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The person I will be speaking about is my brother Brian Franciszak. Step One:

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Step One:

The person I will be speaking about is my brother Brian Franciszak. Step One:The occasion I will use to speak about him is his wedding where I will be giving the Best Sister toast.Step Two:List 2-4 NOUNS or ADJECTIVES to best describe this person. NOT PHRASES!!ImpulsiveGleefulHonorableKind

Step ThreeFour Specific Anecdotes1. Hes always been honorable. I used to throw toys down the steps so the he would get in trouble and he would always take the punishment even though he knew he hadnt done anything wrong. Step FourFour Specific Ancedotes2. Brian has always been very gleeful. He received his first unicycle on a very cold, snowy Christmas morning and I remember him spending the whole morning in his pajamas teaching himself to balance correctly.Step FourFour Specific Anecdotes3. Brian has always been very impulsive. He called me once during his senior year of HS and said, Hey Sissy, guess where I am? He had skipped school to spend his girlfriends birthday in Brooklyn and gotten lost and wanted me to break the news to our parents.

Step FourFour Specific Anecdotes4. Brian has always been very kind. He spent the morning of my wedding with me instead of with the guys. He made my favorite breakfast and kept me from becoming too nervous. Step FourFigures of Speech1. Metaphor: Brian is my rock. Hes the crutch that always holds me up and keeps me from crumbling even when life throws the worst possible curveballs at us. Step FiveFigures of Speech2. Simile: Brian is as stubborn as any mule. On the Christmas morning when he received his first unicycle, he spent hours in his pajamas teaching himself to balance on one wheel, like a flamingo propped on a single leg. Step FiveFigures of Speech3. Alliteration: As a child, Brian was always an absolute angel. Step FiveFigures of Speech4. Imagery: For the longest time, Brian had blue hair. Not the pale blue of the sky or the weak blue of the ocean on a calm day, but rather the deep blue of the bluest things; irises, Lego bricks, and Cookie Monsters overstuffed stomach.Step FiveFigures of Speech5. Dialogue: Brian tends to call me at the worst possible times. One Spring afternoon he called while I was trying to carry groceries up to my apartment. Hey Sissy, he said. Guess where I am right now? Where he was was Brooklyn and he wanted me to tell our parents.Step FiveIntroTwenty-six years ago I cried an entire day because he was born. Not because I was happy, but because I couldnt believe our parents actually went through with giving me a baby brother. Today Im crying because that baby brother has grown into an amazing man and an even better husband. As Brians sister, let me thank everyone who helped make Brian and Biancas wedding such a success. Step SixConclusionBrian, Bianca, I am so happy for both of you today. This marriage is the start of so many new adventures for the two of you, but also for the rest of our family. Hunter S. Thompson, a favorite author of all of us Kanes, once encouraged everyone to Buy the ticket and take the ride and I cannot wait to see where this ride takes you and the rest of us. Congratulations!!

Step SevenShort PauseSome of us werent sure that this day was ever going to come and that maybe / just maybe / Brian would stay living with us for the rest of his life. Thankfully Bianca came along and now we can have our guest room back for guests!Manuscript MarksLong PausesChristmas morning was bright and clear, but cold and the coat Momma made him wear made it difficult to balance. Brian tried and tried to make that unicycle stay upright and then // finally he managed a wobbly ride across the driveway. Manuscript MarksEmphasisI dropped the groceries that I was carrying and said, You are WHERE?! Why are you in BROOKLYN?! I knew that my parents were NOT going to be happy and I guess he did to since he asked me to let them know where he was. Manuscript MarksChange in ToneThere was no reason that I should be nervous, but for some reason I couldnt make myself open the door. Brian looked over at me and said, (Whisper) But Sissy, you have to get out of the car. (Louder) Its YOUR wedding day!Manuscript MarksIdentifying Figures of SpeechFrom the moment he was born, everyone has known that Brian is somebody special. He was a remarkable little boy, everyone always remarked how he was an absolute angel. Manuscript Marks