The Philippine Executive

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  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    The Executive

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    Chief ExecutiveHead of State

    Commander in Chief of the AFP


  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    Can appoint the heads of the executive departments,

    ambassadors, officers from the rank of colonel and naval

    captain and other public ministers and officials.

    Can approve the appointments of the members of the


    Controls all the executive departments, bureaus and offices

    As commander in chief of all armed forces in the Philippines,

    can call out the armed forces to prevent or suppress lawlessviolence, invasion or rebellion

    Powers of the President

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    Can suspend the writ of habeas corpus or placeany part of the country under martial law for aperiod not exceeding 60 days in case of rebellionor invasion

    Can grant reprieves, commutation, pardon, andamnesty

    Can contract or guarantee loans

    Can veto enactments and call special sessions ofthe congress

    Powers of the President

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    Can deport foreigners or change the status of

    non immigrant

    Can reserve any land of public domain forsettlement or public sale

    Powers of the President

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    Cannot appoint his or her spouse and relatives byconsanguinity or affinity within the fourth civildegree as members of the constitutionalcommissions and as heads of department and

    civil bureaus during his tenure

    What the President Cannot Do

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    What the President Cannot Do

    Cannot hold any other office, practice other

    professions, and hold business during his tenure

    Cannot make any appointments two monthsbefore the next presidential elections, except in

    cases where vacancies can endanger publicsafety

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    A natural born citizen of the PhilippinesA registered voter

    Able to read and writeAt least 40 years old on the election dayA resident of the Philippines for at least 10 yearsimmediately preceding the election



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    Official residence is the MALACANANG Palacebut some president choose other residences

    Aquino, Ramos Arlegui House

    Estrada Presidential Guesthouse

    Arroyo Malacanang Palace


  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    Aquino, Estrada Presidential GuesthouseRamos - New Executive Building

    Arroyo Malacanang Palace

    The Presidents Office

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    Is elected by direct vote of the people in a regularelection held on the second Monday of May

    Starts at noon on June 30 and ends at noon onJune 30 six years after

    Is not eligible for reelection


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    Can be removed from office on impeachment forand conviction of

    Culpable violation of the constitution



    Graft and Corruption Other high crimes

    Betrayal of public trust

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    In case of death, permanent disability, removal

    from office, and resignation of the President, theVice President or in case of his or her inability,

    the Senate President or in case of his or her

    inability, the Speaker shall become the

    President to serve the entire term.

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    Office of the


  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    The Executive Secretary

    Implements presidential directives, orders, anddecisions

    Exercises primary authority to sign papers and

    attest executive orders and other presidential


    Decides for and on behalf of the presidentmatters not requiring personal presidential


  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    The Executive Secretary

    Exercises supervision and control over variousunits and agencies under the Office of thePresident

    Appoints officials and employees in the Office of

    the President whose appointments are not vested

    in the president

    Provides overall coordination in the operation of

    the executive office

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    The Executive Secretary

    Has administrative responsibility for matters in

    the office of the president coming from variousgovernment departments and agencies

    Determines the appropriate assignment of offices

    Is also known as the little president

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    The Executive Secretary

    Its power grew from its inception from theCommonwealth Period up to the Marcos Era, thatRafael Salas, Marcos first executive secretary,

    describes its powers as being comparable to thatof a prime minister

    Its effectiveness depends on the Presidents trust

    Its authority and responsibilities have beenmodified from one presidency to another

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    Chief of Staff

    Manages the day to day schedule of thePresident

    Provides the President with strategic planning


    Coordinates the policy formulation process at the

    Presidents level

    Ensures the monitoring and evaluation of

    government programs and policies

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    Chief of Staff

    Ensures greater participation of the citizenry

    Oversees the following:

    Appointments Office Office of the Presidential Assistant for

    Socials Office of Protocol Affairs Correspondence Affairs Internal House Affairs Office (Abolished in

    February 2008)

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    Chief Presidential Legal Counsel

    Gives legal advice to the President when requiredCan be very influential depending on his or her

    relationship with the President

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    Private Office

    APPOINTMENTS OFFICE provides overallsupervision in the implementation of schedule ofappointments or social functions approved by thePresident


    FOR SOCIALS attends to the detail andamenities that goes with any social activity of thePresident like meals and entertainment

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    Private Office

    OFFICE OF PROTOCOL AFFAIRS supervisesthe conduct of ceremonies of state, international,and national celebrations. Also handles thePresidents state visits and attends to distinguishforeign visitors

    CORRESPONDENCE AFFAIRS handles thePresidents official and nonofficial correspondenceand provides the President feedbacks on issues

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    Private Office

    INTERNAL HOUSE AFFAIRS OFFICEsupervises the maintenance, cleanliness,

    repair, and preservation of assets and

    properties of the Malacanang Palace

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    Common Staff Support System

