ANITA MILLS The Double Duke

The Perversas Nights of a Noble

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The Double Duke

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The Double Duke

The Duke's Double (1988)


Once upon a time, the beautiful Johanna Sherwood,

Countess of Carew, was madly in love with Adrian

Delacourt, the dark attractive, and devastatingly charming

Duke of Roxbury. That was before she married him. That was

before he showed his true nature when he accused her of

infidelity his name dragged through the mud.

That was before she fled to Italy with the best friend of

Adrian, Gareth Sherwood, who was rescued from utter ruin her

divorce to make her his wife. Now Johanna has returned to

England as a lovely young widow only to find that nothing has

changed. The unjust scandal still surrounds his name and

impossible love still burning in his heart.

The simplest option ...

Johanna knew that should not hesitate in choosing between

the Duke of Roxbury and Lord John Barrasford. The duke was

exactly as she remembered her brief and disastrous marriage,

arrogant, suspicious, unforgiving and impatient to believe the

worst of it refusing to hear their explanations.

Lord John Barrasford was anything but caring,

understanding, praising and pledging to make it the happiest of


Obviously this should not make her doubt: back to the

terrible duke or open their arms and hearts to worship

professed Barrasford.

One thing was clear because he Johanna was so hard to



Professor of ancient history and English, Anita Mills wrote

again to mid 80s after the publication of his regency romance

Intended for Scandal followed by his acclaimed Lady of Fire,

Anita Mills came to enjoy a successful career. His historical

novels and short stories Regency are among the best in their

respective genres. Parents of four children, Anita and her

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husband Larry found peace in a small farm near Plattsburgh,

Missouri. This former teacher was inspired by his love of

history and English to enrich their stories.

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CHAPTER 01 'Actually, dear, it is of little importance where you grieve

the death of my son-the widowed Countess begged his

daughter-. So, we can also return to England.

Her black silk skirts rustled to move around the dimly lit


Johanna, nothing can restore life to Gary, we both know it.

Your concern should now be your sons, Justin must grow

aware of their responsibilities.

Mom, is only five years he protested.

My love, you must know who is English can not breed in

Italy and wait to learn what it means their heritage. Please

Johanna, for the love of Gary back with your children to


Sherwood Johanna was unmoved by the appeal. He looked

sadly the small garden where the sun bathed the spring flowers

with light, in contrast to the darkness of his heart. With a sigh

she looked at her mother.

'And make them live with the scandal? asked bitterly.

Hearing that his mother was found guilty of adultery and


All the more reason to move now, the sooner Johanna, back

to New Haven, we confront the talk, get to forget. New rumors

always replace the old. You'll have to behave prudently, of

course, but society forget.

Are you going to forget them? For a moment his eyes

nublaron-. They forget a divorce, which forced me to leave the

country, they forget the humiliating public accusations of

Adrian, I doubt it.

'Time and distance have already taken care that most forget,

it's been six years since it happened and Gary ...

Nobody knows better than I, what he left behind for me, but

I can not go, do not ask me why, I can not.

Johanna. The older woman came up and hugged the young

widow. Look, for anything I want to cause more pain, but you

must. Gary left for you home, his country, his friends, his

political career because he loved you above all things. You

can not find it in your heart with your reasons for returning

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children home. They are entitled to know the legacy of his

father. Justin must grow in New Haven, Gary would want it

that way you know.

-Only Five years old can live a few more years of exile in

peace. We must return so soon.

Jo-his mother insisted softly. Just twenty-five, with your

rank and fortune my son can get remarried, love again, be sure

to deprive bitterness, or my grandchildren, to find happiness

again, there is nothing to tie you to this house, but the legacy of

my son is waiting yours, do not forget that Justin is now the

Earl of Carew.

-Loving Again, I'll be lucky if I find a fortune hunter whose

need for money will matter more than the scandal, others their

own sense of decency will not allow them to offer precisely


Johanna ... Johanna ... have to leave this behind, Gareth

loved you and married you, find another decent man who will

love you too.

The young woman-not negotiated. That will not happen

mom, Adrian took care of that. The day the parliament passed

the divorce was adultery marked for life, plus Haven is too

close to Armitage, Justin heard the story.

Then Tell, will now be easier if you expect to be a man or I

tell someone else. He reached ways to convince his daughter-.

I can tell you with certainty that you will not find with Adrian

Delacourt, years ago we did not visit Armitage.

Adrian. He looked incredulously. I can hardly believe,

Armitage was the great love of his life, I can assure you, for

the offspring of the Dukes of Roxbury is the symbol of their

importance, lavished attention to your home as a parent to a


-However, No longer lives there, perhaps because it is so

terribly proud man could not bear to live where it all happened.

Nonsense! It -Rejection his words. Roxbury caused the

problem, and can say many things about Adrian Delacourt but

I assure you not give any importance to the views of others.

Never thought that would cause this kind of scandal, I think

the fault of his mother.

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Helen always hated me, she told a story without a shred of

evidence, he did not have to believe it, right ?, is not a child, I

was his wife could have asked at least if it were true before you

give me your lifetime.

Your concern should not be Roxbury now, it's for your

child you should take your place in society.

-I Can not.

You must do.

Not as I know Adrian.

It -Visitó my house for years, I know how 'he recalled it.

Then you can understand my fears ...

'That is nonsense -Short firmly. I bet Roxbury not know

you're back before you've recovered your place among the

neighborhood. I'm not a nonentity, after all. He looked at his

daughter, the girl had been a beauty in its season, a dozen men

had come despite their lack of fortune. The daughter of a

simple baron, had chosen his childhood friend, the Duke of

Roxbury, were married before the end of the season only to be

divorced after a year between bitter accusations of adultery.

The scandal had shaken society, making the young duchess

an outcast, and to give credit to stories, Gareth Sherwood

Count Carew, Roxbury's best friend and alleged lover of

Johanna, had been beside her. As soon as Adrian filed for

divorce, Gary took her to Italy marrying the same day that this

was granted. After six years with two children now Johanna

was free again, this time by a boating accident.

Although fate had been cruel to her, the years were not.

The bitterness and tragedy had not broken the incredible

beauty, could admit it was even more beautiful now than then.

His bright blond hair like wheat, expressive blue eyes, delicate

nose, full lips and a sexy body made her an envied and desired


And an Italian diplomat true was impatient to console the

lovely widow Anne was not going to step aside and allow

parenting Gary. The girl lost in thought considering the

arguments of his mother. Gary had never pressured to return,

but he was dead, his heart had always known she wanted to

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return home to her and the children. His expression was

serious when he looked up.

You're sure no longer lives in Adrian Armitage.

Darling, can not stand being there.

I suppose it's not required that I go out much she sighed. I

doubt that it is received in a house anyway.

You can live quietly if you wish. All I ask is that Justin and

Robin grow in their own country.

Johanna looked out the window to the Italian governess in

the garden playing sailing paper boats on the source. Count

five years put yours in the water, for the pleasure of his brother

three years their heads together while the small boat was

rocking, both were very handsome boy in very different ways

the largest tall for his age, with his the youngest with a mass of

blond and red curls and big blue eyes together black hair and

dark eyes, they were very happy, as curious and mischievous

that kept mother, grandmother and occupied governess, Justin

rose quickly when the small boat capsized, his young face

suddenly serious for his age.

Isn't think you speak it? he asked suddenly.

I'm sure they will do it, but that has to be faced one day

anyway, Gareth loved the boy and this is all that matters to me.

Outside the child picked up the paper boat and threw him to

the ground, from the window his mother saw him begin to

mourn desperately burying his face against the side of the


-of Whispered agreement. I'll take you to England, perhaps

there will not take so much, Gary.

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Adrian Delacourt paced the library Armitage, his hands

behind his back. The woman sitting on the chair in front of the

fireplace looked up in exasperation when folding the letter he

had been reading.

I wish you sit said irritably.

I still do not see the need for Almeria come to this house.

-This Is logical that she should visit the main house of the

Dukes of Helen Delacourt Roxbury Roxbury Dowager

Duchess replied.

Madam is a decision that was not yours to make, there was

no need to invite her here.

Adrian, Armitage needs your attention, you return to reside

here. This house has not had some new curtains since the

woman was gone.

I thought I made it clear he would not talk to Johanna not

then ... not now ... not ever.

I knew it was a mistake when you married her she insisted,

a beauty you have to anneal but no category, the daughter of a

simple Baron penniless and so I warned you, but I would not

listen. The small Johanna Milford was nobody to be a duchess,

just a slut as shown.

There was nothing wrong with your family or education.

Barely a match for a duke, you must admit.

Not admit nothing, I have no desire to talk about it.

'I should think not, after the way she and Carew continued

their adventure right under his nose.

Mother warned.

'You can not say you did not I predicted, it was as clear as

day what they felt, but you Adrian gave him the opportunity to

be a duchess and she took it and Carew ...

Gary -¡Deje alone!

-¿Buen Friend turned out to be? snorted derisively.

Wasting time with your wife every time you stepped back.

I thought the discussion was to Almeria Bennington

because I need here. I'm not entirely sure I ...

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-¡Adrian! -cortó-. Have almost thirty years is time to make

a suitable wife and an heir.

He stopped walking and stood in front of his mother.

He's decided to consent to the marriage, right?

If I'm the girl has money, parenting and family required the

Duchess of Roxbury.

'I have need for a rich wife, mother. I remind you that I

have been able to preserve and enhance the heritage lego my


'One can never have too much money, Adrian.

But, Almeria Bennington.

He can not be said to have preference for another, and she

will give prestige to the title of Duchess.

-A Real ice maiden grumbled.

Much better than that hussy who marry you the first time.

You never see Almeria Bennington thrown into the arms of the

first man who flatters.

If you decide mention Mother Johanna again, let alone

during the stay of Miss Bennington and his presumptuous

family. The last time I warn you, I have no desire to talk about

my wife.

Your former wife he corrected. I think she's Sherwood

now, I can not imagine Anne supports it.

He looked at the darkened face, clenched fists trying to

control your character without a word, he turned and left the


Wait, Adrian, where are you going? You can not go I have

not finished talking

I'm going to ride away from his presence, I want to continue

this discussion.

The Duchess sat down, had sounded the old wound was still

finding ulcerated under a crust of bitterness. It was time to

finish his passion for Johanna Milford once and for all.

He recognized an ally in Almeria coldly beautiful with

imperturbable facade whose sole purpose was to be a duchess.

Yes, this time Helen Delacourt daughter thought a decent title,

his eyes strayed to the place emptied over the fireplace where

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Johanna's portrait hung once. I had to put one there, and soon

as the word had come a few months ago the death of Gareth

Sherwood drowned in Italy and married Helen wanted to see

him without danger before the widow returned to England. He

turned his head to the other opposite the fireplace just staring at

the portrait of his son, this did not do justice, no one could

capture the image of Adrian completely.

Ah! was easy to see he was a very handsome man, with a

great appearance, with large and muscular shoulders, dark eyes

that seemed to pierce and see the soul, slightly curly dark hair

to give such a natural way that others needed hours to get the

kind of man that women found attractive, yet, except for some

lover, rarely looking forward to the ladies of society, she

blamed Johanna for this. She should not have more than

thirteen or fourteen when I can win the love of Adrian and

since then there had been no one for him. The widow pursing

her lips in disapproval, sighed. If after six years still could not

bear the mention of his name, was even more imperative to

reach a compromise as soon as possible Almeria.


The servants went busy removing the sheets covering the

furniture in New Haven, filling sounds and smells of the

extensive renovation in the house empty for years. Carpenters

hammered, new plaster moldings drying, the smell of fresh

paint permeated the air. Johanna inspect the work started

before arrival, deposed went to the small office that Gary had


Making balance the books delivered by the administrator of

the estate, there was no doubt it was a very rich widow.

Mom! Mom!

He looked up to see her eldest son running around the room

in front of his governess, Miss Finchley. For the disconsolate

look young, could ensure that the young count was in trouble.

Funny though, angered his voice to ask severely.

What is this you have done this time, young man?

Justin Sherwood stood before her mother guiltily. No

waiting to answer the governess grabbed him by the hand.

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Excuse me madam, excuse the intrusion, I assure you that

the matter is controlled.

If I can see that what is said with a smile. From what I

intended to scold and escaped. ¿Justin?

When he mumbled something unintelligible, the governess

decided to pass up.

Not lady has been nothing unless all paints mixed together

and have spoiled but I can send more to the city.

-All Colors, Justin. Why did you do that?

-Travesuras Of interjected child.

He looked her dark eyes flashed briefly.

-¡Caramba Finch! she replied. I did it because I wanted to

see what color would. It -Afrontó his mother. -We Said

mixing blue and yellow would get green, mom, so I wanted to

see what color would all together.

Yeah, I understand -asintió-. What color do you get?


Maybe you should have asked first, then the Finchley Miss

you would have advised you not to. He walked away a strand

of hair from her face. Knew you could ask your governess.

-Yup! -Wine the surly response.

That think I should do about it she asked softly. If you were

in my position, what should I do with you.

-Azotarme Replied without hesitation.

She seemed to consider the matter for a moment, then


No, if you had asked and deliberately disobeyed, should

beat you, but since it has not happened, I will not do it. Instead

you should apologize for not asking, and destroy your brother

for his paintings.

Relief flooded the face of the child.

Finch Excuse me, did not intend to spoil them, I promise.

I accept your apology, but ask me when you want to know

something you have not explained.

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Now, son should go apologize to Robin you will feel better

and the whole thing is solved. Then you can go back and do

something together, just you and me.

I've taught several young Lady Carew, but none as his

lordship. He is so ... so sober, maybe not this exactly, but ...

-I Know. She sighed.

'I can not blame him, is in a delicate stage and losing his

father at a young age. I thought his age would recover faster

from tragedy.

Not be easy to forget Gareth and relieve pain at the same

time. Glancing to the added governess They worshiped each

other since birth. Gary was always telling stories, leading to

everywhere. His face darkened with memories still too

painful, and found himself wiping tears from her face.

Excuse me ma'am, I should not have addressed the issue.

I'm fine, I assure Miss Finchley, it's just that no one can get

to imagine what it was really wonderful Gareth, I have been

very fortunate to have known him. He pulled a handkerchief

from his pocket. I'm the one who should apologize for being

so substantially. Returning to the subject of his son smiled.

Justin has been studying well the rest of her subjects.

I've never seen anyone like him, Mrs. Carew for one so

young, has an exceptional understanding and comprehension

of things. Recognizes all colors, do simple sums, and read

better than many older children, Robert is not as smart or

inquisitive, but is little more than a baby.

Oh! I can not deny that's my son, Robin will be a much

more like me than his brother shameless rogue.

Not meant milady ...

Of course not, but it is true, Justin is a brilliant student, is

likely to take his place in parliament, while Robin enter a

scraping after another. I was a tomboy hopeless until I ...

Mom! oh, sorry for running into the house, Mom.

Johanna put back the handkerchief in his pocket, forcing a

smile happily.

As long as you understand it's wrong and try to correct you,

you are forgiven, and if the Finchley Miss may be soiled to

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give permission and finish your class today, we might wonder

where he played when he was only a few years older girl you .

We had a fortress, and if I behaved kids would let me be a

soldier, to guard them.

-A Strength. Did they have weapons? she demanded.

Not they had the same weapons as you, but the wooden

sticks worked very well for them too. -Acariciándolo-. If I

remember correctly, they stayed away enemy soldiers were

armed knights and fought the terrible pirates.

-When? When can we go, Mom? His eyes shining with

enthusiasm that had not seen in months, I look at the


Well, Miss what should we do? he asked. You can be

forgiven of their studies for today, if tomorrow ends all your

tasks without causing problems.

'I think it would be harmful, take the opportunity to practice

simple things with Robert.

-¡Caramba! thanks Finch.

I'll have the chef prepare us a basket with lunch and we'll be

on our way to three domains then you can see across the river

the house where I was born.

Can we go there too, Mom?

Johanna hesitated, the smile wiped from his face.

No, Justin today, no.

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A brief stop in the kitchen to collect the promised food and

mother and son went out to explore familiar places Johanna's

childhood. The sun dried the last vestiges of the rainfall at

dawn, the air was clean with the sweet scent of wildflowers.

They walked slowly, while the avalanche of questions did not

end, from the name of every flower, if his father climbed this

tree or that one. After a break at the top of a grassy hill and

consumption of bread, cheese and fruit, left the basket and

walked hand in hand. A rabbit hopped across a bush running

ahead of them, the pleasure of the boy, who wanted to run after

him, shots were heard in the distance, turned Johanna looking

where the sound came.

They must be the ranger said aloud.

-Where, Mom? Who's there, Mom? Do you think that

looking rabbit?

Not looking for him 'I reassured him. They are too far

away, I do not think anyone hunt around here more.


-In Armitage.

I -¿Quiero see? He pulled his hand toward where they had

heard the shots.

'There's nothing to see there, Justin. Let's go home.

No, you promised me he would show me where three

manors he reminded her. You did.

Justin, no.

-Please Mom did not want to go back yet.

His enthusiasm diminished by the reminder of how close it

was Armitage. Johanna hesitated, thought the years erased the

bitterness and pain, but felt a pang of loss on his chest, still


'We must go on, love.

Dad would have taught me, sure, tell me you were doing

insisted. You promised to show me the strength.

He looked at his son feeling guilty about his

disappointment, he was after all to encourage him who

proposed the little tour, and now missing from his promise. He

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was twenty years old, was a woman, not a silly girl, scolded,

his feelings upon seeing the old places was unreasonable, he

had chosen to return as soon as possible afrontase their own

lost before it could deal with his son, squeezing his hand

sketched a smile.

You're right, love and will keep my word, if I remember

right over the next hill above the river there is a stream that

divides the property, there we had our castle, when we reach

the place will see the chimneys of the Abbey Winton, where

born, following the south bank of the river is Armitage.

Can I see the house where you would be born? he asked


I was born he corrected. No, we can not go.

-but Why?

Unable to explain to a child who was disowned by her

father, just shook.

Because we can not.

But I would like.

You want to take a run up the hill? he added, changing the


In answer, he released her hand and ran wildly as fast as his

little legs would carry him. Lifting her skirt showing her

ankles improperly pursued him, taking care not to leave behind

before he reached the summit, on top turned triumphantly.

-Yup! I won!

-The Ladies usually do not run, it is not decent.

I know, but Dad said you were extraordinary, for a girl.

This is something that only tell Dad.

His dark eyes shone with tears, she knelt cuddling.

I want my dad cried. I hate the sea, I hate it.

Shhhh, honey She tried to calm him. I also miss him, but

we can not mourn forever, Dad would not want that, Justin said

with her fingers stroking his hair. Listen, he would want you

to be strong for me and your brother, you're the man of the

house, Robin also hurts but is too young to know exactly why.

Dad loved me closer to me.

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Not true, must never repeat this to your brother, you will

find it hard to remember being so small, you should not make

you think that Dad did not love him.

But he did more things with me.

'Of course I did but, is that you're older, you teach see

where Dad fought against the enemies. -Secando Her tears

with her handkerchief.

The place was as I remembered, old tree trunks intertwined,

forming what they called its strength, its castle, as they faced

enemy. Even below the top of the trees, nestled between its

roots were buried treasures of childhood, his eyes filled with

images, memories of happy times by flooding as a torrent.

You knew Dad when he was my age?

Reluctantly he returned to present to answer,

When Dad was your age I was a baby, was when I was a

little older than I came to know any of the boys, and it was

because my governess married tutor Delacourt, when they

were courting, let us do what wanted, none of our parents

never knew what was happening, I think the guys just let me

go with them to not have class, Satterly Miss and Mr. Bates

were at that meadow, and sent us to play as they read poetry,

what we then seemed nonsense.

Were engaged for years, none had money to marry, finally

an uncle of Mr. Bates died leaving him a small inheritance,

they eloped to Scotland.

Seems stupid replied in disgust.

It was touching, and gave me the opportunity to play

exciting games instead of sitting prim painting watercolors or

sewing like other girls, my dad did not realize what was

happening, I was too busy trying to find an heir to fix their

poor Fortunately after my mother died. -The Explanation was

too serious for a child, climbing the trunks away, exposing an

imagination that could rival Adrian and Gary, brandishing a

stick like a sword, shouted challenges enemies. His mind went

back to an almost forgotten past when it was others who

mocked the evil pirates.

She princess castle them their protectors. He looked where

so often ate his lunch away from the teachers, the old trunk

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was still there. He went to sit on him remembering the happy

days of childhood, Adrian so tall for his age, much more than

Gary, then it was an accepted who was the leader, whether it

was Robin Hood, a knight or a soldier done. Once just before

they left school, she her knee was scraped, breaking its mean

and bloodying her dress, Gary washed the wound calming her

tears, while Adrian was standing strangely watching the

forbidden view of his knees, spent years until he learned to

recognize that look, desire.

Resolutely he left memoirs focusing their attention on their

secret hiding among the roots of a huge tree, they kept their

dearest treasures of childhood, silly things that caught their

attention then he approached the tree moving curiously land

wet with the tip of his shoe. The box was still there, kneeling

on the ground picked up a stick and began to dig, when a

corner of the box appeared, dug under it to lift prying, curious

and impatient struggle with the lock to open the treasures

watching with fascination, the snuff box's father Gary, nice

despite the lack of brightness, recalled how proud he was when

his father gave it, watch chain broken Adrian shining above a

yellowish envelope, the medallion from his mother , since

before he had died intact despite a mottled rust cover, set aside

rape case, opening the locket to reveal a miniature of her

mother. How could he be buried this? He closed it by saving

it in your pocket, deliberately ignoring the envelope, he turned

his attention to the other roles, his covenant.

The agreement signed by the three to be friends forever and

meet again in his twenty-first birthday. He wrote with the

intention to stop his tears when he heard they were going to

Eton, promised to write every week, a faint smile crossed his

face, Gary had kept his promise, not Adrian, thought then that

he had forgotten, rarely wrote.

In his debut was different Adrian was a man of the world

much more sophisticated and charming. He fell in love

completely, offering bed that night, I could even smell the

flowers from the garden when the first kissed, saying he had

expected to grow to ask, that kiss ignited in her a passion that

never suspected existed, since then no There were no other,

poor Gary, unfortunately he offered marriage that night, he

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accepted his declaration of love for his best friend calm and


Although he could see the pain in her eyes. How guess that

the good, friendly Gary was the better of the two? No it was

not handsome, was a delight to the eyes of women, but Adrian

was exciting, dark, moody, just jealousy and temper broke her

heart. Had lost both in different ways, each lost pain was too

much to bear. Tears ran unnoticed unchecked down her cheeks,

carefully folded the paper back, left him with chain and

burying rape case all over again. Shaking hands against the

skirt of her dress, she turned.

He makes Justin later she managed to say. We must return

before Robin and Grandma worry about us. 'There was no

answer, thinking that lay to jump on it, waited.

Justin shouted. Justin if you're joking this time if'll whip salt

where you're too late. 'It was usual mocking way, or ignore it,

going to the strength of logs with accelerated by fear heart.

There was no sound, was alone in alarm climbed the trunk to

call repeatedly unanswered. Should have walked away while I

was absorbed in her own dream. Reviewing the area gave no

clue which direction took leaving it scared I would not have

gone to the forest beyond was the river that divided the three

properties, the Abbey was curious Winton but said I could not

go there.

The silence was broken by more shots coming from

Amitage, Dear God! I would have gone to the hunters, lifting

her skirt she ran administrator Roxbury, help her look, leaving

the forest where the river was shallow, a ford filled to facilitate

travel enter estates in friendlier times. Another shot sounded

very close.

Do not shoot, relief cried ignoring the water that seeped

through his shoes. The men appeared in response to their cries,

he suddenly stood still, his hands covering his face in dismay

to see him again.

'You gasped.

Jo. The word was formed on his lips as he looked stunned.

His companion looked perplexed by their expressions of


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He was asking Madam aid ahead of schedule. Can I help?

asked request.

Unwilling to look at Adrian, turned toward the other man


Have you seen a child, sir? My son is missing.

I'm sorry we have not seen, but soon we come to this area

makes replied. But we are willing to help in the search -the


Johanna looked luminous gray eyes in a very beautiful face,

too abstracted to enjoy the excellent cut hunting jacket, pants

perfect fit, or the unmistakable shape of boots Hoby, was

impressed, biting his interest instantly . The Corinthian gave

her a winning smile.

-Barrasford, John Barrasford at your service, ma'am, if you

give me a description of the boy, Roxbury and I find it while

you rest, should not be far given the state of the road.

No, 'said Adrian rudely.

-Roxbury Barrasford- protested. We can not leave a child

alone so close to the river, forgive Mrs. lack of manners my

friend, first I will ride a horse along the river, then through the

woods, have you any idea of which way did he go?

He walked away while I was distracted, if you go on this

side, where I will have come, perhaps has returned.

Barrasford agreed and began to leave.

How should I call?

Justin Sherwood, still has not six, but have no fear of


She could see Adrian Delacourt stiffen, away without a

word, striding into the woods where apparently the horses

were. His hunting companion shook his head in disbelief.

I do not know what to say, usually not as surly, Mrs.


'I'm Sherwood exactly, am Lady Carew, my husband was

the late earl.

The name seemed to mean nothing to him, sorry was all he


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We lose time the kid may be scared, if I find my gun shoot

you twice to let them know.

The duke was gone, after what Barrasford could only be

considered a serious breach of etiquette. Reluctantly, Lord

Johnny, as he was known in the circles of London, he left the

beautiful widow to find his son. Bored with the matchmaking

mothers of the season with beauty insipid daughters, had taken

a few weeks off to meet his new property, a circumstance that

suddenly seemed promising, he had never known a woman

who could compare to the young countess.

Desperate Justin's disappearance, and deeply disturbed to

find Adrian Delacourt in Armitage, Johanna crossed the river

and looked over fences, stopping frequently to call his son,

prayed for she who found him first.

Adrian could hear both screaming child's name when he

mounted his horse undertaking the journey back home. A

conflict of contrary emotions washed over him, his anger and

even heating, filling him with nostalgia, were more than six

years since I last saw her memory had done an injustice by

pale reality, Johanna was more than beautiful was the most

charming creature he had ever seen then, and it might be even

more beautiful now. He closed his eyes to exclude its image,

only to be haunted by the sight of her standing with white face

and his hands trembling, when I deal with betrayal, the same

day he had left.

He had cheated, he knew, and his best friend, a part of him

wanted to save it in any way, even at the end, his pride had

won over his heart.

I saw it had once been, those lovely eyes alight with passion,

her hair color wheat hanging like a silk curtain, bright light of

the candles had slept with other before, dozens since then, but

none could compare with her. He loved her dearly in the first

days of marriage, and had cheated. Elevate bitterness in him,

enfadándolo again, had been a fool, he made his duchess over

the objections of her family, and she had been unfaithful,

stealing not only his honor but also his best friend. Damn,

damn it to return!

Mom ... Mom?

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It was a small voice, coming from somewhere along the

hedge, trembling with uncertainty. Adrian began pushing the

horse galloped away, then pulling the reins with a sigh.

Anything that her mother had done, the child was not guilty,

dealing a blow to the animal to return where you heard sobbing


Here, come out, do not be afraid cried.

A pause in sorrow, like a hiccup, and the sound of the

bushes separating out a little that crashed against him,

clutching it to his leg.

'I want my mommy! I thought not come alone.

On impulse he lifted the boy, the boy's face when

approached, the Duke had a violent start. Could only look

stunning black hair, dark eyes, high cheekbones that were a

reflection of his own face.

Endured her breathing painfully in his chest, his heart

stopped for a moment. Mourn the boy stopped to contemplate

the strange look of the man who held him. For a long moment

they stared at each other.

You must be Justin just said when he finally found his voice.

The boy nodded and rubbed his eyes with grimy fists.

'I want my mother! he repeated more quietly. Please, sir, I

want to see my mother.

-me Too. A dozen unanswered questions thronged the mind

of the Duke when he placed the child on his shoulder and

walked back to his horse.

If I fear, Justin grabbed Adrian Sherwood and chatted


'I wanted to see where my mother was born but she would

not take me -ofreció as an explanation at first. When the man

said he did not answer, siguió-, my mother is Lady Carew, you

know, and my dad ... -The child's voice stopped and then had

finished ... my dad was an earl, but he died. He turned his gaze

to Adrian,. Did you know my father? I ... I miss him, but Mom

says I have to overcome, and I can not.

'Of course you can not -calmó the Duke, his heart aching

with the loss of Gareth Sherwood.

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'But, do you know? insisted. He lived in New Haven when

he was little, like me.

'Of course I knew him-we were always together as children

from the time we started walking.

'And know my mother?

It was an innocent question, Adrian sighed and nodded.

Yes, also knew.

'Was she always as pretty as now?


My dad said it was the best.

Desperate to change the subject without hurting the feelings

of the child, the Duke asked,

'Has liked Italia?

Uh-huh, but the grandmother. She made my mother so again

I could be a count, but I did not come confessed. Not to be an


-why Not? He stopped to raise the boy in the chair and rode

behind him.

Because everyone calls me, my lord, instead of my name.

Why, that's a problem confessed Duke with a smile.


I assure you, no.

Well, what would be called, my lord, all the time?

I've never thought about it, I guess, but I've lived with this

problem all my life.

Does she have? Justin twisted his head to look back. Is a

count, too?

No, but I am a duke, and assumes that a duke is inflated with

his own importance, or so says my mother.

Do you have an mother?

-Most People have it at one point or another.

Well, I hope she is as good as mine, mine is large with a

gun, you know. Except when he is unhappy, then cries. Like



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We went to find his strength, and he was great, but then

began to read something and began to mourn, I could not stand

it. Moreover, said three estates were here, and I wanted to see


One day you'll have to visit Armitage and see where I live.

-Do Not.

-Do Not?

My mother does not want to visit any place, I heard her tell

the grandmother sighed. But ... he clarified, I can tell Robin

that crossed a river only.


-my Brother.

Somehow knowing that Johanna gave birth to another son

was almost more than Adrian listen. He fell into a troubled

silence the boy did not notice.

Justin chatted endlessly, narrating processes have a younger

brother, and finally boast,

Dad loved me more, I know I did, but mom does not want

Robin to know, because it is small and does not understand.

Look! There the river!

About the same time that the child cried out, the acclaimed

John Barrasford.

-¡Veo You found the boy! Well done, Roxbury!

Adrian stopped and waited for his hunting partner to catch


'Lady Carew! Lady Carew! -Barrasford Called through

vado-. Roxbury has found his son!

The surge of gratitude for the safety of Justin was tempered

by the sight of him in the horse Adrian Delacourt. However,

walked on the water, to be in front of the man who had once

loved more than anything.

Thank you, my lord she managed abruptly when his son


Jo ...

Mother, he's a duke, and wants me to visit.

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Not lowered her child down and inspected hastily. Are you


Uh ... huh ... but I was scared. Mother, I did not ...

Johanna fell to his knees and wrapped his arms.

Of course not, dear, but were not the only scared.

Are you going to varearme?


'Of God, Jo! He's just ...

Adrian's words were interrupted when she straightened up

and turned around.

-¡Manténgase Aside, my lord! This is none of your business!

Puzzled by something you did not understand, Lord

Barrasford looked from one to another feeling an undercurrent

of tension between the two. Then he looked at the boy and

again the Duke of Roxbury. As a newcomer to the

neighborhood, under a recent inheritance, was unaware of the

scandal, but he was no fool.

Johanna's face was colored and grabbed the boy's hand.

Well, now that has been found, we must return. I guess

Grandma will search party unless we return soon. Justin, say

goodbye to Lord Barrasford and the duke, please.

Adrian watched helplessly as he pulled the boy behind her

across the ford. The interest of Lord Barrasford, the lovely

Johanna written on his face, yelled,

Lady Carew, perhaps when installed ... ie I would like to

visit one morning.

She paused for a moment, hesitated, and nodded when his

eyes met Adrian.

Yes, of course, if desired.

Duke's face darkened, but instead of looking foolish in front

of Johnny Barrasford, questions that demanded answers

swallowed. But there were two things I know for sure.

He had a son and that son bore the name of another man.

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The famous character Delacourt, marked by the black mood

and self-doubts, tensed atmosphere in Armitage until the

duchess and the duke's servants left alone to contemplate his

terrible discovery. A faint reminder Almeria Bennington and

parents should arrive anytime led such a show of anger that the

mother of his lordship, for once refrained from fighting and


Only, he reflected, first on the audacity to Johanna to return,

and then on the lingering doubt that may have been wrong.

And this latter possibility was more than I could afford. As his

anger diminished, he sank into a nasty pity on his tenth bottle

of Madeira in three days, he faced the death penalty for Gary.

The world could not offer another man Gareth Sherwood,

not in a thousand years. How many times in the past six years

wanted to share some deep thinking or talking about some

complex problem with it, only to be stopped by the knowledge

that Johanna had stolen. Did he?

There was a time when I would have bet everything I had on

loyalty and friendship of Gary. Even after he recognized

Johanna love. Johanna. Whenever your image entered his

mind, he tried to erase another glass of wine. Back to her had

been enough for him to pieces, and evoke again the terrible

pain he had felt when I betrayed.

Now, after six years, had returned to pursue their dreams

and destroy his peace. Even when forced out of his head, the

boy's face floated before him as a mirror of another era, its

image frozen in time.

He drained the rest of his bottle when the clock struck the

hour, breaking the melancholy dream and return to the present.

First noticed that the sun was out was not only high in the sky.

A quick pass his hand over his face revealed the growth of at

least two days of dark hair. He could still taste the wine, which

left a salty taste in your mouth and the smell that it gave off.

Then came the recognition that his head hurt like the devil

himself. He staggered to his feet and closed his eyes in pain. It

was a mistake. The boy's face, framed by dark hair and dark

eyes so like his. With a groan, lurched to the door.

