ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CORUNNA, MICH*, MAY 10, 1900. VOLUME XX; No. 22 t H E MARKKTS. ' - (Corrected by Green * Pettlbone.) •Wheat No. 1 White, No.* Red... Oats '••• •-••>- Rye ..:-. .-•••••• •-.' •• «orr,..'...— ;........,: Hay, No. 1, baled - ..... -,.'.. BajvNo. % baled ................ .. ...:..... Bean* ,....;.... (Corrected by Geo. Setzer Eoj.*^, dressed..—..... -- •Vcai CaiVefc, dressed.......L... ......... -^ Poultry, live ................... .---- Beef, dre*aea,. —•>,— I*mb ........:...... Munoa-.- * - •- ...:,. «7 as 50 •& :.... 10 50 ........... » 50 ......... 1 85 5 50 to S 15 .......... 7.00 ...... 5 to 5 00 to 7 00 10 00 8 00 (Corrected by J. C. Quayle.) Eggs , -— •• Il Potatoes.- ................ 35 of Cormroa, Mich. Tie Otiy Itettettl Bart tittcCOMty. L. WY S t r o m * FreaMeut; Jess' Daiaeou, Viec-Praa; W. A. RnanXKsanu, Cashier; W.. F. GauLMHUB, AastCaaUer. m*MCTQtn-**K*r**ttmim, M-A. Xlcnote, W. IX ewrtwU. IWSOBU, A. OHTIMW,: W. F. Gailarfcer, 1« W. StaBJOna, T. M^ -Ruler, W. A- XttMBfaWM. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Money to Loan on Good Securtty. T»tSTBWAB*. M. L. Stewart & Co., sUMKERS. Jwosoov •• / - ^:- -,:;•:*.'.„•"• MK*te%« BSTABUSlHtD 18». E.M.Mnxs*. r^Teaeri- ~ W. M~ BIOBXAW. RocTeBer. 1KONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT. Interest payable annually or semi-annually; wttl accept payments on the principal at or within»9day*of any interestperiod; will loan la sums erf SMS to «2^00 on improve*: farm* In «*l»wa«*ee county, •** on centrally located jr-ope/ty In the city of Owoaso, telty property •.•.-niawt-tw jwodweiBS an income]. On fan pro- perty or etty property .wo loauuot exceeding 40 percent of aetaalTatne. Abstracta of title and ftra insxrraoee.required. Drafts-drawn on all parts of the world. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. THE myfpoimiiis. XAVOR R0SJENKRAN3 SELECTS COM- J*ET£!JTMEN. . i it •*,"—' *- Park Board Organise, With Judge Wat- thew Bwli a* President—W. J. Parker, City Attorney. IGNORED THE UW. Complaint Again** Supervisor Kuapp, of Livins«ton County. ?If-IIII MAC CORUMKALODGB RIAP AawSswBdflnttlnni foretnofnttoftka C. M, Puaoocx, ASONIC. In or-ba. lO.Daaa, OORUNWA CILAPTKH, WU. » , ft. A. St. Rajrolarcwvocations ftrtt TtnnadSr In aae* aoota. CM. PBAOOCK, Bonrataiy. O. C. .%<x>fts, H. P. Mayor Rosen kra as made the annual appointment8 last Monday evening, and his selection* were promptly confirmed by the Couneil, as follows; City AttorDey—W. J. Parker. Street Commissioner and City Engi- neer— Eugene Huntington. Nigbtwatehmau—-James Simeon. Marshal—David DelL The Council elected Dr. W. S. Joues, health officer, and B, B. Marshall, fire wa:dea. 11M ttOkfwiog w«te tpnoluted as park ootamivloBere to torre aa follows: ErwiR Eveleta, Ave ymws; W. F. Gal* lagher, fo«r ]«An; 8. IL Ljaiaa, fttoe years; Matthear JEknh, two joan; A. B. Btchards, on* year. The board »et Tuaadny •wmlnx and elected the follow fngoffleers: Preatdest, Jdd^e Boab; aeerntajT, W. F. GaUaffcer; treaaarer, Erwin EveMlh. A, C„ Yarner, oneof the weO-fcnown archltecta of Detroit, was here TBoaday aftemooa and waa shown t^ecronadfy and ifl«tracted to draw plan* for the new cast 09 *':. Bide for the ImproTeonot off the park wiTToe asked for and work hafvB at the earliest possible moment Judge Bath will give an additional 35 feet from the west aide of hit iand« v and Judge McCurdy will likewise «ire 99 feet from west tide of bis land to river, so that the street may be made 9& feet wide that runs to the river on the eaststdoof the park. TheoashiowU} be placed on the west side of this aye- nue, one block north of the atreet rail* road line. ThU wfli he easy of aoceaa, and on a rise of jeroond that will pre- elude sand, and also be away front dost Forma! complaint In writing against Supervisor Walter Knapp, of Howell, Livingston county, was made to the state tax commission Saturday morning by W. J. Wfckoian, cue supervisor of FowlerviMe, in the same county. The charge is failure to comply witb mandatory provisions of the law in making up this year's assessments. The supervisor againet whom complaint Is made la asserted to have neglected to require sworn statements of their pos- sessions from persons having taxable property and with leaving off the rolls large amounts of personal property. Cottuaisslonor Oakman will, give the ease bis personal attention, and wrote a letter Saturday afternoon to the auper- •Isor eonolalned Ofvinqoiring la to the facts in the ease. Monday Mr. Oakraaa will go to Fowterrltie to isvestlgate. Mr. Oaksaan states that the pnoeeeeV tags followed in such oases Is to grant a fall bearing to the assessing Officer sna> peetedof not coaaplylDg with the law. If be Is fouad to be ie faalt nod still ae- a^etatoeosaprywlth the statnte, pro- ceeding* will be begus by tk« Attorney* General looking to his removal by the Oovernor.--Detroit Kewa, Later—Mir. Oa&naa was in Howell, where be htm bean lavestlgnjtiag the charges nude against Supervisor W. W, Knapp that he a»' taxing offlels' was not foreing property owners to make out sworn statements. Mr. Oakmao foaad that Knapp is not nnly forcing property owners to make sworn statements of the amoant of their taxable propertr. but ia fulRlling the duties of taxing ofieer cooscientioaaiy and diligently.—Detroit Journal. OORUKMACODNCtt. VtU. SB, **&*, M. W*g> ular aaasaiMles tklrd TkuradaylBe«Mbnionm.' C r M.rnaAOOcauate6otuer. j.t»:R*Tc«, Te m.* sli —in '—~-—. ,|i i '• • — ' ''if %, ii" i CORCKNA COBmANDEBT, NO.SI, K. T. stated conclavvt, aecond Tmurada/ in aaeh monta. W. A. BOSXWKWAHB. A.W. Oiwaa. Recorder. K.C COKUNKA CHAPTER ORDBR OF RABT- em Star. Rarul*r meeUDa first Wednesday -ot eaca monti at Masonic Ball. MB*. Lc«i.Li -FETTIBOKI WYM.; Miss RUcnax ErAas, 'Secretarv. WANTS Advertisements in these columas, 5c ^>er line each insertion. They are very productive of quick returns and can be profitably used to fill ao y want. FOK8ALK. For Salej—A Soe residence, bara and two lots. Enquire at JOCKSAI office. For Sate:—Five road horse*, wel^rht from 10&0to U09ponn4*. laoaireof DUUCAXGBAHAM, iMleh, 1M <k>romua,: For Sala^-BiLS PSymcuth Rock 9gg*—tvU blood. Ooe aettina, 16 egga, one ooUar. W. A. McMCixrs, €oranaa. For Rate: Booee and three lots oe F«*«r street. Inquire of W. J. Parker. Stf. For Sale: House and lot, No. SOB, Sklawaaaee arenne, Nontb. Hnjrh M. Nichols, Coranau. For Sale—Farm for sale in township of Woodtoll: South % of n v ii section 3», con- taining 80 acres, will be sold on terma for one- fourth eash, and remainder on time secured by mortgage- W«. Nxwros, Flint, Mich. Or apply to Frank £. Welch, Conmn*, Agt. For Sal*—At a bargain, one High-Grade MHbnrn M&uo/actorr Delirery Wagon. 20-tf M. CARLAND. MISCeiXANEOUR. Wanted—Good experienced Girl, witb refer- ences, to do general houvework In a family of four. Steady place and good home, at CUO a week. Mas. K. MAJUOK, b\& Shiawassee are., Corunna, Mich. *3-lt For Ront—Rooms or entire House, pleas- antly situated. Inquire of L. M. TANNER, SO-lw Corunna. M o n e y to lwvaa:—Money to loan on desire- able property—ABTHCB YOCXS, Coronna. Wnatod:—General purpose horse, barne** light wagon, and it two seated carriage. In <iuire, 30eSaginnwSt., OWOHSO. - l«-tf Business Locals* Violets from 4c up to v G0c a buncb at Hicks' sisters, l>ur««d. All winter millinery sold less •co»t at Hicks 1 sister?, Duraiul, than All trimmed hats at Hicks' si*ter*> will be sold for just )4. regular price. Hungarian and Millet Seed for sale by M.Carlaod,OidSUud. . Go to X. C. Dewey & Co. for all the latest tbings in aUUInery. A good line of school supplies always on hand. 22-2 Field Peas for sale at M. Garlands old stand. Lost Letter: Any one Rndiag a letter addressed Mrs. Ulna Middieten will please return to L P. MlddJeton, Kerby or Corcnna. ia-i •tay WSJilaei at Srr««* Married, at the residence of the bride, on the i$d lost^Mra. Amelia Barnnm and Addison Lewis. The ceremony was performed by B. G. Crawford, In the pidseboa of about 30 wltueaacr, mottly relatives of thet contracting parties. Several nke present were laid upon the table for the benefit of the venerable couple. Among those present were 11 grandchildren of the bride and 1 of the bridegroom. Married, on the 3d iusL,at the home of the bride's mother, Mr. Frank Law- rie aad Miss Mollie Lusk, ceremony conducted by Rev. J» S, Joslyn, ill the presence of the immediate relatives of the bride and groom and a few invited guests. The young couple have lived la Byroa for years and have a host oi friends, who wish tbem great joy. Tfadr uew home will be at Ionia, where Mr. L&wrie has a position with the Arcerieah Express Company,—Byron Herald. V/uFisiiafi Coaaty C. S . Elect OAeera. At the county ra««uug of Endeavor Association, held at Laiugs- burg last Saturday, the following offi- cer* were elected: President—Kev. C. H. Hanks, Owosso. Vice-Pres'L—Rev. Stevens, Vernon. Secretary Agnes Warren, Bancroft. Treasurer—Lena Parker, Coruona. Junior Superintendent — Josephine Ward, Laingsbnrg. Missionary Superintend^—Kate Cor- lett, Owosso. The next cooveation will be held at Corunna. Excursion to Tolod*. Sunday, May 20th, the Ann Arbor B. R. will give an excursion by special train to Toledo and return. Train will leave Corunna at 8:10 a. m. Fare for the round trip, $1.00. On that date Lake Park and Casino, the most attractive summer resort in the west, and the pride of tbe C'jotedQial City,"will be opened witb an entertainment that alone will be worth the price of an excursion ticket. Don't miss it. «*••) The following program will bo given at the minstrel entertnktmeRt of the Ju- niors at tbe SoheoJ Mouse, Friday. May 11, 1800. Admission for tboss attend- ing school, 16c.; others, 30c. Ail are Invited to attend: Overture—VlpHn and Piano. Miss Franc Mitchell, Mrs. Rosenkrant BREACH OF PROMISE CASE. CAST Of CHARACTERS: Josepbui Jelly Brain ..... Earl Gladden Serapfalna Sugar Plum.Florence Liadaey OVKR TOE REMAINS OF D. C. CLAPP. THE LATE Judge Atty. Brass ...... Atty. Snowball.. rnerk..^..^. "^rmr•••*«« *••••• Policeman ...... Foremaa of Jury Peier Periwinkle, Frank McBi ids Charley Carland ..Oliver McKay . .Joseph Gale ..vRoy perbatn ...Walter Bush .... Bush Moore ..:Frank Royce Instrumental Duet. .Miss Georgia Har* rington and Miss Kate Driscoll, Recitation, violin accompaniment. "Christmas at the Quarters," (t Frank McBride UNCLE EPHS RETURK, (with plantation chorus.) Uncle Epb ................ B u s h Moore Young Eph. Priscilla ...... « Aunt Chioe .... ...... R o y Derham ..... Edeasa Youtig ...,. Bertha Tooley ReclUtion—"Slaves of Martinique," Emma Hackett Quartette—Mrs. Roeenkrans, Miss Mit- chel), Mr. Mason, Mr. Jarvia SCENES FROM UNCLE TO M T S CABIN SCEKE I.—The Home Coming. SCENE II,—Miss Ophelia and Topsy. Music—High School T r i o ......... A. C. Green, H, B. Moore, C. E. Decker SCESK III.—St. Clair and Uncle Tom. ScESfc IV.—Death Scene of Little Eva (with angel chorus.) Uncle Tom.., St, Clair Miss Ophelia Marie... Eva * • r » * * ...Oliver McKay .. .. Earl Gladden .Addle Wbeelock ..Birdie Ruffglet ... ... Zaida Rese Topsy Florence Llndsey E, King will be bere Mooday May 1-1, for tbe purpose of cleaning aud repair- ing organs. Any one desiring that kind J to prices and quality. a. JS. Carland A Co. Offer Good FrU*s. J.. E. Carland & Co. have a complete line of dry goods, etc., which are new, stylish, fresh and clean. They are not afraid of the closest examination, but ask you to inspect their stock, both as Sad and Impressive Ceremony—100 Each or Sir Knights and Mrwiar Hswiu lu JLina. The funeral services of D. C.Ciapp, who died at Goshen, Iud.,last Thursday, were held at his late home In Ov osso Sunday afternoon. Rev. C. Hank deli- vered the sermpn at the house, 'llie services were under the auspices of the Knights Templar, the deceased beiBg a member of Corunna Commandery. - Af- ter the services at the home the remains were taken to Oak Hill cemetery,escort- ed by the Knighta Templar and Master Masons, there being about one hundred of each in line. The Templar burial service was need at the grave, conducted by A. W, Green, Eminent Comniander, and J. D. Royce, Prelate of Corunna Commandery. l«m serriees were solemn and impressive, and were witnessed by tw immense throng of neiglaborj and friends, who came to pay the-last tribote of respect to one whom they had long known as a true friend and kind neighbor. The occasion was one of particular sadness, owing to the circumstance of Ida death. Mr. Clapp was a salesman tor a Jaekson furniture company, and at Goshen, Iod„ while laboring under temporary insanity, shot himself'. A thorough Investigation into the cir- cumstances of his death has been made, and nothing has been discovered that would hare induced blm to commit the rash act except for the time deranged. He had been in poor health for some time, which undoubtedly affected bis mind.: . DwlgM C. Clapp was a popular clti- cro r and an ex-Aldermen of Owosso,and hie birthplace was in Madison, Lake co., Ohto-A»»gus*2^1*H. Wbec four years old his parents took blm back to Masca- ooweatta, their former heme, where they settled in Montague. la the spring of ISM be uame to Oweaso and took the position of saper- totendeut of the Estey Manufacturing Co. He also unsigned for the company, In which line of work he had great abil- ity. He was the Inventor of the famous Clapp patent bureau, and secured * number of valuable patents on the same. This bureau is u.>ade wltboutgiue, blocks 6r nails,and overcomes the shrinking and swelling of the parts. The drawers are so constructed that they never stick or bind and are almost dust tight 1P April, 1886, Mr. Clapp was united in marriage with Miss Cora M. licit, a native of Massacbusetta, who is a aistei of Chas. E. Rigle^. Mr. Clapp was a member of Owosso Lodge, No. 81, F. & A, M., and of Owooso Chapter, No. 89, K. A.M.,and of tbe Corunna Comman- dery, No. 21, Knights Tem plar. Ue has three sisters, Mrs, Sumner Ball and E. P. Gunn, of Montague, Mass.. aad Mrs. P. D, Abercrombie, of Ternor's Falls, Mass^ also two brothers, Lourie, of Boston, and Fred of Vernor Falls, Mas*. : .. ,-. ' ,.., TEBU>ICT OF COMOM1WS JUST. CoiamitSed SaleMa Ii WM1* Tomporarlly L>porte, Iod^ Ma> 8. —Special.— Cor- oner Eissenbeiss,'"' 6t Elkhart eonnty, rendered a verdict that D. C. Clapp, the Owosso; Mich., man who committed sui- cide at Goshen was the victim of tempo- rary dementia. A search of the under* clothing of the dead man, which was re- moved before the body was shipped to Owosso, resulted in the finding of a considerable sum of moneys This fact is taken by the coroner to prove that financial stress was not the reason for tbe rash act. of work done will leave order at M Ormsby & Co. store. References fur- nished. All rork first class. Mr, King is an experienced workman and did con- siderably work here one year ago. 22-1 Be sure and get Rape Seed for pastur- ing for ilogs and Sbeep. For sale at M. Car land's Old Stand. This week tbey use a whole page, to teli you of tba bargains tbey have to offer, and it should merit your careful reading. Tbey want your trade and make inducements that cannot fail to make you a customer if you examine their stock and prices. KB Honor of Ex~R«g«Bt Cook. Pbials, published annually by tbe ju- nior class of the Homoepatbic depart- ment of tbe University of Hichigau, is out, and is a neat and valuable volume. The present number is dedicated to our respected townsman, in tbe following complimentary manner: "To Hon. Peter N. Cook, Regent Uni- versity of Michigan, in recognition of Probst* Court. Robert W. S<*ott asks that he be ap- pointed administrator of tbe estate of Guy W. Scott, deceased. Hearing May 28tb/. Mre. Helen Amos was appointed spe- cial administrator of the estate of Joseph Amos, deceased. The application for appointment of a general administrator of the estate will be heard ou June 4th. The last will aud testament of Dwigbt C. Clapp, deceased, was filed for pro- hate, and application for its probate made by tbe widow, Mrs.Cora M. Clapp. Hearing Jnne 4th. Tbe final account of Daniel GiitUng, ancillary of the estate of Urban Gut- ting, deceased, was allowed. Decree assigning to heirs at law of deceased the residue of the estate, was made. John J. Patcbel rendered his fical ac- count as executor of the estate of Samuel Patchel, deceased, and was discharged. An order was made assigning tbe resi- due of the estate to the heirs at law of deceased. Claims were heard before court in the matter of the estate of Asa W. Sweet, de- Tfte hearing upon probate of win of Jeremiah King, deceased, was continued to June 12th. An order was made determieiag the heirs at law In the matter of the estate of Alfred P. Sutterby. deee>sed. KATHEBnrB B . ECLSET, Probate Register. Addison Lewis, Burns „.„,.. AueUaB«rnam, Byron...„ Wa. E. Betterly, Byroa Cora A . Ssoedley, Byres Arthur Drain, Corunna.. Klla Helena, Corunna Hosater R. Tooley, Owuaau •. Mrs. Charlotte Hooter, Flint. ..-.„;,.„ - ———— "~- .... -*- ~::S ::;js ::::3 :~S -^.-^ IftTSESTIWl ITEMS OtwOry. —Rev. NorthruptevlriOng bis mother nt Pontine. - K W. Kest^ ef Shsltstsrs, was In the city Monday. -Major Cariand is visiting his parents sad friends here. —Mrs. Martin is the gnest of her daughter, Mrs, C. A. Potter. —J. C. Thomas has laid a cement walk from bit residence to the street —Mrs. Jos. Serr is in Chicago this week receiving medical treatment —Prof. EL R. Nethercott, of Lexington was here on business matters yesterday. -The Mates EHa Taggsrt and Dora Hill, of Durand, viaitsd friends here last Friday. —J. C. Quayle calls attention in his gosd t au, mis Wcsa 10 au cii^pticnallj price for eggs. —Squire Hanna, of Venice, baa been on the sick lia| a couple of weeks, but is how on the mend. —D. 0. Reynolds, of Banister, was calling on old friends here and vicinity Tuesday aud W«uuviuay. —Some re »ple put slveitirfnj u oo the sbeir and there's where their goods stay too.—Mail Order Journal —Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Close, of Byron, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Richards the fore fart of the week. —Mw. Erwin Eveleth and daughter, Miss Nina, attended the funeral of Mrs; James Goodell at Detroit last Friday. —Attend the minstrel entertainment at the high school room Friday evening as yon are sure of getting your money's worth. —Mrs. A. L Chandler has been in Gillead, Branch county this week on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs Boo tbe. —Found by Harry Miner a bicycle at residence No. 633 Vernon Road. Owner ess hive same by calling and provitg property. —Fenton Independent: Corunna has voted $5,000 for the Improvement of its pretty park, and it is money well ex- pended. —M. Carland says Its ••dead easy 1 ' 'o sell wall paper. It ought to be easy for him, as be certainly shows some fine patterns. —Tbe W. C. T. U. will hold their county convention in the Corgregation- al church, Vernon, May 15 and 16. A his faithful aud efficient friendship for j i ar ge attendance is expected, this department, and as a slight token of abiding respect and esteem, this little book is reajnatfully dedicated by Class of 1901." Have yon seen those shoes for 80 cents and Minors' Monogrsm shoes for ladies at Collins' Shoe Store. All fancy feathers will be reduced in price at Hicks' Sisters. Scratch, scratch, scratch; unable to attend to business during the day or sleep during the night Itching piles, horrible plague, cores. Never tails. ¢0 coats. Doan'i Ointment At any drag store, Beat Estate Transfers. B. Schmit to EL Jacobs and wife, lot 3, block 12, Barne'sadd, Owosso, 1500. F. Oomstock and wife to A. J. West, lots 1 and 4, block, 3, Owosso, 2,250. H. Berger to P. Pelton, land on sec 26, Shiawassee, 801.90. H. Berger r/> G. Seymour, land on sec 26, Sh&wassee, 871. C. Callina to T. Hubbard, tote 1-2, block 7, Perry, 100. Notice to Tar-Payers of ta« First Ward. You are hereby notified that tbe as- sessment on every piece of real estate ia the First ward will be raised from la»t year's assessment As I understand the law, it makes it my plain dnty to do so. Tbe board of review will meet on the third Monday of May, and you are re- quested to be present and look over yOurasessmear, and if not satisfied, make your wants known, C. D. SMITH, Supr. of tbe First ward. —A. H. Owens, of Venice, was in tbe city Friday and brought John E, Car- j land his annual sample of maple syrup, j which Jobu highly appreciated ; —The May tenn of court opens Mon- \ day with four cases on the calendar divided as follows: Criminal 7, issue of j fact 18, imparlance 1, chancery 15. —N.K. Potter, of Burns, ami Geo. Harlow, of Snaftsburg, were in tbe city on business yesterday, -^Jobn.. I.ladse'y,. of Allegan f-ounty and Mrs. J. L. Cljapmap, of Wellington, Ohio, were the guests of their brother, Mr. and Mr?. William Lindsey, of this city, the past week. —Ed. Hoisington, of Shiawassee, ha* a very odd freak in teg shape of a spring iamb. He found one tbe other uwndng witb five legs and six feet, the odd leg having two well formed feet. —Tbe B.I. C. base ball club of this city, consisting of boys from fifteen to seventeen years old are now re:idy to play ball. Clubs desiring a game write to the mananger Hugh M. Nichols, Co- aunna. —Mr. Henry Sidney entertained his old friend Mr. Cole, of Tecumseh. over Sunday. Mr. Cole sed Mr. Sidney were neighbors In the state of New York and had not seen each other for over 20 years. They had a delightful visit —At tbe meeting of Caledonia Sunday School Association held at tbe Baptist church mat Wednesday, tbe following officers were ejected: President, Mist Mary Lyons; vice president, B. & Mar» shall; secretary and treasurer, Miss K. HKetsey. —Tbe Order of the Temple was con- ferred on two companions last Friday evening which made twenty-five com- panions knighted daring the Templar year just ended. Corunna Commandery was never in a more flourishing con- ditoin. —C. H. Downer, tbe bogus detective* charged with slander, received a letter last week from Mrs. C. H. Downer, of Detroit who claims to be bis wife. His has a wife in Perry and it looks now as though a charge of bigamy might be preferred against him. —The baseball game for May 30 be- tween the teams represeBtlBg theUni- versities or Michigan and Illinois will be played at Detroit The game for May 19, with the Universiry of WlaeonsiB, which was U be played ie Ann Arbor, will be in Grand Rapids, —A ive-week snnwkcr arises! will be held at Ovid, commencing July 9. I t is particularly for teecher* and students and will undoubtedly have a large ab> tecdance as it is the only mmwtet school for Clinton and Shiawassee counties. Experienced instructors will be em- ployed. . _ •''••' —Tburlow, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hawkins, oast of the city, died last Friday. The funetal was held Sunday afternoon, interment iu the Corunna cemetery. Mr. and Mrs Hawkins have tbe heartfelt sympathy of many friends In their sad bertsW* ment —Cbas. Godfrey, president of tbe vil- lage of Bancroft was here Friday ex- amining our vitrified brick cross-walks. He was much pleased with tbem and will recommend the same for Bancroft Several of our villages have followed Coruuna In adoptiug this kind of a walk. - ll»e Daily Amertcaa says that W. J. Parker, of this city, has announced his candidacy for the office of circuit court commissioner on tbe republican ticket this Jail, subject to the approval of the convention. Mr. Paj ker is a clean, able young man, who has many warm friends throughout the rjonmtry ««d sf«o wottid make an excellent official. —M. K. Phillips, of Bancroft, has in his possession the origins! certificate of membership granted bis great-grand- father, Nsthaniel Kimball, when be was made a Maafer Mason at Preston, Conn., December 3^1798. Too certificate was engraved at Boston, Mass., by Paul Re- yere and is 102 years old. Mr. Phillips values the document very highly. —Mayor Osburu has made the follow- ing appointments: City attorney, F. H. j Watson; marshal!,"Z. IS. Ross; night police, L. R. Alderton and George Griffith: surveyor, H. C. Main; special assessors, H. C. Friescke and L A. Han> blin;health officer, Dr. P. S, Wilson; members of the board of health, E. P. Gilbert, W. E. Collins and John T. Walsh; fire chief, M. Blair; street com- missioner, I. O. Chase. —Mrs. E, Marion, of Chicago, has moved to this city and will occupy her residence No. 518 Shiawassee Aveuue South. Mr*. Marion is enlarging nor residence also extending the veranda and is repainting and repapering it and when completed, will be one of the tiny j residences of the city. Mrs. Marion is | a Christi-in scientist, and when she gets '• settled will hold regular services at her home. j —Laingsburg News: Seth Beech, of i Toledo, an old friend of N. N. Phillips —Mr. Fred Wentsel died At bis borne in Owosso, Sunday, agexl 77 years. Tbe funeral services were held yesterday at the home, interment at Cbesaoing. j —Rev. II. C. Northrop will continue his sermon next Sunday evening on the fundamental doctrine of tbe Bible ate special select will be u Thv Effect of tbe falL n and family, called ou them last Thurs- day. "Norm" was busy at the post- filce when Mr. Beech called and did not recognize bis old chum. The latter in his most dignified way announced that be was a postofflce inspector, aud t o see Mr. Phillips drop the business in need and rush to wait on the Inspector waakttghebfe at leasttoMr. Beech,

THE myfpoimiiis.If-IIII...ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CORUNNA, MICH*, MAY 10, 1900. VOLUME XX; No. 22 tHE MARKKTS. •'-••— (Corrected by Green * Pettlbone.) •Wheat No. 1 White, No.*

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Page 1: THE myfpoimiiis.If-IIII...ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CORUNNA, MICH*, MAY 10, 1900. VOLUME XX; No. 22 tHE MARKKTS. •'-••— (Corrected by Green * Pettlbone.) •Wheat No. 1 White, No.*


t H E MARKKTS bull - bull bull mdash

(Corrected by Green Pettlbone) bullWheat No 1 White No Red O a t s bullbullbull bull bull-bullbullgt-

R y e - bull - bull bull bull bull bull bull bull- bullbull

laquoorrmdash Hay No 1 baled - - BajvNo baled Bean

(Corrected by Geo Setzer Eoj dressedmdash - -bullVcai CaiVefc dressedL -^ Poultry live ----Beef dreaea mdashbullgtmdash Imb Munoa- - - bull-

laquo7 bull as

50 bullamp

10 50 raquo 50 1 85

5 50 to S 15 700 5 to 6frac12 5 00 to 7 00

10 00 8 00

(Corrected by J C Quayle) Eggs -mdash bullbull I l

Potatoes- 35

of Cormroa Mich

Tie Otiy Itettettl Bart tittcCOMty

L WY S t r o m FreaMeut J e s s D a i a e o u Viec-Praa W A RnanXKsanu Cashier

W F GauLMHUB A a s t C a a U e r

mMCTQtn-Krttmim M-A Xlcnote W IX e w r t w U I W S O B U A O H T I M W W F Gailarfcer 1laquo W StaBJOna T M^ -Ruler W A- XttMBfaWM

INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Money to Loan on Good Securtty

T raquo t S T B W A B

M L Stewart amp Co sUMKERS

Jwosoov bullbull - ^- -bullbdquobullbull MKtelaquo BSTABUSlHtD 18raquo

EMMnxs r^Teaeri- ~ W M~ BIOBXAW RocTeBer

1KONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT Interest payable annually or semi-annually wttl accept payments on the principal a t or withinraquo9dayof any interestperiod will loan la sums erf SMS to laquo2^00 on improve farm In laquolraquowalaquoee county bull on centrally located jr-opety In the city of Owoaso telty property

bullbull-niawt-tw jwodweiBS an income] On f a n proshyperty or etty property wo loauuot exceeding 40 p e r c e n t of aetaalTatne Abstracta of title and ftra insxrraoeerequired

Drafts-drawn on all parts of the world Interest Paid on Time Deposits


bull J E T pound J T M E N

i it bullmdash -

P a r k B o a r d O r g a n i s e W i t h J u d g e Wat-

t h e w B w l i a Pres identmdashW J

P a r k e r City A t t o r n e y


Compla in t Again Superv i sor K u a p p o f L i v i n s laquo t o n County



RIAP AawSswBdflnttlnni foretnofnttoftka C M Puaoocx


In or-ba


OORUNWA CILAPTKH WU raquo ft A St Rajrolarcwvocations ftrtt TtnnadSr In aae aoota C M PBAOOCK Bonrataiy O C

ltxgtfts H P

Mayor Rosen kra as made the annual appointment8 last Monday evening and his selection were promptly confirmed by the Couneil as follows

City AttorDeymdashW J Parker Street Commissioner and City Engishy

neermdash Eugene Huntington Nigbtwatehmaumdash-James Simeon MarshalmdashDavid DelL The Council elected Dr W S Joues

health officer and B B Marshall fire wadea

1 1 M ttOkfwiog wlaquote tpnoluted as park ootamivloBere to torre aa follows

ErwiR Eveleta Ave ymws W F Gal lagher folaquor ]laquoAn 8 IL Ljaiaa fttoe years Matthear JEknh two j o a n A B Btchards on year

The board raquo e t Tuaadny bull w m l n x and elected the follow fngoffleers Preatdest Jdd^e Boab aeerntajT W F GaUaffcer treaaarer Erwin EveMlh

A Cbdquo Yarner oneof the weO-fcnown archltecta of Detroit was here TBoaday aftemooa and waa shown t^ecronadfy and ifllaquotracted to draw plan for the new

cast09 Bide for the ImproTeonot off the park

wiTToe asked for and work hafvB at the earliest possible moment

Judge Bath will give an additional 35 feet from the west aide of hit iandlaquov

and Judge McCurdy will likewise laquoire 99 feet from west tide of bis land to river so that the street may be made 9amp feet wide that runs to the river on the eaststdoof the park TheoashiowU be placed on the west side of this aye-nue one block north of the atreet rail road line ThU wfli he easy of aoceaa and on a rise of jeroond that will pre-elude sand and also be away front dost

Forma complaint In writing against Supervisor Walter Knapp of Howell Livingston county was made to the state tax commission Saturday morning by W J Wfckoian cue supervisor of FowlerviMe in the same county

The charge is failure to comply witb mandatory provisions of the law in making up this years assessments The supervisor againet whom complaint Is made la asserted to have neglected to require sworn statements of their posshysessions from persons having taxable property and with leaving off the rolls large amounts of personal property

Cottuaisslonor Oakman will give the ease bis personal attention and wrote a letter Saturday afternoon to the auper-bullIsor eonolalned Ofvinqoiring la to the facts in the ease Monday Mr Oakraaa will g o to Fowterrltie to isvestlgate

Mr Oaksaan states that the pnoeeeeV tags followed in such oases Is to grant a fall bearing to the assessing Officer snagt peetedof not coaaplylDg with the law If be Is fouad to be ie faalt nod still ae-a^etatoeosaprywlth the statnte proshyceeding will be begus by tklaquo Attorney General looking to his removal by the Oovernor--Detroit Kewa

LatermdashMir Oaampnaa was in Howell where be htm bean lavestlgnjtiag the charges nude against Supervisor W W Knapp that he araquo taxing offlels was not foreing property owners to make out sworn statements Mr Oakmao foaad that Knapp is not nnly forcing property owners to make sworn statements of the amoant of their taxable propertr but ia fulRlling the duties of taxing ofieer cooscientioaaiy and diligentlymdashDetroit Journal

OORUKMACODNCtt VtU SB amp M Wggt ular aaasaiMles tklrd TkuradaylBelaquoMbnionm CrMrnaAOOcauate6otuer jtraquoRTclaquo

T e m s l i mdash i n mdash mdash~-mdash | i i bull bull mdash if raquo i i i

CORCKNA COBmANDEBT NOSI K T stated conclavvt aecond Tmurada in aaeh monta W A BOSXWKWAHB AW Oiwaa

Recorder KC

COKUNKA CHAPTER ORDBR OF RABT-em Star Rarulr meeUDa first Wednesday -ot eaca monti at Masonic Ball MB LclaquoiLi -FETTIBOKI WYM Miss RUcnax ErAas Secretarv

WANTS Advertisements in these columas 5c

gter line each insertion They are very productive of quick returns and can be profitably used to fill ao y want

F O K 8 A L K

F o r SalejmdashA Soe residence bara and two lots Enquire at JOCKSAI office

F o r SatemdashFive road horse wel^rht from 10amp0to U09ponn4 laoaireof DUUCAXGBAHAM

iMleh 1M ltkgtromua

F o r Sala^-BiLS PSymcuth Rock 9ggmdashtvU blood Ooe aettina 16 egga one ooUar W A McMCixrs eurooranaa

F o r Rate Booee and three lots oe F laquo laquo r street Inquire of W J Parker Stf

F o r S a l e House and lot No SOB Sklawaaaee arenne Nontb Hnjrh M Nichols Coranau

F o r SalemdashFarm for sale in township of Woodtol l South of n v ii section 3raquo conshytaining 80 acres will be sold on terma for one-fourth eash and remainder on time secured by mortgage- Wlaquo Nxwros Flint Mich

Or apply to Frank pound Welch Conmn Agt

F o r SalmdashAt a bargain one High-Grade MHbnrn Mampuoactorr Delirery Wagon


M I S C e i X A N E O U R

WantedmdashGood experienced Girl witb refershyences to do general houvework In a family of four Steady place and good home at CUO a week Mas K MAJUOK bamp Shiawassee are Corunna Mich 3-lt

F o r RontmdashRooms or entire House pleasshyantly situated Inquire of L M TANNER

SO-lw Corunna

M o n e y to lwvaamdashMoney to loan on desire-able propertymdashABTHCB YOCXS Coronna

WnatodmdashGeneral purpose horse barne light wagon and it two seated carriage In ltiuire 30eSaginnwSt OWOHSO - llaquo-tf

Business Locals Violets from 4c up tovG0c a buncb at

Hicks sisters lgturlaquolaquod

All winter millinery sold less bullcoraquot at Hicks1 sister Duraiul


All trimmed hats at Hicks sitergt will be sold for just )4 regular price

Hungarian and Millet Seed for sale by MCarlaodOidSUud

Go to X C Dewey amp Co for all the latest tbings in aUUInery A good line of school supplies always on hand 22-2

Field Peas for sale at M Garlands old stand

Lost Letter Any one Rndiag a letter addressed Mrs Ulna Middieten will please return to L P MlddJeton Kerby or Corcnna i a - i

bulltay WSJilaei at Srrlaquolaquo Married at the residence of the bride

on the i$d lost^Mra Amelia Barnnm and Addison Lewis The ceremony was performed by B G Crawford In the pidseboa of about 30 wltueaacr mottly relatives of thet contracting parties Several n k e present were laid upon the table for the benefit of the venerable couple Among those present were 11 grandchildren of the bride and 1 of the bridegroom

Married on the 3d iusLat the home of the brides mother Mr Frank Law-rie aad Miss Mollie Lusk ceremony conducted by Rev Jraquo S Joslyn ill the presence of the immediate relatives of the bride and groom and a few invited guests The young couple have lived la Byroa for years and have a host oi friends who wish tbem great joy Tfadr uew home will be at Ionia where Mr Lampwrie has a position with the Arcerieah Express CompanymdashByron Herald


C o a a t y C S E l e c t O A e e r a

At the county ralaquolaquouug of Endeavor Association held at Laiugs-burg last Saturday the following offishycer were elected

PresidentmdashKev C H Hanks Owosso Vice-PresLmdashRev Stevens Vernon S e c r e t a r y Agnes Warren Bancroft TreasurermdashLena Parker Coruona Junior Superintendent mdash Josephine

Ward Laingsbnrg Missionary Superintend^mdashKate Cor-

lett Owosso The next cooveation will be held at


Excurs ion t o T o l o d

Sunday May 20th the Ann Arbor B R will give an excursion by special train to Toledo and return Train will leave Corunna at 810 a m Fare for the round trip $100 On that date Lake Park and Casino the most attractive summer resort in the west and the pride of tbe CjotedQial Citywill be opened witb an entertainment that alone will be worth the price of an excursion ticket Dont miss it


The following program will bo given at the minstrel entertnktmeRt of the Jushyniors at tbe SoheoJ Mouse Friday May 11 1800 Admission for tboss attendshying school 16c others 30c Ail are Invited to attend OverturemdashVlpHn and Piano

Miss Franc Mitchell Mrs Rosenkrant



Josepbui Jelly Brain Earl Gladden Serapfalna Sugar PlumFlorence Liadaey




Judge Atty B r a s s Atty Snowball rnerk^^ ^rmrbullbullbulllaquolaquo bull bull bull bull bull Pol iceman bull Foremaa of Jury Peier Periwinkle

Frank McBi ids Charley Carland Oliver McKay

Joseph Gale vRoy perbatn Walter Bush Bush Moore Frank Royce

Instrumental Duet Miss Georgia Har rington and Miss Kate Driscoll

Recitation violin accompaniment Christmas at the Quarters

(t Frank McBride


(with plantation chorus) Uncle E p b B u s h Moore Young Eph Prisci l la laquo Aunt Chioe

R o y Derham Edeasa Youtig Bertha Tooley

ReclUtionmdashSlaves of Martinique Emma Hackett

QuartettemdashMrs Roeenkrans Miss Mit-chel) Mr Mason Mr Jarvia


SCEKE ImdashThe Home Coming SCENE IImdashMiss Ophelia and Topsy MusicmdashHigh School T r i o A C Green H B Moore C E Decker SCESK IIImdashSt Clair and Uncle Tom ScESfc IVmdashDeath Scene of Little Eva

(with angel chorus)

Uncle Tom St Clair Miss Ophelia Marie Eva

bull bull r raquo

Oliver McKay

Earl Gladden

Addle Wbeelock

Birdie Ruffglet

Zaida Rese Topsy Florence Llndsey

E King will be bere Mooday May 1-1 for tbe purpose of cleaning aud repairshying organs Any one desiring that kind J to prices and quality

a JS Carland A Co Offer Good F r U s

J E Carland amp Co have a complete line of dry goods etc which are new stylish fresh and clean They are not afraid of the closest examination but ask you to inspect their stock both as

Sad and I m p r e s s i v e Ceremonymdash100 E a c h

or Sir K n i g h t s and Mrwiar

H s w i u lu JLina

The funeral services of D CCiapp who died at Goshen Iudlast Thursday were held at his late home In Ov osso Sunday afternoon Rev C Hank delishyvered the sermpn at the house llie services were under the auspices of the Knights Templar the deceased beiBg a member of Corunna Commandery - Afshyter the services at the home the remains were taken to Oak Hill cemeteryescortshyed by the Knighta Templar and Master Masons there being about one hundred of each in line

The Templar burial service was need at the grave conducted by A W Green Eminent Comniander and J D Royce Prelate of Corunna Commandery llaquom serriees were solemn and impressive and were witnessed by tw immense throng of neiglaborj and friends who came to pay the-last tribote of respect to one whom they had long known as a true friend and kind neighbor

The occasion was one of particular sadness owing to the circumstance o f Ida death Mr Clapp was a salesman tor a Jaekson furniture company and at Goshen Iodbdquo while laboring under temporary insanity shot himself A thorough Investigation into the cirshycumstances of his death has been made and nothing has been discovered that would hare induced blm to commit the rash act except for the time deranged He had been in poor health for some time which undoubtedly affected bis mind

DwlgM C Clapp was a popular clti-cror and an ex-Aldermen of Owossoand hie birthplace was in Madison Lake co Ohto-Araquoraquogus2^1H Wbec four years old his parents took blm back to Masca-ooweatta their former heme where they settled in Montague

l a the spring of ISM be uame to Oweaso and took the position of saper-totendeut of the Estey Manufacturing Co He also unsigned for the company In which line of work he had great abilshyity He was the Inventor of the famous Clapp patent bureau and secured number of valuable patents on the same This bureau is ugtade wltboutgiue blocks 6r nailsand overcomes the shrinking and swelling of the parts The drawers are so constructed that they never stick or bind and are almost dust t ight

1P April 1886 Mr Clapp was united in marriage with Miss Cora M licit a native of Massacbusetta who is a aistei of Chas E Rigle^ Mr Clapp was a member of Owosso Lodge No 81 F amp A M and of Owooso Chapter No 89 K AMand of tbe Corunna Commanshydery No 21 Knights Tem plar

Ue has three sisters Mrs Sumner Ball and E P Gunn of Montague Mass aad Mrs P D Abercrombie of Ternors Falls Mass^ also two brothers Lourie of Boston and Fred of Vernor Falls Mas -


CoiamitSed S a l e M a


W M 1 T o m p o r a r l l y

Lgtporte Iod^ Magt 8 mdashSpecialmdash Corshyoner Eissenbeiss 6t Elkhart eonnty rendered a verdict that D C Clapp the Owosso Mich man who committed suishycide at Goshen was the victim of temposhyrary dementia A search of the under clothing of the dead man which was reshymoved before the body was shipped to Owosso resulted in the finding of a considerable sum of moneys This fact is taken by the coroner to prove that financial stress was not the reason for tbe rash act

of work done will leave order at M Ormsby amp Co store References furshynished All rork first class Mr King is an experienced workman and did conshysiderably work here one year ago 22-1

Be sure and get Rape Seed for pasturshying for ilogs and Sbeep For sale at M Car lands Old Stand

This week tbey use a whole page to teli you of tba bargains tbey have to offer and it should merit your careful reading Tbey want your trade and make inducements that cannot fail to make you a customer if you examine their stock and prices

KB H o n o r o f Ex~RlaquoglaquoBt Cook

Pbials published annually by tbe jushynior class of the Homoepatbic departshyment of tbe University of Hichigau is out and is a neat and valuable volume The present number is dedicated to our respected townsman in tbe following complimentary manner

To Hon Peter N Cook Regent Unishyversity of Michigan in recognition of

P r o b s t Cour t

Robert W Sltott asks that he be apshypointed administrator of tbe estate of Guy W Scott deceased Hearing May 28tb

Mre Helen Amos was appointed speshycial administrator of the estate of Joseph Amos deceased The application for appointment of a general administrator of the estate will be heard ou June 4th

The last will aud testament of Dwigbt C Clapp deceased was filed for pro-hate and application for its probate made by tbe widow MrsCora M Clapp Hearing Jnne 4th

Tbe final account of Daniel GiitUng ancillary of the estate of Urban Gutshyting deceased was allowed Decree assigning to heirs at law of deceased the residue of the estate was made

John J Patcbel rendered his fical acshycount as executor of the estate of Samuel Patchel deceased and was discharged An order was made assigning tbe resishydue of the estate to the heirs at law of deceased

Claims were heard before court in the matter of the estate of Asa W Sweet de-

Tfte hearing upon probate of win of Jeremiah King deceased was continued to June 12th

An order was made determieiag the heirs at law In the matter of the estate of Alfred P Sutterby deeegtsed


Probate Register

Addison Lewis Burns bdquobdquo AueUaBlaquornam Byronbdquo Wa E Betterly Byroa Cora A Ssoedley Byres Arthur Drain Corunna Klla Helena Corunna Hosater R Tooley Owuaau bull Mrs Charlotte Hooter Flint

- bdquo bdquo

mdash - bull mdash






~S js 3 ~S - ^ - ^



mdashRev NorthruptevlriOng bis mother nt Pontine

- K W Kest^ ef Shs l t s t srs was In the city Monday

-Major Cariand is visiting his parents sad friends here

mdashMrs Martin is the gnest of her daughter Mrs C A Potter

mdashJ C Thomas has laid a cement walk from bit residence to the street

mdashMrs Jos Serr is in Chicago this week receiving medical treatment

mdashProf EL R Nethercott of Lexington was here on business matters yesterday

- T h e Mates EHa Taggsrt and Dora Hill of Durand viaitsd friends here last Friday

mdashJ C Quayle calls attention in his gosd

t au m i s Wcsa 10 au cii^pticnallj price for eggs

mdashSquire Hanna of Venice baa been on the sick lia| a couple of weeks but is how on the mend

mdashD 0 Reynolds of Banister was calling on old friends here and vicinity Tuesday aud Wlaquouuviuay

mdashSome re raquople put s lve i t ir fnj u o o the sbeir and theres where their goods stay toomdashMail Order Journal

mdashMr and Mrs Jabez Close of Byron were the guests of Mr and Mrs A E Richards the fore fart of the week

mdashMw Erwin Eveleth and daughter Miss Nina attended the funeral of Mrs James Goodell at Detroit last Friday

mdashAttend the minstrel entertainment at the high school room Friday evening as yon are sure of getting your moneys worth

mdashMrs A L Chandler has been in Gillead Branch county this week on account of the illness of her mother Mrs Boo tbe

mdashFound by Harry Miner a bicycle at residence No 633 Vernon Road Owner ess hive same by calling and provitg property

mdashFenton Independent Corunna has voted $5000 for the Improvement of its pretty park and it is money well exshypended

mdashM Carland says Its bullbulldead easy1 o sell wall paper It ought to be easy for him as be certainly shows some fine patterns

mdashTbe W C T U will hold their county convention in the Corgregation-al church Vernon May 15 and 16 A

his faithful aud efficient friendship for j ia rge attendance is expected this department and as a slight token of abiding respect and esteem this little book is reajnatfully dedicated by Class of 1901

Have yon seen those shoes for 80 cents and Minors Monogrsm shoes for ladies at Collins Shoe Store

All fancy feathers will be reduced in price at Hicks Sisters

Scratch scratch scratch unable to attend to business during the day or sleep during the night Itching piles horrible plague cores Never tails cent0 coats

Doani Ointment At any drag store

B e a t E s t a t e Trans fers

B Schmit to EL Jacobs and wife lot 3 block 12 Barnesadd Owosso 1500

F Oomstock and wife to A J West lots 1 and 4 block 3 Owosso 2250

H Berger to P Pelton land on sec 26 Shiawassee 80190

H Berger rgt G Seymour land on sec 26 Shampwassee 871

C Callina to T Hubbard tote 1-2 block 7 Perry 100

Not ice to T a r - P a y e r s o f talaquo First W a r d

You are hereby notified that tbe asshysessment on every piece of real estate ia the First ward will be raised from laraquot years assessment As I understand the law it makes it my plain dnty to do so

Tbe board of review will meet on the third Monday of May and you are reshyquested to be present and look over yOurasessmear and if not satisfied make your wants known


Supr of tbe First ward

mdashA H Owens of Venice was in tbe city Friday and brought John E Car- j land his annual sample of maple syrup j which Jobu highly appreciated

mdashThe May tenn of court opens Mon- day with four cases on the calendar divided as follows Criminal 7 issue of j fact 18 imparlance 1 chancery 15

mdashNK Potter of Burns ami Geo Harlow of Snaftsburg were in tbe city on business yesterday

-^Jobn Iladsey of Allegan f-ounty and Mrs J L Cljapmap of Wellington Ohio were the guests of their brother Mr and Mr William Lindsey of this city the past week

mdashEd Hoisington of Shiawassee ha a very odd freak in teg shape of a spring iamb He found one tbe other uwndng witb five legs and six feet the odd leg having two well formed feet

mdashTbe BI C base ball club of this city consisting of boys from fifteen to seventeen years old are now reidy to play ball Clubs desiring a game write to the mananger Hugh M Nichols Co-aunna

mdashMr Henry Sidney entertained his old friend Mr Cole of Tecumseh over Sunday Mr Cole sed Mr Sidney were neighbors In the state of New York and had not seen each other for over 20 years They had a delightful v i s i t

mdashAt tbe meeting of Caledonia Sunday School Association held at tbe Baptist church mat Wednesday tbe following officers were ejected President Mist Mary Lyons vice president B amp Marraquo shall secretary and treasurer Miss K HKetsey

mdashTbe Order of the Temple was conshyferred on two companions last Friday evening which made twenty-five comshypanions knighted daring the Templar year just ended Corunna Commandery was never in a more flourishing con-ditoin

mdashC H Downer tbe bogus detective charged with slander received a letter last week from Mrs C H Downer of Detroit who claims to be bis wife His has a wife in Perry and it looks now as though a charge of bigamy might be preferred against him

mdashThe baseball game for May 30 beshytween the teams represeBtlBg theUnishyversities or Michigan and Illinois will be played at Detroit The game for May 19 with the Universiry of WlaeonsiB which was U be played ie Ann Arbor will be in Grand Rapids

mdashA ive-week snnwkcr arises will be held at Ovid commencing July 9 I t is particularly for teecher and students and will undoubtedly have a large abgt tecdance as it is the only mmwtet school for Clinton and Shiawassee counties Experienced instructors will be emshyployed bull _ bullbullbull

mdashTburlow the two-year-old son of Mr and Mrs Harry Hawkins oast of the city died last Friday The funetal was held Sunday afternoon interment iu the Corunna cemetery Mr and Mrs Hawkins have tbe heartfelt sympathy of many friends In their sad bertsW ment

mdashCbas Godfrey president of tbe vilshylage of Bancroft was here Friday exshyamining our vitrified brick cross-walks He was much pleased with tbem and will recommend the same for Bancroft Several of our villages have followed Coruuna In adoptiug this kind of a walk bull -

llraquoe Daily Amertcaa says that W J Parker of this city has announced his candidacy for the office of circuit court commissioner on tbe republican ticket this Jail subject to the approval of the convention Mr Paj ker is a clean able young man who has many warm friends throughout the rjonmtry laquolaquod sflaquoo wottid make an excellent official

mdashM K Phillips of Bancroft has in his possession the origins certificate of membership granted bis great-grand-father Nsthaniel Kimball when be was made a Maafer Mason at Preston Conn December 3^1798 Too certificate was engraved at Boston Mass by Paul Re-yere and is 102 years old Mr Phillips values the document very highly

mdashMayor Osburu has made the followshying appointments City attorney F H

j Watson marshalZ IS Ross night police L R Alderton and George Griffith surveyor H C Main special assessors H C Friescke and L A Hangt blinhealth officer Dr P S Wilson members of the board of health E P Gilbert W E Collins and John T Walsh fire chief M Blair street comshymissioner I O Chase

mdashMrs E Marion of Chicago has moved to this city and will occupy her residence No 518 Shiawassee Aveuue South Mr Marion is enlarging nor residence also extending the veranda and is repainting and repapering it and when completed will be one of the tiny

j residences of the city Mrs Marion is | a Christi-in scientist and when she gets bull settled will hold regular services at her home

j mdashLaingsburg News Seth Beech of i Toledo an old friend of N N Phillips

mdashMr Fred Wentsel died At bis borne in Owosso Sunday agexl 77 years Tbe funeral services were held yesterday at the home interment at Cbesaoing j

mdashRev II C Northrop will continue his sermon next Sunday evening on the fundamental doctrine of tbe Bible ate special s e l e c t will beuThv Effect of tbe falLn

and family called ou them last Thursshyday Norm was busy at the post-filce when Mr Beech called and did not recognize bis old chum The latter in his most dignified way announced that be was a postofflce inspector aud to see Mr Phillips drop the business in need and rush to wait on the Inspector waakttghebfe at least to Mr Beech



bull W i t N SltKN B T FKW

At dinner that evening I mentioned to my father the episode of the tln-ee Buddhist priests and found as I had exjieeted that he was very much in- tere-ted by accounts of them When however he heard of the high manshyner hi which Bam Singh had spoken of him and the distinguished posishytion which he had assigned him amenpound philologists he became so exshycited that it was all we could do to prevent hira from setting off then and there to make his acquaintance- Esshyther and I were relieved and glad when we st Inat succeeded Jn abstractshying hi boots and maneuvering him to hi bedroom for the exciting events of the last twenty-four hours had been too much for his wesi frame and delishycate nerves

t waraquo sitting at the open porch In the gloaming turning over In my naiad the unexpected events which had occurred so rapidlymdashthe gale the wrW rhe tescue and the strange dtaraeter of the castawaysmdashwhen my sister cameQuietly over to me and put her hand in mine

bullDont you think Jack she said in ber low sweet voice that we aire for^ettius our friends over at Cloomshyber Hasnt all this excitement drivshyen their fears-a^d their danger but of orr bends

Ort of our heads but never out of cur 1 e gtrs s id I laughing Hovev-er you uro ri^ht Utile one for our attention has certainly been distract- ed fr^u th^m I shall walk up in the morning and see if I can sceanything of thorn By the rvtay to-morrow is the-fatal ~gtth of Otrtoior--one more day and ail will lie well with vs

bullOr ill said my sister gloomily Why what a little croaker you are

to bo wrtiV I cried What in tfio world is coming over you

I feel nervous and low-spirited gthe answered drawing closer to my side and shivering 1 feel as if some great JKM11 WITH hanging- over the heads of those we love Why should these priauge tuen wish to stop upon the c(ast

What the Jiurtdhislsr I Raid lightshyly Oh these fellows have continued feat daysarid rollgioiis rites of all sorts They have some ^ey good reashyson for staying you may lie sure -bullVIKwt you think said Esther in an awe-struck whisper that it is very strange that these prievrts should arrive here all the way from India

Just at the present moment Jin ve you not gathered from fill you have heard that thf generals fears are in some way connected with India and the Indians

The remark mado me thougthful Why now that you mention it I answered I have some vague impresshysion that the mystery is connected With some incident which occurred in that country I am sure however that your bullbullfears would vanish if yea saw Itam Singh He is the very pershysonification ofwisdom and benevoshylence fie was shocked at the idea of our killing a sheep or even a fish for his benefitmdashsaid he would rather die than have a band in taking the life of an animal

It is very foolish for me to be nershyvous said ray sister bravely But you must promise me one thing Jack Ton will go up to Cloomber in the morning and if you can see any of them you must tell them of these strange neighbors of ours They are better able to judge than^ we are whether their presence lias any sg-

little one I answered as we went indoors You have beVa over-excited by all these wild doings and you need a sound nights rest to compose you Ill do what yon sugshygest however and onr friends shall judge for themselves whether these poor devils should be sent about their business or not

I made the promise to allay my sisshyters apprehensions but in the bright sunlight of the morning it appeared little less than absurd to imagine that oar poor vegetarian castaways could liave any sinister intentions or that their advent could have any effect upshyon the tenants of Cloomber I was anxious myself however to see whether I could see anything of the Keatlierstones so after breakfast I walked up to the Hall In their seclushysion it was impossible for them to have learned anything of the recent events I felt therefore that even I should meet the general he could hardshyly regard me as an intruder wbile I had so much news to communicate

The place had the same dreary and melancholy appearance which always characterized it Looking through beshytween the thick iron bars of the main gateway there was nothing to l e s^en or any of the occupants One of the great Scotch firs had been blown down In the pale and its long ruddy trunk lay right across the grass zvcvgt aveshynue hut no attempt had been iraquoltie to remove It Everything alwit tbc property bad the same air of desolashytion nod neglect with the solitary ex-laquoeotion of the massive and liraquou enetra-

wuemer tueir prlt n g c ^ f not

bull ^ A I T right litti

ble fencing winch presente) as nn-bullbroken and formidable an OI)SJHIC is ever to the would-be trespasser

1 walked around this barrier as far as our old trysfjug place withai ftnd-ing any flaw through which 1 could get a glimpse of the house for the fence had been erected witheach rail overlapping the last so as to srcuiv absolute privacy for thoae inside At the old spot however where I had had the memorable interview with the general on the occasion when he surprised me with his daughter I f-vvi that the two loose rails had been reflxed in such a manner that there was a gap of two inches or

more between them Through this I had a view of the house and a part of the lawn in front of It and though I could see no signs of life outside or at any of the windows I settled down with the intention of sticking to my pest until I had a chance of speaking to one or other of the inmates Inshydeed the cold dead aspect of the house had struck STtch ad i l l l in to my heart that 1 detetmined to scale the ft nfe at whatever risk of Incurring the generars displeasure rather than reshyturn without news of the Heather-stonc-Si bullbullbull bull

Happily there wiis no need of this extreme expedient for I had not been there half an hour before I heard the harsh sound of an opening lock and the genoral himself emerged from the inain doorTo my surprise lie was dressed in a military uniformmdashand tILiit iot the uniform in ordinary use in the-Ii-itlsh army The teil coat was stiagtgeSycut and stained with the weather The tro^stnvhiuForiginally bullbeen white-but had how flaquodel to a bull dirty yellowTTntu a red s as-i -across-his chest and a filraight- sword hang-insx from hi side he stood the living

-t siULijihi of a bygone typltv^tbe John Companys officer of forty yennj ago He was followed by the ex-tramp Corporal Rufus Smith now well clad and i)jo-ievouswhr) HnnlaquoH aJoTigbc- side Iiis ihiister the two pacing up and down the lawn absorbed in conversashytion i obyervedthat froiu time to time one or the other of them would pli userind glance furtively ail about them as thoiVgh guarding keenly against a surprise

I should have preferred communica- ting with the general alone but since there was no dissoclatipg him from his companion I iwai loudly oh the fencing with my stick to attract their attention They both faced around in a moment and I could see from their gestures that they wee dlsturinnl aul alarmed I then elevated my stick above the barrier to show them where the sound proeeiled from At- this the general bepanAo walk in tny dishyrection with the air of a man who is bracing himself for an effort but the other caught him-bythe Wrist and enshydeavored to dissuade him It was only when I shouted out my no me and asshysured them that I was alone that I could prevail upon them to approach Once assured of my identity the genshyeral i-aiieagerly toward me and greet ed me with the utmost cord a I y

This Is truly kind of you West he said It is only at such times as these that one can jndg who Is a friend and who not It would not be fair to you to ask you to com i las e to stay any time bat 1 am mgtne the less veiy glad tp see you

I nave been anxious about yon all I said for it is some little time since I have seen or heard irom any of yt o How Lave yo_y al teon keeping Wby allfeU uk cent0frac34frac34 TJ S ^ l e d

But we wltl be better to-mofrow~we will be different men to-morrow eh corporal^ -jgp-raquoraquobullbull- -

Yes sir said the eoinoml rats ing his hand to his forehead in a milishytary salute Well be right m the bank to-morrow

The corporal and I are a little disshyturbed in our minds just now the general explained but I have no doubt tliat all will come right After all there is nothing higher than Prov-idenee and we are all in itlt buns And how have you been eh

We have been very bsy for o e thing said I I suppose you have heard nothing of the great shipshywreck

Not a word the g no a1 nswercd listlessly

I thought the noise of the wind would prevent your hearing the signal guns She came ashore in tho bay night before lastmdasha great bark frcm India

From IaTia ejaulteJ the gen eral

Yes Her crew were saved fortushynately and have all beta scni cu to Glasgow

All sen on cried the general with a fice as bloodless as a ltjip-o

AH ixcept three rather s range characters who clam to lgte Iiaddliist priests They have decided to remair for s few days upiui the lto-isr

The words were hardly out if n j mouth when the general dropped rp on his knees with his long thin arw extended to heacn Thy will b donet he cried in a crackling voice Thy h^raed will bgt done I couh

sw tiiroughthe crack that Corpora ltufus Snilths face hadturnedto a Blckly yellow shade and tliar lo w s wiping the ]gterai)urathraquoifioi hisUrow

Its like my luck- he said -Af- ter all these years -to come just-when I have got a snug billet

Never mind my lad the g ncraJ said rising and squaring hix ssjoji-

ders like a man Who 1 rac-e ii-mse f bullfor an effort Be it what it may v e] fiico it as British (soIdier-M shoulilDyi-reiuember at Cliilllauwal-ah when yon had to run fromyour gisu^ o

bull our square andthe Sikh horse came tlirjnlcnng clown oh ourbayorets We didnt flinch then and wewont-flinch now It seems to ine that- I feelhoor than I havo done for years It ws the awful uncertainty that was kill- thtf hie bull

And the infernal jiiiglejanglo said the corporal Well Vtii iui go togethermdashthats some cbn^olatiou

ilOfxl-by West said the general-Be a good husband to Gabriel anbull give my poor wife a home I doit think she will trouble you longt God by God bless you

Look here general I asiltI pershyemptorily breaking off a piece of wood to make communicatiou more easy This sort of thing has been going oh too long What are these hints and allusions and innuendoes It is time we had a little plain speaking What Is it yon fear Out with it Are you In dread of these Hindoos If you are I

am able on my fathers authority to have tbem arrested as rogues and vagabonds

No no that would never do he answered shaking his bead Yon will learn about the bdquo wretched business soon enough Mordannt knows where to lay his hand upon the papers bearshying on the matter You can consult him about it to-morrow

But surely I cried if the peril Is so immiueQt something may be done to avert i t If you would but tell me What you fear I Should know how to act ^1- 1--^- bullbull

Jly dear friend he said there is nothing to lgte done so calm yourself and let things take their course It has been folly on my part to shelter Jiiypelf ijehird mere barriers cf tvilaquoxl and stone The fact Is that inaction wrts-tert-ible to me and I felt that to do riiything however futile in the eature of a precaution was Iffctter than passive reSigtiation Jfy humblei friend here nud I have pieced ouiv M-ives ih a position in which I trust no poor Yellow will ever find himself again We can only reeomiueiid oiir-r-elvcsto the imfailiiig g odness of the Alhiiyhty atidtrust that what gt wo have endured in this world may lesshysen- onr nToiiemeiit in the world to croiue I must leave you now f o r i have many papers to destroy and much to arrange tloOd^by He pushed his liantl thn-Ugh the hole which I hndiundf and graspedmine in a soj-ciun fan well after which he walked back to tlie Hall with a firm and deshycided step still followed by the C1jgt-pUfdwrjMgtral

I walked back to Brauksome umeh dl-sturiied by thlaquo Interview andex-tjvniely puzzled as to what course I should putKUit It was eyldtut nltgtw that my sisters suspltionH ven- cer-rect and that tliore was senile ery In- thi]iitltk eonnecliou 1 nt ween the1 plaquos-etice of the throe Orientals and the myxfvrjojTs peril whichhung over the rowers of ChiombiT It was dillicnlt for meto aj-s-icirtte the uobit-falt-eltl Kaui Singles gentle refined manner andwords of wisdom with any deed of violt nlt e -yet now that I thought of it I conJ see that a terrible capacity for wrath lay I ehnd his shaggy brows and dark piercing eyes 1 felt that of all men whom I had ever met he was the one whose displeasure I should least care to face But how could two men scgt widely ltUgtsoc-iatedasthe foul-mouthed old corporal of artillery and the distinguished Anglo-Indian genershyal have each earned the ill-will of these strangecastatrays And if the danger was a positive physical one why should he not consent to my proposal to have the three men placed under my custody though I confess it would have gone much against my grain to act in so inhospitable a manshyner upon sijcpound vajrufc ajid shadowy grounds These questions were absoshylutely unanswerable and yet the solshyemn words and the terrible gravity which I had seen in the faces of -btth the ojd soldiers forbade me from thinking that their fears were unshyfounded It was all a puzzlemdashan abshysolute insoluble puzzle One thing at least was clear to memdashand that was that in the present state of my knowlshyedge and after the generals distinct prohibition it was impossible for me to interfere in any way I could only wait and pray that whatever the danshyger might lgtoP it might jjass over or at least that my dear Gabriel and her brother might be protected against t s

Is was walking down the lane lost in thought and had got as far as the wicvct gate which opens upon the Dranksome lawn when I was sur prised to hear my fathers voice raised in most animated and excited con-verso The old man had been of late so abstractedtrou the daily affairs of the word rnd so absiricd in lh own special studies that it was difficult to engage his attention upon any orshydinary mundane topic Curious to know what it was that had drawn him so far out of himself I opened the gate softly and walking quietly round the laurel bushes found hm sitting to my astonishment with none other than the very man who was occupy ing my thought Ram Singh tlie Buddhist The two were sitting upon a garden beuch and the Orengtl apshypealed to i e laying iovn some weighshyty proposition checking evey pont upon Ids long qulvcriug bown fingers while my father with his hands tlrowjo abroad aud his fae awry was


in loud protestation ana argument po absorbed were the In their controvershysy that I stood witiiln a hand touch of them for a minute or iriorebetpeli y became conscious of my presence On observing me the priest sprang to his feet and greeted me with the same lofty courtesy and dignified grace which had so Impressed ma the day before bullbull I~ promised myself yesterday lie said thepleasure of call ig upon your father You see I havekept my

word I have beeu daring enough to question his views uoi somo points in connection wltii the Sanscrit- a d Hindoo tongues with tho result t--at we liavcbeen arguing for an hour or more tvithoht oiliter cT vs cgtiivlnciig the other- Witlio pivteiuling to as deep a theoretical koiiyvledgc as that

bull Whicli has madCfhlti nane cf John Hunter Wsst a household word among Oriental scdiqlars I liappen to have given qonsidemble attention +o this one point and indeed I am In a position to siiy that I know his views to ho unsound I assure you sir t at up to tlie year 70) or even later Sansshycrit was the ordinary language of the great bulk of tlie inhabitants of Inshydia

And-1 assure you sir aaid my father warmly that it was dead and forgotten at that date save by the learned who used it as a Tehlcie for scientific and religious worksmdashjust as

totiu was used in the middle ages long

after it had ceased to be spoken by any European nation

if you will consalt the puranas you will find said Earn Stogh that taraquo theory though commonly received Is entirely uutenabte^

And if you win consult the Raraay-aua and more particularly the canonshyical books on Buddhist discipline ciHl m y father you will find that the theory is unassailable

But look at the Kullavagga said our visitor earnestly bull

And look at King Asoka shoutshyed my father triumphantly When la the year 300 before the Christian eramdashU1 fore mind you-^he ordered the laws of Buddha to be engraved upon the locks what language did he emshyploy clgt V Wjxs it Sanscrit^mdashno Araquod

why-was it not Saascrit Because the lower orders of Its -subjects would not have eeti able to understand a word of it ITa h i That was the reason T vr are you gpii-g to get around

iiz Asokasi^Ictft -chV bullbull-Iio ltaivo 1 tficnt in the various din-

le tr iaiii Singh answered But crjy is too precious a thing to m wiy lt-d in mere wind in this style Th(gt -tm ha lt parsed Its meridian aud I mis return to my comigtanlons

Iahi sorry that you have not i ioi -lit titem to see us said my fnth

of courteously Hewas I could see riulaquoy h st in the eagerhesh of delwite if 1 ad ltiVeHtepiel the bound of bos- 1 1 1 J V - bull -

^njeydo not iiilx with the world Ilam Pingh aisweietl rising t o his frlaquo t Tlsey are of a higher grade than I and more sensitive focojitamSuatlng

-influences They areliimn-rse-l In a sinilaquonths nietlitafion upon the mys-( riesof the third iti^arnatloti which has lasted from ttie thiie tiiat we left the Ilmnlayn I shall notsee you again Sir llhnter West and I thereshyfore bid you farewell Your old age will be a hippy ongt as it do erves to be and your Kistern stuui-s will have a hist ing effect utxraquou the knowlshyedge and literature of your own oun-tiy bull FarewellI

And a in I also to see no more of you 1 asked

Vhless you wfil walk with me along the seashore M answered But you have already been out this morning and may be tired I ask too much of you

Nay I should be delighted to come I responded from my heart and we set off together accompanied for some little distance by ray father who would gladly I could see have reopened th Sanscrit controversy had not his stock of breath been too limshyited to allow of his talking and walkshying at the same time

He is a learned man Ram Singh remarked after we had left him beshyhind but like many another he is Intolerant toward opinions which difshyfer from his own He will knew bet-tej some day

I made no answer to this obsera-tlon and we trudged along for a time in silence keeping well down to the waters edge where the sinds affordshyed a good foothold The sand dunes which lined the coast formed a conshytinuous ridge upon our left cutting us off entirely from all human observashytion while on the right the brorgtd channel stretched away with hardly a sail to break its silvery uniformity The Buddhist priest and I were absoshylutely alone with Nature I could not help reflecting that if he were rcaly the dangerous man that the mateafshyfected to consider him or that might be inferred from the words of Genershyal Heatherstone I had placed myself completely in ids power Yet such was the majestic benignity of the mans aspect and the unruffled serenity of his deep dark eyes that I could afford in his preaeree to let fear rnd suspishycion blow past mo as lightly as the breeze which whisiled round us His face might be stern and even terrible but I felt that he could never be unshyjust As I glanced from time to time at his noble profile and thesweep of his jet black Ixard Ms rough-spun tweed traveling suit struck me with an almost painful ense of incongruity and I rorclothcd Stim in my imaginashytion with he grnn-V sweeping Oriental costume which Is the fitting and i ropshyer frame for such a picturemdashthe only garb which does nor detract from the dignity and grace of the wearer The place to which he l--d mlaquo was a small fisher cottage which had been desertshyed some years Ix-forc by its tenant but still stood gattot and bare with

tne thatch partly t-knVn a Way and Use windows and door In sad disrlt pair The dwelling which the poorest Scotch beggar would have f-hrimk from was the one which these singushylar men hadpreferred to the proffered hospitality of the lairds house A smalt garden now a mas- cf taiigled Gambles stood around it and through this my accitt-tntaneo picked hi way to t-he ruined door He glanevd into i^ Jmusn mid -then -waved bis hand f- r me to follow him

^bullVfliirovbivnn opportunity he bullail iu a f-uigt reverential voice of --S--vin -a s]Vocace which fex Ku-ropenii lt had the privileged of be-

bullbullholding Inside bull tcottage yosvVill bullfind ivo Y-M----Mei who are( ny one rcjuove fiTin ih highest bull plane of adcjiisliip iicy arc both wrapped in an ocvH-tic trance -otherwise i should not venture to obtrude your pre-euce upon tiieiii Their astral bodies have departed from thorn to be present at bullthe feast of lampr in the holy lamas-tery of Iludok in Thibet Tread lightshyly lest by stimuhiting their corporeal functions you recall them before their devotions are completed

Walking slowly and on tiptoe I picked myway through the weed-grown garden and peered through the open doorway There was no furnishyture in the dreary interior nor anyshything to cover the uneven floor save a litter of fresh straw in a corner Among this straw two men were crouching the one small and wb ened the other large-Honed and gaunt with their legs crossed in Oriental fashion and their bends sunk upon their breasts Neither of them looked np nor took the smallest notice of onr presence They were so still and silent that thejr might hare been two 1 r--nze statues but for the alow and measured rhythm of their breathing Their faces however had a peculiar eshen giay color very different from the beatlhy brown of my companions and I obshyserved on stooping my bead that onshyly tbe whites of their eyes were visishyble the balls being turned upward be-ueath the lids In front of them upon a small mat lay an earthenware pitchshyer of water and half a loaf of bread together with a sheet of pjpr In-sciiU-d with certain ca alLstic chaiac-tcrs Uani Singh glanced at these and then motioning lo me to withdraw followed me out into the garden

I am not to disturb them until ten oebelc he said You have nw seen in liipergfjon one of the grandest ie-Suitsofpur occult phiicsophy (lie dis-iknfihm of spirit iroul body Not any art- the spirits of those holy men Ktaudinig at the present moment by the banks of the Ganges but those spirits are clothed in a material covshyering so identical with their real bodshyies that none of tin faithful will evshyer doubt that I^ai Hoomi and Mpw-dar Klian HTC actually among them This Is accomplished by our power of ri-solving an object Into It chemical t tins cf conveying tljese atoms with a spolaquo-d which exCtKHls that of light iiing to any given spot and of theie re precipitating them aud compelling themto retake their origimil form Of old It Was uecessat-y to convey the whole body in this way but we have since found that-if was as easy and more convenient to transmit material etraquoongh meiely to build up an outside shell or semblance- of a body This we bullhave termed the astral body

But if you can transmit your spirshyits yo readily I observed why should they be accompanied by any body at all

In communicating with brother ini-tt(s We aie able to employ Our spirshyits only but when wewish to come in contact with ordinary mankind it is essential tluit we should appear in some form which they can see and comprehend

Yoti have Interested me deeply in all that you have told me I said grasping the band which Ram Singh had held out to me as a sign that our interview was at an end ^1 shftl ofshyten think of our short acqnalntance

You win derive much benefit from it he said slowly still holding my hand and looking gravely and sadly into my eyes ^Yott must remember that what happens in the futare is not necessarily bad because it does not fall In with your preconceived ideas of right Be not nasty In your judgshyments There are certain great rules which must be carried out at whatshyever cost to individuals Their operashytion may appear to yon to be harsh and creel but that la aa nothing comshypared to the dangerous precedent which would be established by not enshyforcing them The ox and the sheep are safe from us but the man with the blood of the highest upon bis liands should not and shall not live

He threw up hia arms at the first words with a fierce threatening gesshyture and turning away from me strode back to the ruined hut I stood gazing after him until be disappeared through the doorway and then startshyed off for home revolving in my mind all that I had heard and more particshyularly this last outburst of the occult philosopher Far on the right I could wee the tall white tower of Cloomber standing out clear-cut and shaip against a dark cloud-bank which rose behind it I thought how any traveler who chanced to pass that way would envy in his heart the tenant of that magnificent building and how little they would guess the strange terrors tlie nameless dangers which wrc gathering about ids head The black c1 owl-wrack wa but the maglaquo I re-c-rcd of the darker more somber tgtgtgt which was filiout to-burst

bullbullWhatever it all means and bower-er It 1 appeirs I ejaculated (Soil grant that the Innocent be not conshyfounded with the guilty

My father vhen I reached home was still in the ferment over his learned disputation with the stranger I trust Jack no said that I did

not -haEdfe htm too ro us my igt-hoiitl remember -that I am in loco magistri and be les prone to argue with my guests Vet when he took up this most untenable position I could aot refrain from attacking him and hurlshying him out of it which indeed I did though you who are ignorant of the niceties of tlie question may have failed to perceive It You observed however that my reference to King Asohus edicts was stfconclusivethat he at once rose and took his leave

You held your own bravely I an-swereubut what is your fmpivssion of the manROW that you have seen him V

Why said my father he is one e t those holy men who undor the varshyious names of Saunasis YosisSevres Q nam riders Ilakims and Guns have devoted their lives to the study of the mysteries of tdie Buddhist faith He Is I take it a theospphist or worshipshyer of the (TOCI of knowledge the highshyest grade of whichIsthe-adept This trian and ids companions hive pot atshytained tliis high position or they could not have crossed the sea without conshytamination It is probable that they are all advanced eheias who hope in time to attain to the supreme honor of adeptship

But fatlier interrupted my sister this does net explain why men of such sanctity and attainments should choose to take up their quarters on tiie shores of a desolate jteotch bay

Ah there you get beyond me my father answered 1 may suggest howshyever thatlt is nobodys business bat their own as long as they keep the peace and are amenable to the law of the land

Have yon ever heard I asksdV that these higher priests of whom yon speak have powers which are unknown to us

Why jSastern literature is full of It The Bible is an Eastern book and is it not full of the record of sach powers from cover to cover U is unquestionshyable that they have in the past known many of Natures secrets which are lost to us I cannot say however that the modern theosophist really possess the power3 that they claim

Are they a vindictive class of peoshyple I asked Is there any off wise among them which can only Is exshypiated by death

Xot that I know of my father anshyswered raising his white eyebrrrvs in surprise You appear to be in ii inshyquisitive humor this afternoonmdashwhat i3 the object of all these questions Have our Eastern neighbors aroused your curiosity or suspicion in any way

I parried the question fiv best I might for I was unwilling to let th3 old man know what was in my mind No good purpose could come from his enlightenment his age and his health demanded rest latherthan anxiety and indeed with the best will in the world I should have found it itliUcuk to explain to another what was so very obsctzro to myself For every reason I felt tha t it Was hest tljnt he thoulil bdquo be kept in the dark

Never is all my experience hsve I known a day pass so slowly as did that eventful 6th of October Iii every posshysible manner I endeavored to while away the tedious hours and yet it fieeined as if darkness would never arshyrive I tried to read I tried to write I paced about the lawn I walked to the end of the lane I put iiew Bics on my Qshipg-hpoks I began to index my fathers libraiymdashin a dozen ways -I endeavored to relieve the suspense which was becoming intolerable My sister I could see was suffering from the same feverish restlessness Again and again our good father remonshystrated with us in his mild way for our erratic behavior and the continual interruption of his work which arose-from it At last however the tea was brought and the tea was taken the curtains were drawn the lamps Uibdquo and after another interminable interval the prayers were read and the sershyvants dismissed to their rooms My father compounded and swallowed his nightly Jorum of toddy and then shufshyfled off to his room leaving the tworaquo of us in the parlor with our nerves In a tingle and our minds full of the most vague and yet terrible apprehensions^


MO raquo T O A O E SALEmdashDefault havlog been U d in tbe condition of a mortgage con-

taming-a power of sale made b j James Con-roy aud J a n e s Fttma of tbe town of Hazelton Shiawalaquoraquoee county and state of Hlenigan to-Mac Wfcaiey laquof the e laquo trtilaquo Genesee 5 2 ^ 2 ^ f ipound J M i laquotlaquon o e i r i a s date-tneflfUadayof February A D 1806 and re-corded iu the office of tbot register of deeds of said cotmty of SbiawaMee on the ttintb day of FetM-uary^ A D i a a i n liber raquo of Korteaaes on pace raquo 4 On whkrb atortgage and the oote accontiMHiyinff the same there U claimed to lgte dne at the date of this notice for interest the stum of one hundred and fifty six dollars and fifteen cent (I15SI5) Besides ftSOO of the laquo3amp00 attorney fee provided for in said mortgage (and awgt allowed by the statnte in such caae made and provided) laquo1800 of principal is to become dne bereafter on sailaquo mortgage with intercut thereon from February Stb 1000 at 7 per cent per annum and this foreclosure iraquo subject ugt tbe right of said mortgagee to foreshyclose hereafter lb erf or and no suit or proceedshying at law or in equity having been had or in-KtitnUid to recover the amount secured by said mortgage or any part thereof Now therefore by virtue of the power of raquoale contained in said mortgage and the Atati tlaquo in such case made and provided Notice is hereby given that on Thursday the 10th day of May A 1gt KgtQ at one oclock in the afternoon of said dav utd nortgage will l e t gtreltloecd by said mortshygagee who iv ill sell at public auction or vendue to the highest bidder subject to tbe lien of said mortgage for future sums to become due thereshyon a l the westerly front door of the counbouse in the oily of Cornnna in said county of Shia-waslaquoee (that being the place vberein the circuit court for said county is held) the prero-iseK described iu said mortgage or so much thereof a s may oe aei-esraquoampry to pay the said aiuouuidue upon Kaid mortgage for luterest with seren per cent interest theron and all legal cost and expenses together with aaid attorney fee of 115laquo subject lto the right of said mortshygagee to foreclose again foj princloal or inshyterest to become due hereafter The BM premises being described In said mortgage aa follows The lands premises and property bull i ^ ^ l raquolaquownship of Haaelton countv of Shiawassee ^nd alaquo of Michigandescribed a s follow laquoe-wft The west half of the south east quarter bull section twenty-four ltS4) town eight (8) north of range fonr (4) east and conshytaining eighty acres of land

Dated rebrwary laquoth 1laquo00

U t laquo A PARK KR Mortgagee AraquoweTraquo for aVortgaeae FUnt Mich

i s

t W I I I I I I I I l m M I W m M M H I I M M I I H I I H I I I I I I

i w Fe teke pleasure in announcing to the people

of Shiawassee County that our store is full and new goods coming in daily We placed our criers early and therefore bought at the lowest prices Our motto is Once a cusshytomer always a cus^ tptner Now is the time to get spring goods See our line and be satisfied this is the place to trade

We have Everything the

Latest in


I l s I

Woodard North amp Jennings FURNTrURE AND UNDERTAKING



ftwlnea Wakc laquo f r a r e s t F I laquo H u A r e e V Fernoaa Hansel

i M t k t a Lahe C U M

Menominee May 3-A special train on the Wisconsin Michigan amp Northshyern road returned from the fire scene Wednesday night bringing news of the burning of the dense forest north of Gerondale 20 miles west of here The town was burned Wednesday aftershynoon and 300 people are homeless A (small sawmill owned by Albert Geartts is in ruins valiie $20000 no insurance The loss of timber is estishymated at $53000 Lumber camps owned bjf George Brooks Davis amp Stitt Joe Turcatte and Charles Barnard burned The entire winter cut of ^ ^ ^ i - w h o s p 0 k e 6 n trusts and Imperial pine is tot Anxiety laquo ^ frac34 frac34 | j g j ^ denounced the n d m i S r n

Hia upper jaw ws erusneti and he was badly hurt internally but manshyaged to get serosa the river bridge stole a horse blanket and went half a mile before be fell in swoon and was brought back to the prison


Deatoeratte I M laquo raquo traquoOt at laquo bull raquobull laquoeat Mmaawet la Deshy


Detroit May 5mdashThe Mohawk club banquet Wednesday night wa the largshyest ever held in thisstate Over2500 Were present in the Auditorium and in the galleries Patriotism and party feelshying were conspicuously displayed The speakers of the evening were Col Bry

the safety of Fisfcer the largest town oft the Wisconsin Michigan A North-em road It population is 1000 Famshyilies have abandoned their home and are coming here Its losses now aggreshygate $128000 C^urehlll A Co lost 300000 fee of legs at BoHon and the same firm ha lost 200000 feet at Val-bullentine The Hlaquoron Handle and Luav her company hst had SOOjOOO feet of logs btjrned near South Roger and bull700000 feet belonging to this comshypany are burning near Hearst At Valshyentine 15090 tie were burned Sevshyeral thousand dollars worth of hardshywood and pine logs on sides have bee destroyed in Oscoda county Superin teudent Stephenaon of the bo raquoin comshypany who has returned from -the burned district says the ftoeswept tershyritory covers an area of 37 miles to the north and west of Menominee and tblaquo total damage wttl amount to mearly

laquo129000 bull bull ^ i Marquette May 5mdashDavid IftWaefon

his wife and little child wltlergtsr Crivitz are missing and it is feared that they perished In the recent forshyest fires They were living on a homeshystead and it is supposed that on the approach of the flames they fled front their home and were overtaken by the fires Neighbors whojwent to look for them found their dwelling place deshyserted but could secure no trace of the missing three


JLm Eaeastlas Caawtet a t J a c k s Crwlhca flta J a w tst Fall-v


Jackson May 7mdashJoseph Shuler a -convict from Saginaw doing five years for larceny marie a desperate attempt -to escape from the state prison Sat-iirday night He was cook in the prison hospital located in the tower fully 50 feet up and had consider--able liberty This he nsed to secure some sheet which he tied together ^attached to the windov sill and swung his body oat His improvised Tope broke immediately and he fell ito the ceU roof bounded off and plunged head-first to the earth Into which he made a hole a foot deep

administrashytion Hon James Hamilton Lewis of Seattle ex-Congressman Sufceer of New York and Congressman Lents of Ohio President W O Gleason Rev J A Kessler with Hon Thomas Bark-worth of Jackson as tcaatmaster Mayor Marbury bade them welcome General rejoicing Was indulged in

Llfcrarr bull Maal la Landng May 7~-Qov Pingree hwS

received a letter from the secretary of the American library in Manila askshying for aid for the library and statshying that money is necessary for the success of the enterprise The advanshytages of s^ch a library are fully set forth AH the state has no money for such purposes the governor suggests that the press give the needs of the society publicity to the end that subshyscript ions may be received Donashytions may be sent to the American lishybrary of Manila Philippine islands

Great- bar far afaawas Kalamazoo May 4 mdash A masonic

school of instruction has been conshyducted here and closed Thursday night with a banquet at the Auditorshyium at which plates were laid for 400 Five hundred masons representing 80 lodges in southwestern Michigan were in attendance) Grand Lecturer Arthur M Clark conducted the school It was one of the most successful -schools ever held in southwestern Michigan and the banquet was a grand success

Frajaefclae Aceewted

Pontine May 7-~The promoters of the Flint-Pontiac electric railroad have accepted the franchise offered by the council of this city The city will receive the sum of $5000 from the railway people for the privilege of a track on Oakland avenue The comshypany will be required to do their snare of paviag and in default of their constructing the track the city Till receive $5000

sUcfclsaa Man C h a i e s Washington D C May 4mdashThe

president has selected William Glover Gage of Michigan to be commissionshyer for the United States on the new Chilian claims commission

ARE FWJTKIHLEY Hl-raquola D s l e s t e a ta Phi lade lphia

So l aa trac ted And Adaalnlstrntloa Poller as U t e m i

Detroit May 5mdashThe state convenshyt ion which on Thursday elected deleshyg a t e s a t large to t h e national repubshylican convention transacted i t s busishyness quickly and harmoniously after i t had become fu l ly organized

The fol lowing were elected deleshyg a t e s at large Col Frank J Becker of Detroit Delos A Blodgett of Grand Japids and Capt William E P a m e l l of Calumet William Mcshypherson of Howel l and Frank V Gilchrist of Alpena had been placed i n nomination for third delegate ai^ large but they withdrew and alshylowed the third place to go to Farnall and they fought i t out for fourth place wi th the result that MePhersou won The fol lowing were unanimousshyl y elected a l ternates at large Alshybert S Glasgow of Jackson Herbert S Sands of Pentwater William Bane of Saginaw and John N McCampIl of Ithaca Gerrlt J Diekema^ of Holland was unanimously chosen chairman of the s tate central comirttee Stanley W Turner who had been considered the leading candidate for s tate chairshyman having announced his withdrawshyal Maj J G Wilcox of Bay City and Perry Hannah^ of Traverse City were elected presidential e l e c t o r a t large The convention completed i t s business at 645

The fol lowing platform which w a s believed to be unprecedented for conshyciseness w a s adopted

We the republicans of the state of Michigan In convention assebmled hereby reaffirm and renew our allegiance to the time-honored principles of the republican party

We unqualifiedly and unequivocally in-dorse the administration of President Kc-Kialey and congratulate the country on It happy and prosperous condition brought about as a direct result of the apshyplication of republican principles and polshyicies to the affairs of government and we congratulate the party on the prompt fulshyfillment of its pledges

And be ft Resolved farther That the delegates shown by this convention to represent us at the national convention at Phltadelpbia be and hereby are Instructed to cast the vote of Michigan for WUilam HcKlnley for president of the United States


STATE GOSSIP fmtaveettav- Bi t s Of l a f a r a i a t t s a ft

s faay X a e a l U i e a ta Mftea-- llaquoanu

Dwtratt Mafctaar Prseratlaaraquoraquo ta Be laquoctvlaquo t a Adatital JCavly

l a J a a e

Detroit May ftmdashPrei^ninary arshyrangements for the reception of Adshymiral and Mrs Dewey who will be the guests of the Fellowcraft etnb and the city of Detroit June T and S were made at a joint meeting of commitshytees of the elnb and of the common council held in the mayors omee Wednes^y The-first day the dilaquoraquo tinguished visitors will he guests of the Fellowcraft club and the second day the whole city will entertain them The admiral who is a friend of Proprietor Chittenden of the Bus-sell house has expressed s preference for apartments in that hostelry


The Trial of Ci KM R SatUa ilaquo r i -aally Cosaaieneed alaquobullbull Llaquoraquo

mdash ^ bullbullsf

Lansing May 5mdashA jury for the trial of Col Eli B Sutton was seshycured Friday afternoon Three-fourths of the jurors are farmers Prosecutor Tuttles opening address was the same as in the Marsh trial except for the statement that he would prove that Sutton was in Grand Rapids on two occasions when the most important matters in connecshytion with the military trand were arshyranged One of these dates was when Gen White drew $8104 from a Grand Rapids bankmdashthe day before Sutton deposited $8200 in Detroit banks

B f t i laquo bull laquo bull LaadslaAliiHa Pensacola Fla May 5mdashTbe recent

visit here of Gen Bossell A Alger and Col W D Mann representing aijiidi-caite of Michigan men to inspect timshyber lands and milling interest^ of Martin H Sullivan the nzllionaire mill owner of this city has resulted in a deal in which $2000000 is the money consideration For this sum Mr Sullivan transfers to Alger and others 300000 acres of pitch pine timshyber lands In fowoonuties in Alabama

bull bull bull - rir bull bull bull

Awarded Heavy DaMM- Port Huron May 5mdashMrs Matilda

JohnsiT whose husband Louis John-eis was instantly killed by the burstshying of an emory wheel at the Port Huron Engine and Thrasher comshypanys works where he was emshyployed recovered a heavy verdict from the company in the circuit court The jury after being out thee hours awarded-a judgment of-- $7000 apshyproximating the full amount recovershyable under the statute bullraquo - -

D y a a a U t e Uader m House Ann Arbor May 4mdashSamuel Bayliss President AngelP^colored coachman purchascii a hdfose recently and on Wednesday moved it toa vacant lot on Mary street Wednesday nig-ht some one attempved to destroy the house with dynamite The explosion was terrific breaking many windows in the vicinity The damage to the Bayliss house was small

Body of Gapt Bai lor F o a a d Saginaw May 7 -Capt John Bailor

of the tug Andrew C McLean disapshypeared last Monday night while the tag was lying at the dock here His body was found in the river Sunday1

near the tug Capt Bailor was 35 years old had sailed the lakes a numshyber of years and left a wife and four Children at West Bay City

F o r laquoalaquo Soldier Home Lansisg May mdashihe state trasnrer

nw received a dkeojrtor Sa50o from the general government in aid of tM sokliers home at Grand Bapids

Wheat throughput Oscoda county Is in very good condition

William H Van De Burg has been appointed postmaster at Fairport Lenawee county

Papers in the upper peninsula tell of picnic parties going in the woods on arbutus excursions The beautiful blossom is very plentiful this season

Andrew Fransen aged 58 years a resident of Jerome township comshymitted suicide by shooting himself He had been troubled with insomnia

F L Wilson of Weat Bay City is in Alpena consulting with leading busishyness mien in regard to a site for a mill to manufacture hoops and thin lumber

Driving has commencea on all streams tributary to Thunder Bay rivshyer The largest drive is on the North Branch and is in charge of Thomas Mc-Dade -

E( A Dunham of I^errieh county has shipped a lot of strawberry plants to Dawson City Alaska This is the first nursery stock ever shipped to that country

Valuable marl beds have been fliscov-ered in Menominee county near Powshyers and Nadeau Specimens analyzed are pronounced a high grade A comshypany will be organized to develop the finds

Bishop Foley confirmed a class of 300 at Port Austin Thursday morning The bishop was met at the depot by a mounted escort of 140 horsemen Sevshyenty of them rode white or gray horses and the other 70 were on bay horses Many priests were present from the surrounding parishes

The patronage of the Homer post ofshyfice has been considerably increased since the inauguration of the rural free delivery route recently The-monthly report of the carrier for April states that 2581 pieces of mail were delivered and 453 pieces collected-making a toshytal of 3034 pieces handled during 25 days

Corrigan McKinney A Cobdquo who purshychased the Hopes gold mine last seashyson will start work at once with a cyanide mill and will reopen the mine itself if developnbemts warrant The Hopes was the only Michigan gold mine ever thoroughly opened and was worked nearly 20 years It is 1000 feet deep and has produced nearly $730000 in bullion There are 200000 tons of tailings with an average gold valns oi $2 per ton


Agents on salary of $1500 per week and expenses the grsatest agent seller ever produced ovary stock sad poultry raiser buys it on sight Hustlers wanted Beferenoa Address with stamp American nfsnsfaetnring Co Terre Hanto lad



Until further notice toe examthsUoa will be held M follows

Corunus beginning thelast Thursday of March

Durand bcxinaiag toe third Thursday of June

Corunns beirionlnlaquo the third Thursday of August

owosso begioning the third Thursdsy of October bdquo - laquo bdquo

All examinations US commence at 803 s m standard time Applicants will writ upon orthography peomaiiship treography aod general nistcrv the first half ltiy arlth-atetlc US history and theory raquoud art the becoud half day readiig-H algebra civi govern-jaent and physiology the third half day laquoiiid grsmmar school law botany and physics (seeond g7-ade) the fourth half day Third day (for first grade appVtoants only) physic and geometry

The atoveachedule will be strictly folljwed RBQUIKEMENTS

For third grade no less than 70 per cent will be accepted in grammar arithmetic bustory civil government freograpby and rlaquoading and not lelaquos tban 85 per cent iu any oiocr brancb forlaquoecOttd grftde not lese than 75 per laquolaquoit in the branches before named and not

i less than 70 percent in any other branch for first grade not less than 85 percent in branchshyes before named -and not lesa tban SO per claquont in any other biacch

Appiicanta for first and second grades who pass ia part of the branches may rewrite at tfce next examlnatioft lo tsoee remaining After failing lBtwooonseeutive examinations tbey m a laquo rewrite In all brancnes Applieauts for third grade who ttt in oart o the branches must rewrite in nil branches ex cept those lit which they receive at least eighty STlaquo per cent and such third grade credits wlD be carried until the next examtoaiioa on)v Before a certificate will be granted to son l l-esnts for third grade who have never tsugat they must furnish snlBeleat proof of bsjing read csvefnlir and studiouaiy Page on Teaching Swetts Methods of Teaching Whites School Management or some other work on teaching of equal merit and they must also have familiarized themselves with the general principles of the State Manual and Course of Study The foregoing woh is neeegampsrr In order to pas the eabjeet of theory and art of teaching Boob third grade applicants must also possess the required knowledge of whooi law the same as other applicants for certtttcates

Attendance or non-attendance at the teach era institutes and the teachers associations held fn the county dating the year next pre-ceediog the examination TTJH be taken into strict accounting-ranting certificates of any grade

O L BRISTOL Counniasioner of Schools


For 1-5 years We are preshypared to Dye for you Wc do Dry Cleaning and Scour-ing Also Clothing of all kinds made to look like new

Any work given E E Richards of City Steam Laundry will receive our prompt attention

Dyeing amp Qcaning Works A McGO-US Proprietor


iMawtt TrUlaquor Oar KHIs bulllaquoraquobulllaquobullraquo ward raquo Flaweat of tne

A H t f e

Detroit Kay mdashDr Bdwsrd raquogtr-erett Vincent who was surgeon of Lieut Pearys 3 Arstle espedition was run over by a street oar and in stantly killed Friday Dr Viqosnt war riding bicycle along Grand River avenue Endeavoring to eseap coUUion wltt a buggy he rod serosa xatr CLraquo- track His M^ _ slaquorucx by the car fender and he was thrown under the wheels and instantly killed The body was fearfully mutilated Dr Vincent spent nearly ten years on the ice fields during the partys quest for thenorth poleand made some considshyerable contributions to science conshycerning the ethnology of arctic tribes


