Palaeontologia Electronica http://palaeo-electronica.org Bever, Gabe S., Bell, Christopher J., and Maisano, Jessica A. 2005. The Ossified Braincase and Cephalic Osteoderms of Shinisaurus Crocodilurus (Squamata, Shinisauridae), Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. 8, Issue 1; 4A:36p, 2.1MB; http://palaeo-electronica.org/paleo/2005_1/bever4/issue1_05.htm THE OSSIFIED BRAINCASE AND CEPHALIC OSTEODERMS OF SHINISAURUS CROCODILURUS (SQUAMATA, SHINISAURIDAE) Gabe S. Bever, Christopher J. Bell, and Jessica A. Maisano ABSTRACT We review the literature and provide a detailed description of the braincase, ceph- alic osteoderms, and the inner ear cavity of the rare Southeast Asian lizard Shinisaurus crocodilurus. In addition to standard dry skeletal preparations, we used X-ray com- puted tomography scans of an adult and juvenile specimen to provide novel illustra- tions and digital animations of its anatomical systems. We provide the first detailed description and illustration of the orbitosphenoids, cephalic osteoderms, and inner ear passages in S. crocodilurus, clarify the presence or absence of previously reported anatomical features of the braincase, and provide preliminary observations on morpho- logical change of the braincase through ontogeny. Orbitosphenoids are present and ossified in S. crocodilurus at a relatively early stage of postnatal development. A fully developed and ossified parasphenoid rostrum is present in our youngest dried speci- men, but appears to be reduced or broken in many adult specimens. The osteoderms of adult S. crocodilurus are robust and widely distributed across the dorsal surface of the head, but they do not co-ossify with underlying dermal bones. Osteoderms are absent in our juvenile specimens. Calcified endolymph is present in both adult and juvenile specimens, but is more extensive in the juvenile. Our preliminary observations suggest that ontogenetic change is an important source of variation in S. crocodilurus. KEY WORDS: Shinisaurus; crocodile lizard; Krokodilschwanz-Höckerechse; osteology; anatomy; braincase; osteoderms, inner ear Gabe S. Bever. Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712 [email protected] Christopher J. Bell. Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712 [email protected] Jessica A. Maisano. Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712 [email protected] PE Article Number: 8.1.4 Copyright: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology May 2005 Submission: 23 July 2004. Acceptance: 13 April 2005

THE OSSIFIED BRAINCASE AND CEPHALIC OSTEODERMS OF … · We review the literature and provide a de tailed description of the braincase, ceph-alic osteoderms, and the inner ear cavity

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Page 1: THE OSSIFIED BRAINCASE AND CEPHALIC OSTEODERMS OF … · We review the literature and provide a de tailed description of the braincase, ceph-alic osteoderms, and the inner ear cavity

Palaeontologia Electronica http://palaeo-electronica.org

Bever, Gabe S., Bell, Christopher J., and Maisano, Jessica A. 2005. The Ossified Braincase and Cephalic Osteoderms of Shinisaurus Crocodilurus (Squamata, Shinisauridae), Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. 8, Issue 1; 4A:36p, 2.1MB; http://palaeo-electronica.org/paleo/2005_1/bever4/issue1_05.htm


Gabe S. Bever, Christopher J. Bell, and Jessica A. Maisano


We review the literature and provide a detailed description of the braincase, ceph-alic osteoderms, and the inner ear cavity of the rare Southeast Asian lizard Shinisauruscrocodilurus. In addition to standard dry skeletal preparations, we used X-ray com-puted tomography scans of an adult and juvenile specimen to provide novel illustra-tions and digital animations of its anatomical systems. We provide the first detaileddescription and illustration of the orbitosphenoids, cephalic osteoderms, and inner earpassages in S. crocodilurus, clarify the presence or absence of previously reportedanatomical features of the braincase, and provide preliminary observations on morpho-logical change of the braincase through ontogeny. Orbitosphenoids are present andossified in S. crocodilurus at a relatively early stage of postnatal development. A fullydeveloped and ossified parasphenoid rostrum is present in our youngest dried speci-men, but appears to be reduced or broken in many adult specimens. The osteodermsof adult S. crocodilurus are robust and widely distributed across the dorsal surface ofthe head, but they do not co-ossify with underlying dermal bones. Osteoderms areabsent in our juvenile specimens. Calcified endolymph is present in both adult andjuvenile specimens, but is more extensive in the juvenile. Our preliminary observationssuggest that ontogenetic change is an important source of variation in S. crocodilurus.

KEY WORDS: Shinisaurus; crocodile lizard; Krokodilschwanz-Höckerechse; osteology; anatomy; braincase; osteoderms, inner ear

Gabe S. Bever. Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712 [email protected] Christopher J. Bell. Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712 [email protected] Jessica A. Maisano. Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712 [email protected]

PE Article Number: 8.1.4Copyright: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology May 2005Submission: 23 July 2004. Acceptance: 13 April 2005

Page 2: THE OSSIFIED BRAINCASE AND CEPHALIC OSTEODERMS OF … · We review the literature and provide a de tailed description of the braincase, ceph-alic osteoderms, and the inner ear cavity




The Chinese crocodile lizard, Shinisauruscrocodilurus Ahl, is an enigmatic anguimorph lizardthat today is known only to inhabit portions ofsoutheastern China and northeastern Vietnam. Inthis paper, we expand on the relatively limited his-tory of anatomical investigations on S. crocodilurusby providing the first detailed description of thebraincase, cephalic osteoderms, and inner ear cav-ities. These descriptions largely are based on digi-tal data derived from X-ray computed tomography,a nondestructive technique well suited for studyingsuch rare and scientifically important specimens.

Shinisaurus crocodilurus is a relatively small-bodied (up to 397 mm body length) anguimorph liz-ard that occupies mountain stream habitats char-acterized by humid climate with annual rainfall upto 2 m (Shen and Li 1982, 1987). In China, S. croc-odilurus was found between 200 and 1,500 m ele-vation (Zhao and Adler 1993; Zhao et al. 1999) inGuangxi Province between 23º25’ to 24º45’ N lati-tude and 110º48’ to 110º00’ E longitude (Zhao etal. 1999). Until recently, the species was thought tobe restricted to this limited area of southeasternChina. A newly discovered population in QuangNinh Province of northeastern Vietnam wasreported by Quyet and Ziegler (2003). Specimensfrom that new population were collected between600 and 800 m elevation in habitats along streambanks, but no natural history data are available.

The species is ovoviviparous (Shen and Li1982, 1987; Zhang and Tang 1985; Mägdefrau1987; Zhao et al. 1999), and breeds in July andAugust in the wild (Zhang and Tang 1985; Zhang1991) but at different times in captivity (Hofmann2000). Individuals are largely diurnal, but generallydo not engage in intensive activity (Zhao et al.1999), spending long hours perched on rocks orbranches above slow-moving streams and ponds(Zhao et al. 1999; Hofmann 2000). Relatively longperiods of absolute immobility are apparently notuncommon in captivity (Sprackland 1989, 1995),and similar behavior in the wild earned the lizardsthe local common name “large sleeping serpent”(Zhao et al. 1999). When disturbed, individualsretreat to water for escape (Fan 1931; Quyet andZiegler 2003); adults were observed to remain sub-merged for 10 to 20 minutes in the wild (Zhao et al.1999; Quyet and Ziegler 2003), and in one case acaptive lizard stayed underwater for six hours(Sprackland 1995).

Foraging activity in the wild is concentrated inearly morning and in the evening. Diet in the wildincludes dragonflies, aquatic beetle larvae, lepi-dopteran larvae, aquatic insects, grasshoppers,

small fish, tadpoles, and grass seeds (Fan 1931;Shen and Li 1982, 1987) and possibly worms, riceborers, cockroaches, and small, metamorphosedanurans (Zhao et al. 1999). Individuals congregatein winter months and hibernate in rock crevices ortree holes from late October through late March(Zeng and Zhang 2002).

The relatively rugged terrain inhabited by S.crocodilurus in China and Vietnam provides somemeasure of protection for populations, but alsorestricts enforcement of conservation laws. Speci-mens of S. crocodilurus were exported for the pettrade in Europe and the United States in greatnumbers in the mid 1980s (Mägdefrau 1987;Sprackland 1989). The species was listed in CITESAppendix II in January 1990 and now receives fullState protection in several areas of China (Zhao etal. 1999). Habitat destruction and human predationreduced known Chinese population sizes to anestimated 3,000 individuals by 1999 (Zhao et al.1999) with some populations reduced to fewer than20 individuals (Zhang and Zeng 2002). Illegal log-ging threatens the newly discovered Vietnamesepopulation (Quyet and Ziegler 2003).

Fortunately, many individuals who obtainedimported specimens established captive breedingprograms and produced several publicationsdetailing various aspects of general biology andbehavior, including: 1) courtship; 2) copulation; 3)gestation period; 4) thermal preferences; 5) ago-nistic behavior; 6) sexual dimorphism; 7) ontoge-netic variation; and 8) variation in coloration (e.g.,Wilke 1985, 1987; Mägdefrau 1987, 1997; Sprack-land 1989, 1993, 1995; Gritis 1990; Thatcher 1990;Kudrjawtsew and Wasiljew 1991; Grychta 1993;Kudryavtsev and Vassilyev 1998; Hofmann 2000).


