"W^ THE PENNSYLVANIAN VOLUME XXVI.-NO. 1ft? PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. MAY 1. 1911 PRICE. THREE CENTS Mask and Wig Ticket Sale To-day at 12 M1SPLAYS ARE COSTLY AND YALE WINS, 2-1 Clark and Freeman D splay Fine Form m Pitchers' Duel—Overthrows Give Victory to Eli». TOOMEVS PLAY THE FEATURE. ol a third base ball Cham- p received their Ural let back ,n New Haven when Tala ,i the 'Varalty a -i defeat, ina- i solve Freeman'i delivery and ran in critical momenta were ontrlbutlng caueea to the Oil vie- Clark pitched a iplendW same, Freeman and Hartwell were jual better, and whatever chance i ivanla bad waa blocked In tii«- nnlng on combination >>f two i, II pass and '«<) outs, which I > . two rune. ,.,.,ii i,.i the Red and Blue down .,,, IKIS in leven Innlnga, bul Yale took no ohancea, Mini when be wavi d in 'I"' aeventh, Hartwell waa . ,i i M nnii prevt ated a treatened Clark allowed bul three him. ol which Bgured In the aoorini i: , ami Belded in erratic (aahion, ina Penniylvanla'i mlaouei were the ,:, -, damaging. Toomoy played a game al third for the 'Varalty, Corey ami BtlUwell teatared tor Yale. The Vaii' runs came in the third. Aldendlfer made > neal snip of Free- man's grounder, bul nullified the stop with a two-baee o?*rth*ow, Had^er advanced the i>itrher to third (»n an : o ii Corey walked, and on an ipted double steal. Coaeni threw Donovan and Freeman aoored Core] going to third Btevena I i paaaed, and waa caught "ft but Core] mad' a iaf< daab for I, i':i" plaj ami scored whal II ved i" !»• the winning ran. Ivania'i lone talley 'ami' in . hid Toomej took two bases on StillweU'a limb throw ol his uronndei ind scored on marines Id's b> ciarb and Coryell. Hayden slammed a two-bagger to left, bul Rellly'a wonderful catch of Donovan's hoi liner cut off the rally. The acore: vAi.io it. II. o. A i: Badgi r, cf 0 l - 0 '' if i 0 :! " 0 Tnmniera. rf 0 0 I " " i, If 0 I - " 0 t, 2b 0 I - l " R< llley, II) 0 0 I-' 8 0 -- " < 1 3 1 3b 0 0 l - " t, c 0 0 :: 1 i in. p I n n 1 'i ..n .. n n il 1 0 _ bi -' I -•7 11 2 PEN.NSYI.V. iXI.V K II O. A. E. 1, cf o il II n 0 1 II 1 il III. ss " '1 il :i 0 M " il II n 0 ndlfer, 2b " il n 2 1 If d 1 o II 0 c " I) i; II •1 . lb l n I :s 1) |i 0 0 i :i 0 la I •) L'l 12 A Score by Innings. ijlvanla ...nooooioo o—l Yale 00100000 x—2 Two-base lilt Bayden. Stolen bases—Corey 2. Btevena, Thayer. Sac- bits—Coryell, cinrK. Baaei on By clink, ',: Freeman, Hart- well, l. struck out—By Freeman, I; Hartwell, 2. Time—1 W, Rooms Assigned To-day. The assignment <>f Dormitory roonu 11 | aar a111 be nude al noon to- day, and, as usual, will l»' done by lot, in ler the direction <>f W. o. filler, So applications will I" recel d after ' ' "(lock this morning, and all re- i in !»• published to-morrow. GREAT CROWD SEES TWO RECORDS LOWERED IN RELAYS Pennsylvania Runners Set Up New Intercollegiate Mark for the Two-mile. Wonderful Bursts of Speed by Berna and Jones, of Cornell, Establish New World's Record in the Four-mile. The Seventeenth Annual Relay car- nival, iiidd Saturday on Franklin Field track, coal Pennsylvania two tltlea, the championships in the four and one- mile collegiate relay races, in 111 - - i An mil, event, the Red and Blue half- mill's retalni d some ol the Univer- sity's prestige, and In the doing the record tor the distance waa smashed. The time was g minutes 2-8 seconds, two seconds better than the collegiate mark and 2 1-6 seconds under the Car- ii,\ ,i time, in the four-mile race, Pennsylvania appeared to be fixed tor another victory, Levering went as i on the third relay with seventj yards lead on Tell Berna, of Cornell, but wonderful running by the Ithacan and repetition ol the same torm by John Paull Jones, his teammate, together with Wilton I'anll s tailure to show his besl rare, gave the title to the Rod and White, it waa a u I race All the recorda were not onlj broken, the; were completely annihilated The time made bj the Cornel] team waa IT mlnutea M second! This waa 13 and 1-8 seconds better than the American record for the distance, held by the Irish American A C, and IBM iec- ondi under the collegiate mark Penn- sylvania, In defeat, waa under the col- legiate mark in the one-mile. Penn- sylvania waa outclassed, Chloag . with Ira Davenporl running but, look Bret place. Michigan waa lecond and Cornell third, Pennaylvanla Onlahed fourth. The time was :: minute! 21 i-'• secondi, I-S of a lecond below the Carnival mark The no is itarted a little after noon mid lasted until sundown The weather waa perfect and the crowd, which rival) ii a Cornell garni aai amblage, had In an Intereal in the racei, as the runnera repreaented so many Inatltu- ii in!, grammar i h Kil -. hi ; > school!, private schools, preparator] school!, Parochial school!, college! and unlver sltles. Qraduatea, one-time collegiate track champion!, were also there, No- where bul al 'h" Pennaylvanla Relay Carnival could such a boat of athletea be gathered. Record holdera In bunch s, the bi il athletea In this coun- trj. performed on the lame Held Ith youngateri fr the Phlladi Iphla grammar n I Ii The two-mil,s relaj for the college championship brought the moal Joy to the itudenti of Pennaylvanla. Prince- ton and llllnola were entered Croai, ,i oew man. opened for Penni i*anla agalnal Barron, <>r Illinois, and Cor- don, of Princeton Huron led al the half and gave his teammate, Herrlck, ;i slight bad Church took up the task for Pennaylvanla, while Stickney con- tinued for Princeton. The three men kepi bunched tor the Ural quarter, just after paaalng thia mark. Church kicked his in IT and ran the laal lap barefoot. He kepi 'tis place In spite of iiiis big handicap and Onlahed only n stride behind Herrlck. The Prince- Ionian was eight yanls in the van. Bodlej ran the third relay for Penn- sylvania He stayed with Rohrer, or Illinois, tor the Brat quarter, and then jumped Into the lead Ha ran a won- derful half In 1 minute and 58 second! Hat, ami gave Fester t thirty-yards load Poster ran a perfect race and Onlahed well ahead of Cope, of Illinois His time was the same as Itudley's. The four-mile was the last event on the program Boyle and Wolle did the first two mllei for Pennaylvanla in nice style, Boyle gave Wolls a lead of twenty yards and Wolle gave Sev- ering a lead of sixty yards over Herna. n mil student from Ithaca, one of thoae gn al distance men thai Jack Moaklej M often turns out. He took ii,, the running tar in the rear of i^v- erlng and for three hi|is galloped around the track, gaining ilowly on Levering, With the three-quarters past, Berna leaped