The Open Shelf Sea. 1. The primary source of buoyancy is surface heat flux. c p = specific heat capacity of seawater (= 3900 J kg -1 K -1 ) mean water temperature (in degrees Kelvin) Heat stored = J m -2 evaporati on h Q v (advection) Q b Q c Q e T h c p Longwave radiation conduction Q s (1-A) Solar heat input T

The Open Shelf Sea. 1. The primary source of buoyancy is surface heat flux. c p = specific heat capacity of seawater (= 3900 J kg -1 K -1 ) mean water

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Page 1: The Open Shelf Sea. 1. The primary source of buoyancy is surface heat flux. c p = specific heat capacity of seawater (= 3900 J kg -1 K -1 ) mean water

The Open Shelf Sea.

1. The primary source of buoyancy is surface heat flux.

cp = specific heat capacity of seawater (= 3900 J kg-1 K-1)

mean water temperature (in degrees Kelvin)

Heat stored = J m-2



Qv (advection)

Qb Qc Qe


Longwave radiationconduction

Qs(1-A) Solar heat input


Page 2: The Open Shelf Sea. 1. The primary source of buoyancy is surface heat flux. c p = specific heat capacity of seawater (= 3900 J kg -1 K -1 ) mean water

Distribution of heat input:

Radiation decays exponentially through the water column, i.e.:

0 20 40 60 80 100

% I 0








h / m

k=0.1 m-1

In clear water:

55% heat is input into top 1 m

70% is input within 3 m

In typical shelf waters:

>90% input within 5 m

Heat output occurs from the “skin” of the surface.

k is an attenuation coefficient, dependent on wavelength of radiation (e.g. see Kirk, Light & photosynthesis in aquatic ecosystems.)

kzeI)z(I 0

Page 3: The Open Shelf Sea. 1. The primary source of buoyancy is surface heat flux. c p = specific heat capacity of seawater (= 3900 J kg -1 K -1 ) mean water

Tem perature








h / m

Stronger tidal currents

Tem perature








h / m

T em perature








h / m

Add tidal stress

The tidal currents mix the thermal structure up from the seabed:

Tem perature








h / m

Add wind


The wind mixes the thermal structure down from the sea surface:

Stronger wind mixing

Page 4: The Open Shelf Sea. 1. The primary source of buoyancy is surface heat flux. c p = specific heat capacity of seawater (= 3900 J kg -1 K -1 ) mean water

pheating cQg


h 21

The rate of change of the Potential Energy of a shelf sea water column, driven by surface heat flux, can be derived as:







41 30

The rate of increase of the Potential Energy of a shelf sea water column, driven by tidal mixing, can be derived as:

Heating > tide-mixing water column stratifies in summer

Heating < tide-mixing water column remains vertically mixed

= 1.6 x 10-4 °C-1 volume expansion coefficient of seawater

Q = rate of heat flux through surface (W m-2)

cp = specific heat capacity of seawater (3900 J kg-1 °C-1)

kb = bottom drag coefficient (~0.003)

= efficiency of tidal mixing (~0.003)

uo = tidal current amplitude (m s-1)

h = depth (m)

What happens if the two rates are equal?

Page 5: The Open Shelf Sea. 1. The primary source of buoyancy is surface heat flux. c p = specific heat capacity of seawater (= 3900 J kg -1 K -1 ) mean water




Page 6: The Open Shelf Sea. 1. The primary source of buoyancy is surface heat flux. c p = specific heat capacity of seawater (= 3900 J kg -1 K -1 ) mean water

Shelf Sea (or Tidal Mixing) Fronts.

These are the transition regions between the permanently mixed and seasonally stratified shelf waters.

By running the phys1d program with a range of values for h and/or u you can investigate the effects of tidal mixing on a shelf sea water column.

We can predict this




High h/u3

Low h/u3


Low u and/or high h will result in a water column

that stratifies during spring and summer

High u and/or low h will result in a water column

that remains mixed.

Page 7: The Open Shelf Sea. 1. The primary source of buoyancy is surface heat flux. c p = specific heat capacity of seawater (= 3900 J kg -1 K -1 ) mean water

As the existence of shelf sea fronts became recognised, parallel observations of the biology and chemistry of the fronts showed:

1. Fronts separate the low nutrient, stratified surface water from higher nutrient mixed water (Morin et al., 1985. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 65, 677-695)

2. Fronts are often observed to be regions of high chlorophyll biomass (Pingree et al., 1975. Nature, 258, 672-677)

3. Fronts are regions of enhanced primary production (Horne et al., 1989. Scientia Marina, 53, 145-158).

Enhanced Primary Production at Tidal Mixing Fronts

Useful reading: Mann & Lazier, Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems, 2nd ed. (Blackwell Science) pages 187-196

Page 8: The Open Shelf Sea. 1. The primary source of buoyancy is surface heat flux. c p = specific heat capacity of seawater (= 3900 J kg -1 K -1 ) mean water

Sea surface temperature Sea surface chlorophyll concentration (AVHRR) (SeaWIFS)

10th July 1999

(Images courtesy of Remote Sensing Group (Plymouth Marine Laboratory))