Western University Scholarship@Western Biology Publications Biology Department Summer 8-1-2014 e overwintering biology of the acorn weevil, Curculio glandium in southwestern Ontario. Hiroko Udaka [email protected] Brent J Sinclair [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: hps://ir.lib.uwo.ca/biologypub Part of the Biology Commons Citation of this paper: Udaka, Hiroko and Sinclair, Brent J, "e overwintering biology of the acorn weevil, Curculio glandium in southwestern Ontario." (2014). Biology Publications. 65. hps://ir.lib.uwo.ca/biologypub/65

The overwintering biology of the acorn weevil, Curculio

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Page 1: The overwintering biology of the acorn weevil, Curculio

Western UniversityScholarship@Western

Biology Publications Biology Department

Summer 8-1-2014

The overwintering biology of the acorn weevil,Curculio glandium in southwestern Ontario.Hiroko [email protected]

Brent J [email protected]

Follow this and additional works at: https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/biologypub

Part of the Biology Commons

Citation of this paper:Udaka, Hiroko and Sinclair, Brent J, "The overwintering biology of the acorn weevil, Curculio glandium in southwestern Ontario."(2014). Biology Publications. 65.https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/biologypub/65

Page 2: The overwintering biology of the acorn weevil, Curculio


The overwintering biology of the acorn weevil, Curculio glandium in southwestern 1

Ontario 2





Hiroko Udaka* and Brent J. Sinclair 7

Department of Biology, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 5B7, 8

Canada. 9


*Corresponding author. 11

Tel.: +1- 519-661-2111 x86491 12

Fax: + 1-519-661-3935 13

E-mail address: [email protected] 14


Page 3: The overwintering biology of the acorn weevil, Curculio



The acorn weevil, Curculio glandium, is a widespread predator of acorns in eastern 17

North America that overwinters in the soil as a larva. It is possible that low 18

temperatures limit its northern geographic range, so we determined the cold tolerance 19

strategy, seasonal variation in cold tolerance, and explored the physiological plasticity 20

of overwintering larvae. Weevil larvae were collected from acorns of red and bur oak 21

from Pelee Island, southwestern Ontario in fall 2010 and 2011. Curculio glandium 22

larvae are freeze avoidant and larvae collected from bur oak acorns had lower 23

supercooling points (SCPs: -7.6 ± 0.36 °C, LT50: -7.2 °C) than those collected from red 24

oak acorns (SCPs: -6.1 ± 0.40 °C, LT50: -6.1 °C). In the winter of 2010-2011, SCPs and 25

water content decreased, however these changes did not occur in 2011-12, when winter 26

soil temperatures fluctuated greatly in the absence of the buffering effect of snow. To 27

examine whether larvae utilize cryoprotective dehydration, larvae from red oak acorns 28

were exposed to -5 ºC in the presence of ice for seven days. These conditions decreased 29

the SCP without affecting water content, suggesting that SCP and water content are not 30

directly coupled. Finally, long-term acclimation at 0 ºC for six weeks slightly increased 31

cold tolerance but also did not affect water content. Thus, although larval diet affects 32

cold tolerance, there is limited plasticity after other treatments. The soil temperatures 33

we observed were not close to lethal limits, although we speculate that soil temperatures 34

in northerly habitats, or in years of reduced snow cover, has the potential to cause 35

mortality in the field. 36


Keywords: Curculionidae, freeze avoidance, supercooling point, acclimation, 38

cryoprotective dehydration 39


Page 4: The overwintering biology of the acorn weevil, Curculio


Introduction 41

Because insects are ectotherms, and winter cold affects survival and 42

reproduction, it is commonly predicted that warmer winters might lead to poleward 43

expansion of temperate insects (Danks, 1991; Denlinger and Lee, 2010; Semel and 44

Andersen, 1988). Insect cold tolerance is generally divided into freeze avoidance 45

