1 Inside this issue: Volume 30, Number 12 Presidents page 1 Director Report 2-5 advertisers 6-7 Trail Boss Report 8 Legislative Report 9 Classified Ads 10 OVC Officers 11 Minutes 12 Upcoming Events 13 Membership form 15 Yearly Caldendar 16-17 www.OVCBCHW.COM Cher Bower Howdy, howdy, howdy, Congratulations to our newly elected officers. I know that we will make a good team. Our planning meeting in October went very well and I am looking forward to some nice rides, campouts and work parties. We need to add that word FUN to the work part. I know we all have been busy this year just taking care of LIFE! Now is the season to relax and have some fun with family and friends. Hopefully all of your winter work is done and you can move forward with the fun! Our Fun in the Sunwas put on hold for a while. Steve had the flu for about 2 weeks and is still a little down. I was unlucky enough to catch it, but I was sick for 5 days. The boys have nice new shoes and are ready to go. We missed the first ride here due to the flu. We will probably go out back in the desert next week. Our goal is to ride at least once a week, so hopefully----. The BCH AZ Christmas party is Dec. 3 rd and it will be fun to see all of our AZ friends. I hope the Okanogan party will be well attended and that you all have lots of good food and FUN! Have a great Christmas and New Year. Come on down and join us for some Fun in the Sun”. Take care, Cher The Picket Line

The Picket Line - ovcbchw.comovcbchw.com/attachments/File/2016_Newsletters/Volume_30... · 2019-06-21 · Yearly Caldendar 16-17 Cher Bower Howdy, howdy, howdy, Congratulations to

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Page 1: The Picket Line - ovcbchw.comovcbchw.com/attachments/File/2016_Newsletters/Volume_30... · 2019-06-21 · Yearly Caldendar 16-17 Cher Bower Howdy, howdy, howdy, Congratulations to


I n s i d e

t h i s

i s s u e : Volume 30,

Number 12

Presidents page 1

Director Report 2-5

advertisers 6-7

Trail Boss Report 8

Legislative Report 9

Classified Ads 10

OVC Officers 11

Minutes 12

Upcoming Events 13

Membership form 15

Yearly Caldendar 16-17


Cher Bower

Howdy, howdy, howdy,

Congratulations to our newly elected officers. I know that we will make a good team. Our planning meeting in October went very well and I am looking forward to some nice rides, campouts and work parties. We need to add that word FUN to the work part. I know we all have been busy this year just taking care of LIFE! Now is the season to relax and have

some fun with family and friends. Hopefully all of your winter work is done and you can move forward with the fun!

Our “Fun in the Sun” was put on hold for a while. Steve had the flu for about 2 weeks and is still a little down. I was unlucky enough to catch it, but I was sick for 5 days. The boys have nice new shoes and are ready to go. We missed the first ride here due to the flu. We will probably go out back in the desert next week. Our goal is to ride at least once a week, so hopefully----.

The BCH AZ Christmas party is Dec. 3rd and it will be fun to see all of our AZ friends. I hope the Okanogan party will be well attended and that you all have lots of good food and FUN! Have a great Christmas and New Year. Come on down and join us for some “Fun in the Sun”.

Take care,


The Picket Line

Page 2: The Picket Line - ovcbchw.comovcbchw.com/attachments/File/2016_Newsletters/Volume_30... · 2019-06-21 · Yearly Caldendar 16-17 Cher Bower Howdy, howdy, howdy, Congratulations to


Board of Directors Meeting

October, 2016

Dave Sunde

I’m writing this just after I returned from the 4th Quarter BCHW Board meet-

ing in Ellensburg. Following is a copy of the high points of the meeting.

Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. by President Kathy Young.

Roll Call Attendance - Excused: Enumclaw, Scatter Creek Riders, Yakima Valley; Absent: Ferry County,

Olympic. Late: Mt Adams, Northeast. Quorum was present.

Officer and Committee Reports:

Executive Committee - Kathy Young

One action since last meeting involved creating a want ad for a new Executive Director since Darrell Wallace

is retiring in September. Applications are open until December 15th. Salary still needs to be decided. Kathy

thanked the wine ride volunteer organizers and the Directors applauded. She also thanked Darrell for great

grant work.