forward and de- veloped a stride, together with speed. that carried him over the clndera like ;i deer, i.eveiin'-, w is too i ir ahead to be caught, bui In the last 220 yards H. ma made up all thai waa left of the !lxty yards lull llfieen. Paull itarted with Jonea on bla he. Is For three laps he led the Itha- can around the circle "n the back si retell, Jones began to close in, and when the two great runnera paaaed the Student seen u. Jones had a Blight had Coming down the borne stretch, Jonei sprinted and was at the tape twenty yard! ahead of Paull. Hla time was I mill,n.s and L'l I KSOnda. Berna'i time was i mlnutea and 22 seconds, There were man' stars In the oni - mile championship. Haydock ran Si it for Pennaylvanla. He si nl Wharton av u in third place, bul the bunch thai ran the second relay for thi other .' legei were too taal for the Pennaylva- nla y Minister, and he touched Mercer off behind all othera In no time Merc r waa abreaal ol the Brat m in. He took the lead, bul the terrible effort he mad, In making up lost ground told, and coming down the itretch he f.-ll hark Into third plan I lavenp. HI. of Chicago, ami Cralg, ot Michigan, wi re touched off on the last lap ahead ol smith, of Pennaylvanla. In thia lap there were a few quarter-mtlera, namely, Davenport, Cralg, Reldpath, Smith ami Nixon. Davenport was awa] titst and in first. Cralg was away second and In second, Nixon, nt Cornell, beat oui Smith for third. Dartmouth ihowed four little run- ner! In the freshman championship that ran away with the event Penn- ..• u anla waa n cond and Columbia third Burdlck was Pennaylvanla'! host rmer In the special event! He won the high jump with a leap of six two hnie i. Moffltt, ihe Intercol- I,..., ,,. , cord holder in the high jump. and former Pennaylvanli man. was third in this event. He did six feet Lawrence, ex Harvard, waa second, belghl was six feel one inch. Two other Pennaylvanla men scored in the special eventa. Murphy took second in the hammer throw and Mer- . i second In the broa 1 jump Cap- tain Minds railed to place in the hun- dred Griffith found the Beld too taal in the high hurdlei and was unable to place He was a I fourth, how- . with Chlaholm, ol Yale, Inti rcol- legiati champion, Brat, Horrax, of Johns Hopkins second, ami Dwlght, of Princeton, third. In the century, Minds got Into the finals, lie was heateii by Martin, of Notre Dame, Thatcher and Rlelly, of Vai.'. who Bnlahed In that order. The time waa even. All the championship races brought out good Holds. Exeter won the pre- itory school championship from the boat » hoola In thli section Tin y had thing! 'heir own Waj and broke the record. Time, :: mlnutea 30 1-8 second!, Boston Englleh High School showed a faat bunch or quarter-mtlera and won the high school champion- ship, breaking the record. Time. :i mlnutea 29 i 5 seconds Penn Charter won the Philadelphia Interacademlc championship. Oar- mantown waa second and Episcopal third. LipplnCOtt, the last man to run for Bplacopal, showed as good form and as much speed as any of the sec- ondary school men Who ran, and was credited with a quarter in B1 flat. Summaries of championship and il events: Championship!. Four-mile College Champlonal Ip of Am. rlca Won by Cornell ii' inger, Putnam, Jonea); second. Pen - vania (Bo e. Wolle, Levering, Paull). Time, IT.:.'. Two-mile College Championship of (Continued from First Page) NINETEEN-ELEVEN CLASS RECORD APPEARS TO-DAY In Cover, Reading Matter and A. - ; Work. Is an Improvement Over Vol- umes Issued in the Past. A CREDIT TO THE PUSLISHLRS. for the Aral time In years, the Benlot Record is out on tbi i ite promii id, and. in addition I-) '11.-. Is one ei tin- beat volumes of the kind thai baa ever been Isaui d at Pen vania. Tim hook i; hound in I lack seal grgln leather, with a plain Bit II ild about H dgi a ami n irel i thi itli Inacrlbed thereon. mere are 350 pagei ol readin - mat- ter, replete with cut* and lllu!tr.:t.ona , harai ter! ami phaaei in the life of the Hniv well as numerous ir In scattered through the advertlsln i vary the monol Tne title page was exi i uti d h> Pr if. Paul ri -i. of the Archltei tural Scl ,,:,,! i s a water color of the Men il Gate of '79, at tlie entrance In Hamil- ton Walk. It i- masterpl : coloring am! in 'ii lightness ol n tion. Other color ilat - b Hough i l Simon are feature! i the work. The Ki cord is dedlcati d 'o e> Pro- VOBl I Ian is HI In the dual capacity of ,\ Provoat, and one whose wh do thought has been for Urn host inter < of the Unlveralty Oppoaite to 'his there is a full-page etching of Dr. Har- rison, taken from one oi ills favorite photograph!. Following this there is a tribute to Dr. Smith. The Record is on sale to-day at The Pennaylvanian office, bul there is only a limited edition so that it Is desir- able that men holding cards present MI in i etve n l:: and 2 o'clock Dur- ing ihe rest of the week Records will sale a' I O'I lock, and all' r this week in tl'e Houston Club Hook Store The election of a manager for the 1912 Record waa enounced on Satur- day, when Marck LOO! looker w lected h Preeldenl Thayer, of the Claaa, ami Editor-in-Chief Hunter ami liuslti.'s- Manager Humphrey) I Ri cord. This is a new precedent, aa 'his office has formerly been Bled by appointment by the s dot Pre Ident Thia year, bowi a call was issued earl) In the season, to inch eight candidates respond, d, ami Tooker was Anally the successful man. Manager-elecl Toker baa prominently Identified with class if- fans and la a member of the Wharton School E cecutlt e Coi He 13 a member of the Sigma Chi Fratei FIRST GAME A DRAW. Cricketers Start Well by Tying Ger- mantown Cricket Club. in the opening game of the ae i!on, the 'Varalt] cricket team drew 1 the star Qermantown eleven b: 93 runs In six wickets imaiast tlui" Op- ponenta' total of 211, ta Qer town had practically the lame b im in the held which will tour England next Bummer, the result was u iex- peeled. Clement and Crnbam both ahowed good form In howling and Wood led the hats Witt B6. The new linn bowed up well, especially in bowling. For Qermantown, O'Neil and Btewart led the run-gettera with i"i apiece, ami Captain Henry also had a prett; In- ning! "f :',7. while the flrat team waa drawing with Qermantown C, C, the second team defeated the Helniont C. C IOC ond by 189 runs to 102, Musical Clubs Elections. Kleciion of officers ami leads s for the Musical Chilis will take plan Beit Wednesday evening In Houston Hall, al 7 o'clock Immediately thereafter there will be a rehearsal of tin ' Club for a 1 oncert to be given fo Machine ! 1

