iIP :n m^wm mmm W^^r^s^'--*: M00 W JKi&gSf. THE PLATTSBURGH exexej OMHtl «§ M&0&">: U T I U T T — ~ TBn) VOL.SK*. IHO. 7. PLATTSBURGH, CLINTON CO., N. Y., SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 13, WH. w THE REPUBLICAN. t»w«e*ff wfHutnra. m »r**t is ia* raws*: fl.SOa year, in advance, to sb •wtmertKaja; or f l . M a year it not pud a ad taeee. j«7*»>#feat »» t<i>wt•Um svi«."#» a' f%- A** *U«w /*«ff«*»»*p* ••••.f/>» rv~.«f,/» % I kJATTKKS A.ID T HI M.S. rH. Goon oUuhinc .»T Vautsrrua's Pay tomorrow. ••|i«8at»«T make* a bridge and H*rib br*»i>s ii " I.K^T »-ICSBI« ne»; Wednesday and ends i<n t* J i •.! A,.nl. IHI ft-* >J ••rters for valetu.new this year i*a> foi <•'-. *• u-u»l. rVaTTsscaiiH a ice imt vest is secure It is a >> ' !••• !• • i ti i<k. -on i-titiiN* lu.tn of i-in has no* jitartei •a • S t »: • H <• ell ««« ».... r ttxtsafts a.»n ci»j>inia that the weather v * * <«•*•» «W eobl lor luce* trade and coo*. TrtK warm etri»«k that pr*j"<1ed Itself ntrrum the S'at» of New York Ust Snndsy. bfinsine*r*in and the wowl freshet In flftv tear* at Genera, Ontario County, and caus- ing water to rnn in the streets at Tapper Like and other points in that reelon. while others wore very cold mil these curious Ihii'tr* are rs,tl«|nir vast amount "f think- ing among wne people, and furnish on»» more ill.is'ration ^f tli" •>! I s»\inir: "There are more things in heaven and earth, fl >M'i'\ than ar.< dreamt of io your ph.!- S'»i-ht TiiFnr ismnrh 'r• »n*> nr FlatTsbunrh with water fr->'7 r v». in some r««« service pipes hulls.' f'. 1 '" .n the **reeN, especially Where they pmi4 ir der i',n !M iey track Frnst (rnaw ,].wp<>r as rule under well-trodden rrw !s for Ihe reason that GRANGE. K*tr»»otsi from firanse New* trr for February. >t- fttate tirange. Th«> .tl«t am n*l session ..f 'he N»w York SiatP lir»ni.'H nn.veneil at the ,,(»-» h oi-e In Oriland. T.I-»I*\. F-b 2 H••_•• K It N irri-, S'ate Master. pre«i.','»i/ N-nrU the fu!i ileletrBiini', MiniiM»rit.|.» l!-.-< }>-ar IT'). were in atter..lanre. a>«l I'i , r-"'< »i-H.i>»r hr 'ilk.'!.' I he ii'itrr er n,. t ' f il.» i "' Tie «m il'il »'')re«H "T t e.-!.!,•• M-i-'erwas p vep .m TII-*II»V The re..or; ..f !:.•• .-• c- retan en U l>." !. lOOS a' I a' '' i' i ne tb«re were .".»i7 ,|["';Te L rai.^»a in I'" »•'«'". 42 hmini: tieen nr.'ni 7 •! Hie \m*' yiT T'" ln'al memhernl ;i' if •'•* 172 u r a n i-r * l.T' the pant ve-ir. Thi" i» Ihe IU'KIH 1 rnenner- i"h'i», RB «very irrantre that haw r.nt rep,.-;e.t he earth then* is w,ihm the year, hiis heeti plai'ml on t •<-«• duriTiat'l "r iini'Hli ii'eit I In the e-ratid Ii''a! of Three person" per)»hed in a life whtrh inri.e.l n lenemet.t hou<e at West II.)l>nken, N. J . K.li n K.iir men were rrii*he<l to ilealh at ilin?n Juiri'in •> in, Fe'i ?, rty t h e caving of an ti-e pi e ."II f"et tilyh. Vn'r rk II L'fina, ace"! .-0. who lived alone on a t«rm near Clinton, N T , perished in a Are Hint Mirnei! his hoil«e Feb i Three per«ons p<>ri«lie,] in a Are at Mori- •'.-.I TanaiH. K-h .'•. whirh liurnetl a n.-H'r.L' hnii»eiti (li'lp'tiv Street. y. n'leer. perso'.s Were Kli|ei| in A dlllis'l'in ' ^1 remtere.l mure roirpm-t from travel, and niai t list, and no at o'her ressor . that ihe trol'ey company memher. are reckom-d In t'.e yratut l.-tal oi ^ . .K .J-k. :>SM2 There are T.t Pomona or County pte IM ^p- ke»iw the stow removed from the tracks, a n d <rm« a ver> importsM protection asrainst frr»st is lackinir. Men who have heen for man* years connected with Plaitshorftb aVtTswdUtOgwaf fJi » at IM*» sasMal Ml M •<|i»» a t 1» a * . laWsVaW -a* »a*an aviata, M "fc a^f K. si. a f e * BftrihaamM ^WVfi^SSW W»^"F'. •!•«. -WIPW^S^^S| - 4tf wwiaW'tf i**** m a aisatM tmmm " I tratiires. sn hsvinir l>een nreanlz -d the |i»*» jear The jfratiL'e is n«w reprenen e.| tit 4" mnnli'S of the state The tots 1 c-vh receipts of the secret ari's ifflce are f 18.269 77 .. ._ . The rupwrt of the ireasorer, P. A WelltnK, mwer works say that they nevar «»*• s o ! ^ ^ ^ tD# , , otml i^ceipts from the secretary, •old a winter before, the frost In aowW places including a balance on hand Jan 1, 1903. ot a a v l n f r o o « d«M»» s»I IWt or wior*. fl3.159. to ba tlT.WS accrued interest, a. _ . K . ~jut >^_s^. h » . it ismsIM ' •»••«; total fit S52 36. Total disburse- lr a n y nw onM enaj-wt. hat it la comfort ( ^ . ^ | m m ^ > $i&Mn , 2 pfcowine . all tb* same, and W cornea from Canada, . om j BOC oll nwna j«, J*t, I904,ol$l6 *12 24. sjaat i mairs It m s o eoM that tbe aiao awstwiwae ! Tae Brat avwoinx session was ouan to the laaw <maaw awt. Taw mwntlacnmi Oiewaar potilie, address of welcome, befog delivered ttn. it wm tl lw*>«. and 18 to 3« ^^ Ban Q^,,,, H Uddf Wtv ,„ of u*s- CCRRBUT run. Their marriaee was a hasty aflair. I under- stand. 1 Tea. indeod. They told tbe minister to I)urn. AS they had engaged a cabraac by the hour. Mammv, said Pici-ardnny Jim, what does RIIIM!* want to come'hack to di* yearih rnh* tVit's a foolish question. Dey kin jro wliahehliher dey w.tms wifoilt pay in', no hmi*e rent nor cah fare, an' noooty can't nhet 'em om. SoiTie'imes I reckons dat irhu-'e* is the onlv fulks dat re'ly enjoys I. re. Pin't throw away the ladder riy which yon rliinned; use it for kindling wood. Jiidire Rowndea-Your face is familiar. I've Keen Mill before. Prisoner —Tes, your Ilonor, quite often. Jii'ltre R iwndej -_ Ah ! Wnat was the rrele.t with her lovpr over another chivriie the |>t*t t i m e I saw you? by ilriiikinu Pnsitrier—1 think it was 15 c»nts, your notior. I mixed a cocktail fur you. Visitor— Rock-a-h\e tiahy in the tree top. Boston B*tiy— Etcus*roe,mailam, bu* I consider aruoreal oacillalion extremely dan- gerous. T two pu-«et .-er trait s on the Cana- ,• P..