For more than two decades following its origi-nal description in 1930, virtually nothing wasknown about the anatomy of S. crocodilurus. Gen-eral descriptions of external scale counts and vari-ation in coloration were provided by Fan (1931)and were accompanied by photographs of the ven-tral surface of the body, a lateral view of the ante-rior torso and head, and a lateral view of the tail.The first major anatomical contribution was that ofMcDowell and Bogert (1954). Their discussion cen-tered on osteology (with additional comments onthe tongue) but was based upon dissection of asingle, skeletally immature specimen in the Ameri-can Museum of Natural History (AMNH 44928).That same specimen served as the basis for thefirst description of masticatory muscles (Haas1960; followed by subsequent papers detailing

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additional observations by Haas 1973 and Rieppel1980) and the eye (Underwood 1957, 1970). Sub-sequent papers addressed the vertebral column(Hecht and Costelli 1969), appendicular skeleton(Costelli and Hecht 1971), myology (Rieppel 1980;Huang 1992), brain and both cranial and spinalnerves (Hu 1980), liver and kidney enzymes (Zhaoet al. 1980), digestive and urogenital systems(Zhang 1982), hemipenial morphology (Zhang1986; Böhme 1988; Ziegler and Böhme 1997),optic nerve (Li and Wu 1988), microscopic anat-omy of scales (Harvey 1993), karyotype (Zhang etal. 1996; Zhao et al. 1999), cellular ultrastructure(Zhang et al. 1996), mitochondrial DNA sequence(Macey et al. 1999), and protein electrophoresis(Wei et al. 2000). An overview of the general anat-omy of S. crocodilurus was provided by Zhang andCao (1984a, 1984b) and a more detailed treatmentby Zhang (1991); both of these works are in Chi-nese, but the latter provides a brief English sum-mary.

In this paper, we focus on two anatomical sys-tems of S. crocodilurus that have as yet receivedinadequate attention: the detailed morphology ofthe braincase and the cephalic osteodermal armor.Our discussion of the braincase is augmented bydescription of some aspects of the inner ear struc-ture. When we first conceived this project, ourintention was to provide a complete and detailedreview of the cranial osteology of S. crocodilurus.This became unnecessary upon the recent publica-tion of an excellent study by Jack Conrad (2004).That paper is by far the most complete contributionto the osteology of S. crocodilurus. Additionalimportant works discussed and/or illustrated theskull (McDowell and Bogert 1954; Rieppel 1980;Wu and Huang 1986; Zhang 1991), dentition(McDowell and Bogert 1954; Wu and Huang 1986;Zhang 1991), hyoid (McDowell and Bogert 1954;Wu and Huang 1986; Zhang 1991), vertebral col-umn (Wu and Huang 1986; Zhang 1991), pectoralgirdle (McDowell and Bogert 1954; Costelli andHecht 1971; Wu and Huang 1986; Zhang 1991),pelvic girdle (Costelli and Hecht 1971; Wu andHuang 1986; Zhang 1991), limb skeleton (Costelliand Hecht 1971), and scleral ossicles (Underwood1957, 1970; Zhang 1991).


There is no fossil record for S. crocodilurus,and Asian fossils potentially referable to Shinisau-ridae are few. Hemishinisaurus latifrons is knownfrom a broken frontal and prefrontals and the frag-mentary tip of a maxilla. These specimens weredescribed and illustrated by Li (1991) who placed

them in “Xenosauridae.” The anterior dentition inLi’s (1991, figure 2B) appears to have acrodontimplantation, suggesting a more likely affinity withAcrodonta.

Disarticulated dentaries referred to Oxia kar-akalpakiensis from the Cretaceous of Uzbekistanwere assigned to “Xenosauridae” by Nessov andGao (1993), but in a subsequent detailed analysisGao and Nessov (1998) recognized that definitiveplacement of these elements was problematic.Although Alifanov (2000) retained Oxia in “Shini-sauridae,” its phylogenetic position is best consid-ered uncertain (Gao and Norell 1998). Additionalundescribed specimens from the Early CretaceousHöövör locality in Mongolia were tentativelyreferred to Shinisauridae by Alifanov (2000).

The phylogenetic position of Carusia interme-dia was uncertain for many years. It was initiallyconsidered to be of scincomorphan affinity (Bor-suk-Bialynicka 1985, 1987; Gao and Hou 1996), ahypothesis maintained by Alifanov (2000). A possi-ble relationship with Xenosauridae was acknowl-edged in the original description (Borsuk-Bialynicka 1985) and appears to have beenaccepted a few years later (Borsuk-Bialynicka1991a, 1991b). The recovery of numerous well-preserved specimens of Carusia intermedia wasreported by Gao and Norell (1998), and their phylo-genetic analysis supports a clade (Carusioidea)that minimally includes Carusia (basal), Xenosau-rus, and S. crocodilurus. The North American liz-ards Exostinus and Restes also are likely membersof this clade (reviews of their fossil record andhypotheses of relationship were summarized byGauthier [1982] and Gao and Norell [1998]).

More recently, an exquisitely preserved fossilfrom the Green River Formation in Wyoming (USA)was discovered. Preliminary notice and discussionof the specimen was provided by Conrad (2002)who indicated that its skeleton is remarkably simi-lar to that of S. crocodilurus.


The heads of two alcohol-preserved speci-mens of S. crocodilurus were scanned at The Uni-versity of Texas at Austin High-Resolution X-rayComputed Tomography (CT) Facility (UTCT). Thefirst specimen (Field Museum of Natural History,FMNH 215541; 136.5 mm snout-vent length [SVL])is an adult collected from Jinxin County, GuangxiProvince, China, in June 1978. The original dataset of the adult consists of 465 CT slices takenalong the coronal or transverse axis with both aslice thickness and interslice spacing of 78.4 µm.The field of reconstruction is 30.0 mm with an

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image resolution of 1024 x 1024 pixels, resulting inan interpixel spacing of 29.3 µm. The second spec-imen (Texas Natural History Collection, TexasMemorial Museum, TNHC 62987; 59.1 mm SVL) isa juvenile specimen for which no locality informa-tion in known. The original data set of the juvenileconsists of a total of 516 coronal CT slices, withboth the slice thickness and interslice spacingequaling 29.0 µm. The field of reconstruction is12.5 mm with an image resolution of 512 x 512 pix-els, resulting in an interpixel spacing of 24.4 µm.The difference in resolution between the juvenileand adult datasets is due to technologicalupgrades of the UTCT scanner between April2000, when the juvenile was scanned, and March2004, when the adult was scanned. That differencein resolution, as well as the lesser degree of ossifi-cation, results in poorer quality of the juveniledataset.

The original coronal CT slices for both juvenileand adult were resliced along the horizontal andsagittal planes and then used to create three-dimensional (3-D) digital reconstructions of theskulls. The skulls were then segmented into con-stituent parts (e.g., dermatocranium, splanchnocra-nium, neurocranium) using VG Studio Max©

(Volume Graphics). We performed additional seg-mentation on the braincase of both the juvenile andthe adult so that individual bones could be studiedand figured in isolation. We also rendered a digitalendocast of the cavities of the inner ear of the adultto study its structure.

Certain areas (e.g., portions of the prooticcovering the anterior semicircular canal, portions ofthe parasphenoid rostrum) appear to be absent inthe three-dimensional reconstructions. This isbecause the grayscale (= density) values of theseextremely thin regions are similar enough to thesurrounding soft tissues that they ‘disappear’ whenthe soft tissues are digitally rendered transparent.

The text and figures from this paper are com-plemented by the following 3-D reconstructionsanimated to rotate around the x and y axes: adult(FMNH 215541) and juvenile (TNHC 62987) brain-cases (Appendices 1 and 2), skull and associatedosteoderms of the adult (FMNH 215541) (Appendix3), and the digital endocast of the left inner ear cav-ities of the adult (FMNH 215541) (Appendix 4).Slice-by-slice animations along the coronal axisalso are provided for both the adult (FMNH215541) and juvenile specimens (TNHC 62987)(Appendices 5 and 6).

Additional digital animations of skulls and skullelements for both the adult and juvenile specimenswere scanned and posted at http://www.digi-morph.org/specimens/Shinisaurus_crocodilurus/

adult and http://www.digimorph.org/specimens/Shinisaurus_crocodilurus/juvenile. These imagesinclude 3D reconstructions (animated to rotatearound the three orthogonal axes) of the entireskull, articulated braincase, isolated orbitosphe-noids, isolated sphenoid, isolated basioccipital, iso-lated supraoccipital, isolated prootic, isolatedotooccipital, and isolated stapes. Additional imag-ery for the juvenile includes slice-by-slice anima-tions along the three orthogonal axes, 3-D cutawayanimations along the three orthogonal axes, andan inspeCTor Java viewer applet. Additional ani-mations for the adult specimen include 3-D digitalendocast of the left inner ear cavities rotatingaround the three orthogonal axes, and 3-D recon-structions of the skull with osteoderms digitallyremoved rotating around the three orthogonalaxes.

In addition to the CT data sets, we referred totwo dry skeletal preparations of S. crocodilurus. Aspecimen from the University of California Museumof Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ 204291) includes anarticulated skull of an adult of unspecified SVL. Ajuvenile specimen from the Quaternary Sciencescollection at Northern Arizona University (NAUQSP17563) has a disarticulated skull and SVL of 59mm.