QTATE OF MICHIGAN Cownty of ShgtlaquowS-

Notied is hereby given that by an order of the Probate Court for the Coaniy Sbiawaesee ntade on the lthh day of April A D 1900 AIX ngt0nths from laquohat date were allowed for credshyitors to prevent their cUlma against the estate of Stephen Wateon late of said County deceased SAd that all creditors of said deceased are re-naired to present their claims to said Probate Court at the Probate Office In the City of Curanna for ejtamiaatien and allowance oraquo or before the 9th day-ef October next and that laquolaquoeraquoctlms will be heard before said Court on Monday the Sth day of July and oo Taeaday theSti) day of October next at 10 oetoek It the forenoon of each of thoee days

DwtedContOtta Aprtl I7lh A 1gt1W0 MATTHKW Bt7raquoH

iadge of Probate

Tine Table Graad Trunk Railway System

Arrival and Departure of Trains


Detroit Xxprem dailr eieept Sunday 9raquo s raquo Vail Train dally except Sunday 111 p a Evening Express exeept Saaday Sii pas Kastera Xxpreaa daily y 9iraquoptx


Chicago Expresagtdaily except Snadaj lO^laaa Mall and Express dally except u Sdstpaa Gd Rapids Kxpresa daily bull 71raquopas Past Western dally 7JSaxe

Sleeping and Parlor Car Sstrlco WBSTBOIJSB

090 p at train eonnedts at Xgtnrand tor Leigh hxprees east aad Patlflc express west

1001 a A train has parlor ear to Grand Sapid extra charge 25 cents

710 p to train has parlor ear to Grand Bap-ids extra charge Sc

BASTBOTJHTgt laquolScmirain has parior car to Detroit Mgttl

charge 39 octits Pullman parlor car Us troit to Toronto coaneettat vrtth si bur car for the east sad New York i nectaatDurandwithCftOC dlviaaptt - - - mdash iwt tho Clfep

1laquo raquoiuJltuMgt

B a x i y Var i e t i e s of S trawherr lea x K l i l e i k y a CM l a a p Meat

bull f t Jlaquoeph

Si Joseph May mdash JBeports reshyceived here to the effect that straw berries in the lowlands in the southshyern section of the county were killed by the frost have been confirmed Fashyvored by the warm- weather of the last ten days many of the leading early varieties of Btrswberries about one-tenth cf the total crop were in full blossom and with an ice-mak ing frost all the bods were killed Growers on the lowlands say that if their district escapes the frost durshying the rest of the dangerous month of May the district will produce thn largest toxy

crop o berries in its his-

BATC OampIMCBV-SSSM laquof MOehlgaa the raquoSMawaseeegtss

Atraquo Msnm sf the Prohate Ooart for oaM Oewnty held at the Prahate Omee iatbeetty of comma on the 14th day of April la te the year oa Ihmdashaad nine handred

Pre law Matthew Bash Jmdge of Probate Ia the matter of ths cstaM of BalserBiuel

deceased Jaesh W Btttei as administrator of said eMfc harlag readered to this c o a t hlo ftaal sssitsuu

It ts etdsrH that the 14th day Of May next at trlaquo oeleeh la the forenoon at aak| Probate Onto fee asatgued far vJ^swlalBf and tgt Vlowlas- aald aeeoant

And It ia fiirther erdeved that a copy of this order be published three successive weeks pre vious to said 4a7 of bcttrtur 1laquo the Ooranna

raquoft W y ^ ^ P ^ a V M l and elrculsttnf - raquo- ^waaaee bull

MATTHKW BUSH Jodgeof Probate

By KATBUXX KBUET Probate Begiiier


At a session ot the Probate Conrt for said countj held at the Probate office in the City of Coninna on Monday the 30th day laquogtf April in the year one thousand niue hnndred

Presen t Mathew Bosh Judge of Probate In the matter of the estate of Edward Murray

and Joseph Murray Minors oa reading and filing the petition of Thomas Murray as guarshydian praying for Ueenaea to sell real estate of said srtsora at private sale for purpose in said pettttoa mesnowied

It is ordered that tbeSstb day of May next at tea oeloekihr the forenoon at said Prabate oftea he IssafgitrJ for hearios said peMttoa

Aad tt W further ordered that a copy of t a b order be published three successive weeks yra-vions to said day of heario in OMCoraaaa Joornal a newspaper printed aad circulating la aaid county of Shiawassee

SsdjBOfBrobais By KaTBSatxs X Kxtsaf IWBali KSfuter

for Pt Huron odChicago and a M Dtr for Saginaw sad Bay

s J l pmtnUB hlaquopwrtercartsDarott charge n o e n n Ptutsssar^mdash-Betroltto Ttofooto 8tsmw_ IfwOalo rhuadeJphla sad Jdew TTs Connects at Dorsad wtth amp at S T far I t Huftmaad BatUsCrwkwi wttkO aaMDtTf^Has1nawaasiasyOn^

O D TOOmi laquoU(


alaquoaalttelaquo Detroit May 7mdashEngineer Thomas

M Thompson has been acquitted of the charge of manslaughter by willshyful neglect of duty in connection with the explosion of the boiler in the Deshytroit Journal building November 5 1895 which caused the death of 37 persons x nis was Thompsons second trial the first resolving in a convicshytion which decision the supreme court set aside

Pries t Honored Marquette May 5mdashFather Langer

of Negaunee has just been appointed vicar general of the dioces of Sault Ste Marie and Marquette by Bishop Eis who is oh the eve of a journey to Rome The bishop accompanied by Father Pinter of the cathedral parish in this city willleave for New York at once

Now Wants raquo100000 St Joseph May 4-raquoThe damage

suit of Edith Navarre vs City of Benshyton Harbor was taken up in the cirshycuit court Tuesday This is a case in which Mrs Navarre asks $100000 damages-for injuries sustained by fallshying on an icy sidewalk The plaintiff offered to settle the case a year ago for $500

Ate Stryehwlae South Jyon May 5-Christian En-

right CO years of age a respected citixen of Southfield township comshymitted1 snicide by eating a piece of ham saturated with strychnine It is thought he suicided on account of AaaMial Shatters ]

STATE OF MJCHIGAXrtAmnl of Sniafta aeeaa bullbullbull bull

At a session of the probate Court 5er said County held at the Probate Odhse ia the Cttv of Coronas on Friday the ltE7tb dayaf April ta the year owe utousaa nine haadred ~

Present Matthew Bnah Jndge of Probata bull J f J sssMsr of the estate of Joeeph Wi Terhes deceased

copyn reading and ft] lag the petition duly Teriaed of Sarah E Verke praying aexoogst other thing for the probate of the instrument now tfbWla tats Coart Borporttag to be the last will aad testament of said deceased ^JDgtarewslaquoait is ordered that Tneaday tke Ssth day of May next at ten oclock in the fqeeaooo be assigned for the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law of said deshyfeased aad an other persons interesed in saad estate ore required to appear at a season of saM Conrt then to be holden at the Probate Ontee iathlaquoelkr9CMrnnaa and show caase if asjyjhlaquoraquow|ssgts^shspfmjer eg the fssitiOB-

tioSvasat the hssslasTSwlaquoeof by tamdashlng alaquoosp of this order to be published in the i ^oruaa Joaraala asumsjiii mriassd aad eiwjalsrua

TIMETABLE In efleot Kovraquo iraquoj tts

Trams tetveGorvona bull bull bull


71raquo P H



wnt bull U A M

SsfcT P i t

W HBampWETT a p A


Dr BalTs Antiparasitic Compound prevents ud cures Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever Price 25 eta For sale by all druggists DR A R BALL 47tf Corunoa Mich






The S S ATT^ANTA on this route ia especially equipped to accommodate winter travel Cabin and Staterooms are steatn bested electric lighted and have all conveniences thai go to make travel comfortable

Leeve Comnna 223 p m Monday Wednesday and Friday (via p G H laquot M Ry) take the boat at Grand Haven t 900 p m and arrive OHICAQO 6KKgt a m following morning

J-3 -

J 1 1



bull bull r ~

- -





V f r

1(7 -

bull bull

V I bull

[ 1

Special Sale of Melts and Young Mens


Navy Blue Sergs illustrates the deplorable fact that good things are quickly and largely imitated and the public is liable to be gulled with the bait of saving

i a few cents ipto taking the false and rejecting the i genuine There is nothing more seryicable comfoft-1 able 001121^^8 0 0 1 6^0 1^8 1 1 0 1^^ wear than a real Navy | Blue Serge

G S ALLISON I SON 117 north WtaMiftoi Street Owosso Micaifan 5

Tbe Meyor then declared that the proshyposition for bonding the city of Cornn naMich for 5()00 for improving pub lie park haying received a two-thirds majority of ail the votes cast at the elecshytion held Apr 301900 had carried

Motion was made and supported that the bond of the city treasurer be fired t S15JQ00 for the ensuing ye we carried by the folibwiog vote

teas Clutterbuck Jacobs Harringshyton MeMullen and Trumble Nayraquo none

Aid McMullen presented the followshying resolution and moved its adoption

Sesoived That mdash -- - MVgt ny bull Bk laquoraquoYtrade laquoraquobullraquo the Board of in~ l U e r e raquolaquobull_ r a 1 bullgt c r t rtmdashvmrivp an imsat i s f ac torv 1 Conimisstoner be and they are hereby

^ bullbullbullgt - no launc so deceptive so unsausiacxory | lMtr1ieled to receive was for improving -^ so disappointing in every particular as the imita- mA mdash bull bullbullmdash mdash u- -1mdash mmA

tkms The real Serge is made from Worsted yarns

firmly woven and dyed with an unfadable imperish abler rich dark blue and it is of the Real Serges that oar suits are made

Beginning Saturday April 21st u d Continuing One Week we offer

Mens $1500 Blue Serge Suite doable breasted square cut and single breasted round cat coats at - - $ l l f o

Mens $1400 Blue Serge Suite round cut sack coats only $1095 Mens $1200 Blue Serge Suiteround and square cut coats $ igt95 Mens $1000 Blue Serge Suite round cot sacks only at $ 875 Young MenV$1500 [14 to 20 years] Blue Serge Suits at $1200 Toung Mlaquons $1200 f t i to 20 years] Blue Serge Suits at $ raquo95

public park according to the plana and specifications prepared by DMger and Beckham

Besolution was carried by the follow in vote YeeaCltrtMbocJt Jacobs Harshyrington McMullen and TramMe Kay none- bull

AM McMullen the presented the folshylowing lesolotion and nwved Its adopshytion

Reeoired That the Board of Part Cojawlaairtnera be end they are hereby ioatrocted to proenre at ooce pteas and

pound] apeelteaikma for a casino to be erected r on pabttc park the coat of srtd easts [not to exceed the sam of $tfiampk

Besoiatlon was supported by Traagt Me and was pasaed by the foftowlsg vote Teas Jacobs Harrington Me-MollenClntterbuck and Trumble Nays

I none On motion Council adjourned


Citv Clerk

walks beg leave to make the following report That new walks be built along and in front of the following deshyscribed property and that the Street Commissioner be and is hereby inshystructed to notify the said property owners to Lgtujid within twenty daypound or the Street Commissioner will build the same and the expense be charged and be a lien against the property abutting said walks

In the first ward ot the Cltf pf co-runna on the soalL margin of fot 11 and 12 bt 9 south margin k and 8 bk 10 south manrin lot bj| Jftj sputa

margin lots 10 audi 11 bat 1^ toutli ngtraquoiKin of lot 12 bk amp soath margin of lots 6 7 10 and U bk 11 tonth mariftn lot l i hk I t

J C T t u i M J ) a K OcmsBsocm

Toe resoteyen adopted tr tne foOotrtag fete Qntterbtaek


m JO Jft r r p t i t laquo n

ywWlrtm laquoflaquoor I t a n A a j M n i t i f M CO-n raquo H | t t laquo comnit m l of ShUwwse ampmaf Hgtnraquogtfl to th tmuttmUi of the raquolaquotraquobtten Falttaralaquo4 th ltUlaquoelian of glaquowrraquoi sad toe)

paper raquo 1 laquo per ytme la bulldTmoc

who wisk to atop th bullhMld iMMtfr oa direct raquo B 4 sot IlaquoraquoTC tt p i i l i n in i in iln filt socaclaquolilaquoK forget Al-wj met that your raquopbcrlpUoa to paid vp to th date yon request tw uraquo stop he paper

fhelaquomBUtf and quality of the adTertiaitMr appaariag la the JOCKHAI t almadaat toati-raquoraquoay to tt Taiae a an advertlatar laquoadiam

~ known at the aStae of new are alway aeeeptaMe Be-that what latenato yoa will generally other and that It will be gladly re

Comheaattoa The larr ammbfcr of exceUent eambiaattens

we mare m otter enaUe our reader to obtain a-laffle Mltwa( of cood reading at very tittle

They are as foUowa rrk Trnmae and this paper Ugt

uesroU Twice-a-Week Joornal and thi 1M Wiwati fagerOrcaa and this paper 1JB

LPVeePnMandthtopaper JM this paper IM

TOTOtSDAT MAT 1laquo raquo bull


mdashLeo Miner ia recovering from a two wveks tttaeas

mdashGreen A Pettibooe shipped another car load of wool to-day

mdashMcBtidea second hand store ia doshying a ntahiag baalnees these days

mdashLightning struck a tree on South Shtawaaeee aventre Monday night

mdashMrs 8 Z Rice and Mrs P K Cook are la Saginaw attending a home tnte-afoaarT oonventfoo

mdashMlaquow Maad Ford aocceeds Miss Suite Dyer as hello girl at the Bell telephone exchange in this city

mdashMrs F Cummin of the state of Washington Is vMting her brother Mr Adalbert Miner aod family

mdashKd Lahrtag lost a hone yesterday from distemper It ia quite a severe loss as it was one of his work team

the votes of the special election held April 301900 for the purpose of bond-log the city of Coruona In the sum laquo1 fft000 for the purpose of improving the Public Park would report as follow

Whole number of vote csat were 328 Of which number 234 were for the proshyposition and 94 against it to-wit

l8twtrd-Ye119 No 33 d bullbullbull Yes 7 raquoTo5l Sd Yea 40 Mo 11 Yesmdash334 No-94i



RKPOBT OF CITY TBKASLKKR To the Bon- Mayor and Coaunon Coonctt of the

OtyOfCorttttU I herewith snboilt to yon my anon report

fortoeyearending AprO 88thliWft- Beeeired from Kx-Treaaorer 11TJraquo 4S

bull CJtyClerkbdquo bdquobullbdquo bdquo_ laquo 8 75 CoTreaettrer S^SS laquo SumaterTax S1M t t raquo Winter Tax bdquo tOjm raquo raquobull Side-walk Tax raquo 7 8 raquo r c n laquo e r l a x 1190

bull - laquo bull Percentage coUected SI IS bull laquo laquo Intereet bdquobdquo 4 raquo

v - vWaasfQo^y a- MBraquo

iatenv4 cntrltal by a vote Met ttm ftfeiatef of

IVrhaan Ufdfe ke irJenaJ to a jotrnt coatflQlttee on

Motion thai tampe fteawfte eurBtatttee ke


PaM School Faad Brpali m Miuci laneoa Ordaral laquo State aadOaayTk

Cash on hand


fMJDSt Which Is plaeed to the eredtt of tllaquo4iatat

faaoaasfotlow Otnoral raquo- J MS St atraet nmd s a p nectrle l icht rlaquond 1raquo St ruifUifj rnalt US St Sinking-Wod bdquoZ raquo laquo

for sale to the low bidder and tint ss^dhonda stall not boar nmre ttaan fonr per cent Httmeat boads to run fifteen yearn Mflon waa carrted uy foBowrng tote CVotterboek Fvetetb Herrtngten Jacob McSfaBlaquo and Traanhle Kays none

Alderman Jacob made a reqoest that the cooncil make an approprt-atlon(fordecoettionexerclaea wnere np-eo Aid TrtHBble moved that laquo1000 be appropriated tor proper observance ot MemoriaJ day which waaanppofted and motion carried by emanlmona Tote

The Mayor presented tbe name of David R Ddl for City Marshal whieh was confirmed by tmanimons ^ot bull

For NljjJtwatcfa wiUraquo PoUoe power that of Jamer Siaseon which was iooirmed by nnacimoos vote

Motkm wan made and supported that Cltf Engineer and oflsoe of Street Comnilstlotjer be combined in oor ofiBce Motion earried byGnanlmoot bull 0 laquo

Tbe Mayor appointed M K Bon-nlnigton as City Engineer and Street Commissioner wtateb was confirmed

bjrananiioous vote W J Parker was then appointed

City Attorney by the Mayor which was confirmed b ananimons rote

For member of Cemetery Board F E Welch received the appointment to serve for five years Confirmed by unanimous vote

For member of public works A W Oreen was given appointment to serve for term of fiye years Confirmed by unanimous vote

For board of park commissioners the followingnames were presented Erwin Bveleth Wra F Gallagher S B Lyman Matthew Bush and A E Richards who were to serve for fiye four three two and one years resshypect) vely in order named Said board was confirmed by unanimous vote

The council then proceeded to vote for health officer by ballot which reshysulted as follows Walter S Jones having received all the votes cast for said office was declared elected

B R Marshall having received all tbe votes laquoa$t for fir marshal was de-eUred duly elected

Srwin Erele-h uaviug received all the votes cast for president of council waa declared duly elected

Oor retiring city attorney A E Richards then made some remarks in wBfcfe he thanked the council fot tue very eoBrteous treatment that be had ahrays i-i-lT Li ^^hetr hands

Alderman Tnzmbte moredithat a vote of thanks be tendered to Mr Rkhards fm-tto satisfactory manner m winch he had always performed the dsxticBotettj attorney

Upon motion thceity attorney was toatrnrtid to draw an -ore^mnce U-eensing hawkers and peddlers

AM Trumbte made a motion that the matter of paying rebate on side-walks be referred to a jointcommlttee oh streets and sewers which was sup-sorted and carried by unanimous vote

Upon motion council adjourned ABTHUB G YOITNG

City Clerk

raquoNMIraquo mmiiim

ISeeOirWew f




D M LOWS Treasurer

INDMION ^rpahaTe^yoo

taw it TOO know all about the

fooling 1B the atOBSCfigttllO

lof mnioxi of ftS the l m i c i pick hoodochOt

tenertl weakliest of the whole body

Yon caat have it a week witliout y o n r b l o o d beiBf impure and yoor Berres all exhausted

^ There V hut one reaaedy ^lacToa


OtaMnoa GoaaeU Comaaoa Council Boom I

Corunoa Mlcfa May 31900) At a regular meeting of tbe Common

Council calte to order by the Mayor prneat Mayor Koaenkrami and Alder-aaaa Cmtterbuck Jacobs Evetotb Bar--iaqrtc MeMolien and TrambJe

Mettou was made aod supported that the Mayor appoint a committee to can-

i votes of election held A pill 301900 Mayor appointed Alderman 1 and Clotterbuck to act as said

itttee who aubmltted tbe follow-taw report Hgt M Bon Mayor and Common Cona-

oUlaquoC City of Coruona Tear ooaimittet appoiated to canvass

sanapanoa Theres wotfahtc new

about iu Your grand-pareBtf took ft Twaa an otdSaraaparfila before other aanaparHlaa were knows It made the word Sanaparilla famous over the whole world

Theres no other sarse parilla like ft la age and power to cure fcs w The leader of them all

S U i s l v j ) ~a-laquomajht-lt-lt Averlaquo PUIs enre coswaiU


x bull A f t e r


a w

A bulla


laquoFmraquolaquoraquo^alaquon|a^aw4pF 4


COMMON OouarciL BOOKS 1 Corunoa Mich May 7190TX (

At the regular meeting of the Comshymon Council called to order or toe Mayor The following members were present

Mayor Bosenkrans Aldermen Clotshyterbuck Eveieth Harrington Jacobs McMullen and Trumbte

The minutes Of meetings of April 11th April 96th and May 3rd were read and approved

The claims and accounts were read and referred to committee on claims and accounts

Upon motion the roles were susshypended and all accounts were acted

J C Kennedy Roanoke Tenn says raquo1 cannot say to much for DeWitta Witch Basel Salve One box of it cored what the doctors called an incurable nicer oraquo my law Cures piles and ill akla diseases Look out for worthless KBitadoca F M Kllbourn

arahliwa CotuMjr Aay on desiring a map of Sbiawaasee

cowaty to date may obtain one by tendshying 19 emuts to the Coranna Jonrnal Conuvna Mich

That map la aaade Irem a new cot obshytained since Jan 1 1900 and it con tains every wagon road rail road rivshyer post efflca village^ city andaebool-honae la tat connty The school dls-trUjta are Mmtwred the Imttatfry llaws of eattb township are dmUnetiy oatilBlaquod

laud the loeattM of ihe connty farm Is given

WBAPPEB8at7aeagtdfdjeaia K bulleat attractive patterai goods and made right

SHTKT WAISTS for S9e TBe i ^jOOsadaiis

DRESS SKZBTS tot SOe 90c aad 89e foe aummar wear

Lawns and Dress Ooodav laaerttens and lfrstaeJdetJ aumnieT appareL

I^claquoCuitaiaaandCarmla for yonr windows

Ladla Taffeta and 9Btc G^wes and Mitts at 16c 90c and Xc

Come and see as for what yew eat wear or use bullbull



i LEAYITT euro 0 I Klaquofftgty J|Ulaquofc I


upon The committee on claims and ac-

connts then reposted favorably on claims and accounts authorizing tbe clerk to draw orders for the same on the several funds as given below

CONTINGENT PtJKD John Dnoeek fate keeper elelaquotkatf Z to L Ewcnmaa n t e keesxw electUM 2 raquo F C Achazd B x i n g p o i n p mdash _ bdquo twt HF Manball 2 day election coca laquo laquo9 Grand Trank railway ~~~ 1 raquo ME Hniittngton Aprtt salary - ltbullbullgt 8 B Lyman morc safe and 1 day etoc 4raquo B Davis jEaie keeper election f a OoraaMpelaquoCo^jijHets las ts

pgHrtjay St 30 K Vfc i ie t i t m

Ball 1-t year salary w H Harrtnftan ref and and electionmdash 4 bull W A McMnlleo ray and aitcttoau Sgt WJ Pjter drawVordaadlaaylec 30 JSlnwoo 1DKgtsalary m m

election^- SSS and reg 4 SO

_ __ _ ejection SSf E Preleth^ljrear salary rent t days

res aan olacttoi 56 SS Ted MchoU stationery 3 4raquo A W Green 1 day ou election ~ raquo ~ mdash S 00 AUunrartsvALinco traquovealaquoMrwurk S4S Geo Jarrls 11-t day on election 3 so 8 D XJnabory sate keeper electioa S 09 Grand Trunk railway amp 5


I had stomach traahm twenty and gave up hope of being cured till 1 trnjcaa to awe Kodol Pyapipsla Cnra It had done me so much good I call It tbe savior of my life writes W B Wllkis-aOH Albauy Teas It digests what yon eat F M Kllbourn

O S P O t t t O f T B I OOMOITtOlf


OAN AT THE CLOe OW BUStlfX80 APRIL raquo1980

RB90UBCCS bull t t l l ^ M W Loan aalt9 diacouats^

Overdrafts^ secured and P S P n n i s to asesre egtrealation^ F r e a i s m s o t t U S Band Banklns-aoa rnrnttare and Sx-

tnrea T VT ^mdash Other real estate ownedbdquo Pne fifoat stats baoka and hankers Doe tram approved reservs laquo laquo laquo Caeeka and ether cash toeeas^ bdquo Kotesof otherMartanalWaak_^




U B osttMeates of t tenders- ~ - mdash mdash

Ksseiuttca faad wtehP (SareBtorcliralatien^



Total Capital stock i Bnrnlaa f a r TJaatrMed]


Svafserl raquoraquoW-

aaVlaquoBnnmyennflmlal abi sWmffWswraquoB7SjsnslaquojBj sn j



O F J of ths ahsne


4At D aoTca ryrablie Notary i

D Osaaiaoa I m c i OaamsM W f Oi

llmamak 4 f l m t k JBML


C a S c a r load brick 90S ft cement


90 OB

Saginaw Clay Mrs Co jTBrooks A Sons for Jas Wuson 14 days l^eter BustavtL l S d a y s w o r k Jun Wood U d a y s 4 hours work Loo Berry 13 days work V Sander 3 days 8 hours with teaut B Ereletb 1 day 3 b o o n with t e a m WlUard Carlton h a y mdash Henry Eldridse 7 days work Dan Hussy 3 days with team

CEMETERY FUND A Eldredge 1laquo 1-5 d a r s cemetery work


OonuDlttee On motion the report was accepted

and adopted bf following vote Teas Clutterbuck Ereleth Herringtoo Jacobs McMullen and Trumble Kays none

Alderman Trumble offered tbe folshylowing resolution and moved its adopshytion

To the ilonorable Mayor and Com-monCjuncil of tbe City of Coranna

Your committee on streets and side

bull gtgtgt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt

We Want Your Eggs We have orders to fill and will pay l i e cash or 12c in trade

for them Considering this price for eggs together with the prices at which we sell Groceries it will pay yon to bring your eggs to us REMEMBER we sell more good Groceries for One Dollar than anyone else i theoooaty

C QU AYLE The Original Cash Grocer

235 Cor Shia Ave and Fraaer S t CORUNNA MICH

lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt

I n r t l l l i l l T i r a m m m a a n i l l i III I I I I - t t g M ^ y - f c - i y j i i | a | | i | l a a n a m a S m m a a m a m B B l r w ^ mm^m

Do a Little Shopping Jast for Once ^ frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 ~ may not wish tb tgtuy to-day but m a y some

o ther fine day We have taken much care in selecting our goods with t he idea of pleasing you in all waysmdashquality and prices We want i t understood t h a t quality i s t h e first cousid-eration prices next Look over th i s list of good things and come and see us


Wash Goods Fancy Prints per yard 5 c Best Apron Ginghams per yard 6c Finest Percales (fast colors) per yard 12gtpoundc New Dimities in all shades 7craquo 8c 10c 12gtfc and 15c Beautiful Ginghams 7c 10c and 12gtpounde

Ladies Shir t Waists Fancjr Percales Newest Creations White Lawn Plaid Etc

Lace Yokiugs intall prices and styles from

bull 30c 40c 50c 60c and 75c to $100 per yard

Valencienne Laces

25c to 200

10000 yards in all widths and patterns 12 yds for 25c

White Goods 500 yards India Linens (for this sale) at 500 yards India Linens (for this sale) at Fine White Linens from - White Duck for Skirts at


10c lc to50c


Bleached Cotton 1 case Lonsdale one yard wide worth 10c at 8c All widths for Sheets and Pillow Cases at

Less titan Factory Prices

Napkins 90c buys agood All Linen Napkin worth

100 bays a goocTAll Linen Napkinworth 125 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth 200 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth 325 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth

125 150 175 250 500

Towels Greatest Bargains Evcopyr Ottered

Bath Towels 50x22Jnches at - 25c pair Extra Fine Linen cheaper than ever before A Large Fine Linen Towel at bull 40c pair

Table Linens 50-inch Red Damask (fast colors) per yard 14c 54-inch Fine Linen bleached per yard 37 c 62-inch Fine Linen bleached per yard 49c 58-inch Fine Checkmdashred and whitemdashper yard 44c 72-inch Fine Bleached per yard 99c Other Grades in same proportions

bullbullbullbull - -bull Velvets Of all kinds and colors from 40c to 200 per yard We sell better Velvets for the money than you

can buy elsewhere Try us and prove it

Embroideries and Insertions We have a beautiful line of these goods in for

Spring Nothing so pretty as fine Embroidery

Pull Line of Filo Persian and Roman

For Fancy Work Batten berg Braids and Rings in all widths and sizes in stock

Baby Bonnets and Bun Bonnets

In all colors and prices from 15c to 150 bull -

Umbrellas and Childrens Parsols

A good Silk Umbrella Steel Frame for 49c The best line of Fine Umbrellas in the city

Bed Spreads Hemmed ready to use from 49c to 350

Lace Curtains and Dotted Mull

Good Lace Curtains worth 125 pair at Better Lace Curtains worth 175 pair at Fine Lace Curtains worth 250 pair at 40-inch Fine Curtain Goods at 40-inch Fine Curtain Goods at Dotted Mull from

99c 139 199

25c 18c

10c to 25c

Unbleached Cotton 5 Bales at Less tkftn Mill Prices 45-inch Pillow Case width worth 15c yard at 10c 45-inch Pillow Tubingmdashsomething new

Black Dress Goods Black Crepons Mohair Lusture worth 250 at 149 Other black goods at same rate

Silks for Shir t Waists and Skir ts

Mercerized Silks in all colors The best goods ever made for Waists and Skirts

Outside and Underskirts-The best values ever shown and in all colors The

Ruth Mercerized Skirt is a beautv and so cheap

Hosiery and Underwear LadiesVests from bull 5c to 50c Childrens Vests from raquo 5c to25c 100 Doz Ladies Mens and Childrens Hose 10c to 50c Ladies Fine Lace Hose worth 40c at 25c

25c 125 Summer Corsets regular value 50c to go at bull

Best Corset ever put on the market We keep a full line of all the best makes

Gloves-Kid and Silk Fine Black Silk Gloves with kid Points stitchshy

ed in White or Black Warranted Kid Gloves in all colors from 99cto L4j

Ribbon Bargains We have the most complete stock of all kinds from $100

to $180 at about half the price othersask for them Double Faced Black Velvet in all widths

bull i bull bull bull

Notions a n d Handkerchiefs Mere ijgt our strong point You cannot call for a thing

in this line but what we can fill the want Ladies Collars and Fancy Neckwear of all the latest fads and kinds are to be found here

i i io imdash bull r - n^Miiiiiinfiiiniiiww^TTr~- 1 laquorf laquoTmdashr----- bullbull r rii bullbullmmdashmm bullmdash bull bull -~i

Dress Linings and Trimmings All the Fancy Up-to-date Linings and Skirt Bindings

Fancy Braids Buckles and Pulley Belts are here

Mens Furnishings Pants Shirts Jackets and Overalls at the right prices

Suspenders Etc

Ladies Wrappers Fine Percale and Print Wrappers i A 4-A 1 C A

in the new styles from -^V I U I raquo D U

Goods for Bicycle Skir ts The Cotton Coverts at 12 c are just the thing- They

wash and wear nicely In all colors

Ladies9 Muslin Underwear Skirts each from - 49c to 150 Drawers per pair from raquo 25c to 50c Cheaper than you cart make them Come and see them

A Few Words to Buyers of Goods We have placed before you a full line of goods that you must use every

dayin the year All goods sold by us are purchased direct from the importer or manufacturer We do not ask you fancy prices but instead offer goods to you at much less than most merchants will sell them We want your trade Are

we asking too much of you to come and look at our goods If they are not what you want we do not expect you to buy but if you see anything you can use we will be pleased to sell to you We assure you courteoustreatment and full value for your money



Qh yes Spring is hereand so is our large and complete stock ef

Boots and Shoes for the itig and Suiti titer bull Spri

TAN and BLACK in endless varieties High and low cuts in endless styles Very dressy Tan or lilaquock LADIES BALS from $150 to $375 Ladies OXFORDS Tan or Black from $lt)( to $200raquo For gentlemen we have DRESS SHOES from $150 to 400 per pair Dont fail to ceo the DOUGLAS $350 in any shade They are excellent They arc as poundooil as ihb usual $pound50 of other makes Boys Youths Misses and Childrens Shoes in end-it ss varieties

bull- bull yours for good goods at reasonable prices


Terrific BrnlofJMit the Worst ia Leading FUtfiaes So Westcra History Takes Place

la Mine in ScefieldV selves aad Say the Insurgents

Are Surrendering

Ifeuures of IraquopaTtnce Pasted and Other Are Ditcaaart by the

Two Hansen J


Oae Haadred sad Thirty-Seven Bodlelaquo Have Been Recoveredmdash

Heartrttadias Kccuea mdash Work ot KelaquolaquoKlaquo OoimK Onmdash Every E3ort Be-

bullbullbullbull inlaquo Made far Belief




He represents thq strongestand nicst reliable companies

Parties desiring to sell or rent propertV will do welt to place the same with bim Good farm mortgages bought end sold

A good 120 acre farm for sale at a barshygain If sold at oncemdashSuitable for

stock purposes

Kodol Dyspepsia Cure

Digests what you eat I t at Li ficially digests the food and aid

Nature in strengthening andreconshystructing tbe exhausted digestive orshygans I t is tbe latest discovered digeet-ant awl tonic N o ottier preparation can approach i t in efficiency I t inshystantly relieves and permanently cores Dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Sour Stomach Nansea Sick HeadacbcGastraJglaCramps and all other results of imperfectdigestion Price 50c undfiL large an contains H$toe9 Small stoc Bookraquo01aboutdygpe|aiamidlearree Prepared by E C DaWTTT A euro 0 Chlcago

For Sale by F M KILBOUBK

TO Coze a Coagb l a One B a y To Cora a Cold in Cos S a y pound 0 Cure Sore Throat in OneDay To Cure Hoarseneas i n One S a y

Take Clevelands Lung Healer as cents If H fails to care We w i cheerfully refund

i your money (Trial size free)

atC M Peacocks

know of no better way to convince you that we can do better by you in Furniture than others can than to ask you to visit our store personally Do this before you deal elsewhere

REWARD We tbe uurierigned druggists offer

a reward of 50 cent to any person who purchaser of us two 23 cent boxes of Baxters Maodrakc Bitters Tablets if it fails to cure constipation biliousness sick-beadaebe jaordive loss of appetite sour stomach dyspepsia liver com-

friaint or any of tbe diseases for which t is recommended Price 25 cents for

eithei tablets or liquid We wilt also refund tbe money on oae package of either if it fails to give satisfaction




Wonderful Sagacity Shown In the Care o f f locks

The sheep doss in this country come by their nature ami training honestly for either they or their ancestors came from the sheep-dotted bills of England Scotland or Wales where for generations past the supreme efshyfort of the shepherd has been to proshyduce a perfect sheep dog They have succeeded well for no man could exshycel them In sheep lore no man could be more useful to the sheen owner for man is neither BO persistent and agile possesses such endurance or is so gentle under training and reproof The dog doesnt reason as to the why and wherefore of his affection for the worst sort of a brut shepherd may have the most faithful dog one that will mind the sheep on the hills pa-tlently await his master coming and guide bis roettn foosteps to his home

On the great ptais of tbe west these dogs havi made-it poaatbls for one man to care for three or four thousand sheep tn one flock All they ask la a bite to eat and once in a while when their feet are filled with thosharp thorns of the cactus they will come to have them taken out There Is no vsive on a weJHnined sheep dog The yrell-bred ebtlie whtcb takes the prizes at the bench aaow is beautiful to look at but this homeshylier brother the trained dog of the range is worth more than he is beshyyond price The sheep owner holds aim as beyond purchase The sheep herder who falls so low as to part with his companion is yet to be found ami if tbe dog were to be bought the buyer might rue his bargain for the master must go with the dog

In the new country the work of the sheep dog Is hard It is on a big scale In the old country the vrork is easier but it has ita finer points In the new country the dog may drive two thoushysand sheep in the old country a dos tiay drive three or four which takes more thought and skill In the old coustry the feature of every country fair in a sheep district i s the sheep 3og trials A trophy ia the annual prise and the shepherds and their dogs come from afar to try for the cup The dog that carries away the trophy may be a little short-haired homely and Insignificant brute which bulllinks pound0 the heels of aia master Hke a creature of no spirit but send him after the sheep and his wfcote eharac ter seems to change He is slow and gentle or quick and bold as the sheep may require His whole attitude is tense and nervous No human being could manifest a greater responsibilshyitymdashKansas City Star

If the office that docs your printing doesnt

do it neatly try the JOURNAL If it is

being done neatly try us for better still

Kodaks Cameras

and Amateur Supplies

Enlarged Pictures Crayon

India Ink Water Cokw

and Sepia Work-

Framing Done

on Short Notice

Platino4ypes The very latest things in our line arc

the Platino-types we are now putting oat We make Ibeto

Try Oral n-O J Try Oraio-O J Ask your grocer to-day to show you

a package of Grain-O tbe new food drink that takes the place of eoflVe Tbe children may driuk it without inshyjury as well as tbegtadult All who try Jt like it Grain-0 has that rich esi brown of Mocha or Java but It is made froa pure ^raJns scd the most delicate stomach reeeivs i t without distress Uie price of coffee 15c and 25c per package Sold by all grocers

Nothing else equals them We rftakc them in all styles Finish and Platino Work Gruarantecd

CMrndsr Curiosity January and October of the snme

year always begins with the same day

So do April onltf July also September and December February March and November also begin with the sarae day New Years day and S t Sylvesshyters day also fall on the same day except of course in leap ycir Each dry in the week has served as a day of rest somewhere Sunday among Christians Monday with the Greeks Tuesday with the Persians Wednesshyday with the Assyrians Thursday with the Egyptians Friday with tka Turks and Saturday with the Jews

Salt Lake City Utah May 2mdashA speshycial to the Tribune from Scofield Utah sayst The English language cannot describe the appalling disaster which occurred here at 1025 Tuesday foreshynoon by an explosion in mine No 4 of the Pleasant ValleyCoal companjs and by which certainly 200 men and upshywards have lost -their lives At this hour 137 bodies have been recovered and the work of rescue is still proceedshying and will continue until all the bodshyies are brought to the surface There are willing hands at work and as fast BUS bodies are reached they arebrought

Order Have Sera Issued Relievfa Htni of Cemamnd and Maj Gen aixcArthar Will Succeed Hlsraquo--In-iBrslaquonl A i c b h e i DtraquoeraquovrclaquoE by Cicn Frinfcton

Sevste Refaraquoe to Pnraquo raquo bull laquo bull laquo laquo laquo f Sgtnvatlaquoy tor laquolaquo BorraquoimdashMlaquonraquo

gtlaquolaquobull tSc Amcitded Porto Rico GltKveraiuBt JiraquolaquonwltmdashOiUcr Matshyter Lader Consideration

Washington May 1 mdash T h e Eeriate yesterday refused to consider a resolushytion of symp-Jthy with Boers The conshyference report on the amendatory Porshyto Rico bill was agreed to and the bill

Washington May 5mdashThe war deshypartment has received tbe follo^iog

report from Cjen Otis Manila May t-Aprtl cr ptures from

enemy were 30 pieces arttJiery 13raquo rtHes 1 considerable ammunition and large stores lt ot property During the early portion of j appropriating $40000 to enlarge ana

the month the enemy was active In tbe ex- i jmp r 0Te the public buildings at Bur-treme northern and southern Luzon and bull passed some Vlscayan Islands Our reported raquow^ raquo r

F __ tv^ i -i losses for the month were 13 enlisted men Washington May i mdash AUe AiiSKa ^killed three olfieers 24 enlisted men I Wounded rumored recent loss in Samar of

19 killed and number wounded not yet re- ported This laquos due to small detachments

Scouting in mountains In the interior of the island The enemy losses officially re-bull ported were 17 1 killed wounded and cap-

confi-down to the boarding houses and other ^ ^ ^ ^ I n o s ^ ^ p r ^ s r ^ company buildings where they are -bull -dressed and prepared for the coroners inquest These buildings are nutner copyus and in each are from ten to thirty-five bodies

L M 6 f laquo w t L m s e r Salt t a k e City May 3mdashThe reports

from Scofield up to 11 oclock Wednesshyday night say that it ft now known that 178 are dead from the explosion and that the estimate of loss will inshycrease rather than decrease The sushyperintendent of the mine says there is no record of the number of men that go i n the mine from day to diiy and that the exact loss cannot be known until all the dead bodies are taken out One estimate is that there were 398 meit in the mine and on that basis there must have been at least 250 or 300 lives lost

Later Elaquotlmntr Salt Lajke City May 4mdashThe latest

dispatches from Scofield say that the extreme estimate of dead is now conshyceded to hare been too large and that it is numerically impossible to place the loss of life at 300 as there were not that manY men-ip the mines The prob^ abilitfrac34 are that 2w will be about the totarVHmber of dead There are not enough coffins in the camp to bury the dead and to add to horror to the situshyation the bodiea are rapidly decomposshying and it has been suggested that cre-matlon may hare to be resorted to

gtwMgtMiltraquot Slaquoraquo Sraraquolaquothr Washington Kay 4mdashThe president

Thursday-bull sent the following telegram to the governor of tTtah

BTzocuttv Mansion WKsaJnctoa Mar I ranWOov Wells flalt Lake City mah I 4laquotrlaquo to eaprans my Intense sorrow upon loarhlns of tbe terrrol calamity which haw occurred at ttcofleM and my deep sympathy with tht wives children and friends of the unfortunate victims of the explosion _


Islands They say the war has terminated Leading Insurgents are surrendering-

OTIS Order Reitevlas Otis laquo laquo bull

Washington May 5 mdash In accordance with Gen Otis reqnest to be allowed to return to the United StPtes the war

department Friday issued orders re-

civil code bill was passed in the senate yesterday and the army approprialion billj carrying supplies for the military establishment of more than cent114000-000 was discussed

Washington May 3 mdash A bill was passed in the senate-yesteiday for the creation of linked memorial parks on the battleffeTds of Fredericksburg ChanceUorsville the Wilderness and Spoftsylvania In Virginia Tfre armT appropriation WD was further disshycussed

Washington May 4 mdash The army an-

morning May 5 the date fixed by G e i gt ^ ^ 8 ^ ^ t i T ^ Otis fo f sailing I a a d t b laquo ^ appropriation M l

Thl o r S S designate MaJ Gen Mae- lt raquo bull laquo $ trade pound L VZlt Arthur to succeedGen Oris in com-1 1 ^ 0 JgtlB P 8 ^ laquo laquo hltta bullw i gt - ^ t t -

mandof the division of the Philippines | pen f-M ^ - lt ow the late Gen Guy V Henry Gen bull James Longstreet Mnc Margaret M

Brevet Maj Gen Wheat on is designat ed to sneceed Gen MacArthur as elaquom _ - - - - - J _ ^ mander of the department of southern Badger widow of t ^ laquo ^ lt J trade r t Luzon I BadgeTi- and Mrs Harriet Gridley

otfs Readr to Sail widow of the late CajitGiidlef of the Manila May mdash T h e United States j aa^y- _ ^_

transport Meade has been ordered to Washington May 5mdashThe seBats be ready to sail to-day K is sup- j yesterday passed the M y ^ r c o r g a n i -iKwed that Maj Gen Otis with his per- alaquoon bill which practicany Tvol-x tionizes the present sta fir a r r a n g e

tnents of the army the fortification appropriation bill carrying 17733628 and the bill tocreate tfie rank of lieutenant general and make the adshyjutant general a major general A-

start for the sorfal staflT wiQ then United States

Aelvlaquor DloeovereoU The insurgent arenives discovered by

Gen Funston include papers implicatshying prominent foreign firms at Manila in unlawful dealings It is reported jbflrned to Monday that evidence has Bern obtained that | Washington May 7 mdash ThV senate some of them furnished monitions ofbull amendmentstotbearmy appropriation war to the rebels and it is also said | bill were disagreed to in the houw o n that the American avtborities are in Saturdsy and the bill was sent t COB possession from this sevree of a degt j ferene Tfce sundry civil appTopria tailed plan for attacking the American tkm bill was pawed The general d e shyforces written by AgutaaMov in the neieney and military academy appro-

prition bills are now the only general swpply bills unacted on by the honsau


Win Their ria-ht for Bannl Hprc scMtatlon In lt Great nlvtaodUt

Geseral Con te re sue

Chicago May 3 mdash The Methodist laymen won Wednesday at the first sesshysion o the general eonfeience The great problem which has been conshyfronting the Methodist church and has loomed portentously before the quadshyrennial conferencemdashthat of equal repshyresentation for lay and ministerial delshyegatesmdashwas settled overwhelmingly The laymen were granted all they asked No opposition was made to the motion giving the laymen equal represhysentation and after a cloud of skirshymishes over parliamentary law the asshysembly voted solidly in affirmation

Chicago May 4 mdash The bishop adshydress at the Methodist general confershyence ybullbull^ay^ittdorsedequal lay rep-r e s e n t a t i i ^ v ^ ^ ^ e d time not ripefor Chriirtian nnil^ orawssed canteens dishyvorces and Sabbath desecration and said amusement question deserves careful attention

Chicago May 5mdash-Reports on tbe missionary work of the church and on various denominational branches were the order at the third days sesshysion of the Methodist general confershyence at the Auditorium

Tagalog language January f issf and translated into Spnwisfc by eamino

i n r t r t s i i i O t f t s n Washington May 1 mdash In the bouaw Manila May 7 mdash Gets P u t r i d Gar- yesterday tbe bill to enlarge the pow-

cia the highest insurgent officer ex-j e n of the department cf agricultures cept Agutnaldo has been captured by nd to prohibit Interstate commerceibgt Lieut K V Smith Of Gen FirastonV game killed fn violetion of local lawn staff in the town ofJaea three nrllesj was passed laquoraquod -W1J wa introduced northeast of Ssn Isjdro protfnee of to permit national banks to lend mott-New Ecija Gardia peraoaally dTre^ved ey on real estate securities A joint the guerrilla operations and tgtn f^jKJTesoIntfon for a constitutional amend-ston had spent two weeks in t ry ing io meat to disqualify polygnmists for-corner him j election Ss senators ot representatives

orn Otts Sail wss referired to the judiciary commit-Mngtlraquo May 7 mdash The United States tee The amended Porto Bico bill was

transport Meade sailed for the Ua-fted ( paissed States at five oclock Saturdsy afTr~| Washington Hay J mdash The entire-

day in the house yesterday was devoted

ltBn Mailer tVen Uniontowu Pa May 7-Gen Silas

M Bailey one of the 306 of the famous old guard which stood by Gen Grant in the convention of 1880 died at his home here Saturday agecT 64 years of brain trouble which resulted from a bulletwound received during the war After the war President Johnsonbre-vetted him major general of volunteers for gallant service He was elected sjate treasurer by the republicans of PtUusylvanJa in 1881 ^

e w sleeor SttablUhed Springfield Jll May 4-Fred Gilbert

of Spirit Lake la established a worids record at the Illinois Gun club shoot Thursday when he killed 50 pigeons straight at 31 yards rise in the Grand Capital City handicap In the shoot-ofT Gilbert won a purseof $100 This makvs a run of 126 ljve pigeons for Gilbert at this shoot and be has not missed yet

noon with Maj Gen Otis and twiraquo aids-de-camp on board The Warships fa port fired a major generaTs sslnte as the steamer raised her anchor


e United Cfcetatlasi Pnrty ates Candidates fr Pr t s i4laquos t

and Vtee Prestdeat

Bock Island IIL May raquomdashTraquo TJait-

to the consideration of the Nicaragua canal bill

Washington May 3mdashIn the house yesterday a bill providing for the conshystruction of a protected but not a fortified Nicaragua canal was passed by a vote of 225 to 35 and the sundry civil appropriation bill the most imshyportant of the general sundry bills and the last on the list was reported I t carries $61586715 A bill was toshy

ed Christian party national eonven- trodneed for the organization of In-tion devoted the entire day t o tbe dlan Territory uiider the name of Jef-preparation e r a platform Rer S C Swallow of Harrisburg Pav was nominated for president aseT Jesm 6 Woolley Of Chicago for vfee presishydent Following is a sytaopsig of the-platform

It declares the time hassjgtrscltrwnea the eternal prtnciples of justice^ mnrey and tove as eseaipMnsd m ehs mgt bull teaeb-IBCB of Jesus Christ sbonbt be enkbodied ts the constltatlon of taw aatSon and ap-pFled la concrete form ngt ovecr funetloa of toverameat deprsonSsw uasssesd tsws such as require dnim isetsii of the Chrisshytian Sabbath authorise unscilytmnl rnar-rlace and divorce Uoanae the nwasfac-ture and sallaquo of lmoatanttaa nevors as a beverage holding tho laquoanaasna of such taws to be neither hj|iaHjaraquo gtbullmdashtry nor honorlns to lt3od- The platform fnrthOde-clares for the adoption of tho system of legislation known as the mrdatfve and refshyerendum tocether wit a proportionate representation and an naserattve manshydate declares- for BOBtkal social and economic equality of tho sexes condemns mob violence and ontrases declares asalnst war and doasands arbitration of national and international disputes- deshyclares for the immediate abolition of the manufacture and araquo of intoxleattes liquors as beverasea demands the enactshyment of laws proMWtlns the sale of toshybacco ftp minors demands daily reading of the 8shie tn the pahWc schools and institushytions of learning controlled by tbe state declares for government ownership of pub-he utilities and for election of president vice president and United States senators by direct vote of the people

ferabnv Washington May 4 mdash Tbe free

borne bin granting patent to bona fide settlers on lands purchased from Indians was passed in the bouse yes- terday and tbe sundry civil appropriashytion bill was further considered

Washington May 5--In the houses yesterday 73 ef tbe 13X pages of the sundry civil appropriation bill were-completed President McKiuley s u b shymitted his first veto It was on a bill) to open A part of tbe Navajo Indian reservation to settlement under mintshying laws Mr Baker (Md) introduced a biH repealing the Chinese exclusion laws and making the general imniaV gration laws applicable to Chinese


Tables Showtaer the Staadtaw laquod Claho aC lWadlna- Orsjanfc-

bullMrt l in iVpt tDste

The following tables show tbe- standshying of the d a b s in the leading-baseball organizackms National league

Won l^et Per ct

Abe Goan Sulisfaciicn Aifree WUsT^sf bull

erniti-(gtsalaquode from

MILLERS STUDIO 110 W-Exchange St^Owosso

I Foes CltJ bull If not drink 1 pure s-ratrt A lady writt ^ b e nrsf time TmiHle Grata O I dW not like 1frac34 bull 1 ut liUir usinlaquo it fvgtr 01c -week notbinjr woul 1 huYiico nju to lt o back to coflVe

i It noiris5Kgt audfcolalhlaquosy8teilaquo Tlie child en fan drink-it freelywUb great bene It Get a package to-day from your grocer loc and 5c Be sure it amp made by the Genessa Pure Food Co Le Roy X Y n as there are imitations on the market

njtlaquot pier Baraed New York May 7 mdash A fire that

started at the river end of the Mallory line steamship pier at the foot of Maidshyen Lane and tire Eaat river Completely destroyed the pier and valuable lt5sngt

DougIasGa^4sJrHLmdashMarshall Jones tents ^ u e l o s s i s P^ced at$1^0QufOa a-negro impttectedin the murderrof Alien Crosby a white man at Gillis stslU in Coffee county was taken from

k-|ail at DoUgMlaquolaquo^ljslaquobed The aeraquo gt$tu was b e d t o a small pin^ tree^and his body ridoled with bnHets

Took Bvcn the Pennies Pittsburgh lJabdquo May 7mdashBurglars

entered tbe First national bank ot Cast Brady Pa and dynamited the safe taking everything in sight in-eluding pennies amounting tg beshytween laquo4000 and 110000 Vlt

Several barges which were ntoored near tbe pier were also destroyed

Jary Dlsaarveed Salt Lak

bullary in the trial for unlawful cobabitaiion greed and was discharged

Six Drowned Cape Henry Vs May 5mdashThe Britshy

ish steamship Virginia was wrecked copy Hsttersa MMI a^ gf ^w efew were drowned --^^)jbullampamp

Clubs Phlladeinhla Cincinnati Frooklyt Pittsburgh Chicago St Lofst New York Bosron

American league MitwaukAC Indianapolis Chicasro ^ Cleveland Buffalo Kansas City Minneapolis Detroit

10 9 S 7

t S I

Nraquo e O

laquo s

7 bull raquo O

laquo-laquojVfcelaquoiraquo-bull w

6 4 bullgtbulllaquolaquo-laquo


4 S

-laquo gt7

8 S s 9

4 5 laquo 5 6

10 12 raquo












sea -998

The PsOVlss Igteht Washington May mdashThe monthly

e City Gtah Mar SmdashTbari statement of tbe pebiie-debt shows e case Of B H L IKobertal laquo ^ 1 8 1 a t thm d deg |sraquoestfnpril 30

^ ^ 1000 the debt less cash to tbs treasury amounted to $1124802085 which is an increase cf $12445J27

Wrecked ay Wind Topeka Kan May 7 mdash A hurricane

wsaeswd many bnUdiaga in cenisal Sanaasand at SUtewsed iseorf BcU^ l ^ - l i V l a ^ l r i i c w e r e k a k d





X bull4


Dr Tampimage Preaches a Timely Sermon

D l w w i r K to Wfciek U e Pateraquolaquoe a u i fiqatpeai-

ForthmdashMOTIIIB Iraquoiltraquo Father Hoaa-

Keed of Be

(Copyright 1300 by Louis Klopscb] W^shjjigton Aprils

This discourse of Dr Tahnnge i pershytinent at this t ime of year when many people are moyingiYoni house tohonse and it teaches lessons of patience and equipoise in very trying circumstances IVv Phil ippiuns 412 I know both how to be abased aud I know how to abound

llippy Paul Oouid you really acshycommodate yourself to all circumshystances in l ife Could you go up withshyout pride und could you come laquo1 own without-exasperat ion Teach the same lesson to us all-bullbullbullbullVI are at a season of the year when vast populat ions in all our ci t ies are chang ing residence Having been born in a house aud having all our live lived in a house we do not have full appreciation of w h a t a house is I t i s the g r o w t h of thousands of years The human race first lived in c lefts of rocks t h e beas ts of the field moving o u t of t h e cdverns t o l e t t h e h u m a n race move in The shepherds and the robbers st i l l live in caverns of t h e earth The t-oglodyte are a race which t o th i s day prefer the caverns t o a house They are w a n t t h e y are large they KM very comfortable they are less subshyject to violent chang of heat and cold We come o n along d o w n in the h i s tory o f the race and w e com to t h e lodge which was a h o m e bui l t out of twi s ted tree branches W e c o m e further o n d o w n in t h e Matory of the r a c e and w e come t o t h e tent wWeh w a s a o m e bui l t wi th a round pole in the center and sk ins of animals reachingout in all directions m a t s on t h e floor for the

people- t o s i t on

T i m c p a s s e d on and the world after much invention came t o build a honse which was a space surrounded toy broad Vtones ajgtraquotnst whieh The earth tyas henped from the outside The roof was made of chalk and gypsum and coaland s tones and ashes pounded toshygether After awhile the porch was born after awhile the gate Then-Min--tlrcds of yrltTs passed on arfii in-th^ fourirenti i century the modern chimshyney ws c-ytisl ructcd The old Hebrews had cjKiiin^s in their houses from whielv the smoke m i g h t escape if it preshyferred b u t there was no inducement for it t o Iwivc until the modern chimshyney Wooden keys opened the door or the keyhole was large enough t o al low the finger to be inserted for the liftshying of the latch or the sl iding of it There being no windows the jgtcople were dependent for light upon lattice-work Over which a th in veil was drawn down in t ime of winter t o keep out the element Window glass was s o late as 200 or 300 years ago In England and Scotland so great a lusury that only the very weal th ies t could afford it A hand mil l and an oven and a few leathern bot t les and some rude pitchers and plates made up t h e entire5 equipshyment of the culinary department But the home planted in the old cave or at t h e foot o f a t e n t pole has gTOCn and enlarged and spread abroad unti l we have t h e modern house wi th i t s branches and roots and vast g ir th and height ahdf depth of c o n c e r t and acshycommodation

Architecture in other days busied itshyself chiefly in planning and building t r i u m p h a l a r c h e s and basilicas and hippodromes andmausoleums and col-unans whi le t h e y allowed the people l o r resider-TOs t o burrow like m u s i r a t s in the earth St Sophias of Constanshytinople St Marks of Venice St Peters of Kome are o n l y the Baphaeied wa l l s against which lean the nqualor and the pauperism of m a n y nashyt ions I rejoice that whi le our modshyern architects give n s grand camppitols in which to le^lslsste a ^ g f laquo a d laquowirl -honses in wh ich t o adminis ter jus t ice and grand churches in which to worshyship God t h e y a lso g ive much of their t ime t o t h e p lanning of comfortable abodes f o r bur tired population I have not so much ia tereat In t h e arch of Trajan a t Benerenttrm as I hawo in the wish t h a t all t h e people m a y fcaraquo a comfortable shelter nor have I s o much interest i n t h e temple of Jupiter Olympus at Athens as I have i n the h o p e t h a t every man may have an altar for t h e worsh ip of the true God i n his o w n house And I have no t s o much interest in the science of ceramics which g o e s crazy over a twis ted vase or a queer handled j u g in uoe 3000 years ago or a pitcher o u t of which the anshycient pharaohs poured their drunken debauch as I have that every man have on h i s table a plate w i t h plenty of healthful food and an appetite to atshytack it

Thank God for your homemdashnot mereshyly the house you live in now but t h e house you were born in and t h e many houses you have resided in since you began your earthly residence When you go h o m e to-day count over tnc number of those houses in which yon bare resided and you will be surprised Once in awhi le you will find a tnan who lives in the house where he was born and where his father was lgtorn and his grandfather was born and his greatshygrandfather was born but that is not one out of a thousand cases I have no t been more perambulatory than m o s t people but I was amazed when T came t o count up the number of resishydences I have occupied The fact is t h e r e is in this world no such th ing ad permanent residence

In a private vehicle and not in a rail car from which you can nee but l i tt le T rode from New York t o Yonkers and Tarrytown on the banks of the Hudshysonmdashthe finest ride on the planet for a man who wants t o sec palatial resishydences In fascinat ing scenery I t was In the early spr ing and before the gen-

tlenien o f N e w York had jjone o a t t o their country residences I rode Into the grounds t c admire the- gardens and the overseer of the phiice told me mdashand they all told memdashthat all the houses had been sold or that t h e y wanted to se l l them and there was litshyerally no exception a l though 1 called at many places just admiring the garshydens and the grounds and the palatial residences Some wanted to sell or had sold because their wives did not raquovant to reside in the summer tilneJn those places while their husbands tar-f ried in town in the night a lways havshying some business on hand keeping them away

From some houses the people bad been shaken out by chil ls and fever from some houses they had gone beshycause death or misfortune had ocshycurred und all those palaces and manshysions had e i ther changed occupants or wanted t o change Take up the directshyory of Any c i ty of England or Amershyica and see h o w few people live where t h e y lived 15 years ago There is e n such t h i n g as permanent residence I saw Monticello in Virginia Pres ident Jeffersons residence and I saw on the same day Montpelier which was e i ther Madisons or Monroes residence a n d I saw also the whi te house which w a s President Taylors residence and Presshyident Lincolns residence and Pres ident Garfields residence Was i t a perma- j nent residence is any ease I tell y o n (

tha t the race is nomadic and no sooner j g e t s in one place than it wants t o change for another place or i s com- j peUedto change for another place and so t h e race i n v e s t e d the rai lroad and j the s teamboat In order more rapidly t o j g e t into some o ther place than t h a t i n whieh ft w a then Aye instead of be- j tag- notnadie H i s immortal moving on j and moving on We whip up our horse s j and hasten o n unt i l the hub of t h e f rojnt Wheel shfeexm o n t h e tombstone a n d I t ips a headlong in to t h e grave t h e only permanent earthly res idence But bless God even that stay is l im- i ted for w e shal l have a resurrection-- j

A day t h i s spr ing the s treets w i n be filled w i t h the furniture carts and bull the drays a n d the trucks- It wil l bo a hard d a y for horses because t h e y wi l l be overloaded I t wil l be a hard day for laborers for they will overlift before they get the family furiture from one house to another Jt will be a hard day for housekeepers to sco their furniture scratched and th^ir crockery broken and their carpets misfit and their furniture dashed of the sudden showers It wil l be a hard-day for landlords It will be a hard day for tenants Especial grace Js needed for moving day Man^ a roaivs religion has suffered a fearful s tra in between t h e hour on the mprning of the 1st of May when he took h i s i m - mature breakfast and the hour a t

a finer house is bad enough but a inan ae upset i s s ickening The laven-dered fool goes around so dainty and s o precise a n d s o affected in the roil of his eyes or the whirl of his cane or the clicking of the ivory handle aga ins t his front teeth or b i s effemishynate languor and his conversation so interlarded wi th ohs and a h V t h a t h e i s to me a dose of ipecacushyanha Arowmy friends if you move into n larger house th^nk God for more roommdashfor more room to hang your pictures for more room in which to gather your friends for more room in Vvivich to let your children romp and play for more room for fcreat bookcases filled with good reading ir weal th of bric-a-brac Have as large and as fine a house as you Cain afford tc have but do not sacrifice your hushymil i ty and your common sense do h o t lose your balance do not be spoiled by your successes ^

Years ago we were the guests in an English manor The statuary the ferneries the botanical and horticulshyt u r a l genius of the place had done all they could to make the place attractive F o r generations there had been an amass ing of plate and costly surround ings At half past nine oclock in the morning the proprietor of the es tate had the bell rung and some SO or 30 manservants and maidservants came in to prayers The proprietor of the estate read the Scriptures gave out the h y m n h i s daughter at the organ start ed the music and then the musie over the w o p r i e t c r of the- es tate kneeled down and commended all h i s guests all hi family all h is employes to the Lord Almighty God can trust such a man as that with a large es tate He k n o w s h o w t o abound He trusted God a n d God trusted him And I could call off the roil of 50 merchant princes a s m i g h t y In worldly successes Ah my friends do nlaquot be puffed n p by any of the snecesses o f this life do not be spoiled by the number of liveried coachshymen that may s top at your door or the sweep of the l o n g trai l across the imshyported tapestry Many of those tvno come to your house are fawning parashys i tes They are not so much in love with you as they are in love with your house and your successes You move down rieiU year to 320 Low Water Mark street and see how many of their carshyriages Will halt at your door

I inset you this springtime at the door of your new home and while I he lp yotriift the c lothes basket over the bRuisters and the carman is ge t t ing red in the f a c c j n trying to transport that article of furniture to some new i dest iaat ion I congratulate you You are go ing to have a bOUt-r l i inc - thb year some of y o u than you ever had You take God and the Christian relishyg i o n jn your home and you will be

God in the parlor

1000000 DEATHS bull bull r


T b G e r m s or t h i s F a t a l D i s e a s e a r e L u r k i n g E v e r y w h e r e T b o u -

n a n d s of D o l l a r s S a v e d by T h i s Woi tdcr fu l

D l a c o v e r y

Hundreds of thousands of dollars has been lost in the poultry business on acshycount of the devastation aTurjug the flockscaused by cholera roup gape and other fatal disea-^cfi There huve IHJCU many remedies advanlt^d but none seem to be so successful as tho American Poultry MLvtuie This will cure chickens in the last stage of cholshyera and roup and is excel lent for garjgtes Do your fowls suffer from violent diarshyrhea dropping of the wings stupor or excessive thirst These are the first symptoms of cholera Cholera is a germ disease and be ing infectious spreads rapidly throng) i the entire flock Take time by the lore lock dont s top to experiment wi th unreliable or untried remedies Use this mixture a t once and he sanitary measures they recommend in connection D o n t give the fowls up Cholera i s a terrible disshyease but th i s remedy cores it erery time I t i s also gnaranted for roup which can be told by hoarse breathing swel led eyes discharge a t the nostrils resembling catarrh Fi f ty dollars i s offered for any case the Mixture wi l l not cure If some of your fowls are diseased i t wi l l prevent the rest from catching it Try i t I t i s cheap (re l iable and effective a scientific preparshyat ion g o e s more than three times ar far a s any other remedy does xuon good than al l of theai combined I t is used a n d endorsed b y t h e most expershyienced and largest breeders of plain and fancy poultryin gtJ1 parts of the world The manufacturers guarantee every package Or refund purchase moneyv If your drnggisf d o n t sell American Poultry Mixture hes behind the age I n that case seed SLOG for sample box to American Mfg Colaquo Terre Haute I n d


grandly ha^ppy ntg^jtv^en he rolled into his e x t e m p o - t n a t will sanctify your pociabililles rjzed Cfvuch The furniture b r o ^ i i ltiod i n the nurserymdashtbat will ps-atcct somet imes wil l result in the breaking y o u r children God in thcdln ing-hal l -of the Ten Commandnients There is no more fearful pass than the hall of a house where t w o famil ies meet gtne roOving but and t h e other moving in The sa lutat ion Is apt to be more vet helaquoent than complirnentary The grace that wil l be sufficient for the lat of Januarj and the t s t of Februshyary and the 1st of March arid the llaquo-t Oi i p i i i T i i i u u t enj fx i incir in IUI u i r 1st o f May Say y6ur prayers t h a t morning if you find nothing bet ter to kneel down by than a cosl scutt le and say your prayers at night though

tha t will make the plainest mal an imperial banquet God In the morfr fugmdashthat will launch the day brightly from the drydocks God in the evenshying - t h a t will s a i l the day sweetly Into the harbor

And get joy one and all of you whether you move or do not move Get joy out of the thought that we art BO on all g o i n g to have- a great mov ing day Do you w a 6 t raquo picture of the n t w house i n t o which ytraquou will niove Here it is wrought with the hand Of a master Ve know that if

4 Law Which Hau Been Remarkably Successful in New Zealand

Ncv- Zealond has anticipated the rest r tho world by enacting a law which

ieala so rationally with all trade disshyputes bdquothat it lis actully prevented strikes for the last five years It is iraposglble-to^ present more tftan an outline of the plan

IJoth Ksociaticns of employers and the trade mions may bVincorporated Tiraquosc w-jiich are chartered or re^- Iftered choose the members of their own board aud also the menbers of tho court to which disputes are refershyred Whether organized or not the associat ions and trade unions are subshyject to the law

The colony of New Zealand is dividshyed Into Industrial districts for each of which there is a conciliation board elected for three years It cons i s t s of two persona chosen by registered era ploy ers two by registered trade unions and one disinterested person elected bythe tour who is chairman When a dispute arises between emshyployers and the men in their employ e ither party may refer t h e matter in dispute to the district board which has full authority to invest igate the facts and to command a s e t t l e m e n t

in case either party will not accept t h e decision the matter is referred to the State court This cons is ts of one person representing t h e trade unions o r e the employers and a chairman a Judge of the supreme court appointed by the Governor The court has a three years term and to wise ly inshydependent of politics

A decision by tuis court is final and m o s t be accepted under a penalty for violation not exceeding pound 5 0 0 or 92500 Moreover when a dispute _xis been referred to the conciliation board and until It i s finally settled a s tr ike or lockout Is illegal

That there have been about fifty e a s e s referred to district boards o~ to t h e court in the past five years that during that t ime there has neither str ike nor lockout in New Sealand and thampt in every case the decision has been accepted by both parties s eems to prove either that the l a w i s exshyc e l l e n t or that it is excel lent ly ad ministered Perhaps it demonstrates both propositions The necess i ty for the passage of a similar law in this country is to a p p a r e n t t o require arshyg u m e n t Aside from the Interests of the employers and the employed the greater interests of the general public demand i tmdashYouths Companion


l ot


It is Supplied in this Vicinity at iast

Jt Is hard to ho pleasant Good-tiaiured people are ofteigt irritashyble

If you know the reason you would be surprised -

Ever have i tching piles Not i-ick enoutfn tw bullgtltltgt bed or

well en dug li to Le coy tent The constant itching sensation Hard to bear tiiirdor to get relief

Klaquoeps you awnke nights bull Spoils yoiis tempermdashnearly drives you crazy

Isnt relief and cure a long felt want I t is to bebad for everyone in D o a u V

Ointment Doans Ointment never fails co cure

I tching Piles Eczema- or any itching o f the akin

Here $ proof 61 i t at the te3tinoiraquoy of Ann Arbor ciLteen

Mreuro C Church of 520 South 7th street Ann Arbor DDW retired from ibe active duties of life says I have no hestitiitton in recomoaending Doans Ointment to anyone requiring a healing and soothing preparation it will prove inviluable I sufiered for years from itching heinorroids aud though I tried every t t i n g I -could bear of anlaquoI used remedies prescribed by scores of friends I was unable to obtain permanent relief until my attention was called to Doans Ointment I was somewhat surprised after the second application to notice what a different effect it had from anyshything 1 had hitherto used Encouraged I used ItstrlctlV according to direftions and In a v e r y short t ime when you t s s e Into consideration the aumber Of vcars I was afflicted tbraquo irritation c e a laquo d ami the inflftinstton was allayed When Doans Ointment cured me i t wil l e t r e others

Doatis Kidoevu Pi l ls for sale by all dealer Price 50 cents Mailed by Foster-Milbuni Co Buffalo X Y So le apoundlaquots for the U S Remeuiber the name Doans and take no substitute

Wax Candles

Jfathitur ellaquoeaddsao m laquo a l tth charts of tlw Orawtut

rolaquom w boodoir tfclaquo raquoftly rraquo4i- H t Ifaht rrltM6 OOROOVA Caod2laquoc Xotbijtr wIJI ltlaquo^r^Miir3wr to the I bullriMic tMeemaJX tb ltmcbpn I tea tm ltUamlaquof Ttugt brat dlaquotraquotW claquoaeuroUraquo for th cifraquoDtcirt or ttw

nlaquoat eUtonUn fencttoamdashfor oot tagagtfWaiintei aladlaquo in all cqax

Uw mlaquo4 4laquoUeatlaquo traquofegt b STS]laquoraquoAnraquo laquoSfc C9

T o Cure lKltwmummm i n On Wraquok To Oar Oomrtipation i n Ono W e a k T o O n r e l a d i g e a t i o n i n O n a W e a k

To P u r i f y tha B lood i n One T n k


How the Bri t i shCare for the Wounded Soldiers

Modern artiliergts effectiveness has put a very different complexion upon the uses and necess i t ies of field hosshypitals A field hospital used to be very near the fighting linemdashIt was often actually under Grc But nowshyadays w h e n artillery U-R IS c o m m a s ly effective at four thousand yards no field hospital could be allowed sufD-ciently near the fighting lne to permit of the wounded being taken directly to i t aftd the organation of aid has be^en altogether altered

In South Afrlcai it has been arrangshye d that all the effective aid in the field w i l l be that of the Army Medical Corps Voluntary aid wi l l confine it-selr to he lines of comniunlcatlon

T w o raiilion Americans snifer the tortur iag pangs of dyspepsia N o need to B u r d w k Blood Bitters cures At airaquoy drugstore

the Peace following tiuit One

J Q l l o o d Just ice of Crosby Mlslaquov makes the (statement I can certify Minute Cough Cure will do al that is claimed for i t My wife could not get her breath and the tirst do^c of it reshylieved her I t has also benefited my whoc-bullfamily It acts inlaquonampltiately and cures cough CohK cronp grippe bronchitis asthma and all throat anltl lung troubles F M Kilbourn

your knees come dowfl on a pajief of J our earthly house of this taliernacle were dissolved we liave a building of God a house no t niadlaquo wi th-hands eternal iri the heampyenft How much rent will we have to pay for i t We are going to own i t | l o w much must we pay for it H o w much cash down and liow much le f t on mortgage Our F a t h e r Is go ing t o give it as a free gif t

carpet tacks You Will want supershynatural he lp if any of you move Help in the morning to start out aright on the days work Help at night to re p e n t There w i l l - b e enough annoyshyances to make a Xaijt lppeout of a Frances Ridley Havergal I have again and again been i n crises of moving day and I have stood appalled and amazed and helpless in the shipwreck tak ing as wel l as I could those t h i n g s that floated ashore from the breakshyers and I k n o w how to comfort and how t o warn a n d how to encourage t h e people so I preach this practical May day sermon All these troubles wi l l - soon b e gona and tiie brttises wi l l heampL a n d the stiffened Joints wi l l become supple 4nd your ruffled tern- per will be smoothed of i t s wrinkles and order wi l l take the plate of disshyorder and you will s i t down in your n e w home seriously t o contemplate

My first word then i n this part of my discourse is t o all those who move out of smal l houses into larger ones Now we wi l l see whether like t h e apostle you kpow h o w to abound Igto not because your n ew house h a s t w o more stories t h a n the -old one add t w o s tor ies t o yonr vanity or make your brightly polished silver doorplate the coffin plate to your buried humil i ty Many persons movshying into a larger house nave become arrogant and supercilious T b e y swagger where once they walked they simper where once they laughed they go about wi th an air which seems to say Let all smaller craft ge t out of these waters if they dout w a n t to be run over by a regular Cn-narder I have known people who were kind and amiable and Christian in their smaller housemdashno sooner did they go over the doorsill of the new house than they became a glorified nuisance They were the terror of dry goods c lerks and the amazement of ferryboats into which they swept and if compelled to stand a moment with condemnatory gHanee turning all the people seated into criminals and convicts They began to hunt up the family coat of arms and had lion couchant or unicorn rampant on the carriage door when if they bad the appropriate c o a t of arms i t would have been a butter firkin or a shoe last or a plow or a trowel Instead of being l ike all the rest of ns made o n t of dust they would have you think that they were trickled out o Heaven on a lump of loaf sugar The first th ing you know of them the father will fail in business and the daughter wil l run off with a French dancing master A woman spoiled by

Take Clevelands Celery Compound Tea raquo bull bull raquo 3 s c If it fails to cure we will cheetfnUy between the field andv the base ho refund your^tony (Trial ake ftee) i p l U l and between the bafo and gene

+ + a I L I ral hospitals The workms organiza St cent m PtacoCK S tlon is as followmdash

Accompanying the fightins l ine arc the bearer companies of the Army Medical Corpsmdashtjiree or four m e n t o each regular regimental company When a man drops out wounded the Army Medical Corps men pick him u and take him to the nearest dress-

STATE Or MICHIGAN tounty of SWswas-ife44 akj|

At raquoalaquoilaquoraquon eftfieProbstc Court tor laquonll county bolaquol at the lYoblaquoe Office tn ibc city ot Corunnd oa Monday thlt Wb day of April in tbeycr on tpoundlaquojuraquoultininlaquo bundctJ

Krtwprit MRftbew Duah Judircor Vroimre ID ifte matu-r ol the elaquoiiraquoe of Alfivrt P

stuirri y dlaquocwtgtelti on reading mux fliitip UM I ing station where he is attended to i s )gtlaquo-titiltgtn ltgtf Aifnlti A -^irturby t-ntjlutr tiiiw QUickly a s possible From the dress-Miii M M ulaquo-lt -ruM-u Riii e^uiieii to iihrit u bull Ing station the wounded arc taen to (bullslat- col lect ing stations these bein^ placed

it ilaquo orlaquort-laquoi that the 7th day or Mraquoy j a t points where more eheiter is obtain ncTt Jtt tlaquo-n uclM-k jfi the forenoon at mid | bdquo h _ bull-bullbull


ItertM of Intcrst from Some of 0 laquo Slaquof-- rounding Towns

ItulaW (Jfllie be UblaquoiRDt-ltl for bearingttuitl petition

And it it further ordered thata copy of this onlrr IKT pnblltraquohcltl tlire siu-cesan e weeks yievious to AtltJ ilnv of blaquottrlnr In tbeCorwisua Journal a oefeapaprr pt-ibteltl and -bullirx-ulaitiig

llATTREW ItUSH J udee of probate


ftiriWiT)nraquo1HBi TaUit^ _^Argt- nltBMaraquoiaay assa ay owr

ltbulllaquo_bullmdash a ^ i n a B S ( i | M B raquo baflM ask jor dtvaMt Car-

r $ 5 L a^_laquofelaquoJItAjBaf

sHo 2S3WlaquoodraquomrtAfgtlgtBraquorott

When are we g o i n g t o move into it7 | laquo BHJ c^uutyof ^ i a raquo w c laquo YTe are moving now On moving day heads of families are very apt to s tay i n t h e old hnraquoise urtlil tbey have seen everyth ing off They send ahead the children^ and they send ahead the treasures and the valuables Then aftshyer awhile they wi l l come themselves

I remember very well In the country t h a t i n boyhood moving day w a s a jubilat ion

On a l m o s t the first load we the chilshydren were sent o n ahead t o the new house and we arrived with shout and laughter and in an hour we had ranged through every r o o m in the house the barn and the g r a n a r y Toward night and perhaps in theajfttt wagon father and mother would 4jtigl looking very tired and we would come down t o the f o o t of the lane t o meet them and tell tnem of all the wonders we discovered in the new place and then the last w a g o n unloaded the candles l ighted our neighbors w h o had helped us to movemdashfor in those t imes neighbors helped each othermdashsat down with us at a table on which there was every luxury tbey could think of Well my dear Lord knows t h a t some of us hare been moving a good while We have s en t our children ahead Ave have s en t many of our valuables ahead We canshynot g o yet There is work for us to do but after awhile it will be toward night and we will be very tired and then we will s tar t for our new home and those who hare gone ahead of us they will see our approach and they will come down in the lane to meet us and they will have much to tell ns of what they have discovered in the house of ninny mansions and of how large the rooms are and of how bright the fountains And then the last load unloaded the table will be spread OJ6 our celestial neighbors will come in and sit down with our reunited famshyilies and the chalices will be full not wi th the wine that sweats in the vat 0t earthly intoxication bnt with the new wine of the kingdom And there for the first t ime w e will realize w h a t fools we were on earth when w t feared t o die since death has t a m e d out only to he the moving from a smaller house Into a larger one and the exchange of a paupers hut for a princes cast le and the go ing np-ctairs from a mbtn able kitchen to a glorious parlor

PBOBATK ORDER-Straquotof Michigan cani shyty ot Sbi)Mralaquo8ee bull

At a session of the Ptubate Court far Raid couuty held at the ProUat office in tblaquo city of C M U D I M on ttw 4tb day of April in the year one thousand nine bundwd

Preenw MaubeV Butth Jodyre of Prooat In the matter or the etuample of Urban Gottlog

ODanirl Outtlug araquoancil lary administrator baring rendered io Ibis Conrt bis Una) account

It i ordered Ibat tho tb day May next a l i e n oclock io the forenoon at said Probate Office be appointed for examiniuframpnd allowing said account

And it is further ordered that a copy of this otrter be published three successive weeVs pre-viona to suiiJ day of bearing in the Comuna Journal raquo newspaper printed and circulating in said coxtftty of Shiawassee

MATTHEW BUH Jtidpe of Probate

able In the c a s e of collecting stations

ft Is possible of course t o se lect jsora effective shelter than at the dressing stat ions where shelter is more a matter of improvisation From the col lect ing stations the wounded are carried a s quickly as possible to the field hospital Here generally speakshying they remain a day and are then removed t o the base hospital

There wil l be t w e l v e field hospitals to South Africa four stationary or base hospitals and four general hos-pftiala each with its complete staff T h e dhrtributkm of t h e s e hospitals wil l be determined by the officers commanding tn South Africa and must depend on the manner in which the military situation develops


[Too Ute for last week] V(

A boy was born t o Me aud Mr Albert Ilaihampway Friday

We notice that I-L Mills has made a flop over Io the Democratic party and urn a delegate to their county convett-tiou last week and Is named as a deleshygate to their congressional convent ion

IMiFNsry Whipple returned to her home at Indian Toraquoraquo SaturdSy or rather left hereand stayed In Doraad over Sunday

Ixgtuis HatiUey and ivife were called to Owosso Tuesday on account of the slckues of her fatier Mr Isaac PrRio

d After suflering from pilrs for fifteen vcraquors I was cured byuiux t w o boxes of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve writes W J Baxter North Urook N U It ^ealraquo bullvery lb ing Beware of countei feitt F M Kilbourn

HUMPHREYS Witch Hazel Oil


One Application Gives Relief IteoratPuesof HemorrnoldamdashExternal or later-

nal Blind or Btoedtag Itching or Burning FUvnre aad Ftatolaa BaUef tanmediatemdashcure oertain

It cunlaquo Barns Scalds and Ulceration and Con-tractioBS from Burn TneRUIef Inrtant-hoaUng woDderfat

It c a n Torn Cat or Lacerated Wound ted Braises

It cure BoAraquoCarbaaetea FetobsM Bwnroonda meenlaquoOM sorea Itctotas Crripdoas Snrfy or Scald Head

It eareti UnVu t ov Caked Breasts and sore Xtnttte tsTataaUe

It cares Salt Rbeam Tettera Scarry EraptlOflx Chapped Eaads Fever BUrtert sore Up or KoatrtU Oorna ntmlows Sore and CbaflaquoX Feet attafa of inject Koagaico Bttea aad Snnboma

T h r e e S iaee 2 5 c 6 0 c a a d $ 1 0 0 SaHay0rafia^raquoie^a^^sIJ(laquomraquoB4raquofsrfee

H U M P H a t C Y r W K O C O ltr Wmnaa M i Ma W W VO JtK

Tyroleae Courting When a young Tyrolese g o e s a

courting In earnest he carries with him a bottle of wme of which he pours out a portion and presents it to JUampobJect of his affection

If she accepts it the whole affair fta settled Very often the girl h a s not made up her mind and then she will take refuge in excuses s o as not to drink the wine and yet not refuse it point blank for t i a t i s considered a gross insult proving that she has been merely trilling with the affecshyt ions of her lover She will for inshystance maintain that the wine looks sour or that wine disagrees with her In fact she makes use of any subterfuge that presents itself at the m o m e n t

Shy lovers loth to make sure of their case beforehand find It a very j hajTV inspiration Not a word need bespoken and the girl is spared thf pairh1 No of civilization

A Lost River One of the most remarkable freaks

of nature occurs in Mexico It is a river that is not a river The bed of it l ies in a valley between tho Rio

j Grande and Peco3 Rivers It is not r (dead or dried-up stream It is s imply l o s t Numerous bis tributaries tlov Into It from tho neighboring mounshytains Immediately however thoy reach the bed of the main stream thev disappear from sight This fcr yaiii reason or another a river wic should be 300 miles in length his m exis tence which could be proved

Advance of Aluminium Aluminium wlich hampi no commershy

cial ex is tence a few ytjar ago was produced in the United States last

gt year to the extern of 5200000 pounds Tallied a t raquo1750000 which is one tenth of the cost of 10 years ago

Hows T b U T bullbull

We offer one hundred dollars reward for ailiV Case of catarrh t h t cannot be cured by HalFsgt catarrh cure

F J lt Jbeoey amp Co Prop Toledo O W e the undersigned have known F J

Cheney for the l a sM5 years and beliere him perfectly honorable In all businefa transact ions and financially able t o carry out any obligation made by their firm West A Truax wholesale druggists

Toledo O Waldlng Kinnan amp Marvin wholesale

druggist Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken fnterually

act ing directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 73c pirbottllaquo Sold by all druggist Tea-tiinouials free

l l a l f s Family Fil ls are the best


From Morricc Clipper

Dr Cook was in Oarer on business h s t Tuesday

Born to Mr aud Mrs Tyrrell Thursshyday Ust a boy

i l r s Dr Halite of Perry spent Wedshynesday here with her mother Mrs J G Kern

Com O L Bristol was in town Tuesshyday night He is v i s i t ing the district schoois-around here

Mrs A II l lowsrd entertained a few friends Wednesday it being the annishyversary of her l i i th

O lt Whitney was was at Chesaning Saginaw and other places in lhat vicinshyity the first of Mis week

Chs Whaley linLlaquohed a largi ver-amlit and other iinproveiucnls lo tbe hou^e (gtf C ile-i Waters last week

A I MJ0lyid lt-y Hair digtpiraquos3ltl of their i)Tvi|laquociy here and with their fauiiliw left iast-Tucstkty morning for Vlaquo st PiMiit ArLanampis where th^y ex-gt-ct to |gter rtiieutly locate

Mr Oniiraquohy will no io Corn una tomorrow t- xlaquot a maon who will uilaquo lervtaml tbci i igtiug ol tr ick vr^gtwakPraquo We are very much In need of these waklaquo and hope they will l e lid soon


bull ^ ^ ^ ^ laaaaWai

^ J J I U J ^ I ^ P - ^ J -

ROVAL Baking Powder

Tuade from pure - am of tartar

Safeguards the food against alum

Alum tnexuUt to

aft the greatest of the pKetatdayv



Shlttwasampee Spoundraquoy 5tb

EdMcall bought a farm of Hiram Spears

Cla- Lindley has bought the city property of Air Spears

Mr Spears and wife expects to leave May 9 for their new home in Dakota

Mr an J Mrs FultOn of Kerby spent Sunday with their daughter and family

Hr$ Linuley and Hinnie has been visitlD Mrs Lindleys parents a few days in Chesanlug retarded home yesshyterday

Impossible to foresee an accident Not impoeaible to be prepared for i t Igtr Thomas Edeetrie OJhMonareb ever p a l e bull bullbullbull bull bull

rauET T f v raquo the Ferrv Jqnrnal

C p Colbj and son Deoltlaquoo visited la WebbervUle over Sunday

A E Richards of Coruan was In town on business Tuesday

C E William was id Ooruaea ou boraquo-iness the first of the week

Miss Minnie Devore of Durand is vU-tttajc friends lb the Tillage

Hiss Minnie Cleeee spent Sunday with Miss Eva Mortice in Mdrrlce

WJ Richardson of laming peot Sunday with friends in the Tillage

Mr and Mrs ltJbaraquo Sbarpe spent Sun-day with their daughter Jlrfl ^ebb ia Holt u bull

James Graham and daughterof laa-stog visited relatives in the village over Sunday

8etgtbeu Bennett wife and cbiKt of Lalttgsburg vetted at Kerb Keebeya over Sunday

U P Haloted has moved bUoffioefreu the rooms over the bank to hit building at the roar of FgtOQS drugstore

Toui Hbarpe has completed bis course at the Itaraquoi net college in Lansing and Is at pwsent at home in the viiiage

Oto Hurke of Okemos was in towu on buraquoineaa (he first of the week Mr Burke baa purchased the hotel at that place

fJougUs and cbld^ down to the very border land of consuui prion yield to the toothing healing influences of Dr Wood Norway Pine Syup

I I i in i i m^mmmtmm mraquo 11 i l i m i M i 1-1

P0f H A Haynea has resigned his poattiou as principal of the Bancroft Mgbeeeioot

The L T Lare to have a laquohaow social at the home of Mr Dudly Swar-thour Friday evening

Mr Edwin Brewster and bride spent Sunday with the formers parents Mr And Mrs Jofcn Brewster

While touching off some nun powder Van Wixuin was burned very badly about the face and hands

The Atbacuuin club meets Fiidar afternoon of this week An interesting program has been prepared

The Congregational 1st will give a pound social for the minister Key Datiesand wife Tuesday evening

Mr Frank Royp brother of Mr G C-Lemon who ha been working in an asphalt factory in Indianapolisbad tbe misfortune to lose two of bis Angers in one of the cog wheels

Mr apd Mrs J S Lemon Mr and Mrs Cbas Wbelan Mr and Mrs N A Harder and Miss Carr of tbe Newburg club attended tbe Caledonia club held at the pleasant borne of Mr and Mrs Chas Wright

A wary weJtoome tterm of rail eg-ae Monday afternoon continued through Monday night and It raining at thi wrlOag Tightninff struck the out-boose in Mr Shaws yard Monday evenshying abont 10 oclock The building was only about 8 feet from tbe rear of bis bouse and adjoin log it was a gasshyoline tank lately Ailed Tbe siding was torn off just above the tank and the studding inside was badly slivered otherwise uo harm was done Fortushynately no one was in at tbe time

Tbe eldest and most effective method Of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to take DeWtua Little Early Risers the famous little pills for cleansing tbe liver and boweig F M XUbouro

Hewitts Little Early fibers are the finest pillf I ever used71mdashP J Moore Mtlibrook Ala They quickly core all liver and bowel troubles F M Kll-bourn


D m i r i Mleau Umy ft

Mr and Mr PN IxUad visited to Owoseo Sosday

Miss Ida Goodyear in Flint on bast-nets last Friday

Mrs Storages tea sttfur from Cashynada visiting bar

Mrs Cast Obert faj entertaining her mother this week

Milaquos Jfcuma Aeaott felted Mrs W Payne Owoaao Monday

Mrs W Monty of Coronas called on Durend friends Tuesday

Mr Cbapama teaveathU morning for Monroe to Fpend a few days

Mr Will Blbbard and D Martin left forldabo last wet Wednesday

Mrs Will Paynlaquo of Owosso visited ber mother Mra J Reklaquo Tuesday

Mr Pratt of Veraoa is speoding the week at the boase of Mrs R J Aogs-bary

Mr and Mrs O B Hlbbard left Wedshynesday evening for Wtseoasla Tbey will visit California and Idaho befora retnrnieg

bAiter suffering from severe d apeaw ale Care It dH me so saoeb good I recommend It to everyone^ writes J B Watkins Clerk and Reorder ChlUl cotbe Mo It digests What yon cat F M KHboam


and Old Fashioned But Reliable Worth Remembering

Things wbleb one should bare ready at band in case of need are first and foremost essence of cinaa-mon When exposed in a sickroom it Will kill the bacilli which are floating rourbull)gt A decoction of cinnamon li recommended as a drink to be takes freely in localities where malaria or fevers prevail for cinnamon has the power to destroy ail infectious mishycrobes - -- -

Peppermint is an bid friend not on any account to be snubbed Nothing Is better for a bee sting than the apshyplication of a drop of peppermint

In case one la near the premises or apartments where there ia diphtheria tbe simplest yet effectual mode of fumigation is to drop a little aniphor on a bot raquotove or on a few hot eoala carried through the rooms In thin way the spread of tbe dJaelaquoae may be stopped

A disinfectant to aae ta differsnt parts of the house wbleh will sweetshyen tblaquo whole place may be madeTery cheap Take one poaad of common copperas and eight ounces of erade earboac acid and dissolve bioae gal Ion of water Use freonenUy

A little carbpUc acid added to the water in which barns bmlaea and cots are washed greatly lesaena the soreness

After applying iodine to the ekm II tt amarta too Intensely to be borne It ia wdl to know that it can be waabed off with ammonia


Frpaft Vernon Arffus

Mrigt h Leuiunyon is on the sick list Henry OIney was in Byron Monday

on business Mis Chas Stewart visited relatives

In Dui ami Monday-A D Hammond spent Monday at tbe

Varsity city AuuArbor Mrs L Conrad was called to Fenton

last nightby the severe illness of her son Obariie Conrad

Mr^ bavidson and daughter Carrie of Charlotte are the guests of Mrs tibbie Wilkinson this week

W D amp A Garrison attended a meetshying of the Directors of the Firsi NatiorK al Bank of Corunna on Friday last

Hiram Spears has avgtld his Shiawas-seetown property and will soon remove to Dakota Ed McCall aid Cbas Lindley were the purchasers

Mrs XHilie Eckelberg Is in Corunua this week iOOkiug after Walsh EasJers feed barn business Wash ami family are in Clare Co on a business trip

R Bristol will move this week to Bekliug Mich where Ugtey will miJltlaquoi tbeir future home Mr Bristol bas conducted i blacksmith business here forabont IS years and is a first class nDcbaiiic He and Glen Bristol will engage in the ice-cream business in their new location Glen being an exshypert in tlint line

W S Musser Mlllheirn Pa s vesl ibe lift- of liilaquo litUe s i r l by giving her One Mi note Cough Core when she was dyliipound from croup It is the orlv liflnn-Ics- remedy thampt j ives immediate re Allies lr quickly cures coughs cold broiicliiii grippe asthma and all throat and In frac34frac34 troubles F M Kilbouru


BaHcrofi Mitli Mrraquoy 8th

Wixtun brothers have a fine show tbi gt eu

Bsit I-aMsy bus purchased Myron Wilcoxs dray line

Tbe Neviurlt Fannfra Club meets with Mrand Mrs Jobn Wbelan Tburi-day

Cards are out announcing the mar riage cf Miss Louie Harder to Mr Oorner

O V I D bullbullraquobull

9rw such B(raquor 8 Un J T Oeerof Buffalo N Y^ Is

visiting her sister Mrs Kay Sir Knights Kay and Pinnkett attendshy

ed tbe funeral of Sir Kolgbt CUpp of Owosao Sunday

Tbe funeral services of Mr Gardner Stanton wbc went to California last fail foi bis health but who died there last week wamps held In the Baptist church last Souday Tbe Maccabees of which Mr Stanlou was a member atshytended the services

Our dog warden is becoming very proshyficient in tbe use of the revolver It is a small dog indeed that be cant bring dowu on tbe third fire

Mr William McCarty bas through the back log of a brewery company asked our village council to appear before Hon George P Stone circuit judge to answer why said council would not acshycept bis liquor bonds Tbe bearing was adjourned from last Saturday 5th to tbe coming week The case excites conshysiderable interest It is claimed that the bonds were presented before tbe action was taken by tbe council prohibiting the sale of liquors of any kind

Recreations of Among actresses first we find that

Sarah Bernhardt bas a taste for paint-fng sculpture and cycling whUe tn snmmer ahe delignts ia ftahbag boat-tag tennis and tlteratare aometimlaquo also diff-scaliag pound t tm Terry b lea ambitions for she finds cnffteteot 4fsgt traction in reading drtvisg aad yacht-ng while bar abrter Marina Tarry like sTotag to the theatre on an o night to tee what bef orothera aad sisters hi art are 4ofnx She also la paanfamataly IBSMI at lowora lawas mnste and enjoya a ansa of gotf- Mi Brown Potter attattogfc aha saaow eweh a wteken MEbMI aamaaaa hanall In a swflctaBtly iaxoeeBt way for aha passes much of her tlaae flowers and Ss Scsd of an pnrsulta Miss Ada Rehaa cycles a good deai reads ranch and loves trav eL Mrs Patrick Campbell is a anperb tssstciaa and cycles Handsome aad stately Geaevfeve Ward detracts hershyself with riding rawing swimming modelling end painting Beautiful Jo-lit Neilaon also lovee the water for ahe swlnte and la at home on a yacht she too rides a bicycle Her cousin Lily Hanbury swims likewise cycles usul piays tennis Gertrude Kingston loves every outdoor pursuit especialshyly cycling and skating Mme de Mar-arro who was once Mary Anderson rides a great deal loves music cards slngicq and readiug aloud Dainty Anshynie Hughes cycles and swims equally well and Mrs Kendall nnda sufficient recreation in reading

I i You need not lose flesh in summer $ 5 if you use the proper means | $ to prevent it You think _ you cant take SCOTTS 5 i EMULSION in hot weather | but you can take H and di-1 | gest it as well in summer as i | in winter It b not like the I g plain cod-liver oil which is J t difficult to take at any time $ If you are losing flesh | you are losing ground and you need

Long Letters Do those of us who have many

friends and who desire to retain them generally realise what a huge slice of time correspondence takes In planshyning ont our days work we say to ourselves that we must really write to so and so to-day without fail hot we reckon no time for the taskmdashtt la one of those little things that doat take a minute5 Ah weU bat w a t t down to It after teamdashone sheet to Uv Ue Mis Mnsfet |wn raquo Jfl one Sraquod a half to Jack and behold there hi very little change left out of two or three hours We had counted on spendshying in some other way For we cannot send to our friends a brief laquond bald outline of what is befalling us one of those unsatisfactoiy scraps which on receiving we feel la not worth the stamp that i t cost Many people will tell you it is not worth whBe to write long lettersmdashjust a line to say where you are and tell then the rest when you meet But that is a poor plan since love aad friendship are both plants which thrive under culshytivation Common Interest dies out if not kept alive by use and something to feed upon

t I f Scotts Emulsion g ami must have it to keep up | J your flesh and strength If pound you have been taking it and i f prospering on h dont fail to 5 i continue until you are thor- J 9 oughJy strong and welt c S ampocandiioigtalldnigsats S f SCOTT amp BOWHE Chcmi Nlaquow Yoik 1