- !i.- i.."v-.>»i"lP":til, () ,t , Fell n 1 "\ workmen Were k: le.t. Feb «, bv (l.e n: .• it, of tin '-mbarikmerit caused hy an ii It." W.ir-iiw-Vienr,a railroad >iiu.iie! II'iiniiune[W4\ was fourd froz->n to i!i ich F-i'. 'i in a ri'!!ur lit Patersnn, N J He had tie.'ti ncti, but ha<l become aiMicted to .Irn k K hi! R«imot.d. aired 17. nf Brllireport. f - r. . it tiirl. Feu 7. and killed herflelt carbolic acid. Four men were killed and three wounded at Osl Cre»-k. Tetin , near Knoxville, Feh. Feb. 7. in a fi-iht between Union miners and coal K>i'"' | l*. Col. E. F Flareky, a civil war veteran, killed his wife in Philadelphia and then killed himseir. Fob. 8. She bad refused to live with him. state and tbeir assessed valuation convinced your commit tee that there a r e SCO towaa that are asseeed, locludlne taetr Incorpor- ated riilags*. for ISM than II 000,0*9. and 373 towns assessed. Inelodlna: their lne«w«- poraied vtllaees, for mors than f I.OM.SCt. Your committee believe 4bat all ot tbe towns should receive proportionately tbe same amount of state aid. " • • rorsTT KXOtstE* fader Chapter 396 ot the laws of 1902 sack county is entitled to appoint a coontv eo- jrmeer. By correspondence with vartooa counties law, jour iaUmUnitad of tae uroMeai will doetrlaa wWea Mrtvwa to raaliss wm •clmhry's; it i f voivee a aurb ssorai prtaciute «Mea tats a»> tton to boand to enlsrea la spita af afl obstaaNax Svaty hsw aaal wvarw sBaaasjaa mast be cnastrved io tba liabt of M. It It will belp UM Filipinos, it aadexecntad: ft*it leads ta tae lajary af taw Filipin^ltanntNid|seaRMaBwwsllNMI< wbomeoevar etse it proQta. Toa have called this a hamane policy It w mack moratbaa that. It is a commercially wise policy. We II n e v e r set much profit oat of those rich t* am tataal tfflsrt Itj t*g*y. M !tatirf LM"a»a awrtes- hair aa boar's rla» aa a tor bar reyaWsa moaatad ap to ftm).l a>»«e Kir.i tn them Ptsitshorif h Thentro f.«t month it wt« 36 d««irree« below. Tha "l.\rr<iBri».:i RFrCBt.'.-iv . f Feb. 9. ISfil. s ,: t iii.ii on i ..• 7 n o' that mouth It w*» 3'J to M bek>w »ro here, aaa* "imt law* of psiiari Wrd*. noaaw ptaaaa —a nwiirs an •>einsr lamented."ard in rooms where fros*. b-low there, and on four different days of ttchosetra Slate Gmnee, and Prof. L. H. Bailey, Cornell Ut.iver-ity. Readinirs were (riven t-y Miss Z >e Welch and Mi*s Rogers BI.'I tniHic wm tnrr.i-.'ieit bj n mil" rpinrtette from CorOaud. loaioa: a n tbe most Important: Resolved, That the New YorkStaleGrantfe bad not entered Io 1ft yean tmwUen of respeetfwlly reqaeata UM leeislatare of this •Map men Ima*- solid. Thwn m ooo e»f> •»»»• to enact a law to forhid the sale of coo- ~ .,-. _M ,_, k _ «__ ttum dera-d skim milk In New York and other ootatioa, Bowrser, tna old folks say too 5,,,^ wilb , n l0 „. t aie, asand for cre.ro and fteart « l tbe winter la broke. eVeilar eommmlities in imitation and sem- T n D i a C i . whprtht»josteow)p»o:«l Matneonfrrnm and to forhid the sale of tsWatatHtard-anssainpT of Ha Cbateaapay Haw neb commodities as and for cream. Bstsa Vtariwnwrwa t a ' - * - PlaeM ebrbr*- I Beaolved. That the State Grange be ieves piraaaM'ee, will ma arst-oasa rraina irom |h- p,,^ thooid eitend to state matters, Traj aaw HVw York to Lake Placid Bait m99 that tbe granite foil? endorses stiftVaee awl aw, lawstwg Troy OB tbe arnval of mora- lor and pledges its influence to secure for af,.— T,,-- _-„•..—itilns '^ fc * tbem this riarbt protective of all rights—a I, . . J m w , I M s T - r k *^sto«-««onn.a»eot under wh.cb the, m 11«. BV, a*4 KBOMBSI Uko Pbstkt aoaot j g^Bai,,^ That tha G-warnor and legi»la- I Mr. Carnegie Is something of aa author, is he not ? asked the visitor from London. ; Yes, he nas published a number of volumes, G. R i-hear, aged 39, of Binghamtoo, « a i,i the poet. What is bis most successful N Y .killed himself by snooting throoah the book? asked tbe Englishman. Bis pocket- head, Feb. 3 He bad been living a hermit book, Mid tbe poet It la in great demand. life and went insane. | Six persons perished in a Ira that burned | It would proband be bard to convince a a row of twelve houses at Park Place, P a , bantam cock that his crowing does not have the road by cattiog raw; which coold bo 17 miles from Potisville, Feb 5 T b e Ore a great deal to do with making the sun rise, avoided it tbe load canght from an overheated stove. I The lower part of Geneva, N Y , was ' Uncle, said the hiuh-schoo, young man, is It .... !..,! I,,-' <.H,da» for Hieftret time in .'.(> Poliucs stmrular or plural 1 \f\T4. Tte re was a ll.uud«r»toriu mtU >otniv. wiw lli« reply, in de paid Of Ihe mucb rain, followed by an ice gorge. ] country wh«h 1 come rm day's staafiar, ndtrhty t-ir.^'lar. r*r^m^ri al Ji°^ J^ ^rSTS <'*P«»<l«*ri» •»Hms we make awnHvwa tbe I *A Warrior Bold" was leas proStabla. tlS.ows r Committee are of opinion that the frlMMto ^ y^ , ^ ^ ^ . _ . .. *! . . ^ . .„ present county engineer law is practically ,-.,4,^ -. ,_.,^7 V A J^L \ZuZ~Z£1 * ^ m t f "* m t m w n •» «• ••"am. la worthless, in that the county engineer U tSTi^tmJT^ mmTTm^mVZiIZ. M " 9 *^> t ^ Ada-w'wratotwoortfcna b«. eimnly an expense to the county withoot any oor ad.inJrtrMio,, ,„ tho>e j^^j, ^ ^, dred songs, bat "Tba Holy Ctty" is tbe owe authority to carry out say improvement to f .„ nr ^ ^ , ^ ot 0Xpmtx ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ know> b->|> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 £ J X .nS""?