Unless otherwise specified, terminology fol-lows that used by S.E. Evans in a forthcomingpaper to be published in Volume 20 of Biology ofthe Reptilia. Two exceptions are: 1) we do not usedirectional terms in the naming of processes and 2)we adopt a standard usage for the terms ‘foramen’and ‘fenestra’. We use ‘foramen’ for a penetrationwithin a bone and ‘fenestra’ for openings betweenbones; a notable exception to this is our retainedusage of the commonly accepted ‘foramen mag-num.’



General Features of the Braincase (Figure 1).The description of the individual braincase ele-ments provided here is based primarily on the adultspecimens. Some observations on the juvenilesare also referenced in the description, but a sum-mary of our observations on ontogenetic differ-ences in braincase features is provided in thediscussion. The ossified braincase of S. crocodilu-rus, like most lizards, consists of an orbitotemporalregion represented by the paired orbitosphenoidsand an otooccipital region consisting of a midlineanteroventral sphenoid (a composite element thatincludes the chondrocranial basisphenoid and der-matocranial parasphenoid), a midline posteroven-

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tral basioccipital, a midline dorsal supraoccipital,paired anterior prootics, and paired posteriorotooccipitals (opisthotic and exoccipital). Theotooccipital elements fuse into a single unit in theadult (Zhang 1991). The fusion of the opisthoticand exoccipital occurs prenatally in most squa-mates (Estes et al. 1988; Maisano 2001) but arepartially separated in some juvenile S. crocodilu-rus. The length of the braincase relative to the totallength of the skull is similar in both the juvenile andadult specimens we scanned (Table 1).

The braincase as a unit articulates with thepterygoids via the basipterygoid processes of thesphenoid, the epipterygoids via the alar processesof the prootics, the parietals via the ascending pro-cess of the tectum synoticum (see Supraoccipital),the squamosals via the paraoccipital processes(see Otooccipital), and the vertebral column via theoccipital condyle and the flexor and extensor mus-culature of the neck (Oelrich 1956). Orbitosphenoid (Figure 2). Because of their rela-tively small size and lack of contact with other ossi-fied elements, the orbitosphenoids are often lost oroverlooked in standard skeletal preparations. Theorbitosphenoids of S. crocodilurus were not studiedor described by McDowell and Bogert (1954), Wuand Huang (1986), Zhang (1991), or Conrad(2004). The presence of orbitosphenoids in Xenos-aurus is subject to variation, with bilateral asymme-try reported in some specimens (Evans, personalcommun., 2004). CT data sets reveal their pres-ence in S. crocodilurus and document that they arewell developed even in the juvenile.

The paired orbitosphenoids, which ossify fromthe embryonic pila metoptica and form the orbito-temporal portion of the osseous braincase (Bellairsand Kamal 1981), lie anterior and medial to theepipterygoids in a position that approximates theposterior margin of the orbits. The orbitosphenoidsconsist of a pair of mediolaterally flattened, rod-likebones that are oriented anterodorsally-posteroven-

Figure 1. Digital renderings of the articulated braincaseof adult (FMNH 215541) and juvenile (TNHC 62987)Shinisaurus crocodilurus. The adult specimen isdepicted on the left (A, C, E, G, I), the juvenile on theright (B, D, F, H, J). A-B: dorsal view; C-D: ventral view;E-F: left lateral view; G-H: anterior view; I-J: posteriorview. Green = sphenoid; dark blue = basioccipital; red =supraoccipital; purple = prootic; orange = otooccipital;pale blue = calcified endolymph; white = statolithicmass. Anterior is to the left in A-F; dorsal is to the top inG-J. Scale bar = 5 mm.

Table 1. Braincase length and condylobasal skull lengthof two specimens of Shinisaurus crocodilurus. Braincaselength was measured from the posterior margin of theoccipital condyle to the anterior margin of the basisphe-noid at midline (i.e., between the trabeculae cranii). Noparasphenoid ossification was included in this measure-ment. BCL, length of braincase; CBL, condylobasallength.



BCL/CBL as a percentage

FMNH 215511 (adult)

4.33 9.18 29

TNHC 629987 (juvenile)

15.43 31.25 28

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Figure 2. Digital reconstruction of the orbitosphenoid and surrounding calcified cartilages of S. crocodilurus. The adultspecimen (FMNH 215541) is depicted on the left (A, C, E, G, I), the juvenile (TNHC 62987) on the right (B, D, F, H, J).A-B: dorsal view; C-D: ventral view; E-F: left lateral view; G-H: anterior view; I-J: posterior view. Anterior is to the left inA-F; dorsal is to the top in G-J. Scale bar = 5 mm.

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trally, but whose dorsal ends lie distinctly anteriorand lateral to their ventral ends. A convex postero-dorsal margin, a concave anteroventral margin,and an anteroposteriorly expanded dorsal ‘head’give these bones a costiform appearance whenviewed as isolated elements (Figure 2A, C). Theyare approximately symmetrical in size and shape.Several of the calcified cartilages that support the

membranous braincase are visible in the CT dataset of the adult specimen (FMNH 215541).Sphenoid (Figure 3). The sphenoid is an irregu-larly shaped compound bone that is composed ofthe chondrocranial basisphenoid underlain andtightly fused to the dermatocranial parasphenoid.The sphenoid forms strong sutural contacts withthe prootic anterodorsally and the basioccipitalposteriorly. The suture with the basioccipital is

Figure 3. Digital reconstruction of the sphenoid of S. crocodilurus. The adult specimen (FMNH 215541) is depicted onthe left (A, C, E, G, I), the juvenile (TNHC 62987) on the right (B, D, F, H, J). A-B: dorsal view; C-D: ventral view; E-F:left lateral view; G-H: anterior view; I-J: posterior view. Anterior is to the left in A-F; dorsal is to the top in G-J. Scale bar= 5 mm.

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transversely oriented medially and extends poster-olaterally along a pair of elongated basioccipitalprocesses (‘triangular arms’ of McDowell andBogert 1954) of the sphenoid that run along the lat-eral margin of the basioccipital and contribute tothe anterior margins of the basal tubera (‘musculartuberosity’ of McDowell and Bogert 1954; ‘spheno-occipital tubercles’ of Oelrich 1956). This contribu-

tion to the basal tubera was considered a synapo-morphy of Xenosaurus + S. crocodilurus byRieppel (1980). These processes account fornearly one-half of the total length of the sphenoidand reach a point that is nearly level with the poste-rior margin of the fenestra ovalis (McDowell andBogert 1954). The distal ends of the basioccipitalprocesses of NAUQSP 17563 and TNHC 629987have secondary, fingerlike processes (Figure 4)that are absent in FMNH 215541 and asymmetri-cally reduced (right) or lost (left) in MVZ 204291.

A distinct unossified area at the sphenoid-basioccipital suture (basicranial fontanelle) wasnoted by McDowell and Bogert (1954) on AMNH44928 (Rieppel 1980, figure 20). It is absent inFMNH 215541 and MVZ 204291, where the regionis fully ossified and only a shallow dimple ispresent on the ventral side of the suture. A largeand distinct basicranial fontanelle is present alongthe sphenoid-basioccipital suture in TNHC 62987(Figure 5). When the disarticulated sphenoid andbasioccipital of NAUQSP 17563 are articulated, thefontanelle also clearly is present; the disarticulatedelements clearly preserve the margins (Figure 4).Based on figure 20 of Rieppel (1980) and its asso-

Figure 3 (continued).

Figure 4. Dorsal view of the sphenoid of S. crocodilurus(NAU QSP 17563). Anterior is to the left. Scale bar = 1mm.

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ciated scale bar, the condylobasal length of AMNH44928 is between 22 and 23 mm, which is consid-erably shorter than the same measurement inFMNH 2155541 (31.25 mm) and MVZ 204291(32.7 mm). The fact that most authors who com-mented on the skull morphology of S. crocodiluruswere utilizing skeletally immature specimens wasnoted by Conrad (2004). It is possible that absenceof the fontanelle can be used to mark skeletallymature specimens; if so, skeletal maturity isreached between 23 mm and 32 mm.

Anteroventrally the sphenoid participates inthe synovial palatobasal articulation with the ptery-goids via the well-developed basipterygoid pro-cesses (McDowell and Bogert 1954). Pads ofcalcified cartilage cover the distal surface of thebasipterygoid processes in the adult (Figure 6).

A distinct and well-ossified parasphenoid ros-trum is present in NAUQSP 17563 (Figure 4). Adistinct process also is discernible in the digitaldata set of FMNH 215541, but the bone was thinenough that the CT renderings show gaps in part ofthe rostrum (Figure 7). A well-developed rostrumwas also depicted by Zhang (1991, figures 5, 6).No distinct parasphenoid rostrum is preserved onMVZ 204291; instead a short, forked rostrum ispresent, with each arm of the fork situated beneaththe medial side of the trabeculae (Figure 8). Ashort, unforked rostrum that extends beyond theanterior margin of the basipterygoid processes wasillustrated by Conrad (2004, figure 14B). The rangeof variation in expression of the parasphenoid ros-trum in S. crocodilurus is unknown.