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Well Her mother reproached him without looking up when I

walk into the room, it was time to recover your judgment. The

dear Almeria will be here ...

-¡Al Almeria hell! spat with such vehemence that she stared

at him.

A bad feeling clutched his stomach as he studied his messy

appearance and wild look in his eyes. He moved slowly,

swaying on his feet, standing like a tower on it.

You're drunk she scolded aloud.

'I want the truth, Mother, and I want it now!

You're drunk repeated.

Yes, but I'm not so drunk I do not know what I replied. He

leaned forward, placing her hands on her back of it. Tell me

again how she was unfaithful to me, as I was so sure, Mother.

-What? It Baffled by referring to the old scandal, managed

to hide the sudden fear that sintió-. Ah ... yes, of course, had

heard she was back, but he could hardly believe his brazen

effrontery. But I dare say that not much left when understands


Not -interrumpió-. I will not be put off by his chatter. I

would like to hear the story again. Tell me what you saw and

what he heard from Jo and Gary.

Adrian, would you sit? after all this time, you still can not

doubt ...

Mother warned.

I refuse to say a word if you insist on watch like a hawk over


-very Well. He straightened and stepped back. Now.

Adrian, you can not expect me to remember exactly after so

many years, I mean I can not remember everything.

-Do Not? Her eyebrows rose incredulously. How is that

possible? Every time I would not talk about Johanna, I was

more than willing to entertain me with their sins.

Adrian, is hardly the time or place right now, Almeria ...

Almeria -¡Dije to hell!

I'd like you not to use that tone with me murmured his

mother, agraviada-. Oh! very well. Although I can not imagine

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why you may want to remember. Adrian, I saw with my own

eyes I saw this ... little whore boast to Gareth Sherwood when

you were away from home. Oh, you were too in love to see it,

but I looked at how he behaved and he came here continually

in his absence. I tried to warn you, but you would not listen,

right? She wore your jewels and trying to act like a duchess

while entertaining another man in this house!

She was a duchess, mom reminded him dryly. It was my


Humph! She never was anything but small Johanna Milford,

as far as I'm concerned.

So far he has not been able to condemn more than entertain

my friends.

-¡Él Sending gifts! She wrote love letters You were blind!

Not saw no charts.

She gave him a lock of her hair Forgotten what he told her


No, but I want to hear it again.

'You heard, gave the hair to put inside a clock. She said the

maid "this will give my love something to remind me when

we're apart."

How did you know it was Gary who spoke Johanna?

Oh, for God's sake! It was Gary who was given.

He loved her. Even when we were children, loved her, but

that does not mean seduced.

-¡Él Not had to, Adrian, was she who seduced him!

How do you know? Tell me again!

-The Saw you walk in the woods together. I followed, had

an appointment Delacourt Helen got up and walked behind his

son. Do you forget that I am a woman gently maid, do not

make me say as she was in his arms? he demanded.

-Do Not. No. He felt very cold, tired and suddenly vacío-.

Should send a notice to Benningtons I am unable to receive

visitors now.

Adrian, you can not! They expect ...

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'They expect me to bid for Almeria, but I can not. Do not

marry where there is passion. You can not ask a man who has

known the fire satisfied with ice.

-¿Fuego? Helen Delacourt his lip curled scornfully. Johanna

Milford is like fire Harriet Wilson. If you ask me, were cut

from the same cloth, just that Wilson became a courtesan,

while you did the Milford a duchess!

-The Loved.

You were a fool.

I -¿Lo I was? Still I wonder admitted more to himself than to

her. He slowly shook his head. I wonder if you ever really

know the truth. He took turned to leave.

It was too much for his mother. She managed to grab the

sleeve of his shirt and spluttered indignantly.

Do not you know? It's a great piece of ignorance if you do

not. If you doubt your own mother, and then consider who

married Carew at the time that Parliament approved the

divorce. It was clear to legitimize his son!

'Your son? He took half turned to look at her and twisted his

mouth bitterly. No, is that the final wound, right? Are funny

tricks that destiny plays with us, Mother, because the heir of

Gary's my son.

-Do Not!

-Yup. I have seen the child, and even a fool will not deny

it's mine.

For a long time mother and son looked at each other and

then separated.

-¡Adrian, This changes nothing! Almeria ...

It's changes everything for me. He lunged at her. I have a


Helen Delacourt sank into the nearest chair, his disgust

written on the face. How ironic! he muttered to within that

Johanna had managed to bring the world a child who looked

like Adrian. Not that he had much difference in the end. After

all, Adrian could not get the child not look like a complete

fool. With that comforting thought, concentrated in Almeria.

It's about time we had a very frank conversation with the girl.

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Yes, the arrival of Johanna to New Haven complicate things,

but including the Duchess had little doubt that she and Almeria

could put the conniving upstart instead. A few murmurings

carefully let fall between neighbors and Johanna Sherwood

would find completely isolated.


Bathed and shaved, Adrian nearly down when the hustle by

the arrival of company was heard. The Benningtons. With a

groan, he turned on his heels and took the stairs to the servants,

across the house to go through the old kitchen. A quick look at

the coach showed Almeria and their parents thought a visit

prolonged one second carriage was being unpacked and the

servants had wrapped in cloth dresses. Politeness requires

greet, but Adrian had no mood to endure a matchmaking

parents now. Furthermore, Almeria was so arrogant, was so

sure of its value would not make him wait minimal damage his


His head still hurt like the devil himself, but sleep still

eluded him, so he resorted to a walk to clear his head with the

air field. The sun shone despite a bank of clouds on the

horizon, the wind was hot and humid with no rain poured. He

needed the euphoria of riding for such a day to sort your

random thoughts.

He waited while a groom saddled Ajax, his favorite mare,

and then rocked in the chair. The horse was hectic, but Adrian

held the reins under control until trotted across the meadow.

The animal passage fence with a big jump smooth. They

galloped along the fields, until they reached the hedges

adjoined Armitage. Under a gentle slope and ford the river


He paused to contemplate the place where three manors

converged. It had been over six years since handover that river

and yet it seemed yesterday. His eyes traveled to where she

was the other day, but the place was silent and deserted. What

had told the boy? What they came to see where he played as a

child? On impulse slapped the animal and crossed the hedge

down the wet rocks that swept the river bed.

It was strange how little the nature changed despite the

twists of life of man, while reviewing old and still familiar

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places. He noted fallen logs that he and Gary had used as a

fortress. For a moment he closed his eyes, waiting to hear their

voices again. I came and saw the earth moved under the old

tree and felt inexorably drawn to it.

It dismounting, explored the soft ground with the tip of the

best boots Hoby until something hit the metal edge. The

treasure chest three childhood friends. It neglecting their

cashmere pants, knelt and eagerly dug up the box.

Her hands trembled to open it and view its contents again.

The snuffbox Gary, his chain, the locket Johanna no, the

medallion was not. She had to catch it, he decided. He

unfolded the paper and read their children's promises. Poor

Gary was a great companion, so full of life. Even now, he

could remember his sardonic sense of humor. Almost without

realizing it came to mind Gary's face, but not the face you want

to remember. Instead, I saw it as the last time, with white and

angry face, calling him stupid. Adrian refolded the paper and

reached an envelope.

Strange, I remembered not being there. It overturning it in

his hand, he felt a hard lump, and opened it. Stunned, he

looked Johanna betrothal ring, diamonds and sapphires

reflected sunlight.

Shaking in the palm of your hand, recalling again the

euphoria felt when she had accepted him instead of Gary. She

was the, most beautiful and lovely girl had been privileged to


And she had become more beautiful than in his memory

most charming lady. He was only twenty when they married,

fresh from his first days of salad, but I knew what I wanted

before. Ah, could still hear their parents and ranting every

word of censure thrown at him. If the daughter of a mere

baron, his father had said; it was a flirtatious, adventurous

hungry for money, his mother said bitterly. They never gave

him a chance to Johanna.

It was too painful to continue, this dream of better times

forgotten. The ring in his pocket and put the rest back in his

grave dirt. Sitting up, wiped his hands on his pants buff and

walked to where the horse waited. Johanna Damn! he thought

savagely why I had to go back and punish the child?

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The boy. She gave birth to her son without a word, a son

who took the name and title of Gary. It riding again undertook

the journey back across the ford and stood on the edge.

No, he had to know, had to hear from her that the boy was

his. Galloping wildly, turned toward New Haven. It must have

been a bitter joke for Gary know that his heir was the son of

Adrian, since only a blind man could deny. At least he had

never taken anger or bitterness on the child. But Johanna.

Johanna owed some answers.

So concerned about the questions in his mind than just

realized that had come to see the gables over the rooftops.

Before he could be removed, Perkins, the old administrator,

stood before him and there was no hostile welcome in man's


Hello, Perkins.

He's invading private property, my lord-the older man

reminded him coldly. I would appreciate leave before there are


I came to see Lady Carew. -Somehow, the name almost

stuck in his throat.

She does not want to see you, Your Grace.

-Confunde The matter, I have come to give something yours.

Maybe let me.

This seemed like a slap heard such coldness of a man who

had once taken two little boys to hunt in the days when Adrian

had stayed at Haven. The duke looked around and found

himself surrounded by grooms with severe face.

-Perkins ... At that moment, he saw the boys playing in the

corner of the house. No matter, Justin! Justin!

The older boy stopped and turned.

-¡Duque! Is Duke! cried his little brother. Him and trotted in

his sturdy legs to where Adrian sat his horse. Behind him, the

little boy stumbled, her red hair and gold like that of Gary.

-¡Justin! Justin, come here! Johanna shouted to emerge from

the house. Both boys stopped and turned toward her.

But, Mom, it's ...

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His words were cut off when I pounced on them and ruffled

his hair each child.

-Go Into the Miss Finchley you are looking for.

But ...

Justin 'There was doubt in his voice warning.

Ah, well he capitulated toscamente-, but ...

No, go with Robin.

For a moment Adrian thought he would speak, instead he

chose to ignore his presence and began to follow the boys.

Wait, Jo! Jo, I need to talk to you! I have to know! He

dismounted and strode behind her.

She paused briefly and straightened her regal figure. With

his back still to him, he replied,

'I have nothing to say, my lord. Everything was said at the


He grabbed her arm and turned to face him.

-¿El Child is mine, it is, Jo?

Almost immediately they were surrounded by servants.

Let her go. His Grace, or you'll be stuck with a shot for

trespassing 'said Perkins.

All right, Perkins. His Grace will leave without violence, I'm

sure. Returning his cold eyes to Adrian, she shook her head

then definitely. Not answered flatly, the name by which he was

born was Gary, Gary was the hand that rocked the cradle when

we were in Italy, Gary was proud to call his son. Her eyes fell

where holding his elbow. Now if you'll excuse me, I do not

intend to invite him in.

-¡Déjela Go! His Grace warned the administrator again.

Why do not you tell me? he insisted.

She pulled away, betraying his anger.

Not have believed anything I said. Good morning, sir.

Several of the men in the yard reached him, but took them

off and chased. She walked faster, but grabbed her again when

it reached the lowest step of the porch. This time, he saw the

bitterness in her lovely face as he turned.

Did not you done enough? he demanded.

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I must know, Jo is my son, right?

No, it's mine. Now, if it does not, I would go inside.

'I have to ask, Jo, I can tell. You had no right to hide it.

Blue eyes met hers directly, and his lips curled in disdain as

I look at the man who had once loved. A small chuckle

escaped him.

No, Dree, make a mistake. You lost any right to me or mine

when in public dragged my name and honor through a divorce.

I am an adulteress! I remember you and Gary. Gary Sweet and

loyal, marked him as my lover. I will never forgive you for

this, Dree. Justin belongs to Gary, Justin is now the Earl of


He held his breath and let it out slowly.

'Is this your revenge, Jo?

No ... Gary was right, you are a moron! Now, leave us alone,

we will continue each in our own way.

Almost as an afterthought, he reached into his pocket and

pulled out the ring. Grabbing his hand, went into his palm.

I found something you've missed.

She looked down almost imperceptibly and then just

dropped his hand, leaving the fall to the ground ring.

-Do Not. No, Dree, was not lost it was buried with the rest

of my stuff girls.

This time, when she was released, she did not try to stop her,

watching helplessly as climbed the steps and entered the house.

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'You can not run from this, dear lady Anne reasoned. Return

the boys to Italy only postpone unpleasant.

But, Mom. Adrian knows

The Dowager Countess looked Johanna clothes that were

classified to pack and shook his head. He had hoped to have

more time, but had not considered the possibility that Adrian

Delacourt was home before Johanna had a chance to recover.

Protested loudly,

He is civilized, not going to behave stupidly. Well, you

know, but perhaps is best. Would you rather I would find out

when Justin is old enough to know the truth and be damaged

by the gossip?

Isn't will behave like a fool? He raised the voice Johanna

incredulously. Would not behave like a fool? Mom, come here

and just the front shouted Mr. Perkins and everyone!

Tomorrow, it will be in all the mouths of the neighborhood.

And you have unnecessarily alarmed the old woman

murmured sympathetically. Come, let's fix this -tranquilizó

her. So who knows, and everyone else with time. Considering

the resemblance to Justin, we knew it would happen, right? But

what can you do about it? Not be good for your image as well

admit it and recognize it once he regains his trial. You were his


She reminded him divorce for adultery.

More reason to hold his tongue. If you remove the case, it

will be like a real fool, and the sympathy of all come to you. I

can assure you, my dear, you seem very peculiar accused is

obvious when you wore your child in your womb.

-The Never knew. Gary wanted to tell him, but I could not. I

would not have gone with him after what he said, Mom. Gary

came to understand.

I know you did, 'agreed the approach to transmit a soothing

caress the shoulder of Johanna. You must not think that I

condemned, ever, for what happened. Once Gary decided their

course of action, I could see that there was no turning back.

Was enough for me to know that you were doing very happy

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and he loved the boy. In fact, his sense of honor made me feel

very proud.

Tears filled the eyes of Johanna and brushed angry


I do not understand how I've become a watering can. Life is

so unfair, Mom.

'You must not say that. Gary ...

-¡Gary Is dead! Jo-the wrinkled face lastimosamente-. Mom,

I can not face everyone without!

Anne Sherwood arm pressed his daughter's shoulder and

gave it a gentle shake.

-¡Puedes And you will! he hissed fiercely. For the love of

Gary and his sons.

-Do Not!

-¡Johanna, Control yourself! Time heals wounds, marry you

again, I'm sure.

Never! He said struggling to regain control with a muffled

sob. Blowing his nose with his handkerchief, shook his head. I

do not want to do such a thing, Mom, because the pain of loss

is too great.

You -Educarías two children in a house full of petticoats,

right? asked reasonably. I do not want to rush into another

marriage, but come a time when you should consider it. He

dropped his hand and turned to the servants who prepared the

luggage-. English You and your children are British. I pray

from the bottom of the heart of an old woman, not leave the

land of my birth son.

-why? demanded bitterly. They'll be rejected because I'm his


-Do Not. Once the similarity of Justin Adrian is

contemplated, they will say you were an innocent victim of

jealousy of Roxbury.

Her mother, you mean.

Anne felt I was winning and we take this advantage.

-Please, For nothing in the world I want to hurt you, but at

least try to test the waters. If you really then is unbearable, I

will return to Italy with you.

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I -¿Lo say about you?

-Children And you, you are all that I have.

And are to me more than my own mother replied with a

sigh. Very well. I have so poor spirit that can not endure the

slights of society for a while. But I doubt that invite me


Well, let's start by sitting in our pew.

A discreet knock at the door interrupted reminder of Johanna

he doubted anyone would welcome a public sinner. Anne

nodded a maid to open. James, the footman, coughed

apologetically at the intrusion, and extended an elegant white


There's a gentleman asking Mrs. He went to see Johanna. I

told him I did not think I received it, but insisted that I asked

before leaving.

Jo took the card and turned it over to read, -JTE Barrasford.

-who Is he? he asked curiously.

Barrasford 'Lord looked puzzled card, thinking aloud, guess

who came to see how is Justin. He was the one you mentioned

that helped me find my son.

Anne looked at the beautiful face of Johanna and doubted

that was the case.

Then by all means, you should see it. Esther, find a cloth

soaked in cold water to the eyes of Mrs. Johanna, and Kate, do

not hang gray dress.

Mom, is too smart to use at home Jo protested helplessly.

Nonsense! -the widow forcefully rejected. When one is in

mourning, elegance fabric and design have to do what the color

can not.


Besides, you will be out of black in a week or so, anyway he

added unperturbed. Come on, hurry, James, tell his lordship

Barrasford Lord will be right down.

If your mood was not so saturated with sadness, amuse the

joint efforts of Anne and the two maids to bring it presentable.

Now, wearing her gray dress, her blond hair was carefully

collected and only a few strands to soften the severity of style,

Page 37: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

and lavender water was rubbed to remove tear stains on her

cheeks, all in fifteen minutes.

John Barrasford turned to see into the blue room, holding his

breath. For a day and a night, he had said to himself that he

could not be a creature as I remembered, and there it was.

Wordlessly, he noted the perfection of her features, her slim

figure and small waist. He waited a question of those blue eyes

staring into hers. There was a sadness in his eyes, a sadness

that was out of place amid such beauty. With an effort she

controlled and managed to advance to greet her.

Lady Carew. Sorry to intrude after such a short

acquaintance, but I wonder how the child is.

A slight curve smile touched his mouth, that did not reach

his eyes.

If you do not have ten lashes, sir, did not suffer for his

adventure She gestured to the couch in front of a fireplace

empty-. Will you sit? I would be happy to order some tea.

I'd like this above all admitted with a charming smile. I thirst

for the ride in the sun.

Yes, it's hot rather, right? You may want lemonade.

I'm a very easy person to please, Lady Carew. I'll have what


He was annoyed with the presence of handsome stranger,

wondering if he had come for a closer inspection an infamous

woman. His next words dispelled their fears.

'Actually, I came because I'm new to the neighborhood and

do not know anyone besides Roxbury. The Lady Sheffield

gives a small party to introduce me to the local nobility. He

paused to look at the gray dress and released it, are you still in

mourning for Lord Carew, ma'am?

My husband died a year ago this week said quietly.

Oh! He cleared his throat and went on bravely, feeling like

a callow youth instead of a man of thirty-three years. So stop

mourning next week, right?

I do not know, -what looked curiously and waited.

-Okay. . . That is, I hope to see home of Sheffield.

Not was invited.

Page 38: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

Nonsense! I'll ask them to send you a card, Lady Carew, I

doubt she knows is residing here. I did not know. In fact,

gladly I will take with me.

Johanna gasped and trying to form words.

Not think me ungrateful, my lord, but I can not impose on

their kindness. With resolution looked at him. You may not

have heard the story, but I'm sure would be located here.

Excuse me?

My lord, speak clearly -dicho this, searched his face and

wondered how he would react to his words. He was a

handsome, well-favored man, his eyes, despite being gray

instead of hazelnut reminded somehow of Gareth. Maybe then

not even want to wait lemonade. He pointed in another deep

breath and began bluntly, Lord, my first husband was Adrian


-¿Roxbury? Gray eyes looked soberly. So that explains the


-Yup. I went Duchess of Roxbury, until divorced me. The

charge was for adultery understand. His mouth twisted to

expose the bitterness sintió-. Lord Carew, my dear childhood

friend was with me and we got married the day that Parliament

approved the divorce Adrian filed against me. We went to Italy

and lived there until he died. Her voice dropped to almost a

whisper. Justin believes that Gary was his father, he wanted it.

She swallowed to maintain composure and lifted her chin

defiantly. Therefore, my lord, if you can not accept to know

me better, I understand. After all, my father did not speak to

me, so why should I?

I think I would drink lemonade, Lady Carew replied quietly.

And, dear lady, I have seen many women with their favors

free. And I can honestly say I do not think is one of them. And

it will be an honor to meet and I will be proud to be seen in his



Cheer up, my love-Countess Johanna advised when the

carriage Carew left them on the porch of the mansion

Sheffield-. Remember that you have received an invitation like

everyone else.

Page 39: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

Probably due to the kindness of Lord Barrasford muttered

quietly. His wet hands smoothed the blue silk erase wrinkles

Ride otherwise there was nothing on his face betraying the

inner turmoil she felt in her first foray into English society

since his return. Indeed, even the most interested observer had

to admit that her perfect features seemed serene majesty.

Heads turned when her slippers followed the footsteps of his

mother, and was heard more than a young man whispered,

Who is beauty? Johanna irritated not want to hear the answer.

Even though they were more than nine, the night was still

very hot outside and the air in the stifling interior. When he

entered the ballroom, I could see the servants open the

windows at each end of the room and let the breeze in the

garden. Fresh air was fragrant with the scent of roses, fanning

the memory of Johanna. It had been a night like this when he

made his debut in London.

-so Friendly to come, dear Lady Carew murmured his

hostess bending and plant a friendly kiss on the cheek gently

dusted Anne Sherwood-. Been so long we had hopes of his


-Italy Confessed Anne was lovely, but there's nothing like

home, I swear. With a nod of his head added Johanna, I'm sure

you remember my daughter.

For a brief moment Johanna thought her heart would stop.

To his relief, Annabelle Sheffield simply nodded and extended

his hand.

Lady Johanna.

'So in the end decided to come-a male voice whispered in his

ear. Dear Lady, has gladdened my afternoon.

She turned and almost collided with Lord Barrasford. His

eyes showed an interest recognized for a moment, but, unlike

many others of their sex, they also showed kindness. In fact, in

their several visits, his behavior had been exemplary.

Thank you, my lord murmured gratefully.

Amazing, the crowd, and I doubt everyone has arrived.

Perhaps you'd like a chair near a window and a glass of

lemonade. It would be very happy to get both, Lady Carew.

His mouth was a smile and warm eyes looking at the blue silk

Page 40: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

dress with high, wide neck, waist and tight skirt. It was

elegantly simple and it's satisfying to perfection. Her beauty

makes beautiful dress. Too often, I find it upside down.

-¡Moneda False, my lord! he said with a smile as he offered

his arm. She hesitated before taking it.

Not at all, I assure you. I'll be the envy of all men here


-Promotion Continues dear Anne. I see Margaret Thayer,

and we have not dialogued in years.

He thrust his arm into the crook of his elbow and went to a

quieter place.

Would you mind if I take the liberty of calling Johanna? It's

so confusing about two Lady Cares.

'Lord Barrasford ...

There was a suspicion in his eyes that told him he was going

too fast.

Very well, I will continue with Lady Carew.

She agreed.

Johanna will be well, my lord.

-John. My name is John and my friends call me Johnny.

As if on cue, a young man caught up.

Johnny, introduced me to this beautiful goddess. It is not fair

to steal a chance the rest of us.

Barrasford stopped.

Ah ¿Symington, no? Alright, Lady Carew, I can introduce

you to Charles Symington? Charles, Lady Johanna, Countess

of Carew.

There was a perceptible change in the attitude of young

sudden boldness as he watched with renewed interest. She

looked at him coldly.

'Lord Symington.

I did not know I was back in ...

His words were interrupted by a woman with a thin face

who pushed to pull your sleeve.

You -¡Charles! he pronounced it abruptly. Without so much

as an acknowledgment of Johanna, went to Symington-. Lady

Page 41: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

Corville is here with his daughters, Charles, and have assured

it will be polite to them. If you'll excuse us, Lord Barrasford.

Without waiting for an answer, strongly urge the youth to walk


Her mother -ofreció explanation.

So I understood sighed. I fear you have witnessed the first

rejection tonight.

Not worth knowing anyway, then I do not grieve me. It -

Despidiendo to Symington, changed the subject. Tell me Lady

Johanna, ¿Waltzing?

Yes, but ...

-Okay. I'll wait for at least two dances this afternoon.

Through games, matchmaking mothers watched in disgust

as Lord Barrasford Johanna found a seat and joined her in a

friendly conversation. His appearance in the neighborhood had

raised several hopes, particularly when it was not only a

handsome bachelor but also had some thirty thousand pounds.

Yet he sat with a woman whose proven immorality made a

totally ineligible.

He noted that the number of eyes on your way with a certain

satisfaction. Mothers looked like vultures descending on

eligible man ever to introduce girls.

-A Think Chatsworth observed with a suction-Lady, Lady

Sheffield would have better taste, would not you agree?

I suppose Anne Sherwood had a hand in this -decidió her

companion, as she never could see at Milford Johanna was a

blatant intriguing, with heart set on the destruction of Gareth.

Well, I for one have no intention of recognizing their

presence, and I've noticed that Lavinia Symington has already

given direct cutting.

I do not know, Anne is for me a dear person, maybe I will

just be indifferent.

What a go! It is time that we stay united and made it clear

that Johanna Milford is not welcome in society. If we do

nothing, every man in the county will be watching her.

Well Miss Carleton snapped when he joined to the group, it

will be interesting to see what happens now. Unless you are

Page 42: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

confused, you Roxbury who enters the Miss Bennington. And

his mother is behind them.

-¿La Miss Bennington? 'Mrs Chatsworth was momentarily

amused. Staring at the entrance where Adrian and his party had

paused greeting the hostess, she waved her head. I think Lady

Sheffield has heard from the Duchess thinks Roxbury make an

offer. A pity he had to go to London to find another wife, but I

guess it's a flawless girl.

The purpose of this hum of interest Almeria Bennington, put

an arm showing your property at Duke as he entered the room,

calling attention to its passage. She was slightly higher than it

was in fashion and her hair was as dark as Adrian, moreover

she met all requirements for a Reign as Incomparable. Her pink

muslin dress was demure, but this showed her slim figure, tiny

pink buds were entwined in a crown of black curls. A string of

pearls encircled her slender neck and settled in the crook of her

white throat. The effect was devastating in every lady and

mother in the room.

Miss Carleton was the first to find his voice once beauty was


-that Dress must have cost one hundred pounds commented


'There will be a man in the room to notice the dress She

uttered another grimly.

As long as my dear Charlotte is a nice girl, I can not think

draw attention tonight.

Behind them, Lady Symington, had hopes of a match

between his son and one of the girls Corville, closed his lips

into a thin line of disapproval.

It's a whole pécora, Annabelle Sheffield planned this for fun

without thinking about the effect on our youth. Our girls will

be put in the shade by the Incomparable London and fresh

Sherwood, and our young people make cakes of them.

Barrasford Lord looked when Johanna saw the arrival of

Adrian Delacourt. Apart from a certain stiffness in his posture

perfectly straight and white in her mouth, she did not show any

feelings at the sight of him. Instead, he turned to Barrasford

Page 43: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

and smiled at him trying to show the world that the Duke of

Roxbury lacked the power to hurt her.

I think in the end I'm thirsty, my lord.

He responded promptly.

-¿Ponche Or lemonade?

-Limonada, Please.

Settling into his chair, she cooled with an exquisite range

and waited their turn. During an awkward moment he looked

up to find Adrian contemplating, and fought the urge to run

away from that look black. Instead of lowering his eyes, he just

turned his head to study a row of unattractive ladies, always

wondering how they met each other, rather than mingle with

the company.

Two ladies walked past, their low voices. A third joined

them and looked in his direction, which caused a sudden

silence and icy stares. Regretting having sent Barrasford for


-¿Lady Carew?


An aged lecher with his creaking corset sat in the chair

beside him, leaned closer to a familiar way. His eyes searched

his face to stop at her breasts, her lips pursed appreciating the

view. His way, rather than being friendly, bordered on being

insulting. She drew herself up proudly and gave him a cold


-You Have advantage, sir, but I have no desire to meet you.

I -¿Demasiado good for your tastes, no? He scoffed. You

know, here is who has not forgotten that you are the discarded

clothing Roxbury.

He's drunk, Lord Barrasford Falburton He spoke coldly

behind them. Johanna Giving a glass of lemonade, stood before

the old man. Besides a cheater he added pointedly.

Hey here ...

-Do Not. His lordship was firm. It's in my chair, now that I

think about it. I'm afraid I must ask my return, Falburton.

The old man gave them a malicious look, got up, grumbling,

Page 44: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

Not something I usually do, interfere with a man's sport,


I'm sorry, I should not be left alone to defend people as he

muttered with a sigh.

Perhaps should not have come.


Helen Delacourt hiccup observed between Falburton and

Barrasford welcome and proceeded to make the most of it. It

was enough to withstand that Adrian was dumbfounded,

ignoring Almeria and looking at Johanna. Do not afford to lose

the Bennington fortune for a reckless passion with upstart

usurper. With grim determination Duchess proceeded to expel

the dance.

Oh, Sally! He approached the vicar's wife, does a must

always ask the wisdom of inviting a crowd, do not you think?

That is, a smaller party is preferable. So you can be sure no

riffraff be found.

Sally Greenlea followed his line of reasoning perfectly.

So is. I can not understand Annabelle thought, we must

assume that Anne did not want to offend Sherwood.

Anne is a fool if you do not know how that woman still poor

Gareth barely a year after his death and already has Barrasford

in its claws.

-¿Pobre Gareth?

Oh, I never blamed him, were she lures him ruined. And

now the adventurer has made a new victim.

It was a conversation that Johanna and Barrasford could not

help overhearing. Suddenly the stern face.

I think it begins a waltz, our waltz.

Oh ... uh.

Now is not the time for the faint of heart, Lady Johanna keep

your head up and follow my lead.

But ...

He took the glass from her hand and placed it on the chair.

-Desafiarlos Is the only way, 'I assure you. Before I could

protest, he rose from his seat and walked to the dance floor.

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She closed her eyes briefly when his arm encircled her waist,

and concentrated in steps quietly in an effort to remain calm.

That's the image -animó him. Now, if you can, find a way of

appearing to enjoy, we run these gossips.

Adrian, having overheard efforts to discredit his mother

Johanna, he moved to silence her.

Speaking of stupid, Mother hissed when agarró-, I can not

believe you are determined to resurrect an old scandal that

does not honor any of us. If I hear so much as uttering his

name again tonight, I'll leave you alone to entertain

Benningtons, and can make any excuse you prefer.

I can not believe that you, of all people, approve its glitz

between good society after what he has done.

I would not call sitting quietly brag, Mother.

'And you call this? -The Widow demanded to see Johanna

and Barrasford waltz view of them all. She would sink even an

Irish title.

'There's nothing wrong with Adrian, Johnny replied. The

title may be more recent than mine, but old money. He felt a

pang of envy when he looked. It seemed more beautiful every

time I spot. He was paralyzed foot, his memory going back to a

time when she floated into his arms. She was a girl then and he

was an accomplished flirty, but when he said, was dominated

by his feelings. Ahead of Gary and Johanna Milford winning a

dozen suitors.

Ah, Roxbury. -Almeria, her face still flushed by the last

dance with a local young man, cut his thoughts placing a hand

on his arm. She kept her eyes fixed and hardened look. Sure its

appeal, smiled coquetamente-. He promised waltz, my lord.

Hey! Reluctantly lowered her eyes. There was no doubt

Almeria Bennington was a Incomparable. A quick look at

where Johanna danced elegantly decidió- him, then go, Miss

Bennington he agreed with a determined smile.

For Almeria, the triumph was brief. Regardless of pride that

got to dance with a duke, was mitigated by his maneuver on

the ground. Soon, he found to be expertly led to the rhythm of

music, a few feet from his former wife. And although he never

lost the rhythm, it was obvious to everyone that only had eyes

Page 46: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

for Johanna. When the music mercifully ended, advocated

thirst and was rewarded by an offer of a nearby lord take a

refreshment table. Adrian did not notice his departure.

When he finally came out of his trance, he found his couple

standing among a group of young gentlemen, her fragile smile

and bright eyes feeling used. His mother grabbed moodily

sleeve coat and whistled,

-¿Adrian, How could you, was not quite get ridiculed, again

by that sow, but you also insult our guest? Lord Bennington

goes ...

-¡Al Lord Bennington hell! he muttered resentfully.

However, his sense of duty would urge you to try to repair the

harm done to the charming Almeria. It was not his fault, he

could not forget Jo. Resolutely made his way to the

refreshment table, only to be intercepted by the spiteful

language of Miss Bennington.

'For my part not associate me with such a creature, but I can,

pity it must be a terrible blow losing a husband like a crazy


Damn! Adrian fumed. La Bella Bennington sure that

everyone in the audience would remember again the scandal.

Suddenly he turned and crossed the room to where Johanna

talking to Lady Carew. He could tell by the expression on his

face that the dowager was aware of the nasty rumors, and there

was no sign of Barrasford. Without thinking, he grabbed

Johanna elbow firmly and muttered,

If you want to save face, come with me.

'I beg ...

'Do not be silly, Jo! -interrumpió-. I want to restore your


The grip on his elbow was almost painful, but I knew it

away would create a humiliating scene. He blinked a few angry

tears and forced a stiff smile when guided to the dance floor.

With the tense body in his arms swayed to the beat of the

music. He was rigid with shock, losing a step, then exhaled


-You Can do it, Jo thinks I'm Gary, if necessary harshly

whispered in his ear.

Page 47: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

-Please Dree ...

No, I am determined to finish this. His arm tightened around

her waist, pulling her.

She caught the angry expression on the face of Helen

Delacourt to pass him, and for a brief moment felt a little

satisfaction. A sudden silence as a wave swept over the crowd,

making her intensely aware of his scrutiny. He closed his eyes

to avoid eyes and tried to concentrate on music.

The musicians, caught in something not understood,

repeated the melodious waltz. For Adrian, seemed a step back

in time. The soft, fragrant breeze wafted in the present. It was

an old melody, and Johanna hummed to set the pace. His skin

was warm and alive through the silk of her dress, and the

crown of your hair like satin against her cheek. That was how I

remembered, and every fiber of his being was aware of the

intense desire he felt.

Never have I forgotten, Jo murmured against the hair of

gold. I've missed you so much.

She was almost seduced by the beauty of music and the

gentle breeze of summer reclining in the warmth of his

embrace, but his words awakened and bitterness flooded.