THE PENNSYLVANIAN - Penn · PDF fileThe assignment f Dormitory roonu 11 | aar a111 be nude al noon to- day, and, alas usual, will l»' done by lot, in ler the direction theref W. o

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Page 1: THE PENNSYLVANIAN - Penn · PDF fileThe assignment f Dormitory roonu 11 | aar a111 be nude al noon to- day, and, alas usual, will l»' done by lot, in ler the direction theref W. o



Mask and Wig Ticket Sale To-day at 12 M1SPLAYS ARE COSTLY


Clark and Freeman D splay Fine Form m Pitchers' Duel—Overthrows

Give Victory to Eli».


ol a third base ball Cham- p received their Ural let back

,n New Haven when Tala ,i the 'Varalty a -i defeat, ina-

i solve Freeman'i delivery and ran in critical momenta were

ontrlbutlng caueea to the Oil vie- Clark pitched a iplendW same,

Freeman and Hartwell were jual ■ better, and whatever chance

i ivanla bad waa blocked In tii«- nnlng on ■ combination >>f two

i, II pass and '«<) outs, which I > . two rune.

,.,.,ii i,.i the Red and Blue down .,,, IKIS in leven Innlnga, bul

Yale took no ohancea, Mini when be wavi ■• d in 'I"' aeventh, Hartwell waa

. ,i iM nnii prevt ated a treatened Clark allowed bul three him.

ol which Bgured In the aoorini i: , ami Belded in erratic (aahion, ina Penniylvanla'i mlaouei were the ,:, -, damaging. Toomoy played a

game al third for the 'Varalty, Corey ami BtlUwell teatared tor

Yale. The Vaii' runs came in the third.

Aldendlfer made ■> neal snip of Free- man's grounder, bul nullified the stop with a two-baee o?*rth*ow, Had^er advanced the i>itrher to third (»n an

: o ii Corey walked, and on an ipted double steal. Coaeni threw

Donovan and Freeman aoored Core] going to third Btevena

I i paaaed, and waa caught "ft but Core] mad' a iaf< daab for

I, i':i" plaj ami scored whal II ved i" !»• the winning ran.

Ivania'i lone talley 'ami' in . hid Toomej took two bases

on StillweU'a limb throw ol his uronndei ind scored on marines Id's b> ciarb and Coryell. Hayden slammed a two-bagger to left, bul Rellly'a wonderful catch of Donovan's hoi liner cut off the rally. The acore:

vAi.io it. II. o. A i:

Badgi r, cf 0 l - 0 '' if i 0 :! " 0

Tnmniera. rf 0 0 I " " i, If 0 I - " 0

t, 2b 0 I - l " R< llley, II) 0 0 I-' 8 0

-- " <■ 1 3 1

3b 0 0 l - " t, c 0 0 :: 1 i in. p I n n 1 'i

..n .. n n il 1 0 _ — —

bi -' I -•7 11 2


1, cf o il II n 0 1 II 1 il

■III. ss " '1 il :i 0 M " il II n 0

ndlfer, 2b " il n 2 1 If d 1 o II 0

c " I) i; II •1

. lb l n I :s 1) |i 0 0 i :i 0

— — — — — la I •) L'l 12 A

Score by Innings. ijlvanla ...nooooioo o—l

Yale 00100000 x—2 Two-base lilt — Bayden. Stolen

bases—Corey 2. Btevena, Thayer. Sac- bits—Coryell, cinrK. Baaei on By clink, ■',: Freeman, Hart-

well, l. struck out—By Freeman, I; Hartwell, 2. Time—1 W,

Rooms Assigned To-day. The assignment <>f Dormitory roonu

11 | aar a111 be nude al noon to- day, and, as usual, will l»' done by lot,

in ler the direction <>f W. o. filler, So applications will I" recel d after '■' "(lock this morning, and all re-

i in !»• published to-morrow.


Pennsylvania Runners Set Up New Intercollegiate Mark for the Two-mile. Wonderful Bursts of Speed by Berna and Jones, of Cornell,

Establish New World's Record in the Four-mile.