^ i^l-? l * h i , • " J •• "««"»*r-<l l«nce»t. Similar ia ebarac- schemes for loot will be abandoned and jat- »_._. ^v » — ^ . _ . - .. » . ^ ^ tice will be so Ormly eataWkmed and dm-i ** lo "Tn* Lowt Cho^." it re^ly M .ptaated pensed that tbe people will nnawBMaeiy rs- 1 U»t beauttfnl song of Sir Arthur Sollivan's. quest our continued protection and prefer ' and from its first appaaraoca, sans; by Ed- ••You ask about sanitary condttions: I t ^ kmtm « _. u _\I7a_ ^,. , ... , . ^ . K ,K«. • • lrv»n«tastif»c*ialtotbebeBltbfBioesa *-** * f ^ ll« ^ ptblle ajaw- valuable to his county by giving him author- o f t h »,,(„„„,,„,.. Witk m ooamreBeaslvo «>», «" that brines ap the point of tba ity in the care and maintenance of tbe roado ---,„« hwdl^lana m thT )Zw4 M I ^ ^ A -I.U4. J\tJj . k . J U«_ ood requiring the highway commilooer to £ £ E S J Z ^ - Z m t t r n t Z S Z * ^ * ~ follow bit mstroctiona. ksKdry to theses. Aa A ^ ^ respects tbe laws of kyglsas does act par- sist ia bard mfcer toa sxaay boars hi a daw, tew hot liqiof* akmo. aottssvaa ma* Um the roads or to direct their improvement, and has no authority whatever to act except in obtaining reports for Sling with toe Boards of Snnsnrigori. Your committee would, therefore, recom- mend the passage of a resolution on roar part, directing the amendment of the law so as to give the county engineer power to bo „__ , _ — o*n Cwy «f natiawwa*. H a n * Co •ewatstwatrtf sprH. is**, at 10 1 r*«»a*«ar. .- - ,—S pesevfcwe rins< ta *m »M4. vht- all tana*ewtata vlllawe V««B at'-nto IvtswawO batsf amtt*» latierty t*m at >>-Ms»t«T« «T«aae. («r tnmrmrm Bewvtalite *11;««e wa4 tnwa wf PVaUsaarrk. CU<tt«a <*»nnty. i*-w York rtr bam awn—at Tarse .n-»»»•» T>-•*!*• it*- f*. tasafrt^-eTswwM IT, Ni>»««e» m wa4 wast oaaaeif of lot "««»t>-r i s M < r « » «< AJw* HwaOnea) « w t nf i«i« t w n (?•. ) • » r'«wr <«»- BirM i s v m lav T»wni «>« (•«> Twwfern oa-Tairrr <»>- rwJrtr tw» *r> rwrtrf««r .a»u Tatrtv-slcW i«H-T*»rtv •»•• (SSVwat Tani tww m na tba aiatksrty «Ma -t woaty | . « l sr « M Alan InM »V«r •*« 'W^ r<«ty WM <«TK PartrefsW («s>-Party abmaxasw » W f am n a ts*SD«ta«rtraMenrtinatr ">«4 •* a»tw* Pw a wwswftatl v>4 pmrff* sw^wtwieai or aaM loss saw asea wr tasm reFsesaes Is asreoa saase tAO •apnr Platnf aaM MM* wli«< ~ Baraar4 « ms- l»C W I ia Owwaa Ouaat| Ooskw WTDK T I R g S Bitter complaint is coming in from parts of the state that thoughtless ing that tbe improved road will to carry from two to six tons oa will place ibis weight opoo a wagon and then proe—d tov g o state, county and town rondo and matlmto 1 Three persons were killed and all hut one dwelling demolished at the town of Union Ark. in the mm:hern nart of Fulton County, Feb 7. by a tornado 300 yards wide. Luther Qnlhert arid his wife, both colored, were burned at the slake at D>d8ville, Misa., tired wBKtmn. Tbe aanoo of ooworxwl» ia the roads on tbe part of the resideam of tbe countv and town who paid for tbe roads is incensed at tho detraction of county and character. Your committee. th< •-m Btktca on rtgjojv saaitary qaanera an owned or dwtrojed, too oMdieal saarkowaafcfrUiasd nations are being; introdweed, and we are j'tanned ia high expectaUoos of future im- provetnenL nVtwoen tort* and Mty oat OSaBaTmL wBaf aawaT BBBBBV OBBBBBBBBBBV BBWT BBBBBW* Wf^-J-^^-Wg&j*- IKOBWI n of boboa aaoor oaoyoaroM. This resolts from profoond igooraoce ot Ooo o f b i o Ufai pool and brought his brotfcar law from tbeir eoma to be bis ommend tba introduction ot tko wide tin Sundy Pikes -Lady, can't yon help a poor bill, which was in'roduced a year a e o . a n d I obstetrical expedten s. The poor people do guir-rer fmm de Japane«e-Ru-sian war? which passed tbe Senate, bat which failed of | not know now to manage, and the way tn- The Lalv Sufferer? Wby, the war passage in the Assembly, and farther recom- i fanta die and mothers suffer U very pa- hasn'i started yet. mend a resolution directing a change in tbe , thetic. But I look confidently tor constant Sandv Pikea— Dit's just de trouble; it Penal Code defining nuisances aa applied to , and rapid betterment. Feb 7. hy a mob of over 1000 persons for takes no long. If it Marted I could go to public highways s o a s t o include the destrue- ihe murder of James Eastman, a prominent Russian families an' Oder me services to tbe tion of a highway by a narrow tire when white planter and John Carr, a negro. • Cz*r. Den I could so de Japanese an' say they are used to can* aa excessive load that Wm. Monahan, aged 38 who had been ' I was on my way toflghtfor Japan, imprisoned in Matteawan Hospital 19 years for assault in the second degree in Washing- ton County, NY., committed suicide by banging with bis suspenders, Feb. 8. X.S» aex* moralr-a;. Tbe comaaay will pox oo toe market soma of tko ones ia tk* Adtroariecka, near Chess Lake, Lone IV k». Ckaieaoiroy Lake, sVagged Lako, riamadore Poad. Ac. Tbe Cbaieaogay On mma horn Co, with over 180000 agree of ioclodina: OHM* loo troot sties, ht w>«B«»«siCo "^ btlBw ostty lotko RwtoawBwW M RELIGIOUS. An Industrial Mission Association has been formed In New York City to develop tare be requested to enact laws requiring self-supporting mtoioos all over tbe world. Tbe Knights or Colombia will endow a chair of Americrn History at the Catholic Ui.iversiiy or Washington, D. C , at an ex- pense of f 50,000. The fourteenth year or tbe Chicago Tract Society, just Closed bas been the most im- port ant in its history. Twenty missionaries, A Confession. Ire been down tojthe cltv. and I've seen the 'lao- trle, lights. Tbe twenty story buildln'a an' the other stunnin' sieht*.; ir jam the rood, in ordor to pnniah a lees offender. Your committee realize that much of tb« barm dooabs tba roads by tko or aarrow Bros is doe to ussxpsrionos oaths part pt road asera aod not to natural eussad- neso, and tba rooomuMc^atlooo oo the pott of your eomanttae antortha oamon ot I've seen the trolley can a ruehln' madly down Calling attention