A Glass of Water at Bedtime Tbe human body Is constantly unshy

dergoing tissue changes Water has the power of increasing these changes which multiply the waste products but at the same time they are re newed by its agency giving rise to increased appetite which in turn proshyvides fresh nutriment If you do not accustom yourself to drink water reg ularly you are liable to have the waraquoLe products form faster than tboy are removed Any obstruction to the free working of natural raws at once produce disease Great weakness and languor on rising in the morning is generally duo to a large secretion of these waste products and the remeshydy is to drink a tumblerful of water mdasheither hot or coldmdashjust before reshytiring This materially assists in the process during the night and leaves the tissues fresh and strong -ready for tbe active work of tbe next day

Four Littla Household Hints All cake tins should be lined with

evenly buttered paper before baking All good cakes should have a sheet of paper placed on the top

To remove varnish stains from the bands Is quite easy if before wash-Ins you rub them with a flannel dipshyped la methylated spirits

To prevent me(al from nut rob

v W-raquo_ - v laquo J Vgt


I think we better buyour Suits of M Mullen dont you Certainly- We can do the lrest there

Perfect Fits ^ Lowest Prices ^^

Reinember I offer you Stilts that lastmdashSuits that fit--^Suits that hold the greaest value for your lnonev

My Spring One of MEKS BOYamp and CHILDRENS SUITS is all new sad up-to-datemdash nothiog chesp about tfeem except the prices You cant afford to miss seeshying these goods for if you expect to buy it means dollars to you

^ 2 1 bull

Jraquo gt ^

I carry a big line of Workiugmens Shifts Pants Jackets and Overalls TJiey are the best make in the world and ail warranted not to rip I am always glad to show goods whether you come to buy or not so come in and get prices

Yours for good goods and low prices


over tne suriaee a nuxrare rormeu oy melting together equal parts of oao-kerit PAraffln and beeswax

Stalas of paint which have become dry laquoo as ampTmvat are difficult to remove but with persistent use of benslne or spirits of turpentine tt can generally be managed

UmbrslSaa TO avoid after lamfntatiens the woshy

man with limited means should saafcs the selection of a saw smbretta taa subject fox earnest thoaght

She thonld fart wall in that a good MtbreUa ontiaata a cheap ono aa4 leeks better wmfio It lesta aad that a blaej( amhrelSa la always 1laquo taste aad vfll gown

A twisted wood hajsdle atnddod with silver or a pasta ervstal hull dnv plays eveellent taste

Avoid blaarre haaaiaa and gar cot or entects In corertaca

the did geatiemaa remarked and if you think youd rather change with me raa wfifing

A second invitation waa not reshyquired And I dldnt have to change only wttu the woman but with the hul family ahd I thought theyd push me out In the aisle But Hi bet that to this day the woman tens of the ftsae when she sat next to the

t h e old bookseller add-ja bull

bullhe CaitMasise Of Voatli - bull And sow that you are through cotshy

tage what are rou gorag to d o r asked a friend of a yoathXal graduate

I shall study mriMa waa the crave reply of the slaattlons young

raquot Next to Grant Visitors to Washington wttt probashy

bly remember an old second-naiid book dealer who on aloe days alts In front of hie shop oe the north aide of Pennsylvania avenue just opposite Peace Honument He relates one story in which he and Oen Grant figshyure rather prominently

The old bookseller had received a ticket for a theatrical performance He went early and took his seat In the parquet Soon a family consisting of a husband and wife (nd several grown up daughters took the seats to his right A little later a snan came and sat on his left next the aisle The old bookseller Is blind in the left eye and did not pay any attention to the roan on his left At the end of the first act the lady on his right leaned over and asked if the stranger were not General Grant Sure enough it was and the lady was so informed

T reckon you can see a hit better from thbv chair where I am atttro

^8at fcamt that profession already overcrowded r asked the friend

PossiWy it is raaaarked tbe knowshying youth but propose to study medicine just the same and those who are already la the profession will have to take their chancesmdashChicago News

American Looomotivo Bui Wing As an Instance of the speed with

which work can be executed by one of our great American locomotive firms it Is worth noting that an order was given on Dec 1laquo 1W7 for forty Mogul locomotives for two Russian railways The firtt of the forty was erected and tried under steam on Jan 5 1898 three weeks after the receipt of the order and was finished ready to dismantle and pack for shipment i one Week later The but engine waa competed on reb 13 The forty enshygines were then contracted in about eight weeks besides twenty-eight adshyditional engines on other orders built In the works wholly or partially and shipped during- the same period No wonder the Americans luLve gained a reputation for smartnessmdashCaacters Magazine

If not drmk Graln-Omdashtbe from pure jrrala A lady writes The first time ImadeGraJn-O I did not like R but after usinic it for one weak nothing would induce me to go back to ceftVe^ It nourishes and feeds the afstew Tfe chudreo cagt-^iiak It freely witb great benefit i t fe the screajHheatnK sab-stauee of pure graitta Get a paefcafre to-day froar yout grocer teUow the dl-rvotioBS in nutkiog it and you will have a dellciou and healthful table beverage for old and yoanjr 15eaad raquo c

bullbullbull a

Wherever presirlT latradaevid Dr OsldweUs Syrup PepaiBee a cure for ooestipatlea baa aet with pheaoneaal sale Many druggists cannot say enough in praise of It merit as writ at Its great peputarfty with the people In 10c trial sine and also in Me and 1 00 sues at F M Kilboum



s^ataaiiKtCSa as MaaaiSi agtaa 9 M U H f i s t V J l s a s f l l i W e

t g r ^ e r i u u i i t i a | a gt s^fcralaawiilwfwrii

bullgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgt

At Green amp Pettiboaes

We nave Bicycles of all grades and prices and all Wheels are Fully Guarfnteetf

You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes Stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs and Tin Work at the lowest Prices consist a nr witb good material and work


61 Pettibone


tsammm Bsasasssaa asBBBBslaBBiiii


Page 2: THE myfpoimiiis.If-IIII...ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CORUNNA, MICH*, MAY 10, 1900. VOLUME XX; No. 22 tHE MARKKTS. •'-••— (Corrected by Green * Pettlbone.) •Wheat No. 1 White, No.*



bull W i t N SltKN B T FKW

At dinner that evening I mentioned to my father the episode of the tln-ee Buddhist priests and found as I had exjieeted that he was very much in- tere-ted by accounts of them When however he heard of the high manshyner hi which Bam Singh had spoken of him and the distinguished posishytion which he had assigned him amenpound philologists he became so exshycited that it was all we could do to prevent hira from setting off then and there to make his acquaintance- Esshyther and I were relieved and glad when we st Inat succeeded Jn abstractshying hi boots and maneuvering him to hi bedroom for the exciting events of the last twenty-four hours had been too much for his wesi frame and delishycate nerves

t waraquo sitting at the open porch In the gloaming turning over In my naiad the unexpected events which had occurred so rapidlymdashthe gale the wrW rhe tescue and the strange dtaraeter of the castawaysmdashwhen my sister cameQuietly over to me and put her hand in mine

bullDont you think Jack she said in ber low sweet voice that we aire for^ettius our friends over at Cloomshyber Hasnt all this excitement drivshyen their fears-a^d their danger but of orr bends

Ort of our heads but never out of cur 1 e gtrs s id I laughing Hovev-er you uro ri^ht Utile one for our attention has certainly been distract- ed fr^u th^m I shall walk up in the morning and see if I can sceanything of thorn By the rvtay to-morrow is the-fatal ~gtth of Otrtoior--one more day and ail will lie well with vs

bullOr ill said my sister gloomily Why what a little croaker you are

to bo wrtiV I cried What in tfio world is coming over you

I feel nervous and low-spirited gthe answered drawing closer to my side and shivering 1 feel as if some great JKM11 WITH hanging- over the heads of those we love Why should these priauge tuen wish to stop upon the c(ast

What the Jiurtdhislsr I Raid lightshyly Oh these fellows have continued feat daysarid rollgioiis rites of all sorts They have some ^ey good reashyson for staying you may lie sure -bullVIKwt you think said Esther in an awe-struck whisper that it is very strange that these prievrts should arrive here all the way from India

Just at the present moment Jin ve you not gathered from fill you have heard that thf generals fears are in some way connected with India and the Indians

The remark mado me thougthful Why now that you mention it I answered I have some vague impresshysion that the mystery is connected With some incident which occurred in that country I am sure however that your bullbullfears would vanish if yea saw Itam Singh He is the very pershysonification ofwisdom and benevoshylence fie was shocked at the idea of our killing a sheep or even a fish for his benefitmdashsaid he would rather die than have a band in taking the life of an animal

It is very foolish for me to be nershyvous said ray sister bravely But you must promise me one thing Jack Ton will go up to Cloomber in the morning and if you can see any of them you must tell them of these strange neighbors of ours They are better able to judge than^ we are whether their presence lias any sg-

little one I answered as we went indoors You have beVa over-excited by all these wild doings and you need a sound nights rest to compose you Ill do what yon sugshygest however and onr friends shall judge for themselves whether these poor devils should be sent about their business or not

I made the promise to allay my sisshyters apprehensions but in the bright sunlight of the morning it appeared little less than absurd to imagine that oar poor vegetarian castaways could liave any sinister intentions or that their advent could have any effect upshyon the tenants of Cloomber I was anxious myself however to see whether I could see anything of the Keatlierstones so after breakfast I walked up to the Hall In their seclushysion it was impossible for them to have learned anything of the recent events I felt therefore that even I should meet the general he could hardshyly regard me as an intruder wbile I had so much news to communicate

The place had the same dreary and melancholy appearance which always characterized it Looking through beshytween the thick iron bars of the main gateway there was nothing to l e s^en or any of the occupants One of the great Scotch firs had been blown down In the pale and its long ruddy trunk lay right across the grass zvcvgt aveshynue hut no attempt had been iraquoltie to remove It Everything alwit tbc property bad the same air of desolashytion nod neglect with the solitary ex-laquoeotion of the massive and liraquou enetra-

wuemer tueir prlt n g c ^ f not

bull ^ A I T right litti

ble fencing winch presente) as nn-bullbroken and formidable an OI)SJHIC is ever to the would-be trespasser

1 walked around this barrier as far as our old trysfjug place withai ftnd-ing any flaw through which 1 could get a glimpse of the house for the fence had been erected witheach rail overlapping the last so as to srcuiv absolute privacy for thoae inside At the old spot however where I had had the memorable interview with the general on the occasion when he surprised me with his daughter I f-vvi that the two loose rails had been reflxed in such a manner that there was a gap of two inches or

more between them Through this I had a view of the house and a part of the lawn in front of It and though I could see no signs of life outside or at any of the windows I settled down with the intention of sticking to my pest until I had a chance of speaking to one or other of the inmates Inshydeed the cold dead aspect of the house had struck STtch ad i l l l in to my heart that 1 detetmined to scale the ft nfe at whatever risk of Incurring the generars displeasure rather than reshyturn without news of the Heather-stonc-Si bullbullbull bull

Happily there wiis no need of this extreme expedient for I had not been there half an hour before I heard the harsh sound of an opening lock and the genoral himself emerged from the inain doorTo my surprise lie was dressed in a military uniformmdashand tILiit iot the uniform in ordinary use in the-Ii-itlsh army The teil coat was stiagtgeSycut and stained with the weather The tro^stnvhiuForiginally bullbeen white-but had how flaquodel to a bull dirty yellowTTntu a red s as-i -across-his chest and a filraight- sword hang-insx from hi side he stood the living

-t siULijihi of a bygone typltv^tbe John Companys officer of forty yennj ago He was followed by the ex-tramp Corporal Rufus Smith now well clad and i)jo-ievouswhr) HnnlaquoH aJoTigbc- side Iiis ihiister the two pacing up and down the lawn absorbed in conversashytion i obyervedthat froiu time to time one or the other of them would pli userind glance furtively ail about them as thoiVgh guarding keenly against a surprise

I should have preferred communica- ting with the general alone but since there was no dissoclatipg him from his companion I iwai loudly oh the fencing with my stick to attract their attention They both faced around in a moment and I could see from their gestures that they wee dlsturinnl aul alarmed I then elevated my stick above the barrier to show them where the sound proeeiled from At- this the general bepanAo walk in tny dishyrection with the air of a man who is bracing himself for an effort but the other caught him-bythe Wrist and enshydeavored to dissuade him It was only when I shouted out my no me and asshysured them that I was alone that I could prevail upon them to approach Once assured of my identity the genshyeral i-aiieagerly toward me and greet ed me with the utmost cord a I y

This Is truly kind of you West he said It is only at such times as these that one can jndg who Is a friend and who not It would not be fair to you to ask you to com i las e to stay any time bat 1 am mgtne the less veiy glad tp see you

I nave been anxious about yon all I said for it is some little time since I have seen or heard irom any of yt o How Lave yo_y al teon keeping Wby allfeU uk cent0frac34frac34 TJ S ^ l e d

But we wltl be better to-mofrow~we will be different men to-morrow eh corporal^ -jgp-raquoraquobullbull- -

Yes sir said the eoinoml rats ing his hand to his forehead in a milishytary salute Well be right m the bank to-morrow

The corporal and I are a little disshyturbed in our minds just now the general explained but I have no doubt tliat all will come right After all there is nothing higher than Prov-idenee and we are all in itlt buns And how have you been eh

We have been very bsy for o e thing said I I suppose you have heard nothing of the great shipshywreck

Not a word the g no a1 nswercd listlessly

I thought the noise of the wind would prevent your hearing the signal guns She came ashore in tho bay night before lastmdasha great bark frcm India

From IaTia ejaulteJ the gen eral

Yes Her crew were saved fortushynately and have all beta scni cu to Glasgow

All sen on cried the general with a fice as bloodless as a ltjip-o

AH ixcept three rather s range characters who clam to lgte Iiaddliist priests They have decided to remair for s few days upiui the lto-isr

The words were hardly out if n j mouth when the general dropped rp on his knees with his long thin arw extended to heacn Thy will b donet he cried in a crackling voice Thy h^raed will bgt done I couh

sw tiiroughthe crack that Corpora ltufus Snilths face hadturnedto a Blckly yellow shade and tliar lo w s wiping the ]gterai)urathraquoifioi hisUrow

Its like my luck- he said -Af- ter all these years -to come just-when I have got a snug billet

Never mind my lad the g ncraJ said rising and squaring hix ssjoji-

ders like a man Who 1 rac-e ii-mse f bullfor an effort Be it what it may v e] fiico it as British (soIdier-M shoulilDyi-reiuember at Cliilllauwal-ah when yon had to run fromyour gisu^ o

bull our square andthe Sikh horse came tlirjnlcnng clown oh ourbayorets We didnt flinch then and wewont-flinch now It seems to ine that- I feelhoor than I havo done for years It ws the awful uncertainty that was kill- thtf hie bull

And the infernal jiiiglejanglo said the corporal Well Vtii iui go togethermdashthats some cbn^olatiou

ilOfxl-by West said the general-Be a good husband to Gabriel anbull give my poor wife a home I doit think she will trouble you longt God by God bless you

Look here general I asiltI pershyemptorily breaking off a piece of wood to make communicatiou more easy This sort of thing has been going oh too long What are these hints and allusions and innuendoes It is time we had a little plain speaking What Is it yon fear Out with it Are you In dread of these Hindoos If you are I

am able on my fathers authority to have tbem arrested as rogues and vagabonds

No no that would never do he answered shaking his bead Yon will learn about the bdquo wretched business soon enough Mordannt knows where to lay his hand upon the papers bearshying on the matter You can consult him about it to-morrow

But surely I cried if the peril Is so immiueQt something may be done to avert i t If you would but tell me What you fear I Should know how to act ^1- 1--^- bullbull

Jly dear friend he said there is nothing to lgte done so calm yourself and let things take their course It has been folly on my part to shelter Jiiypelf ijehird mere barriers cf tvilaquoxl and stone The fact Is that inaction wrts-tert-ible to me and I felt that to do riiything however futile in the eature of a precaution was Iffctter than passive reSigtiation Jfy humblei friend here nud I have pieced ouiv M-ives ih a position in which I trust no poor Yellow will ever find himself again We can only reeomiueiid oiir-r-elvcsto the imfailiiig g odness of the Alhiiyhty atidtrust that what gt wo have endured in this world may lesshysen- onr nToiiemeiit in the world to croiue I must leave you now f o r i have many papers to destroy and much to arrange tloOd^by He pushed his liantl thn-Ugh the hole which I hndiundf and graspedmine in a soj-ciun fan well after which he walked back to tlie Hall with a firm and deshycided step still followed by the C1jgt-pUfdwrjMgtral

I walked back to Brauksome umeh dl-sturiied by thlaquo Interview andex-tjvniely puzzled as to what course I should putKUit It was eyldtut nltgtw that my sisters suspltionH ven- cer-rect and that tliore was senile ery In- thi]iitltk eonnecliou 1 nt ween the1 plaquos-etice of the throe Orientals and the myxfvrjojTs peril whichhung over the rowers of ChiombiT It was dillicnlt for meto aj-s-icirtte the uobit-falt-eltl Kaui Singles gentle refined manner andwords of wisdom with any deed of violt nlt e -yet now that I thought of it I conJ see that a terrible capacity for wrath lay I ehnd his shaggy brows and dark piercing eyes 1 felt that of all men whom I had ever met he was the one whose displeasure I should least care to face But how could two men scgt widely ltUgtsoc-iatedasthe foul-mouthed old corporal of artillery and the distinguished Anglo-Indian genershyal have each earned the ill-will of these strangecastatrays And if the danger was a positive physical one why should he not consent to my proposal to have the three men placed under my custody though I confess it would have gone much against my grain to act in so inhospitable a manshyner upon sijcpound vajrufc ajid shadowy grounds These questions were absoshylutely unanswerable and yet the solshyemn words and the terrible gravity which I had seen in the faces of -btth the ojd soldiers forbade me from thinking that their fears were unshyfounded It was all a puzzlemdashan abshysolute insoluble puzzle One thing at least was clear to memdashand that was that in the present state of my knowlshyedge and after the generals distinct prohibition it was impossible for me to interfere in any way I could only wait and pray that whatever the danshyger might lgtoP it might jjass over or at least that my dear Gabriel and her brother might be protected against t s

Is was walking down the lane lost in thought and had got as far as the wicvct gate which opens upon the Dranksome lawn when I was sur prised to hear my fathers voice raised in most animated and excited con-verso The old man had been of late so abstractedtrou the daily affairs of the word rnd so absiricd in lh own special studies that it was difficult to engage his attention upon any orshydinary mundane topic Curious to know what it was that had drawn him so far out of himself I opened the gate softly and walking quietly round the laurel bushes found hm sitting to my astonishment with none other than the very man who was occupy ing my thought Ram Singh tlie Buddhist The two were sitting upon a garden beuch and the Orengtl apshypealed to i e laying iovn some weighshyty proposition checking evey pont upon Ids long qulvcriug bown fingers while my father with his hands tlrowjo abroad aud his fae awry was


in loud protestation ana argument po absorbed were the In their controvershysy that I stood witiiln a hand touch of them for a minute or iriorebetpeli y became conscious of my presence On observing me the priest sprang to his feet and greeted me with the same lofty courtesy and dignified grace which had so Impressed ma the day before bullbull I~ promised myself yesterday lie said thepleasure of call ig upon your father You see I havekept my

word I have beeu daring enough to question his views uoi somo points in connection wltii the Sanscrit- a d Hindoo tongues with tho result t--at we liavcbeen arguing for an hour or more tvithoht oiliter cT vs cgtiivlnciig the other- Witlio pivteiuling to as deep a theoretical koiiyvledgc as that

bull Whicli has madCfhlti nane cf John Hunter Wsst a household word among Oriental scdiqlars I liappen to have given qonsidemble attention +o this one point and indeed I am In a position to siiy that I know his views to ho unsound I assure you sir t at up to tlie year 70) or even later Sansshycrit was the ordinary language of the great bulk of tlie inhabitants of Inshydia

And-1 assure you sir aaid my father warmly that it was dead and forgotten at that date save by the learned who used it as a Tehlcie for scientific and religious worksmdashjust as

totiu was used in the middle ages long

after it had ceased to be spoken by any European nation

if you will consalt the puranas you will find said Earn Stogh that taraquo theory though commonly received Is entirely uutenabte^

And if you win consult the Raraay-aua and more particularly the canonshyical books on Buddhist discipline ciHl m y father you will find that the theory is unassailable

But look at the Kullavagga said our visitor earnestly bull

And look at King Asoka shoutshyed my father triumphantly When la the year 300 before the Christian eramdashU1 fore mind you-^he ordered the laws of Buddha to be engraved upon the locks what language did he emshyploy clgt V Wjxs it Sanscrit^mdashno Araquod

why-was it not Saascrit Because the lower orders of Its -subjects would not have eeti able to understand a word of it ITa h i That was the reason T vr are you gpii-g to get around

iiz Asokasi^Ictft -chV bullbull-Iio ltaivo 1 tficnt in the various din-

le tr iaiii Singh answered But crjy is too precious a thing to m wiy lt-d in mere wind in this style Th(gt -tm ha lt parsed Its meridian aud I mis return to my comigtanlons

Iahi sorry that you have not i ioi -lit titem to see us said my fnth

of courteously Hewas I could see riulaquoy h st in the eagerhesh of delwite if 1 ad ltiVeHtepiel the bound of bos- 1 1 1 J V - bull -

^njeydo not iiilx with the world Ilam Pingh aisweietl rising t o his frlaquo t Tlsey are of a higher grade than I and more sensitive focojitamSuatlng

-influences They areliimn-rse-l In a sinilaquonths nietlitafion upon the mys-( riesof the third iti^arnatloti which has lasted from ttie thiie tiiat we left the Ilmnlayn I shall notsee you again Sir llhnter West and I thereshyfore bid you farewell Your old age will be a hippy ongt as it do erves to be and your Kistern stuui-s will have a hist ing effect utxraquou the knowlshyedge and literature of your own oun-tiy bull FarewellI

And a in I also to see no more of you 1 asked

Vhless you wfil walk with me along the seashore M answered But you have already been out this morning and may be tired I ask too much of you

Nay I should be delighted to come I responded from my heart and we set off together accompanied for some little distance by ray father who would gladly I could see have reopened th Sanscrit controversy had not his stock of breath been too limshyited to allow of his talking and walkshying at the same time

He is a learned man Ram Singh remarked after we had left him beshyhind but like many another he is Intolerant toward opinions which difshyfer from his own He will knew bet-tej some day

I made no answer to this obsera-tlon and we trudged along for a time in silence keeping well down to the waters edge where the sinds affordshyed a good foothold The sand dunes which lined the coast formed a conshytinuous ridge upon our left cutting us off entirely from all human observashytion while on the right the brorgtd channel stretched away with hardly a sail to break its silvery uniformity The Buddhist priest and I were absoshylutely alone with Nature I could not help reflecting that if he were rcaly the dangerous man that the mateafshyfected to consider him or that might be inferred from the words of Genershyal Heatherstone I had placed myself completely in ids power Yet such was the majestic benignity of the mans aspect and the unruffled serenity of his deep dark eyes that I could afford in his preaeree to let fear rnd suspishycion blow past mo as lightly as the breeze which whisiled round us His face might be stern and even terrible but I felt that he could never be unshyjust As I glanced from time to time at his noble profile and thesweep of his jet black Ixard Ms rough-spun tweed traveling suit struck me with an almost painful ense of incongruity and I rorclothcd Stim in my imaginashytion with he grnn-V sweeping Oriental costume which Is the fitting and i ropshyer frame for such a picturemdashthe only garb which does nor detract from the dignity and grace of the wearer The place to which he l--d mlaquo was a small fisher cottage which had been desertshyed some years Ix-forc by its tenant but still stood gattot and bare with

tne thatch partly t-knVn a Way and Use windows and door In sad disrlt pair The dwelling which the poorest Scotch beggar would have f-hrimk from was the one which these singushylar men hadpreferred to the proffered hospitality of the lairds house A smalt garden now a mas- cf taiigled Gambles stood around it and through this my accitt-tntaneo picked hi way to t-he ruined door He glanevd into i^ Jmusn mid -then -waved bis hand f- r me to follow him

^bullVfliirovbivnn opportunity he bullail iu a f-uigt reverential voice of --S--vin -a s]Vocace which fex Ku-ropenii lt had the privileged of be-

bullbullholding Inside bull tcottage yosvVill bullfind ivo Y-M----Mei who are( ny one rcjuove fiTin ih highest bull plane of adcjiisliip iicy arc both wrapped in an ocvH-tic trance -otherwise i should not venture to obtrude your pre-euce upon tiieiii Their astral bodies have departed from thorn to be present at bullthe feast of lampr in the holy lamas-tery of Iludok in Thibet Tread lightshyly lest by stimuhiting their corporeal functions you recall them before their devotions are completed

Walking slowly and on tiptoe I picked myway through the weed-grown garden and peered through the open doorway There was no furnishyture in the dreary interior nor anyshything to cover the uneven floor save a litter of fresh straw in a corner Among this straw two men were crouching the one small and wb ened the other large-Honed and gaunt with their legs crossed in Oriental fashion and their bends sunk upon their breasts Neither of them looked np nor took the smallest notice of onr presence They were so still and silent that thejr might hare been two 1 r--nze statues but for the alow and measured rhythm of their breathing Their faces however had a peculiar eshen giay color very different from the beatlhy brown of my companions and I obshyserved on stooping my bead that onshyly tbe whites of their eyes were visishyble the balls being turned upward be-ueath the lids In front of them upon a small mat lay an earthenware pitchshyer of water and half a loaf of bread together with a sheet of pjpr In-sciiU-d with certain ca alLstic chaiac-tcrs Uani Singh glanced at these and then motioning lo me to withdraw followed me out into the garden

I am not to disturb them until ten oebelc he said You have nw seen in liipergfjon one of the grandest ie-Suitsofpur occult phiicsophy (lie dis-iknfihm of spirit iroul body Not any art- the spirits of those holy men Ktaudinig at the present moment by the banks of the Ganges but those spirits are clothed in a material covshyering so identical with their real bodshyies that none of tin faithful will evshyer doubt that I^ai Hoomi and Mpw-dar Klian HTC actually among them This Is accomplished by our power of ri-solving an object Into It chemical t tins cf conveying tljese atoms with a spolaquo-d which exCtKHls that of light iiing to any given spot and of theie re precipitating them aud compelling themto retake their origimil form Of old It Was uecessat-y to convey the whole body in this way but we have since found that-if was as easy and more convenient to transmit material etraquoongh meiely to build up an outside shell or semblance- of a body This we bullhave termed the astral body

But if you can transmit your spirshyits yo readily I observed why should they be accompanied by any body at all

In communicating with brother ini-tt(s We aie able to employ Our spirshyits only but when wewish to come in contact with ordinary mankind it is essential tluit we should appear in some form which they can see and comprehend

Yoti have Interested me deeply in all that you have told me I said grasping the band which Ram Singh had held out to me as a sign that our interview was at an end ^1 shftl ofshyten think of our short acqnalntance

You win derive much benefit from it he said slowly still holding my hand and looking gravely and sadly into my eyes ^Yott must remember that what happens in the futare is not necessarily bad because it does not fall In with your preconceived ideas of right Be not nasty In your judgshyments There are certain great rules which must be carried out at whatshyever cost to individuals Their operashytion may appear to yon to be harsh and creel but that la aa nothing comshypared to the dangerous precedent which would be established by not enshyforcing them The ox and the sheep are safe from us but the man with the blood of the highest upon bis liands should not and shall not live

He threw up hia arms at the first words with a fierce threatening gesshyture and turning away from me strode back to the ruined hut I stood gazing after him until be disappeared through the doorway and then startshyed off for home revolving in my mind all that I had heard and more particshyularly this last outburst of the occult philosopher Far on the right I could wee the tall white tower of Cloomber standing out clear-cut and shaip against a dark cloud-bank which rose behind it I thought how any traveler who chanced to pass that way would envy in his heart the tenant of that magnificent building and how little they would guess the strange terrors tlie nameless dangers which wrc gathering about ids head The black c1 owl-wrack wa but the maglaquo I re-c-rcd of the darker more somber tgtgtgt which was filiout to-burst

bullbullWhatever it all means and bower-er It 1 appeirs I ejaculated (Soil grant that the Innocent be not conshyfounded with the guilty

My father vhen I reached home was still in the ferment over his learned disputation with the stranger I trust Jack no said that I did

not -haEdfe htm too ro us my igt-hoiitl remember -that I am in loco magistri and be les prone to argue with my guests Vet when he took up this most untenable position I could aot refrain from attacking him and hurlshying him out of it which indeed I did though you who are ignorant of the niceties of tlie question may have failed to perceive It You observed however that my reference to King Asohus edicts was stfconclusivethat he at once rose and took his leave

You held your own bravely I an-swereubut what is your fmpivssion of the manROW that you have seen him V

Why said my father he is one e t those holy men who undor the varshyious names of Saunasis YosisSevres Q nam riders Ilakims and Guns have devoted their lives to the study of the mysteries of tdie Buddhist faith He Is I take it a theospphist or worshipshyer of the (TOCI of knowledge the highshyest grade of whichIsthe-adept This trian and ids companions hive pot atshytained tliis high position or they could not have crossed the sea without conshytamination It is probable that they are all advanced eheias who hope in time to attain to the supreme honor of adeptship

But fatlier interrupted my sister this does net explain why men of such sanctity and attainments should choose to take up their quarters on tiie shores of a desolate jteotch bay

Ah there you get beyond me my father answered 1 may suggest howshyever thatlt is nobodys business bat their own as long as they keep the peace and are amenable to the law of the land

Have yon ever heard I asksdV that these higher priests of whom yon speak have powers which are unknown to us

Why jSastern literature is full of It The Bible is an Eastern book and is it not full of the record of sach powers from cover to cover U is unquestionshyable that they have in the past known many of Natures secrets which are lost to us I cannot say however that the modern theosophist really possess the power3 that they claim

Are they a vindictive class of peoshyple I asked Is there any off wise among them which can only Is exshypiated by death

Xot that I know of my father anshyswered raising his white eyebrrrvs in surprise You appear to be in ii inshyquisitive humor this afternoonmdashwhat i3 the object of all these questions Have our Eastern neighbors aroused your curiosity or suspicion in any way

I parried the question fiv best I might for I was unwilling to let th3 old man know what was in my mind No good purpose could come from his enlightenment his age and his health demanded rest latherthan anxiety and indeed with the best will in the world I should have found it itliUcuk to explain to another what was so very obsctzro to myself For every reason I felt tha t it Was hest tljnt he thoulil bdquo be kept in the dark

Never is all my experience hsve I known a day pass so slowly as did that eventful 6th of October Iii every posshysible manner I endeavored to while away the tedious hours and yet it fieeined as if darkness would never arshyrive I tried to read I tried to write I paced about the lawn I walked to the end of the lane I put iiew Bics on my Qshipg-hpoks I began to index my fathers libraiymdashin a dozen ways -I endeavored to relieve the suspense which was becoming intolerable My sister I could see was suffering from the same feverish restlessness Again and again our good father remonshystrated with us in his mild way for our erratic behavior and the continual interruption of his work which arose-from it At last however the tea was brought and the tea was taken the curtains were drawn the lamps Uibdquo and after another interminable interval the prayers were read and the sershyvants dismissed to their rooms My father compounded and swallowed his nightly Jorum of toddy and then shufshyfled off to his room leaving the tworaquo of us in the parlor with our nerves In a tingle and our minds full of the most vague and yet terrible apprehensions^


MO raquo T O A O E SALEmdashDefault havlog been U d in tbe condition of a mortgage con-

taming-a power of sale made b j James Con-roy aud J a n e s Fttma of tbe town of Hazelton Shiawalaquoraquoee county and state of Hlenigan to-Mac Wfcaiey laquof the e laquo trtilaquo Genesee 5 2 ^ 2 ^ f ipound J M i laquotlaquon o e i r i a s date-tneflfUadayof February A D 1806 and re-corded iu the office of tbot register of deeds of said cotmty of SbiawaMee on the ttintb day of FetM-uary^ A D i a a i n liber raquo of Korteaaes on pace raquo 4 On whkrb atortgage and the oote accontiMHiyinff the same there U claimed to lgte dne at the date of this notice for interest the stum of one hundred and fifty six dollars and fifteen cent (I15SI5) Besides ftSOO of the laquo3amp00 attorney fee provided for in said mortgage (and awgt allowed by the statnte in such caae made and provided) laquo1800 of principal is to become dne bereafter on sailaquo mortgage with intercut thereon from February Stb 1000 at 7 per cent per annum and this foreclosure iraquo subject ugt tbe right of said mortgagee to foreshyclose hereafter lb erf or and no suit or proceedshying at law or in equity having been had or in-KtitnUid to recover the amount secured by said mortgage or any part thereof Now therefore by virtue of the power of raquoale contained in said mortgage and the Atati tlaquo in such case made and provided Notice is hereby given that on Thursday the 10th day of May A 1gt KgtQ at one oclock in the afternoon of said dav utd nortgage will l e t gtreltloecd by said mortshygagee who iv ill sell at public auction or vendue to the highest bidder subject to tbe lien of said mortgage for future sums to become due thereshyon a l the westerly front door of the counbouse in the oily of Cornnna in said county of Shia-waslaquoee (that being the place vberein the circuit court for said county is held) the prero-iseK described iu said mortgage or so much thereof a s may oe aei-esraquoampry to pay the said aiuouuidue upon Kaid mortgage for luterest with seren per cent interest theron and all legal cost and expenses together with aaid attorney fee of 115laquo subject lto the right of said mortshygagee to foreclose again foj princloal or inshyterest to become due hereafter The BM premises being described In said mortgage aa follows The lands premises and property bull i ^ ^ l raquolaquownship of Haaelton countv of Shiawassee ^nd alaquo of Michigandescribed a s follow laquoe-wft The west half of the south east quarter bull section twenty-four ltS4) town eight (8) north of range fonr (4) east and conshytaining eighty acres of land

Dated rebrwary laquoth 1laquo00

U t laquo A PARK KR Mortgagee AraquoweTraquo for aVortgaeae FUnt Mich

i s

t W I I I I I I I I l m M I W m M M H I I M M I I H I I H I I I I I I

i w Fe teke pleasure in announcing to the people

of Shiawassee County that our store is full and new goods coming in daily We placed our criers early and therefore bought at the lowest prices Our motto is Once a cusshytomer always a cus^ tptner Now is the time to get spring goods See our line and be satisfied this is the place to trade

We have Everything the

Latest in


I l s I

Woodard North amp Jennings FURNTrURE AND UNDERTAKING



ftwlnea Wakc laquo f r a r e s t F I laquo H u A r e e V Fernoaa Hansel

i M t k t a Lahe C U M

Menominee May 3-A special train on the Wisconsin Michigan amp Northshyern road returned from the fire scene Wednesday night bringing news of the burning of the dense forest north of Gerondale 20 miles west of here The town was burned Wednesday aftershynoon and 300 people are homeless A (small sawmill owned by Albert Geartts is in ruins valiie $20000 no insurance The loss of timber is estishymated at $53000 Lumber camps owned bjf George Brooks Davis amp Stitt Joe Turcatte and Charles Barnard burned The entire winter cut of ^ ^ ^ i - w h o s p 0 k e 6 n trusts and Imperial pine is tot Anxiety laquo ^ frac34 frac34 | j g j ^ denounced the n d m i S r n

Hia upper jaw ws erusneti and he was badly hurt internally but manshyaged to get serosa the river bridge stole a horse blanket and went half a mile before be fell in swoon and was brought back to the prison


Deatoeratte I M laquo raquo traquoOt at laquo bull raquobull laquoeat Mmaawet la Deshy


Detroit May 5mdashThe Mohawk club banquet Wednesday night wa the largshyest ever held in thisstate Over2500 Were present in the Auditorium and in the galleries Patriotism and party feelshying were conspicuously displayed The speakers of the evening were Col Bry

the safety of Fisfcer the largest town oft the Wisconsin Michigan A North-em road It population is 1000 Famshyilies have abandoned their home and are coming here Its losses now aggreshygate $128000 C^urehlll A Co lost 300000 fee of legs at BoHon and the same firm ha lost 200000 feet at Val-bullentine The Hlaquoron Handle and Luav her company hst had SOOjOOO feet of logs btjrned near South Roger and bull700000 feet belonging to this comshypany are burning near Hearst At Valshyentine 15090 tie were burned Sevshyeral thousand dollars worth of hardshywood and pine logs on sides have bee destroyed in Oscoda county Superin teudent Stephenaon of the bo raquoin comshypany who has returned from -the burned district says the ftoeswept tershyritory covers an area of 37 miles to the north and west of Menominee and tblaquo total damage wttl amount to mearly

laquo129000 bull bull ^ i Marquette May 5mdashDavid IftWaefon

his wife and little child wltlergtsr Crivitz are missing and it is feared that they perished In the recent forshyest fires They were living on a homeshystead and it is supposed that on the approach of the flames they fled front their home and were overtaken by the fires Neighbors whojwent to look for them found their dwelling place deshyserted but could secure no trace of the missing three


JLm Eaeastlas Caawtet a t J a c k s Crwlhca flta J a w tst Fall-v


Jackson May 7mdashJoseph Shuler a -convict from Saginaw doing five years for larceny marie a desperate attempt -to escape from the state prison Sat-iirday night He was cook in the prison hospital located in the tower fully 50 feet up and had consider--able liberty This he nsed to secure some sheet which he tied together ^attached to the windov sill and swung his body oat His improvised Tope broke immediately and he fell ito the ceU roof bounded off and plunged head-first to the earth Into which he made a hole a foot deep

administrashytion Hon James Hamilton Lewis of Seattle ex-Congressman Sufceer of New York and Congressman Lents of Ohio President W O Gleason Rev J A Kessler with Hon Thomas Bark-worth of Jackson as tcaatmaster Mayor Marbury bade them welcome General rejoicing Was indulged in

Llfcrarr bull Maal la Landng May 7~-Qov Pingree hwS

received a letter from the secretary of the American library in Manila askshying for aid for the library and statshying that money is necessary for the success of the enterprise The advanshytages of s^ch a library are fully set forth AH the state has no money for such purposes the governor suggests that the press give the needs of the society publicity to the end that subshyscript ions may be received Donashytions may be sent to the American lishybrary of Manila Philippine islands

Great- bar far afaawas Kalamazoo May 4 mdash A masonic

school of instruction has been conshyducted here and closed Thursday night with a banquet at the Auditorshyium at which plates were laid for 400 Five hundred masons representing 80 lodges in southwestern Michigan were in attendance) Grand Lecturer Arthur M Clark conducted the school It was one of the most successful -schools ever held in southwestern Michigan and the banquet was a grand success

Frajaefclae Aceewted

Pontine May 7-~The promoters of the Flint-Pontiac electric railroad have accepted the franchise offered by the council of this city The city will receive the sum of $5000 from the railway people for the privilege of a track on Oakland avenue The comshypany will be required to do their snare of paviag and in default of their constructing the track the city Till receive $5000

sUcfclsaa Man C h a i e s Washington D C May 4mdashThe

president has selected William Glover Gage of Michigan to be commissionshyer for the United States on the new Chilian claims commission

ARE FWJTKIHLEY Hl-raquola D s l e s t e a ta Phi lade lphia

So l aa trac ted And Adaalnlstrntloa Poller as U t e m i

Detroit May 5mdashThe state convenshyt ion which on Thursday elected deleshyg a t e s a t large to t h e national repubshylican convention transacted i t s busishyness quickly and harmoniously after i t had become fu l ly organized

The fol lowing were elected deleshyg a t e s at large Col Frank J Becker of Detroit Delos A Blodgett of Grand Japids and Capt William E P a m e l l of Calumet William Mcshypherson of Howel l and Frank V Gilchrist of Alpena had been placed i n nomination for third delegate ai^ large but they withdrew and alshylowed the third place to go to Farnall and they fought i t out for fourth place wi th the result that MePhersou won The fol lowing were unanimousshyl y elected a l ternates at large Alshybert S Glasgow of Jackson Herbert S Sands of Pentwater William Bane of Saginaw and John N McCampIl of Ithaca Gerrlt J Diekema^ of Holland was unanimously chosen chairman of the s tate central comirttee Stanley W Turner who had been considered the leading candidate for s tate chairshyman having announced his withdrawshyal Maj J G Wilcox of Bay City and Perry Hannah^ of Traverse City were elected presidential e l e c t o r a t large The convention completed i t s business at 645

The fol lowing platform which w a s believed to be unprecedented for conshyciseness w a s adopted

We the republicans of the state of Michigan In convention assebmled hereby reaffirm and renew our allegiance to the time-honored principles of the republican party

We unqualifiedly and unequivocally in-dorse the administration of President Kc-Kialey and congratulate the country on It happy and prosperous condition brought about as a direct result of the apshyplication of republican principles and polshyicies to the affairs of government and we congratulate the party on the prompt fulshyfillment of its pledges

And be ft Resolved farther That the delegates shown by this convention to represent us at the national convention at Phltadelpbia be and hereby are Instructed to cast the vote of Michigan for WUilam HcKlnley for president of the United States


STATE GOSSIP fmtaveettav- Bi t s Of l a f a r a i a t t s a ft

s faay X a e a l U i e a ta Mftea-- llaquoanu

Dwtratt Mafctaar Prseratlaaraquoraquo ta Be laquoctvlaquo t a Adatital JCavly

l a J a a e

Detroit May ftmdashPrei^ninary arshyrangements for the reception of Adshymiral and Mrs Dewey who will be the guests of the Fellowcraft etnb and the city of Detroit June T and S were made at a joint meeting of commitshytees of the elnb and of the common council held in the mayors omee Wednes^y The-first day the dilaquoraquo tinguished visitors will he guests of the Fellowcraft club and the second day the whole city will entertain them The admiral who is a friend of Proprietor Chittenden of the Bus-sell house has expressed s preference for apartments in that hostelry


The Trial of Ci KM R SatUa ilaquo r i -aally Cosaaieneed alaquobullbull Llaquoraquo

mdash ^ bullbullsf

Lansing May 5mdashA jury for the trial of Col Eli B Sutton was seshycured Friday afternoon Three-fourths of the jurors are farmers Prosecutor Tuttles opening address was the same as in the Marsh trial except for the statement that he would prove that Sutton was in Grand Rapids on two occasions when the most important matters in connecshytion with the military trand were arshyranged One of these dates was when Gen White drew $8104 from a Grand Rapids bankmdashthe day before Sutton deposited $8200 in Detroit banks

B f t i laquo bull laquo bull LaadslaAliiHa Pensacola Fla May 5mdashTbe recent

visit here of Gen Bossell A Alger and Col W D Mann representing aijiidi-caite of Michigan men to inspect timshyber lands and milling interest^ of Martin H Sullivan the nzllionaire mill owner of this city has resulted in a deal in which $2000000 is the money consideration For this sum Mr Sullivan transfers to Alger and others 300000 acres of pitch pine timshyber lands In fowoonuties in Alabama

bull bull bull - rir bull bull bull

Awarded Heavy DaMM- Port Huron May 5mdashMrs Matilda

JohnsiT whose husband Louis John-eis was instantly killed by the burstshying of an emory wheel at the Port Huron Engine and Thrasher comshypanys works where he was emshyployed recovered a heavy verdict from the company in the circuit court The jury after being out thee hours awarded-a judgment of-- $7000 apshyproximating the full amount recovershyable under the statute bullraquo - -

D y a a a U t e Uader m House Ann Arbor May 4mdashSamuel Bayliss President AngelP^colored coachman purchascii a hdfose recently and on Wednesday moved it toa vacant lot on Mary street Wednesday nig-ht some one attempved to destroy the house with dynamite The explosion was terrific breaking many windows in the vicinity The damage to the Bayliss house was small

Body of Gapt Bai lor F o a a d Saginaw May 7 -Capt John Bailor

of the tug Andrew C McLean disapshypeared last Monday night while the tag was lying at the dock here His body was found in the river Sunday1

near the tug Capt Bailor was 35 years old had sailed the lakes a numshyber of years and left a wife and four Children at West Bay City

F o r laquoalaquo Soldier Home Lansisg May mdashihe state trasnrer

nw received a dkeojrtor Sa50o from the general government in aid of tM sokliers home at Grand Bapids

Wheat throughput Oscoda county Is in very good condition

William H Van De Burg has been appointed postmaster at Fairport Lenawee county

Papers in the upper peninsula tell of picnic parties going in the woods on arbutus excursions The beautiful blossom is very plentiful this season

Andrew Fransen aged 58 years a resident of Jerome township comshymitted suicide by shooting himself He had been troubled with insomnia

F L Wilson of Weat Bay City is in Alpena consulting with leading busishyness mien in regard to a site for a mill to manufacture hoops and thin lumber

Driving has commencea on all streams tributary to Thunder Bay rivshyer The largest drive is on the North Branch and is in charge of Thomas Mc-Dade -

E( A Dunham of I^errieh county has shipped a lot of strawberry plants to Dawson City Alaska This is the first nursery stock ever shipped to that country

Valuable marl beds have been fliscov-ered in Menominee county near Powshyers and Nadeau Specimens analyzed are pronounced a high grade A comshypany will be organized to develop the finds

Bishop Foley confirmed a class of 300 at Port Austin Thursday morning The bishop was met at the depot by a mounted escort of 140 horsemen Sevshyenty of them rode white or gray horses and the other 70 were on bay horses Many priests were present from the surrounding parishes

The patronage of the Homer post ofshyfice has been considerably increased since the inauguration of the rural free delivery route recently The-monthly report of the carrier for April states that 2581 pieces of mail were delivered and 453 pieces collected-making a toshytal of 3034 pieces handled during 25 days

Corrigan McKinney A Cobdquo who purshychased the Hopes gold mine last seashyson will start work at once with a cyanide mill and will reopen the mine itself if developnbemts warrant The Hopes was the only Michigan gold mine ever thoroughly opened and was worked nearly 20 years It is 1000 feet deep and has produced nearly $730000 in bullion There are 200000 tons of tailings with an average gold valns oi $2 per ton


Agents on salary of $1500 per week and expenses the grsatest agent seller ever produced ovary stock sad poultry raiser buys it on sight Hustlers wanted Beferenoa Address with stamp American nfsnsfaetnring Co Terre Hanto lad



Until further notice toe examthsUoa will be held M follows

Corunus beginning thelast Thursday of March

Durand bcxinaiag toe third Thursday of June

Corunns beirionlnlaquo the third Thursday of August

owosso begioning the third Thursdsy of October bdquo - laquo bdquo

All examinations US commence at 803 s m standard time Applicants will writ upon orthography peomaiiship treography aod general nistcrv the first half ltiy arlth-atetlc US history and theory raquoud art the becoud half day readiig-H algebra civi govern-jaent and physiology the third half day laquoiiid grsmmar school law botany and physics (seeond g7-ade) the fourth half day Third day (for first grade appVtoants only) physic and geometry

The atoveachedule will be strictly folljwed RBQUIKEMENTS

For third grade no less than 70 per cent will be accepted in grammar arithmetic bustory civil government freograpby and rlaquoading and not lelaquos tban 85 per cent iu any oiocr brancb forlaquoecOttd grftde not lese than 75 per laquolaquoit in the branches before named and not

i less than 70 percent in any other branch for first grade not less than 85 percent in branchshyes before named -and not lesa tban SO per claquont in any other biacch

Appiicanta for first and second grades who pass ia part of the branches may rewrite at tfce next examlnatioft lo tsoee remaining After failing lBtwooonseeutive examinations tbey m a laquo rewrite In all brancnes Applieauts for third grade who ttt in oart o the branches must rewrite in nil branches ex cept those lit which they receive at least eighty STlaquo per cent and such third grade credits wlD be carried until the next examtoaiioa on)v Before a certificate will be granted to son l l-esnts for third grade who have never tsugat they must furnish snlBeleat proof of bsjing read csvefnlir and studiouaiy Page on Teaching Swetts Methods of Teaching Whites School Management or some other work on teaching of equal merit and they must also have familiarized themselves with the general principles of the State Manual and Course of Study The foregoing woh is neeegampsrr In order to pas the eabjeet of theory and art of teaching Boob third grade applicants must also possess the required knowledge of whooi law the same as other applicants for certtttcates

Attendance or non-attendance at the teach era institutes and the teachers associations held fn the county dating the year next pre-ceediog the examination TTJH be taken into strict accounting-ranting certificates of any grade

O L BRISTOL Counniasioner of Schools


For 1-5 years We are preshypared to Dye for you Wc do Dry Cleaning and Scour-ing Also Clothing of all kinds made to look like new

Any work given E E Richards of City Steam Laundry will receive our prompt attention

Dyeing amp Qcaning Works A McGO-US Proprietor


iMawtt TrUlaquor Oar KHIs bulllaquoraquobulllaquobullraquo ward raquo Flaweat of tne

A H t f e

Detroit Kay mdashDr Bdwsrd raquogtr-erett Vincent who was surgeon of Lieut Pearys 3 Arstle espedition was run over by a street oar and in stantly killed Friday Dr Viqosnt war riding bicycle along Grand River avenue Endeavoring to eseap coUUion wltt a buggy he rod serosa xatr CLraquo- track His M^ _ slaquorucx by the car fender and he was thrown under the wheels and instantly killed The body was fearfully mutilated Dr Vincent spent nearly ten years on the ice fields during the partys quest for thenorth poleand made some considshyerable contributions to science conshycerning the ethnology of arctic tribes


QTATE OF MICHIGAN Cownty of ShgtlaquowS-

Notied is hereby given that by an order of the Probate Court for the Coaniy Sbiawaesee ntade on the lthh day of April A D 1900 AIX ngt0nths from laquohat date were allowed for credshyitors to prevent their cUlma against the estate of Stephen Wateon late of said County deceased SAd that all creditors of said deceased are re-naired to present their claims to said Probate Court at the Probate Office In the City of Curanna for ejtamiaatien and allowance oraquo or before the 9th day-ef October next and that laquolaquoeraquoctlms will be heard before said Court on Monday the Sth day of July and oo Taeaday theSti) day of October next at 10 oetoek It the forenoon of each of thoee days

DwtedContOtta Aprtl I7lh A 1gt1W0 MATTHKW Bt7raquoH

iadge of Probate

Tine Table Graad Trunk Railway System

Arrival and Departure of Trains


Detroit Xxprem dailr eieept Sunday 9raquo s raquo Vail Train dally except Sunday 111 p a Evening Express exeept Saaday Sii pas Kastera Xxpreaa daily y 9iraquoptx


Chicago Expresagtdaily except Snadaj lO^laaa Mall and Express dally except u Sdstpaa Gd Rapids Kxpresa daily bull 71raquopas Past Western dally 7JSaxe

Sleeping and Parlor Car Sstrlco WBSTBOIJSB

090 p at train eonnedts at Xgtnrand tor Leigh hxprees east aad Patlflc express west

1001 a A train has parlor ear to Grand Sapid extra charge 25 cents

710 p to train has parlor ear to Grand Bap-ids extra charge Sc

BASTBOTJHTgt laquolScmirain has parior car to Detroit Mgttl

charge 39 octits Pullman parlor car Us troit to Toronto coaneettat vrtth si bur car for the east sad New York i nectaatDurandwithCftOC dlviaaptt - - - mdash iwt tho Clfep

1laquo raquoiuJltuMgt

B a x i y Var i e t i e s of S trawherr lea x K l i l e i k y a CM l a a p Meat

bull f t Jlaquoeph

Si Joseph May mdash JBeports reshyceived here to the effect that straw berries in the lowlands in the southshyern section of the county were killed by the frost have been confirmed Fashyvored by the warm- weather of the last ten days many of the leading early varieties of Btrswberries about one-tenth cf the total crop were in full blossom and with an ice-mak ing frost all the bods were killed Growers on the lowlands say that if their district escapes the frost durshying the rest of the dangerous month of May the district will produce thn largest toxy

crop o berries in its his-

BATC OampIMCBV-SSSM laquof MOehlgaa the raquoSMawaseeegtss

Atraquo Msnm sf the Prohate Ooart for oaM Oewnty held at the Prahate Omee iatbeetty of comma on the 14th day of April la te the year oa Ihmdashaad nine handred

Pre law Matthew Bash Jmdge of Probate Ia the matter of ths cstaM of BalserBiuel

deceased Jaesh W Btttei as administrator of said eMfc harlag readered to this c o a t hlo ftaal sssitsuu

It ts etdsrH that the 14th day Of May next at trlaquo oeleeh la the forenoon at aak| Probate Onto fee asatgued far vJ^swlalBf and tgt Vlowlas- aald aeeoant

And It ia fiirther erdeved that a copy of this order be published three successive weeks pre vious to said 4a7 of bcttrtur 1laquo the Ooranna

raquoft W y ^ ^ P ^ a V M l and elrculsttnf - raquo- ^waaaee bull

MATTHKW BUSH Jodgeof Probate

By KATBUXX KBUET Probate Begiiier


At a session ot the Probate Conrt for said countj held at the Probate office in the City of Coninna on Monday the 30th day laquogtf April in the year one thousand niue hnndred

Presen t Mathew Bosh Judge of Probate In the matter of the estate of Edward Murray

and Joseph Murray Minors oa reading and filing the petition of Thomas Murray as guarshydian praying for Ueenaea to sell real estate of said srtsora at private sale for purpose in said pettttoa mesnowied

It is ordered that tbeSstb day of May next at tea oeloekihr the forenoon at said Prabate oftea he IssafgitrJ for hearios said peMttoa

Aad tt W further ordered that a copy of t a b order be published three successive weeks yra-vions to said day of heario in OMCoraaaa Joornal a newspaper printed aad circulating la aaid county of Shiawassee

SsdjBOfBrobais By KaTBSatxs X Kxtsaf IWBali KSfuter

for Pt Huron odChicago and a M Dtr for Saginaw sad Bay

s J l pmtnUB hlaquopwrtercartsDarott charge n o e n n Ptutsssar^mdash-Betroltto Ttofooto 8tsmw_ IfwOalo rhuadeJphla sad Jdew TTs Connects at Dorsad wtth amp at S T far I t Huftmaad BatUsCrwkwi wttkO aaMDtTf^Has1nawaasiasyOn^

O D TOOmi laquoU(


alaquoaalttelaquo Detroit May 7mdashEngineer Thomas

M Thompson has been acquitted of the charge of manslaughter by willshyful neglect of duty in connection with the explosion of the boiler in the Deshytroit Journal building November 5 1895 which caused the death of 37 persons x nis was Thompsons second trial the first resolving in a convicshytion which decision the supreme court set aside

Pries t Honored Marquette May 5mdashFather Langer

of Negaunee has just been appointed vicar general of the dioces of Sault Ste Marie and Marquette by Bishop Eis who is oh the eve of a journey to Rome The bishop accompanied by Father Pinter of the cathedral parish in this city willleave for New York at once

Now Wants raquo100000 St Joseph May 4-raquoThe damage

suit of Edith Navarre vs City of Benshyton Harbor was taken up in the cirshycuit court Tuesday This is a case in which Mrs Navarre asks $100000 damages-for injuries sustained by fallshying on an icy sidewalk The plaintiff offered to settle the case a year ago for $500

Ate Stryehwlae South Jyon May 5-Christian En-

right CO years of age a respected citixen of Southfield township comshymitted1 snicide by eating a piece of ham saturated with strychnine It is thought he suicided on account of AaaMial Shatters ]

STATE OF MJCHIGAXrtAmnl of Sniafta aeeaa bullbullbull bull

At a session of the probate Court 5er said County held at the Probate Odhse ia the Cttv of Coronas on Friday the ltE7tb dayaf April ta the year owe utousaa nine haadred ~

Present Matthew Bnah Jndge of Probata bull J f J sssMsr of the estate of Joeeph Wi Terhes deceased

copyn reading and ft] lag the petition duly Teriaed of Sarah E Verke praying aexoogst other thing for the probate of the instrument now tfbWla tats Coart Borporttag to be the last will aad testament of said deceased ^JDgtarewslaquoait is ordered that Tneaday tke Ssth day of May next at ten oclock in the fqeeaooo be assigned for the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law of said deshyfeased aad an other persons interesed in saad estate ore required to appear at a season of saM Conrt then to be holden at the Probate Ontee iathlaquoelkr9CMrnnaa and show caase if asjyjhlaquoraquow|ssgts^shspfmjer eg the fssitiOB-

tioSvasat the hssslasTSwlaquoeof by tamdashlng alaquoosp of this order to be published in the i ^oruaa Joaraala asumsjiii mriassd aad eiwjalsrua

TIMETABLE In efleot Kovraquo iraquoj tts

Trams tetveGorvona bull bull bull


71raquo P H



wnt bull U A M

SsfcT P i t

W HBampWETT a p A


Dr BalTs Antiparasitic Compound prevents ud cures Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever Price 25 eta For sale by all druggists DR A R BALL 47tf Corunoa Mich






The S S ATT^ANTA on this route ia especially equipped to accommodate winter travel Cabin and Staterooms are steatn bested electric lighted and have all conveniences thai go to make travel comfortable

Leeve Comnna 223 p m Monday Wednesday and Friday (via p G H laquot M Ry) take the boat at Grand Haven t 900 p m and arrive OHICAQO 6KKgt a m following morning

J-3 -

J 1 1



bull bull r ~

- -





V f r

1(7 -

bull bull

V I bull

[ 1

Special Sale of Melts and Young Mens


Navy Blue Sergs illustrates the deplorable fact that good things are quickly and largely imitated and the public is liable to be gulled with the bait of saving

i a few cents ipto taking the false and rejecting the i genuine There is nothing more seryicable comfoft-1 able 001121^^8 0 0 1 6^0 1^8 1 1 0 1^^ wear than a real Navy | Blue Serge

G S ALLISON I SON 117 north WtaMiftoi Street Owosso Micaifan 5

Tbe Meyor then declared that the proshyposition for bonding the city of Cornn naMich for 5()00 for improving pub lie park haying received a two-thirds majority of ail the votes cast at the elecshytion held Apr 301900 had carried

Motion was made and supported that the bond of the city treasurer be fired t S15JQ00 for the ensuing ye we carried by the folibwiog vote

teas Clutterbuck Jacobs Harringshyton MeMullen and Trumble Nayraquo none

Aid McMullen presented the followshying resolution and moved its adoption

Sesoived That mdash -- - MVgt ny bull Bk laquoraquoYtrade laquoraquobullraquo the Board of in~ l U e r e raquolaquobull_ r a 1 bullgt c r t rtmdashvmrivp an imsat i s f ac torv 1 Conimisstoner be and they are hereby

^ bullbullbullgt - no launc so deceptive so unsausiacxory | lMtr1ieled to receive was for improving -^ so disappointing in every particular as the imita- mA mdash bull bullbullmdash mdash u- -1mdash mmA

tkms The real Serge is made from Worsted yarns

firmly woven and dyed with an unfadable imperish abler rich dark blue and it is of the Real Serges that oar suits are made

Beginning Saturday April 21st u d Continuing One Week we offer

Mens $1500 Blue Serge Suite doable breasted square cut and single breasted round cat coats at - - $ l l f o

Mens $1400 Blue Serge Suite round cut sack coats only $1095 Mens $1200 Blue Serge Suiteround and square cut coats $ igt95 Mens $1000 Blue Serge Suite round cot sacks only at $ 875 Young MenV$1500 [14 to 20 years] Blue Serge Suits at $1200 Toung Mlaquons $1200 f t i to 20 years] Blue Serge Suits at $ raquo95

public park according to the plana and specifications prepared by DMger and Beckham

Besolution was carried by the follow in vote YeeaCltrtMbocJt Jacobs Harshyrington McMullen and TramMe Kay none- bull

AM McMullen the presented the folshylowing lesolotion and nwved Its adopshytion

Reeoired That the Board of Part Cojawlaairtnera be end they are hereby ioatrocted to proenre at ooce pteas and

pound] apeelteaikma for a casino to be erected r on pabttc park the coat of srtd easts [not to exceed the sam of $tfiampk

Besoiatlon was supported by Traagt Me and was pasaed by the foftowlsg vote Teas Jacobs Harrington Me-MollenClntterbuck and Trumble Nays

I none On motion Council adjourned


Citv Clerk

walks beg leave to make the following report That new walks be built along and in front of the following deshyscribed property and that the Street Commissioner be and is hereby inshystructed to notify the said property owners to Lgtujid within twenty daypound or the Street Commissioner will build the same and the expense be charged and be a lien against the property abutting said walks

In the first ward ot the Cltf pf co-runna on the soalL margin of fot 11 and 12 bt 9 south margin k and 8 bk 10 south manrin lot bj| Jftj sputa

margin lots 10 audi 11 bat 1^ toutli ngtraquoiKin of lot 12 bk amp soath margin of lots 6 7 10 and U bk 11 tonth mariftn lot l i hk I t

J C T t u i M J ) a K OcmsBsocm

Toe resoteyen adopted tr tne foOotrtag fete Qntterbtaek


m JO Jft r r p t i t laquo n

ywWlrtm laquoflaquoor I t a n A a j M n i t i f M CO-n raquo H | t t laquo comnit m l of ShUwwse ampmaf Hgtnraquogtfl to th tmuttmUi of the raquolaquotraquobtten Falttaralaquo4 th ltUlaquoelian of glaquowrraquoi sad toe)

paper raquo 1 laquo per ytme la bulldTmoc

who wisk to atop th bullhMld iMMtfr oa direct raquo B 4 sot IlaquoraquoTC tt p i i l i n in i in iln filt socaclaquolilaquoK forget Al-wj met that your raquopbcrlpUoa to paid vp to th date yon request tw uraquo stop he paper

fhelaquomBUtf and quality of the adTertiaitMr appaariag la the JOCKHAI t almadaat toati-raquoraquoay to tt Taiae a an advertlatar laquoadiam

~ known at the aStae of new are alway aeeeptaMe Be-that what latenato yoa will generally other and that It will be gladly re

Comheaattoa The larr ammbfcr of exceUent eambiaattens

we mare m otter enaUe our reader to obtain a-laffle Mltwa( of cood reading at very tittle

They are as foUowa rrk Trnmae and this paper Ugt

uesroU Twice-a-Week Joornal and thi 1M Wiwati fagerOrcaa and this paper 1JB

LPVeePnMandthtopaper JM this paper IM

TOTOtSDAT MAT 1laquo raquo bull


mdashLeo Miner ia recovering from a two wveks tttaeas

mdashGreen A Pettibooe shipped another car load of wool to-day

mdashMcBtidea second hand store ia doshying a ntahiag baalnees these days

mdashLightning struck a tree on South Shtawaaeee aventre Monday night

mdashMrs 8 Z Rice and Mrs P K Cook are la Saginaw attending a home tnte-afoaarT oonventfoo

mdashMlaquow Maad Ford aocceeds Miss Suite Dyer as hello girl at the Bell telephone exchange in this city

mdashMrs F Cummin of the state of Washington Is vMting her brother Mr Adalbert Miner aod family

mdashKd Lahrtag lost a hone yesterday from distemper It ia quite a severe loss as it was one of his work team

the votes of the special election held April 301900 for the purpose of bond-log the city of Coruona In the sum laquo1 fft000 for the purpose of improving the Public Park would report as follow

Whole number of vote csat were 328 Of which number 234 were for the proshyposition and 94 against it to-wit

l8twtrd-Ye119 No 33 d bullbullbull Yes 7 raquoTo5l Sd Yea 40 Mo 11 Yesmdash334 No-94i



RKPOBT OF CITY TBKASLKKR To the Bon- Mayor and Coaunon Coonctt of the

OtyOfCorttttU I herewith snboilt to yon my anon report

fortoeyearending AprO 88thliWft- Beeeired from Kx-Treaaorer 11TJraquo 4S

bull CJtyClerkbdquo bdquobullbdquo bdquo_ laquo 8 75 CoTreaettrer S^SS laquo SumaterTax S1M t t raquo Winter Tax bdquo tOjm raquo raquobull Side-walk Tax raquo 7 8 raquo r c n laquo e r l a x 1190

bull - laquo bull Percentage coUected SI IS bull laquo laquo Intereet bdquobdquo 4 raquo

v - vWaasfQo^y a- MBraquo

iatenv4 cntrltal by a vote Met ttm ftfeiatef of

IVrhaan Ufdfe ke irJenaJ to a jotrnt coatflQlttee on

Motion thai tampe fteawfte eurBtatttee ke


PaM School Faad Brpali m Miuci laneoa Ordaral laquo State aadOaayTk

Cash on hand


fMJDSt Which Is plaeed to the eredtt of tllaquo4iatat

faaoaasfotlow Otnoral raquo- J MS St atraet nmd s a p nectrle l icht rlaquond 1raquo St ruifUifj rnalt US St Sinking-Wod bdquoZ raquo laquo

for sale to the low bidder and tint ss^dhonda stall not boar nmre ttaan fonr per cent Httmeat boads to run fifteen yearn Mflon waa carrted uy foBowrng tote CVotterboek Fvetetb Herrtngten Jacob McSfaBlaquo and Traanhle Kays none

Alderman Jacob made a reqoest that the cooncil make an approprt-atlon(fordecoettionexerclaea wnere np-eo Aid TrtHBble moved that laquo1000 be appropriated tor proper observance ot MemoriaJ day which waaanppofted and motion carried by emanlmona Tote

The Mayor presented tbe name of David R Ddl for City Marshal whieh was confirmed by tmanimons ^ot bull

For NljjJtwatcfa wiUraquo PoUoe power that of Jamer Siaseon which was iooirmed by nnacimoos vote

Motkm wan made and supported that Cltf Engineer and oflsoe of Street Comnilstlotjer be combined in oor ofiBce Motion earried byGnanlmoot bull 0 laquo

Tbe Mayor appointed M K Bon-nlnigton as City Engineer and Street Commissioner wtateb was confirmed

bjrananiioous vote W J Parker was then appointed

City Attorney by the Mayor which was confirmed b ananimons rote

For member of Cemetery Board F E Welch received the appointment to serve for five years Confirmed by unanimous vote

For member of public works A W Oreen was given appointment to serve for term of fiye years Confirmed by unanimous vote

For board of park commissioners the followingnames were presented Erwin Bveleth Wra F Gallagher S B Lyman Matthew Bush and A E Richards who were to serve for fiye four three two and one years resshypect) vely in order named Said board was confirmed by unanimous vote

The council then proceeded to vote for health officer by ballot which reshysulted as follows Walter S Jones having received all the votes cast for said office was declared elected

B R Marshall having received all tbe votes laquoa$t for fir marshal was de-eUred duly elected

Srwin Erele-h uaviug received all the votes cast for president of council waa declared duly elected

Oor retiring city attorney A E Richards then made some remarks in wBfcfe he thanked the council fot tue very eoBrteous treatment that be had ahrays i-i-lT Li ^^hetr hands

Alderman Tnzmbte moredithat a vote of thanks be tendered to Mr Rkhards fm-tto satisfactory manner m winch he had always performed the dsxticBotettj attorney

Upon motion thceity attorney was toatrnrtid to draw an -ore^mnce U-eensing hawkers and peddlers

AM Trumbte made a motion that the matter of paying rebate on side-walks be referred to a jointcommlttee oh streets and sewers which was sup-sorted and carried by unanimous vote

Upon motion council adjourned ABTHUB G YOITNG

City Clerk

raquoNMIraquo mmiiim

ISeeOirWew f




D M LOWS Treasurer

INDMION ^rpahaTe^yoo

taw it TOO know all about the

fooling 1B the atOBSCfigttllO

lof mnioxi of ftS the l m i c i pick hoodochOt

tenertl weakliest of the whole body

Yon caat have it a week witliout y o n r b l o o d beiBf impure and yoor Berres all exhausted

^ There V hut one reaaedy ^lacToa


OtaMnoa GoaaeU Comaaoa Council Boom I

Corunoa Mlcfa May 31900) At a regular meeting of tbe Common

Council calte to order by the Mayor prneat Mayor Koaenkrami and Alder-aaaa Cmtterbuck Jacobs Evetotb Bar--iaqrtc MeMolien and TrambJe

Mettou was made aod supported that the Mayor appoint a committee to can-

i votes of election held A pill 301900 Mayor appointed Alderman 1 and Clotterbuck to act as said

itttee who aubmltted tbe follow-taw report Hgt M Bon Mayor and Common Cona-

oUlaquoC City of Coruona Tear ooaimittet appoiated to canvass

sanapanoa Theres wotfahtc new

about iu Your grand-pareBtf took ft Twaa an otdSaraaparfila before other aanaparHlaa were knows It made the word Sanaparilla famous over the whole world

Theres no other sarse parilla like ft la age and power to cure fcs w The leader of them all

S U i s l v j ) ~a-laquomajht-lt-lt Averlaquo PUIs enre coswaiU


x bull A f t e r


a w

A bulla


laquoFmraquolaquoraquo^alaquon|a^aw4pF 4


COMMON OouarciL BOOKS 1 Corunoa Mich May 7190TX (

At the regular meeting of the Comshymon Council called to order or toe Mayor The following members were present

Mayor Bosenkrans Aldermen Clotshyterbuck Eveieth Harrington Jacobs McMullen and Trumbte

The minutes Of meetings of April 11th April 96th and May 3rd were read and approved

The claims and accounts were read and referred to committee on claims and accounts

Upon motion the roles were susshypended and all accounts were acted

J C Kennedy Roanoke Tenn says raquo1 cannot say to much for DeWitta Witch Basel Salve One box of it cored what the doctors called an incurable nicer oraquo my law Cures piles and ill akla diseases Look out for worthless KBitadoca F M Kllbourn

arahliwa CotuMjr Aay on desiring a map of Sbiawaasee

cowaty to date may obtain one by tendshying 19 emuts to the Coranna Jonrnal Conuvna Mich

That map la aaade Irem a new cot obshytained since Jan 1 1900 and it con tains every wagon road rail road rivshyer post efflca village^ city andaebool-honae la tat connty The school dls-trUjta are Mmtwred the Imttatfry llaws of eattb township are dmUnetiy oatilBlaquod

laud the loeattM of ihe connty farm Is given

WBAPPEB8at7aeagtdfdjeaia K bulleat attractive patterai goods and made right

SHTKT WAISTS for S9e TBe i ^jOOsadaiis

DRESS SKZBTS tot SOe 90c aad 89e foe aummar wear

Lawns and Dress Ooodav laaerttens and lfrstaeJdetJ aumnieT appareL

I^claquoCuitaiaaandCarmla for yonr windows

Ladla Taffeta and 9Btc G^wes and Mitts at 16c 90c and Xc

Come and see as for what yew eat wear or use bullbull



i LEAYITT euro 0 I Klaquofftgty J|Ulaquofc I


upon The committee on claims and ac-

connts then reposted favorably on claims and accounts authorizing tbe clerk to draw orders for the same on the several funds as given below

CONTINGENT PtJKD John Dnoeek fate keeper elelaquotkatf Z to L Ewcnmaa n t e keesxw electUM 2 raquo F C Achazd B x i n g p o i n p mdash _ bdquo twt HF Manball 2 day election coca laquo laquo9 Grand Trank railway ~~~ 1 raquo ME Hniittngton Aprtt salary - ltbullbullgt 8 B Lyman morc safe and 1 day etoc 4raquo B Davis jEaie keeper election f a OoraaMpelaquoCo^jijHets las ts

pgHrtjay St 30 K Vfc i ie t i t m

Ball 1-t year salary w H Harrtnftan ref and and electionmdash 4 bull W A McMnlleo ray and aitcttoau Sgt WJ Pjter drawVordaadlaaylec 30 JSlnwoo 1DKgtsalary m m

election^- SSS and reg 4 SO

_ __ _ ejection SSf E Preleth^ljrear salary rent t days

res aan olacttoi 56 SS Ted MchoU stationery 3 4raquo A W Green 1 day ou election ~ raquo ~ mdash S 00 AUunrartsvALinco traquovealaquoMrwurk S4S Geo Jarrls 11-t day on election 3 so 8 D XJnabory sate keeper electioa S 09 Grand Trunk railway amp 5


I had stomach traahm twenty and gave up hope of being cured till 1 trnjcaa to awe Kodol Pyapipsla Cnra It had done me so much good I call It tbe savior of my life writes W B Wllkis-aOH Albauy Teas It digests what yon eat F M Kllbourn

O S P O t t t O f T B I OOMOITtOlf


OAN AT THE CLOe OW BUStlfX80 APRIL raquo1980

RB90UBCCS bull t t l l ^ M W Loan aalt9 diacouats^

Overdrafts^ secured and P S P n n i s to asesre egtrealation^ F r e a i s m s o t t U S Band Banklns-aoa rnrnttare and Sx-

tnrea T VT ^mdash Other real estate ownedbdquo Pne fifoat stats baoka and hankers Doe tram approved reservs laquo laquo laquo Caeeka and ether cash toeeas^ bdquo Kotesof otherMartanalWaak_^




U B osttMeates of t tenders- ~ - mdash mdash

Ksseiuttca faad wtehP (SareBtorcliralatien^



Total Capital stock i Bnrnlaa f a r TJaatrMed]


Svafserl raquoraquoW-

aaVlaquoBnnmyennflmlal abi sWmffWswraquoB7SjsnslaquojBj sn j



O F J of ths ahsne


4At D aoTca ryrablie Notary i

D Osaaiaoa I m c i OaamsM W f Oi

llmamak 4 f l m t k JBML


C a S c a r load brick 90S ft cement


90 OB

Saginaw Clay Mrs Co jTBrooks A Sons for Jas Wuson 14 days l^eter BustavtL l S d a y s w o r k Jun Wood U d a y s 4 hours work Loo Berry 13 days work V Sander 3 days 8 hours with teaut B Ereletb 1 day 3 b o o n with t e a m WlUard Carlton h a y mdash Henry Eldridse 7 days work Dan Hussy 3 days with team

CEMETERY FUND A Eldredge 1laquo 1-5 d a r s cemetery work


OonuDlttee On motion the report was accepted

and adopted bf following vote Teas Clutterbuck Ereleth Herringtoo Jacobs McMullen and Trumble Kays none

Alderman Trumble offered tbe folshylowing resolution and moved its adopshytion

To the ilonorable Mayor and Com-monCjuncil of tbe City of Coranna

Your committee on streets and side

bull gtgtgt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt

We Want Your Eggs We have orders to fill and will pay l i e cash or 12c in trade

for them Considering this price for eggs together with the prices at which we sell Groceries it will pay yon to bring your eggs to us REMEMBER we sell more good Groceries for One Dollar than anyone else i theoooaty

C QU AYLE The Original Cash Grocer

235 Cor Shia Ave and Fraaer S t CORUNNA MICH

lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt

I n r t l l l i l l T i r a m m m a a n i l l i III I I I I - t t g M ^ y - f c - i y j i i | a | | i | l a a n a m a S m m a a m a m B B l r w ^ mm^m

Do a Little Shopping Jast for Once ^ frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 ~ may not wish tb tgtuy to-day but m a y some

o ther fine day We have taken much care in selecting our goods with t he idea of pleasing you in all waysmdashquality and prices We want i t understood t h a t quality i s t h e first cousid-eration prices next Look over th i s list of good things and come and see us


Wash Goods Fancy Prints per yard 5 c Best Apron Ginghams per yard 6c Finest Percales (fast colors) per yard 12gtpoundc New Dimities in all shades 7craquo 8c 10c 12gtfc and 15c Beautiful Ginghams 7c 10c and 12gtpounde

Ladies Shir t Waists Fancjr Percales Newest Creations White Lawn Plaid Etc

Lace Yokiugs intall prices and styles from

bull 30c 40c 50c 60c and 75c to $100 per yard

Valencienne Laces

25c to 200

10000 yards in all widths and patterns 12 yds for 25c

White Goods 500 yards India Linens (for this sale) at 500 yards India Linens (for this sale) at Fine White Linens from - White Duck for Skirts at


10c lc to50c


Bleached Cotton 1 case Lonsdale one yard wide worth 10c at 8c All widths for Sheets and Pillow Cases at

Less titan Factory Prices

Napkins 90c buys agood All Linen Napkin worth

100 bays a goocTAll Linen Napkinworth 125 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth 200 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth 325 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth

125 150 175 250 500

Towels Greatest Bargains Evcopyr Ottered

Bath Towels 50x22Jnches at - 25c pair Extra Fine Linen cheaper than ever before A Large Fine Linen Towel at bull 40c pair

Table Linens 50-inch Red Damask (fast colors) per yard 14c 54-inch Fine Linen bleached per yard 37 c 62-inch Fine Linen bleached per yard 49c 58-inch Fine Checkmdashred and whitemdashper yard 44c 72-inch Fine Bleached per yard 99c Other Grades in same proportions

bullbullbullbull - -bull Velvets Of all kinds and colors from 40c to 200 per yard We sell better Velvets for the money than you

can buy elsewhere Try us and prove it

Embroideries and Insertions We have a beautiful line of these goods in for

Spring Nothing so pretty as fine Embroidery

Pull Line of Filo Persian and Roman

For Fancy Work Batten berg Braids and Rings in all widths and sizes in stock

Baby Bonnets and Bun Bonnets

In all colors and prices from 15c to 150 bull -

Umbrellas and Childrens Parsols

A good Silk Umbrella Steel Frame for 49c The best line of Fine Umbrellas in the city

Bed Spreads Hemmed ready to use from 49c to 350

Lace Curtains and Dotted Mull

Good Lace Curtains worth 125 pair at Better Lace Curtains worth 175 pair at Fine Lace Curtains worth 250 pair at 40-inch Fine Curtain Goods at 40-inch Fine Curtain Goods at Dotted Mull from

99c 139 199

25c 18c

10c to 25c

Unbleached Cotton 5 Bales at Less tkftn Mill Prices 45-inch Pillow Case width worth 15c yard at 10c 45-inch Pillow Tubingmdashsomething new

Black Dress Goods Black Crepons Mohair Lusture worth 250 at 149 Other black goods at same rate

Silks for Shir t Waists and Skir ts

Mercerized Silks in all colors The best goods ever made for Waists and Skirts

Outside and Underskirts-The best values ever shown and in all colors The

Ruth Mercerized Skirt is a beautv and so cheap

Hosiery and Underwear LadiesVests from bull 5c to 50c Childrens Vests from raquo 5c to25c 100 Doz Ladies Mens and Childrens Hose 10c to 50c Ladies Fine Lace Hose worth 40c at 25c

25c 125 Summer Corsets regular value 50c to go at bull

Best Corset ever put on the market We keep a full line of all the best makes

Gloves-Kid and Silk Fine Black Silk Gloves with kid Points stitchshy

ed in White or Black Warranted Kid Gloves in all colors from 99cto L4j

Ribbon Bargains We have the most complete stock of all kinds from $100

to $180 at about half the price othersask for them Double Faced Black Velvet in all widths

bull i bull bull bull

Notions a n d Handkerchiefs Mere ijgt our strong point You cannot call for a thing

in this line but what we can fill the want Ladies Collars and Fancy Neckwear of all the latest fads and kinds are to be found here

i i io imdash bull r - n^Miiiiiinfiiiniiiww^TTr~- 1 laquorf laquoTmdashr----- bullbull r rii bullbullmmdashmm bullmdash bull bull -~i

Dress Linings and Trimmings All the Fancy Up-to-date Linings and Skirt Bindings

Fancy Braids Buckles and Pulley Belts are here

Mens Furnishings Pants Shirts Jackets and Overalls at the right prices

Suspenders Etc

Ladies Wrappers Fine Percale and Print Wrappers i A 4-A 1 C A

in the new styles from -^V I U I raquo D U

Goods for Bicycle Skir ts The Cotton Coverts at 12 c are just the thing- They

wash and wear nicely In all colors

Ladies9 Muslin Underwear Skirts each from - 49c to 150 Drawers per pair from raquo 25c to 50c Cheaper than you cart make them Come and see them

A Few Words to Buyers of Goods We have placed before you a full line of goods that you must use every

dayin the year All goods sold by us are purchased direct from the importer or manufacturer We do not ask you fancy prices but instead offer goods to you at much less than most merchants will sell them We want your trade Are

we asking too much of you to come and look at our goods If they are not what you want we do not expect you to buy but if you see anything you can use we will be pleased to sell to you We assure you courteoustreatment and full value for your money



Qh yes Spring is hereand so is our large and complete stock ef

Boots and Shoes for the itig and Suiti titer bull Spri

TAN and BLACK in endless varieties High and low cuts in endless styles Very dressy Tan or lilaquock LADIES BALS from $150 to $375 Ladies OXFORDS Tan or Black from $lt)( to $200raquo For gentlemen we have DRESS SHOES from $150 to 400 per pair Dont fail to ceo the DOUGLAS $350 in any shade They are excellent They arc as poundooil as ihb usual $pound50 of other makes Boys Youths Misses and Childrens Shoes in end-it ss varieties

bull- bull yours for good goods at reasonable prices


Terrific BrnlofJMit the Worst ia Leading FUtfiaes So Westcra History Takes Place

la Mine in ScefieldV selves aad Say the Insurgents

Are Surrendering

Ifeuures of IraquopaTtnce Pasted and Other Are Ditcaaart by the

Two Hansen J


Oae Haadred sad Thirty-Seven Bodlelaquo Have Been Recoveredmdash

Heartrttadias Kccuea mdash Work ot KelaquolaquoKlaquo OoimK Onmdash Every E3ort Be-

bullbullbullbull inlaquo Made far Belief




He represents thq strongestand nicst reliable companies

Parties desiring to sell or rent propertV will do welt to place the same with bim Good farm mortgages bought end sold

A good 120 acre farm for sale at a barshygain If sold at oncemdashSuitable for

stock purposes

Kodol Dyspepsia Cure

Digests what you eat I t at Li ficially digests the food and aid

Nature in strengthening andreconshystructing tbe exhausted digestive orshygans I t is tbe latest discovered digeet-ant awl tonic N o ottier preparation can approach i t in efficiency I t inshystantly relieves and permanently cores Dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Sour Stomach Nansea Sick HeadacbcGastraJglaCramps and all other results of imperfectdigestion Price 50c undfiL large an contains H$toe9 Small stoc Bookraquo01aboutdygpe|aiamidlearree Prepared by E C DaWTTT A euro 0 Chlcago

For Sale by F M KILBOUBK

TO Coze a Coagb l a One B a y To Cora a Cold in Cos S a y pound 0 Cure Sore Throat in OneDay To Cure Hoarseneas i n One S a y

Take Clevelands Lung Healer as cents If H fails to care We w i cheerfully refund

i your money (Trial size free)

atC M Peacocks

know of no better way to convince you that we can do better by you in Furniture than others can than to ask you to visit our store personally Do this before you deal elsewhere

REWARD We tbe uurierigned druggists offer

a reward of 50 cent to any person who purchaser of us two 23 cent boxes of Baxters Maodrakc Bitters Tablets if it fails to cure constipation biliousness sick-beadaebe jaordive loss of appetite sour stomach dyspepsia liver com-

friaint or any of tbe diseases for which t is recommended Price 25 cents for

eithei tablets or liquid We wilt also refund tbe money on oae package of either if it fails to give satisfaction




Wonderful Sagacity Shown In the Care o f f locks

The sheep doss in this country come by their nature ami training honestly for either they or their ancestors came from the sheep-dotted bills of England Scotland or Wales where for generations past the supreme efshyfort of the shepherd has been to proshyduce a perfect sheep dog They have succeeded well for no man could exshycel them In sheep lore no man could be more useful to the sheen owner for man is neither BO persistent and agile possesses such endurance or is so gentle under training and reproof The dog doesnt reason as to the why and wherefore of his affection for the worst sort of a brut shepherd may have the most faithful dog one that will mind the sheep on the hills pa-tlently await his master coming and guide bis roettn foosteps to his home

On the great ptais of tbe west these dogs havi made-it poaatbls for one man to care for three or four thousand sheep tn one flock All they ask la a bite to eat and once in a while when their feet are filled with thosharp thorns of the cactus they will come to have them taken out There Is no vsive on a weJHnined sheep dog The yrell-bred ebtlie whtcb takes the prizes at the bench aaow is beautiful to look at but this homeshylier brother the trained dog of the range is worth more than he is beshyyond price The sheep owner holds aim as beyond purchase The sheep herder who falls so low as to part with his companion is yet to be found ami if tbe dog were to be bought the buyer might rue his bargain for the master must go with the dog

In the new country the work of the sheep dog Is hard It is on a big scale In the old country the vrork is easier but it has ita finer points In the new country the dog may drive two thoushysand sheep in the old country a dos tiay drive three or four which takes more thought and skill In the old coustry the feature of every country fair in a sheep district i s the sheep 3og trials A trophy ia the annual prise and the shepherds and their dogs come from afar to try for the cup The dog that carries away the trophy may be a little short-haired homely and Insignificant brute which bulllinks pound0 the heels of aia master Hke a creature of no spirit but send him after the sheep and his wfcote eharac ter seems to change He is slow and gentle or quick and bold as the sheep may require His whole attitude is tense and nervous No human being could manifest a greater responsibilshyitymdashKansas City Star

If the office that docs your printing doesnt

do it neatly try the JOURNAL If it is

being done neatly try us for better still

Kodaks Cameras

and Amateur Supplies

Enlarged Pictures Crayon

India Ink Water Cokw

and Sepia Work-

Framing Done

on Short Notice

Platino4ypes The very latest things in our line arc

the Platino-types we are now putting oat We make Ibeto

Try Oral n-O J Try Oraio-O J Ask your grocer to-day to show you

a package of Grain-O tbe new food drink that takes the place of eoflVe Tbe children may driuk it without inshyjury as well as tbegtadult All who try Jt like it Grain-0 has that rich esi brown of Mocha or Java but It is made froa pure ^raJns scd the most delicate stomach reeeivs i t without distress Uie price of coffee 15c and 25c per package Sold by all grocers

Nothing else equals them We rftakc them in all styles Finish and Platino Work Gruarantecd

CMrndsr Curiosity January and October of the snme

year always begins with the same day

So do April onltf July also September and December February March and November also begin with the sarae day New Years day and S t Sylvesshyters day also fall on the same day except of course in leap ycir Each dry in the week has served as a day of rest somewhere Sunday among Christians Monday with the Greeks Tuesday with the Persians Wednesshyday with the Assyrians Thursday with the Egyptians Friday with tka Turks and Saturday with the Jews

Salt Lake City Utah May 2mdashA speshycial to the Tribune from Scofield Utah sayst The English language cannot describe the appalling disaster which occurred here at 1025 Tuesday foreshynoon by an explosion in mine No 4 of the Pleasant ValleyCoal companjs and by which certainly 200 men and upshywards have lost -their lives At this hour 137 bodies have been recovered and the work of rescue is still proceedshying and will continue until all the bodshyies are brought to the surface There are willing hands at work and as fast BUS bodies are reached they arebrought

Order Have Sera Issued Relievfa Htni of Cemamnd and Maj Gen aixcArthar Will Succeed Hlsraquo--In-iBrslaquonl A i c b h e i DtraquoeraquovrclaquoE by Cicn Frinfcton

Sevste Refaraquoe to Pnraquo raquo bull laquo bull laquo laquo laquo f Sgtnvatlaquoy tor laquolaquo BorraquoimdashMlaquonraquo

gtlaquolaquobull tSc Amcitded Porto Rico GltKveraiuBt JiraquolaquonwltmdashOiUcr Matshyter Lader Consideration

Washington May 1 mdash T h e Eeriate yesterday refused to consider a resolushytion of symp-Jthy with Boers The conshyference report on the amendatory Porshyto Rico bill was agreed to and the bill

Washington May 5mdashThe war deshypartment has received tbe follo^iog

report from Cjen Otis Manila May t-Aprtl cr ptures from

enemy were 30 pieces arttJiery 13raquo rtHes 1 considerable ammunition and large stores lt ot property During the early portion of j appropriating $40000 to enlarge ana

the month the enemy was active In tbe ex- i jmp r 0Te the public buildings at Bur-treme northern and southern Luzon and bull passed some Vlscayan Islands Our reported raquow^ raquo r

F __ tv^ i -i losses for the month were 13 enlisted men Washington May i mdash AUe AiiSKa ^killed three olfieers 24 enlisted men I Wounded rumored recent loss in Samar of

19 killed and number wounded not yet re- ported This laquos due to small detachments

Scouting in mountains In the interior of the island The enemy losses officially re-bull ported were 17 1 killed wounded and cap-

confi-down to the boarding houses and other ^ ^ ^ ^ I n o s ^ ^ p r ^ s r ^ company buildings where they are -bull -dressed and prepared for the coroners inquest These buildings are nutner copyus and in each are from ten to thirty-five bodies

L M 6 f laquo w t L m s e r Salt t a k e City May 3mdashThe reports

from Scofield up to 11 oclock Wednesshyday night say that it ft now known that 178 are dead from the explosion and that the estimate of loss will inshycrease rather than decrease The sushyperintendent of the mine says there is no record of the number of men that go i n the mine from day to diiy and that the exact loss cannot be known until all the dead bodies are taken out One estimate is that there were 398 meit in the mine and on that basis there must have been at least 250 or 300 lives lost

Later Elaquotlmntr Salt Lajke City May 4mdashThe latest

dispatches from Scofield say that the extreme estimate of dead is now conshyceded to hare been too large and that it is numerically impossible to place the loss of life at 300 as there were not that manY men-ip the mines The prob^ abilitfrac34 are that 2w will be about the totarVHmber of dead There are not enough coffins in the camp to bury the dead and to add to horror to the situshyation the bodiea are rapidly decomposshying and it has been suggested that cre-matlon may hare to be resorted to

gtwMgtMiltraquot Slaquoraquo Sraraquolaquothr Washington Kay 4mdashThe president

Thursday-bull sent the following telegram to the governor of tTtah

BTzocuttv Mansion WKsaJnctoa Mar I ranWOov Wells flalt Lake City mah I 4laquotrlaquo to eaprans my Intense sorrow upon loarhlns of tbe terrrol calamity which haw occurred at ttcofleM and my deep sympathy with tht wives children and friends of the unfortunate victims of the explosion _


Islands They say the war has terminated Leading Insurgents are surrendering-

OTIS Order Reitevlas Otis laquo laquo bull

Washington May 5 mdash In accordance with Gen Otis reqnest to be allowed to return to the United StPtes the war

department Friday issued orders re-

civil code bill was passed in the senate yesterday and the army approprialion billj carrying supplies for the military establishment of more than cent114000-000 was discussed

Washington May 3 mdash A bill was passed in the senate-yesteiday for the creation of linked memorial parks on the battleffeTds of Fredericksburg ChanceUorsville the Wilderness and Spoftsylvania In Virginia Tfre armT appropriation WD was further disshycussed

Washington May 4 mdash The army an-

morning May 5 the date fixed by G e i gt ^ ^ 8 ^ ^ t i T ^ Otis fo f sailing I a a d t b laquo ^ appropriation M l

Thl o r S S designate MaJ Gen Mae- lt raquo bull laquo $ trade pound L VZlt Arthur to succeedGen Oris in com-1 1 ^ 0 JgtlB P 8 ^ laquo laquo hltta bullw i gt - ^ t t -

mandof the division of the Philippines | pen f-M ^ - lt ow the late Gen Guy V Henry Gen bull James Longstreet Mnc Margaret M

Brevet Maj Gen Wheat on is designat ed to sneceed Gen MacArthur as elaquom _ - - - - - J _ ^ mander of the department of southern Badger widow of t ^ laquo ^ lt J trade r t Luzon I BadgeTi- and Mrs Harriet Gridley

otfs Readr to Sail widow of the late CajitGiidlef of the Manila May mdash T h e United States j aa^y- _ ^_

transport Meade has been ordered to Washington May 5mdashThe seBats be ready to sail to-day K is sup- j yesterday passed the M y ^ r c o r g a n i -iKwed that Maj Gen Otis with his per- alaquoon bill which practicany Tvol-x tionizes the present sta fir a r r a n g e

tnents of the army the fortification appropriation bill carrying 17733628 and the bill tocreate tfie rank of lieutenant general and make the adshyjutant general a major general A-

start for the sorfal staflT wiQ then United States

Aelvlaquor DloeovereoU The insurgent arenives discovered by

Gen Funston include papers implicatshying prominent foreign firms at Manila in unlawful dealings It is reported jbflrned to Monday that evidence has Bern obtained that | Washington May 7 mdash ThV senate some of them furnished monitions ofbull amendmentstotbearmy appropriation war to the rebels and it is also said | bill were disagreed to in the houw o n that the American avtborities are in Saturdsy and the bill was sent t COB possession from this sevree of a degt j ferene Tfce sundry civil appTopria tailed plan for attacking the American tkm bill was pawed The general d e shyforces written by AgutaaMov in the neieney and military academy appro-

prition bills are now the only general swpply bills unacted on by the honsau


Win Their ria-ht for Bannl Hprc scMtatlon In lt Great nlvtaodUt

Geseral Con te re sue

Chicago May 3 mdash The Methodist laymen won Wednesday at the first sesshysion o the general eonfeience The great problem which has been conshyfronting the Methodist church and has loomed portentously before the quadshyrennial conferencemdashthat of equal repshyresentation for lay and ministerial delshyegatesmdashwas settled overwhelmingly The laymen were granted all they asked No opposition was made to the motion giving the laymen equal represhysentation and after a cloud of skirshymishes over parliamentary law the asshysembly voted solidly in affirmation

Chicago May 4 mdash The bishop adshydress at the Methodist general confershyence ybullbull^ay^ittdorsedequal lay rep-r e s e n t a t i i ^ v ^ ^ ^ e d time not ripefor Chriirtian nnil^ orawssed canteens dishyvorces and Sabbath desecration and said amusement question deserves careful attention

Chicago May 5mdash-Reports on tbe missionary work of the church and on various denominational branches were the order at the third days sesshysion of the Methodist general confershyence at the Auditorium

Tagalog language January f issf and translated into Spnwisfc by eamino

i n r t r t s i i i O t f t s n Washington May 1 mdash In the bouaw Manila May 7 mdash Gets P u t r i d Gar- yesterday tbe bill to enlarge the pow-

cia the highest insurgent officer ex-j e n of the department cf agricultures cept Agutnaldo has been captured by nd to prohibit Interstate commerceibgt Lieut K V Smith Of Gen FirastonV game killed fn violetion of local lawn staff in the town ofJaea three nrllesj was passed laquoraquod -W1J wa introduced northeast of Ssn Isjdro protfnee of to permit national banks to lend mott-New Ecija Gardia peraoaally dTre^ved ey on real estate securities A joint the guerrilla operations and tgtn f^jKJTesoIntfon for a constitutional amend-ston had spent two weeks in t ry ing io meat to disqualify polygnmists for-corner him j election Ss senators ot representatives

orn Otts Sail wss referired to the judiciary commit-Mngtlraquo May 7 mdash The United States tee The amended Porto Bico bill was

transport Meade sailed for the Ua-fted ( paissed States at five oclock Saturdsy afTr~| Washington Hay J mdash The entire-

day in the house yesterday was devoted

ltBn Mailer tVen Uniontowu Pa May 7-Gen Silas

M Bailey one of the 306 of the famous old guard which stood by Gen Grant in the convention of 1880 died at his home here Saturday agecT 64 years of brain trouble which resulted from a bulletwound received during the war After the war President Johnsonbre-vetted him major general of volunteers for gallant service He was elected sjate treasurer by the republicans of PtUusylvanJa in 1881 ^

e w sleeor SttablUhed Springfield Jll May 4-Fred Gilbert

of Spirit Lake la established a worids record at the Illinois Gun club shoot Thursday when he killed 50 pigeons straight at 31 yards rise in the Grand Capital City handicap In the shoot-ofT Gilbert won a purseof $100 This makvs a run of 126 ljve pigeons for Gilbert at this shoot and be has not missed yet

noon with Maj Gen Otis and twiraquo aids-de-camp on board The Warships fa port fired a major generaTs sslnte as the steamer raised her anchor


e United Cfcetatlasi Pnrty ates Candidates fr Pr t s i4laquos t

and Vtee Prestdeat

Bock Island IIL May raquomdashTraquo TJait-

to the consideration of the Nicaragua canal bill

Washington May 3mdashIn the house yesterday a bill providing for the conshystruction of a protected but not a fortified Nicaragua canal was passed by a vote of 225 to 35 and the sundry civil appropriation bill the most imshyportant of the general sundry bills and the last on the list was reported I t carries $61586715 A bill was toshy

ed Christian party national eonven- trodneed for the organization of In-tion devoted the entire day t o tbe dlan Territory uiider the name of Jef-preparation e r a platform Rer S C Swallow of Harrisburg Pav was nominated for president aseT Jesm 6 Woolley Of Chicago for vfee presishydent Following is a sytaopsig of the-platform