The Seventeenth Annual Relay car- nival, iiidd Saturday on Franklin Field track, coal Pennsylvania two tltlea, the championships in the four and one- mile collegiate relay races, in 111 - - i An mil, event, the Red and Blue half- mill's retalni d some ol the Univer- sity's prestige, and In the doing the record tor the distance waa smashed. The time was g minutes 2-8 seconds, two seconds better than the collegiate mark and 2 1-6 seconds under the Car- ii,\ ,i time, in the four-mile race, Pennsylvania appeared to be fixed tor another victory, Levering went as i on the third relay with seventj yards lead on Tell Berna, of Cornell, but wonderful running by the Ithacan and ■ repetition ol the same torm by John Paull Jones, his teammate, together with Wilton I'anll s tailure to show his besl rare, gave the title to the Rod and White, it waa a u I race All the recorda were not onlj broken, the; were completely annihilated The time made bj the Cornel] team waa IT

mlnutea M second! This waa 13 and 1-8 seconds better than the American record for the distance, held by the Irish American A C, and IBM iec- ondi under the collegiate mark Penn- sylvania, In defeat, waa under the col- legiate mark in the one-mile. Penn- sylvania waa outclassed, Chloag . with Ira Davenporl running but, look Bret place. Michigan waa lecond and Cornell third, Pennaylvanla Onlahed fourth. The time was :: minute! 21 i-'• secondi, I-S of a lecond below the Carnival mark

The no is itarted a little after noon mid lasted until sundown The weather waa perfect and the crowd, which rival) ii a Cornell garni aai amblage, had In an Intereal in the racei, as the runnera repreaented so many Inatltu- ii in!, grammar i h Kil -. hi ;> school!, private schools, preparator] school!, Parochial school!, college! and unlver sltles. Qraduatea, one-time collegiate track champion!, were also there, No- where bul al 'h" Pennaylvanla Relay Carnival could such a boat of athletea be gathered. Record holdera In bunch s, the bi il athletea In this coun- trj. performed on the lame Held ■ Ith youngateri fr the Phlladi Iphla grammar n I Ii

The two-mil,s relaj for the college championship brought the moal Joy to the itudenti of Pennaylvanla. Prince- ton and llllnola were entered Croai, ,i oew man. opened for Penni i*anla agalnal Barron, <>r Illinois, and Cor- don, of Princeton Huron led al the half and gave his teammate, Herrlck, ;i slight bad Church took up the task for Pennaylvanla, while Stickney con- tinued for Princeton. The three men kepi bunched tor the Ural quarter, just after paaalng thia mark. Church kicked his in IT and ran the laal lap barefoot. He kepi 'tis place In spite of iiiis big handicap and Onlahed only n stride behind Herrlck. The Prince- Ionian was eight yanls in the van.

Bodlej ran the third relay for Penn- sylvania He stayed with Rohrer, or Illinois, tor the Brat quarter, and then jumped Into the lead Ha ran a won- derful half In 1 minute and 58 second! Hat, ami gave Fester t thirty-yards load Poster ran a perfect race and Onlahed well ahead of Cope, of Illinois His time was the same as Itudley's.

The four-mile was the last event on the program Boyle and Wolle did the first two mllei for Pennaylvanla in nice style, Boyle gave Wolls a lead of twenty yards and Wolle gave Sev- ering a lead of sixty yards over Herna. n mil student from Ithaca, one of thoae gn al distance men thai Jack Moaklej M often turns out. He took ii,, the running tar in the rear of i^v- erlng and for three hi|is galloped around the track, gaining ilowly on Levering, With the three-quarters past, Berna leaped forward and de- veloped a stride, together with speed.

that carried him over the clndera like ;i deer, i.eveiin'-, w is too i ir ahead to be caught, bui In the last 220 yards H. ma made up all thai waa left of the !lxty yards lull llfieen.

Paull itarted with Jonea on bla he. Is For three laps he led the Itha- can around the circle "n the back si retell, Jones began to close in, and when the two great runnera paaaed the Student seen u. Jones had a Blight had Coming down the borne stretch, Jonei sprinted and was at the tape twenty yard! ahead of Paull. Hla time was I mill,n.s and L'l I KSOnda. Berna'i time was i mlnutea and 22 seconds,

There were man' stars In the oni - mile championship. Haydock ran Si it for Pennaylvanla. He si nl Wharton av u in third place, bul the bunch thai ran the second relay for thi other •■■.' legei were too taal for the Pennaylva- nla y Minister, and he touched Mercer off behind all othera In no time Merc r waa abreaal ol the Brat m in. He took the lead, bul the terrible effort he mad, In making up lost ground told, and coming down the itretch he f.-ll hark Into third plan I lavenp. HI. of Chicago, ami Cralg, ot Michigan, wi re touched off on the last lap ahead ol smith, of Pennaylvanla. In thia lap there were a few quarter-mtlera, namely, Davenport, Cralg, Reldpath, Smith ami Nixon. Davenport was awa] titst and in first. Cralg was away second and In second, Nixon, nt Cornell, beat oui Smith for third.

Dartmouth ihowed four little run- ner! In the freshman championship that ran away with the event Penn- ..• u anla waa n cond and Columbia third

Burdlck was Pennaylvanla'! host rmer In the special event! He

won the high jump with a leap of six two hnie i. Moffltt, ihe Intercol-

I,..., ,,. , cord holder in the high jump. and former Pennaylvanli man. was third in this event. He did six feet Lawrence, ex Harvard, waa second,

belghl was six feel one inch. Two other Pennaylvanla men scored

in the special eventa. Murphy took second in the hammer throw and Mer-

. i second In the broa 1 jump Cap- tain Minds railed to place in the hun- dred Griffith found the Beld too taal in the high hurdlei and was unable to place He was a ■ ■ I fourth, how-

. with Chlaholm, ol Yale, Inti rcol- legiati champion, Brat, Horrax, of Johns Hopkins second, ami Dwlght, of Princeton, third.

In the century, Minds got Into the finals, lie was heateii by Martin, of Notre Dame, Thatcher and Rlelly, of Vai.'. who Bnlahed In that order. The time waa even.

All the championship races brought out good Holds. Exeter won the pre-

itory school championship from the boat » hoola In thli section Tin y had thing! 'heir own Waj and broke the record. Time, :: mlnutea 30 1-8 second!, Boston Englleh High School showed a faat bunch or quarter-mtlera and won the high school champion- ship, breaking the record. Time. :i mlnutea 29 i 5 seconds

Penn Charter won the Philadelphia Interacademlc championship. Oar- mantown waa second and Episcopal third. LipplnCOtt, the last man to run for Bplacopal, showed as good form and as much speed as any of the sec- ondary school men Who ran, and was credited with a quarter in B1 flat.