of all road I ,^A*W^**-»^ -|kkjs^Mp\ -%i I^SW* sod other foreign ginseng roots to be sold and shipped as such, and prohibiting tha sale thereof under mere ••ginseng." Resolved. That the State Grange favors j paying rural mail carriers at least $800 per aanom, with 15 days leave of absence with- out km ot time. ! Beaolved, That the 8'ste Grange favors o ployed, and among; tbe Selavic people the jerol appropriation by the legisiatare for o work or tbe society bos extended to Ive swot afjrwolton buildUs; ot Cornell Uurnr- sutes, reaching from Detroit oo the oast to the street. An' all the place a lo. kin' like a fairyland eom- I Pi te. But I'd rather see tbe big trees that's a arowtn' up to h»me. An' watch the stars atwlnklln' In tbe Una an' lo r ty dome; An' I'd ra her hear the wind that goes a-suwhV pact the do r Than the trafllo of tbe city, with its bustle an' its roar. to tha I aUy. that Soetioa 154, 4Ja8,oribwlawaof 1890. bo ameod- •f »f iBwawftlmWOmat Halt IhuWiB I reckon I'm peculiar, an' my tastes is Had o' speaking thirteen languages have been em- * But whaf's tbe ass denyln' tbbsrs that -—*¥ttT ahing; to ' " Issof the I went op to a ooncert. aa' I sawraBVsmaais •!»• there; rT! It sounded like ansjsHo harpsaaoatta'throi Cedar Rapiis, Iowa,onf>e Ooo of the Israest dsoeoxoa oa earth ia pronably tbe Cataone mwaiuatothe Arctica, of which Monsoiaaear faseal af the Kobop. swOsat nnaetioa aogiaea and tbresb- ft is bounded on tbe south b y t b v allel oftotltodoaa 8o»ha0Bkai oa the west bytoetltodoloV that tba changed osedtttoos of our need chsnged enaxHttoas) sxowsunr snx. So grost w tbo deo>ss4 for rood iafesroos- ment in tbw statu andtotbe nation that wo area the urge the hearty approval oa your partortheMttiotnuwaad bv rmniammsa Brownlow appnxo^otias; •Sa.OOa.flot far state aid. t«.0Xw 0a» bewst aswMahla each yeortoeaehortaoaaamtor tae Daka da- ecepttba to the ob UinooiitliBB; tsaTBtntoof Bww leak that the stab* of Yotsphe of all tm sJor*a»'taeBji claim. U 1 stopped to thtakauUanta.Ii j^^msssaw; Aa'Ieonldntbelpc VhatPdi BfawTorkraiwomt 4^m*^mW^mmmm0^ &^%t$*'i'%$^m aoH IttBSBi r*gss.«r.^,«usi, ^s£mm ^•i^L^smmi •m o*.»oa«fcw»* and song it to his owo accompaalmeot oa the piano. Years after when she was triad for murder it was tbe composer who waa most active io tbe prosecution, and the most, damaging witness against her. all the efforta No, the Americana in tbe Philippines are not suffering what can properly oa called hard times. But they an active and am- of Lord Roaartl ot Kiltowen being; enable to bilious and they want to get rich quck and stake km toetiawoy. come borne. 1 suppose tbey anke lass ; money thee they did when the army then > The Eav. Dr. uTttkwn Bmanoo, eon ot five timn as large as U ie aow. Soon p-^pa, w^n, ^ few York TH of the won em tba i wfll alwaye b Tbenisofiwi to oaaka moo or deopoilinsr the ootivoa ta is soraly needed than as tot »! eapitaltodBveh onlitoolaco by right sort of fo-a end bah. lot the of the stbvi *:§tttta<raHr > ' 0 SB&i "Bo an tlbvaaroayotfjsxwlmx«fc wa aawerawasa.a refima to and by ashf mwwt mi 4tm* f.ic t a a t | j n u — Oulf sge Batatas, wm tall at pabtle aaetlna to tae hajL sst Maaar. at tt« frmu diwrnftba «sBrt HOM. la *ha City ot nsttsbwnjb. ruetna Cowotv. Saw Tort- oa the 1st 4my of •prtl. *.aM at M »vi,ir#; latasforeannaivf that day. tba tarn rani «*t*te aaa twtwawa tin ailsuslaarsla liiirtlilodill rest** to besots, v*. Afl ts— rartala Villa— l.<t «Ht»ato oaths •••», «**•«( bafararsastrswi. ta tba Vu:at» taww the C8») of rtattottanh. and awhM aa7 * owa<wnatortotmaw* by D a '«*M asbwaaawMr Oaa n. itaartyets irs«> east, SMSO niflam a. B<uuv «ta nam. Oaa it) ettiaui at toe »W5-«, «at» ^ ^ i i* *• «- ,;«^t**^i*^-->*«-' *<M : '^ affiri ^ i --^^^N^i^*©- *4&pmawmu&™*m mm ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 -40»'V>-s»** sssfer mm* iz^mmM^^mm ^ f e & a - j ^ gS5j^H(!S5S^ *•••**?•• \ -^^'^i^.^gA ip>i-i ,^WEi«^,-.f^!^^as^^,v.., _., <; ^, ',*^i^ ..;: , ,. " i _ _i» 4 . . ' ..3 . ^ 'tsm^mmmmfsg^ima-.-, »W»6'#»a?!»#i»,-|aji« \pmjm^m<m>i^^-^ i/ -m.i---*^>^s--» •sfti?Vr* •:• •*' , <%„ -r^^^g^^Sif W^m^' sis»^!«#**«>- m&'*-**r*>& P?i^ isffl ii»V-''*'»-*'-TM»« mgu^m-Mk^L Jr-to*^!*^*^ l^w*^^-^asoF*weaxoae> T#pPSb : **P 'ewa»ie-*»*s^O>. ias*sS/~'^r^supsio-^ - ? -^",.4 $**•* r >i*i j mssr- M* :"Bgm r»'«»#»fa*(^'i««~*i* ; -^ • •«>#*»«*-.'ie>!**' > *s* l&MSdtx^SXmmm i^*JBC*- ."^-^m—»4^*3 j '•mm laxmhu. toaga *«w>s»*#e>"-. "; ^ & -it J 3 „.,__ j«n»: F «3P^PBjaj|BJBjSmBXwaBXw^BwaE ^aunBawoBSBSS'^^WslBWSBwar •3»i^SiMl¥£2mM Mmmm I jv^%^£s^^k*k^& ^p)ffl|p t J|p|f^pV 4: o*o^ B ^*' ^ ' BBWS^'asBmUjr^wawwj^^^^^W' ^— ^^ ^•Jpaiaaw9p"0siaBaBBBBBBay ^BBSBP WS^SW^SSWSJ IHBsTanRBsTafJaaF •Om™ ^PWBWAWJBT 'BBBSBBBW sxapsor mwmmmwwawiaa *m m BOM now of Ho rkwX fawkloh lap aire. I t s s «• sw«rtoh, twatataW C. f. U axfloetothosBwmooAswaao rw8w»,ea waaVsMas«ar«»r*ai. TwaCvuw>rstotriosa>y,ot ffwnl i ossw ty w* , and Mr. faos- tfco pr»pfVtor. The oM »^._*. ftwnrtA* si i to •aantagtee vto the ^K^p^na eft- - gmt^^S*!*-^-*** 1 ^^»*i law •mo I tVA t. whh th Bor#-Dr. f •.ffjaMfc,* K. I B Cheftla, Critorga iwlsna. , V. r. Wether, A. T. Deal -L A ItsaVtawrm r.Wa L A. Oaa way. BVk*r. Meffattie, B<fsfWrd. Too I6iu>wina nolo w e n aod ^«<Ym«tor«'#i' %"»«».' ^hMsjffiser" -II- —si .I»»>I.AI-- fc{5_ ; # •** *^% at^^V«S^i#**%'" f:js*&*Sii" TrnW?-. U -^«li»J«telk»«BS WS^S& - ^B^SL^st^ ;ial fob. 7,tothe M.I8a.a>., stonof jjj" then tool tobeofgae ASfsati strosjrwtod Tko I jBR^IiE^r-itw-'JH woslWwwedby J^^XwmaaT t»w**r4».c«.. laMb- A Brlggn, *im»or Gebo, E J R-biison - The tiond of J 30 M 10 IS si at L, Nash, ci'y chamberlain. fat; ttSOO; tJhJawAmH. tll.00; ButUad. fUOO; a*ila»d, $11 00; Tro>, $10; alii tr.m n.lera»e«iij»te 8laiu>ti* at pro- por.ioi M..v i"W rates. Tickets good ni.tli teb i'i .