferenco required. Inquire ] 'J14 rnrmm st. 807 17 * HENT Two enstfiout furnished or tin- furnished looms. 012 N. 17th bt. fcOl 15 * ONE or two gentlemen cnn have nlco light room , furnished and cared for , $7 per month , or *5 unfuuilshed ; 2720 Illoudost. ono block and n half w est of red car Hue.- 7M . ) 15J- T71OH RUNT Furnished room with bath room ; X ? 1C07 How nrd , 3d Iloor. 770 15 * furnished rooms to rent In the desli able SEE 1430 N. Ibth bt. , delightful home for the summer. ' 781-15 * GENTLEMEN only Large , pleasant frout window , neatly furnished , smaller room en sulto if wanted. Modern con- veniences ¬ : near street cms nnd cable. Ilreak- fast if desired. 2222 Hurt St. 749 Id * T UHNISHED looms , 1U S 20th , UO 20 * riMIHEE nicely furnished rooms ,2 largo nnd- X l small , 5 mocks from P. O. 1005 Loav en- worth , cor. Ibth st. 7W 10 * FOH HENT rurnlshed room , 2027 rarnam st. 732 15 * Foil RENT I'utnlshed rooms , singly nnd sulto , nt leasonibly low prices , nt 71'J South 15th. 091) ) 15J HUNT One laigo room dultablo for two JL gentlemen , and 0110 single room , teims- moderate. . SU'i Dodge ht. OJd 1- 0jjlUHNISHUD rooms , 17UI Capital nvo lefer- X1 - ences lequlred. Bill 19 , TWO nicely furnished looms , rent reasonable ; Ihlt Webstei st. t52 1C* "VflCELY furnished room for two gentlemen , -L> 1011 Howard at , Sil Iloor. 7J11- 0E LEO ANT corner room , f mulshed , gas , bnth , etc. 14th and , llrbt Hat.- TIOH . [ HUNT Nicely furnlshod room , with I? board.for 1 or 8 gentlemen2020St. Marj-'s " rooms nnd otluu looms 1 > w 1th board , 2210 Varnam st. GOO 15* TflOH 11KNT A largo front room with alcove , J nil modem improvements. 170U Dodge st.- W5 . RENT Dosliable newly furnlshod room gentlemen profoircd , 1721 Davenport.n- o. . . ' ) "TJ10U KENT 2 now elegantly furnished rooms JL1 John r. Paynter , 1WJ8 I'ainam. C1- Un llooms 1011 Dodge. 4S315J- T710K HUNT nunlshed room , C22N19th J roe "VJICELY furnished rooms also dav board -L > within one block of court house , 11.18 luth- 4b2 17 * SMALL loom'suitable for gentleuinn , 1C21 Btrecf 641 pleasant larpo furnished looms ; nl desired couvenlencesiprlvato housoboard ; 1- 1deslied ; 1 block from poitolllce , 1015 Capitol ave 2CU-A1J * FOH HENT Furnished front rooms luquirt Douglas. Hoom II , 3d lioor. Ua- TIJOOMS 11.00 to 11.50 ; G02 S 18th st. W2 m3 , ROOM , gas , butli , fateam heat , 201 8. 21th 121 a 27 * T71O11 HUNT rurnlshml rooms , nil convonl fences. A. Hospeai5N. 17th stroet. 2.V) TT'ITHNISHED rooms , 1S1U JO TOOAprll- OJEATLY furnished front room to rent at IW- 1'arnam ut , 1 block west of court house , irUWNlSHED Hoom to rent. 2020 St. Marji J-1 ave. 7 7- T710II HUNT nirnlslied rooms In Greunlg bll I1 cor. Uth and Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. H. Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 2.V- 1A i HOP pleasant . room , modern conveniences , w- F OH HENT Hooma furnished nnd unfur- nuthed , l-Caii. ( nvo , "( O FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED TTIOH HENT Two cosy unfurnished froni- X ? i ( loins , bay w Indovv and c lobot , new ly clean cd and papered. Call nt 2009Orucost. 7W 15 ; fflOH HKNT Twoorthieo unfurnl'hed roomi- X1 to tlcsliubli ! ILII ties , no chlldreu , 1'I2U ' Cass , 70U J6- HENTChenp F0 ' , imfuinlshcd nlco rooms Miltable tor houte'kueplng. 2trJ2 Hainoy. fpOH HUNT 1 basement , Hiillablo for X' baibort'hop , between 1 amain end Iloiueyon I&thst . J2.1 0 4 rooms 171K1 Wclisler bt . 200 Brooms , IbH How.ird ut . 10 0- .Iroums . , HII'lmii st . . . , . lift aioome , 141C I'icrcoEt . BO.- J . roAni8llH4 b7th Ht . II 0 3 rooms , 7Ulh Pacittc t . . , . 11 U 3 rooms 102:1 : N2 ) th Bt . 1. t , 3 rooms. 10K4N 21st st . 12 fi- Also. . '! rooms 101TN 20th . 160 Judge Henlal Agency , S.W. cor l&th & llarne } ' 750 FOR RENT- STORES AND OFFICES YjVHl HENT-Sulle of olllce rooms , llushmai- X. . block , cor ll tb and Douglas. Nine roon House , cor. 17th nnd Dorcas , wo per month , lr quire W. M. Iluahmnn , 1311 Leavunworth. 71- J"IIOIl HENT Ijuge offlco. best locatiou l- iJ Omal.iv , well lighted and hunted , or will rcn purl of it J. II.att ? , Chamber of Commerce cn- FOP. _ HUNT Storuiooui OxCO , cor. bth nm ' . flu ; Uuiilngiou trackage in reni Uliccllaneous Slurpee. Apply WJ Howunl- .HENTTiTO . bujlncia or olHco roomn 0- 1HI fioor la r wontu. W. E. Uli rlr. 14U STOIlKforrontcor.pf fiercer and TXJWB nro- for n dniegMt nnd cro * eery. Inquire on prorrflserf , Chns. Ji Hyan. W8- "IJ10H HENTStoreroom 2ix1 , cjooil lorntlon 1 for butdier shop orA'od store ; rent $10 per luonth ; 14I7rariian t.TfKinll. 770-17 * HRNT-In the J.lnton block. South Tlilr- teonth - - , corner ot Mnson street : six hand- some ¬ new store roouiH w Ith largo cellars. Apply o John Hamllii , 311 8 , 11 that , _ c. 7 1ft * "I71OI1 HEN1-IluMnp < room now occupied ns X' my olllco on 15th St. G. F. Harrison , 418 H 15th _ : _ 07- 4HENTOlio Tfnlf f store "room. IJli Don glass t. Win. II. Spelman _ 4"i- 4TTOIl HENT Three stores and basement nt X' icon rarnam strebt. Inquire nt Hoom in , Arlington block , 1511 Dodge st. , between 0 nnd 3 ft. m. fff- ll _ _ OK HUNTTlio three story brick building nnd basement on 1.1th st. , on corner of nllcj , u the rear of the new First Nnt'l bank building. will given 'lor 5 A ear lease nt a low rentnl. C. Inrtmnii A Co , 1(113 ( 1arimm. 671 n 16 _ " 17IOH HKN'T-rirsl-class frame store milMlnff , X' Poby2 feet , nrst-clnss business location to I. W Hoberts , Albion , Doouo Co , Neb 421a22 FOR RENT I "T71OH HEM'-Good barn.luqulrolHJfl I'mmuu X' street. Did IB * "I71OU HUNT Ilnsement and barn , one or both , X' chenp. 2217 Chlcngo Bt. 721 15 * HENT-Good mnrket gardrn , nil kinds of fruit. 0-room house , north of Omalm. Address 0. 29 , Hen onice. _ 740 15- JniOH UKNT Sleeping rooms lor gomlemoii , X' single or In suite , newly roniled nud fur- nished ¬ , pleasant locntlon , near Cozzens house , Btreet cars every three minutes , w txi fie pay- able ¬ w cekly or monthly. Apply sou JI owaril st. O.M lfi ___ _ _ _ RENTAL AOENCIEST- T.IST houses to rent with St. John , V Ely, opp. WANTED Houses to rent , nnd VTO can rent too. H. K. Cole , N. E. 15th and Douglas. aaj _ LIST houses for rent with II. E. Cole , N. K. and Douglas. _ 2ii2- HEGOHY , F. L. . Hental ngont , 309 S IBth st. HUNT If you wish to rent nhouso call on Denivva 4 Co. , 16th St. , opposite P. O. 204 PERSONAL.- PEHSONAL . Low est prices nt Moody's china , N. 10th st 7U7 15 PEHSONAL HespccUblo girls will nlwnys nt International employment olllce , 1420 Dodgo. Ml 1- 0r11IE demand for shorthand writers Is In ex- X - cess of the supply. Shorthand course com- pleted ¬ nt VnlentluoR Shorthand Instltnto in from four to six months. Send for circulai. K20a2- 3"OEHSONAL List your property to exchange X w 1th C. C. Spotsw ood. 30j'4 S. IBth. st 23- 0LOST. . DOST On inth st. , pack-ago wmtnlnlng 1 pair slippers , 2 pairs b.lby shoes. He- turn to Welshnns A, McEwnn , 15th and Hnrnoy and receive row nrd. 7N-15 LOST You will find low prices nnd good ntMoody's china store , 30.2 N. Ittth- stroet. . 77 1- 5T OST An onyx brea-tplu with pearl sotting. XJ rinder w 111 i ccelvo ti row ard at the 1 leo oll- lco. ¬ . 73-1 10 FOUND.- TT . OUND nstray OHO pony : cnll at Fritz X' Tschomtre , M a'llfattan or 207 S nth st. 70117- tIjlOUND A flno Hub of wedding presents at X1 reasonable priced at Moody's china Htore , ' N. Iflth t-t. 7 7 15 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. 71011 SALE Self-regulating Incubator , cnpac- Ity - - 400 eggs. Made of oak , panelled , moulded and oil Unfilled. Will sell or trade fer- n horse , run be seen In operation until May 1st- nt201D Dodge St. 7D'I 20J FUHNITIIHE of n-room flnt for sale and Hat blocks from opera house. Ad , dress G. H, llee. 7CJ21 * FOH SALE Lirpo lire proof safe , nearly now, price. Call nt gas olllce. 772-15 GOOD walnut onico desk nnd chair foi sale . Jtoom y , Omaha Nation il Hank building. 771-15 * E In 8 room house , centinllylo- catcd - , foi sale. Cnll F. J. Hotchklss , 117 s- 10th st , 71)4 ) li ( " 1710H SALE Horse nud buggy cheap forcnsh. X ! inquire ot P. A. Guv in , loom 4U. Paxton block. 747 lit " 171OH SALE rino black horse , good style and X' nctloii , side bar buggy. Jinrnebi. will time it secured. Audrcss G , t'i. Hoe. 753 15 * FOH SALE Two 0-foot show cases , nlcklo and . 510 SlOth st. 7W W * POH SALE Cheap : having succeeded so w ell this .spilng lu our stocks lies wo have brought In from eastern lovui n cm lend ot line t leg mt dilveis nnd horses for general purposes fiom 4 to 7 years old. Eveiy hoise warranted to bo preclselyns ho appears and Is represent ! d. Our pations hero are our icferences ns to our warranty ' 1 hcso Horses show for themselves and nro being ollerod at lower pilcos than such stock were ever offeied lu this market. Call and take a look nt them nt 1'iirny's old Mllltniy bridge stnblos , Cuinlug st. Walker & Piimp- nroy. - . 715 11 * P OH SALE A Iilsh setter dog. six months old. Call or addrcbs 202S Davenport st 721 I'l * F OK SALE Nice biy driving horao. C. K. Hairitfon41Bb. 15thst. 075 Match team and top buggy. An- thony ¬ Johnbon , 152J rauiain. K- lrpo AHCHITECTS , engineers and surveyors JU Some llrst-class Instalments forxalo cheap : secoiuMiamX but lu good condition : 2 levels. 2- compnssos , 1 buxtant. 1 planlmctcr, 1 theodolite , with theli Mauds and eases , ami bevoral smaller Instriimintsandmeabuies , at Stringer & Co's , 1518 Dodge bt tilJ SALE Largo Hall's safe , new. M. A- .Jpton . &, Co , uj 1- Foil SALE-Two (2) ) tubular steel boilers Wx feet , with smoke stuck , Htcam guagos , glass water guagus etc , nil complete ; will sell tlieap. Address Trod Krug , llrewer , Omaha , Nub. Mw FIHST class Dlcj'cle for sale nt loss than one- cost Di. Huughnwout'B Dental olllcu , cor 1 Iih and Fnrnam Ht , Omaha. 447 POH SALE 'Ilio furniture , cnrpots , flxtuios lease of n plrnsnutly located , newly furnished house , near horse nud cable cam , house heated by steam , f multure , e ti , In use- less than a j ear ; must bo bold nt oiico. I'oriiat- tieulars - apply to Jlaitmaui Gibbon , mil I'ar- nain - Ht. 4U- 7F SALE-A No.77Hnllsbafo with inside door. 215 South Uth bt , 4'J- JFOH ' SALE Furniture In house of nine . cntrnlly lodatcd. Address , G 10 , Hen Olllce. 65- 7TTloll SALE Two car loads ot mules , r to7 X' yeais old , weight from 1.100 to 1350. Pruyn's barn , 2Jd and Izanl. . ' 540-lu SALE 8 or 10 hors power engine and IJ horse boiler In good oraur. Cheap for cash. Hoes Printing Co. 747- "IT OH SALE Or trade , ono family horse , nlso X1 new buggy. A. Hoipe.15U Douglas nt. 740 u 2- 1POlT SAJiH Dormant sca' capacity 3T>) . Phil. btlminel & Co , Vll-'JI 1 ..lonosf- at. . , Omaha. 217 MISCELLANEOUS- .rpHE . Hallloof lot 7 in block 4 , Hlvoruldo add- lJ - llou. will take place butuiday 31urch2I , nt 214 North 15th st , at p. HI , 7H2 W and waiter Jackets , caipentor.s und barkeepers aprons at the JVoplu's Clothing House , 1.WI Duuglas st. 7 ! ; 21 ' you liavo imj tlilnt , ' In Ihe shape ot personal- or real estate propertj toexthuiige , rail am ) see us. H. 11. ik-mlee , 1178 K.tli 10710- ErtS , Shrubs , bulbs , fresh by H. i'ranzer.- SH8 . Maltha but, Georgia and Park a cd UMI1HEI.LAS ami paraaoU covered and ro- North 12th Bt. 11. Ilulr. iua 15 * _ HUGH BTOCKMAN-llrass and bronze foun ¬ , work of all kinds Cor 14th and Leav- enuorth bts. , Omaha , Nub , 455mK * TTlOUNITI'llEl I'lirnlture-Who wunts house , JL? hold furniture , good ns uuw. I'or ( ash or- en time. J J. Wllklutton ft. Co , 1417 Farnam t. , Hoom 9 anil JO. 7U- 3Q - _ __ _ SU paid fur er jndhand books at tha An- tlquariiln - book Klvto. itm N. ICtli Bt t ) iufi rillElniuranoK. rellnble companies. II. It , , , auJ Uo'Jis'i' . * i WANTED A gootl howo. bugey and harness for South Omalm lots , George 1. Stofnvlorff , room 6, on > postolncio. SJ- ODO you Intend to build this sprlntr. If so como and see in , we ran oiler you the lic t of in- ducements ¬ II. E, Cole , N E Cor. loth and Dou- gKwlntoaK - 00 OPEHAT1VE Land & Lot Co , a N. Jfith 70 Ai- OdorfcssSantt'uyCo. . the only licensed X company In Nebraska nnd Iowa , using Iho odorless system for clennlnR cess pools , vaults , v ntet closets , onico 1622 rarnam St. 481 n 1- 5rpltK banjo taught as an nrt by Goo. T. Oello- nORTHAND - X beck.WJHnrnoyst. 