Ways & Means - Teri Starke

Volunteers are needed for Rendezvous. Rendezvous Auction - Missy Day reported. Items are needed. Ren-

dezvous Come Ride Our Part of the State - Missy Day explained and invited people to participate.

Northwest Horse Source - Louise Caywood, Pierce County, moved to continue for another year. Second. Mo-

tion carried.

Wine Ride - Dave Jackson reported. There were 600 riders in spite of the weather. Net income was

$16,500.00 to BCHW. 3 new memberships were obtained. Next year will be the last Saturday of October

2107. Deb Wesselius announced the volunteer hours. Lori Lennox announced $5,000.00 retail in Store Sales.

State Wide Work Party - Jason Ridlon

Jason described the plans for 2017 which will involve multiple organization. Dates are August 2nd to 5th at

Gypsy Meadows.

Governance and Bylaws - Ken Carmichael

Ken reminded new Directors to read the email he sent to Chapter regarding duties of directors. Directors were

reminded to update the on-line Directory every time an officer change happens as soon as possible.

Executive Director - Darrell Wallace

BCHW will book KEVC for Board Meetings for the next few years per the schedule that was posted. There

were no objections. Leadership Training will be January 14th in Moses Lake and February 4th in North Bend.

Grants - Darrell thanked everyone who helped work on the two: $150,000 and $130,000. Lori Lennox sug-

gested chapters plan for National Trails day projects and apply for grants.

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BCHA - Darrell Wallace and Jason Ridlon

Report was posted. Your Membership (YM) software is now attached to BCHA website. 2018 National

Board Meeting will be in eastern Washington State. BCHA business card was explained. $5/month club cards

were distributed.

BCHW Store - Lori Lennox

Lori asked Directors to buy merchandise. She also mentioned two new stickers for packer volunteers available

for vehicles. Kathy Young suggested individuals encourage people they meet to donate to BCHW.

Volunteer Hours - Deb Wesselius

Report will be posted in the Traihead News. There will be no major changes. There were 86,400 hours report-

ed which is up 12,000 hours since last year. Hours had a value over $3 million. Directors applauded Deb Wes-

selius for a job well done.

Legislative - Jeff Chapman

Report was posted. Jeff outlined some of his report and responded to questions. Last payment to lobbyists

Gjurassic and Kohl will be in January, but we are not using them for 2017. Juelie Dalzell, Buckhorn Range,

moved that BCHW pass the BCHW Resolution presented opposing Senate Bill 3205 as the bill is currently

written also known as the human-powered travel in wilderness areas act. Second. Resolution passed.

Public Lands - Bernie Stratton

Bernie Stratton, Lewis County, moved that the BCHW board refer the specifics pertaining to a proposed MRA

for use of power saws to clear specific trails within a specific timeframe in the Pasayten Wilderness, to the Ex-

ecutive Committee for final disposition. Second. Motion carried.

Bernie Stratton, Lewis County, moved to adopt the Resolution pertaining to the Colville Draft EIS. Whereas,

the USFS has demonstrated on many occasions that they are either unable or unwilling to maintain wilderness

trails up to their own standards; and whereas, all the proposals contained in the Forest Plan Revision Draft

EIS contain at least some additional wilderness designations. Then therefore, be it resolved that the BCHW

does not fully support any of the proposals; and therefore, be it further

resolved that the BCHW would entertain supporting designations, other than that of wilderness, if those desig-

nations allowed mechanized equipment be used for trail maintenance. Second. Motion carried with one op-


Bernie Stratton, Lewis County, moved that BCHW Board of Directors authorize President Young or her de-

signee to restate the points of the BCHW letter of March 18, 2013 concerning Pack and Saddle Stock Outfitter-

Guide Special Use Permit Issuance with updated dates and addresses and forward it to the USFS as the offi-

cial BCHW comment on the DEIS. Second. Motion carried.

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DNR Recreation - Glenn Glover, DNR

Glenn Glover was introduced by President Kathy Young. He is the acting Recreation and Trails Manager for

the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR). He is also the outgoing President of the Washing-

ton Trail Coalition (WTC) which was formed in 1999. He announced that the Board of WTC needs an eques-

trian representative. Glenn talked about recreation on DNR lands, management, and trail standards. There are

1,100 miles of authorized trail and an estimate of 11 million recreation visits to DNR land annually. He also

outlined recreation planning efforts which will kick off in January. Finally he proposed that BCHW think

about taking a position on equestrian use in working forests realizing that equestrian use is secondary to reve-

nue creating timber sales. Glenn responded to questions.