-op <vers aliowed for Pniiadel-I in tt phm or New York on return trip. Apply to ]J^ r ^ your D A H stall on agent for full luforme- tiOli. wa EI»W*IID HVT.-H w*s iu Burlington U»; T i — t«v i ; li- in. ere*-, of the pr. j-ci to r.iv ibe |>M..U'I.>O ot .tie wa'er* ot L.»ke Cti»n>i"W'i, »'•<! " »* •»»•' !b »t Gov. Mt-Oui- iouih, ot Vena.*., w.ls be a.he.1 to t.keae- I ^ ^ , w j rfrf-rt ^ ^ tfc#Bwt » ^, 4 tioo io the mailer Iitomo« earnest!j hoped j tf „„, BBrt m9lX tmJ eoUoetioa. Adopted. ttl-st lb- I'-qiMrj i»to this imp-wtaat matter | wi!l » i e . d to rtnawr camps aod boteis ha Bna saaaaoaml Fhiladeipbto, Hew York and other places. aootbsr. Beny bnildinss A SOB ha sjsvpeajori oven beat by and baa bean bousdK by berg, ot Qavetoud.tortTO.SOO. It boa world's supply of ew»t of i sswntoo. in WTl leas BHnwd t h e n , ood now •en blown ^ with d^mnito toetop*. g^J m ° n ^ m %£^ Vm ' M * Ira. Martial law was dMlared in the city mmm 9 ^ m »»., m ^ - _ _ .... . •. . L .*_ •rs. SJODD swMamwa or twawtam 7«nwwa, •aauWa) ot noon. All day aod all night the f.re b|n|| ]MtW9l ^ to a iwrivato IbrmawehiM raged, and it was not until nigbt, Feb. 8, with two beads. Tbe child dteddjorjog its thirty-Bve hoofs, that it was under control, birth, sad Mw body h o a b o s a aaroOxtto pvo- aod then the river appears to bave stopped **"*** * r ^rr t lf" "j""•^ l _o*0»k- it More that 1*0 aern in the heart of tbe ^J^bOb* ow»0» afttoIT. & I city was borned over and over 1000 great build- mtm g &, ing* went. Tba C. S. regulars from Fort bits an presetted ami approved The bond is he petal snm of $50,000 Mr Hash's leesteti F Tu»le, j F BTBrien. B. G. wo->re E F Botsiord, and L L. Sbeddea. Mr R rk»e|l; B>*»ve<i. That on and after Wednesday, Fe». 10. 190* the ti'v chamberlain shall corn'nc t'is. fB e at the First National Bark, _ w _ in a place M'-Metor|«M» veaftein^ e«t tien sat e v e r • S e f l a t 'ion. tr at i-u«-h fflee he kept ot'en from 9 t o I nwoeorj wou w » " « " " • • • « " •"•"•"" "*°*" liamt Taw awsl to aa> 3 'clock e»ch day. legal holidays excepted, | called oat. Then was much disorder and mmm *- mm " •"^^ m "" W&W-^i: j * .«_•*.», AM OLIVKE AM 1DI80N ,4S^^:-i58ujBs» asj •^oa, I l r§&&* also en Toe«day and tSaterdav eveoiags wbtth »te r»©.«i|i g so Dumeroos on these lleaoaM rhwres. Mr H %'cn o w i . s ihe F>ur B i.ih'-fs I«iai a», and a summer borne on VtUt»«t»«) f o l c t . Tax eu-ry comes dowa worn bUlone of I S Wai e W>ae<M>tle beus DMiougtog io G-<o. J. Wtuwia •bieil told 26 d««itt Of eg**. In Jaooary G«xl mac! Q.iod bees! It waruM u»e cockias wf tbw atumacb t o m m k of tt, a*d nim-wt makes one iaclioad to stag, wtttt xt»t variatioiM. tb« met ting Haas of the "Lriliie Browb Jufi:" If I b«d a ervm tks* «««• «och »(!«. I'd enter her ail over with mat and rtU; rd t—A nar wWk tmtm and fead bar with hwf. LW I'd nitik that euw alas ilsMS sday. A ruicx ol piue grosbeak* era belat fed thia ander t* t»«ckabe»i from the bounty ot for e»t»emej lowassaao. Mr E » Witistow. Tfeeae bnrus tjelobg am«Dg lte» pine and %rm toreau far to the north, and are > s-en here except daring exceptionally Wfta- r. wben tbey ordibaiil) feed on •ft i w fl. u**t Uwm l*«t yeai's crop nf rosaacb, KH't' »'° *ah awl Jauiper oeeda, i SK l«t<« >•< «^»-« of egtraoii)laar]i lack (of taasa. abjcb towy •«» rawMMOtmr grototaliy. B> Mr. B-t-f-Td: R-eol»e,t. that the Board of Fubiie Works >w r> quested to provide for tae employ meat «f two men. whose pervieea when BOf es>- tsnted on the public works may beetllitexl '•y thefiedepartmeBt. That the •noBav wwttee bv reqieated to prsseat tbtoabetter te the Bmrd of PobHe Workt. Jdapstol On motkm of Mr. Bock welltooaaaass- awwt rolltor1904 was urdered taraoi ovar m the Ch»mber»aln, who was alnaasito swonsb the usual notice. » S*. O. B A Lodge mTtoeBwaewataat Orter ef Bks wtU aeon be taaikoisd la MwrnaartoB. Vi. aodertba dtrasttoo of law ftoleat Lodge, by tustriet BUaoH una- *- €tamW, of Rotlaad. T l A Itaws awaHMV Of asewibars of ftottsowraa linitojs wtH aextsaV maoy arrests wen Baltimore w der. maay of the of the OH , aad the pottos of onebaastafl to pnasrveor-1 Fl »»| K : it la \\Yi JffT attoi LOfiOJ iton> 8»"M«fntai» J 1^*jB«#'~ ^efWB^IIWgSi I an MEt:: ata>s •CHLTr. atl oouwrn. u»i A: S.aU *an. H tarn. JOaTS U X. T.. to aXABCBB r.». B. «.T-Jaa. M. ttto. VtBttX AtCadrvM aorixr'ab.a I t s km ', fa^^?m8>&ww<^'**^ *--*^w^*m$-* •tl aat "J 1 .*m&i&w$mW .af at utoiwalt'ofi nn*w»lvttoii t^s^^SsS f-vvmmiisrSMM^j^mmh^- ^K*-*4*> «ss Hew York Lodge No. I . I F O t WtQ •etertaln oa Monday evenwc, Feb. U , (tba St:k aonivereary of tbe order), Joseph T. Fanning, of Indtaaapmla. lod., Graod MM- aited tutor. The banquet win na served at ihe Waldorf Astoria. Tbe eommluee hi tov aoui'Ong ny: "In tbe ball in tbe wort i, an egcebeat ar*. soaveotrs. maaic *ad •tieerbe* '>>toegreatest erasers l a e a r der, the e w e t t a a Wttl InBtT wiik i»l esars aatoosartaOeer It so s I •sWbrattoa ef the bsnh of "atl Be. I." , i , i h e < . *«jk- -^*''. At Btl jcr.i , » « ; 'TTT"*'"..^ .. ,rtrrf" Kffe fA'-Hi i^^M ••s%dfe •' ^•4- „.••- .y...Mdjf\ii'»i. „-4vl. *• •^^•mer^^' •«^8ShtsaH&i WK&> Are joo mt«r 'WtaMlf THHrW Lf tlMES. TBHY > f Hate ><M a laaa on $>MU :.o<jse. ram, toctary or mill, that you <!**ir* to pay est or uT you desire to piece a manga*;*, write aod tot axe offer you my easy term oa motuhiy oayawnt loan. Ail good apptleauone eoav sutsraw oetokly; ssaaii cnargae, i pur cent aad « par emt int*ra»t. nmit\ Ckf at iMftoa wm aw atia. i tool T*ia. r Misisix. t'urtT.wt. •«> Bad wail ibj aesayawx ot ttoa «*-**-«.-«- .^,..-ft > _ '* •. .WA^ J ..N.*2*s>3g&i &r Jk.. - j . 1MB 1 ™-*