183 AND TYPEWRITING. secured Valentine'sShortlTftlid SITUATIONS placed nlluf Its graduates lu good positions Students can enter at nny time. Send for clrcular:515 Dodge slreot.Omnhn , Nob. STORAGE.- R1OH1J . your stoves nnd furnlturo with the Furnlturo Co. . 715-17-21 North 10th street 470m - rented the InigosK sUiy- flic proof building In the Moicer block nm prepared to offer the best facilities for storage tif nil kinds of good * , furniture , pianos , stoves , buggies , cutters anil merchandise1 , roasonnblo rate * , receipts given , insurance' . H. Hoblusou , 1112 llowonlst. 072 me * rpHAClCAUH , storage , lowest ratca. W. M- X Huslimaii , nil Le'nv cmv orth. 120- "VTKW YOH1C Storage Co. Incorporated cntil- Jtal $1-1,000 , most extensive faclllllcs for storage of furnlturo , pianos , etc Warehouse receipt given. 150 ?, 1510,1512,15U Capitol nvo, cor luth. 60- "iWANTEDTO ' BUY. WANTED To purcnaso porno centiallv lo ¬ Inside business properly. Commu- nication ¬ desired from owners only. Address . F. Smitn , 1220 l-'iirnam st. DKJ-iMJ WANTED A. P. Tukoy will buy some good 2d mortgigcs it well becured. A.- P. . . Tukoy. 1321 Fnrnam. 6.U house or Hat cen ¬ WILLbuyfuniltnroofa .A, L. Co , 205 N 10th J 'J7a CLAIHVOYANT.L- AlHVOYANTnnd . test medium Madam He- cles. - . Just from some of the mlnclpal cities east , has taken parlor looms for 15 dnjs at 322- N. . Hith Bt. , Oinahii , where lu hei Irauco state she nccuiately reveals to her many pntions hecrets- of the past , present or future In love1 , business , trouble or dlserse , that is ti illy wonderful nud certainly useful Information fought by mall by Inclosing 1 cents in stnmps nnd n lock of hair vv ill recelv o prompt ausw er. Koom 1 on 2d Iloor- NoU2NlUthsi. ! . M 17 * MILS. HOOPEH , magnetic henllug clairvoyant trance rending , NW cor 20th nnd Cass. 701 m 7 * DH. NANN1F V. Wnrron. clairvoyant. Mod- leal - , business and test medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases n specialty. Ill N. 16th- Bt. . . Hooms 2&3 , Tol. U4I. 2C- 3JnOHEY ro LOANl BUILDING loans. Llnnhan 4: Mnhoney.B13 ( to loan on city nnd farm real estate. $50(1,000 & Mahouoy , room 500 , PaMon blk. MONEY To Loan Ily the undersigned , who the only properly organized loan agency lu Omaha. Loans of $10 to } 1UO made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , ma- chinery ¬ , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly conlldentlal. Loans so made that any pirt can bo paid at any time , each pay- ment ¬ reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on fine watches and diamonds. 1'erbons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , ns runny now concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money callund- sco mo. W. H. Croft , room 4 Wlthnell building , 15th nnd Harnoy. 272 _ to Loan Omaha real ostnto nnd MONEY . Mortgages bought. Odoll llros. & Co. , 312 S. 10th Ch unbar of Commoico building.- O . PEll CENT money to loan , Patterson V liar- naid,31H8ir - thst. 70J MONEY to loan on real estate , first mortgage ; iuq.ulro of J. It. Hamilton , 211 S- .ISthht. . . 70S 20- MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no charged. Leavltt Uurnhani , room 1 , Croighton block. 2S- JrpHE Mead Imestm't Co make loins on farms J. and city piopeity. Hoom 2UIltamge bulld'u.- JOME . choice loans VMintcd. A. 1C. Hllcy.- J . 151' ) Fai u nil. 455 m- jI CAN place Inigo or small loans without de- lay - ; splendid rates. A. 1C. lllley,151'J rarnam. 4Kim- 8M 'ONEY to loan , W. N. Nason , Chamber of- Commc'ice. . Wl 17 to loan , at low rates , on chattels , without removal or filing ; tin mclal busi- ness ¬ of all kinds transacted quietly and without publicity ; moiuv advanced on Jewelry ; secured notes bought Call and sea us , it will pay you- .People's . 1 Inancial Exchange , lOom.Wi. Darker block. 15th and rarnam. 2ol m' " MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson It- Co. ., 1417 Farnatn. over llurllngton ticket offlco. MONEYtoloan , casn on nanrl. no delay. J. Squire , 141J Farnarn st. Par- ton hotel building. 27i > MONEY to Loan lean place good llrst-class loans on short notice and atloe.r- ates. . - t . D. V , Sholes , i ooni 1 , Darker block.USD MONEY nt low rates on good cltv and fai in , notes bought. Kimbnll. Champ Mtvnn.L' . is Null bank bid. 4r U 111 maile on real ostato. Cash on hand. LOANS . Harris over 220 S. llth st. 271 MONEY to loan on hoises , wagons , furnlturo , nnd othcT personal property or col- lateral - w Ithoul iiimov at ; business conlldcutlal ; rates moderate. ThoTalrbnuk Jnvc'stmeut Co . 215 b llth St. . upsfilrs. 230 to loan oncltypropmty and farms by MONEY is , Conkllu Moitgugo Trust Co. L. P. Hammond , general ngent for Neb. , Uoom 403, now block. 11- 0M ON EY to LoanO. . F. Davis C'o. real estate mid loan nitwits. JWV) Karniun st. "71- IOANS made on real estate and mortgages L bought. Lewis S. Heed & Co , Iu21 Kaniam.t- i"HX,000 . ) To loan on Omaha city property at 8- P percent. G. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid. wh- 3Mc LOANED at C. F. Hood A Co.'s Loan Olllco. on furnlturo , pianos , horses , wagons , personal pioperty of nil kinds , and nil other nr- tlclesof - vnliio without removal , .IW S. 13th , over llliik'lmin'n lommtsslon store. All busi- ness ¬ strictly confidential. 2J5 uTloan. Notes ana tt. H ticket , MONEY nnd sold. A. Foruian , 1XJO Farnam- Bts. . 27- 73f < IJ. 'OL15 loans money on Improved city or . farm property. Hoom u Contluuntal- block. . 270- J" ' A.i wTMlDMAN Money to loan on real us- tate in bums to suit. 220 South Uth st. 276 LOANS made on Omaha city pioperty tiy I) , . . room 1 Uurkor blk. 270 MONEY To loan , lowest ratns. No delay . Hlco It Co. , over Commercial Nu- tlonal - bank M MONEY to loan on furniture , wagons , , removal ; or on collateral Heciirr- Ity liUBlness contldeutlal. C IJ Jacobs , J20 8 15th- 2u9 _ MONEY to LoanJJXOOil to loan In sums ot i'M to JJ,5dO on Omaha nnd South Omaha propcrtj Money on hand , Wright i : Losbury , 21 is 14th it. , upstairs. 22,1 SHOHTTima loans mauo "on any uvaimbla" reasonablu amounta. Secure 1 notes bought , sold or exchingnd. General financial business of any kind transact * I- proraptly.qutetly and fairly at the Omaha Fi- nancial ¬ Exchange. N. W. cor. 15th and Har- ney - sts , over State National bunk. Corbdtt. manager 21- 4TOTEb bought. C. B. Jacobs , 33J S. 15th st. MONEY to loan on lurnuurc. norscs , wapons , , or on any upprovod security. Low rates. J. W Hobblns , loll Farnam. gad d 500iOO ( to loan afloirait "rate"of Interest , on- P city property. II , U. Irey , Frenzerblk. opp.- I . > ,O 1J8 BUSINESS CHANCES. r ANTEDA man of ability with IM ) or IKW, to rtctastreasurcr with combination. play- Ing - great Ni-w Yoik BUOTPSS. 'lime all tilled at- itmt class houbcg. Call ut Merchant'x hotel hun- dnj. - . Manager. 7J116 * or exTiiango. A ew eomblnoil- ilobbl roller and hurt mill with qoiaploto- uutllt of modern machinery , doing a good bus ! ineia. with unlimited water poweron Little llluu rhcr , In ahayer county. Neb. No b tt r locution lu the slat ? . > ill take good lUnda or city pioptrty in ( part or cntlio ) exi'iaangu. Aa- 3r - s, A. O , Collins , Hebron , NvU6UnU A N old ostaMlMiM hardware business , JA. : location , tor sale nt invoice price. Owner re- .tlrlne . from business. A splendid opening. J.- L . Hico iOo. m 1- 7OAKTIIJS wlshliiR to buy restaurants hake- rJ - ies ot meat markets , call rmd sen our list. You cau certainly bo tatlstlod. Co-Op li & Ii Co , S05 N Kith St. KA 17 SAliK Smnll dry goods , notion nnd gents furnishing store , good location , no competition will Involco nbout { . ' .fitUi will le- ducB - stock it desired , Call or address 270- 3Lenvenworth ft Omnhi , Neb. * 718 17t SPLENDID Investment Improved Omalm leased for two jears nt US pur month , price M.KO , li.Ou ) cash , bnlnnco voiy easy. If jou have money to Invest take ad- vantage ¬ of this , you iiuiKo 20 per cunt per annum Another ono Tivo largo houses occupied ns stores nnd dw ellltiRs. on one lot , rent $75 per month , price f 1100. SLUM cnsti , balance easy , or- wllltnkons pnrt payment house nnd good full lot or lutldo v ncaut lot , bnlanco cash or need first mortgage paper If jou nro interested , call or write quick- .O.I . ! Moachcr , Hoom 2, over Hiivmond's Jew- drya - lore. 703 IW- 1710H SALE A good brick yard nud all the np.- JL1 . purtaunucot , al o JWi.Oft ) good brick. Apply Hyan &. Walsh , room 0, Arlington block- .FOH . SALK -A first classhnidw.irc store with well established trtido.locntlon veiy be t- .of . reasons for selling. Address O 17 , llco olllco- 02t 18 " 1T10H SALE Good bnrber shop nnd bnlh- L'rooms : best location In Nebraska. Adtltcss- Mclchlor llros 'barber supply house , 111(1 ( Km- Ham St. . Omnhn , Nob. M8 17 * Stock"for sale. Good locality and good trade established. IJoimwn &Co. , 15th- Bt, , opposlto P. O. 810I- UFOH SALE Now Is your chixni'o , line IPO parlor , lot at Ion tlrst-clnss , terms right AddressG 20 , Ileoolllce. K23 15 * GOOD snloou ) v 1th lease , best locatlou.on Far- , sickness reason for Rolling , teims- no object. AddtessO. li.Gieeu150J FarnauiMt. WANTED Aphjslclnnof 10 years'practlco to buy a partnership In small ding store, part irado. Address G 24 , Hoe olllco.- Co . 15 * EQUITY in K-acro ) farm mar Omalm for or resldenco propcity : will pay some cash. Parrlsh Fliila > sou , S. Omaha. FOR SALE ' 1 he best hotel inn town of llvo . I'or Information address. G 2i , lice ollice. 11 lll- jniHR ndvortlsoi having had 20 j ears practical JL uxpui leiicu lu the man'f of sulphuilcand other acids fortlllzcis , linking powders , nlkalls- nnd other chemlcali. vslshes to couespoiid w Ith capitalists with n view of starting suchwoiks.- Goodprollts. . . Am Inn position to glvo the full- est ¬ details and refeieiicos. Addrebs G. ll . Oma- ha ¬ lice. 147- TTIOU SALE A clean stock of hardware Inn J- ' good location In western Nebraska. Address box 210. Holdrcdge. Neb. (111 18 * 1UCIC jurd anil 201,000 brick for Kale. M. Hanson , 2kJ3 Paclllcst , bet. 2.UU aiuR'iHli.- T8715 . * 1710H SALE or ONchaugo n milk route. In- JU - quire of II 1C. Hendeo , 117 S 10th. 0T7 ( 18 * TR1OK SALE Stock of hardware in city : in- L1 - voice ubout 81,000 Co. Op L & L Co. . 20" N- lOthjK. . 077 15- "Ij OK SALE Thn hole or hnlf Interest in good JJ bakerj', call on or address N , Schmlttroth1- U17 Claik st , city. 075 1S- T"PAUTNEH wanted for good b ikery, must bo- J- willing to di Ivo w nuoii nnd able to put i O- Oto 81,000 In the business. Address F 2, lleo olllce.- 4SI . U " 171011 SALI ? A long term lease of the ( central JL located ) fancy retail stand. Apply to- Fearon , Cole i Hoborttou , 1110 fa 15th , cor. rar- nam. ¬ . 457 SALE A good paying business. Cigars , stationery toys , soda water fountain etc. . In nrst-class location. Stock will Invoice about B.S01) Will tnko city leal obtato in exchange. Enquire at Max Mayor i Co.'s. 21)) ! FOK SALK My stocs ot ftirulturo , window wallpaper nt a bargain ; every ¬ thing fresh and new ; stock will Invoice about J2r uO ; situated at Albion , on U. P. andC , N. W.- It. . . It. , Uoone countjNob. . Addresb M. .1 Lndd. & . ) 18- JT5AHTNKK wanted in establlshod law bust- JL - ness In Nebraska. Capital requlied tl.OOJ. Address F I'J. llee olllce. 410 SALE Hotel in this city : one of the best chant VM ever offered ; goodie isous for selling. r. > l. IK-o olllco. 4S4- .s'TED . I'm tner In good paj Ing business ; Miiallcapital. Addicts Lock box ( M. EAHECHANCK resilience neir jiostolllco , and buyfurniture (all now I at a grant sirrlllco. Tor- partlcularti see L S. Skli "e-r , 1VJ ) Tarn un. 2 > J FOR EXCHAMCe- .FOK . SAIiE or ox change , foity acres within miles of Omuhu. II. 1C. Ileudeo , 117 h- .ICth . st , 7'J" II- Irpo TKA 1)15Now 6 room house ; or fulo oil L moiithh pnjmeuts ollr A. i' . Gloves , CJ7 and (SIS I'axton. 777 17 * rpO T5XCH A NfTiT A Mo am Iced mill with JwagoiiBcali'M , all In llrst-class order , with modem improvements Koom 3 , Iliikei block Tli.'iM * _ WAN'l EDIlorso , will trade a new Ilio ICim- organ lor n good horse , c ill on I ) M- .Clnikat . Prujn's canligo icposltoij , coi 2Jd- nud Jznrd ,w hero instiumcut can bo seen. 728 M- "I7IOU EXCIIANGE-Irl ) ncres , Impioved. 24 JL1 miles wont of Omaha , lu Sniindors Co.