Summaries of championship and il events:

Championship!. Four-mile College Champlonal Ip of

Am. rlca Won by Cornell ii' inger, Putnam, Jonea); second. Pen - vania (Bo e. Wolle, Levering, Paull). Time, IT.:.'.

Two-mile College Championship of

(Continued from First Page)


In Cover, Reading Matter and A.-; Work. Is an Improvement Over Vol-

umes Issued in the Past.


for the Aral time In years, the Benlot Record is out on tbi i ite promii id, and. in addition I-) '11.-. Is one ei tin- beat volumes of the kind thai baa ever been Isaui d at Pen vania. Tim hook i; hound in I lack seal grgln leather, with a plain Bit II

ild about H dgi a ami n irel i thi itli Inacrlbed thereon.

mere are 350 pagei ol readin - mat- ter, replete with cut* and lllu!tr.:t.ona

, harai ter! ami phaaei in the life of the Hniv well as numerous ir In scattered through the advertlsln i vary the monol

Tne title page was exi i uti d h> Pr if. Paul ri -i. of the Archltei tural Scl ,,:,,! is a water color of the Men ■ il Gate of '79, at tlie entrance In Hamil- ton Walk. It i- • masterpl :

coloring am! in 'ii lightness ol n tion. Other color ilat - b Hough i l Simon are feature! i the work.

The Ki cord is dedlcati d 'o e> Pro- VOBl I Ian is HI In the dual capacity of ,\ Provoat, and one whose wh do thought has been for Urn host inter < of the Unlveralty Oppoaite to 'his there is a full-page etching of Dr. Har- rison, taken from one oi ills favorite photograph!. Following this there is a tribute to Dr. Smith.

The Record is on sale to-day at The Pennaylvanian office, bul there is only a limited edition so that it Is desir- able that men holding cards present MI in i etve n l:: and 2 o'clock Dur- ing ihe rest of the week Records will

■ sale a' I O'I lock, and all' r this week in tl'e Houston Club Hook Store

The election of a manager for the 1912 Record waa enounced on Satur- day, when Marck LOO! looker w lected h Preeldenl Thayer, of the

Claaa, ami Editor-in-Chief Hunter ami liuslti.'s- Manager Humphrey) I

Ri cord. This is a new precedent, aa 'his office has formerly been Bled by appointment by the s dot Pre Ident Thia year, bowi a call was issued earl) In the season, to ■ inch eight candidates respond, d, ami Tooker was Anally the successful man. Manager-elecl Toker baa prominently Identified with class if- fans and la a member of the Wharton School E cecutlt e Coi He 13 a member of the Sigma Chi Fratei


Cricketers Start Well by Tying Ger- mantown Cricket Club.

in the opening game of the ae i!on, the 'Varalt] cricket team drew 1 the star Qermantown eleven b: 93 runs In six wickets imaiast tlui" Op- ponenta' total of 211, ta Qer town had practically the lame b im in the held which will tour England next Bummer, the result was u iex- peeled.

Clement and Crnbam both ahowed good form In howling and Wood led the hats Witt B6. The new linn ■bowed up well, especially in bowling. For Qermantown, O'Neil and Btewart led the run-gettera with i"i apiece, ami Captain Henry also had a prett; In- ning! "f :',7.

while the flrat team waa drawing with Qermantown C, C, the second team defeated the Helniont C. C IOC ond by 189 runs to 102,

Musical Clubs Elections. Kleciion of officers ami leads s for

the Musical Chilis will take plan Beit Wednesday evening In Houston Hall, al 7 o'clock Immediately thereafter there will be a rehearsal of tin ' Club for a 1 oncert to be given fo

Machine !


Page 2: THE PENNSYLVANIAN - Penn · PDF fileThe assignment f Dormitory roonu 11 | aar a111 be nude al noon to- day, and, alas usual, will l»' done by lot, in ler the direction theref W. o


THE PENNSYLVANIAN Bntsrsd »i Philadelphia Post offlie ■■

•ecunit-iiiiss mutter.

JVtiilata-tl dully ISuuduy exi-eptedl during tie- I'nln-rsliv ftu In tlie lnt«"reat of

the stniLiits of the I'nlv.rHlty of IVnn«ylv<inla.

B ;l». rlptlon ?^.Sti IHT year delivered on Campus; f3.no by mail.

F-niTOR-IN-CHIEF. I1AK0LD HAVI.l.uCh h\M.n.JU.,1012.


ftMUTAMT M.WAtilNti i in 11 in, BttELTON MALE, 1913

BMTORM, - R . nlnum. 'Ill t C I' QUO, '12. Allan Hunter, Jr. '11. I II »;. How. '12. John Al under,'It, I P. II Kosabwlta,'IS.

C. R. Hlllmnn, '11

AMOC1ATI MMTOKS, M ri . i ftd, IBM. ii. n. Madura, 'U.

'i W Renni flr, 'II. J I. Van Name, '14 n. v Cornwall, 'II »l. R Lorall, "14. .». c. Brown, 'il ' ^1 1 *t I.I- r. 1918, II. B Cha.e. '11.


A- UTAH* MISUIHI MAN.MiEKS. I: n'ealey Rolwrti 1018,

It in Mian Kliler. 191 1 Edmund HolTiiinn ,lr . IBIS.

Ilnlpb C. Gilford, 1918

Mil«lnr*« M nut.i . ttltlee llntira: I to il ami T ;.-. to T.4B I". M. Dally.

oflti-e- Mill Woodland Avenue.

MONDAY, MAY 1. 1911.

taws ion OR of lo-ojr's issue P II K08CHWITZ


Murphy's narrow ecape From Injury

b] a "iiil hammer throw in Saturday's competition racalla the 1909 resolution of the l C. A. A A A . in the effect ih.it sups should bo taken to elimi-

nate this dangerous form ol sport, resolution apparent!} was shelved,

for nothing was said aboul li at this year's i ting Recent agitation B| lii.si the event has been confined to the columns of "The Yale Alumni News" and the "Now York Sun.''