THE PLATTSBURGH - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1904-02-13/ed-1/seq-1.pdfiip :nm^wm mmm w^^r^s^'--*: m00 w jki&gsf. the plattsburgh exexej omhtl m&0&">:

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Page 1: THE PLATTSBURGH - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1904-02-13/ed-1/seq-1.pdfiip :nm^wm mmm w^^r^s^'--*: m00 w jki&gsf. the plattsburgh exexej omhtl m&0&">:

iIP :nm^wm mmm W^^r^s^'--*:



exexej OMHtl


M&0&">: U T I U T T — ~ TBn)



THE REPUBLICAN. t»w«e*ff wfHutnra. m »r**t is ia*

raws*: f l .SOa year, in advance, to sb •wtmertKaja; or f l . M a year it not pud a ad taeee.

j«7*»>#feat »» t<i>wt•Um svi«."#» a' f%- A** * U « w ' » / * « f f « * » » * p * • • • • . f />» rv~.«f,/» % I



G o o n o U u h i n c

.»T V a u t s r r u a ' s Pay tomorrow. • • | i « 8 a t » « T make* a bridge and H*rib

br*»i>s ii "

I.K^T »-ICSBI« ne»; Wednesday and ends i<n

t* J i •.! A, .nl . I H I ft-* >J ••rters for valetu.new this year

i*a> foi <•'-. *• u-u»l. rVaTTsscaiiH a ice imt vest is secure It is

a >> ' ! • • • !• • i ti i<k.

- o n i-titiiN* lu.tn of i-in has no* jitartei •a • S t »: • H <• e l l ««« ».... r

ttxtsafts a.»n ci»j>inia that the weather v** <«•*•» «W eobl lor luce* trade and coo*.

TrtK warm etri»«k that pr*j"<1ed Itself

ntrrum the S'at» of New York U s t Snndsy .

bfinsine*r*in and the w o w l freshet In flftv

tear* at G e n e r a , Ontario County, and caus­

ing water to rnn in the streets at Tapper

L i k e and other points in that ree lon. whi le

others wore very cold mil these curious

Ihii'tr* are rs,tl«|nir • vast amount "f think­

ing a m o n g w n e people, and furnish on»»

more ill.is'ration ^f tli" •>! I s»\ inir: "There

are more things in heaven and earth,

fl >M'i'\ than ar.< dreamt of io your ph.!-


TiiFnr i smnrh 'r• »n*> n r FlatTsbunrh with

water fr->'7 r v». in s o m e r « « « service pipes

hulls.' f'. 1 '" .n the **reeN, especially Where

they pmi4 ir der i',n ! M iey track Frnst

(rnaw ,].wp<>r as • rule under well-trodden

rrw !s for Ihe reason that

GRANGE. K * t r » » o t s i f r o m f i r a n s e N e w *

t r r for February . > t -

fttate t i range . Th«> .tl«t am n*l session ..f 'he N»w York

SiatP lir»ni.'H nn .vene i l at the , , (» -» h oi-e In O r i l a n d . T . I - » I * \ . F - b 2 H••_•• K It N irri-, S'ate Master. pre«i.','»i/ N-nrU the fu!i ileletrBiini', MiniiM»rit.|.» l!-.-< }>-ar IT'). were in atter..lanre. a>«l I'i ,r-"'< »i-H.i>»r hr 'ilk.'!.' I he ii'itrr er n,. t ' f il.» i "'

T i e «m il'il »'')re«H "T t e.-!.!,•• M-i-'erwas p vep .m TII-*II»V The re..or; ..f !:.•• .-• c-

r e t a n en U l>." ! . lOOS a' I a' '' i' i ne tb«re were .".»i7 ,|["';Te Lrai.^»a in I ' " »•'«'". 42 hmini : tieen nr.'ni 7 •! Hie \m*' yiT T ' " ln'al memhernl ;i' if •'•* 172 u r a n i-r * l.T' the pant ve-ir. Thi" i» Ihe IU'KIH1 rnenner-i"h'i», RB «very irrantre that haw r.nt rep,.-;e.t

he earth then* is w,ihm the year, hiis heeti plai'ml on t •<-«• duriTiat'l "r iini'Hli ii'eit

I In the e-ratid Ii''a! of

Three person" per)»hed in a life whtrh inri .e . l n lenemet.t hou<e at West II.)l>nken, N. J . K.li n

K.iir men were rrii*he<l to ilealh at i l i n ? n J u i r i ' i n •> in, Fe'i ?, rty the caving of an ti-e pi e ."II f"et tilyh.