- Ii20 . acres , linpi ov ed. one-half mlle w est 01 WilC- OY. - . ICe irney Co . No- b.Mlltiadrtlnwholoorlnpartfor . good , clean imlbo. Address , Ilex 101ilcox , Keaineyto. , Nub. _ 1.14 10J got to Undo foril.diU aqnltv- Ti lugood So , lioiit lot near Lake ht , nm th Omaha ; will take good piano 01 liorso and buj- rgyaspait - pajimmt. Addicss. G 21, lite olllco. filJ _ _ LlSTjiiopeity for sale , rontoi exihnnsto vvlth , N. E. coi 15th and Douglas. " Stocks of mcrchaiuho to ex- change - lor fai 1113 H. E Cole , N, E Kith and Douglas. VM - lots In Windsor Mrrnro for good liiuil , mortgage pain-i or hoi s uud bu - py 1) . V. bholei. luom I , liniKur bltuk. illl- rpHADES mniln In roil est itn and pursimnl Jjiiopurty. . Si o uxchaiijju UjrjJt. Coop. I *. ami I..C 80jN. lOthbt. _ _ JT1OI ! EXCIINfSI3 or sain , good ot with new loom ( Ottago , M ft u ist uf K plilte. {2,100 , }, ) i-asli , bilnnco IJi pur month orv lll take horbo and buggy or jure of HID Hi si | iay- miiul. - . Hamilton llioi , , bulldeie , IOS S Kith ht. 4 I5- Olt'EXCHANGE ifirt ncios , iprcn county , nicely Improvtdi want Omahn tuoiierty- IMuuea , Dawui Co. , Uniuoied ; want Onuliu- propcrtj. . 2 ii acres , Ailims Co , highly imprnved , 20(1 cultivated ; wnut Omcha piojierlj 01 Mock gOOllH , 4 sections In Howard Co , unimproved ; vrant Omaha prnperty.J- 20 . aero' * , Merrlck Co , clear , 1TO ncies Mill- lvaiei - ) , M pur litre ; want house uud lot In Omaha rfu acres , Trontlor Co , ? IO per ncre ; wnnta Omaha piopoity or htoek hard w aril , Several thouhund acres In Wyomlup Ter. , 03 00 per IK ro.- W . acres , Missouri Valley , la. , paity Improved ; want Onmhn properly.- tIU . ) acres , Keith Co , Neb , Improvfid ; want Omaha propirlj.- i20acre . : , llooiio Co , 126 acres cultivated , IIS per acre ; PHI drug Block or Omaha property.l- OOnutM. . . Knot Co. , 6 nillcx from ( .rrlyliton In Illa-k Kai thalloy , v> ull improvnd and HO a res- cultUaU'd ; drug stoci. Jlveiy otable , umaha properly or wis t m la.id : * l"i per acre.- i . , sediuii , Norton Co , Kua , liiynly Impioied ; wmiltttork nitr. luui'llMi. ' , (toctlon. Antelope Co , highly Improved,1- grovt' , small fruit , grnr-of , ti , ii'iiv ' 7-Jomii house omii , I rl3 ) llrst cms * f..riuwant ; Oiiuitia- jiropoity or oilier Iau1 8 MnolotHln Wjamlotte , Kan . 'lertr oleintedI- t. . II ; want Omaha piopurtyur imiirovod laud. 21 lot 1 1n Minneapolis. Minn , clsar, wlllux- chungti - for cieat Nelntii ka land.- lloiiMi . 7 looms lu Minneapolis , Mlnu. , on motor line. > tOXi , mortgagH Jl.OW , duo 4 ycais. Want scliiar or slightly jnrumbereil Nub. lam ) . 4-roum hotisn and uarn S'jutu 2Jth st. Want rtfick < if groceries 4 room house IJlcl-ory I'J , fronts on two otrest * . Want stock groceries. 4 room housu I.udnick l'i , near Central Vark , Want ate ( k good *. hinsll IIOUSB. ( Jracd View. Want stock goods- .6room . nousn North lutl' fct. near LuKeut. Want good reildonce lot fliitrally lotutoi !. pLliory BtaUle well Hto"kwl , best intntl'in In city , IOMK lease of ground. tl.OOO aisli , balani u land or Improved Omaha property 2 Hue I old In Mft ] na l'i. Want laud. 8 room house on S Ilith st , tj.wa, lncunbrncor- xn. . Improved farm 8-room housu , 2 story , and 2 lots in Orchard Hill , all Improv e-nems , burn , dull tr 03. >Tnnt- luiprovHdfarm J H "iVatU. Chamber otCouimenc. CU 15 & M. Park addition to South OmiUia. Icdu ot incurabranci. to- tr (l tfor Improved or unlmprov dQma'iu pi p- oi - ty. farm lauds. Blocks of gooiia , horsax , ctUto , orttnhna ! of value. Tliouo lots am rapidly Inrreuilng In value , nivl If you have an ) tlilnv to- .trude call au l * ee we. Oeorja J. aterntcl'.n ir, room 0 Kreiucr llo.'d , opjufito po3toln , > E aero tracks nultixblo for curdonlna. Very llberM terms. H. K. Cole , > B. 15tB- ixm DoiiRlns. Heal entnto for salo. oo- uT 1ST property ' for sale , rent or otchMigo JU . . N K. cor 15th and UouglM. ilviao ___ _ WANTED to KTchfUlpo Two lots In II. A M. horse and bugpy. Inquire nt 8. A , Slomati. nth nnd I'arnatn , Ifollmsu block. . _ 024 FHTY ncres 14 miles from Omnlm. 3J4 mlles station on M. 1' . railway , homo , tmrui well , cellar , clslorn , orchard , and all fenced ; Im- jinn enieuts new last > ear , to exchaugo for lioma in Omaha. Active Itcnl Estate 1'ropeitv ex * chnnse , 1524 Dodge M. f ? 4 1- 5rilO EXCHANOK-lmpioveiPfiirnir for ciTy Jjnoporty , Improved or unimproved. II , If. Hcnaee , 117 IBth t. M7 16 WANTED Houses and lots to oxclunito for 11 E , Cole , N. U loth nnd Doimlis , r 1ST proDorty for sale , lent or.r-xcbango with JU 1C. E. Cole , N. E. cor 15th nnd Dcnglns. _ > > .W Horses and cattle to t chaupn fur farms or city proport11. . U. Cole. N. 15- .cor. . . IMhnu'l Douglas uju- GOxt - K, corner Sd ) and Douglas ntx , to trade for elitht to ten room limno and lot. ( leo J. Blern diiril room 0 , opposite P O, 2.- WNf rictrj7pA tiMxrimniw ; foTn- p I. & i , ro AVI Ninth ht 077 r.- S . > MXxTbrlck"for"ouit- nto. . U A WANTKn-M houses ami lots'tocxelmncoT , num S. liith st. Sii- ADSTRACTS " MIDLAND Gunranten nnd Trust Co. , 1V fitreot Complete ahsti.icti fur- nished ¬ , nnd titles to real estat * zamlnnil , per ¬ fectedandKuarauteorl. 213- 15L furnun _ , nud guaranteed abstracts of title to nuy renl estate In Omaha nnd Douglvs county tiuan short notice. Tlio most comtiloto sotot books In the city No. 1110 Fnrmvtn st. SW Abstracts-South ( iinnha ItiT Johnson ic , Onmhn LnudCo.hnvn the only complete set of nlHtract books lu South Omaha. Complete nhsttartM furuNhed- on shoit notice. Oltko opposlto depot , South Omnhn. iJ- 7PORSALEREAL ESTATE.- paj . lent when jou can buj a lot and new house lu South Omaha tor *U U cxili b ilance monthly. U. D. SmoaUm , room 4 1 Mar ¬ ker block HW 22- U7uOwlll buy a house ami lot liT "Sonth I' Omaha with n small cosh payment , bnlancu monthly. D. 1) ) . Mneaton , llnikcrblock , SOI 2- 2A VINE feeding farm near Central City : high- > improved. F.J. HutcliKlfs , ins inthst. 71)) I It ) A V1NK lot In Sheridan 1'lacrt cheap , onuhalf- cash. . 117 3' 10th si. , V. J. HotUiklss 7J4 I- BrPWO _ good lots , 4-rooin house , barn , well , JL UBtein , and all fenced , lu Ilojil'umhl. for r.alo cheap for cash. r. J. Hotchklss , 117 8. luh- Htroct. . Tl'l 10 _ 1 Ml'OHTANT To all w ho have studied tho'sliy- JL nation It must b - apparent that this next boom In real ustatu In Oils will be on the Council IllullH side of the "lllg Miuldj " The now bridge , with western terminus at foot ot Douglas street and eastern at foot of Ilroad- wny - , upon which work Is now being vigorously pushed , will bo completed during the hummer und opened up foi business. Arrangmcnts are being made to run street cois the bridge making easy transit between thu two rtVtes. ' 1 ho Council lllull a common council has ordered Ilroadwuy paved through to the eastern toiiul- nnsof - tlio bildgc and thu contract has been lot for the work , which will bo commenced on thu- 20thln - t. Hdocs not t.iko aerj lUely Imag ¬ ination In order to M-O Ilroadway a gie.it thor- oughfare ¬ between the two cities , tilled with descriptions and llnudwlth build- Ings - used for both icsldenco and business purU- OMS. - . Wheiois thcio iinothui street In either of the two cities that will furnish such u flu plouiino drlxe ? Natuially nil adjoining pioii- trty - wlllbebcnelltctl.- S . 1th the great dllferenco lu prices at pres- ent between pioperty on the t.ist Hldu of the liver and that on the west side , situated the samn dlstauco- trom the business center of Omaha , who can but that the bridge will luixu the olloctot- uenliiK up ofnlue" Either a good deal ot- piopeity on the west side nf the ihei will do- pieilato - imnluuoi elha that on thu east sldo will appietlate. No one , except a tow cioaknre , hiich ub uio to bo iound In ncii ity , wlllbel- li'vo - that Omaha propi rty Is going to doprecl- nto - oltlui owing t tlio brldico or otlnrc- ause. . 'Iheic ceitalnly ale no Indications of that clmiiUtor.it pit sent. I'or some Unionist tlieio has heeuaMt.id ) inoiemiiit upwaid in prices ol CofiiK II lllullH piopnity , but tlicro cm- no mi quest ! m thit It is still a pniihaso , and that thiiso who buy them now will m.iko u handsome piolll on their Investment within u low mouths , lluy bi'foio the bourn sots In which Is PIIIO to follow Ihii coustiuction oi the bliilgo , mid gi t tln bciu tit iif 1 iw pllria.'- I . lie Him of Udell HKIM. A. CD. aio a- well In- formed concerning this piopnty , and ha"o n- lnig"i list , than any iHhei linn In either ( if Urn lundtlrs 'lhiaui loailyat.ill times tiinui- mj deslnil liuni matl n or to show pmpiriy. ( oiricll Itlulls ollirp. lUJl'earl st ; nmiiliu olllci , UUbo Kith fat. , Chamber of Comniprco liuildiut ,. 7S7 1- 5FOIt _ KENT- Vow 0 loom luiliso : 01 sale on injnu'iits ot Jlri. A. 1 dici , attoriiHj , W7 find W I'uxton. 777 t- 1710H SAI.E Cheajion easy terms , a line lealJ- L1 - d ( lice lot. II. 1C. Ilundei117 h inth st. _ w:7 : IK _ IT jou think nnj thing of jour filend , the al- mighty dollar , got KOIIIH of thosnj-ldi ) ! ot < and double money In iAId.ijs II. 1J. Cole , cor lAth and Doiigl.is. V-'J 17 171011 HALK Tttche quarter sections tit linn J.1 land : three miles f i om the city of ( ulluti- .Chej'oiiuo . county. Also four iiimiterw , timlvu miles wist of lied ( loud In l'i iiiklln cuiinty- .I'lrstclass . iiixestments. J. II. U'ali ' , I.lmnln , .N.b. 741 K. * _ iiAI > AIN-.N. H coi ( loo. and Milton. 17 , jiaitly Impioved , thri'o cai Hum , JI8.1UJotu ; oun toims O , E. Uoombs , bos4- M. . _ _ _ _ W7 lfi _ ClJlO wllli.i.iku the Illat piyniQiit on a lln Inigo- P Int. l"i minutes Horn poitolllco , II IJ Cole , col. nthuinl Dciighis. 7-11 17- TT1O1I HAIiIJ room house ami lot , J1 in ice * -XW ( ,i .ihh S.K ( ) , balnm o In immi Mis , t-D per month. 1' . A. Gavin. iooiu4t' . I'axtjn- blKk. . 717 I'- JSAMJAnow _ .lioom lioiiho on mmithlv- payment" of Jir >. A. I'. IIHISIOIlrijt , bi'tweeu KiiuiulaiH and ON Hith. : 'tllrct ! liont by 1ZJ tctt dic'p , will cost JDII JIO.ilU'Joi ' iui- m ( llilstol fltn-i'I. biluion Sauudms and Stale. o can sell "Uxl.J for JI.NHj. The pnrty who pays his monnj llrst gets this In I In HI. u for It n member this stipulation.- M. . . A I ptuu.U'ci. i'bl8 ' and tun about tlioso : C.lii nlciscott.igiiot 4 rooms on rouim , near cats , on Suwaid st , oiilUUm ) , Mnull paMii nt cash , bnlaiicii muulhly.- 'Iho . ( liiilco of 'I'mllainl 1'larn" lots , f" 'li fronts for iTUU. Si..all ti h , I alim o- iiioiuhly , T7IOH HIilJ At hs < than costs Nine nlfti. I1 wn' cottages , wull Ijiillt , ologaiit JutH In- elegant location , high and dt ) , anil onlj Nhorti- llKl.UKM noin I " " Iliioilt-pot Inalinit Hill. from J'JO ) to fl.l'W ' , ' * caih , baluuri. * l'Ji.or- nont'i. ' : ' . lliosc boiif fsnrobi'n:5 ! : cJoinl out rogardlesa- of costund jou ciimolget uiiothi'i sii'h n bar- gain ¬ In a bundled j earn. Pall ( jukl : on l > , V- .Hholos . , room 1 , llul.i-i block T''i M, blink .) , 'llininlii uj ]) lau , will TOI'ISiiml ) ) ilmliir lioxl 10 ( hi ) ,> iy ihuuii.aml- onlj tx iih oa the toy lots. K. 1 , . Orogoiy , .WUMMli < t _ . _ Ull _ l OH AMJ'room mitacj and lot , A.B 1'at- JrUk s addition , u iiargulu- W N. Nnson , C-hnmlinr of Comnii-rco. Cll I- THAKKrino triirbaco lots , of ( race , Clark and Ni ( hulas ut ., cry cheap. Lot In ( n Inn auilrt , litur yailinlfia at , JI.J'JO ' , cry i lu ap- Jllairu.iut llellovue , JKH per ncr.o , lightly n- cumbured - 111 take purt lu Ouuihu ] iroperty.- I.oti . In Capitol IlllUdd- hplcndld jMl-lence lotn InVcst Omaha add SJ.lrjO acriM , Nunee county , i lear , 1U per arm.- J. . . JI WultB , l hambur of Oiiiiint rcc. Hi 16 [ Oil BA l n"0r oxcliaiiBirTor Ouiahu property , JJ 40 acres of choldi land 15 miles from Omaha. 3 mil's from railroad ilopot , nnw house.- barn. . . well , cistern graimry. orcuard. etc . nil Addre B ( ! 14. lleoofllc ? . 6M 18 * Tr"OlTHAlK-Oiio lot and SiottaKca and Blable.- I1 . wellandaclstcins , on 8 U. Cor llth and yinton : prlre n.UXi cash Kfi T 1 , WCKA : CO. KoalEstata , Ti cTn P"u.K l tmortsti { * , UTO , well secured JL1 by iniironl ] outsMo property , llboral dl * roimt. Addresnbor.4M , city. _ egilH- f OT TTi. 0. - ' . oiuf 33, block B , Urine's placo. 1 1 I'rlco of r 11 rnonny t nai. H. K Cole , NUC-or I It I. and Doiifflas. _ ZMJO 1 urHm 4' in.in Dougiuii ; Io.Jcu or Caiiffo- lU a crt.B.J'-.a.r'JmuaudiujcuiU p ymer.t if- T..J will bulla h . ' . .olc. N E-Cor. UlU iittil- IMuglbn iiWW