LNT - Jane Byram

LNT classes are planned for 2017 sponsored by Ponderosa Chapter, 2018 Tri Cities, 2019 Randle, and 2020

Les Hilde. LNT committee would like to see all members attend a training at some point. The committee

needs to ask the Board for a supplement to their budget by at least $2,000 since there is no grant this year.

The LNT computer needs replacement.

501 C Commons - Craig Lewis

Membership recommendations were reviewed from the suggestions he previously presented to the Board. On-

ly 20% of the task list was completed. The September 14, 2016 recruitment suggestions document was re-

viewed and discussed. Social media is key. Craig left the Directors with a list of must do’s: create a “what’s

in it for me” list, decide who are you serving, have a newsletter, get electronic email addresses from all, get

partners (tack store discounts, etc. for joining BCHW), send invites to events (email, radio, TV), get member-

ship ID cards, get decals, and get business cards. Craig will be at Leadership Training.

Awards - Lynn Wilhelm-Howell

Lynn’s report was posted and she was not present.

Safety - Doc Wesselius

Doc reviewed his report that was posted. Nominations for the 2017 WTA Crew Leader College should be

submitted to Tom Mix and/or Doc Wesselius. Nominations for the 2017 Crosscut Saw Filing Class should be

submitted to Tom Mix. These sessions are held at the USFS 9 Mile Remount Station near Missoula, MT.

Dates are TBA. Proper PPE was encouraged.

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Publicity/THN - Dick Yarboro

Articles are due earlier for March/April issue.

Unfinished Business:

DVD of Accomplishments - photos are due by February 1st to Louise Caywood.

New Business:

Joe Watt Canyon Ride proceeds - Jason Ridlon

May 20th is the ride date. 13th is Mother’s Day. Following weekend is Memorial Day. Jason Ridlon, Inde-

pendents, moved that we replace the process section with the updated process section as provided on the web-

site. Second. There was discussion. Juelie Dalzell, Buckhorn Range, moved to amend the motion but it was

not seconded. After more discussion, the motion and second were withdrawn. Jason Ridlon, Independent Di-

rector, then submitted the only proposal for all of the proceeds; so his proposal will be funded with the 2017

Joe Watt proceeds.

2017 BCHW Budget - Teri Starke

Dave Jackson, Purple Sage Riders, moved to make a line item for a BCHW “hot shot” log out crew for

$5,000.00. Second. Motion carried.

Bill McKenna moved to accept the budget as modified. Second. Motion carried.

Dissolution of Enumclaw Chapter

Enumclaw Chapter will be dissolving on December 31st. Their funds will be appropriately disbursed and a

large number of their members will join Tahoma Chapter. Dave Sunde, Okanogan, moved to accept the disso-

lution. Second. Motion carried.

Nominations and Elections

Kathy Young, President, vacated the chair and Dave Sunde, Vice President, presided. BCHA Director nomi-

nations were opened. Jason Ridlon was nominated. Second. Dave Sunde, Okanogan, called three times for

nominations. Ken Bailey, Wenatchee Valley, moved to cast a unanimous ballot to elect Jason Ridlon. Sec-

ond. Motion carried. Jason Ridlon is the BCHA Director. Dave Sunde vacated the chair and Kathy Young

resumed presiding.

BCHW Booth at Horse Expo

Jim Anderson, Mt St Helens, moved that BCHW pay $200.00 to help cover the cost of the 2017 BCHW booth

at the 3 day Horse Expo event. Second. Motion carried.

Good of the Order:

Teri Starke reminded chapters to use proper BCHW forms for donations.

New officers should attend Leadership Training.


Bundles of 30 new BCHW brochures have been put together by Dick Yarboro and can be picked up for distri-

bution by Directors.

Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.


There is officer training coming up on January 15th in Moses Lake. I’ll have a schedule out as soon as it has

been finalized.

I hope to see all of you at the Christmas party on Saturday.

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November Trail Boss Report

The weather’s been great here, but rain today. All of our friends here are good.

