Page 1 The Organ of the Cambridge Hash House Harriers January 2015 Happy New Year!

The Organ of the Cambridge Hash House Harriers January 2015ch3.co.uk/Content/docs/The Herald January 2015.pdf · 2015. 1. 2. · Page 5 ‘Prince Chula of Siam’ aka Run 1881 –

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The Organ of the Cambridge Hash House Harriers

January 2015

Happy New Year!

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Welcome from the Edithare Sometimes  a  joke  takes  on  a  life  of  its  own.    When  my  family  gets  together,  we  love  to  spend  the  evening  sitting  around  campfire  singing  songs.  And  my  aunt  brought  us  a  great  one  about  a  decade  ago.  It  was  an  instant  classic,  complete  with  bears  (since  we’re  Bairs),  ridiculous  hand  motions  and  the  ability  to  sing  it  as  a  round:      

Benji  met  the  bear.  The  bear  met  Benji.  The  bear  was  bulgy.  The  bulge  was  Benji.  

 Now,  when  faced  with  entertaining  you  lot  after  Moroccan  Mole  has  been  slinging  beers  at  people  for  what  seems  like  an  eternity,  I  have  to  find  ways  to  be  creative  and  attention-­‐getting.  (Usually  my  boobs  would  be  enough,  but  not  even  I  can  compete  with  Double  Top’s  magnificence!)  “Benji  Met  the  Bear”  —  especially  with  Bear  standing  around  wearing  his  hat  —  seemed  like  a  no-­‐brainer  that  would  have  a  life  of  about  five  minutes.    The  problem  was,  I  picked  a  bashful  Benji.  (I  AM  SO  SORRY,  BENJI!!!)  Benji  disappeared.  And  Benji  has  been  hard  to  spot  since.      Which  means  the  driving  question  of  the  CH3  (besides  “How  would  you  like  my  finger  in  your  ear?”)  has  become:    WHERE  THE  HELL  IS  BENJI?!?    So  I  ask  Hashers  everywhere:  Have  you  seen  the  man  at  right?  (Names,  faces  and  species  have  been  changed  to  protect  the  innocent.)    Benji,  as  pictured,  is  hiding  somewhere  in  this  Herald  —  see  if  you  can  spot  him!  Why  is  he  hiding?  Because  this  issue  is  dedicated  to  bears,  of  course!  (Although  we  bears  ceded  the  front  cover  to  Delilah  in  honour  of  the  New  Year!)  

On On! Spicy Bear

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The  Herald  welcomes  volunteer  scribes  and  edithares.  We  will  provide  templates  and  print  the  Herald.  To  sign  up,  or  to  turn  in  your  run  reports,  visit  the  Herald  Edithare  webshite  at  http://herald.toedsh3-­‐admin.com/index.php.  (Toed  Bedsores  will  give  you  a  password.)  Remember  to  produce  your  copy  the  month  before  the  last  Sunday  of  the  previous  month.

Here is a list of volunteers for this year’s Heralds:

• Feb   Double  Top   25  Jan  • Mar   Ferret   22  Feb  • Apr   B@stard   29  Mar  • May   Fannyrat   26  Apr  • Jun   Big  Blouse   24  May  • Jul   Daffidildo   28  Jun  • Aug   Shamcock   26  Jul  • Sep   Moroccan  Mole   30  Aug  • Oct   ???   27  Sep  • Nov     ???   25  Oct  • Dec   ???   29  Nov  • Jan   ???   27  Dec  

“My spelling is Wobbly. It’s good spelling, but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places.”

Winnie the Pooh

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Run 1878 – Red Lion, Kirtling Green Hares – Ferret and Daffidildo Scribe – Doggy Style

Here  is  a  cautious  reminder  my  fellow  half-­‐minds,  if  you  somehow  get  shanghaied  into  writing  a  run  write-­‐up:  Bedsores  computer  program  will  harass  you  with  e-­‐mails  until  your  will  is  broken!      What  can  be  said  about  the  Red  Lion  at  Kirtling  Green?  Good  pub,  who  knows  how  the  hares  found  it.  It  is  nice  when  Daffy  lays  a  trail  with  someone  else,  then  I  get  a  good  lie-­‐in  on  the  Sunday  morning.  I  am  sure  Ferret  and  Daffy  spent  hours  and  hours  planning  this  run,  but  I  can’t  be  arsed  to  remember  any  of  it.  Most  likely  it  wasn’t  raining,  there  were  no  drinks  stops  and  I  am  sure  there  was  whining  afterward.  The  circle  was  held  in  front  of  the  pub;  Benghazi  brought  out  trays  of  beers  and  down  downs  were  dispensed!  Then  we  all  pissed  off  and  went  about  our  normal  lives!   Hugs and Kisses, Doggy Style PS:  This  had  better  satisfy  Bedsores  computer  program  or  heads  will  roll.    