nebnewspapers.unl.eduTHE OMAHA DAILY BEE * SUNDAY, .APRIL 15; 1888.SIXTEEN PAGES..SPECIAL NOTICES.Adv-crtlKemcuts. under thlnhend , lo cents per line for the llrst Insertion , "cents

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Page 1: nebnewspapers.unl.eduTHE OMAHA DAILY BEE * SUNDAY, .APRIL 15; 1888.SIXTEEN PAGES..SPECIAL NOTICES.Adv-crtlKemcuts. under thlnhend , lo cents per line for the llrst Insertion , "cents





under thlnhend , lo cents perline for the llrst Insertion , "cents for raclisul-eeqnent


insertionnnd No-ndvertiKcmenttnkcn for less than 25 cents forthe nrst insertion Seven words will bn count-ed


to the linn ; they must run consecutively andmust bopnlil In advance. AH advertisement *

must bo handed In before 12'tfi o'clock p. m , , andunder no circumstances will they bo taken ordiscontinued by lelophono-


ndv crtlsltm In these columns nnd liar-Ing


the nnswcrH nddressed lu care of the Hee ,v 111 plen o nsk for n ciieck to enable them to gettheir lellcrs.nsnone will be delivered except on-ircscnlntlon of check. All answers to ndv or-


shouldbo enclo cd In envelopes.Ail ndverllscments In theo columns nro pub-


morning nnd cvrnlngedltlonsof-Ilio lien , the clrculntion ot which ncgregnteimore than 18000p.ipcrs dally , nnd gives the ad-vertisers


the benefit , not only ot the city circula-tion


of the llee , but nlso ot Council lllurrs. Lin-coln nnd olhcr cities and town * throughout tutspart of thew e-


OFFICES.Advertising for these columns will betaken ,

on the above conditions , nt the following bus-



house' , who are authorized agents for TIM,

Jin : special notices and will quote thesanis-rales as can bo hud at the miln otilce-



W HELL , Pharmacist , MO South TenthSUi'cl.-



l .V EDDY , Stationer * andPrlntein , 11.-

1Soillh-> ICth htreeUI'AUNSWOHTH , I'harmnclst , 2115 Cum-Sit. btreet. _____

Mixr J. HUQTUJf , I'lmrnmclst , 031 North 10th. VT st.

__. W. PAHH. 1'harmaclst , 1RW St. Mary's-

Avenue. .

_Glir.UTHr.lt ,

.News Dealer , 1'ost Otilce ,




, ) ) ) amlddle-aRcd widowJL a position tunny capacity not menial. Ahomo tno object. AiUlrcHStT.il , Ileoolllce-


PEHSONAL A JOIIIIK gentleman well ac ¬

lu HID city would llko to matte thencQunlntfince of n j outij; lady or JOUDK widowlauy ; object umubement. Aailri'sa U 41 , Ilev.

W'ANTni ) Steady employment by a youn37 years old. Host of retuiincpt , O

40 llco olHco. 75 1C-

'"MTANTUD A position as bookkeeper or-Tt cashier by a competent bookkeopi r , hns-

Jiad over jcars experience ; wholesale bousepreferred ; ciinyhe A 1 rcforcnu) . Address ((3111 , lice olllco. 761 !

, rellablo man wants Htc.idy employ-inoiit

-, good penman , and not afraid of work ;

BOOdrof. Address (1 37, lloo olllce. 701 Kit

WANT KD Situations for good , rollublo wo-as housikeepori No olllcu fees-


. llresa. UIO 8. ir.th. Tel h . 707 15-


lu n small family by ugirl "4 jears of ape steady and rellablo.

oliiee,8i3 South il th st.

WANTED Situation as book keeper or clerk ,wholesale warehouse , best of ref-


, not nf raid of work , wages no object at-flrat. . lllchnrd Hedtnnn. IbOH llaruey t t. 703 16 *

' "WTANTKD Situation by an experienced bookii keeper , best of references , no objections

to leaving city. Addiess G , G llee olllce. 7JU lot

SITUATION wanted by young man ((23)) ns, good references. Address G-

a Uea olllco. 740 1C *

WANTED Situation by n young Germnn-ot ( xperlenco ns clerk lu groc-


store, good letters. Address G 30 , Hee ollice.738 15*

WANTED Sltuntiou as housekeeper in ho ¬

nn Irish ghl ot 23. 7 > rs In last* place. Heat of references. Mrs. Dre a , 3108 15th

Tel (At. 07016*

QJITQATION wanted as traveling salesman , 5-

JO venrtt' experience in the grocerj business ,nnd can furnish best of references. PostollicolOX 40, Stauton , Neb. C03 18 *

SITUATION Wnnted-lly n jouug man "iTs

In a private family. 1'our vears-rofeernce. . Address R17 8.25th st. G'U Usu

WANTED Dy n llrstclass dressmaker , en-In private families. I S 18th.

Miss Turner. ONJ inflj




llrst class tinner who has nknow lertgo ot the implement and hard-


business. State wages wanted and gior-cforeiKes. . Kobeit llazlowood , Osccola. Neb-



Good pants makers to co to, Neb Union pilces piild. II ,

Jlernlu , Ileatrlce. m'J' 17-

JWANTIJD Men to light gasoline lampsnflirnoou wet K for right men.

Address It. 0. Goodwill , Hot 51. , Omiiha.7K3 a3J-




Experienced at Cam-ti

-on iV Smith's , 111U Dodge st. 'TJ-17

* CANVAbSIJKS wanted for city household nr-J


tlelo ; cnn make from U to &b JHT din. Call1400 Capitol nvonuo Mondnj nuif Tuesday , be-twocn

-U and II) n m. 77b j-

uW ANTED Painters nt the Murrav hotel.74-

SAGENTS are making big money selling ournow stvlo albums. Cull uud see us. i oem

<J2 , Pnxton block. 717 I'J

IXTANTIJD-Pollshei fortho Helmout LnuuVV dry , 1122 N. Hith Bt. 7B5 15 ?

WANTED No 1 baker. $10 per week , roomnnd board , Mis. Jircga , JIB S. 15th , 767 15"-

"VXTANTED Oeneinl nnd local agents forTi "Hougliton'i ) Now Hovorslbli ) Pol Ith nl-

pud U. 8. M pcomblned.; baniilooutllt| Iicolo-Jigeut w ho guarantees to payexpic'ss cmirges.y , T, Neoly , Chicago. 710 IS*

wagoumnkerto woikon shales-Ti none but n sober man nud good wiik-

r juuii need apply. Wilte to Geoige A. Duvk-s ,(jlunwood , la. 71'J J5

Good carrlugo wood woikor , n-

ii man cum put cut to l i wheels , icpalrbof-lle.setc.

-. Apply nt factorj , Albright btailou ,

Monday morning. Ouiilia CnirluBO A. Hlelfc-hll - 72'J l'i'

WANTED A good baker nt once. AddiesaMurphy , Stromsburg , Polk Co , Nob.-


17 *

boy In drug store. AddressTt P.O. 110X 372 , city. W5 15 *

WANTED A good , hteady bm bi'r , at oneq*2 pel day Come, or uddress to

J. 0. Colbuui , O'Neill , Neb. 141. JBJ-

A competent butcher who un ilor-atuuilsthabusmibsIn


all its bum'lies-tt bo a good uhop man. Mnrrlud limn pro-


< ) . ( iood rofeii'iiceuwiUboieiiulml. Hen-< y Urchin , Button , Nob. oWJ W-

Maiy'sgood salesmen. 1721 St.


TTVANTED 1'our hainosbmnkcrj nt MurksjT * Hroa Saddlery C'o. tel ] 8-

V7* ANTED -Agents to canvass n full line of-i* household goodw ; big coinmlssloii Those

vrhomenot wllHiiK lo canvass ! Min lion.in to-

Iiousu need n ot upply.i. Lov ell HTtf Co J.t'd,,JX'l N , nth st , tv'-lSj

) Competent bilcklajirs , wages. 11. W tu r day tor U hours' work , llrlck

''ContractourAsBoclutlun , Omaha , Neb. Applyj3f-9 Pax ton block. fc.7 2-


.EN'J S w nutoil nv i-rj w ho re. 'three now nr-

Jiibt out. Hlg iiiimcy. r.xeliHh n tor-tuory.

-. IiKliiH stamj ) tor partlvulais. Mtmplca-

of nil thrt : * cents. AdJii'HshvslubiuneA : Co. ,

Cuinufiicturc'rs , LaCiosauMi , 61U 1UJ

$78 J'erMonthAl 'ntiiwauteiHnoveij couutvPlan ot work t.vuj ; iie'H gooiU ; iltov ltli

tamps ( idiild M f'g Ageiicj. 1C K : I'nliersUyfrJuce , N. Y. Clt ) . IWnw-

jHrANTEDLocal agent fur a mw bpeclnlty1 Klre proof kuf es ;, agent unit red n

Carload llrst week , n.S J agent l.aUuu loid , nMichigan canvasser cleurtii tin ) mst month , a-

lliiiralo dealer, v1th Ins otlun uu .m-s is doni-iuy

-f IK ) pnr month on uui opi 11 tit ) Send 2 cant

Hump tor Illustrated Luuilo0uo. Alpine tuf-X[ ) , , Cincinnati , O. V77 a 1 ,. '

> - - *

% Mn and women tneiywh-ru foi-T ? nje'Uteplbuslnetuaiiinttei | to pay Jia-

J erweck pic-lit tasifi thauoUitr lines pay tftier month. JJ eampltis Irto to tltliibjeek'liitcly unnvcessnry. 'Minlll Mfu' . '

* 5o. , HChicago-



- A tow persoi-a lii ticli place lo d (

Ti liht VMltl.lg. J.IK'lobu rt.Ulip fOr&Jpilgit-JOOk of jjiullculuis to J. 11 AVoellmry. Albant-

r Y V.n') l-

'W' ANTED-MTror rniiroailxi'oTk Albrigl-.t'Labor ttRvcry , 11 W jAiliim. 'tfi____

Aiu lutaelco.lS04 Douslns.




liMisnvtork. 71-

TH 1-

UIX7ANTEDA cnmpilent girl for KenerV > iiousBworkmsk aoh: tt. booi ?

ANTED Good girl for pnntiral hoti evvorYI laitboutti Wia menus. Mis.'J.W. J.oouu-


WANTED Colored woman for housekeepGood wages. 107 North 12th street.

717 l'i' *

1TCHEN Klrl vanlcd , Mrs V. V.UR-DoilRlus. . TT li-

fer general housework , 1IJJ Dodge.

WANTED Etporknoed milliner to take npositional Woodbine In. Apply 20V2IO

8. llth t. 1. OberfeUUrACo. B07 10*_" girl for general housework ,

V > 192J California st , cor. sotli. 007_" competent servant girl forIT small famtl ) , call at once. Mrs H. G-


, H2d nnd Capitol avenno._711 is *

for2 lady lKKkkeeiH r i.

' i .1 pantry girls , 2 housekeeper * , I nurc .1

chambermaids , "cAmstiesic' , Jaultrexse' . milli-ners , cashiers. ropylsls , MTond glrN , girl * furgeneral houseworic , etc. . nt the City Intelligenceonice , Cielghton block , corner 15th nud Douglasgts. HI |j f-


) cnok out of clj "JlO-


cook 8-ii ), 1 for Mls ourl Vnllty 121, 2Rood girls lor ollicers' families J20 , 1 waltirtw ,

Mwetll'h hoii'pkeopor lucltv , 4 Gcimitn girls , . !

Itohemlnnx , 2 dlnlngioom girls In sniun hotelami 2 i tor gcneinl housework. Mrs. Itregn , 31U-

S Kith 7U7 If.*

class jslrl : nmall family.> Mrs J , II HavneB , N. JSd.bet. Chicago nnd-

Cas . 7HinLady acents for our Improved

combination bustlc-sklit. Hemovnblr-hoops.