(insects that are killed by freezing) and freeze tolerance (insects that can withstand 46

internal ice formation) (Denlinger and Lee, 2010). Because freeze-avoidant species 47

cannot survive when ice forms in their bodies, their supercooling points (SCP, the 48

temperature at which freezing occurs) equates to their lower lethal temperature (LLT). 49

Freeze avoiding insects often seasonally depress the SCP to ensure they remain 50

unfrozen. For example the SCP of prepupae of the emerald ash borer, Agrilus 51

planipennis, is about -20 °C in October and decreases to -30 °C from December to 52

February (Crosthwaite et al., 2011). The SCP can be decreased by various 53

physiological means, including dehydration and accumulation of colligative 54

cryoprotectants, such as glycerol (Chown and Nicolson, 2004). By contrast, 55

freeze-tolerant species can survive the freezing of their body fluids, although most of 56

them do not tolerate intracellular ice formation (Sinclair and Renault, 2010). The 57

SCPs of freeze-tolerant insects are higher than their LLTs and SCP does not usually 58

decrease substantially in winter. Nevertheless, many cryoprotectant mechanisms may 59

be shared between freeze tolerance and avoidance, including polyols and antifreeze 60

proteins (Denlinger and Lee, 2010). 61

The temperature conditions in overwintering microhabitats affect both the 62

survival and fitness of insects. In some species, warm winter temperatures decrease 63

fitness by increasing consumption of energy reserves (e.g., Irwin and Lee, 2002; 64

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Marshall and Sinclair, 2012; Williams et al., 2012). By contrast, other species are 65

killed by low winter temperatures (e.g., Roland and Matter, 2013). Soil is a common 66

overwintering site for temperate insects (Danks, 1991) and buffers the extremes of 67

overwinter temperatures, especially in the presence of snow cover (Marshall and 68

Sinclair, 2012) . The high moisture content of soil has facilitated the development of a 69

cryoprotective dehydration strategy to enhance cold tolerance in permeable 70

invertebrates overwintering in the soil (Holmstrup et al., 2002). In frozen soil, these 71

organisms lose water to the lower energy-state ice, dehydrating them and increasing the 72

concentration of their body fluids such that they remain unfreezeable (Pedersen and 73

Holmstrup, 2003). For example, the Antarctic midge Belgica antarctica decreases the 74

melting point of its body fluid to about -3 ºC when exposed to ice (Elnitsky et al., 2008). 75

In theory, cryoprotective dehydration should be confined to permeable insects 76

(Holmstrup et al. 2002). However, insects can rapidly change their cuticular 77

permeability (e.g. Bazinet et al. 2011), dehydration is associated with cold tolerance in 78

coleopteran larvae that might be expected to resist dehydration (e.g. Sformo paper), and 79

has not been well-explored in temperate holometabolous insects, so it is possible that 80

other insects that overwinter in the soil may utilize this strategy. 81

Acorn weevils of the genus Curculio damage mature acorns with potential 82

impacts on the fitness of oak trees in north America and Europe (Gibson, 1982; Semel 83

and Andersen, 1988). Female weevils lay eggs in young acorns and larvae feed and 84

develop within the acorns. After the ripe acorns fall to the ground, fully developed 85

larvae cease feeding and burrow into the soil to overwinter (Pélisson et al., 2012; 86

Venner et al., 2011). Some C. glandium larvae in southeastern France might 87

experience two winters in the soil by developing to the adult stage (Venner et al., 2011) 88

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but the overwintering stage for the second year in other populations, including in North 89

America, is not clear. Although there is no apparent preference for oak species, 90

(Crawley and Long, 1995; Espelta et al., 2009; Pélisson et al., 2012), the balance of 91

tannin, protein and fat in acorns varies among oak species (Shimada and Saitoh, 2006). 92

The quality of diet influences cold tolerance in insects and spiders (Koštál et al., 2012; 93