Accidents in recent years from wild throws, breaking of handles and simi- lar causes -• im to make ti rent too hasardoui I i be retained in competi- tion, Comparative!] fe« men take up

the hammer throw, and of these only :i small percentagt have an] success V . h It.

i: mil itlon of the event would affect the few therefore, and yel do away with tin iniist perilous feature of the trai ! and field i

a icomplished It Bwarthmi re's * c- oiiil runner fell and lorn fifty yards In his relay, hut the nervy little (iarnet four fought its way hark to a good second place before (he even! "as over. Other actions just as pluoky were taking place all the time. The spectators had their till of excitement

Results were both good and bad

from a Pennsylvania standpoint it

iraa too bad thai Penniylvanla'i splen- did Quartettes of mJlers and quarter rollers ii id to be beaten, but that is the fortui f war. The real canst for anxletj lies In the Injuries to Mar- ct and Irwin, winch maj Incapacitate

them In future nuts. On the other hand, Cos i> tfurphj 'i dark horses cane m the front »iih tin- spt cted points, and the shnwini; of Cross.

Brown, Orlfflth, B. it. Murphy, Jones and Heyburn augers well for the to-

olli gtati ■ The 'heelers'' always

get there In the long i»». and they are beginning to be prominent already.


it Is rather hard to see s wearer of the Red and Blue beaten out on the last lap ol a championship race, but on the who!.-, mere i- really nothing

to And fault aboul In Saturday's re- suits Cornell won the tour-mile cham- pionship because it had the beet team, for no team has any right to lose after such an exhibition of running as was

displayed by Berna and Jones Un- dergraduates should rejoice that Penn- sylvania had a team that c mid give Its opponents so game a battle. While Cornell broke the record by fifteen seconds, Pennsylvania was also under the old mark, and "Mike" Is to he con gratnlated on a string of distance men thai can better all previous records in bom the two and four-mile events.

The better team won all along the line Chicago carried off the one-mile

race by consistent superiority. Penn- sylvania outclassed Illinois and Prince- ton In the middle distance relay, and

Dartmouth was unquestionably the best in the Freshman championship.

There was plenty of grit displayed throughout. Church ran one lap in the tWO-mlle relay minus n shoe, and

yet kept within striking distance of his man. Mercer twisted bis ankle

badl] it. the mile race, but his quarter time was better than 50 seconds. Berna had seventy yards in make up

on Levering in the third mile of the long-distance championship and nearly


Sophomorei and Freshmen clash to- night In the Maj Daj Sports. Thi u eventi havi developed out of a wild celebration ever the naval victory at Manila in 1898, and, until a few years at '. Included a gigantic demonstration in which the "Dorms" wore accus- toi 'ii to participate with unbounded fervor Pacult] Intervention has role- gati 'i the unlimited enthusiasm into the '-alms or the historic past, and

in« thi spmts are confined to a well- regulated -•lie- of boxing and wrest- ling matches

it is refreshing to think of the un- derclasmen at last meeting in organ- Id ii con pi tltl 'ii 'rite Idea of univer- sal peace has been entirely tun preva- lent iiis M ii- between the underclass- men, and the struggle for the Dean's Trophj has taken on the aspect of a

literal! society debate. Just when the difficult} lies is haul tO say. It is not right to Infer lack of class spirit, for both class, s have their fair share

Of athletes Who are doing their best in Pennsylvania activities, class man-

agement maj have something to do with it. but the ability in manage class affairs is there '■ g the success of

the Sophomore Dance and the unusual outcropping of Freshman pipes on the campus. Wherever the trouble lies,

tin lack ni interest should be remedied at once, and the competition kepi on ■ par with the battles of the past

Tho Dean's Trophy competition tanks With the Howl Fight in the

classic traditions of the University, and to see i' suddenly disappear from he- ft en eyes Is altogether tOO painful in contemplate. The classes should get

together and contest the remaining points of the Trophy without delay.

Saturday's Base Ball Score*. Princeton, :i; Cornell. I, West Virginia, fi; Navy. 3. Army. 7; Brown, 6. Amherst, 10; Wesleyan, 0. Harvard. 18; Colby, 0.


Senior Singing.—Seven o'clock Tues- day, at Senior Fence.

1914 May Day.—Important meeting of committee in Room 105, Logan Hall, at I o'clock.

Rifle Team.—All men report this afternoon for practice on 1'nlverslty range al i o'clock.

Band Notice. — Band men report | to-night at 7 o'clock sharp In the

lav School basement, lo play for the ! Ma] Day Sports Me there on lime. i In order to he at the "Quad" by 7 30

Freshman Tug-of-War Team.—Fol- lowing Freshmen report at 1 o'clock to-day. In Room 166, Logan Hall: Coi irt, Rabbits, w. Crawford, Coray, Downing, Jamleson, Tony, sharp. Nls- son, Londerlgan, Bmith, Bteadmund

d Vandervoort.

YOU ARE INVITED The new uncommon woolens are now on display at common prices.

Whelan & Company 1222 Walnut Street

Tailors to the V/ell Groomed Man

3. (Cmilmut gmtununt

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2712 fcaurautrr Atir. WE ALLOW 10 PER CENT. TO STUDENTS.


Columbus, Ohio Capital $100,000. Pig Iron, Steel, Coke, Mill Cinder

L. F. Fiesrr, President and Treasurer Linn Benlley. Vice President Tm, Deshler Warner. P-nn 1910, Secretary



1004- Chestnut Street

To Attract Your Attention to our line of

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is the object of this announcement.

YOJ will find th:m especially adapted to

Spring and Summer Wear and we hope too, to have the opportunity of

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For the Princeton Game May 6th, 1911 TWO SHOPS

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Ideal location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park. NEW, HODBRN AND ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF.

Most attracUre Hotel In New York Traoslsnt Rates, $2.50 with Hath, and up All outside rooms.

Send for Booklet.


HARRY P. STIMSON Formerly with Hotel Imperial

Ten Minutes' Walk to Twenty Theatrea


Page 3: THE PENNSYLVANIAN - Penn · PDF fileThe assignment f Dormitory roonu 11 | aar a111 be nude al noon to- day, and, alas usual, will l»' done by lot, in ler the direction theref W. o


It', a

FOWNES That's all you need to know

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Cigars t< *<

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I. G. WILLIAMS S. E. Cor. 37lh and Locust Sis.

