The Origins of the Women’s Rights Movement The Status of Women in the 1950s and 60s Federal investigations Betty Friedan and the Feminine Mystique Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act National Organization for Women The Women’s Bill of Rights

The Origins of the Women’s Rights Movement w The Status of Women in the 1950s and 60s w Federal investigations w Betty Friedan and the Feminine Mystique

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The Origins of the Women’s Rights Movement The Status of Women in the 1950s and 60s Federal investigations Betty Friedan and the Feminine Mystique Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act National Organization for Women The Women’s Bill of Rights

Life Magazine Christmas 1956


The Federal Commission on the Status of Women- 1962

The Federal Commission on the Status of Women- 1962 Recognized expanding role of women in the

American economy

The Federal Commission on the Status of Women- 1962 Recognized expanding role of women in the

American economy But Reaffirmed that women’s primary role

was wife and mother.

The Federal Commission on the Status of Women- 1962 Recognized expanding role of women in the

American economy But Reaffirmed that women’s primary role

was wife and mother. Denied the need for an Equal Rights


How the Commission encouraged women’s rights

How the Commission encouraged women’s rights 1st govt. body to investigate position of


How the Commission encouraged women’s rights 1st govt. body to investigate position of

women. Report documented problems women faced.

How the Commission encouraged women’s rights 1st govt. body to investigate position of

women. Report documented problems women faced. Helped develop a women’s network.

How the Commission encouraged women’s rights 1st govt. body to investigate position of

women. Report documented problems women faced. Helped develop a women’s network. Created similar committees on a state level.

Betty Friedan and The Feminine Mystique

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Title VII prohibited discrimination in employment based on race, color, national origin, or SEX!

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) created - to ensure compliance with Title VII

National Organization for Women (NOW)

The Women’s Bill of Rights

The Women’s Bill of Rights

An Equal Rights Amendment

The Women’s Bill of Rights

An Equal Rights Amendment Maternity Leave Rights

The Women’s Bill of Rights

An Equal Rights Amendment Maternity Leave Rights Affordable Child Care Centers

The Women’s Bill of Rights

An Equal Rights Amendment Maternity Leave Rights Affordable Child Care Centers Equal and unsegregated education

The Women’s Bill of Rights

An Equal Rights Amendment Maternity Leave Rights Affordable Child Care Centers Equal and unsegregated education The Right of Women to control their own

reproductive lives