Tanaka, 1994; Worland and Lukešová, 2000), but it is not clear whether there is a 94

relationship between nutrition of acorns and weevil cold hardiness. 95

We investigated the overwintering biology of C. glandium overwintering in the 96

soil in a temperate North American location: Pelee Island, southwestern Ontario, 97

Canada. To determine the cold tolerance strategy, we measured lower thermal limits 98

and water balance during winter and examined the contribution of dehydration and 99

exposure to survival during a long-term mild cold temperature. We also compared the 100

overwinter biology of C. glandium larvae collected from acorns of different Quercus 101

species. This is the first study of overwintering in this species, and one of only a few 102

that examines holometabolous insects that overwinter in the soil. 103


Material and methods 105

Insect collection and laboratory maintenance 106

To obtain Curculio glandium larvae, fallen acorns from bur oak, Quercus 107

macrocarpa, and red oak, Querucus rubra, were collected in late September and early 108

October from deciduous forests on Pelee Island, Ontario, Canada (41°77´N, 82°71´W) 109

in 2010 (both species) and 2011 (red oak only). To collect weevils, acorns (separated 110

by oak species) were placed on a plastic screen with 2 cm × 2 cm grids over c. 10 cm of 111

moist soil in a plastic bin at 4 °C. Larvae emerging from the acorns fell through the 112

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screen and burrowed into the soil, which was riddled daily to collect larvae. Larvae 113

were transferred to 120 ml plastic jars containing 100 ml soil (30-50 individuals per jar) 114

and stored at approximately 4 °C until use in experiments. Immediately prior to use in 115

experiments, larvae were removed from soil and blotted on a paper towel to remove soil 116

and excess water from the surface. 117


Supercooling point 119

To measure the SCP, larvae were placed in 1.7 ml microcentrifuge tubes in 120

contact with 36-AWG type-T copper-constantan thermocouples (Omega, Laval, Quebec, 121

Canada). Thermocouples were connected to a Picotech TC-08 thermocouple interface 122

and PicoLog software (Pico Technology, Cambridge, UK). The tubes containing weevils 123

were inserted into wells in an aluminium block that was cooled by methanol circulated 124

from a Lauda Proline 3530C refrigerated bath (Lauda, Wurzburg, Germany). The 125

weevils were allowed 30 min to equilibrate at 0 ºC, and then cooled from 0 °C to -30 °C 126

at 0.1 °C min-1. SCP was determined as the lowest temperature before the exotherm 127

was observed. After measuring the SCP, the water content of each larva was measured 128

gravimetrically as described below. 129


Water content 131

After assessing survival or measuring SCP, the larvae were weighed (wet mass) 132

and placed in 1.5 ml tubes. To speed drying, they were pierced ventrally with a needle. 133

The larvae were dried at 70 °C for at least five days, and then reweighed (dry mass). 134

The water content was calculated as the difference between fresh and dry mass of each 135

individual. 136

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Acute cold tolerance 138

To examine survival after a short cold exposure, weevils from red and bur oak 139

acorns collected in 2010 were exposed to seven temperatures (0, -3, -6, -7, -9, -12 and 140

-15 °C) and those from red oak acorns collected in 2011 were exposed to six 141

temperatures (-2, -4, -6, -8, -10 and -12 °C). Eight to 20 individuals were used at each 142

test temperature. A weevil was put in a 1.7 ml microcentrifuge tube and the tubes were 143

cooled from 0°C at 0.1°C min-1 to the chosen temperature, held at that temperature for 144

30 min, and then warmed to 4 °C min at 0.1°C min-1. After rewarming, larvae were 145

kept at room temperature for 15 min and survival was assessed in this experiment. 146

Preliminary studies showed that survival rates estimated 15 min and 24 h after 147

rewarming were identical. Weevils were considered alive if they crawled voluntarily. 148