Vn'r rk II L'fina, ace"! .-0. who lived alone on a t«rm near Clinton, N T , perished in a Are Hint Mirnei! his hoil«e Feb i

Three per«ons p<>ri«lie,] in a Are at Mori-•'.-.I TanaiH. K-h .'•. whirh liurnetl a

n.-H'r.L' hnii»eiti (li'lp'tiv Street. y. n'leer. perso'.s Were Kli|ei| in A dlllis'l'in

' ^ 1

remtere.l mure roirpm-t from travel, and niai t list, and no at o'her ressor . that ihe trol'ey company m e m h e r . are reckom-d In t'.e yratut l.-tal o i

^ . .K . J - k . :>SM2 There are T.t Pomona or County

pte I M


ke»iw the s t o w removed from the tracks,

and <rm« a ver> importsM protection asrainst

frr»st is lackinir. Men w h o have heen for

man* years connected with Plaitshorftb

a V t T s w d U t O g w a f

f J i » a t I M * » s a s M a l M l M

•<|i»» a t 1» a * .

l a W s V a W -a* » a * a n a v i a t a , M " f c a ^ f K. s i . a fe* BftrihaamM ^WVfi^SSW W»^"F'. • ! • « . -WIPW^S^^S|

- 4tf wwiaW'tf i**** m a aisatM tmmm " I

tratiires. s n hsvinir l>een nreanlz -d the |i»*» j e a r The jfratiL'e is n«w reprenen e. | tit 4" m n n l i ' S of the state The tots1 c-vh receipts of the secret ar i ' s ifflce are f 18.269 77

.. ._ . The rupwrt of the ireasorer, P. A WelltnK, m w e r works say that they nevar « » * • s o ! ^ ^ t D # , , o t m l i^ceipts from the secretary, • o l d a winter before, t h e frost In aowW places including a balance on hand Jan 1, 1903. o t a a v l n f r o o « d«M»» s»I IWt or wior*. f l 3 . 1 5 9 . t o ba t l T . W S accrued interest,

a . _ . K . ~jut > ^ _ s ^ . h » . it i s m s I M ' • » • • « ; total f i t S52 36. Total disburse-l r a n y nw onM e n a j - w t . hat it la comfort ( . ^ | m m^> $ i & M n , 2 p f c o w i n e .

al l t b * s a m e , and W cornea from Canada, . o m j B O C i » o l l n w n a j « , J*t, I 9 0 4 , o l $ l 6 *12 24. sjaat i m a i r s It m s o eoM that t b e a i a o awstwiwae ! T a e Brat avwoinx sess ion w a s ouan to the

l a a w <maaw awt. Taw mwntlacnmi Oiewaar potilie, address of welcome, be fog del ivered

ttn. it wm tl lw*>«. and 18 to 3« ^^ Ban Q ^ , , , , H U d d f Wtv,„ o f u*s-

CCRRBUT run. Their marriaee was a hasty aflair. I under­

stand. 1 Tea. indeod. They told tbe minister to

I)urn. AS they had engaged a cabraac by the hour.

Mammv, said Pici-ardnny J im, what d o e s RIIIM!* want to c o m e ' h a c k to di* yearih rnh*

tVit's a foolish question. Dey kin jro wliahehliher dey w.tms wifoilt pay in', no hmi*e rent nor cah fare, an' noooty can't nhet 'em o m . SoiTie'imes I reckons dat irhu-'e* is the onlv fulks dat re'ly enjoys I. re.

P i n ' t throw away the ladder riy which

yon rl i inned; use it for kindling wood.

Jiidire R o w n d e a - Y o u r face is familiar. I've Keen Mill before.

Prisoner —Tes, your Ilonor, quite often. Jii'ltre R iwndej -_ Ah ! Wnat was the

rrele.t with her lovpr over another chivriie the |>t*t t ime I saw y o u ? by ilriiikinu Pnsitrier—1 think it was 15 c»nts, your

notior. I mixed a cocktail fur you. Visitor— Rock-a -h \e tiahy in the tree top. Boston B*tiy— E t c u s * roe, mailam, bu* I

consider aruoreal oacillalion extremely dan­gerous .

T t w o p u - « e t . - e r trait s o n t h e C a n a -

,• P..- !i.- i.."v-.>»i"lP":til, () ,t , Fell n 1 " \ workmen Were k: le.t. Feb «, bv (l.e

n : .• it, of tin '-mbarikmerit caused hy an • ii It." W.ir-iiw-Vienr,a railroad

>iiu.iie! II'iiniiune[W4\ was fourd froz->n to i!i ich F-i' . 'i in a ri'!!ur lit Patersnn, N J He had tie.'ti ncti, but ha<l become aiMicted to . I rn k

K hi! R«imot .d . aired 17. nf Brll ireport. f - r. . it tiirl. Feu 7. and killed herflelt carbolic acid.

Four men were killed and three wounded at O s l Cre»-k. Tetin , near Knoxville, Feh . Feb. 7. in a fi-iht between Union miners and coal K>i'"'|l*.

Col. E. F Flareky, a civil war veteran, killed his wife in Philadelphia and then killed himseir. Fob. 8. S h e bad refused to l ive with him.

s tate and tbeir assessed valuation convinced your commit t e e that there are SCO towaa that are asseeed, loc ludlne taetr Incorpor­ated ri i lags*. for I S M than I I 000,0*9. and 373 t o w n s assessed . Inelodlna: their lne«w«-poraied vtl laees, for m o r s than f I.OM.SCt.

Your commit tee be l ieve 4bat all ot tbe towns should receive proportionately tbe s a m e amount of s tate aid. "

• • •

rorsTT KXOtstE* f a d e r Chapter 396 o t the laws of 1902 sack

county is entit led to appoint a coontv e o -jrmeer. By correspondence with vartooa count ies law, j o u r

iaUmUnitad of t a e uroMeai will d o e t r l a a w W e a w «

Mrtvwa to raaliss wm •clmhry's; it i f voivee a aurb ssorai prtaciute « M e a ta t s a»> tton to boand to enlsrea la spita af afl obstaaNax S v a t y hsw aaal wvarw sBaaasjaa m a s t b e cnastrved i o tba l iabt of M. I t It will belp U M Fil ipinos, i t a a d e x e c n t a d : ft*it l e a d s t a t a e lajary af taw F i l i p i n ^ l t a n n t N i d | s e a R M a B w w s l l N M I < wbomeoevar etse it proQta. T o a have cal led this a hamane policy I t w mack m o r a t b a a that. It is a commercial ly wise policy. We