It declares the time hassjgtrscltrwnea the eternal prtnciples of justice^ mnrey and tove as eseaipMnsd m ehs mgt bull teaeb-IBCB of Jesus Christ sbonbt be enkbodied ts the constltatlon of taw aatSon and ap-pFled la concrete form ngt ovecr funetloa of toverameat deprsonSsw uasssesd tsws such as require dnim isetsii of the Chrisshytian Sabbath authorise unscilytmnl rnar-rlace and divorce Uoanae the nwasfac-ture and sallaquo of lmoatanttaa nevors as a beverage holding tho laquoanaasna of such taws to be neither hj|iaHjaraquo gtbullmdashtry nor honorlns to lt3od- The platform fnrthOde-clares for the adoption of tho system of legislation known as the mrdatfve and refshyerendum tocether wit a proportionate representation and an naserattve manshydate declares- for BOBtkal social and economic equality of tho sexes condemns mob violence and ontrases declares asalnst war and doasands arbitration of national and international disputes- deshyclares for the immediate abolition of the manufacture and araquo of intoxleattes liquors as beverasea demands the enactshyment of laws proMWtlns the sale of toshybacco ftp minors demands daily reading of the 8shie tn the pahWc schools and institushytions of learning controlled by tbe state declares for government ownership of pub-he utilities and for election of president vice president and United States senators by direct vote of the people

ferabnv Washington May 4 mdash Tbe free

borne bin granting patent to bona fide settlers on lands purchased from Indians was passed in the bouse yes- terday and tbe sundry civil appropriashytion bill was further considered

Washington May 5--In the houses yesterday 73 ef tbe 13X pages of the sundry civil appropriation bill were-completed President McKiuley s u b shymitted his first veto It was on a bill) to open A part of tbe Navajo Indian reservation to settlement under mintshying laws Mr Baker (Md) introduced a biH repealing the Chinese exclusion laws and making the general imniaV gration laws applicable to Chinese


Tables Showtaer the Staadtaw laquod Claho aC lWadlna- Orsjanfc-

bullMrt l in iVpt tDste

The following tables show tbe- standshying of the d a b s in the leading-baseball organizackms National league

Won l^et Per ct

Abe Goan Sulisfaciicn Aifree WUsT^sf bull

erniti-(gtsalaquode from

MILLERS STUDIO 110 W-Exchange St^Owosso

I Foes CltJ bull If not drink 1 pure s-ratrt A lady writt ^ b e nrsf time TmiHle Grata O I dW not like 1frac34 bull 1 ut liUir usinlaquo it fvgtr 01c -week notbinjr woul 1 huYiico nju to lt o back to coflVe

i It noiris5Kgt audfcolalhlaquosy8teilaquo Tlie child en fan drink-it freelywUb great bene It Get a package to-day from your grocer loc and 5c Be sure it amp made by the Genessa Pure Food Co Le Roy X Y n as there are imitations on the market

njtlaquot pier Baraed New York May 7 mdash A fire that

started at the river end of the Mallory line steamship pier at the foot of Maidshyen Lane and tire Eaat river Completely destroyed the pier and valuable lt5sngt

DougIasGa^4sJrHLmdashMarshall Jones tents ^ u e l o s s i s P^ced at$1^0QufOa a-negro impttectedin the murderrof Alien Crosby a white man at Gillis stslU in Coffee county was taken from

k-|ail at DoUgMlaquolaquo^ljslaquobed The aeraquo gt$tu was b e d t o a small pin^ tree^and his body ridoled with bnHets

Took Bvcn the Pennies Pittsburgh lJabdquo May 7mdashBurglars

entered tbe First national bank ot Cast Brady Pa and dynamited the safe taking everything in sight in-eluding pennies amounting tg beshytween laquo4000 and 110000 Vlt

Several barges which were ntoored near tbe pier were also destroyed

Jary Dlsaarveed Salt Lak

bullary in the trial for unlawful cobabitaiion greed and was discharged

Six Drowned Cape Henry Vs May 5mdashThe Britshy

ish steamship Virginia was wrecked copy Hsttersa MMI a^ gf ^w efew were drowned --^^)jbullampamp

Clubs Phlladeinhla Cincinnati Frooklyt Pittsburgh Chicago St Lofst New York Bosron

American league MitwaukAC Indianapolis Chicasro ^ Cleveland Buffalo Kansas City Minneapolis Detroit

10 9 S 7

t S I

Nraquo e O

laquo s

7 bull raquo O

laquo-laquojVfcelaquoiraquo-bull w

6 4 bullgtbulllaquolaquo-laquo


4 S

-laquo gt7

8 S s 9

4 5 laquo 5 6

10 12 raquo












sea -998

The PsOVlss Igteht Washington May mdashThe monthly

e City Gtah Mar SmdashTbari statement of tbe pebiie-debt shows e case Of B H L IKobertal laquo ^ 1 8 1 a t thm d deg |sraquoestfnpril 30

^ ^ 1000 the debt less cash to tbs treasury amounted to $1124802085 which is an increase cf $12445J27

Wrecked ay Wind Topeka Kan May 7 mdash A hurricane

wsaeswd many bnUdiaga in cenisal Sanaasand at SUtewsed iseorf BcU^ l ^ - l i V l a ^ l r i i c w e r e k a k d





X bull4


Dr Tampimage Preaches a Timely Sermon

D l w w i r K to Wfciek U e Pateraquolaquoe a u i fiqatpeai-

ForthmdashMOTIIIB Iraquoiltraquo Father Hoaa-

Keed of Be

(Copyright 1300 by Louis Klopscb] W^shjjigton Aprils

This discourse of Dr Tahnnge i pershytinent at this t ime of year when many people are moyingiYoni house tohonse and it teaches lessons of patience and equipoise in very trying circumstances IVv Phil ippiuns 412 I know both how to be abased aud I know how to abound

llippy Paul Oouid you really acshycommodate yourself to all circumshystances in l ife Could you go up withshyout pride und could you come laquo1 own without-exasperat ion Teach the same lesson to us all-bullbullbullbullVI are at a season of the year when vast populat ions in all our ci t ies are chang ing residence Having been born in a house aud having all our live lived in a house we do not have full appreciation of w h a t a house is I t i s the g r o w t h of thousands of years The human race first lived in c lefts of rocks t h e beas ts of the field moving o u t of t h e cdverns t o l e t t h e h u m a n race move in The shepherds and the robbers st i l l live in caverns of t h e earth The t-oglodyte are a race which t o th i s day prefer the caverns t o a house They are w a n t t h e y are large they KM very comfortable they are less subshyject to violent chang of heat and cold We come o n along d o w n in the h i s tory o f the race and w e com to t h e lodge which was a h o m e bui l t out of twi s ted tree branches W e c o m e further o n d o w n in t h e Matory of the r a c e and w e come t o t h e tent wWeh w a s a o m e bui l t wi th a round pole in the center and sk ins of animals reachingout in all directions m a t s on t h e floor for the

people- t o s i t on

T i m c p a s s e d on and the world after much invention came t o build a honse which was a space surrounded toy broad Vtones ajgtraquotnst whieh The earth tyas henped from the outside The roof was made of chalk and gypsum and coaland s tones and ashes pounded toshygether After awhile the porch was born after awhile the gate Then-Min--tlrcds of yrltTs passed on arfii in-th^ fourirenti i century the modern chimshyney ws c-ytisl ructcd The old Hebrews had cjKiiin^s in their houses from whielv the smoke m i g h t escape if it preshyferred b u t there was no inducement for it t o Iwivc until the modern chimshyney Wooden keys opened the door or the keyhole was large enough t o al low the finger to be inserted for the liftshying of the latch or the sl iding of it There being no windows the jgtcople were dependent for light upon lattice-work Over which a th in veil was drawn down in t ime of winter t o keep out the element Window glass was s o late as 200 or 300 years ago In England and Scotland so great a lusury that only the very weal th ies t could afford it A hand mil l and an oven and a few leathern bot t les and some rude pitchers and plates made up t h e entire5 equipshyment of the culinary department But the home planted in the old cave or at t h e foot o f a t e n t pole has gTOCn and enlarged and spread abroad unti l we have t h e modern house wi th i t s branches and roots and vast g ir th and height ahdf depth of c o n c e r t and acshycommodation

Architecture in other days busied itshyself chiefly in planning and building t r i u m p h a l a r c h e s and basilicas and hippodromes andmausoleums and col-unans whi le t h e y allowed the people l o r resider-TOs t o burrow like m u s i r a t s in the earth St Sophias of Constanshytinople St Marks of Venice St Peters of Kome are o n l y the Baphaeied wa l l s against which lean the nqualor and the pauperism of m a n y nashyt ions I rejoice that whi le our modshyern architects give n s grand camppitols in which to le^lslsste a ^ g f laquo a d laquowirl -honses in wh ich t o adminis ter jus t ice and grand churches in which to worshyship God t h e y a lso g ive much of their t ime t o t h e p lanning of comfortable abodes f o r bur tired population I have not so much ia tereat In t h e arch of Trajan a t Benerenttrm as I hawo in the wish t h a t all t h e people m a y fcaraquo a comfortable shelter nor have I s o much interest i n t h e temple of Jupiter Olympus at Athens as I have i n the h o p e t h a t every man may have an altar for t h e worsh ip of the true God i n his o w n house And I have no t s o much interest in the science of ceramics which g o e s crazy over a twis ted vase or a queer handled j u g in uoe 3000 years ago or a pitcher o u t of which the anshycient pharaohs poured their drunken debauch as I have that every man have on h i s table a plate w i t h plenty of healthful food and an appetite to atshytack it

Thank God for your homemdashnot mereshyly the house you live in now but t h e house you were born in and t h e many houses you have resided in since you began your earthly residence When you go h o m e to-day count over tnc number of those houses in which yon bare resided and you will be surprised Once in awhi le you will find a tnan who lives in the house where he was born and where his father was lgtorn and his grandfather was born and his greatshygrandfather was born but that is not one out of a thousand cases I have no t been more perambulatory than m o s t people but I was amazed when T came t o count up the number of resishydences I have occupied The fact is t h e r e is in this world no such th ing ad permanent residence

In a private vehicle and not in a rail car from which you can nee but l i tt le T rode from New York t o Yonkers and Tarrytown on the banks of the Hudshysonmdashthe finest ride on the planet for a man who wants t o sec palatial resishydences In fascinat ing scenery I t was In the early spr ing and before the gen-

tlenien o f N e w York had jjone o a t t o their country residences I rode Into the grounds t c admire the- gardens and the overseer of the phiice told me mdashand they all told memdashthat all the houses had been sold or that t h e y wanted to se l l them and there was litshyerally no exception a l though 1 called at many places just admiring the garshydens and the grounds and the palatial residences Some wanted to sell or had sold because their wives did not raquovant to reside in the summer tilneJn those places while their husbands tar-f ried in town in the night a lways havshying some business on hand keeping them away

From some houses the people bad been shaken out by chil ls and fever from some houses they had gone beshycause death or misfortune had ocshycurred und all those palaces and manshysions had e i ther changed occupants or wanted t o change Take up the directshyory of Any c i ty of England or Amershyica and see h o w few people live where t h e y lived 15 years ago There is e n such t h i n g as permanent residence I saw Monticello in Virginia Pres ident Jeffersons residence and I saw on the same day Montpelier which was e i ther Madisons or Monroes residence a n d I saw also the whi te house which w a s President Taylors residence and Presshyident Lincolns residence and Pres ident Garfields residence Was i t a perma- j nent residence is any ease I tell y o n (

tha t the race is nomadic and no sooner j g e t s in one place than it wants t o change for another place or i s com- j peUedto change for another place and so t h e race i n v e s t e d the rai lroad and j the s teamboat In order more rapidly t o j g e t into some o ther place than t h a t i n whieh ft w a then Aye instead of be- j tag- notnadie H i s immortal moving on j and moving on We whip up our horse s j and hasten o n unt i l the hub of t h e f rojnt Wheel shfeexm o n t h e tombstone a n d I t ips a headlong in to t h e grave t h e only permanent earthly res idence But bless God even that stay is l im- i ted for w e shal l have a resurrection-- j

A day t h i s spr ing the s treets w i n be filled w i t h the furniture carts and bull the drays a n d the trucks- It wil l bo a hard d a y for horses because t h e y wi l l be overloaded I t wil l be a hard day for laborers for they will overlift before they get the family furiture from one house to another Jt will be a hard day for housekeepers to sco their furniture scratched and th^ir crockery broken and their carpets misfit and their furniture dashed of the sudden showers It wil l be a hard-day for landlords It will be a hard day for tenants Especial grace Js needed for moving day Man^ a roaivs religion has suffered a fearful s tra in between t h e hour on the mprning of the 1st of May when he took h i s i m - mature breakfast and the hour a t

a finer house is bad enough but a inan ae upset i s s ickening The laven-dered fool goes around so dainty and s o precise a n d s o affected in the roil of his eyes or the whirl of his cane or the clicking of the ivory handle aga ins t his front teeth or b i s effemishynate languor and his conversation so interlarded wi th ohs and a h V t h a t h e i s to me a dose of ipecacushyanha Arowmy friends if you move into n larger house th^nk God for more roommdashfor more room to hang your pictures for more room in which to gather your friends for more room in Vvivich to let your children romp and play for more room for fcreat bookcases filled with good reading ir weal th of bric-a-brac Have as large and as fine a house as you Cain afford tc have but do not sacrifice your hushymil i ty and your common sense do h o t lose your balance do not be spoiled by your successes ^

Years ago we were the guests in an English manor The statuary the ferneries the botanical and horticulshyt u r a l genius of the place had done all they could to make the place attractive F o r generations there had been an amass ing of plate and costly surround ings At half past nine oclock in the morning the proprietor of the es tate had the bell rung and some SO or 30 manservants and maidservants came in to prayers The proprietor of the estate read the Scriptures gave out the h y m n h i s daughter at the organ start ed the music and then the musie over the w o p r i e t c r of the- es tate kneeled down and commended all h i s guests all hi family all h is employes to the Lord Almighty God can trust such a man as that with a large es tate He k n o w s h o w t o abound He trusted God a n d God trusted him And I could call off the roil of 50 merchant princes a s m i g h t y In worldly successes Ah my friends do nlaquot be puffed n p by any of the snecesses o f this life do not be spoiled by the number of liveried coachshymen that may s top at your door or the sweep of the l o n g trai l across the imshyported tapestry Many of those tvno come to your house are fawning parashys i tes They are not so much in love with you as they are in love with your house and your successes You move down rieiU year to 320 Low Water Mark street and see how many of their carshyriages Will halt at your door

I inset you this springtime at the door of your new home and while I he lp yotriift the c lothes basket over the bRuisters and the carman is ge t t ing red in the f a c c j n trying to transport that article of furniture to some new i dest iaat ion I congratulate you You are go ing to have a bOUt-r l i inc - thb year some of y o u than you ever had You take God and the Christian relishyg i o n jn your home and you will be

God in the parlor

1000000 DEATHS bull bull r


T b G e r m s or t h i s F a t a l D i s e a s e a r e L u r k i n g E v e r y w h e r e T b o u -

n a n d s of D o l l a r s S a v e d by T h i s Woi tdcr fu l

D l a c o v e r y

Hundreds of thousands of dollars has been lost in the poultry business on acshycount of the devastation aTurjug the flockscaused by cholera roup gape and other fatal disea-^cfi There huve IHJCU many remedies advanlt^d but none seem to be so successful as tho American Poultry MLvtuie This will cure chickens in the last stage of cholshyera and roup and is excel lent for garjgtes Do your fowls suffer from violent diarshyrhea dropping of the wings stupor or excessive thirst These are the first symptoms of cholera Cholera is a germ disease and be ing infectious spreads rapidly throng) i the entire flock Take time by the lore lock dont s top to experiment wi th unreliable or untried remedies Use this mixture a t once and he sanitary measures they recommend in connection D o n t give the fowls up Cholera i s a terrible disshyease but th i s remedy cores it erery time I t i s also gnaranted for roup which can be told by hoarse breathing swel led eyes discharge a t the nostrils resembling catarrh Fi f ty dollars i s offered for any case the Mixture wi l l not cure If some of your fowls are diseased i t wi l l prevent the rest from catching it Try i t I t i s cheap (re l iable and effective a scientific preparshyat ion g o e s more than three times ar far a s any other remedy does xuon good than al l of theai combined I t is used a n d endorsed b y t h e most expershyienced and largest breeders of plain and fancy poultryin gtJ1 parts of the world The manufacturers guarantee every package Or refund purchase moneyv If your drnggisf d o n t sell American Poultry Mixture hes behind the age I n that case seed SLOG for sample box to American Mfg Colaquo Terre Haute I n d


grandly ha^ppy ntg^jtv^en he rolled into his e x t e m p o - t n a t will sanctify your pociabililles rjzed Cfvuch The furniture b r o ^ i i ltiod i n the nurserymdashtbat will ps-atcct somet imes wil l result in the breaking y o u r children God in thcdln ing-hal l -of the Ten Commandnients There is no more fearful pass than the hall of a house where t w o famil ies meet gtne roOving but and t h e other moving in The sa lutat ion Is apt to be more vet helaquoent than complirnentary The grace that wil l be sufficient for the lat of Januarj and the t s t of Februshyary and the 1st of March arid the llaquo-t Oi i p i i i T i i i u u t enj fx i incir in IUI u i r 1st o f May Say y6ur prayers t h a t morning if you find nothing bet ter to kneel down by than a cosl scutt le and say your prayers at night though

tha t will make the plainest mal an imperial banquet God In the morfr fugmdashthat will launch the day brightly from the drydocks God in the evenshying - t h a t will s a i l the day sweetly Into the harbor

And get joy one and all of you whether you move or do not move Get joy out of the thought that we art BO on all g o i n g to have- a great mov ing day Do you w a 6 t raquo picture of the n t w house i n t o which ytraquou will niove Here it is wrought with the hand Of a master Ve know that if

4 Law Which Hau Been Remarkably Successful in New Zealand

Ncv- Zealond has anticipated the rest r tho world by enacting a law which

ieala so rationally with all trade disshyputes bdquothat it lis actully prevented strikes for the last five years It is iraposglble-to^ present more tftan an outline of the plan

IJoth Ksociaticns of employers and the trade mions may bVincorporated Tiraquosc w-jiich are chartered or re^- Iftered choose the members of their own board aud also the menbers of tho court to which disputes are refershyred Whether organized or not the associat ions and trade unions are subshyject to the law

The colony of New Zealand is dividshyed Into Industrial districts for each of which there is a conciliation board elected for three years It cons i s t s of two persona chosen by registered era ploy ers two by registered trade unions and one disinterested person elected bythe tour who is chairman When a dispute arises between emshyployers and the men in their employ e ither party may refer t h e matter in dispute to the district board which has full authority to invest igate the facts and to command a s e t t l e m e n t

in case either party will not accept t h e decision the matter is referred to the State court This cons is ts of one person representing t h e trade unions o r e the employers and a chairman a Judge of the supreme court appointed by the Governor The court has a three years term and to wise ly inshydependent of politics

A decision by tuis court is final and m o s t be accepted under a penalty for violation not exceeding pound 5 0 0 or 92500 Moreover when a dispute _xis been referred to the conciliation board and until It i s finally settled a s tr ike or lockout Is illegal

That there have been about fifty e a s e s referred to district boards o~ to t h e court in the past five years that during that t ime there has neither str ike nor lockout in New Sealand and thampt in every case the decision has been accepted by both parties s eems to prove either that the l a w i s exshyc e l l e n t or that it is excel lent ly ad ministered Perhaps it demonstrates both propositions The necess i ty for the passage of a similar law in this country is to a p p a r e n t t o require arshyg u m e n t Aside from the Interests of the employers and the employed the greater interests of the general public demand i tmdashYouths Companion


l ot


It is Supplied in this Vicinity at iast

Jt Is hard to ho pleasant Good-tiaiured people are ofteigt irritashyble

If you know the reason you would be surprised -

Ever have i tching piles Not i-ick enoutfn tw bullgtltltgt bed or

well en dug li to Le coy tent The constant itching sensation Hard to bear tiiirdor to get relief

Klaquoeps you awnke nights bull Spoils yoiis tempermdashnearly drives you crazy

Isnt relief and cure a long felt want I t is to bebad for everyone in D o a u V

Ointment Doans Ointment never fails co cure

I tching Piles Eczema- or any itching o f the akin

Here $ proof 61 i t at the te3tinoiraquoy of Ann Arbor ciLteen

Mreuro C Church of 520 South 7th street Ann Arbor DDW retired from ibe active duties of life says I have no hestitiitton in recomoaending Doans Ointment to anyone requiring a healing and soothing preparation it will prove inviluable I sufiered for years from itching heinorroids aud though I tried every t t i n g I -could bear of anlaquoI used remedies prescribed by scores of friends I was unable to obtain permanent relief until my attention was called to Doans Ointment I was somewhat surprised after the second application to notice what a different effect it had from anyshything 1 had hitherto used Encouraged I used ItstrlctlV according to direftions and In a v e r y short t ime when you t s s e Into consideration the aumber Of vcars I was afflicted tbraquo irritation c e a laquo d ami the inflftinstton was allayed When Doans Ointment cured me i t wil l e t r e others

Doatis Kidoevu Pi l ls for sale by all dealer Price 50 cents Mailed by Foster-Milbuni Co Buffalo X Y So le apoundlaquots for the U S Remeuiber the name Doans and take no substitute

Wax Candles

Jfathitur ellaquoeaddsao m laquo a l tth charts of tlw Orawtut

rolaquom w boodoir tfclaquo raquoftly rraquo4i- H t Ifaht rrltM6 OOROOVA Caod2laquoc Xotbijtr wIJI ltlaquo^r^Miir3wr to the I bullriMic tMeemaJX tb ltmcbpn I tea tm ltUamlaquof Ttugt brat dlaquotraquotW claquoaeuroUraquo for th cifraquoDtcirt or ttw

nlaquoat eUtonUn fencttoamdashfor oot tagagtfWaiintei aladlaquo in all cqax

Uw mlaquo4 4laquoUeatlaquo traquofegt b STS]laquoraquoAnraquo laquoSfc C9

T o Cure lKltwmummm i n On Wraquok To Oar Oomrtipation i n Ono W e a k T o O n r e l a d i g e a t i o n i n O n a W e a k

To P u r i f y tha B lood i n One T n k


How the Bri t i shCare for the Wounded Soldiers

Modern artiliergts effectiveness has put a very different complexion upon the uses and necess i t ies of field hosshypitals A field hospital used to be very near the fighting linemdashIt was often actually under Grc But nowshyadays w h e n artillery U-R IS c o m m a s ly effective at four thousand yards no field hospital could be allowed sufD-ciently near the fighting lne to permit of the wounded being taken directly to i t aftd the organation of aid has be^en altogether altered

In South Afrlcai it has been arrangshye d that all the effective aid in the field w i l l be that of the Army Medical Corps Voluntary aid wi l l confine it-selr to he lines of comniunlcatlon

T w o raiilion Americans snifer the tortur iag pangs of dyspepsia N o need to B u r d w k Blood Bitters cures At airaquoy drugstore

the Peace following tiuit One

J Q l l o o d Just ice of Crosby Mlslaquov makes the (statement I can certify Minute Cough Cure will do al that is claimed for i t My wife could not get her breath and the tirst do^c of it reshylieved her I t has also benefited my whoc-bullfamily It acts inlaquonampltiately and cures cough CohK cronp grippe bronchitis asthma and all throat anltl lung troubles F M Kilbourn

your knees come dowfl on a pajief of J our earthly house of this taliernacle were dissolved we liave a building of God a house no t niadlaquo wi th-hands eternal iri the heampyenft How much rent will we have to pay for i t We are going to own i t | l o w much must we pay for it H o w much cash down and liow much le f t on mortgage Our F a t h e r Is go ing t o give it as a free gif t

carpet tacks You Will want supershynatural he lp if any of you move Help in the morning to start out aright on the days work Help at night to re p e n t There w i l l - b e enough annoyshyances to make a Xaijt lppeout of a Frances Ridley Havergal I have again and again been i n crises of moving day and I have stood appalled and amazed and helpless in the shipwreck tak ing as wel l as I could those t h i n g s that floated ashore from the breakshyers and I k n o w how to comfort and how t o warn a n d how to encourage t h e people so I preach this practical May day sermon All these troubles wi l l - soon b e gona and tiie brttises wi l l heampL a n d the stiffened Joints wi l l become supple 4nd your ruffled tern- per will be smoothed of i t s wrinkles and order wi l l take the plate of disshyorder and you will s i t down in your n e w home seriously t o contemplate

My first word then i n this part of my discourse is t o all those who move out of smal l houses into larger ones Now we wi l l see whether like t h e apostle you kpow h o w to abound Igto not because your n ew house h a s t w o more stories t h a n the -old one add t w o s tor ies t o yonr vanity or make your brightly polished silver doorplate the coffin plate to your buried humil i ty Many persons movshying into a larger house nave become arrogant and supercilious T b e y swagger where once they walked they simper where once they laughed they go about wi th an air which seems to say Let all smaller craft ge t out of these waters if they dout w a n t to be run over by a regular Cn-narder I have known people who were kind and amiable and Christian in their smaller housemdashno sooner did they go over the doorsill of the new house than they became a glorified nuisance They were the terror of dry goods c lerks and the amazement of ferryboats into which they swept and if compelled to stand a moment with condemnatory gHanee turning all the people seated into criminals and convicts They began to hunt up the family coat of arms and had lion couchant or unicorn rampant on the carriage door when if they bad the appropriate c o a t of arms i t would have been a butter firkin or a shoe last or a plow or a trowel Instead of being l ike all the rest of ns made o n t of dust they would have you think that they were trickled out o Heaven on a lump of loaf sugar The first th ing you know of them the father will fail in business and the daughter wil l run off with a French dancing master A woman spoiled by

Take Clevelands Celery Compound Tea raquo bull bull raquo 3 s c If it fails to cure we will cheetfnUy between the field andv the base ho refund your^tony (Trial ake ftee) i p l U l and between the bafo and gene

+ + a I L I ral hospitals The workms organiza St cent m PtacoCK S tlon is as followmdash

Accompanying the fightins l ine arc the bearer companies of the Army Medical Corpsmdashtjiree or four m e n t o each regular regimental company When a man drops out wounded the Army Medical Corps men pick him u and take him to the nearest dress-

STATE Or MICHIGAN tounty of SWswas-ife44 akj|

At raquoalaquoilaquoraquon eftfieProbstc Court tor laquonll county bolaquol at the lYoblaquoe Office tn ibc city ot Corunnd oa Monday thlt Wb day of April in tbeycr on tpoundlaquojuraquoultininlaquo bundctJ

Krtwprit MRftbew Duah Judircor Vroimre ID ifte matu-r ol the elaquoiiraquoe of Alfivrt P

stuirri y dlaquocwtgtelti on reading mux fliitip UM I ing station where he is attended to i s )gtlaquo-titiltgtn ltgtf Aifnlti A -^irturby t-ntjlutr tiiiw QUickly a s possible From the dress-Miii M M ulaquo-lt -ruM-u Riii e^uiieii to iihrit u bull Ing station the wounded arc taen to (bullslat- col lect ing stations these bein^ placed

it ilaquo orlaquort-laquoi that the 7th day or Mraquoy j a t points where more eheiter is obtain ncTt Jtt tlaquo-n uclM-k jfi the forenoon at mid | bdquo h _ bull-bullbull


ItertM of Intcrst from Some of 0 laquo Slaquof-- rounding Towns

ItulaW (Jfllie be UblaquoiRDt-ltl for bearingttuitl petition

And it it further ordered thata copy of this onlrr IKT pnblltraquohcltl tlire siu-cesan e weeks yievious to AtltJ ilnv of blaquottrlnr In tbeCorwisua Journal a oefeapaprr pt-ibteltl and -bullirx-ulaitiig

llATTREW ItUSH J udee of probate


ftiriWiT)nraquo1HBi TaUit^ _^Argt- nltBMaraquoiaay assa ay owr

ltbulllaquo_bullmdash a ^ i n a B S ( i | M B raquo baflM ask jor dtvaMt Car-

r $ 5 L a^_laquofelaquoJItAjBaf

sHo 2S3WlaquoodraquomrtAfgtlgtBraquorott

When are we g o i n g t o move into it7 | laquo BHJ c^uutyof ^ i a raquo w c laquo YTe are moving now On moving day heads of families are very apt to s tay i n t h e old hnraquoise urtlil tbey have seen everyth ing off They send ahead the children^ and they send ahead the treasures and the valuables Then aftshyer awhile they wi l l come themselves

I remember very well In the country t h a t i n boyhood moving day w a s a jubilat ion

On a l m o s t the first load we the chilshydren were sent o n ahead t o the new house and we arrived with shout and laughter and in an hour we had ranged through every r o o m in the house the barn and the g r a n a r y Toward night and perhaps in theajfttt wagon father and mother would 4jtigl looking very tired and we would come down t o the f o o t of the lane t o meet them and tell tnem of all the wonders we discovered in the new place and then the last w a g o n unloaded the candles l ighted our neighbors w h o had helped us to movemdashfor in those t imes neighbors helped each othermdashsat down with us at a table on which there was every luxury tbey could think of Well my dear Lord knows t h a t some of us hare been moving a good while We have s en t our children ahead Ave have s en t many of our valuables ahead We canshynot g o yet There is work for us to do but after awhile it will be toward night and we will be very tired and then we will s tar t for our new home and those who hare gone ahead of us they will see our approach and they will come down in the lane to meet us and they will have much to tell ns of what they have discovered in the house of ninny mansions and of how large the rooms are and of how bright the fountains And then the last load unloaded the table will be spread OJ6 our celestial neighbors will come in and sit down with our reunited famshyilies and the chalices will be full not wi th the wine that sweats in the vat 0t earthly intoxication bnt with the new wine of the kingdom And there for the first t ime w e will realize w h a t fools we were on earth when w t feared t o die since death has t a m e d out only to he the moving from a smaller house Into a larger one and the exchange of a paupers hut for a princes cast le and the go ing np-ctairs from a mbtn able kitchen to a glorious parlor

PBOBATK ORDER-Straquotof Michigan cani shyty ot Sbi)Mralaquo8ee bull

At a session of the Ptubate Court far Raid couuty held at the ProUat office in tblaquo city of C M U D I M on ttw 4tb day of April in the year one thousand nine bundwd

Preenw MaubeV Butth Jodyre of Prooat In the matter or the etuample of Urban Gottlog

ODanirl Outtlug araquoancil lary administrator baring rendered io Ibis Conrt bis Una) account

It i ordered Ibat tho tb day May next a l i e n oclock io the forenoon at said Probate Office be appointed for examiniuframpnd allowing said account

And it is further ordered that a copy of this otrter be published three successive weeVs pre-viona to suiiJ day of bearing in the Comuna Journal raquo newspaper printed and circulating in said coxtftty of Shiawassee

MATTHEW BUH Jtidpe of Probate

able In the c a s e of collecting stations

ft Is possible of course t o se lect jsora effective shelter than at the dressing stat ions where shelter is more a matter of improvisation From the col lect ing stations the wounded are carried a s quickly as possible to the field hospital Here generally speakshying they remain a day and are then removed t o the base hospital

There wil l be t w e l v e field hospitals to South Africa four stationary or base hospitals and four general hos-pftiala each with its complete staff T h e dhrtributkm of t h e s e hospitals wil l be determined by the officers commanding tn South Africa and must depend on the manner in which the military situation develops


[Too Ute for last week] V(

A boy was born t o Me aud Mr Albert Ilaihampway Friday

We notice that I-L Mills has made a flop over Io the Democratic party and urn a delegate to their county convett-tiou last week and Is named as a deleshygate to their congressional convent ion

IMiFNsry Whipple returned to her home at Indian Toraquoraquo SaturdSy or rather left hereand stayed In Doraad over Sunday

Ixgtuis HatiUey and ivife were called to Owosso Tuesday on account of the slckues of her fatier Mr Isaac PrRio

d After suflering from pilrs for fifteen vcraquors I was cured byuiux t w o boxes of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve writes W J Baxter North Urook N U It ^ealraquo bullvery lb ing Beware of countei feitt F M Kilbourn

HUMPHREYS Witch Hazel Oil


One Application Gives Relief IteoratPuesof HemorrnoldamdashExternal or later-

nal Blind or Btoedtag Itching or Burning FUvnre aad Ftatolaa BaUef tanmediatemdashcure oertain

It cunlaquo Barns Scalds and Ulceration and Con-tractioBS from Burn TneRUIef Inrtant-hoaUng woDderfat

It c a n Torn Cat or Lacerated Wound ted Braises

It cure BoAraquoCarbaaetea FetobsM Bwnroonda meenlaquoOM sorea Itctotas Crripdoas Snrfy or Scald Head

It eareti UnVu t ov Caked Breasts and sore Xtnttte tsTataaUe

It cares Salt Rbeam Tettera Scarry EraptlOflx Chapped Eaads Fever BUrtert sore Up or KoatrtU Oorna ntmlows Sore and CbaflaquoX Feet attafa of inject Koagaico Bttea aad Snnboma

T h r e e S iaee 2 5 c 6 0 c a a d $ 1 0 0 SaHay0rafia^raquoie^a^^sIJ(laquomraquoB4raquofsrfee

H U M P H a t C Y r W K O C O ltr Wmnaa M i Ma W W VO JtK

Tyroleae Courting When a young Tyrolese g o e s a

courting In earnest he carries with him a bottle of wme of which he pours out a portion and presents it to JUampobJect of his affection

If she accepts it the whole affair fta settled Very often the girl h a s not made up her mind and then she will take refuge in excuses s o as not to drink the wine and yet not refuse it point blank for t i a t i s considered a gross insult proving that she has been merely trilling with the affecshyt ions of her lover She will for inshystance maintain that the wine looks sour or that wine disagrees with her In fact she makes use of any subterfuge that presents itself at the m o m e n t

Shy lovers loth to make sure of their case beforehand find It a very j hajTV inspiration Not a word need bespoken and the girl is spared thf pairh1 No of civilization

A Lost River One of the most remarkable freaks

of nature occurs in Mexico It is a river that is not a river The bed of it l ies in a valley between tho Rio

j Grande and Peco3 Rivers It is not r (dead or dried-up stream It is s imply l o s t Numerous bis tributaries tlov Into It from tho neighboring mounshytains Immediately however thoy reach the bed of the main stream thev disappear from sight This fcr yaiii reason or another a river wic should be 300 miles in length his m exis tence which could be proved

Advance of Aluminium Aluminium wlich hampi no commershy

cial ex is tence a few ytjar ago was produced in the United States last

gt year to the extern of 5200000 pounds Tallied a t raquo1750000 which is one tenth of the cost of 10 years ago

Hows T b U T bullbull

We offer one hundred dollars reward for ailiV Case of catarrh t h t cannot be cured by HalFsgt catarrh cure

F J lt Jbeoey amp Co Prop Toledo O W e the undersigned have known F J

Cheney for the l a sM5 years and beliere him perfectly honorable In all businefa transact ions and financially able t o carry out any obligation made by their firm West A Truax wholesale druggists

Toledo O Waldlng Kinnan amp Marvin wholesale

druggist Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken fnterually

act ing directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 73c pirbottllaquo Sold by all druggist Tea-tiinouials free

l l a l f s Family Fil ls are the best


From Morricc Clipper

Dr Cook was in Oarer on business h s t Tuesday

Born to Mr aud Mrs Tyrrell Thursshyday Ust a boy

i l r s Dr Halite of Perry spent Wedshynesday here with her mother Mrs J G Kern

Com O L Bristol was in town Tuesshyday night He is v i s i t ing the district schoois-around here

Mrs A II l lowsrd entertained a few friends Wednesday it being the annishyversary of her l i i th

O lt Whitney was was at Chesaning Saginaw and other places in lhat vicinshyity the first of Mis week

Chs Whaley linLlaquohed a largi ver-amlit and other iinproveiucnls lo tbe hou^e (gtf C ile-i Waters last week

A I MJ0lyid lt-y Hair digtpiraquos3ltl of their i)Tvi|laquociy here and with their fauiiliw left iast-Tucstkty morning for Vlaquo st PiMiit ArLanampis where th^y ex-gt-ct to |gter rtiieutly locate

Mr Oniiraquohy will no io Corn una tomorrow t- xlaquot a maon who will uilaquo lervtaml tbci i igtiug ol tr ick vr^gtwakPraquo We are very much In need of these waklaquo and hope they will l e lid soon


bull ^ ^ ^ ^ laaaaWai

^ J J I U J ^ I ^ P - ^ J -

ROVAL Baking Powder

Tuade from pure - am of tartar

Safeguards the food against alum

Alum tnexuUt to

aft the greatest of the pKetatdayv



Shlttwasampee Spoundraquoy 5tb

EdMcall bought a farm of Hiram Spears

Cla- Lindley has bought the city property of Air Spears

Mr Spears and wife expects to leave May 9 for their new home in Dakota

Mr an J Mrs FultOn of Kerby spent Sunday with their daughter and family

Hr$ Linuley and Hinnie has been visitlD Mrs Lindleys parents a few days in Chesanlug retarded home yesshyterday

Impossible to foresee an accident Not impoeaible to be prepared for i t Igtr Thomas Edeetrie OJhMonareb ever p a l e bull bullbullbull bull bull

rauET T f v raquo the Ferrv Jqnrnal

C p Colbj and son Deoltlaquoo visited la WebbervUle over Sunday

A E Richards of Coruan was In town on business Tuesday

C E William was id Ooruaea ou boraquo-iness the first of the week

Miss Minnie Devore of Durand is vU-tttajc friends lb the Tillage

Hiss Minnie Cleeee spent Sunday with Miss Eva Mortice in Mdrrlce

WJ Richardson of laming peot Sunday with friends in the Tillage

Mr and Mrs ltJbaraquo Sbarpe spent Sun-day with their daughter Jlrfl ^ebb ia Holt u bull

James Graham and daughterof laa-stog visited relatives in the village over Sunday

8etgtbeu Bennett wife and cbiKt of Lalttgsburg vetted at Kerb Keebeya over Sunday

U P Haloted has moved bUoffioefreu the rooms over the bank to hit building at the roar of FgtOQS drugstore

Toui Hbarpe has completed bis course at the Itaraquoi net college in Lansing and Is at pwsent at home in the viiiage

Oto Hurke of Okemos was in towu on buraquoineaa (he first of the week Mr Burke baa purchased the hotel at that place

fJougUs and cbld^ down to the very border land of consuui prion yield to the toothing healing influences of Dr Wood Norway Pine Syup

I I i in i i m^mmmtmm mraquo 11 i l i m i M i 1-1

P0f H A Haynea has resigned his poattiou as principal of the Bancroft Mgbeeeioot

The L T Lare to have a laquohaow social at the home of Mr Dudly Swar-thour Friday evening

Mr Edwin Brewster and bride spent Sunday with the formers parents Mr And Mrs Jofcn Brewster

While touching off some nun powder Van Wixuin was burned very badly about the face and hands

The Atbacuuin club meets Fiidar afternoon of this week An interesting program has been prepared

The Congregational 1st will give a pound social for the minister Key Datiesand wife Tuesday evening

Mr Frank Royp brother of Mr G C-Lemon who ha been working in an asphalt factory in Indianapolisbad tbe misfortune to lose two of bis Angers in one of the cog wheels

Mr apd Mrs J S Lemon Mr and Mrs Cbas Wbelan Mr and Mrs N A Harder and Miss Carr of tbe Newburg club attended tbe Caledonia club held at the pleasant borne of Mr and Mrs Chas Wright

A wary weJtoome tterm of rail eg-ae Monday afternoon continued through Monday night and It raining at thi wrlOag Tightninff struck the out-boose in Mr Shaws yard Monday evenshying abont 10 oclock The building was only about 8 feet from tbe rear of bis bouse and adjoin log it was a gasshyoline tank lately Ailed Tbe siding was torn off just above the tank and the studding inside was badly slivered otherwise uo harm was done Fortushynately no one was in at tbe time

Tbe eldest and most effective method Of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to take DeWtua Little Early Risers the famous little pills for cleansing tbe liver and boweig F M XUbouro

Hewitts Little Early fibers are the finest pillf I ever used71mdashP J Moore Mtlibrook Ala They quickly core all liver and bowel troubles F M Kll-bourn


D m i r i Mleau Umy ft

Mr and Mr PN IxUad visited to Owoseo Sosday

Miss Ida Goodyear in Flint on bast-nets last Friday

Mrs Storages tea sttfur from Cashynada visiting bar

Mrs Cast Obert faj entertaining her mother this week

Milaquos Jfcuma Aeaott felted Mrs W Payne Owoaao Monday

Mrs W Monty of Coronas called on Durend friends Tuesday

Mr Cbapama teaveathU morning for Monroe to Fpend a few days

Mr Will Blbbard and D Martin left forldabo last wet Wednesday

Mrs Will Paynlaquo of Owosso visited ber mother Mra J Reklaquo Tuesday

Mr Pratt of Veraoa is speoding the week at the boase of Mrs R J Aogs-bary

Mr and Mrs O B Hlbbard left Wedshynesday evening for Wtseoasla Tbey will visit California and Idaho befora retnrnieg

bAiter suffering from severe d apeaw ale Care It dH me so saoeb good I recommend It to everyone^ writes J B Watkins Clerk and Reorder ChlUl cotbe Mo It digests What yon cat F M KHboam


and Old Fashioned But Reliable Worth Remembering

Things wbleb one should bare ready at band in case of need are first and foremost essence of cinaa-mon When exposed in a sickroom it Will kill the bacilli which are floating rourbull)gt A decoction of cinnamon li recommended as a drink to be takes freely in localities where malaria or fevers prevail for cinnamon has the power to destroy ail infectious mishycrobes - -- -

Peppermint is an bid friend not on any account to be snubbed Nothing Is better for a bee sting than the apshyplication of a drop of peppermint

In case one la near the premises or apartments where there ia diphtheria tbe simplest yet effectual mode of fumigation is to drop a little aniphor on a bot raquotove or on a few hot eoala carried through the rooms In thin way the spread of tbe dJaelaquoae may be stopped

A disinfectant to aae ta differsnt parts of the house wbleh will sweetshyen tblaquo whole place may be madeTery cheap Take one poaad of common copperas and eight ounces of erade earboac acid and dissolve bioae gal Ion of water Use freonenUy

A little carbpUc acid added to the water in which barns bmlaea and cots are washed greatly lesaena the soreness

After applying iodine to the ekm II tt amarta too Intensely to be borne It ia wdl to know that it can be waabed off with ammonia


Frpaft Vernon Arffus

Mrigt h Leuiunyon is on the sick list Henry OIney was in Byron Monday

on business Mis Chas Stewart visited relatives

In Dui ami Monday-A D Hammond spent Monday at tbe

Varsity city AuuArbor Mrs L Conrad was called to Fenton

last nightby the severe illness of her son Obariie Conrad

Mr^ bavidson and daughter Carrie of Charlotte are the guests of Mrs tibbie Wilkinson this week

W D amp A Garrison attended a meetshying of the Directors of the Firsi NatiorK al Bank of Corunna on Friday last

Hiram Spears has avgtld his Shiawas-seetown property and will soon remove to Dakota Ed McCall aid Cbas Lindley were the purchasers

Mrs XHilie Eckelberg Is in Corunua this week iOOkiug after Walsh EasJers feed barn business Wash ami family are in Clare Co on a business trip

R Bristol will move this week to Bekliug Mich where Ugtey will miJltlaquoi tbeir future home Mr Bristol bas conducted i blacksmith business here forabont IS years and is a first class nDcbaiiic He and Glen Bristol will engage in the ice-cream business in their new location Glen being an exshypert in tlint line

W S Musser Mlllheirn Pa s vesl ibe lift- of liilaquo litUe s i r l by giving her One Mi note Cough Core when she was dyliipound from croup It is the orlv liflnn-Ics- remedy thampt j ives immediate re Allies lr quickly cures coughs cold broiicliiii grippe asthma and all throat and In frac34frac34 troubles F M Kilbouru


BaHcrofi Mitli Mrraquoy 8th

Wixtun brothers have a fine show tbi gt eu

Bsit I-aMsy bus purchased Myron Wilcoxs dray line

Tbe Neviurlt Fannfra Club meets with Mrand Mrs Jobn Wbelan Tburi-day

Cards are out announcing the mar riage cf Miss Louie Harder to Mr Oorner

O V I D bullbullraquobull

9rw such B(raquor 8 Un J T Oeerof Buffalo N Y^ Is

visiting her sister Mrs Kay Sir Knights Kay and Pinnkett attendshy

ed tbe funeral of Sir Kolgbt CUpp of Owosao Sunday

Tbe funeral services of Mr Gardner Stanton wbc went to California last fail foi bis health but who died there last week wamps held In the Baptist church last Souday Tbe Maccabees of which Mr Stanlou was a member atshytended the services

Our dog warden is becoming very proshyficient in tbe use of the revolver It is a small dog indeed that be cant bring dowu on tbe third fire

Mr William McCarty bas through the back log of a brewery company asked our village council to appear before Hon George P Stone circuit judge to answer why said council would not acshycept bis liquor bonds Tbe bearing was adjourned from last Saturday 5th to tbe coming week The case excites conshysiderable interest It is claimed that the bonds were presented before tbe action was taken by tbe council prohibiting the sale of liquors of any kind

Recreations of Among actresses first we find that

Sarah Bernhardt bas a taste for paint-fng sculpture and cycling whUe tn snmmer ahe delignts ia ftahbag boat-tag tennis and tlteratare aometimlaquo also diff-scaliag pound t tm Terry b lea ambitions for she finds cnffteteot 4fsgt traction in reading drtvisg aad yacht-ng while bar abrter Marina Tarry like sTotag to the theatre on an o night to tee what bef orothera aad sisters hi art are 4ofnx She also la paanfamataly IBSMI at lowora lawas mnste and enjoya a ansa of gotf- Mi Brown Potter attattogfc aha saaow eweh a wteken MEbMI aamaaaa hanall In a swflctaBtly iaxoeeBt way for aha passes much of her tlaae flowers and Ss Scsd of an pnrsulta Miss Ada Rehaa cycles a good deai reads ranch and loves trav eL Mrs Patrick Campbell is a anperb tssstciaa and cycles Handsome aad stately Geaevfeve Ward detracts hershyself with riding rawing swimming modelling end painting Beautiful Jo-lit Neilaon also lovee the water for ahe swlnte and la at home on a yacht she too rides a bicycle Her cousin Lily Hanbury swims likewise cycles usul piays tennis Gertrude Kingston loves every outdoor pursuit especialshyly cycling and skating Mme de Mar-arro who was once Mary Anderson rides a great deal loves music cards slngicq and readiug aloud Dainty Anshynie Hughes cycles and swims equally well and Mrs Kendall nnda sufficient recreation in reading

I i You need not lose flesh in summer $ 5 if you use the proper means | $ to prevent it You think _ you cant take SCOTTS 5 i EMULSION in hot weather | but you can take H and di-1 | gest it as well in summer as i | in winter It b not like the I g plain cod-liver oil which is J t difficult to take at any time $ If you are losing flesh | you are losing ground and you need

Long Letters Do those of us who have many

friends and who desire to retain them generally realise what a huge slice of time correspondence takes In planshyning ont our days work we say to ourselves that we must really write to so and so to-day without fail hot we reckon no time for the taskmdashtt la one of those little things that doat take a minute5 Ah weU bat w a t t down to It after teamdashone sheet to Uv Ue Mis Mnsfet |wn raquo Jfl one Sraquod a half to Jack and behold there hi very little change left out of two or three hours We had counted on spendshying in some other way For we cannot send to our friends a brief laquond bald outline of what is befalling us one of those unsatisfactoiy scraps which on receiving we feel la not worth the stamp that i t cost Many people will tell you it is not worth whBe to write long lettersmdashjust a line to say where you are and tell then the rest when you meet But that is a poor plan since love aad friendship are both plants which thrive under culshytivation Common Interest dies out if not kept alive by use and something to feed upon

t I f Scotts Emulsion g ami must have it to keep up | J your flesh and strength If pound you have been taking it and i f prospering on h dont fail to 5 i continue until you are thor- J 9 oughJy strong and welt c S ampocandiioigtalldnigsats S f SCOTT amp BOWHE Chcmi Nlaquow Yoik 1


A Glass of Water at Bedtime Tbe human body Is constantly unshy

dergoing tissue changes Water has the power of increasing these changes which multiply the waste products but at the same time they are re newed by its agency giving rise to increased appetite which in turn proshyvides fresh nutriment If you do not accustom yourself to drink water reg ularly you are liable to have the waraquoLe products form faster than tboy are removed Any obstruction to the free working of natural raws at once produce disease Great weakness and languor on rising in the morning is generally duo to a large secretion of these waste products and the remeshydy is to drink a tumblerful of water mdasheither hot or coldmdashjust before reshytiring This materially assists in the process during the night and leaves the tissues fresh and strong -ready for tbe active work of tbe next day

Four Littla Household Hints All cake tins should be lined with

evenly buttered paper before baking All good cakes should have a sheet of paper placed on the top

To remove varnish stains from the bands Is quite easy if before wash-Ins you rub them with a flannel dipshyped la methylated spirits

To prevent me(al from nut rob

v W-raquo_ - v laquo J Vgt


I think we better buyour Suits of M Mullen dont you Certainly- We can do the lrest there

Perfect Fits ^ Lowest Prices ^^

Reinember I offer you Stilts that lastmdashSuits that fit--^Suits that hold the greaest value for your lnonev

My Spring One of MEKS BOYamp and CHILDRENS SUITS is all new sad up-to-datemdash nothiog chesp about tfeem except the prices You cant afford to miss seeshying these goods for if you expect to buy it means dollars to you

^ 2 1 bull

Jraquo gt ^

I carry a big line of Workiugmens Shifts Pants Jackets and Overalls TJiey are the best make in the world and ail warranted not to rip I am always glad to show goods whether you come to buy or not so come in and get prices

Yours for good goods and low prices


over tne suriaee a nuxrare rormeu oy melting together equal parts of oao-kerit PAraffln and beeswax

Stalas of paint which have become dry laquoo as ampTmvat are difficult to remove but with persistent use of benslne or spirits of turpentine tt can generally be managed

UmbrslSaa TO avoid after lamfntatiens the woshy

man with limited means should saafcs the selection of a saw smbretta taa subject fox earnest thoaght

She thonld fart wall in that a good MtbreUa ontiaata a cheap ono aa4 leeks better wmfio It lesta aad that a blaej( amhrelSa la always 1laquo taste aad vfll gown

A twisted wood hajsdle atnddod with silver or a pasta ervstal hull dnv plays eveellent taste

Avoid blaarre haaaiaa and gar cot or entects In corertaca

the did geatiemaa remarked and if you think youd rather change with me raa wfifing

A second invitation waa not reshyquired And I dldnt have to change only wttu the woman but with the hul family ahd I thought theyd push me out In the aisle But Hi bet that to this day the woman tens of the ftsae when she sat next to the

t h e old bookseller add-ja bull

bullhe CaitMasise Of Voatli - bull And sow that you are through cotshy

tage what are rou gorag to d o r asked a friend of a yoathXal graduate

I shall study mriMa waa the crave reply of the slaattlons young

raquot Next to Grant Visitors to Washington wttt probashy

bly remember an old second-naiid book dealer who on aloe days alts In front of hie shop oe the north aide of Pennsylvania avenue just opposite Peace Honument He relates one story in which he and Oen Grant figshyure rather prominently

The old bookseller had received a ticket for a theatrical performance He went early and took his seat In the parquet Soon a family consisting of a husband and wife (nd several grown up daughters took the seats to his right A little later a snan came and sat on his left next the aisle The old bookseller Is blind in the left eye and did not pay any attention to the roan on his left At the end of the first act the lady on his right leaned over and asked if the stranger were not General Grant Sure enough it was and the lady was so informed

T reckon you can see a hit better from thbv chair where I am atttro

^8at fcamt that profession already overcrowded r asked the friend

PossiWy it is raaaarked tbe knowshying youth but propose to study medicine just the same and those who are already la the profession will have to take their chancesmdashChicago News

American Looomotivo Bui Wing As an Instance of the speed with

which work can be executed by one of our great American locomotive firms it Is worth noting that an order was given on Dec 1laquo 1W7 for forty Mogul locomotives for two Russian railways The firtt of the forty was erected and tried under steam on Jan 5 1898 three weeks after the receipt of the order and was finished ready to dismantle and pack for shipment i one Week later The but engine waa competed on reb 13 The forty enshygines were then contracted in about eight weeks besides twenty-eight adshyditional engines on other orders built In the works wholly or partially and shipped during- the same period No wonder the Americans luLve gained a reputation for smartnessmdashCaacters Magazine

If not drmk Graln-Omdashtbe from pure jrrala A lady writes The first time ImadeGraJn-O I did not like R but after usinic it for one weak nothing would induce me to go back to ceftVe^ It nourishes and feeds the afstew Tfe chudreo cagt-^iiak It freely witb great benefit i t fe the screajHheatnK sab-stauee of pure graitta Get a paefcafre to-day froar yout grocer teUow the dl-rvotioBS in nutkiog it and you will have a dellciou and healthful table beverage for old and yoanjr 15eaad raquo c

bullbullbull a

Wherever presirlT latradaevid Dr OsldweUs Syrup PepaiBee a cure for ooestipatlea baa aet with pheaoneaal sale Many druggists cannot say enough in praise of It merit as writ at Its great peputarfty with the people In 10c trial sine and also in Me and 1 00 sues at F M Kilboum



s^ataaiiKtCSa as MaaaiSi agtaa 9 M U H f i s t V J l s a s f l l i W e

t g r ^ e r i u u i i t i a | a gt s^fcralaawiilwfwrii

bullgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgt

At Green amp Pettiboaes

We nave Bicycles of all grades and prices and all Wheels are Fully Guarfnteetf

You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes Stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs and Tin Work at the lowest Prices consist a nr witb good material and work


61 Pettibone


tsammm Bsasasssaa asBBBBslaBBiiii


Page 3: THE myfpoimiiis.If-IIII...ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CORUNNA, MICH*, MAY 10, 1900. VOLUME XX; No. 22 tHE MARKKTS. •'-••— (Corrected by Green * Pettlbone.) •Wheat No. 1 White, No.*

i s

t W I I I I I I I I l m M I W m M M H I I M M I I H I I H I I I I I I

i w Fe teke pleasure in announcing to the people

of Shiawassee County that our store is full and new goods coming in daily We placed our criers early and therefore bought at the lowest prices Our motto is Once a cusshytomer always a cus^ tptner Now is the time to get spring goods See our line and be satisfied this is the place to trade

We have Everything the

Latest in


I l s I

Woodard North amp Jennings FURNTrURE AND UNDERTAKING



ftwlnea Wakc laquo f r a r e s t F I laquo H u A r e e V Fernoaa Hansel

i M t k t a Lahe C U M

Menominee May 3-A special train on the Wisconsin Michigan amp Northshyern road returned from the fire scene Wednesday night bringing news of the burning of the dense forest north of Gerondale 20 miles west of here The town was burned Wednesday aftershynoon and 300 people are homeless A (small sawmill owned by Albert Geartts is in ruins valiie $20000 no insurance The loss of timber is estishymated at $53000 Lumber camps owned bjf George Brooks Davis amp Stitt Joe Turcatte and Charles Barnard burned The entire winter cut of ^ ^ ^ i - w h o s p 0 k e 6 n trusts and Imperial pine is tot Anxiety laquo ^ frac34 frac34 | j g j ^ denounced the n d m i S r n

Hia upper jaw ws erusneti and he was badly hurt internally but manshyaged to get serosa the river bridge stole a horse blanket and went half a mile before be fell in swoon and was brought back to the prison


Deatoeratte I M laquo raquo traquoOt at laquo bull raquobull laquoeat Mmaawet la Deshy


Detroit May 5mdashThe Mohawk club banquet Wednesday night wa the largshyest ever held in thisstate Over2500 Were present in the Auditorium and in the galleries Patriotism and party feelshying were conspicuously displayed The speakers of the evening were Col Bry

the safety of Fisfcer the largest town oft the Wisconsin Michigan A North-em road It population is 1000 Famshyilies have abandoned their home and are coming here Its losses now aggreshygate $128000 C^urehlll A Co lost 300000 fee of legs at BoHon and the same firm ha lost 200000 feet at Val-bullentine The Hlaquoron Handle and Luav her company hst had SOOjOOO feet of logs btjrned near South Roger and bull700000 feet belonging to this comshypany are burning near Hearst At Valshyentine 15090 tie were burned Sevshyeral thousand dollars worth of hardshywood and pine logs on sides have bee destroyed in Oscoda county Superin teudent Stephenaon of the bo raquoin comshypany who has returned from -the burned district says the ftoeswept tershyritory covers an area of 37 miles to the north and west of Menominee and tblaquo total damage wttl amount to mearly

laquo129000 bull bull ^ i Marquette May 5mdashDavid IftWaefon

his wife and little child wltlergtsr Crivitz are missing and it is feared that they perished In the recent forshyest fires They were living on a homeshystead and it is supposed that on the approach of the flames they fled front their home and were overtaken by the fires Neighbors whojwent to look for them found their dwelling place deshyserted but could secure no trace of the missing three


JLm Eaeastlas Caawtet a t J a c k s Crwlhca flta J a w tst Fall-v


Jackson May 7mdashJoseph Shuler a -convict from Saginaw doing five years for larceny marie a desperate attempt -to escape from the state prison Sat-iirday night He was cook in the prison hospital located in the tower fully 50 feet up and had consider--able liberty This he nsed to secure some sheet which he tied together ^attached to the windov sill and swung his body oat His improvised Tope broke immediately and he fell ito the ceU roof bounded off and plunged head-first to the earth Into which he made a hole a foot deep

administrashytion Hon James Hamilton Lewis of Seattle ex-Congressman Sufceer of New York and Congressman Lents of Ohio President W O Gleason Rev J A Kessler with Hon Thomas Bark-worth of Jackson as tcaatmaster Mayor Marbury bade them welcome General rejoicing Was indulged in

Llfcrarr bull Maal la Landng May 7~-Qov Pingree hwS

received a letter from the secretary of the American library in Manila askshying for aid for the library and statshying that money is necessary for the success of the enterprise The advanshytages of s^ch a library are fully set forth AH the state has no money for such purposes the governor suggests that the press give the needs of the society publicity to the end that subshyscript ions may be received Donashytions may be sent to the American lishybrary of Manila Philippine islands

Great- bar far afaawas Kalamazoo May 4 mdash A masonic

school of instruction has been conshyducted here and closed Thursday night with a banquet at the Auditorshyium at which plates were laid for 400 Five hundred masons representing 80 lodges in southwestern Michigan were in attendance) Grand Lecturer Arthur M Clark conducted the school It was one of the most successful -schools ever held in southwestern Michigan and the banquet was a grand success

Frajaefclae Aceewted

Pontine May 7-~The promoters of the Flint-Pontiac electric railroad have accepted the franchise offered by the council of this city The city will receive the sum of $5000 from the railway people for the privilege of a track on Oakland avenue The comshypany will be required to do their snare of paviag and in default of their constructing the track the city Till receive $5000

sUcfclsaa Man C h a i e s Washington D C May 4mdashThe

president has selected William Glover Gage of Michigan to be commissionshyer for the United States on the new Chilian claims commission

ARE FWJTKIHLEY Hl-raquola D s l e s t e a ta Phi lade lphia

So l aa trac ted And Adaalnlstrntloa Poller as U t e m i

Detroit May 5mdashThe state convenshyt ion which on Thursday elected deleshyg a t e s a t large to t h e national repubshylican convention transacted i t s busishyness quickly and harmoniously after i t had become fu l ly organized

The fol lowing were elected deleshyg a t e s at large Col Frank J Becker of Detroit Delos A Blodgett of Grand Japids and Capt William E P a m e l l of Calumet William Mcshypherson of Howel l and Frank V Gilchrist of Alpena had been placed i n nomination for third delegate ai^ large but they withdrew and alshylowed the third place to go to Farnall and they fought i t out for fourth place wi th the result that MePhersou won The fol lowing were unanimousshyl y elected a l ternates at large Alshybert S Glasgow of Jackson Herbert S Sands of Pentwater William Bane of Saginaw and John N McCampIl of Ithaca Gerrlt J Diekema^ of Holland was unanimously chosen chairman of the s tate central comirttee Stanley W Turner who had been considered the leading candidate for s tate chairshyman having announced his withdrawshyal Maj J G Wilcox of Bay City and Perry Hannah^ of Traverse City were elected presidential e l e c t o r a t large The convention completed i t s business at 645

The fol lowing platform which w a s believed to be unprecedented for conshyciseness w a s adopted

We the republicans of the state of Michigan In convention assebmled hereby reaffirm and renew our allegiance to the time-honored principles of the republican party

We unqualifiedly and unequivocally in-dorse the administration of President Kc-Kialey and congratulate the country on It happy and prosperous condition brought about as a direct result of the apshyplication of republican principles and polshyicies to the affairs of government and we congratulate the party on the prompt fulshyfillment of its pledges

And be ft Resolved farther That the delegates shown by this convention to represent us at the national convention at Phltadelpbia be and hereby are Instructed to cast the vote of Michigan for WUilam HcKlnley for president of the United States


STATE GOSSIP fmtaveettav- Bi t s Of l a f a r a i a t t s a ft

s faay X a e a l U i e a ta Mftea-- llaquoanu

Dwtratt Mafctaar Prseratlaaraquoraquo ta Be laquoctvlaquo t a Adatital JCavly

l a J a a e

Detroit May ftmdashPrei^ninary arshyrangements for the reception of Adshymiral and Mrs Dewey who will be the guests of the Fellowcraft etnb and the city of Detroit June T and S were made at a joint meeting of commitshytees of the elnb and of the common council held in the mayors omee Wednes^y The-first day the dilaquoraquo tinguished visitors will he guests of the Fellowcraft club and the second day the whole city will entertain them The admiral who is a friend of Proprietor Chittenden of the Bus-sell house has expressed s preference for apartments in that hostelry


The Trial of Ci KM R SatUa ilaquo r i -aally Cosaaieneed alaquobullbull Llaquoraquo

mdash ^ bullbullsf

Lansing May 5mdashA jury for the trial of Col Eli B Sutton was seshycured Friday afternoon Three-fourths of the jurors are farmers Prosecutor Tuttles opening address was the same as in the Marsh trial except for the statement that he would prove that Sutton was in Grand Rapids on two occasions when the most important matters in connecshytion with the military trand were arshyranged One of these dates was when Gen White drew $8104 from a Grand Rapids bankmdashthe day before Sutton deposited $8200 in Detroit banks

B f t i laquo bull laquo bull LaadslaAliiHa Pensacola Fla May 5mdashTbe recent

visit here of Gen Bossell A Alger and Col W D Mann representing aijiidi-caite of Michigan men to inspect timshyber lands and milling interest^ of Martin H Sullivan the nzllionaire mill owner of this city has resulted in a deal in which $2000000 is the money consideration For this sum Mr Sullivan transfers to Alger and others 300000 acres of pitch pine timshyber lands In fowoonuties in Alabama

bull bull bull - rir bull bull bull

Awarded Heavy DaMM- Port Huron May 5mdashMrs Matilda

JohnsiT whose husband Louis John-eis was instantly killed by the burstshying of an emory wheel at the Port Huron Engine and Thrasher comshypanys works where he was emshyployed recovered a heavy verdict from the company in the circuit court The jury after being out thee hours awarded-a judgment of-- $7000 apshyproximating the full amount recovershyable under the statute bullraquo - -

D y a a a U t e Uader m House Ann Arbor May 4mdashSamuel Bayliss President AngelP^colored coachman purchascii a hdfose recently and on Wednesday moved it toa vacant lot on Mary street Wednesday nig-ht some one attempved to destroy the house with dynamite The explosion was terrific breaking many windows in the vicinity The damage to the Bayliss house was small

Body of Gapt Bai lor F o a a d Saginaw May 7 -Capt John Bailor

of the tug Andrew C McLean disapshypeared last Monday night while the tag was lying at the dock here His body was found in the river Sunday1

near the tug Capt Bailor was 35 years old had sailed the lakes a numshyber of years and left a wife and four Children at West Bay City

F o r laquoalaquo Soldier Home Lansisg May mdashihe state trasnrer

nw received a dkeojrtor Sa50o from the general government in aid of tM sokliers home at Grand Bapids

Wheat throughput Oscoda county Is in very good condition

William H Van De Burg has been appointed postmaster at Fairport Lenawee county

Papers in the upper peninsula tell of picnic parties going in the woods on arbutus excursions The beautiful blossom is very plentiful this season

Andrew Fransen aged 58 years a resident of Jerome township comshymitted suicide by shooting himself He had been troubled with insomnia

F L Wilson of Weat Bay City is in Alpena consulting with leading busishyness mien in regard to a site for a mill to manufacture hoops and thin lumber

Driving has commencea on all streams tributary to Thunder Bay rivshyer The largest drive is on the North Branch and is in charge of Thomas Mc-Dade -

E( A Dunham of I^errieh county has shipped a lot of strawberry plants to Dawson City Alaska This is the first nursery stock ever shipped to that country

Valuable marl beds have been fliscov-ered in Menominee county near Powshyers and Nadeau Specimens analyzed are pronounced a high grade A comshypany will be organized to develop the finds

Bishop Foley confirmed a class of 300 at Port Austin Thursday morning The bishop was met at the depot by a mounted escort of 140 horsemen Sevshyenty of them rode white or gray horses and the other 70 were on bay horses Many priests were present from the surrounding parishes

The patronage of the Homer post ofshyfice has been considerably increased since the inauguration of the rural free delivery route recently The-monthly report of the carrier for April states that 2581 pieces of mail were delivered and 453 pieces collected-making a toshytal of 3034 pieces handled during 25 days

Corrigan McKinney A Cobdquo who purshychased the Hopes gold mine last seashyson will start work at once with a cyanide mill and will reopen the mine itself if developnbemts warrant The Hopes was the only Michigan gold mine ever thoroughly opened and was worked nearly 20 years It is 1000 feet deep and has produced nearly $730000 in bullion There are 200000 tons of tailings with an average gold valns oi $2 per ton


Agents on salary of $1500 per week and expenses the grsatest agent seller ever produced ovary stock sad poultry raiser buys it on sight Hustlers wanted Beferenoa Address with stamp American nfsnsfaetnring Co Terre Hanto lad



Until further notice toe examthsUoa will be held M follows

Corunus beginning thelast Thursday of March

Durand bcxinaiag toe third Thursday of June

Corunns beirionlnlaquo the third Thursday of August

owosso begioning the third Thursdsy of October bdquo - laquo bdquo

All examinations US commence at 803 s m standard time Applicants will writ upon orthography peomaiiship treography aod general nistcrv the first half ltiy arlth-atetlc US history and theory raquoud art the becoud half day readiig-H algebra civi govern-jaent and physiology the third half day laquoiiid grsmmar school law botany and physics (seeond g7-ade) the fourth half day Third day (for first grade appVtoants only) physic and geometry

The atoveachedule will be strictly folljwed RBQUIKEMENTS

For third grade no less than 70 per cent will be accepted in grammar arithmetic bustory civil government freograpby and rlaquoading and not lelaquos tban 85 per cent iu any oiocr brancb forlaquoecOttd grftde not lese than 75 per laquolaquoit in the branches before named and not

i less than 70 percent in any other branch for first grade not less than 85 percent in branchshyes before named -and not lesa tban SO per claquont in any other biacch

Appiicanta for first and second grades who pass ia part of the branches may rewrite at tfce next examlnatioft lo tsoee remaining After failing lBtwooonseeutive examinations tbey m a laquo rewrite In all brancnes Applieauts for third grade who ttt in oart o the branches must rewrite in nil branches ex cept those lit which they receive at least eighty STlaquo per cent and such third grade credits wlD be carried until the next examtoaiioa on)v Before a certificate will be granted to son l l-esnts for third grade who have never tsugat they must furnish snlBeleat proof of bsjing read csvefnlir and studiouaiy Page on Teaching Swetts Methods of Teaching Whites School Management or some other work on teaching of equal merit and they must also have familiarized themselves with the general principles of the State Manual and Course of Study The foregoing woh is neeegampsrr In order to pas the eabjeet of theory and art of teaching Boob third grade applicants must also possess the required knowledge of whooi law the same as other applicants for certtttcates

Attendance or non-attendance at the teach era institutes and the teachers associations held fn the county dating the year next pre-ceediog the examination TTJH be taken into strict accounting-ranting certificates of any grade

O L BRISTOL Counniasioner of Schools


For 1-5 years We are preshypared to Dye for you Wc do Dry Cleaning and Scour-ing Also Clothing of all kinds made to look like new

Any work given E E Richards of City Steam Laundry will receive our prompt attention

Dyeing amp Qcaning Works A McGO-US Proprietor


iMawtt TrUlaquor Oar KHIs bulllaquoraquobulllaquobullraquo ward raquo Flaweat of tne

A H t f e

Detroit Kay mdashDr Bdwsrd raquogtr-erett Vincent who was surgeon of Lieut Pearys 3 Arstle espedition was run over by a street oar and in stantly killed Friday Dr Viqosnt war riding bicycle along Grand River avenue Endeavoring to eseap coUUion wltt a buggy he rod serosa xatr CLraquo- track His M^ _ slaquorucx by the car fender and he was thrown under the wheels and instantly killed The body was fearfully mutilated Dr Vincent spent nearly ten years on the ice fields during the partys quest for thenorth poleand made some considshyerable contributions to science conshycerning the ethnology of arctic tribes


QTATE OF MICHIGAN Cownty of ShgtlaquowS-

Notied is hereby given that by an order of the Probate Court for the Coaniy Sbiawaesee ntade on the lthh day of April A D 1900 AIX ngt0nths from laquohat date were allowed for credshyitors to prevent their cUlma against the estate of Stephen Wateon late of said County deceased SAd that all creditors of said deceased are re-naired to present their claims to said Probate Court at the Probate Office In the City of Curanna for ejtamiaatien and allowance oraquo or before the 9th day-ef October next and that laquolaquoeraquoctlms will be heard before said Court on Monday the Sth day of July and oo Taeaday theSti) day of October next at 10 oetoek It the forenoon of each of thoee days

DwtedContOtta Aprtl I7lh A 1gt1W0 MATTHKW Bt7raquoH

iadge of Probate

Tine Table Graad Trunk Railway System

Arrival and Departure of Trains


Detroit Xxprem dailr eieept Sunday 9raquo s raquo Vail Train dally except Sunday 111 p a Evening Express exeept Saaday Sii pas Kastera Xxpreaa daily y 9iraquoptx


Chicago Expresagtdaily except Snadaj lO^laaa Mall and Express dally except u Sdstpaa Gd Rapids Kxpresa daily bull 71raquopas Past Western dally 7JSaxe

Sleeping and Parlor Car Sstrlco WBSTBOIJSB

090 p at train eonnedts at Xgtnrand tor Leigh hxprees east aad Patlflc express west

1001 a A train has parlor ear to Grand Sapid extra charge 25 cents

710 p to train has parlor ear to Grand Bap-ids extra charge Sc

BASTBOTJHTgt laquolScmirain has parior car to Detroit Mgttl

charge 39 octits Pullman parlor car Us troit to Toronto coaneettat vrtth si bur car for the east sad New York i nectaatDurandwithCftOC dlviaaptt - - - mdash iwt tho Clfep

1laquo raquoiuJltuMgt

B a x i y Var i e t i e s of S trawherr lea x K l i l e i k y a CM l a a p Meat

bull f t Jlaquoeph

Si Joseph May mdash JBeports reshyceived here to the effect that straw berries in the lowlands in the southshyern section of the county were killed by the frost have been confirmed Fashyvored by the warm- weather of the last ten days many of the leading early varieties of Btrswberries about one-tenth cf the total crop were in full blossom and with an ice-mak ing frost all the bods were killed Growers on the lowlands say that if their district escapes the frost durshying the rest of the dangerous month of May the district will produce thn largest toxy

crop o berries in its his-

BATC OampIMCBV-SSSM laquof MOehlgaa the raquoSMawaseeegtss

Atraquo Msnm sf the Prohate Ooart for oaM Oewnty held at the Prahate Omee iatbeetty of comma on the 14th day of April la te the year oa Ihmdashaad nine handred

Pre law Matthew Bash Jmdge of Probate Ia the matter of ths cstaM of BalserBiuel

deceased Jaesh W Btttei as administrator of said eMfc harlag readered to this c o a t hlo ftaal sssitsuu

It ts etdsrH that the 14th day Of May next at trlaquo oeleeh la the forenoon at aak| Probate Onto fee asatgued far vJ^swlalBf and tgt Vlowlas- aald aeeoant

And It ia fiirther erdeved that a copy of this order be published three successive weeks pre vious to said 4a7 of bcttrtur 1laquo the Ooranna

raquoft W y ^ ^ P ^ a V M l and elrculsttnf - raquo- ^waaaee bull

MATTHKW BUSH Jodgeof Probate

By KATBUXX KBUET Probate Begiiier


At a session ot the Probate Conrt for said countj held at the Probate office in the City of Coninna on Monday the 30th day laquogtf April in the year one thousand niue hnndred

Presen t Mathew Bosh Judge of Probate In the matter of the estate of Edward Murray

and Joseph Murray Minors oa reading and filing the petition of Thomas Murray as guarshydian praying for Ueenaea to sell real estate of said srtsora at private sale for purpose in said pettttoa mesnowied

It is ordered that tbeSstb day of May next at tea oeloekihr the forenoon at said Prabate oftea he IssafgitrJ for hearios said peMttoa

Aad tt W further ordered that a copy of t a b order be published three successive weeks yra-vions to said day of heario in OMCoraaaa Joornal a newspaper printed aad circulating la aaid county of Shiawassee

SsdjBOfBrobais By KaTBSatxs X Kxtsaf IWBali KSfuter

for Pt Huron odChicago and a M Dtr for Saginaw sad Bay

s J l pmtnUB hlaquopwrtercartsDarott charge n o e n n Ptutsssar^mdash-Betroltto Ttofooto 8tsmw_ IfwOalo rhuadeJphla sad Jdew TTs Connects at Dorsad wtth amp at S T far I t Huftmaad BatUsCrwkwi wttkO aaMDtTf^Has1nawaasiasyOn^

O D TOOmi laquoU(


alaquoaalttelaquo Detroit May 7mdashEngineer Thomas

M Thompson has been acquitted of the charge of manslaughter by willshyful neglect of duty in connection with the explosion of the boiler in the Deshytroit Journal building November 5 1895 which caused the death of 37 persons x nis was Thompsons second trial the first resolving in a convicshytion which decision the supreme court set aside

Pries t Honored Marquette May 5mdashFather Langer

of Negaunee has just been appointed vicar general of the dioces of Sault Ste Marie and Marquette by Bishop Eis who is oh the eve of a journey to Rome The bishop accompanied by Father Pinter of the cathedral parish in this city willleave for New York at once

Now Wants raquo100000 St Joseph May 4-raquoThe damage

suit of Edith Navarre vs City of Benshyton Harbor was taken up in the cirshycuit court Tuesday This is a case in which Mrs Navarre asks $100000 damages-for injuries sustained by fallshying on an icy sidewalk The plaintiff offered to settle the case a year ago for $500

Ate Stryehwlae South Jyon May 5-Christian En-

right CO years of age a respected citixen of Southfield township comshymitted1 snicide by eating a piece of ham saturated with strychnine It is thought he suicided on account of AaaMial Shatters ]

STATE OF MJCHIGAXrtAmnl of Sniafta aeeaa bullbullbull bull

At a session of the probate Court 5er said County held at the Probate Odhse ia the Cttv of Coronas on Friday the ltE7tb dayaf April ta the year owe utousaa nine haadred ~

Present Matthew Bnah Jndge of Probata bull J f J sssMsr of the estate of Joeeph Wi Terhes deceased

copyn reading and ft] lag the petition duly Teriaed of Sarah E Verke praying aexoogst other thing for the probate of the instrument now tfbWla tats Coart Borporttag to be the last will aad testament of said deceased ^JDgtarewslaquoait is ordered that Tneaday tke Ssth day of May next at ten oclock in the fqeeaooo be assigned for the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law of said deshyfeased aad an other persons interesed in saad estate ore required to appear at a season of saM Conrt then to be holden at the Probate Ontee iathlaquoelkr9CMrnnaa and show caase if asjyjhlaquoraquow|ssgts^shspfmjer eg the fssitiOB-

tioSvasat the hssslasTSwlaquoeof by tamdashlng alaquoosp of this order to be published in the i ^oruaa Joaraala asumsjiii mriassd aad eiwjalsrua

TIMETABLE In efleot Kovraquo iraquoj tts

Trams tetveGorvona bull bull bull


71raquo P H



wnt bull U A M

SsfcT P i t

W HBampWETT a p A


Dr BalTs Antiparasitic Compound prevents ud cures Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever Price 25 eta For sale by all druggists DR A R BALL 47tf Corunoa Mich






The S S ATT^ANTA on this route ia especially equipped to accommodate winter travel Cabin and Staterooms are steatn bested electric lighted and have all conveniences thai go to make travel comfortable

Leeve Comnna 223 p m Monday Wednesday and Friday (via p G H laquot M Ry) take the boat at Grand Haven t 900 p m and arrive OHICAQO 6KKgt a m following morning

J-3 -

J 1 1



bull bull r ~

- -





V f r

1(7 -

bull bull

V I bull

[ 1

Special Sale of Melts and Young Mens


Navy Blue Sergs illustrates the deplorable fact that good things are quickly and largely imitated and the public is liable to be gulled with the bait of saving

i a few cents ipto taking the false and rejecting the i genuine There is nothing more seryicable comfoft-1 able 001121^^8 0 0 1 6^0 1^8 1 1 0 1^^ wear than a real Navy | Blue Serge

G S ALLISON I SON 117 north WtaMiftoi Street Owosso Micaifan 5

Tbe Meyor then declared that the proshyposition for bonding the city of Cornn naMich for 5()00 for improving pub lie park haying received a two-thirds majority of ail the votes cast at the elecshytion held Apr 301900 had carried

Motion was made and supported that the bond of the city treasurer be fired t S15JQ00 for the ensuing ye we carried by the folibwiog vote

teas Clutterbuck Jacobs Harringshyton MeMullen and Trumble Nayraquo none

Aid McMullen presented the followshying resolution and moved its adoption

Sesoived That mdash -- - MVgt ny bull Bk laquoraquoYtrade laquoraquobullraquo the Board of in~ l U e r e raquolaquobull_ r a 1 bullgt c r t rtmdashvmrivp an imsat i s f ac torv 1 Conimisstoner be and they are hereby

^ bullbullbullgt - no launc so deceptive so unsausiacxory | lMtr1ieled to receive was for improving -^ so disappointing in every particular as the imita- mA mdash bull bullbullmdash mdash u- -1mdash mmA

tkms The real Serge is made from Worsted yarns

firmly woven and dyed with an unfadable imperish abler rich dark blue and it is of the Real Serges that oar suits are made

Beginning Saturday April 21st u d Continuing One Week we offer

Mens $1500 Blue Serge Suite doable breasted square cut and single breasted round cat coats at - - $ l l f o

Mens $1400 Blue Serge Suite round cut sack coats only $1095 Mens $1200 Blue Serge Suiteround and square cut coats $ igt95 Mens $1000 Blue Serge Suite round cot sacks only at $ 875 Young MenV$1500 [14 to 20 years] Blue Serge Suits at $1200 Toung Mlaquons $1200 f t i to 20 years] Blue Serge Suits at $ raquo95

public park according to the plana and specifications prepared by DMger and Beckham

Besolution was carried by the follow in vote YeeaCltrtMbocJt Jacobs Harshyrington McMullen and TramMe Kay none- bull

AM McMullen the presented the folshylowing lesolotion and nwved Its adopshytion

Reeoired That the Board of Part Cojawlaairtnera be end they are hereby ioatrocted to proenre at ooce pteas and

pound] apeelteaikma for a casino to be erected r on pabttc park the coat of srtd easts [not to exceed the sam of $tfiampk

Besoiatlon was supported by Traagt Me and was pasaed by the foftowlsg vote Teas Jacobs Harrington Me-MollenClntterbuck and Trumble Nays

I none On motion Council adjourned


Citv Clerk

walks beg leave to make the following report That new walks be built along and in front of the following deshyscribed property and that the Street Commissioner be and is hereby inshystructed to notify the said property owners to Lgtujid within twenty daypound or the Street Commissioner will build the same and the expense be charged and be a lien against the property abutting said walks

In the first ward ot the Cltf pf co-runna on the soalL margin of fot 11 and 12 bt 9 south margin k and 8 bk 10 south manrin lot bj| Jftj sputa

margin lots 10 audi 11 bat 1^ toutli ngtraquoiKin of lot 12 bk amp soath margin of lots 6 7 10 and U bk 11 tonth mariftn lot l i hk I t

J C T t u i M J ) a K OcmsBsocm

Toe resoteyen adopted tr tne foOotrtag fete Qntterbtaek


m JO Jft r r p t i t laquo n

ywWlrtm laquoflaquoor I t a n A a j M n i t i f M CO-n raquo H | t t laquo comnit m l of ShUwwse ampmaf Hgtnraquogtfl to th tmuttmUi of the raquolaquotraquobtten Falttaralaquo4 th ltUlaquoelian of glaquowrraquoi sad toe)

paper raquo 1 laquo per ytme la bulldTmoc

who wisk to atop th bullhMld iMMtfr oa direct raquo B 4 sot IlaquoraquoTC tt p i i l i n in i in iln filt socaclaquolilaquoK forget Al-wj met that your raquopbcrlpUoa to paid vp to th date yon request tw uraquo stop he paper

fhelaquomBUtf and quality of the adTertiaitMr appaariag la the JOCKHAI t almadaat toati-raquoraquoay to tt Taiae a an advertlatar laquoadiam

~ known at the aStae of new are alway aeeeptaMe Be-that what latenato yoa will generally other and that It will be gladly re

Comheaattoa The larr ammbfcr of exceUent eambiaattens

we mare m otter enaUe our reader to obtain a-laffle Mltwa( of cood reading at very tittle

They are as foUowa rrk Trnmae and this paper Ugt

uesroU Twice-a-Week Joornal and thi 1M Wiwati fagerOrcaa and this paper 1JB

LPVeePnMandthtopaper JM this paper IM

TOTOtSDAT MAT 1laquo raquo bull


mdashLeo Miner ia recovering from a two wveks tttaeas

mdashGreen A Pettibooe shipped another car load of wool to-day

mdashMcBtidea second hand store ia doshying a ntahiag baalnees these days

mdashLightning struck a tree on South Shtawaaeee aventre Monday night

mdashMrs 8 Z Rice and Mrs P K Cook are la Saginaw attending a home tnte-afoaarT oonventfoo

mdashMlaquow Maad Ford aocceeds Miss Suite Dyer as hello girl at the Bell telephone exchange in this city

mdashMrs F Cummin of the state of Washington Is vMting her brother Mr Adalbert Miner aod family

mdashKd Lahrtag lost a hone yesterday from distemper It ia quite a severe loss as it was one of his work team

the votes of the special election held April 301900 for the purpose of bond-log the city of Coruona In the sum laquo1 fft000 for the purpose of improving the Public Park would report as follow

Whole number of vote csat were 328 Of which number 234 were for the proshyposition and 94 against it to-wit

l8twtrd-Ye119 No 33 d bullbullbull Yes 7 raquoTo5l Sd Yea 40 Mo 11 Yesmdash334 No-94i



RKPOBT OF CITY TBKASLKKR To the Bon- Mayor and Coaunon Coonctt of the

OtyOfCorttttU I herewith snboilt to yon my anon report

fortoeyearending AprO 88thliWft- Beeeired from Kx-Treaaorer 11TJraquo 4S

bull CJtyClerkbdquo bdquobullbdquo bdquo_ laquo 8 75 CoTreaettrer S^SS laquo SumaterTax S1M t t raquo Winter Tax bdquo tOjm raquo raquobull Side-walk Tax raquo 7 8 raquo r c n laquo e r l a x 1190

bull - laquo bull Percentage coUected SI IS bull laquo laquo Intereet bdquobdquo 4 raquo

v - vWaasfQo^y a- MBraquo

iatenv4 cntrltal by a vote Met ttm ftfeiatef of

IVrhaan Ufdfe ke irJenaJ to a jotrnt coatflQlttee on

Motion thai tampe fteawfte eurBtatttee ke


PaM School Faad Brpali m Miuci laneoa Ordaral laquo State aadOaayTk

Cash on hand


fMJDSt Which Is plaeed to the eredtt of tllaquo4iatat

faaoaasfotlow Otnoral raquo- J MS St atraet nmd s a p nectrle l icht rlaquond 1raquo St ruifUifj rnalt US St Sinking-Wod bdquoZ raquo laquo

for sale to the low bidder and tint ss^dhonda stall not boar nmre ttaan fonr per cent Httmeat boads to run fifteen yearn Mflon waa carrted uy foBowrng tote CVotterboek Fvetetb Herrtngten Jacob McSfaBlaquo and Traanhle Kays none

Alderman Jacob made a reqoest that the cooncil make an approprt-atlon(fordecoettionexerclaea wnere np-eo Aid TrtHBble moved that laquo1000 be appropriated tor proper observance ot MemoriaJ day which waaanppofted and motion carried by emanlmona Tote

The Mayor presented tbe name of David R Ddl for City Marshal whieh was confirmed by tmanimons ^ot bull

For NljjJtwatcfa wiUraquo PoUoe power that of Jamer Siaseon which was iooirmed by nnacimoos vote

Motkm wan made and supported that Cltf Engineer and oflsoe of Street Comnilstlotjer be combined in oor ofiBce Motion earried byGnanlmoot bull 0 laquo

Tbe Mayor appointed M K Bon-nlnigton as City Engineer and Street Commissioner wtateb was confirmed

bjrananiioous vote W J Parker was then appointed

City Attorney by the Mayor which was confirmed b ananimons rote

For member of Cemetery Board F E Welch received the appointment to serve for five years Confirmed by unanimous vote

For member of public works A W Oreen was given appointment to serve for term of fiye years Confirmed by unanimous vote

For board of park commissioners the followingnames were presented Erwin Bveleth Wra F Gallagher S B Lyman Matthew Bush and A E Richards who were to serve for fiye four three two and one years resshypect) vely in order named Said board was confirmed by unanimous vote

The council then proceeded to vote for health officer by ballot which reshysulted as follows Walter S Jones having received all the votes cast for said office was declared elected

B R Marshall having received all tbe votes laquoa$t for fir marshal was de-eUred duly elected

Srwin Erele-h uaviug received all the votes cast for president of council waa declared duly elected

Oor retiring city attorney A E Richards then made some remarks in wBfcfe he thanked the council fot tue very eoBrteous treatment that be had ahrays i-i-lT Li ^^hetr hands

Alderman Tnzmbte moredithat a vote of thanks be tendered to Mr Rkhards fm-tto satisfactory manner m winch he had always performed the dsxticBotettj attorney

Upon motion thceity attorney was toatrnrtid to draw an -ore^mnce U-eensing hawkers and peddlers

AM Trumbte made a motion that the matter of paying rebate on side-walks be referred to a jointcommlttee oh streets and sewers which was sup-sorted and carried by unanimous vote

Upon motion council adjourned ABTHUB G YOITNG

City Clerk

raquoNMIraquo mmiiim

ISeeOirWew f




D M LOWS Treasurer

INDMION ^rpahaTe^yoo

taw it TOO know all about the

fooling 1B the atOBSCfigttllO

lof mnioxi of ftS the l m i c i pick hoodochOt

tenertl weakliest of the whole body

Yon caat have it a week witliout y o n r b l o o d beiBf impure and yoor Berres all exhausted

^ There V hut one reaaedy ^lacToa


OtaMnoa GoaaeU Comaaoa Council Boom I

Corunoa Mlcfa May 31900) At a regular meeting of tbe Common

Council calte to order by the Mayor prneat Mayor Koaenkrami and Alder-aaaa Cmtterbuck Jacobs Evetotb Bar--iaqrtc MeMolien and TrambJe

Mettou was made aod supported that the Mayor appoint a committee to can-

i votes of election held A pill 301900 Mayor appointed Alderman 1 and Clotterbuck to act as said

itttee who aubmltted tbe follow-taw report Hgt M Bon Mayor and Common Cona-

oUlaquoC City of Coruona Tear ooaimittet appoiated to canvass

sanapanoa Theres wotfahtc new

about iu Your grand-pareBtf took ft Twaa an otdSaraaparfila before other aanaparHlaa were knows It made the word Sanaparilla famous over the whole world

Theres no other sarse parilla like ft la age and power to cure fcs w The leader of them all

S U i s l v j ) ~a-laquomajht-lt-lt Averlaquo PUIs enre coswaiU


x bull A f t e r


a w

A bulla


laquoFmraquolaquoraquo^alaquon|a^aw4pF 4


COMMON OouarciL BOOKS 1 Corunoa Mich May 7190TX (

At the regular meeting of the Comshymon Council called to order or toe Mayor The following members were present

Mayor Bosenkrans Aldermen Clotshyterbuck Eveieth Harrington Jacobs McMullen and Trumbte

The minutes Of meetings of April 11th April 96th and May 3rd were read and approved

The claims and accounts were read and referred to committee on claims and accounts

Upon motion the roles were susshypended and all accounts were acted

J C Kennedy Roanoke Tenn says raquo1 cannot say to much for DeWitta Witch Basel Salve One box of it cored what the doctors called an incurable nicer oraquo my law Cures piles and ill akla diseases Look out for worthless KBitadoca F M Kllbourn

arahliwa CotuMjr Aay on desiring a map of Sbiawaasee

cowaty to date may obtain one by tendshying 19 emuts to the Coranna Jonrnal Conuvna Mich

That map la aaade Irem a new cot obshytained since Jan 1 1900 and it con tains every wagon road rail road rivshyer post efflca village^ city andaebool-honae la tat connty The school dls-trUjta are Mmtwred the Imttatfry llaws of eattb township are dmUnetiy oatilBlaquod

laud the loeattM of ihe connty farm Is given

WBAPPEB8at7aeagtdfdjeaia K bulleat attractive patterai goods and made right

SHTKT WAISTS for S9e TBe i ^jOOsadaiis

DRESS SKZBTS tot SOe 90c aad 89e foe aummar wear

Lawns and Dress Ooodav laaerttens and lfrstaeJdetJ aumnieT appareL

I^claquoCuitaiaaandCarmla for yonr windows

Ladla Taffeta and 9Btc G^wes and Mitts at 16c 90c and Xc

Come and see as for what yew eat wear or use bullbull



i LEAYITT euro 0 I Klaquofftgty J|Ulaquofc I


upon The committee on claims and ac-

connts then reposted favorably on claims and accounts authorizing tbe clerk to draw orders for the same on the several funds as given below

CONTINGENT PtJKD John Dnoeek fate keeper elelaquotkatf Z to L Ewcnmaa n t e keesxw electUM 2 raquo F C Achazd B x i n g p o i n p mdash _ bdquo twt HF Manball 2 day election coca laquo laquo9 Grand Trank railway ~~~ 1 raquo ME Hniittngton Aprtt salary - ltbullbullgt 8 B Lyman morc safe and 1 day etoc 4raquo B Davis jEaie keeper election f a OoraaMpelaquoCo^jijHets las ts

pgHrtjay St 30 K Vfc i ie t i t m

Ball 1-t year salary w H Harrtnftan ref and and electionmdash 4 bull W A McMnlleo ray and aitcttoau Sgt WJ Pjter drawVordaadlaaylec 30 JSlnwoo 1DKgtsalary m m

election^- SSS and reg 4 SO

_ __ _ ejection SSf E Preleth^ljrear salary rent t days

res aan olacttoi 56 SS Ted MchoU stationery 3 4raquo A W Green 1 day ou election ~ raquo ~ mdash S 00 AUunrartsvALinco traquovealaquoMrwurk S4S Geo Jarrls 11-t day on election 3 so 8 D XJnabory sate keeper electioa S 09 Grand Trunk railway amp 5


I had stomach traahm twenty and gave up hope of being cured till 1 trnjcaa to awe Kodol Pyapipsla Cnra It had done me so much good I call It tbe savior of my life writes W B Wllkis-aOH Albauy Teas It digests what yon eat F M Kllbourn

O S P O t t t O f T B I OOMOITtOlf


OAN AT THE CLOe OW BUStlfX80 APRIL raquo1980

RB90UBCCS bull t t l l ^ M W Loan aalt9 diacouats^

Overdrafts^ secured and P S P n n i s to asesre egtrealation^ F r e a i s m s o t t U S Band Banklns-aoa rnrnttare and Sx-

tnrea T VT ^mdash Other real estate ownedbdquo Pne fifoat stats baoka and hankers Doe tram approved reservs laquo laquo laquo Caeeka and ether cash toeeas^ bdquo Kotesof otherMartanalWaak_^




U B osttMeates of t tenders- ~ - mdash mdash

Ksseiuttca faad wtehP (SareBtorcliralatien^



Total Capital stock i Bnrnlaa f a r TJaatrMed]


Svafserl raquoraquoW-

aaVlaquoBnnmyennflmlal abi sWmffWswraquoB7SjsnslaquojBj sn j



O F J of ths ahsne


4At D aoTca ryrablie Notary i

D Osaaiaoa I m c i OaamsM W f Oi

llmamak 4 f l m t k JBML


C a S c a r load brick 90S ft cement


90 OB

Saginaw Clay Mrs Co jTBrooks A Sons for Jas Wuson 14 days l^eter BustavtL l S d a y s w o r k Jun Wood U d a y s 4 hours work Loo Berry 13 days work V Sander 3 days 8 hours with teaut B Ereletb 1 day 3 b o o n with t e a m WlUard Carlton h a y mdash Henry Eldridse 7 days work Dan Hussy 3 days with team

CEMETERY FUND A Eldredge 1laquo 1-5 d a r s cemetery work


OonuDlttee On motion the report was accepted

and adopted bf following vote Teas Clutterbuck Ereleth Herringtoo Jacobs McMullen and Trumble Kays none

Alderman Trumble offered tbe folshylowing resolution and moved its adopshytion

To the ilonorable Mayor and Com-monCjuncil of tbe City of Coranna

Your committee on streets and side

bull gtgtgt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt

We Want Your Eggs We have orders to fill and will pay l i e cash or 12c in trade

for them Considering this price for eggs together with the prices at which we sell Groceries it will pay yon to bring your eggs to us REMEMBER we sell more good Groceries for One Dollar than anyone else i theoooaty

C QU AYLE The Original Cash Grocer

235 Cor Shia Ave and Fraaer S t CORUNNA MICH

lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt

I n r t l l l i l l T i r a m m m a a n i l l i III I I I I - t t g M ^ y - f c - i y j i i | a | | i | l a a n a m a S m m a a m a m B B l r w ^ mm^m