    PRESIDENTIAL MANAGEMENT STAFFgives the President comprehensive and

    accurate information for use in presidential

    decision making

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    Common Staff Support System


    ADMINISTRATION STAFF provideslegal service, administrative services, staff

    work on political and legislative matters,

    assistance to the public, measures to

    resolve complaints of government officials

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    Common Staff Support System

    INTERNATIONAL ADMINISTRATIVESTAFF renders auxiliary and support

    services for the internal administration of

    the Office of the President

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    Paper Flow

    All letters and correspondences are

    first received by the Records Office

    and then are logged into the Data

    Tracking System

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    Ordinance Powers

    EXECUTIVE ORDERS acts providing for rulesof a permanent character in executing

    constitutional powersPROCLAMATIONS acts of President fixing adate or declaring a status or condition of public


    ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS acts related toparticular aspects of governmental operations

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    Ordinance Powers

    MEMORANDUM ORDERS acts on matters ofadministrative detail or of temporary interest that

    only concerns a particular government office

    GENERAL OR SPECIAL ORDERS acts andcommands of the President in his capacity as

    commander in chief

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    The Cabinet

    Consists of 40 members that include the

    department secretaries and officials

    without portfolio but carry Cabinet rank likethe AFP Chief of Staff, HUDCC Chairman,

    National Security Adviser, Presidential

    Adviser on the Peace Process, National

    Anti Poverty Commission Lead Convenor,


  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    Cabinet meeting schedules depends on thePresident

    Ramos weekly

    Estrada irregular

    Arroyo - monthly

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    The Shadow/ Kitchen Cabinet

    Informal network of relatives, friends,associates and experts that Presidents turn

    to for advise

    Aquino Kamaganak Inc.Ramos Various military men

    Estrada Midnight Cabinet, Various

    Chinese-Filipino businessmenArroyo "The Firm", Various Family


    Presidential Advisers and

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    Presidential Advisers and


    Notorious symbol of patronageUsed to reward political contributors andaccommodate those who cannot be on the CabinetNumbered 60 during the Ramos administration andreached 200 during the Estrada AdministrationSome of the titles are ridiculous like the PresidentialAssistant to the Presidential Adviser on Computer

    EducationUsed by Arroyo to get rid of officials but still retainthem as political allies

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    The President and

    Other Sectors

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    The President and the Bureaucracy

    The President has the power to appoint membersof the bureaucracy

    The President has the power to appoint people to3175 career executive positions in variousgovernment agencies and departments and 2488

    positions in government owned and controlledcorporations

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    The President and the Bureaucracy

    Because many of the best positions in the civilservice are subject to the presidents whims,efforts to form a professional corps of civilservants are usually frustrated

    The President uses its appointing powers as aform of patronage

    Every President has appointed someone to aposition not because of his or her competence butdue to his or her connections

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    The President and the Military

    The President uses the military to quell various coups andrebellions such as the 2003 Oakwood Mutiny and the RAMcoups

    As military support can break or make ones administration,the President always try to woo the military by giving thempositions during their stay in the military and after theirretirement

    An example of this the revolving door policy of AFP Chief ofStaff under Arroyo and the appointment of various militarymen like General Angelo Reyes to government positions afterhis term

    Th P id d h Mili

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    The President and the Military

    The advisory body of the President on all mattersconcerning national security is the NationalSecurity Council

    During the Estrada Administration, nationalsecurity was the call of military and defenseofficials

    Arroyo relied more on the Cabinet OversightCommittee on Internal Security

    Th P id d h L i l i

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    The President and the Legislative

    A mechanism to coordinate executivedevelopment planning and congressionalbudgeting is the Legislative Executive AdvisoryCouncil

    Another way the President can get thecooperation of the Congress is through thePresidents line-item veto and power overdisbursements

    Th P id t d th L i l ti

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    The President and the Legislative

    The members of the Congress could not get theirpork barrel without the President disbursing them

    Other ways the President can get the cooperationof the Congress is through the power to approveof contracts, the power to intervene in business

    disputes and the power to craft policies that favorssome business and put others at a disadvantage

    Th P id t d th P

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    The President and the Press

    Every President has their own style on dealingwith the press

    Magsaysay and Marcos actively courted the favor

    of press people, Marcos even appointed a numberof newsman in government positions beforedeclaring Martial Law

    Aquino was known to shunned and ignoredjournalist even if she is known to be the one whorestored press freedom

    Th P id t d th P

  • 7/31/2019 The Philippine Executive


    The President and the Press

    Ramos was the opposite of Aquino when it comes todealing with the press. He always held weekly pressconferences at the Malacanang Palace

    Estrada knew the power of media but has a lowregard for it. He said that the media was for sale andall one needed to do to get good publicity was to pay

    Arroyo has an efficient communication team andeven her own weekly radio and TV program, but wasdiscontinued when rating show that she is not gettingany following