-¿Realmente, Dree? He stood rigid and he pulled away. Do

you also you miss Gary? you who expelled us both reminded

him coldly.

His arm went limp when she returned to reality. He pulled

away and walked away before he realized his intention.

I -¡Jo!

She turned away.

Did you think you would make a public spectacle of me

twice, Dree?

He was white with the words, but did not care. He had to

leave the oppressive room. Stumbling blindly managed to get

to the door and ask her silk shawl.

-Do Not! It was a hoarse croak. Wait! Jo! He pushed the

startled crowd and grabbed at the entrance. Propelling the hall

under the puzzled look of the servants, took her to the porch of

the entrance. Yes, I thought Gary, Jo! And I thought of you!

Page 48: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

confessed savagely. And you have no right to keep my son

away from me. Do not deny it my son, is my own image!

The color drained from his face. A painful lump in his


-leave Me alone!

Reaching out to her, was surprised by his impulsive words.

I'm willing to forgive you, Jo. I love you and the child.

The words hung between them. Her eyes widened in horror

when he assimilated, then found his voice. Feeling used, cry,

-¿Perdonarme? There is nothing to forgive, Dree. I who

never forgive you.

-¿Lady Johanna?

Adrian dropped his hands to the sound of the voice of

Johnny Barrasford and backed avail. The man looked from one

to another with uncertainty.

Forgive me, but ...

-Do Not. Johanna's voice was suddenly in a hollow.

Barrasford Lord, I want to go home. If I could find my mother.

His silk shawl still hung from his arm. Barrasford diligently

reached out and placed it on his shoulders.

-Roxbury, If you'll excuse us, I'll take Lady Johanna home.

Be so kind as to tell Lady Carew we have gone.

Adrian wordlessly turned and walked inside. He was greeted

in the lobby by Almeria Bennington, who pressed his hands

against his temples and complained of headache.

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Johanna leaned his head against the velvet seat gig Lord

Barrasford and looked out the window at the darkness. The

vehicle was moving slowly, among other carriages patio, to hit

the road. Silently his lordship turned on the lights and settled

back into the seat across from her. Pass some time before she

spoke, and then his voice was low.

It was foolish of me to think I forget.

The impotence of his words affected him more than tears.

For his desire to be seen with her, had encouraged their hopes,

and now I could see I was wrong. His heart ached as his mind

groped words of comfort.

'Do not grieve too much rancor of a gossipy -ofreció

silenciosamente-. They were just jealous.

Was that?

It was the most beautiful there, Mrs. Johanna. Maybe if I

had stayed by his side ...

No, this would not have done any good, sir. Sorry for

entangle in my affairs. -A Sigh escaped her when she opened

her eyes. His friendship with me will not benefit you, my lord.

Assure '' That has no importance. As a man, I can keep

comments without causing the most famous female company.

She shuddered visibly, wished he could swallow his ill-

chosen words. Leaning on the seat, brushed his hand.

And I do not consider you as inadequate least Johanna. In

fact, I do not want you to think that my intentions are not

honorable. His fingers grabbed hers.

His gaze dropped to her hand.

My lord ...

'Please listen to the end. Thought-he had expected, driving

his courtship of the lovely widow with deliberate slowness.

Instead, it was found explaining, I have thirty-three years I'm

no young immature imagining being in love for the tenth time

in two weeks. I know what I want. When she did not protest,

he moved to his side and looked serious-eyes. I'm crazy about

you, I want to marry you and take the children away from here.

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She looked at him, speechless, then pulled his head to look

out into the dark country road. His free hand on silk fabric on

her lap.

Not know me, my lord finally protested.

Not hasty to reject my request, such a marriage is not

without advantages. Ah, I know my title is Irish, but this means

we can repair my finances in Ireland and never come back

unless you want to. His voice was soft and relaxing-. I like

children, and would be good for your children, you will find

that I am a kind man, of truth. As yet answered, followed later-

I've reached the point in my life I'm ready to have my own

children, do not think lightly offer without thinking about the


He rolled with it and found gray eyes. There was an

attractive warmth in them. A sad smile curved his mouth when

he added,

And, unfortunately, I have no mother to annoy, I regret the

lack, of course, my immediate family is only one member, yo.

Deeply moved by the kindness of your offer, it could only

offer a tremulous smile. With trembling voice he mused


You know I sound just like Gary.

-¿Le Loved so much? She could not help asking.

He remained silent for several seconds while he formed his


Not what I did at first, it was quite different, which one feels

for a husband and what one feels for a dear friend His voice a

little lower and had to strain to hear. But I came to love him for

what he gave me. If I had not been, I do not know if I could

have gone ahead, sir.

Barrasford was baffled by his confession. Considering the

rumors heard this afternoon, Gareth thought Sherwood was the

great love of his life. I could not resist asking,

'And Roxbury?

There was a time when I was just confessed everything to


Page 51: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

-I See. He looked out the window a moment to collect his

thoughts. Both you debisteis have been very young. People

change. Suddenly he returned to his deal-. If you can not give

me an answer right now, at least tell me you do not feel

affection for him, and not impacientaré me.

'I do not love you.

Then my offer still stands. If you can not accept today,

maybe tomorrow or next week or even next month.

-¡No Know what questions! He wrung miserably. I am ...

Silence he interrupted with a finger over her lips. We will

not say anything more tonight. I do not want to see you


'I can not burden you with my dreadful reputation. I fear that

this will haunt me wherever I go.

Johanna, do not pretend to know what happened, I have no

desire to browse. But I am sure of one thing: you're not a

whore. He reached his hand again. Whether you accept my

offer or not, I want to be your friend.

In the carriage behind them, Adrian shared a silence with his

mother and Miss Bennington. Both women angry at what they

perceived to be their silly infatuation with Johanna, and her

rage became even more evident by his cold indifference. Helen

spent most of the ride planning what to say once they were

alone, while Almeria considered his next move. The

indifference and disdain was not something which was used,

and briefly wondered if even the title of Duke could

compensate for his lack of gallantry.

As for Adrian, had only a frown becoming deeper as the

carriage of Barrasford took the exit to New Haven. He leaned

down for a while, exploring the horizon lit by the moon until

another carriage was out of sight. Then he sank back into

sadness, just answer with a monosyllable when Almeria

ventured to ask if the full moon night was more charming, do

not you think?

The widow decided to discuss with your child about his

madness, offered to Almeria good night in the lobby and

proceeded to invade the library. Closing the door behind her,

remove the cup in his hand and said acidly,

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Johanna Milford has mocked you once, Adrian, and if you're

not careful, will do it again. I swear I could have fainted when

I saw you dance tonight! Do not you have any pride? Can not

you see that you plan to add to Lord Barrasford his conquests?

Its shameful behavior tonight will gossip of the neighborhood

for weeks! I shudder to think what Mr. Bennington tell you

when to listen! He ... he'll think you have a screw loose! he


'Have you finished, ma'am? he demanded coldly.

-Do Not! How can you forget what you did, it's amazing.

The way she and Gareth Sherwood led his adventure under

your nose. No, not this time you will hold my tongue. Let him

go to Italy or wherever there is state and take their brats with


His oldest brat, as you choose to call it, is my son She broke

furiously. His grandson, lady! Does not this mean anything to


Not doing so. Actually, Adrian, I can not believe you've

hooked again with his schemes. If the boy is indeed Delacourt,

why did not speak before? I remember she did not challenge

the divorce or charges triumphantly recalled. So it does not

look like Sherwood and that showing? Maybe she added

rudely, your dear Johanna could not be sure who the father

was. I remind you that there are other dark men in this county?

-¡El Child is mine!

-¡Él Is now the Conde de Carew! And even if it were, as you

say, your son, Adrian, reclaiming what will you win? She was

married to Carew when he was born.

-for Right, he's my son.

-for Rights is Carew. Forget it! Forget it!

-I Can not.

-¡Debes! She nearly destroyed you once, can not you forget


He pulled away and threw the empty fireplace glass. It

broke, bringing a pause to their cries. He raised his eyes where

Johanna's portrait hung once.

Adrian ... Her mother moved to put a gentle hand on his

shoulder and engatusarle-, do your duty to your family and

Page 53: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

marry Almeria, she will be an exemplary duchess. We will not

continue fighting for something better left in the past.

He was tense as a violin string, Johanna had seen, held again

in his arms and felt the intensity of passion that only she had

given him. I had not thought to tell who wanted reconciliation,

but he knew well.

-Do Not.

Then you are a fool replied. You forget to Gareth


Gary was my friend.

Until she got her claws into him.

'Are not you glad to hurt, no, Mother? asked bitterly. You'd

kill every decent memory I have of them, right? Always hated.

It was a nobody.

-¡Ella Was my duchess!

You were a fool when it came to her.

-¿Lo Era? He turned to pierce it with those dark eyes. Or

was a fool to believe you?

His face paled.

What do you mean by this?

Always the've hated you criticabas everything she did.

Perhaps my greatest folly was leaving here with you. Be

careful, Mother, not to twist the truth.

She's a whore.

He wore my son.

That does not change anything. Now there's nothing you can


A strange gaze showed on his face, he looked for a moment.

-Do Not? Make no mistake, Mother. If I have to look like an

absolute fool if I have to confess guilty of making a mistake, so

be it, any means to have my son. I want it and I want it.

The room was stifling. He released his tie and threw it on a

chair before striding towards the door. He wanted her, wanted


Where are you going? he demanded alarmed.

Get out. She reached for the key to open the door.

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I do not want that Benningtons hear that we fight on that


-A Unless they are deaf, I can guarantee that you have heard

more than they wanted. Good Night, Mother.


The door slammed behind him. The widow a glass of wine

was poured and stayed drinking. His son was handsome, he

was everything I had wished for a Roxbury Duke, but had a

stubbornness and a misguided sense of honor that annoyed

more than anything. Why could not understand what was his


'Your Grace?

He turned to be in front of Almeria Bennington.

Come in, dear muttered wearily. I guess you could not help

but hear everything.

The young woman began to deny it and then thinking better.

Yes, but could not believe his ears, ma'am. I did not know

the depth of his feelings for her.

-¡Humph! Do not confuse the issue, which sits by Johanna

Sherwood is no different than any young feel was a dancer

opera, if you just admit it.

Dad thinks we should leave.

Not yet, I have not finished, dear. He drained his glass and

left. His eyes were hard, his mouth estirada-. No. I think

between us we can still retrieve the situation if you want to be

a duchess.

Ah, dear lady ... 'The interest of the girl to the title was too


Then it is settled. I must speak to her father, of course,

before acting. If there is one thing we can trust the older

woman mused aloud, is in the ridiculous sense of honor is my


Not I ...

Not have to do anything but show an interest in visiting the

city of Wells. I think insist that Adrian with you, of course,

your maid will separate from you at some point. Your father

will insist that your reputation has been compromised, and my

Page 55: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

son will do the right thing. Helen raised her eyes to the empty

space above the fireplace. You will be a perfect Duchess of

Roxbury, dear.

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Anne ascended the grand staircase of New Haven with a

heavy heart, wondering if somehow he was wrong to insist on

the return of Johanna and children. Certainly, there was not

expected, the censorship was before home of Sheffield, of

course, knew where blame. Helen Delacourt had triumphed

once again. Was inexplicable think that the woman could give

birth to Adrian that she liked to remember.

A faint crack of light showed under the door of Johanna. He

hesitated when the clock in the room downstairs struck three,

then hit softly gleaming mahogany panels.

Come in came the muffled reply.

He found the woman in bed with the curtains open.

Supported by means of silk pillows with her hair brushed over

his shoulders like a schoolgirl, looked very young and

vulnerable. With relief, I could see that her eyes were dry.

I did not expect to find you still awake. Fancy a bit of warm


Not Johanna's voice sounded hollow.

Oh, dear! never should have insisted you were, but ...

'It's not yours, mom guilt. You did not know that would be

so eager to remember the issue at all.

And had not thought that anyone would believe her poison

Anne said to sit on the edge of the bed. I'm sorry, Jo. If you

find you can not stay in England, I will support you. We can

still go back to Italy.

-Do Not. I could not afford my image in the mirror, Mom, if

you leave jaw -the determination when Johanna had turned to

his suegra-. She has no reason to do this to me, and no longer

allow their insults. I am determined, if you mean the story, I

will make sure that everyone knows the truth.

'Perhaps if you were to explain Adrian now and he paused,

breathless with indignation stiffened Johanna and threatened

his control. No, I clearly do not want to.

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He did not have to believe it. No, I do decide to fight, will be

for my kids, Mom. No I love ... never mind ... She swallowed

her mother is a kind of prostitute.

I do not know what to say, except that I'm glad it's what I

always wanted. For a long time I thought that his story will

withstand close scrutiny, if you cuestionaras his words.

'Lord Barrasford said something tonight, Mom, I could

clearly see it was not a whore. If someone like him can believe

it, maybe others will too.

He's a good man, then. The other gentleman had thought

concerned with the cut of his coat, but ...

He has offered me marriage.

He what?

Johanna nodded. A sad smile touched his lips.

That is, of course, if I can withstand an Irish title.

No doubt, never told you this. Johanna nodded. Did.

But the boys, a man like Barrasford should ...

'I like children. Mom, that should be the first Corinthian

admit this, do not you think?

I'm speechless ... He looked closely at Johanna, unsure

whether to take it seriously.

Yes, and is not a nosy mother, who regrets saying it. It -

Profundizó smile.

Anne was silent for a moment, absorbing this new turn of

fortune. It was the first time I had seen a hint of humor in his

daughter since Gary died. A mental review of all he knew of

Lord Barrasford found nothing against him.

In fact, another marriage was what she had advised a week

before. Aloud he could only say,

It's so sudden, what have you answered?

Not pressured me. I tried to tell my reputation will also

haunt him, but he would not listen. The smile faded and

serious-blue eyes were suddenly. It is very tempting, you


He's a very handsome man 'said Anne.

And I think one very friendly.

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Maybe you should consider your offer, my dear, is an old

family name, a fairly respectable fortune.

And would not have to face the society without -added

protection for Barrasford.

Well, there is much to be said in its favor.

-Yup. He was staring absently. Except I do not love

admitted simply. It should also be considered, do not you


You loved Adrian Delacourt with madness' I reminded him.

And you can say that the result was happy.

'We were happy once. Johanna's eyes met Anne and kept his

gaze. But I think Lord Barrasford is more like Gary.

You did me very happy child. He patted her hand

affectionately. But marriage is something only concerned to

decide. -Being Standing smiled. After everything that has

happened to you, my love, I still think you're lucky. Is that not

all women could get an offer of Roxbury, Carew, and


For a long time after Anne left, made no move to blow out

the candles, sat down to review this last encounter with Adrian

and contemplating the best way to defeat his mother. There

was no doubt; he still believed the story that Helen had said,

and even after the passage of so many years, injured more than

something others might say. The clock struck down four,

candles were almost finished and still had no answers.

Reluctantly he got up to turn off the flickering flames and open

the blinds. A damp wind blew, promising rain. Her nightgown

clung to her hot body, striking and refreshing. He stood there

looking at the dark clouds making shadows on the full moon,

and recalling again the feel of his arms around her. Unable to

bear the sensations evoked such memories deep inside her,

took refuge in his bed.

But sleep would not come. He could reach that nebulous hell

between rational thinking and conscious oblivion, but could

not cross. Barrasford was there, urging her to take the security

promised, behind him was Adrian, accusing her of betraying

him. And Gary was so good and strong, offering to protect her

and the baby. And, above all, he could hear Helen Delacourt

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saying: "I saw them. I have seen with my own eyes. "" Say it is

not so pleaded Adrian. For the Love of God, tell me! "But the

look in her eyes stopped him because he believed his mother.

With a groan he pushed looking for a cool place in the other

pillow and tried to delete them all. The first drops of rain hit

the roof, the wind picked up, and then the sky poured rain.

Above it, there was a constant sound that gradually relaxed.

But as the dream finally started, I could still feel his arms

around his body.

Mom! Mom!

He awoke with a start with the outbreak of the door of his

bedroom to support their children. Turning, shielded his eyes

against the glare of the day and grimaced. The few hours of

restless sleep were not enough.

-¡Justin! Robert! 'Miss Finchley strong hissed when he

reached out and grabbed his arm each child. No need to wake

your mom.

All right murmured, sitting sleepily and rubbing his eyes. By

the looks of them, I slept too.

The governess shook his head and gave a significant look at

the kids.

But I told them not to be disturbed, ma'am. Lady Anne asked

let her rest. -Tirando Firmly of children to be in front of

Johanna, he ordered the Finchley, Miss Ask for forgiveness to

his mother by the intrusion, please, and we will return to our


But I do not please! Robin was separated and climbed into

bed with Johanna. Mom! Look out the window.

Robert! There was a warning note in the voice of the

governess who was unattended.

Despite the fatigue he felt, he smiled at her little son.

-¿Ver What, honey?

-¡Un Rainbow! Justin burst out. It's a rainbow!

-¡No Fair! Robin turned to his brother and he accused, not

fair I saw it first! I wanted to say!

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-¡Chicos! 'Miss Finchley approached the bed and grabbed

the boy. They must fight against his mother. Come, now there

is work to do.

But ...

-This Well repeated to appease the governess. Focusing

attention on Robin, gave him a quick hug. If low savannas, I'm

going to see the rainbow.

The boy obediently slid off the bed and pulled his hand.

'This way, you can see it from here.

Ignoring that was in her nightgown, let him pull her toward

the window, where he stared as she pointed. Justin jealously

clutching his leg to compete with Robin on the other side. For

a moment I could only see the great arch of colors that lit up

the sky in the morning. Clean air by rain, was still fresh and the

garden under a profusion of bright colors. The storm had

stopped, replaced by a warm, cool peace. She shook her head

each child, embracing against it. Forgotten were the bitterness

and turmoil that had plagued her night, contemplating the

beauty of the rainbow and summer morning. Whatever

happens, he reminded himself fiercely, was the most fortunate

of women, had two bright and beautiful to love children.

Robin asked Mom, do you not care to see him get up?

Of course not, he assured honestly love. Do not want to miss

anything. It's not every day you can get to see something.

What it does? Justin wanted to know, his inquisitive mind

and the search for the cause.

I do not know, but perhaps Miss Finchley will help you find

the answer.

Dad would have known he replied decided.

Dad knew many things, Justin, but even he did not know

everything. I knew your father very well, 'said with a twinkle

in his blue eyes, I can not remember if I ever heard where does

the rainbow.

Oh. Well ... She brightened, I guess I could have discovered.

I do not care where it comes' said Robin. It is nice and I like


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And I also like me-she agreed. Furthermore, one has to

know about things to enjoy them. His fingers combed red hair

and gold that reminded both of Gary. The child was in

possession of the same sweetness and generosity of spirit that

his father thought briefly, and that was something to be

nurtured and treasured.

Could we find where it touches the ground? Justin wondered


No, never would find replied. I believe that touching the

earth is an illusion.

-what Is that? he demanded.

Something that just seems to be but it's not true. And do not

ask me to explain more now, Justin, because I can not. All I

can say is that often things are not what you think you see, and

when this happens, it is called an illusion. She recognized the

doubt in his face when he lifted his dark brow and for a

fleeting second Adrian saw him. Then his expression cleared

and understanding dawned on her young face. I understand, it's

like when the bed curtains flying at night and think something

is there.

I think you could call it an illusion, 'she replied. Now, if ye

shall press with Miss Finchley so you can get dressed. I'll go

right away to see the drawings you did. She tells me you are

very pretty. She gave each of them a nudge toward the

governess. And thanks for sharing the rainbow me, I liked it a

lot. She stood by the window for some time after his departure,

contemplating the beauty and peace of the scene before her.

The night before, he had fought with the past, but it was time

to leave everything behind. There was nothing he could do

now to change what he had done. His eyes focused on the

rainbow symbol of better things to come, hopes for a brighter

day. There would still be rejecting people also who

sympathized with her. It would not take more than the lies that

had been ruined, he would face them all.


Ma'am, there is a Mr. Thorpe you want to see.

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'Mr Thorpe? Johanna put down the book he was reading, a

spooky novel ordered to London, and tried to place the name.

I'm afraid I do not know anyone by that name.

Anne looked up from her sewing.

-Same Is a merchant ordering. Do not expect someone to

repair the living room fireplace?

'With this time? It -dedicó his mother a wry smile. I doubt he

wants to climb to the roof with rain, but maybe be able to

estimate the work without it. He stood, facing the windows.

Where you took him, Thomas?

-In The main hall, ma'am.

-very Well. Anne nodded admiringly. So you can check

where you have to escape the fireplace. He settled back in his

chair and smoothed the fabric against her lap. The rain was

steady, keeping them inside the house, however, Johanna was

very happy since the debacle in Sheffield. In fact, he thought as

he stuck the needle in its design, its positions had been

reversed. Now she feared Johanna never recover its position in

society, while she did not seem to care. Maybe it was the

influence of Lord Barrasford. He was insistent on his attentions

and hardly a day passed without a visit. But there was nothing

to suggest that Johanna thought accept your offer, but in fact

the opposite. He had dropped the morning after the feast of

Sheffield smiling, and when they spoke of the supply of

Barrasford, had announced that he preferred to rely on his

friendship more than your name to succeed. With a sigh, she

knotted the center of a small flower and started working on the


His visitor was in sight when he entered the room, but the

darkness of the day did nothing to provide clarity through the

window shutters. Outside, the rain fell incessantly, bouncing

off the puddles that dotted the lawn.

'Mr Thorpe?

-Yup. The man moved from where he had been watching

the trickle of water coming down the chimney bricks in a

strategically situada- pan. Should it repaired lady, before it

ruins the soil. His eyes swept the room luxuriously furnished,

Page 63: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

stopping at the elegant detail of molduras-. It is a very elegant

so that moisture spoiling the place.

I'm aware of the need, sir -interrumpió-, but how it intends

to solve. The last person to examine insisted it was the roof and

as you can see it was not.

Me? He seemed surprised.

Oh, do not expect to do the work yourself, of course he

observed the cut of his brown coat and trousers noting that it

was more prosperous than many of the shopkeepers in the area.

He had obviously a great effort to be presentable in its foray to

inspect a major houses area-. It will be able to assess where the

water comes in today, right? I would start work as soon as the

weather improves.

Madam, I would not know where to start, I assure you.

Perhaps ...

'Is not here to inspect the chimney?

-Do Not! Ie It was evident that he was offended by the

assumption and hastened to seek shelter in his card. Here he

explained, handed it to him. I am a lawyer and I represent His

Grace, the Duke of Roxbury announced giving importantly. If

we could sit, could explain the nature of my visit, Lady Carew.

Roxbury If you have a complaint about the boundaries of the

property, you can discuss with Mr. Perkins, Mr. Thorpe. I

assure you I ...

No, no, nothing like that, lady! It is a much more delicate

than he would talk business.

'I have nothing to say to his grace He returned to the door.

Forgive my lack of manners, sir, but the duke and I are no

longer in civil term.

The expression attorney was painful.

-Confunde The matter, Lady Carew. Please sit down, please.

When he did not turn around, he added, This concerns the

young Justin.

She turned, her blue eyes sparkled occurred.

My son is not of interest. Tell Your Grace that I do not have

anything to say about it.

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Ma'am, I suggest you listen. His grace is willing to be

reasonable, but loves his son. Sure you can ...

'Your son? His voice rose in disbelief. His son! If you are

referring to Justin Sherwood, I take leave to inform you, Mr.

Thorpe, who is now the Earl of Carew. He was born the son of

Gareth Sherwood and mine in Florence, Italy, nearly six years

and born within marriage. You can not tell Adrian Delacourt

he has no right to my child.

Sorry to inform you that your Grace believes otherwise.

Never mind what creates terribly His Grace said angrily.

Gareth Sherwood signed the register of the church and

confirmed the registration of marriage when my son was born.

Now if you'll excuse me ...

We are willing to allow the courts are who determine the

paternity of the child, but the Duke preferred to avoid further

scandal for the sake of the child.

-¡No Dare!

Oh, but we ...

I said I do not care what he thinks, sir His eyes glittered

dangerously, specifying each word. You can tell I let Adrian

Delacourt tarnish my name and my honor once, but I will not

let him do it again. If you try to file a charge to get Justin, I'll

tell the whole story to the world. I was a fool for not speaking

the last time, and not let the opportunity pass twice. Then we'll

see who will believe. Be the laughingstock of the country

before I'm finished with it.

-The Resemblance is marked reminded him severely.

My son was born within my marriage to Gary and I doubt

that any court in England put this aside without my consent. As

you surely know she added pointedly. This is a country whose

laws are based on everything that happened first. I dare to ask

him to show me a place where a child born in wedlock and

recognized by the husband has been declared legal heir of

another man. -Not Waiting for your reply, went to open the

door. His hat, sir, or you will lose it, because I can promise you

will not be allowed entry on my property again not forget.

Is it his last word on the subject, ma'am? His Grace was

hoping to avoid it unpleasant for you, but ...

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'Really? His mouth twisted, betraying a moment the

bitterness that threatened his composure. How did it so nicely

in the past?

Madam, I have not listened to the end protested Mr. Thorpe.

Good morning, Mr. She opened the door and waited.

Very well, Lady Carew, but his grace not be pleased. In fact,

you should expect to hear from him in a less pleasant way. The

lawyer picked up his hat and went out into the hall, where

Thomas and Bekins, and butler waiting to let it out in the rain.

Johanna returned to the living room and stared behind a

curtain as the last old-fashioned carriage on down the road and

hit the road. When tears of rage and bitterness threatened, she

refused resolutely and considered his next move. So Adrian

wanted to get Justin, right? He had trampled his good name,

had humiliated her and her best friend, and she had left him,

but this time was different, this time I wanted to defend

themselves. But how an adulterous he defends against a

husband offended? That made her stop. No, she had another

card to play. Barrasford. It would explain everything to the

Lord Johnny, would be honest and then, if you still want to

marry because she could do much worse.


He dropped the curtains and led to force a shaky smile in

Justin. Her face betrayed a petulant impatience with the

persistent rain that kept him inside the house.

Well, sir student said with a lightness he did not feel, how

did you escape this time Miss Finchley?

Robin wanted to play chopsticks in the nursery. -The Traced

the pattern on the rug with the toe of his shoe. I did not.

-I Understand. Well, I invite you to join me. I suppose we

could try to play cards or could read you -ofreció.

-¡No Me like rain! I want to go home!

This is your home, sweetheart, recalled softly. We are


Without warning, she began to mourn and mouth threw

down on the couch, sobbing in damask fabric.

I hate being here. Love you dad.

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Justin ... Justin ... murmured softly as he dropped to his side

and began stroking his dark-haired. I miss dad too, you know.

-¡No Fair! Dad loved me.

'Of course it does. And I love you too. But it will not come

back, Justin, and you must accept this. She sat on the couch

and put it in her lap. In fact, Dad does not want to live in the

past. He would want us to go ahead and do as well as we can

without it. He stopped mourn and buried her head against his

chest. Maybe it's time to look towards a new life and a new

dad, she ventured softly as the thick, dark hair stroked. He

stiffened in his arms and pushed hard.

'I do not want a new dad! I love my dad! He teared up again

dark eyes and jutting chin stubbornly. You do not understand!


He took off his lap and ran to the door, throwing over his


-I Do not want another dad! I want to go with mine. I would

be with my dad.

-¡Justin! Justin!

He started to go after him but thought better. In the hallway,

Thomas and James, the two lackeys, they seized while Bekins

with mock severity demanded to know why the young man

was running around the house. For once, good basic manners

prevailed Justin and stammered an apology. And then he heard

Thomas say as the rain was enough to give the Blue Devil to

any boy, but if he could wait until the last plate was polished,

smugglers would play in the basement. No, better to let the

loving lackey lighten the mood a child, she decided.

The darkness of the room and the rain beating on the

windows did nothing to ease his own sense of loss. No, he

thought with resolution, the sooner we move forward with our

lives, the faster things will improve. And although Justin

vehemently rejected the idea, another marriage was the only

easy answer at your disposal if you wanted to keep your child.

Also, I do not doubt for a minute that the friendly and inviting

Mr. Johnny could persuade two children with a little time.

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'Still you here? I thought I heard the door open Bekins some

time. Anne he began to enter the room, but stopped short. Oh,

dear, it's all good right?

Not He turned and gave a bitter smile. I fear that Mr. Thorpe

had no interest in our fireplace. In fact, he is a lawyer who has

come to tell me that Adrian thinks get custody of Justin.

Oh, no!

Yes nodded gravely. But he should not do it, Mom he added

fiercely. I plan to keep my child, even if I have to marry

Johnny Barrasford to do so.


Dear lady, I came as fast as my car would, considering John

Barrasford muddy roads announced across the room to shake

hands with Johanna in his. Please forgive my appearance.

Her eyes widened with warmth and enthusiasm in his voice.

In fact, I was surprised he had come so soon after his own

messenger had returned from Aston Glenn, his newly inherited

condition. His words belied his appearance did not have so

much as a speck of mud on his perfectly polished boots or its

dark pants. Again, it was the epitome of the Corinthian, with

its perfectly groomed hair, his white cravat tied to almost

impossible style of Wyndham, his coat dark Advertise tailoring

of Weston adapting to his broad shoulders and athletic, gave an

impression of wealth and elegance. But it was the beautiful

gray eyes that drew attention to her beauty. And now a

question showed that he intended to answer.

Taking a deep breath to organize your thoughts. John

Barrasford was everything you could want in a man, he said

resolutely, and sure could come to love him. He drove a

welcoming smile and pointed to a chair opposite his.

-Would You like to sit down, sir, and maybe tea with me?

His voice sounded strange even to her. My mother is in bed

with a little headache, I was about to take one tea.

If he perceived stress, gave no sign. Reluctantly he dropped

his hands and stepped back to take a seat. Her beautiful face

never betrayed the incongruity of being forced to travel for

miles in the rain for tea. His eyes twinkled with her smile.

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She shot the bell and told James that they would take tea.

Then, almost as if an afterthought, he added that he would like

Miss Finchley down to children. Returning to the Lord

Barrasford, apologized.

I hope not object, sir, but I'd like you to meet my other son.

Although still not have four years, behaves very well added


I said that I like children reminded him in a whisper.

Yeah ... well ... He hesitated a moment and then plunged

forward, sometimes might children as a group, is different

when they are alone.

The fun shone in his eyes.

-¿Señora, Trying to figure out if I taste your children?

Yes, and I wonder if they'll like confessed.

I understand. Well, what puts a heavy load on my shoulders?

No, but I'd like to see if we can stay together.

The gray eyes grew serious.

Believe me, Johanna, when I say that I intend to be nice to


Oh, I should not expect then that will eat them, my lord. -

The Mood of the situation began to beat her. A dimple is

formed at the corners of his mouth. They are, I regret to say

that my children can be messy, willful, and infuriating.

Think-what strange if it were otherwise.

Johanna impetuously rose from his chair and walked to bear

against the mantelpiece.

-¡A Times I find that the limitations of polite conversation

so many things left unsaid! -A Hoarse chuckle escaped her

eyes found his amusement -. We're talking everything that is

appropriate rather than what we really mean!

He was at his side immediately.

Then I am not mistaken, you're about to accept Johanna ...

With one condition, my lord interjected quickly. Perhaps

when you know everything, you may not ...

They were interrupted, first by James with the tea tray, and

then the Finchley lady with the two boys. The governess

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stopped when he noticed the presence of Lord Barrasford and

watched Johanna perplexed.

Forgive the intrusion, milady, but Thomas said he wanted to

see the children.

It's right lady. I introduce to Lord Barrasford? Justin ...

Robert ... come, bowing his lordship.

'Lord Barrasford. 'Miss Finchley bowed his head in the

introduction, but when her eyes met his beautiful face, she


Miss Finchley. He stepped closer and wrinkled brow, trying

to situarla-. Of the Finchleys in Baxter Gray?

Yes, but ...

'Are you Miss Charlotte? he asked.

The color deepened governess.

That kind of him to remember after so long.

Not at all. I felt so much heard of the death of his father,

Miss Finchley -ofreció with compassion. I was in Spain when I

found her. He turned to Johanna and explained, I met the

family of Miss Finchley few years ago.

'It's not important-the governess reassured. As you can see,

I'm pretty good now. Justin -Promotion more avanzar- child.

This is Lord Barrasford. As soon as the child dutifully bowed

her head, she pushed the other to his lordship. Lord Barrasford,

Mr. Robert Sherwood.

Mr. Johnny looked from one boy to another and was

shocked by their difference. While the largest bore a striking

resemblance to Adrian Delacourt, the youngest was absolutely

beautiful, but in a different way of Johanna. As if she felt his

thoughts, Johanna nodded.

I'm afraid that they bear little resemblance to me.

Barrasford took a hot look on Robin chubby cheeks and red

and golden curls before turning to compare him to his mother.

He has a certain resemblance She decided you.

-¿Él? I've always thought it's like Gary.

The robust child, slightly chubby, restless under the scrutiny

of the stranger approached.

My name is Robin.

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Kindly replied 'I do not know, but remember to call me


He concentrated his attention on the darker boy asked,

'And you as you like to be called?

I do not like being told my lord Justin confessed. Do you


Never thought about it. But since my parents died when I

was young, I got used to it soon. In fact, I can not remember

when I was not my lord.

-at Duke would not matter, but I do. I regret that my dad was

still here so I could just Justin.

-I See.

You knew my father?

No, but I would have liked. He did not live through this area

when his father lived here.

The duke knew him.

Johanna Justin was not prepared to endure another outburst

of tears, particularly in the presence of Barrasford.

No, okay she assured before kneeling on the carpet beside

the boy. I know I would have liked his dad, he added, because

if you did it yourself and mother must have been very special. -

Changing The subject gently asked, you ride a horse?

-a Little bit.