. Can bo Inundrlcd. Latest P.uli style.Ono ngent told 500 lu Columbus hist fprlug , nnd-innilo liVX ). Spring Irndo now. Address vMth-stnmp. . E. H. Campbell k Co , 481 W. Hnndolphs-prout. . ( lilcrtgo._


WAN'lED-Anuroe girl , 2017 Lcav cnw ortlTsT6-VJ

ANTED-Woninn cooks , pislry cook andV V meat cook. Inquire at 112 Foiuth-st. . Conn-


llluirs , lu. fMS 17

_" nirl , must be competent cook and

1 1 laundress bc t of wages. 2108 rnrnnm.| 570__


to take cnro of chlldreu. nnd-IT do second work. Mrs. Hobert lurvH. 2402-

St. . Mnry's live._



ANTED Immcdlntoly , ladles to work fer-n wholesale house on needlework nt their. ( Scut any distance. ) Good pay cau bo-

miulo. . furnished. Particularsfree. AddrcusArtistic Needlework Co.ltiitithM. . Now York . '

the City Intelligence oniro , N.-


. corner loth nud Douglas sts , places forbakers , butchers barkeepers , cnnvns-scrs , col-lectors


, looks , dishwasher * , errand bojs , fore ¬

men. Janitors , packers , porteis , salesmen , mengardners , cash bojs , boys , yard men ,

Btreet in n , etc. , etc. No charge tocniploscrs ,

B14 l'i'

Employment Olllco Male nnd fe-CANADIAN scut to nil pails if fnro Is nd-vnnced.


. Heleieiice , Omaha National bank. Mrs-.llrega

.tc Son , DID 815th. Tel. 8H4. 7 5mH

WANTED All persons needing lu'lpto tele-caRat the store, Ma-


olllce. 1S1 N 15th Ht. Emplojmt'iit olllcotelephone 4J. TIB 15

ATE City Kmp. office , 314 BIStb , Help forall kinds of work'sent to all parts. Refer-


Douglas county bank. Tel 1100. M4 10J

WANTED Cooks and house girls for good. Whlto Mnchluo ollice , Ul N luth-

sf. . Telephone 4JI. 793 l'ANTED Men and boj-s out of woi k to call

at the City Intelligence oflico (Ciclghton-blk. . ), corner Ijth and Douglas sts. Jfi7

NTBD Good girls with recommendations-for best families In city. Whlto Machine

otilce , 121 North 15th st. Emplojment olllco tel-ephone

-421)) . 70J 1-

5f 1ANADIAN Employment olUce , male and to-


> male help sent to all parts If faro Is ad-vanced.


. Itefereuco , Omaha National bank.-Mrs.

.. Urcga & Son. , ! 10 S. 15th. Tel. 8S4.

4 ))5 a 14


WANTED To apply n lot In good addition asfor building house In hamo-

nild'n. . Address G Ofl. llee. 75 !) 16 *

WANTED 1'aitles wanting help call andwe are ready for business. Herring

.V Pierce , 1201 Viunnm st , tol. (KB. Otllces In Chicago. Kansas City and bt. Joseph U)3 v-

A PHYSICIAN of regular school. 10 yearspiactlce.giadtmto of two best schools In U.

8. , wants to locate In Omaha or Uclulty , willbuy practice or partnership with a good doctor ,

or will rent an olllco in connection with drugstore. I'or a personal Interview address Ui-illroadwuj -

. Council lllulfs , la. CM 15 *

To borrow two to three thotmndWANTED live jeais , real ostito securityworth live times amount , state low est interest-.Atldnss

.G 27, this olllce. OJ'J 20 *

and board for gentlemanTT and wife , leferonces changed , pi Unto

family piefeued. Address O25. llee. IH8 l'-

iWAN'l ED ririt class pioperty for oureus-. St. John ic Ely , loom r , 1'rcnzer

C21 li-

iEN ; do dressmaking in faml-lles

-solicited Miss Sturdy , K.'J h. IBth Bt.

071 in 10 *

WANTED Good real cstato listed with me., 418 S. 16th st. JI1-

5T more small honses for rent , r. TJ

JL GicgiNT; . rental agent , iiOU S. 10th. Old

BOARDING.1 EVTI.KMAN and wlfo wish room nnd-

VJf board in icspectiblo family State pilcoand location. Kefurencea. G 'M , Dee olllco-

7W 15-

JBO A HI ) nud loom for two persons , $22 permouth , 419 bouth Nineteenth , references ,

7U7 16 $

Fl IIS I'-CLASS table bowl , private family ,11 IN. Ibtn Bt. , bet. Dodso nnd Cap. mo.





'ihreo nnfiirnlshoil rooms for-T > light IIOUMS keejilug in good locnlll j

ldie-bs VT. W. Conuoian , caio Lir Oluu , ltth-nnd


Harnoy. 800 17J

NEAT1 Y furnished room with bonul , 141")

, $1 60 jiai'week. UMi I5J

WANTED To rent on or Iwforo May 2'ith ,house , family otthioe , no chil-


. Aduitsa Geo. It. l.ivls , Millanl hotel.711

WANTED Six or seven-room house fuin-Indisliable locationiormmmer by

small family. Address F 71 , Ileo oillce G7 !




11ENT A line plafo. o roonu > and birnJ largo lot. J. il. Miner , room wi I'axton-block. . Tolopjtfini ) 874. 'dH-15

J.IOrSK roil HUNT-When you nud vournail al Moody H lor youi china nnd-

glassvnrc Pikes the Jov.est and goods thebest. .XJ) N. Iflth st , 7U7 1-

5F OH HENT-lvimlly without children banrooms , furnished or rnfuinlahod ; board It-

dosirtid ; m.iblo room for 1 or2horaus ; hireet-cais puss the door. 1510 N 10th ht. 7K 15 *

CO1TAOE I looms and nbout 4 ncies laud ,

mile north of foit , 115 per mouth tugood tenant. Applj J17 S. llth ht. 7b-

4rpKNHOOM house , vacant , in c ntr.il locii-"J turn , re-iit t5. best of nil comculimccs.-Coop , L. L. Co . SOU N Iflth ft 75(1( Id-

HOOM hoiieo lor rent nnd fuiultuio for mile ,

701 1C*

7r"uOI ) Klx rooJn ( ottnco-VJ Ja enpoit8t. . ent 400. liunlti.io foi bale ,

cheip. Co-op. L , tt l , . C-o. , 20o N Uth st. 7W H-

i"IjlOK HUNT A bnven-rooi.i house ,J. . leiitly loc.ittd. tXi pel mouth. Inquire oC-

N. . H. Hall , 21U South Uth tit. , second llooi.710 1-

Q"jjUNE large now lioui-es with II to 11 1 coinsJ.1 with nil modern iniprov tuueuts , iir'Clarki1'lace , " rats8nml24thbts. on car line for renl-O.. I' HavisCo. 7TO 2J-

T710H HENT ((1 room Mat fronting llauscn-nJ' IV.tk. Hath. tfls , liot and1 cold vvnter , IW

1% L. Ure ,or } , Heutnl .ijjoat , .M 8 Jbth b-



bouset510. . by S'_ . . Doiiglai. 7-

4POIl HENT House f. lOi.ms. rorafiii Ubiy 7iir, on rarnam t , W5 per mo. I'arlj-

muit L'lve rc'feiensnj. Aildre-s G.IW , lite.__.

' house. Kiiltabln for renting ri oins. oi-Jacksonst : rent ito. fuiulturu foruale , 1323-

Co Op L L Co , 2U1 N l hst. 757 nWOK HKNT-fl room"cotttae , 17tl > st , b t CullJL' forula nnd Cass. $ W.

0 rooir. house w Ith to n.Gruut bet Slit and 22d-

W.N N a son. Cl.amber ot romuicreo , 834 I-

TIVK HUNT I S-room IIOUBO. North PauodcnEnquire of 0. W. Ueall i. Co. , 31S S-

JUtli. . JCi-

"IT'OK' HUNT ID-room houso. all convents ace:.1 lctii: t. : T-i >om cottage. Howard st , O. 1 !1 homnsQii. .114 8. l&th tt upstairs. eg)

FOP. KENT ll-rp'jm) house with all inoner ;nive-montatonco. &MS Douglas Bt. In-

qul'cat IJODoiiiUist. 1)0) n *

rj ) HKNT May ut. 1C ro oi liousis All .-oai.1 iTwlciCua.UM. | { .JJ. rnutbure. 11SN litl' , C il 15J

fpo HENTElshtrootn lint , front room suit-X

-nblo for oinces , with nil modern conren-


C02 S. Uth , nu-

rrtOIl HENTSix desirable houses , from EH toJL JV ) per month. Lcuvltt llurnlmni , lUximl ,Crelghton block. C7-

71OH HKNT-Cottaco 0 rooms. 7th and Will.-XI

.lams. Inquire J. P. Hoe , 10th nnd Hickory.__r_____


FOl'IlTIJEN room house on Pierce st , rent Jin,for - tln ? AX ). Co-operative Lnnd &

Lot Co. . a N. 18th st. 077 15

HEST- Now 7-rootn hoiifie , with all goodImprovements , well and cistern viator ,

C2SH l.Mhst , near Martha , 21. 5I I-WWE have S good boarding houses in good lo-


. I of IB rooms and 1 of !M rooms-.entsnnd

.( furnlturo remarkable. Call and in-i stliwti ! A lare chalice. Co op. L. nnd L. Co. ,

U N 11 111 *.t 757 15_

|? ) H HENT Nine room house with all modernL conveniences , furniture forhalo nt bargain.Inquire of J. H Shtrfy.at O'lonahoo&) Shcrfj's-

OH HENT-A neat $JO cottage. &J1ntonce. C. r Hnrtlson.4M8 15th st.I710H HENT 2 elegant S-ioom hoimfi. nil mod-

-Aem t onvenlcnres , excellent location , con-enlent


lo street cars , ftt per month If takenoon. H E Cole , no 15th nnd Douglas. I'M-



HENT DiulUB the summer monthsJ onlj.lOroom house tompletoly furnished ,

nil modern Improvements , ou Park aveAddress r 40 , lleo olllce (Al-

ii Oll HENT ATYoTm llut. Innulra of Geo.X1 Htgglns , In the cigar store Ifili Howard st.

fx'JO *

_HENT When you want to rent n house ,

store of olllce go to H. E. Cole. 2(1-



HENT B-room houso. Inquire, J. r.JL' llnrton , 2010 Capitol ave Gas in *

[ilOll HENT A largo nine loom house , con-L'


trally located. J'O per mo. Apply to A. 0-.Wiikely

., room 21 , omalm National bank.

700 18

_hnvo listed seieral good Hats , all In con-


tral location. Hents nnd furiiltuio tosuit all. Co op. L. nnd L. Co. , 205 N. IGth Ht.


_" HOUSES cenf-nlly located , rent from 812 to' 875 , Itirnlturo for sale on monthty paj incuts.-


. L and L. Co . 2tt'i N. ICthht. fiO-


_HIJN'l Nico'rooin house , close to store ,

J ' H'chool , church , st. cars , only S-M n mouth. C.Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 074-

HENT An elegant now 8-room housennd Iwiin , ovciy modern convenience ; a

complete home , good neighborhood , street cats ,cheap rent. J. II. Pnrrotte , rentnl ngonev. 1W-


street. 7 4o2l-

TT10H HlfNT And furnlturo for sale , almostX' new , at n bargain , best house nud locationnclty ; every moucru convenience ; this wlllpav-o; investigate nt once. Apply 1701 ! Dodge 3ill

FOR HENT Twelve-room house , Kith nndMason streets , $10 pur month. J. S-


. 1301 rarnam st "VJ


FOH HENT Nicely furnished room , ou cnr; 810 per mouth ; 11J S 24th st. bovisj-

"VTICELY furnished front room , sult.iblo forJ- > two or thioe gentlemen , vvlih board If do-sited.


. IJOt N. IBth St. iJO'i 15-

JT710H HENT-Wlth board , largo nicely fur-X'


nlshed front room , nlso accommodation forsingle genlloinnn , Hoferenco required. Inquire] 'J14 rnrmm st. 807 17 *

HENT Two enstfiout furnished or tin-furnished looms. 012 N. 17th bt. fcOl 15 *

ONE or two gentlemen cnn have nlco lightroom , furnished and cared for , $7

per month , or *5 unfuuilshed ; 2720 Illoudost.ono block and n half w est of red car Hue.-

7M.) 15J-

T71OH RUNT Furnished room with bath room ;X? 1C07 How nrd , 3d Iloor. 770 15 *

furnished rooms to rent In the desli ableSEE 1430 N. Ibth bt. , delightful homefor the summer. ' 781-15 *

GENTLEMEN only Large , pleasant froutwindow , neatly furnished ,

smaller room en sulto if wanted. Modern con-veniences


: near street cms nnd cable. Ilreak-fast if desired. 2222 Hurt St. 749 Id *

T UHNISHED looms , 1U S 20th , UO 20 *

riMIHEE nicely furnished rooms , 2 largo nnd-X l small , 5 mocks from P. O. 1005 Loav en-

worth , cor. Ibth st. 7W 10*

FOH HENT rurnlshed room , 2027 rarnam st.732 15 *

Foil RENT I'utnlshed rooms , singly nndsulto , nt leasonibly low prices , nt 71'J

South 15th. 091)) 15J

HUNT One laigo room dultablo for twoJL gentlemen , and 0110 single room , teims-moderate. . SU'i Dodge ht. OJd 1-

0jjlUHNISHUD rooms , 17UI Capital nvo lefer-X1


ences lequlred. Bill 19 ,

TWO nicely furnished looms , rent reasonable ;

Ihlt Webstei st. t52 1C*

"VflCELY furnished room for two gentlemen ,-L> 1011 Howard at , Sil Iloor. 7J11-

0E LEO ANT corner room , f mulshed , gas , bnth ,

etc. 14th and , llrbt Hat.-



[ HUNT Nicely furnlshod room , withI? board.for 1 or 8 gentlemen2020St. Marj-'s

" rooms nnd otluu looms1> w 1th board , 2210 Varnam st. GOO 15*

TflOH 11KNT A largo front room with alcove ,

J nil modem improvements. 170U Dodge st.-


RENT Dosliable newly furnlshod roomgentlemen profoircd , 1721 Davenport.n-


.')"TJ10U KENT 2 now elegantly furnished roomsJL1 John r. Paynter , 1WJ8 I'ainam. C1-

Un llooms 1011 Dodge. 4S315J-

T710K HUNT nunlshed room , C22N19thJ roe

"VJICELY furnished rooms also dav board-L > within one block of court house , 11.18 luth-