How many horses’ arses can YOU identify in this Kirtling Green field?

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‘Prince Chula of Siam’ aka Run 1881 – Haymakers, Chesterton Hares – Team America in the form of …

Moroccan Mole and Cruella de Hash Scribe – Shamcock Cambridge  Hash  is  alive  and  well  and  declining  in  years,  if  the  average  age  of  yesterday’s  participants  could  be  added  up  …  such  a  young  and  vibrant  bunch  which  I’m  very  proud  to  report  included  that  delightful  old  fart,  Barty,  still  down  downing  his  beer  with  skill  and  grace  …      Such  words  cannot  be  used  with  reference  to  the  two  hares  from  Team  America.  ‘Severely  Jaded’  and  ‘Under  the  Influence’  might  be,  descriptively,  more  accurate.  They  

clearly  had  been  sampling  too  many  of  their  ‘Chocco’  and  ‘Orange  Jello’  shots  prior  to  the  event.  One  can  only  trust  that  this  was  in  search  of  superior  quality  control.      At  the  other  end  of  sense  and  sensibility,  with  reference  to  Team  America,  was  our  lonesome  visitor,  Eric,  from  Portland,  Oregon.  Clean  and  well  shaven,  he,  unlike  the  hares,  was  a  fine  advertisement  for  his  homeland  but  had  never,  as  far  as  we  could  ascertain,  been  to  Portland,  Maine.  Such  is  life.      It  turned  out  to  be  a  bit  of  a  ‘Poofta’  trail  (laid  in  PINK  flour)  initially  wandering  around  the  outskirts  of  Chesterton.  It  was  near  here,  outside  the  front  door  of  Lloyd’s  Bank  at  Mitcham’sCorner,  that    Team  America,  (including  Daffy,  who,  when  questioned,  knew  NOTHING  about  Prince  Chula  of  Siam!!),  utterly  failed  to  educate  CH3  about  one  of  Cambridge’s  most  unusual  and  historically    forgotten  and  bypassed  tourist  sites  …  by  NOT  having  their  first  ‘Shot  Stop’  there.    

Shamcock doesn’t think CH3 will get any awards for its tour guide skills.

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 Ahem!  Time  for  some  education!  What  CH3  missed:    


‘Nough  said  …  Dumb  Yanks!!    Now  back  to  the  Chocco  and  Jello  ‘Shots,  finally  found  atop  a  non-­‐descript  car  park  somewhere  downtown  ...  and  Team  America  failed  again.  NO  LIFT!!      Somewhat  revived  by  the  ‘Shots’  (but  still  not  as  ragged  as  the  hares)  the  pack  then  headed  off  into  the  dense  throng  of  bemused  tourists  around  Kings  College  Chapel  who  all  thought  we  were  escapees  from  Fulbourn  …    Sensibility  was  revived  with  strong  Yankee  whisky  at  ‘refreshment  halt’  No.  2  in  Christ’s  Pieces  …  By  this  time  our  Virgin  runner,  Ian,  and  that  sensible  Yank  from  Portland  (Oregon,  NOT  Maine!),  Eric,  were  beginning  to  wobble  and  wonder  just  what  they  had  done  to  deserve  this  avalanche  of  alcohol  when  they  thought  they  were  supposed  to  be  on  a  Hash  Run  …  More  fool  them.      By  this  point,  despite  failing  to  achieve  a  valid  ‘Tourism  Certificate’  (see  above),  Team  America  was  beginning  to  get  on  top  of  things  …  Their  position  as  ‘All  Round  Good  Fellas’  was  finally  confirmed  by  the  provision  of  endless  quantities  of  chocolate  chip  cookies  and  a  steady  supply  of  ‘Samuel  Adams’  (he  was  some  sort  of  Team  America  Hero  apparently)  fine  ale  at  the  final  ‘Refreshment    Halt’,  just  a  slow  stagger  from  The  Haymakers  …  Beyond  that,  the  Haymaker’s  fine  ‘Plum  Porter’  and  excessive  quantities  of  ‘Pickled  Pig’  finally  reduced  the  attending  hashers  (young  and  old-­‐well  done  Barty!!)  into  a  babbling  mass  of  out  of  tune  gabblers  and  singers  …      

The “Doggie Fountain” in Honour and Remembrance of “Tony”, a DOG.