Well, if you come to visit to Ireland, I have a large stable

with many horses, and I bet I can find one just for you.

'I want one! Robin suddenly intervened. I want a horse!

-A Pony corrected with a smile, I guess I can find a pony

and cart until you are old enough to ride on your own horse.

-¡Un Pony and cart! -the boy said astonished.

And it is also a good one. This painted green and white, and

has a seat for a driver and a place to take someone else. I used

to put a dog in the seat and walks him when he was little.

When? When can we go? When? he demanded impatiently.

That depends on his mother confessed Barrasford.


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Soon, dear. I think soon. She smiled at Robin and Mr.

Johnny. Indeed, I think it can be fixed.

Justin, who had turned when Robin asked, saw the look

between Johanna and the guest. A sense of unease gripped him

when he recalled his mention of a new dad.

Well I will not go announced. And I will not. And I do not

want a horse.

-¡Justin! Miss Finchley's voice cut him off sharply. Have

good manners and apologize for speaking so the Lord


And I do not like him.

Justin. Johanna's tone was quiet but firm. You will ask

forgiveness at this moment Lord Barrasford, and then return to

daycare while Robin remains for tea.

Tears welled in her dark eyes and chin quivered as she faced

her mother, but the expression on his face told her that she

would not tolerate any insolence more. He looked at

Barrasford for a few seconds, then nodded. Muttering a quick,

Excuse me, -se milord turned and ran out of the room.

Well I do want to go She decided Robin.

'Of course I -calmó Johanna. And let's go.

To Barrasford, the next twenty minutes spent doing

mundane conversation over tea and cakes was endless. The

sudden departure of the older child had gone enthusiasm

Johanna who sat silent while Miss Finchley talked about

people who remembered Baxter Gray. Occasionally, Robin

managed to inject into the conversation questions about the

pony and cart promised. Child Manners were really good,

considering his age, and Barrasford found it easy to entertain

the boy. Once the cups were removed, Robin approached

enough to examine his lordship clock and was rewarded by

uploading it on your lap.

Robin, you should not spoil pants Barrasford Lord protested


Calm down already wrinkled with moisture in the air

anyway. And does no harm. Would you like to see inside the

watch? he asked. Reynolds painted this for my father is a

portrait of my mother when she was young.

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Curious, both as Finchley Miss Johanna moved to check on

her shoulder picture of lovely woman, her dusty and piled high

on her head hair, her slender neck adorned with a cameo on


She was beautiful I admire Johanna. It looks a lot like you

She stopped, suddenly aware of how it should sound if finished

the thought. He had been about to say that it was obvious

where he had gotten his beauty, but did not say if it seemed

blatantly. Well she finished lamely, there is a marked similarity

between the two.

'That tells me. I can barely remember it, so I can not say.

-what Is this? Robin stroked a small increase in the vest

pocket Barrasford.

'You must be so curious, my love.

But Barrasford seemed happy to empty the contents of his

pocket to the scrutiny of the child. When little opened an

enameled snuffbox in his hand, a small amount of powder fell

into his palm. Before Johanna could say anything, Barrasford

was quick to stop. 'It's all, took the matter to the show than

anything else, if you want to know the truth. I do not like this

too. Here He pulled a handkerchief from Belgian lace and

began cleaning. He returned the handkerchief to his coat

pocket, gave the boy his monocle. Watch Robin makes people

seem strange. I put it on the eye and see your mother? Now

give it to me and I'll look. Truth makes my eye seem horrible,

if I really wanted to put you in your place, I would look at him

and just lifted his eyebrow and looked down his nose. The boy

giggled and Johanna could not help but join him.

'I beg you never try to put me in my place, I'm afraid I have

to laugh.

Yeah I guess I have discovered his secret.

What have you done? said sternly despite twinkle in his

eyes. He managed to wrinkle his pants and pocket full of snuff,

my lord. I'm afraid that my inquisitive child takes advantage of

his kindness. He extended a hand to the boy, who took it and

slid Barrasford- lap. Now, go with Miss Finchley and search

for your brother ...

'But, Mom, I love the Lord Barrasford! I can not ...

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No, you will see again, Robin.

-I'M Going? She turned her head towards her ladyship just

when he reached for Miss Finchley out of the room. I am, sir,

did you not forget the car and the pony, right?

'I will solemnly promised. I will write and send this painting

as soon as I get home. And your mother can tell you when you

will come to visit me. He looked up at Charlotte Finchley-.

Good Morning. If there's anything I can do to help maybe I can

write to Charles.

-Do Not! I beg you not to, do not bother me, my lord -

enmendó quickly. I doubt that cares. He started to leave and

hesitated. It was very nice to see you again, my lord said softly.

I had almost forgotten about Baxter Gray.

'What exactly would this? Johanna asked after they had

marchado-. I did not know they were more than mere


'Actually knows better my cousin Charles, but were

neighbors once. I had heard that his father was ruined, but did

not know who left in such circumstances. There was a time

when I thought she and Charles were married. He seemed lost

in thought for a moment, then added. I guess my estimable

cousin did not like having a wife without money.

'What a horror!

Yes, it's a shame. As far as I know, there was never anything

to be said against Miss Finchley which is more than can be

said of the Shrew courting. Is someone almost as egocentric as

Almeria Bennington.

'You know Miss Bennington?

Who does not? The Ice Maiden, flame Brummell, its beauty

is true, but I would not want. Cara and cold, this is what it is,

and not what a man wants in a wife-with an evil glint in added,

Now, expensive no matter, provided you have a little fire in

return. Ah! Have I offended you saying this? She regretted

instantly. This was not my intention, I assure you. I just

thought if you you accepted my proposal, we should be able to

speak clearly to each other. I have no desire to have one of

those indifferent marriages so common among our class. His

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face turned serious when I examine her gaze. Do you accept

my proposal? It's the reason you requested my presence.

-Yup. To her horror, he approached. That is, I'm going ... if

you are prepared to help me save my son he finished sincere.

Maybe when I say that Adrian thinks bringing up the divorce

as a means to gain custody of Justin, can wish me in Jericho,

my lord.


He was only a few inches from his face. She blinked


Not think you've turned slightly, my ... Johnny, but I think

you're my only hope if I have to fight Adrian.

Johanna. His voice was soft and so close I felt his breath

against her hair. Not sure I would face against the same devil

hold you in my arms? I do not care what Roxbury says, I do

not care what anybody says. I will fight against him in

Parliament if necessary. His arms closed around her, wrapping

the warmth of his embrace. Her lips parted to rubbing of their

own, lightly at first and then with passion. He closed his eyes

and felt again the strength of a man's body against his. Long

time since I had been embraced in this way, and felt a surge of

desire sharpened by withdrawal of one year.

Johanna. She whispered as she finally released her lips.

Mastering your emotions, searched his face for some sign that

he had felt the same as him. When she finally opened her eyes,

she was elated by the desire he saw in them said. Ah, girl! I did

not expect ... He hugged her again, whispering in her hair

Dorado-, I'll make you happy, I swear. We'll go to Ireland with

children as soon as we are married. He stopped and pulled

away slightly. I will send the announcement to the press

immediately and we can be married by special license

whenever you want, Jo.

Jo. It was as Adrian had always called. He hoped that

Johnny could not feel the flow of heat in your body, not

wanting to let you know that Adrian still stood between her

and any man. Gary had prevented discover along the years of

shared intimacy and would have to do the same with Johnny.

In your heart, knew that no matter the heights he reached his

Page 75: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

passion, he would never be the same I felt with Adrian. She

managed to nod.

When I want.

-During This month, then. There is so much to do, I have to

send word to the administrator of my estate in Ireland to open

and restore the house ... no relatives to notify ... your trousseau

to buy ...

And I will have to tell the kids. There will be no problem

with Robin, but he does not remember Gary. Justin, as we have

seen, is another matter, I'm afraid I will not be happy with the


You want me to tell me?

No, need some time to get used to the idea. He loved Gary.

A month, you get one month. It -Descubrió sadness in his

eyes and confused the reason. Tell him bring a pony next time

we come and we can begin to know each other better. He

accepted me -the brightened. You'll see.

The storm, which had fallen before, seemed ready to regain

his strength. Lightning struck nearby and a rumble of thunder

shook the house. The Lord Johnny freed and went to look at

the dark clouds.

-for He observed the look of the clouds, I will have to leave.

The river must be rising, and unless you want to be the scandal

of the neighborhood giving shelter to your fiance, best be on

my way. He turned to her and raised her hand to kiss each

finger gallantly. A strange light in his gray eyes danced his. I

would kiss your lips, but I fear then never be able to leave. She

pressed her fingers lightly and liberó-. You've made me very

happy. No, do not leave me. I remember in my mind waiting

for me, not saying goodbye.

He left the room and crossed the hall when he noticed a

movement behind a table in the hallway. On impulse he

walked back toward the stairs and found Justin Sherwood

knees with their muddy wet pants, and shoes damaged. Traces

of mud came from the back of the house.

Barrasford knelt beside the boy.

Have you been out? he asked.

Yes-it was the surly response.

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'Miss Finchley must be worried about you.

-I Do not care.

... Justin Chin observed stubborn child. I can not understand

why you have taken such a dislike me, but I think it's fair that

at least we know better than to make such a judgment. The boy

looked at him in silence. Barrasford sighed and tried again. Do

you think I think your mother take me away from you? If so, I

can assure you that is not true. I want to marry your mother,

but this does not change things between you.

'Do not want to be my dad! he burst out. I want back to my

own dad!

It would be rare that were otherwise -siguió softly, but with

time we will learn to love each other just because we both love

to your mother. Can you understand that?

I'd rather die and be with my father replied the angry child.

-¿Piensas That now, but do you really think your dad would

have wanted you to feel this way? What would you leave him

forever and that your mother this sad again?

She would forget me like you miss Dad.

-I Do not think so. I do not think you have forgotten your

dad, Justin. You may go ahead and do other things without

forgetting someone.

I will not go to Ireland. I do not want a pony.

'We've been listening behind the door.

-Yup. The boy looked up, eyes red with tears. I went out the

window of the nursery and back through the door of the


And what else? -Barrasford Asked quietly.

Nothing, he was leaving.

Then I should tell you that your mother needs my help on a

matter of great importance. And I have to marry her to help

her. So you should not criticize her for what she does, Justin. -

Another Massive thunder shook the house. I'll leave you to

think about this, and we can talk about it another day. Thus it

rains, just be able to cross the river. He raised himself to the

edge of the table and said. If you do not want me as a dad,

maybe you'll let me be your friend.

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I prefer to have the Duke, at least he knew my dad.

Barrasford sighed again. Courtship boy was much harder

than the mother.

I do not think it possible, Justin, because the Duke makes

your mother very unhappy. Maybe one day she will be able to

explain why, but not push. He reached to stroke his dark head.

Justin dodged furiously. Things look better later, I promise.

Hello, little one.

The boy did not move until Barrasford left, and then

dropped his head on his knees and rocked crying piteously.

I do not want a new -lloró- dad. I will not have it.

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Adrian sat at his desk reviewing the report of its

administrator and quarterly accounts of traders, while Mr.

Bennington was busy with newspapers published in London.

For both men, it was a respite from the frenetic activities

imposed by the ladies, who on this day had chosen to visit in


Adrian muttered a curse under his breath as he ordered the

pieces of paper that her mother had left on the desk. Mr.

Bennington looked up from his newspaper with compassion.

It's a damn nuisance prepare the accounts of the quarter, I

mean. Ten to one, that a man has his eye on a good day riding

or a front, only to find that women in her family have also

spent money that was for him.

My mother has her own allowance Adrian broke the seal in

an envelope and recovered Thorpe account. They are lawyers

cursed those critical because they expect to be paid whether

they succeed or not. He crumpled the paper in his hand,

muttering tersely. Twenty-five pounds for nothing.

Well, the Duchess can have your own money persisted

Bennington, but I guarantee that's yours who pays for this

house, Your Grace. And I guess the little party the other night

was also her purse who paid it. You can not say you have not

been kind to my Almeria, I had my doubts at first, you know.

Speaking bluntly, were about to leave after the matter

Sheffield, but you seem to have changed since then - paused

and coughed apologetically before mentioning such a sensitive

subject. I guess it was the shock of seeing this woman. When

the Duke did not answer, he was emboldened to seguir-. I was

not there, but Almeria it told me everything, and I know it

must have been very uncomfortable to see women from

respectable ladies.

Adrian fists closed and the muscles in his jaw as he tried to

control his temper. While there had been alternately forgiving

and condemning Johanna likewise had no desire to hear the

Lord speaking Slightly her. With resolution reached account

carnage and looked determinedly.

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Now, look at my Almeria there is a girl who would be more

valuable to a man, if you know what I mean. It is a beauty, it

must be acknowledged but not as flashy as others, and keeps

the distances like a lady should. It never find it by jumping

over a man.

Not grumbled succinctly.

Mistaking this comment concise by agreement, Bennington

considered him an opening for a more promising conversation.

I am thinking very generous of her. If the man who provides

marriage has the correct title, there is no saying what I could

do remarked head tilted to Adrian and waited, but there was no

answer. That is, her dowry will be twenty thousand.

Adrian did not fall into the trap as expected. Instead, he

amassed accounts in neat piles and began to enumerate.

Seven pounds, six shillings, it 'noted scratching with his pen

on parchment. Fifty-two pounds. Twelve pounds, three

shillings. One hundred and four pounds, eight shillings. When

he had sufficiently mastered his character, said the account of a

verdulero.- Price peas this year is outrageous intentionally


The message was not lost by the Lord Bennington. He

settled on the couch and readjusted his newspaper to hide his

displeasure. The Duke of Roxbury left him completely clear,

had no desire to talk about a marriage with his daughter. This

did not matter, he decided, as it was determined that if the duke

to the proposal itself, would find forced. It was a business of

give and take, one that had not wanted to push, but Adrian

Delacourt leaving it no choice. It was time to pass the output to

Almeria Wells if he wanted to become a duchess.

Adrian finished adding the household expenses and set

aside. After three weeks of walking with Almeria and parents

with stiff politeness, he was cordially sick of home invasion.

Nothing seemed to reduce the claim to the title, they insisted

on continuing their projects for this wedding, until it was the

gossip of the neighborhood and had not been left no choice but

to bidding. He stood up and stretched before turning to Lord


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'I'll go to London for business at the end of the week, he

announced casually, -and I can not say when I'll be back. Of

course you and your family can stay here with my mother.

So soon? -The Florida face betrayed his alarm. Almeria has

expressed such interest to visit Wells, sir!

It was a sore point, one that he and his mother had had more

than a few words, do your duty for the last time to his

uninvited guests and then leave them to their fate. And had not

a single doubt that they would leave a few hours after his

departure. Began to enjoy the thought. I thought Miss

Bennington lead to the day before I leave, she added


Very kind of you part-. The older man visibly relaxed and

turned his attention to his newspaper. Egad! It -releyó an ad

discreetly placed among several others. Of all things. I had not

thought of man be such a fool. He looked up, but the duke was

not paying attention. His Grace! He waved the paper in his

direction. You will not believe, but The Carew has found

another fool.

For the triumphant tone of voice, Adrian knew he was

referring to Johanna. He strode across the room and grabbed

the paper from the hands of man. He carefully reading the page

quickly found the offensive note and paled. Invariable there in

black and white, said John, third Lord of Barrasford,

announces her engagement with Johanna Milford Sherwood,

Countess of Carew. Private nuptials are being planned.

What must have been thinking Barrasford? -Bennington

Demanded,. A man of his social position should know the

consequences. Damn fool, marry her, should make nothing but

her lover.

-¡Cierre Her mouth! Shut your filthy mouth exploded when

the color returned to his face. What the hell are you thinking?

She can not love crazy grumbled. Forgetting to Bennington,

spun around and think aloud. I have to think about this. Why?

Why would remarry and with a man she barely knows? Gary

was one thing, but Barrasford?

It's as clear as day, my lord, -olió Bennington. He is rich.

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-¿Johnny? -A Derisive snort prevented the duke. My dear

sir, with the money that Gary left him, Johanna is a very

wealthy woman. No, not for money, she had no interest.

Perhaps it is he who is willing to forget his past showy for

money -ofreció the old man man. And now it's no longer your


-Do Not. Johnny has a respectable fortune. In addition, there

has never been a fortune hunter.

Then do not know 'was interrupted by the look that Adrian

will diodes. Well, anyway it's done. Maybe he'll take his Irish

those states and will be the last thing we need to hear from her.

-¡Irlanda! said as a revelation. Yes, he fled to Italy once, and

now Ireland. Well, I will not let it happen, I will not let go.

Before the visit Thorpe, and can make another offer. What

spoiled the last time, but there will be another.

The Lord Bennington picked up the paper and looked

malevolently ad out, wishing he kept his mouth shut and

destroy the paper. Across the room, the Duke wrote instructed

his lawyer did not bode well for projects of Almeria.


Although it was still very early in the morning, the weather

was unseasonably high temperatures, no wind, no rain. The

servants in New Haven had opened all the windows, shutters

and doors hoping to enter some breeze. For once, Johanna

craved the endless rain that seemed to plague the English

summer. The exceptionally hot weather made her clothes stick

to your body. She fanned herself with the skirt of her muslin

dress your skin moist and thought of those fashionable ladies

who resorted to wet his clothes to cling to your figure. It was

amazing, decided wearily, even nature conspired to make her

miserable. With your mood to a minimum and an abominable

headache, considered to lie again. If only the thoughts of

Adrian, Gary and Johnny not to be disturbed. But it was Adrian

who mainly threatened peace.

Just stopped raining and the roads were dry enough to travel,

had sent his lawyer again. Anger and bitterness flooded every

time you thought of the Lord Thorpe. He had come back at the

express wish of the Duke of Roxbury, had said with such a

Page 82: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

sense of self that wanted to laugh, with a final offer. He wanted

to reject him, but Anne had prevailed, and went to listen to the

end. The duke was willing, he said, to allow the child to stay

with her, for the moment, two conditions should recognize that

Adrian Delacourt was his father and, two, married Johanna

should not go while the child is a minor . And at the last

moment, he added that the duke hoped to have visitation rights

to her son. His son. She could not think as such in Justin, and

aggravating injustice, Adrian simply demanding rights when

he participated in the conception of the child. No, it was Gary

who had loved him and Gary who loved children. She would

not give in to their demands.

And then Justin's persistent refusal to accept Johnny. Every

attempt was rejected man with such hostility that was

beginning to think that the situation was desperate. And now

his son away from her. There was only yesterday shouted that

she could forget her dad but he would not do so as accusatory

Anne and Miss Finchley he had vareado and lying. Moreover,

different views among the servants as to whether they should

marry Barrasford. The whole house seemed to be divided.

Anne had been silent support, and Robin to his childishly

trying to comfort her, Bekins showed an improper coldness

towards Johnny Thomas and James tried to overcome. And

Mrs. Beech, the housewife, was barely civilized when he was


If there was some consolation in his life, it was Johnny.

Although I knew I did not love him, increasingly earned

respect and admiration with each passing day. Slights and

gossip ran down her back like water. But he had gone to

London for special leave and take care of some business

matters, his return was not expected for several days. He did

not know Adrian's latest offering.

He picked up his toilet brush and began smoothing her damp

hair. He had never been able to bring his short hair was

fashionable, and for once regretted it. All the men in her life

had admired her hair Adrian called it a silk curtain, Gary

shining light like satin, and now Johnny pronounced it the most

beautiful hair I had ever seen.

His thoughts were interrupted by her maid.

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Madam ...- The girl said nervous and informed him, Thomas

sends tell me again Bekins has allowed entry to that Thorpe.

Say orders I'm not at home to the Lord Thorpe.

Yes, ma'am, but Bekins said it was important.

Johanna turned, his obvious irritation.

-Report To Bekins should tell the Lord Thorpe was confused

and I'm not home. 'These last words were spoken accurately.

I -¿Preguntaré to Lady Anne?

'Mrs Anne is not at home. There is no objective to be

disturbed for a day like this.

Yes, ma'am.

And, Maggie.

'Yes, ma'am?

-Comprueba If water is cold roses in the basement, please. I

have a headache and if I put a wet cloth over my eyes.

-Conseguiré Promised a little girl.

Johanna waited until he had left and took off her dress to lie

on her thin nightgown. The sheets were dry and fresh. In

minutes girl returned with the soaked cloth and placed it in his

eyes closed. Down in the yard, I could hear the sound of

carriage Thorpe to leave.

It was very quiet, determined not to think about the past or

the future spin. Recognized that Johnny Barrasford and she

should accept only his life as it came. With that decision

fatalistic, concentrated in the clothes he had ordered the

dressmaker. After over a year of mourning, she was ready for

nice clothes.

He managed to doze in the heat despite the headache, until

the Finchley lady called and knocked on the door.

With forgiveness, Lady Carew, but what is Justin with you?

-Do Not. He sat sleepily looking around. It was hotter and

embarrassment when acostó-. What time is it? he asked.

Almost eleven, ma'am, and Justin has not been seen since he

left unfinished lessons this morning.

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There was something about the voice of the governess who

betrayed his concern. And since it was usually a remarkably

balanced woman, got up and put on her dress.


'I would not have bothered, Lady Carew -pidió forgiveness

again in the doorway, not normal for him to disappear. And I

asked the countess, Bekins, James, Thomas, the cook, Mrs.

Beech, maids, to the grooms. No one can remember him for

some time.

Maybe told Robin.

Robin and he hesitated -The governess quarreled uncertain

how to explain her fears, then it should have gone after him, I

can see now, but I was so angry.

How was it this time? I know he misses Gary, but I do not

know what to do.

Ah, it was not that. This time, it was because Robin told him

about your car and pony in Ireland. Justin started screaming

that he would not go, that was where his dad. As he has done

this before, you let out the hope that he would return ready to

work on their sums. Then Robin and I cut and paste drawings,

and did not notice the passage of time until about an hour ago.

Do not worry, Miss Finchley said softly. As he says, is not

the first time that threatens to try to find Gary sighed. He does

not really understand what death is. It will hide somewhere

until you feel better.

But Thomas and James and grooms have spent the last hour

looking everywhere, lady, is not here.

Johanna sat on the edge of the bed and took her stockings.

'I find sad promised. And this time, I think to end this

problem. For too long he has used his sadness for what gives

the gana.- Tying leagues above average, I stood up and looked

under the bed for his shoes, slipped his feet into them -. I stay

with Robin, I'll see Justin.

But when he was down, Johanna found that the governess

had not exaggerated. The housewife, could not remember

seeing him after breakfast. Thomas and James had seen him

when he came down from the nursery because James had tried

to convince the child back, but Thomas had suggested that

Page 85: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

perhaps he just needed some time alone. Bekins then

remembered he was outside when the Lord Thorpe arrived, but

not after the lawyer had left.

A terrible suspicion rooted in the minds of Johanna.

You sure you did not see him after that Mr. Thorpe left?

-I Did not.

What was the last time you saw him?

As I said to the Finchley, Lady Miss, Justin sat on the steps

of the terrace when Mr. Thorpe entered the house. The man

stopped and spoke briefly with him about his dog.

-I See.

Am I going to ask that men keep looking, lady? It may not

have left the land, as it has done in the past.

-not Yet. ¿Bekins, said Mr. Thorpe something to Justin?

The steward thought for a moment, then nodded.

He said you should visit the Duke someday, the Duke



The Lady Anne, who had been listening to the servants

describe the search for the boy shook his head.

Johanna, Adrian Delacourt not behave so badly.

Mom, he would do something to punish reminded him with

feeling. Forgotten the last time he was your lawyer? That in

any way would my son.

Not you believe ...

-Your Lawyer was here this morning and my son is missing!

said accusingly. Well, he will know that I will fight this time.

Swiveled his heel and headed for the stairs. -Make Saddle my

horse, please He threw over his shoulder.

Anne Sherwood do not believe that thought until it fell in his

Italian suit riding.

Where do you think you're going? he asked in alarm.

Johanna, you can not just ...

-Amount Riding Armitage, Mom, and I will say this to

Adrian. He knows he can not win in court, then kidnapped my

son, and not allow it.

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-¡Johanna, Think! Why would he do such a thing? Please let

us send a search party. If Justin was not found, Barrasford can


-¡Barrasford Is in London, Mom! she replied. And if I wait,

Adrian could hide or out of the country.

But Adrian has no reason ... has always been a kind person


-¿Amable? -The Character of Johanna llameó-. ¿Friendly?

Would you call friendly divorce? Would you call what made a

friendly Gary? It has not, done to hurt me. He ran ahead of his

mother and strode furiously where a waiter said two saddled

horses. She watched the sidesaddle one contemptuously put his

foot in the stirrup and climbed another.

-¡Johanna! Anne went on Georgian porch and stood under

the Corinthian column.

'You can not go alone! And you can not ride astride.

Never would there affirmed this when he was a spur against

the flank of the horse.

Ah, sir! Someone has to go with it.

All men watched the sidesaddle and shook their heads in


It's a great rider, one of them reassured the dowager


Johanna ... Anne, forgetting their education for a moment, I

stood up on tiptoe and cupped his hands to shout, Beware!


The air clung to Johanna as a wet, hot and heavy blanket.

The clouds ominously approached along the horizon

contrasting with the bright sky. She urged his horse across the

ford across the river on the slippery rocks covered with algae

on land Roxbury. Pausing, felt calm, uncommon for a place

where the river joined forests. Above, a bird turned around,

squawking, and then lunged somewhere beyond the hedges.

The heat was oppressive, the calm before the storm comes.

He urged the animal galloping when they reached the road

to Armitage and were rewarded by the feel of the air against

your face. The wet strands escaped the tape that bound her hair

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flying around her forehead and cheeks. Huge trees, hedges, and

the extension of grass path, looked exactly like the recalled. In

more than six years, nothing seemed to have changed.

Armitage appeared before a magnificent crown placed on

the crest of the hill. Before reaching the park was a wide

expanse of emerald lawn as smooth and lush as carpet clearly

divided a path paved with brick. The house was old

architecture mixed with the new to create an immense structure

of Elizabethan to Georgian. The breath was caught in his chest

as he had been his home for a year of happiness.

Only when he reached the yard and dismounted occurred to

him that Adrian could not be in the mansion. Resolutely she

smoothed her skirts against her wet legs and up the steps to lift

the latch. Even if it were not there, would not leave, do not

leave without Justin Armitage. And if Helen Delacourt wanted

to repeat his ridiculous lies, enjoy telling the truth. She was no

longer any injured girl, but a woman, so if His Grace Roxbury

intended to create problems for her with her son, she was ready

to fight. His heart quickened with anticipation and the palms of

his hands got wet while she waited.

'Lady Johanna! The old butler Adrian looked with wide eyes

for a moment and then recuperó-. Something is wrong, ma'am?

he asked politely.

Afraid to think keeping it off, tried to take over his shoulder

a look inside, and said aloud,

Maybe inform Roxbury that I came for my son.

'Your son? Lady, I'm sure there's a error. His Grace ...

And do not you dare tell me you are not home, I'll wait.

No ... no He stood aside to allow her entrance. I will be

happy to inform His Grace is here. Not sure where you are

right now, but I know it did not come.

Taking a glance to where the voices were heard in the blue

room, gestured toward the open door of the library.

If you wait there, Lady Johanna, I find.

She walked into the library and stopped. It was like stepping

back in time. It was exactly as I remembered, with the

exception of his portrait that Adrian had commissioned to paint

the great Lawrence for their commitment. His partner, one

Page 88: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

made of Adrian, still hung above the fireplace opposite,

dominating the room with his penetrating gaze. Even when

turned to be opposite, was attracted by the magnetism of those

dark depths. Lawrence had captured that aspect of his subject

well. As he recalled, those eyes could be heated to its intensity

or they could cool his coldness, but today it seemed they just

scoffed. Perhaps it was the faint smile at the corners of a mouth

too sensual. For a moment the old familiar desire flooded every

fiber of his being.

How dare you come here?

She turned to face the fury of Helen Delacourt and would

have recoiled at the expression on the woman but for his own


My business is with Dree replied coldly.

-¡Dejarás My house this instant!

In answer, casually put his riding crop on the desk.

I think not, not before you have collected my son.

Then this is your trick this time, right? -the widow spat

viciously -. You plan to use your brat to ensnare my son. Well,

Johanna spends his time Almeria Bennington will be his


That's not my business, Dree can do whatever he wants.

Only their claims demanding that he hand over Justin's what I

care about. He is mine, madam, and will fight to keep it.

Johanna's eyes met Helen directly-. If you really want to be rid

of me, I suggest Dree persuade his return. Otherwise, Lord

Barrasford and I will present the petition for its return. And

this time, my dear Duchess, Adrian could only know the truth.

The widow turned pale.

Get out of my house! -silbó-. Out before you do take!

Not dare.

Helen managed to pull the bell, then hesitated.

'For the last time, I ask you to leave my house.

Give me my son.

I think the house is mine, Mother.

Both women froze at the sound of his voice. Johanna walked

past her mother to face him and demanded angrily,

Page 89: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

What have you done with my son? Do not leave this house

until you come with me.

Here ... what's happening? The Lord Bennington appeared

behind Adrian.

... Dad-Almeria grabbed the sleeve of his father and then

peered where Johanna was against the duke. Lady Carew!

Everything unbearable ...

-Shut Up! Adrian asked without removing your eyes from


Now, see here ... -Bennington protested.

-Salgan Here, all of you. Adrian's voice was quiet, but her

pulse was frantic with the sight of her. I look clutter your hair,

white cotton shirt that clung to her breasts wet, blue skirt flared

riding on the soft curve of her hips, and her mouth dryly.

Leave us.

-¡No Go! Helen tried to wean Delacourt Johanna. I will not

ridicule him for it again.

-You Made him dumb, not Johanna answered. But that does

not matter now. His eyes met Adrian and sostuvieron-. I love

my son, Dree, where is it?

I say I, Lady Carew, Bennington protested, but ...

-Déjennos Repeated sharply. I know because my wife thinks

I have my son.

'Your son? -The Johanna twisted lip disdainfully. Your child

? This is rich, is not, Dree? I threw like a discarded lover

without giving even a thought that you could be wrong, and ...

And now I want the child. I think not! Justin is mine. Mine!

Can you hear me? Mine! And this time I will refute his lies in

court. Also in Parliament.

'We have to hear this Helen Johanna pushed toward the

door. Get out of here, scoundrel!

It's embarrassing ... rage-Almeria looked into the eyes of the

Duke and closed his mouth.

Adrian grabbed her mother firmly and separated from

Johanna. Then, with a unceremoniously pull, I take her to the


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-Never Again talk that way. She was a duchess, as you are.

It -Volviéndose to Benningtons said the door. Now, they go or

need help too?

Really, my lord, there is no need ... The expression on the

face of the Duke was thunderous and Bennington feared

violence. Grabbing the arm of his daughter, cleared the room.

Adrian slammed the door behind them before turning to


Now asked in a calmer tone, do I want to know what it is?

'You know very well replied.

No, I do not know, if you stop acting like a witch, I want to


I want my son, Dree. You can not hide from me. I am your

mother, and even your whole political power can not change


I -¿Jo, what nonsense is this?

Do you deny having Justin? Did that Mr. Thorpe le

kidnapped this morning?

Did you talk to Thorpe? he asked. Have you heard my final


If you mean stupidity I can keep Justin if I did not remarry,

everything what I can tell Dree is that you are wasting your

time. You have no right to put conditions in my life, we are

divorced, for your express wish.

No, that was not my last offer.

-Short -Dree Impatiently, where is Justin?

I do not know, believe me Jo, do not know.

Liar! spat on it.

Jo, look, -the grabbed her shoulders and gave him a shake. I

may be a fool, but I'm not a liar. Can you honestly say that you

ever lied? His fingers cut into thin cotton while he searched her


She had a white face, blue eyes huge.

Yes, Dree, have done replied softly. Once you promised to

love me forever.

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His hands fell from his shoulders around your back and then

crushed against him. His nerves were like violin strings,

stretched to the breaking point. Her breasts pressed against his

chest, his fingers splayed across her hips.

Jo ... Jo ... whispered in her ear, his soft breath made her

tremble. He bent his head to brush lightly over his shoulder

where his shirt exposed bare skin. His lips burned like fire, a

shiver of desire through her, stealing her breath. Using anger to

hide the intense physical need he felt, he departed.

Stop! he shouted. I will not be postponed, Dree. My son is

missing. Justin is lost.

Jo ...

And if you do not, where is he?

He dropped his hands wearily and shook his head.

-I Do not know.

Thunder sounded, its roar muted by distance, the hectic

breeze carried the smell of rain. Although it was little past

noon, the sky darkened.

Will ya swear, you have no knowledge of the whereabouts

of Justin? Thorpe did not think ...

-Do Not.

Perhaps Helen.

Jo, my mother would know you were coming behind the

boy. Think about it, really think she would do something that

would make you come here.

-Do Not. He turned to look without seeing the empty

fireplace. Had been so sure he would find Justin here, Adrian

had him kidnapped and now I know what to do. He hooked his

thumbs in the pockets of her skirt and tried to concentrate

where to look.

He moved behind her and put a comforting hand on her


Believe me, Jo, when I tell you I never meant to take away

the child. But you can not deny that it is my son, can not, and I

want the chance to meet him.

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'You have no right, Dree, you have no right to ask me

anything he finally replied softly. Gary was his father in more

ways than just blood.

Gary is gone, Jo. He twisted a strand of hair from her neck.

Let me help you overcome your grief.

Gary -Destruirías memory. -Little disposed to let you know

what we could do to it yet, arrancó-. Sorry, Dree, but I can not

allow what you ask. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go home,

there will be storm and I have to look for Justin. -Girando, He

managed to find his eyes briefly. But you're right about one

thing, you can not recover from the death of Gary. He does not

want another dad, understand, and has threatened to join Gary.