4b2 17 *

SMALL loom'suitable for gentleuinn , 1C21

Btrecf 641

pleasant larpo furnished looms ; nldesired couvenlencesiprlvato housoboard; 1-

1deslied ; 1 block from poitolllce , 1015 Capitol ave2CU-A1J *

FOH HENT Furnished front rooms luquirtDouglas. Hoom II , 3d lioor. Ua-

TIJOOMS 11.00 to 11.50 ; G02 S 18th st. W2 m3 ,

ROOM , gas , butli , fateam heat , 201 8. 21th121 a 27 *

T71O11 HUNT rurnlshml rooms , nil convonlfences. A. Hospeai5N. 17th stroet. 2.V)


OJEATLY furnished front room to rent at IW-1'arnam ut , 1 block west of court house ,

irUWNlSHED Hoom to rent. 2020 St. MarjiJ-1 ave. 7 7-

T710II HUNT nirnlslied rooms In Greunlg bllI1 cor. Uth and Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. H.Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 2.V-


HOP pleasant. room , modern conveniences,w-

FOH HENT Hooma furnished nnd unfur-nuthed , l-Caii.( nvo , "( O

FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHEDTTIOH HENT Two cosy unfurnished froni-X? i ( loins , bay w Indovv and c lobot , new ly cleancd and papered. Call nt 2009Orucost. 7W 15 ;

fflOH HKNT Twoorthieo unfurnl'hed roomi-X1 to tlcsliubli ! ILII ties , no chlldreu , 1'I2U' Cass ,

70U J6-

HENTChenpF0 ' , imfuinlshcd nlco roomsMiltable tor houte'kueplng. 2trJ2 Hainoy.

fpOH HUNT 1 basement , Hiillablo forX' baibort'hop , between 1 amain end

Iloiueyon I&thst . J2.1 04 rooms 171K1 Wclisler bt. 200Brooms , IbH How.ird ut. 10 0-

.Iroums. , HII'lmii st . . . ,. liftaioome , 141C I'icrcoEt. BO.-

J. roAni8llH4 b7th Ht. II 03 rooms , 7Ulh Pacittc t . . ,. 11 U

3 rooms 102:1: N 2 ) th Bt. 1. t,

3 rooms. 10K4N 21st st . 12 fi-

Also. .'! rooms 101TN 20th . 160Judge Henlal Agency , S.W. cor l&th & llarne } '



YjVHl HENT-Sulle of olllce rooms , llushmai-X. . block , cor ll tb and Douglas. Nine roonHouse , cor. 17th nnd Dorcas , wo per month , lrquire W. M. Iluahmnn , 1311 Leavunworth. 71-

J"IIOIl HENT Ijuge offlco. best locatiou l-iJ Omal.iv , well lighted and hunted , or will rcnpurl of it J. II.att ? , Chamber of Commerce



_HUNT Storuiooui OxCO , cor. bth nm' . flu ; Uuiilngiou trackage in reni

Uliccllaneous Slurpee. Apply WJ Howunl-



bujlncia or olHco roomn 0-1HI fioor la r wontu. W. E. Uli rlr. 14U

STOIlKforrontcor.pf fiercer and TXJWB nro-for n dniegMt nnd cro *

eery. Inquire on prorrflserf , Chns. Ji Hyan. W8-

"IJ10H HENTStoreroom 2ix1 , cjooil lorntlon1 for butdier shop orA'od store ; rent $10 per

luonth ; 14I7rariian t.TfKinll. 770-17 *

HRNT-In the J.lnton block. South Tlilr-teonth

-- , corner ot Mnson street : six hand-


new store roouiH w Ith largo cellars. Applyo John Hamllii , 311 8, 11 that , _c. 7 1ft *

"I71OI1 HEN1-IluMnp < room now occupied nsX' my olllco on 15th St. G. F. Harrison , 418 H 15th_

:_ 07-

4HENTOlio Tfnlf f store"room. IJliDon glass t. Win. II. Spelman_4"i-

4TTOIl HENT Three stores and basement ntX' icon rarnam strebt. Inquire nt Hoom in ,Arlington block , 1511 Dodge st. , between 0 nnd3 ft. m. fff-


_ _OK HUNTTlio three story brick building

nnd basement on 1.1th st. , on corner of nllcj ,u the rear of the new First Nnt'l bank building.

will given 'lor 5 A ear lease nt a low rentnl. C.Inrtmnii A Co , 1(113( 1arimm. 671 n 16_

"17IOH HKN'T-rirsl-class frame store milMlnff ,X' Poby2 feet , nrst-clnss business location

to I. W Hoberts , Albion , Doouo Co , Neb421a22


"T71OH HEM'-Good barn.luqulrolHJfl I'mmuuX' street. Did IB *

"I71OU HUNT Ilnsement and barn , one or both ,X' chenp. 2217 Chlcngo Bt. 721 15*

HENT-Good mnrket gardrn , nil kindsof fruit. 0-room house , north of Omalm.

Address 0. 29 , Hen onice._740 15-

JniOH UKNT Sleeping rooms lor gomlemoii ,X' single or In suite , newly roniled nud fur-nished


, pleasant locntlon , near Cozzens house ,Btreet cars every three minutes , w txi fie pay-able


w cekly or monthly. Apply sou J I owaril st.O.M lfi___



T.IST houses to rent with St. John ,V Ely , opp.

WANTED Houses to rent , nnd VTO can renttoo. H. K. Cole , N. E. 15th and

Douglas. aaj_

LIST houses for rent with II. E. Cole , N. K.and Douglas._ 2ii2-

HEGOHY , F. L. . Hental ngont , 309 S IBth st.

HUNT If you wish to rent nhouso callon Denivva 4 Co. , 16th St. , opposite P. O.





Low est prices nt Moody's china, N. 10th st 7U7 15

PEHSONAL HespccUblo girls will nlwnysnt International employment

olllce , 1420 Dodgo. Ml 1-

0r11IE demand for shorthand writers Is In ex-X

-cess of the supply. Shorthand course com-


nt VnlentluoR Shorthand Instltnto infrom four to six months. Send for circulai.


3"OEHSONAL List your property to exchangeX w 1th C. C. Spotsw ood. 30j'4 S. IBth. st 23-

0LOST. .

DOST On inth st. , pack-ago wmtnlnlng 1 pairslippers , 2 pairs b.lby shoes. He-

turn to Welshnns A , McEwnn , 15th and Hnrnoyand receive row nrd. 7N-15

LOST You will find low prices nnd goodntMoody's china store , 30.2 N. Ittth-

stroet. . 7 7 1-5T OST An onyx brea-tplu with pearl sotting.XJ rinder w 111 i ccelvo ti row ard at the 1 leo oll-


. 73-1 10




OUND nstray OHO pony : cnll at FritzX' Tschomtre , M a'llfattan or 207 S nth st.


tIjlOUND A flno Hub of wedding presents atX1 reasonable priced at Moody's china Htore ,' N. Iflth t-t. 7 7 15

FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS.71011 SALE Self-regulating Incubator , cnpac-


- 400 eggs. Made of oak , panelled ,moulded and oil Unfilled. Will sell or trade fer-n horse , run be seen In operation until May 1st-nt201D Dodge St. 7D'I 20J

FUHNITIIHE of n-room flnt for sale and Hatblocks from opera house. Ad ,

dress G. H , llee. 7CJ21 *

FOH SALE Lirpo lire proof safe , nearly now,price. Call nt gas olllce.


GOOD walnut onico desk nnd chair foi sale. Jtoom y , Omaha Nation il Hank

building. 771-15 *

E In 8 room house , centinllylo-catcd

-, foi sale. Cnll F. J. Hotchklss , 117 s-

10th st , 71)4) li("1710H SALE Horse nud buggy cheap forcnsh.X! inquire ot P. A. Guv in , loom 4U. Paxtonblock. 747 lit"171OH SALE rino black horse , good style andX' nctloii , side bar buggy. Jinrnebi. will

time it secured. Audrcss G , t'i. Hoe.753 15 *

FOH SALE Two 0-foot show cases , nlcklo and. 510 SlOth st. 7W W *

POH SALE Cheap : having succeeded so w ellthis .spilng lu our stocks lies wo have

brought In from eastern lovui n cm lend ot linet leg mt dilveis nnd horses for general purposesfiom 4 to 7 years old. Eveiy hoise warrantedto bo preclselyns ho appears and Is represent ! d.Our pations hero are our icferences ns to ourwarranty '1 hcso Horses show for themselvesand nro being ollerod at lower pilcos than suchstock were ever offeied lu this market. Call andtake a look nt them nt 1'iirny's old Mllltniybridge stnblos , Cuinlug st. Walker & Piimp-nroy.

-. 715 11 *

POH SALE A Iilsh setter dog. six monthsold. Call or addrcbs 202S Davenport st

721 I'l*

FOK SALE Nice biy driving horao. C. K.Hairitfon41Bb. 15thst. 075

Match team and top buggy. An-thony


Johnbon , 152J rauiain. K-

lrpo AHCHITECTS , engineers and surveyorsJU Some llrst-class Instalments forxalo cheap :

secoiuMiamX but lu good condition : 2 levels. 2-

compnssos , 1 buxtant. 1 planlmctcr, 1 theodolite ,with theli Mauds and eases , ami bevoral smallerInstriimintsandmeabuies , at Stringer & Co's ,1518 Dodge bt tilJ

SALE Largo Hall's safe , new. M. A-


& , Co , uj 1-

Foil SALE-Two (2)) tubular steel boilers Wxfeet , with smoke stuck , Htcam guagos ,

glass water guagus etc , nil complete ; will selltlieap. Address Trod Krug , llrewer , Omaha ,Nub. Mw

FIHST class Dlcj'cle for sale nt loss than one-cost Di. Huughnwout'B Dental olllcu ,

cor 1 Iih and Fnrnam Ht , Omaha. 447

POH SALE 'Ilio furniture , cnrpots , flxtuioslease of n plrnsnutly located , newly

furnished house , near horse nud cable cam ,house heated by steam , fmulture , e ti , In use-less than a j ear ; must bo bold nt oiico. I'oriiat-tieulars

-apply to Jlaitmaui Gibbon , mil I'ar-


Ht. 4U-

7F SALE-A No.77Hnllsbafo with insidedoor. 215 South Uth bt , 4'J-



SALE Furniture In house of nine. cntrnlly lodatcd. Address , G 10 ,

Hen Olllce. 65-

7TTloll SALE Two car loads ot mules , r to7X' yeais old , weight from 1.100 to 1350. Pruyn'sbarn , 2Jd and Izanl. . ' 540-lu

SALE 8 or 10 hors power engine and IJhorse boiler In good oraur. Cheap for cash.

Hoes Printing Co. 747-

"IT OH SALE Or trade , ono family horse , nlsoX1 new buggy. A. Hoipe.15U Douglas nt.

740 u 2-

1POlT SAJiH Dormant sca' capacity 3T>). Phil. btlminel & Co , Vll-'JI 1 ..lonosf-

at. . , Omaha. 217




Hallloof lot 7 in block 4 , Hlvoruldo add-lJ


llou. will take place butuiday 31urch2I , nt214 North 15th st , at p. HI , 7H2 W

and waiter Jackets , caipentor.s undbarkeepers aprons at the JVoplu's Clothing

House , 1.WI Duuglas st. 7 ! ; 21

' you liavo imj tlilnt ,' In Ihe shape ot personal-or real estate propertj toexthuiige , rail am )

see us. H. 11. ik-mlee , 1178 K.tli 10710-

ErtS , Shrubs , bulbs , fresh by H. i'ranzer.-SH8

.Maltha but, Georgia and Park a cd

UMI1HEI.LAS ami paraaoU covered and ro-North 12th Bt. 11. Ilulr.

iua 15 *

_HUGH BTOCKMAN-llrass and bronze foun ¬

, work of all kinds Cor 14th and Leav-enuorth bts. , Omaha , Nub , 455mK *

TTlOUNITI'llEl I'lirnlture-Who wunts house ,JL? hold furniture , good ns uuw. I'or ( ash or-en time. J J. Wllklutton ft. Co , 1417 Farnam t. ,Hoom 9 anil JO. 7U-



SU paid fur er jndhand books at tha An-tlquariiln


book Klvto. itm N. ICtli Bt t ) iufi

rillElniuranoK. rellnble companies. II. It ,

, , auJ Uo'Jis'i' . * i

WANTED A gootl howo. bugey and harnessfor South Omalm lots , George

1. Stofnvlorff , room 6, on > postolncio. SJ-

ODO you Intend to build this sprlntr. If so comoand see in, we ran oiler you the lic t of in-


II. E , Cole , N E Cor. loth and Dou-



00 OPEHAT1VE Land & Lot Co , a N. Jfith70 Ai-

OdorfcssSantt'uyCo. . the only licensedX company In Nebraska nnd Iowa , using Iho

odorless system for clennlnR cess pools , vaults ,v ntet closets , onico 1622 rarnam St. 481 n 1-

5rpltK banjo taught as an nrt by Goo. T. Oello-



X beck.WJHnrnoyst. 183

AND TYPEWRITING.secured Valentine'sShortlTftlidSITUATIONS placed nlluf Its graduates lu

good positions Students can enter at nny time.Send for clrcular:515 Dodge slreot.Omnhn , Nob.




your stoves nnd furnlturo with theFurnlturo Co. . 715-17-21 North

10th street 470m

- rented the InigosK sUiy-flic proof building In the Moicer block nm

prepared to offer the best facilities for storagetif nil kinds of good * , furniture , pianos , stoves ,

buggies , cutters anil merchandise1 , roasonnblorate * , receipts given , insurance' . H. Hoblusou ,1112 llowonlst. 072 me *

rpHAClCAUH , storage , lowest ratca. W. M-

X Huslimaii , nil Le'nv cmv orth. 120-

"VTKW YOH1C Storage Co. Incorporated cntil-Jtal $1-1,000 , most extensive faclllllcs forstorage of furnlturo , pianos , etc Warehousereceipt given. 150?, 1510,1512,15U Capitol nvo,cor luth. 60-



WANTED To purcnaso porno centiallv lo ¬

Inside business properly. Commu-nication


desired from owners only. Address .F. Smitn , 1220 l-'iirnam st. DKJ-iMJ

WANTED A. P. Tukoy will buy some good2d mortgigcs it well becured. A.-


. Tukoy. 1321 Fnrnam. 6.U

house or Hat cen ¬WILLbuyfuniltnroofa . A , L. Co , 205 N 10thJ 'J7a




test medium Madam He-


. Just from some of the mlnclpal citieseast , has taken parlor looms for 15 dnjs at 322-N. . Hith Bt. , Oinahii , where lu hei Irauco state shenccuiately reveals to her many pntions hecrets-of the past , present or future In love1 , business ,

trouble or dlserse , that is ti illy wonderful nudcertainly useful Information fought by mallby Inclosing 1 cents in stnmps nnd n lock of hairvv ill recelv o prompt ausw er. Koom 1 on 2d Iloor-NoU2NlUthsi.! . M 17 *

MILS. HOOPEH , magnetic henllug clairvoyanttrance rending , N W cor 20th nnd Cass.