Paired vidian canals extend through the sphe-noid, their margins formed by the basisphenoid(above) and parasphenoid (below; Bellairs and

Figure 5. Digital reconstruction of the articulated sphe-noid and basioccipital of juvenile S. crocodilurus (TNHC62987) in ventral view. Anterior is to the left. Scale bar =2 mm.

Figure 6. Coronal cutaway slice of adult S. crocodilurus(FMNH 215541) illustrating calcified cartilaginous padson the distal ends of the basipterygoid processes of thesphenoid and the basal tubers of the basioccipital.Scale bar = 5 mm.

Figure 7. Dorsal view of the anterior portion of thesphenoid of adult S. crocodilurus (FMNH 215541) illus-trating ossification of the parasphenoid rostrum. Theseparation of the ossifications is an artifact of the digitalrendering process (see text for explanation). Anterior isto the left. Scale bar = 1 mm.

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Kamal 1981). The anterior openings of thesecanals are positioned ventrolaterally and just pos-terior to the bases of the trabeculae cranii, andtransmit the palatine artery and palatine branch ofthe facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). From its ante-rior opening, the vidian canal extends posterodor-sally along a straight path that parallels and lieslateral to the trabecula. At a position just posteriorto the trabecula, the vidian canal splits sending ashort canal medially. This split is the osseous sig-nature of the bifurcation of the internal carotidartery from which an anterior branch (palatineartery) and medial branch (cerebral carotid artery)are derived. The position of this split is closeenough to the pituitary fossa that the ‘canal’ com-municating the cerebral carotid artery to the floor ofthe fossa is extremely short. Behind this bifurca-tion, the vidian canal continues posterodorsally andslightly laterally before opening onto the lateral wallof the braincase.

The posterior opening of the vidian canal liesfully within the sphenoid, and is positioned a shortdistance below and behind the suture of the alarprocess of the sphenoid with the anterior inferiorprocess of the prootic. Our observations are con-sistent with those of Conrad (2004) for the position

of the posterior opening in the sphenoid, but thedorsal border of the posterior opening of the vidiancanal was described as being formed by theprootic by McDowell and Bogert (1954). The factthat this was likely in error was noted by Under-wood (1957), but S. crocodilurus was scored ashaving the posterior opening of the vidian canal onthe sphenoid-prootic suture by Estes et al. (1988,p. 223; see comment associated with synapomor-phy 1 under Anguidae). That scoring may be basedon the description provided by McDowell andBogert (1954); alternatively, the position of thisopening is polymorphic for S. crocodilurus. Theseconflicting observations also may be due to thecomplex configuration of the articulated skull in thisregion. The posterior opening of the vidian canal isimmediately dorsal to the posterior basioccipitalprocess of the sphenoid. This process obscuresthe sutural contacts of the basioccipital, prootic,and sphenoid, and in the articulated skull the dor-sal border of the posterior vidian canal may appearsuperficially to be formed by the prootic (Conrad2004). The posterior opening of the vidian canalwas reported to be subject to individual variationacross ontogenetic stages in some lacertid lizardsby Barahona and Barbadillo (1998).

The recessus vena jugularis (Oelrich 1956)extends as a prominent groove from the posterioropening of the vidian canal posterodorsally andmarks the path of the internal carotid artery, the lat-eral head vein, and the vidian branch of the facialnerve (Oelrich 1956). This groove extends only ashort distance in the sphenoid with most of itslength occurring in the prootic beneath the cristaprootica (see Prootic).

The sella turcica, which houses the hypophy-sis of the pituitary body, is deep but obscured indorsal view by the well-developed and widely over-hanging dorsum sella. This overhang is especiallyprominent laterally where distinct clinoid processesare drawn anteriorly. At their greatest dorsal extent,the clinoid processes of the sphenoid fail to contrib-ute to the incisura prootica, the osseous margin ofwhich is formed completely by the prootic. A largecanal housing the abducens nerve (VI) penetrateseach side of the dorsum sella along a straight, pos-terodorsal path. These canals are positioned later-ally with their anterior openings emerging beneaththe clinoid processes into rather deep lateral pock-ets. These lateral pockets are more deeply invagi-nated than those in most other lizards (e.g.,Chamaeleo, Stellio, Acanthasaura, Sauromalus,Iguana, Sceloporus, Eublepharis, Mabuya, Platy-saurus, Gerrhosaurus, Tupinambis, Proctoporus,Elgaria, Anguis, Ophisaurus, Varanus, and Helo-derma), but are approximately equivalent to those

Figure 8. Ventral view of the sphenoid and surroundingregion of adult S. crocodilurus (MVZ 204291) illustratingforked parasphenoid process. Anterior is to the left.Scale bar = 2 mm.

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in an adult Xenosaurus grandis (MVZ 128947).Some specimens of Cordylus also approach thiscondition. Each pocket is separated from the pitu-itary fossa by the crista trabecularis, a posteriorextension of the trabecula cranii.

In the floor of the pituitary fossa, directly pos-terior and medial to the trabeculae of the basisphe-noid, is a pair of foramina that transmit the dorsalbranch of the internal carotid artery (cerebralcarotid artery). These foramina are smaller thanthe anterior openings of the vidian canal andclosely approximate the sagittal midline of the sellaturcica. The position of carotid foramina within thesella turcica is variable in other anguimorphs (e.g.,Varanus; Rieppel and Zaher 2000).

The sella turcica narrows anteriorly where thesphenoid forms a short rostrum. The basisphenoidcontribution to this rostrum (ossified trabeculaecommunis- tropibasic skull) is easily discerniblefrom the underlying parasphenoid, which extendsfurther anteriorly.Basioccipital (Figure 9). The basioccipital ossifieswithin the posterior portion of the embryonic basalplate and forms the posterior floor of the ossifiedbraincase. The basioccipital contacts the otooccipi-tals dorsally, the sphenoid anteriorly and anterolat-erally, and the prootics anterodorsally. In juvenilespecimens, the posterior margin of the large basic-ranial fontanelle is formed by the basioccipital (Fig-ure 5). Two prominent basal tubera extend from theposterolateral margin. These tubercles receive theinsertion of the longus capitis muscles (Rieppeland Zaher 2000). The CT data set of the adultclearly reveals the presence of calcified cartilageson the distal surfaces of the basal tubera (Figure6), but these are not visible in the juvenile.

The basioccipital does not contribute to thefloor or the medial aperture of the recessus scalatympani. It forms the ventral margin of the foramenmagnum and the middle portion of the occipitalcondyle. The occipital condyle is concave dorsallyin posterior view (Conrad 2004). The dorsal sur-face of the basioccipital houses a shallow depres-sion just anterior to the basal tubercle. Thatdepression is confluent with a triangular spaceformed between the crista interfenestralis and thecrista tuberalis in the otooccipital that terminates atthe lateral aperture of the recessus scala tympani(see Otooccipital). Near the junction of the basioc-cipital, otooccipital, and prootic the dorsal surfaceof the basioccipital shows another shallow depres-sion that marks the bottom of the lagenar recess,the ventral terminus of the cavum cochleare(Wever 1978).

Supraoccipital (Figure 10). The supraoccipitalforms the roof of the ossified braincase and thedorsal margin of the foramen magnum. It contactsthe otooccipital posteroventrally and the prooticanteroventrally. The ossified base of the ascendingprocess of the tectum synoticum is present andcontacts the parietal (McDowell and Bogert 1954).The ascending process is heavily calcified in theadult but lacks a solid contact with the main body ofthe supraoccipital (Figure 10A). A weakly devel-oped sagittal crest extends along the dorsal mid-line (McDowell and Bogert 1954), declining inprominence posteriorly. The supraoccipital formsthe top of the otic chamber, housing the canals forthe anterior and posterior semicircular ducts aswell as the osseous common crus where the twocanals join within the otic capsule (see Inner Ear).

The opening for the endolymphatic duct as itpasses from the otic chamber is exposed in medialview and lies completely within the supraoccipital.At its posterior edge, the margin of the foramen isnot sharply defined, but rather is formed by theangled slope of the posterior portion of the tym-panic bulla. The foramen appears to be partiallydivided in FMNH 215541 (Figure 11). The overallappearance is of a canal oriented anteroventrallyto posterodorsally. Calcified endolymph is presentin both scanned specimens and appears in the CTdata sets as bright white masses lying along theventral margin of the supraoccipital. In our coloredrenderings of the braincase the endolymphappears in pale blue (Figure 1G, H). In the adult(FMNH 215541) the endolymph appears asapproximately symmetrical, small masses on eitherside of the bone. In the juvenile (TNHC 62987) theendolymph forms an extensive and somewhatasymmetrical mass that extends anteriorly approxi-mately one-fifth of the way along the total length ofthe parietal.Prootic (Figure 12). The prootic is a triradiate bonethat ossifies in the anterior half of the otic capsuleand contributes the anterior half of the osseous oticchamber. The prootic contacts the epipterygoidanterodorsally, the sphenoid anteroventrally, thebasioccipital posteroventrally, the otooccipital pos-teriorly, and the supraoccipital dorsally. It does notcontact the parietal or the quadrate in any of thespecimens available to us, but was noted to do soby Conrad (2004) and Zhang (1991). In bothcases, the prootic closely approaches these bones,but the CT data reveal no contact. A pair of elon-gate, anteriorly directed, mediolaterally com-pressed dorsal alar processes (‘dorsal anteriorwing’ of McDowell and Bogert 1954) form the ante-riormost extent of the osseous neurocranium. Elon-gate, anterodorsally directed alar processes of the

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prootic were considered a synapomorphy ofScleroglossa by Estes et al. (1988). The alar pro-cess of the prootic contacts the dorsal tip of theepipterygoid and forms the dorsal margin of aprominent incisura prootica (‘trigeminal notch’ ofMcDowell and Bogert 1954) with contribution fromthe anterior ampullar recess (McDowell and Bogert1954). The anterior ampullar recess extends farenough ventrally so that it appears to partiallydivide the incisura prootica in lateral view in some

specimens. The anterior inferior process of theprootic forms the ventral margin of the incisuraprootica and contacts the dorsal margin of thesphenoid, but the sphenoid does not participate information of the incisura prootica.