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Let’s  be  fair,  however  …  Ex  RA  Daffy,  looked  a  right  eejit  playing  with  his  new,  bamboo,  dual  purpose  oil  lamp  and  hash  tooter,  and  ‘Wrongway’  was  clearly  wondering  what  he  had  actually  returned  to  …  ???      Star  performer??      Not  Team  America  in  any  of  its  guises,  rather  our  wonderous  NEW  GM,  BIG  BLOUSE  …  It’s  going  to  be  a  great  Hash  Year!!!   So say Shammy & U-Bend  Edithare’s  Note:  Has  anyone  told  Shamcock  that  Cruella  is  from  Cornwall?  

Name That Bear  Can  you  match  each  picture  of  a  bear  below  to  his/her/its  name?    


Paddington  Bear    



Spicy  Bear    

Winnie  the  Pooh    

Mr  Bear    

Bear  Grylls  

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Run 1884 – Bell, Wendens Ambo Hares – Oh La La, Double Top and Paparazzi Scribe – Antar NOW  THEN,  NOW  THEN,  having  got  the  call  to  circle  up,  I  was  informed  [bullied  more  like]  By  HIS  MOST  EXTEEMEDESNESS  the  GM  that  I  was  to  be  your  scribe  for  the  day,  so  here  goes.    First  of  all  a  quick  note  of  historical  interest.  It  was  in  this  year  that  Britain  stopped  its  policy  of  penal  transportation  to  New  South  Wales.  [Pity,  I  know  a  few  I  would  like  to  send].  Anyway,  enough  of  that  as  I`m  no  longer  your  most  esteemed  RA,  I  got  fired  from  that  job  along  with  some  others  over  the  years.    Back  to  the  circle.  The  hares  were  introduced  to  the  pack  as  normal  [who  they  are  I  can`t  remember  and  it`s  gone  from  the  website  as  well]  [Well,  the  Edithare  was  able  to  find  it  —  Spicy]  and  the  CH3  signage  was  explained  to  Taxidermist  any  virgins  and/or  visitors  who  cared  enough  to  show  up,  [if  any].  So  now  with  I’s  dotted  and  the  t’s  crossed  we  gaily  set  out  on  our  quest.  Sad  to  say  but  my  quest  started  extremely  slowly  and  stayed  that  way  so  very  quickly  I  was  bringing  up  at  the  rear  end  of  the  pack,  which  is  where  I  stayed  so  like  the  three  monkeys  I  heard  nothing,  saw  nothing,  and  everybody  told  me  nothing,  it  stayed  like  this  until  the  circle  finished  and  the  stand  in  RA  [Fit  But  Dim]  gave  me  his  list  of  sinners  which  was  no  good  

because  I`ve  lost  it  and  the  memory  loss  is  all  persuasive  anyway.    What  follows  is  the  TRUE  ACCOUNT  MI  LUD  with  no  added  lies  deceitfulness  or  indiscretions.      IT  WAS  A  GOOD  TRAIL.  [I  think]   Love you all, Antar

Over hill, over dale, Hashers hit the dusty trail … as we remembered the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I.

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Shopping with Wrong Keys  

Submitted by Toed Bedsores  Yesterday,  Wrong  Keys  was  at  his  local  Aldi  store  buying  a  large  Bag  of  Pedigree  dog  food  for  Lily  and  Poppy  and  was  in  the  checkout  queue  when  a  woman  behind  him  asked  if  he  had  a  dog.    What  did  she  think  he  had,  an  elephant?  So,  since  he  is  retired  and  has  little  to  do,  on  impulse  he  told  her  that  no,  he  didn't  have  a  dog,  he  was  starting  the  Pedigree  Diet  again.  He  added  that  he  probably  shouldn't,  because  he  ended  up  in  hospital  last  time,  but  he  had  lost  2  stone  before  he  woke  up  in  intensive  care  with  tubes  coming  out  of  most  of  his  orifices  and  IV's  in  both  arms.    He  told  her  that  it  was  essentially  a  perfect  diet  and  that  the  way  that  it  works  is  to  load  your  pockets  with  Pedigree  nuggets  and  simply  eat  one  or  two  every  time  you  feel  hungry.  The  food  is  nutritionally  complete,  so  it  works  well  and  he  was  going  to  try  it  again.  (Have  to  mention  here  that  practically  everyone  in  queue  was  now  enthralled  with  his  story.)  

 Horrified,  she  asked  him  if  he  ended  up  in  intensive  care  because  the  dog  food  poisoned  him.  He  told  her  no,  he  stepped  off  the  kerb  to  sniff  an  Irish  Setter's  arse  and  a  car  hit  him.    He  thought  the  guy  behind  her  was  going  to  have  a  heart  attack  he  was  laughing  so  hard.      Wrong  Keys  is  now  banned  from  Aldi.      Better  watch  what  you  ask  retired  people.  They  have  all  the  time  in  the  world  to  think  of  daft  things  to  say.  

How much bear would Bear Grylls grill if Bear Grylls could grill bears?