The median lower lethal temperature (LT50), the temperature that caused 50 % mortality 149

was estimated with logistic regression in R v 3.0.3 (R Core Team, 2013). 150


Overwintering in the field site 152

For overwintering in the field, thirty larvae were placed with 100 ml sandy 153

loam soil in a 100 ml plastic jar (5.5 cm diameter, 6.5 cm depth) pierced with small 154

holes at the top and bottom. Three jars from each of red or bur oak acorns collected in 155

2010 and seven jars containing larvae from red oak acorns collected 2011 were placed 156

in the field. Jars containing weevil larvae were buried at 5 cm depth in tilled soil in 157

London, Ontario, Canada (43º00´N, 81º15´W) on 18 December 2010, and 12 November 158

2011. This depth was chosen because Semel and Anderson (1988) showed that most 159

acorn weevil larvae burrowed up to 21 cm and about 30 % of larvae was in a depth in 160

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less than 4 cm. Larvae were collected through the winter every two or four weeks and 161

SCP and water content measured. 162


Microclimate temperatures 164

Temperature data were collected at two sites: the acorn collection site (Pelee 165

Island, ON) and the tilled soil site where weevils were buried to study seasonal changes 166

in cold tolerance (London, ON). iButton Thermochron DS1922L data loggers (Maxim 167

Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) were buried approximately 5 cm depth at the 168

same location as the sites collected acorns on Pelee island or included in a jar containing 169

larvae (see above) in London. Temperatures on Pelee Island and the London site were 170

recorded every 60 and 30 min, respectively. 171


The effect of cryoprotective dehydration on SCP and water content 173

To assess if Curculio glandium larvae utilize cryoprotective dehydration to 174

enhance their cold tolerance, larvae collected from red oak acorns in 2011 were placed 175

in 1.7 ml microcentrifuge tube with holes at the top. A group of five tubes, each 176

containing a larva, was put in a 120 ml Parafilm-sealed jar containing approximately 80 177

ml of crushed ice. A total of eight jars containing larvae and ice were placed in an 178

environmental test chamber (Tenney ETCU 16-RCW2.5, Thermal Product Solutions, 179

New Columbia, PA, USA) at 0 ºC for one day, and cooled at 1 ºC/day to -5 ºC, where 180

they were held for seven days. To measure SCPs and water contents, four jars were 181

removed from the chamber on the first day that temperature reached at -5 ºC and on the 182

last day of cold exposure. Under the experimental conditions, it was expected that 183

larvae were exposed to desiccation caused by the vapour pressure difference between 184

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ice and their supercooled body water (Holmstrup and Sømme, 1998; Irwin and Lee, 185

2002; Lundheim and Zachariassen, 1993). 186


The effect of acclimation on cold tolerance 188

To study the effect of long-term cold exposure on C. glandium larvae, 189

individuals from red oak acorns collected in 2011 were kept at 0 ºC for 2, 4 and 6 weeks. 190

Larvae were placed individually in 1.7 ml microcentrifuge tubes and five tubes with 191

larvae were contained in a 50 ml plastic jar. To expose larvae to 0 ºC, jars were buried 192

in a slurry of crushed ice and water, and placed in a Styrofoam box inside a 193

SanyoMR-153 incubator (Sanyo Scientific, Bensenville, IL, US) set at 5 ºC. Ice was 194

changed or added at least once a week and an iButton data logger was placed in the box 195

to confirm the temperature. The SCPs and water contents of 8-21 larvae per time point 196

were measured as described above. 197


Statistical analysis 199

Supercooling points were natural-log-transformed prior to further analysis. 200

The SCPs, body mass and dry mass of larvae kept at 4 ºC were compared among three 201

groups, which larvae from bur and red oaks collected in 2010 and larvae from red oak 202

collected in 2011, using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test (SigmaPlot 203

v10; Systat Software, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Differences in water content were 204

investigated using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) of water mass with wet mass as a 205

covariate followed by Tukey’s post hoc test in SPSS (v. 20; IBM, NY, UAS). 206

Supercooling points, body mass and dry mass of larvae from field-acclimated larvae 207

were separately compared among sampling times within a winter or species of oak trees 208