The path of the anterior semicircular canal isvisible as a prominent ridge on the lateral surfaceof the prootic in front of the crista prootica and justbehind the alar process. The bone is extremely thinalong the path of this canal, and in the 3-D digital

Figure 9. Digital reconstruction of the basioccipital of S. crocodilurus. The adult specimen (FMNH 215541) is depictedon the left (A, C, E, G, I), the juvenile (TNHC 62987) on the right (B, D, F, H, J). A-B: dorsal view; C-D: ventral view; E-F: left lateral view; G-H: anterior view; I-J: posterior view. Anterior is to the left in A-F; dorsal is to the top in G-J. Scalebar = 5 mm.

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renderings of the juvenile CT dataset the thinnestareas appear as holes in the bone; this is an arti-fact of the digital rendering process (see Methods).

The crista prootica is present as a prominentcrest on the lateral surface of the prootic thatextends posterodorsally from a point above the cli-noid processes of the sphenoid to a point abovethe fenestra ovalis. This lamina of membrane bone(sensu Rieppel 1993) is not as well developed in S.crocodilurus (or Xenosaurus) as it is in Varanus(McDowell and Bogert 1954; Gauthier 1982), inwhich it partially obscures the fenestra ovalis whenviewed laterally (Rieppel and Zaher 2000). In bothXenosaurus grandis and S. crocodilurus, the crestis most extensive (somewhat more so in Xenosau-rus) at its posterodorsal end and is reduced inextent anteroventrally. A slight raised area alongthe clinoid process of the sphenoid near the suturewith the prootic is continuous with the crista proot-ica is some specimens. The recessus vena jugu-laris is formed ventral to this crest and extendsfrom the posterior opening of the vidian canal (inthe sphenoid) to the anterior margin of the fenestraovalis. It delineates the medial wall of the portion ofthe cranioquadrate space that transmits the lateral

head vein and the branches of the facial nerve. Asa result of reduction in the crista prootica, thisgroove is not as well developed below the lateralfacial foramen as it is above it.

The medial surface of the prootic contains theacoustic recess, a deep invagination that is pene-trated by a single opening for the facial nerve (VII)and a pair of foramina for the acoustic (VIII) nerve.The facial foramen is ventrally located and muchsmaller than either the anterior or posterior acous-tic foramina. The relative size of the auditoryforamina exhibits considerable variation within andbetween anguimorph lizard species (Oelrich 1956;Norell and Gao 1997; Rieppel and Zaher 2000).The canal housing the facial nerve extends ventro-laterally through the prootic and exits into the cran-ioquadrate space via a single foramen. This lateralopening is positioned within the recessus vena jug-ularis anteroventral to the fenestra ovalis, slightlyless than halfway between the fenestra ovalis andthe prootic-sphenoid suture.

The lateral opening for the facial nerve wasreported to be bifurcated in some anguimorphansquamates (some Varanus, some mosasaurs;Rieppel and Zaher 2000) by a strut of bone that

Figure 9 (continued).

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extends across the groove, thus delineating sepa-rate paths for the anterior palatine and posteriorhyomandibular branches of the facial nerve.Although none of our specimens show such a bifur-

cation, its presence in some S. crocodilurus wasreported by Conrad (2004) who noted the potentialimportance of documenting variation in this feature.In MVZ 204291 a small extension of the crista

Figure 10. Digital reconstruction of the supraoccipital of S. crocodilurus. The adult specimen (FMNH 215541) isdepicted on the left (A, C, E, G, I), the juvenile (TNHC 62987) on the right (B, D, F, H, J). A-B: dorsal view; C-D: ventralview; E-F: left lateral view; G-H: anterior view; I-J: posterior view. Anterior is to the left in A-F; dorsal is to the top in G-J. Scale bar = 5 mm.

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prootica extends ventrally towards a bonyupgrowth on the lateral wall of the prootic just ante-rior to the fenestra ovalis (Figure 13). This helpsexplain the presence of a bifurcation in some spec-imens, but regarding the resultant morphology as abifurcation of the foramen is somewhat misleading.We examined two specimens of Varanus exanthe-maticus (California Academy of Sciences [CAS]228520 and CAS 228521) and in both the facialnerve exits the braincase via a normal, single fora-men. The appearance of a ‘bifurcation’ in the adultis a result only of the meeting of a ventral down-growth of the crista prootica with a dorsally directedflange of bone from the lateral wall of the prootic,clearly visible in the younger specimen (CAS228521). The eventual fusion of the two flanges ofbone creates a canal, positioned lateral to thefacial foramen proper. It is through this canal thatthe two branches of the facial nerve pass. This is

Figure 10 (continued).

Figure 11. Oblique left lateral view of a digital recon-struction of the supraoccipital of an adult S. crocodilu-rus (FMNH 215541), showing partial division of theendolymphatic foramen. Scale bar = 1 mm.

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similar to the development of an alisphenoid canal(or alar canal) in some carnivoran mammals inwhich a strut of bone obscures the foramen rotun-dum in lateral view (e.g., Canis; Evans 1993).

The acoustic foramina are situated within theacoustic recess and are positioned dorsal to thefacial foramen. The anterior acoustic foramen issingle, not paired as described in Ctenosaura pec-

tinata (Oelrich 1956). It lies above and slightlyanterior to the facial foramen, whereas the poste-rior acoustic foramen lies distinctly behind and dor-sal to both the facial and anterior acoustic foramen.The anterior acoustic foramen is slightly smallerthan the posterior acoustic foramen, but both aredistinctly larger than the facial foramen. The poste-rior foramen opens directly into the vestibule of the

Figure 12. Digital reconstruction of the left prootic of S. crocodilurus. The adult specimen (FMNH 215541) is depictedon the left (A, C, E, G, I, K), the juvenile (TNHC 62987) on the right (B, D, F, H, J, L). A-B: dorsal view; C-D: ventralview; E-F: medial view; G-H: lateral view; I-J: anterior view; K-L: posterior view. Anterior is to the left in A-D and G-H;anterior is to right in E-F; dorsal is to the top in I-L. Scale bar = 5 mm.

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cavum capsularis of the inner ear. The anteriorforamen pierces the ventromedial wall of the ante-rior ampullar recess and transmits vestibularbranches of the vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII) tothe semicircular canals.

The fenestra ovalis (‘foramen ovale’ of Oelrich1956; ‘fenestra vestibuli’ of Jollie 1960) is a subel-liptical opening whose anterior margin is formed bythe prootic and posterior margin by the otooccipital.It is distinctly asymmetrical in S. crocodilurus, withmore than half of its diameter enclosed by the

Figure 12 (continued).

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otooccipital. The fenestra ovalis is positionedabove and anterior to the small lateral aperture ofthe recessus scala tympani. The fenestra also isanterior to the tip of the basal tubercle, which is indirect line ventral to the recessus scala tympani (inthe plesiomorphic condition for Squamata thefenestra ovalis is in direct line dorsal to the tip ofthe basal tubercle [Norell and Gao 1997]; the rela-tive shift in position of the fenestra ovalis in S. croc-odilurus is shared with mosasaurs, but Varanusexhibits the plesiomorphic condition).

Ventral to the fenestra ovalis, the prootic andotooccipital are in contact again, forming, respec-tively, the anterior and posterior margins of thecavum cochleare. This cavity takes the form of aninverted pyramid, with the apex oriented ventrally.The ventral extremity (lagenar recess) houses thelagena of the ear (Wever 1978).