701 m 7*

DH. NANN1F V. Wnrron. clairvoyant. Mod-leal


, business and test medium. Diagnosisfree. Female diseases n specialty. Ill N. 16th-Bt. . . Hooms 2 & 3 , Tol. U4I. 2C-


BUILDING loans. Llnnhan 4: Mnhoney.B13

( to loan on city nnd farm real estate.$50(1,000 & Mahouoy , room 500 , PaMon blk.

MONEY To Loan Ily the undersigned , whothe only properly organized loan

agency lu Omaha. Loans of $10 to } 1UO made onfurniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , ma-chinery


, etc. , without removal. No delays. Allbusiness strictly conlldentlal. Loans so madethat any pirt can bo paid at any time , each pay-ment


reducing the cost pro rata. Advancesmade on fine watches and diamonds. 1'erbonsshould carefully consider who they are dealingwith , ns runny now concerns are dally comingInto existence. Should you need money callund-sco mo. W. H. Croft , room 4 Wlthnell building ,15th nnd Harnoy. 272_

to Loan Omaha real ostnto nndMONEY . Mortgages bought. Odoll llros. &Co. , 312 S. 10th Ch unbar of Commoico building.-



PEll CENT money to loan , Patterson V liar-naid,31H8ir


thst. 70J

MONEY to loan on real estate , first mortgage; iuq.ulro of J. It. Hamilton , 211 S-


. 70S 20-

MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; nocharged. Leavltt Uurnhani ,

room 1 , Croighton block. 2S-

JrpHE Mead Imestm't Co make loins on farmsJ. and city piopeity. Hoom 2UIltamge bulld'u.-



choice loans VMintcd. A. 1C. Hllcy.-J

.151' ) Fai u nil. 455 m-

jI CAN place Inigo or small loans without de-lay

-; splendid rates. A. 1C. lllley,151'J rarnam.


8M'ONEY to loan , W. N. Nason , Chamber of-Commc'ice. . Wl 17

to loan , at low rates , on chattels ,

without removal or filing ; tin mclal busi-ness


of all kinds transacted quietly and withoutpublicity ; moiuv advanced on Jewelry ; securednotes bought Call and sea us , it will pay you-.People's

.1 Inancial Exchange , lOom.Wi. Darker

block. 15th and rarnam. 2ol m'"

MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,, etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson It-

Co. ., 1417 Farnatn. over llurllngton ticket offlco.

MONEYtoloan , casn on nanrl. no delay. J.Squire , 141J Farnarn st. Par-

ton hotel building. 27i >

MONEY to Loan lean place good llrst-classloans on short notice and atloe.r-

ates..- t

. D. V , Sholes , i ooni 1 , Darker block.USD

MONEY nt low rates on good cltv and fai in, notes bought. Kimbnll. Champ

Mtvnn.L' . is Null bank bid. 4r U 111

maile on real ostato. Cash on hand.LOANS . Harris over 220 S. llth st. 271

MONEY to loan on hoises , wagons , furnlturo ,

nnd othcT personal property or col-lateral


w Ithoul iiimov at ; business conlldcutlal ;

rates moderate. ThoTalrbnuk Jnvc'stmeut Co .215 b llth St. . upsfilrs. 230

to loan oncltypropmty and farms byMONEY is , Conkllu Moitgugo Trust Co. L. P.Hammond , general ngent for Neb. , Uoom 403 ,

now block. 11-

0MON EY to LoanO. . F. Davis C'o. real estatemid loan nitwits. JWV) Karniun st. "71-

IOANS made on real estate and mortgagesL bought. Lewis S. Heed & Co , Iu21 Kaniam.t-



) To loan on Omaha city property at 8-

P percent. G. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid.wh-

3Mc LOANED at C. F. Hood A Co.'s LoanOlllco. on furnlturo , pianos , horses , wagons ,

personal pioperty of nil kinds , and nil other nr-tlclesof


vnliio without removal , .IW S. 13th ,

over llliik'lmin'n lommtsslon store. All busi-ness


strictly confidential. 2J5

uTloan. Notes ana tt. H ticket ,MONEY nnd sold. A. Foruian , 1XJO Farnam-Bts. . 27-


IJ. 'OL15 loans money on Improved city or. farm property. Hoom u Contluuntal-

block. . 270-

J"' A.i wTMlDMAN Money to loan on real us-

tate in bums to suit. 220 South Uth st.276

LOANS made on Omaha city pioperty tiy I ) ,

. . room 1 Uurkor blk. 270

MONEY To loan , lowest ratns. No delay. Hlco It Co. , over Commercial Nu-


bank M

MONEY to loan on furniture , wagons ,, removal ; or on collateral Heciirr-

Ity liUBlness contldeutlal. C IJ Jacobs , J20 8 15th-2u9 _

MONEY to LoanJJXOOil to loan In sums oti'M to JJ,5dO on Omaha nnd South

Omaha propcrtj Money on hand , Wright i:

Losbury , 21 is 14th it. , upstairs. 22,1

SHOHTTima loans mauo "on any uvaimbla"reasonablu amounta. Secure 1

notes bought , sold or exchingnd. Generalfinancial business of any kind transact * I-

proraptly.qutetly and fairly at the Omaha Fi-


Exchange. N. W. cor. 15th and Har-ney


sts , over State National bunk. Corbdtt.manager 21-

4TOTEb bought. C. B. Jacobs , 33J S. 15th st.

MONEY to loan on lurnuurc. norscs , wapons ,

, or on any upprovod security. Lowrates. J. W Hobblns , loll Farnam. gad

d 500iOO( to loan afloirait "rate"of Interest , on-P city property. II , U. Irey , Frenzerblk. opp.-


> , O 1J8

BUSINESS CHANCES.rANTEDA man of ability with IM ) or IKW ,

to rtctastreasurcr with combination. play-Ing


great Ni-w Yoik BUOTPSS. 'lime all tilled at-itmt class houbcg. Call ut Merchant'x hotel hun-dnj.


. Manager. 7J116 *

or exTiiango. A ew eomblnoil-ilobbl roller and hurt mill with qoiaploto-

uutllt of modern machinery , doing a good bus !

ineia. with unlimited water poweron Littlellluu rhcr , In ahayer county. Neb. No b tt rlocution lu the slat ? . > ill take good lUnda orcity pioptrty in (part or cntlio ) exi'iaangu. Aa-3r


s, A. O , Collins , Hebron , NvU6UnU

A N old ostaMlMiM hardware business ,

JA.: location , tor sale nt invoice price. Owner re-.tlrlne

.from business. A splendid opening. J.-


Hico iOo. m 1-

7OAKTIIJS wlshliiR to buy restaurants hake-rJ

-ies ot meat markets , call rmd sen our list.

You cau certainly bo tatlstlod. Co-Op li & Ii Co ,S05 N Kith St. KA 17

SAliK Smnll dry goods , notion nndgents furnishing store , good location , no

competition will Involco nbout {.'.fitUi will le-ducB


stock it desired , Call or address 270-3Lenvenworth ft Omnhi , Neb. * 718 17t

SPLENDID Investment Improved Omalmleased for two jears nt US pur

month , price M.KO , li.Ou ) cash , bnlnnco voiyeasy. If jou have money to Invest take ad-vantage


of this , you iiuiKo 20 per cunt perannum

Another ono Tivo largo houses occupied nsstores nnd dw ellltiRs. on one lot , rent $75 permonth , price f 1100. SLUM cnsti , balance easy , or-wllltnkons pnrt payment house nnd good fulllot or lutldo v ncaut lot , bnlanco cash or needfirst mortgage paper

If jou nro interested , call or write quick-.O.I

.! Moachcr , Hoom 2, over Hiivmond's Jew-


lore. 703 IW-

1710H SALE A good brick yard nud all the np.-JL1

.purtaunucot , al o JWi.Oft ) good brick.

Apply Hyan & . Walsh , room 0, Arlington block-



SALK -A first classhnidw.irc store withwell established trtido.locntlon veiy be t-


reasons for selling. Address O 17 , llco olllco-02t 18

"1T10H SALE Good bnrber shop nnd bnlh-L'rooms : best location In Nebraska. Adtltcss-

Mclchlor llros 'barber supply house , 111(1( Km-Ham St. . Omnhn , Nob. M8 17 *

Stock"for sale. Good locality andgood trade established. IJoimwn &Co. , 15th-

Bt, , opposlto P. O. 810I-

UFOH SALE Now Is your chixni'o , line IPO

parlor , lot at Ion tlrst-clnss , termsright AddressG 20 , Ileoolllce. K23 15*

GOOD snloou )v 1th lease , best locatlou.on Far-, sickness reason for Rolling , teims-

no object. AddtessO. li.Gieeu150J FarnauiMt.

WANTED Aphjslclnnof 10 years'practlcoto buy a partnership In small ding

store, part irado. Address G 24 , Hoe olllco.-Co

.15 *

EQUITY in K-acro) farm mar Omalm foror resldenco propcity : will pay

some cash. Parrlsh Fliila > sou , S. Omaha.

FOR SALE '1 he best hotel inn town of llvo. I'or Information address. G 2i ,

lice ollice. 11 lll-

jniHR ndvortlsoi having had 20 j ears practicalJL uxpui leiicu lu the man'f of sulphuilcandother acids fortlllzcis , linking powders , nlkalls-nnd other chemlcali. vslshes to couespoiid w Ithcapitalists with n view of starting suchwoiks.-Goodprollts.

.. Am Inn position to glvo the full-


details and refeieiicos. Addrebs G. ll . Oma-ha


lice. 147-

TTIOU SALE A clean stock of hardware InnJ-' good location In western Nebraska. Addressbox 210. Holdrcdge. Neb. ((111 18 *

1UCIC jurd anil 201,000 brick for Kale. M.Hanson , 2kJ3 Paclllcst , bet. 2.UU aiuR'iHli.-



1710H SALE or ONchaugo n milk route. In-JU


quire of II 1C. Hendeo , 117 S 10th. 0T7( 18 *

TR1OK SALE Stock of hardware in city : in-L1


voice ubout 81,000 Co. Op L & L Co. . 20" N-

lOthjK. . 077 15-

"Ij OK SALE Thn hole or hnlf Interest in goodJJ bakerj', call on or address N , Schmlttroth1-U17 Claik st , city. 075 1S-

T"PAUTNEH wanted for good b ikery, must bo-J- willing to di Ivo w nuoii nnd able to put i O-Oto 81,000 In the business. Address F 2, lleo olllce.-


U"171011 SALI ? A long term lease of the (centralJL located ) fancy retail stand. Apply to-Fearon , Cole i Hoborttou , 1110 fa 15th , cor. rar-nam.


. 457

SALE A good paying business. Cigars ,stationery toys , soda water fountain etc. .

In nrst-class location. Stock will Invoice aboutB.S01) Will tnko city leal obtato in exchange.Enquire at Max Mayor i Co.'s. 21)) !

FOK SALK My stocs ot ftirulturo , windowwallpaper nt a bargain ; every ¬

thing fresh and new ; stock will Invoice aboutJ2r uO ; situated at Albion , on U. P. andC , N. W.-


. It. , Uoone countjNob. . Addresb M. .1 Lndd.& . ) 18-

JT5AHTNKK wanted in establlshod law bust-JL

-ness In Nebraska. Capital requlied tl.OOJ.

Address F I'J. llee olllce. 410

SALE Hotel in this city : one of thebest chant VM ever offered ; goodie isous

for selling. r.> l. IK-o olllco. 4S4-

.s'TED. I'm tner In good paj Ing business ;Miiallcapital. Addicts Lock box (M.

EAHECHANCKresilience neir jiostolllco , andbuyfurniture (all now I at a grant sirrlllco. Tor-partlcularti see L S. Skli "e-r , 1VJ) Tarn un. 2 > J




SAIiE or ox change , foity acres withinmiles of Omuhu. II. 1C. Ileudeo , 117 h-


st , 7'J" II-

Irpo TKA 1)15Now 6 room house ; or fulo oilL moiithh pnjmeuts ollr A. i' . Gloves , CJ7

and (SIS I'axton. 777 17 *

rpO T5XCH A NfTiT A Mo am Iced mill withJwagoiiBcali'M , all In llrst-class order , withmodem improvements Koom 3 , Iliikei block

Tli.'iM *

_WAN'l EDIlorso , will trade a new Ilio ICim-

organ lor n good horse , c ill on I ) M-


Prujn's canligo icposltoij , coi 2Jd-nud Jznrd , w hero instiumcut can bo seen.

728 M-

"I7IOU EXCIIANGE-Irl ) ncres , Impioved. 24JL1 miles wont of Omaha , lu Sniindors Co.-


acres , linpi ov ed. one-half mlle w est 01 WilC-


. ICe irney Co . No-b.Mlltiadrtlnwholoorlnpartfor

.good , clean

imlbo. Address , Ilex 101ilcox , Keaineyto. ,


1.14 10J

got to Undo foril.diU aqnltv-Ti lugood So , lioiit lot near Lake ht , nm th

Omaha ; will take good piano 01 liorso and buj-rgyaspait

-pajimmt. Addicss. G 21, lite olllco.

filJ__LlSTjiiopeity for sale , rontoi exihnnsto vvlth

, N. E. coi 15th and Douglas."

Stocks of mcrchaiuho to ex-


lor fai 1113 H. E Cole , N , E Kithand Douglas. VM

- lots In Windsor Mrrnro forgood liiuil , mortgage pain-i or hoi s uud bu -

py 1) . V. bholei. luom I , liniKur bltuk. illl-

rpHADES mniln In roil est itn and pursimnlJjiiopurty. . Si o uxchaiijju UjrjJt. Coop. I *.ami I..C 80jN. lOthbt. _ _JT1OI ! EXCIINfSI3 or sain , good ot with new

loom ( Ottago , M ft u ist uf K plilte.{2,100 , }, ) i-asli , bilnnco IJi pur month orv llltake horbo and buggy or jure of HID Hi si | iay-miiul.


. Hamilton llioi , , bulldeie , IOS S Kith ht.4 I5-

Olt'EXCHANGE ifirt ncios , iprcn county ,nicely Improvtdi want Omahn tuoiierty-

IMuuea , Dawui Co. , Uniuoied ; want Onuliu-propcrtj. .