I’ve been looking at a tiny one-man bulldozer called a Magnetrac with about a 30” blade. Interesting!

Y’all come down because we have free room and stables.

If you aren’t used to work parties, please pick one to work for next year. Check the schedule that will be com-ing out soon. Campouts at the work parties and rides add to the fun. The way our help is doing, any big job should be not far from a trailhead. Even young men are lucky to cut out 2 miles a day in the wilderness.

Let’s set up a mass multiple congressional insurgent messages to use chain saws in USFS Region 6 Wilder-ness, as some other regions simply allow. Corresponding copies should go to USFS Region 6 headquarters in Portland, Oregon and President Obama and then Donald Trump. The wording/message should be changed every month-all winter and all spring. We need answers to our questions and demands. Let’s take a shotgun approach. BCHW ? BCHA? Let’s get more facts. I will ask someone to get this started.




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OVCBCHW Legislative Report The following information paragraph should be included as information to Chapter members: Please keep both BCHA and BCH Education Foundation in mind when it comes to making out your wills. Donating to either organization will be money well spent. For further information about donating or requesting a grant, please contact Education Foundation Secretary Peg Greiwe at email [email protected]; phone 360-832-2451; or mail to Box 385. Graham, WA 98588.

WDFW will accept applications for ALEA volunteer grants

OLYMPIA – Starting Dec. 1, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) will accept grant applications for volunteer projects that benefit the state's fish and wildlife resources and outdoor recreation.

WDFW anticipates that approximately $1.37 million will be available through the state's Aquatic Land Enhancement Account (ALEA) for projects undertaken from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2019.

The final amount of funding for the next round of ALEA grants is subject to approval by the state Legislature during the 2017 legislative session.

Five major types of projects are funded through the program, although other project types may be considered. Project types include habitat restoration, scientific research/citizen science, public education and outreach, facility development and artificial fish production.

Eligible applicants are individual citizens, non-profit organizations, schools (including universities), tribes and political subdivisions of the state such as conservation districts. For-profit businesses, state and federal agencies are not eligible.

They also have a fancy set of spurs for auction and are requesting auction items, see above contact for more information. Gene

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Classified Ads

FOR SALE: The Chapter has 1/2 inch, three strand, poly-propylene

rope for sale by the foot. Excellent for lead ropes, sling ropes, high line

ropes or what-have-you. $0.50 per foot. Can be back braided or have a

loop braided in one end for an additional fee. Telephone (509) 486-2061.

FOR SALE: Newer decker pack saddle with plastic boxes & hooks and new ropes, nice leather. Call Steve to

see @ 826-5281 $475.00

FOR SALE – Collapsible round/square bale feeder. Will take an 1,100 pound round or a 3by4 square bale. It

is lightly used. Free delivery within 50 miles of Tonasket. $200 . 1-509-486-1547 Home Office


Please patronize the businesses

that advertise in the Picket Line.

While you are shopping in their

businesses or utilizing their ser-

vices remember to thank them for

supporting our efforts to keep

trails open on public lands in the

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Elected Officers for 2017 Appointed Officers for 2017

President: Cher Bower Volunteer Hours Coordinator: Cheryl Johnson

Vice President: Pete Hone LNT Coordinator: Steve McKinney

Secretary: Cathy Kvistad Newsletter Editor: Ted Sharr

Treasurer: Ted Sharr Publicity Chair: Linda Oborne

Trail Boss: Steve McKinney Alternate Trail Boss: Stan Kvistad

Director: Dave Sunde Legislative Chair: Gene Wehmeyer

Alternate Dir: Ted Sharr Social Director: Nonni Judd

Webmaster: Dave Sunde Immediate Past President: Stan Kvistad

Membership: Cathy Kvistad

Facebook admin: Ted Sharr

Okanogan Valley Chapter 2017 Officers

Please patronize the businesses that

advertise in the Picket Line. While you

are shopping in their businesses or

utilizing their services remember to

thank them for supporting our efforts

to keep trails open on public lands in

the Okanogan.

Page 12: The Picket Line - ovcbchw.comovcbchw.com/attachments/File/2016_Newsletters/Volume_30... · 2019-06-21 · Yearly Caldendar 16-17 Cher Bower Howdy, howdy, howdy, Congratulations to


OVC Chapter


Meeting Notes – November 17th, 2016

By Dave Sunde

1854 – Meeting called to order by VP Catharine Woodfield.