Do a Little Shopping Jast for Once ^ frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 ~ may not wish tb tgtuy to-day but m a y some

o ther fine day We have taken much care in selecting our goods with t he idea of pleasing you in all waysmdashquality and prices We want i t understood t h a t quality i s t h e first cousid-eration prices next Look over th i s list of good things and come and see us


Wash Goods Fancy Prints per yard 5 c Best Apron Ginghams per yard 6c Finest Percales (fast colors) per yard 12gtpoundc New Dimities in all shades 7craquo 8c 10c 12gtfc and 15c Beautiful Ginghams 7c 10c and 12gtpounde

Ladies Shir t Waists Fancjr Percales Newest Creations White Lawn Plaid Etc

Lace Yokiugs intall prices and styles from

bull 30c 40c 50c 60c and 75c to $100 per yard

Valencienne Laces

25c to 200

10000 yards in all widths and patterns 12 yds for 25c

White Goods 500 yards India Linens (for this sale) at 500 yards India Linens (for this sale) at Fine White Linens from - White Duck for Skirts at


10c lc to50c


Bleached Cotton 1 case Lonsdale one yard wide worth 10c at 8c All widths for Sheets and Pillow Cases at

Less titan Factory Prices

Napkins 90c buys agood All Linen Napkin worth

100 bays a goocTAll Linen Napkinworth 125 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth 200 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth 325 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth

125 150 175 250 500

Towels Greatest Bargains Evcopyr Ottered

Bath Towels 50x22Jnches at - 25c pair Extra Fine Linen cheaper than ever before A Large Fine Linen Towel at bull 40c pair

Table Linens 50-inch Red Damask (fast colors) per yard 14c 54-inch Fine Linen bleached per yard 37 c 62-inch Fine Linen bleached per yard 49c 58-inch Fine Checkmdashred and whitemdashper yard 44c 72-inch Fine Bleached per yard 99c Other Grades in same proportions

bullbullbullbull - -bull Velvets Of all kinds and colors from 40c to 200 per yard We sell better Velvets for the money than you

can buy elsewhere Try us and prove it

Embroideries and Insertions We have a beautiful line of these goods in for

Spring Nothing so pretty as fine Embroidery

Pull Line of Filo Persian and Roman

For Fancy Work Batten berg Braids and Rings in all widths and sizes in stock

Baby Bonnets and Bun Bonnets

In all colors and prices from 15c to 150 bull -

Umbrellas and Childrens Parsols

A good Silk Umbrella Steel Frame for 49c The best line of Fine Umbrellas in the city

Bed Spreads Hemmed ready to use from 49c to 350

Lace Curtains and Dotted Mull

Good Lace Curtains worth 125 pair at Better Lace Curtains worth 175 pair at Fine Lace Curtains worth 250 pair at 40-inch Fine Curtain Goods at 40-inch Fine Curtain Goods at Dotted Mull from

99c 139 199

25c 18c

10c to 25c

Unbleached Cotton 5 Bales at Less tkftn Mill Prices 45-inch Pillow Case width worth 15c yard at 10c 45-inch Pillow Tubingmdashsomething new

Black Dress Goods Black Crepons Mohair Lusture worth 250 at 149 Other black goods at same rate

Silks for Shir t Waists and Skir ts

Mercerized Silks in all colors The best goods ever made for Waists and Skirts

Outside and Underskirts-The best values ever shown and in all colors The

Ruth Mercerized Skirt is a beautv and so cheap

Hosiery and Underwear LadiesVests from bull 5c to 50c Childrens Vests from raquo 5c to25c 100 Doz Ladies Mens and Childrens Hose 10c to 50c Ladies Fine Lace Hose worth 40c at 25c

25c 125 Summer Corsets regular value 50c to go at bull

Best Corset ever put on the market We keep a full line of all the best makes

Gloves-Kid and Silk Fine Black Silk Gloves with kid Points stitchshy

ed in White or Black Warranted Kid Gloves in all colors from 99cto L4j

Ribbon Bargains We have the most complete stock of all kinds from $100

to $180 at about half the price othersask for them Double Faced Black Velvet in all widths

bull i bull bull bull

Notions a n d Handkerchiefs Mere ijgt our strong point You cannot call for a thing

in this line but what we can fill the want Ladies Collars and Fancy Neckwear of all the latest fads and kinds are to be found here

i i io imdash bull r - n^Miiiiiinfiiiniiiww^TTr~- 1 laquorf laquoTmdashr----- bullbull r rii bullbullmmdashmm bullmdash bull bull -~i

Dress Linings and Trimmings All the Fancy Up-to-date Linings and Skirt Bindings

Fancy Braids Buckles and Pulley Belts are here

Mens Furnishings Pants Shirts Jackets and Overalls at the right prices

Suspenders Etc

Ladies Wrappers Fine Percale and Print Wrappers i A 4-A 1 C A

in the new styles from -^V I U I raquo D U

Goods for Bicycle Skir ts The Cotton Coverts at 12 c are just the thing- They

wash and wear nicely In all colors

Ladies9 Muslin Underwear Skirts each from - 49c to 150 Drawers per pair from raquo 25c to 50c Cheaper than you cart make them Come and see them

A Few Words to Buyers of Goods We have placed before you a full line of goods that you must use every

dayin the year All goods sold by us are purchased direct from the importer or manufacturer We do not ask you fancy prices but instead offer goods to you at much less than most merchants will sell them We want your trade Are

we asking too much of you to come and look at our goods If they are not what you want we do not expect you to buy but if you see anything you can use we will be pleased to sell to you We assure you courteoustreatment and full value for your money



Qh yes Spring is hereand so is our large and complete stock ef

Boots and Shoes for the itig and Suiti titer bull Spri

TAN and BLACK in endless varieties High and low cuts in endless styles Very dressy Tan or lilaquock LADIES BALS from $150 to $375 Ladies OXFORDS Tan or Black from $lt)( to $200raquo For gentlemen we have DRESS SHOES from $150 to 400 per pair Dont fail to ceo the DOUGLAS $350 in any shade They are excellent They arc as poundooil as ihb usual $pound50 of other makes Boys Youths Misses and Childrens Shoes in end-it ss varieties

bull- bull yours for good goods at reasonable prices


Terrific BrnlofJMit the Worst ia Leading FUtfiaes So Westcra History Takes Place

la Mine in ScefieldV selves aad Say the Insurgents

Are Surrendering

Ifeuures of IraquopaTtnce Pasted and Other Are Ditcaaart by the

Two Hansen J


Oae Haadred sad Thirty-Seven Bodlelaquo Have Been Recoveredmdash

Heartrttadias Kccuea mdash Work ot KelaquolaquoKlaquo OoimK Onmdash Every E3ort Be-

bullbullbullbull inlaquo Made far Belief




He represents thq strongestand nicst reliable companies

Parties desiring to sell or rent propertV will do welt to place the same with bim Good farm mortgages bought end sold

A good 120 acre farm for sale at a barshygain If sold at oncemdashSuitable for

stock purposes

Kodol Dyspepsia Cure

Digests what you eat I t at Li ficially digests the food and aid

Nature in strengthening andreconshystructing tbe exhausted digestive orshygans I t is tbe latest discovered digeet-ant awl tonic N o ottier preparation can approach i t in efficiency I t inshystantly relieves and permanently cores Dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Sour Stomach Nansea Sick HeadacbcGastraJglaCramps and all other results of imperfectdigestion Price 50c undfiL large an contains H$toe9 Small stoc Bookraquo01aboutdygpe|aiamidlearree Prepared by E C DaWTTT A euro 0 Chlcago

For Sale by F M KILBOUBK

TO Coze a Coagb l a One B a y To Cora a Cold in Cos S a y pound 0 Cure Sore Throat in OneDay To Cure Hoarseneas i n One S a y

Take Clevelands Lung Healer as cents If H fails to care We w i cheerfully refund

i your money (Trial size free)

atC M Peacocks

know of no better way to convince you that we can do better by you in Furniture than others can than to ask you to visit our store personally Do this before you deal elsewhere

REWARD We tbe uurierigned druggists offer

a reward of 50 cent to any person who purchaser of us two 23 cent boxes of Baxters Maodrakc Bitters Tablets if it fails to cure constipation biliousness sick-beadaebe jaordive loss of appetite sour stomach dyspepsia liver com-

friaint or any of tbe diseases for which t is recommended Price 25 cents for

eithei tablets or liquid We wilt also refund tbe money on oae package of either if it fails to give satisfaction




Wonderful Sagacity Shown In the Care o f f locks

The sheep doss in this country come by their nature ami training honestly for either they or their ancestors came from the sheep-dotted bills of England Scotland or Wales where for generations past the supreme efshyfort of the shepherd has been to proshyduce a perfect sheep dog They have succeeded well for no man could exshycel them In sheep lore no man could be more useful to the sheen owner for man is neither BO persistent and agile possesses such endurance or is so gentle under training and reproof The dog doesnt reason as to the why and wherefore of his affection for the worst sort of a brut shepherd may have the most faithful dog one that will mind the sheep on the hills pa-tlently await his master coming and guide bis roettn foosteps to his home

On the great ptais of tbe west these dogs havi made-it poaatbls for one man to care for three or four thousand sheep tn one flock All they ask la a bite to eat and once in a while when their feet are filled with thosharp thorns of the cactus they will come to have them taken out There Is no vsive on a weJHnined sheep dog The yrell-bred ebtlie whtcb takes the prizes at the bench aaow is beautiful to look at but this homeshylier brother the trained dog of the range is worth more than he is beshyyond price The sheep owner holds aim as beyond purchase The sheep herder who falls so low as to part with his companion is yet to be found ami if tbe dog were to be bought the buyer might rue his bargain for the master must go with the dog

In the new country the work of the sheep dog Is hard It is on a big scale In the old country the vrork is easier but it has ita finer points In the new country the dog may drive two thoushysand sheep in the old country a dos tiay drive three or four which takes more thought and skill In the old coustry the feature of every country fair in a sheep district i s the sheep 3og trials A trophy ia the annual prise and the shepherds and their dogs come from afar to try for the cup The dog that carries away the trophy may be a little short-haired homely and Insignificant brute which bulllinks pound0 the heels of aia master Hke a creature of no spirit but send him after the sheep and his wfcote eharac ter seems to change He is slow and gentle or quick and bold as the sheep may require His whole attitude is tense and nervous No human being could manifest a greater responsibilshyitymdashKansas City Star

If the office that docs your printing doesnt

do it neatly try the JOURNAL If it is

being done neatly try us for better still

Kodaks Cameras

and Amateur Supplies

Enlarged Pictures Crayon

India Ink Water Cokw

and Sepia Work-

Framing Done

on Short Notice

Platino4ypes The very latest things in our line arc

the Platino-types we are now putting oat We make Ibeto

Try Oral n-O J Try Oraio-O J Ask your grocer to-day to show you

a package of Grain-O tbe new food drink that takes the place of eoflVe Tbe children may driuk it without inshyjury as well as tbegtadult All who try Jt like it Grain-0 has that rich esi brown of Mocha or Java but It is made froa pure ^raJns scd the most delicate stomach reeeivs i t without distress Uie price of coffee 15c and 25c per package Sold by all grocers

Nothing else equals them We rftakc them in all styles Finish and Platino Work Gruarantecd

CMrndsr Curiosity January and October of the snme

year always begins with the same day

So do April onltf July also September and December February March and November also begin with the sarae day New Years day and S t Sylvesshyters day also fall on the same day except of course in leap ycir Each dry in the week has served as a day of rest somewhere Sunday among Christians Monday with the Greeks Tuesday with the Persians Wednesshyday with the Assyrians Thursday with the Egyptians Friday with tka Turks and Saturday with the Jews

Salt Lake City Utah May 2mdashA speshycial to the Tribune from Scofield Utah sayst The English language cannot describe the appalling disaster which occurred here at 1025 Tuesday foreshynoon by an explosion in mine No 4 of the Pleasant ValleyCoal companjs and by which certainly 200 men and upshywards have lost -their lives At this hour 137 bodies have been recovered and the work of rescue is still proceedshying and will continue until all the bodshyies are brought to the surface There are willing hands at work and as fast BUS bodies are reached they arebrought

Order Have Sera Issued Relievfa Htni of Cemamnd and Maj Gen aixcArthar Will Succeed Hlsraquo--In-iBrslaquonl A i c b h e i DtraquoeraquovrclaquoE by Cicn Frinfcton

Sevste Refaraquoe to Pnraquo raquo bull laquo bull laquo laquo laquo f Sgtnvatlaquoy tor laquolaquo BorraquoimdashMlaquonraquo

gtlaquolaquobull tSc Amcitded Porto Rico GltKveraiuBt JiraquolaquonwltmdashOiUcr Matshyter Lader Consideration

Washington May 1 mdash T h e Eeriate yesterday refused to consider a resolushytion of symp-Jthy with Boers The conshyference report on the amendatory Porshyto Rico bill was agreed to and the bill

Washington May 5mdashThe war deshypartment has received tbe follo^iog

report from Cjen Otis Manila May t-Aprtl cr ptures from

enemy were 30 pieces arttJiery 13raquo rtHes 1 considerable ammunition and large stores lt ot property During the early portion of j appropriating $40000 to enlarge ana

the month the enemy was active In tbe ex- i jmp r 0Te the public buildings at Bur-treme northern and southern Luzon and bull passed some Vlscayan Islands Our reported raquow^ raquo r

F __ tv^ i -i losses for the month were 13 enlisted men Washington May i mdash AUe AiiSKa ^killed three olfieers 24 enlisted men I Wounded rumored recent loss in Samar of

19 killed and number wounded not yet re- ported This laquos due to small detachments

Scouting in mountains In the interior of the island The enemy losses officially re-bull ported were 17 1 killed wounded and cap-

confi-down to the boarding houses and other ^ ^ ^ ^ I n o s ^ ^ p r ^ s r ^ company buildings where they are -bull -dressed and prepared for the coroners inquest These buildings are nutner copyus and in each are from ten to thirty-five bodies

L M 6 f laquo w t L m s e r Salt t a k e City May 3mdashThe reports

from Scofield up to 11 oclock Wednesshyday night say that it ft now known that 178 are dead from the explosion and that the estimate of loss will inshycrease rather than decrease The sushyperintendent of the mine says there is no record of the number of men that go i n the mine from day to diiy and that the exact loss cannot be known until all the dead bodies are taken out One estimate is that there were 398 meit in the mine and on that basis there must have been at least 250 or 300 lives lost

Later Elaquotlmntr Salt Lajke City May 4mdashThe latest

dispatches from Scofield say that the extreme estimate of dead is now conshyceded to hare been too large and that it is numerically impossible to place the loss of life at 300 as there were not that manY men-ip the mines The prob^ abilitfrac34 are that 2w will be about the totarVHmber of dead There are not enough coffins in the camp to bury the dead and to add to horror to the situshyation the bodiea are rapidly decomposshying and it has been suggested that cre-matlon may hare to be resorted to

gtwMgtMiltraquot Slaquoraquo Sraraquolaquothr Washington Kay 4mdashThe president

Thursday-bull sent the following telegram to the governor of tTtah

BTzocuttv Mansion WKsaJnctoa Mar I ranWOov Wells flalt Lake City mah I 4laquotrlaquo to eaprans my Intense sorrow upon loarhlns of tbe terrrol calamity which haw occurred at ttcofleM and my deep sympathy with tht wives children and friends of the unfortunate victims of the explosion _


Islands They say the war has terminated Leading Insurgents are surrendering-

OTIS Order Reitevlas Otis laquo laquo bull

Washington May 5 mdash In accordance with Gen Otis reqnest to be allowed to return to the United StPtes the war

department Friday issued orders re-

civil code bill was passed in the senate yesterday and the army approprialion billj carrying supplies for the military establishment of more than cent114000-000 was discussed

Washington May 3 mdash A bill was passed in the senate-yesteiday for the creation of linked memorial parks on the battleffeTds of Fredericksburg ChanceUorsville the Wilderness and Spoftsylvania In Virginia Tfre armT appropriation WD was further disshycussed

Washington May 4 mdash The army an-

morning May 5 the date fixed by G e i gt ^ ^ 8 ^ ^ t i T ^ Otis fo f sailing I a a d t b laquo ^ appropriation M l

Thl o r S S designate MaJ Gen Mae- lt raquo bull laquo $ trade pound L VZlt Arthur to succeedGen Oris in com-1 1 ^ 0 JgtlB P 8 ^ laquo laquo hltta bullw i gt - ^ t t -

mandof the division of the Philippines | pen f-M ^ - lt ow the late Gen Guy V Henry Gen bull James Longstreet Mnc Margaret M

Brevet Maj Gen Wheat on is designat ed to sneceed Gen MacArthur as elaquom _ - - - - - J _ ^ mander of the department of southern Badger widow of t ^ laquo ^ lt J trade r t Luzon I BadgeTi- and Mrs Harriet Gridley

otfs Readr to Sail widow of the late CajitGiidlef of the Manila May mdash T h e United States j aa^y- _ ^_

transport Meade has been ordered to Washington May 5mdashThe seBats be ready to sail to-day K is sup- j yesterday passed the M y ^ r c o r g a n i -iKwed that Maj Gen Otis with his per- alaquoon bill which practicany Tvol-x tionizes the present sta fir a r r a n g e

tnents of the army the fortification appropriation bill carrying 17733628 and the bill tocreate tfie rank of lieutenant general and make the adshyjutant general a major general A-

start for the sorfal staflT wiQ then United States

Aelvlaquor DloeovereoU The insurgent arenives discovered by

Gen Funston include papers implicatshying prominent foreign firms at Manila in unlawful dealings It is reported jbflrned to Monday that evidence has Bern obtained that | Washington May 7 mdash ThV senate some of them furnished monitions ofbull amendmentstotbearmy appropriation war to the rebels and it is also said | bill were disagreed to in the houw o n that the American avtborities are in Saturdsy and the bill was sent t COB possession from this sevree of a degt j ferene Tfce sundry civil appTopria tailed plan for attacking the American tkm bill was pawed The general d e shyforces written by AgutaaMov in the neieney and military academy appro-

prition bills are now the only general swpply bills unacted on by the honsau


Win Their ria-ht for Bannl Hprc scMtatlon In lt Great nlvtaodUt

Geseral Con te re sue

Chicago May 3 mdash The Methodist laymen won Wednesday at the first sesshysion o the general eonfeience The great problem which has been conshyfronting the Methodist church and has loomed portentously before the quadshyrennial conferencemdashthat of equal repshyresentation for lay and ministerial delshyegatesmdashwas settled overwhelmingly The laymen were granted all they asked No opposition was made to the motion giving the laymen equal represhysentation and after a cloud of skirshymishes over parliamentary law the asshysembly voted solidly in affirmation

Chicago May 4 mdash The bishop adshydress at the Methodist general confershyence ybullbull^ay^ittdorsedequal lay rep-r e s e n t a t i i ^ v ^ ^ ^ e d time not ripefor Chriirtian nnil^ orawssed canteens dishyvorces and Sabbath desecration and said amusement question deserves careful attention

Chicago May 5mdash-Reports on tbe missionary work of the church and on various denominational branches were the order at the third days sesshysion of the Methodist general confershyence at the Auditorium

Tagalog language January f issf and translated into Spnwisfc by eamino

i n r t r t s i i i O t f t s n Washington May 1 mdash In the bouaw Manila May 7 mdash Gets P u t r i d Gar- yesterday tbe bill to enlarge the pow-

cia the highest insurgent officer ex-j e n of the department cf agricultures cept Agutnaldo has been captured by nd to prohibit Interstate commerceibgt Lieut K V Smith Of Gen FirastonV game killed fn violetion of local lawn staff in the town ofJaea three nrllesj was passed laquoraquod -W1J wa introduced northeast of Ssn Isjdro protfnee of to permit national banks to lend mott-New Ecija Gardia peraoaally dTre^ved ey on real estate securities A joint the guerrilla operations and tgtn f^jKJTesoIntfon for a constitutional amend-ston had spent two weeks in t ry ing io meat to disqualify polygnmists for-corner him j election Ss senators ot representatives

orn Otts Sail wss referired to the judiciary commit-Mngtlraquo May 7 mdash The United States tee The amended Porto Bico bill was

transport Meade sailed for the Ua-fted ( paissed States at five oclock Saturdsy afTr~| Washington Hay J mdash The entire-

day in the house yesterday was devoted

ltBn Mailer tVen Uniontowu Pa May 7-Gen Silas

M Bailey one of the 306 of the famous old guard which stood by Gen Grant in the convention of 1880 died at his home here Saturday agecT 64 years of brain trouble which resulted from a bulletwound received during the war After the war President Johnsonbre-vetted him major general of volunteers for gallant service He was elected sjate treasurer by the republicans of PtUusylvanJa in 1881 ^

e w sleeor SttablUhed Springfield Jll May 4-Fred Gilbert

of Spirit Lake la established a worids record at the Illinois Gun club shoot Thursday when he killed 50 pigeons straight at 31 yards rise in the Grand Capital City handicap In the shoot-ofT Gilbert won a purseof $100 This makvs a run of 126 ljve pigeons for Gilbert at this shoot and be has not missed yet

noon with Maj Gen Otis and twiraquo aids-de-camp on board The Warships fa port fired a major generaTs sslnte as the steamer raised her anchor


e United Cfcetatlasi Pnrty ates Candidates fr Pr t s i4laquos t

and Vtee Prestdeat

Bock Island IIL May raquomdashTraquo TJait-

to the consideration of the Nicaragua canal bill

Washington May 3mdashIn the house yesterday a bill providing for the conshystruction of a protected but not a fortified Nicaragua canal was passed by a vote of 225 to 35 and the sundry civil appropriation bill the most imshyportant of the general sundry bills and the last on the list was reported I t carries $61586715 A bill was toshy

ed Christian party national eonven- trodneed for the organization of In-tion devoted the entire day t o tbe dlan Territory uiider the name of Jef-preparation e r a platform Rer S C Swallow of Harrisburg Pav was nominated for president aseT Jesm 6 Woolley Of Chicago for vfee presishydent Following is a sytaopsig of the-platform

It declares the time hassjgtrscltrwnea the eternal prtnciples of justice^ mnrey and tove as eseaipMnsd m ehs mgt bull teaeb-IBCB of Jesus Christ sbonbt be enkbodied ts the constltatlon of taw aatSon and ap-pFled la concrete form ngt ovecr funetloa of toverameat deprsonSsw uasssesd tsws such as require dnim isetsii of the Chrisshytian Sabbath authorise unscilytmnl rnar-rlace and divorce Uoanae the nwasfac-ture and sallaquo of lmoatanttaa nevors as a beverage holding tho laquoanaasna of such taws to be neither hj|iaHjaraquo gtbullmdashtry nor honorlns to lt3od- The platform fnrthOde-clares for the adoption of tho system of legislation known as the mrdatfve and refshyerendum tocether wit a proportionate representation and an naserattve manshydate declares- for BOBtkal social and economic equality of tho sexes condemns mob violence and ontrases declares asalnst war and doasands arbitration of national and international disputes- deshyclares for the immediate abolition of the manufacture and araquo of intoxleattes liquors as beverasea demands the enactshyment of laws proMWtlns the sale of toshybacco ftp minors demands daily reading of the 8shie tn the pahWc schools and institushytions of learning controlled by tbe state declares for government ownership of pub-he utilities and for election of president vice president and United States senators by direct vote of the people

ferabnv Washington May 4 mdash Tbe free

borne bin granting patent to bona fide settlers on lands purchased from Indians was passed in the bouse yes- terday and tbe sundry civil appropriashytion bill was further considered

Washington May 5--In the houses yesterday 73 ef tbe 13X pages of the sundry civil appropriation bill were-completed President McKiuley s u b shymitted his first veto It was on a bill) to open A part of tbe Navajo Indian reservation to settlement under mintshying laws Mr Baker (Md) introduced a biH repealing the Chinese exclusion laws and making the general imniaV gration laws applicable to Chinese


Tables Showtaer the Staadtaw laquod Claho aC lWadlna- Orsjanfc-

bullMrt l in iVpt tDste

The following tables show tbe- standshying of the d a b s in the leading-baseball organizackms National league

Won l^et Per ct

Abe Goan Sulisfaciicn Aifree WUsT^sf bull

erniti-(gtsalaquode from

MILLERS STUDIO 110 W-Exchange St^Owosso

I Foes CltJ bull If not drink 1 pure s-ratrt A lady writt ^ b e nrsf time TmiHle Grata O I dW not like 1frac34 bull 1 ut liUir usinlaquo it fvgtr 01c -week notbinjr woul 1 huYiico nju to lt o back to coflVe

i It noiris5Kgt audfcolalhlaquosy8teilaquo Tlie child en fan drink-it freelywUb great bene It Get a package to-day from your grocer loc and 5c Be sure it amp made by the Genessa Pure Food Co Le Roy X Y n as there are imitations on the market

njtlaquot pier Baraed New York May 7 mdash A fire that

started at the river end of the Mallory line steamship pier at the foot of Maidshyen Lane and tire Eaat river Completely destroyed the pier and valuable lt5sngt

DougIasGa^4sJrHLmdashMarshall Jones tents ^ u e l o s s i s P^ced at$1^0QufOa a-negro impttectedin the murderrof Alien Crosby a white man at Gillis stslU in Coffee county was taken from

k-|ail at DoUgMlaquolaquo^ljslaquobed The aeraquo gt$tu was b e d t o a small pin^ tree^and his body ridoled with bnHets

Took Bvcn the Pennies Pittsburgh lJabdquo May 7mdashBurglars

entered tbe First national bank ot Cast Brady Pa and dynamited the safe taking everything in sight in-eluding pennies amounting tg beshytween laquo4000 and 110000 Vlt

Several barges which were ntoored near tbe pier were also destroyed

Jary Dlsaarveed Salt Lak

bullary in the trial for unlawful cobabitaiion greed and was discharged

Six Drowned Cape Henry Vs May 5mdashThe Britshy

ish steamship Virginia was wrecked copy Hsttersa MMI a^ gf ^w efew were drowned --^^)jbullampamp

Clubs Phlladeinhla Cincinnati Frooklyt Pittsburgh Chicago St Lofst New York Bosron

American league MitwaukAC Indianapolis Chicasro ^ Cleveland Buffalo Kansas City Minneapolis Detroit

10 9 S 7

t S I

Nraquo e O

laquo s

7 bull raquo O

laquo-laquojVfcelaquoiraquo-bull w

6 4 bullgtbulllaquolaquo-laquo


4 S

-laquo gt7

8 S s 9

4 5 laquo 5 6

10 12 raquo












sea -998

The PsOVlss Igteht Washington May mdashThe monthly

e City Gtah Mar SmdashTbari statement of tbe pebiie-debt shows e case Of B H L IKobertal laquo ^ 1 8 1 a t thm d deg |sraquoestfnpril 30

^ ^ 1000 the debt less cash to tbs treasury amounted to $1124802085 which is an increase cf $12445J27

Wrecked ay Wind Topeka Kan May 7 mdash A hurricane

wsaeswd many bnUdiaga in cenisal Sanaasand at SUtewsed iseorf BcU^ l ^ - l i V l a ^ l r i i c w e r e k a k d





X bull4


Dr Tampimage Preaches a Timely Sermon

D l w w i r K to Wfciek U e Pateraquolaquoe a u i fiqatpeai-

ForthmdashMOTIIIB Iraquoiltraquo Father Hoaa-

Keed of Be

(Copyright 1300 by Louis Klopscb] W^shjjigton Aprils

This discourse of Dr Tahnnge i pershytinent at this t ime of year when many people are moyingiYoni house tohonse and it teaches lessons of patience and equipoise in very trying circumstances IVv Phil ippiuns 412 I know both how to be abased aud I know how to abound

llippy Paul Oouid you really acshycommodate yourself to all circumshystances in l ife Could you go up withshyout pride und could you come laquo1 own without-exasperat ion Teach the same lesson to us all-bullbullbullbullVI are at a season of the year when vast populat ions in all our ci t ies are chang ing residence Having been born in a house aud having all our live lived in a house we do not have full appreciation of w h a t a house is I t i s the g r o w t h of thousands of years The human race first lived in c lefts of rocks t h e beas ts of the field moving o u t of t h e cdverns t o l e t t h e h u m a n race move in The shepherds and the robbers st i l l live in caverns of t h e earth The t-oglodyte are a race which t o th i s day prefer the caverns t o a house They are w a n t t h e y are large they KM very comfortable they are less subshyject to violent chang of heat and cold We come o n along d o w n in the h i s tory o f the race and w e com to t h e lodge which was a h o m e bui l t out of twi s ted tree branches W e c o m e further o n d o w n in t h e Matory of the r a c e and w e come t o t h e tent wWeh w a s a o m e bui l t wi th a round pole in the center and sk ins of animals reachingout in all directions m a t s on t h e floor for the

people- t o s i t on

T i m c p a s s e d on and the world after much invention came t o build a honse which was a space surrounded toy broad Vtones ajgtraquotnst whieh The earth tyas henped from the outside The roof was made of chalk and gypsum and coaland s tones and ashes pounded toshygether After awhile the porch was born after awhile the gate Then-Min--tlrcds of yrltTs passed on arfii in-th^ fourirenti i century the modern chimshyney ws c-ytisl ructcd The old Hebrews had cjKiiin^s in their houses from whielv the smoke m i g h t escape if it preshyferred b u t there was no inducement for it t o Iwivc until the modern chimshyney Wooden keys opened the door or the keyhole was large enough t o al low the finger to be inserted for the liftshying of the latch or the sl iding of it There being no windows the jgtcople were dependent for light upon lattice-work Over which a th in veil was drawn down in t ime of winter t o keep out the element Window glass was s o late as 200 or 300 years ago In England and Scotland so great a lusury that only the very weal th ies t could afford it A hand mil l and an oven and a few leathern bot t les and some rude pitchers and plates made up t h e entire5 equipshyment of the culinary department But the home planted in the old cave or at t h e foot o f a t e n t pole has gTOCn and enlarged and spread abroad unti l we have t h e modern house wi th i t s branches and roots and vast g ir th and height ahdf depth of c o n c e r t and acshycommodation

Architecture in other days busied itshyself chiefly in planning and building t r i u m p h a l a r c h e s and basilicas and hippodromes andmausoleums and col-unans whi le t h e y allowed the people l o r resider-TOs t o burrow like m u s i r a t s in the earth St Sophias of Constanshytinople St Marks of Venice St Peters of Kome are o n l y the Baphaeied wa l l s against which lean the nqualor and the pauperism of m a n y nashyt ions I rejoice that whi le our modshyern architects give n s grand camppitols in which to le^lslsste a ^ g f laquo a d laquowirl -honses in wh ich t o adminis ter jus t ice and grand churches in which to worshyship God t h e y a lso g ive much of their t ime t o t h e p lanning of comfortable abodes f o r bur tired population I have not so much ia tereat In t h e arch of Trajan a t Benerenttrm as I hawo in the wish t h a t all t h e people m a y fcaraquo a comfortable shelter nor have I s o much interest i n t h e temple of Jupiter Olympus at Athens as I have i n the h o p e t h a t every man may have an altar for t h e worsh ip of the true God i n his o w n house And I have no t s o much interest in the science of ceramics which g o e s crazy over a twis ted vase or a queer handled j u g in uoe 3000 years ago or a pitcher o u t of which the anshycient pharaohs poured their drunken debauch as I have that every man have on h i s table a plate w i t h plenty of healthful food and an appetite to atshytack it

Thank God for your homemdashnot mereshyly the house you live in now but t h e house you were born in and t h e many houses you have resided in since you began your earthly residence When you go h o m e to-day count over tnc number of those houses in which yon bare resided and you will be surprised Once in awhi le you will find a tnan who lives in the house where he was born and where his father was lgtorn and his grandfather was born and his greatshygrandfather was born but that is not one out of a thousand cases I have no t been more perambulatory than m o s t people but I was amazed when T came t o count up the number of resishydences I have occupied The fact is t h e r e is in this world no such th ing ad permanent residence

In a private vehicle and not in a rail car from which you can nee but l i tt le T rode from New York t o Yonkers and Tarrytown on the banks of the Hudshysonmdashthe finest ride on the planet for a man who wants t o sec palatial resishydences In fascinat ing scenery I t was In the early spr ing and before the gen-

tlenien o f N e w York had jjone o a t t o their country residences I rode Into the grounds t c admire the- gardens and the overseer of the phiice told me mdashand they all told memdashthat all the houses had been sold or that t h e y wanted to se l l them and there was litshyerally no exception a l though 1 called at many places just admiring the garshydens and the grounds and the palatial residences Some wanted to sell or had sold because their wives did not raquovant to reside in the summer tilneJn those places while their husbands tar-f ried in town in the night a lways havshying some business on hand keeping them away

From some houses the people bad been shaken out by chil ls and fever from some houses they had gone beshycause death or misfortune had ocshycurred und all those palaces and manshysions had e i ther changed occupants or wanted t o change Take up the directshyory of Any c i ty of England or Amershyica and see h o w few people live where t h e y lived 15 years ago There is e n such t h i n g as permanent residence I saw Monticello in Virginia Pres ident Jeffersons residence and I saw on the same day Montpelier which was e i ther Madisons or Monroes residence a n d I saw also the whi te house which w a s President Taylors residence and Presshyident Lincolns residence and Pres ident Garfields residence Was i t a perma- j nent residence is any ease I tell y o n (

tha t the race is nomadic and no sooner j g e t s in one place than it wants t o change for another place or i s com- j peUedto change for another place and so t h e race i n v e s t e d the rai lroad and j the s teamboat In order more rapidly t o j g e t into some o ther place than t h a t i n whieh ft w a then Aye instead of be- j tag- notnadie H i s immortal moving on j and moving on We whip up our horse s j and hasten o n unt i l the hub of t h e f rojnt Wheel shfeexm o n t h e tombstone a n d I t ips a headlong in to t h e grave t h e only permanent earthly res idence But bless God even that stay is l im- i ted for w e shal l have a resurrection-- j

A day t h i s spr ing the s treets w i n be filled w i t h the furniture carts and bull the drays a n d the trucks- It wil l bo a hard d a y for horses because t h e y wi l l be overloaded I t wil l be a hard day for laborers for they will overlift before they get the family furiture from one house to another Jt will be a hard day for housekeepers to sco their furniture scratched and th^ir crockery broken and their carpets misfit and their furniture dashed of the sudden showers It wil l be a hard-day for landlords It will be a hard day for tenants Especial grace Js needed for moving day Man^ a roaivs religion has suffered a fearful s tra in between t h e hour on the mprning of the 1st of May when he took h i s i m - mature breakfast and the hour a t

a finer house is bad enough but a inan ae upset i s s ickening The laven-dered fool goes around so dainty and s o precise a n d s o affected in the roil of his eyes or the whirl of his cane or the clicking of the ivory handle aga ins t his front teeth or b i s effemishynate languor and his conversation so interlarded wi th ohs and a h V t h a t h e i s to me a dose of ipecacushyanha Arowmy friends if you move into n larger house th^nk God for more roommdashfor more room to hang your pictures for more room in which to gather your friends for more room in Vvivich to let your children romp and play for more room for fcreat bookcases filled with good reading ir weal th of bric-a-brac Have as large and as fine a house as you Cain afford tc have but do not sacrifice your hushymil i ty and your common sense do h o t lose your balance do not be spoiled by your successes ^

Years ago we were the guests in an English manor The statuary the ferneries the botanical and horticulshyt u r a l genius of the place had done all they could to make the place attractive F o r generations there had been an amass ing of plate and costly surround ings At half past nine oclock in the morning the proprietor of the es tate had the bell rung and some SO or 30 manservants and maidservants came in to prayers The proprietor of the estate read the Scriptures gave out the h y m n h i s daughter at the organ start ed the music and then the musie over the w o p r i e t c r of the- es tate kneeled down and commended all h i s guests all hi family all h is employes to the Lord Almighty God can trust such a man as that with a large es tate He k n o w s h o w t o abound He trusted God a n d God trusted him And I could call off the roil of 50 merchant princes a s m i g h t y In worldly successes Ah my friends do nlaquot be puffed n p by any of the snecesses o f this life do not be spoiled by the number of liveried coachshymen that may s top at your door or the sweep of the l o n g trai l across the imshyported tapestry Many of those tvno come to your house are fawning parashys i tes They are not so much in love with you as they are in love with your house and your successes You move down rieiU year to 320 Low Water Mark street and see how many of their carshyriages Will halt at your door

I inset you this springtime at the door of your new home and while I he lp yotriift the c lothes basket over the bRuisters and the carman is ge t t ing red in the f a c c j n trying to transport that article of furniture to some new i dest iaat ion I congratulate you You are go ing to have a bOUt-r l i inc - thb year some of y o u than you ever had You take God and the Christian relishyg i o n jn your home and you will be

God in the parlor

1000000 DEATHS bull bull r


T b G e r m s or t h i s F a t a l D i s e a s e a r e L u r k i n g E v e r y w h e r e T b o u -

n a n d s of D o l l a r s S a v e d by T h i s Woi tdcr fu l

D l a c o v e r y

Hundreds of thousands of dollars has been lost in the poultry business on acshycount of the devastation aTurjug the flockscaused by cholera roup gape and other fatal disea-^cfi There huve IHJCU many remedies advanlt^d but none seem to be so successful as tho American Poultry MLvtuie This will cure chickens in the last stage of cholshyera and roup and is excel lent for garjgtes Do your fowls suffer from violent diarshyrhea dropping of the wings stupor or excessive thirst These are the first symptoms of cholera Cholera is a germ disease and be ing infectious spreads rapidly throng) i the entire flock Take time by the lore lock dont s top to experiment wi th unreliable or untried remedies Use this mixture a t once and he sanitary measures they recommend in connection D o n t give the fowls up Cholera i s a terrible disshyease but th i s remedy cores it erery time I t i s also gnaranted for roup which can be told by hoarse breathing swel led eyes discharge a t the nostrils resembling catarrh Fi f ty dollars i s offered for any case the Mixture wi l l not cure If some of your fowls are diseased i t wi l l prevent the rest from catching it Try i t I t i s cheap (re l iable and effective a scientific preparshyat ion g o e s more than three times ar far a s any other remedy does xuon good than al l of theai combined I t is used a n d endorsed b y t h e most expershyienced and largest breeders of plain and fancy poultryin gtJ1 parts of the world The manufacturers guarantee every package Or refund purchase moneyv If your drnggisf d o n t sell American Poultry Mixture hes behind the age I n that case seed SLOG for sample box to American Mfg Colaquo Terre Haute I n d


grandly ha^ppy ntg^jtv^en he rolled into his e x t e m p o - t n a t will sanctify your pociabililles rjzed Cfvuch The furniture b r o ^ i i ltiod i n the nurserymdashtbat will ps-atcct somet imes wil l result in the breaking y o u r children God in thcdln ing-hal l -of the Ten Commandnients There is no more fearful pass than the hall of a house where t w o famil ies meet gtne roOving but and t h e other moving in The sa lutat ion Is apt to be more vet helaquoent than complirnentary The grace that wil l be sufficient for the lat of Januarj and the t s t of Februshyary and the 1st of March arid the llaquo-t Oi i p i i i T i i i u u t enj fx i incir in IUI u i r 1st o f May Say y6ur prayers t h a t morning if you find nothing bet ter to kneel down by than a cosl scutt le and say your prayers at night though

tha t will make the plainest mal an imperial banquet God In the morfr fugmdashthat will launch the day brightly from the drydocks God in the evenshying - t h a t will s a i l the day sweetly Into the harbor

And get joy one and all of you whether you move or do not move Get joy out of the thought that we art BO on all g o i n g to have- a great mov ing day Do you w a 6 t raquo picture of the n t w house i n t o which ytraquou will niove Here it is wrought with the hand Of a master Ve know that if

4 Law Which Hau Been Remarkably Successful in New Zealand

Ncv- Zealond has anticipated the rest r tho world by enacting a law which

ieala so rationally with all trade disshyputes bdquothat it lis actully prevented strikes for the last five years It is iraposglble-to^ present more tftan an outline of the plan

IJoth Ksociaticns of employers and the trade mions may bVincorporated Tiraquosc w-jiich are chartered or re^- Iftered choose the members of their own board aud also the menbers of tho court to which disputes are refershyred Whether organized or not the associat ions and trade unions are subshyject to the law

The colony of New Zealand is dividshyed Into Industrial districts for each of which there is a conciliation board elected for three years It cons i s t s of two persona chosen by registered era ploy ers two by registered trade unions and one disinterested person elected bythe tour who is chairman When a dispute arises between emshyployers and the men in their employ e ither party may refer t h e matter in dispute to the district board which has full authority to invest igate the facts and to command a s e t t l e m e n t

in case either party will not accept t h e decision the matter is referred to the State court This cons is ts of one person representing t h e trade unions o r e the employers and a chairman a Judge of the supreme court appointed by the Governor The court has a three years term and to wise ly inshydependent of politics

A decision by tuis court is final and m o s t be accepted under a penalty for violation not exceeding pound 5 0 0 or 92500 Moreover when a dispute _xis been referred to the conciliation board and until It i s finally settled a s tr ike or lockout Is illegal

That there have been about fifty e a s e s referred to district boards o~ to t h e court in the past five years that during that t ime there has neither str ike nor lockout in New Sealand and thampt in every case the decision has been accepted by both parties s eems to prove either that the l a w i s exshyc e l l e n t or that it is excel lent ly ad ministered Perhaps it demonstrates both propositions The necess i ty for the passage of a similar law in this country is to a p p a r e n t t o require arshyg u m e n t Aside from the Interests of the employers and the employed the greater interests of the general public demand i tmdashYouths Companion


l ot


It is Supplied in this Vicinity at iast

Jt Is hard to ho pleasant Good-tiaiured people are ofteigt irritashyble

If you know the reason you would be surprised -

Ever have i tching piles Not i-ick enoutfn tw bullgtltltgt bed or

well en dug li to Le coy tent The constant itching sensation Hard to bear tiiirdor to get relief

Klaquoeps you awnke nights bull Spoils yoiis tempermdashnearly drives you crazy

Isnt relief and cure a long felt want I t is to bebad for everyone in D o a u V

Ointment Doans Ointment never fails co cure

I tching Piles Eczema- or any itching o f the akin

Here $ proof 61 i t at the te3tinoiraquoy of Ann Arbor ciLteen

Mreuro C Church of 520 South 7th street Ann Arbor DDW retired from ibe active duties of life says I have no hestitiitton in recomoaending Doans Ointment to anyone requiring a healing and soothing preparation it will prove inviluable I sufiered for years from itching heinorroids aud though I tried every t t i n g I -could bear of anlaquoI used remedies prescribed by scores of friends I was unable to obtain permanent relief until my attention was called to Doans Ointment I was somewhat surprised after the second application to notice what a different effect it had from anyshything 1 had hitherto used Encouraged I used ItstrlctlV according to direftions and In a v e r y short t ime when you t s s e Into consideration the aumber Of vcars I was afflicted tbraquo irritation c e a laquo d ami the inflftinstton was allayed When Doans Ointment cured me i t wil l e t r e others

Doatis Kidoevu Pi l ls for sale by all dealer Price 50 cents Mailed by Foster-Milbuni Co Buffalo X Y So le apoundlaquots for the U S Remeuiber the name Doans and take no substitute

Wax Candles

Jfathitur ellaquoeaddsao m laquo a l tth charts of tlw Orawtut

rolaquom w boodoir tfclaquo raquoftly rraquo4i- H t Ifaht rrltM6 OOROOVA Caod2laquoc Xotbijtr wIJI ltlaquo^r^Miir3wr to the I bullriMic tMeemaJX tb ltmcbpn I tea tm ltUamlaquof Ttugt brat dlaquotraquotW claquoaeuroUraquo for th cifraquoDtcirt or ttw

nlaquoat eUtonUn fencttoamdashfor oot tagagtfWaiintei aladlaquo in all cqax

Uw mlaquo4 4laquoUeatlaquo traquofegt b STS]laquoraquoAnraquo laquoSfc C9

T o Cure lKltwmummm i n On Wraquok To Oar Oomrtipation i n Ono W e a k T o O n r e l a d i g e a t i o n i n O n a W e a k

To P u r i f y tha B lood i n One T n k


How the Bri t i shCare for the Wounded Soldiers

Modern artiliergts effectiveness has put a very different complexion upon the uses and necess i t ies of field hosshypitals A field hospital used to be very near the fighting linemdashIt was often actually under Grc But nowshyadays w h e n artillery U-R IS c o m m a s ly effective at four thousand yards no field hospital could be allowed sufD-ciently near the fighting lne to permit of the wounded being taken directly to i t aftd the organation of aid has be^en altogether altered

In South Afrlcai it has been arrangshye d that all the effective aid in the field w i l l be that of the Army Medical Corps Voluntary aid wi l l confine it-selr to he lines of comniunlcatlon

T w o raiilion Americans snifer the tortur iag pangs of dyspepsia N o need to B u r d w k Blood Bitters cures At airaquoy drugstore

the Peace following tiuit One

J Q l l o o d Just ice of Crosby Mlslaquov makes the (statement I can certify Minute Cough Cure will do al that is claimed for i t My wife could not get her breath and the tirst do^c of it reshylieved her I t has also benefited my whoc-bullfamily It acts inlaquonampltiately and cures cough CohK cronp grippe bronchitis asthma and all throat anltl lung troubles F M Kilbourn

your knees come dowfl on a pajief of J our earthly house of this taliernacle were dissolved we liave a building of God a house no t niadlaquo wi th-hands eternal iri the heampyenft How much rent will we have to pay for i t We are going to own i t | l o w much must we pay for it H o w much cash down and liow much le f t on mortgage Our F a t h e r Is go ing t o give it as a free gif t

carpet tacks You Will want supershynatural he lp if any of you move Help in the morning to start out aright on the days work Help at night to re p e n t There w i l l - b e enough annoyshyances to make a Xaijt lppeout of a Frances Ridley Havergal I have again and again been i n crises of moving day and I have stood appalled and amazed and helpless in the shipwreck tak ing as wel l as I could those t h i n g s that floated ashore from the breakshyers and I k n o w how to comfort and how t o warn a n d how to encourage t h e people so I preach this practical May day sermon All these troubles wi l l - soon b e gona and tiie brttises wi l l heampL a n d the stiffened Joints wi l l become supple 4nd your ruffled tern- per will be smoothed of i t s wrinkles and order wi l l take the plate of disshyorder and you will s i t down in your n e w home seriously t o contemplate

My first word then i n this part of my discourse is t o all those who move out of smal l houses into larger ones Now we wi l l see whether like t h e apostle you kpow h o w to abound Igto not because your n ew house h a s t w o more stories t h a n the -old one add t w o s tor ies t o yonr vanity or make your brightly polished silver doorplate the coffin plate to your buried humil i ty Many persons movshying into a larger house nave become arrogant and supercilious T b e y swagger where once they walked they simper where once they laughed they go about wi th an air which seems to say Let all smaller craft ge t out of these waters if they dout w a n t to be run over by a regular Cn-narder I have known people who were kind and amiable and Christian in their smaller housemdashno sooner did they go over the doorsill of the new house than they became a glorified nuisance They were the terror of dry goods c lerks and the amazement of ferryboats into which they swept and if compelled to stand a moment with condemnatory gHanee turning all the people seated into criminals and convicts They began to hunt up the family coat of arms and had lion couchant or unicorn rampant on the carriage door when if they bad the appropriate c o a t of arms i t would have been a butter firkin or a shoe last or a plow or a trowel Instead of being l ike all the rest of ns made o n t of dust they would have you think that they were trickled out o Heaven on a lump of loaf sugar The first th ing you know of them the father will fail in business and the daughter wil l run off with a French dancing master A woman spoiled by

Take Clevelands Celery Compound Tea raquo bull bull raquo 3 s c If it fails to cure we will cheetfnUy between the field andv the base ho refund your^tony (Trial ake ftee) i p l U l and between the bafo and gene

+ + a I L I ral hospitals The workms organiza St cent m PtacoCK S tlon is as followmdash

Accompanying the fightins l ine arc the bearer companies of the Army Medical Corpsmdashtjiree or four m e n t o each regular regimental company When a man drops out wounded the Army Medical Corps men pick him u and take him to the nearest dress-

STATE Or MICHIGAN tounty of SWswas-ife44 akj|

At raquoalaquoilaquoraquon eftfieProbstc Court tor laquonll county bolaquol at the lYoblaquoe Office tn ibc city ot Corunnd oa Monday thlt Wb day of April in tbeycr on tpoundlaquojuraquoultininlaquo bundctJ

Krtwprit MRftbew Duah Judircor Vroimre ID ifte matu-r ol the elaquoiiraquoe of Alfivrt P

stuirri y dlaquocwtgtelti on reading mux fliitip UM I ing station where he is attended to i s )gtlaquo-titiltgtn ltgtf Aifnlti A -^irturby t-ntjlutr tiiiw QUickly a s possible From the dress-Miii M M ulaquo-lt -ruM-u Riii e^uiieii to iihrit u bull Ing station the wounded arc taen to (bullslat- col lect ing stations these bein^ placed

it ilaquo orlaquort-laquoi that the 7th day or Mraquoy j a t points where more eheiter is obtain ncTt Jtt tlaquo-n uclM-k jfi the forenoon at mid | bdquo h _ bull-bullbull


ItertM of Intcrst from Some of 0 laquo Slaquof-- rounding Towns

ItulaW (Jfllie be UblaquoiRDt-ltl for bearingttuitl petition

And it it further ordered thata copy of this onlrr IKT pnblltraquohcltl tlire siu-cesan e weeks yievious to AtltJ ilnv of blaquottrlnr In tbeCorwisua Journal a oefeapaprr pt-ibteltl and -bullirx-ulaitiig

llATTREW ItUSH J udee of probate


ftiriWiT)nraquo1HBi TaUit^ _^Argt- nltBMaraquoiaay assa ay owr

ltbulllaquo_bullmdash a ^ i n a B S ( i | M B raquo baflM ask jor dtvaMt Car-

r $ 5 L a^_laquofelaquoJItAjBaf

sHo 2S3WlaquoodraquomrtAfgtlgtBraquorott

When are we g o i n g t o move into it7 | laquo BHJ c^uutyof ^ i a raquo w c laquo YTe are moving now On moving day heads of families are very apt to s tay i n t h e old hnraquoise urtlil tbey have seen everyth ing off They send ahead the children^ and they send ahead the treasures and the valuables Then aftshyer awhile they wi l l come themselves

I remember very well In the country t h a t i n boyhood moving day w a s a jubilat ion

On a l m o s t the first load we the chilshydren were sent o n ahead t o the new house and we arrived with shout and laughter and in an hour we had ranged through every r o o m in the house the barn and the g r a n a r y Toward night and perhaps in theajfttt wagon father and mother would 4jtigl looking very tired and we would come down t o the f o o t of the lane t o meet them and tell tnem of all the wonders we discovered in the new place and then the last w a g o n unloaded the candles l ighted our neighbors w h o had helped us to movemdashfor in those t imes neighbors helped each othermdashsat down with us at a table on which there was every luxury tbey could think of Well my dear Lord knows t h a t some of us hare been moving a good while We have s en t our children ahead Ave have s en t many of our valuables ahead We canshynot g o yet There is work for us to do but after awhile it will be toward night and we will be very tired and then we will s tar t for our new home and those who hare gone ahead of us they will see our approach and they will come down in the lane to meet us and they will have much to tell ns of what they have discovered in the house of ninny mansions and of how large the rooms are and of how bright the fountains And then the last load unloaded the table will be spread OJ6 our celestial neighbors will come in and sit down with our reunited famshyilies and the chalices will be full not wi th the wine that sweats in the vat 0t earthly intoxication bnt with the new wine of the kingdom And there for the first t ime w e will realize w h a t fools we were on earth when w t feared t o die since death has t a m e d out only to he the moving from a smaller house Into a larger one and the exchange of a paupers hut for a princes cast le and the go ing np-ctairs from a mbtn able kitchen to a glorious parlor

PBOBATK ORDER-Straquotof Michigan cani shyty ot Sbi)Mralaquo8ee bull

At a session of the Ptubate Court far Raid couuty held at the ProUat office in tblaquo city of C M U D I M on ttw 4tb day of April in the year one thousand nine bundwd

Preenw MaubeV Butth Jodyre of Prooat In the matter or the etuample of Urban Gottlog

ODanirl Outtlug araquoancil lary administrator baring rendered io Ibis Conrt bis Una) account

It i ordered Ibat tho tb day May next a l i e n oclock io the forenoon at said Probate Office be appointed for examiniuframpnd allowing said account

And it is further ordered that a copy of this otrter be published three successive weeVs pre-viona to suiiJ day of bearing in the Comuna Journal raquo newspaper printed and circulating in said coxtftty of Shiawassee

MATTHEW BUH Jtidpe of Probate

able In the c a s e of collecting stations

ft Is possible of course t o se lect jsora effective shelter than at the dressing stat ions where shelter is more a matter of improvisation From the col lect ing stations the wounded are carried a s quickly as possible to the field hospital Here generally speakshying they remain a day and are then removed t o the base hospital

There wil l be t w e l v e field hospitals to South Africa four stationary or base hospitals and four general hos-pftiala each with its complete staff T h e dhrtributkm of t h e s e hospitals wil l be determined by the officers commanding tn South Africa and must depend on the manner in which the military situation develops


[Too Ute for last week] V(

A boy was born t o Me aud Mr Albert Ilaihampway Friday

We notice that I-L Mills has made a flop over Io the Democratic party and urn a delegate to their county convett-tiou last week and Is named as a deleshygate to their congressional convent ion

IMiFNsry Whipple returned to her home at Indian Toraquoraquo SaturdSy or rather left hereand stayed In Doraad over Sunday

Ixgtuis HatiUey and ivife were called to Owosso Tuesday on account of the slckues of her fatier Mr Isaac PrRio

d After suflering from pilrs for fifteen vcraquors I was cured byuiux t w o boxes of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve writes W J Baxter North Urook N U It ^ealraquo bullvery lb ing Beware of countei feitt F M Kilbourn

HUMPHREYS Witch Hazel Oil


One Application Gives Relief IteoratPuesof HemorrnoldamdashExternal or later-

nal Blind or Btoedtag Itching or Burning FUvnre aad Ftatolaa BaUef tanmediatemdashcure oertain

It cunlaquo Barns Scalds and Ulceration and Con-tractioBS from Burn TneRUIef Inrtant-hoaUng woDderfat

It c a n Torn Cat or Lacerated Wound ted Braises

It cure BoAraquoCarbaaetea FetobsM Bwnroonda meenlaquoOM sorea Itctotas Crripdoas Snrfy or Scald Head

It eareti UnVu t ov Caked Breasts and sore Xtnttte tsTataaUe

It cares Salt Rbeam Tettera Scarry EraptlOflx Chapped Eaads Fever BUrtert sore Up or KoatrtU Oorna ntmlows Sore and CbaflaquoX Feet attafa of inject Koagaico Bttea aad Snnboma

T h r e e S iaee 2 5 c 6 0 c a a d $ 1 0 0 SaHay0rafia^raquoie^a^^sIJ(laquomraquoB4raquofsrfee

H U M P H a t C Y r W K O C O ltr Wmnaa M i Ma W W VO JtK

Tyroleae Courting When a young Tyrolese g o e s a

courting In earnest he carries with him a bottle of wme of which he pours out a portion and presents it to JUampobJect of his affection

If she accepts it the whole affair fta settled Very often the girl h a s not made up her mind and then she will take refuge in excuses s o as not to drink the wine and yet not refuse it point blank for t i a t i s considered a gross insult proving that she has been merely trilling with the affecshyt ions of her lover She will for inshystance maintain that the wine looks sour or that wine disagrees with her In fact she makes use of any subterfuge that presents itself at the m o m e n t

Shy lovers loth to make sure of their case beforehand find It a very j hajTV inspiration Not a word need bespoken and the girl is spared thf pairh1 No of civilization

A Lost River One of the most remarkable freaks

of nature occurs in Mexico It is a river that is not a river The bed of it l ies in a valley between tho Rio

j Grande and Peco3 Rivers It is not r (dead or dried-up stream It is s imply l o s t Numerous bis tributaries tlov Into It from tho neighboring mounshytains Immediately however thoy reach the bed of the main stream thev disappear from sight This fcr yaiii reason or another a river wic should be 300 miles in length his m exis tence which could be proved

Advance of Aluminium Aluminium wlich hampi no commershy

cial ex is tence a few ytjar ago was produced in the United States last

gt year to the extern of 5200000 pounds Tallied a t raquo1750000 which is one tenth of the cost of 10 years ago

Hows T b U T bullbull

We offer one hundred dollars reward for ailiV Case of catarrh t h t cannot be cured by HalFsgt catarrh cure

F J lt Jbeoey amp Co Prop Toledo O W e the undersigned have known F J

Cheney for the l a sM5 years and beliere him perfectly honorable In all businefa transact ions and financially able t o carry out any obligation made by their firm West A Truax wholesale druggists

Toledo O Waldlng Kinnan amp Marvin wholesale

druggist Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken fnterually

act ing directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 73c pirbottllaquo Sold by all druggist Tea-tiinouials free

l l a l f s Family Fil ls are the best


From Morricc Clipper

Dr Cook was in Oarer on business h s t Tuesday

Born to Mr aud Mrs Tyrrell Thursshyday Ust a boy

i l r s Dr Halite of Perry spent Wedshynesday here with her mother Mrs J G Kern

Com O L Bristol was in town Tuesshyday night He is v i s i t ing the district schoois-around here

Mrs A II l lowsrd entertained a few friends Wednesday it being the annishyversary of her l i i th

O lt Whitney was was at Chesaning Saginaw and other places in lhat vicinshyity the first of Mis week

Chs Whaley linLlaquohed a largi ver-amlit and other iinproveiucnls lo tbe hou^e (gtf C ile-i Waters last week

A I MJ0lyid lt-y Hair digtpiraquos3ltl of their i)Tvi|laquociy here and with their fauiiliw left iast-Tucstkty morning for Vlaquo st PiMiit ArLanampis where th^y ex-gt-ct to |gter rtiieutly locate

Mr Oniiraquohy will no io Corn una tomorrow t- xlaquot a maon who will uilaquo lervtaml tbci i igtiug ol tr ick vr^gtwakPraquo We are very much In need of these waklaquo and hope they will l e lid soon


bull ^ ^ ^ ^ laaaaWai

^ J J I U J ^ I ^ P - ^ J -

ROVAL Baking Powder

Tuade from pure - am of tartar

Safeguards the food against alum

Alum tnexuUt to

aft the greatest of the pKetatdayv



Shlttwasampee Spoundraquoy 5tb

EdMcall bought a farm of Hiram Spears

Cla- Lindley has bought the city property of Air Spears

Mr Spears and wife expects to leave May 9 for their new home in Dakota

Mr an J Mrs FultOn of Kerby spent Sunday with their daughter and family

Hr$ Linuley and Hinnie has been visitlD Mrs Lindleys parents a few days in Chesanlug retarded home yesshyterday

Impossible to foresee an accident Not impoeaible to be prepared for i t Igtr Thomas Edeetrie OJhMonareb ever p a l e bull bullbullbull bull bull

rauET T f v raquo the Ferrv Jqnrnal

C p Colbj and son Deoltlaquoo visited la WebbervUle over Sunday

A E Richards of Coruan was In town on business Tuesday

C E William was id Ooruaea ou boraquo-iness the first of the week

Miss Minnie Devore of Durand is vU-tttajc friends lb the Tillage

Hiss Minnie Cleeee spent Sunday with Miss Eva Mortice in Mdrrlce

WJ Richardson of laming peot Sunday with friends in the Tillage

Mr and Mrs ltJbaraquo Sbarpe spent Sun-day with their daughter Jlrfl ^ebb ia Holt u bull

James Graham and daughterof laa-stog visited relatives in the village over Sunday

8etgtbeu Bennett wife and cbiKt of Lalttgsburg vetted at Kerb Keebeya over Sunday

U P Haloted has moved bUoffioefreu the rooms over the bank to hit building at the roar of FgtOQS drugstore

Toui Hbarpe has completed bis course at the Itaraquoi net college in Lansing and Is at pwsent at home in the viiiage

Oto Hurke of Okemos was in towu on buraquoineaa (he first of the week Mr Burke baa purchased the hotel at that place

fJougUs and cbld^ down to the very border land of consuui prion yield to the toothing healing influences of Dr Wood Norway Pine Syup

I I i in i i m^mmmtmm mraquo 11 i l i m i M i 1-1

P0f H A Haynea has resigned his poattiou as principal of the Bancroft Mgbeeeioot

The L T Lare to have a laquohaow social at the home of Mr Dudly Swar-thour Friday evening

Mr Edwin Brewster and bride spent Sunday with the formers parents Mr And Mrs Jofcn Brewster

While touching off some nun powder Van Wixuin was burned very badly about the face and hands

The Atbacuuin club meets Fiidar afternoon of this week An interesting program has been prepared

The Congregational 1st will give a pound social for the minister Key Datiesand wife Tuesday evening

Mr Frank Royp brother of Mr G C-Lemon who ha been working in an asphalt factory in Indianapolisbad tbe misfortune to lose two of bis Angers in one of the cog wheels

Mr apd Mrs J S Lemon Mr and Mrs Cbas Wbelan Mr and Mrs N A Harder and Miss Carr of tbe Newburg club attended tbe Caledonia club held at the pleasant borne of Mr and Mrs Chas Wright

A wary weJtoome tterm of rail eg-ae Monday afternoon continued through Monday night and It raining at thi wrlOag Tightninff struck the out-boose in Mr Shaws yard Monday evenshying abont 10 oclock The building was only about 8 feet from tbe rear of bis bouse and adjoin log it was a gasshyoline tank lately Ailed Tbe siding was torn off just above the tank and the studding inside was badly slivered otherwise uo harm was done Fortushynately no one was in at tbe time

Tbe eldest and most effective method Of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to take DeWtua Little Early Risers the famous little pills for cleansing tbe liver and boweig F M XUbouro

Hewitts Little Early fibers are the finest pillf I ever used71mdashP J Moore Mtlibrook Ala They quickly core all liver and bowel troubles F M Kll-bourn


D m i r i Mleau Umy ft

Mr and Mr PN IxUad visited to Owoseo Sosday

Miss Ida Goodyear in Flint on bast-nets last Friday

Mrs Storages tea sttfur from Cashynada visiting bar

Mrs Cast Obert faj entertaining her mother this week

Milaquos Jfcuma Aeaott felted Mrs W Payne Owoaao Monday

Mrs W Monty of Coronas called on Durend friends Tuesday

Mr Cbapama teaveathU morning for Monroe to Fpend a few days

Mr Will Blbbard and D Martin left forldabo last wet Wednesday

Mrs Will Paynlaquo of Owosso visited ber mother Mra J Reklaquo Tuesday

Mr Pratt of Veraoa is speoding the week at the boase of Mrs R J Aogs-bary

Mr and Mrs O B Hlbbard left Wedshynesday evening for Wtseoasla Tbey will visit California and Idaho befora retnrnieg

bAiter suffering from severe d apeaw ale Care It dH me so saoeb good I recommend It to everyone^ writes J B Watkins Clerk and Reorder ChlUl cotbe Mo It digests What yon cat F M KHboam


and Old Fashioned But Reliable Worth Remembering

Things wbleb one should bare ready at band in case of need are first and foremost essence of cinaa-mon When exposed in a sickroom it Will kill the bacilli which are floating rourbull)gt A decoction of cinnamon li recommended as a drink to be takes freely in localities where malaria or fevers prevail for cinnamon has the power to destroy ail infectious mishycrobes - -- -

Peppermint is an bid friend not on any account to be snubbed Nothing Is better for a bee sting than the apshyplication of a drop of peppermint

In case one la near the premises or apartments where there ia diphtheria tbe simplest yet effectual mode of fumigation is to drop a little aniphor on a bot raquotove or on a few hot eoala carried through the rooms In thin way the spread of tbe dJaelaquoae may be stopped

A disinfectant to aae ta differsnt parts of the house wbleh will sweetshyen tblaquo whole place may be madeTery cheap Take one poaad of common copperas and eight ounces of erade earboac acid and dissolve bioae gal Ion of water Use freonenUy

A little carbpUc acid added to the water in which barns bmlaea and cots are washed greatly lesaena the soreness

After applying iodine to the ekm II tt amarta too Intensely to be borne It ia wdl to know that it can be waabed off with ammonia


Frpaft Vernon Arffus

Mrigt h Leuiunyon is on the sick list Henry OIney was in Byron Monday

on business Mis Chas Stewart visited relatives

In Dui ami Monday-A D Hammond spent Monday at tbe

Varsity city AuuArbor Mrs L Conrad was called to Fenton

last nightby the severe illness of her son Obariie Conrad

Mr^ bavidson and daughter Carrie of Charlotte are the guests of Mrs tibbie Wilkinson this week

W D amp A Garrison attended a meetshying of the Directors of the Firsi NatiorK al Bank of Corunna on Friday last

Hiram Spears has avgtld his Shiawas-seetown property and will soon remove to Dakota Ed McCall aid Cbas Lindley were the purchasers

Mrs XHilie Eckelberg Is in Corunua this week iOOkiug after Walsh EasJers feed barn business Wash ami family are in Clare Co on a business trip

R Bristol will move this week to Bekliug Mich where Ugtey will miJltlaquoi tbeir future home Mr Bristol bas conducted i blacksmith business here forabont IS years and is a first class nDcbaiiic He and Glen Bristol will engage in the ice-cream business in their new location Glen being an exshypert in tlint line

W S Musser Mlllheirn Pa s vesl ibe lift- of liilaquo litUe s i r l by giving her One Mi note Cough Core when she was dyliipound from croup It is the orlv liflnn-Ics- remedy thampt j ives immediate re Allies lr quickly cures coughs cold broiicliiii grippe asthma and all throat and In frac34frac34 troubles F M Kilbouru


BaHcrofi Mitli Mrraquoy 8th

Wixtun brothers have a fine show tbi gt eu

Bsit I-aMsy bus purchased Myron Wilcoxs dray line

Tbe Neviurlt Fannfra Club meets with Mrand Mrs Jobn Wbelan Tburi-day

Cards are out announcing the mar riage cf Miss Louie Harder to Mr Oorner

O V I D bullbullraquobull

9rw such B(raquor 8 Un J T Oeerof Buffalo N Y^ Is

visiting her sister Mrs Kay Sir Knights Kay and Pinnkett attendshy

ed tbe funeral of Sir Kolgbt CUpp of Owosao Sunday

Tbe funeral services of Mr Gardner Stanton wbc went to California last fail foi bis health but who died there last week wamps held In the Baptist church last Souday Tbe Maccabees of which Mr Stanlou was a member atshytended the services

Our dog warden is becoming very proshyficient in tbe use of the revolver It is a small dog indeed that be cant bring dowu on tbe third fire

Mr William McCarty bas through the back log of a brewery company asked our village council to appear before Hon George P Stone circuit judge to answer why said council would not acshycept bis liquor bonds Tbe bearing was adjourned from last Saturday 5th to tbe coming week The case excites conshysiderable interest It is claimed that the bonds were presented before tbe action was taken by tbe council prohibiting the sale of liquors of any kind

Recreations of Among actresses first we find that

Sarah Bernhardt bas a taste for paint-fng sculpture and cycling whUe tn snmmer ahe delignts ia ftahbag boat-tag tennis and tlteratare aometimlaquo also diff-scaliag pound t tm Terry b lea ambitions for she finds cnffteteot 4fsgt traction in reading drtvisg aad yacht-ng while bar abrter Marina Tarry like sTotag to the theatre on an o night to tee what bef orothera aad sisters hi art are 4ofnx She also la paanfamataly IBSMI at lowora lawas mnste and enjoya a ansa of gotf- Mi Brown Potter attattogfc aha saaow eweh a wteken MEbMI aamaaaa hanall In a swflctaBtly iaxoeeBt way for aha passes much of her tlaae flowers and Ss Scsd of an pnrsulta Miss Ada Rehaa cycles a good deai reads ranch and loves trav eL Mrs Patrick Campbell is a anperb tssstciaa and cycles Handsome aad stately Geaevfeve Ward detracts hershyself with riding rawing swimming modelling end painting Beautiful Jo-lit Neilaon also lovee the water for ahe swlnte and la at home on a yacht she too rides a bicycle Her cousin Lily Hanbury swims likewise cycles usul piays tennis Gertrude Kingston loves every outdoor pursuit especialshyly cycling and skating Mme de Mar-arro who was once Mary Anderson rides a great deal loves music cards slngicq and readiug aloud Dainty Anshynie Hughes cycles and swims equally well and Mrs Kendall nnda sufficient recreation in reading

I i You need not lose flesh in summer $ 5 if you use the proper means | $ to prevent it You think _ you cant take SCOTTS 5 i EMULSION in hot weather | but you can take H and di-1 | gest it as well in summer as i | in winter It b not like the I g plain cod-liver oil which is J t difficult to take at any time $ If you are losing flesh | you are losing ground and you need

Long Letters Do those of us who have many

friends and who desire to retain them generally realise what a huge slice of time correspondence takes In planshyning ont our days work we say to ourselves that we must really write to so and so to-day without fail hot we reckon no time for the taskmdashtt la one of those little things that doat take a minute5 Ah weU bat w a t t down to It after teamdashone sheet to Uv Ue Mis Mnsfet |wn raquo Jfl one Sraquod a half to Jack and behold there hi very little change left out of two or three hours We had counted on spendshying in some other way For we cannot send to our friends a brief laquond bald outline of what is befalling us one of those unsatisfactoiy scraps which on receiving we feel la not worth the stamp that i t cost Many people will tell you it is not worth whBe to write long lettersmdashjust a line to say where you are and tell then the rest when you meet But that is a poor plan since love aad friendship are both plants which thrive under culshytivation Common Interest dies out if not kept alive by use and something to feed upon

t I f Scotts Emulsion g ami must have it to keep up | J your flesh and strength If pound you have been taking it and i f prospering on h dont fail to 5 i continue until you are thor- J 9 oughJy strong and welt c S ampocandiioigtalldnigsats S f SCOTT amp BOWHE Chcmi Nlaquow Yoik 1


A Glass of Water at Bedtime Tbe human body Is constantly unshy

dergoing tissue changes Water has the power of increasing these changes which multiply the waste products but at the same time they are re newed by its agency giving rise to increased appetite which in turn proshyvides fresh nutriment If you do not accustom yourself to drink water reg ularly you are liable to have the waraquoLe products form faster than tboy are removed Any obstruction to the free working of natural raws at once produce disease Great weakness and languor on rising in the morning is generally duo to a large secretion of these waste products and the remeshydy is to drink a tumblerful of water mdasheither hot or coldmdashjust before reshytiring This materially assists in the process during the night and leaves the tissues fresh and strong -ready for tbe active work of tbe next day

Four Littla Household Hints All cake tins should be lined with

evenly buttered paper before baking All good cakes should have a sheet of paper placed on the top

To remove varnish stains from the bands Is quite easy if before wash-Ins you rub them with a flannel dipshyped la methylated spirits

To prevent me(al from nut rob

v W-raquo_ - v laquo J Vgt


I think we better buyour Suits of M Mullen dont you Certainly- We can do the lrest there

Perfect Fits ^ Lowest Prices ^^

Reinember I offer you Stilts that lastmdashSuits that fit--^Suits that hold the greaest value for your lnonev

My Spring One of MEKS BOYamp and CHILDRENS SUITS is all new sad up-to-datemdash nothiog chesp about tfeem except the prices You cant afford to miss seeshying these goods for if you expect to buy it means dollars to you

^ 2 1 bull

Jraquo gt ^

I carry a big line of Workiugmens Shifts Pants Jackets and Overalls TJiey are the best make in the world and ail warranted not to rip I am always glad to show goods whether you come to buy or not so come in and get prices

Yours for good goods and low prices


over tne suriaee a nuxrare rormeu oy melting together equal parts of oao-kerit PAraffln and beeswax

Stalas of paint which have become dry laquoo as ampTmvat are difficult to remove but with persistent use of benslne or spirits of turpentine tt can generally be managed

UmbrslSaa TO avoid after lamfntatiens the woshy

man with limited means should saafcs the selection of a saw smbretta taa subject fox earnest thoaght

She thonld fart wall in that a good MtbreUa ontiaata a cheap ono aa4 leeks better wmfio It lesta aad that a blaej( amhrelSa la always 1laquo taste aad vfll gown

A twisted wood hajsdle atnddod with silver or a pasta ervstal hull dnv plays eveellent taste

Avoid blaarre haaaiaa and gar cot or entects In corertaca

the did geatiemaa remarked and if you think youd rather change with me raa wfifing

A second invitation waa not reshyquired And I dldnt have to change only wttu the woman but with the hul family ahd I thought theyd push me out In the aisle But Hi bet that to this day the woman tens of the ftsae when she sat next to the

t h e old bookseller add-ja bull

bullhe CaitMasise Of Voatli - bull And sow that you are through cotshy

tage what are rou gorag to d o r asked a friend of a yoathXal graduate

I shall study mriMa waa the crave reply of the slaattlons young

raquot Next to Grant Visitors to Washington wttt probashy

bly remember an old second-naiid book dealer who on aloe days alts In front of hie shop oe the north aide of Pennsylvania avenue just opposite Peace Honument He relates one story in which he and Oen Grant figshyure rather prominently

The old bookseller had received a ticket for a theatrical performance He went early and took his seat In the parquet Soon a family consisting of a husband and wife (nd several grown up daughters took the seats to his right A little later a snan came and sat on his left next the aisle The old bookseller Is blind in the left eye and did not pay any attention to the roan on his left At the end of the first act the lady on his right leaned over and asked if the stranger were not General Grant Sure enough it was and the lady was so informed

T reckon you can see a hit better from thbv chair where I am atttro

^8at fcamt that profession already overcrowded r asked the friend

PossiWy it is raaaarked tbe knowshying youth but propose to study medicine just the same and those who are already la the profession will have to take their chancesmdashChicago News

American Looomotivo Bui Wing As an Instance of the speed with

which work can be executed by one of our great American locomotive firms it Is worth noting that an order was given on Dec 1laquo 1W7 for forty Mogul locomotives for two Russian railways The firtt of the forty was erected and tried under steam on Jan 5 1898 three weeks after the receipt of the order and was finished ready to dismantle and pack for shipment i one Week later The but engine waa competed on reb 13 The forty enshygines were then contracted in about eight weeks besides twenty-eight adshyditional engines on other orders built In the works wholly or partially and shipped during- the same period No wonder the Americans luLve gained a reputation for smartnessmdashCaacters Magazine

If not drmk Graln-Omdashtbe from pure jrrala A lady writes The first time ImadeGraJn-O I did not like R but after usinic it for one weak nothing would induce me to go back to ceftVe^ It nourishes and feeds the afstew Tfe chudreo cagt-^iiak It freely witb great benefit i t fe the screajHheatnK sab-stauee of pure graitta Get a paefcafre to-day froar yout grocer teUow the dl-rvotioBS in nutkiog it and you will have a dellciou and healthful table beverage for old and yoanjr 15eaad raquo c

bullbullbull a

Wherever presirlT latradaevid Dr OsldweUs Syrup PepaiBee a cure for ooestipatlea baa aet with pheaoneaal sale Many druggists cannot say enough in praise of It merit as writ at Its great peputarfty with the people In 10c trial sine and also in Me and 1 00 sues at F M Kilboum



s^ataaiiKtCSa as MaaaiSi agtaa 9 M U H f i s t V J l s a s f l l i W e

t g r ^ e r i u u i i t i a | a gt s^fcralaawiilwfwrii

bullgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgt

At Green amp Pettiboaes

We nave Bicycles of all grades and prices and all Wheels are Fully Guarfnteetf

You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes Stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs and Tin Work at the lowest Prices consist a nr witb good material and work


61 Pettibone


tsammm Bsasasssaa asBBBBslaBBiiii


Page 4: THE myfpoimiiis.If-IIII...ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CORUNNA, MICH*, MAY 10, 1900. VOLUME XX; No. 22 tHE MARKKTS. •'-••— (Corrected by Green * Pettlbone.) •Wheat No. 1 White, No.*

J-3 -

J 1 1



bull bull r ~

- -





V f r

1(7 -

bull bull

V I bull

[ 1

Special Sale of Melts and Young Mens


Navy Blue Sergs illustrates the deplorable fact that good things are quickly and largely imitated and the public is liable to be gulled with the bait of saving

i a few cents ipto taking the false and rejecting the i genuine There is nothing more seryicable comfoft-1 able 001121^^8 0 0 1 6^0 1^8 1 1 0 1^^ wear than a real Navy | Blue Serge

G S ALLISON I SON 117 north WtaMiftoi Street Owosso Micaifan 5

Tbe Meyor then declared that the proshyposition for bonding the city of Cornn naMich for 5()00 for improving pub lie park haying received a two-thirds majority of ail the votes cast at the elecshytion held Apr 301900 had carried

Motion was made and supported that the bond of the city treasurer be fired t S15JQ00 for the ensuing ye we carried by the folibwiog vote

teas Clutterbuck Jacobs Harringshyton MeMullen and Trumble Nayraquo none

Aid McMullen presented the followshying resolution and moved its adoption

Sesoived That mdash -- - MVgt ny bull Bk laquoraquoYtrade laquoraquobullraquo the Board of in~ l U e r e raquolaquobull_ r a 1 bullgt c r t rtmdashvmrivp an imsat i s f ac torv 1 Conimisstoner be and they are hereby

^ bullbullbullgt - no launc so deceptive so unsausiacxory | lMtr1ieled to receive was for improving -^ so disappointing in every particular as the imita- mA mdash bull bullbullmdash mdash u- -1mdash mmA

tkms The real Serge is made from Worsted yarns

firmly woven and dyed with an unfadable imperish abler rich dark blue and it is of the Real Serges that oar suits are made

Beginning Saturday April 21st u d Continuing One Week we offer

Mens $1500 Blue Serge Suite doable breasted square cut and single breasted round cat coats at - - $ l l f o

Mens $1400 Blue Serge Suite round cut sack coats only $1095 Mens $1200 Blue Serge Suiteround and square cut coats $ igt95 Mens $1000 Blue Serge Suite round cot sacks only at $ 875 Young MenV$1500 [14 to 20 years] Blue Serge Suits at $1200 Toung Mlaquons $1200 f t i to 20 years] Blue Serge Suits at $ raquo95

public park according to the plana and specifications prepared by DMger and Beckham

Besolution was carried by the follow in vote YeeaCltrtMbocJt Jacobs Harshyrington McMullen and TramMe Kay none- bull

AM McMullen the presented the folshylowing lesolotion and nwved Its adopshytion

Reeoired That the Board of Part Cojawlaairtnera be end they are hereby ioatrocted to proenre at ooce pteas and

pound] apeelteaikma for a casino to be erected r on pabttc park the coat of srtd easts [not to exceed the sam of $tfiampk

Besoiatlon was supported by Traagt Me and was pasaed by the foftowlsg vote Teas Jacobs Harrington Me-MollenClntterbuck and Trumble Nays

I none On motion Council adjourned


Citv Clerk

walks beg leave to make the following report That new walks be built along and in front of the following deshyscribed property and that the Street Commissioner be and is hereby inshystructed to notify the said property owners to Lgtujid within twenty daypound or the Street Commissioner will build the same and the expense be charged and be a lien against the property abutting said walks

In the first ward ot the Cltf pf co-runna on the soalL margin of fot 11 and 12 bt 9 south margin k and 8 bk 10 south manrin lot bj| Jftj sputa

margin lots 10 audi 11 bat 1^ toutli ngtraquoiKin of lot 12 bk amp soath margin of lots 6 7 10 and U bk 11 tonth mariftn lot l i hk I t

J C T t u i M J ) a K OcmsBsocm

Toe resoteyen adopted tr tne foOotrtag fete Qntterbtaek


m JO Jft r r p t i t laquo n

ywWlrtm laquoflaquoor I t a n A a j M n i t i f M CO-n raquo H | t t laquo comnit m l of ShUwwse ampmaf Hgtnraquogtfl to th tmuttmUi of the raquolaquotraquobtten Falttaralaquo4 th ltUlaquoelian of glaquowrraquoi sad toe)

paper raquo 1 laquo per ytme la bulldTmoc

who wisk to atop th bullhMld iMMtfr oa direct raquo B 4 sot IlaquoraquoTC tt p i i l i n in i in iln filt socaclaquolilaquoK forget Al-wj met that your raquopbcrlpUoa to paid vp to th date yon request tw uraquo stop he paper

fhelaquomBUtf and quality of the adTertiaitMr appaariag la the JOCKHAI t almadaat toati-raquoraquoay to tt Taiae a an advertlatar laquoadiam

~ known at the aStae of new are alway aeeeptaMe Be-that what latenato yoa will generally other and that It will be gladly re

Comheaattoa The larr ammbfcr of exceUent eambiaattens

we mare m otter enaUe our reader to obtain a-laffle Mltwa( of cood reading at very tittle

They are as foUowa rrk Trnmae and this paper Ugt

uesroU Twice-a-Week Joornal and thi 1M Wiwati fagerOrcaa and this paper 1JB

LPVeePnMandthtopaper JM this paper IM

TOTOtSDAT MAT 1laquo raquo bull


mdashLeo Miner ia recovering from a two wveks tttaeas

mdashGreen A Pettibooe shipped another car load of wool to-day

mdashMcBtidea second hand store ia doshying a ntahiag baalnees these days

mdashLightning struck a tree on South Shtawaaeee aventre Monday night

mdashMrs 8 Z Rice and Mrs P K Cook are la Saginaw attending a home tnte-afoaarT oonventfoo

mdashMlaquow Maad Ford aocceeds Miss Suite Dyer as hello girl at the Bell telephone exchange in this city

mdashMrs F Cummin of the state of Washington Is vMting her brother Mr Adalbert Miner aod family

mdashKd Lahrtag lost a hone yesterday from distemper It ia quite a severe loss as it was one of his work team

the votes of the special election held April 301900 for the purpose of bond-log the city of Coruona In the sum laquo1 fft000 for the purpose of improving the Public Park would report as follow

Whole number of vote csat were 328 Of which number 234 were for the proshyposition and 94 against it to-wit

l8twtrd-Ye119 No 33 d bullbullbull Yes 7 raquoTo5l Sd Yea 40 Mo 11 Yesmdash334 No-94i



RKPOBT OF CITY TBKASLKKR To the Bon- Mayor and Coaunon Coonctt of the

OtyOfCorttttU I herewith snboilt to yon my anon report

fortoeyearending AprO 88thliWft- Beeeired from Kx-Treaaorer 11TJraquo 4S

bull CJtyClerkbdquo bdquobullbdquo bdquo_ laquo 8 75 CoTreaettrer S^SS laquo SumaterTax S1M t t raquo Winter Tax bdquo tOjm raquo raquobull Side-walk Tax raquo 7 8 raquo r c n laquo e r l a x 1190

bull - laquo bull Percentage coUected SI IS bull laquo laquo Intereet bdquobdquo 4 raquo

v - vWaasfQo^y a- MBraquo

iatenv4 cntrltal by a vote Met ttm ftfeiatef of

IVrhaan Ufdfe ke irJenaJ to a jotrnt coatflQlttee on

Motion thai tampe fteawfte eurBtatttee ke


PaM School Faad Brpali m Miuci laneoa Ordaral laquo State aadOaayTk

Cash on hand


fMJDSt Which Is plaeed to the eredtt of tllaquo4iatat

faaoaasfotlow Otnoral raquo- J MS St atraet nmd s a p nectrle l icht rlaquond 1raquo St ruifUifj rnalt US St Sinking-Wod bdquoZ raquo laquo

for sale to the low bidder and tint ss^dhonda stall not boar nmre ttaan fonr per cent Httmeat boads to run fifteen yearn Mflon waa carrted uy foBowrng tote CVotterboek Fvetetb Herrtngten Jacob McSfaBlaquo and Traanhle Kays none

Alderman Jacob made a reqoest that the cooncil make an approprt-atlon(fordecoettionexerclaea wnere np-eo Aid TrtHBble moved that laquo1000 be appropriated tor proper observance ot MemoriaJ day which waaanppofted and motion carried by emanlmona Tote

The Mayor presented tbe name of David R Ddl for City Marshal whieh was confirmed by tmanimons ^ot bull

For NljjJtwatcfa wiUraquo PoUoe power that of Jamer Siaseon which was iooirmed by nnacimoos vote

Motkm wan made and supported that Cltf Engineer and oflsoe of Street Comnilstlotjer be combined in oor ofiBce Motion earried byGnanlmoot bull 0 laquo

Tbe Mayor appointed M K Bon-nlnigton as City Engineer and Street Commissioner wtateb was confirmed

bjrananiioous vote W J Parker was then appointed

City Attorney by the Mayor which was confirmed b ananimons rote

For member of Cemetery Board F E Welch received the appointment to serve for five years Confirmed by unanimous vote

For member of public works A W Oreen was given appointment to serve for term of fiye years Confirmed by unanimous vote

For board of park commissioners the followingnames were presented Erwin Bveleth Wra F Gallagher S B Lyman Matthew Bush and A E Richards who were to serve for fiye four three two and one years resshypect) vely in order named Said board was confirmed by unanimous vote

The council then proceeded to vote for health officer by ballot which reshysulted as follows Walter S Jones having received all the votes cast for said office was declared elected

B R Marshall having received all tbe votes laquoa$t for fir marshal was de-eUred duly elected

Srwin Erele-h uaviug received all the votes cast for president of council waa declared duly elected

Oor retiring city attorney A E Richards then made some remarks in wBfcfe he thanked the council fot tue very eoBrteous treatment that be had ahrays i-i-lT Li ^^hetr hands

Alderman Tnzmbte moredithat a vote of thanks be tendered to Mr Rkhards fm-tto satisfactory manner m winch he had always performed the dsxticBotettj attorney

Upon motion thceity attorney was toatrnrtid to draw an -ore^mnce U-eensing hawkers and peddlers

AM Trumbte made a motion that the matter of paying rebate on side-walks be referred to a jointcommlttee oh streets and sewers which was sup-sorted and carried by unanimous vote

Upon motion council adjourned ABTHUB G YOITNG

City Clerk

raquoNMIraquo mmiiim

ISeeOirWew f




D M LOWS Treasurer

INDMION ^rpahaTe^yoo

taw it TOO know all about the

fooling 1B the atOBSCfigttllO

lof mnioxi of ftS the l m i c i pick hoodochOt

tenertl weakliest of the whole body

Yon caat have it a week witliout y o n r b l o o d beiBf impure and yoor Berres all exhausted

^ There V hut one reaaedy ^lacToa


OtaMnoa GoaaeU Comaaoa Council Boom I

Corunoa Mlcfa May 31900) At a regular meeting of tbe Common

Council calte to order by the Mayor prneat Mayor Koaenkrami and Alder-aaaa Cmtterbuck Jacobs Evetotb Bar--iaqrtc MeMolien and TrambJe

Mettou was made aod supported that the Mayor appoint a committee to can-

i votes of election held A pill 301900 Mayor appointed Alderman 1 and Clotterbuck to act as said

itttee who aubmltted tbe follow-taw report Hgt M Bon Mayor and Common Cona-

oUlaquoC City of Coruona Tear ooaimittet appoiated to canvass

sanapanoa Theres wotfahtc new

about iu Your grand-pareBtf took ft Twaa an otdSaraaparfila before other aanaparHlaa were knows It made the word Sanaparilla famous over the whole world

Theres no other sarse parilla like ft la age and power to cure fcs w The leader of them all

S U i s l v j ) ~a-laquomajht-lt-lt Averlaquo PUIs enre coswaiU


x bull A f t e r


a w

A bulla


laquoFmraquolaquoraquo^alaquon|a^aw4pF 4


COMMON OouarciL BOOKS 1 Corunoa Mich May 7190TX (

At the regular meeting of the Comshymon Council called to order or toe Mayor The following members were present

Mayor Bosenkrans Aldermen Clotshyterbuck Eveieth Harrington Jacobs McMullen and Trumbte

The minutes Of meetings of April 11th April 96th and May 3rd were read and approved

The claims and accounts were read and referred to committee on claims and accounts

Upon motion the roles were susshypended and all accounts were acted

J C Kennedy Roanoke Tenn says raquo1 cannot say to much for DeWitta Witch Basel Salve One box of it cored what the doctors called an incurable nicer oraquo my law Cures piles and ill akla diseases Look out for worthless KBitadoca F M Kllbourn

arahliwa CotuMjr Aay on desiring a map of Sbiawaasee

cowaty to date may obtain one by tendshying 19 emuts to the Coranna Jonrnal Conuvna Mich

That map la aaade Irem a new cot obshytained since Jan 1 1900 and it con tains every wagon road rail road rivshyer post efflca village^ city andaebool-honae la tat connty The school dls-trUjta are Mmtwred the Imttatfry llaws of eattb township are dmUnetiy oatilBlaquod

laud the loeattM of ihe connty farm Is given

WBAPPEB8at7aeagtdfdjeaia K bulleat attractive patterai goods and made right

SHTKT WAISTS for S9e TBe i ^jOOsadaiis

DRESS SKZBTS tot SOe 90c aad 89e foe aummar wear

Lawns and Dress Ooodav laaerttens and lfrstaeJdetJ aumnieT appareL

I^claquoCuitaiaaandCarmla for yonr windows

Ladla Taffeta and 9Btc G^wes and Mitts at 16c 90c and Xc

Come and see as for what yew eat wear or use bullbull



i LEAYITT euro 0 I Klaquofftgty J|Ulaquofc I


upon The committee on claims and ac-

connts then reposted favorably on claims and accounts authorizing tbe clerk to draw orders for the same on the several funds as given below

CONTINGENT PtJKD John Dnoeek fate keeper elelaquotkatf Z to L Ewcnmaa n t e keesxw electUM 2 raquo F C Achazd B x i n g p o i n p mdash _ bdquo twt HF Manball 2 day election coca laquo laquo9 Grand Trank railway ~~~ 1 raquo ME Hniittngton Aprtt salary - ltbullbullgt 8 B Lyman morc safe and 1 day etoc 4raquo B Davis jEaie keeper election f a OoraaMpelaquoCo^jijHets las ts

pgHrtjay St 30 K Vfc i ie t i t m

Ball 1-t year salary w H Harrtnftan ref and and electionmdash 4 bull W A McMnlleo ray and aitcttoau Sgt WJ Pjter drawVordaadlaaylec 30 JSlnwoo 1DKgtsalary m m

election^- SSS and reg 4 SO

_ __ _ ejection SSf E Preleth^ljrear salary rent t days

res aan olacttoi 56 SS Ted MchoU stationery 3 4raquo A W Green 1 day ou election ~ raquo ~ mdash S 00 AUunrartsvALinco traquovealaquoMrwurk S4S Geo Jarrls 11-t day on election 3 so 8 D XJnabory sate keeper electioa S 09 Grand Trunk railway amp 5


I had stomach traahm twenty and gave up hope of being cured till 1 trnjcaa to awe Kodol Pyapipsla Cnra It had done me so much good I call It tbe savior of my life writes W B Wllkis-aOH Albauy Teas It digests what yon eat F M Kllbourn

O S P O t t t O f T B I OOMOITtOlf


OAN AT THE CLOe OW BUStlfX80 APRIL raquo1980

RB90UBCCS bull t t l l ^ M W Loan aalt9 diacouats^

Overdrafts^ secured and P S P n n i s to asesre egtrealation^ F r e a i s m s o t t U S Band Banklns-aoa rnrnttare and Sx-

tnrea T VT ^mdash Other real estate ownedbdquo Pne fifoat stats baoka and hankers Doe tram approved reservs laquo laquo laquo Caeeka and ether cash toeeas^ bdquo Kotesof otherMartanalWaak_^




U B osttMeates of t tenders- ~ - mdash mdash

Ksseiuttca faad wtehP (SareBtorcliralatien^



Total Capital stock i Bnrnlaa f a r TJaatrMed]


Svafserl raquoraquoW-

aaVlaquoBnnmyennflmlal abi sWmffWswraquoB7SjsnslaquojBj sn j



O F J of ths ahsne


4At D aoTca ryrablie Notary i

D Osaaiaoa I m c i OaamsM W f Oi

llmamak 4 f l m t k JBML


C a S c a r load brick 90S ft cement


90 OB

Saginaw Clay Mrs Co jTBrooks A Sons for Jas Wuson 14 days l^eter BustavtL l S d a y s w o r k Jun Wood U d a y s 4 hours work Loo Berry 13 days work V Sander 3 days 8 hours with teaut B Ereletb 1 day 3 b o o n with t e a m WlUard Carlton h a y mdash Henry Eldridse 7 days work Dan Hussy 3 days with team

CEMETERY FUND A Eldredge 1laquo 1-5 d a r s cemetery work


OonuDlttee On motion the report was accepted

and adopted bf following vote Teas Clutterbuck Ereleth Herringtoo Jacobs McMullen and Trumble Kays none

Alderman Trumble offered tbe folshylowing resolution and moved its adopshytion

To the ilonorable Mayor and Com-monCjuncil of tbe City of Coranna

Your committee on streets and side

bull gtgtgt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt

We Want Your Eggs We have orders to fill and will pay l i e cash or 12c in trade

for them Considering this price for eggs together with the prices at which we sell Groceries it will pay yon to bring your eggs to us REMEMBER we sell more good Groceries for One Dollar than anyone else i theoooaty

C QU AYLE The Original Cash Grocer

235 Cor Shia Ave and Fraaer S t CORUNNA MICH

lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt

I n r t l l l i l l T i r a m m m a a n i l l i III I I I I - t t g M ^ y - f c - i y j i i | a | | i | l a a n a m a S m m a a m a m B B l r w ^ mm^m

Do a Little Shopping Jast for Once ^ frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 ~ may not wish tb tgtuy to-day but m a y some

o ther fine day We have taken much care in selecting our goods with t he idea of pleasing you in all waysmdashquality and prices We want i t understood t h a t quality i s t h e first cousid-eration prices next Look over th i s list of good things and come and see us


Wash Goods Fancy Prints per yard 5 c Best Apron Ginghams per yard 6c Finest Percales (fast colors) per yard 12gtpoundc New Dimities in all shades 7craquo 8c 10c 12gtfc and 15c Beautiful Ginghams 7c 10c and 12gtpounde

Ladies Shir t Waists Fancjr Percales Newest Creations White Lawn Plaid Etc

Lace Yokiugs intall prices and styles from

bull 30c 40c 50c 60c and 75c to $100 per yard

Valencienne Laces

25c to 200

10000 yards in all widths and patterns 12 yds for 25c

White Goods 500 yards India Linens (for this sale) at 500 yards India Linens (for this sale) at Fine White Linens from - White Duck for Skirts at


10c lc to50c


Bleached Cotton 1 case Lonsdale one yard wide worth 10c at 8c All widths for Sheets and Pillow Cases at

Less titan Factory Prices

Napkins 90c buys agood All Linen Napkin worth

100 bays a goocTAll Linen Napkinworth 125 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth 200 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth 325 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth

125 150 175 250 500

Towels Greatest Bargains Evcopyr Ottered

Bath Towels 50x22Jnches at - 25c pair Extra Fine Linen cheaper than ever before A Large Fine Linen Towel at bull 40c pair

Table Linens 50-inch Red Damask (fast colors) per yard 14c 54-inch Fine Linen bleached per yard 37 c 62-inch Fine Linen bleached per yard 49c 58-inch Fine Checkmdashred and whitemdashper yard 44c 72-inch Fine Bleached per yard 99c Other Grades in same proportions

bullbullbullbull - -bull Velvets Of all kinds and colors from 40c to 200 per yard We sell better Velvets for the money than you

can buy elsewhere Try us and prove it

Embroideries and Insertions We have a beautiful line of these goods in for

Spring Nothing so pretty as fine Embroidery

Pull Line of Filo Persian and Roman

For Fancy Work Batten berg Braids and Rings in all widths and sizes in stock

Baby Bonnets and Bun Bonnets

In all colors and prices from 15c to 150 bull -

Umbrellas and Childrens Parsols

A good Silk Umbrella Steel Frame for 49c The best line of Fine Umbrellas in the city