The protractor pterygoidei, pseudotemporalisprofundus, pseudotemporalis superior, and the 3c-layer of the adductor mandibulae externus all taketheir origin (at least in part) from the lateral surfaceof the prootic (Haas 1960; Rieppel 1980). The ori-gin of the protractor pterygoidei lies largely alongthe lower margin of the incisura prootica andincludes the inferior process of the prootic and thealar process of the sphenoid (some fibers continuealong a tendon to take their origin on the postero-dorsal edge of the basipterygoid process; Rieppel1980). The pseudotemporalis profundus originateslargely from the epipterygoid with a posterior con-tinuation of fibers onto the ventral edge of the alarprocess of the prootic (Haas 1960; Rieppel 1980).The m. pseudotemporalis superficialis (generally

given as m. pseudotemporalis superior by Haas[1960], but see p. 29 of his paper) also originatesfrom the alar process of the prootic, although froma more dorsal position just behind the contact sur-face for the epipterygoid, as well as from the liga-mentous attachment of the alar process of theprootic to the descending process of the parietal(Rieppel 1980). The positioning in S. crocodilurusof the points of origin for the m. pseudotemporalissuperficialis was considered to be derived by Riep-pel (1980). The 3c-layer of the m. adductor man-dibulae externus takes its origin on the alarprocess and crista prootica (Rieppel 1980). Otooccipital (Figure 14). The otooccipital isformed from a fusion between the opisthotic andexoccipital. This fusion generally occurs duringprenatal ontogeny and is considered a synapomor-phy of Squamata (Estes et al. 1988; Maisano2001). The original separation of the two elementsis marked by the position of the vagus foramen(Figure 15; Conrad [2004:421] erroneously statedthat the vagus foramen lies at the suture of thesupraoccipital and the otooccipital, but his figure15C accurately depicts and labels the vagus fora-men). The bones are already fused in one juvenilespecimen (TNHC 629987), but in NAUQSP 17563the separation of the two elements is distinct ven-trally (as it is in some hatchling lacertids and xan-tusiids; Rieppel 1992; Maisano 2001, 2002; Figure15). The otooccipital is sutured to the prootic ante-riorly, the supraoccipital dorsally, and the basioc-cipital ventromedially. Posterolaterally it contacts(via connective tissues) the quadrate, supraoccipi-tal, and the postparietal process of the parietal. Itdoes not contact the squamosal. The otooccipitalscontribute the lateral and dorsolateral portions ofthe occipital condyle, form the lateral margins ofthe foramen magnum, and contribute substantiallyto the posterior braincase via strongly developedlateral extensions, the paraoccipital processes.The otooccipital forms more than half of the diame-ter of the fenestra ovalis.

Anteriorly the otooccipital contacts the prooticabove and below the fenestra ovalis. The dorsalarticulation facet between the two bones is piercedby the opening of the horizontal semicircular canal.The ventral articulation between the two bones isless expansive and forms the margin of the lagenarrecess. On the lateral surface of the otooccipitaljust posterior and posteroventral to the fenestraovalis is a broad, low ridge of bone, the crista inter-fenestralis (Säve-Söderbergh 1947). Its expressionis reduced anteroventrally and does not extend asfar as the prootic-otooccipital suture. Posterodor-sally it merges with a sharply defined crest, thecrista tuberalis (Säve-Söderbergh 1947) that runs

Figure 13. Lateral view of the braincase of an adult S.crocodilurus (MVX 204291). Note the close approxima-tion of bone flanges forming a tunnel-like structure inthe vicinity of the facial foramen. Anterior is to the left.Scale bar = 1 mm.

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approximately dorsoventrally from the ventral sur-face of the paroccipital process to the dorsal mar-gin of the basal tubercle. These two crests delimit aroughly triangular space near the dorsal apex ofwhich is situated the small lateral aperture of the

recessus scala tympani (LARST; ‘foramen rotun-dum’ of Conrad 2004). Immediately posterior to thecrista tuberalis the otooccipital is pierced by threeforamina. The most dorsal of these is a crescent-shaped vagus foramen transmitting cranial nerve X

Figure 14. Digital reconstruction of the left otooccipital of S. crocodilurus. The adult specimen (FMNH 215541) isdepicted on the left (A, C, E, G, I, K), the juvenile (TNHC 62987) on the right (B, D, F, H, J, L). A-B: dorsal view; C-D:ventral view; E-F: medial view; G-H: lateral view; I-J: anterior view; K-L: posterior view. Anterior is to the left in A-Dand G-H; anterior is to right in E-F; dorsal is to the top in I-L. Scale bar = 5 mm.

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Figure 14 (continued).

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(according to Hu [1980] the accessory nerve [XI]merges with the vagus as soon as it leaves thebrain). Ventral to this are two small hypoglossalforamina transmitting branches of cranial nerve XII.A third hypoglossal foramen is present posterior tothese at approximately a level just ventral to thebase of the vagus foramen.

The LARST is reduced in size relative to thatof most other lizards. The medial extension of thisspace is similar to the normal condition for lizards,and a well-developed and fairly large medial aper-ture (MARST) is present. The recessus scala tym-pani appears to be contained entirely within theotooccipital in the CT data sets, although the basio-ccipital closely approaches the ventral margin. TheMARST can be seen in an oblique posterolateralview looking through the foramen magnum. Justlateral to that opening, the perilymphatic foramenopens into the recessus from the vestibule. In theview through the foramen magnum (Figure 16), thetwo openings are essentially indistinguishable, asituation also found in other lizards (e.g., see cap-tion to figure 11 in Bell et al. 2003:295). The peri-lymphatic foramen is positioned just ventral to ananteriorly projecting ledge of bone at the base ofthe vestibule that marks the recess for the ampullaof the posterior semicircular canal. Just dorsal tothe vestibule, the articulation facet for the supraoc-cipital contains a penetration marking the passageof the posterior semicircular canal.

In the CT data sets each vestibule is partlyfilled with a dense statolithic mass (Wever 1978)that appear as a bright white mass in the digital

Figure 15. Posteroventral view of right otooccipital ofjuvenile S. crocodilurus (NAU QSP 17563). Completefusion of the exoccipital and opisthotic has not yetoccurred. Scale bar = 1 mm.

Figure 16. Posterolateral view of the right interior of thecranial cavity of adult S. crocodilurus (MVZ 204291).The view is through the foramen magnum toward theperilymphatic foramen and the medial aperture of therecessus scala tympani (RST). The long black hairpasses through the lateral aperture of the RST (near thecenter of the right side of the image) and enters the cra-nial cavity via the medial aperture of the RST (near thecenter of the image). The width across the occipitalcondyle in this specimen is 3.9 mm.

Figure 17. Coronal cutaway slice of adult S. crocodilu-rus (FMNH 215541) illustrating asymmetrical develop-ment of statolithic masses in the vestibule, and a cross-sectional view of an osteoderm clasping the canthalcrest. Scale bar = 5 mm.

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data sets. In the adult the statolithic mass is largeron the right side than on the left (Figure 17).

The paroccipital process forms the posteriorportion of the lateral braincase and the ventral mar-gin of the post-temporal fenestra. In the adult thelateral edge of the paroccipital process bears adorsally oriented process with a slight medialinflection at its dorsal tip. This process contacts thesupratemporal bone and the postparietal processof the parietal. At its lateral most edge, the paroc-cipital process contacts the cephalic condyle of thequadrate.

Cephalic Osteoderms

The presence of osteoderms in S. crocodilu-rus was noted previously by several authors (e.g.,Borsuk-Bialynicka 1986; Wu and Huang 1986;Zhao et al. 1999; Hofmann 2000), but detailed dis-cussion of their distribution and general morphol-ogy is lacking. The cephalic osteoderms in S.crocodilurus (Figure 18) do not contact each otherand are not compound. They are not fused to theskull, and even in relatively large individuals theywill pull free with the skin (the preserved skin ofMVZ 204291 provides a clear view of the ventralsurface of the cephalic osteoderms; Figure 19).They are concentrated along the dorsolateral mar-gin of the head, with more limited distribution in thetemporal region and neck and along the lower jaw.Osteoderms are mostly absent from the dorsome-

dial and ventral aspects of the head. They are gen-erally flat, plate-like structures with irregularmargins and vary greatly in size, the largest beingthose that roof the orbit.

The osteoderms in the snout region exhibit aregular arrangement. Two small, subcircular osteo-derms overly the nasal process of the premaxilla atthe midline and an array of larger osteodermsextend along each nasal/prefrontal and nasal/fron-tal contact onto the anterior end of the frontal;together these approximate a posteriorly pointingarrow. Two smaller osteoderms occur lateral andposterolateral to the tip of this arrow along eachprefrontal/frontal contact.

Two linear series of osteoderms roof eachorbit. The first runs just lateral to, and parallels themargin of, the frontal. It consists of eight small,subcircular osteoderms, the most anterior of whichis the largest and overlies the palpebral, and themost posterior of which is the smallest and lies justanterior to the postorbitofrontal. The second seriesof osteoderms roofing the orbit parallels the firstand consists of five osteoderms. The first and lastare small and subcircular, whereas the middlethree are plate-like and are the largest cephalicosteoderms.

Beginning where the postorbitofrontal claspsthe frontoparietal suture, a field of mostly plate-like,moderately large osteoderms, extends posteriorlyover the supratemporal fenestra and canthal crest,then medially to meet its opposite dorsal to theposterior margin of the parietal. This field can bebroken down into three approximately linear seriesof osteoderms. The first series, consisting ofroughly 12 osteoderms, lies along the lateral mar-gin of the frontoparietal suture and parietal table. It

Figure 18. Digital reconstruction of the skull and associ-ated osterderms of an adult S. crocodilurus (FMNH215541). Osteoderms are rendered in red. Top: dorsalview; bottom: left lateral view. Scale bar = 5 mm.

Figure 19. Ventral view of the cephalic skin of an adultS. crocodilurus (MVZ 204291) showing the osteodermsin place in the skin. Anterior is to the left. Scale bar = 5mm.

