The Painful Pages of Our History

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  • 8/2/2019 The Painful Pages of Our History


    The Painful Pages of our History

    by Orya Maqbol Jan

    This is the chapter in our history whose golden words are being attempted to be erased and wiped, so

    that the influential class of Pakistans society who were gifted lands, fortune, high official posts and

    medals by the British and were imposed on the poor of the country. Amongst them the politicians,

    bureaucrats, army officers, all of them want to prove that this country was created on the basis offinancial reasons and its founder Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a secular minded individual

    and wanted to make this country a secular state. The golden page of the history of this god given

    country will not be found in course books, not in the writings of scholars, neither any sound of it will be

    heard in television talk shows or in the words of a thinker. Everyone tried to scratch this off from this

    countrys history. The youth of today can only find fabricated and distorted history to read, and is seen

    roaming around asking the question, Was Pakistan really made in the name of Islam? Did Quaid e Azam

    really wanted to implement Islamic rule of law? What is in this page of history, this declaration and this

    proof which is being attempted to be removed.

    On the 14th of August, 27th of Ramazan right after the creation of Pakistan, the Pakistani government

    invited the famous thinker, scholar and writer Allama Muhammad Asad to Pakistan. He was granted

    Pakistani citizenship and first Pakistani passport was issued to him. After this Quaid e Azam Muhammad

    Ali Jinnah initiated a request for a department which would set up the constitution, law and education

    syllabus as per the soul of this country that is the Islamic way. This institution was named as the

    Department of Islamic Reconstruction; its leadership was entrusted to Allama Muhammad Asad. This

    was the first institution of Pakistan which had with its name the word Islamic. To clarify the objectives

    and boundaries of the department on 18th October 1948 Allama Muhammad Asad, delivered a speech

    from Radio Pakistan. He said that the aim of this department is to mold the rules and constitution of

    Pakistan according to the Islamic teachings, for which this country was created.

    Who was Allama Muhamamd Asad? Before finding out his credentials it is necessary to know about his

    struggle. People know him by his bestseller, Road to Makkah. But for the Muslim nation his other feats

    have been kept hidden. On 2nd July 1900 a child was born in a Jewish household in Lehmberg, a city in

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    the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he was names Leopold Weiss. His father was a lawyer and his grandfather

    was a Rabbi. After early Jewish teaching in his home, he started normal education and ended up in

    Vienna University. During this he learned German, French, English, Persian and Urdu. After his education

    he became a journalist and spent time script writing and travelling. On his journalistic endeavors he

    came to Jerusalem and stayed with his uncle who was a student of the famous psychologist Sigmund

    Freud. He also published a paper on the solubility of soul from New York. The fervor of learning new

    languages took him to Arabic language and the Arabic language introduced him to Quran. During this

    time he came to know of the plight of the Muslims and the conspiracies of the Jews against them. To

    unveil these conspiracies he started writing about them. In 1926 in the city of Berlin, Germany

    impressed by the truth of Islam, he reverted to Islam and named himself Muhammad Asad. The story of

    his journey from Muhammad Asad to Allama Muhammad Asad is an amazing one. He travelled to every

    Muslim country and instigated its inhabitants to rid themselves from the enslavement of western

    powers. In 1932 he reached another enslaved country Hindustan and in 1934 he met Allama Iqbal, who

    convinced him to end his journeys and stay to work on the condition of the Muslims of the Sub-

    Continent. According to Allama Muhammad Asad, Allama Iqbal changed his stream of thinking. And he

    started working on the thinking and educational basis of an Islamic state. Allama Iqbal had him made

    head of Islamic department of a University in Lahore, but he wanted to work freely and independently.

    This person spent hours with Allama Iqbal and started writing articles in newspapers all over the globe

    on ideological and Islamic personality of the country of Pakistan, the Urdu translation of it used to

    appear in a newspaper in Lahore. Allama Asad delivered lectures on the nature of an Islamic country and

    the Two-Nation theory in Lahore and Delhi. But the Second World War started. His parents were

    murdered by Hitler because of them being Jews. And he was arrested by the British government of

    Hindustan on the suspicion of being a German spy. After six years when he was freed he started

    publishing a newspaper called Arafaat in which he published articles by the name of What is the

    meaning of Pakistan. In these articles the famous slogan vibrated the Sub-Continent. What is the

    meaning of Pakistan. La Illaha IllAllah. One month prior to the independence of Pakistan he wrote a

    detailed article and explained the objective of Pakistan as to set up its constitution, rule, economic

    system and education syllabus on basis of the teachings of Islam, and stressed on this being the actual

    objective of the creation of Pakistan. The subject of it was Towards an Islamic Constitution. After this

    last edition he came to Lahore and Pakistan honored him with being the first Pakistani citizen. This was

    the practical and thinking treasure on the basis of which the founder of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah

    instituted him the task to lead the new department called the Islamic Reconstruction. And due to his

    essays and articles, he was entrusted the responsibility of formulating the constitution and law of

    Pakistan on the basis of Islamic principles. Allama Asad started publishing his paper Arafaat from this

    institution. He made immediate recommendations; two amongst them were such that they would incur

    the displeasure of the influential of todays society. The first one was that whoever has been gifted a

    fortune by the British and they are now sitting with the titles of Nawab, Khan, Chaudhry or wadera,

    their belongings should be confiscated. And the second suggestion was that a complete Islamic system

    of education and syllabus should be formulated. And even if it takes three years to formulate, till that

    time all educational institutions should be closed. Because it is better for children to sit at home rather

    than studying in an educational system where there is falsehood taught about their religion, values and

    even personalities, and they move ahead in their life with this fiction. Now this section of people is in

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    movement. All the big bureaucrats, Nawabs, Khans and Chaudries have gathered. Quaid e Azam had

    passed away. Prime Minister Liaquit Ali Khan transferred him to the post of Deputy Secretary in the

    department of foreign affairs, and made him an in charge of the desk of Far East. Allama Asad left for a

    trip to the entire Arab world and met all of the head of states of the Muslim countries, so that the

    dreams of the Muslim nation can be materialized. After extreme efforts he formulated practical

    suggestions for the unity of the Muslim nation, and presented them to the then foreign minister

    Zafarullah Khan, who due to his personal bias chose to trash the recommendations. Fire erupted in the

    department of Islamic Reconstruction and Allama Asads work was burnt to ashes. (To be continued)

    Original Article in Urdu

  • 8/2/2019 The Painful Pages of Our History

  • 8/2/2019 The Painful Pages of Our History