Bed Spreads Hemmed ready to use from 49c to 350

Lace Curtains and Dotted Mull

Good Lace Curtains worth 125 pair at Better Lace Curtains worth 175 pair at Fine Lace Curtains worth 250 pair at 40-inch Fine Curtain Goods at 40-inch Fine Curtain Goods at Dotted Mull from

99c 139 199

25c 18c

10c to 25c

Unbleached Cotton 5 Bales at Less tkftn Mill Prices 45-inch Pillow Case width worth 15c yard at 10c 45-inch Pillow Tubingmdashsomething new

Black Dress Goods Black Crepons Mohair Lusture worth 250 at 149 Other black goods at same rate

Silks for Shir t Waists and Skir ts

Mercerized Silks in all colors The best goods ever made for Waists and Skirts

Outside and Underskirts-The best values ever shown and in all colors The

Ruth Mercerized Skirt is a beautv and so cheap

Hosiery and Underwear LadiesVests from bull 5c to 50c Childrens Vests from raquo 5c to25c 100 Doz Ladies Mens and Childrens Hose 10c to 50c Ladies Fine Lace Hose worth 40c at 25c

25c 125 Summer Corsets regular value 50c to go at bull

Best Corset ever put on the market We keep a full line of all the best makes

Gloves-Kid and Silk Fine Black Silk Gloves with kid Points stitchshy

ed in White or Black Warranted Kid Gloves in all colors from 99cto L4j

Ribbon Bargains We have the most complete stock of all kinds from $100

to $180 at about half the price othersask for them Double Faced Black Velvet in all widths

bull i bull bull bull

Notions a n d Handkerchiefs Mere ijgt our strong point You cannot call for a thing

in this line but what we can fill the want Ladies Collars and Fancy Neckwear of all the latest fads and kinds are to be found here

i i io imdash bull r - n^Miiiiiinfiiiniiiww^TTr~- 1 laquorf laquoTmdashr----- bullbull r rii bullbullmmdashmm bullmdash bull bull -~i

Dress Linings and Trimmings All the Fancy Up-to-date Linings and Skirt Bindings

Fancy Braids Buckles and Pulley Belts are here

Mens Furnishings Pants Shirts Jackets and Overalls at the right prices

Suspenders Etc

Ladies Wrappers Fine Percale and Print Wrappers i A 4-A 1 C A

in the new styles from -^V I U I raquo D U

Goods for Bicycle Skir ts The Cotton Coverts at 12 c are just the thing- They

wash and wear nicely In all colors

Ladies9 Muslin Underwear Skirts each from - 49c to 150 Drawers per pair from raquo 25c to 50c Cheaper than you cart make them Come and see them

A Few Words to Buyers of Goods We have placed before you a full line of goods that you must use every

dayin the year All goods sold by us are purchased direct from the importer or manufacturer We do not ask you fancy prices but instead offer goods to you at much less than most merchants will sell them We want your trade Are

we asking too much of you to come and look at our goods If they are not what you want we do not expect you to buy but if you see anything you can use we will be pleased to sell to you We assure you courteoustreatment and full value for your money



Qh yes Spring is hereand so is our large and complete stock ef

Boots and Shoes for the itig and Suiti titer bull Spri

TAN and BLACK in endless varieties High and low cuts in endless styles Very dressy Tan or lilaquock LADIES BALS from $150 to $375 Ladies OXFORDS Tan or Black from $lt)( to $200raquo For gentlemen we have DRESS SHOES from $150 to 400 per pair Dont fail to ceo the DOUGLAS $350 in any shade They are excellent They arc as poundooil as ihb usual $pound50 of other makes Boys Youths Misses and Childrens Shoes in end-it ss varieties

bull- bull yours for good goods at reasonable prices


Terrific BrnlofJMit the Worst ia Leading FUtfiaes So Westcra History Takes Place

la Mine in ScefieldV selves aad Say the Insurgents

Are Surrendering

Ifeuures of IraquopaTtnce Pasted and Other Are Ditcaaart by the

Two Hansen J


Oae Haadred sad Thirty-Seven Bodlelaquo Have Been Recoveredmdash

Heartrttadias Kccuea mdash Work ot KelaquolaquoKlaquo OoimK Onmdash Every E3ort Be-

bullbullbullbull inlaquo Made far Belief




He represents thq strongestand nicst reliable companies

Parties desiring to sell or rent propertV will do welt to place the same with bim Good farm mortgages bought end sold

A good 120 acre farm for sale at a barshygain If sold at oncemdashSuitable for

stock purposes

Kodol Dyspepsia Cure

Digests what you eat I t at Li ficially digests the food and aid

Nature in strengthening andreconshystructing tbe exhausted digestive orshygans I t is tbe latest discovered digeet-ant awl tonic N o ottier preparation can approach i t in efficiency I t inshystantly relieves and permanently cores Dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Sour Stomach Nansea Sick HeadacbcGastraJglaCramps and all other results of imperfectdigestion Price 50c undfiL large an contains H$toe9 Small stoc Bookraquo01aboutdygpe|aiamidlearree Prepared by E C DaWTTT A euro 0 Chlcago

For Sale by F M KILBOUBK

TO Coze a Coagb l a One B a y To Cora a Cold in Cos S a y pound 0 Cure Sore Throat in OneDay To Cure Hoarseneas i n One S a y

Take Clevelands Lung Healer as cents If H fails to care We w i cheerfully refund

i your money (Trial size free)

atC M Peacocks

know of no better way to convince you that we can do better by you in Furniture than others can than to ask you to visit our store personally Do this before you deal elsewhere

REWARD We tbe uurierigned druggists offer

a reward of 50 cent to any person who purchaser of us two 23 cent boxes of Baxters Maodrakc Bitters Tablets if it fails to cure constipation biliousness sick-beadaebe jaordive loss of appetite sour stomach dyspepsia liver com-

friaint or any of tbe diseases for which t is recommended Price 25 cents for

eithei tablets or liquid We wilt also refund tbe money on oae package of either if it fails to give satisfaction




Wonderful Sagacity Shown In the Care o f f locks

The sheep doss in this country come by their nature ami training honestly for either they or their ancestors came from the sheep-dotted bills of England Scotland or Wales where for generations past the supreme efshyfort of the shepherd has been to proshyduce a perfect sheep dog They have succeeded well for no man could exshycel them In sheep lore no man could be more useful to the sheen owner for man is neither BO persistent and agile possesses such endurance or is so gentle under training and reproof The dog doesnt reason as to the why and wherefore of his affection for the worst sort of a brut shepherd may have the most faithful dog one that will mind the sheep on the hills pa-tlently await his master coming and guide bis roettn foosteps to his home

On the great ptais of tbe west these dogs havi made-it poaatbls for one man to care for three or four thousand sheep tn one flock All they ask la a bite to eat and once in a while when their feet are filled with thosharp thorns of the cactus they will come to have them taken out There Is no vsive on a weJHnined sheep dog The yrell-bred ebtlie whtcb takes the prizes at the bench aaow is beautiful to look at but this homeshylier brother the trained dog of the range is worth more than he is beshyyond price The sheep owner holds aim as beyond purchase The sheep herder who falls so low as to part with his companion is yet to be found ami if tbe dog were to be bought the buyer might rue his bargain for the master must go with the dog

In the new country the work of the sheep dog Is hard It is on a big scale In the old country the vrork is easier but it has ita finer points In the new country the dog may drive two thoushysand sheep in the old country a dos tiay drive three or four which takes more thought and skill In the old coustry the feature of every country fair in a sheep district i s the sheep 3og trials A trophy ia the annual prise and the shepherds and their dogs come from afar to try for the cup The dog that carries away the trophy may be a little short-haired homely and Insignificant brute which bulllinks pound0 the heels of aia master Hke a creature of no spirit but send him after the sheep and his wfcote eharac ter seems to change He is slow and gentle or quick and bold as the sheep may require His whole attitude is tense and nervous No human being could manifest a greater responsibilshyitymdashKansas City Star

If the office that docs your printing doesnt

do it neatly try the JOURNAL If it is

being done neatly try us for better still

Kodaks Cameras

and Amateur Supplies

Enlarged Pictures Crayon

India Ink Water Cokw

and Sepia Work-

Framing Done

on Short Notice

Platino4ypes The very latest things in our line arc

the Platino-types we are now putting oat We make Ibeto

Try Oral n-O J Try Oraio-O J Ask your grocer to-day to show you

a package of Grain-O tbe new food drink that takes the place of eoflVe Tbe children may driuk it without inshyjury as well as tbegtadult All who try Jt like it Grain-0 has that rich esi brown of Mocha or Java but It is made froa pure ^raJns scd the most delicate stomach reeeivs i t without distress Uie price of coffee 15c and 25c per package Sold by all grocers

Nothing else equals them We rftakc them in all styles Finish and Platino Work Gruarantecd

CMrndsr Curiosity January and October of the snme

year always begins with the same day

So do April onltf July also September and December February March and November also begin with the sarae day New Years day and S t Sylvesshyters day also fall on the same day except of course in leap ycir Each dry in the week has served as a day of rest somewhere Sunday among Christians Monday with the Greeks Tuesday with the Persians Wednesshyday with the Assyrians Thursday with the Egyptians Friday with tka Turks and Saturday with the Jews

Salt Lake City Utah May 2mdashA speshycial to the Tribune from Scofield Utah sayst The English language cannot describe the appalling disaster which occurred here at 1025 Tuesday foreshynoon by an explosion in mine No 4 of the Pleasant ValleyCoal companjs and by which certainly 200 men and upshywards have lost -their lives At this hour 137 bodies have been recovered and the work of rescue is still proceedshying and will continue until all the bodshyies are brought to the surface There are willing hands at work and as fast BUS bodies are reached they arebrought

Order Have Sera Issued Relievfa Htni of Cemamnd and Maj Gen aixcArthar Will Succeed Hlsraquo--In-iBrslaquonl A i c b h e i DtraquoeraquovrclaquoE by Cicn Frinfcton

Sevste Refaraquoe to Pnraquo raquo bull laquo bull laquo laquo laquo f Sgtnvatlaquoy tor laquolaquo BorraquoimdashMlaquonraquo

gtlaquolaquobull tSc Amcitded Porto Rico GltKveraiuBt JiraquolaquonwltmdashOiUcr Matshyter Lader Consideration

Washington May 1 mdash T h e Eeriate yesterday refused to consider a resolushytion of symp-Jthy with Boers The conshyference report on the amendatory Porshyto Rico bill was agreed to and the bill

Washington May 5mdashThe war deshypartment has received tbe follo^iog

report from Cjen Otis Manila May t-Aprtl cr ptures from

enemy were 30 pieces arttJiery 13raquo rtHes 1 considerable ammunition and large stores lt ot property During the early portion of j appropriating $40000 to enlarge ana

the month the enemy was active In tbe ex- i jmp r 0Te the public buildings at Bur-treme northern and southern Luzon and bull passed some Vlscayan Islands Our reported raquow^ raquo r

F __ tv^ i -i losses for the month were 13 enlisted men Washington May i mdash AUe AiiSKa ^killed three olfieers 24 enlisted men I Wounded rumored recent loss in Samar of

19 killed and number wounded not yet re- ported This laquos due to small detachments

Scouting in mountains In the interior of the island The enemy losses officially re-bull ported were 17 1 killed wounded and cap-

confi-down to the boarding houses and other ^ ^ ^ ^ I n o s ^ ^ p r ^ s r ^ company buildings where they are -bull -dressed and prepared for the coroners inquest These buildings are nutner copyus and in each are from ten to thirty-five bodies

L M 6 f laquo w t L m s e r Salt t a k e City May 3mdashThe reports

from Scofield up to 11 oclock Wednesshyday night say that it ft now known that 178 are dead from the explosion and that the estimate of loss will inshycrease rather than decrease The sushyperintendent of the mine says there is no record of the number of men that go i n the mine from day to diiy and that the exact loss cannot be known until all the dead bodies are taken out One estimate is that there were 398 meit in the mine and on that basis there must have been at least 250 or 300 lives lost

Later Elaquotlmntr Salt Lajke City May 4mdashThe latest

dispatches from Scofield say that the extreme estimate of dead is now conshyceded to hare been too large and that it is numerically impossible to place the loss of life at 300 as there were not that manY men-ip the mines The prob^ abilitfrac34 are that 2w will be about the totarVHmber of dead There are not enough coffins in the camp to bury the dead and to add to horror to the situshyation the bodiea are rapidly decomposshying and it has been suggested that cre-matlon may hare to be resorted to

gtwMgtMiltraquot Slaquoraquo Sraraquolaquothr Washington Kay 4mdashThe president

Thursday-bull sent the following telegram to the governor of tTtah

BTzocuttv Mansion WKsaJnctoa Mar I ranWOov Wells flalt Lake City mah I 4laquotrlaquo to eaprans my Intense sorrow upon loarhlns of tbe terrrol calamity which haw occurred at ttcofleM and my deep sympathy with tht wives children and friends of the unfortunate victims of the explosion _


Islands They say the war has terminated Leading Insurgents are surrendering-

OTIS Order Reitevlas Otis laquo laquo bull

Washington May 5 mdash In accordance with Gen Otis reqnest to be allowed to return to the United StPtes the war

department Friday issued orders re-

civil code bill was passed in the senate yesterday and the army approprialion billj carrying supplies for the military establishment of more than cent114000-000 was discussed

Washington May 3 mdash A bill was passed in the senate-yesteiday for the creation of linked memorial parks on the battleffeTds of Fredericksburg ChanceUorsville the Wilderness and Spoftsylvania In Virginia Tfre armT appropriation WD was further disshycussed

Washington May 4 mdash The army an-

morning May 5 the date fixed by G e i gt ^ ^ 8 ^ ^ t i T ^ Otis fo f sailing I a a d t b laquo ^ appropriation M l

Thl o r S S designate MaJ Gen Mae- lt raquo bull laquo $ trade pound L VZlt Arthur to succeedGen Oris in com-1 1 ^ 0 JgtlB P 8 ^ laquo laquo hltta bullw i gt - ^ t t -

mandof the division of the Philippines | pen f-M ^ - lt ow the late Gen Guy V Henry Gen bull James Longstreet Mnc Margaret M

Brevet Maj Gen Wheat on is designat ed to sneceed Gen MacArthur as elaquom _ - - - - - J _ ^ mander of the department of southern Badger widow of t ^ laquo ^ lt J trade r t Luzon I BadgeTi- and Mrs Harriet Gridley

otfs Readr to Sail widow of the late CajitGiidlef of the Manila May mdash T h e United States j aa^y- _ ^_

transport Meade has been ordered to Washington May 5mdashThe seBats be ready to sail to-day K is sup- j yesterday passed the M y ^ r c o r g a n i -iKwed that Maj Gen Otis with his per- alaquoon bill which practicany Tvol-x tionizes the present sta fir a r r a n g e

tnents of the army the fortification appropriation bill carrying 17733628 and the bill tocreate tfie rank of lieutenant general and make the adshyjutant general a major general A-

start for the sorfal staflT wiQ then United States

Aelvlaquor DloeovereoU The insurgent arenives discovered by

Gen Funston include papers implicatshying prominent foreign firms at Manila in unlawful dealings It is reported jbflrned to Monday that evidence has Bern obtained that | Washington May 7 mdash ThV senate some of them furnished monitions ofbull amendmentstotbearmy appropriation war to the rebels and it is also said | bill were disagreed to in the houw o n that the American avtborities are in Saturdsy and the bill was sent t COB possession from this sevree of a degt j ferene Tfce sundry civil appTopria tailed plan for attacking the American tkm bill was pawed The general d e shyforces written by AgutaaMov in the neieney and military academy appro-

prition bills are now the only general swpply bills unacted on by the honsau


Win Their ria-ht for Bannl Hprc scMtatlon In lt Great nlvtaodUt

Geseral Con te re sue

Chicago May 3 mdash The Methodist laymen won Wednesday at the first sesshysion o the general eonfeience The great problem which has been conshyfronting the Methodist church and has loomed portentously before the quadshyrennial conferencemdashthat of equal repshyresentation for lay and ministerial delshyegatesmdashwas settled overwhelmingly The laymen were granted all they asked No opposition was made to the motion giving the laymen equal represhysentation and after a cloud of skirshymishes over parliamentary law the asshysembly voted solidly in affirmation

Chicago May 4 mdash The bishop adshydress at the Methodist general confershyence ybullbull^ay^ittdorsedequal lay rep-r e s e n t a t i i ^ v ^ ^ ^ e d time not ripefor Chriirtian nnil^ orawssed canteens dishyvorces and Sabbath desecration and said amusement question deserves careful attention

Chicago May 5mdash-Reports on tbe missionary work of the church and on various denominational branches were the order at the third days sesshysion of the Methodist general confershyence at the Auditorium

Tagalog language January f issf and translated into Spnwisfc by eamino

i n r t r t s i i i O t f t s n Washington May 1 mdash In the bouaw Manila May 7 mdash Gets P u t r i d Gar- yesterday tbe bill to enlarge the pow-

cia the highest insurgent officer ex-j e n of the department cf agricultures cept Agutnaldo has been captured by nd to prohibit Interstate commerceibgt Lieut K V Smith Of Gen FirastonV game killed fn violetion of local lawn staff in the town ofJaea three nrllesj was passed laquoraquod -W1J wa introduced northeast of Ssn Isjdro protfnee of to permit national banks to lend mott-New Ecija Gardia peraoaally dTre^ved ey on real estate securities A joint the guerrilla operations and tgtn f^jKJTesoIntfon for a constitutional amend-ston had spent two weeks in t ry ing io meat to disqualify polygnmists for-corner him j election Ss senators ot representatives

orn Otts Sail wss referired to the judiciary commit-Mngtlraquo May 7 mdash The United States tee The amended Porto Bico bill was

transport Meade sailed for the Ua-fted ( paissed States at five oclock Saturdsy afTr~| Washington Hay J mdash The entire-

day in the house yesterday was devoted

ltBn Mailer tVen Uniontowu Pa May 7-Gen Silas

M Bailey one of the 306 of the famous old guard which stood by Gen Grant in the convention of 1880 died at his home here Saturday agecT 64 years of brain trouble which resulted from a bulletwound received during the war After the war President Johnsonbre-vetted him major general of volunteers for gallant service He was elected sjate treasurer by the republicans of PtUusylvanJa in 1881 ^

e w sleeor SttablUhed Springfield Jll May 4-Fred Gilbert

of Spirit Lake la established a worids record at the Illinois Gun club shoot Thursday when he killed 50 pigeons straight at 31 yards rise in the Grand Capital City handicap In the shoot-ofT Gilbert won a purseof $100 This makvs a run of 126 ljve pigeons for Gilbert at this shoot and be has not missed yet

noon with Maj Gen Otis and twiraquo aids-de-camp on board The Warships fa port fired a major generaTs sslnte as the steamer raised her anchor


e United Cfcetatlasi Pnrty ates Candidates fr Pr t s i4laquos t

and Vtee Prestdeat

Bock Island IIL May raquomdashTraquo TJait-

to the consideration of the Nicaragua canal bill

Washington May 3mdashIn the house yesterday a bill providing for the conshystruction of a protected but not a fortified Nicaragua canal was passed by a vote of 225 to 35 and the sundry civil appropriation bill the most imshyportant of the general sundry bills and the last on the list was reported I t carries $61586715 A bill was toshy

ed Christian party national eonven- trodneed for the organization of In-tion devoted the entire day t o tbe dlan Territory uiider the name of Jef-preparation e r a platform Rer S C Swallow of Harrisburg Pav was nominated for president aseT Jesm 6 Woolley Of Chicago for vfee presishydent Following is a sytaopsig of the-platform

It declares the time hassjgtrscltrwnea the eternal prtnciples of justice^ mnrey and tove as eseaipMnsd m ehs mgt bull teaeb-IBCB of Jesus Christ sbonbt be enkbodied ts the constltatlon of taw aatSon and ap-pFled la concrete form ngt ovecr funetloa of toverameat deprsonSsw uasssesd tsws such as require dnim isetsii of the Chrisshytian Sabbath authorise unscilytmnl rnar-rlace and divorce Uoanae the nwasfac-ture and sallaquo of lmoatanttaa nevors as a beverage holding tho laquoanaasna of such taws to be neither hj|iaHjaraquo gtbullmdashtry nor honorlns to lt3od- The platform fnrthOde-clares for the adoption of tho system of legislation known as the mrdatfve and refshyerendum tocether wit a proportionate representation and an naserattve manshydate declares- for BOBtkal social and economic equality of tho sexes condemns mob violence and ontrases declares asalnst war and doasands arbitration of national and international disputes- deshyclares for the immediate abolition of the manufacture and araquo of intoxleattes liquors as beverasea demands the enactshyment of laws proMWtlns the sale of toshybacco ftp minors demands daily reading of the 8shie tn the pahWc schools and institushytions of learning controlled by tbe state declares for government ownership of pub-he utilities and for election of president vice president and United States senators by direct vote of the people

ferabnv Washington May 4 mdash Tbe free

borne bin granting patent to bona fide settlers on lands purchased from Indians was passed in the bouse yes- terday and tbe sundry civil appropriashytion bill was further considered

Washington May 5--In the houses yesterday 73 ef tbe 13X pages of the sundry civil appropriation bill were-completed President McKiuley s u b shymitted his first veto It was on a bill) to open A part of tbe Navajo Indian reservation to settlement under mintshying laws Mr Baker (Md) introduced a biH repealing the Chinese exclusion laws and making the general imniaV gration laws applicable to Chinese


Tables Showtaer the Staadtaw laquod Claho aC lWadlna- Orsjanfc-

bullMrt l in iVpt tDste

The following tables show tbe- standshying of the d a b s in the leading-baseball organizackms National league

Won l^et Per ct

Abe Goan Sulisfaciicn Aifree WUsT^sf bull

erniti-(gtsalaquode from

MILLERS STUDIO 110 W-Exchange St^Owosso

I Foes CltJ bull If not drink 1 pure s-ratrt A lady writt ^ b e nrsf time TmiHle Grata O I dW not like 1frac34 bull 1 ut liUir usinlaquo it fvgtr 01c -week notbinjr woul 1 huYiico nju to lt o back to coflVe

i It noiris5Kgt audfcolalhlaquosy8teilaquo Tlie child en fan drink-it freelywUb great bene It Get a package to-day from your grocer loc and 5c Be sure it amp made by the Genessa Pure Food Co Le Roy X Y n as there are imitations on the market

njtlaquot pier Baraed New York May 7 mdash A fire that

started at the river end of the Mallory line steamship pier at the foot of Maidshyen Lane and tire Eaat river Completely destroyed the pier and valuable lt5sngt

DougIasGa^4sJrHLmdashMarshall Jones tents ^ u e l o s s i s P^ced at$1^0QufOa a-negro impttectedin the murderrof Alien Crosby a white man at Gillis stslU in Coffee county was taken from

k-|ail at DoUgMlaquolaquo^ljslaquobed The aeraquo gt$tu was b e d t o a small pin^ tree^and his body ridoled with bnHets

Took Bvcn the Pennies Pittsburgh lJabdquo May 7mdashBurglars

entered tbe First national bank ot Cast Brady Pa and dynamited the safe taking everything in sight in-eluding pennies amounting tg beshytween laquo4000 and 110000 Vlt

Several barges which were ntoored near tbe pier were also destroyed

Jary Dlsaarveed Salt Lak

bullary in the trial for unlawful cobabitaiion greed and was discharged

Six Drowned Cape Henry Vs May 5mdashThe Britshy

ish steamship Virginia was wrecked copy Hsttersa MMI a^ gf ^w efew were drowned --^^)jbullampamp

Clubs Phlladeinhla Cincinnati Frooklyt Pittsburgh Chicago St Lofst New York Bosron

American league MitwaukAC Indianapolis Chicasro ^ Cleveland Buffalo Kansas City Minneapolis Detroit

10 9 S 7

t S I

Nraquo e O

laquo s

7 bull raquo O

laquo-laquojVfcelaquoiraquo-bull w

6 4 bullgtbulllaquolaquo-laquo


4 S

-laquo gt7

8 S s 9

4 5 laquo 5 6

10 12 raquo












sea -998

The PsOVlss Igteht Washington May mdashThe monthly

e City Gtah Mar SmdashTbari statement of tbe pebiie-debt shows e case Of B H L IKobertal laquo ^ 1 8 1 a t thm d deg |sraquoestfnpril 30

^ ^ 1000 the debt less cash to tbs treasury amounted to $1124802085 which is an increase cf $12445J27

Wrecked ay Wind Topeka Kan May 7 mdash A hurricane

wsaeswd many bnUdiaga in cenisal Sanaasand at SUtewsed iseorf BcU^ l ^ - l i V l a ^ l r i i c w e r e k a k d





X bull4


Dr Tampimage Preaches a Timely Sermon

D l w w i r K to Wfciek U e Pateraquolaquoe a u i fiqatpeai-

ForthmdashMOTIIIB Iraquoiltraquo Father Hoaa-

Keed of Be

(Copyright 1300 by Louis Klopscb] W^shjjigton Aprils

This discourse of Dr Tahnnge i pershytinent at this t ime of year when many people are moyingiYoni house tohonse and it teaches lessons of patience and equipoise in very trying circumstances IVv Phil ippiuns 412 I know both how to be abased aud I know how to abound

llippy Paul Oouid you really acshycommodate yourself to all circumshystances in l ife Could you go up withshyout pride und could you come laquo1 own without-exasperat ion Teach the same lesson to us all-bullbullbullbullVI are at a season of the year when vast populat ions in all our ci t ies are chang ing residence Having been born in a house aud having all our live lived in a house we do not have full appreciation of w h a t a house is I t i s the g r o w t h of thousands of years The human race first lived in c lefts of rocks t h e beas ts of the field moving o u t of t h e cdverns t o l e t t h e h u m a n race move in The shepherds and the robbers st i l l live in caverns of t h e earth The t-oglodyte are a race which t o th i s day prefer the caverns t o a house They are w a n t t h e y are large they KM very comfortable they are less subshyject to violent chang of heat and cold We come o n along d o w n in the h i s tory o f the race and w e com to t h e lodge which was a h o m e bui l t out of twi s ted tree branches W e c o m e further o n d o w n in t h e Matory of the r a c e and w e come t o t h e tent wWeh w a s a o m e bui l t wi th a round pole in the center and sk ins of animals reachingout in all directions m a t s on t h e floor for the

people- t o s i t on

T i m c p a s s e d on and the world after much invention came t o build a honse which was a space surrounded toy broad Vtones ajgtraquotnst whieh The earth tyas henped from the outside The roof was made of chalk and gypsum and coaland s tones and ashes pounded toshygether After awhile the porch was born after awhile the gate Then-Min--tlrcds of yrltTs passed on arfii in-th^ fourirenti i century the modern chimshyney ws c-ytisl ructcd The old Hebrews had cjKiiin^s in their houses from whielv the smoke m i g h t escape if it preshyferred b u t there was no inducement for it t o Iwivc until the modern chimshyney Wooden keys opened the door or the keyhole was large enough t o al low the finger to be inserted for the liftshying of the latch or the sl iding of it There being no windows the jgtcople were dependent for light upon lattice-work Over which a th in veil was drawn down in t ime of winter t o keep out the element Window glass was s o late as 200 or 300 years ago In England and Scotland so great a lusury that only the very weal th ies t could afford it A hand mil l and an oven and a few leathern bot t les and some rude pitchers and plates made up t h e entire5 equipshyment of the culinary department But the home planted in the old cave or at t h e foot o f a t e n t pole has gTOCn and enlarged and spread abroad unti l we have t h e modern house wi th i t s branches and roots and vast g ir th and height ahdf depth of c o n c e r t and acshycommodation

Architecture in other days busied itshyself chiefly in planning and building t r i u m p h a l a r c h e s and basilicas and hippodromes andmausoleums and col-unans whi le t h e y allowed the people l o r resider-TOs t o burrow like m u s i r a t s in the earth St Sophias of Constanshytinople St Marks of Venice St Peters of Kome are o n l y the Baphaeied wa l l s against which lean the nqualor and the pauperism of m a n y nashyt ions I rejoice that whi le our modshyern architects give n s grand camppitols in which to le^lslsste a ^ g f laquo a d laquowirl -honses in wh ich t o adminis ter jus t ice and grand churches in which to worshyship God t h e y a lso g ive much of their t ime t o t h e p lanning of comfortable abodes f o r bur tired population I have not so much ia tereat In t h e arch of Trajan a t Benerenttrm as I hawo in the wish t h a t all t h e people m a y fcaraquo a comfortable shelter nor have I s o much interest i n t h e temple of Jupiter Olympus at Athens as I have i n the h o p e t h a t every man may have an altar for t h e worsh ip of the true God i n his o w n house And I have no t s o much interest in the science of ceramics which g o e s crazy over a twis ted vase or a queer handled j u g in uoe 3000 years ago or a pitcher o u t of which the anshycient pharaohs poured their drunken debauch as I have that every man have on h i s table a plate w i t h plenty of healthful food and an appetite to atshytack it

Thank God for your homemdashnot mereshyly the house you live in now but t h e house you were born in and t h e many houses you have resided in since you began your earthly residence When you go h o m e to-day count over tnc number of those houses in which yon bare resided and you will be surprised Once in awhi le you will find a tnan who lives in the house where he was born and where his father was lgtorn and his grandfather was born and his greatshygrandfather was born but that is not one out of a thousand cases I have no t been more perambulatory than m o s t people but I was amazed when T came t o count up the number of resishydences I have occupied The fact is t h e r e is in this world no such th ing ad permanent residence

In a private vehicle and not in a rail car from which you can nee but l i tt le T rode from New York t o Yonkers and Tarrytown on the banks of the Hudshysonmdashthe finest ride on the planet for a man who wants t o sec palatial resishydences In fascinat ing scenery I t was In the early spr ing and before the gen-

tlenien o f N e w York had jjone o a t t o their country residences I rode Into the grounds t c admire the- gardens and the overseer of the phiice told me mdashand they all told memdashthat all the houses had been sold or that t h e y wanted to se l l them and there was litshyerally no exception a l though 1 called at many places just admiring the garshydens and the grounds and the palatial residences Some wanted to sell or had sold because their wives did not raquovant to reside in the summer tilneJn those places while their husbands tar-f ried in town in the night a lways havshying some business on hand keeping them away

From some houses the people bad been shaken out by chil ls and fever from some houses they had gone beshycause death or misfortune had ocshycurred und all those palaces and manshysions had e i ther changed occupants or wanted t o change Take up the directshyory of Any c i ty of England or Amershyica and see h o w few people live where t h e y lived 15 years ago There is e n such t h i n g as permanent residence I saw Monticello in Virginia Pres ident Jeffersons residence and I saw on the same day Montpelier which was e i ther Madisons or Monroes residence a n d I saw also the whi te house which w a s President Taylors residence and Presshyident Lincolns residence and Pres ident Garfields residence Was i t a perma- j nent residence is any ease I tell y o n (

tha t the race is nomadic and no sooner j g e t s in one place than it wants t o change for another place or i s com- j peUedto change for another place and so t h e race i n v e s t e d the rai lroad and j the s teamboat In order more rapidly t o j g e t into some o ther place than t h a t i n whieh ft w a then Aye instead of be- j tag- notnadie H i s immortal moving on j and moving on We whip up our horse s j and hasten o n unt i l the hub of t h e f rojnt Wheel shfeexm o n t h e tombstone a n d I t ips a headlong in to t h e grave t h e only permanent earthly res idence But bless God even that stay is l im- i ted for w e shal l have a resurrection-- j

A day t h i s spr ing the s treets w i n be filled w i t h the furniture carts and bull the drays a n d the trucks- It wil l bo a hard d a y for horses because t h e y wi l l be overloaded I t wil l be a hard day for laborers for they will overlift before they get the family furiture from one house to another Jt will be a hard day for housekeepers to sco their furniture scratched and th^ir crockery broken and their carpets misfit and their furniture dashed of the sudden showers It wil l be a hard-day for landlords It will be a hard day for tenants Especial grace Js needed for moving day Man^ a roaivs religion has suffered a fearful s tra in between t h e hour on the mprning of the 1st of May when he took h i s i m - mature breakfast and the hour a t

a finer house is bad enough but a inan ae upset i s s ickening The laven-dered fool goes around so dainty and s o precise a n d s o affected in the roil of his eyes or the whirl of his cane or the clicking of the ivory handle aga ins t his front teeth or b i s effemishynate languor and his conversation so interlarded wi th ohs and a h V t h a t h e i s to me a dose of ipecacushyanha Arowmy friends if you move into n larger house th^nk God for more roommdashfor more room to hang your pictures for more room in which to gather your friends for more room in Vvivich to let your children romp and play for more room for fcreat bookcases filled with good reading ir weal th of bric-a-brac Have as large and as fine a house as you Cain afford tc have but do not sacrifice your hushymil i ty and your common sense do h o t lose your balance do not be spoiled by your successes ^

Years ago we were the guests in an English manor The statuary the ferneries the botanical and horticulshyt u r a l genius of the place had done all they could to make the place attractive F o r generations there had been an amass ing of plate and costly surround ings At half past nine oclock in the morning the proprietor of the es tate had the bell rung and some SO or 30 manservants and maidservants came in to prayers The proprietor of the estate read the Scriptures gave out the h y m n h i s daughter at the organ start ed the music and then the musie over the w o p r i e t c r of the- es tate kneeled down and commended all h i s guests all hi family all h is employes to the Lord Almighty God can trust such a man as that with a large es tate He k n o w s h o w t o abound He trusted God a n d God trusted him And I could call off the roil of 50 merchant princes a s m i g h t y In worldly successes Ah my friends do nlaquot be puffed n p by any of the snecesses o f this life do not be spoiled by the number of liveried coachshymen that may s top at your door or the sweep of the l o n g trai l across the imshyported tapestry Many of those tvno come to your house are fawning parashys i tes They are not so much in love with you as they are in love with your house and your successes You move down rieiU year to 320 Low Water Mark street and see how many of their carshyriages Will halt at your door

I inset you this springtime at the door of your new home and while I he lp yotriift the c lothes basket over the bRuisters and the carman is ge t t ing red in the f a c c j n trying to transport that article of furniture to some new i dest iaat ion I congratulate you You are go ing to have a bOUt-r l i inc - thb year some of y o u than you ever had You take God and the Christian relishyg i o n jn your home and you will be

God in the parlor

1000000 DEATHS bull bull r


T b G e r m s or t h i s F a t a l D i s e a s e a r e L u r k i n g E v e r y w h e r e T b o u -

n a n d s of D o l l a r s S a v e d by T h i s Woi tdcr fu l

D l a c o v e r y

Hundreds of thousands of dollars has been lost in the poultry business on acshycount of the devastation aTurjug the flockscaused by cholera roup gape and other fatal disea-^cfi There huve IHJCU many remedies advanlt^d but none seem to be so successful as tho American Poultry MLvtuie This will cure chickens in the last stage of cholshyera and roup and is excel lent for garjgtes Do your fowls suffer from violent diarshyrhea dropping of the wings stupor or excessive thirst These are the first symptoms of cholera Cholera is a germ disease and be ing infectious spreads rapidly throng) i the entire flock Take time by the lore lock dont s top to experiment wi th unreliable or untried remedies Use this mixture a t once and he sanitary measures they recommend in connection D o n t give the fowls up Cholera i s a terrible disshyease but th i s remedy cores it erery time I t i s also gnaranted for roup which can be told by hoarse breathing swel led eyes discharge a t the nostrils resembling catarrh Fi f ty dollars i s offered for any case the Mixture wi l l not cure If some of your fowls are diseased i t wi l l prevent the rest from catching it Try i t I t i s cheap (re l iable and effective a scientific preparshyat ion g o e s more than three times ar far a s any other remedy does xuon good than al l of theai combined I t is used a n d endorsed b y t h e most expershyienced and largest breeders of plain and fancy poultryin gtJ1 parts of the world The manufacturers guarantee every package Or refund purchase moneyv If your drnggisf d o n t sell American Poultry Mixture hes behind the age I n that case seed SLOG for sample box to American Mfg Colaquo Terre Haute I n d


grandly ha^ppy ntg^jtv^en he rolled into his e x t e m p o - t n a t will sanctify your pociabililles rjzed Cfvuch The furniture b r o ^ i i ltiod i n the nurserymdashtbat will ps-atcct somet imes wil l result in the breaking y o u r children God in thcdln ing-hal l -of the Ten Commandnients There is no more fearful pass than the hall of a house where t w o famil ies meet gtne roOving but and t h e other moving in The sa lutat ion Is apt to be more vet helaquoent than complirnentary The grace that wil l be sufficient for the lat of Januarj and the t s t of Februshyary and the 1st of March arid the llaquo-t Oi i p i i i T i i i u u t enj fx i incir in IUI u i r 1st o f May Say y6ur prayers t h a t morning if you find nothing bet ter to kneel down by than a cosl scutt le and say your prayers at night though

tha t will make the plainest mal an imperial banquet God In the morfr fugmdashthat will launch the day brightly from the drydocks God in the evenshying - t h a t will s a i l the day sweetly Into the harbor

And get joy one and all of you whether you move or do not move Get joy out of the thought that we art BO on all g o i n g to have- a great mov ing day Do you w a 6 t raquo picture of the n t w house i n t o which ytraquou will niove Here it is wrought with the hand Of a master Ve know that if

4 Law Which Hau Been Remarkably Successful in New Zealand

Ncv- Zealond has anticipated the rest r tho world by enacting a law which

ieala so rationally with all trade disshyputes bdquothat it lis actully prevented strikes for the last five years It is iraposglble-to^ present more tftan an outline of the plan

IJoth Ksociaticns of employers and the trade mions may bVincorporated Tiraquosc w-jiich are chartered or re^- Iftered choose the members of their own board aud also the menbers of tho court to which disputes are refershyred Whether organized or not the associat ions and trade unions are subshyject to the law

The colony of New Zealand is dividshyed Into Industrial districts for each of which there is a conciliation board elected for three years It cons i s t s of two persona chosen by registered era ploy ers two by registered trade unions and one disinterested person elected bythe tour who is chairman When a dispute arises between emshyployers and the men in their employ e ither party may refer t h e matter in dispute to the district board which has full authority to invest igate the facts and to command a s e t t l e m e n t

in case either party will not accept t h e decision the matter is referred to the State court This cons is ts of one person representing t h e trade unions o r e the employers and a chairman a Judge of the supreme court appointed by the Governor The court has a three years term and to wise ly inshydependent of politics

A decision by tuis court is final and m o s t be accepted under a penalty for violation not exceeding pound 5 0 0 or 92500 Moreover when a dispute _xis been referred to the conciliation board and until It i s finally settled a s tr ike or lockout Is illegal

That there have been about fifty e a s e s referred to district boards o~ to t h e court in the past five years that during that t ime there has neither str ike nor lockout in New Sealand and thampt in every case the decision has been accepted by both parties s eems to prove either that the l a w i s exshyc e l l e n t or that it is excel lent ly ad ministered Perhaps it demonstrates both propositions The necess i ty for the passage of a similar law in this country is to a p p a r e n t t o require arshyg u m e n t Aside from the Interests of the employers and the employed the greater interests of the general public demand i tmdashYouths Companion


l ot


It is Supplied in this Vicinity at iast

Jt Is hard to ho pleasant Good-tiaiured people are ofteigt irritashyble

If you know the reason you would be surprised -

Ever have i tching piles Not i-ick enoutfn tw bullgtltltgt bed or

well en dug li to Le coy tent The constant itching sensation Hard to bear tiiirdor to get relief

Klaquoeps you awnke nights bull Spoils yoiis tempermdashnearly drives you crazy

Isnt relief and cure a long felt want I t is to bebad for everyone in D o a u V

Ointment Doans Ointment never fails co cure

I tching Piles Eczema- or any itching o f the akin

Here $ proof 61 i t at the te3tinoiraquoy of Ann Arbor ciLteen

Mreuro C Church of 520 South 7th street Ann Arbor DDW retired from ibe active duties of life says I have no hestitiitton in recomoaending Doans Ointment to anyone requiring a healing and soothing preparation it will prove inviluable I sufiered for years from itching heinorroids aud though I tried every t t i n g I -could bear of anlaquoI used remedies prescribed by scores of friends I was unable to obtain permanent relief until my attention was called to Doans Ointment I was somewhat surprised after the second application to notice what a different effect it had from anyshything 1 had hitherto used Encouraged I used ItstrlctlV according to direftions and In a v e r y short t ime when you t s s e Into consideration the aumber Of vcars I was afflicted tbraquo irritation c e a laquo d ami the inflftinstton was allayed When Doans Ointment cured me i t wil l e t r e others

Doatis Kidoevu Pi l ls for sale by all dealer Price 50 cents Mailed by Foster-Milbuni Co Buffalo X Y So le apoundlaquots for the U S Remeuiber the name Doans and take no substitute

Wax Candles

Jfathitur ellaquoeaddsao m laquo a l tth charts of tlw Orawtut

rolaquom w boodoir tfclaquo raquoftly rraquo4i- H t Ifaht rrltM6 OOROOVA Caod2laquoc Xotbijtr wIJI ltlaquo^r^Miir3wr to the I bullriMic tMeemaJX tb ltmcbpn I tea tm ltUamlaquof Ttugt brat dlaquotraquotW claquoaeuroUraquo for th cifraquoDtcirt or ttw

nlaquoat eUtonUn fencttoamdashfor oot tagagtfWaiintei aladlaquo in all cqax

Uw mlaquo4 4laquoUeatlaquo traquofegt b STS]laquoraquoAnraquo laquoSfc C9

T o Cure lKltwmummm i n On Wraquok To Oar Oomrtipation i n Ono W e a k T o O n r e l a d i g e a t i o n i n O n a W e a k

To P u r i f y tha B lood i n One T n k


How the Bri t i shCare for the Wounded Soldiers

Modern artiliergts effectiveness has put a very different complexion upon the uses and necess i t ies of field hosshypitals A field hospital used to be very near the fighting linemdashIt was often actually under Grc But nowshyadays w h e n artillery U-R IS c o m m a s ly effective at four thousand yards no field hospital could be allowed sufD-ciently near the fighting lne to permit of the wounded being taken directly to i t aftd the organation of aid has be^en altogether altered

In South Afrlcai it has been arrangshye d that all the effective aid in the field w i l l be that of the Army Medical Corps Voluntary aid wi l l confine it-selr to he lines of comniunlcatlon

T w o raiilion Americans snifer the tortur iag pangs of dyspepsia N o need to B u r d w k Blood Bitters cures At airaquoy drugstore

the Peace following tiuit One

J Q l l o o d Just ice of Crosby Mlslaquov makes the (statement I can certify Minute Cough Cure will do al that is claimed for i t My wife could not get her breath and the tirst do^c of it reshylieved her I t has also benefited my whoc-bullfamily It acts inlaquonampltiately and cures cough CohK cronp grippe bronchitis asthma and all throat anltl lung troubles F M Kilbourn

your knees come dowfl on a pajief of J our earthly house of this taliernacle were dissolved we liave a building of God a house no t niadlaquo wi th-hands eternal iri the heampyenft How much rent will we have to pay for i t We are going to own i t | l o w much must we pay for it H o w much cash down and liow much le f t on mortgage Our F a t h e r Is go ing t o give it as a free gif t

carpet tacks You Will want supershynatural he lp if any of you move Help in the morning to start out aright on the days work Help at night to re p e n t There w i l l - b e enough annoyshyances to make a Xaijt lppeout of a Frances Ridley Havergal I have again and again been i n crises of moving day and I have stood appalled and amazed and helpless in the shipwreck tak ing as wel l as I could those t h i n g s that floated ashore from the breakshyers and I k n o w how to comfort and how t o warn a n d how to encourage t h e people so I preach this practical May day sermon All these troubles wi l l - soon b e gona and tiie brttises wi l l heampL a n d the stiffened Joints wi l l become supple 4nd your ruffled tern- per will be smoothed of i t s wrinkles and order wi l l take the plate of disshyorder and you will s i t down in your n e w home seriously t o contemplate

My first word then i n this part of my discourse is t o all those who move out of smal l houses into larger ones Now we wi l l see whether like t h e apostle you kpow h o w to abound Igto not because your n ew house h a s t w o more stories t h a n the -old one add t w o s tor ies t o yonr vanity or make your brightly polished silver doorplate the coffin plate to your buried humil i ty Many persons movshying into a larger house nave become arrogant and supercilious T b e y swagger where once they walked they simper where once they laughed they go about wi th an air which seems to say Let all smaller craft ge t out of these waters if they dout w a n t to be run over by a regular Cn-narder I have known people who were kind and amiable and Christian in their smaller housemdashno sooner did they go over the doorsill of the new house than they became a glorified nuisance They were the terror of dry goods c lerks and the amazement of ferryboats into which they swept and if compelled to stand a moment with condemnatory gHanee turning all the people seated into criminals and convicts They began to hunt up the family coat of arms and had lion couchant or unicorn rampant on the carriage door when if they bad the appropriate c o a t of arms i t would have been a butter firkin or a shoe last or a plow or a trowel Instead of being l ike all the rest of ns made o n t of dust they would have you think that they were trickled out o Heaven on a lump of loaf sugar The first th ing you know of them the father will fail in business and the daughter wil l run off with a French dancing master A woman spoiled by

Take Clevelands Celery Compound Tea raquo bull bull raquo 3 s c If it fails to cure we will cheetfnUy between the field andv the base ho refund your^tony (Trial ake ftee) i p l U l and between the bafo and gene

+ + a I L I ral hospitals The workms organiza St cent m PtacoCK S tlon is as followmdash

Accompanying the fightins l ine arc the bearer companies of the Army Medical Corpsmdashtjiree or four m e n t o each regular regimental company When a man drops out wounded the Army Medical Corps men pick him u and take him to the nearest dress-

STATE Or MICHIGAN tounty of SWswas-ife44 akj|

At raquoalaquoilaquoraquon eftfieProbstc Court tor laquonll county bolaquol at the lYoblaquoe Office tn ibc city ot Corunnd oa Monday thlt Wb day of April in tbeycr on tpoundlaquojuraquoultininlaquo bundctJ

Krtwprit MRftbew Duah Judircor Vroimre ID ifte matu-r ol the elaquoiiraquoe of Alfivrt P

stuirri y dlaquocwtgtelti on reading mux fliitip UM I ing station where he is attended to i s )gtlaquo-titiltgtn ltgtf Aifnlti A -^irturby t-ntjlutr tiiiw QUickly a s possible From the dress-Miii M M ulaquo-lt -ruM-u Riii e^uiieii to iihrit u bull Ing station the wounded arc taen to (bullslat- col lect ing stations these bein^ placed

it ilaquo orlaquort-laquoi that the 7th day or Mraquoy j a t points where more eheiter is obtain ncTt Jtt tlaquo-n uclM-k jfi the forenoon at mid | bdquo h _ bull-bullbull


ItertM of Intcrst from Some of 0 laquo Slaquof-- rounding Towns

ItulaW (Jfllie be UblaquoiRDt-ltl for bearingttuitl petition

And it it further ordered thata copy of this onlrr IKT pnblltraquohcltl tlire siu-cesan e weeks yievious to AtltJ ilnv of blaquottrlnr In tbeCorwisua Journal a oefeapaprr pt-ibteltl and -bullirx-ulaitiig

llATTREW ItUSH J udee of probate


ftiriWiT)nraquo1HBi TaUit^ _^Argt- nltBMaraquoiaay assa ay owr

ltbulllaquo_bullmdash a ^ i n a B S ( i | M B raquo baflM ask jor dtvaMt Car-

r $ 5 L a^_laquofelaquoJItAjBaf

sHo 2S3WlaquoodraquomrtAfgtlgtBraquorott

When are we g o i n g t o move into it7 | laquo BHJ c^uutyof ^ i a raquo w c laquo YTe are moving now On moving day heads of families are very apt to s tay i n t h e old hnraquoise urtlil tbey have seen everyth ing off They send ahead the children^ and they send ahead the treasures and the valuables Then aftshyer awhile they wi l l come themselves

I remember very well In the country t h a t i n boyhood moving day w a s a jubilat ion

On a l m o s t the first load we the chilshydren were sent o n ahead t o the new house and we arrived with shout and laughter and in an hour we had ranged through every r o o m in the house the barn and the g r a n a r y Toward night and perhaps in theajfttt wagon father and mother would 4jtigl looking very tired and we would come down t o the f o o t of the lane t o meet them and tell tnem of all the wonders we discovered in the new place and then the last w a g o n unloaded the candles l ighted our neighbors w h o had helped us to movemdashfor in those t imes neighbors helped each othermdashsat down with us at a table on which there was every luxury tbey could think of Well my dear Lord knows t h a t some of us hare been moving a good while We have s en t our children ahead Ave have s en t many of our valuables ahead We canshynot g o yet There is work for us to do but after awhile it will be toward night and we will be very tired and then we will s tar t for our new home and those who hare gone ahead of us they will see our approach and they will come down in the lane to meet us and they will have much to tell ns of what they have discovered in the house of ninny mansions and of how large the rooms are and of how bright the fountains And then the last load unloaded the table will be spread OJ6 our celestial neighbors will come in and sit down with our reunited famshyilies and the chalices will be full not wi th the wine that sweats in the vat 0t earthly intoxication bnt with the new wine of the kingdom And there for the first t ime w e will realize w h a t fools we were on earth when w t feared t o die since death has t a m e d out only to he the moving from a smaller house Into a larger one and the exchange of a paupers hut for a princes cast le and the go ing np-ctairs from a mbtn able kitchen to a glorious parlor

PBOBATK ORDER-Straquotof Michigan cani shyty ot Sbi)Mralaquo8ee bull

At a session of the Ptubate Court far Raid couuty held at the ProUat office in tblaquo city of C M U D I M on ttw 4tb day of April in the year one thousand nine bundwd

Preenw MaubeV Butth Jodyre of Prooat In the matter or the etuample of Urban Gottlog

ODanirl Outtlug araquoancil lary administrator baring rendered io Ibis Conrt bis Una) account

It i ordered Ibat tho tb day May next a l i e n oclock io the forenoon at said Probate Office be appointed for examiniuframpnd allowing said account

And it is further ordered that a copy of this otrter be published three successive weeVs pre-viona to suiiJ day of bearing in the Comuna Journal raquo newspaper printed and circulating in said coxtftty of Shiawassee

MATTHEW BUH Jtidpe of Probate

able In the c a s e of collecting stations

ft Is possible of course t o se lect jsora effective shelter than at the dressing stat ions where shelter is more a matter of improvisation From the col lect ing stations the wounded are carried a s quickly as possible to the field hospital Here generally speakshying they remain a day and are then removed t o the base hospital

There wil l be t w e l v e field hospitals to South Africa four stationary or base hospitals and four general hos-pftiala each with its complete staff T h e dhrtributkm of t h e s e hospitals wil l be determined by the officers commanding tn South Africa and must depend on the manner in which the military situation develops


[Too Ute for last week] V(

A boy was born t o Me aud Mr Albert Ilaihampway Friday

We notice that I-L Mills has made a flop over Io the Democratic party and urn a delegate to their county convett-tiou last week and Is named as a deleshygate to their congressional convent ion

IMiFNsry Whipple returned to her home at Indian Toraquoraquo SaturdSy or rather left hereand stayed In Doraad over Sunday

Ixgtuis HatiUey and ivife were called to Owosso Tuesday on account of the slckues of her fatier Mr Isaac PrRio

d After suflering from pilrs for fifteen vcraquors I was cured byuiux t w o boxes of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve writes W J Baxter North Urook N U It ^ealraquo bullvery lb ing Beware of countei feitt F M Kilbourn

HUMPHREYS Witch Hazel Oil


One Application Gives Relief IteoratPuesof HemorrnoldamdashExternal or later-

nal Blind or Btoedtag Itching or Burning FUvnre aad Ftatolaa BaUef tanmediatemdashcure oertain

It cunlaquo Barns Scalds and Ulceration and Con-tractioBS from Burn TneRUIef Inrtant-hoaUng woDderfat

It c a n Torn Cat or Lacerated Wound ted Braises

It cure BoAraquoCarbaaetea FetobsM Bwnroonda meenlaquoOM sorea Itctotas Crripdoas Snrfy or Scald Head

It eareti UnVu t ov Caked Breasts and sore Xtnttte tsTataaUe

It cares Salt Rbeam Tettera Scarry EraptlOflx Chapped Eaads Fever BUrtert sore Up or KoatrtU Oorna ntmlows Sore and CbaflaquoX Feet attafa of inject Koagaico Bttea aad Snnboma

T h r e e S iaee 2 5 c 6 0 c a a d $ 1 0 0 SaHay0rafia^raquoie^a^^sIJ(laquomraquoB4raquofsrfee

H U M P H a t C Y r W K O C O ltr Wmnaa M i Ma W W VO JtK

Tyroleae Courting When a young Tyrolese g o e s a

courting In earnest he carries with him a bottle of wme of which he pours out a portion and presents it to JUampobJect of his affection

If she accepts it the whole affair fta settled Very often the girl h a s not made up her mind and then she will take refuge in excuses s o as not to drink the wine and yet not refuse it point blank for t i a t i s considered a gross insult proving that she has been merely trilling with the affecshyt ions of her lover She will for inshystance maintain that the wine looks sour or that wine disagrees with her In fact she makes use of any subterfuge that presents itself at the m o m e n t

Shy lovers loth to make sure of their case beforehand find It a very j hajTV inspiration Not a word need bespoken and the girl is spared thf pairh1 No of civilization

A Lost River One of the most remarkable freaks

of nature occurs in Mexico It is a river that is not a river The bed of it l ies in a valley between tho Rio

j Grande and Peco3 Rivers It is not r (dead or dried-up stream It is s imply l o s t Numerous bis tributaries tlov Into It from tho neighboring mounshytains Immediately however thoy reach the bed of the main stream thev disappear from sight This fcr yaiii reason or another a river wic should be 300 miles in length his m exis tence which could be proved

Advance of Aluminium Aluminium wlich hampi no commershy

cial ex is tence a few ytjar ago was produced in the United States last

gt year to the extern of 5200000 pounds Tallied a t raquo1750000 which is one tenth of the cost of 10 years ago

Hows T b U T bullbull

We offer one hundred dollars reward for ailiV Case of catarrh t h t cannot be cured by HalFsgt catarrh cure

F J lt Jbeoey amp Co Prop Toledo O W e the undersigned have known F J

Cheney for the l a sM5 years and beliere him perfectly honorable In all businefa transact ions and financially able t o carry out any obligation made by their firm West A Truax wholesale druggists

Toledo O Waldlng Kinnan amp Marvin wholesale

druggist Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken fnterually

act ing directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 73c pirbottllaquo Sold by all druggist Tea-tiinouials free

l l a l f s Family Fil ls are the best


From Morricc Clipper

Dr Cook was in Oarer on business h s t Tuesday

Born to Mr aud Mrs Tyrrell Thursshyday Ust a boy

i l r s Dr Halite of Perry spent Wedshynesday here with her mother Mrs J G Kern

Com O L Bristol was in town Tuesshyday night He is v i s i t ing the district schoois-around here

Mrs A II l lowsrd entertained a few friends Wednesday it being the annishyversary of her l i i th

O lt Whitney was was at Chesaning Saginaw and other places in lhat vicinshyity the first of Mis week

Chs Whaley linLlaquohed a largi ver-amlit and other iinproveiucnls lo tbe hou^e (gtf C ile-i Waters last week

A I MJ0lyid lt-y Hair digtpiraquos3ltl of their i)Tvi|laquociy here and with their fauiiliw left iast-Tucstkty morning for Vlaquo st PiMiit ArLanampis where th^y ex-gt-ct to |gter rtiieutly locate

Mr Oniiraquohy will no io Corn una tomorrow t- xlaquot a maon who will uilaquo lervtaml tbci i igtiug ol tr ick vr^gtwakPraquo We are very much In need of these waklaquo and hope they will l e lid soon


bull ^ ^ ^ ^ laaaaWai

^ J J I U J ^ I ^ P - ^ J -

ROVAL Baking Powder

Tuade from pure - am of tartar

Safeguards the food against alum

Alum tnexuUt to

aft the greatest of the pKetatdayv



Shlttwasampee Spoundraquoy 5tb

EdMcall bought a farm of Hiram Spears

Cla- Lindley has bought the city property of Air Spears

Mr Spears and wife expects to leave May 9 for their new home in Dakota

Mr an J Mrs FultOn of Kerby spent Sunday with their daughter and family

Hr$ Linuley and Hinnie has been visitlD Mrs Lindleys parents a few days in Chesanlug retarded home yesshyterday

Impossible to foresee an accident Not impoeaible to be prepared for i t Igtr Thomas Edeetrie OJhMonareb ever p a l e bull bullbullbull bull bull

rauET T f v raquo the Ferrv Jqnrnal

C p Colbj and son Deoltlaquoo visited la WebbervUle over Sunday

A E Richards of Coruan was In town on business Tuesday

C E William was id Ooruaea ou boraquo-iness the first of the week

Miss Minnie Devore of Durand is vU-tttajc friends lb the Tillage

Hiss Minnie Cleeee spent Sunday with Miss Eva Mortice in Mdrrlce

WJ Richardson of laming peot Sunday with friends in the Tillage

Mr and Mrs ltJbaraquo Sbarpe spent Sun-day with their daughter Jlrfl ^ebb ia Holt u bull

James Graham and daughterof laa-stog visited relatives in the village over Sunday

8etgtbeu Bennett wife and cbiKt of Lalttgsburg vetted at Kerb Keebeya over Sunday

U P Haloted has moved bUoffioefreu the rooms over the bank to hit building at the roar of FgtOQS drugstore

Toui Hbarpe has completed bis course at the Itaraquoi net college in Lansing and Is at pwsent at home in the viiiage

Oto Hurke of Okemos was in towu on buraquoineaa (he first of the week Mr Burke baa purchased the hotel at that place

fJougUs and cbld^ down to the very border land of consuui prion yield to the toothing healing influences of Dr Wood Norway Pine Syup

I I i in i i m^mmmtmm mraquo 11 i l i m i M i 1-1

P0f H A Haynea has resigned his poattiou as principal of the Bancroft Mgbeeeioot

The L T Lare to have a laquohaow social at the home of Mr Dudly Swar-thour Friday evening

Mr Edwin Brewster and bride spent Sunday with the formers parents Mr And Mrs Jofcn Brewster

While touching off some nun powder Van Wixuin was burned very badly about the face and hands

The Atbacuuin club meets Fiidar afternoon of this week An interesting program has been prepared

The Congregational 1st will give a pound social for the minister Key Datiesand wife Tuesday evening

Mr Frank Royp brother of Mr G C-Lemon who ha been working in an asphalt factory in Indianapolisbad tbe misfortune to lose two of bis Angers in one of the cog wheels

Mr apd Mrs J S Lemon Mr and Mrs Cbas Wbelan Mr and Mrs N A Harder and Miss Carr of tbe Newburg club attended tbe Caledonia club held at the pleasant borne of Mr and Mrs Chas Wright

A wary weJtoome tterm of rail eg-ae Monday afternoon continued through Monday night and It raining at thi wrlOag Tightninff struck the out-boose in Mr Shaws yard Monday evenshying abont 10 oclock The building was only about 8 feet from tbe rear of bis bouse and adjoin log it was a gasshyoline tank lately Ailed Tbe siding was torn off just above the tank and the studding inside was badly slivered otherwise uo harm was done Fortushynately no one was in at tbe time

Tbe eldest and most effective method Of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to take DeWtua Little Early Risers the famous little pills for cleansing tbe liver and boweig F M XUbouro

Hewitts Little Early fibers are the finest pillf I ever used71mdashP J Moore Mtlibrook Ala They quickly core all liver and bowel troubles F M Kll-bourn


D m i r i Mleau Umy ft

Mr and Mr PN IxUad visited to Owoseo Sosday

Miss Ida Goodyear in Flint on bast-nets last Friday

Mrs Storages tea sttfur from Cashynada visiting bar

Mrs Cast Obert faj entertaining her mother this week

Milaquos Jfcuma Aeaott felted Mrs W Payne Owoaao Monday

Mrs W Monty of Coronas called on Durend friends Tuesday

Mr Cbapama teaveathU morning for Monroe to Fpend a few days

Mr Will Blbbard and D Martin left forldabo last wet Wednesday

Mrs Will Paynlaquo of Owosso visited ber mother Mra J Reklaquo Tuesday

Mr Pratt of Veraoa is speoding the week at the boase of Mrs R J Aogs-bary

Mr and Mrs O B Hlbbard left Wedshynesday evening for Wtseoasla Tbey will visit California and Idaho befora retnrnieg

bAiter suffering from severe d apeaw ale Care It dH me so saoeb good I recommend It to everyone^ writes J B Watkins Clerk and Reorder ChlUl cotbe Mo It digests What yon cat F M KHboam


and Old Fashioned But Reliable Worth Remembering

Things wbleb one should bare ready at band in case of need are first and foremost essence of cinaa-mon When exposed in a sickroom it Will kill the bacilli which are floating rourbull)gt A decoction of cinnamon li recommended as a drink to be takes freely in localities where malaria or fevers prevail for cinnamon has the power to destroy ail infectious mishycrobes - -- -

Peppermint is an bid friend not on any account to be snubbed Nothing Is better for a bee sting than the apshyplication of a drop of peppermint

In case one la near the premises or apartments where there ia diphtheria tbe simplest yet effectual mode of fumigation is to drop a little aniphor on a bot raquotove or on a few hot eoala carried through the rooms In thin way the spread of tbe dJaelaquoae may be stopped

A disinfectant to aae ta differsnt parts of the house wbleh will sweetshyen tblaquo whole place may be madeTery cheap Take one poaad of common copperas and eight ounces of erade earboac acid and dissolve bioae gal Ion of water Use freonenUy

A little carbpUc acid added to the water in which barns bmlaea and cots are washed greatly lesaena the soreness

After applying iodine to the ekm II tt amarta too Intensely to be borne It ia wdl to know that it can be waabed off with ammonia


Frpaft Vernon Arffus

Mrigt h Leuiunyon is on the sick list Henry OIney was in Byron Monday

on business Mis Chas Stewart visited relatives

In Dui ami Monday-A D Hammond spent Monday at tbe

Varsity city AuuArbor Mrs L Conrad was called to Fenton

last nightby the severe illness of her son Obariie Conrad

Mr^ bavidson and daughter Carrie of Charlotte are the guests of Mrs tibbie Wilkinson this week

W D amp A Garrison attended a meetshying of the Directors of the Firsi NatiorK al Bank of Corunna on Friday last

Hiram Spears has avgtld his Shiawas-seetown property and will soon remove to Dakota Ed McCall aid Cbas Lindley were the purchasers

Mrs XHilie Eckelberg Is in Corunua this week iOOkiug after Walsh EasJers feed barn business Wash ami family are in Clare Co on a business trip

R Bristol will move this week to Bekliug Mich where Ugtey will miJltlaquoi tbeir future home Mr Bristol bas conducted i blacksmith business here forabont IS years and is a first class nDcbaiiic He and Glen Bristol will engage in the ice-cream business in their new location Glen being an exshypert in tlint line

W S Musser Mlllheirn Pa s vesl ibe lift- of liilaquo litUe s i r l by giving her One Mi note Cough Core when she was dyliipound from croup It is the orlv liflnn-Ics- remedy thampt j ives immediate re Allies lr quickly cures coughs cold broiicliiii grippe asthma and all throat and In frac34frac34 troubles F M Kilbouru


BaHcrofi Mitli Mrraquoy 8th

Wixtun brothers have a fine show tbi gt eu

Bsit I-aMsy bus purchased Myron Wilcoxs dray line

Tbe Neviurlt Fannfra Club meets with Mrand Mrs Jobn Wbelan Tburi-day

Cards are out announcing the mar riage cf Miss Louie Harder to Mr Oorner

O V I D bullbullraquobull

9rw such B(raquor 8 Un J T Oeerof Buffalo N Y^ Is

visiting her sister Mrs Kay Sir Knights Kay and Pinnkett attendshy

ed tbe funeral of Sir Kolgbt CUpp of Owosao Sunday

Tbe funeral services of Mr Gardner Stanton wbc went to California last fail foi bis health but who died there last week wamps held In the Baptist church last Souday Tbe Maccabees of which Mr Stanlou was a member atshytended the services

Our dog warden is becoming very proshyficient in tbe use of the revolver It is a small dog indeed that be cant bring dowu on tbe third fire

Mr William McCarty bas through the back log of a brewery company asked our village council to appear before Hon George P Stone circuit judge to answer why said council would not acshycept bis liquor bonds Tbe bearing was adjourned from last Saturday 5th to tbe coming week The case excites conshysiderable interest It is claimed that the bonds were presented before tbe action was taken by tbe council prohibiting the sale of liquors of any kind

Recreations of Among actresses first we find that

Sarah Bernhardt bas a taste for paint-fng sculpture and cycling whUe tn snmmer ahe delignts ia ftahbag boat-tag tennis and tlteratare aometimlaquo also diff-scaliag pound t tm Terry b lea ambitions for she finds cnffteteot 4fsgt traction in reading drtvisg aad yacht-ng while bar abrter Marina Tarry like sTotag to the theatre on an o night to tee what bef orothera aad sisters hi art are 4ofnx She also la paanfamataly IBSMI at lowora lawas mnste and enjoya a ansa of gotf- Mi Brown Potter attattogfc aha saaow eweh a wteken MEbMI aamaaaa hanall In a swflctaBtly iaxoeeBt way for aha passes much of her tlaae flowers and Ss Scsd of an pnrsulta Miss Ada Rehaa cycles a good deai reads ranch and loves trav eL Mrs Patrick Campbell is a anperb tssstciaa and cycles Handsome aad stately Geaevfeve Ward detracts hershyself with riding rawing swimming modelling end painting Beautiful Jo-lit Neilaon also lovee the water for ahe swlnte and la at home on a yacht she too rides a bicycle Her cousin Lily Hanbury swims likewise cycles usul piays tennis Gertrude Kingston loves every outdoor pursuit especialshyly cycling and skating Mme de Mar-arro who was once Mary Anderson rides a great deal loves music cards slngicq and readiug aloud Dainty Anshynie Hughes cycles and swims equally well and Mrs Kendall nnda sufficient recreation in reading

I i You need not lose flesh in summer $ 5 if you use the proper means | $ to prevent it You think _ you cant take SCOTTS 5 i EMULSION in hot weather | but you can take H and di-1 | gest it as well in summer as i | in winter It b not like the I g plain cod-liver oil which is J t difficult to take at any time $ If you are losing flesh | you are losing ground and you need

Long Letters Do those of us who have many

friends and who desire to retain them generally realise what a huge slice of time correspondence takes In planshyning ont our days work we say to ourselves that we must really write to so and so to-day without fail hot we reckon no time for the taskmdashtt la one of those little things that doat take a minute5 Ah weU bat w a t t down to It after teamdashone sheet to Uv Ue Mis Mnsfet |wn raquo Jfl one Sraquod a half to Jack and behold there hi very little change left out of two or three hours We had counted on spendshying in some other way For we cannot send to our friends a brief laquond bald outline of what is befalling us one of those unsatisfactoiy scraps which on receiving we feel la not worth the stamp that i t cost Many people will tell you it is not worth whBe to write long lettersmdashjust a line to say where you are and tell then the rest when you meet But that is a poor plan since love aad friendship are both plants which thrive under culshytivation Common Interest dies out if not kept alive by use and something to feed upon

t I f Scotts Emulsion g ami must have it to keep up | J your flesh and strength If pound you have been taking it and i f prospering on h dont fail to 5 i continue until you are thor- J 9 oughJy strong and welt c S ampocandiioigtalldnigsats S f SCOTT amp BOWHE Chcmi Nlaquow Yoik 1


A Glass of Water at Bedtime Tbe human body Is constantly unshy

dergoing tissue changes Water has the power of increasing these changes which multiply the waste products but at the same time they are re newed by its agency giving rise to increased appetite which in turn proshyvides fresh nutriment If you do not accustom yourself to drink water reg ularly you are liable to have the waraquoLe products form faster than tboy are removed Any obstruction to the free working of natural raws at once produce disease Great weakness and languor on rising in the morning is generally duo to a large secretion of these waste products and the remeshydy is to drink a tumblerful of water mdasheither hot or coldmdashjust before reshytiring This materially assists in the process during the night and leaves the tissues fresh and strong -ready for tbe active work of tbe next day

Four Littla Household Hints All cake tins should be lined with

evenly buttered paper before baking All good cakes should have a sheet of paper placed on the top

To remove varnish stains from the bands Is quite easy if before wash-Ins you rub them with a flannel dipshyped la methylated spirits

To prevent me(al from nut rob

v W-raquo_ - v laquo J Vgt


I think we better buyour Suits of M Mullen dont you Certainly- We can do the lrest there

Perfect Fits ^ Lowest Prices ^^

Reinember I offer you Stilts that lastmdashSuits that fit--^Suits that hold the greaest value for your lnonev

My Spring One of MEKS BOYamp and CHILDRENS SUITS is all new sad up-to-datemdash nothiog chesp about tfeem except the prices You cant afford to miss seeshying these goods for if you expect to buy it means dollars to you

^ 2 1 bull

Jraquo gt ^

I carry a big line of Workiugmens Shifts Pants Jackets and Overalls TJiey are the best make in the world and ail warranted not to rip I am always glad to show goods whether you come to buy or not so come in and get prices

Yours for good goods and low prices


over tne suriaee a nuxrare rormeu oy melting together equal parts of oao-kerit PAraffln and beeswax

Stalas of paint which have become dry laquoo as ampTmvat are difficult to remove but with persistent use of benslne or spirits of turpentine tt can generally be managed

UmbrslSaa TO avoid after lamfntatiens the woshy

man with limited means should saafcs the selection of a saw smbretta taa subject fox earnest thoaght

She thonld fart wall in that a good MtbreUa ontiaata a cheap ono aa4 leeks better wmfio It lesta aad that a blaej( amhrelSa la always 1laquo taste aad vfll gown

A twisted wood hajsdle atnddod with silver or a pasta ervstal hull dnv plays eveellent taste

Avoid blaarre haaaiaa and gar cot or entects In corertaca

the did geatiemaa remarked and if you think youd rather change with me raa wfifing

A second invitation waa not reshyquired And I dldnt have to change only wttu the woman but with the hul family ahd I thought theyd push me out In the aisle But Hi bet that to this day the woman tens of the ftsae when she sat next to the

t h e old bookseller add-ja bull

bullhe CaitMasise Of Voatli - bull And sow that you are through cotshy

tage what are rou gorag to d o r asked a friend of a yoathXal graduate

I shall study mriMa waa the crave reply of the slaattlons young

raquot Next to Grant Visitors to Washington wttt probashy

bly remember an old second-naiid book dealer who on aloe days alts In front of hie shop oe the north aide of Pennsylvania avenue just opposite Peace Honument He relates one story in which he and Oen Grant figshyure rather prominently

The old bookseller had received a ticket for a theatrical performance He went early and took his seat In the parquet Soon a family consisting of a husband and wife (nd several grown up daughters took the seats to his right A little later a snan came and sat on his left next the aisle The old bookseller Is blind in the left eye and did not pay any attention to the roan on his left At the end of the first act the lady on his right leaned over and asked if the stranger were not General Grant Sure enough it was and the lady was so informed

T reckon you can see a hit better from thbv chair where I am atttro

^8at fcamt that profession already overcrowded r asked the friend

PossiWy it is raaaarked tbe knowshying youth but propose to study medicine just the same and those who are already la the profession will have to take their chancesmdashChicago News

American Looomotivo Bui Wing As an Instance of the speed with

which work can be executed by one of our great American locomotive firms it Is worth noting that an order was given on Dec 1laquo 1W7 for forty Mogul locomotives for two Russian railways The firtt of the forty was erected and tried under steam on Jan 5 1898 three weeks after the receipt of the order and was finished ready to dismantle and pack for shipment i one Week later The but engine waa competed on reb 13 The forty enshygines were then contracted in about eight weeks besides twenty-eight adshyditional engines on other orders built In the works wholly or partially and shipped during- the same period No wonder the Americans luLve gained a reputation for smartnessmdashCaacters Magazine

If not drmk Graln-Omdashtbe from pure jrrala A lady writes The first time ImadeGraJn-O I did not like R but after usinic it for one weak nothing would induce me to go back to ceftVe^ It nourishes and feeds the afstew Tfe chudreo cagt-^iiak It freely witb great benefit i t fe the screajHheatnK sab-stauee of pure graitta Get a paefcafre to-day froar yout grocer teUow the dl-rvotioBS in nutkiog it and you will have a dellciou and healthful table beverage for old and yoanjr 15eaad raquo c

bullbullbull a

Wherever presirlT latradaevid Dr OsldweUs Syrup PepaiBee a cure for ooestipatlea baa aet with pheaoneaal sale Many druggists cannot say enough in praise of It merit as writ at Its great peputarfty with the people In 10c trial sine and also in Me and 1 00 sues at F M Kilboum



s^ataaiiKtCSa as MaaaiSi agtaa 9 M U H f i s t V J l s a s f l l i W e

t g r ^ e r i u u i i t i a | a gt s^fcralaawiilwfwrii

bullgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgt

At Green amp Pettiboaes

We nave Bicycles of all grades and prices and all Wheels are Fully Guarfnteetf

You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes Stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs and Tin Work at the lowest Prices consist a nr witb good material and work


61 Pettibone


tsammm Bsasasssaa asBBBBslaBBiiii


Page 5: THE myfpoimiiis.If-IIII...ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CORUNNA, MICH*, MAY 10, 1900. VOLUME XX; No. 22 tHE MARKKTS. •'-••— (Corrected by Green * Pettlbone.) •Wheat No. 1 White, No.*

Do a Little Shopping Jast for Once ^ frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 ~ may not wish tb tgtuy to-day but m a y some

o ther fine day We have taken much care in selecting our goods with t he idea of pleasing you in all waysmdashquality and prices We want i t understood t h a t quality i s t h e first cousid-eration prices next Look over th i s list of good things and come and see us


Wash Goods Fancy Prints per yard 5 c Best Apron Ginghams per yard 6c Finest Percales (fast colors) per yard 12gtpoundc New Dimities in all shades 7craquo 8c 10c 12gtfc and 15c Beautiful Ginghams 7c 10c and 12gtpounde

Ladies Shir t Waists Fancjr Percales Newest Creations White Lawn Plaid Etc

Lace Yokiugs intall prices and styles from

bull 30c 40c 50c 60c and 75c to $100 per yard

Valencienne Laces

25c to 200

10000 yards in all widths and patterns 12 yds for 25c

White Goods 500 yards India Linens (for this sale) at 500 yards India Linens (for this sale) at Fine White Linens from - White Duck for Skirts at


10c lc to50c


Bleached Cotton 1 case Lonsdale one yard wide worth 10c at 8c All widths for Sheets and Pillow Cases at

Less titan Factory Prices

Napkins 90c buys agood All Linen Napkin worth

100 bays a goocTAll Linen Napkinworth 125 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth 200 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth 325 buys a good All Linen Napkin worth

125 150 175 250 500

Towels Greatest Bargains Evcopyr Ottered

Bath Towels 50x22Jnches at - 25c pair Extra Fine Linen cheaper than ever before A Large Fine Linen Towel at bull 40c pair

Table Linens 50-inch Red Damask (fast colors) per yard 14c 54-inch Fine Linen bleached per yard 37 c 62-inch Fine Linen bleached per yard 49c 58-inch Fine Checkmdashred and whitemdashper yard 44c 72-inch Fine Bleached per yard 99c Other Grades in same proportions

bullbullbullbull - -bull Velvets Of all kinds and colors from 40c to 200 per yard We sell better Velvets for the money than you

can buy elsewhere Try us and prove it

Embroideries and Insertions We have a beautiful line of these goods in for

Spring Nothing so pretty as fine Embroidery

Pull Line of Filo Persian and Roman

For Fancy Work Batten berg Braids and Rings in all widths and sizes in stock

Baby Bonnets and Bun Bonnets

In all colors and prices from 15c to 150 bull -

Umbrellas and Childrens Parsols

A good Silk Umbrella Steel Frame for 49c The best line of Fine Umbrellas in the city

Bed Spreads Hemmed ready to use from 49c to 350

Lace Curtains and Dotted Mull

Good Lace Curtains worth 125 pair at Better Lace Curtains worth 175 pair at Fine Lace Curtains worth 250 pair at 40-inch Fine Curtain Goods at 40-inch Fine Curtain Goods at Dotted Mull from

99c 139 199

25c 18c

10c to 25c

Unbleached Cotton 5 Bales at Less tkftn Mill Prices 45-inch Pillow Case width worth 15c yard at 10c 45-inch Pillow Tubingmdashsomething new

Black Dress Goods Black Crepons Mohair Lusture worth 250 at 149 Other black goods at same rate

Silks for Shir t Waists and Skir ts

Mercerized Silks in all colors The best goods ever made for Waists and Skirts

Outside and Underskirts-The best values ever shown and in all colors The

Ruth Mercerized Skirt is a beautv and so cheap

Hosiery and Underwear LadiesVests from bull 5c to 50c Childrens Vests from raquo 5c to25c 100 Doz Ladies Mens and Childrens Hose 10c to 50c Ladies Fine Lace Hose worth 40c at 25c

25c 125 Summer Corsets regular value 50c to go at bull

Best Corset ever put on the market We keep a full line of all the best makes

Gloves-Kid and Silk Fine Black Silk Gloves with kid Points stitchshy

ed in White or Black Warranted Kid Gloves in all colors from 99cto L4j

Ribbon Bargains We have the most complete stock of all kinds from $100

to $180 at about half the price othersask for them Double Faced Black Velvet in all widths

bull i bull bull bull

Notions a n d Handkerchiefs Mere ijgt our strong point You cannot call for a thing

in this line but what we can fill the want Ladies Collars and Fancy Neckwear of all the latest fads and kinds are to be found here

i i io imdash bull r - n^Miiiiiinfiiiniiiww^TTr~- 1 laquorf laquoTmdashr----- bullbull r rii bullbullmmdashmm bullmdash bull bull -~i

Dress Linings and Trimmings All the Fancy Up-to-date Linings and Skirt Bindings

Fancy Braids Buckles and Pulley Belts are here

Mens Furnishings Pants Shirts Jackets and Overalls at the right prices

Suspenders Etc

Ladies Wrappers Fine Percale and Print Wrappers i A 4-A 1 C A

in the new styles from -^V I U I raquo D U

Goods for Bicycle Skir ts The Cotton Coverts at 12 c are just the thing- They

wash and wear nicely In all colors

Ladies9 Muslin Underwear Skirts each from - 49c to 150 Drawers per pair from raquo 25c to 50c Cheaper than you cart make them Come and see them

A Few Words to Buyers of Goods We have placed before you a full line of goods that you must use every

dayin the year All goods sold by us are purchased direct from the importer or manufacturer We do not ask you fancy prices but instead offer goods to you at much less than most merchants will sell them We want your trade Are

we asking too much of you to come and look at our goods If they are not what you want we do not expect you to buy but if you see anything you can use we will be pleased to sell to you We assure you courteoustreatment and full value for your money



Qh yes Spring is hereand so is our large and complete stock ef

Boots and Shoes for the itig and Suiti titer bull Spri

TAN and BLACK in endless varieties High and low cuts in endless styles Very dressy Tan or lilaquock LADIES BALS from $150 to $375 Ladies OXFORDS Tan or Black from $lt)( to $200raquo For gentlemen we have DRESS SHOES from $150 to 400 per pair Dont fail to ceo the DOUGLAS $350 in any shade They are excellent They arc as poundooil as ihb usual $pound50 of other makes Boys Youths Misses and Childrens Shoes in end-it ss varieties

bull- bull yours for good goods at reasonable prices


Terrific BrnlofJMit the Worst ia Leading FUtfiaes So Westcra History Takes Place

la Mine in ScefieldV selves aad Say the Insurgents

Are Surrendering

Ifeuures of IraquopaTtnce Pasted and Other Are Ditcaaart by the

Two Hansen J


Oae Haadred sad Thirty-Seven Bodlelaquo Have Been Recoveredmdash

Heartrttadias Kccuea mdash Work ot KelaquolaquoKlaquo OoimK Onmdash Every E3ort Be-

bullbullbullbull inlaquo Made far Belief




He represents thq strongestand nicst reliable companies

Parties desiring to sell or rent propertV will do welt to place the same with bim Good farm mortgages bought end sold

A good 120 acre farm for sale at a barshygain If sold at oncemdashSuitable for

stock purposes

Kodol Dyspepsia Cure

Digests what you eat I t at Li ficially digests the food and aid

Nature in strengthening andreconshystructing tbe exhausted digestive orshygans I t is tbe latest discovered digeet-ant awl tonic N o ottier preparation can approach i t in efficiency I t inshystantly relieves and permanently cores Dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Sour Stomach Nansea Sick HeadacbcGastraJglaCramps and all other results of imperfectdigestion Price 50c undfiL large an contains H$toe9 Small stoc Bookraquo01aboutdygpe|aiamidlearree Prepared by E C DaWTTT A euro 0 Chlcago

For Sale by F M KILBOUBK

TO Coze a Coagb l a One B a y To Cora a Cold in Cos S a y pound 0 Cure Sore Throat in OneDay To Cure Hoarseneas i n One S a y

Take Clevelands Lung Healer as cents If H fails to care We w i cheerfully refund

i your money (Trial size free)

atC M Peacocks

know of no better way to convince you that we can do better by you in Furniture than others can than to ask you to visit our store personally Do this before you deal elsewhere

REWARD We tbe uurierigned druggists offer

a reward of 50 cent to any person who purchaser of us two 23 cent boxes of Baxters Maodrakc Bitters Tablets if it fails to cure constipation biliousness sick-beadaebe jaordive loss of appetite sour stomach dyspepsia liver com-

friaint or any of tbe diseases for which t is recommended Price 25 cents for

eithei tablets or liquid We wilt also refund tbe money on oae package of either if it fails to give satisfaction




Wonderful Sagacity Shown In the Care o f f locks

The sheep doss in this country come by their nature ami training honestly for either they or their ancestors came from the sheep-dotted bills of England Scotland or Wales where for generations past the supreme efshyfort of the shepherd has been to proshyduce a perfect sheep dog They have succeeded well for no man could exshycel them In sheep lore no man could be more useful to the sheen owner for man is neither BO persistent and agile possesses such endurance or is so gentle under training and reproof The dog doesnt reason as to the why and wherefore of his affection for the worst sort of a brut shepherd may have the most faithful dog one that will mind the sheep on the hills pa-tlently await his master coming and guide bis roettn foosteps to his home

On the great ptais of tbe west these dogs havi made-it poaatbls for one man to care for three or four thousand sheep tn one flock All they ask la a bite to eat and once in a while when their feet are filled with thosharp thorns of the cactus they will come to have them taken out There Is no vsive on a weJHnined sheep dog The yrell-bred ebtlie whtcb takes the prizes at the bench aaow is beautiful to look at but this homeshylier brother the trained dog of the range is worth more than he is beshyyond price The sheep owner holds aim as beyond purchase The sheep herder who falls so low as to part with his companion is yet to be found ami if tbe dog were to be bought the buyer might rue his bargain for the master must go with the dog

In the new country the work of the sheep dog Is hard It is on a big scale In the old country the vrork is easier but it has ita finer points In the new country the dog may drive two thoushysand sheep in the old country a dos tiay drive three or four which takes more thought and skill In the old coustry the feature of every country fair in a sheep district i s the sheep 3og trials A trophy ia the annual prise and the shepherds and their dogs come from afar to try for the cup The dog that carries away the trophy may be a little short-haired homely and Insignificant brute which bulllinks pound0 the heels of aia master Hke a creature of no spirit but send him after the sheep and his wfcote eharac ter seems to change He is slow and gentle or quick and bold as the sheep may require His whole attitude is tense and nervous No human being could manifest a greater responsibilshyitymdashKansas City Star

If the office that docs your printing doesnt

do it neatly try the JOURNAL If it is

being done neatly try us for better still

Kodaks Cameras

and Amateur Supplies

Enlarged Pictures Crayon

India Ink Water Cokw

and Sepia Work-

Framing Done

on Short Notice

Platino4ypes The very latest things in our line arc

the Platino-types we are now putting oat We make Ibeto

Try Oral n-O J Try Oraio-O J Ask your grocer to-day to show you

a package of Grain-O tbe new food drink that takes the place of eoflVe Tbe children may driuk it without inshyjury as well as tbegtadult All who try Jt like it Grain-0 has that rich esi brown of Mocha or Java but It is made froa pure ^raJns scd the most delicate stomach reeeivs i t without distress Uie price of coffee 15c and 25c per package Sold by all grocers

Nothing else equals them We rftakc them in all styles Finish and Platino Work Gruarantecd

CMrndsr Curiosity January and October of the snme

year always begins with the same day

So do April onltf July also September and December February March and November also begin with the sarae day New Years day and S t Sylvesshyters day also fall on the same day except of course in leap ycir Each dry in the week has served as a day of rest somewhere Sunday among Christians Monday with the Greeks Tuesday with the Persians Wednesshyday with the Assyrians Thursday with the Egyptians Friday with tka Turks and Saturday with the Jews

Salt Lake City Utah May 2mdashA speshycial to the Tribune from Scofield Utah sayst The English language cannot describe the appalling disaster which occurred here at 1025 Tuesday foreshynoon by an explosion in mine No 4 of the Pleasant ValleyCoal companjs and by which certainly 200 men and upshywards have lost -their lives At this hour 137 bodies have been recovered and the work of rescue is still proceedshying and will continue until all the bodshyies are brought to the surface There are willing hands at work and as fast BUS bodies are reached they arebrought

Order Have Sera Issued Relievfa Htni of Cemamnd and Maj Gen aixcArthar Will Succeed Hlsraquo--In-iBrslaquonl A i c b h e i DtraquoeraquovrclaquoE by Cicn Frinfcton

Sevste Refaraquoe to Pnraquo raquo bull laquo bull laquo laquo laquo f Sgtnvatlaquoy tor laquolaquo BorraquoimdashMlaquonraquo

gtlaquolaquobull tSc Amcitded Porto Rico GltKveraiuBt JiraquolaquonwltmdashOiUcr Matshyter Lader Consideration

Washington May 1 mdash T h e Eeriate yesterday refused to consider a resolushytion of symp-Jthy with Boers The conshyference report on the amendatory Porshyto Rico bill was agreed to and the bill

Washington May 5mdashThe war deshypartment has received tbe follo^iog

report from Cjen Otis Manila May t-Aprtl cr ptures from

enemy were 30 pieces arttJiery 13raquo rtHes 1 considerable ammunition and large stores lt ot property During the early portion of j appropriating $40000 to enlarge ana

the month the enemy was active In tbe ex- i jmp r 0Te the public buildings at Bur-treme northern and southern Luzon and bull passed some Vlscayan Islands Our reported raquow^ raquo r

F __ tv^ i -i losses for the month were 13 enlisted men Washington May i mdash AUe AiiSKa ^killed three olfieers 24 enlisted men I Wounded rumored recent loss in Samar of

19 killed and number wounded not yet re- ported This laquos due to small detachments

Scouting in mountains In the interior of the island The enemy losses officially re-bull ported were 17 1 killed wounded and cap-

confi-down to the boarding houses and other ^ ^ ^ ^ I n o s ^ ^ p r ^ s r ^ company buildings where they are -bull -dressed and prepared for the coroners inquest These buildings are nutner copyus and in each are from ten to thirty-five bodies

L M 6 f laquo w t L m s e r Salt t a k e City May 3mdashThe reports

from Scofield up to 11 oclock Wednesshyday night say that it ft now known that 178 are dead from the explosion and that the estimate of loss will inshycrease rather than decrease The sushyperintendent of the mine says there is no record of the number of men that go i n the mine from day to diiy and that the exact loss cannot be known until all the dead bodies are taken out One estimate is that there were 398 meit in the mine and on that basis there must have been at least 250 or 300 lives lost

Later Elaquotlmntr Salt Lajke City May 4mdashThe latest

dispatches from Scofield say that the extreme estimate of dead is now conshyceded to hare been too large and that it is numerically impossible to place the loss of life at 300 as there were not that manY men-ip the mines The prob^ abilitfrac34 are that 2w will be about the totarVHmber of dead There are not enough coffins in the camp to bury the dead and to add to horror to the situshyation the bodiea are rapidly decomposshying and it has been suggested that cre-matlon may hare to be resorted to

gtwMgtMiltraquot Slaquoraquo Sraraquolaquothr Washington Kay 4mdashThe president

Thursday-bull sent the following telegram to the governor of tTtah

BTzocuttv Mansion WKsaJnctoa Mar I ranWOov Wells flalt Lake City mah I 4laquotrlaquo to eaprans my Intense sorrow upon loarhlns of tbe terrrol calamity which haw occurred at ttcofleM and my deep sympathy with tht wives children and friends of the unfortunate victims of the explosion _


Islands They say the war has terminated Leading Insurgents are surrendering-

OTIS Order Reitevlas Otis laquo laquo bull

Washington May 5 mdash In accordance with Gen Otis reqnest to be allowed to return to the United StPtes the war

department Friday issued orders re-

civil code bill was passed in the senate yesterday and the army approprialion billj carrying supplies for the military establishment of more than cent114000-000 was discussed

Washington May 3 mdash A bill was passed in the senate-yesteiday for the creation of linked memorial parks on the battleffeTds of Fredericksburg ChanceUorsville the Wilderness and Spoftsylvania In Virginia Tfre armT appropriation WD was further disshycussed

Washington May 4 mdash The army an-

morning May 5 the date fixed by G e i gt ^ ^ 8 ^ ^ t i T ^ Otis fo f sailing I a a d t b laquo ^ appropriation M l

Thl o r S S designate MaJ Gen Mae- lt raquo bull laquo $ trade pound L VZlt Arthur to succeedGen Oris in com-1 1 ^ 0 JgtlB P 8 ^ laquo laquo hltta bullw i gt - ^ t t -

mandof the division of the Philippines | pen f-M ^ - lt ow the late Gen Guy V Henry Gen bull James Longstreet Mnc Margaret M

Brevet Maj Gen Wheat on is designat ed to sneceed Gen MacArthur as elaquom _ - - - - - J _ ^ mander of the department of southern Badger widow of t ^ laquo ^ lt J trade r t Luzon I BadgeTi- and Mrs Harriet Gridley

otfs Readr to Sail widow of the late CajitGiidlef of the Manila May mdash T h e United States j aa^y- _ ^_

transport Meade has been ordered to Washington May 5mdashThe seBats be ready to sail to-day K is sup- j yesterday passed the M y ^ r c o r g a n i -iKwed that Maj Gen Otis with his per- alaquoon bill which practicany Tvol-x tionizes the present sta fir a r r a n g e

tnents of the army the fortification appropriation bill carrying 17733628 and the bill tocreate tfie rank of lieutenant general and make the adshyjutant general a major general A-

start for the sorfal staflT wiQ then United States

Aelvlaquor DloeovereoU The insurgent arenives discovered by

Gen Funston include papers implicatshying prominent foreign firms at Manila in unlawful dealings It is reported jbflrned to Monday that evidence has Bern obtained that | Washington May 7 mdash ThV senate some of them furnished monitions ofbull amendmentstotbearmy appropriation war to the rebels and it is also said | bill were disagreed to in the houw o n that the American avtborities are in Saturdsy and the bill was sent t COB possession from this sevree of a degt j ferene Tfce sundry civil appTopria tailed plan for attacking the American tkm bill was pawed The general d e shyforces written by AgutaaMov in the neieney and military academy appro-

prition bills are now the only general swpply bills unacted on by the honsau


Win Their ria-ht for Bannl Hprc scMtatlon In lt Great nlvtaodUt

Geseral Con te re sue

Chicago May 3 mdash The Methodist laymen won Wednesday at the first sesshysion o the general eonfeience The great problem which has been conshyfronting the Methodist church and has loomed portentously before the quadshyrennial conferencemdashthat of equal repshyresentation for lay and ministerial delshyegatesmdashwas settled overwhelmingly The laymen were granted all they asked No opposition was made to the motion giving the laymen equal represhysentation and after a cloud of skirshymishes over parliamentary law the asshysembly voted solidly in affirmation

Chicago May 4 mdash The bishop adshydress at the Methodist general confershyence ybullbull^ay^ittdorsedequal lay rep-r e s e n t a t i i ^ v ^ ^ ^ e d time not ripefor Chriirtian nnil^ orawssed canteens dishyvorces and Sabbath desecration and said amusement question deserves careful attention

Chicago May 5mdash-Reports on tbe missionary work of the church and on various denominational branches were the order at the third days sesshysion of the Methodist general confershyence at the Auditorium

Tagalog language January f issf and translated into Spnwisfc by eamino

i n r t r t s i i i O t f t s n Washington May 1 mdash In the bouaw Manila May 7 mdash Gets P u t r i d Gar- yesterday tbe bill to enlarge the pow-

cia the highest insurgent officer ex-j e n of the department cf agricultures cept Agutnaldo has been captured by nd to prohibit Interstate commerceibgt Lieut K V Smith Of Gen FirastonV game killed fn violetion of local lawn staff in the town ofJaea three nrllesj was passed laquoraquod -W1J wa introduced northeast of Ssn Isjdro protfnee of to permit national banks to lend mott-New Ecija Gardia peraoaally dTre^ved ey on real estate securities A joint the guerrilla operations and tgtn f^jKJTesoIntfon for a constitutional amend-ston had spent two weeks in t ry ing io meat to disqualify polygnmists for-corner him j election Ss senators ot representatives

orn Otts Sail wss referired to the judiciary commit-Mngtlraquo May 7 mdash The United States tee The amended Porto Bico bill was

transport Meade sailed for the Ua-fted ( paissed States at five oclock Saturdsy afTr~| Washington Hay J mdash The entire-

day in the house yesterday was devoted

ltBn Mailer tVen Uniontowu Pa May 7-Gen Silas

M Bailey one of the 306 of the famous old guard which stood by Gen Grant in the convention of 1880 died at his home here Saturday agecT 64 years of brain trouble which resulted from a bulletwound received during the war After the war President Johnsonbre-vetted him major general of volunteers for gallant service He was elected sjate treasurer by the republicans of PtUusylvanJa in 1881 ^

e w sleeor SttablUhed Springfield Jll May 4-Fred Gilbert

of Spirit Lake la established a worids record at the Illinois Gun club shoot Thursday when he killed 50 pigeons straight at 31 yards rise in the Grand Capital City handicap In the shoot-ofT Gilbert won a purseof $100 This makvs a run of 126 ljve pigeons for Gilbert at this shoot and be has not missed yet

noon with Maj Gen Otis and twiraquo aids-de-camp on board The Warships fa port fired a major generaTs sslnte as the steamer raised her anchor


e United Cfcetatlasi Pnrty ates Candidates fr Pr t s i4laquos t

and Vtee Prestdeat

Bock Island IIL May raquomdashTraquo TJait-

to the consideration of the Nicaragua canal bill

Washington May 3mdashIn the house yesterday a bill providing for the conshystruction of a protected but not a fortified Nicaragua canal was passed by a vote of 225 to 35 and the sundry civil appropriation bill the most imshyportant of the general sundry bills and the last on the list was reported I t carries $61586715 A bill was toshy

ed Christian party national eonven- trodneed for the organization of In-tion devoted the entire day t o tbe dlan Territory uiider the name of Jef-preparation e r a platform Rer S C Swallow of Harrisburg Pav was nominated for president aseT Jesm 6 Woolley Of Chicago for vfee presishydent Following is a sytaopsig of the-platform