I4II Opening Ml

Spring and Summer Business Suits, $25 CO to $50.00 Dress& Frock Suit5,5£O.0(Hc$C(.(O

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JAMES E. MOL10Y Maker of Men'* Clothes


Pennsylvania Men—

Nothing adds so much to a well-groomed appearance as up-to-date, correct and inconspicuous head wear.

Blaylock and Blynn hats carry an air of distinction that marks the good taste of the wearer—the refinement of the college bred man.

We are sole agents in Philadelphia for the famous products of A. J. White, Herbert Johnson, and E. Albertini — known the world over for their smart styles.

IO percent dlicounton pur-

chases made by University of Pennsylvania students.


Importing Hatters and Furriers 824-826 Chestnut St.



Unless J. Pluviua Interferes, '.he Big

Show Will Take Place Accord-

ing to Schedule.

Final arrantemanta have bean com- pleted, and. weather permitting, the annal May Day contest between the Bophomorei and Freshmen will take place on Franklin Field to-night In OBae it rains, the sports will be held to-morrow night The class winning the majority of events «ni have the tinii point toward the Dean's Trophy i balked to iis oredit,

Tin' committees have done every- tblni in their power to make to-night's contests ■ \< . , i| any previous May Day meet. The band will be on hand to stir up enthusiasm In case that ele- ment should ii.. lacking. The musi- cians will slart from the "Big Quad" and march over the entire campus bo- ron coins i" the Held, Mutt, Jeff and Tony Hhi.lie are all expected to be

on the spot ami take pan iii the activi- ties. Then, too, the managers claim in have something new up their sieve, the nature of whicb they re- fuse in divulge until to-night.

A complete summary of all events is as follows: Boxing, 12S-pound, Bar- clay. U, ami Moffly, II. 180-pound, Sullivan. 18, anil lliraty, 14; 148 pound, Miller, 18, and Wright, 14; heavyweight, Altman, 18, and Harris, ■| i

Wrestling! 116-pound, Bower, "i". and Fran kiln. II 136-pound, Dixon. 18, and Crawford, 'ii; 168-ponnd, Nichols. 18, and Young, 14; heavy- weight, Hellman, 18.

Sophomore tug-of-war team, Murphy, Blmpson, Jourdet, Balnes, Manner, Hamilton, Boswell, Altman, O'NelL

Freshman team will be picked from thf following: Covert, Rabbits, w. Crawford, Cony, Downing, sharp, Nlsson, Londerigan, Smith. Stead- imiiid. Vandervoort,


Necessary to Fill Three Vacancies for

Team which Will Meet Princeton.

An entry list of nhout thirty men Insures the success of the tennis tour- nament which will start this after- noon on the Law School courts. As Thayer, the captain, will be unable to plaj this Spring on account of base ball, II is neosssar] to Dnd material for the team matches wMoh have been arranged with Princeton, state. Johns Hopkins and several other colleges. The team will consist of four men, ami there arc two and possibly three vacancies to be BJlod. The men must he picked this week, as the Princeton match, which will he played at one of the neighboring country clubs, is Scheduled tor Saturday. May 8.

in order to complete the tournament this week, it will !>•• neoossan for the contestants to arrange for their matches as so in as possible. The drawings will be posted to-day at the entrance to the courts, ami the com- mittee wishes to announce that the first round must either be played off or defaulted by Tuesday evening.

Press Comment Favorable.

Before two audiences that tilled the NlXOO Theatre, 'he Mask and Wig ciub offered Pittsburgh a real treat with their annual production of "The Innocents."

That Plltsburtih appreciated the ef- forts of the students was shown by the applause which greeted the vari- ous numbers and the many encores to which they were compelled to respond. Parrel H. Smith, a Pittsburgh boy, was the real hit of the show.

Commenting <>n the appearance of "The Innocents" In IflttsburKh, the "Oasette-Tlmes," of that city, was loud In Its praise of the way the club per- formed Saturday evening, and went on to say: "Those who overlooked •The Innocents' missed one of the best musical comedies that has played In Pittsburgh this season, not even bar- rim: the professional"' Continuing, it has this to sav: "BrlKht and catchy pones, a plot thai was ns Rood as Is generally found In plays of such type, anil a cast that showed the thorough- ness of Its training, all were In keep- ing with the hlfth standard that the Mask and Win Club has followed through Its long and successful career."

Dgj;!-:.;-;.--..--.w.--~~ ■..:■■..■■.■'■■■':'■.'-■■' . ...... ...■...' '■'■■■:.—rm



WUh earn package of I alima i.ou get a popu- lar attreu' photograph — also a pennant cou- pon, 25 of which secure a handsome felt college pennant (12x^2)—S— Ucttonof IQI).




The simplest of calcu- lations will decide you in favor of Fatimas. Their goodness times their "dif- f erentness" more than equals their cost. Add tc this more enjoyment than you ever had and the sum total isFatima—the cigar: tls that multiplies smoke pleasure.

Rare tobaccos—skii'W.y blended.

20 for 1 5 cents, and you get 10 " "Uit'onal.



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Spring and Summer You'll be happily surprised at our extensive and un- usual assortment of spring materials. The patterns are new and full of style.

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Compressed Air Magazine The only publication devoted exclusively to the theory

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Published monthly with practical illustrations editorials and papers, original and selected, ou the production, trans- mission and use of compressed air. A full list of all patents issued for compressed air appliances, including flying machines.

Circulation extends to nearly every country of the world. _

A subscription to this magazine is a means of education offered to professors and students in an important and progressive line of industrial engineering.

Tear this out and m»il it wilh on« dollar to COMPRESSED AIR MAGAZINE. 11 Broadway. Nat York, and you will r«-«iv« on* year's subscription, postage paid.