-Oh My God!

Yes, but I sure do not know what death is, Dree.

You do not think I could have gone to the river? Asked


I do not know where you can be.

How did you come here? he asked suddenly.

I -Monte riding.

Listen, going to rain, I can smell it. I will send you home in

my car, I'll call men to look at this side of the river. One of the

waiters can ride the horse to the Abbey Winton and ask them

to participate in the search.

-A My father does not care if my child drowns reminded

him bitterly.

Trust me, Jo will find it. Go home and send someone as

soon as I know something. You may be already in Haven, if so,

send someone to warn me.

A discreet knock sounded on the door. Adrian looked

forward and shouted,


Excuse me, Your Grace, but there is a man here Haven-the

butler replied as he opened the door.

Adrian went to Johanna a triumphant smile.

See-what has already been found.

The man walked shyly.

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Excuse me, ma'am, but the countess sent me to help bring

the boy home.

-¿Él Has not appeared? Are they looking for? Adrian had to


Yes, we toured the house and the farm to the river, it is not


Do not worry, Jo He was already in the hall. My mother

asked the car for you, I will bring the child to you as you are.

-Do Not!

He paused.

'I give you my word, Jo.

I'm going with you.

you It's going to rain, you get wet.

-Do Not. He shook his head stubbornly. I'm with you, my

horse is saddled.

'Of all the demons, Jo! If we find we can not keep up with a

lady. Go home.

-Dree Is my son. In addition, Gary always said he could ride,

as any man 'he recalled.

Uncertain of what they might find, did not want her to him.

He exhaled slowly and shook his head.

-Do Not.

She waited until he had disappeared toward the barn before

leaving the house. Lightning teetering along the horizon made

his skittish horse when he climbed on the chair. He tightened

the reins and waited to form the search team. Like it or not,

Adrian Delacourt would see that Johanna was not ready to go

home without her son.


Johanna, you're going to Tompkins and Burk. I will take

Sims. Ellis Collins and take the road to the Abbey Winton,

Sims and I will go along the river, and you follow the path here

and New Haven.

-Do Not. She shook her head determinedly. I'm with you,


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They stopped at the intersection of the main road from


Jo, wet and muddy along the shore, I can not be responsible

for you.

'Do I asked. -To Demonstrate their stubbornness, he spurred

his horse beside Sims.

Always were a tomboy.

-I Know. I guess the dear Almeria is more to your liking

replied sarcastically.

He looked at her, had her cheeks reddened by heat, strands

of wet hair clung to his temples, a trickle of sweat disappeared

beneath the collar of his shirt, and the outline of her leg was

marked where straddled the horse .

-of No way lazily -arrastró the words, I can not believe that

Barrasford would like to see you like this.


He reminded Sir Johnny impeccable.

Though not believe not care. And if this continues hot, I

hope you see He pulled a handkerchief and rubbed his face and

neck. Now, I am able to be seen with His Grace?

I never said that you were not. He leaned forward in his

chair and looked toward the bank of laughed. Are you

absolutely sure you want to risk? It is slippery.

In answer, he spurred his horse.

I'm as good a rider as any man replied.

They made their way slowly along the muddy shore, Sims

exploring the opposite side of the river, Adrian was looking for

footprints, and Johanna kept her eyes on the bushes and forests

that separated the bed of the fields. The starch of his shirt

against his skin felt sticky.

I'd like it to rain murmured.

Not going to like it when I do, 'he replied. And apparently

going to start now.

A strong breeze blew across the river, shaking leaves his

side just as the first drops of water fell like buckshot. Then the

sky flowed, wetting them. Sims leaned over the pommel of his

chair and walked with even slower pace.

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-¿Nunca You were able to follow advice, right? Adrian

shouted over the sound of rain.

Never! he shouted back.

Can you see anything?

Not very well

He rose in his stirrups and cupped his hands around his


-¡Justin! Justin! ¿Justin Sherwood you hear me? he shouted.


It was as if the rain drowned the words.

His Grace -Sims around and shouted he, I think we should

go back.

-Do Not! This will loosen soon.

Johanna returned the call, standing on his chair to shout,

-¡Justin! Justin! You Here! -repetidamente.

After several minutes, the storm dropped to a steady trickle.

The rain wiped their faces dripping down her hair, soaking his

clothes. Johanna skirt hung heavily over their stylish boots, but

she did not care. His anxious eyes scanned both sides of the

river, muddy shore, and shrubs when they slowly walked

nearly a mile.

He may not have gone so far -decidió Adrian aloud. We'll

have to go back and cross the ford while it is still passable.

The river was like a whirlwind of milky brown color,

startling her. She dared not think so water would rain increased

the ford.


Her grace the river is very dangerous Sims He spoke last.

We'll come back when it stops raining.

-Do Not! If you are here, you could drown! Johanna

shrieked. Dree, can not abandon. He can not swim.

-Do Not. Adrian shook his head sadly. Continuing.

But, your Grace.

-¿Sims, If his son is lost, would search?

But the rain has erased any trace ...

-¿Lo Leave, Sims? -the Duke insisted.

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-Do Not.

They hampered by mud and rain, took more than an hour to

reach the ford, which was submerged under a swirl of murky

water. When the waiter hesitated, Adrian spurred his horse to

go ahead and crossed the slippery rocks. The stream rushed at

the animal's legs, making it wobble.

Wait there! Johanna cried, but she was already in the water.

I will grant you one thing he said when he grabbed the reins of

his horse. You've always been a brave one lady.

Not to be outdone by a woman, Sims moved and emerge

unscathed across grumbled,

If we had hoped to finish the rain, the water level had

dropped in a couple of hours.

-¡Dree No! He leaned to grab his sleeve, his anguished


Adrian followed his line of vision and saw the brim straw

hat of a child caught between the roots of a tree submerged in

the river. His heart skipped a beat and painful fingers of his

free hand covered hers.

-No Body, Jo, it's just a hat She tried to reassure her. Wait

here, I'll get it.

It dismounting, walked slowly through the mud, neglecting

their boots or something else for fear that the child had

discovered dead. It edging through the mud, managed to grab

the branch of a tree and into the water to reach the hat. Then he

moved cautiously, sweeping his hands in the water for the

body. Thank God, rose up empty. Returning to shore, took his

hat to her.


She watched the wet straw hat with blue ribbon and nodded

and then wrinkled his face.

Oh, Dree, can not be! He's just a little boy. Do Not!

He dismounted from his horse to wrap her in his arms. She

leaned against him and buried his face in his chest to mourn

without control. He stood there, holding her arm tightly, the

other smoothing the tangled tangled wet hair, his own silent

tears running down his face to mix with the rain. Sims

helplessly watched a while and then bent to pick up the hat had

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fallen at his feet. Straightening, touched his master's shoulder


'There's nothing else to do here, your Grace, but we should

get Mrs. inside somewhere. I can ride a horse Haven for help.

-Do Not. Her voice was muffled against his chest Adrian,.

No, Dree, I can not leave you out here alone, can not, is so


Shhhhh murmured. We will find you, Jo, will be fine, keep

looking. He found the eyes of Sims on her head. I will cross

again to look between said current, Sims will take you to

Haven, I will continue with the search.

No, I'm going with you. I have to know. She grabbed his

arms and pleaded,, Let me go with you please Dree I was there

when he was born, I can be there when ... His voice stopped,

choked on a sob suppressed.


The water still rising, but they managed to cross over to the

side of Armitage, where the shore was flatter and wider

downstream. Meticulously they covered about three quarters of

a mile looking between current, Adrian stopped again.

It's useless, he can not have floated further, Jo. Sims is right,

we have to find a refuge for you, you should dry off before you


'This way nothing except near the old house of Crofter

reminded -the boy, the water is too high to return to Haven.

Maybe we should go towards Armitage.

-Do Not-. Somehow I could not bear to take her mother, not

with all the bitterness between them, not their emotional state.

The take you to the house of -decidió field.

-Dree, My son is out here. I do not ... will not let you!

He reached to take the reins.

You've got to do it, Jo. He is not here. Let explained softly,

you must beware. Is there another child Robert, right? you

have to look for the son of Gary. With resolution urged his

horse with his knee and took her to the shelter. The rain still

remained constant, but the sky getting light at West-. I promise

that when the rain stops, it will not be an inch of Roxbury,

Carew, or Milford land without looking.

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The cottage was presented as it had been for two hundred

years, a housing stone and straw, now abandoned. The land

had been leased to another farmer, who decided riding to work

instead of living there. Sims dismounted, picked the lock and

pushed open the door of the little house with two rooms, while

Johanna Adrian helped her dismount. A faint musty smell

greeted them, produced by the straw, but the rooms were dry.

The house was dark with the windows closed. Sims opened

the shutters to admit light and rain and then turned back to

meet the horses, Johanna looked around the small room and

walked casually to the empty stone fireplace that took up most

of the wall.

I remember this place, in happier times, Jo, do you

remember? Adrian asked softly behind her.

She closed her eyes to fight the lump in his throat and

nodded. For a brief moment, he allowed himself to think about

that another time, when they had loved a sheltered spread on

the bare ground. But back then, Armitage was full of those

places. In the early days of their marriage, it seemed

impossible to have never enough of each other. If he dared to

think about such things, you might remember a dozen times or

more when they had succumbed to such passion. Now he

sighed hard to erase those memories. Turning, he faced the

man who had so loved.

He's a really good kid, Dree almost whispered. So curious

for his age. You know, Gary really loved.

He nodded.

Tell me about it, Jo.

He was born just after Christmas in Florence. He was ... ie

he will be six next winter, Dree. He was delayed and doctors

despaired which may arise, but we managed. A smile appeared

at the corners of his mouth. Is it strange what you remember,

right? Gary I remember washing my face telling me I was a

child. I was hoping you were a child, so he was a son of Gary's

to inherit. And then I saw it, Dree, and until then had that black

hair. My first thought was that we could never return to

England without raising again the scandal. I felt very bad at

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first, thinking like Gary had been deceived by his heir, but he

never cared. He loved me blindly.

Why do not you tell me?

Tell you what? I was pregnant with your child. The

bitterness in his voice stuck. To what end? Would you have

abandoned the idea of divorce? What if the child would like

me, you would have charged me again for adultery? And your

mother ever so aristocratic He took a little derisive snort, even

if the child would like you, she would have said that I slept

with both and did not know who the father was.

I -¿Lo doing?

It's rare to do me that question right now, right? Once I

would have given anything to be asked, instead of being

charged, but now it does not matter. I do not feel I owe you an


Gary called me a blind fool.

-¿Él? I did not know what he told you unless asked not to try

to defend myself. Her eyes met. You were a fool, Dree?

-I Do not know. I paid a high price for my pride, so maybe

it was. Maybe I should have been as the husband of Caroline

Lamb and have ignored the issue.

So you paid a high price shook his head incredulously. A

high price, you say. Well, my lord duke, was a pittance for the

price we paid. You ruined my reputation and that of Gary. We

could not even stay in the land of our birth, because of you. My

father disowned me and my children will never know their

heritage Milford, because of you.

Jo she began to walk toward her.

-¡No You touch me! Do not you dare touch me, Adrian

Delacourt. I should never have returned. A look at Justin and

do anything to get it, right? I moonstones you to have what you

want if you could. Well, you can not! Take your Miss

Bennington get your own and perfect your heirs Duchess

absolutely perfect. And do not worry about Johanna Milford or

children. We go to Ireland. She turned away and covered his

face with his hands. ¿Dree, what will I do if he's dead?

Jo ... Jo ... He put a hand on his shoulder.

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'Please ... I'll get it back, just let me rummaged in her skirt

soaked his handkerchief and twisted before blowing his nose.

Jo, I'm sorry. He dropped his hand. There was a time when I

would have died before Gary harm you or to you.

Looks like the storm is -Sims watched from the doorway.

There is only a small fog now. He looked Duke to Johanna. Is

she okay?

-Do Not.

She wiped her nose again and then sniffed before turning to


-I Am fine thank you.

-The Lower river water before dark and we can take her

home, milady -animó the waiter.

First I have to find my son.

Ma'am should go home and let your grace handle this.

I want to be there.

The insistent barking dog did not sound too far from the

house. Sims listened for a moment and then went to the


Now I know that there is someone out in this weather, he

told himself-.Alguien has lost a dog.

It -Encontrará their way home they always do Adrian replied

absently. Did you find somewhere to save the horses?

-The Put in one of the sheds.

They were contemplated. Without a place to sit, they were in

an awkward position. Johanna moved relentlessly by the small

room, his back Adrian. He approached the empty fireplace and

began to scrape the mud off his boots. It could have drained the

water from each piece of clothing in your body. Was sure his

coat weighed five to ten pounds more. Finally he took it off

and twisted about the home. She turned to the sound of water

hitting the stones, and for the first time, both realized that his

shirt was soaked cotton. He looked down to where her breasts

insinuated against wet cloth and crossed his arms in front of

her. Sims, always aware of the barriers between him and his

superiors, muttered something about checking the horses.

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After the climax of emotions few minutes before, silence

hung between Adrian and Johanna like a curtain. Finally he

threw his wet coat on the floor impatiently.

'Do you really going to marry Johnny?


Not pretend to make me believe you love him. Do not even


She reminds me a lot to Gareth Sherwood.

Ah. I never thought that Gary was a dandy.

I meant with his kindness and concern, Dree.

I thought it was for her pretty face.

He's not prettier than you, it is your choice what makes the

difference. She gave him a smile weakly. As I'm sure Almeria

personality is completely different from mine. I understand I

must congratulate you on your engagement. But somehow I

can not see her as a passionate woman. He looked pointedly

floor in front of hearth. But surely it allows you to have a

mistress for that kind of thing.

Who told you that I will marry Almeria?

-your Mother. She raised an eyebrow at her expression. My

God, did not you know? It seems to be so determined to get

you a proper duchess as to get rid of the latter.

'I'm not.

-what A pity. Then you could have two women to rule your


Jo ... He took a step toward her warning. Sometimes I do not

know whether to laugh or twist your neck, and almost always

prefer twist. My mother does not rule my life.

Maybe you should tell her that someday.

His grace, grace -Sims called out the window. I found the



It's where the dog is barking, his Grace -Sims explained on

abandoned-pit. Vine to catch the dog and heard the child.

Johanna's heart sank when she saw him. The dog who

discovered Justin was now quiet, his nose between two rotten

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planks covering the hole below could hear her crying child

scared. Adrian kicked to the woods and knelt in the marshy


Can you hear me? he shouted. The crying stopped at a


Mom! I want my mommy.

She's here to let spatio She shifted. Beware the well is deep

and slippery grass muttered as he helped her arrodillarse-. Talk

to him until he can decide what to do.

-¡Justin! Justin! -Frenética When I could not see into the

depths of the well and knowing that evening was too early to

go to seek help or Armitage Haven, took several deep breaths

to control his terror. Are you okay? cried foolishly, knowing he

could not be.

In answer, there was a splash when he tried to move, and

began to mourn again. Adrian pulled her back and leaned

farther over the hole.

Justin, let's get you out. You have to be brave for your

mother, talk to her to know you're okay. I'll get a rope and pull

it down so you grips you know?


I'll get you out shouted again. Can you see the light?

-a Little bit. Another time the child splashed.

-Dree, No water in the pit Johanna exclaimed. You may be

filled with groundwater.

I do not know admitted grimly. Sims, see if you can find

something you can use, rope bucket can be stored somewhere,

anything. Jo, still talking to him. And for God's sake do not do

more scared.

She nodded. He lay on the wet grass, bent his head over the


I'm mom, Justin, all is well. The Duke will get you if you

have a little patience. Honey, you should not mourn or not will

understand you. Now, is there much water down there?

I do not know I weep.

'Listen,' he said firmly. Do you arrive at the knees? Is the

waist? Shoulders? How deep is the water?

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'For my waist.

Adrian muttered an oath to him.

Are you standing?

-Do Not!

Then, stand up.

I ... I can not! he began to mourn again. Mom, my leg hurts.

I can not stand.

-Try To do, Justin. You will get more water so you must


-¡No I can!


I ... try, Mom, but I can not.

Justin, please.

There was another splash of activity down below, followed

by loud sobs.

-and ... I stand, Mom, but hurts. I can not stand.

Justin, listen. I am the Duke. You'll be fine if you can keep

your head above water. There will be more, but you'll be fine.

Where do you water comes now?

'For my waist.

That's what you said when you were not standing -lê


Then it was also around my waist. Mom, I want out!

I've found the rope, his Grace. It's old, but it should hold the

child. -Sims Came galloping, carrying a roll of thick rope with

frayed ends.

Thanks, Sims. The duke unwound the string and its length-

judged. Justin shouted into the well-, I'll drop the end of the

rope down to you. See if you can tie around your waist so we

can get you -dándose around, he added, Sims and you grab this

end so it does not slip.

He backed the rope and threw it against the wall, where it

fell with a thud to splash in the water.

Can you see it, Justin?

'I can not see anything below.


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-¡La I have!

-Atalo Around the waist.

-¡No I can!

Johanna Justin became charge-. Put it around your waist and

make a knot, please. He waited a few seconds. Did you tied



Let's pull up now Adrian screamed. He slowly began to pull

the rope, stress testing. For a brief moment was tense and then


Mom, was released.

-Dree, Can not bind well. Maybe just tried to grab and

balanced against the walls.

Not the rope is slick mud and rocks are loose. I'll have to go


He warned Sims collapse. If I mount up Winton for help ...

-there Is no time! Adrian shouted, and arrepintió-. Sorry,

Sims, but there is not.

Johanna watched his tall figure suspiciously high.

If there's danger collapse, I'm smaller than any of you, let

me go, Dree.

-Do Not.

It's my son he burst out. I do not want ...

He squeezed her hand over her mouth and whispered:

Do not say I even do not even think, Jo Would you be scared


He's my son, 'she repeated her fingers.

And mine. Have another who needs you if something

happens, Jo. I, however, have no one -the loose and nodded to

Sims. I do not think that both can maintain my weight bring


He looked dazed and turned back to the darkness of the

narrow hole. Justin was crying and there was nothing I could

do. Whether it was starting to rain again, large raindrops

beating against the damp earth like stones.

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Jo, I have to try out He approached removing a lock of wet

hair from her face. I owe at least this.

Sims led the great mare behind them. Adrian dropped his

hand and picked up the rope. Standing, he went to check the

thickness of the chair and then tied one end to the hilt. Pulling

it tight, it tasted.

Come here and hold the horse, Jo ordered. I want you to stay

on this side.

The dog barked excitedly at the ankles.

-Put The dog in the shed, Sims, fret not want to Ajax.


He seemed unbearably tired.

Do what I ask you once. -Walking back to the opening, he

began to tie the other end of the rope under his arms. Ate it

strong to prevent slippage, Sims.

Yes, your Grace.

Mom! Mom! The boy cried now- dam panic. This rising


Justin, I'm going down to fetch Adrian shouted. Under now.

-Dree He turned at the sound of his voice. There was

nothing she could say. I did not want to come down, but I

wanted desperately to save his son. Be very careful.

They were barely five feet apart, separated by the abyss of

bitter six years. He held his breath and nodded.

I'll be fine, and so will the child. But if something happens, I

want you to know that even when I hated him for what

happened, I never stopped loving you.

Mom! Mom, help me.

-Ready Sims? Jo, do not let the horse to move.

She dropped the reins and grabbed the bridle to stabilize the

animal. Pulling his head close, closed his eyes and leaned his

forehead against his long nose. The horse gave a jog once the

rope tightened on the knob with the weight of Adrian, but

warmed the legs and stayed in that position. Time stopped for

no confusing thoughts, neither frantic prayers, only a complete


I Look out! Caen rocks. One side will give in, my lord.

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He could hear the voice of the Sims, but in fact the words do

not penetrate their consciousness. His mind was blank, but his

hand was steady at the horse's bridle. She could not say how

long it was before Adrian shout,

I-what moves the horse.

When he did not move, Sims yelled,

-has To do horse riding twenty feet, ma'am.

Alleviating the overflowed. Flange pulling back the mare.

He could hear the rocks falling and hitting the water in the

well, but Adrian had gotten his son.

Constant-stable ... ... I got it, your Grace.

She turned to see Sims lifted the lifeless body of Justin

Adrian's arms. As for Adrian, medium body was still in the

opening, supported his boots on the walls of stone and mud.

-Another Couple of meters, Jo cried. She pulled the horse a

few steps as he squirmed to get out, face down on the slippery

and muddy grass. He stood there, catching his breath.

She dropped the bridle and ran back to where Sims holding

his son.

'Are ...?

He's alive, Jo gasped Adrian, has a broken leg, a stone hit

him in the head, but breathing.

She has a concussion and some lady cuts added the boy as

he examined it, - but nothing that will not heal. -Sims Looked

closer and grinned. It is awakening.

She knelt down and cradled her son.

Justin ... Justin ... okay. Mom is here. As you feel.

-Do Not. I'm not ... he replied weakly, his eyes dark

parpadearon-. Mom, it hurts ...

She stroked her wet black hair behind her face and examined

the bruise already forming on his forehead.

Oh, Justin, that you startled me.

He tried to move and fell into his lap.

My leg hurts, Mom! And then, it occurred to her, I suppose

you'll whip.

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I should admitted when he picked up the remains of her hair,

but I think you've been punished enough. The Duke has saved

your life. He looked where Adrian sat. His face clothes were

destroyed, his face cut, and ensangrentadas- hands. You're

lucky to be alive yourself, Dree.


He looked away.

-I Told I owed it at least.

The boy needs a doctor, my lord, and will darken. -Sims

Empapada- pulled his clothes. It will be a miracle if we all fall


Adrian stood, with clothes puddled water.

Well, we will not cross the river. We'll have to go to


-Do Not!

Would you rather go to Winton Abbey? he asked softly.

You know I can not.

Then will be Armitage, right? asked reasonably. There you

will be able to dry the two, put the child in bed, and call a

doctor. I do not know about you, Jo, but I'm ready for a hot

bath and bed.

'I can not go home with you.

Do not be silly, Jo she snapped. You can not do anything

else, can you? Are you afraid of what Johnny is going to say?

When you hear the story, you will know that you had no other


-Do Not.

For the love of God, Jo. You've always been the most

stubborn woman.

I'm not going to subject my son to teasing your mother


Is that all? let me assure you, my dear, my mother does not

have to be a consideration.

Since when?

-From Today.

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'I beg your pardon, Madam Jo -Sims called again the

familiar form as it was known a long time-but I see you have

much to discuss. This guy needs a doctor -volteó Justin's pants

and exposed where the bone protruded considerably breaking

the skin over an ugly-package. This has to be cleaned to save

the leg.

She looked down and felt sick. A wave of nausea threatened

what was left of his dignity.

I did not know she managed to say weakly. Of course I'm

going to Armitage.


Justin took a small sip and drowned.

-I Will not!

-Please Love -encouraged Johanna.

He turned his head away from the cup and shook his head.

-Do Not.

Commented Adrian, You know one thing, I can remember

when your dad was so small like you, Justin. He fell from a

tree in the house and broke his arm. I thought it was very brave

because they refused to take this matter but do not really know.

He held the cup to the lips of the boy. So it remember, drank it

all. He tilted the cup and waited. The dark child's eyes were

dull with pain. This really made him feel better prodded. Justin

nodded and put his hands on the cup to drink.

Lady Johanna -the housewife touched his shoulder. You

better accompany me into dry clothes.

As soon as sleep promised. Dree also needs to be changed.

I'll be fine.

The doctor came before the laudanum took effect and the

subsequent examination had everyone in tears. Justin screamed

as his leg was manipulated, but there was no choice.

It's a very bad break remarked Dr. Goode with a shake of his

white head - I'm not sure it will heal properly.

What do you mean? Demanded, Adrian. He is young, it has

to heal.

Excuse me, Your Grace. It was a bad choice of words on my

part. The doctor traced the outline of the thigh and swollen and

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discolored Justin, standing where the jagged edge of the bone

still stuck just above the knee. This is the longest bone in the

body and this holds weight. I can put it right, but I can not

promise that will be of the same length as the other with

healing, he shook his head again. I have seen cases where the

leg is as good as before and others where there is a pronounced

cojera-. He glanced to where Johanna stood with white face,

and sighed. I regret that I can not wrap it with clean linen and

say that is exactly the same as it was, milady, but I can not. I

Returning to look at Justin, pointed to the deep breath.

Laudanum takes effect, but still will feel pain when placing the

bone in place. Lady Carew, I would suggest that we leave as

we do. You may want to bathe, change clothes and eat, you

will feel much better and I can promise you it will be much

needed overnight.

-Do Not.

I'll stay, Jo, go change before you catch congestion or

something -ofreció Adrian softly.

'With this heat? -she replicó-. No, I'm staying, he's my son,


Lady Carew ...- Expression doctor was painfully. I can not

deal with more than one patient now, and it will not be


-Let Stand if desired -Short Adrian impatiently. Jo-their eyes

met for a moment. You were never the kind of delicate woman

who faints. Very well, then goes to one side and I'll catch

another. Between the two, perhaps we can calm him down and

hold him still.

Johanna knelt on one side of the bed and brushed back dark

hair from his forehead. It was cold and damp despite the heat

and his eyes closed. Almost simultaneously, Adrian and she

reached her hands and entwined as Dr. Goode was ready to

place your leg.

Justin's eyes widened and he stiffened, his hands clutching

like crazy when the doctor probed along the broken bone.

Mom! cried hysterically.

-This Well, crooned love as he pinned against the bed. There

will soon be over.

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Easy, Justin. Adrian sank to sit on the edge of the bed.

Strong Only hold the hand of your mother until the end.

Dr. Goode, having taken the measure of the break, grabbed

the leg at the knee and pulled down.

-¡Mamáaa! -The Child terrified scream cut through the

steamy air and then suddenly died when he fell unconscious.

Thank God has fainted murmured the doctor. Working with

skill now, he cut the skin wound, washing the blood, forcing

the bones together. The smell of wet hair, wet clothes, and

blood filled the room while he probed, sewed, and splinted.

Straightening finally watched the leg. The coming weeks will

test as healthy, His Grace said to Adrian,. They should not

allow it to move and should not put any weight on it. -Dándose

Back to Johanna, asked, How old is the boy?

-will Six years after Christmas.

Then I'm afraid I will have his hands full. You'll feel much

better before it is able to walk.

How long will it be before you can take it Haven?

I would not risk it for at least a month.

-¿Un Month? But we can not, ie can not ... His voice

stopped, but his face showed dismay.

He can stay here, Jo.

-Do Not!

It can not be moved, Jo. You've heard Dr. Goode, you can

not move repeated for emphasis. We can talk about what we

should do later when you finish your bath and you've eaten. He

looked at Justin, his tousled black hair against white pillows,

her face pale, his breathing slow and deep. You will sleep for a

while, then I suggest that we prepare for when she wakes up.

Mrs. Johnson asked a hot bath, dry clothes, and some food for

you, so you do not have to leave the room. Meanwhile, I have

the intention also to bathe. I will inform my mother what

happened, then you need not worry your head with that, she

will be educated, I promise.

The doctor, although some curiosity as to the peculiar

courtesy between the Duke and Duchess old, driving a cough

apologizing for interrupting.

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Ahem. I think I've done all that is possible today, Your

Grace. As you said, the boy sleep for several hours, and the

problem will be tonight with trepidation. They can give

another teaspoon of laudanum in half a glass of water to calm

him, but I do not recommend more than twice during the night.

I emphasize the need not move much leg. It is a particularly

serious rupture and no danger of infection. He cast a furtive

look at Johanna, who had come to straighten the covers over

her son, and lowered his voice perceptiblemente-. If the leg is

infected, would not like the consequences, Your Grace.

No, of course not answered grimly. I must ask you not to

repeat this where Johanna can hear.

We're in agreement. -The He greeted doctor. I will come

back in the morning to see how the child is. Then, without

thinking, he added, has a remarkable resemblance to you, Your



There was a sudden silence, a desperation in the voice of

Duke who stopped the doctor. For the first time since he had

come to Armitage, he turned his attention to Adrian Delacourt

and aware of cuts and bruises.

Excuse me, Your Grace, my concern for the boy, did not

realize you were wounded If going to sit and let me ...

-No Need are just a few scratches' I stopped beside him. And

there seems to be another break in the storm. Go home better

as it does not rain. -Desviando His attention to his valet, he

announced, I will stay in the pink room, Blake. Send prepare

my bathroom and take some of my stuff there.

While the housewife accompanied Dr. Blake met some

basics of the camera, Adrian approached Johanna hovering

over your child. Involuntarily his hand slid to caress wet hair

was loose against his back soaked.

Do not worry, Jo, -the consoled. We will overcome this.

His voice seemed -Dree in a hollow. Dree, I heard what he

said about the danger of infection. Surely he does not think ... I

mean, it seems unlikely ...-unable to express their fears, turned

to stand before him. Ah, Dree! will I weep.

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No, not going to lose his leg, Jo. We will not happen-let. His

arms tightened around her as her shoulders began to shake.

Blake, seeing this incredible event, hastened with an armful

of clothes and motioned for the maids perplexed to follow.

Closing the door behind them, and showed them the next


-and Listened to His Grace, prepare the pink room for your

honor, please.

But, Blake protested Martha, this was the bedroom used by

the lady.

His Grace is aware of that promised another.

He's going to have a discussion like we've never heard


-¡Humph! Blake sniffed. His Grace has grown since lived

here. For my part I will enjoy seeing it regain its position. And

mark my words, in brief is right where she'll be.

'Mr Blake, noticed the little earl? It is twice as His Grace

Martha breathed.

'Yes, what to do, Blake? Bess asked curiously. Do not think


He's crystal clear snorted Blake. His Grace lied.

But Mary said ...

-¡Mary! Mary really. A silly little whore. Always putting

cow eyes in His grace and jealous of Jo Lady, is not it? -The

Valet leaned closer and lowered his voice. You never

wondered how he was able to leave the service here and install

the hat shop in that town?

It was several minutes before Johanna dominate her tears

and back off shakily Adrian hug.

You must think I'm a crybaby said when wiped his wet

cheeks with the back of his hand.

'I believe a mother denatured if you did not replied softly.

Does God know you've had enough today to subjugate ten

women? He grabbed his elbow and led her to a chair in a open

window. What you need is a bath and relax a little bed looked

where he was Justin. If we keep quiet, we have to rest when he

does. She straightened her shoulders, her own fatigue was

Page 113: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

evident, and managed a rueful smile. I've never been very good

at caring for someone, only to myself, Jo, but now I think

intentarlo-. Moving toward the door, stopped momentarily. I

know it has no desire to spend another minute in this house,

but you can not help, believe me. I will do everything I can to

make things easier with Johnny. He opened the door.


Hesitantly, she turned.


-¿El Will be fine, right? Not trusting himself to speak,

nodded. His fingers closed around the handle.



Thank you for saving his life. He stared at her for a long

moment, his dark eyes sad. She was wet and bedraggled as a

street urchin caught in a storm, her hair hung tangled and torn

and stained by mud clothes but still was the most beautiful

woman in the world for him. I'll send Bess to help you with

your bath, Jo. It -opening the door with a jerk, escaped from

the room.


After sending Sims to Haven to inform the Countess as to

what had happened and get clothes for Johanna and Justin,

Adrian sat on a damask upholstered bench and took off his

battered boots. I had sore hands and having touched scraped

against the rocks at the well and every muscle ached. The

physical and emotional resources that were used abandoned

him, leaving him drained unbearably.

Blake hovered nearby, testing the temperature of water in

the copper tub and adding perfume.

I should let me do that, Your Grace commented grumpy

when the second boot fell to the ground with a loud noise.

'They were dirty -ofreció reasonably. Why should both

appear that we wallow in the mud?

-However, It is improper pointed out.

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Blake, if you think I'm the kind of man unable to undress

vase, think again. The day that requires help undress is the day

I enter my dotage.

A quick hit, he decided sounded at the door, leave it to

Adrian with his shirt half buttoned.

-¡Diablos! grumbled. Look who is Blake. And unless it

concerns a Lady Carew or child, I have no desire to be


The valet barely had time to reach the door before Helen

Delacourt what happened ahead and enter.

-Déjenos -pidió Imperiously, I talk to my son.

Taking a quick look at Duke, Blake hesitated. This tired

shrugged his shoulders and nodded.

'I'll call you.

Without waiting for the door closed behind the servant, the

Duchess leaned over his son.

-¿Adrian, How could you? he demanded angrily. I swear I

can not believe you're so silly! What do you think Lord

Bennington? And Almeria? You can not pretend that this

woman is the right company for a lady. I will not tolerate hear


Mother ... Adrian's voice was low in the warning, its

dangerous dark eyes, but the Duchess was too angry to notice.

-Manda The horn to Johanna and her brat, or I will be forced

to leave this house.

I'm sorry not to go.


-¿Sorprendida, Mother? -Even Though he felt horrible

fatigue, rose to stand before her. I do not twenty-three years

this time.

Adrian, listen.

-Do Not. He shook his head decisively. The last time I

heard, I lost my wife and best friend a man ever had, Mother.

She is a whore.

-¿Lo Is? he demanded so brutally. Or is the truth with lies

curled? I wonder, I can not help it but that does not matter.

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-it Does not matter! Adrian, always missed the head as far as

she is concerned.

I said that no matter he repeated.

Surely you can not forgive what she did.

-¿Perdonar? -The Arqueada- black eyebrow. Do not feel that

you have paid a high price for what he did? I led her into his

arms, Mother. And then I took both of the country. She gave

birth to my son in exile. Forgive? It is she who can not forgive.

You do not know if the child is yours.

Maybe after you finish making your luggage should look,

Mother. Then I will answer anyone who dares to say that's not

my son. Deliberately turning his back, he finished unbuttoning

his shirt and pulled it out. Dismissing it on a chair beside the

tub, focused on take off their stockings. Now if you'll excuse

me, I want to bathe before this mud is permanently stuck to my


Alarmed, she reached out and grabbed his arm.