It declares the time hassjgtrscltrwnea the eternal prtnciples of justice^ mnrey and tove as eseaipMnsd m ehs mgt bull teaeb-IBCB of Jesus Christ sbonbt be enkbodied ts the constltatlon of taw aatSon and ap-pFled la concrete form ngt ovecr funetloa of toverameat deprsonSsw uasssesd tsws such as require dnim isetsii of the Chrisshytian Sabbath authorise unscilytmnl rnar-rlace and divorce Uoanae the nwasfac-ture and sallaquo of lmoatanttaa nevors as a beverage holding tho laquoanaasna of such taws to be neither hj|iaHjaraquo gtbullmdashtry nor honorlns to lt3od- The platform fnrthOde-clares for the adoption of tho system of legislation known as the mrdatfve and refshyerendum tocether wit a proportionate representation and an naserattve manshydate declares- for BOBtkal social and economic equality of tho sexes condemns mob violence and ontrases declares asalnst war and doasands arbitration of national and international disputes- deshyclares for the immediate abolition of the manufacture and araquo of intoxleattes liquors as beverasea demands the enactshyment of laws proMWtlns the sale of toshybacco ftp minors demands daily reading of the 8shie tn the pahWc schools and institushytions of learning controlled by tbe state declares for government ownership of pub-he utilities and for election of president vice president and United States senators by direct vote of the people

ferabnv Washington May 4 mdash Tbe free

borne bin granting patent to bona fide settlers on lands purchased from Indians was passed in the bouse yes- terday and tbe sundry civil appropriashytion bill was further considered

Washington May 5--In the houses yesterday 73 ef tbe 13X pages of the sundry civil appropriation bill were-completed President McKiuley s u b shymitted his first veto It was on a bill) to open A part of tbe Navajo Indian reservation to settlement under mintshying laws Mr Baker (Md) introduced a biH repealing the Chinese exclusion laws and making the general imniaV gration laws applicable to Chinese


Tables Showtaer the Staadtaw laquod Claho aC lWadlna- Orsjanfc-

bullMrt l in iVpt tDste

The following tables show tbe- standshying of the d a b s in the leading-baseball organizackms National league

Won l^et Per ct

Abe Goan Sulisfaciicn Aifree WUsT^sf bull

erniti-(gtsalaquode from

MILLERS STUDIO 110 W-Exchange St^Owosso

I Foes CltJ bull If not drink 1 pure s-ratrt A lady writt ^ b e nrsf time TmiHle Grata O I dW not like 1frac34 bull 1 ut liUir usinlaquo it fvgtr 01c -week notbinjr woul 1 huYiico nju to lt o back to coflVe

i It noiris5Kgt audfcolalhlaquosy8teilaquo Tlie child en fan drink-it freelywUb great bene It Get a package to-day from your grocer loc and 5c Be sure it amp made by the Genessa Pure Food Co Le Roy X Y n as there are imitations on the market

njtlaquot pier Baraed New York May 7 mdash A fire that

started at the river end of the Mallory line steamship pier at the foot of Maidshyen Lane and tire Eaat river Completely destroyed the pier and valuable lt5sngt

DougIasGa^4sJrHLmdashMarshall Jones tents ^ u e l o s s i s P^ced at$1^0QufOa a-negro impttectedin the murderrof Alien Crosby a white man at Gillis stslU in Coffee county was taken from

k-|ail at DoUgMlaquolaquo^ljslaquobed The aeraquo gt$tu was b e d t o a small pin^ tree^and his body ridoled with bnHets

Took Bvcn the Pennies Pittsburgh lJabdquo May 7mdashBurglars

entered tbe First national bank ot Cast Brady Pa and dynamited the safe taking everything in sight in-eluding pennies amounting tg beshytween laquo4000 and 110000 Vlt

Several barges which were ntoored near tbe pier were also destroyed

Jary Dlsaarveed Salt Lak

bullary in the trial for unlawful cobabitaiion greed and was discharged

Six Drowned Cape Henry Vs May 5mdashThe Britshy

ish steamship Virginia was wrecked copy Hsttersa MMI a^ gf ^w efew were drowned --^^)jbullampamp

Clubs Phlladeinhla Cincinnati Frooklyt Pittsburgh Chicago St Lofst New York Bosron

American league MitwaukAC Indianapolis Chicasro ^ Cleveland Buffalo Kansas City Minneapolis Detroit

10 9 S 7

t S I

Nraquo e O

laquo s

7 bull raquo O

laquo-laquojVfcelaquoiraquo-bull w

6 4 bullgtbulllaquolaquo-laquo


4 S

-laquo gt7

8 S s 9

4 5 laquo 5 6

10 12 raquo












sea -998

The PsOVlss Igteht Washington May mdashThe monthly

e City Gtah Mar SmdashTbari statement of tbe pebiie-debt shows e case Of B H L IKobertal laquo ^ 1 8 1 a t thm d deg |sraquoestfnpril 30

^ ^ 1000 the debt less cash to tbs treasury amounted to $1124802085 which is an increase cf $12445J27

Wrecked ay Wind Topeka Kan May 7 mdash A hurricane

wsaeswd many bnUdiaga in cenisal Sanaasand at SUtewsed iseorf BcU^ l ^ - l i V l a ^ l r i i c w e r e k a k d





X bull4


Dr Tampimage Preaches a Timely Sermon

D l w w i r K to Wfciek U e Pateraquolaquoe a u i fiqatpeai-

ForthmdashMOTIIIB Iraquoiltraquo Father Hoaa-

Keed of Be

(Copyright 1300 by Louis Klopscb] W^shjjigton Aprils

This discourse of Dr Tahnnge i pershytinent at this t ime of year when many people are moyingiYoni house tohonse and it teaches lessons of patience and equipoise in very trying circumstances IVv Phil ippiuns 412 I know both how to be abased aud I know how to abound

llippy Paul Oouid you really acshycommodate yourself to all circumshystances in l ife Could you go up withshyout pride und could you come laquo1 own without-exasperat ion Teach the same lesson to us all-bullbullbullbullVI are at a season of the year when vast populat ions in all our ci t ies are chang ing residence Having been born in a house aud having all our live lived in a house we do not have full appreciation of w h a t a house is I t i s the g r o w t h of thousands of years The human race first lived in c lefts of rocks t h e beas ts of the field moving o u t of t h e cdverns t o l e t t h e h u m a n race move in The shepherds and the robbers st i l l live in caverns of t h e earth The t-oglodyte are a race which t o th i s day prefer the caverns t o a house They are w a n t t h e y are large they KM very comfortable they are less subshyject to violent chang of heat and cold We come o n along d o w n in the h i s tory o f the race and w e com to t h e lodge which was a h o m e bui l t out of twi s ted tree branches W e c o m e further o n d o w n in t h e Matory of the r a c e and w e come t o t h e tent wWeh w a s a o m e bui l t wi th a round pole in the center and sk ins of animals reachingout in all directions m a t s on t h e floor for the

people- t o s i t on

T i m c p a s s e d on and the world after much invention came t o build a honse which was a space surrounded toy broad Vtones ajgtraquotnst whieh The earth tyas henped from the outside The roof was made of chalk and gypsum and coaland s tones and ashes pounded toshygether After awhile the porch was born after awhile the gate Then-Min--tlrcds of yrltTs passed on arfii in-th^ fourirenti i century the modern chimshyney ws c-ytisl ructcd The old Hebrews had cjKiiin^s in their houses from whielv the smoke m i g h t escape if it preshyferred b u t there was no inducement for it t o Iwivc until the modern chimshyney Wooden keys opened the door or the keyhole was large enough t o al low the finger to be inserted for the liftshying of the latch or the sl iding of it There being no windows the jgtcople were dependent for light upon lattice-work Over which a th in veil was drawn down in t ime of winter t o keep out the element Window glass was s o late as 200 or 300 years ago In England and Scotland so great a lusury that only the very weal th ies t could afford it A hand mil l and an oven and a few leathern bot t les and some rude pitchers and plates made up t h e entire5 equipshyment of the culinary department But the home planted in the old cave or at t h e foot o f a t e n t pole has gTOCn and enlarged and spread abroad unti l we have t h e modern house wi th i t s branches and roots and vast g ir th and height ahdf depth of c o n c e r t and acshycommodation

Architecture in other days busied itshyself chiefly in planning and building t r i u m p h a l a r c h e s and basilicas and hippodromes andmausoleums and col-unans whi le t h e y allowed the people l o r resider-TOs t o burrow like m u s i r a t s in the earth St Sophias of Constanshytinople St Marks of Venice St Peters of Kome are o n l y the Baphaeied wa l l s against which lean the nqualor and the pauperism of m a n y nashyt ions I rejoice that whi le our modshyern architects give n s grand camppitols in which to le^lslsste a ^ g f laquo a d laquowirl -honses in wh ich t o adminis ter jus t ice and grand churches in which to worshyship God t h e y a lso g ive much of their t ime t o t h e p lanning of comfortable abodes f o r bur tired population I have not so much ia tereat In t h e arch of Trajan a t Benerenttrm as I hawo in the wish t h a t all t h e people m a y fcaraquo a comfortable shelter nor have I s o much interest i n t h e temple of Jupiter Olympus at Athens as I have i n the h o p e t h a t every man may have an altar for t h e worsh ip of the true God i n his o w n house And I have no t s o much interest in the science of ceramics which g o e s crazy over a twis ted vase or a queer handled j u g in uoe 3000 years ago or a pitcher o u t of which the anshycient pharaohs poured their drunken debauch as I have that every man have on h i s table a plate w i t h plenty of healthful food and an appetite to atshytack it

Thank God for your homemdashnot mereshyly the house you live in now but t h e house you were born in and t h e many houses you have resided in since you began your earthly residence When you go h o m e to-day count over tnc number of those houses in which yon bare resided and you will be surprised Once in awhi le you will find a tnan who lives in the house where he was born and where his father was lgtorn and his grandfather was born and his greatshygrandfather was born but that is not one out of a thousand cases I have no t been more perambulatory than m o s t people but I was amazed when T came t o count up the number of resishydences I have occupied The fact is t h e r e is in this world no such th ing ad permanent residence

In a private vehicle and not in a rail car from which you can nee but l i tt le T rode from New York t o Yonkers and Tarrytown on the banks of the Hudshysonmdashthe finest ride on the planet for a man who wants t o sec palatial resishydences In fascinat ing scenery I t was In the early spr ing and before the gen-

tlenien o f N e w York had jjone o a t t o their country residences I rode Into the grounds t c admire the- gardens and the overseer of the phiice told me mdashand they all told memdashthat all the houses had been sold or that t h e y wanted to se l l them and there was litshyerally no exception a l though 1 called at many places just admiring the garshydens and the grounds and the palatial residences Some wanted to sell or had sold because their wives did not raquovant to reside in the summer tilneJn those places while their husbands tar-f ried in town in the night a lways havshying some business on hand keeping them away

From some houses the people bad been shaken out by chil ls and fever from some houses they had gone beshycause death or misfortune had ocshycurred und all those palaces and manshysions had e i ther changed occupants or wanted t o change Take up the directshyory of Any c i ty of England or Amershyica and see h o w few people live where t h e y lived 15 years ago There is e n such t h i n g as permanent residence I saw Monticello in Virginia Pres ident Jeffersons residence and I saw on the same day Montpelier which was e i ther Madisons or Monroes residence a n d I saw also the whi te house which w a s President Taylors residence and Presshyident Lincolns residence and Pres ident Garfields residence Was i t a perma- j nent residence is any ease I tell y o n (

tha t the race is nomadic and no sooner j g e t s in one place than it wants t o change for another place or i s com- j peUedto change for another place and so t h e race i n v e s t e d the rai lroad and j the s teamboat In order more rapidly t o j g e t into some o ther place than t h a t i n whieh ft w a then Aye instead of be- j tag- notnadie H i s immortal moving on j and moving on We whip up our horse s j and hasten o n unt i l the hub of t h e f rojnt Wheel shfeexm o n t h e tombstone a n d I t ips a headlong in to t h e grave t h e only permanent earthly res idence But bless God even that stay is l im- i ted for w e shal l have a resurrection-- j

A day t h i s spr ing the s treets w i n be filled w i t h the furniture carts and bull the drays a n d the trucks- It wil l bo a hard d a y for horses because t h e y wi l l be overloaded I t wil l be a hard day for laborers for they will overlift before they get the family furiture from one house to another Jt will be a hard day for housekeepers to sco their furniture scratched and th^ir crockery broken and their carpets misfit and their furniture dashed of the sudden showers It wil l be a hard-day for landlords It will be a hard day for tenants Especial grace Js needed for moving day Man^ a roaivs religion has suffered a fearful s tra in between t h e hour on the mprning of the 1st of May when he took h i s i m - mature breakfast and the hour a t

a finer house is bad enough but a inan ae upset i s s ickening The laven-dered fool goes around so dainty and s o precise a n d s o affected in the roil of his eyes or the whirl of his cane or the clicking of the ivory handle aga ins t his front teeth or b i s effemishynate languor and his conversation so interlarded wi th ohs and a h V t h a t h e i s to me a dose of ipecacushyanha Arowmy friends if you move into n larger house th^nk God for more roommdashfor more room to hang your pictures for more room in which to gather your friends for more room in Vvivich to let your children romp and play for more room for fcreat bookcases filled with good reading ir weal th of bric-a-brac Have as large and as fine a house as you Cain afford tc have but do not sacrifice your hushymil i ty and your common sense do h o t lose your balance do not be spoiled by your successes ^

Years ago we were the guests in an English manor The statuary the ferneries the botanical and horticulshyt u r a l genius of the place had done all they could to make the place attractive F o r generations there had been an amass ing of plate and costly surround ings At half past nine oclock in the morning the proprietor of the es tate had the bell rung and some SO or 30 manservants and maidservants came in to prayers The proprietor of the estate read the Scriptures gave out the h y m n h i s daughter at the organ start ed the music and then the musie over the w o p r i e t c r of the- es tate kneeled down and commended all h i s guests all hi family all h is employes to the Lord Almighty God can trust such a man as that with a large es tate He k n o w s h o w t o abound He trusted God a n d God trusted him And I could call off the roil of 50 merchant princes a s m i g h t y In worldly successes Ah my friends do nlaquot be puffed n p by any of the snecesses o f this life do not be spoiled by the number of liveried coachshymen that may s top at your door or the sweep of the l o n g trai l across the imshyported tapestry Many of those tvno come to your house are fawning parashys i tes They are not so much in love with you as they are in love with your house and your successes You move down rieiU year to 320 Low Water Mark street and see how many of their carshyriages Will halt at your door

I inset you this springtime at the door of your new home and while I he lp yotriift the c lothes basket over the bRuisters and the carman is ge t t ing red in the f a c c j n trying to transport that article of furniture to some new i dest iaat ion I congratulate you You are go ing to have a bOUt-r l i inc - thb year some of y o u than you ever had You take God and the Christian relishyg i o n jn your home and you will be

God in the parlor

1000000 DEATHS bull bull r


T b G e r m s or t h i s F a t a l D i s e a s e a r e L u r k i n g E v e r y w h e r e T b o u -

n a n d s of D o l l a r s S a v e d by T h i s Woi tdcr fu l

D l a c o v e r y

Hundreds of thousands of dollars has been lost in the poultry business on acshycount of the devastation aTurjug the flockscaused by cholera roup gape and other fatal disea-^cfi There huve IHJCU many remedies advanlt^d but none seem to be so successful as tho American Poultry MLvtuie This will cure chickens in the last stage of cholshyera and roup and is excel lent for garjgtes Do your fowls suffer from violent diarshyrhea dropping of the wings stupor or excessive thirst These are the first symptoms of cholera Cholera is a germ disease and be ing infectious spreads rapidly throng) i the entire flock Take time by the lore lock dont s top to experiment wi th unreliable or untried remedies Use this mixture a t once and he sanitary measures they recommend in connection D o n t give the fowls up Cholera i s a terrible disshyease but th i s remedy cores it erery time I t i s also gnaranted for roup which can be told by hoarse breathing swel led eyes discharge a t the nostrils resembling catarrh Fi f ty dollars i s offered for any case the Mixture wi l l not cure If some of your fowls are diseased i t wi l l prevent the rest from catching it Try i t I t i s cheap (re l iable and effective a scientific preparshyat ion g o e s more than three times ar far a s any other remedy does xuon good than al l of theai combined I t is used a n d endorsed b y t h e most expershyienced and largest breeders of plain and fancy poultryin gtJ1 parts of the world The manufacturers guarantee every package Or refund purchase moneyv If your drnggisf d o n t sell American Poultry Mixture hes behind the age I n that case seed SLOG for sample box to American Mfg Colaquo Terre Haute I n d


grandly ha^ppy ntg^jtv^en he rolled into his e x t e m p o - t n a t will sanctify your pociabililles rjzed Cfvuch The furniture b r o ^ i i ltiod i n the nurserymdashtbat will ps-atcct somet imes wil l result in the breaking y o u r children God in thcdln ing-hal l -of the Ten Commandnients There is no more fearful pass than the hall of a house where t w o famil ies meet gtne roOving but and t h e other moving in The sa lutat ion Is apt to be more vet helaquoent than complirnentary The grace that wil l be sufficient for the lat of Januarj and the t s t of Februshyary and the 1st of March arid the llaquo-t Oi i p i i i T i i i u u t enj fx i incir in IUI u i r 1st o f May Say y6ur prayers t h a t morning if you find nothing bet ter to kneel down by than a cosl scutt le and say your prayers at night though

tha t will make the plainest mal an imperial banquet God In the morfr fugmdashthat will launch the day brightly from the drydocks God in the evenshying - t h a t will s a i l the day sweetly Into the harbor

And get joy one and all of you whether you move or do not move Get joy out of the thought that we art BO on all g o i n g to have- a great mov ing day Do you w a 6 t raquo picture of the n t w house i n t o which ytraquou will niove Here it is wrought with the hand Of a master Ve know that if

4 Law Which Hau Been Remarkably Successful in New Zealand

Ncv- Zealond has anticipated the rest r tho world by enacting a law which

ieala so rationally with all trade disshyputes bdquothat it lis actully prevented strikes for the last five years It is iraposglble-to^ present more tftan an outline of the plan

IJoth Ksociaticns of employers and the trade mions may bVincorporated Tiraquosc w-jiich are chartered or re^- Iftered choose the members of their own board aud also the menbers of tho court to which disputes are refershyred Whether organized or not the associat ions and trade unions are subshyject to the law

The colony of New Zealand is dividshyed Into Industrial districts for each of which there is a conciliation board elected for three years It cons i s t s of two persona chosen by registered era ploy ers two by registered trade unions and one disinterested person elected bythe tour who is chairman When a dispute arises between emshyployers and the men in their employ e ither party may refer t h e matter in dispute to the district board which has full authority to invest igate the facts and to command a s e t t l e m e n t

in case either party will not accept t h e decision the matter is referred to the State court This cons is ts of one person representing t h e trade unions o r e the employers and a chairman a Judge of the supreme court appointed by the Governor The court has a three years term and to wise ly inshydependent of politics

A decision by tuis court is final and m o s t be accepted under a penalty for violation not exceeding pound 5 0 0 or 92500 Moreover when a dispute _xis been referred to the conciliation board and until It i s finally settled a s tr ike or lockout Is illegal

That there have been about fifty e a s e s referred to district boards o~ to t h e court in the past five years that during that t ime there has neither str ike nor lockout in New Sealand and thampt in every case the decision has been accepted by both parties s eems to prove either that the l a w i s exshyc e l l e n t or that it is excel lent ly ad ministered Perhaps it demonstrates both propositions The necess i ty for the passage of a similar law in this country is to a p p a r e n t t o require arshyg u m e n t Aside from the Interests of the employers and the employed the greater interests of the general public demand i tmdashYouths Companion


l ot


It is Supplied in this Vicinity at iast

Jt Is hard to ho pleasant Good-tiaiured people are ofteigt irritashyble

If you know the reason you would be surprised -

Ever have i tching piles Not i-ick enoutfn tw bullgtltltgt bed or

well en dug li to Le coy tent The constant itching sensation Hard to bear tiiirdor to get relief

Klaquoeps you awnke nights bull Spoils yoiis tempermdashnearly drives you crazy

Isnt relief and cure a long felt want I t is to bebad for everyone in D o a u V

Ointment Doans Ointment never fails co cure

I tching Piles Eczema- or any itching o f the akin

Here $ proof 61 i t at the te3tinoiraquoy of Ann Arbor ciLteen

Mreuro C Church of 520 South 7th street Ann Arbor DDW retired from ibe active duties of life says I have no hestitiitton in recomoaending Doans Ointment to anyone requiring a healing and soothing preparation it will prove inviluable I sufiered for years from itching heinorroids aud though I tried every t t i n g I -could bear of anlaquoI used remedies prescribed by scores of friends I was unable to obtain permanent relief until my attention was called to Doans Ointment I was somewhat surprised after the second application to notice what a different effect it had from anyshything 1 had hitherto used Encouraged I used ItstrlctlV according to direftions and In a v e r y short t ime when you t s s e Into consideration the aumber Of vcars I was afflicted tbraquo irritation c e a laquo d ami the inflftinstton was allayed When Doans Ointment cured me i t wil l e t r e others

Doatis Kidoevu Pi l ls for sale by all dealer Price 50 cents Mailed by Foster-Milbuni Co Buffalo X Y So le apoundlaquots for the U S Remeuiber the name Doans and take no substitute

Wax Candles

Jfathitur ellaquoeaddsao m laquo a l tth charts of tlw Orawtut

rolaquom w boodoir tfclaquo raquoftly rraquo4i- H t Ifaht rrltM6 OOROOVA Caod2laquoc Xotbijtr wIJI ltlaquo^r^Miir3wr to the I bullriMic tMeemaJX tb ltmcbpn I tea tm ltUamlaquof Ttugt brat dlaquotraquotW claquoaeuroUraquo for th cifraquoDtcirt or ttw

nlaquoat eUtonUn fencttoamdashfor oot tagagtfWaiintei aladlaquo in all cqax

Uw mlaquo4 4laquoUeatlaquo traquofegt b STS]laquoraquoAnraquo laquoSfc C9

T o Cure lKltwmummm i n On Wraquok To Oar Oomrtipation i n Ono W e a k T o O n r e l a d i g e a t i o n i n O n a W e a k

To P u r i f y tha B lood i n One T n k


How the Bri t i shCare for the Wounded Soldiers

Modern artiliergts effectiveness has put a very different complexion upon the uses and necess i t ies of field hosshypitals A field hospital used to be very near the fighting linemdashIt was often actually under Grc But nowshyadays w h e n artillery U-R IS c o m m a s ly effective at four thousand yards no field hospital could be allowed sufD-ciently near the fighting lne to permit of the wounded being taken directly to i t aftd the organation of aid has be^en altogether altered

In South Afrlcai it has been arrangshye d that all the effective aid in the field w i l l be that of the Army Medical Corps Voluntary aid wi l l confine it-selr to he lines of comniunlcatlon

T w o raiilion Americans snifer the tortur iag pangs of dyspepsia N o need to B u r d w k Blood Bitters cures At airaquoy drugstore

the Peace following tiuit One

J Q l l o o d Just ice of Crosby Mlslaquov makes the (statement I can certify Minute Cough Cure will do al that is claimed for i t My wife could not get her breath and the tirst do^c of it reshylieved her I t has also benefited my whoc-bullfamily It acts inlaquonampltiately and cures cough CohK cronp grippe bronchitis asthma and all throat anltl lung troubles F M Kilbourn

your knees come dowfl on a pajief of J our earthly house of this taliernacle were dissolved we liave a building of God a house no t niadlaquo wi th-hands eternal iri the heampyenft How much rent will we have to pay for i t We are going to own i t | l o w much must we pay for it H o w much cash down and liow much le f t on mortgage Our F a t h e r Is go ing t o give it as a free gif t

carpet tacks You Will want supershynatural he lp if any of you move Help in the morning to start out aright on the days work Help at night to re p e n t There w i l l - b e enough annoyshyances to make a Xaijt lppeout of a Frances Ridley Havergal I have again and again been i n crises of moving day and I have stood appalled and amazed and helpless in the shipwreck tak ing as wel l as I could those t h i n g s that floated ashore from the breakshyers and I k n o w how to comfort and how t o warn a n d how to encourage t h e people so I preach this practical May day sermon All these troubles wi l l - soon b e gona and tiie brttises wi l l heampL a n d the stiffened Joints wi l l become supple 4nd your ruffled tern- per will be smoothed of i t s wrinkles and order wi l l take the plate of disshyorder and you will s i t down in your n e w home seriously t o contemplate

My first word then i n this part of my discourse is t o all those who move out of smal l houses into larger ones Now we wi l l see whether like t h e apostle you kpow h o w to abound Igto not because your n ew house h a s t w o more stories t h a n the -old one add t w o s tor ies t o yonr vanity or make your brightly polished silver doorplate the coffin plate to your buried humil i ty Many persons movshying into a larger house nave become arrogant and supercilious T b e y swagger where once they walked they simper where once they laughed they go about wi th an air which seems to say Let all smaller craft ge t out of these waters if they dout w a n t to be run over by a regular Cn-narder I have known people who were kind and amiable and Christian in their smaller housemdashno sooner did they go over the doorsill of the new house than they became a glorified nuisance They were the terror of dry goods c lerks and the amazement of ferryboats into which they swept and if compelled to stand a moment with condemnatory gHanee turning all the people seated into criminals and convicts They began to hunt up the family coat of arms and had lion couchant or unicorn rampant on the carriage door when if they bad the appropriate c o a t of arms i t would have been a butter firkin or a shoe last or a plow or a trowel Instead of being l ike all the rest of ns made o n t of dust they would have you think that they were trickled out o Heaven on a lump of loaf sugar The first th ing you know of them the father will fail in business and the daughter wil l run off with a French dancing master A woman spoiled by

Take Clevelands Celery Compound Tea raquo bull bull raquo 3 s c If it fails to cure we will cheetfnUy between the field andv the base ho refund your^tony (Trial ake ftee) i p l U l and between the bafo and gene

+ + a I L I ral hospitals The workms organiza St cent m PtacoCK S tlon is as followmdash

Accompanying the fightins l ine arc the bearer companies of the Army Medical Corpsmdashtjiree or four m e n t o each regular regimental company When a man drops out wounded the Army Medical Corps men pick him u and take him to the nearest dress-

STATE Or MICHIGAN tounty of SWswas-ife44 akj|

At raquoalaquoilaquoraquon eftfieProbstc Court tor laquonll county bolaquol at the lYoblaquoe Office tn ibc city ot Corunnd oa Monday thlt Wb day of April in tbeycr on tpoundlaquojuraquoultininlaquo bundctJ

Krtwprit MRftbew Duah Judircor Vroimre ID ifte matu-r ol the elaquoiiraquoe of Alfivrt P

stuirri y dlaquocwtgtelti on reading mux fliitip UM I ing station where he is attended to i s )gtlaquo-titiltgtn ltgtf Aifnlti A -^irturby t-ntjlutr tiiiw QUickly a s possible From the dress-Miii M M ulaquo-lt -ruM-u Riii e^uiieii to iihrit u bull Ing station the wounded arc taen to (bullslat- col lect ing stations these bein^ placed

it ilaquo orlaquort-laquoi that the 7th day or Mraquoy j a t points where more eheiter is obtain ncTt Jtt tlaquo-n uclM-k jfi the forenoon at mid | bdquo h _ bull-bullbull


ItertM of Intcrst from Some of 0 laquo Slaquof-- rounding Towns

ItulaW (Jfllie be UblaquoiRDt-ltl for bearingttuitl petition

And it it further ordered thata copy of this onlrr IKT pnblltraquohcltl tlire siu-cesan e weeks yievious to AtltJ ilnv of blaquottrlnr In tbeCorwisua Journal a oefeapaprr pt-ibteltl and -bullirx-ulaitiig

llATTREW ItUSH J udee of probate


ftiriWiT)nraquo1HBi TaUit^ _^Argt- nltBMaraquoiaay assa ay owr

ltbulllaquo_bullmdash a ^ i n a B S ( i | M B raquo baflM ask jor dtvaMt Car-

r $ 5 L a^_laquofelaquoJItAjBaf

sHo 2S3WlaquoodraquomrtAfgtlgtBraquorott

When are we g o i n g t o move into it7 | laquo BHJ c^uutyof ^ i a raquo w c laquo YTe are moving now On moving day heads of families are very apt to s tay i n t h e old hnraquoise urtlil tbey have seen everyth ing off They send ahead the children^ and they send ahead the treasures and the valuables Then aftshyer awhile they wi l l come themselves

I remember very well In the country t h a t i n boyhood moving day w a s a jubilat ion

On a l m o s t the first load we the chilshydren were sent o n ahead t o the new house and we arrived with shout and laughter and in an hour we had ranged through every r o o m in the house the barn and the g r a n a r y Toward night and perhaps in theajfttt wagon father and mother would 4jtigl looking very tired and we would come down t o the f o o t of the lane t o meet them and tell tnem of all the wonders we discovered in the new place and then the last w a g o n unloaded the candles l ighted our neighbors w h o had helped us to movemdashfor in those t imes neighbors helped each othermdashsat down with us at a table on which there was every luxury tbey could think of Well my dear Lord knows t h a t some of us hare been moving a good while We have s en t our children ahead Ave have s en t many of our valuables ahead We canshynot g o yet There is work for us to do but after awhile it will be toward night and we will be very tired and then we will s tar t for our new home and those who hare gone ahead of us they will see our approach and they will come down in the lane to meet us and they will have much to tell ns of what they have discovered in the house of ninny mansions and of how large the rooms are and of how bright the fountains And then the last load unloaded the table will be spread OJ6 our celestial neighbors will come in and sit down with our reunited famshyilies and the chalices will be full not wi th the wine that sweats in the vat 0t earthly intoxication bnt with the new wine of the kingdom And there for the first t ime w e will realize w h a t fools we were on earth when w t feared t o die since death has t a m e d out only to he the moving from a smaller house Into a larger one and the exchange of a paupers hut for a princes cast le and the go ing np-ctairs from a mbtn able kitchen to a glorious parlor

PBOBATK ORDER-Straquotof Michigan cani shyty ot Sbi)Mralaquo8ee bull

At a session of the Ptubate Court far Raid couuty held at the ProUat office in tblaquo city of C M U D I M on ttw 4tb day of April in the year one thousand nine bundwd

Preenw MaubeV Butth Jodyre of Prooat In the matter or the etuample of Urban Gottlog

ODanirl Outtlug araquoancil lary administrator baring rendered io Ibis Conrt bis Una) account

It i ordered Ibat tho tb day May next a l i e n oclock io the forenoon at said Probate Office be appointed for examiniuframpnd allowing said account

And it is further ordered that a copy of this otrter be published three successive weeVs pre-viona to suiiJ day of bearing in the Comuna Journal raquo newspaper printed and circulating in said coxtftty of Shiawassee

MATTHEW BUH Jtidpe of Probate

able In the c a s e of collecting stations

ft Is possible of course t o se lect jsora effective shelter than at the dressing stat ions where shelter is more a matter of improvisation From the col lect ing stations the wounded are carried a s quickly as possible to the field hospital Here generally speakshying they remain a day and are then removed t o the base hospital

There wil l be t w e l v e field hospitals to South Africa four stationary or base hospitals and four general hos-pftiala each with its complete staff T h e dhrtributkm of t h e s e hospitals wil l be determined by the officers commanding tn South Africa and must depend on the manner in which the military situation develops


[Too Ute for last week] V(

A boy was born t o Me aud Mr Albert Ilaihampway Friday

We notice that I-L Mills has made a flop over Io the Democratic party and urn a delegate to their county convett-tiou last week and Is named as a deleshygate to their congressional convent ion

IMiFNsry Whipple returned to her home at Indian Toraquoraquo SaturdSy or rather left hereand stayed In Doraad over Sunday

Ixgtuis HatiUey and ivife were called to Owosso Tuesday on account of the slckues of her fatier Mr Isaac PrRio

d After suflering from pilrs for fifteen vcraquors I was cured byuiux t w o boxes of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve writes W J Baxter North Urook N U It ^ealraquo bullvery lb ing Beware of countei feitt F M Kilbourn

HUMPHREYS Witch Hazel Oil


One Application Gives Relief IteoratPuesof HemorrnoldamdashExternal or later-

nal Blind or Btoedtag Itching or Burning FUvnre aad Ftatolaa BaUef tanmediatemdashcure oertain

It cunlaquo Barns Scalds and Ulceration and Con-tractioBS from Burn TneRUIef Inrtant-hoaUng woDderfat

It c a n Torn Cat or Lacerated Wound ted Braises

It cure BoAraquoCarbaaetea FetobsM Bwnroonda meenlaquoOM sorea Itctotas Crripdoas Snrfy or Scald Head

It eareti UnVu t ov Caked Breasts and sore Xtnttte tsTataaUe

It cares Salt Rbeam Tettera Scarry EraptlOflx Chapped Eaads Fever BUrtert sore Up or KoatrtU Oorna ntmlows Sore and CbaflaquoX Feet attafa of inject Koagaico Bttea aad Snnboma

T h r e e S iaee 2 5 c 6 0 c a a d $ 1 0 0 SaHay0rafia^raquoie^a^^sIJ(laquomraquoB4raquofsrfee

H U M P H a t C Y r W K O C O ltr Wmnaa M i Ma W W VO JtK

Tyroleae Courting When a young Tyrolese g o e s a

courting In earnest he carries with him a bottle of wme of which he pours out a portion and presents it to JUampobJect of his affection

If she accepts it the whole affair fta settled Very often the girl h a s not made up her mind and then she will take refuge in excuses s o as not to drink the wine and yet not refuse it point blank for t i a t i s considered a gross insult proving that she has been merely trilling with the affecshyt ions of her lover She will for inshystance maintain that the wine looks sour or that wine disagrees with her In fact she makes use of any subterfuge that presents itself at the m o m e n t

Shy lovers loth to make sure of their case beforehand find It a very j hajTV inspiration Not a word need bespoken and the girl is spared thf pairh1 No of civilization

A Lost River One of the most remarkable freaks

of nature occurs in Mexico It is a river that is not a river The bed of it l ies in a valley between tho Rio

j Grande and Peco3 Rivers It is not r (dead or dried-up stream It is s imply l o s t Numerous bis tributaries tlov Into It from tho neighboring mounshytains Immediately however thoy reach the bed of the main stream thev disappear from sight This fcr yaiii reason or another a river wic should be 300 miles in length his m exis tence which could be proved

Advance of Aluminium Aluminium wlich hampi no commershy

cial ex is tence a few ytjar ago was produced in the United States last

gt year to the extern of 5200000 pounds Tallied a t raquo1750000 which is one tenth of the cost of 10 years ago

Hows T b U T bullbull

We offer one hundred dollars reward for ailiV Case of catarrh t h t cannot be cured by HalFsgt catarrh cure

F J lt Jbeoey amp Co Prop Toledo O W e the undersigned have known F J

Cheney for the l a sM5 years and beliere him perfectly honorable In all businefa transact ions and financially able t o carry out any obligation made by their firm West A Truax wholesale druggists

Toledo O Waldlng Kinnan amp Marvin wholesale

druggist Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken fnterually

act ing directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 73c pirbottllaquo Sold by all druggist Tea-tiinouials free

l l a l f s Family Fil ls are the best


From Morricc Clipper

Dr Cook was in Oarer on business h s t Tuesday

Born to Mr aud Mrs Tyrrell Thursshyday Ust a boy

i l r s Dr Halite of Perry spent Wedshynesday here with her mother Mrs J G Kern

Com O L Bristol was in town Tuesshyday night He is v i s i t ing the district schoois-around here

Mrs A II l lowsrd entertained a few friends Wednesday it being the annishyversary of her l i i th

O lt Whitney was was at Chesaning Saginaw and other places in lhat vicinshyity the first of Mis week

Chs Whaley linLlaquohed a largi ver-amlit and other iinproveiucnls lo tbe hou^e (gtf C ile-i Waters last week

A I MJ0lyid lt-y Hair digtpiraquos3ltl of their i)Tvi|laquociy here and with their fauiiliw left iast-Tucstkty morning for Vlaquo st PiMiit ArLanampis where th^y ex-gt-ct to |gter rtiieutly locate

Mr Oniiraquohy will no io Corn una tomorrow t- xlaquot a maon who will uilaquo lervtaml tbci i igtiug ol tr ick vr^gtwakPraquo We are very much In need of these waklaquo and hope they will l e lid soon


bull ^ ^ ^ ^ laaaaWai

^ J J I U J ^ I ^ P - ^ J -

ROVAL Baking Powder

Tuade from pure - am of tartar

Safeguards the food against alum

Alum tnexuUt to

aft the greatest of the pKetatdayv



Shlttwasampee Spoundraquoy 5tb

EdMcall bought a farm of Hiram Spears

Cla- Lindley has bought the city property of Air Spears

Mr Spears and wife expects to leave May 9 for their new home in Dakota

Mr an J Mrs FultOn of Kerby spent Sunday with their daughter and family

Hr$ Linuley and Hinnie has been visitlD Mrs Lindleys parents a few days in Chesanlug retarded home yesshyterday

Impossible to foresee an accident Not impoeaible to be prepared for i t Igtr Thomas Edeetrie OJhMonareb ever p a l e bull bullbullbull bull bull

rauET T f v raquo the Ferrv Jqnrnal

C p Colbj and son Deoltlaquoo visited la WebbervUle over Sunday

A E Richards of Coruan was In town on business Tuesday

C E William was id Ooruaea ou boraquo-iness the first of the week

Miss Minnie Devore of Durand is vU-tttajc friends lb the Tillage

Hiss Minnie Cleeee spent Sunday with Miss Eva Mortice in Mdrrlce

WJ Richardson of laming peot Sunday with friends in the Tillage

Mr and Mrs ltJbaraquo Sbarpe spent Sun-day with their daughter Jlrfl ^ebb ia Holt u bull

James Graham and daughterof laa-stog visited relatives in the village over Sunday

8etgtbeu Bennett wife and cbiKt of Lalttgsburg vetted at Kerb Keebeya over Sunday

U P Haloted has moved bUoffioefreu the rooms over the bank to hit building at the roar of FgtOQS drugstore

Toui Hbarpe has completed bis course at the Itaraquoi net college in Lansing and Is at pwsent at home in the viiiage

Oto Hurke of Okemos was in towu on buraquoineaa (he first of the week Mr Burke baa purchased the hotel at that place

fJougUs and cbld^ down to the very border land of consuui prion yield to the toothing healing influences of Dr Wood Norway Pine Syup

I I i in i i m^mmmtmm mraquo 11 i l i m i M i 1-1

P0f H A Haynea has resigned his poattiou as principal of the Bancroft Mgbeeeioot

The L T Lare to have a laquohaow social at the home of Mr Dudly Swar-thour Friday evening

Mr Edwin Brewster and bride spent Sunday with the formers parents Mr And Mrs Jofcn Brewster

While touching off some nun powder Van Wixuin was burned very badly about the face and hands

The Atbacuuin club meets Fiidar afternoon of this week An interesting program has been prepared

The Congregational 1st will give a pound social for the minister Key Datiesand wife Tuesday evening

Mr Frank Royp brother of Mr G C-Lemon who ha been working in an asphalt factory in Indianapolisbad tbe misfortune to lose two of bis Angers in one of the cog wheels

Mr apd Mrs J S Lemon Mr and Mrs Cbas Wbelan Mr and Mrs N A Harder and Miss Carr of tbe Newburg club attended tbe Caledonia club held at the pleasant borne of Mr and Mrs Chas Wright

A wary weJtoome tterm of rail eg-ae Monday afternoon continued through Monday night and It raining at thi wrlOag Tightninff struck the out-boose in Mr Shaws yard Monday evenshying abont 10 oclock The building was only about 8 feet from tbe rear of bis bouse and adjoin log it was a gasshyoline tank lately Ailed Tbe siding was torn off just above the tank and the studding inside was badly slivered otherwise uo harm was done Fortushynately no one was in at tbe time

Tbe eldest and most effective method Of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to take DeWtua Little Early Risers the famous little pills for cleansing tbe liver and boweig F M XUbouro

Hewitts Little Early fibers are the finest pillf I ever used71mdashP J Moore Mtlibrook Ala They quickly core all liver and bowel troubles F M Kll-bourn


D m i r i Mleau Umy ft

Mr and Mr PN IxUad visited to Owoseo Sosday

Miss Ida Goodyear in Flint on bast-nets last Friday

Mrs Storages tea sttfur from Cashynada visiting bar

Mrs Cast Obert faj entertaining her mother this week

Milaquos Jfcuma Aeaott felted Mrs W Payne Owoaao Monday

Mrs W Monty of Coronas called on Durend friends Tuesday

Mr Cbapama teaveathU morning for Monroe to Fpend a few days

Mr Will Blbbard and D Martin left forldabo last wet Wednesday

Mrs Will Paynlaquo of Owosso visited ber mother Mra J Reklaquo Tuesday

Mr Pratt of Veraoa is speoding the week at the boase of Mrs R J Aogs-bary

Mr and Mrs O B Hlbbard left Wedshynesday evening for Wtseoasla Tbey will visit California and Idaho befora retnrnieg

bAiter suffering from severe d apeaw ale Care It dH me so saoeb good I recommend It to everyone^ writes J B Watkins Clerk and Reorder ChlUl cotbe Mo It digests What yon cat F M KHboam


and Old Fashioned But Reliable Worth Remembering

Things wbleb one should bare ready at band in case of need are first and foremost essence of cinaa-mon When exposed in a sickroom it Will kill the bacilli which are floating rourbull)gt A decoction of cinnamon li recommended as a drink to be takes freely in localities where malaria or fevers prevail for cinnamon has the power to destroy ail infectious mishycrobes - -- -

Peppermint is an bid friend not on any account to be snubbed Nothing Is better for a bee sting than the apshyplication of a drop of peppermint

In case one la near the premises or apartments where there ia diphtheria tbe simplest yet effectual mode of fumigation is to drop a little aniphor on a bot raquotove or on a few hot eoala carried through the rooms In thin way the spread of tbe dJaelaquoae may be stopped

A disinfectant to aae ta differsnt parts of the house wbleh will sweetshyen tblaquo whole place may be madeTery cheap Take one poaad of common copperas and eight ounces of erade earboac acid and dissolve bioae gal Ion of water Use freonenUy

A little carbpUc acid added to the water in which barns bmlaea and cots are washed greatly lesaena the soreness

After applying iodine to the ekm II tt amarta too Intensely to be borne It ia wdl to know that it can be waabed off with ammonia


Frpaft Vernon Arffus

Mrigt h Leuiunyon is on the sick list Henry OIney was in Byron Monday

on business Mis Chas Stewart visited relatives

In Dui ami Monday-A D Hammond spent Monday at tbe

Varsity city AuuArbor Mrs L Conrad was called to Fenton

last nightby the severe illness of her son Obariie Conrad

Mr^ bavidson and daughter Carrie of Charlotte are the guests of Mrs tibbie Wilkinson this week

W D amp A Garrison attended a meetshying of the Directors of the Firsi NatiorK al Bank of Corunna on Friday last

Hiram Spears has avgtld his Shiawas-seetown property and will soon remove to Dakota Ed McCall aid Cbas Lindley were the purchasers

Mrs XHilie Eckelberg Is in Corunua this week iOOkiug after Walsh EasJers feed barn business Wash ami family are in Clare Co on a business trip

R Bristol will move this week to Bekliug Mich where Ugtey will miJltlaquoi tbeir future home Mr Bristol bas conducted i blacksmith business here forabont IS years and is a first class nDcbaiiic He and Glen Bristol will engage in the ice-cream business in their new location Glen being an exshypert in tlint line

W S Musser Mlllheirn Pa s vesl ibe lift- of liilaquo litUe s i r l by giving her One Mi note Cough Core when she was dyliipound from croup It is the orlv liflnn-Ics- remedy thampt j ives immediate re Allies lr quickly cures coughs cold broiicliiii grippe asthma and all throat and In frac34frac34 troubles F M Kilbouru


BaHcrofi Mitli Mrraquoy 8th

Wixtun brothers have a fine show tbi gt eu

Bsit I-aMsy bus purchased Myron Wilcoxs dray line

Tbe Neviurlt Fannfra Club meets with Mrand Mrs Jobn Wbelan Tburi-day

Cards are out announcing the mar riage cf Miss Louie Harder to Mr Oorner

O V I D bullbullraquobull

9rw such B(raquor 8 Un J T Oeerof Buffalo N Y^ Is

visiting her sister Mrs Kay Sir Knights Kay and Pinnkett attendshy

ed tbe funeral of Sir Kolgbt CUpp of Owosao Sunday

Tbe funeral services of Mr Gardner Stanton wbc went to California last fail foi bis health but who died there last week wamps held In the Baptist church last Souday Tbe Maccabees of which Mr Stanlou was a member atshytended the services

Our dog warden is becoming very proshyficient in tbe use of the revolver It is a small dog indeed that be cant bring dowu on tbe third fire

Mr William McCarty bas through the back log of a brewery company asked our village council to appear before Hon George P Stone circuit judge to answer why said council would not acshycept bis liquor bonds Tbe bearing was adjourned from last Saturday 5th to tbe coming week The case excites conshysiderable interest It is claimed that the bonds were presented before tbe action was taken by tbe council prohibiting the sale of liquors of any kind

Recreations of Among actresses first we find that

Sarah Bernhardt bas a taste for paint-fng sculpture and cycling whUe tn snmmer ahe delignts ia ftahbag boat-tag tennis and tlteratare aometimlaquo also diff-scaliag pound t tm Terry b lea ambitions for she finds cnffteteot 4fsgt traction in reading drtvisg aad yacht-ng while bar abrter Marina Tarry like sTotag to the theatre on an o night to tee what bef orothera aad sisters hi art are 4ofnx She also la paanfamataly IBSMI at lowora lawas mnste and enjoya a ansa of gotf- Mi Brown Potter attattogfc aha saaow eweh a wteken MEbMI aamaaaa hanall In a swflctaBtly iaxoeeBt way for aha passes much of her tlaae flowers and Ss Scsd of an pnrsulta Miss Ada Rehaa cycles a good deai reads ranch and loves trav eL Mrs Patrick Campbell is a anperb tssstciaa and cycles Handsome aad stately Geaevfeve Ward detracts hershyself with riding rawing swimming modelling end painting Beautiful Jo-lit Neilaon also lovee the water for ahe swlnte and la at home on a yacht she too rides a bicycle Her cousin Lily Hanbury swims likewise cycles usul piays tennis Gertrude Kingston loves every outdoor pursuit especialshyly cycling and skating Mme de Mar-arro who was once Mary Anderson rides a great deal loves music cards slngicq and readiug aloud Dainty Anshynie Hughes cycles and swims equally well and Mrs Kendall nnda sufficient recreation in reading

I i You need not lose flesh in summer $ 5 if you use the proper means | $ to prevent it You think _ you cant take SCOTTS 5 i EMULSION in hot weather | but you can take H and di-1 | gest it as well in summer as i | in winter It b not like the I g plain cod-liver oil which is J t difficult to take at any time $ If you are losing flesh | you are losing ground and you need

Long Letters Do those of us who have many

friends and who desire to retain them generally realise what a huge slice of time correspondence takes In planshyning ont our days work we say to ourselves that we must really write to so and so to-day without fail hot we reckon no time for the taskmdashtt la one of those little things that doat take a minute5 Ah weU bat w a t t down to It after teamdashone sheet to Uv Ue Mis Mnsfet |wn raquo Jfl one Sraquod a half to Jack and behold there hi very little change left out of two or three hours We had counted on spendshying in some other way For we cannot send to our friends a brief laquond bald outline of what is befalling us one of those unsatisfactoiy scraps which on receiving we feel la not worth the stamp that i t cost Many people will tell you it is not worth whBe to write long lettersmdashjust a line to say where you are and tell then the rest when you meet But that is a poor plan since love aad friendship are both plants which thrive under culshytivation Common Interest dies out if not kept alive by use and something to feed upon

t I f Scotts Emulsion g ami must have it to keep up | J your flesh and strength If pound you have been taking it and i f prospering on h dont fail to 5 i continue until you are thor- J 9 oughJy strong and welt c S ampocandiioigtalldnigsats S f SCOTT amp BOWHE Chcmi Nlaquow Yoik 1


A Glass of Water at Bedtime Tbe human body Is constantly unshy

dergoing tissue changes Water has the power of increasing these changes which multiply the waste products but at the same time they are re newed by its agency giving rise to increased appetite which in turn proshyvides fresh nutriment If you do not accustom yourself to drink water reg ularly you are liable to have the waraquoLe products form faster than tboy are removed Any obstruction to the free working of natural raws at once produce disease Great weakness and languor on rising in the morning is generally duo to a large secretion of these waste products and the remeshydy is to drink a tumblerful of water mdasheither hot or coldmdashjust before reshytiring This materially assists in the process during the night and leaves the tissues fresh and strong -ready for tbe active work of tbe next day

Four Littla Household Hints All cake tins should be lined with

evenly buttered paper before baking All good cakes should have a sheet of paper placed on the top

To remove varnish stains from the bands Is quite easy if before wash-Ins you rub them with a flannel dipshyped la methylated spirits

To prevent me(al from nut rob

v W-raquo_ - v laquo J Vgt


I think we better buyour Suits of M Mullen dont you Certainly- We can do the lrest there

Perfect Fits ^ Lowest Prices ^^

Reinember I offer you Stilts that lastmdashSuits that fit--^Suits that hold the greaest value for your lnonev

My Spring One of MEKS BOYamp and CHILDRENS SUITS is all new sad up-to-datemdash nothiog chesp about tfeem except the prices You cant afford to miss seeshying these goods for if you expect to buy it means dollars to you

^ 2 1 bull

Jraquo gt ^

I carry a big line of Workiugmens Shifts Pants Jackets and Overalls TJiey are the best make in the world and ail warranted not to rip I am always glad to show goods whether you come to buy or not so come in and get prices

Yours for good goods and low prices


over tne suriaee a nuxrare rormeu oy melting together equal parts of oao-kerit PAraffln and beeswax

Stalas of paint which have become dry laquoo as ampTmvat are difficult to remove but with persistent use of benslne or spirits of turpentine tt can generally be managed

UmbrslSaa TO avoid after lamfntatiens the woshy

man with limited means should saafcs the selection of a saw smbretta taa subject fox earnest thoaght

She thonld fart wall in that a good MtbreUa ontiaata a cheap ono aa4 leeks better wmfio It lesta aad that a blaej( amhrelSa la always 1laquo taste aad vfll gown

A twisted wood hajsdle atnddod with silver or a pasta ervstal hull dnv plays eveellent taste

Avoid blaarre haaaiaa and gar cot or entects In corertaca

the did geatiemaa remarked and if you think youd rather change with me raa wfifing

A second invitation waa not reshyquired And I dldnt have to change only wttu the woman but with the hul family ahd I thought theyd push me out In the aisle But Hi bet that to this day the woman tens of the ftsae when she sat next to the

t h e old bookseller add-ja bull

bullhe CaitMasise Of Voatli - bull And sow that you are through cotshy

tage what are rou gorag to d o r asked a friend of a yoathXal graduate

I shall study mriMa waa the crave reply of the slaattlons young

raquot Next to Grant Visitors to Washington wttt probashy

bly remember an old second-naiid book dealer who on aloe days alts In front of hie shop oe the north aide of Pennsylvania avenue just opposite Peace Honument He relates one story in which he and Oen Grant figshyure rather prominently

The old bookseller had received a ticket for a theatrical performance He went early and took his seat In the parquet Soon a family consisting of a husband and wife (nd several grown up daughters took the seats to his right A little later a snan came and sat on his left next the aisle The old bookseller Is blind in the left eye and did not pay any attention to the roan on his left At the end of the first act the lady on his right leaned over and asked if the stranger were not General Grant Sure enough it was and the lady was so informed

T reckon you can see a hit better from thbv chair where I am atttro

^8at fcamt that profession already overcrowded r asked the friend

PossiWy it is raaaarked tbe knowshying youth but propose to study medicine just the same and those who are already la the profession will have to take their chancesmdashChicago News

American Looomotivo Bui Wing As an Instance of the speed with

which work can be executed by one of our great American locomotive firms it Is worth noting that an order was given on Dec 1laquo 1W7 for forty Mogul locomotives for two Russian railways The firtt of the forty was erected and tried under steam on Jan 5 1898 three weeks after the receipt of the order and was finished ready to dismantle and pack for shipment i one Week later The but engine waa competed on reb 13 The forty enshygines were then contracted in about eight weeks besides twenty-eight adshyditional engines on other orders built In the works wholly or partially and shipped during- the same period No wonder the Americans luLve gained a reputation for smartnessmdashCaacters Magazine

If not drmk Graln-Omdashtbe from pure jrrala A lady writes The first time ImadeGraJn-O I did not like R but after usinic it for one weak nothing would induce me to go back to ceftVe^ It nourishes and feeds the afstew Tfe chudreo cagt-^iiak It freely witb great benefit i t fe the screajHheatnK sab-stauee of pure graitta Get a paefcafre to-day froar yout grocer teUow the dl-rvotioBS in nutkiog it and you will have a dellciou and healthful table beverage for old and yoanjr 15eaad raquo c

bullbullbull a

Wherever presirlT latradaevid Dr OsldweUs Syrup PepaiBee a cure for ooestipatlea baa aet with pheaoneaal sale Many druggists cannot say enough in praise of It merit as writ at Its great peputarfty with the people In 10c trial sine and also in Me and 1 00 sues at F M Kilboum



s^ataaiiKtCSa as MaaaiSi agtaa 9 M U H f i s t V J l s a s f l l i W e

t g r ^ e r i u u i i t i a | a gt s^fcralaawiilwfwrii

bullgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgt

At Green amp Pettiboaes

We nave Bicycles of all grades and prices and all Wheels are Fully Guarfnteetf

You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes Stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs and Tin Work at the lowest Prices consist a nr witb good material and work


61 Pettibone


tsammm Bsasasssaa asBBBBslaBBiiii


Page 6: THE myfpoimiiis.If-IIII...ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CORUNNA, MICH*, MAY 10, 1900. VOLUME XX; No. 22 tHE MARKKTS. •'-••— (Corrected by Green * Pettlbone.) •Wheat No. 1 White, No.*


Qh yes Spring is hereand so is our large and complete stock ef

Boots and Shoes for the itig and Suiti titer bull Spri

TAN and BLACK in endless varieties High and low cuts in endless styles Very dressy Tan or lilaquock LADIES BALS from $150 to $375 Ladies OXFORDS Tan or Black from $lt)( to $200raquo For gentlemen we have DRESS SHOES from $150 to 400 per pair Dont fail to ceo the DOUGLAS $350 in any shade They are excellent They arc as poundooil as ihb usual $pound50 of other makes Boys Youths Misses and Childrens Shoes in end-it ss varieties

bull- bull yours for good goods at reasonable prices


Terrific BrnlofJMit the Worst ia Leading FUtfiaes So Westcra History Takes Place

la Mine in ScefieldV selves aad Say the Insurgents

Are Surrendering

Ifeuures of IraquopaTtnce Pasted and Other Are Ditcaaart by the

Two Hansen J


Oae Haadred sad Thirty-Seven Bodlelaquo Have Been Recoveredmdash

Heartrttadias Kccuea mdash Work ot KelaquolaquoKlaquo OoimK Onmdash Every E3ort Be-

bullbullbullbull inlaquo Made far Belief




He represents thq strongestand nicst reliable companies

Parties desiring to sell or rent propertV will do welt to place the same with bim Good farm mortgages bought end sold

A good 120 acre farm for sale at a barshygain If sold at oncemdashSuitable for

stock purposes

Kodol Dyspepsia Cure

Digests what you eat I t at Li ficially digests the food and aid

Nature in strengthening andreconshystructing tbe exhausted digestive orshygans I t is tbe latest discovered digeet-ant awl tonic N o ottier preparation can approach i t in efficiency I t inshystantly relieves and permanently cores Dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Sour Stomach Nansea Sick HeadacbcGastraJglaCramps and all other results of imperfectdigestion Price 50c undfiL large an contains H$toe9 Small stoc Bookraquo01aboutdygpe|aiamidlearree Prepared by E C DaWTTT A euro 0 Chlcago

For Sale by F M KILBOUBK

TO Coze a Coagb l a One B a y To Cora a Cold in Cos S a y pound 0 Cure Sore Throat in OneDay To Cure Hoarseneas i n One S a y

Take Clevelands Lung Healer as cents If H fails to care We w i cheerfully refund

i your money (Trial size free)

atC M Peacocks

know of no better way to convince you that we can do better by you in Furniture than others can than to ask you to visit our store personally Do this before you deal elsewhere

REWARD We tbe uurierigned druggists offer

a reward of 50 cent to any person who purchaser of us two 23 cent boxes of Baxters Maodrakc Bitters Tablets if it fails to cure constipation biliousness sick-beadaebe jaordive loss of appetite sour stomach dyspepsia liver com-

friaint or any of tbe diseases for which t is recommended Price 25 cents for

eithei tablets or liquid We wilt also refund tbe money on oae package of either if it fails to give satisfaction




Wonderful Sagacity Shown In the Care o f f locks

The sheep doss in this country come by their nature ami training honestly for either they or their ancestors came from the sheep-dotted bills of England Scotland or Wales where for generations past the supreme efshyfort of the shepherd has been to proshyduce a perfect sheep dog They have succeeded well for no man could exshycel them In sheep lore no man could be more useful to the sheen owner for man is neither BO persistent and agile possesses such endurance or is so gentle under training and reproof The dog doesnt reason as to the why and wherefore of his affection for the worst sort of a brut shepherd may have the most faithful dog one that will mind the sheep on the hills pa-tlently await his master coming and guide bis roettn foosteps to his home

On the great ptais of tbe west these dogs havi made-it poaatbls for one man to care for three or four thousand sheep tn one flock All they ask la a bite to eat and once in a while when their feet are filled with thosharp thorns of the cactus they will come to have them taken out There Is no vsive on a weJHnined sheep dog The yrell-bred ebtlie whtcb takes the prizes at the bench aaow is beautiful to look at but this homeshylier brother the trained dog of the range is worth more than he is beshyyond price The sheep owner holds aim as beyond purchase The sheep herder who falls so low as to part with his companion is yet to be found ami if tbe dog were to be bought the buyer might rue his bargain for the master must go with the dog

In the new country the work of the sheep dog Is hard It is on a big scale In the old country the vrork is easier but it has ita finer points In the new country the dog may drive two thoushysand sheep in the old country a dos tiay drive three or four which takes more thought and skill In the old coustry the feature of every country fair in a sheep district i s the sheep 3og trials A trophy ia the annual prise and the shepherds and their dogs come from afar to try for the cup The dog that carries away the trophy may be a little short-haired homely and Insignificant brute which bulllinks pound0 the heels of aia master Hke a creature of no spirit but send him after the sheep and his wfcote eharac ter seems to change He is slow and gentle or quick and bold as the sheep may require His whole attitude is tense and nervous No human being could manifest a greater responsibilshyitymdashKansas City Star

If the office that docs your printing doesnt

do it neatly try the JOURNAL If it is

being done neatly try us for better still

Kodaks Cameras

and Amateur Supplies

Enlarged Pictures Crayon

India Ink Water Cokw

and Sepia Work-

Framing Done

on Short Notice

Platino4ypes The very latest things in our line arc

the Platino-types we are now putting oat We make Ibeto

Try Oral n-O J Try Oraio-O J Ask your grocer to-day to show you

a package of Grain-O tbe new food drink that takes the place of eoflVe Tbe children may driuk it without inshyjury as well as tbegtadult All who try Jt like it Grain-0 has that rich esi brown of Mocha or Java but It is made froa pure ^raJns scd the most delicate stomach reeeivs i t without distress Uie price of coffee 15c and 25c per package Sold by all grocers

Nothing else equals them We rftakc them in all styles Finish and Platino Work Gruarantecd

CMrndsr Curiosity January and October of the snme

year always begins with the same day

So do April onltf July also September and December February March and November also begin with the sarae day New Years day and S t Sylvesshyters day also fall on the same day except of course in leap ycir Each dry in the week has served as a day of rest somewhere Sunday among Christians Monday with the Greeks Tuesday with the Persians Wednesshyday with the Assyrians Thursday with the Egyptians Friday with tka Turks and Saturday with the Jews

Salt Lake City Utah May 2mdashA speshycial to the Tribune from Scofield Utah sayst The English language cannot describe the appalling disaster which occurred here at 1025 Tuesday foreshynoon by an explosion in mine No 4 of the Pleasant ValleyCoal companjs and by which certainly 200 men and upshywards have lost -their lives At this hour 137 bodies have been recovered and the work of rescue is still proceedshying and will continue until all the bodshyies are brought to the surface There are willing hands at work and as fast BUS bodies are reached they arebrought

Order Have Sera Issued Relievfa Htni of Cemamnd and Maj Gen aixcArthar Will Succeed Hlsraquo--In-iBrslaquonl A i c b h e i DtraquoeraquovrclaquoE by Cicn Frinfcton

Sevste Refaraquoe to Pnraquo raquo bull laquo bull laquo laquo laquo f Sgtnvatlaquoy tor laquolaquo BorraquoimdashMlaquonraquo

gtlaquolaquobull tSc Amcitded Porto Rico GltKveraiuBt JiraquolaquonwltmdashOiUcr Matshyter Lader Consideration

Washington May 1 mdash T h e Eeriate yesterday refused to consider a resolushytion of symp-Jthy with Boers The conshyference report on the amendatory Porshyto Rico bill was agreed to and the bill

Washington May 5mdashThe war deshypartment has received tbe follo^iog

report from Cjen Otis Manila May t-Aprtl cr ptures from

enemy were 30 pieces arttJiery 13raquo rtHes 1 considerable ammunition and large stores lt ot property During the early portion of j appropriating $40000 to enlarge ana

the month the enemy was active In tbe ex- i jmp r 0Te the public buildings at Bur-treme northern and southern Luzon and bull passed some Vlscayan Islands Our reported raquow^ raquo r

F __ tv^ i -i losses for the month were 13 enlisted men Washington May i mdash AUe AiiSKa ^killed three olfieers 24 enlisted men I Wounded rumored recent loss in Samar of

19 killed and number wounded not yet re- ported This laquos due to small detachments

Scouting in mountains In the interior of the island The enemy losses officially re-bull ported were 17 1 killed wounded and cap-

confi-down to the boarding houses and other ^ ^ ^ ^ I n o s ^ ^ p r ^ s r ^ company buildings where they are -bull -dressed and prepared for the coroners inquest These buildings are nutner copyus and in each are from ten to thirty-five bodies

L M 6 f laquo w t L m s e r Salt t a k e City May 3mdashThe reports

from Scofield up to 11 oclock Wednesshyday night say that it ft now known that 178 are dead from the explosion and that the estimate of loss will inshycrease rather than decrease The sushyperintendent of the mine says there is no record of the number of men that go i n the mine from day to diiy and that the exact loss cannot be known until all the dead bodies are taken out One estimate is that there were 398 meit in the mine and on that basis there must have been at least 250 or 300 lives lost

Later Elaquotlmntr Salt Lajke City May 4mdashThe latest

dispatches from Scofield say that the extreme estimate of dead is now conshyceded to hare been too large and that it is numerically impossible to place the loss of life at 300 as there were not that manY men-ip the mines The prob^ abilitfrac34 are that 2w will be about the totarVHmber of dead There are not enough coffins in the camp to bury the dead and to add to horror to the situshyation the bodiea are rapidly decomposshying and it has been suggested that cre-matlon may hare to be resorted to

gtwMgtMiltraquot Slaquoraquo Sraraquolaquothr Washington Kay 4mdashThe president

Thursday-bull sent the following telegram to the governor of tTtah

BTzocuttv Mansion WKsaJnctoa Mar I ranWOov Wells flalt Lake City mah I 4laquotrlaquo to eaprans my Intense sorrow upon loarhlns of tbe terrrol calamity which haw occurred at ttcofleM and my deep sympathy with tht wives children and friends of the unfortunate victims of the explosion _


Islands They say the war has terminated Leading Insurgents are surrendering-

OTIS Order Reitevlas Otis laquo laquo bull

Washington May 5 mdash In accordance with Gen Otis reqnest to be allowed to return to the United StPtes the war

department Friday issued orders re-

civil code bill was passed in the senate yesterday and the army approprialion billj carrying supplies for the military establishment of more than cent114000-000 was discussed

Washington May 3 mdash A bill was passed in the senate-yesteiday for the creation of linked memorial parks on the battleffeTds of Fredericksburg ChanceUorsville the Wilderness and Spoftsylvania In Virginia Tfre armT appropriation WD was further disshycussed

Washington May 4 mdash The army an-

morning May 5 the date fixed by G e i gt ^ ^ 8 ^ ^ t i T ^ Otis fo f sailing I a a d t b laquo ^ appropriation M l

Thl o r S S designate MaJ Gen Mae- lt raquo bull laquo $ trade pound L VZlt Arthur to succeedGen Oris in com-1 1 ^ 0 JgtlB P 8 ^ laquo laquo hltta bullw i gt - ^ t t -

mandof the division of the Philippines | pen f-M ^ - lt ow the late Gen Guy V Henry Gen bull James Longstreet Mnc Margaret M

Brevet Maj Gen Wheat on is designat ed to sneceed Gen MacArthur as elaquom _ - - - - - J _ ^ mander of the department of southern Badger widow of t ^ laquo ^ lt J trade r t Luzon I BadgeTi- and Mrs Harriet Gridley

otfs Readr to Sail widow of the late CajitGiidlef of the Manila May mdash T h e United States j aa^y- _ ^_

transport Meade has been ordered to Washington May 5mdashThe seBats be ready to sail to-day K is sup- j yesterday passed the M y ^ r c o r g a n i -iKwed that Maj Gen Otis with his per- alaquoon bill which practicany Tvol-x tionizes the present sta fir a r r a n g e

tnents of the army the fortification appropriation bill carrying 17733628 and the bill tocreate tfie rank of lieutenant general and make the adshyjutant general a major general A-

start for the sorfal staflT wiQ then United States

Aelvlaquor DloeovereoU The insurgent arenives discovered by

Gen Funston include papers implicatshying prominent foreign firms at Manila in unlawful dealings It is reported jbflrned to Monday that evidence has Bern obtained that | Washington May 7 mdash ThV senate some of them furnished monitions ofbull amendmentstotbearmy appropriation war to the rebels and it is also said | bill were disagreed to in the houw o n that the American avtborities are in Saturdsy and the bill was sent t COB possession from this sevree of a degt j ferene Tfce sundry civil appTopria tailed plan for attacking the American tkm bill was pawed The general d e shyforces written by AgutaaMov in the neieney and military academy appro-

prition bills are now the only general swpply bills unacted on by the honsau


Win Their ria-ht for Bannl Hprc scMtatlon In lt Great nlvtaodUt

Geseral Con te re sue

Chicago May 3 mdash The Methodist laymen won Wednesday at the first sesshysion o the general eonfeience The great problem which has been conshyfronting the Methodist church and has loomed portentously before the quadshyrennial conferencemdashthat of equal repshyresentation for lay and ministerial delshyegatesmdashwas settled overwhelmingly The laymen were granted all they asked No opposition was made to the motion giving the laymen equal represhysentation and after a cloud of skirshymishes over parliamentary law the asshysembly voted solidly in affirmation

Chicago May 4 mdash The bishop adshydress at the Methodist general confershyence ybullbull^ay^ittdorsedequal lay rep-r e s e n t a t i i ^ v ^ ^ ^ e d time not ripefor Chriirtian nnil^ orawssed canteens dishyvorces and Sabbath desecration and said amusement question deserves careful attention

Chicago May 5mdash-Reports on tbe missionary work of the church and on various denominational branches were the order at the third days sesshysion of the Methodist general confershyence at the Auditorium

Tagalog language January f issf and translated into Spnwisfc by eamino

i n r t r t s i i i O t f t s n Washington May 1 mdash In the bouaw Manila May 7 mdash Gets P u t r i d Gar- yesterday tbe bill to enlarge the pow-

cia the highest insurgent officer ex-j e n of the department cf agricultures cept Agutnaldo has been captured by nd to prohibit Interstate commerceibgt Lieut K V Smith Of Gen FirastonV game killed fn violetion of local lawn staff in the town ofJaea three nrllesj was passed laquoraquod -W1J wa introduced northeast of Ssn Isjdro protfnee of to permit national banks to lend mott-New Ecija Gardia peraoaally dTre^ved ey on real estate securities A joint the guerrilla operations and tgtn f^jKJTesoIntfon for a constitutional amend-ston had spent two weeks in t ry ing io meat to disqualify polygnmists for-corner him j election Ss senators ot representatives

orn Otts Sail wss referired to the judiciary commit-Mngtlraquo May 7 mdash The United States tee The amended Porto Bico bill was

transport Meade sailed for the Ua-fted ( paissed States at five oclock Saturdsy afTr~| Washington Hay J mdash The entire-

day in the house yesterday was devoted

ltBn Mailer tVen Uniontowu Pa May 7-Gen Silas

M Bailey one of the 306 of the famous old guard which stood by Gen Grant in the convention of 1880 died at his home here Saturday agecT 64 years of brain trouble which resulted from a bulletwound received during the war After the war President Johnsonbre-vetted him major general of volunteers for gallant service He was elected sjate treasurer by the republicans of PtUusylvanJa in 1881 ^

e w sleeor SttablUhed Springfield Jll May 4-Fred Gilbert

of Spirit Lake la established a worids record at the Illinois Gun club shoot Thursday when he killed 50 pigeons straight at 31 yards rise in the Grand Capital City handicap In the shoot-ofT Gilbert won a purseof $100 This makvs a run of 126 ljve pigeons for Gilbert at this shoot and be has not missed yet

noon with Maj Gen Otis and twiraquo aids-de-camp on board The Warships fa port fired a major generaTs sslnte as the steamer raised her anchor


e United Cfcetatlasi Pnrty ates Candidates fr Pr t s i4laquos t

and Vtee Prestdeat

Bock Island IIL May raquomdashTraquo TJait-

to the consideration of the Nicaragua canal bill

Washington May 3mdashIn the house yesterday a bill providing for the conshystruction of a protected but not a fortified Nicaragua canal was passed by a vote of 225 to 35 and the sundry civil appropriation bill the most imshyportant of the general sundry bills and the last on the list was reported I t carries $61586715 A bill was toshy

ed Christian party national eonven- trodneed for the organization of In-tion devoted the entire day t o tbe dlan Territory uiider the name of Jef-preparation e r a platform Rer S C Swallow of Harrisburg Pav was nominated for president aseT Jesm 6 Woolley Of Chicago for vfee presishydent Following is a sytaopsig of the-platform

It declares the time hassjgtrscltrwnea the eternal prtnciples of justice^ mnrey and tove as eseaipMnsd m ehs mgt bull teaeb-IBCB of Jesus Christ sbonbt be enkbodied ts the constltatlon of taw aatSon and ap-pFled la concrete form ngt ovecr funetloa of toverameat deprsonSsw uasssesd tsws such as require dnim isetsii of the Chrisshytian Sabbath authorise unscilytmnl rnar-rlace and divorce Uoanae the nwasfac-ture and sallaquo of lmoatanttaa nevors as a beverage holding tho laquoanaasna of such taws to be neither hj|iaHjaraquo gtbullmdashtry nor honorlns to lt3od- The platform fnrthOde-clares for the adoption of tho system of legislation known as the mrdatfve and refshyerendum tocether wit a proportionate representation and an naserattve manshydate declares- for BOBtkal social and economic equality of tho sexes condemns mob violence and ontrases declares asalnst war and doasands arbitration of national and international disputes- deshyclares for the immediate abolition of the manufacture and araquo of intoxleattes liquors as beverasea demands the enactshyment of laws proMWtlns the sale of toshybacco ftp minors demands daily reading of the 8shie tn the pahWc schools and institushytions of learning controlled by tbe state declares for government ownership of pub-he utilities and for election of president vice president and United States senators by direct vote of the people

ferabnv Washington May 4 mdash Tbe free

borne bin granting patent to bona fide settlers on lands purchased from Indians was passed in the bouse yes- terday and tbe sundry civil appropriashytion bill was further considered

Washington May 5--In the houses yesterday 73 ef tbe 13X pages of the sundry civil appropriation bill were-completed President McKiuley s u b shymitted his first veto It was on a bill) to open A part of tbe Navajo Indian reservation to settlement under mintshying laws Mr Baker (Md) introduced a biH repealing the Chinese exclusion laws and making the general imniaV gration laws applicable to Chinese


Tables Showtaer the Staadtaw laquod Claho aC lWadlna- Orsjanfc-

bullMrt l in iVpt tDste

The following tables show tbe- standshying of the d a b s in the leading-baseball organizackms National league

Won l^et Per ct

Abe Goan Sulisfaciicn Aifree WUsT^sf bull

erniti-(gtsalaquode from

MILLERS STUDIO 110 W-Exchange St^Owosso

I Foes CltJ bull If not drink 1 pure s-ratrt A lady writt ^ b e nrsf time TmiHle Grata O I dW not like 1frac34 bull 1 ut liUir usinlaquo it fvgtr 01c -week notbinjr woul 1 huYiico nju to lt o back to coflVe

i It noiris5Kgt audfcolalhlaquosy8teilaquo Tlie child en fan drink-it freelywUb great bene It Get a package to-day from your grocer loc and 5c Be sure it amp made by the Genessa Pure Food Co Le Roy X Y n as there are imitations on the market

njtlaquot pier Baraed New York May 7 mdash A fire that

started at the river end of the Mallory line steamship pier at the foot of Maidshyen Lane and tire Eaat river Completely destroyed the pier and valuable lt5sngt

DougIasGa^4sJrHLmdashMarshall Jones tents ^ u e l o s s i s P^ced at$1^0QufOa a-negro impttectedin the murderrof Alien Crosby a white man at Gillis stslU in Coffee county was taken from

k-|ail at DoUgMlaquolaquo^ljslaquobed The aeraquo gt$tu was b e d t o a small pin^ tree^and his body ridoled with bnHets

Took Bvcn the Pennies Pittsburgh lJabdquo May 7mdashBurglars

entered tbe First national bank ot Cast Brady Pa and dynamited the safe taking everything in sight in-eluding pennies amounting tg beshytween laquo4000 and 110000 Vlt

Several barges which were ntoored near tbe pier were also destroyed

Jary Dlsaarveed Salt Lak

bullary in the trial for unlawful cobabitaiion greed and was discharged

Six Drowned Cape Henry Vs May 5mdashThe Britshy

ish steamship Virginia was wrecked copy Hsttersa MMI a^ gf ^w efew were drowned --^^)jbullampamp

Clubs Phlladeinhla Cincinnati Frooklyt Pittsburgh Chicago St Lofst New York Bosron

American league MitwaukAC Indianapolis Chicasro ^ Cleveland Buffalo Kansas City Minneapolis Detroit

10 9 S 7

t S I

Nraquo e O

laquo s

7 bull raquo O

laquo-laquojVfcelaquoiraquo-bull w

6 4 bullgtbulllaquolaquo-laquo


4 S

-laquo gt7

8 S s 9

4 5 laquo 5 6

10 12 raquo












sea -998

The PsOVlss Igteht Washington May mdashThe monthly

e City Gtah Mar SmdashTbari statement of tbe pebiie-debt shows e case Of B H L IKobertal laquo ^ 1 8 1 a t thm d deg |sraquoestfnpril 30

^ ^ 1000 the debt less cash to tbs treasury amounted to $1124802085 which is an increase cf $12445J27

Wrecked ay Wind Topeka Kan May 7 mdash A hurricane

wsaeswd many bnUdiaga in cenisal Sanaasand at SUtewsed iseorf BcU^ l ^ - l i V l a ^ l r i i c w e r e k a k d





X bull4


Dr Tampimage Preaches a Timely Sermon

D l w w i r K to Wfciek U e Pateraquolaquoe a u i fiqatpeai-

ForthmdashMOTIIIB Iraquoiltraquo Father Hoaa-

Keed of Be

(Copyright 1300 by Louis Klopscb] W^shjjigton Aprils

This discourse of Dr Tahnnge i pershytinent at this t ime of year when many people are moyingiYoni house tohonse and it teaches lessons of patience and equipoise in very trying circumstances IVv Phil ippiuns 412 I know both how to be abased aud I know how to abound

llippy Paul Oouid you really acshycommodate yourself to all circumshystances in l ife Could you go up withshyout pride und could you come laquo1 own without-exasperat ion Teach the same lesson to us all-bullbullbullbullVI are at a season of the year when vast populat ions in all our ci t ies are chang ing residence Having been born in a house aud having all our live lived in a house we do not have full appreciation of w h a t a house is I t i s the g r o w t h of thousands of years The human race first lived in c lefts of rocks t h e beas ts of the field moving o u t of t h e cdverns t o l e t t h e h u m a n race move in The shepherds and the robbers st i l l live in caverns of t h e earth The t-oglodyte are a race which t o th i s day prefer the caverns t o a house They are w a n t t h e y are large they KM very comfortable they are less subshyject to violent chang of heat and cold We come o n along d o w n in the h i s tory o f the race and w e com to t h e lodge which was a h o m e bui l t out of twi s ted tree branches W e c o m e further o n d o w n in t h e Matory of the r a c e and w e come t o t h e tent wWeh w a s a o m e bui l t wi th a round pole in the center and sk ins of animals reachingout in all directions m a t s on t h e floor for the

people- t o s i t on

T i m c p a s s e d on and the world after much invention came t o build a honse which was a space surrounded toy broad Vtones ajgtraquotnst whieh The earth tyas henped from the outside The roof was made of chalk and gypsum and coaland s tones and ashes pounded toshygether After awhile the porch was born after awhile the gate Then-Min--tlrcds of yrltTs passed on arfii in-th^ fourirenti i century the modern chimshyney ws c-ytisl ructcd The old Hebrews had cjKiiin^s in their houses from whielv the smoke m i g h t escape if it preshyferred b u t there was no inducement for it t o Iwivc until the modern chimshyney Wooden keys opened the door or the keyhole was large enough t o al low the finger to be inserted for the liftshying of the latch or the sl iding of it There being no windows the jgtcople were dependent for light upon lattice-work Over which a th in veil was drawn down in t ime of winter t o keep out the element Window glass was s o late as 200 or 300 years ago In England and Scotland so great a lusury that only the very weal th ies t could afford it A hand mil l and an oven and a few leathern bot t les and some rude pitchers and plates made up t h e entire5 equipshyment of the culinary department But the home planted in the old cave or at t h e foot o f a t e n t pole has gTOCn and enlarged and spread abroad unti l we have t h e modern house wi th i t s branches and roots and vast g ir th and height ahdf depth of c o n c e r t and acshycommodation

Architecture in other days busied itshyself chiefly in planning and building t r i u m p h a l a r c h e s and basilicas and hippodromes andmausoleums and col-unans whi le t h e y allowed the people l o r resider-TOs t o burrow like m u s i r a t s in the earth St Sophias of Constanshytinople St Marks of Venice St Peters of Kome are o n l y the Baphaeied wa l l s against which lean the nqualor and the pauperism of m a n y nashyt ions I rejoice that whi le our modshyern architects give n s grand camppitols in which to le^lslsste a ^ g f laquo a d laquowirl -honses in wh ich t o adminis ter jus t ice and grand churches in which to worshyship God t h e y a lso g ive much of their t ime t o t h e p lanning of comfortable abodes f o r bur tired population I have not so much ia tereat In t h e arch of Trajan a t Benerenttrm as I hawo in the wish t h a t all t h e people m a y fcaraquo a comfortable shelter nor have I s o much interest i n t h e temple of Jupiter Olympus at Athens as I have i n the h o p e t h a t every man may have an altar for t h e worsh ip of the true God i n his o w n house And I have no t s o much interest in the science of ceramics which g o e s crazy over a twis ted vase or a queer handled j u g in uoe 3000 years ago or a pitcher o u t of which the anshycient pharaohs poured their drunken debauch as I have that every man have on h i s table a plate w i t h plenty of healthful food and an appetite to atshytack it

Thank God for your homemdashnot mereshyly the house you live in now but t h e house you were born in and t h e many houses you have resided in since you began your earthly residence When you go h o m e to-day count over tnc number of those houses in which yon bare resided and you will be surprised Once in awhi le you will find a tnan who lives in the house where he was born and where his father was lgtorn and his grandfather was born and his greatshygrandfather was born but that is not one out of a thousand cases I have no t been more perambulatory than m o s t people but I was amazed when T came t o count up the number of resishydences I have occupied The fact is t h e r e is in this world no such th ing ad permanent residence

In a private vehicle and not in a rail car from which you can nee but l i tt le T rode from New York t o Yonkers and Tarrytown on the banks of the Hudshysonmdashthe finest ride on the planet for a man who wants t o sec palatial resishydences In fascinat ing scenery I t was In the early spr ing and before the gen-

tlenien o f N e w York had jjone o a t t o their country residences I rode Into the grounds t c admire the- gardens and the overseer of the phiice told me mdashand they all told memdashthat all the houses had been sold or that t h e y wanted to se l l them and there was litshyerally no exception a l though 1 called at many places just admiring the garshydens and the grounds and the palatial residences Some wanted to sell or had sold because their wives did not raquovant to reside in the summer tilneJn those places while their husbands tar-f ried in town in the night a lways havshying some business on hand keeping them away

From some houses the people bad been shaken out by chil ls and fever from some houses they had gone beshycause death or misfortune had ocshycurred und all those palaces and manshysions had e i ther changed occupants or wanted t o change Take up the directshyory of Any c i ty of England or Amershyica and see h o w few people live where t h e y lived 15 years ago There is e n such t h i n g as permanent residence I saw Monticello in Virginia Pres ident Jeffersons residence and I saw on the same day Montpelier which was e i ther Madisons or Monroes residence a n d I saw also the whi te house which w a s President Taylors residence and Presshyident Lincolns residence and Pres ident Garfields residence Was i t a perma- j nent residence is any ease I tell y o n (

tha t the race is nomadic and no sooner j g e t s in one place than it wants t o change for another place or i s com- j peUedto change for another place and so t h e race i n v e s t e d the rai lroad and j the s teamboat In order more rapidly t o j g e t into some o ther place than t h a t i n whieh ft w a then Aye instead of be- j tag- notnadie H i s immortal moving on j and moving on We whip up our horse s j and hasten o n unt i l the hub of t h e f rojnt Wheel shfeexm o n t h e tombstone a n d I t ips a headlong in to t h e grave t h e only permanent earthly res idence But bless God even that stay is l im- i ted for w e shal l have a resurrection-- j

A day t h i s spr ing the s treets w i n be filled w i t h the furniture carts and bull the drays a n d the trucks- It wil l bo a hard d a y for horses because t h e y wi l l be overloaded I t wil l be a hard day for laborers for they will overlift before they get the family furiture from one house to another Jt will be a hard day for housekeepers to sco their furniture scratched and th^ir crockery broken and their carpets misfit and their furniture dashed of the sudden showers It wil l be a hard-day for landlords It will be a hard day for tenants Especial grace Js needed for moving day Man^ a roaivs religion has suffered a fearful s tra in between t h e hour on the mprning of the 1st of May when he took h i s i m - mature breakfast and the hour a t

a finer house is bad enough but a inan ae upset i s s ickening The laven-dered fool goes around so dainty and s o precise a n d s o affected in the roil of his eyes or the whirl of his cane or the clicking of the ivory handle aga ins t his front teeth or b i s effemishynate languor and his conversation so interlarded wi th ohs and a h V t h a t h e i s to me a dose of ipecacushyanha Arowmy friends if you move into n larger house th^nk God for more roommdashfor more room to hang your pictures for more room in which to gather your friends for more room in Vvivich to let your children romp and play for more room for fcreat bookcases filled with good reading ir weal th of bric-a-brac Have as large and as fine a house as you Cain afford tc have but do not sacrifice your hushymil i ty and your common sense do h o t lose your balance do not be spoiled by your successes ^

Years ago we were the guests in an English manor The statuary the ferneries the botanical and horticulshyt u r a l genius of the place had done all they could to make the place attractive F o r generations there had been an amass ing of plate and costly surround ings At half past nine oclock in the morning the proprietor of the es tate had the bell rung and some SO or 30 manservants and maidservants came in to prayers The proprietor of the estate read the Scriptures gave out the h y m n h i s daughter at the organ start ed the music and then the musie over the w o p r i e t c r of the- es tate kneeled down and commended all h i s guests all hi family all h is employes to the Lord Almighty God can trust such a man as that with a large es tate He k n o w s h o w t o abound He trusted God a n d God trusted him And I could call off the roil of 50 merchant princes a s m i g h t y In worldly successes Ah my friends do nlaquot be puffed n p by any of the snecesses o f this life do not be spoiled by the number of liveried coachshymen that may s top at your door or the sweep of the l o n g trai l across the imshyported tapestry Many of those tvno come to your house are fawning parashys i tes They are not so much in love with you as they are in love with your house and your successes You move down rieiU year to 320 Low Water Mark street and see how many of their carshyriages Will halt at your door

I inset you this springtime at the door of your new home and while I he lp yotriift the c lothes basket over the bRuisters and the carman is ge t t ing red in the f a c c j n trying to transport that article of furniture to some new i dest iaat ion I congratulate you You are go ing to have a bOUt-r l i inc - thb year some of y o u than you ever had You take God and the Christian relishyg i o n jn your home and you will be

God in the parlor

1000000 DEATHS bull bull r


T b G e r m s or t h i s F a t a l D i s e a s e a r e L u r k i n g E v e r y w h e r e T b o u -

n a n d s of D o l l a r s S a v e d by T h i s Woi tdcr fu l

D l a c o v e r y

Hundreds of thousands of dollars has been lost in the poultry business on acshycount of the devastation aTurjug the flockscaused by cholera roup gape and other fatal disea-^cfi There huve IHJCU many remedies advanlt^d but none seem to be so successful as tho American Poultry MLvtuie This will cure chickens in the last stage of cholshyera and roup and is excel lent for garjgtes Do your fowls suffer from violent diarshyrhea dropping of the wings stupor or excessive thirst These are the first symptoms of cholera Cholera is a germ disease and be ing infectious spreads rapidly throng) i the entire flock Take time by the lore lock dont s top to experiment wi th unreliable or untried remedies Use this mixture a t once and he sanitary measures they recommend in connection D o n t give the fowls up Cholera i s a terrible disshyease but th i s remedy cores it erery time I t i s also gnaranted for roup which can be told by hoarse breathing swel led eyes discharge a t the nostrils resembling catarrh Fi f ty dollars i s offered for any case the Mixture wi l l not cure If some of your fowls are diseased i t wi l l prevent the rest from catching it Try i t I t i s cheap (re l iable and effective a scientific preparshyat ion g o e s more than three times ar far a s any other remedy does xuon good than al l of theai combined I t is used a n d endorsed b y t h e most expershyienced and largest breeders of plain and fancy poultryin gtJ1 parts of the world The manufacturers guarantee every package Or refund purchase moneyv If your drnggisf d o n t sell American Poultry Mixture hes behind the age I n that case seed SLOG for sample box to American Mfg Colaquo Terre Haute I n d


grandly ha^ppy ntg^jtv^en he rolled into his e x t e m p o - t n a t will sanctify your pociabililles rjzed Cfvuch The furniture b r o ^ i i ltiod i n the nurserymdashtbat will ps-atcct somet imes wil l result in the breaking y o u r children God in thcdln ing-hal l -of the Ten Commandnients There is no more fearful pass than the hall of a house where t w o famil ies meet gtne roOving but and t h e other moving in The sa lutat ion Is apt to be more vet helaquoent than complirnentary The grace that wil l be sufficient for the lat of Januarj and the t s t of Februshyary and the 1st of March arid the llaquo-t Oi i p i i i T i i i u u t enj fx i incir in IUI u i r 1st o f May Say y6ur prayers t h a t morning if you find nothing bet ter to kneel down by than a cosl scutt le and say your prayers at night though

tha t will make the plainest mal an imperial banquet God In the morfr fugmdashthat will launch the day brightly from the drydocks God in the evenshying - t h a t will s a i l the day sweetly Into the harbor

And get joy one and all of you whether you move or do not move Get joy out of the thought that we art BO on all g o i n g to have- a great mov ing day Do you w a 6 t raquo picture of the n t w house i n t o which ytraquou will niove Here it is wrought with the hand Of a master Ve know that if

4 Law Which Hau Been Remarkably Successful in New Zealand

Ncv- Zealond has anticipated the rest r tho world by enacting a law which

ieala so rationally with all trade disshyputes bdquothat it lis actully prevented strikes for the last five years It is iraposglble-to^ present more tftan an outline of the plan

IJoth Ksociaticns of employers and the trade mions may bVincorporated Tiraquosc w-jiich are chartered or re^- Iftered choose the members of their own board aud also the menbers of tho court to which disputes are refershyred Whether organized or not the associat ions and trade unions are subshyject to the law

The colony of New Zealand is dividshyed Into Industrial districts for each of which there is a conciliation board elected for three years It cons i s t s of two persona chosen by registered era ploy ers two by registered trade unions and one disinterested person elected bythe tour who is chairman When a dispute arises between emshyployers and the men in their employ e ither party may refer t h e matter in dispute to the district board which has full authority to invest igate the facts and to command a s e t t l e m e n t

in case either party will not accept t h e decision the matter is referred to the State court This cons is ts of one person representing t h e trade unions o r e the employers and a chairman a Judge of the supreme court appointed by the Governor The court has a three years term and to wise ly inshydependent of politics

A decision by tuis court is final and m o s t be accepted under a penalty for violation not exceeding pound 5 0 0 or 92500 Moreover when a dispute _xis been referred to the conciliation board and until It i s finally settled a s tr ike or lockout Is illegal

That there have been about fifty e a s e s referred to district boards o~ to t h e court in the past five years that during that t ime there has neither str ike nor lockout in New Sealand and thampt in every case the decision has been accepted by both parties s eems to prove either that the l a w i s exshyc e l l e n t or that it is excel lent ly ad ministered Perhaps it demonstrates both propositions The necess i ty for the passage of a similar law in this country is to a p p a r e n t t o require arshyg u m e n t Aside from the Interests of the employers and the employed the greater interests of the general public demand i tmdashYouths Companion


l ot


It is Supplied in this Vicinity at iast

Jt Is hard to ho pleasant Good-tiaiured people are ofteigt irritashyble

If you know the reason you would be surprised -

Ever have i tching piles Not i-ick enoutfn tw bullgtltltgt bed or

well en dug li to Le coy tent The constant itching sensation Hard to bear tiiirdor to get relief

Klaquoeps you awnke nights bull Spoils yoiis tempermdashnearly drives you crazy

Isnt relief and cure a long felt want I t is to bebad for everyone in D o a u V

Ointment Doans Ointment never fails co cure

I tching Piles Eczema- or any itching o f the akin

Here $ proof 61 i t at the te3tinoiraquoy of Ann Arbor ciLteen

Mreuro C Church of 520 South 7th street Ann Arbor DDW retired from ibe active duties of life says I have no hestitiitton in recomoaending Doans Ointment to anyone requiring a healing and soothing preparation it will prove inviluable I sufiered for years from itching heinorroids aud though I tried every t t i n g I -could bear of anlaquoI used remedies prescribed by scores of friends I was unable to obtain permanent relief until my attention was called to Doans Ointment I was somewhat surprised after the second application to notice what a different effect it had from anyshything 1 had hitherto used Encouraged I used ItstrlctlV according to direftions and In a v e r y short t ime when you t s s e Into consideration the aumber Of vcars I was afflicted tbraquo irritation c e a laquo d ami the inflftinstton was allayed When Doans Ointment cured me i t wil l e t r e others

Doatis Kidoevu Pi l ls for sale by all dealer Price 50 cents Mailed by Foster-Milbuni Co Buffalo X Y So le apoundlaquots for the U S Remeuiber the name Doans and take no substitute

Wax Candles

Jfathitur ellaquoeaddsao m laquo a l tth charts of tlw Orawtut

rolaquom w boodoir tfclaquo raquoftly rraquo4i- H t Ifaht rrltM6 OOROOVA Caod2laquoc Xotbijtr wIJI ltlaquo^r^Miir3wr to the I bullriMic tMeemaJX tb ltmcbpn I tea tm ltUamlaquof Ttugt brat dlaquotraquotW claquoaeuroUraquo for th cifraquoDtcirt or ttw

nlaquoat eUtonUn fencttoamdashfor oot tagagtfWaiintei aladlaquo in all cqax

Uw mlaquo4 4laquoUeatlaquo traquofegt b STS]laquoraquoAnraquo laquoSfc C9

T o Cure lKltwmummm i n On Wraquok To Oar Oomrtipation i n Ono W e a k T o O n r e l a d i g e a t i o n i n O n a W e a k

To P u r i f y tha B lood i n One T n k


How the Bri t i shCare for the Wounded Soldiers

Modern artiliergts effectiveness has put a very different complexion upon the uses and necess i t ies of field hosshypitals A field hospital used to be very near the fighting linemdashIt was often actually under Grc But nowshyadays w h e n artillery U-R IS c o m m a s ly effective at four thousand yards no field hospital could be allowed sufD-ciently near the fighting lne to permit of the wounded being taken directly to i t aftd the organation of aid has be^en altogether altered

In South Afrlcai it has been arrangshye d that all the effective aid in the field w i l l be that of the Army Medical Corps Voluntary aid wi l l confine it-selr to he lines of comniunlcatlon

T w o raiilion Americans snifer the tortur iag pangs of dyspepsia N o need to B u r d w k Blood Bitters cures At airaquoy drugstore

the Peace following tiuit One

J Q l l o o d Just ice of Crosby Mlslaquov makes the (statement I can certify Minute Cough Cure will do al that is claimed for i t My wife could not get her breath and the tirst do^c of it reshylieved her I t has also benefited my whoc-bullfamily It acts inlaquonampltiately and cures cough CohK cronp grippe bronchitis asthma and all throat anltl lung troubles F M Kilbourn

your knees come dowfl on a pajief of J our earthly house of this taliernacle were dissolved we liave a building of God a house no t niadlaquo wi th-hands eternal iri the heampyenft How much rent will we have to pay for i t We are going to own i t | l o w much must we pay for it H o w much cash down and liow much le f t on mortgage Our F a t h e r Is go ing t o give it as a free gif t

carpet tacks You Will want supershynatural he lp if any of you move Help in the morning to start out aright on the days work Help at night to re p e n t There w i l l - b e enough annoyshyances to make a Xaijt lppeout of a Frances Ridley Havergal I have again and again been i n crises of moving day and I have stood appalled and amazed and helpless in the shipwreck tak ing as wel l as I could those t h i n g s that floated ashore from the breakshyers and I k n o w how to comfort and how t o warn a n d how to encourage t h e people so I preach this practical May day sermon All these troubles wi l l - soon b e gona and tiie brttises wi l l heampL a n d the stiffened Joints wi l l become supple 4nd your ruffled tern- per will be smoothed of i t s wrinkles and order wi l l take the plate of disshyorder and you will s i t down in your n e w home seriously t o contemplate

My first word then i n this part of my discourse is t o all those who move out of smal l houses into larger ones Now we wi l l see whether like t h e apostle you kpow h o w to abound Igto not because your n ew house h a s t w o more stories t h a n the -old one add t w o s tor ies t o yonr vanity or make your brightly polished silver doorplate the coffin plate to your buried humil i ty Many persons movshying into a larger house nave become arrogant and supercilious T b e y swagger where once they walked they simper where once they laughed they go about wi th an air which seems to say Let all smaller craft ge t out of these waters if they dout w a n t to be run over by a regular Cn-narder I have known people who were kind and amiable and Christian in their smaller housemdashno sooner did they go over the doorsill of the new house than they became a glorified nuisance They were the terror of dry goods c lerks and the amazement of ferryboats into which they swept and if compelled to stand a moment with condemnatory gHanee turning all the people seated into criminals and convicts They began to hunt up the family coat of arms and had lion couchant or unicorn rampant on the carriage door when if they bad the appropriate c o a t of arms i t would have been a butter firkin or a shoe last or a plow or a trowel Instead of being l ike all the rest of ns made o n t of dust they would have you think that they were trickled out o Heaven on a lump of loaf sugar The first th ing you know of them the father will fail in business and the daughter wil l run off with a French dancing master A woman spoiled by