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using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test (SigmaPlot) and to compare 209

water content among sampling times ANCOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test 210

(SPSS) was performed. Pearson’s product-moment correlation was calculated between 211

SCP and water content in field-acclimated larvae (across all years) in SigmaPlot. 212

One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test (SigmaPlot) was used to compare 213

SCPs, body mass and dry mass among control and treated groups in the cryoprotective 214

dehydration and acclimation experiments and ANCOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc 215

test (SPSS) was used for comparison of water contents. 216


Results 218

Cold tolerance strategy and acute cold tolerance 219

Larvae were exposed to six or seven test temperatures for 30 min to determine 220

LT50. The LT50 of larvae collected in 2010 was -6.1 ºC and -7.2 ºC for larvae from red 221

oak and bur oak acorns, respectively. The LT50 of larvae collected in 2011 from red 222

oak was -6.5 ºC. No larvae survived internal ice formation regardless of oak tree 223

species or sampling year and all unfrozen larvae survived cold exposure (N = 16). 224

The SCPs of larvae from bur oak acorns were significantly lower than SCPs of 225

larvae from red oak acorns in 2010 (Fig. 1A, F2, 140 = 6.810, P < 0.001). Larvae 226

collected from red oak acorns in 2011 had lower SCPs than larvae collected in 2010 (P 227

< 0.001). Larvae collected from bur oak acorns had significantly higher water contents 228

than those collected from red oak acorns in 2010 (Fig. 1B, F2, 139 = 11.183, P < 0.001). 229

The water contents of larvae from red oak acorns in 2010 were significantly lower than 230

those of larvae collected in 2011 (P < 0.001). There was no significant difference in 231

wet (Fig. 1C, F2, 140 = 1.62, P = 0.201) or dry (F2, 140 = 0.80, P = 0.452) mass among 232

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larvae collected in different years or from different species of acorns. 233


Microclimate temperatures 235

Microclimate temperatures did not drop below -2 ºC during the winters of 236

2010-2011 or 2011-2012 at the sites where weevil larvae were buried and acorns 237

containing larvae collected (Fig. 2). At both sites, temperatures remained between 0 and 238

+2 ºC from late December 2010 to early March 2011. The Pelee Island site in 239

2011-2012 was slightly warmer; the temperature remained above 1 ºC all winter (Figs 240

2B, 2D). 241


Seasonal changes in cold tolerance and water content 243

Seasonal changes in cold tolerance and water content of weevils buried in the 244

field varied among species of oak and years (Fig. 3). Larvae from bur oak acorns 245

collected in 2010 had significantly lower SCPs in January and February than in March 246

(Fig. 3A, F2,39 = 12.69, P < 0.001). In larvae from red oak acorns collected in 2010, 247

the mean SCP in January was significantly lower than that in March (F2,34 = 13.82, P < 248

0.001), but the SCP increased to -7 ºC in February. However, there was no significant 249

difference in SCPs of larvae from red oak acorn among sampling periods in 2011 (F6,76 250

= 1.831, P = 0.104). 251

In larvae collected in 2010, water content showed a pattern similar to SCP (Fig. 252

3B). In larvae from bur oak acorn, water content was about 0.45 mg H2O/mg dry mass 253

in January and February and significantly increased in March (F2,36 = 25.37, P < 0.001). 254

January water content of larvae from red oak acorns collected in 2010 was significantly 255

lower than that of larvae in February and March (F2,33 = 14.82, P < 0.001). Weevil 256

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larvae collected in 2011 did not show a decrease in water content; in fact water content 257

gradually increased through the experimental period (Fig 3B). There was a significant 258

positive correlation between SCPs and water content in weevil larvae buried in the field 259