'You can not mean that Adrian, I'm your mother! And the

Benningtons? You promised to bring Almeria Wells morning.

Adrian is reasonable.

He looked down to where her fingers curled on his bare arm.

Carefully he used his free hand to remove his, he pulled away.

I think when you go, the Benningtons find they must also

leave. As indicated, Almeria can not wish to be exposed to

Johanna company he replied.

But projects ... Wells ...

His plans, but if you think you will be so disappointed, you

could accompany her there on your trip. Frankly, I do not care

one way or another.

'You can not turn your back on your own mother, think of

what society will say She tried desperately. Adrian, you're not

going to survive gossip.

I hope that society expresses certain confessed curiosity, but

being a duke, as so often noted, has its advantages. My title

and my fortune still allow me entry to where you want to go.

He sat back on the bench and finished removing her stockings.

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Adrian, you need -lisonjeó me her. If Johanna stay here

tonight, you have to have me on the spot.

-why? he demanded bluntly. We have tried that has no

reputation, no?

Adrian, I am your mother and I care about you.

-for Real? -The Black eyebrow rose again in mock surprise.

No, Mother, I think not. If he cared anything, would have

asked for his grandson. He almost died today, and is sure to

survive integer. He can not be moved for some time.

Well, I guess there can not be any damage to the

permanence of -permitió- child, and I can ask someone to look

after him.

-Do Not. He has his mother for this.

But she can not stay here. Adrian, think of the scandal.

He got to his feet -Sobreviviremos unbuttoning his pants

broken-. Now, unless you want to see me naked, I suggest you

leave me alone with my bathroom. His eyes were cold as they

met hers. And I forbid you to talk to Jo, and I know it can not

be polite to her.

Is it a theater it all, does not it? rudely yelled. Johanna

Johanna always. Well, I can promise you this, Adrian

Delacourt, I will not go gently. The whole world will know

who stays here as the sow that is.

In response, he disappeared behind the screen, finished

removing her clothes, and went into the scented water.

Not done such a thing, Mother waved at reasonable. In fact,

if I were you, should do everything possible to contain the

scandal. What else could suspect that is promoting the story,

and in that instant, I would be reluctant to continue paying

their allocation.

'Do not dare.

He soaped cloth and began to wash his face.

Well, I would be reluctant to do so, confessed course, but I

would have left no other option. And it would not be exactly

destitute, as it still has the small inheritance from his mother to

help her. The houses, however, are all mine, then I'm not sure

where it will reside.

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'I can not stop the rumors, you know I can not.

His reply was muffled by the soapy cloth, which sent a

shiver of apprehension for her.

Then going to depend on them to.

But there will certainly be protested gossip alarmed. Adrian,

is betrothed to Lord Barrasford, can not stay here without

lifting gossip. Be reasonable, do not know what you're asking.

Fine, but if I ever hear a word of censure comes from you ...

He let his voice stopped, sure he understood its meaning.

She knew when he was defeated. He could never understand

the intensity of the feelings I felt for the little Johanna Milford,

and never would do. A woman who aristocratic rank was

everything, could not understand the attraction to the daughter

of a baron. Water splashed behind the screen when he cleared

the soap from his face and chest. Unable to fully retain their

resentment he added bitterly,

I do not know what you hope to achieve having it here. She

is betrothed to Barrasford!

He could hear the angry hiss of her skirt against her petticoat

as she crossed the room. The door slammed loud bang behind

her, leaving his reflections unsatisfactory. I had not thought

handle it that way, but not send them back to Johanna Haven,

and somehow knew how to come to this situation, there simply

was not room for both women Armitage. He eased his pain

deeper into hot water to soak your body bruises, and thought of

her son. His son. A fierce pride grabbed the memory of the

child, was quieter than many adults. Never forget the trust of

those arms clutching his neck when the rope up. And Johanna.

How many women knew they would have fainted at the sight

of that bone protruding from the leg? he wondered. But Jo, was

too absorbed in comfort your child. His son. By rights, I should

have been there every day of your pregnancy, those hours

when brought into the world, and every year since. But change

was Gary who lived all this, Gary who comforted Johanna, and

Gary who had shared the first years of the child. Gareth

Sherwood. The best friend a man could have, had told his

mother. His mother. The terrible suspicion that she had lied

Page 118: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

was a heavy burden. But there were trials and Johanna never

refuted any of them.

His Grace.

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he had not heard the

servant's entrance. Resolutely he squared his shoulders and

returned to the present.

Yes, He picked up the soap and began to wash the wounds

in his hands. I need some balm, Blake.

'I've already brought, Your Gracia-. Blake's thin face was

increased with concern. His hands have a nasty look perhaps

should have made the doctor looked at.

No, will heal well. Any word next?

-¿Lady Jo? The servant called by the old name of the

easement for Johanna. No, but Mrs. Johnson paved the

bathroom. What a terrible thing happened to the child, sir,

awful but I hope to heal properly. It is the poor who are

concerned about Lady Jo.

She almost lost her son.

So is. Milord, I would at least let me clarify your hair. Here.

He picked up the jar of clear water and began to wash the soap-

black hair. It is a blessing that men no longer empolven your

hair, do not you, sir think? To cover his need a pound of


I've never thought about it.

Well, I do. Being a gentleman's servant, one thinks of these

things. Want your honor gown or dress for dinner?

-¿La Dinner? trade-he had forgotten. What time is Blake?

Barely seven, His Grace, and the cook is displeased with the

delay, but I think we eat too often with the schedule of the

field, this time we have dinner at a civilized hour. I think thirty

eight was what Mrs. Johnson said.

Adrian winced when getting out of the tub.

'Since we schedule our other meals in the field, Bennington

will be unhappy to know that we have rescheduled.

'Mrs Johnson has already informed, Your Grace.

So? -A Hint of a smile played at the corners of the mouth of


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Well, can not say I was happy, my lord valet -the confessed

when he handed a towel. I have understood that complained,

would not stay where it was not fed.

That hurts not think of it sooner smiled openly.

Er ... Blake hesitate to change the subject, but it will be

asked, had asked. ¿Lady Jo, ie, Lady Carew come down to

dinner, Your Grace?

-Do Not.

Carefully put the servant his master's clothes on the stand

next to the bathroom while Adrian dried.

Maybe someone should tell the cook prepare a tray, Mrs.

Johnson thought that Lady Carew would join the company.

Still wiping vigorously with a towel, glanced at the door

connecting the rooms, and the reality of where he was so full.

This was his bedroom when he was his duchess and was still as

she had left it. In their eagerness to have his bath, he did not

think of this, but now I do. His eyes scanned the room, pausing

at the details, evoking memories. He liked to dry your hair to

the fireplace in the winter. Unconsciously he stopped in bed

with four columns and brocade canopy. He had spent many

nights there, almost as many as she had spent in his. It had

become a joke between them that the carpet in the door would

wear before their first year of marriage.

-Why Did not go down and informs Mrs. Johnson he

suggested sending a tray. I am able to fix alone, and you have

come to take your meals early. Go to lunch with other staff.

Ah, I did not mean ...

-Continue. Anyway the house is in a mess, I doubt anyone

noticed if my tie is not perfect.

Are you sure, Your Grace? I did not say that ...

No, no ... Oops.

As soon as the door closed, Adrian dressed quickly, leaving

his shirt open at the neck. On impulse he walked to the door

and tried the knob. The latch gave way under his hand,

swinging the door open and admitting to her bedroom. His

eyes went to Justin asleep, leaning against the pillows, her leg

elevated wooden tablet. At first, Adrian thought that Johanna

was sitting in the chair near the bed, but the approach, silent, I

Page 120: The Perversas Nights of a Noble

could see it was just the seat. His pulse raced despite his


I -¿Jo?

There was a movement of water behind the Oriental screen

when she grabbed a towel.

Not come here, Dree warned her.

It was too late. When he looked up, he was standing there

already, his face betraying hunger he felt. A shiver of

excitement ran down her back. She grabbed the towel against

her breasts, her face flushed under his gaze.

Get out of here -pudo say.

I came to see how the child was.

He's asleep and must have seen when you got hanging

around here.

Not hiding me.

-Husmeando Repeated. I can be thankful, Dree, so you've

done for Justin, but I have not given permission to


'I've seen that. A smile flirted in his mouth and lit his dark

eyes. In fact, you may remember that I have seen much more

than this.

I remember many things, Dree. Now, whether or not you


-Do Not.

Her lips tightened with disapproval to hide his own beating

heart. She dared not meet his eyes, and concentrated in curly

hair exposed by his unbuttoned shirt. Exhaling slowly to

control his mind, he tried to keep his voice calm.

What do you want?

Jo took a step closer.

Stay where you are, Dree. If you think you can just walk in

and ... touch me, you're wrong.

I've fired my mother, Jo.

'That did not concern me now, my lord.

She forced me to choose between the two.

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That poignant sarcastically remarked. A pity that you could

not have made the choice six years ago. -Driven by the

memory of Helen Delacourt accusations, his anger allowed

found his eyes. Now it's too late.

-¿Lo Is? he asked softly as he walked behind her. Johanna

grabbed the towel harder and bent forward as he reached into

the water to collect the cloth had been usando-. Remember

how you wash, Jo? Forgotten soaped when your hair? He

picked up the soap before bending to wash her back. His touch

was light, almost impersonal, but his voice was when

whispered, intimate, remember this, Jo?

Not lied. She had to close her eyes for a moment to master

his wobbly way. Grabbing the sides of the tub, rose sharply,

sending a jet of water on his shirt and trousers. He opened his

eyes deliberately now, and scoffed, Is this what you wanted to

see She dropped the towel soaked in water and placed

uprightly. Look, Dree, is this the body you thought you shared

with Gary remember when we were married?

Her breasts were fuller, but his waist was still narrow and

flat stomach. He held his breath at the sight of her wet and

shiny body. His mouth felt too dry to speak. She got out of the

bath on the other side and reached another towel. Leaning his

head sideways, dried blond hair, then straightened to wrap. He

looked like he was in a trance.

He came so close he could smell the fragrance of her hair

freshly washed. Involuntarily he reached with his fingers in

wet strands, stopping. She shook furiously, pulling so hard that

the pain brought tears to his eyes.

-¡No Do this! hissed.

In answer, his hand slid down to trace where the wet towel

was against the smooth skin of her back. An earthquake

followed his fingers. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard.

-Please Dree.

"Shhhhh." Slowly, deliberately, turned it. She still was like a

perfect, each frozen to deny his need muscle statue. Only weak

pulse beat in his neck tricked her inner turmoil. He circled his

shoulder with his arm and pulled her closer, savoring the fresh,

sweet smell. As his hungry mouth found hers, she made a

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feeble attempt to turn his head, and deny the torrent of

emotions. The kiss deepened and his hands explored her back,

molding, holding her against him, causing a desire that

matched his. His arms slid around him, hugging him for

support. The towel was released, now held only by the

proximity of their bodies.

Mom! -The Crying Justin cut in the consciousness of

Johanna, returning to the reality of where she was and with

whom. She stiffened and began to struggle frantically.

Mom! Mom!

She was separated and the towel fell between them. Adrian

dropped his hands.

-Damn! he muttered disappointed.

-¿Mamá, Where are you? -the boy demanded plaintively.

Mom, my leg hurts. And I have so thirsty.

I ... I, dear frantically He searched her robe.

-Here. He is the diode, dressed as I try to calm -ofreció. Still

holding his breath, he went to bed.

Mom? The confused child's eyes moved while agitated,

hampered by blankets and tablet. Adrian grabbed her hand and

held it. For a moment the small body stayed motionless. Dad?

His eyes struggled to focus on the darkness of evening and

then recognize. Duque said simply.

'Do not you feeling well, right? -compadeció-. Let me

incorporate higher on the pillows so you can drink.


Your mother just take a bath, but will be here as soon as you

view. It -Lifting the boy reached the glass. Take some water -

agarrando the glass to prevent derrame-. That is, -animó


Free hand still clutching Adrian, Justin sank back among the


He pronounced solemnly, Duke was afraid.

'I know.

Johanna came then, his body covered with the robe danger.

He had combed his hair was soft and wet against his back.

Does she have a fever? he asked anxiously.

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Adrian dark hair brushed back and put his hand on his


-Do Not.

Mom, my leg hurts like the devil himself Justin opened one

eye to see the effect of the declaration.

Do not tell the devil, honey. I know this hurts, but you can

not avoid. Your leg is broken and take some time to heal. She

sat on the bed and stroked her hair stout. What we can do is

give you a little laudanum, then it will not hurt as much.


Just a little 'agreed Adrian, but help the child's hand snapped

and grabbed the bottle of láudano-. Give me the jug, Jo, and

mix a little.

Between them, they managed to get to take the spoon full,

and in the time that followed between dose and relief, kept

their attention to distract him from his pain. Johanna sang

gently until his voice, and pained screams of the day, stopped

working. The boy demanded more, until Adrian, with a sad

commentary that would bear some ditties of his Oxford days,

to a recital of melodies was launched fortunately unknown to

her. In the fifth song, the boy's head turned sleepy pillow. She

sang until he was sure he slept, she reached out to stroke


We could go to the pink room He risked quietly.

She shook his hand.

No, I do not think she managed to say coldly. She rose from

the bed and moved to look into the sunset.

'I want as much as I want murmured behind her.

If you touch me again, I'll scream She turned to face him to

be. Do not, Dree, please. We will be educated for the sake of

Justin, but do not try to fool me again.

Jo ... His hand gripped his shoulder.

-¡No You touch me! She separated and stepped back. Just

because I'm under your roof right now does not mean you can

use me as a prostitute, Dree. You forget that I'm engaged to

Lord Barrasford.

-You Can break the engagement.

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I should have expected this from you, right? asked bitterly.

John Barrasford is a decent, kind man, and I have given my

word. And strange as it may seem if you do not want to believe

it, really I keep my promises.

-¿Las Kept it for me?

I swore that I would never answer this, but I do not care

anymore. I'm afraid I'll have to look within yourself the

answer. Gary tried to say it again, but you would not listen She

gestured to the door between the two cameras-, it's too late,

Your Grace, and have not finished getting dressed for your

dinner, then I suggest you do. And before you went down, was

so kind to give me the key to the door. Next time, I hope to



The food was strained from the beginning to the end. With

the late arrival of Adrian, the conversation suddenly ceased

when everyone turned to look at it. A quick look around the

table revealed the story, the face of the Duchess barely hide his

anger under a facade of cool politeness, Mr. Bennington chin

trembled perceived impudence, mouth of Mrs. Bennington

frozen in a determined smile, even the angry face of Almeria

showed his bitter disappointment. When he took his seat at the

head of the table, the feeble attempt of Mrs. Bennington

animation was received by such grumblings who abandoned

the effort.

Only when Mr. Bennington were in the middle of the third

course he dared to ask if that woman, fixed his residence in

Armitage. Adrian stiffened in the tone of censure on the issue.

That woman, as you choose to call Lady Carew, was once

my duchess Adrian reminded him coldly. And, yes, I hope to

stay here while the child's recovery requires. It -Taking another

spoon of peas on his plate, looked at a blank lackey expected to

serve the next plate. You can tell the chef that their fears were

unfounded dinner is excellent.

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-¡George! 'Mrs Bennington grabbed the elbow of her

husband to get his attention and whistled softly, now, no. With

a furtive wink he Almeria where rigidly pushed his food

around the plate, added-it is a suitable choice for your daughter

listens to conversation.

Like you did not know that such women exist murmured the

girl, carefully keeping his eyes averted.

A lump formed in the stomach of Adrian and his food was

bland in his mouth. He wanted to lash out left and right, tell

them they were wrong about Johanna, the horrible reputation

that he had given did not deserve, but no matter. Instead, he

stared at Almeria, with cold eyes.

Johanna Sherwood is a lady so worthy and educated as you,

'said Miss.

Two spots of color lit cheeks Almeria. His coldness,

connected with the previous comment concise Lady Helen

Wells that the expedition had been canceled, encouraged her.

If invited me here to insult me, Your Grace, has been

successful. No reciprocate in the same house or even in the

same conversation with a divorced woman. It is enough that I

have been invited here during the season and then flaunt your

preferences for it. I would be the laughing stock of the

company , my lord. She stood regally on the table, her

beautiful face twisted in a bitter smile. Nothing could induce

me to stay in this house while she lives here. -Girándose To her

father, she added, forgive me, Dad, but I have a headache.

There was a heavy silence after he left the room. Mortified,

Mr. Bennington tried to recover the situation had caused.

He must forgive, His Grace jealousy have lost his temper,

will have recovered in the morning.

Maybe I should go with her She risked Mrs. Bennington


Adrian threw his napkin on the table and stood up.

No, the fault was mine and it's time to put the record

straight. I'll go.

He found furiously walking in the garden behind the house.

Miss Bennington He walked behind her and waited.

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What do you want? There was a hint of hope in her voice.

I came to apologize for my unfortunate behavior. Although I

disagree with his view Lady Carew, I'm a bad host for

speaking well. When she made no acknowledgment of his

apology, he immersed himself forward. I came here on a

mistake of my true feelings. My mother invited her, not me.

Admire, is a charming young man, but it was never my

intention to make an offer of marriage. Never should have let

her visit here, since I have no interest in marrying again.

Not even with its beautiful Johanna?

Lady Carew is betrothed to Lord Barrasford he replied

flatly. And she has made it clear it would not accept me again.

-I Understand. This clarifies things for me, right?

Johanna is the Duchess of Roxbury in my heart, and no

room for anything else. His voice was soft as he reached his

hand. Come, walk with me and try to explain. -Metiendo His

hand in the crook of his elbow, among the fragrant roses-led.

Do not expect you to understand, but I fell in love with her

when we were kids, and never any other for me. He grabbed

his disbelief and nodded. Ah, there was the usual actresses and

that kind of woman since she left, but none to take his place in

my heart.

But deceived him. It ...

I thought so once, but now I'm not so sure. Of all that could

be said of Johanna, she was always honest. Gary also. No, I'm

not sure she did She stopped dryly. It is a story that I have no

desire to tell.

Tears glittered on her eyelashes when he beheld the

handsomest man of his acquaintance. It was unbearable saying

he was not wanted.

If you can not marry Lady Carew ...

Isn't has paid attention to anything I said? asked softly. I'm

saying I'm going to desire beside me every day of my life, Miss

Bennington, and knowing this can not in good conscience give

my name to someone else.

He dropped his hand and turned to face him, his obvious


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'And he followed me out here to tell me this, Your Grace?

she demanded. And believe me that prefers to me will make

me feel better. Well, it does! I came here to be a duchess, my


Then I'm afraid you'll have to find another Duke.

As if there were so many replied tartly. I would have

married you, Your Grace, and would have turned a blind eye to

his actresses and courtesans and even Lady Carew.

Is it the life you want? he asked incredulously.

-Yup! Does it surprise you, sir?

'I disgusts He turned to return to the house. But with that

idea, certainly easily find a husband when she returns to

London. Good night.

Mr. Bennington, always optimistic about letting her

daughter, looked up from his dessert when Adrian went back to

the dining room.

'Is there anything like a misunderstanding between lovers to

encourage a courtship, eh, sir?

I do not know replied to sit at the table.

The dinner ended without further mishap and men retired to

the library for the usual desktop port. The Duchess, at the

prospect of answering more questions about his departure, also

pleaded a headache, leaving poor Mrs. Bennington with

nothing to do but retire to sleep.

Well, now that we are far from the paws of cats, as it began

Mr. Bennington, maybe we should talk about the best way to

recover the situation. I guess with the injured boy, he could not

turn his back on Lady Carew, but the devil will be a scandal if

the story comes to light. But if he marries Almeria, that closes

the peak at the gossips and ... He stopped, choking with

Adrian, look. It's ... ahem ... well, he was not so eager to make

an offer of marriage.

Not answered frankly. The idea, much to regret, was all my


But ... -Confundido, Your Honor sought recuperarse- media.

I mean ...

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I'm sorry deemed deceived, Bennington, but I made it clear

to your child that should not satisfy. I think she understands it


But her mother the Duchess ...

His Grace does not have the power to manage my life, no

matter what you may believe. I hope you have been informed

of his intentions to leave in the morning.

Yes, I told me all a buzz. That is, it can not be true, not with

Lady Carew here, I mean, not just lord ago. What will think

Barrasford, I wonder?

He is an honorable man, and I hope you will accept the

innocence of the situation.

Even Bennington knew when to accept failure. He drained

the rest of his drink and pinned Adrian with a look that

bordered with pure disgust.

Clearly I see the lay of the land replied heavily. Well, sir, if

it is determined to pursue this course, and if His Grace is not in

residence, I see no alternative but to take my wife and daughter

of this house. You may be able to benefit from association with

Lady Carew, but they can not. We leave in the morning.

My mother is willing to accompany Wells Bennington so the

lady can visit the place.

I'm sorry we do not go down that road. Without you, sir,

Almeria has no interest in going to Wells replied stiffly. Good

evening, Your Grace.

After the father of Almeria left, Adrian poured another glass

and stared at the empty place on the mantelpiece. Portrait of

Johanna, too valuable to be destroyed, was kept in the

basement. And since I had no intention of looking for another

wife, he could do to bring and hang again with his partner, his

own portrait in front. They were a couple, in more ways than


His thoughts turned to those few minutes in your room. God,

as he had desired, still loved her. She began to cram your mind

to the point where it was not able to maintain a rational

thought. He had told himself since she returned to England it

was the boy who wanted, but now had to admit something

completely different. No Johanna, have your child would be a

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bitter victory. It did not matter if his mother had told the truth,

it was long ago and they were very young. Now he was more

mature, had experienced his bachelor days, and met many

women. And yet it was Johanna whom he loved. What had she

said about her betrothal to Barrasford? Something like the

thought or not, she kept his word. He took a thoughtful sip and

felt its meaning, she had also kept their promises to him. Or

looking over his words of what he said? He looked at the

empty wall, trying to anticipate his portrait. He wore a blue

dress and a dark red sash tied under her breasts and her little

red shoes sneak peeked under the hem. Image slowly took

shape in his mind to remember the details. A large straw hat

hanging from her fingers through her red tape and your hair

loose about her shoulders in a glorious mess. And about his

perfect white collar a jeweled medallion, a trinket from his

childhood he had used for years. She had chosen him above

any expensive jewelry given to her, explaining, "This

symbolizes my love for you." He stopped dead in his mental

examination. It was the locket she had given to Gareth

Sherwood. What It could have happened, what happened to

change her both space of a year? He had been away from home

too often, he knew, but had received him passionately on each

return. Even her maid had confirmed the story of his mother.

What was his name? Mary? Mary Cummings. Yes, could also

remember, as expected on the stairs, always with a small

excuse or another. Johanna did not find it funny at all.

Reluctantly he let his mind wander to the accusations against

her mother Jo. He tried not to think about the story since it

happened, but now I could not help it. He never put into

question the charges because Johanna had never tried to deny

them, but sometimes wondered. Part of him wanted to find

Mary Cummings and have their repeated story, while another

part warned him to forget it. I wanted so much to know the

truth as he did not.

A glance at the clock on the mantel said it was almost

midnight. The child would soon be agitated, and Johanna was

exhausted. His own fatigue had passed, replaced with a mind

that could not rest. I would check how the child was before


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Both were fast asleep when he opened the door of his

bedroom. It seemed as if Justin had moved from before dinner

and Jo was curled up in an armchair, his head tilted at an

awkward angle against one side. When he tried to wake her,

simply changing position and continued sleeping, his breathing

so light it was almost imperceptible, its separate to expose only

the edges of her perfect teeth lips.

Jo-what tried again, only to see her settle into her chair. Poor

Jo murmured compassionate. With a sigh, the rose. Come on,

Jo be more comfortable lying. Just steps to the couch, that's my

girl -the encouraged when she walked half and half leaned

against him. With one arm around her waist, came to the

couch, and lowered carefully. Picking his feet, straightened the

cushions. The air was still warm, but she never slept

uncovered, picked up a folded shawl a trunk and spread it over


Returning to the bed, took off his shoes and lay down beside

his son. If he woke up, Adrian would be there so that Johanna

could sleep. He played slightly damp forehead. There was no

sign of fever, at least not yet.

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Light through the windows woke slowly, and when it

became increasingly aware of your surroundings, Johanna sat

up with a start. Pushing back her tangled hair, tried to gather

her thoughts. His feet touched the thick wool Aubusson carpet

and for a brief moment he wondered where he was. Then the

memory of the accident brought him wide awake.


There was no sound in the room except the stable breathing.

Leaving aside the shawl that covered it up and walked silently

to the bed to look surprised. There was his son, his body

twisted away from her splinted leg, her small shoulders

wrapped in the arms of Adrian with his head cradled against

his shoulder. The two dark heads in such close proximity that

looked like two peas in a pod. He walked to touch the child's

forehead and found it slightly warm.


When the soft cotton of her nightgown borrowed grazed,

Adrian's eyes opened, blinked, and then outline a sad smile

tugged painfully from his memory.

I must have dozed off gently murmured apologetically his

arms the child. He sat down and ran his fingers through his

messy hair and dark beard rubbed his face. What time is it?

Confessed 'I have no idea, but you should not be here. Your

mother spread the story for half the neighborhood before us ...

He paused and his face flushed.

-What We made love in the same bed with our son? -the cut

with a smile. No, not even my mother has so much


-¡Dree! hissed a warning.

He's going to know soon, Jo.

Not shook his head decisively, is too young to understand,


Would you rather hear it from someone else?

Johnny and I took him to Ireland, then I doubt anyone would

say anything. He looked down and picked a piece of lint on the

bedspread, I want to tell where it considers that the time is

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right, Dree. -Changing The subject touched Justin's head again.

I think he's hot.

He put his hand against his forehead.

It would be a miracle if I did, you know. The skin was torn

and dirty water, and God knows how long was down there

before you find it. His hand slid to cover his. We shall see him

recovering, he is a very tough little.

Not heard him all night.

You were exhausted. Do not you know or how you came to

the couch, right?

No, but you should have awakened to give laudanum.

He was restless, I gave about three hours ago. I guess I slept

after He pulled his watch and looked at him. I have to get up

and make myself presentable. If you hear a hysterical cry in the

next room, you know that Blake has seen what I did to this

coat. I fear that the poor slob find me sad. A faint smile

appeared on his mouth. Maybe you could recommend to

Johnny, he is a proud man making a valet.

Yes, he always wears his immaculate clothes sweetly -

estuvo of agreement. But if you want to imply that is

effeminate or something, I can you be sure that it is not.

Ah, there's nothing wrong with Barrasford conceded. I

consider a friend indeed has much to recommend it is a good

rider, a skilled driver, a real dandy, and handsome.

Very handsome corrected her.

I suppose it is -pareció Deemed. Yes, you're right, Jo. Most

ladies I know also think so.

-Dree, If you mean that you have a string of lovers ...

No, not anymore. His last lover healed him, I think that cost

a bloody fortune rid of her. He glanced at his watch before

returning it to his pocket. I really must get off in time to offer

Mother and Benningtons a tender goodbye, do not you think?

-Dree ...

She rose from the bed, picked up his shoes, and showed him

a sympathetic smile.

'You should not worry about Johnny, Jo, can be a paragon of

virtue, but not an uncompromising person who does not

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understand the circumstances. If you wish, I will write an


Thank you, I prefer to make my own explanation, Dree. I

will do so immediately, before they discover the means to end

my commitment.

I'll cross the letter myself.

He waited it out and then try to open the door between the

two bedrooms. Discovering it successfully closed, dressed

quickly in a dress that Mrs. Johnson had met and sat at a small

desk stirring until finding paper, pen. And ink. Write to John

Barrasford and explain its presence in Armitage was not going

to be easy, but it had to be done. He composed his thoughts for

a minute and then wrote a brief prayers profiling Justin

accident and the injury he had suffered. He debated for a

moment whether to tell Adrian's mother was leaving to protest

his presence, decided it would be better to be totally honest. It

ended with a promise to keep instructed daily. Just a love

letter, thought dryly, but the circumstances were very clumsy.

Behind her, Justin thrashed and moaned. She left the letter and

kept it.

All right, dear across the room-said. I call to order breakfast,

and after eating, you can have a little more medicine to relieve

leg tugged the rope next to the bed and sat on the edge of the

mattress to smooth her hair. Would you like to drink?

He shook his head. His eyes were dull with pain, but trying

to be manly.

Mom -esforzándose by relying on the pillow, turned her face

to where the print head Adrian permaneció-. Dad was here

with me.

Justin hesitated, not sure if you had to contradict him.

I know it was, Mom insisted. Talk to him and he said, was

that he was here. I felt it, Mom.

It was the Duke, honey.

No, Dad was His voice trembled in intensity. She said she

loved me.

Er ... something he said?

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I do not know, I think so He struggled to remember and his

eyes lit up. I was so sleepy, but I spoke as a child, and how he

met the Duke and you ... and ... and went to sleep.

Maybe it was a dream, my love She tried to keep her voice

calm, but was inwardly angry that Adrian had raised false

hopes in his son. Here, take a sip of water.

'It was a dream he did drink a sip obediently and fell against

the pillows. Maybe I will see you again.

Not knowing what to say, Johanna was grateful for the

interruption of Mrs. Johnson who came with breakfast tray.

Housewife put it on a nearby table and walked busy over the

room. Opening the curtains, announced cheerfully,

-H ace a lovely morning, his ... Lady Johanna. Recovering

quickly from within, he added. The rain finally over. His Grace

sent to New Haven for their things and child, and seems to be

able to cross the ford. It -Retrocediendo to tray, lifted the lid to

expose a plate with sausage, scrambled eggs, and panecillos-.

The cook had everything ready except eggs when you called.

With skill spread a linen napkin Justin's chest, she put it on the

bedspread. So, do not like to have a bed full of crumbs, right,

young master?

He watched the efficient woman with caution.

I want my mother fed me.

-Take God: but also his arm is broken? No, let your mother

eat your breakfast, and if you need help, I will cut him off.

Without waiting any protest, began to cut a salchicha-. Do


Not hungry.

-¿Abrir Reaching a boat? He held a bite of meat. A port is

needed. That's -animó young when he took the salchicha-. I

remember when the nurse used to do this with your dad.

You knew my father?

Mrs. Johnson looked up quickly and found the eyes of


Ah ... yes ... ie I knew them all, his dad, Lady Jo, duke,

when they were little.

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Johanna food was bland in his mouth. The earlier discussed

the matter with Adrian, the better. I just could not let someone

told Justin that Gary was not his father. Do not stay out and

destroy their memories of Gary for the vanity of Adrian. He

put his plate aside, nodded housewife.

-and I finish, thanks.

Oh, my lady, I did not mean ...

I know not, but I can take care of it.

Confused, the little woman offered a hasty bow hastening

his departure from the room. Johanna looked at her and sighed.

It was to be live for weeks in a house where everyone guessed

the relationship between the master of the house and the young

earl. The sooner you recover and go to Ireland, the better for


There was a commotion in the lobby, but Johanna paid no

attention. If Helen wanted to make a noisy departure, it was not

his problem. Placing a bit of egg on a piece of bagel, his son


Just a little more, -lisonjeó- affection. And then a little


-I Do not like.

I know, but what makes you feel better?

'I do drowsy He noted the bottle in disgust. Tastes awful,


I know, maybe tomorrow will not have to take it so often.

The door opened and a little boy ran across the room to

jump in bed. Justin winced and gave his brother a push away

from your leg.

Divest Thyself of Thy, Robin!

Robert Sherwood, properly greet your mother Lady Anne

He spoke dryly from the doorway. And do not get on the bed,

your brother should not be disturbed.


Yes, fortunately, the ford was passable this morning. The

countess entered the room with a twinkle in his eyes. I'm here

to be your rifle, dear. And, knowing how worried you must be,

I have written to Lord Barrasford to report the accident.

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'I wrote this morning gestured toward the desk. Yet sent.

He knows I'm here, then you should not worry, my love. -

Concentrando Attention on Justin, Anne smiled affectionately.

This time you've done it, young man. You gave us a terrible


I fell into a hole, Grandma.

She told me 'That grabbed Robin firmly and pulled down the

bed. Your brother did not go to sleep until she got the news

that they had found you. He Leaning to plant a tender kiss on

the forehead of Justin, frowned. This very hot, Jo.

'I know, Dr. Goode comes this morning, and I ask him about

it. The wound was open and water, Mom.

It's a miracle that you were able to get him out, Roxbury

wrote that they found inside an abandoned well.

-Dree Down to look.

-¿Roxbury Fell into a pit?

Yes, and very dangerous rocks came off, she was sure they

would both be buried by debris. We would not dare to expect

help, Mom, otherwise, the water would rise too fast and Justin

would have drowned.

-A've Often thought that there was more to Adrian Delacourt

than we thought murmured Anne judiciously. And never would

I have thought a coward.

-Do Not.

Justin struggled to sit.

Mom will not believe, grandma, but I saw Dad. He was here

last night.

Anne ruffled her hair sympathetically.

It was a dream, sweetheart.

No, no it was -contradijo passionately. I know it was not, I

touched. He told me he loved me. His face twisted in pain and


'Of course she was here -estuvo of agreement. It must have

been laudanum, would you are giving, Jo?

Yes, but ... Johanna cast a meaningful glance at Justin. I'll

tell you about it later. He removed the cap from the bottle of

laudanum and measured a teaspoon in a glass. Adding a couple

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of inches of water. Now, -se affection turned to her eldest son,

it is time to take the medicine.

He drank it willingly, screwing his face when I swallow.

-Puf. Robin, I hope they never make you drink this.

The younger boy, who had waited while her brother spoke

with her grandmother, touched Justin's leg.

-¿Te Hurts?