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extends over the parietal near the base of thesupratemporal process to meet its opposite, thebilaterally symmetrical series thereby forming themargins of a U-shaped osteoderm-free zone abovethe parietal. The second series, consisting ofapproximately seven osteoderms, lies entirely dor-sal to the supratemporal fenestra and parallels thecanthal crest. The third series, consisting of sixosteoderms, actually clasps the canthal crest fromits anterior margin to just anterior to the supratem-poral. The latter series help to anchor an apo-neurosis covering the upper temporal fenestra(Haas 1960). The posteriormost osteoderm in thatseries is the largest of the six, and these osteo-derms are uniquely L-shaped in cross-section(Haas 1960:24; Figure 17).

In the temporal region ventral to the canthalcrest is an array of osteoderms that is roughly E-shaped in left-lateral view. The dorsal arm of the Econsists of approximately 11 small, subcircularosteoderms that parallel the posterior margin of thejugal and the ventral margin of the canthal crest.The posteriormost of these is the largest and liesjust dorsal to the cephalic condyle of the quadrate.The middle arm of the E consists of six small tomoderately large, plate-like osteoderms extendingfrom the midpoint of the posterior margin of thejugal to the anterodorsal corner of the quadrate.The ventral arm of the E consists of approximatelythree small, plate-like osteoderms that parallel theposteroventral corner of the jugal and extend pos-teriorly.

Only a small number osteoderms occur alongthe lower jaw. These include a few small, sub-cir-cular ones lateral to the jaw near the posterior mar-gin of the dentary, a subcircular one near theventromedial margin of the jaw at the level of con-tact between the palatine and maxilla, and a fewplate-like ones along the dorsolateral margin of thesurangular just behind the coronoid process.

Osteoderms are limited to the dorsal and dor-solateral aspects of the neck. There is a centralfield of approximately six small to moderately largeplate-like osteoderms just posterior to the brain-case. This field is bounded by two linear series oflarge, plate-like osteoderms that run from the pos-terior margin of the squamosal posteromediallybeyond the boundary of the CT dataset.

Inner Ear

The inner ear cavities of S. crocodilurus aredescribed, from anterior to posterior and relative toexternal landmarks of the braincase, based on adigital endocast derived from FMNH 215541 (Fig-ures 20, 21). The anterior semicircular canalemerges from the anterior ampulla of the anterior

ampullar recess in the prootic, near the level of theorigin of the basipterygoid process. It abruptly turnsposterodorsally, continuing to eventually meet therecessus crus communis in the supraoccipital. Atthe level of the facial foramen the anterior acousticforamen, which transmits the anterior branch of theauditory nerve (Oelrich 1956), opens into the cra-nial cavity from the ventromedial wall of the ante-rior ampullar recess. The horizontal semicircularcanal then emerges from the external ampulla ofthe anterior ampullar recess, continuing posteriorlyto eventually meet the posterior ampullar recess inthe otooccipital. The anterior ampullar recess thenopens into the vestibule, which houses the sta-tolithic mass, saccule, utricle, and sinuses (Oelrich1956).

The lagenar recess starts to differentiate fromthe ventral portion of the vestibule at the level ofthe prootic-otooccipital suture, eventually extend-ing ventrally to the level of the base of the basaltubercle. This recess houses the lagena and peri-lymphatic cistern and duct (Oelrich 1956). Furtherposteriorly, near the dorsal-most extension of thesupraoccipital, the anterior semicircular canalopens into the recessus crus communis. At thesame level the endolymphatic canal and posterioracoustic foramen open into the cranial cavity fromthe dorsomedial and ventromedial portions of the

Figure 20. Digital reconstruction of the skull of an adultS. crocodilurus (FMNH 215541). The skull is renderedpartially transparent, with the left inner ear cavity high-lighted in red. Figure 21 provides an illustration of thedigital endocast of the left inner ear. Top: dorsal view;bottom: left lateral view. Scale bar = 5 mm.

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vestibule, respectively; the latter transmits the pos-terior branch of the auditory nerve (Oelrich 1956).

The laterally facing fenestra ovalis straddlesthe prootic-otooccipital suture and is approximatelytwo-thirds filled by the stapedial footplate. The pos-terior semicircular canal emerges from the reces-sus crus communis at the level of the base of thebasal tubercle and continues posteroventrally tomeet the posterior ampullar recess. Just posteriorto the level of the recessus crus communis, theperilymphatic duct recess opens into the cranialcavity from the otooccipital via the medial apertureof the recessus scala tympani. The posterior amp-ullar recess starts to differentiate from the posteriorend of the vestibule at the level of the stapedialfootplate and is met by the posterior semicircularcanal just anterior to the base of the occipitalcondyle.


Systematic Position and Taxonomy

The specialized morphology of S. crocodiluruswas recognized in its original description in 1930,and for over two decades it was classified as theonly known species of the family Shinisauridae.General similarities in cranial and scale charactersled McDowell and Bogert (1954) to unite S. croco-dilurus with Central American Xenosaurus in anexpanded Xenosauridae. The differences in masti-catory muscles between S. crocodilurus and Xeno-saurus were discussed by Haas (1960). In anexpanded treatment of the cranial myology andosteology Rieppel (1980) concluded that retentionof these two taxa within Xenosauridae was themost parsimonious explanation of the availabledata, but that his data provided evidence of a veryearly split between the two.

Subsequent comparative study of the skeletalsystem of S. crocodilurus and Xenosaurus resulted

Figure 21. 3D digital endocast of the left inner ear cavities in an adult S. crocodilurus (FMNH 215541). A: lateral view;B: medial view. The endocast is illustrated in place in the skull in Figure 20. Scale bar = 1 mm.

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in a proposed resurrection of Shinisauridae, and asuggestion that its phylogenetic affinities may liemore closely with Anguidae (Hu et al. 1984). Thissuggestion was endorsed by Wu and Huang(1986) based on comparison of body proportionsas well as similarities in the skull, mandible, verte-bral column and girdles.

Many phylogenetic analyses of squamates oranguimorphs in recent years (including the influen-tial Estes et al. [1988] paper) followed the McDow-ell and Bogert classification and did not analyze S.crocodilurus as a distinct terminal taxon. Estes etal. (1988) listed 12 synapomorphies uniting the twotaxa into Xenosauridae, but some of these charac-ters are now interpreted to be plesiomorphic or toapply to more inclusive groups of anguimorphs(Gao and Norell 1998; see also Hu et al. 1984). Noconsensus has emerged from the recent phyloge-netic analyses that did treat the two as separateterminal taxa. Gao and Norell (1998) recovered atree in which Xenosaurus and S. crocodilurus areeach other’s closest living relatives, as did Lee andCaldwell (2000). Phylogenetic analyses by Cald-well (1999) did not recover them as sister taxa, andhis trees suggested a closer affinity with Anguidae(see also Hu et al. 1984). A molecular phylogenyby Macey et al. (1999) also did not recover S. croc-odilurus and Xenosaurus as sister taxa, and thoseauthors reverted to separate familial-level designa-tion for S. crocodilurus (Shinisauridae). Morerecently, analysis of mtDNA sequence data byWiens and Slingluff (2001) yielded a maximum-likelihood tree in which S. crocodilurus is basal to{Xenosaurus + Anguidae}. Given the recognition ofphylogenetic uncertainty for S. crocodilurus, andthe morphological disparity indicating an ancientsplit from Xenosaurus (Rieppel 1980; Wu andHuang 1986; Conrad 2004), the continued unifica-tion of the two taxa in a single family-level groupingseems ill advised and does not “make a lot ofsense” (Pianka and Vitt 2003:273). At a minimum,the two taxa should be evaluated independently infuture phylogenetic analyses, and it is clear thatXenosaurus cannot be used as a convenient mor-phological proxy for S. crocodilurus (Conrad 2004).


Some ontogenetic differences in the morphol-ogy and behavior of S. crocodilurus were notedpreviously by several authors, but only minimaldata are available. Although both adults and juve-niles will seek shelter in water when disturbed,juveniles appear to spend less time under waterthan adults (less than 5 minutes as opposed tofrom 10 to 20 minutes for adults; Zhao et al. 1999).

Ontogenetic changes in coloration were discussedby Fan (1931) and Zhao et al. (1999; see also colorphotos in Zhang et al. 1996). The acoustic mem-brane is distinct in hatchlings but is obscured byscales in older individuals. This is shown in thephotos of Sprackland (1995, p. 9) and Mägdefrau(1997, p. 59). The acoustic membrane is alreadylargely obscured in the 59.1 mm SVL individual wescanned. Shinisaurus crocodilurus may be uniquein the transformations that take place in scale sur-face morphology through ontogeny (see discussionby Harvey 1993).

Preliminary observations of ontogenetic differ-ences in the shape of the skull and of individualdermatocranial elements in S. crocodilurus wereprovided by Conrad (2004) and were based onexamination of 11 specimens. Our observations ofontogenetic change in S. crocodilurus complementthose of Conrad (2004), were derived from theexamination of only four specimens (two juvenilesand two adults), and are limited to the anatomicalsystems we investigated. There are no known pre-vious discussions of ontogenetic changes in thebraincase elements of S. crocodilurus, and there isa paucity of this type of information for lizards gen-erally. Some of our observations of morphologicalfeatures of the braincase in S. crocodilurus thatundergo ontogenetic change mirror those reportedfor other lizards (e.g., Hikida 1978; Barahona andBarbadillo 1997, 1998; Bell et al. 2003). These fea-tures include closure of the basicranial fontanelle,increasingly tight sutural contact between elements(initially the elements are separated from oneanother by cartilaginous growth zones, but thesesubsequently form sutural contacts and eventuallymay fuse in large adults), and changes in the rela-tive prominence or size of foramina and canals(e.g., anterior abducens foramen and semicircularcanals).