2 ii acres , Ailims Co , highly imprnved , 20(1

cultivated ; wnut Omcha piojierlj 01 MockgOOllH ,

4 sections In Howard Co , unimproved ; vrantOmaha prnperty.J-

20. aero' * , Merrlck Co , clear , 1TO ncies Mill-lvaiei


) , M pur litre ; want house uud lot InOmaha

rfu acres , Trontlor Co , ? IO per ncre ; wnntaOmaha piopoity or htoek hard w aril ,

Several thouhund acres In Wyomlup Ter. , 03 00per IK ro.-


acres , Missouri Valley , la. , paity Improved ;

want Onmhn properly.-tIU

.) acres , Keith Co , Neb , Improvfid ; want

Omaha propirlj.-i20acre

.: , llooiio Co , 126 acres cultivated , IIS

per acre ; PHI drug Block or Omaha property.l-OOnutM.


. Knot Co. , 6 nillcx from ( .rrlyliton InIlla-k Kai thalloy , v> ull improvnd and HO a res-cultUaU'd ; drug stoci. Jlveiy otable ,

umaha properly or wis t m la.id : * l"i per acre.-i

., sediuii , Norton Co , Kua , liiynly Impioied ;

wmiltttork nitr. luui'llMi.', (toctlon. Antelope Co , highly Improved,1-

grovt' , small fruit , grnr-of , ti , ii'iiv' 7-Jomiihouse omii , I rl3) llrst cms * f..riuwant; Oiiuitia-jiropoity or oilier Iau1

8 MnolotHln Wjamlotte , Kan . 'lertr oleintedI-t. . II ; want Omaha piopurtyur imiirovod laud.

21 lot 1 1n Minneapolis. Minn , clsar, wlllux-chungti


for cieat Nelntii ka land.-lloiiMi

.7 looms lu Minneapolis , Mlnu. , on

motor line. > tOXi , mortgagH Jl.OW , duo 4 ycais.Want scliiar or slightly jnrumbereil Nub. lam ) .

4-roum hotisn and uarn S'jutu 2Jth st. Wantrtfick < if groceries

4 room house IJlcl-ory I'J , fronts on twootrest * . Want stock groceries.

4 room housu I.udnick l'i , near Central Vark ,

Want ate ( k good * .hinsll IIOUSB. ( Jracd View. Want stock goods-.6room

.nousn North lutl' fct. near LuKeut.

Want good reildonce lot fliitrally lotutoi ! .

pLliory BtaUle well Hto"kwl , best intntl'in Incity , IOMK lease of ground. tl.OOO aisli , balani uland or Improved Omaha property

2 Hue I old In Mft ] na l'i. Want laud.8 room house on S Ilith st , tj.wa, lncunbrncor-

xn. . Improved farm8-room housu , 2 story , and 2 lots in Orchard

Hill , all Improv e-nems , burn , dull tr 03. >Tnnt-luiprovHdfarm

J H "iVatU. Chamber otCouimenc. CU 15

& M. Park addition toSouth OmiUia. Icdu ot incurabranci. to-

tr (l tfor Improved or unlmprov dQma'iu pi p-


ty. farm lauds. Blocks of gooiia , horsax , ctUto ,

orttnhna! of value. Tliouo lots am rapidlyInrreuilng In value , nivl If you have an ) tlilnv to-.trude call au l * ee we. Oeorja J. aterntcl'.n ir,room 0 Kreiucr llo.'d , opjufito po3toln , >

E aero tracks nultixblo for curdonlna.Very llberM terms. H. K. Cole , > B. 15tB-

ixm DoiiRlns. Heal entnto for salo. oo-

uT 1ST property' for sale , rent or otchMigoJU . . N K. cor 15th and UouglM.


_WANTED to KTchfUlpo Two lots In II. A M.

horse and bugpy. Inquire nt 8.A , Slomati. nth nnd I'arnatn , Ifollmsu block..


FHTY ncres 14 miles from Omnlm. 3J4 mllesstation on M. 1' . railway , homo , tmrui

well , cellar , clslorn , orchard , and all fenced ; Im-jinn enieuts new last > ear , to exchaugo for liomain Omaha. Active Itcnl Estate 1'ropeitv ex *

chnnse , 1524 Dodge M. f ? 4 1-

5rilO EXCHANOK-lmpioveiPfiirnir for ciTyJjnoporty, Improved or unimproved. II , If.

Hcnaee , 117 IBth t. M7 16

WANTED Houses and lots to oxclunito for11 E , Cole , N. U loth nnd Doimlis ,

r 1ST proDorty for sale , lent or.r-xcbango withJU 1C. E. Cole , N. E. cor 15th nnd Dcnglns._

>> .W

Horses and cattle to t chaupn furfarms or city proport11. . U. Cole. N. 15-


. IMhnu'l Douglas uju-



K, corner Sd) and Douglas ntx , to trade forelitht to ten room limno and lot. ( leo J.

Blern diiril room 0 , opposite P O , 2.-WNf rictrj7pA tiMxrimniw; foTn-

p I. & i , ro AVI Ninth ht 077 r.-


> MXxTbrlck"for"ouit-nto. . U A

WANTKn-M houses ami lots'tocxelmncoT, num S. liith st. Sii-


MIDLAND Gunranten nnd Trust Co. , 1Vfitreot Complete ahsti.icti fur-


, nnd titles to real estat * zamlnnil , per ¬

fectedandKuarauteorl. 213-

15L furnun _ ,nud guaranteed abstracts of title to nuy

renl estate In Omaha nnd Douglvs county tiuanshort notice. Tlio most comtiloto sototbooks In the city No. 1110 Fnrmvtn st. SW

Abstracts-South ( iinnha ItiT Johnson ic, Onmhn LnudCo.hnvn

the only complete set of nlHtract books luSouth Omaha. Complete nhsttartM furuNhed-on shoit notice. Oltko opposlto depot , SouthOmnhn. iJ-




lent when jou can buj a lot andnew house lu South Omaha tor * U U cxili

b ilance monthly. U. D. SmoaUm , room 4 1 Mar¬ker block HW 22-

U7uOwlll buy a house ami lot liT "SonthI' Omaha with n small cosh payment ,

bnlancu monthly. D. 1)) . Mneaton , llnikcrblock ,SOI 2-

2A VINE feeding farm near Central City : high-> improved. F.J. HutcliKlfs , ins inthst.

71)) I It)

AV1NK lot In Sheridan 1'lacrt cheap , onuhalf-cash. . 117 3' 10th si. , V. J. HotUiklss


_good lots , 4-rooin house , barn , well ,

JL UBtein , and all fenced , lu Ilojil'umhl. forr.alo cheap for cash. r. J. Hotchklss , 117 8. luh-Htroct. . Tl'l 10

_1 Ml'OHTANT To all w ho have studied tho'sliy-JL nation It must b - apparent that this nextboom In real ustatu In Oils will be onthe Council IllullH side of the "lllg Miuldj "The now bridge , with western terminus at footot Douglas street and eastern at foot of Ilroad-wny

-, upon which work Is now being vigorously

pushed , will bo completed during the hummerund opened up foi business. Arrangmcnts arebeing made to run street cois the bridgemaking easy transit between thu two rtVtes.'1 ho Council lllull a common council has orderedIlroadwuy paved through to the eastern toiiul-nnsof

-tlio bildgc and thu contract has been lot

for the work , which will bo commenced on thu-20thln - t. Hdocs not t.iko aerj lUely Imag ¬ination In order to M-O Ilroadway a gie.it thor-oughfare


between the two cities , tilled withdescriptions and llnudwlth build-


used for both icsldenco and business purU-


. Wheiois thcio iinothui street In eitherof the two cities that will furnish such u fluplouiino drlxe ? Natuially nil adjoining pioii-trty



.1th the great dllferenco lu prices at pres-

ent between pioperty on thet.ist Hldu of the liver and that onthe west side , situated the samn dlstauco-trom the business center of Omaha , who can

but that the bridge will luixu the olloctot-uenliiK up ofnlue" Either a good deal ot-piopeity on the west side nf the ihei will do-


imnluuoi elha that on thu east sldowill appietlate. No one , except a tow cioaknre ,hiich ub uio to bo iound In ncii ity , wlllbel-li'vo

-that Omaha propi rty Is going to doprecl-


oltlui owing t tlio brldico or otlnrc-ause. . 'Iheic ceitalnly ale no Indications ofthat clmiiUtor.it pit sent. I'or some Unionisttlieio has heeuaMt.id ) inoiemiiit upwaid inprices ol CofiiK II lllullH piopnity , but tlicro cm-no mi quest ! m thit It is still a pniihaso , andthat thiiso who buy them now will m.iko uhandsome piolll on their Investment within ulow mouths , lluy bi'foio the bourn sots Inwhich Is PIIIO to follow Ihii coustiuction oithe bliilgo , mid gi t tln bciu tit iif 1 iw pllria.'-


lie Him of Udell HKIM. A. CD. aio a- well In-

formed concerning this piopnty , and ha"o n-

lnig"i list , than any iHhei linn In either ( if Urnlundtlrs 'lhiaui loailyat.ill times tiinui-mj deslnil liuni matl n or to show pmpiriy.( oiricll Itlulls ollirp. lUJl'earl st ; nmiiliu olllci ,

UUbo Kith fat. , Chamber of Comniprco liuildiut , .7S7 1-


_KENT- Vow 0 loom luiliso : 01 sale on

injnu'iits ot Jlri. A. 1 dici ,attoriiHj , W7 find W I'uxton. 777 t-

1710H SAI.E Cheajion easy terms , a line lealJ-L1


d ( lice lot. II. 1C. Ilundei117 h inth st._

w:7: IK _IT jou think nnj thing of jour filend , the al-

mighty dollar , got KOIIIH of thosnj-ldi ) ! ot <

and double money In iAId.ijs II. 1J. Cole ,cor lAth and Doiigl.is. V-'J 17

171011 HALK Tttche quarter sections tit linnJ.1 land : three miles f i om the city of ( ulluti-.Chej'oiiuo

.county. Also four iiimiterw , timlvu

miles wist of lied ( loud In l'i iiiklln cuiinty-.I'lrstclass

.iiixestments. J. II. U'ali' , I.lmnln ,

.N.b. 741 K. *

_iiAI > AIN-.N. H coi ( loo. and Milton.

17 , jiaitly Impioved , thri'o cai Hum ,JI8.1UJotu; oun toims O , E. Uoombs , bos4-

M. . _ __ _ W7 lfi _ClJlO wllli.i.iku the Illat piyniQiit on a lln Inigo-P Int. l"i minutes Horn poitolllco , II IJ Cole ,

col. nthuinl Dciighis. 7-11 17-

TT1O1I HAIiIJ room house ami lot ,J1 in ice * -XW( , i .ihh S.K( ) , balnm o In immi Mis ,t-D per month. 1' . A. Gavin. iooiu4t' . I'axtjn-blKk. . 717 I'-


_.lioom lioiiho on mmithlv-

payment" of Jir> . A. I'.

IIHISIOIlrijt , bi'tweeu KiiuiulaiH andON Hith. : 'tllrct! liont by 1ZJ tctt dic'p , willcost JDII JIO.ilU'Joi' iui-

m( llilstol fltn-i'I. biluion Sauudms andStale. o can sell "Uxl.J for JI.NHj. The pnrtywho pays his monnj llrst gets this In I In HI. ufor It n member this stipulation.-


.. A I ptuu.U'ci. i'bl8'

and tun about tlioso :C.liinlciscott.igiiot 4 rooms on rouim , nearcats , on Suwaid st , oiilUUm ), Mnull paMii ntcash , bnlaiicii muulhly.-


( liiilco of 'I'mllainl 1'larn" lots , f" 'lifronts for iTUU. Si..all ti h , I alim o-

iiioiuhly ,

T7IOH HIilJ At hs < than costs Nine nlfti.I1 wn' cottages , wull Ijiillt , ologaiit JutH In-

elegant location , high and dt ) , anil onlj Nhorti-llKl.UKM noin I "" Iliioilt-pot Inalinit Hill.from J'JO ) to fl.l'W' , ' * caih , baluuri. * l'Ji.or-nont'i.

': ' .

lliosc boiif fsnrobi'n:5! : cJoinl out rogardlesa-of costund jou ciimolget uiiothi'i sii'h n bar-gain


In a bundled j earn. Pall (jukl : on l > , V-


, room 1 , llul.i-i block T''i

M , blink . ) , 'llininlii uj ] ) lau , willTOI'ISiiml) ) ilmliir lioxl 10 (hi ) , > iy ihuuii.aml-onlj tx iih oa the toy lots. K. 1 , . Orogoiy ,.WUMMli < t_.

_Ull _

l OH AMJ'room mitacj and lot , A.B 1'at-JrUk s addition , u iiargulu-

W N. Nnson , C-hnmlinr of Comnii-rco. Cll I-

THAKKrino triirbaco lots , of( race , Clark and Ni ( hulas ut . , cry cheap.

Lot In ( n Inn auilrt , litur yailinlfia at , JI.J'JO' ,cry i lu ap-Jllairu.iut llellovue , JKH per ncr.o , lightly n-


111 take purt lu Ouuihu ] iroperty.-I.oti

.In Capitol IlllUdd-

hplcndld jMl-lence lotn InVcst Omaha addSJ.lrjO acriM , Nunee county , i lear , 1U per arm.-J.

.. JI WultB , l hambur of Oiiiiint rcc. Hi 16

[ Oil BA l n"0r oxcliaiiBirTor Ouiahu property ,JJ 40 acres of choldi land 15 miles fromOmaha. 3 mil's from railroad ilopot , nnw house.-barn.

.. well , cistern graimry. orcuard. etc . nil

Addre B ( ! 14. lleoofllc ? . 6M 18 *

Tr"OlTHAlK-Oiio lot and SiottaKca and Blable.-I1

.wellandaclstcins , on 8 U. Cor llth and

yinton : prlre n.UXi cash Kfi

T 1 , WCKA : CO. KoalEstata ,

Ti cTn P"u.K l tmortsti { * , UTO , well securedJL1 by iniironl] outsMo property , llboral dl*roimt. Addresnbor.4M , city._egilH-

f OT TTi. 0. -'. oiuf 33, block B , Urine's placo.1 1 I'rlco of r 11 rnonny t nai. H. K Cole ,NUC-or I It I. and Doiifflas. _ ZMJO1 urHm 4' in.in Dougiuii ; Io.Jcu or Caiiffo-lU a crt.B.J'-.a.r'JmuaudiujcuiU p ymer.t if-

T..J will bulla h . '..olc. N E-Cor. UlU iittil-IMuglbn iiWW