Take Clevelands Celery Compound Tea raquo bull bull raquo 3 s c If it fails to cure we will cheetfnUy between the field andv the base ho refund your^tony (Trial ake ftee) i p l U l and between the bafo and gene

+ + a I L I ral hospitals The workms organiza St cent m PtacoCK S tlon is as followmdash

Accompanying the fightins l ine arc the bearer companies of the Army Medical Corpsmdashtjiree or four m e n t o each regular regimental company When a man drops out wounded the Army Medical Corps men pick him u and take him to the nearest dress-

STATE Or MICHIGAN tounty of SWswas-ife44 akj|

At raquoalaquoilaquoraquon eftfieProbstc Court tor laquonll county bolaquol at the lYoblaquoe Office tn ibc city ot Corunnd oa Monday thlt Wb day of April in tbeycr on tpoundlaquojuraquoultininlaquo bundctJ

Krtwprit MRftbew Duah Judircor Vroimre ID ifte matu-r ol the elaquoiiraquoe of Alfivrt P

stuirri y dlaquocwtgtelti on reading mux fliitip UM I ing station where he is attended to i s )gtlaquo-titiltgtn ltgtf Aifnlti A -^irturby t-ntjlutr tiiiw QUickly a s possible From the dress-Miii M M ulaquo-lt -ruM-u Riii e^uiieii to iihrit u bull Ing station the wounded arc taen to (bullslat- col lect ing stations these bein^ placed

it ilaquo orlaquort-laquoi that the 7th day or Mraquoy j a t points where more eheiter is obtain ncTt Jtt tlaquo-n uclM-k jfi the forenoon at mid | bdquo h _ bull-bullbull


ItertM of Intcrst from Some of 0 laquo Slaquof-- rounding Towns

ItulaW (Jfllie be UblaquoiRDt-ltl for bearingttuitl petition

And it it further ordered thata copy of this onlrr IKT pnblltraquohcltl tlire siu-cesan e weeks yievious to AtltJ ilnv of blaquottrlnr In tbeCorwisua Journal a oefeapaprr pt-ibteltl and -bullirx-ulaitiig

llATTREW ItUSH J udee of probate


ftiriWiT)nraquo1HBi TaUit^ _^Argt- nltBMaraquoiaay assa ay owr

ltbulllaquo_bullmdash a ^ i n a B S ( i | M B raquo baflM ask jor dtvaMt Car-

r $ 5 L a^_laquofelaquoJItAjBaf

sHo 2S3WlaquoodraquomrtAfgtlgtBraquorott

When are we g o i n g t o move into it7 | laquo BHJ c^uutyof ^ i a raquo w c laquo YTe are moving now On moving day heads of families are very apt to s tay i n t h e old hnraquoise urtlil tbey have seen everyth ing off They send ahead the children^ and they send ahead the treasures and the valuables Then aftshyer awhile they wi l l come themselves

I remember very well In the country t h a t i n boyhood moving day w a s a jubilat ion

On a l m o s t the first load we the chilshydren were sent o n ahead t o the new house and we arrived with shout and laughter and in an hour we had ranged through every r o o m in the house the barn and the g r a n a r y Toward night and perhaps in theajfttt wagon father and mother would 4jtigl looking very tired and we would come down t o the f o o t of the lane t o meet them and tell tnem of all the wonders we discovered in the new place and then the last w a g o n unloaded the candles l ighted our neighbors w h o had helped us to movemdashfor in those t imes neighbors helped each othermdashsat down with us at a table on which there was every luxury tbey could think of Well my dear Lord knows t h a t some of us hare been moving a good while We have s en t our children ahead Ave have s en t many of our valuables ahead We canshynot g o yet There is work for us to do but after awhile it will be toward night and we will be very tired and then we will s tar t for our new home and those who hare gone ahead of us they will see our approach and they will come down in the lane to meet us and they will have much to tell ns of what they have discovered in the house of ninny mansions and of how large the rooms are and of how bright the fountains And then the last load unloaded the table will be spread OJ6 our celestial neighbors will come in and sit down with our reunited famshyilies and the chalices will be full not wi th the wine that sweats in the vat 0t earthly intoxication bnt with the new wine of the kingdom And there for the first t ime w e will realize w h a t fools we were on earth when w t feared t o die since death has t a m e d out only to he the moving from a smaller house Into a larger one and the exchange of a paupers hut for a princes cast le and the go ing np-ctairs from a mbtn able kitchen to a glorious parlor

PBOBATK ORDER-Straquotof Michigan cani shyty ot Sbi)Mralaquo8ee bull

At a session of the Ptubate Court far Raid couuty held at the ProUat office in tblaquo city of C M U D I M on ttw 4tb day of April in the year one thousand nine bundwd

Preenw MaubeV Butth Jodyre of Prooat In the matter or the etuample of Urban Gottlog

ODanirl Outtlug araquoancil lary administrator baring rendered io Ibis Conrt bis Una) account

It i ordered Ibat tho tb day May next a l i e n oclock io the forenoon at said Probate Office be appointed for examiniuframpnd allowing said account

And it is further ordered that a copy of this otrter be published three successive weeVs pre-viona to suiiJ day of bearing in the Comuna Journal raquo newspaper printed and circulating in said coxtftty of Shiawassee

MATTHEW BUH Jtidpe of Probate

able In the c a s e of collecting stations

ft Is possible of course t o se lect jsora effective shelter than at the dressing stat ions where shelter is more a matter of improvisation From the col lect ing stations the wounded are carried a s quickly as possible to the field hospital Here generally speakshying they remain a day and are then removed t o the base hospital

There wil l be t w e l v e field hospitals to South Africa four stationary or base hospitals and four general hos-pftiala each with its complete staff T h e dhrtributkm of t h e s e hospitals wil l be determined by the officers commanding tn South Africa and must depend on the manner in which the military situation develops


[Too Ute for last week] V(

A boy was born t o Me aud Mr Albert Ilaihampway Friday

We notice that I-L Mills has made a flop over Io the Democratic party and urn a delegate to their county convett-tiou last week and Is named as a deleshygate to their congressional convent ion

IMiFNsry Whipple returned to her home at Indian Toraquoraquo SaturdSy or rather left hereand stayed In Doraad over Sunday

Ixgtuis HatiUey and ivife were called to Owosso Tuesday on account of the slckues of her fatier Mr Isaac PrRio

d After suflering from pilrs for fifteen vcraquors I was cured byuiux t w o boxes of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve writes W J Baxter North Urook N U It ^ealraquo bullvery lb ing Beware of countei feitt F M Kilbourn

HUMPHREYS Witch Hazel Oil


One Application Gives Relief IteoratPuesof HemorrnoldamdashExternal or later-

nal Blind or Btoedtag Itching or Burning FUvnre aad Ftatolaa BaUef tanmediatemdashcure oertain

It cunlaquo Barns Scalds and Ulceration and Con-tractioBS from Burn TneRUIef Inrtant-hoaUng woDderfat

It c a n Torn Cat or Lacerated Wound ted Braises

It cure BoAraquoCarbaaetea FetobsM Bwnroonda meenlaquoOM sorea Itctotas Crripdoas Snrfy or Scald Head

It eareti UnVu t ov Caked Breasts and sore Xtnttte tsTataaUe

It cares Salt Rbeam Tettera Scarry EraptlOflx Chapped Eaads Fever BUrtert sore Up or KoatrtU Oorna ntmlows Sore and CbaflaquoX Feet attafa of inject Koagaico Bttea aad Snnboma

T h r e e S iaee 2 5 c 6 0 c a a d $ 1 0 0 SaHay0rafia^raquoie^a^^sIJ(laquomraquoB4raquofsrfee

H U M P H a t C Y r W K O C O ltr Wmnaa M i Ma W W VO JtK

Tyroleae Courting When a young Tyrolese g o e s a

courting In earnest he carries with him a bottle of wme of which he pours out a portion and presents it to JUampobJect of his affection

If she accepts it the whole affair fta settled Very often the girl h a s not made up her mind and then she will take refuge in excuses s o as not to drink the wine and yet not refuse it point blank for t i a t i s considered a gross insult proving that she has been merely trilling with the affecshyt ions of her lover She will for inshystance maintain that the wine looks sour or that wine disagrees with her In fact she makes use of any subterfuge that presents itself at the m o m e n t

Shy lovers loth to make sure of their case beforehand find It a very j hajTV inspiration Not a word need bespoken and the girl is spared thf pairh1 No of civilization

A Lost River One of the most remarkable freaks

of nature occurs in Mexico It is a river that is not a river The bed of it l ies in a valley between tho Rio

j Grande and Peco3 Rivers It is not r (dead or dried-up stream It is s imply l o s t Numerous bis tributaries tlov Into It from tho neighboring mounshytains Immediately however thoy reach the bed of the main stream thev disappear from sight This fcr yaiii reason or another a river wic should be 300 miles in length his m exis tence which could be proved

Advance of Aluminium Aluminium wlich hampi no commershy

cial ex is tence a few ytjar ago was produced in the United States last

gt year to the extern of 5200000 pounds Tallied a t raquo1750000 which is one tenth of the cost of 10 years ago

Hows T b U T bullbull

We offer one hundred dollars reward for ailiV Case of catarrh t h t cannot be cured by HalFsgt catarrh cure

F J lt Jbeoey amp Co Prop Toledo O W e the undersigned have known F J

Cheney for the l a sM5 years and beliere him perfectly honorable In all businefa transact ions and financially able t o carry out any obligation made by their firm West A Truax wholesale druggists

Toledo O Waldlng Kinnan amp Marvin wholesale

druggist Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken fnterually

act ing directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 73c pirbottllaquo Sold by all druggist Tea-tiinouials free

l l a l f s Family Fil ls are the best


From Morricc Clipper

Dr Cook was in Oarer on business h s t Tuesday

Born to Mr aud Mrs Tyrrell Thursshyday Ust a boy

i l r s Dr Halite of Perry spent Wedshynesday here with her mother Mrs J G Kern

Com O L Bristol was in town Tuesshyday night He is v i s i t ing the district schoois-around here

Mrs A II l lowsrd entertained a few friends Wednesday it being the annishyversary of her l i i th

O lt Whitney was was at Chesaning Saginaw and other places in lhat vicinshyity the first of Mis week

Chs Whaley linLlaquohed a largi ver-amlit and other iinproveiucnls lo tbe hou^e (gtf C ile-i Waters last week

A I MJ0lyid lt-y Hair digtpiraquos3ltl of their i)Tvi|laquociy here and with their fauiiliw left iast-Tucstkty morning for Vlaquo st PiMiit ArLanampis where th^y ex-gt-ct to |gter rtiieutly locate

Mr Oniiraquohy will no io Corn una tomorrow t- xlaquot a maon who will uilaquo lervtaml tbci i igtiug ol tr ick vr^gtwakPraquo We are very much In need of these waklaquo and hope they will l e lid soon


bull ^ ^ ^ ^ laaaaWai

^ J J I U J ^ I ^ P - ^ J -

ROVAL Baking Powder

Tuade from pure - am of tartar

Safeguards the food against alum

Alum tnexuUt to

aft the greatest of the pKetatdayv



Shlttwasampee Spoundraquoy 5tb

EdMcall bought a farm of Hiram Spears

Cla- Lindley has bought the city property of Air Spears

Mr Spears and wife expects to leave May 9 for their new home in Dakota

Mr an J Mrs FultOn of Kerby spent Sunday with their daughter and family

Hr$ Linuley and Hinnie has been visitlD Mrs Lindleys parents a few days in Chesanlug retarded home yesshyterday

Impossible to foresee an accident Not impoeaible to be prepared for i t Igtr Thomas Edeetrie OJhMonareb ever p a l e bull bullbullbull bull bull

rauET T f v raquo the Ferrv Jqnrnal

C p Colbj and son Deoltlaquoo visited la WebbervUle over Sunday

A E Richards of Coruan was In town on business Tuesday

C E William was id Ooruaea ou boraquo-iness the first of the week

Miss Minnie Devore of Durand is vU-tttajc friends lb the Tillage

Hiss Minnie Cleeee spent Sunday with Miss Eva Mortice in Mdrrlce

WJ Richardson of laming peot Sunday with friends in the Tillage

Mr and Mrs ltJbaraquo Sbarpe spent Sun-day with their daughter Jlrfl ^ebb ia Holt u bull

James Graham and daughterof laa-stog visited relatives in the village over Sunday

8etgtbeu Bennett wife and cbiKt of Lalttgsburg vetted at Kerb Keebeya over Sunday

U P Haloted has moved bUoffioefreu the rooms over the bank to hit building at the roar of FgtOQS drugstore

Toui Hbarpe has completed bis course at the Itaraquoi net college in Lansing and Is at pwsent at home in the viiiage

Oto Hurke of Okemos was in towu on buraquoineaa (he first of the week Mr Burke baa purchased the hotel at that place

fJougUs and cbld^ down to the very border land of consuui prion yield to the toothing healing influences of Dr Wood Norway Pine Syup

I I i in i i m^mmmtmm mraquo 11 i l i m i M i 1-1

P0f H A Haynea has resigned his poattiou as principal of the Bancroft Mgbeeeioot

The L T Lare to have a laquohaow social at the home of Mr Dudly Swar-thour Friday evening

Mr Edwin Brewster and bride spent Sunday with the formers parents Mr And Mrs Jofcn Brewster

While touching off some nun powder Van Wixuin was burned very badly about the face and hands

The Atbacuuin club meets Fiidar afternoon of this week An interesting program has been prepared

The Congregational 1st will give a pound social for the minister Key Datiesand wife Tuesday evening

Mr Frank Royp brother of Mr G C-Lemon who ha been working in an asphalt factory in Indianapolisbad tbe misfortune to lose two of bis Angers in one of the cog wheels

Mr apd Mrs J S Lemon Mr and Mrs Cbas Wbelan Mr and Mrs N A Harder and Miss Carr of tbe Newburg club attended tbe Caledonia club held at the pleasant borne of Mr and Mrs Chas Wright

A wary weJtoome tterm of rail eg-ae Monday afternoon continued through Monday night and It raining at thi wrlOag Tightninff struck the out-boose in Mr Shaws yard Monday evenshying abont 10 oclock The building was only about 8 feet from tbe rear of bis bouse and adjoin log it was a gasshyoline tank lately Ailed Tbe siding was torn off just above the tank and the studding inside was badly slivered otherwise uo harm was done Fortushynately no one was in at tbe time

Tbe eldest and most effective method Of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to take DeWtua Little Early Risers the famous little pills for cleansing tbe liver and boweig F M XUbouro

Hewitts Little Early fibers are the finest pillf I ever used71mdashP J Moore Mtlibrook Ala They quickly core all liver and bowel troubles F M Kll-bourn


D m i r i Mleau Umy ft

Mr and Mr PN IxUad visited to Owoseo Sosday

Miss Ida Goodyear in Flint on bast-nets last Friday

Mrs Storages tea sttfur from Cashynada visiting bar

Mrs Cast Obert faj entertaining her mother this week

Milaquos Jfcuma Aeaott felted Mrs W Payne Owoaao Monday

Mrs W Monty of Coronas called on Durend friends Tuesday

Mr Cbapama teaveathU morning for Monroe to Fpend a few days

Mr Will Blbbard and D Martin left forldabo last wet Wednesday

Mrs Will Paynlaquo of Owosso visited ber mother Mra J Reklaquo Tuesday

Mr Pratt of Veraoa is speoding the week at the boase of Mrs R J Aogs-bary

Mr and Mrs O B Hlbbard left Wedshynesday evening for Wtseoasla Tbey will visit California and Idaho befora retnrnieg

bAiter suffering from severe d apeaw ale Care It dH me so saoeb good I recommend It to everyone^ writes J B Watkins Clerk and Reorder ChlUl cotbe Mo It digests What yon cat F M KHboam


and Old Fashioned But Reliable Worth Remembering

Things wbleb one should bare ready at band in case of need are first and foremost essence of cinaa-mon When exposed in a sickroom it Will kill the bacilli which are floating rourbull)gt A decoction of cinnamon li recommended as a drink to be takes freely in localities where malaria or fevers prevail for cinnamon has the power to destroy ail infectious mishycrobes - -- -

Peppermint is an bid friend not on any account to be snubbed Nothing Is better for a bee sting than the apshyplication of a drop of peppermint

In case one la near the premises or apartments where there ia diphtheria tbe simplest yet effectual mode of fumigation is to drop a little aniphor on a bot raquotove or on a few hot eoala carried through the rooms In thin way the spread of tbe dJaelaquoae may be stopped

A disinfectant to aae ta differsnt parts of the house wbleh will sweetshyen tblaquo whole place may be madeTery cheap Take one poaad of common copperas and eight ounces of erade earboac acid and dissolve bioae gal Ion of water Use freonenUy

A little carbpUc acid added to the water in which barns bmlaea and cots are washed greatly lesaena the soreness

After applying iodine to the ekm II tt amarta too Intensely to be borne It ia wdl to know that it can be waabed off with ammonia


Frpaft Vernon Arffus

Mrigt h Leuiunyon is on the sick list Henry OIney was in Byron Monday

on business Mis Chas Stewart visited relatives

In Dui ami Monday-A D Hammond spent Monday at tbe

Varsity city AuuArbor Mrs L Conrad was called to Fenton

last nightby the severe illness of her son Obariie Conrad

Mr^ bavidson and daughter Carrie of Charlotte are the guests of Mrs tibbie Wilkinson this week

W D amp A Garrison attended a meetshying of the Directors of the Firsi NatiorK al Bank of Corunna on Friday last

Hiram Spears has avgtld his Shiawas-seetown property and will soon remove to Dakota Ed McCall aid Cbas Lindley were the purchasers

Mrs XHilie Eckelberg Is in Corunua this week iOOkiug after Walsh EasJers feed barn business Wash ami family are in Clare Co on a business trip

R Bristol will move this week to Bekliug Mich where Ugtey will miJltlaquoi tbeir future home Mr Bristol bas conducted i blacksmith business here forabont IS years and is a first class nDcbaiiic He and Glen Bristol will engage in the ice-cream business in their new location Glen being an exshypert in tlint line

W S Musser Mlllheirn Pa s vesl ibe lift- of liilaquo litUe s i r l by giving her One Mi note Cough Core when she was dyliipound from croup It is the orlv liflnn-Ics- remedy thampt j ives immediate re Allies lr quickly cures coughs cold broiicliiii grippe asthma and all throat and In frac34frac34 troubles F M Kilbouru


BaHcrofi Mitli Mrraquoy 8th

Wixtun brothers have a fine show tbi gt eu

Bsit I-aMsy bus purchased Myron Wilcoxs dray line

Tbe Neviurlt Fannfra Club meets with Mrand Mrs Jobn Wbelan Tburi-day

Cards are out announcing the mar riage cf Miss Louie Harder to Mr Oorner

O V I D bullbullraquobull

9rw such B(raquor 8 Un J T Oeerof Buffalo N Y^ Is

visiting her sister Mrs Kay Sir Knights Kay and Pinnkett attendshy

ed tbe funeral of Sir Kolgbt CUpp of Owosao Sunday

Tbe funeral services of Mr Gardner Stanton wbc went to California last fail foi bis health but who died there last week wamps held In the Baptist church last Souday Tbe Maccabees of which Mr Stanlou was a member atshytended the services

Our dog warden is becoming very proshyficient in tbe use of the revolver It is a small dog indeed that be cant bring dowu on tbe third fire

Mr William McCarty bas through the back log of a brewery company asked our village council to appear before Hon George P Stone circuit judge to answer why said council would not acshycept bis liquor bonds Tbe bearing was adjourned from last Saturday 5th to tbe coming week The case excites conshysiderable interest It is claimed that the bonds were presented before tbe action was taken by tbe council prohibiting the sale of liquors of any kind

Recreations of Among actresses first we find that

Sarah Bernhardt bas a taste for paint-fng sculpture and cycling whUe tn snmmer ahe delignts ia ftahbag boat-tag tennis and tlteratare aometimlaquo also diff-scaliag pound t tm Terry b lea ambitions for she finds cnffteteot 4fsgt traction in reading drtvisg aad yacht-ng while bar abrter Marina Tarry like sTotag to the theatre on an o night to tee what bef orothera aad sisters hi art are 4ofnx She also la paanfamataly IBSMI at lowora lawas mnste and enjoya a ansa of gotf- Mi Brown Potter attattogfc aha saaow eweh a wteken MEbMI aamaaaa hanall In a swflctaBtly iaxoeeBt way for aha passes much of her tlaae flowers and Ss Scsd of an pnrsulta Miss Ada Rehaa cycles a good deai reads ranch and loves trav eL Mrs Patrick Campbell is a anperb tssstciaa and cycles Handsome aad stately Geaevfeve Ward detracts hershyself with riding rawing swimming modelling end painting Beautiful Jo-lit Neilaon also lovee the water for ahe swlnte and la at home on a yacht she too rides a bicycle Her cousin Lily Hanbury swims likewise cycles usul piays tennis Gertrude Kingston loves every outdoor pursuit especialshyly cycling and skating Mme de Mar-arro who was once Mary Anderson rides a great deal loves music cards slngicq and readiug aloud Dainty Anshynie Hughes cycles and swims equally well and Mrs Kendall nnda sufficient recreation in reading

I i You need not lose flesh in summer $ 5 if you use the proper means | $ to prevent it You think _ you cant take SCOTTS 5 i EMULSION in hot weather | but you can take H and di-1 | gest it as well in summer as i | in winter It b not like the I g plain cod-liver oil which is J t difficult to take at any time $ If you are losing flesh | you are losing ground and you need

Long Letters Do those of us who have many

friends and who desire to retain them generally realise what a huge slice of time correspondence takes In planshyning ont our days work we say to ourselves that we must really write to so and so to-day without fail hot we reckon no time for the taskmdashtt la one of those little things that doat take a minute5 Ah weU bat w a t t down to It after teamdashone sheet to Uv Ue Mis Mnsfet |wn raquo Jfl one Sraquod a half to Jack and behold there hi very little change left out of two or three hours We had counted on spendshying in some other way For we cannot send to our friends a brief laquond bald outline of what is befalling us one of those unsatisfactoiy scraps which on receiving we feel la not worth the stamp that i t cost Many people will tell you it is not worth whBe to write long lettersmdashjust a line to say where you are and tell then the rest when you meet But that is a poor plan since love aad friendship are both plants which thrive under culshytivation Common Interest dies out if not kept alive by use and something to feed upon

t I f Scotts Emulsion g ami must have it to keep up | J your flesh and strength If pound you have been taking it and i f prospering on h dont fail to 5 i continue until you are thor- J 9 oughJy strong and welt c S ampocandiioigtalldnigsats S f SCOTT amp BOWHE Chcmi Nlaquow Yoik 1


A Glass of Water at Bedtime Tbe human body Is constantly unshy

dergoing tissue changes Water has the power of increasing these changes which multiply the waste products but at the same time they are re newed by its agency giving rise to increased appetite which in turn proshyvides fresh nutriment If you do not accustom yourself to drink water reg ularly you are liable to have the waraquoLe products form faster than tboy are removed Any obstruction to the free working of natural raws at once produce disease Great weakness and languor on rising in the morning is generally duo to a large secretion of these waste products and the remeshydy is to drink a tumblerful of water mdasheither hot or coldmdashjust before reshytiring This materially assists in the process during the night and leaves the tissues fresh and strong -ready for tbe active work of tbe next day

Four Littla Household Hints All cake tins should be lined with

evenly buttered paper before baking All good cakes should have a sheet of paper placed on the top

To remove varnish stains from the bands Is quite easy if before wash-Ins you rub them with a flannel dipshyped la methylated spirits

To prevent me(al from nut rob

v W-raquo_ - v laquo J Vgt


I think we better buyour Suits of M Mullen dont you Certainly- We can do the lrest there

Perfect Fits ^ Lowest Prices ^^

Reinember I offer you Stilts that lastmdashSuits that fit--^Suits that hold the greaest value for your lnonev

My Spring One of MEKS BOYamp and CHILDRENS SUITS is all new sad up-to-datemdash nothiog chesp about tfeem except the prices You cant afford to miss seeshying these goods for if you expect to buy it means dollars to you

^ 2 1 bull

Jraquo gt ^

I carry a big line of Workiugmens Shifts Pants Jackets and Overalls TJiey are the best make in the world and ail warranted not to rip I am always glad to show goods whether you come to buy or not so come in and get prices

Yours for good goods and low prices


over tne suriaee a nuxrare rormeu oy melting together equal parts of oao-kerit PAraffln and beeswax

Stalas of paint which have become dry laquoo as ampTmvat are difficult to remove but with persistent use of benslne or spirits of turpentine tt can generally be managed

UmbrslSaa TO avoid after lamfntatiens the woshy

man with limited means should saafcs the selection of a saw smbretta taa subject fox earnest thoaght

She thonld fart wall in that a good MtbreUa ontiaata a cheap ono aa4 leeks better wmfio It lesta aad that a blaej( amhrelSa la always 1laquo taste aad vfll gown

A twisted wood hajsdle atnddod with silver or a pasta ervstal hull dnv plays eveellent taste

Avoid blaarre haaaiaa and gar cot or entects In corertaca

the did geatiemaa remarked and if you think youd rather change with me raa wfifing

A second invitation waa not reshyquired And I dldnt have to change only wttu the woman but with the hul family ahd I thought theyd push me out In the aisle But Hi bet that to this day the woman tens of the ftsae when she sat next to the

t h e old bookseller add-ja bull

bullhe CaitMasise Of Voatli - bull And sow that you are through cotshy

tage what are rou gorag to d o r asked a friend of a yoathXal graduate

I shall study mriMa waa the crave reply of the slaattlons young

raquot Next to Grant Visitors to Washington wttt probashy

bly remember an old second-naiid book dealer who on aloe days alts In front of hie shop oe the north aide of Pennsylvania avenue just opposite Peace Honument He relates one story in which he and Oen Grant figshyure rather prominently

The old bookseller had received a ticket for a theatrical performance He went early and took his seat In the parquet Soon a family consisting of a husband and wife (nd several grown up daughters took the seats to his right A little later a snan came and sat on his left next the aisle The old bookseller Is blind in the left eye and did not pay any attention to the roan on his left At the end of the first act the lady on his right leaned over and asked if the stranger were not General Grant Sure enough it was and the lady was so informed

T reckon you can see a hit better from thbv chair where I am atttro

^8at fcamt that profession already overcrowded r asked the friend

PossiWy it is raaaarked tbe knowshying youth but propose to study medicine just the same and those who are already la the profession will have to take their chancesmdashChicago News

American Looomotivo Bui Wing As an Instance of the speed with

which work can be executed by one of our great American locomotive firms it Is worth noting that an order was given on Dec 1laquo 1W7 for forty Mogul locomotives for two Russian railways The firtt of the forty was erected and tried under steam on Jan 5 1898 three weeks after the receipt of the order and was finished ready to dismantle and pack for shipment i one Week later The but engine waa competed on reb 13 The forty enshygines were then contracted in about eight weeks besides twenty-eight adshyditional engines on other orders built In the works wholly or partially and shipped during- the same period No wonder the Americans luLve gained a reputation for smartnessmdashCaacters Magazine

If not drmk Graln-Omdashtbe from pure jrrala A lady writes The first time ImadeGraJn-O I did not like R but after usinic it for one weak nothing would induce me to go back to ceftVe^ It nourishes and feeds the afstew Tfe chudreo cagt-^iiak It freely witb great benefit i t fe the screajHheatnK sab-stauee of pure graitta Get a paefcafre to-day froar yout grocer teUow the dl-rvotioBS in nutkiog it and you will have a dellciou and healthful table beverage for old and yoanjr 15eaad raquo c

bullbullbull a

Wherever presirlT latradaevid Dr OsldweUs Syrup PepaiBee a cure for ooestipatlea baa aet with pheaoneaal sale Many druggists cannot say enough in praise of It merit as writ at Its great peputarfty with the people In 10c trial sine and also in Me and 1 00 sues at F M Kilboum



s^ataaiiKtCSa as MaaaiSi agtaa 9 M U H f i s t V J l s a s f l l i W e

t g r ^ e r i u u i i t i a | a gt s^fcralaawiilwfwrii

bullgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgt

At Green amp Pettiboaes

We nave Bicycles of all grades and prices and all Wheels are Fully Guarfnteetf

You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes Stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs and Tin Work at the lowest Prices consist a nr witb good material and work


61 Pettibone


tsammm Bsasasssaa asBBBBslaBBiiii


Page 7: THE myfpoimiiis.If-IIII...ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CORUNNA, MICH*, MAY 10, 1900. VOLUME XX; No. 22 tHE MARKKTS. •'-••— (Corrected by Green * Pettlbone.) •Wheat No. 1 White, No.*


X bull4


Dr Tampimage Preaches a Timely Sermon

D l w w i r K to Wfciek U e Pateraquolaquoe a u i fiqatpeai-

ForthmdashMOTIIIB Iraquoiltraquo Father Hoaa-

Keed of Be

(Copyright 1300 by Louis Klopscb] W^shjjigton Aprils

This discourse of Dr Tahnnge i pershytinent at this t ime of year when many people are moyingiYoni house tohonse and it teaches lessons of patience and equipoise in very trying circumstances IVv Phil ippiuns 412 I know both how to be abased aud I know how to abound

llippy Paul Oouid you really acshycommodate yourself to all circumshystances in l ife Could you go up withshyout pride und could you come laquo1 own without-exasperat ion Teach the same lesson to us all-bullbullbullbullVI are at a season of the year when vast populat ions in all our ci t ies are chang ing residence Having been born in a house aud having all our live lived in a house we do not have full appreciation of w h a t a house is I t i s the g r o w t h of thousands of years The human race first lived in c lefts of rocks t h e beas ts of the field moving o u t of t h e cdverns t o l e t t h e h u m a n race move in The shepherds and the robbers st i l l live in caverns of t h e earth The t-oglodyte are a race which t o th i s day prefer the caverns t o a house They are w a n t t h e y are large they KM very comfortable they are less subshyject to violent chang of heat and cold We come o n along d o w n in the h i s tory o f the race and w e com to t h e lodge which was a h o m e bui l t out of twi s ted tree branches W e c o m e further o n d o w n in t h e Matory of the r a c e and w e come t o t h e tent wWeh w a s a o m e bui l t wi th a round pole in the center and sk ins of animals reachingout in all directions m a t s on t h e floor for the

people- t o s i t on

T i m c p a s s e d on and the world after much invention came t o build a honse which was a space surrounded toy broad Vtones ajgtraquotnst whieh The earth tyas henped from the outside The roof was made of chalk and gypsum and coaland s tones and ashes pounded toshygether After awhile the porch was born after awhile the gate Then-Min--tlrcds of yrltTs passed on arfii in-th^ fourirenti i century the modern chimshyney ws c-ytisl ructcd The old Hebrews had cjKiiin^s in their houses from whielv the smoke m i g h t escape if it preshyferred b u t there was no inducement for it t o Iwivc until the modern chimshyney Wooden keys opened the door or the keyhole was large enough t o al low the finger to be inserted for the liftshying of the latch or the sl iding of it There being no windows the jgtcople were dependent for light upon lattice-work Over which a th in veil was drawn down in t ime of winter t o keep out the element Window glass was s o late as 200 or 300 years ago In England and Scotland so great a lusury that only the very weal th ies t could afford it A hand mil l and an oven and a few leathern bot t les and some rude pitchers and plates made up t h e entire5 equipshyment of the culinary department But the home planted in the old cave or at t h e foot o f a t e n t pole has gTOCn and enlarged and spread abroad unti l we have t h e modern house wi th i t s branches and roots and vast g ir th and height ahdf depth of c o n c e r t and acshycommodation

Architecture in other days busied itshyself chiefly in planning and building t r i u m p h a l a r c h e s and basilicas and hippodromes andmausoleums and col-unans whi le t h e y allowed the people l o r resider-TOs t o burrow like m u s i r a t s in the earth St Sophias of Constanshytinople St Marks of Venice St Peters of Kome are o n l y the Baphaeied wa l l s against which lean the nqualor and the pauperism of m a n y nashyt ions I rejoice that whi le our modshyern architects give n s grand camppitols in which to le^lslsste a ^ g f laquo a d laquowirl -honses in wh ich t o adminis ter jus t ice and grand churches in which to worshyship God t h e y a lso g ive much of their t ime t o t h e p lanning of comfortable abodes f o r bur tired population I have not so much ia tereat In t h e arch of Trajan a t Benerenttrm as I hawo in the wish t h a t all t h e people m a y fcaraquo a comfortable shelter nor have I s o much interest i n t h e temple of Jupiter Olympus at Athens as I have i n the h o p e t h a t every man may have an altar for t h e worsh ip of the true God i n his o w n house And I have no t s o much interest in the science of ceramics which g o e s crazy over a twis ted vase or a queer handled j u g in uoe 3000 years ago or a pitcher o u t of which the anshycient pharaohs poured their drunken debauch as I have that every man have on h i s table a plate w i t h plenty of healthful food and an appetite to atshytack it

Thank God for your homemdashnot mereshyly the house you live in now but t h e house you were born in and t h e many houses you have resided in since you began your earthly residence When you go h o m e to-day count over tnc number of those houses in which yon bare resided and you will be surprised Once in awhi le you will find a tnan who lives in the house where he was born and where his father was lgtorn and his grandfather was born and his greatshygrandfather was born but that is not one out of a thousand cases I have no t been more perambulatory than m o s t people but I was amazed when T came t o count up the number of resishydences I have occupied The fact is t h e r e is in this world no such th ing ad permanent residence

In a private vehicle and not in a rail car from which you can nee but l i tt le T rode from New York t o Yonkers and Tarrytown on the banks of the Hudshysonmdashthe finest ride on the planet for a man who wants t o sec palatial resishydences In fascinat ing scenery I t was In the early spr ing and before the gen-

tlenien o f N e w York had jjone o a t t o their country residences I rode Into the grounds t c admire the- gardens and the overseer of the phiice told me mdashand they all told memdashthat all the houses had been sold or that t h e y wanted to se l l them and there was litshyerally no exception a l though 1 called at many places just admiring the garshydens and the grounds and the palatial residences Some wanted to sell or had sold because their wives did not raquovant to reside in the summer tilneJn those places while their husbands tar-f ried in town in the night a lways havshying some business on hand keeping them away

From some houses the people bad been shaken out by chil ls and fever from some houses they had gone beshycause death or misfortune had ocshycurred und all those palaces and manshysions had e i ther changed occupants or wanted t o change Take up the directshyory of Any c i ty of England or Amershyica and see h o w few people live where t h e y lived 15 years ago There is e n such t h i n g as permanent residence I saw Monticello in Virginia Pres ident Jeffersons residence and I saw on the same day Montpelier which was e i ther Madisons or Monroes residence a n d I saw also the whi te house which w a s President Taylors residence and Presshyident Lincolns residence and Pres ident Garfields residence Was i t a perma- j nent residence is any ease I tell y o n (

tha t the race is nomadic and no sooner j g e t s in one place than it wants t o change for another place or i s com- j peUedto change for another place and so t h e race i n v e s t e d the rai lroad and j the s teamboat In order more rapidly t o j g e t into some o ther place than t h a t i n whieh ft w a then Aye instead of be- j tag- notnadie H i s immortal moving on j and moving on We whip up our horse s j and hasten o n unt i l the hub of t h e f rojnt Wheel shfeexm o n t h e tombstone a n d I t ips a headlong in to t h e grave t h e only permanent earthly res idence But bless God even that stay is l im- i ted for w e shal l have a resurrection-- j

A day t h i s spr ing the s treets w i n be filled w i t h the furniture carts and bull the drays a n d the trucks- It wil l bo a hard d a y for horses because t h e y wi l l be overloaded I t wil l be a hard day for laborers for they will overlift before they get the family furiture from one house to another Jt will be a hard day for housekeepers to sco their furniture scratched and th^ir crockery broken and their carpets misfit and their furniture dashed of the sudden showers It wil l be a hard-day for landlords It will be a hard day for tenants Especial grace Js needed for moving day Man^ a roaivs religion has suffered a fearful s tra in between t h e hour on the mprning of the 1st of May when he took h i s i m - mature breakfast and the hour a t

a finer house is bad enough but a inan ae upset i s s ickening The laven-dered fool goes around so dainty and s o precise a n d s o affected in the roil of his eyes or the whirl of his cane or the clicking of the ivory handle aga ins t his front teeth or b i s effemishynate languor and his conversation so interlarded wi th ohs and a h V t h a t h e i s to me a dose of ipecacushyanha Arowmy friends if you move into n larger house th^nk God for more roommdashfor more room to hang your pictures for more room in which to gather your friends for more room in Vvivich to let your children romp and play for more room for fcreat bookcases filled with good reading ir weal th of bric-a-brac Have as large and as fine a house as you Cain afford tc have but do not sacrifice your hushymil i ty and your common sense do h o t lose your balance do not be spoiled by your successes ^

Years ago we were the guests in an English manor The statuary the ferneries the botanical and horticulshyt u r a l genius of the place had done all they could to make the place attractive F o r generations there had been an amass ing of plate and costly surround ings At half past nine oclock in the morning the proprietor of the es tate had the bell rung and some SO or 30 manservants and maidservants came in to prayers The proprietor of the estate read the Scriptures gave out the h y m n h i s daughter at the organ start ed the music and then the musie over the w o p r i e t c r of the- es tate kneeled down and commended all h i s guests all hi family all h is employes to the Lord Almighty God can trust such a man as that with a large es tate He k n o w s h o w t o abound He trusted God a n d God trusted him And I could call off the roil of 50 merchant princes a s m i g h t y In worldly successes Ah my friends do nlaquot be puffed n p by any of the snecesses o f this life do not be spoiled by the number of liveried coachshymen that may s top at your door or the sweep of the l o n g trai l across the imshyported tapestry Many of those tvno come to your house are fawning parashys i tes They are not so much in love with you as they are in love with your house and your successes You move down rieiU year to 320 Low Water Mark street and see how many of their carshyriages Will halt at your door

I inset you this springtime at the door of your new home and while I he lp yotriift the c lothes basket over the bRuisters and the carman is ge t t ing red in the f a c c j n trying to transport that article of furniture to some new i dest iaat ion I congratulate you You are go ing to have a bOUt-r l i inc - thb year some of y o u than you ever had You take God and the Christian relishyg i o n jn your home and you will be

God in the parlor

1000000 DEATHS bull bull r


T b G e r m s or t h i s F a t a l D i s e a s e a r e L u r k i n g E v e r y w h e r e T b o u -

n a n d s of D o l l a r s S a v e d by T h i s Woi tdcr fu l

D l a c o v e r y

Hundreds of thousands of dollars has been lost in the poultry business on acshycount of the devastation aTurjug the flockscaused by cholera roup gape and other fatal disea-^cfi There huve IHJCU many remedies advanlt^d but none seem to be so successful as tho American Poultry MLvtuie This will cure chickens in the last stage of cholshyera and roup and is excel lent for garjgtes Do your fowls suffer from violent diarshyrhea dropping of the wings stupor or excessive thirst These are the first symptoms of cholera Cholera is a germ disease and be ing infectious spreads rapidly throng) i the entire flock Take time by the lore lock dont s top to experiment wi th unreliable or untried remedies Use this mixture a t once and he sanitary measures they recommend in connection D o n t give the fowls up Cholera i s a terrible disshyease but th i s remedy cores it erery time I t i s also gnaranted for roup which can be told by hoarse breathing swel led eyes discharge a t the nostrils resembling catarrh Fi f ty dollars i s offered for any case the Mixture wi l l not cure If some of your fowls are diseased i t wi l l prevent the rest from catching it Try i t I t i s cheap (re l iable and effective a scientific preparshyat ion g o e s more than three times ar far a s any other remedy does xuon good than al l of theai combined I t is used a n d endorsed b y t h e most expershyienced and largest breeders of plain and fancy poultryin gtJ1 parts of the world The manufacturers guarantee every package Or refund purchase moneyv If your drnggisf d o n t sell American Poultry Mixture hes behind the age I n that case seed SLOG for sample box to American Mfg Colaquo Terre Haute I n d


grandly ha^ppy ntg^jtv^en he rolled into his e x t e m p o - t n a t will sanctify your pociabililles rjzed Cfvuch The furniture b r o ^ i i ltiod i n the nurserymdashtbat will ps-atcct somet imes wil l result in the breaking y o u r children God in thcdln ing-hal l -of the Ten Commandnients There is no more fearful pass than the hall of a house where t w o famil ies meet gtne roOving but and t h e other moving in The sa lutat ion Is apt to be more vet helaquoent than complirnentary The grace that wil l be sufficient for the lat of Januarj and the t s t of Februshyary and the 1st of March arid the llaquo-t Oi i p i i i T i i i u u t enj fx i incir in IUI u i r 1st o f May Say y6ur prayers t h a t morning if you find nothing bet ter to kneel down by than a cosl scutt le and say your prayers at night though

tha t will make the plainest mal an imperial banquet God In the morfr fugmdashthat will launch the day brightly from the drydocks God in the evenshying - t h a t will s a i l the day sweetly Into the harbor

And get joy one and all of you whether you move or do not move Get joy out of the thought that we art BO on all g o i n g to have- a great mov ing day Do you w a 6 t raquo picture of the n t w house i n t o which ytraquou will niove Here it is wrought with the hand Of a master Ve know that if

4 Law Which Hau Been Remarkably Successful in New Zealand

Ncv- Zealond has anticipated the rest r tho world by enacting a law which

ieala so rationally with all trade disshyputes bdquothat it lis actully prevented strikes for the last five years It is iraposglble-to^ present more tftan an outline of the plan

IJoth Ksociaticns of employers and the trade mions may bVincorporated Tiraquosc w-jiich are chartered or re^- Iftered choose the members of their own board aud also the menbers of tho court to which disputes are refershyred Whether organized or not the associat ions and trade unions are subshyject to the law

The colony of New Zealand is dividshyed Into Industrial districts for each of which there is a conciliation board elected for three years It cons i s t s of two persona chosen by registered era ploy ers two by registered trade unions and one disinterested person elected bythe tour who is chairman When a dispute arises between emshyployers and the men in their employ e ither party may refer t h e matter in dispute to the district board which has full authority to invest igate the facts and to command a s e t t l e m e n t

in case either party will not accept t h e decision the matter is referred to the State court This cons is ts of one person representing t h e trade unions o r e the employers and a chairman a Judge of the supreme court appointed by the Governor The court has a three years term and to wise ly inshydependent of politics

A decision by tuis court is final and m o s t be accepted under a penalty for violation not exceeding pound 5 0 0 or 92500 Moreover when a dispute _xis been referred to the conciliation board and until It i s finally settled a s tr ike or lockout Is illegal

That there have been about fifty e a s e s referred to district boards o~ to t h e court in the past five years that during that t ime there has neither str ike nor lockout in New Sealand and thampt in every case the decision has been accepted by both parties s eems to prove either that the l a w i s exshyc e l l e n t or that it is excel lent ly ad ministered Perhaps it demonstrates both propositions The necess i ty for the passage of a similar law in this country is to a p p a r e n t t o require arshyg u m e n t Aside from the Interests of the employers and the employed the greater interests of the general public demand i tmdashYouths Companion


l ot


It is Supplied in this Vicinity at iast

Jt Is hard to ho pleasant Good-tiaiured people are ofteigt irritashyble

If you know the reason you would be surprised -

Ever have i tching piles Not i-ick enoutfn tw bullgtltltgt bed or

well en dug li to Le coy tent The constant itching sensation Hard to bear tiiirdor to get relief

Klaquoeps you awnke nights bull Spoils yoiis tempermdashnearly drives you crazy

Isnt relief and cure a long felt want I t is to bebad for everyone in D o a u V

Ointment Doans Ointment never fails co cure

I tching Piles Eczema- or any itching o f the akin

Here $ proof 61 i t at the te3tinoiraquoy of Ann Arbor ciLteen

Mreuro C Church of 520 South 7th street Ann Arbor DDW retired from ibe active duties of life says I have no hestitiitton in recomoaending Doans Ointment to anyone requiring a healing and soothing preparation it will prove inviluable I sufiered for years from itching heinorroids aud though I tried every t t i n g I -could bear of anlaquoI used remedies prescribed by scores of friends I was unable to obtain permanent relief until my attention was called to Doans Ointment I was somewhat surprised after the second application to notice what a different effect it had from anyshything 1 had hitherto used Encouraged I used ItstrlctlV according to direftions and In a v e r y short t ime when you t s s e Into consideration the aumber Of vcars I was afflicted tbraquo irritation c e a laquo d ami the inflftinstton was allayed When Doans Ointment cured me i t wil l e t r e others

Doatis Kidoevu Pi l ls for sale by all dealer Price 50 cents Mailed by Foster-Milbuni Co Buffalo X Y So le apoundlaquots for the U S Remeuiber the name Doans and take no substitute

Wax Candles

Jfathitur ellaquoeaddsao m laquo a l tth charts of tlw Orawtut

rolaquom w boodoir tfclaquo raquoftly rraquo4i- H t Ifaht rrltM6 OOROOVA Caod2laquoc Xotbijtr wIJI ltlaquo^r^Miir3wr to the I bullriMic tMeemaJX tb ltmcbpn I tea tm ltUamlaquof Ttugt brat dlaquotraquotW claquoaeuroUraquo for th cifraquoDtcirt or ttw

nlaquoat eUtonUn fencttoamdashfor oot tagagtfWaiintei aladlaquo in all cqax

Uw mlaquo4 4laquoUeatlaquo traquofegt b STS]laquoraquoAnraquo laquoSfc C9

T o Cure lKltwmummm i n On Wraquok To Oar Oomrtipation i n Ono W e a k T o O n r e l a d i g e a t i o n i n O n a W e a k

To P u r i f y tha B lood i n One T n k


How the Bri t i shCare for the Wounded Soldiers

Modern artiliergts effectiveness has put a very different complexion upon the uses and necess i t ies of field hosshypitals A field hospital used to be very near the fighting linemdashIt was often actually under Grc But nowshyadays w h e n artillery U-R IS c o m m a s ly effective at four thousand yards no field hospital could be allowed sufD-ciently near the fighting lne to permit of the wounded being taken directly to i t aftd the organation of aid has be^en altogether altered

In South Afrlcai it has been arrangshye d that all the effective aid in the field w i l l be that of the Army Medical Corps Voluntary aid wi l l confine it-selr to he lines of comniunlcatlon

T w o raiilion Americans snifer the tortur iag pangs of dyspepsia N o need to B u r d w k Blood Bitters cures At airaquoy drugstore

the Peace following tiuit One

J Q l l o o d Just ice of Crosby Mlslaquov makes the (statement I can certify Minute Cough Cure will do al that is claimed for i t My wife could not get her breath and the tirst do^c of it reshylieved her I t has also benefited my whoc-bullfamily It acts inlaquonampltiately and cures cough CohK cronp grippe bronchitis asthma and all throat anltl lung troubles F M Kilbourn

your knees come dowfl on a pajief of J our earthly house of this taliernacle were dissolved we liave a building of God a house no t niadlaquo wi th-hands eternal iri the heampyenft How much rent will we have to pay for i t We are going to own i t | l o w much must we pay for it H o w much cash down and liow much le f t on mortgage Our F a t h e r Is go ing t o give it as a free gif t

carpet tacks You Will want supershynatural he lp if any of you move Help in the morning to start out aright on the days work Help at night to re p e n t There w i l l - b e enough annoyshyances to make a Xaijt lppeout of a Frances Ridley Havergal I have again and again been i n crises of moving day and I have stood appalled and amazed and helpless in the shipwreck tak ing as wel l as I could those t h i n g s that floated ashore from the breakshyers and I k n o w how to comfort and how t o warn a n d how to encourage t h e people so I preach this practical May day sermon All these troubles wi l l - soon b e gona and tiie brttises wi l l heampL a n d the stiffened Joints wi l l become supple 4nd your ruffled tern- per will be smoothed of i t s wrinkles and order wi l l take the plate of disshyorder and you will s i t down in your n e w home seriously t o contemplate

My first word then i n this part of my discourse is t o all those who move out of smal l houses into larger ones Now we wi l l see whether like t h e apostle you kpow h o w to abound Igto not because your n ew house h a s t w o more stories t h a n the -old one add t w o s tor ies t o yonr vanity or make your brightly polished silver doorplate the coffin plate to your buried humil i ty Many persons movshying into a larger house nave become arrogant and supercilious T b e y swagger where once they walked they simper where once they laughed they go about wi th an air which seems to say Let all smaller craft ge t out of these waters if they dout w a n t to be run over by a regular Cn-narder I have known people who were kind and amiable and Christian in their smaller housemdashno sooner did they go over the doorsill of the new house than they became a glorified nuisance They were the terror of dry goods c lerks and the amazement of ferryboats into which they swept and if compelled to stand a moment with condemnatory gHanee turning all the people seated into criminals and convicts They began to hunt up the family coat of arms and had lion couchant or unicorn rampant on the carriage door when if they bad the appropriate c o a t of arms i t would have been a butter firkin or a shoe last or a plow or a trowel Instead of being l ike all the rest of ns made o n t of dust they would have you think that they were trickled out o Heaven on a lump of loaf sugar The first th ing you know of them the father will fail in business and the daughter wil l run off with a French dancing master A woman spoiled by

Take Clevelands Celery Compound Tea raquo bull bull raquo 3 s c If it fails to cure we will cheetfnUy between the field andv the base ho refund your^tony (Trial ake ftee) i p l U l and between the bafo and gene

+ + a I L I ral hospitals The workms organiza St cent m PtacoCK S tlon is as followmdash

Accompanying the fightins l ine arc the bearer companies of the Army Medical Corpsmdashtjiree or four m e n t o each regular regimental company When a man drops out wounded the Army Medical Corps men pick him u and take him to the nearest dress-

STATE Or MICHIGAN tounty of SWswas-ife44 akj|

At raquoalaquoilaquoraquon eftfieProbstc Court tor laquonll county bolaquol at the lYoblaquoe Office tn ibc city ot Corunnd oa Monday thlt Wb day of April in tbeycr on tpoundlaquojuraquoultininlaquo bundctJ

Krtwprit MRftbew Duah Judircor Vroimre ID ifte matu-r ol the elaquoiiraquoe of Alfivrt P

stuirri y dlaquocwtgtelti on reading mux fliitip UM I ing station where he is attended to i s )gtlaquo-titiltgtn ltgtf Aifnlti A -^irturby t-ntjlutr tiiiw QUickly a s possible From the dress-Miii M M ulaquo-lt -ruM-u Riii e^uiieii to iihrit u bull Ing station the wounded arc taen to (bullslat- col lect ing stations these bein^ placed

it ilaquo orlaquort-laquoi that the 7th day or Mraquoy j a t points where more eheiter is obtain ncTt Jtt tlaquo-n uclM-k jfi the forenoon at mid | bdquo h _ bull-bullbull


ItertM of Intcrst from Some of 0 laquo Slaquof-- rounding Towns

ItulaW (Jfllie be UblaquoiRDt-ltl for bearingttuitl petition

And it it further ordered thata copy of this onlrr IKT pnblltraquohcltl tlire siu-cesan e weeks yievious to AtltJ ilnv of blaquottrlnr In tbeCorwisua Journal a oefeapaprr pt-ibteltl and -bullirx-ulaitiig

llATTREW ItUSH J udee of probate


ftiriWiT)nraquo1HBi TaUit^ _^Argt- nltBMaraquoiaay assa ay owr

ltbulllaquo_bullmdash a ^ i n a B S ( i | M B raquo baflM ask jor dtvaMt Car-

r $ 5 L a^_laquofelaquoJItAjBaf

sHo 2S3WlaquoodraquomrtAfgtlgtBraquorott

When are we g o i n g t o move into it7 | laquo BHJ c^uutyof ^ i a raquo w c laquo YTe are moving now On moving day heads of families are very apt to s tay i n t h e old hnraquoise urtlil tbey have seen everyth ing off They send ahead the children^ and they send ahead the treasures and the valuables Then aftshyer awhile they wi l l come themselves

I remember very well In the country t h a t i n boyhood moving day w a s a jubilat ion

On a l m o s t the first load we the chilshydren were sent o n ahead t o the new house and we arrived with shout and laughter and in an hour we had ranged through every r o o m in the house the barn and the g r a n a r y Toward night and perhaps in theajfttt wagon father and mother would 4jtigl looking very tired and we would come down t o the f o o t of the lane t o meet them and tell tnem of all the wonders we discovered in the new place and then the last w a g o n unloaded the candles l ighted our neighbors w h o had helped us to movemdashfor in those t imes neighbors helped each othermdashsat down with us at a table on which there was every luxury tbey could think of Well my dear Lord knows t h a t some of us hare been moving a good while We have s en t our children ahead Ave have s en t many of our valuables ahead We canshynot g o yet There is work for us to do but after awhile it will be toward night and we will be very tired and then we will s tar t for our new home and those who hare gone ahead of us they will see our approach and they will come down in the lane to meet us and they will have much to tell ns of what they have discovered in the house of ninny mansions and of how large the rooms are and of how bright the fountains And then the last load unloaded the table will be spread OJ6 our celestial neighbors will come in and sit down with our reunited famshyilies and the chalices will be full not wi th the wine that sweats in the vat 0t earthly intoxication bnt with the new wine of the kingdom And there for the first t ime w e will realize w h a t fools we were on earth when w t feared t o die since death has t a m e d out only to he the moving from a smaller house Into a larger one and the exchange of a paupers hut for a princes cast le and the go ing np-ctairs from a mbtn able kitchen to a glorious parlor

PBOBATK ORDER-Straquotof Michigan cani shyty ot Sbi)Mralaquo8ee bull

At a session of the Ptubate Court far Raid couuty held at the ProUat office in tblaquo city of C M U D I M on ttw 4tb day of April in the year one thousand nine bundwd

Preenw MaubeV Butth Jodyre of Prooat In the matter or the etuample of Urban Gottlog

ODanirl Outtlug araquoancil lary administrator baring rendered io Ibis Conrt bis Una) account

It i ordered Ibat tho tb day May next a l i e n oclock io the forenoon at said Probate Office be appointed for examiniuframpnd allowing said account

And it is further ordered that a copy of this otrter be published three successive weeVs pre-viona to suiiJ day of bearing in the Comuna Journal raquo newspaper printed and circulating in said coxtftty of Shiawassee

MATTHEW BUH Jtidpe of Probate

able In the c a s e of collecting stations

ft Is possible of course t o se lect jsora effective shelter than at the dressing stat ions where shelter is more a matter of improvisation From the col lect ing stations the wounded are carried a s quickly as possible to the field hospital Here generally speakshying they remain a day and are then removed t o the base hospital

There wil l be t w e l v e field hospitals to South Africa four stationary or base hospitals and four general hos-pftiala each with its complete staff T h e dhrtributkm of t h e s e hospitals wil l be determined by the officers commanding tn South Africa and must depend on the manner in which the military situation develops


[Too Ute for last week] V(

A boy was born t o Me aud Mr Albert Ilaihampway Friday

We notice that I-L Mills has made a flop over Io the Democratic party and urn a delegate to their county convett-tiou last week and Is named as a deleshygate to their congressional convent ion

IMiFNsry Whipple returned to her home at Indian Toraquoraquo SaturdSy or rather left hereand stayed In Doraad over Sunday

Ixgtuis HatiUey and ivife were called to Owosso Tuesday on account of the slckues of her fatier Mr Isaac PrRio

d After suflering from pilrs for fifteen vcraquors I was cured byuiux t w o boxes of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve writes W J Baxter North Urook N U It ^ealraquo bullvery lb ing Beware of countei feitt F M Kilbourn

HUMPHREYS Witch Hazel Oil


One Application Gives Relief IteoratPuesof HemorrnoldamdashExternal or later-

nal Blind or Btoedtag Itching or Burning FUvnre aad Ftatolaa BaUef tanmediatemdashcure oertain

It cunlaquo Barns Scalds and Ulceration and Con-tractioBS from Burn TneRUIef Inrtant-hoaUng woDderfat

It c a n Torn Cat or Lacerated Wound ted Braises

It cure BoAraquoCarbaaetea FetobsM Bwnroonda meenlaquoOM sorea Itctotas Crripdoas Snrfy or Scald Head

It eareti UnVu t ov Caked Breasts and sore Xtnttte tsTataaUe

It cares Salt Rbeam Tettera Scarry EraptlOflx Chapped Eaads Fever BUrtert sore Up or KoatrtU Oorna ntmlows Sore and CbaflaquoX Feet attafa of inject Koagaico Bttea aad Snnboma

T h r e e S iaee 2 5 c 6 0 c a a d $ 1 0 0 SaHay0rafia^raquoie^a^^sIJ(laquomraquoB4raquofsrfee

H U M P H a t C Y r W K O C O ltr Wmnaa M i Ma W W VO JtK

Tyroleae Courting When a young Tyrolese g o e s a

courting In earnest he carries with him a bottle of wme of which he pours out a portion and presents it to JUampobJect of his affection

If she accepts it the whole affair fta settled Very often the girl h a s not made up her mind and then she will take refuge in excuses s o as not to drink the wine and yet not refuse it point blank for t i a t i s considered a gross insult proving that she has been merely trilling with the affecshyt ions of her lover She will for inshystance maintain that the wine looks sour or that wine disagrees with her In fact she makes use of any subterfuge that presents itself at the m o m e n t

Shy lovers loth to make sure of their case beforehand find It a very j hajTV inspiration Not a word need bespoken and the girl is spared thf pairh1 No of civilization

A Lost River One of the most remarkable freaks

of nature occurs in Mexico It is a river that is not a river The bed of it l ies in a valley between tho Rio

j Grande and Peco3 Rivers It is not r (dead or dried-up stream It is s imply l o s t Numerous bis tributaries tlov Into It from tho neighboring mounshytains Immediately however thoy reach the bed of the main stream thev disappear from sight This fcr yaiii reason or another a river wic should be 300 miles in length his m exis tence which could be proved

Advance of Aluminium Aluminium wlich hampi no commershy

cial ex is tence a few ytjar ago was produced in the United States last

gt year to the extern of 5200000 pounds Tallied a t raquo1750000 which is one tenth of the cost of 10 years ago

Hows T b U T bullbull

We offer one hundred dollars reward for ailiV Case of catarrh t h t cannot be cured by HalFsgt catarrh cure

F J lt Jbeoey amp Co Prop Toledo O W e the undersigned have known F J

Cheney for the l a sM5 years and beliere him perfectly honorable In all businefa transact ions and financially able t o carry out any obligation made by their firm West A Truax wholesale druggists

Toledo O Waldlng Kinnan amp Marvin wholesale

druggist Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken fnterually

act ing directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 73c pirbottllaquo Sold by all druggist Tea-tiinouials free

l l a l f s Family Fil ls are the best


From Morricc Clipper

Dr Cook was in Oarer on business h s t Tuesday

Born to Mr aud Mrs Tyrrell Thursshyday Ust a boy

i l r s Dr Halite of Perry spent Wedshynesday here with her mother Mrs J G Kern

Com O L Bristol was in town Tuesshyday night He is v i s i t ing the district schoois-around here

Mrs A II l lowsrd entertained a few friends Wednesday it being the annishyversary of her l i i th

O lt Whitney was was at Chesaning Saginaw and other places in lhat vicinshyity the first of Mis week

Chs Whaley linLlaquohed a largi ver-amlit and other iinproveiucnls lo tbe hou^e (gtf C ile-i Waters last week

A I MJ0lyid lt-y Hair digtpiraquos3ltl of their i)Tvi|laquociy here and with their fauiiliw left iast-Tucstkty morning for Vlaquo st PiMiit ArLanampis where th^y ex-gt-ct to |gter rtiieutly locate

Mr Oniiraquohy will no io Corn una tomorrow t- xlaquot a maon who will uilaquo lervtaml tbci i igtiug ol tr ick vr^gtwakPraquo We are very much In need of these waklaquo and hope they will l e lid soon


bull ^ ^ ^ ^ laaaaWai

^ J J I U J ^ I ^ P - ^ J -

ROVAL Baking Powder

Tuade from pure - am of tartar

Safeguards the food against alum

Alum tnexuUt to

aft the greatest of the pKetatdayv



Shlttwasampee Spoundraquoy 5tb

EdMcall bought a farm of Hiram Spears

Cla- Lindley has bought the city property of Air Spears

Mr Spears and wife expects to leave May 9 for their new home in Dakota

Mr an J Mrs FultOn of Kerby spent Sunday with their daughter and family

Hr$ Linuley and Hinnie has been visitlD Mrs Lindleys parents a few days in Chesanlug retarded home yesshyterday

Impossible to foresee an accident Not impoeaible to be prepared for i t Igtr Thomas Edeetrie OJhMonareb ever p a l e bull bullbullbull bull bull

rauET T f v raquo the Ferrv Jqnrnal

C p Colbj and son Deoltlaquoo visited la WebbervUle over Sunday

A E Richards of Coruan was In town on business Tuesday

C E William was id Ooruaea ou boraquo-iness the first of the week

Miss Minnie Devore of Durand is vU-tttajc friends lb the Tillage

Hiss Minnie Cleeee spent Sunday with Miss Eva Mortice in Mdrrlce

WJ Richardson of laming peot Sunday with friends in the Tillage

Mr and Mrs ltJbaraquo Sbarpe spent Sun-day with their daughter Jlrfl ^ebb ia Holt u bull

James Graham and daughterof laa-stog visited relatives in the village over Sunday

8etgtbeu Bennett wife and cbiKt of Lalttgsburg vetted at Kerb Keebeya over Sunday

U P Haloted has moved bUoffioefreu the rooms over the bank to hit building at the roar of FgtOQS drugstore

Toui Hbarpe has completed bis course at the Itaraquoi net college in Lansing and Is at pwsent at home in the viiiage

Oto Hurke of Okemos was in towu on buraquoineaa (he first of the week Mr Burke baa purchased the hotel at that place

fJougUs and cbld^ down to the very border land of consuui prion yield to the toothing healing influences of Dr Wood Norway Pine Syup

I I i in i i m^mmmtmm mraquo 11 i l i m i M i 1-1

P0f H A Haynea has resigned his poattiou as principal of the Bancroft Mgbeeeioot

The L T Lare to have a laquohaow social at the home of Mr Dudly Swar-thour Friday evening

Mr Edwin Brewster and bride spent Sunday with the formers parents Mr And Mrs Jofcn Brewster

While touching off some nun powder Van Wixuin was burned very badly about the face and hands

The Atbacuuin club meets Fiidar afternoon of this week An interesting program has been prepared

The Congregational 1st will give a pound social for the minister Key Datiesand wife Tuesday evening

Mr Frank Royp brother of Mr G C-Lemon who ha been working in an asphalt factory in Indianapolisbad tbe misfortune to lose two of bis Angers in one of the cog wheels

Mr apd Mrs J S Lemon Mr and Mrs Cbas Wbelan Mr and Mrs N A Harder and Miss Carr of tbe Newburg club attended tbe Caledonia club held at the pleasant borne of Mr and Mrs Chas Wright

A wary weJtoome tterm of rail eg-ae Monday afternoon continued through Monday night and It raining at thi wrlOag Tightninff struck the out-boose in Mr Shaws yard Monday evenshying abont 10 oclock The building was only about 8 feet from tbe rear of bis bouse and adjoin log it was a gasshyoline tank lately Ailed Tbe siding was torn off just above the tank and the studding inside was badly slivered otherwise uo harm was done Fortushynately no one was in at tbe time

Tbe eldest and most effective method Of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to take DeWtua Little Early Risers the famous little pills for cleansing tbe liver and boweig F M XUbouro

Hewitts Little Early fibers are the finest pillf I ever used71mdashP J Moore Mtlibrook Ala They quickly core all liver and bowel troubles F M Kll-bourn


D m i r i Mleau Umy ft

Mr and Mr PN IxUad visited to Owoseo Sosday

Miss Ida Goodyear in Flint on bast-nets last Friday

Mrs Storages tea sttfur from Cashynada visiting bar

Mrs Cast Obert faj entertaining her mother this week

Milaquos Jfcuma Aeaott felted Mrs W Payne Owoaao Monday

Mrs W Monty of Coronas called on Durend friends Tuesday

Mr Cbapama teaveathU morning for Monroe to Fpend a few days

Mr Will Blbbard and D Martin left forldabo last wet Wednesday

Mrs Will Paynlaquo of Owosso visited ber mother Mra J Reklaquo Tuesday

Mr Pratt of Veraoa is speoding the week at the boase of Mrs R J Aogs-bary

Mr and Mrs O B Hlbbard left Wedshynesday evening for Wtseoasla Tbey will visit California and Idaho befora retnrnieg

bAiter suffering from severe d apeaw ale Care It dH me so saoeb good I recommend It to everyone^ writes J B Watkins Clerk and Reorder ChlUl cotbe Mo It digests What yon cat F M KHboam


and Old Fashioned But Reliable Worth Remembering

Things wbleb one should bare ready at band in case of need are first and foremost essence of cinaa-mon When exposed in a sickroom it Will kill the bacilli which are floating rourbull)gt A decoction of cinnamon li recommended as a drink to be takes freely in localities where malaria or fevers prevail for cinnamon has the power to destroy ail infectious mishycrobes - -- -

Peppermint is an bid friend not on any account to be snubbed Nothing Is better for a bee sting than the apshyplication of a drop of peppermint

In case one la near the premises or apartments where there ia diphtheria tbe simplest yet effectual mode of fumigation is to drop a little aniphor on a bot raquotove or on a few hot eoala carried through the rooms In thin way the spread of tbe dJaelaquoae may be stopped

A disinfectant to aae ta differsnt parts of the house wbleh will sweetshyen tblaquo whole place may be madeTery cheap Take one poaad of common copperas and eight ounces of erade earboac acid and dissolve bioae gal Ion of water Use freonenUy

A little carbpUc acid added to the water in which barns bmlaea and cots are washed greatly lesaena the soreness

After applying iodine to the ekm II tt amarta too Intensely to be borne It ia wdl to know that it can be waabed off with ammonia


Frpaft Vernon Arffus

Mrigt h Leuiunyon is on the sick list Henry OIney was in Byron Monday

on business Mis Chas Stewart visited relatives

In Dui ami Monday-A D Hammond spent Monday at tbe

Varsity city AuuArbor Mrs L Conrad was called to Fenton

last nightby the severe illness of her son Obariie Conrad

Mr^ bavidson and daughter Carrie of Charlotte are the guests of Mrs tibbie Wilkinson this week

W D amp A Garrison attended a meetshying of the Directors of the Firsi NatiorK al Bank of Corunna on Friday last

Hiram Spears has avgtld his Shiawas-seetown property and will soon remove to Dakota Ed McCall aid Cbas Lindley were the purchasers

Mrs XHilie Eckelberg Is in Corunua this week iOOkiug after Walsh EasJers feed barn business Wash ami family are in Clare Co on a business trip

R Bristol will move this week to Bekliug Mich where Ugtey will miJltlaquoi tbeir future home Mr Bristol bas conducted i blacksmith business here forabont IS years and is a first class nDcbaiiic He and Glen Bristol will engage in the ice-cream business in their new location Glen being an exshypert in tlint line

W S Musser Mlllheirn Pa s vesl ibe lift- of liilaquo litUe s i r l by giving her One Mi note Cough Core when she was dyliipound from croup It is the orlv liflnn-Ics- remedy thampt j ives immediate re Allies lr quickly cures coughs cold broiicliiii grippe asthma and all throat and In frac34frac34 troubles F M Kilbouru


BaHcrofi Mitli Mrraquoy 8th

Wixtun brothers have a fine show tbi gt eu

Bsit I-aMsy bus purchased Myron Wilcoxs dray line

Tbe Neviurlt Fannfra Club meets with Mrand Mrs Jobn Wbelan Tburi-day

Cards are out announcing the mar riage cf Miss Louie Harder to Mr Oorner

O V I D bullbullraquobull

9rw such B(raquor 8 Un J T Oeerof Buffalo N Y^ Is

visiting her sister Mrs Kay Sir Knights Kay and Pinnkett attendshy

ed tbe funeral of Sir Kolgbt CUpp of Owosao Sunday

Tbe funeral services of Mr Gardner Stanton wbc went to California last fail foi bis health but who died there last week wamps held In the Baptist church last Souday Tbe Maccabees of which Mr Stanlou was a member atshytended the services

Our dog warden is becoming very proshyficient in tbe use of the revolver It is a small dog indeed that be cant bring dowu on tbe third fire

Mr William McCarty bas through the back log of a brewery company asked our village council to appear before Hon George P Stone circuit judge to answer why said council would not acshycept bis liquor bonds Tbe bearing was adjourned from last Saturday 5th to tbe coming week The case excites conshysiderable interest It is claimed that the bonds were presented before tbe action was taken by tbe council prohibiting the sale of liquors of any kind

Recreations of Among actresses first we find that

Sarah Bernhardt bas a taste for paint-fng sculpture and cycling whUe tn snmmer ahe delignts ia ftahbag boat-tag tennis and tlteratare aometimlaquo also diff-scaliag pound t tm Terry b lea ambitions for she finds cnffteteot 4fsgt traction in reading drtvisg aad yacht-ng while bar abrter Marina Tarry like sTotag to the theatre on an o night to tee what bef orothera aad sisters hi art are 4ofnx She also la paanfamataly IBSMI at lowora lawas mnste and enjoya a ansa of gotf- Mi Brown Potter attattogfc aha saaow eweh a wteken MEbMI aamaaaa hanall In a swflctaBtly iaxoeeBt way for aha passes much of her tlaae flowers and Ss Scsd of an pnrsulta Miss Ada Rehaa cycles a good deai reads ranch and loves trav eL Mrs Patrick Campbell is a anperb tssstciaa and cycles Handsome aad stately Geaevfeve Ward detracts hershyself with riding rawing swimming modelling end painting Beautiful Jo-lit Neilaon also lovee the water for ahe swlnte and la at home on a yacht she too rides a bicycle Her cousin Lily Hanbury swims likewise cycles usul piays tennis Gertrude Kingston loves every outdoor pursuit especialshyly cycling and skating Mme de Mar-arro who was once Mary Anderson rides a great deal loves music cards slngicq and readiug aloud Dainty Anshynie Hughes cycles and swims equally well and Mrs Kendall nnda sufficient recreation in reading

I i You need not lose flesh in summer $ 5 if you use the proper means | $ to prevent it You think _ you cant take SCOTTS 5 i EMULSION in hot weather | but you can take H and di-1 | gest it as well in summer as i | in winter It b not like the I g plain cod-liver oil which is J t difficult to take at any time $ If you are losing flesh | you are losing ground and you need

Long Letters Do those of us who have many

friends and who desire to retain them generally realise what a huge slice of time correspondence takes In planshyning ont our days work we say to ourselves that we must really write to so and so to-day without fail hot we reckon no time for the taskmdashtt la one of those little things that doat take a minute5 Ah weU bat w a t t down to It after teamdashone sheet to Uv Ue Mis Mnsfet |wn raquo Jfl one Sraquod a half to Jack and behold there hi very little change left out of two or three hours We had counted on spendshying in some other way For we cannot send to our friends a brief laquond bald outline of what is befalling us one of those unsatisfactoiy scraps which on receiving we feel la not worth the stamp that i t cost Many people will tell you it is not worth whBe to write long lettersmdashjust a line to say where you are and tell then the rest when you meet But that is a poor plan since love aad friendship are both plants which thrive under culshytivation Common Interest dies out if not kept alive by use and something to feed upon

t I f Scotts Emulsion g ami must have it to keep up | J your flesh and strength If pound you have been taking it and i f prospering on h dont fail to 5 i continue until you are thor- J 9 oughJy strong and welt c S ampocandiioigtalldnigsats S f SCOTT amp BOWHE Chcmi Nlaquow Yoik 1


A Glass of Water at Bedtime Tbe human body Is constantly unshy

dergoing tissue changes Water has the power of increasing these changes which multiply the waste products but at the same time they are re newed by its agency giving rise to increased appetite which in turn proshyvides fresh nutriment If you do not accustom yourself to drink water reg ularly you are liable to have the waraquoLe products form faster than tboy are removed Any obstruction to the free working of natural raws at once produce disease Great weakness and languor on rising in the morning is generally duo to a large secretion of these waste products and the remeshydy is to drink a tumblerful of water mdasheither hot or coldmdashjust before reshytiring This materially assists in the process during the night and leaves the tissues fresh and strong -ready for tbe active work of tbe next day

Four Littla Household Hints All cake tins should be lined with

evenly buttered paper before baking All good cakes should have a sheet of paper placed on the top

To remove varnish stains from the bands Is quite easy if before wash-Ins you rub them with a flannel dipshyped la methylated spirits

To prevent me(al from nut rob

v W-raquo_ - v laquo J Vgt


I think we better buyour Suits of M Mullen dont you Certainly- We can do the lrest there

Perfect Fits ^ Lowest Prices ^^

Reinember I offer you Stilts that lastmdashSuits that fit--^Suits that hold the greaest value for your lnonev

My Spring One of MEKS BOYamp and CHILDRENS SUITS is all new sad up-to-datemdash nothiog chesp about tfeem except the prices You cant afford to miss seeshying these goods for if you expect to buy it means dollars to you

^ 2 1 bull

Jraquo gt ^

I carry a big line of Workiugmens Shifts Pants Jackets and Overalls TJiey are the best make in the world and ail warranted not to rip I am always glad to show goods whether you come to buy or not so come in and get prices

Yours for good goods and low prices


over tne suriaee a nuxrare rormeu oy melting together equal parts of oao-kerit PAraffln and beeswax

Stalas of paint which have become dry laquoo as ampTmvat are difficult to remove but with persistent use of benslne or spirits of turpentine tt can generally be managed

UmbrslSaa TO avoid after lamfntatiens the woshy

man with limited means should saafcs the selection of a saw smbretta taa subject fox earnest thoaght

She thonld fart wall in that a good MtbreUa ontiaata a cheap ono aa4 leeks better wmfio It lesta aad that a blaej( amhrelSa la always 1laquo taste aad vfll gown

A twisted wood hajsdle atnddod with silver or a pasta ervstal hull dnv plays eveellent taste

Avoid blaarre haaaiaa and gar cot or entects In corertaca

the did geatiemaa remarked and if you think youd rather change with me raa wfifing

A second invitation waa not reshyquired And I dldnt have to change only wttu the woman but with the hul family ahd I thought theyd push me out In the aisle But Hi bet that to this day the woman tens of the ftsae when she sat next to the

t h e old bookseller add-ja bull

bullhe CaitMasise Of Voatli - bull And sow that you are through cotshy

tage what are rou gorag to d o r asked a friend of a yoathXal graduate

I shall study mriMa waa the crave reply of the slaattlons young

raquot Next to Grant Visitors to Washington wttt probashy

bly remember an old second-naiid book dealer who on aloe days alts In front of hie shop oe the north aide of Pennsylvania avenue just opposite Peace Honument He relates one story in which he and Oen Grant figshyure rather prominently

The old bookseller had received a ticket for a theatrical performance He went early and took his seat In the parquet Soon a family consisting of a husband and wife (nd several grown up daughters took the seats to his right A little later a snan came and sat on his left next the aisle The old bookseller Is blind in the left eye and did not pay any attention to the roan on his left At the end of the first act the lady on his right leaned over and asked if the stranger were not General Grant Sure enough it was and the lady was so informed

T reckon you can see a hit better from thbv chair where I am atttro

^8at fcamt that profession already overcrowded r asked the friend

PossiWy it is raaaarked tbe knowshying youth but propose to study medicine just the same and those who are already la the profession will have to take their chancesmdashChicago News

American Looomotivo Bui Wing As an Instance of the speed with

which work can be executed by one of our great American locomotive firms it Is worth noting that an order was given on Dec 1laquo 1W7 for forty Mogul locomotives for two Russian railways The firtt of the forty was erected and tried under steam on Jan 5 1898 three weeks after the receipt of the order and was finished ready to dismantle and pack for shipment i one Week later The but engine waa competed on reb 13 The forty enshygines were then contracted in about eight weeks besides twenty-eight adshyditional engines on other orders built In the works wholly or partially and shipped during- the same period No wonder the Americans luLve gained a reputation for smartnessmdashCaacters Magazine

If not drmk Graln-Omdashtbe from pure jrrala A lady writes The first time ImadeGraJn-O I did not like R but after usinic it for one weak nothing would induce me to go back to ceftVe^ It nourishes and feeds the afstew Tfe chudreo cagt-^iiak It freely witb great benefit i t fe the screajHheatnK sab-stauee of pure graitta Get a paefcafre to-day froar yout grocer teUow the dl-rvotioBS in nutkiog it and you will have a dellciou and healthful table beverage for old and yoanjr 15eaad raquo c

bullbullbull a

Wherever presirlT latradaevid Dr OsldweUs Syrup PepaiBee a cure for ooestipatlea baa aet with pheaoneaal sale Many druggists cannot say enough in praise of It merit as writ at Its great peputarfty with the people In 10c trial sine and also in Me and 1 00 sues at F M Kilboum



s^ataaiiKtCSa as MaaaiSi agtaa 9 M U H f i s t V J l s a s f l l i W e

t g r ^ e r i u u i i t i a | a gt s^fcralaawiilwfwrii

bullgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgt

At Green amp Pettiboaes

We nave Bicycles of all grades and prices and all Wheels are Fully Guarfnteetf

You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes Stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs and Tin Work at the lowest Prices consist a nr witb good material and work


61 Pettibone


tsammm Bsasasssaa asBBBBslaBBiiii


Page 8: THE myfpoimiiis.If-IIII...ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CORUNNA, MICH*, MAY 10, 1900. VOLUME XX; No. 22 tHE MARKKTS. •'-••— (Corrected by Green * Pettlbone.) •Wheat No. 1 White, No.*

^ J J I U J ^ I ^ P - ^ J -

ROVAL Baking Powder

Tuade from pure - am of tartar

Safeguards the food against alum

Alum tnexuUt to

aft the greatest of the pKetatdayv



Shlttwasampee Spoundraquoy 5tb

EdMcall bought a farm of Hiram Spears

Cla- Lindley has bought the city property of Air Spears

Mr Spears and wife expects to leave May 9 for their new home in Dakota

Mr an J Mrs FultOn of Kerby spent Sunday with their daughter and family

Hr$ Linuley and Hinnie has been visitlD Mrs Lindleys parents a few days in Chesanlug retarded home yesshyterday

Impossible to foresee an accident Not impoeaible to be prepared for i t Igtr Thomas Edeetrie OJhMonareb ever p a l e bull bullbullbull bull bull

rauET T f v raquo the Ferrv Jqnrnal

C p Colbj and son Deoltlaquoo visited la WebbervUle over Sunday

A E Richards of Coruan was In town on business Tuesday

C E William was id Ooruaea ou boraquo-iness the first of the week

Miss Minnie Devore of Durand is vU-tttajc friends lb the Tillage

Hiss Minnie Cleeee spent Sunday with Miss Eva Mortice in Mdrrlce

WJ Richardson of laming peot Sunday with friends in the Tillage

Mr and Mrs ltJbaraquo Sbarpe spent Sun-day with their daughter Jlrfl ^ebb ia Holt u bull

James Graham and daughterof laa-stog visited relatives in the village over Sunday

8etgtbeu Bennett wife and cbiKt of Lalttgsburg vetted at Kerb Keebeya over Sunday

U P Haloted has moved bUoffioefreu the rooms over the bank to hit building at the roar of FgtOQS drugstore

Toui Hbarpe has completed bis course at the Itaraquoi net college in Lansing and Is at pwsent at home in the viiiage

Oto Hurke of Okemos was in towu on buraquoineaa (he first of the week Mr Burke baa purchased the hotel at that place

fJougUs and cbld^ down to the very border land of consuui prion yield to the toothing healing influences of Dr Wood Norway Pine Syup

I I i in i i m^mmmtmm mraquo 11 i l i m i M i 1-1

P0f H A Haynea has resigned his poattiou as principal of the Bancroft Mgbeeeioot

The L T Lare to have a laquohaow social at the home of Mr Dudly Swar-thour Friday evening

Mr Edwin Brewster and bride spent Sunday with the formers parents Mr And Mrs Jofcn Brewster

While touching off some nun powder Van Wixuin was burned very badly about the face and hands

The Atbacuuin club meets Fiidar afternoon of this week An interesting program has been prepared

The Congregational 1st will give a pound social for the minister Key Datiesand wife Tuesday evening

Mr Frank Royp brother of Mr G C-Lemon who ha been working in an asphalt factory in Indianapolisbad tbe misfortune to lose two of bis Angers in one of the cog wheels

Mr apd Mrs J S Lemon Mr and Mrs Cbas Wbelan Mr and Mrs N A Harder and Miss Carr of tbe Newburg club attended tbe Caledonia club held at the pleasant borne of Mr and Mrs Chas Wright

A wary weJtoome tterm of rail eg-ae Monday afternoon continued through Monday night and It raining at thi wrlOag Tightninff struck the out-boose in Mr Shaws yard Monday evenshying abont 10 oclock The building was only about 8 feet from tbe rear of bis bouse and adjoin log it was a gasshyoline tank lately Ailed Tbe siding was torn off just above the tank and the studding inside was badly slivered otherwise uo harm was done Fortushynately no one was in at tbe time

Tbe eldest and most effective method Of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to take DeWtua Little Early Risers the famous little pills for cleansing tbe liver and boweig F M XUbouro

Hewitts Little Early fibers are the finest pillf I ever used71mdashP J Moore Mtlibrook Ala They quickly core all liver and bowel troubles F M Kll-bourn


D m i r i Mleau Umy ft

Mr and Mr PN IxUad visited to Owoseo Sosday

Miss Ida Goodyear in Flint on bast-nets last Friday

Mrs Storages tea sttfur from Cashynada visiting bar

Mrs Cast Obert faj entertaining her mother this week

Milaquos Jfcuma Aeaott felted Mrs W Payne Owoaao Monday

Mrs W Monty of Coronas called on Durend friends Tuesday

Mr Cbapama teaveathU morning for Monroe to Fpend a few days

Mr Will Blbbard and D Martin left forldabo last wet Wednesday

Mrs Will Paynlaquo of Owosso visited ber mother Mra J Reklaquo Tuesday

Mr Pratt of Veraoa is speoding the week at the boase of Mrs R J Aogs-bary

Mr and Mrs O B Hlbbard left Wedshynesday evening for Wtseoasla Tbey will visit California and Idaho befora retnrnieg

bAiter suffering from severe d apeaw ale Care It dH me so saoeb good I recommend It to everyone^ writes J B Watkins Clerk and Reorder ChlUl cotbe Mo It digests What yon cat F M KHboam


and Old Fashioned But Reliable Worth Remembering

Things wbleb one should bare ready at band in case of need are first and foremost essence of cinaa-mon When exposed in a sickroom it Will kill the bacilli which are floating rourbull)gt A decoction of cinnamon li recommended as a drink to be takes freely in localities where malaria or fevers prevail for cinnamon has the power to destroy ail infectious mishycrobes - -- -

Peppermint is an bid friend not on any account to be snubbed Nothing Is better for a bee sting than the apshyplication of a drop of peppermint

In case one la near the premises or apartments where there ia diphtheria tbe simplest yet effectual mode of fumigation is to drop a little aniphor on a bot raquotove or on a few hot eoala carried through the rooms In thin way the spread of tbe dJaelaquoae may be stopped

A disinfectant to aae ta differsnt parts of the house wbleh will sweetshyen tblaquo whole place may be madeTery cheap Take one poaad of common copperas and eight ounces of erade earboac acid and dissolve bioae gal Ion of water Use freonenUy

A little carbpUc acid added to the water in which barns bmlaea and cots are washed greatly lesaena the soreness

After applying iodine to the ekm II tt amarta too Intensely to be borne It ia wdl to know that it can be waabed off with ammonia


Frpaft Vernon Arffus

Mrigt h Leuiunyon is on the sick list Henry OIney was in Byron Monday

on business Mis Chas Stewart visited relatives

In Dui ami Monday-A D Hammond spent Monday at tbe

Varsity city AuuArbor Mrs L Conrad was called to Fenton

last nightby the severe illness of her son Obariie Conrad

Mr^ bavidson and daughter Carrie of Charlotte are the guests of Mrs tibbie Wilkinson this week

W D amp A Garrison attended a meetshying of the Directors of the Firsi NatiorK al Bank of Corunna on Friday last

Hiram Spears has avgtld his Shiawas-seetown property and will soon remove to Dakota Ed McCall aid Cbas Lindley were the purchasers

Mrs XHilie Eckelberg Is in Corunua this week iOOkiug after Walsh EasJers feed barn business Wash ami family are in Clare Co on a business trip

R Bristol will move this week to Bekliug Mich where Ugtey will miJltlaquoi tbeir future home Mr Bristol bas conducted i blacksmith business here forabont IS years and is a first class nDcbaiiic He and Glen Bristol will engage in the ice-cream business in their new location Glen being an exshypert in tlint line

W S Musser Mlllheirn Pa s vesl ibe lift- of liilaquo litUe s i r l by giving her One Mi note Cough Core when she was dyliipound from croup It is the orlv liflnn-Ics- remedy thampt j ives immediate re Allies lr quickly cures coughs cold broiicliiii grippe asthma and all throat and In frac34frac34 troubles F M Kilbouru


BaHcrofi Mitli Mrraquoy 8th

Wixtun brothers have a fine show tbi gt eu

Bsit I-aMsy bus purchased Myron Wilcoxs dray line

Tbe Neviurlt Fannfra Club meets with Mrand Mrs Jobn Wbelan Tburi-day

Cards are out announcing the mar riage cf Miss Louie Harder to Mr Oorner

O V I D bullbullraquobull

9rw such B(raquor 8 Un J T Oeerof Buffalo N Y^ Is

visiting her sister Mrs Kay Sir Knights Kay and Pinnkett attendshy

ed tbe funeral of Sir Kolgbt CUpp of Owosao Sunday

Tbe funeral services of Mr Gardner Stanton wbc went to California last fail foi bis health but who died there last week wamps held In the Baptist church last Souday Tbe Maccabees of which Mr Stanlou was a member atshytended the services

Our dog warden is becoming very proshyficient in tbe use of the revolver It is a small dog indeed that be cant bring dowu on tbe third fire

Mr William McCarty bas through the back log of a brewery company asked our village council to appear before Hon George P Stone circuit judge to answer why said council would not acshycept bis liquor bonds Tbe bearing was adjourned from last Saturday 5th to tbe coming week The case excites conshysiderable interest It is claimed that the bonds were presented before tbe action was taken by tbe council prohibiting the sale of liquors of any kind

Recreations of Among actresses first we find that

Sarah Bernhardt bas a taste for paint-fng sculpture and cycling whUe tn snmmer ahe delignts ia ftahbag boat-tag tennis and tlteratare aometimlaquo also diff-scaliag pound t tm Terry b lea ambitions for she finds cnffteteot 4fsgt traction in reading drtvisg aad yacht-ng while bar abrter Marina Tarry like sTotag to the theatre on an o night to tee what bef orothera aad sisters hi art are 4ofnx She also la paanfamataly IBSMI at lowora lawas mnste and enjoya a ansa of gotf- Mi Brown Potter attattogfc aha saaow eweh a wteken MEbMI aamaaaa hanall In a swflctaBtly iaxoeeBt way for aha passes much of her tlaae flowers and Ss Scsd of an pnrsulta Miss Ada Rehaa cycles a good deai reads ranch and loves trav eL Mrs Patrick Campbell is a anperb tssstciaa and cycles Handsome aad stately Geaevfeve Ward detracts hershyself with riding rawing swimming modelling end painting Beautiful Jo-lit Neilaon also lovee the water for ahe swlnte and la at home on a yacht she too rides a bicycle Her cousin Lily Hanbury swims likewise cycles usul piays tennis Gertrude Kingston loves every outdoor pursuit especialshyly cycling and skating Mme de Mar-arro who was once Mary Anderson rides a great deal loves music cards slngicq and readiug aloud Dainty Anshynie Hughes cycles and swims equally well and Mrs Kendall nnda sufficient recreation in reading

I i You need not lose flesh in summer $ 5 if you use the proper means | $ to prevent it You think _ you cant take SCOTTS 5 i EMULSION in hot weather | but you can take H and di-1 | gest it as well in summer as i | in winter It b not like the I g plain cod-liver oil which is J t difficult to take at any time $ If you are losing flesh | you are losing ground and you need

Long Letters Do those of us who have many

friends and who desire to retain them generally realise what a huge slice of time correspondence takes In planshyning ont our days work we say to ourselves that we must really write to so and so to-day without fail hot we reckon no time for the taskmdashtt la one of those little things that doat take a minute5 Ah weU bat w a t t down to It after teamdashone sheet to Uv Ue Mis Mnsfet |wn raquo Jfl one Sraquod a half to Jack and behold there hi very little change left out of two or three hours We had counted on spendshying in some other way For we cannot send to our friends a brief laquond bald outline of what is befalling us one of those unsatisfactoiy scraps which on receiving we feel la not worth the stamp that i t cost Many people will tell you it is not worth whBe to write long lettersmdashjust a line to say where you are and tell then the rest when you meet But that is a poor plan since love aad friendship are both plants which thrive under culshytivation Common Interest dies out if not kept alive by use and something to feed upon

t I f Scotts Emulsion g ami must have it to keep up | J your flesh and strength If pound you have been taking it and i f prospering on h dont fail to 5 i continue until you are thor- J 9 oughJy strong and welt c S ampocandiioigtalldnigsats S f SCOTT amp BOWHE Chcmi Nlaquow Yoik 1


A Glass of Water at Bedtime Tbe human body Is constantly unshy

dergoing tissue changes Water has the power of increasing these changes which multiply the waste products but at the same time they are re newed by its agency giving rise to increased appetite which in turn proshyvides fresh nutriment If you do not accustom yourself to drink water reg ularly you are liable to have the waraquoLe products form faster than tboy are removed Any obstruction to the free working of natural raws at once produce disease Great weakness and languor on rising in the morning is generally duo to a large secretion of these waste products and the remeshydy is to drink a tumblerful of water mdasheither hot or coldmdashjust before reshytiring This materially assists in the process during the night and leaves the tissues fresh and strong -ready for tbe active work of tbe next day

Four Littla Household Hints All cake tins should be lined with

evenly buttered paper before baking All good cakes should have a sheet of paper placed on the top

To remove varnish stains from the bands Is quite easy if before wash-Ins you rub them with a flannel dipshyped la methylated spirits

To prevent me(al from nut rob

v W-raquo_ - v laquo J Vgt


I think we better buyour Suits of M Mullen dont you Certainly- We can do the lrest there

Perfect Fits ^ Lowest Prices ^^

Reinember I offer you Stilts that lastmdashSuits that fit--^Suits that hold the greaest value for your lnonev

My Spring One of MEKS BOYamp and CHILDRENS SUITS is all new sad up-to-datemdash nothiog chesp about tfeem except the prices You cant afford to miss seeshying these goods for if you expect to buy it means dollars to you

^ 2 1 bull

Jraquo gt ^

I carry a big line of Workiugmens Shifts Pants Jackets and Overalls TJiey are the best make in the world and ail warranted not to rip I am always glad to show goods whether you come to buy or not so come in and get prices

Yours for good goods and low prices


over tne suriaee a nuxrare rormeu oy melting together equal parts of oao-kerit PAraffln and beeswax

Stalas of paint which have become dry laquoo as ampTmvat are difficult to remove but with persistent use of benslne or spirits of turpentine tt can generally be managed

UmbrslSaa TO avoid after lamfntatiens the woshy

man with limited means should saafcs the selection of a saw smbretta taa subject fox earnest thoaght

She thonld fart wall in that a good MtbreUa ontiaata a cheap ono aa4 leeks better wmfio It lesta aad that a blaej( amhrelSa la always 1laquo taste aad vfll gown

A twisted wood hajsdle atnddod with silver or a pasta ervstal hull dnv plays eveellent taste

Avoid blaarre haaaiaa and gar cot or entects In corertaca

the did geatiemaa remarked and if you think youd rather change with me raa wfifing

A second invitation waa not reshyquired And I dldnt have to change only wttu the woman but with the hul family ahd I thought theyd push me out In the aisle But Hi bet that to this day the woman tens of the ftsae when she sat next to the

t h e old bookseller add-ja bull

bullhe CaitMasise Of Voatli - bull And sow that you are through cotshy

tage what are rou gorag to d o r asked a friend of a yoathXal graduate

I shall study mriMa waa the crave reply of the slaattlons young

raquot Next to Grant Visitors to Washington wttt probashy

bly remember an old second-naiid book dealer who on aloe days alts In front of hie shop oe the north aide of Pennsylvania avenue just opposite Peace Honument He relates one story in which he and Oen Grant figshyure rather prominently

The old bookseller had received a ticket for a theatrical performance He went early and took his seat In the parquet Soon a family consisting of a husband and wife (nd several grown up daughters took the seats to his right A little later a snan came and sat on his left next the aisle The old bookseller Is blind in the left eye and did not pay any attention to the roan on his left At the end of the first act the lady on his right leaned over and asked if the stranger were not General Grant Sure enough it was and the lady was so informed

T reckon you can see a hit better from thbv chair where I am atttro

^8at fcamt that profession already overcrowded r asked the friend

PossiWy it is raaaarked tbe knowshying youth but propose to study medicine just the same and those who are already la the profession will have to take their chancesmdashChicago News

American Looomotivo Bui Wing As an Instance of the speed with

which work can be executed by one of our great American locomotive firms it Is worth noting that an order was given on Dec 1laquo 1W7 for forty Mogul locomotives for two Russian railways The firtt of the forty was erected and tried under steam on Jan 5 1898 three weeks after the receipt of the order and was finished ready to dismantle and pack for shipment i one Week later The but engine waa competed on reb 13 The forty enshygines were then contracted in about eight weeks besides twenty-eight adshyditional engines on other orders built In the works wholly or partially and shipped during- the same period No wonder the Americans luLve gained a reputation for smartnessmdashCaacters Magazine

If not drmk Graln-Omdashtbe from pure jrrala A lady writes The first time ImadeGraJn-O I did not like R but after usinic it for one weak nothing would induce me to go back to ceftVe^ It nourishes and feeds the afstew Tfe chudreo cagt-^iiak It freely witb great benefit i t fe the screajHheatnK sab-stauee of pure graitta Get a paefcafre to-day froar yout grocer teUow the dl-rvotioBS in nutkiog it and you will have a dellciou and healthful table beverage for old and yoanjr 15eaad raquo c

bullbullbull a

Wherever presirlT latradaevid Dr OsldweUs Syrup PepaiBee a cure for ooestipatlea baa aet with pheaoneaal sale Many druggists cannot say enough in praise of It merit as writ at Its great peputarfty with the people In 10c trial sine and also in Me and 1 00 sues at F M Kilboum



s^ataaiiKtCSa as MaaaiSi agtaa 9 M U H f i s t V J l s a s f l l i W e

t g r ^ e r i u u i i t i a | a gt s^fcralaawiilwfwrii

bullgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt gtgtraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgt

At Green amp Pettiboaes

We nave Bicycles of all grades and prices and all Wheels are Fully Guarfnteetf

You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes Stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs and Tin Work at the lowest Prices consist a nr witb good material and work


61 Pettibone


tsammm Bsasasssaa asBBBBslaBBiiii
