The one dimensional mind of today

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  • 7/30/2019 The one dimensional mind of today


    The one dimensional mind of todaywritten by A Truth Soldier

    The one dimensional mind was born in the modern digital age.

    The one dimensional mind possess no intellectuality.

    It possess no individuality.

    It possesses no uniqueness or creative artistry.

    It is a completely superficial and artificial mind.

    The one dimensional mind is incapable of seeing beyond its external appearances.

    The one dimensional mind acts out its life to be accepted by other one dimensional minds.

    The one dimensional mind lives a preset staged life.

    The one dimensional mind only exists to receive acceptance from all other one dimensional minds.

    It has no depth of character and can not see any depth of reality in this world..

    It lives surrounded by a world filled with one dimensional minds.

    A one dimensional mind is not natural.

    It did not come into existence by the natural evolution of humanity.

    The one dimensional mind has never seen any dimension in reality, ever.

    That mind has no conscience,

    for it is not conscious of the effects of its actions in reality.

    For it knows not reality.

    It can not see real life and has never seen real life.

    It sees everything through a digital reality in high definition appearance and sound.

    But before it became a digital reality it was an analog reality.

    A signal that had to be analyzed.

    But today the digital world no longer permits or offers any means to analyze it.

    It is a just a flat screen of an unreal reality.

    The people of today never went out in the real world when they were young and developing.

    They never went out and developed real natural relations with others.

    It instead stayed inside and went into the artificial digital world of social engineering.

    That child then grew up to be todays matrix generation.

    A generation that can not see or accept anything that it did not learn from a digital program.

    The human that grew up with digital electronic games of life played on a one dimensional screen,

  • 7/30/2019 The one dimensional mind of today


    see life as just that, a one dimensional world.

    This one dimensional mind can not and has never ever related to the natural world.

    It has most likely never been out in the natural and unpolluted peaceful beautiful natural world.

    It has never gone over to smell a flower.

    It has never appreciated the fluttering of a butterfly.

    The songs in the morning air from the birds.

    It has probably never sat on the banks of a spring creek.

    Listening to the wonderful sounds of the water rushing down from the hills and over the rocks.

    Has never scooped up and drank some pure spring water that does not contain fluoride or chlorine.

    A water that has been purified by nature and did not come from a city treatment plant that recycles sewer water.

    A one dimensional mind is not aware that its mind is unhealthy and unpure.

    A one dimensional mind can be very dangerous.

    For it only responds to digital information that is fed to it from so called Official sources.

    Such as a Police offer that gets a digital out put of information that can not be verified nor can it be known if the informa-

    tion that it is being given, that which was also supplied by another one dimensional mind is realistic and true or not.

    Or like a military jet pilot that grew up playing digital combat games,

    who now only sees life as a digital output and then shoots

    and bombs as if the targets are just artificial one dimensional digital creations.

    The one dimensional mind is dangerous indeed.

    The one dimensional mind is addicted to the digital world,and needs to consume its daily dose of digital social engineering to feed it unhealthy mind.

    When that person comes home,

    if it does not get its daily dose of social engineering from that one dimension screen.

    It becomes very unstable and unpredictable.

    It can not break its addiction to unreality.

    It needs its addiction and will attack any intellectual that tries to wake it up by telling it the reality of the

    Zionist, Banksters, Corporate Matrix New World Order control system that is feeding it, its addiction.

    That addiction means that the addict will do, kill, destroy and rob anyone to get its next psychological digital fix.

    The world today is very unhealthy and unnatural.

    The one dimensional mind does not value or appreciate anything that comes from a healthy world or mind.

    The one dimensional mind is now destroying the last dimension.

    That is planet earth.

  • 7/30/2019 The one dimensional mind of today



    I remember a similar description of the body politic. It has a head, but no brains, it has a body, but no soul, it has ap-

    pendages, but no heart. Many people who cannot think for themselves are easily persuaded by those who have no issues

    with thinking for them. Such is the way of the Orwellian group think. The more people who choose vincible ignorance, the

    more one dimensional the world becomes to the awakened.

    Comment by [email protected] | September 7, 2012