Minutes of previous meeting and Treasurer’s report approved by the body.

We had a discussion about the bathroom situation at Whistler Canyon. Action-Dave Sunde will contact the new BOCC members and try and negotiate a solution.

Director Report – We are looking for a new Executive Director for BCHW. An email is on the way. The wine ride was a success.

Legislative Report – Gene reported on the Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan proposed by the NPS.

Officer elections were held:

President – Cher Bower

VP – Pete Hone

Secretary – Cathy Kvistad

Treasurer – Ted Sharr

Trail Boss – Steve McKinney

Alternate Director – Ted Sharr

Appointed Positions

Assistant TB – Stan Kvistad

Social Director – Nonni Judd

All other positions remain the same.

A call was made for photographs for the 2018 BCHW Calendar. Photos need to be of high resolution which usually means a 6-12 meg. JPG file. Most cell phone camera photos will not work.

Meeting locations and dates for 2017 were discussed and voted on.

Motion to meet on the 3rd Thursday instead of the 3rd Wednesday.

Board meeting will be held 2 hours prior to the membership meeting using the same venue.

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Okanogan Valley Chapter BCHW

P.O. Box 812 Tonasket, WA 98855

Phone: 509-699-8014 E-mail: [email protected]

Okanogan Valley Chapter


19th OVC Board & Membership Meeeting - Kowala - Omak - Bd Meet

at 4:00PM - Dinner at 6:00PM - Meeting at 7:00PM


15th BCHW Legislative Day - Olympia - 9:00AM

16th OVC Board & Membership Meeting - Bd Meet at 4:00PM - To-

nasket Senior Center - Sweetheart Auction Time???????

25th OVC Ride - Horse Spring Coulee


11th OVC Ride - Carter Mountain - US 97 Trailhead

16th OVC Board & Membership Meeting - Kowala Omak - Bd Meeting

at 4:00PM - Dinner at 6:00PM - Meeting at 7:00

17th -19th BCHW Rendezvous - Ellensburg

25th OVC Work Party - Whistler Canyon Beautification


15th OVC Ride - Whitestone Canyon

20th OVC Board Meeting & Membership Meeting - Tonasket Senior

Center - Bd Meeting at 4:00PM Potluck at 6:00PM - Meeting at 7:00PM

22nd - 23rd OVC Work Party - Carter Mountain


13th OVC Ride - Palmer Mountain - Steve and Gene

18th OVC & Board Membership Meeting - Triangle Park Omak - Bd

Meeting at 4:000PM - Potluck at 6:00PM - Meeting at 7:00PM

20th - 21st OVC Work Party - Carter Mountain


3rd-4th National Trails Day - 4th of July Trailhead

10th OVC Ride - Strawberry Lake - Steve McKinney

15th OVC Board & Membership Meeting - History Park Tonasket - Bd

Meeting at 4:00PM - Potluck at 6:00PM - Meeting at 7:00PM

30th BCHW - Beginning of SWWP#5

To perpetuate the common use and enjoyment of horses in Americas Back- Country and wilderness.

Upcoming Activities

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Revised 9/25/15 See payment and mailing information above.

To join BCHW, complete this application, sign the liability release (all

members 18 and over), and enclose payment, and give to:

Kathy Kvistad

PO Box 391

Malott, WA 98829

New Member Renewal – Membership number(s):

Adult’s name(s):

Children’s name(s):


City: ST: Zip:

Phone number: E-mail:

Legislative district (if known): County:

Check to opt out of mailed (hardcopy) newsletter: BCHW (Trailhead News) Chapter

Basic Membership

Single $41.00

Family $54.00

All chapter members must also be a member of BCHW.

However, BCHW dues only need to be paid once each

year. Joining additional (secondary) chapters only

requires paying chapter dues. Optional Membership (includes family or

single from above)

Contributing $75.00

Okanogan Valley Chapter

Sustaining $125.00

Patron $250.00

Benefactor $500.00

If joining a secondary Chapter, provide the Chapter

name where BCHW dues have been paid for 2016:

Lifetime (Single) $1200.00 Chapter Dues $10.00

State dues paid online (attach receipt copy) Additional Chapter Donation $

Additional State Donation $ Chapter Subtotal $

State Subtotal $ Grand Total (State+Chapter) $

All ADULT members MUST sign! Adult’s signature covers minor children.