(Fig. 4, rs = 0.68, P < 0.001). 260


Cryoprotective dehydration 262

To determine whether acorn weevil larvae utilize cryoprotective dehydration to 263

increase cold hardiness, larvae from red oak acorns in 2011 were exposed to -5 ºC at 264

high vapour pressure deficit for seven days. The SCPs were significantly decreased by 265

the exposure to low temperature and high vapor presser conditions (Fig. 5B, F2,81= 266

4.171, P = 0.019) and larvae after seven days exposure to -5 ºC had significantly lower 267

SCPs than those maintained at 4 ºC. Water contents were significantly different among 268

control and treated groups (Fig 5C, F2,80 =9.816, P < 0.001). The water contents on 269

the first day the temperature reached -5 ºC were significantly lower than those of control 270

larvae, but the water contents of larvae after seven days exposure to -5 ºC did not differ 271

significantly from those of control larvae. Neither fresh nor dry body mass differed 272

among control and groups exposed to low temperature (wet mass: F2,81= 0.670, P = 273

0.52; dry mass: F2,81= 2.76, P = 0.07; Fig. 5D). 274


The effect of long-term acclimation on cold hardiness 276

Weevil larvae obtained from red oak acorns collected in 2011 were acclimated 277

at 0 ºC for 6 weeks. Exposure to 0 ºC for two and four weeks decreased the mean SCP 278

from -8.6 ± 0.37 ºC (mean ± S.E.) to -11.3 ± 0.87 ºC and to -11.5 ± 0.78 (Fig. 6A; 279

F3,106= 4.957, P = 0.003) but after additional cold exposure the SCP of [who?] did not 280

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differ significantly from control larvae. Water content of larvae kept at 0 ºC for six 281

weeks was significantly compared to control and larvae kept at 0 ºC for two and four 282

weeks (Fig. 6B, F3,88 = 9.285, p < 0.001). Neither wet nor dry body mass differed 283

significantly among groups (Fig. 6C, wet mass, F3,105 = 2.267, p = 0.085; dry mass, 284

F3,105 = 0.932, p = 0.428). 285


Discussion 287

Curculio glandium larvae survived subzero temperature exposure for several 288

days and were killed by internal ice formation irrespective of oak species and sampling 289

years, suggesting that acorn weevil larvae are freeze-avoidant. Both freeze-tolerant 290

and -avoidant species have been reported in Curculionidae species overwintering as 291

adults (Coulson and Bale, 1996; Kandori et al., 2006; Koštál and Šimek, 1996; van der 292

Merwe et al., 1997). However, all species studied thus far that overwinter as larvae are 293

freeze avoidant, including C. glandium in this study (Coyle et al., 2011; Watanabe and 294

Tanaka, 1997). The larvae of Phullobius oblongus, Polydrusus sericeus, Barypeithes 295

pellucidus are also freeze avoidant, and their SCPs are between -9 and -13 °C in winter 296

(Coyle et al., 2011). Thus the SCPs of C. glandium larvae are not especially low 297

compared to other freeze avoidant weevil larvae. Microclimate data showed that 298

weevil larvae are not likely to be exposed to low sub-zero temperatures, because they 299

are protected from freezing in their buffered overwintering site. Larvae may be even 300

better-protected from low temperatures than our data show, because our data loggers 301

were, at 5 cm depth, probably near the upper limit of the range of overwintering depths 302

(Semel and Andersen, 1988). Thus, larvae may temperature and weevil larvae that 303

stayed closed to the bottom of containers were likely exposed to slightly higher 304

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temperatures than larvae that stayed at the top of the jar. 305

Most freeze-avoidant insects decrease their SCP to survive low winter 306

temperatures in winter (Denlinger and Lee, 2010). Clear seasonal changes of SCPs 307

were observed during the winter of 2010-2011, although snow cover kept the 5 cm 308

depth soil temperature at about 0.5 ºC. The SCP also decreased in larvae acclimated at 309

0 ºC for four weeks, although the SCP did not appear to decrease in individuals kept at 0 310