He’d grill as much bear as a grill could bear if Bear Grylls could grill bears.

If you see Wrong Keys in Aldi, watch out!

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Run 1886 – The Bull, Burrough Green  

Hares – Daffidildo and Benghazi Scribe – Klinger  WET  WET  WET!  (It  rained  incessantly.)    On  arrival  in  the  pub  car  park,  a  very  strange  sight  appeared  from  the  next  car.  Only  the  eyes  were  visible  in  the  all-­‐black  rainwear.  It  was  an  Ebola  outfit?  Then  appeared  another  one,  which  turned  out  to  be  Fraser.  Next,  shivering  along  with  her  dog  Joey,  was  Just  Give  Me  One.  After  that,  among  the  assembled  hashers  was  Duncan  Disorderly  again  in  his  banana  outfit.    About  30  hashers  were  called  to  order  by  the  GM  Big  Blouse.  The  in  bounded  Blowback  with  an  excellent  song  and  exercise  routine,  based  on  “Singing  in  the  Rain,”  to  warm  us  up.  Daffy  announced  that  it  would  be  a  waste  of  time  and  effort  to  keep  our  feet  dry  —  he  was  right!      A  well  laid  trail  awaited  (your  scribe  barely  recognised  most  of  it  despite  running  at  least  half  a  dozen  times  from  this  venue.  Woody  Hollow  managed  to  find  the  deepest  water  on  trail,  going  in  to  almost  crotch  level  (much  to  the  amusement  of  daughter  Just  Give  Me  One,  Midnight  …  and  your  scribe).  A  little  further  on,  the  Mad  Monk  got  his  Ebola  outfit  stuck  on  a  ground-­‐level  bramble  branch  and  crashed  on  to  the  muddy  track.    At  the  piss  stop,  freezing  cans  of  American  lager  were  on  offer.  Very  appropriate,  particularly  for  Muff  Diver  and  your  scribe  who  were  dying  for  a  pee!  And  there  was  nowhere  to  hide  with  leafless  trees  and  ditches  full  of  rainwater.  Muff  Diver  said  that  he  hoped  to  hold  on  until  the  pub  (about  1½  miles  away).  I  failed  (pissing  part  on  the  track  side  and  partially  pissing  my  pants  —  due  to  my  frozen  fingertips).    Due  to  the  excessive  rain,  many  hashers  changed  into  dry  clothes  in  the  warmth  of  the  pub  bar,  including  Muff  Diver  who  later  got  a  down  down  for  flashing.  Remaining  down  downs  inside  the  pub  included:    

• Midnight  …  (a  local  hasher  who  rarely  runs  with  CH3)  • Duncan  Disorderly  (for  having  a  soggy  knob  to  his  banana  outfit).  • Blowback  (for  his  earlier  excellent  song  and  exercise  routine).  

Special  thanks  were  given  to  the  hares  for  laying  this  trail  in  such  atrocious  wet  conditions.  RA  for  the  day  was  last  year’s  one,  Daffidildo,  and  Woody  Hollow,  as  JM,  stood  in  for  GM.    In  summary,  it  was  WET  WET  WET!   Klinger  

Klinger singing in the rain.

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 The  renamed  month  of  January  where  women  let  their  fannies  grow  freely  to  raise  money  for  gynaecological  cancers.  With  the  catchphrase  "Wax  is  Wak,  Bring  Muff  Back",  Fanuary  is  similar  in  concept  to  Movember.  Learn  more  at  https://www.justgiving.com/Fanuary.    

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Runs for January 2015All runs start at 11 am (GM Please note) Latest details www.ch3.co.uk Hare raiser Doggy StyleRun No. 1892: 04-Jan-2015Poacher, Elsworth, CB23 4JSHares Hold It For Me Run No. 1893: 11-Jan-2015Wagon and Horses, Steeple Morden, SG8 0NJHares Big Blouse & Wimp Run No. 1894: 18-Jan-2015Fountain The, Soham, CB7 5DSHares Fit but Dim & Woody Hollow Run No. 1895: 25-Jan-2015T.B.A.Hares Dave the Rave

Grand Master - Big BlouseGrand Mattress - Spicey BearJoint Master - Daffidildo - Fit but DimJoint Mattresses - Doggy Style -Woody HollowReligious Advisor - Morrocan MoleVerger - Fit but DimHare Raiser - Doggy StyleEdit Hare - Toed BedsoresWeb Master - El Rave

Hash Cash - While Your Down ThereAssistant - DebonaireHash Stats - PedroBeer Master - BenghaziApprentice - MuthutuckerAssistants - Beerstop Song Master - B@stardHaberdash - Slaphead & BenghaziHash Horn - Muff Diver & Fit but DimHash Flash - Paparazzi & Pedro