In at least some lizards, the orbitosphenoidsare not ossified in early stages of postnatal ontog-eny (Barahona and Barbadillo 1998). They arepresent and ossified as flattened ovoid elements inTNHC 62987 but are elongated bones in FMNH215541. In the adult, some of the surrounding carti-lages are also heavily calcified and, thus, appear inthe CT data sets. In iguanines the orbitosphenoidbones become increasingly complex as ossifica-tion proceeds along orbital cartilages (de Queiroz1987), but the range of morphological variationthrough ontogeny in S. crocodilurus is unknown(the two CT specimens are the only specimens inwhich the orbitosphenoids are described).

As a result of increasing ossification, the over-all shape of the sphenoid changes through ontog-eny in S. crocodilurus. This is most evident in

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views of the height of the dorsum sella (Figure 3G,H) and in lateral view where the ventral marginbecomes more strongly curved in the adult (Figure3E, F). The finger-like secondary processes on thebasioccipital processes of the juvenile (Figure 4)are reduced or lost in the adult. The basipterygoidprocesses show a greater expansion at their distalends in the adult, similar to that documented forsome lacertid and gymnophthalmid species (Bara-hona and Barbadillo 1997, 1998; Bell et al. 2003).Distinct mineralized distal tips of those processesare evident in the adult CT images (Figure 8) butare absent in the juvenile data set, which revealsthat the distal ends are poorly ossified. Increasedcalcification/ossification at the distal ends of theseprocesses was also reported for lacertid lizards(Barahona and Barbadillo 1998).

The most pronounced ontogenetic change inthe basioccipital is the increased development ofthe basal tubera. In the adult CT data set distinctossifications are visible at the ventral margins ofthe tubera. These changes also were reported forsome lacertids and skinks (Hikida 1978; Barahonaand Barbadillo 1998). In S. crocodilurus the occipi-tal condyle is less prominent in the juvenile, andthe relative contribution of the basioccipital to thecondyle increases through ontogeny (Figure 1I, J).

The supraoccipital is anteroposteriorly short-ened in the juvenile relative to the adult (Figure10A-D). As is true for other lizards (Barahona andBarbadillo 1997, 1998), the cartilaginous proces-sus ascendens of the supraoccipital in S. crocodil-urus is not calcified in the juvenile. The dorsal crestis not well developed in either specimen wescanned, but it rises higher above the posteriorsurface of the bone in the adult. The foramen mag-num and posterior cranial cavity form a smootharch with straight vertical sides in the juvenile, butbecome constricted by ossification of the medialwall of the otic chamber in the adult (Figure 10G,H). Calcified endolymph is much more extensivelydeveloped in the juvenile than in the adult, support-ing the hypothesis that endolymph reserves are uti-lized for skeletal growth in early postnatal ontogeny(e.g., Packard et al. 1985; Kluge 1987; see also thediscussion by Bauer 1989).

The alar process of the prootic is well devel-oped in the adult, but absent in the juvenile (alsoreported for lacertids by Barahona and Barbadillo1997, 1998). As a consequence, the anteroposte-rior extent of the incisura prootica increasesthrough ontogeny. The crista prootica also is notdeveloped in the juvenile, so the facial foramen isexposed in lateral view (Figure 12H). The acousticrecess in the juvenile contains two foramina, one

for the facial foramen and a single large foramenfor the eighth cranial nerve (instead of two foram-ina for VIII seen in the adult). This decreased num-ber of foramina in the acoustic recess contrastswith an increased number (four) reported in juve-niles of the lacertid Gallotia galloti (Barahona andBarbadillo 1998).

The paroccipital process of the otooccipital inS. crocodilurus and other lizards is weakly devel-oped in the juvenile (Barahona and Barbadillo1997, 1998). In the S. crocodilurus adult the lateraledge of the paroccipital process bears a dorsallyoriented process that is absent in the juvenile. Theperilymphatic foramen in the juvenile is not entirelyenclosed by bone as it is in the adult.

Cephalic osteoderms are well developed inthe adult (Figure 18) but are absent in the juvenile.Ontogenetic differences in the presence of cepha-lic osteoderms were also discussed by Barahonaand Barbadillo (1997).


The braincase long has been considered arich source of data by vertebrate morphologistsinterested in testing hypotheses of evolutionaryrelationships and studying the complex relationshipbetween the skeletal and nervous systems. Thenumber of taxa for which detailed descriptions ofbraincase anatomy are available, however, doesnot come close to accurately reflecting the taxo-nomic diversity within most vertebrate groups. Onereason for this disparity is that the study of internalcranial anatomy largely is a destructive processand therefore logistically difficult for rare taxa thatare not well represented in museum collections.

We utilized X-ray computed tomography as anon-destructive technique for visualizing anddescribing the braincase of the rare, anguimorphlizard, Shinisaurus crocodilurus, which today isknown to inhabit only portions of southeasternChina and northeastern Vietnam. In addition torevealing internal details of the braincase ele-ments, computed tomography allowed us to pro-vide the first description of the cranial osteodermsand inner ear cavities of this lizard. Our examina-tion of both juvenile and adult specimens of S.crocodilurus emphasizes the need for increasedunderstanding of both individual and ontogeneticvariation in anguimorph cranial osteology and sys-tematics. The hope is that our observations and thedigital images generated in this study will representa valuable source of data for both current andfuture morphologists and systematists with aninterest in squamate reptiles.

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When we began this project, we were immedi-ately confronted with the challenge of obtainingand translating the Chinese literature on Shinisau-rus. Following a brief explanation of our problemduring a conversation with Will, Bell received aprompt response that Will was willing to assist. Hequickly provided a translation of the osteology sec-tion of Zhang (1991), but then refused to acceptthe payment previously agreed upon for his trans-lation services. Instead, he said that it “seemed likean interesting animal” and it was payment enoughto be able to learn a little more about it. Over thenext several months Will translated the entire sec-tion on S. crocodilurus from Zhao et al. (1999), andprovided translations of Hu et al. (1984) and Wuand Huang (1986) for this project. Two of thesetranslations were posted, along with others pre-pared by Will, on the Polyglot Paleontologist website (http:// ravenel. si. edu/ paleo/ paleoglot/ index.cfm). His translations also were utilized in at leasttwo other anatomical studies on S. crocodilurus(Conrad 2004), and are available now for the pale-ontological and zoological researchers interestedin this most unusual species. Among paleontolo-gists, Will’s linguistic abilities are perhaps bestknown and appreciated through his translations ofpapers on Asian fossil mammals and stratigraphy.We are pleased to acknowledge his contribution tothe herpetology community! Will, like so many ofus, was a student of Life, and his enthusiastic will-ingness to apply his skills for the benefit of his col-leagues and friends was widely appreciated.


Because of their nature, literature compila-tions often are not acknowledged or cited, but ourefforts to understand the biology and anatomy of S.crocodilurus were greatly facilitated by the invalu-able compilation by Zhao and Zhao (1994). Thatsource led us to many papers difficult to obtain inthe United States, and our ability to acquire themwas made possible by assistance from B. Bartho-lomew, J. Mead, D. Trombatore, and E.-m. Zhao.Their efforts on our behalf are gratefully acknowl-edged. Translation assistance from W. Downs andZ.-l. Yang was most helpful. S. Evans generouslyprovided the juvenile specimen we scanned, and,through years of conversation and patience,helped us to better understand the intricacies of thelizard skull. Loans of additional specimens utilizedin this project were facilitated by J. Mead (NAU), A.Resetar (FMNH), B. Stein (MVZ), and J. Vindum

(CAS). HRXCT scanning was performed by R. Ket-cham and M. Colbert (they always make it look soeasy!). A. Balanoff graciously donated her time inhelping with image processing and digital datamanipulations. J. Head and M. Polcyn improvedthis paper with their reviews. We also thank L.Jacobs and L. Taylor for their editorial assistance.Financial support for this research was receivedfrom the Geology Foundation at the University ofTexas, and from the National Science Foundation(NSF-EF-033-4961).

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Appendix 1. Rotation of the articulated adult braincase of S. crocodilurus (FMNH 215541). Click to run movie.

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Appendix 2. Rotation of the articulated juvenile braincase of S. crocodilurus (TNHC 62987). Click to run movie.

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Appendix 3. Rotation of the skull and associated osteoderms of an adult S. crocodilurus (FMNH 215541). Click to runmovie.

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Appendix 4. Rotation of the digital endocast of the left inner ear cavities in an adult S. crocodilurus (FMNH 215541).Click to run movie.

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Appendix 5. Slice-by-slice animations along the coronal axis of the skull in an adult S. crocodilurus (FMNH 215541).Click to run movie.

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Appendix 6. Slice-by-slice animations along the coronal axis of the skull in a juvenile S. crocodilurus (TNHC 62987).Click to run movie.