Like the devil he muttered through clenched teeth.

You've been very brave Anne murmured softly as he sat

beside her and stroked her hair. I am very proud of you, my

love. Leaning kissed her forehead. Now you must try to sleep

and when you wake up, I brought some things to do together.

His hands slid around his neck for a moment.

I'm so glad you're here, Grandma.

Tears sparkled in the eyes of Anne.

-Also'm Happy to be with you, my love.

Always careful to avoid jealousy among his children,

Johanna lifted Robin in his arms and carried him to the


You see the garden below, love? It's the best, and perhaps

the Duke enable us to Let's walk around when Justin is asleep.

There is a little beyond the hedge maze in which Dad, Dree,

and I played. I remember I missed one and as they laughed.

I do not want to miss, 'he said when he observed unsafe


I'll explore it with you promised her.

-¿Mamá, Who is Dree? he asked suddenly.

The duke who live here.

I should rest while you can Anne reminded him from the


I'm fine, I slept most of the night. Dree ... She stopped and

his face flushed as her mother would think knowing that he had

stayed in the room all night.

'But you must keep your strength for what will only be a

difficult period for all of us. I left the Miss Finchley below to

see the layout of our luggage, sure she will Robin garden.

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-Do Not! Robin curled up in the arms of Johanna. I love


Did you bring to the Finchely also miss? he asked

incredulously. Roxbury think that has been invaded.

It was his express wish, my love. Bring the other child and

his nurse when he comes exactly what he wrote me. But

instead to suit Miss Finchley, thinking it would be more useful

to keep the mind occupied while Justin is reset. She stood up,

smoothing her skirt. I kissed Helen and I said goodbye to you,

her and the Benningtons went away when I walked serenely

added with a smile. So as you can see you need the presence of

all of us to suppress gossip.

It must be very difficult for you, Mom replied slowly, be

here after what happened between Dree and Gary, but I am

very grateful for coming.

Nonsense -rechazó-. I can still remember Adrian Delacourt

as before. Moreover, I blame Gary not to mention a bit.

I do not let him defend myself, Mom.

It was long, Johanna. We will occupy our minds when Justin

gets well. It will be difficult to behave as if nothing had

happened, but I think we do she added firmly. For the sake of


-for The sake of Justin she agreed.

-¿Mamá, We could lower now? Robin Johanna hair pulled

insistently. Can we? I do not want to stay with Finch now.

If you will not lie, the better off a little -apremió Anne. And

Justin will be in my care well, now you know. But before Miss

Finchley checks if it is placed in a room? Sorry to think that

she roams this huge barn, and I do not pay any attention the



The doctor came and examined the leg of Justin, pessimistic

and shaking his head.

There signs of infection, should be bleeding.

-Do Not! Adrian's voice was raspy. Let's wrap the leg with

poultices to try to cure it, but you'll bleed.

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His Grace 'complained doctor, not a horse.


-Do Not.

'Really, sir, you should reconsider. The infection will cause

an imbalance in the blood between her legs. If we save, we

bleed protested the doctor.

Not spent much time in -Short coldly Peninsula, but I saw

many men die be bled as they were saved.

Johanna, I am in favor of Adrian. Anne looked across the

bed. Bleeding may be effective in some cases, but Justin is too


-Dree, Johanna is my son reminded him.

I You want it weaker, Jo? she demanded. Have you ever

seen someone became stronger with treatment? No, really

answered for her. His fever rises, I will not risk anything that

makes decrease your chances.

Reluctant to alienate both the duke and the countess, Dr.


As you wish, my lord. I can prescribe a poultice, which must

be applied with care. As for fever, not lower while infection

remains. I'll leave something that will help, it is unpleasant, but

effective in some cases.

I'll get when I drink promised Adrian bleak.

And do not let you uncover when sweaty, my lord, or there

will be a risk of inflammation of the lungs. Returning his

attention to his patient, the doctor gave him a reassuring pat.

I'll have to reduce the amount of laudanum, young, it is best.

I've seen too many people get used to their effects. Justin's eyes

were bright with fever, but managed to nod his head. And you

have to drink as much as you can to clean poison your body

with water. Do you understand me? Another time the boy

nodded. All Right. -The Doctor reached into his bag and pulled

out a vial of powder. Giving it to Adrian, instruyó-, give less

than a tablespoon dissolved in water and drink it all. This will

lower the fever in less than an hour, but not avoided. He sweat

prodigiously every time decreases, and should keep it dry. This

is no cure, Your Grace, I hope this makes you feel better.

-how Often?

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No more than four or five hours unless it appears seizure. In

that case, use immediately and repeat the dose in one hour if

the fever is not reduced.

-¿Convulsiones? The fear gripped Johanna in the pit of his


Doctor Goode, we can talk privately before Adrian asked to

leave quietly.

-of Course.

They followed the doctor in the hallway while Anne

remained with Justin.

What really think? Adrian's eyes were intent on the face of

the doctor. We want to know the truth.

Yes Johanna agreed, unable to say anything more.

The doctor looked from one to the other and took a deep


Your Grace, I answered at last, it will be a miracle if we

keep his leg.

If retains his leg. Jo His hands flew to her face. Do Not!

It's a bad wound, milady. And shows some sores and fever

indicates that the infection spreads. We'll have to make it as

comfortable as we can and hope for the best.

She fought for calm when Adrian's hand grabbed hers.

He spoke finally I understand it.

I will not let anyone cut his leg, Jo. Not while there's a

chance to keep and live, Adrian, promised. How long before

we know it? asked the doctor.

A few days at most.

As soon as the doctor left, Adrian Johanna took it out and

away from everyone.

Now you can mourn, if you need it, but when finished, we

need to plan and take better care of him. I suggest we divide

the day and night in portions of four hours with you, Lady

Anne, and I control it.

I will not let him, Dree, you need me.

He needs you to be good, Jo.

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'It's so unfair, Dree! it is so small, and ... Her face contorted

as he could not hold back tears, has lost Gary, and now ... ah,

what if you lose your leg, Dree?

-Rezaremos To not happen, but if it does, must be strong. I'd

rather have a lame son a son.

'Do not you think ...? snorted. Sorry, I can not help it. I ... I

have to think ... Should I get my common sense? It is foolish to

worry about his leg when his life ...

'Do not tell, do not even think -the shorted. Let's keep the leg

wrapped in poultices fester until it stops and then he'll be fine.

That is, it will be if we can get a child lying in bed every week.

She lifted her chin with his finger. I will not let you miss, not

while there any way to save him.

There was such conviction in his voice, an intensity in his

dark eyes, she had to half believe it. Less than a month he did

not know he had a son, and now he said he would fight at your

side to save Justin, who share the care of the child. In truth,

they would not have had a child to heal if he had not fallen into

the well. He closed his eyes for the gratitude felt for this man

she loved and hated. His hand cupped her chin, pushing back

his head until his face was only inches from his. His fingers

were strong and warm and comforting. He could feel his breath

when he spoke.

Not found my son to let him die, Jo.

A lump formed in his throat, making it impossible to

answer. Muda nodded as tears welled up again sliding down

her cheeks.

-for Your sake, I ask that we put aside our differences, Jo

continued softly, and together we rely to heal him. Even if you

can not stand me as a husband, you must let me share the

burden of a parent until this is over he paused and searched his

face for some sign that was agreed. Look, Johanna, tell me you

left behind our suffering yet. Can you do this?

The knot threatened to drown her.

I ... do not know, Dree she managed to answer.

He dropped his hand and sighed.

'I have the right to ask anything, I know.

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The pain in her throat stretched down, clutching his chest


'I have given life, Dree, so I'll always be indebted to you, but

...-unable to talk about their years of bitterness, not finished the


But you can not forget what you did finished for her.


'I can not either. The pain is still there when I look back, Jo,

and sometimes I hate you, but I say that all the blame is not

yours ... we were very young ... I spent too much time away

from you ... Gary ...

-Please Dree, no more about it now.

I'd like to know ... I wish I was not right ... sorry I can not

understand why ...

'And what would it? He cast one painful-cry. Would it

change the past? ¿Life would return to Gary? Will you choose

to call my father suddenly daughter again?

Jo ...

-Dree, I lost everything I loved six years ago, my family, my

friends, you. I would have died from not having to Gareth

Sherwood. And then there was Justin, my constant reminder of

what could have been. Gary loved him despite everything, and

me too. -Unable to contain the flood of tears, pulled away. Do

not speak of pain, Dree. I lost Gary and now I can lose Justin.

Everything I love what I lose.

Jo ... Jo ...

He came up behind him, he slid his arms around her waist,

and rocked gently against your body. She turned and buried her

head on his shoulder. His heart hurt when his body was shaken

by uncontrollable sobs that made it seem so helpless and

vulnerable. He rubbed along his back hand and smoothed her

hair against his shoulder with the other.

He'll be fine, Jo, it will be well muttered repeatedly.

Finally, when it seemed there could be no more tears inside

her, she shuddered against him and remained quiet. He

continued rubbing her back until she put her hands between

them and departed.

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I ... I'm sorry, I feel overwhelmed -pudo explain-, I am now

much better, -limpiando her eyelids wet with the back of his

hand, gave him a brief smile. What a fool I am, feeling sorry

for myself when should only be worried about him? No soil

usually be so sensitive.

I know He pulled out his handkerchief and handed it over.

Clean your nose, Jo. Honey, you can not go back and let him

see you scared.

'I will not promised another small smile.

-Andaremos A bit until you feel better, or do you think you

can see him now?

-I Am fine.

Then we go.

Taking her hand led her back to the house. She was not

aware until they were halfway up the stairs, and found the

warmth and strength of his fingers gripping the comforting

own. Outside the bedroom door, he paused and half turned to

face her.

Let me at least help him. Among the three, we'll relax a bit

and still take care. Otherwise, you'll be bedridden for a week.

He was right and she knew it. He found those of his dark

eyes for a moment.

All right sighed. But promise me you will not interfere in

their memories of Gary.


The ornate clock on the nightstand marked the hours, hours

that Johanna had long since ceased to count. Every fiber of his

body screamed fatigue, but had spent the time when I could

sleep. With tired eyes studied the little agitated body of his son

when he shook irregularly in the big bed of Adrian. A candle

flickered and went out, leaving the room in a mysterious

gloom, but not perceived. His lips moved silently, in a fervent

prayer, pleading, promising everything, anything in exchange

for the life of your child. The case was almost desperate, Dr.

Adrian summoned from London had said. He was no longer

the most important leg, but a virulent fever, caused by

exposure to dirty water, which tormented the body of little

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clouded his mind. A fever of the brain, Dr. Bascombe had

called him an even more dangerous than gangrene had feared

at first enemy.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Adrian

standing behind. It looked as tired as her, but his grip was

strong and comforting as his fingers massaged his aching

bones. Leaned back a moment, closing his eyes and savoring

the feeling while working knotted muscles of his neck and


Not heard you enter.

I did not want to interrupt your prayers. -The Time that

would have been isolated, and would have accused of violating

the property being there, had passed. In the three days since

Justin's condition had worsened, arose among them a common

cause, a joint battle for the life of a child. And it was a union

that Armitage whole house took aim, there were whispers of

scandal over or under the stairs, from the humblest groom

housewife, there was only one shaking head at the tragedy that

befell to Poor little. Bedroom doors of His Grace were left

open to admit the servants, who quietly made their chores to

attend to his Duke and Lady Jo, as popularly called. Only an

occasional question or comment broke the silence so complete

unity among them.

I -¿Creo we should wake the doctor? he asked when Justin

suddenly yelled trying to breathe.

Instead of answering, Adrian moved to lean over the bed and

grab the boy's hands. Murmuring words of comfort, sat down

and pulled Justin against him, where the child huddled,

shivering and incoherent. With an effort, dark eyes widened

trying to concentrate.

-¿Papá? he whispered lips parched with fever.

Bring some water, Jo ordered brusquely. And a rag. It -

Volviéndose to Justin, he adjusted his shoulder and murmured,

Daddy's here ... Dad is here ...

It was barely two days, Johanna would have claimed for

saying such a thing, but now irrelevant. If Justin wanted to

think that Gary had with him, if somehow consoled him, then

she did not would dispute. After all, there was confusion about

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who Justin looked, and there was no attempt to deny Adrian.

Later, he thought wearily as she poured the water, later they

could classify all. She gave him the cup and cloth.

He dipped the corner of the material in the cup with one

hand while turning his head awkwardly Justin. Johanna went to

the other side of the bed to help by holding the cup. Slowly,

carefully, Adrian stabilized the trembling boy and forced him

to open his mouth to catch the dripping cloth. Justin gagged at

first and then started sucking like a baby, swallowing water.

Adrian repeated the process repeated times before placing

the child against the pillows. Then he twisted the cloth and

wiped the warm front.

If I had not afraid to drown him, try to make him drink the

medicine again muttered to himself.

Dust Dr. Goode had proved them to be the only thing that

relieved the high fever that had the child, and it was only

temporary relief at best. Johanna picked up the bottle and held


-Queda A little, Dree. Maybe if we try to do when I drink, if

you just put it on your tongue ...

It's very bitter.

'I do not notice your taste, Dree.

He looked at his son. They had so little time, Bascombe had

predicted the final crisis at any time. Even when he looked,

legs and arms trembled with violent chills.

Very well, -se decidió-. And get the doctor, Jo She tried to

keep her voice calm, prevent understand their worst fears. If

Justin came into full seizure, I could die right there. Adrian's

hands trembled as he grabbed the bottle and poured the bitter

dust in your palm. Go, bring Bascombe, now, Jo, now.

Johanna looked startled eyes of his son when Adrian lifted.

Blindly she ran down the hall screaming -

Doctor Bascombe. Doctor Bascombe! Please, God wanted

someone to bring the doctor.

Overhead doors were opened in the servants' quarters and

feet left in disarray in the hallway.

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-¡Bascombe! Bascombe! 'Mrs Johnson, disheveled sleep,

knocked on the door of the doctor.

Easy, Mrs. Blake -calmó when Johanna leaning against the

door jamb lloro-. Ms. Johnson brings to the doctor, Lady Jo.

My son is dying, Blake replied. I know-. A compression

wave went through her as she realized what had put into

words. My son is dying.

Alarmed, the servant grabbed her and shook her.

Calm down, can not know, the doctor is coming, milady.

She wrinkled her in his arms, his face twisted horribly in the

dim light of candles, and leaned against him, crying on the

sleeve of his robe.

-¿Johanna, Occurring ...? Lady Anne emerged from a

camera down the hall and running barefoot toward them. Ah,

my dear!

Blake pushed the weeping woman in the arms of her mother

and joined Dr. Bascombe awakening. The doctor, dazed from

his deep sleep, finally opened the door.

What's the trouble? he demanded angrily to see all the

people gathered in the lobby.

It's Justin Anne said succinctly.

Adrian did not hear the noise. He broke the jaw of Justin and

emptied the bitter powder directly into his mouth. The boy

vomited almost by reflex and fought like crazy. Bathing the

fabric in the cup of water, Adrian began again dripping small

amounts of fluid in the child's mouth. Even imprisoned in his

arms Justin struggled against him in a tight embrace, he strictly


You're drinking Dad. Can you hear me, Justin? You have to

do this for Dad.

The Bascombe Doctor as he entered he saw that the child

had convulsions. He shouted his orders to staff hovered behind


-Traigan A hot water right now. Cold water. -For Adrian

shouted, master it will not let you do more damage than

necessary, sir.

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If I hold it a little harder, I'll break something muttered

Adrian. In desperation, he lay down beside his son and

wrapped him fuertemente-. Okay, Justin, is well, 'said the boy

repeated times before. Dad will not let anything happen to you.

It seemed that little had the strength of a man when he shook

like crazy against Adrian.

Daddy. Dad cried several times. Mom.

Johanna ran into the room and crawled across the bed.

-Agárralo, Jo Adrian ordered.

She rolled against Justin, muffling her legs kicking against

hers and pressing between her and Adrian. The bed rocked

with violence from their shock.

Justin -she shouted over where his head was stuck in his

chest. Try to stay still, try to stay still for Mom.

-The Water is ready, Your Grace, I announce Blake biombo-

behind. The water?

We have to dip it in the water, my lord, 'said Bascombe-. We

have to stop seizures or lose.

Adrian rolled out of bed and picked up Justin to take you to

the tub where she got the child, nightgown and all. Justin's

head hung a moment, then violently grabbed the side of the

tub, shouting again, Dad! Dad!

Daddy's here, he muttered behind Adrian, Johanna. Dad

holding your hand, darling.

Adrian took over the small hand and clung.

Violent shaking slowly decreased when the water cooled the

small body. Did not get an inflammation of lungs? Adrian

asked anxiously.

-Right Now, Your Grace, is the least of my worries, snapped


Johanna, his eyes filled with tears of gratitude that terrible

convulsions had stopped, began to pour cold water by letting it

run over his head. He sputtered and stirred in the bathtub. Her

eyes widened and tried to concentrate. Dad? He looked dazed

where Adrian stood over him. Where is my father?

-Volverá He promised.

But he was here.

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Johanna and Adrian looked helpless and then dropped closer

to his son.

Dad had to go, dear, but do not worry, he was here when

you want.

Turning Blake, Bascombe said, -the seizures have gone for

now, let's take it out and wipe, Blake.

Let me do this His Grace, -ofreció Blake. It is inappropriate

for what you do.

Nonsense Adrian replicó-. He is after all, my ... He stopped,

unable to finish.

Come I'll help, Dree -Short Johanna quickly to soften the

awkwardness of the moment. Mrs. Johnson, please change the

bed linen.

Justin dried Together, they put a clean nightgown, and he

got between the sheets. It was hot and hectic, but in no way as

feverish as before.

He's better, Jo lie down and get some sleep.

-The Two very tired Anne said you seem them. I go ye to

rest sit with him for a while. I'll call you if it gets worse again.

Not Johanna shook her head. After this I want to be with


I too was gloomy Adrian agreement.

-The Nights are always the worst remarked Dr. Bascombe to

the countess, perhaps it is better if your mother is. I do not

know if there will be another crisis tonight or have been the

last. You may prefer to sit with him in the morning -ofreció


If this is not the last . The words echoed in the brain of

Johanna. She looked to see if Adrian had heard. He had done.

Their eyes met in mutual appreciation. He reached out his hand

and shook it gratefully.

Thank you, Dree said simply.

Well, it's not healthy do we all stay here in the middle of the

night Anne managed by its own fog tears. Planting a soft kiss

on the cheek from Johanna, murmured, call me if you need me.

I do not think there is anything more to do at this time, Your

Grace He decided Bascombe-. I'll be ready if you need me.

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Yes, of course.

After everyone had left, Adrian sank into his chair and

leaned back, drained by the intensity of what had just


You should lie down for an hour or two, Jo. If you can not

rest on the couch, you can have my bed.

As if I could try sleeping replied. Instead, he placed a chair

next to him and sat down.

For a long time, both were quiet, each lost in their own

thoughts. In bed, Justin ceased their agitation and settled into a

deep sleep. The clock was ticking, measuring the night with his

constant rate. Finally, after a while, Adrian got up to ask


Why do you want both Gary?

She winced at the abruptness of the question and then found

the answer.

-Because Gary confessed he loved most.

-I Do not get it.

She sighed.

He was born so soon after the divorce, Dree, the similarity

between the two was such that it seemed that you had doubled.

At first, I could barely look at him. Gary luckily harbored such

bitterness -revisó bed for a few minutes-. Perhaps God

punishes me now because I did not want.

Nonsense, Jo. You love the child.

Now. But sometimes I wonder if he knew somehow that at

first he wanted Gary more than me.

A sense of desolation gripped him. Gareth Sherwood due to

both'd never have the opportunity to repay. Without thinking,

she wondered aloud.

-¿Creía That Justin was his son? I mean, so you might have

thought until he saw it, right?

He knew that could not be answered almost absently. He

loved Justin because you wanted.

But surely wanted Robin was his heir.

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Not that he cared. His only regret was that we could not

bring Justin to England because like you. The Double Duke


He was silent again, again concerned with guilt and doubt.

There was so much I still wanted to know, but the newfound

peace between them was too fragile to risk opening old

wounds. They shared a common cause now born by a special

interest. He would not destroy it, even for your peace of mind.

In a complete loss and to say nothing more on the subject, he

rose to touch the front of Justin. Do not know if it was because

I wanted so much to be like this or if it was real, but I could

swear that the child's skin was not so hot under his hand.

Breathing was more relaxed. He looked back to where I was

sitting watching the penumbra. In the five days wore on

Armitage, had barely slept. It seemed thinner, more exhausted

than he could remember, yet still incredibly beautiful. And I

was so tired, so tired of inner struggle, so tired of denying what

he wanted, he felt old. He walked to the couch, picked up the


At least one of us should get some sleep -ofreció aloud as he

stretched his body on the couch. His feet dangled, and shawl

not reach cover.

Go to bed, Dree.

Then could not wake up. Thus, I hear if you need me.

Seems to be better, do not you think, Dree?


She changed the chair and prepared for his lonely vigil.

Behind her, she could hear him changing his awkward body on

the couch, then you could say when he finally fell asleep. No

snoring exactly, but neither slept quietly. The clock was

expanded with the constant and heavy breathing of exhaustion.

She tried not to think of it, focusing instead on his son, but it

was an impossible task. If Justin survived, would largely due to

the efforts of Adrian. He had tirelessly their own physical and

emotional resources, with little sleep, always ready to help care

for the child. If anyone had ever said that Adrian Delacourt be

delivered to nursing a child, your child or not, would not have

believed possible. But did. He had destroyed her life once, and

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yet was willing to risk his own to rescue his son. Reluctantly

she left her wandering memories that had kept locked in the

depths of his heart to be too painful mind. When Helen had

accused former, Gary had insisted that Adrian was an

honorable man, who could be persuaded to recognize the

allegations as lies, to hear the truth. But it felt so hurt that he

could even give credibility to the story, which refused to listen

to Gary. If Dree wanted to believe her capable of being so vile,

so false, so I had nothing to say. She paused. What would have

happened if he had fought? He wondered. Had he believed?

Perhaps, his pride, assumed some responsibility for what

happened in the lives of all three? Even after more than six

years, it was too painful to contemplate it might have happened

if it had not been silent.

Resolutely he bent to feel the head of Justin. It was cold and

wet under the fingertips. He moved and struggled to sit up.

Mom? he asked as he opened his eyes.

Hello, darling cried as she wrapped her chest.

My mouth is dry he complained in his chest.

His pulse was accelerated with excitement, his hands

trembling, poured a cup of water and helped him sit.

'Drink slowly,' I love remembered just as he drained the cup.

When I got into the pillows, it occurred that miracles in

sucedían- effect. Let me taparte, lest you do not pick one cold

He worried happily.

He leaned back weakly, but his mind was obviously clear.

Where is Santa?

She hesitated, unwilling to address this issue.

Daddy is in heaven, Justin finally answered.

But was there when I needed it. It was not a question, but a


Yes, dear, was.

Too weak to pursue the matter, he closed his eyes.

I'm pleased.

She sat on the edge of the bed, holding her hand forever.

When he finally was sure he slept comfortably and that his

fever was not coming back, rose. The room bathed in a strange

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pink, illuminated by the first light of dawn. On impulse he

went to wake Adrian.

Too tired to understand what he was saying, simply turned

and tried to settle into the narrow couch. He could not refuse to

share their news, shook him more insistently.


-Unnnhhhh ...


-What? said sleepily as he tried to sit up.

He's better. Justin is better, Dree. The fever has gone down

and drank. ¿Dree, you can understand? Justin will live.

Fully awake now. He joined stumbled to bed to touch the

wet front of your child.

'I got, Dree, announced cheerfully as his elbow and clung

sostenía-, we did it.

He's still not completely healed, Jo murmured softly, but,

yes, I think I conseguimos-. He turned and took her in his

arms. Overcome by the emotion he felt, simply held her


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-No Reason to stay locked in the room, especially now that

is improving Johanna Anne assured. And I remember you have

another son, my love.

But it's so restless she protested.

As it should be. Actually, if you insist on mimarle more than

is necessary, spoil unbearably. The older woman crossed the

room where the convalescent sat on the bed, one leg, the other

extended in their tablillas-. I brought cards, -se fondly

addressed him - so we can spend some time together while

your mother gets some air. -Even Though the defiance of his

jaw, sat on the bed and began to split the cards. His eyes

twinkled reluctantly to pick them cards featuring her

grandmother. Come on, go for a walk added, over his shoulder

at Johanna. You'll find Robin in the company of Roxbury near

the stables.

Johanna sighed capitulation. He knew he was being handled

shamelessly, but could not really dispute the wisdom of her

mother. He had to escape the confines of the bedroom, and

Robin really needed, Justin was infinitely better, since his fever

did not climb at night. It was so good, that Dr. Bascombe had

returned to London almost a week before pronouncing his faith

in the ability of Dr. Goode to continue treating the patient.

Indeed, the bottle of laudanum had been stored for several

days, and the pain of Justin had been replaced with boredom.

All right, Mom, but I warn you it gets done a Christ when he


I have enough experience in the care and entertainment of

young children -the recalled firmly. And really try to get some

air, my love, before you lose patience completely.

Humiliated, Johanna had no choice but to follow the advice

of women. Crossing the pink room, where he had installed

once the recovery Justin was secured, he stared at her

reflection in the vanity mirror. In truth it was a pale trifle, I had

to admit, even though he had his own bedroom and, with the

help of Anne and Adrian, getting enough sleep. Dree had

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decided to switch to a guest room, and to her surprise, even

Blake found it strange.

She discussed briefly whether I should answer the last letter

of Johnny, and decided against it. He wrote that he had been

retained longer than I expected London, asking to remain

informed of the status of Justin. She had sent the message what

he recovered, what more could I say? Furthermore, the sun was

shining, and the weather was milder than a week ago. This was

decided, was quick to run a brush through her hair before

going out to find his youngest son.

He did not have to look far, Adrian trotted along to the

house just as she came out. Robin broke up when he saw her

and entrainment to her.

Mom, Bury takes me fishing.

She Oh man threw an inquisitive glance behind him.

-Water Is down, and thought we could grab something ford

explained above.

He had his flushed face, probably playing his wild hair, but

the smile that showed was completely charming. He looked

away from his face where his white cotton shirt was open at

the neck to reveal the dark hair underneath.

Sounds wonderful she managed to say as his pulse beat fast

becoming aware of its appeal.

Come with us -lisonjeó he childishly.

Justin ...

He is well -interrumpió-. Still hovering over him, indulging

every whim and you'll make a baby. He took his strange

expression and mistook his meaning. My apologies, Jo. Should

not criticize you for being a good mother.

'Please, Mom, say you're coming. Robin grabbed his hand

and tyrosine. Grandma can stay with Tin.

She had to laugh at the way the names shortened to a length

pronounceable since he was born. Justin had been Tin from the

beginning, and now Adrian, that the Countess had insisted was

Roxbury, was simply Bury. She squeezed his hand. Funny,

that's exactly what her grandmother also told me.

Are you going to come? insisted impatiently.

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You know one thing, I am not a good fisherman 'I confessed

when their eyes met Adrian again. But, yes, I will. His heart

lurched in his answering smile, a smile that reminded both the

boy who had known and loved once.

What a lie, Jo. As I recall, we stop to take you fishing with

us to keep our male vanity.

Well, I do not remember such a thing, sir, because I never

liked those poor fish hook and then to pick them off the hook.

Not -discutió-, but confess you caught more fish than any of

us, for you we always had occupied baiting your hook and

removing fish. Admit it.

Not admit anything replied airily. Do not think for a

moment, Robin.

His words gave him pause, and the smile vanished from his

face. Those were the same words he had used that last day in

London "did not admit anything," had answered, and it was all

he got her to tell him.

Robin looked from her mother to Duke. Even at his young

age, he could feel the change in mood between them. And his

cheerful disposition could not bear the sudden chill. He

dropped his hand and jumped Adrian as a puppy eager to


'Why Please Bury, can we go now? I'll tell Finch she did not

care, I promise.

There was so much to Gary in the child that Adrian could

hardly stand. Only eyes implored the face were Johanna.

There, in the small child, had features of two people who had

loved. Robin's hand clung to her thigh.

I do not have to go, Dree announced quietly.

No, we all go. He swung the little and put on his shoulders.

Robin screamed in pleasure and grabbed the black hair for

balance. Ouch! grab my neck, urchin, otherwise let you fall,


His departure was observed silently from an upper window

by Charlotte Finchley, who dropped the curtain and jerked

away, unbearably afflicted by Johnny Barrasford. It was so

good, thought, man and did not deserve the unhappiness

Johanna Sherwood could not stop him. With a heavy heart, he

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remembered his bitter disappointment in the hands of

Barrasford cousin.

Anne looked up in time to catch the expression affected in

the face of Miss Finchley.

Is there a problem? asked Justin collecting playing cards.

Oh no, -the was quick to reply-governess. That is, I saw the

departure for a tour with Robin Duke and Lady Johanna.


'That I believe, had fishing rods with them, milady.

Justin aulló- -Cañas fishing. It's not fair.

Hush, love-what reassured the countess. How can you

complain when you're winning every game?

Why, grandmother. You let me win he complained.

Anne delicate eyebrow rose.

-¿Dejándote Win? I do not, I assure you're so clever as

Captain Sharp compared to me, young man.

But ...

But the company find a boring old lady, right? It -


No, but I'd be with Duke instead of sitting here with my leg


You like the Duke? Anne asked causal.

Ah, yes. He looked at her suspiciously. Do not like?

Very much, I always liked.

My father and he were friends, right? He said they were.

The duke, his mother and father were very dear friends,


Considering his words, shook his head.

'Sometimes I think I do, sometimes I do not.

Yes, because sometimes it becomes terribly confusing, but I

think much has still like each other, -ato a rope around the

cards and put them on a nearby table. I suspect you're tired of

playing cards, and Miss Finchley is here with his watercolors.

You must be very careful not spilling the savannahs.

-I Do not want to paint!

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Nonsense. You have to do something, Justin. Pinta

something nice to your mother, and later be back and I'll read

you a story. And if you behave well and do not complain too

much, can persuade the Duke to take you out for a while.

'Did you go to ask? There, grandmother would be so happy.

Then do not complain reminded him when he got up to


The Finchley Miss got a cloth and began to spread it on the

bed. Anne went to the table in the window to pick watercolors

and brushes. The sound of the car in the courtyard drew her

attention to the window.

-Oh My God! he muttered looking down.

Ma'am ... -The governess came from behind to get the

paintings and followed his line of vision-. Heavens! will he

pronounced weakly. It is the Lord Barrasford

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With its decorously on her knees tucked skirt, Johanna sat

on cashmere shawl that Adrian had brought, looking like he

baited hook Robin and threw the water. They were on the

shore, where the level had left a smooth brown expanse of land

that gently disappeared into the shallows of the river. The

leaves on the trees rustled in the breeze, creating a quiet broken

only by birdsong.

As a reluctant Adrian threaded worm in his hook, Robin

began dancing with excitement at his side.

-Bury, Bury, look. It -In his impatience, he dropped his bat

to touch the arm of Adrian, with a fish hanging, swinging

wildly for a moment before floating into more deeply waters.

My rod Robin screamed dismayed when he dropped his hand

and started running after her.

No, young man. Adrian grabbed from behind and firmly

planted him on the shore.

But my cane -the child cried. Neglecting their boots or

pants, Adrian entered the water to recuperarlo-. Stay there

warned that water reached her thighs. He could see clearly

where he was trapped under the partially submerged tree roots

across the river.

-Dree, Beware of the current Johanna screamed.

Ignoring her, he crossed twenty feet into the water hitting

hard against her legs. The bank was steeper on this side, where

water had eroded the soil, roots, vines and weeds and tangled

hung from above. He grabbed a low branch, and tested its

weight to get straight on the wobbly rod. Gliding gently

through the water, unraveled the thread and grabbed the stick.

To his surprise, Robin fish was still on the hook. A smile

spread over his boyish face and jumping raising his hands.

-still I have cried a sign of triumph, and is a big fish.

Afraid that the child entered the water running, Johanna left

the blanket and walked. But he was not in any danger. He

turned when she reached him, laughing.

Mom, Bury has my fish He has my fish! When Adrian

crossed again, Robin danced and jumped ashore to encontrarle-

. Bury! Can I see it?

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Adrian came, his pants wet from the river water muddy, his

wet and dirty shirt, his smile still intact. He stopped to inspect

the child fish and exclaim over it, and then walked upstream

along the shore to fish in one hand and Robin firmly with the


If I had known there was so big fish come more often to


His eyes shifted from fish to his wet shirt is sticking to his

chest and arms, and a torrent of desire pierced when I saw the

outline of male muscles. It away the thoughts that threatened

his calm, looked down.

I think you've ruined your clothes, my lord.

He had not looked confused because it also had felt.

Keeping his voice soft despite the torment he felt, shiny curls

waved Robin.

-I Know. Since you came with urchins, I've ruined more

clothes than I can count. Weston should send a part of my

mind, honey.

Blake will not find it funny 'he recalled.

Can I hold it? Robin demanded with Adrian, pull the arm.

Can I?

It's your fish. Bring the basket and then you can put into it.

The boy trotted in his sturdy legs where Johanna left the

shawl, fish basket, and food. Adrian shaded her eyes with her

hand to him.

-does Lot like Gary, right?

'Much. He turned to look at Robin. None of my kids like me.

Gary used to call Justin, Double Duke, but it was as a term of

affectionate. You were always the Duke to him, even when we

were little.

A lump formed in my throat Adrian, compressing.

Gary would be very proud of this -pudo boy say.

Gary was very proud of both.

You know what I really miss.

She looked up, with a bitter retort on his lips, then stopped at

the pain in his eyes. A sense of shared loss gripped both.

Me too, Dree.