ºC for six weeks. Additionally, seven days’ exposure to -5 ºC induced lower SCPs 311

than 4 ºC when larvae were cooled to -5 ºC gradually. In many insect species, survival 312

rates are increased by acclimation to low temperatures (ref), and it appears that the cold 313

tolerance of acorn weevil larvae is enhanced by exposure to both prolonged mild and 314

short severe temperatures. However, SCPs of weevil larvae from red oak did not 315

decline during the winter in 2011 - 2012 and the temperatures in overwintering site 316

fluctuated more in 2011-2012 than in 2010 - 2011. These variations of cold tolerance 317

in larvae in the soil may result from the different microclimate conditions to which 318

larvae were exposed during winter, perhaps driven by variation in both air temperature 319

and snow cover. This variation in acclimation means that winters with reduced snow 320

cover (or extreme low temperatures) that lead to enhanced frost penetration could kill 321

weevil larvae if prior conditions have not been favourable for acclimation. Moreover, 322

the thermal conditions during development in the acorns and the moisture environment 323

of the soil probably vary among years, and could cause interannual differences in cold 324

tolerance. 325

Weevil larvae from red and bur oak acorns collected in 2010 decreased their 326

cold tolerance in February and March, respectively. An internal factor like the 327

termination of diapause may be the cause of the decline of cold tolerance, because in 328

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2010-2011, winter temperatures at 5 cm depth in soil remained at about 0.5 ºC until 329

March. Although there is no information about diapause in C. glandium, diapause is 330

intimately associated with cold tolerance in many species (Lee and Denlinger, 1991). 331

The SCPs of the beetle Aulacophora nigripennis increase in February and termination 332

of diapause might be related to reduction of cold tolerance (Watanabe and Tanaka, 333

1998). Therefore, understanding the dynamics of diapause in C. glandium and 334

clarifying the relationship between diapause and cold tolerance would be a useful next 335

step in understanding the plasticity of overwintering in this species. 336

Field-acclimated larvae showed a positive correlation between SCP and water 337

content (Fig. 4), and we therefore investigated whether larvae utilize cryoprotective 338

dehydration (Elnitsky et al., 2008; Holmstrup et al., 2002; Holmstrup and Sømme, 339

1998). Although exposure to low temperatures in the presence of ice increased cold 340

tolerance, a change of water content did not appear to effect this change directly. 341

Therefore, we conclude that C. glandium larvae do not utilize cryoprotective 342

dehydration to increase their cold tolerance. As shown in microclimate data, the site 343

where weevil larvae overwinter was not frozen, which means that the opportunity for 344

cryoprotective dehydration may not exist in the field. Furthermore, C. glandium 345

appears to be relatively dehydration-resistant (H. Udaka, unpublished observations), 346

which would further impede the development of a cryoprotective dehydration strategy, 347

which relies on a very permeable cuticle (Holmstrup et al., 2002). Nevertheless, there 348

are striking changes in water content among years, which may result from among-year 349

differences in soil moisture, which we did not measure. While these differences are 350

reflected in cold tolerance (Figure 4), they do not appear to be modified by the animal 351

specifically as part of the overwintering programme. 352

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The species of oak tree on which the weevils fed affects their cold tolerance; 353

weevil larvae from bur oak acorns had lower SCPs than those fed on red oak acorns in 354

2010. Although red oak acorns have tannin levels three times higher than bur oak 355

acorns (Dixon et al., 1997), and tannin has negative effects on growth rate in some 356

insects (Bernays, 1981; Manuwoto and Scriber, 1986), there was no significant 357

difference in body mass between larvae fed on bur oak and red oak acorns. Thus, the 358

difference in nutrition may affect the ratio of body components or potential investment 359

into cryoprotectants, rather than growth rate or body size per se. In the absence of 360

other tradeoffs, we would expect that this indirect impact of diet on overwintering 361

biology could lead to selection for oviposition on bur oak acorns, although at present it 362