Page 4: THE PENNSYLVANIAN - Penn · PDF fileThe assignment f Dormitory roonu 11 | aar a111 be nude al noon to- day, and, alas usual, will l»' done by lot, in ler the direction theref W. o



CLIFTON BEDFORD rX.in.Mgn 4 *Miin.iii|rn


U* ..IforBr. Clnrtt, lVa'n.ly * Cn„MaK»

Typewriters Rented

$5.00 for 3 Months Every machine in iruarantenl tobt >n BlM work*

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W« HIHO have for aale a tine lin<- of KVl uill Machine* of all make* on which you can nave 50 to 76 per cent Year'a guarantee Send or call for catalog,


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You can rent or iiurchaw a Modern I.lltht-

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Rents Typewriters All MaKes

50c. per month and up Second Hand (Hike Furniture

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IfsTimc for YOl' to Think of

B.V. D. Loose Pitting B. V. 1). l"nderwcir insures eoo/ness to you. Tin- light woven It. V. I) fabrics assure lomlnrl to yiiti. The integrity "I B. V. D, making secures resistance to wear tin.t wash. The Red Woven B. V. D. Label iiftguardi the gumhuntti "' your purchase.

This Red Woven Libel



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is sawed on rviry B. V. I). Garment. Take «'( garment ivitbtut it. A copy of oui Booklet has been set aside for ynu. Write for it.

B. V. n. Cont Cut t'ndcrshirts anil Knee Length Drawers, 50c, 7Sc, tl.00 inii J1.50 a t.umrnl.

II. V. D. Union Suits. I' It '. II 117)

111 HJIi t- i"l l.'.UO md i«00 a tult.

The B.V. D. Company 65 Worth St.. New York


(Continued on Fourth Page)

America — Won by Pennsylvania (Cross, Church, Bodley, Poster); sec- ond, Illinois; third, Princeton. Time, s minutes 2~> seconds, New college record.

One-mile American College Cham- pionship Won by Chicago (Manual, Stranb, Bklnner, Davenport); second, Michigan; third, Cornell; fourth, Penn- sylvania (Haydock, Wbarton, Mercer, Smith). Time, 8.S1 i••".. New Penn- sylvania record

Freshman Championship ol America —Won by Dartmouth (Olson, O'Con- nor, Wiley, Dolan); second, Pennsyl- vania (McOowan, Payton, Caawel, Relder); third, Columbia 'rime, 8.27 i-:.

Preparatory School Championship of America Won by Exeter Academy iw. .1. Kelly, K I) Williams, U Power, K it Blalr); second, Mill Bchool; third, De La Balle; fourth. Mercers- burg academy. Time, 8.S014 Schol- astic n cord.

High School Championship of Amer- ica Won by Boston English High Bchool (Meanlz, Howe, Ferguson, Read); second, Barrlnger High School, Newark, \. .1 ; third, llro ikjyn \| T. ii s.; fourth, Philadelphia Central High School Time, B.29 2-5, New r COI d

Philadelphia Interacademlc Cham- pionship Won b] Penn Charter (In- gersoli, Rath, Danenhower, si maker); second, Qermantown Acad- emy; third, Bplscopal Academy; fourth, Friends' Central Time. : ::, 1-5,

Special Events.

100-Yard Dash Final heal won by w Martin, Notre Dame; second, Thatcher. Yale; third. C Rellly, Tale; fourth, <; Minds, Pennsylvania. Time, .10.

110-Yard Hurdle Final heal won by Chisholm, Yale; second, Horrax, Johns Hopkins; third. Dwlght, Princeton; fourth. Griffith, Pennsylvania, lime, .15 4-5.

High Jump Won by Burdlck, Penn- sylvania, ''■ fl L' in . second. Lawrence, ex-Harvard; third, Moffitt, ex-Pennsyl- vanla

Pole Vault Murphy, Illinois. Dulics. Cornell; Oardner, Vale, tied for Brsl place height 12 ft. 8 in Wag Vale; Coyle, Chicago; Byres, Yale, tied tor third; hi Ight, I

Shol I'ui Won bj Horner, Michi- gan; distance, IE ft 1 In.; second. Kil- patrick, Yale; third, Phllbro i . \ ■■ • i lan i toin ih. Kohh r, Midi,.

Han r Throw Won b) Till mouth; distance, 1 13 fl Sty in ;

■ i nd. Murph) Pi nnsj Ivanl i. third, S| is. Princeton; fourth, Sherman, ei Han ird

Broad Jump Won in Waason, Notre Dame dial tnce, 23 fl I In second, Mi rci i. Pi nnsylvanla. third, Hoi i . Johns Hopkins; fourth, Jones, Penn- sylvania,

Discus Throw Won by Phlllbrook, Notre Dame; distance, IL'7 ft, 6 In ; second. Homer, Michigan; third. Kith- ler, Michigan; fourth, Lllley, Dart- mouth.


Dr. Patten Praises Socialist in Hia At-

titude Toward Futu'e Humanity.

"To raise the general condition of mankind rather than to save indi- vidual souls should he I In aim of modern religion," declared Dr Simon v Patten in hia sddri s* al the regu- lar Bunda] service yesterday morn- ing, Continuing, he sain:

"No matter what tin nomlo principles of the Socialist ma) '"'. his attitude toward future bumanlt] is the basis of the religion which i contend for. a religion which strives to make life brighter and happier for the mail of the coming ages."

Drop Game to Mercersburg.

The Freshmen base ball team lost to Mercersburg Academy on Saturday by the seme of 7 •">. In the hardest- fought game in their career, In which masterful pitching and timely hitting played the leading pan The feature of the game was a sensational catch by Logon in deep right Held In the early part of the contest

Mercersburg was nnfortnnate in having Kreppe, their pitcher, disabled by a hailed hull, which lore his linger

nail and forced him to leave the game.




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Young Men especially will appreciate our Spring Suits. The smart trimnesa of these garments is in Keeping with the spirit of youth. The models depict the most modern tenden- cies of styles. They are designed on natural, graceful lines. There is an agreeable absence of pad- ding in shoulders. Lapels are increased. Trousers are cut narrower than usual.

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Commencement Invitations, Dance Invitations and Programs, Menus, Fraternity inserts and Stationery. Class I'lns, Visiting Cards, Wedding Announcements and Invitations. Samples Cheerfully Sent on Requeat.

JACOB REED'S SONS Spalding's Athletic Library No. 349

Official Athletic Rules »i the

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The Official rules that mui all Intercollegiate Contests held ly colleges, members of the intercollegi- ate Association.

Records of all Intercollegiate Cham- pionships from 1870 to date.



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