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Loved-what. It was a statement of fact rather than an


She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

'I loved as much as you Dree. He was such a good person, it

is hard not to love him, do not you think?

His answer surprised, raising again the lingering doubts.

There was so much wanted to know, so much that he was

afraid to ask.

'I loved you like a brother, Jo.

Yes he agreed simply.

-¡Bury! Robin ran breathless with basket of fishermen. ¿I

can now catch?

Adrian looked at the hanging fish, now almost inert to be out

of the water.

We should return to the river before they die. Here give me

the basket and will give the fish.

After the exchange, Adrian opened the basket and offered.

The boy dropped his fish inside and waited expectantly.

Falling to his knees, Adrian removed the hook from the fish's


-Ready. Almost level with the child, he smiled. Come,

Robin will put this fellow in the water and back to fishing.

Your mother may present the food in a little while.

Johanna returned to the blanket, and leaned against a tree to

contemplate the beauty of the day, although marred by a

reminder that there were still doubts that stood between them.

The pain, while in no way had moved away, had eased a little,

and could mention at least to Gary, and share the loss of his

dear friend. And it really had much to be thankful, he

reminded. After all Justin was alive.

Despite the cries of joy and cries of the little man giving

mood again found himself daydreaming, reminiscing when she

was a tomboy following two boys often dirty. He had a

childhood as happy, unconventional, growing in a ramshackle

house after her mother died, his father had never bothered

much with it, a circumstance soon learned not to regret. In fact,

if her governess had not been in love with the tutor Adrian, she

never would have had to be a lady.

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-¡Despierta, Sleepyhead! Adrian woke. She opened her eyes

slowly with the bright sun. Was asleep, he decided, when he

realized that Robin was holding a basket full of fish, so heavy I

could barely carry basket.

Look, Mom. Bury and I took it.

Really, I think nothing more hooks Prime modestly

confessed. Honey, this small has the qualities to be a great


-Dree, I refuse completely to eat lunch being watched by a

basket full of fish she said sternly.

Leave-what in the water, Bury -ofreció Robin.

No, child. I'll do as you help your mother to take food for us.

You know Mom Robin said as he sat cross-legged in the

corner of the blanket legs, I like Bury, I like more than


-Barrasford Corrected.

I do not want to leave here.

'I beg you not to tell the duke that.

Oh, I did replied cheerfully. He agreed we should stay.

I'm afraid that's impossible, Robin. She cut a piece of cheese

and put it on a napkin with a piece of fruit-. We will live with

Lord Barrasford in Ireland. You like Lord Barrasford,


But I like it here, Mom. Her bright blue eyes were serious

when studied her. Do not like Bury?

This has nothing to do, honey. I am betrothed to Lord

Barrasford, and as such, I am forced to marry him.

Perhaps would like to live here too.

'We can be the guests of Duke forever, Robin tried to

explain patiently. In another week or so, when Justin can be

moved back to Haven. Here, eating bread and cheese.

Why, I see no trusted, I watched as Adrian sat beside of

them. I'm starving, Jo.

Not much, but you can have me.

He watched curiously concern was evident.

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'Do not you feel sick, right? I mean, you used to never skip


'I'm not sick replied. I'm just upset, if you want to know.

-why? he asked bluntly.

I can not talk about it right now -he significant Robin look.

I understand. Then perhaps we can have tea at the library

this afternoon when we return and then you can tell me.

Not much to say He picked up an apple and began to chew.

Between bites, he fixed his gaze on the river and asked, How

long you think it will take Justin to travel?


-of Course not. I'll ask Dr. Goode morning.

Adrian made a mental note to talk to Goode first, since it

had no intention of letting go of Johanna yet. Do not want to

rush his fences, but was not going to let her go again. In the

long nights, heartbreaking as they fought for the life of Justin,

had pleaded guilty, he loved her as much as he wanted, he

would forgive everything back. Now, if she returned to Haven,

the possibility would be doomed, is going to marry Johnny

Barrasford for a ridiculous sense of honor. Outwardly he

simply nodded.

As you wish, dear.

His pleasure in the matter irritated more than relieved.

'I'm not your love, my lord.

My lord? His brow alzó-. What the hell has gotten into you,


Not blaspheme.

Well, then, what the hell is wrong with you?

I told you I can not talk about it now.

I do not understand why He indicated no reasonable. Unless

I am mistaken, Robin is asleep.

She focused on the corner of the blanket and discovered that

his son used to nap, had succumbed to the habit. He was curled

happy with the remains of her lunch, her bright curls cradled

against an even chubby forearm. His little chest rose and fell

rhythmically with sleep. When he turned, Adrian had stretched

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his side, his head resting on his elbow. His dark eyes with a

hint of devilish fun.


Well what?

You were going to tell me why because suddenly you've

gotten cranky, Jo.

I'm not angry, Dree.

-Do Not? So why have you made me believe. Come Jo, what

do I do now?

He was too close for peace of mind. The wet shirt, his hair

disheveled, not diminish its appeal, wait to be reckless girl. It

was not fair what he could do to your body when he looked


'You can not coax me through my son finally explained.

It's also the son of Gary Jo, how I can help loving him?

Not you had to make you want to live here.

Sighed Ah, I see, are crisp because the child likes.

I do not care, that is why you do this that I distrust. You

know very well that we go to Ireland, why are you trying to

wear it more difficult, Dree asked angrily, why are you doing

this to me?

Rather than look contrite, he smiled designed for


Before you hang me, Jo, you might like to hear how it


Never mind me, I'm not going to agree ...

Ignoring her, followed.

He said he would like to live here, and I said I too would

like, is so terrible desire? I would consider it a privilege to

raise the son of Gary. His dark eyes were warm and attractive

when they searched his face. Do no less for his son what he did

for mine. I owe this, Jo. His hand absently stroked her dress

sliding his hand up her thigh.

She sat motionless, his hands clenched hard to control your

reaction to their proximity. His touch, as soft as it was, sent a

wave of desire that threatened to submerge. She closed her

eyes to hide from him and exhaled slowly.

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-Do Not.

'You can not deny that what had once still exists between us.

Too much has changed, Dree. We can not go back to when

we were madly in love young people. The accusations, divorce

have destroyed the love we once had replied slowly.

It's an obvious falsehood, Jo. I think I forgave you the first

time I saw Justin He leaned closer and sliding her fingers along

her arm, up the fire.

Furiously he turned and staggered to his feet. Forgetting the

sleeping child, erupted indignantly.

-This Is extremely generous, my lord. Your forgiveness is

not sought, is your faith in me I would!

Jo ...

-Do Not! Hear me out, because it's my last word on the

subject. I was a good and faithful wife, Adrian Delacourt. Did

not give you any cause to distrust, but believed the spiteful lies

your mother let her twist innocent acts of friendship in

adultery. You divorced me! You ruined my reputation! And

now you forgive me? It's funny.

I love you, Jo.

If you really loved me, you have believed in me replied with


Her cheeks were flushed by the outburst, and his chest

heaved with indignation. When I stood tall above him, Adrian

wanted her down beside her, caress her up out his anger, calm

the raw pain, and start again, but it was impossible. Suddenly

she leaned over and woke Robin.

It's time to go, my love said to the boy. Grandma is probably

sick of Justin's company.

He sat sleepily, rubbing her dazed eyes. Deprived of his

siesta, began to mourn.

My fish. I love my fish!

Adrian rose.

I'll get the fish derrotado- said. Please pick the basket.

When he returned with basket of fish and reeds, was

standing under the tree with the basket on his arm and Robin in

his hip.

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Can you carry the basket? -she asked. It is too tired to walk.

Take-what -ofreció- him and the basket, if you catch the


I prefer to carry the basket of food he replied as he took

Robin and stood on his shoulder like a sack of grain. The little

boy snuggled against him, cradling his head in her neck and

shoulder and holding a stubby arm. Despite his anger, Johanna

could not but see the incongruity of the Duke of Roxbury

loaded cane, basket, and mucky child. The smell of fish, Dree

explained enduring a smile.

-The River water has much to recommend when dry

admitted ruefully, but he does not seem to bother him.

Just because you are asleep.

The long road back was tense, each tried to classify their

conflicting emotions. For Johanna, was almost a sense of

relief. It had taken more than six years to discuss his

accusations, he had not said much. But he had at least been

able to finally tell him what had hurt more, that was capable of

believing the lies of his mother. Divorce, scandal, paled in

importance against the betrayal of his love. Adrian walked

beside him in silence, torn by the overwhelming loss he felt. In

the days had lived again in Armitage, hoping to find the

formula to revive the love of his youth was allowed. He knew

he loved, wanted, and loved more than anything in the world.

And his words were sincere about Robin. He could and really

loved the friendly child, had both Gary. So would come full

circle again with Johanna, his son, and the son of Gary.

He did not look up until reaching the courtyard, and stood in

disbelief. For a second he looked the car over to the porch,

then growled.


She also stood, raising their own concerns, and looked

ahead. With a lack of enthusiasm, he sighed.

I think it's Johnny, Dree.

The purpose of this observation was watching through the

window of the library since they entered the courtyard. Noting

the Duke with her clothes muddy, the child on his shoulder,

and Johanna walking alongside, the three formed a friendship

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but poetic image of happiness, he felt a sense of unease.

Behind him, he had noticed the portrait hanging in front of his

partner Johanna. And the glances of pity he had received from

Finchley when the Countess Charlotte explained the absence of

Johanna did nothing to reassure him. While waiting, he had

made a courtesy visit to the sick, surprised to find him in the

room of the duke, an odd circumstance in a house the size of

Armitage. Justin took little pleasure to see, ah, the guy was

polite, but it was easy to say yet envisioned his future

stepfather as a threat. And then the attitude of the servants who

hovered over the young master, and spoke of Lady Jo, not

Lady Carew and Lady Johanna.

When they met in front of the house, Johanna Robin reached

so that Adrian could take the fish and the reeds by the back

entrance. The scene was so domestic Johnny's eyes had to look


Behind him, murmured Miss Finchley.

I'll pick up Robin, want to go private with Lady Johanna.

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Johanna distracted dressed for dinner, not making a single

complaint even when Bess, the maid, had to work hard to

remove a stubborn tangles in her hair. A persistent restlessness,

a sense of impending loss, gripped her by looking at the empty


She has a beautiful hair, madame -the maid observed when

the blonde curled dough into a rope and tied it on his neck.

Taking a step back to admire his work, nodded appreciatively.

It is much more beautiful than her picture, Your Grace. It is

surprising that ... She stopped guiltily when Johanna's

shoulders got rígidos-. Ah, I ... This is ... Her voice trailed off

lamely at the expression on her mistress. Ah, Lady Jo, almost

lloró-, sorry, did not mean ...

'It's all she assured, despite having his nerves.

It was because of that Mary Bess burst out. Martha, Blake

and I talked about it, was not well. When His Grace went to

Lunnon and then paying the Duchess took greedy fool to spy

on you.

All right, Bess, you can not change anything now.

But if we had known, or been there. Ah, she would not have

dared to tell her lie. But it was in Lunnon, you know, and he

did before he could learn. It was not right, Lady Jo, had no

reason. And poor count, like a brother to His Grace from

wearing shorts, we knew it could not be true.

The unexpected and unusual outburst of a servant who knew

his place Johanna deeply touched.

Thank you, Bess, but should not talk more about this she

managed to whisper in her tight throat and tears. There, Bess

am the most miserable of women.

Alarmed by what had caused his outburst, the maiden

awkwardly patted her mistress.

It's because of my damn tongue, Lady Jo, should not

mention anything about it. There now, I do not want to spoil

her pretty face with tears -lisonjeó uselessly. Not with so

handsome that Lord is waiting below.

Barrasford. Johanna tried to control, but think Johnny

Barrasford was almost too much to bear. In that brief interview

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after his return from fishing, he behaved in a more thoughtful,

more subdued, differently, and more distracted. No, it was not

all kindness, of course, he confessed, but it seemed that

something had changed between them subtle way. Perhaps it

was nothing more than his imagination, his own sense of guilt

because I felt so little enthusiasm for their upcoming marriage.

But he could not go back, not even consider, had thrown

upside down when she had needed him against Adrian, and

could not in conscience to break their engagement.

'Are you well, madame? Bess asked curiously. I feel so

having afflicted.

-Hmmmmm. Ah, yes of course. He caught himself and

showed a rueful smile. I'm just tired. But I'm fine. He rose

quickly staring at her reflection in the mirror. Looks perfect,

Bess, thank you for making me presentable, -alisando pink silk

of her skirt over her hips, turned. I'll check to Justin before


Across the connecting door stuck a smile on your face for

your child. Passing bath screen, blushed, her breath caught

somewhere between your chest and throat. Adrian was there, in

shirtsleeves, sitting on the bed and absorbed into the unpacking

of small objects. He looked up and grinned.

The soldiers that I ordered came out today while we were

explained holding a piece of wood painted in bright colors.

She came, her heart pounding painfully in view of the two

sitting together, their dark heads bent over the collection of

wooden toys on the quilt divided by the colors of l two armies.

Look, Mom! The duke gave me a whole set of Dragons

Frogs and Queen. We can play the war, He turned aside away

from your entablillada- leg. Blake! Blake!

I'm here, young master affectionately protested the help of

camera, I'm not deaf.

Have you seen Finch and my brother - Justin demanded.

I think we are still in the nursery.

Justin's face remained depressed.

I wanted to show my brother my soldiers grumbled before

dinner. He would be the commander of the French.

I'll see if I can be find conceded Blake.

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And also bring Miss Finchley Justin called after him. She

will think you are fantastic.

Now they are unwrapped, you must align in separate fields

Adrian advised when he slid off the bed. And if we remove the

covers so you can do a battle line. Then you go up the canyon

like this. He made a show by placing the gun beside him. You

must be careful to see that its firing position does not endanger

your soldiers, you see.

I remember these parts, it's the game that I give Dad a

couple of years Johanna whispered behind his shoulder ago.

-The Artillery did not come, then you have to use these


He turned his body just a foot from his. The fresh smell of

Hungary water given off, mixed with the smell of her lavender

soap. The troubled, was too close for peace of mind, and his

nerves still felt unstable. She stepped back, her hands crossed

over her chest defensively. It was a gesture not lost on him. He

walked casually watching.

I understand that Johnny intends to stay a few days.

Until that Justin is ready to return to Haven.

I do not want to return to Haven -Wine petulant child replica

of the bed. And I do not want to go to Ireland!

-¡Justin! Adrian scolded. You will not speak to your mother

while you're in this house.

But. I ...

Justin -with a low warning this time.

I ... I'm sorry, Mom.

That's more to my liking, Justin. You must remember not to

be rude to the ladies, especially with your mother. Adrian's

eyes met Johanna. Even when you're upset, my dear friend and

I promise you'll feel annoyed from time to time.

Not asked Johnny to come, Dree.

'I have nothing against staying here, none at all. You can

surround myself with any menagerie you see fit, Jo. But I can

imagine the comments that will turn around the neighborhood.

Not liked importunar confessed, but feels he must support


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I -¿Lo ago now? -The Black eyebrow raised and the corners

of his mouth twitched with repressed smile. Yeah I bet it does.

What is does this mean?

Perhaps it has come to review the rival.

Do not be ridiculous, Dree, has no rival.

Maybe he does not realize this, dear.

She began to refute the notion and stood before his mouth

opening. There was something completely Johnny stretched

over a previously undetected strain.

Then I will have to ensure that it comprises said lightly.

Sexy evening light reflected to Adrian in the windowpane,

emphasizing his muscular shoulders and softening the shadows

of his face, reminding once again beautiful and masculine how

it was. His thick dark hair combed perfectly, while the collar of

his open shirt revealed bare skin.

I'd better finish getting dressed for dinner, she reminded

Dree diverting his eyes.

Ah ... yes. He looked down to where the sleeves of his shirt

were unbuttoned, the twins hanging on the eyelets. With skill

he spent one hole and then held one in his hand. Can you do

this for me, Jo? My hand is a little swollen and I have a devil

of a time getting hold.

Oh ... uh ... yes, of course. Her eyes widened, but came

cautiously to pull his fist wrist. This pretty swollen Dree. It's

been quite a few days to have healed.

-A Simply sprained He shrugged. It was for a twist on the


It was another subtle reminder of what he had done for her

and Justin unwittingly offered and even disturbing. Her fingers

trembled as she worked the skewer in his buttonhole.

He's awfully tight, maybe Blake should find another

murmured shirt. His hand was warm and vital and constant

beat under your fingertips, sending a stream overwhelming

desire among them.

Ah, I came to see how the child feels before dinner.

They turned to the sound of the voice of the Lord

Barrasford. Johanna red face for a moment, not so much

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because of the expression on her face but because of the

thoughts that crossed his mind.

He ... he's fine. She dropped her hand to Adrian as if it had

been a hot- poker. Dr. Roxbury brought some soldiers to play.

Justin, who was totally absorbed in aligning its troops

advantage before Robin arrived, he looked up. For once, his

pleasure with toys concealed his distrust of Barrasford.

-¡Robin And I are going to play soldiers! He sang with

excitement. Look, here are the Dragon Queen.

Let me take a look Johnny offered when he bent to verlos-.

Oh, it's a great army, right? I can show you how it was during

the Peninsular campaign.

-Was Soldier?

, Briefly. Gray's eyes twinkled evaluating pieces-. We will

have to move these men this way and bring them down here.

And the artillery should be placed on higher ground.

Adrian and Johanna observed Barrasford sat on the bed and

began moving parts to satisfy you. At that time, Robin broke,

pulling the Miss Finchley.

-Tin, Blake told me you had soldiers. It -Volviéndose the

governess, pulled harder. Look, ah!

I admire her apropiadamente- -has dragons. And guns.

'You can not fight a war without them giving Justin said

importantly. Sit back, Finch, you and Robin can fight me and

the Lord Barrasford.

Well, I ...

-Please. Please pleaded Robin Finch.

-The Miss Finchley brother was a soldier -Barrasford said,

and then frowned. Sorry, I did not want to distress.

Do not worry was long ago-the governess said pulling a


If excuse me, Jo, I think I'll finish dressing Johanna Adrian

murmured. He came and whispered in his ear. Cheer up, you

have not seen anything inappropriate.

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The food was a quiet affair, characterized by pleasant but

mundane conversation, most run by the dowager and Miss

Finchley. Adrian, Johanna, and Johnny Barrasford was only

responding to what was asked them. And, for once, the

governess taking the task admirably to pursue social discourse,

showing wit and vivacity hitherto unsuspected. The dowager,

and Adrian watched the Miss Finchley with renewed interest.

After the plates were removed, Johanna refused the

customary tête-à-tête expressing fatigue, Miss Finchley

reluctantly recalled its seam just do not expect, and Lady Anne

decided to personally wrap their grandchildren. Finding so

alone, Adrian and Johnny retired to the library for a glass of

port. Settling into a chair beside the darkened window,

Barrasford looked from one extreme to another taken the first

sips of wine. His eyes lit up appreciating the portrait of


-¿El Work of Lawrence, is not it? he asked, gesturing to the


Yes Adrian recognize. Ordered both when I agreed to marry


An excellent likeness. -Barrasford Settled into his chair and

nodded toward the other. You know that yours is not nearly as


In what way?

Really what I can not say, but there is something

inappropriate about it. He got Johanna as it is, but it yours fails

to fully capture your image.

Well, I think so Adrian seemed to study the portrait. I

always liked.

-Viérteme Another drink Roxbury -pidió leaning forward

and holding up his glass. I have in mind drunk tonight. He

waited while Adrian served him, and then swirled the liquid

around, staring intently like a fortune teller reading the dregs of

tea. It is as clear as an ace of spades she loves you she decided


-Do Not. Adrian shook his head and looked sulky your own

wine. The destroyed, Johnny, can not forgive.

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-Tonto Bloody Barrasford murmured softly.


I said you're a jerk.

-You are drunk, Johnny.

I wish I was. Without warning, he stumbled and hit the

bottle. Sorry to leave you so soon, friend, but I prefer to drink

alone, in my room if you do not mind. Terrible manners, I

know, but I really do not feel particularly sociable now.

Johnny ...

Leave me alone, Roxbury, survive.

Adrian looked helplessly departure, then got up to get

another bottle of a cabinet. Returning to his chair, poured

another drink and looked at the pictures first and then yours

hers. The weak arrogance of his own smile seemed to mock

him from across the room, while Johanna's eyes with a

seductive look innocently, was unbearable. Johnny was right.

Lawrence had captured Johanna was a child. He raised his

glass in a toast to the most beautiful woman in the world. He

was a fool and he knew, but there seemed no way to make up

for all his suffering.

A faint tap sounded on the door, returning to the present. His

first inclination was to ignore it, but then curiosity got the

better of him. Cup in hand, got up to open the door of dark

wood. To his surprise, Anne Sherwood step ahead into the


Not you stay standing there like an idiot, Roxbury that cup 'I

said dryly, and keep in place. I can not stand drunks.

Incredibly, smiling despite the tone of his voice. She waited for

him to close the door, and then handed him a box. Gary would

give this to you, Adrian.

-what Is it?

Some things that Gary rescued. Open it she -Promotion.

He retreated to his chair where they were placed a number of

candles and sat down. Opening the lid of the small enameled

box, took a deep breath and looked inside. There, lying

between the folds of a piece of blue velvet, there were two

elements, a gold watch and a medallion. He did not have to ask

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about the locket, was the same as in the picture, but his hands

trembled with catching the clock. His dark eyes asked Anne.

-I Do not understand. Gary never went ...

Gary is dead-short of brutal manner.

He nodded and exhaled slowly as he turned the gold watch

in the palm of your hand. With thumbnail opened the hinge

and looked inside to find a family curl color of wheat tied with

a gold thread, with flattened dedication behind a glass shell.

The other side of the clock, marking the hours with small

diamonds. Wordlessly shut it and flipped to read the

inscription, A Adrian, during our first anniversary. JMD.

Johanna Milford Delacourt. He felt as if receiving a punch

between the eyes.

She never knew what kept Gary Anne she explained. And I

do not think she liked me show you, but I think this stupid

fight has lasted too long. I know that Gary wanted you to know

the truth.

-¿El Medallion? His voice croaked strangely.

She wanted to get rid of him, said he gave it away as a

symbol of your love and not worth conserve more. Gary

recovered him from where he had thrown. Did you send them,

you know you were wrong, but she made it clear that he felt

betrayed. He did not believe in me, it was what he said.

He closed his eyes and could see her again, the way he had

been standing, with white face and unable to believe his ears,

while his mother gloated. She started to speak, but the duchess

cut, accusing brutally, and he let it happen. Johanna had finally

turned toward him and told him, can not believe this of me, do

you think Dree? and when he could not answer, she fled the

room. I wanted to follow her, to tell her that wanted to believe

in it, but his pride would not allow it. When enough to talk to

her calmed down, he was informed that he had left the house

with nothing but the clothes on her back. She ran to Haven,

then knowing that it was wrong, was first being rejected his

father, who told her to return to her husband. That was when

he sought to Gary. I could still remember exactly how Gary

watched, as incredulous as Johanna, when he came to ask for

explanations. He called it the biggest fool on earth, and he was

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right. He closed his eyes tighter and feeling the pain again to

hear that they had fled to Italy and were married. His hand

closed around the clock to crush.

As should have suffered for my madness finally He spoke.

Nonsense Anne flatly rejected. Make no mistake, Roxbury,

much as you wanted, my son loved more to Johanna. I can

admit in his name, he gave the greatest gift of your life when

you divorce her.

Why are you telling me all this? he demanded rigid, with

defiant eyes.

As the master and grandchildren, to both, and I do not want

to see you all unhappy if I can help it. Gary forgave you, and I

wish I did Johanna also looked his blue eyes. Ah, I know

Barrasford is a kind, compassionate man, but would not be the

same. Justin and Robin in Ireland and none would know their

heritage. Her mouth with a sardonic smile and nodded. Yes,

Robin is too young to remember a long time Gary and Justin

will know one day it's your son. I think it's better to see you

both raised here, knowing that you love them. And Gary would

like it to be this way.

She hates me.

-The Hate is a strange word, implies such depth of feeling

that one can not help wondering how close love and hate. I've

seen what happens with you when you are together, and I think

you make a hesitated, unsure whether to error keep pushing.

When he sat defeated, his shoulders slumped, and his elbows

on his knees, sighed. Well, I've done my duty, and now I am

very tired. I beg you to think of everything I have said and do

not judge or Gary Johanna or too harshly, I think, you should

reserve your grudge for viper you call mother.

Never able to compensate for their pain, it would be much

better for her to marry Johnny finally decided.

Adrian Delacourt, from everything I've met you, I never

thought you were a coward 'said Anne resentfully. A silly

perhaps, but not a coward. I have given my opinion, anyway,

and leave you alone to think.

It was long after she left before deciding to search his room.

Instead, he sat thinking, staring blankly at the empty room and

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repeating echo criticisms of the past six years. The candles

flickered and she considered all, Johanna, Gary, Barrasford, his

son, the son of Gary and his mother. The bottle of wine was

still full when he finally got out of their own convictions and

went upstairs to bed. Blake was there, hovering solicitously

with news of how the love Justin had played until bedtime with

his soldiers. Adrian lay on a chair while the valet took away his


Tell me sternly asked, remember to Mary Cummings?

-¡Humph! A shameless whore, always contemplating the

best address your purse, Blake sniffed.

You know someone what happened to her after ... after my

wife left?

She received an opportunity Blake replied pointedly, and

opened a hat shop in Paxton Grove.

-Paxton Grove.

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It was about noon when Johanna went downstairs to find

John Barrasford than expected. He looked up, watching her

carefully knotted hair, perfect lines of his face, those lovely

eyes, creamy neck and shoulders, pink muslin dress clung firm

breasts before dropping the waist highlighted with two bands

of darker tone. It was as if trying to burn forever in your

memory. Only when he reached the last step he noticed the

suitcase and trunk beside the door.

Could I speak to you privately a few minutes? he asked

soberly, his hand on the door of the blue salon. When she

nodded, he stepped back to let her in, then followed her,

closing the door behind them.

Is there something wrong, Johnny?

His heart beat painfully as she asked. He was dressed for

traveling, your male figure properly covered with pearl, striped

waistcoat, gray coat and black pants. His hat and cane on the

table. There was a hint of sadness in his gray eyes, but the

smile he offered was hot.

Nothing is out of place that can not be remedied speaking

out She shifted to the window overlooking the garden and

peeked observing the summer- profusion of flowers. I have

often envied Roxbury this place-he mused aloud for its benefit,

and now it seems I have to envy for having you.

How you say? he began guiltily and his eyes widened.

He turned and met his eyes briefly.

You must face the fact that you still love him he said quietly.


'But is not it! he snapped when he found his voice. It is not.

Oh, dear -the compadeció-, you think you hate, you're

educated because the child, but even a blind fool would learn

the truth.

Johnny ...

-Do Not. Hear me out, since I have not thought about

anything else since I arrived and I saw together.

'When we came back from fishing? Johnny, we fought us.

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No, it was not that, it is what happens to you every time you

meet. It's that feeling that exists between the two, which

separates everyone else in the room.

Johnny ... -tanteó the words to refute and found none.

Finally just asked, you want to break the engagement.

No, dear, but I think in your heart, as desired.

'I can not love you whispered desperately. I can not, not after


Johanna. He reached over and placed his hands on her

shoulders. I would marry you at this very minute, if you still

want to, but I do not think I can get you happy, -at see that

affected and his arms wrapped expression. She began to mourn

his shoulder. For several minutes I said, rubbing along his back

with the palm of his hand, soothing her until the tears decrease.

Then he released her and gently pulled his handkerchief. No

need to feel bad for my cause-reassured because I'll get over

and you too.

She pulled away, his disordered thoughts, shattered.

- But it is impossible. He can not ... I can not ... ie Justin ...

Justin will never understand ...

Justin is a small child, Johanna, and learn what you teach.

Over time, you can tell what happened and then accept it. He

came from behind and his hands closed again on his shoulders.

I regret that you do not love me, but I understand -the pressed

and liberó-. Good luck, Johanna.

Good luck, Johnny boomed hollow.

He stood rooted to the spot, unable to follow. Outside, he

heard his luggage collected, closing the front door, and then

the sound of his weaker truck as they walked away from the

patio. It was as if a door had closed a part of your life.

Interestingly, she felt relief and thanked him. John Barrasford,

was a gentleman, had proceeded recognizing what was right.

Resolutely he wiped his eyes with his handkerchief and put it

in his pocket.


Robin's voice was tentative, curious, when he looked around

the open door. Johanna nodded and dropped to his knees as he

ran toward her.

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Well, Mr. Robin-she managed grinned, would you like a

paper boat sailing in the source? Or will we feed the geese


-feeding Geese.

Perhaps to Miss Finchley would like to come with us, O is

with Justin?

Finch practice letters with Tin, Mom.

Then we'll have to do it alone, do not you think? Go ask the

cook some bread crumbs and me change my shoes.

She met Justin and his governess absorbed with their work

while Anne eagerly ran his needle next to an open window. His

mother, watched his reddened eyes, rose quietly and followed

the pink room.

Johanna, my dear girl, is everything okay? Anne asked.

Yes -opening doors wardrobe shelf searched his walking-

shoes. Barrasford is gone, Mama murmured, decided that no


They -¿Pelearon?

-Do Not. Johnny is too sir for that, Mom. He believes he

still love Dree.

-My Darling ...

-The Fault is mine continued, because it's true. I look like a

heartless slut, taking advantage of his kindness to keep Justin,

Mom. But he did not protested at all for doing this.

He reassured -the recover.

That's what he said.

-has Thirty-three years, Johanna, and is ready to marry. It

would not be the least surprised if we hear from him again, and

soon, because unless I am mistaken, feels some compassion for


-¿La Miss Finchley? he asked incredulously, her own

situation forgotten.

'Miss Finchley Anne repeated vigorously. And why not?

They are no strangers to each other, and their lack of fortune

would not be a problem for him. And she likes children.

'Miss Finchley not dream of ...

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It's a woman, Johanna, why not. So do not grieve me by the

Lord Barrasford broken heart, my love, ten to one, it will not

be long before they are dating.

You seem very happy.

-What am I never thought for a moment that you and would

be happy Barrasford.

Johanna sat on a low bench and grabbed his shoes.

Did not you seen Dree today, right? he asked suddenly.

I -Desayuné with Roxbury before they go to a place called

Paxton Grove.

-¿Paxton Grove?

It's all he said about it, but do not think much later. I mean,

there can not be much business to run at a place called Paxton

Grove. He watched sturdy shoes with disgust. Surely not plan

out those shoes.

Robin and I are going to the park to feed the geese.

I suppose it should be comfortable, but ...

Mom, can Bury come too? Robin danced into the room

carrying a sack of hard- pan. Just come on horseback, can you


Well, I ... She lifted up from his seat and his breath caught in

his chest at the sight. He bent to pick up the child, holding him

affectionately before passing it to her grandmother.

Not so fast, boy. Go with grandma and mom and I go down

quickly. The geese will not starve, I promise, and I have to talk

to Mom.

'Actually, Roxbury, I'll take the park. Anne was offered it. I

have not given food to Gary and geese since you were little.

I want to go to Bury -the boy protested.

'Of course he murmured securing it tightly in his arms

walking towards the door. And he will come soon to feed their

share of the birds. She stopped only long enough to close the

door carefully.

Johanna stood very still, his heart pounding harder the more

he approached. His mouth was dry when he stopped in front of

her, his body blocking everything else. His fingers gripped the

edge of the bank.

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-¿Podrás Ever forgive me, Jo? she asked quietly.

Her eyes widened stunned disbelief.

'Today I went to see Mary Cummings, and I know the truth.

I know what happened, Jo, what my mother did to you, what I

did, sorry I can not make all your pain. He came anyway, until

his leg touched his knee. I would give all I have to turn back in

time and do it differently. His hand touched her hair

temporarily slightly apoyándose-. I've been such a fool, a fool

so proud.

She closed her eyes and swallowed hard to fight the lump in

his throat.

-Please Dree ...

'I have no right to expect anything, I know he continued. but

I love you, Jo. I've always loved and always will. His fingers

closed on his chin, making subir-. Can you forgive me? he

asked again when he released her.

Her lashes were wet, her unbearably tight throat so tight he

could not speak. Instead, he nodded and bent down to slide her

arms tightly around his waist. It was as if the years of

bitterness to evaporate. For a long time, just rested her cheek

against his flat, hard stomach. His hands trailed to smooth and

stroke the shining crown of your head.

I want to marry you again, Jo said finally. I want to take to

London and shout to the society that has been treated unfairly,

you were innocent. You may not have a single friend in the

world when we start, but do everything possible to see that you

are received.

That does not matter-it was the muffled reply.

He choked not matter. It pulling against him, locked her in

his arms. Of course it matters. You're the Duchess of Roxbury,

my duchess. Suddenly he stopped and looked down. Will you

marry me?

Ah, Dree ... She had to bite her lower lip trembling, but

managed to smile empañadamente-. You know you do.

His lips tenderly found at first tentatively savoring the taste

of it, and then disappeared years. It was the summer in

London, glorious season with the promise of youth, seductive

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music and scented breeze when explored again the wonder of

his passion. Long before he lifted his head.

I'll send Sims to bring Greenlea of the vicarage and we can

be married today murmured somewhere above his head.


I found Johnny when he left, love, and I got the special

license, he told me that I would need it before him. He was

smiling, but his dark eyes were intent on his face. Do you have

any objection if we use it? I would like the assistance of Lady

Anne and children.

-What Say to Justin?

-What You want Jo. If you want, I will not say anything

until she is older and can understand. He is the heir to Gary,

and does not seem right because Robin, but ... -a diabolical

light crept into his eyes, I am willing to continue to heirs until

we find a place for each of them.


Translated by CARMEN CAMPOS - Edited by Sonyam