Recognizing the fact that there is a potential for an accident wherever horse use is involved, which can cause injuries to

horses, riders, and spectators, and also recognizing the fact that Backcountry Horsemen of Washington, Inc., including

Chapters, officers, directors, or members, cannot always know the condition of trails or the experience levels of riders

or horses taking part in trail rides or other BCHW events, I do hereby release and hold harmless the above named from

any claim or right for damages which might occur to me, my minor children, or horses.

Signature: Date:

Signature: Date:

Signature: Date:

Backcountry Horsemen of Washington (BCHW) is a public charity as defined in Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c) (3).

Accordingly, membership dues paid to BCHW may be treated as deductions characterized as “charitable contributions” when

computing federal and state income tax obligations.

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19th OVC Board & Membership Meeeting - Koala - Omak - Bd Meet at 4:00PM - Dinner at 6:00PM - Meeting at 7:00PM


15th BCHW Legislative Day - Olympia - 9:00AM

16th OVC Board & Membership Meeting - Bd Meet at 4:00PM - Tonasket Senior Center - Sweetheart Auction Time???????

25th OVC Ride - Horse Spring Coulee


11th OVC Ride - Carter Mountain - US 97 Trailhead

16th OVC Board & Membership Meeting - Koala Omak - Bd Meeting at 4:00PM - Dinner at 6:00PM - Meeting at 7:00

17th -19th BCHW Rendezvous - Ellensburg

25th OVC Work Party - Whistler Canyon Beautification


15th OVC Ride - Whitestone Canyon

20th OVC Board Meeting & Membership Meeting - Tonasket Senior Center - Bd Meeting at 4:00PM Potluck at 6:00PM - Meeting at 7:00PM

22nd - 23rd OVC Work Party - Carter Mountain


13th OVC Ride - Palmer Mountain - Steve and Gene

18th OVC & Board Membership Meeting - Triangle Park Omak - Bd Meeting at 4:000PM - Potluck at 6:00PM - Meeting at 7:00PM

20th - 21st OVC Work Party - Carter Mountain


3rd-4th National Trails Day - 4th of July Trailhead

10th OVC Ride - Strawberry Lake - Steve McKinney

15th OVC Board & Membership Meeting - History Park Tonasket - Bd Meeting at 4:00PM - Potluck at 6:00PM - Meeting at 7:00PM

30th BCHW - Beginning of SWWP#5


1st-5th BCHW - SWWP#5

8th OVC Ride - Short Mountain - Steve and Cher

15th OVC Work Party - Tiffany Trailhead - Steve McKinney

20th OVC Board & Membership Meeting and Ice Cream Social - Triangle Park in Omak - Board Meeting at 4:00PM Ice Cream at 6:00PM


5th OVC Work Party - Sign Refinishing - 14 Mile TH

12th OVC Ride - Sinlahekin - Steve McKinney

17th OVC Board & Membership Meeting - History Park Tonasket- Bd Meeting at 4:00PM - Potluck at 6:00PM - Meeting at 7:00PM

26th OVC Work Party - Sign Refinishing - Disappointment TH



OVC Board & Membership Meeting - Koala Omak -Bd Meeting at 4:00PM -Dinner at 6:00PM - Meeting at 7:00PM

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OVC Board & Membership Meeting and Hallowen Party- Tonasket Senior Center - Bd Meeting at 4:00PM Potluck at 6:00PM Meeting at 7:00PM

24th OVC Annual Planning Meeting - Steve and Cher's Place - 3:00PM



OVC Board & Membership Meeting Koala Omak - Bd Meeting 4:00PM - Dinner at 6:00PM - Meeting and Elections at 7:00PM


16th OVC Christmas Party and Potluck - Tonasket Senior Center - 6:00PM

NOTES The day of the week for meetings has been changed from Wednesday to Thursday

The Board neetings will be 2 hours prior to the business meeting in the same venue

All rides meet at 9:00AM - Ride at 10:00AM

All work parties meet at 8:00AM - Work at 9:00AM