is not clear that weevils preferentially choose one species over another. Because the 363

acorns came from a number of individual trees, and the larvae were assigned randomly 364

to measures and treatments, we are unable to determine whether differences among 365

individual trees within a species also affect cold tolerance. However, the trees have 366

very similar locations and growth forms on Pelee Island, so we do not expect any 367

systematic effects of tree health or location to override the coarse-scale differences in 368

nutritive environment. 369


Acknowledgments 371

We are grateful to Dr. Mhairi McFarlane, Jill Crosthwaite and the Nature Conservancy 372

of Canada for their support to collect acorns and acorn weevils. We also thank Kevin 373

Olegario and Ashley Sullivan for technical assistance and Annegre Nicolai for useful 374

advices for data analysis. This research was supported by grants from NSERC 375

(Discovery) and the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, and an Ontario Early 376

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Researcher Award for BJS and a CBIR Government of Canada Postdoctoral Research 377

Fellowship for HU. 378


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Figure legends 490

Fig.1. SCPs (A), water content (B), and body mass (C) of Curculio glandium larvae 491

from bur oak acorns collected in 2010 and red oak acorns collected in 2010 and 2011. 492

Weevil larvae were stored at 4 ºC for a minimum of two weeks after collection, without 493

any cold exposure. Different letter indicate the data were significantly different (Tukey’s 494

post hoc test, P < 0.05). Values are mean ± SE. N= 25- 72. 495


Fig.2. The soil temperature at 5 cm depth in the site where weevil larvae buried in 497

London, Ontario in 2010 - 2011 (A) and 2011 – 2012 (B) and the acorns with weevil 498

larvae collected on Pelee island in 2010 - 2011 (C) and 2011 - 2012 (D). Dashed lines 499

indicate 0 ºC. 500


Fig. 3. Seasonal changes in SCP (A) and water content (B) of Curculio glandium larvae 502

from January to March 2011 (open symbols) and from October 2011 to March 2012 503

(filled symbols). Weevil larvae were obtained from red oak acorns (circles) and bur oak 504

acorns (triangles). Weevils collected from Pelee Island in fall 2010 were buried in the 505

field on 18 December 2010 and those collected in 2011 fall were buried on 12 506

November 2011. The same letters indicate SCP and water content were not significantly 507

different (Tukey’s post hoc test, P < 0.05). Mean ± S.E. N = 8- 21. 508


Fig.4. The relationship between SCPs and water content in Curculio glandium larvae 510

buried in the fields in 2010 - 2011 and 2011 – 2012. Weevil larvae were obtained from 511

bur oak acorns collected in 2010 and red oak acorns collected in 2010 and 2011. 512

Weevils collected from Pelee Island in fall 2010 were buried in the field on 18 513

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December 2010 and those collected in 2011 fall were buried on 12 November 2011. 514

The data are derived from Figs 1A and 1B. N = 162. 515


Fig.5. The experimental design (A) and the effect of cryoprotective dehydration on 517

SCPs (B), water content (C), body mass (D) in Curculio glandium larvae obtained from 518

red oak acorns in 2011. Larvae were kept at 0 ºC for 1 day and temperature was 519

decreased 1 ºC/ day and held at -5 ºC for seven days. Supercooling points (SCPs) were 520

measured on (i) the first day temperature reached at -5 ºC and (ii) seven days after 521

exposure to -5 ºC. The same letters indicate SCP and water content data were not 522

significantly different (Tukey’s post hoc test, P < 0.05). N= 18- 46. 523


Fig.6. The effects of long-term acclimation on SCPs (A), water content (B) and body 525

mass (C) in larvae of Curculio glandium. Larvae collected from red oak acorns in 2011 526

were used and SCPs were measure in weevil larvae exposed to 0 ºC for 2, 4, and 6 527

weeks. The same letters indicate SCPs were not significantly different (Tukey’s post hoc 528

test, P < 0.05). N= 12- 46. 529

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