II never s e t much profit oa t of those rich

t* am tataal

tfflsrt Itj t*g*y. M!tatirf LM"a»a awrtes- hair aa boar's rla» aa a

tor bar reyaWsa moaatad ap to ftm).l

a>»«e Kir.i tn t h e m

Ptsitshorif h Thentro f . « t month it wt« 36 d««irree« below. Tha "l.\rr<iBri».:i RFrCBt.'.-iv . f Feb. 9. ISfil. s ,: t iii.ii on i ..• 7 n o' that mouth It w*» 3'J

to M bek>w » r o here, aaa* "imt law* of psiiari Wrd*. noaaw ptaaaa — a n w i i r s a n •>einsr lamented."ard • in rooms where fros*.

b-low there, and on four different days of ttchosetra Slate Gmnee, and Prof. L. H. Bailey, Cornell Ut.iver-ity. Readinirs were (riven t-y Miss Z >e Welch and Mi*s Rogers BI.'I tniHic w m tnrr.i-.'ieit bj n m i l " rpinrtette from CorOaud.

l o a i o a : a n t b e m o s t I m p o r t a n t :

Resolved, That the New YorkStaleGrantfe bad not entered Io 1ft y e a n tmwUen of respeetfwlly reqaeata UM leeislatare of this •Map m e n Ima*- solid. Thwn m ooo e»f> •»»»• to enact a law to forhid the sale of coo-

~ . , - . _ M ,_ , k _ «__ ttum d e r a - d sk im milk In N e w York and other ootat ioa, B o w r s e r , tna o ld folks say t o o 5 , , , ^ w i l b , n l 0 „ . t a i e , a s a n d for cre.ro and fteart « l t b e winter la broke. eVeilar eommmli t ies in imitation and s e m -

T n D i a C i . whprtht»josteow)p»o:«l Matneonfrrnm and to forhid the sale of tsWatatHtard-anssainpT o f Ha Cbateaapay Haw n e b c o m m o d i t i e s a s and for cream. Bstsa Vtariwnwrwa t a ' - * - PlaeM ebrbr*- I Beao lved . That the State G r a n g e b e i e v e s piraaaM'ee, will m a a r s t - o a s a rraina irom | h - p , , ^ thoo id e i t e n d to s t a t e matters, T r a j aaw HVw York t o L a k e Placid B a i t m99 that tbe granite foil? endorses stiftVaee a w l a w , lawstwg Troy O B t b e arnval o f mora- lor and p l e d g e s i t s influence to secure for

af,.— T , , - - _ -„• . .—it i lns ' ^ f c * tbem this riarbt protect ive of all r ights—a I , . . J m w , I M s T - r k * ^ s t o « - « « o n n . a » e o t under wh.cb t h e ,

m 11«. B V , a * 4 K B O M B S I U k o Pbstkt a o a o t j g ^ B a i , , ^ That tha G-warnor and legi»la-

I Mr. Carnegie Is someth ing of a a author, is he not ? asked the visitor from London .

; Yes , he nas published a number of vo lumes , G. R i-hear, aged 39, of Binghamtoo , «a i , i the poet. What is bis most successful

N Y .k i l l ed himself by snoot ing throoah the b o o k ? asked tbe Engl ishman. B i s pocket -head, Feb. 3 He bad been living a hermit book, Mid tbe poet It la in great demand. life and went insane. |

S ix persons perished in a I r a that burned | It would p r o b a n d b e bard to convince a a row of twe lve houses at Park Place, Pa , bantam cock that his crowing d o e s not h a v e the road by c a t t i o g r a w ; which co o l d b o 17 miles from Pot isvi l le , F e b 5 T b e Ore a great deal to do with making the sun rise, avoided it tbe load canght from an overheated s tove . I

The lower part of Geneva , N Y , was ' Uncle , said the hiuh-schoo, y o u n g man, is It ....!..,! I,,-' <.H,da» for Hie ft ret time in .'.(> Poliucs stmrular or plural 1 \f\T4. Tte re was a ll.uud«r»toriu mtU >otniv. wiw lli« reply, in de paid Of Ihe mucb rain, followed by an i ce gorge . ] country wh«h 1 c o m e r m day's staafiar,

ndtrhty t-ir.^'lar.

r * r ^ m ^ r i a l J i ° ^ J ^ ^ r S T S <'*P«»<l«*ri» •»Hms w e m a k e awnHvwa tbe I *A Warrior Bold" was leas proStabla. t l S . o w s r Commit tee are of opinion that the f r l M M t o ^ y ^ , ^ ^ ^ . _ . . . *! . . ^ . . „ present county e n g i n e e r law is practically , - . , 4 , ^ - . , _ . , ^ 7 V

AJ^L \ZuZ~Z£1 * ^ m t f " * m t m w n •» « • • • " a m . l a worthless, in that the county eng ineer U t S T i ^ t m J T ^ mmTTm^mVZiIZ. M "9*^>t^ A d a - w ' w r a t o t w o o r t f c n a b « . eimnly an e x p e n s e to the county withoot any o o r ad . inJrtrMio , , , „ t h o > e j ^ ^ j , ^ ^, dred songs , ba t "Tba Holy Ctty" is t b e owe authority to carry out s a y improvement to f . „ n r ^ ^ , „ o t 0Xpmtx ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ k n o w > b - > | > ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

2 £ J X . n S " " ? ^ i ^ l - ? l * h i , • " J • • " « « " » * r - < l l«nce»t . Similar ia ebarac-s c h e m e s for loot will b e abandoned and j a t - » _ . _ . ^ v » — ^ . _ . - . . » . ^ t i c e will be s o Ormly eataWkmed and d m - i * * l o " T n * Lowt C h o ^ . " it r e ^ l y M .ptaated pensed that tbe peop le will nnawBMaeiy r s - 1 U » t beauttfnl s o n g of Sir Arthur Soll ivan's . ques t our continued protection and prefer ' and from its first appaaraoca, sans; b y Ed-

••You ask about sanitary condttions: I t^kmtm « _ . u _ \ I 7 a _ ^,. , ... , . ^ . K ,K« . • • • lrv»n«tas t i f»c* ia l to tbebeBl tbfBioesa *-** * f ^ l l « ^ p t b l l e a j a w -

valuable to his county by g i v i n g him author- o f t h » , , ( „ „ „ , , „ , . . Witk m ooamreBeas lvo « > » , « " that br ines a p t h e point of tba ity in the care and maintenance of tbe roado - - - , „ « h w d l ^ l a n a m t h T ) Z w 4 M I ^ ^ A - I . U 4 . J\tJj . k . J U « _ ood requiring the highway c o m m i l o o e r t o £ £ E S J Z ^ - Z m t t r n t Z S Z * ^ * ~ follow bi t mstroctiona. k s K d r y to t h e s e s . A a A ^ ^

respects tbe laws o f k y g l s a s d o e s a c t par-sist ia bard mfcer t o a sxaay boars hi a daw, tew hot l iq io f* akmo.

aot tssvaa m a * U m

the roads or to direct their improvement , and has no authority whatever to act e x c e p t in obta in ing reports for Sling with t o e Boards

of Snnsnrigori. Your commit tee would, therefore, recom­

mend the passage of a resolution on r o a r part, directing the a m e n d m e n t of the law s o as to g i v e the county eng ineer power to bo

„ _ _ , _ — o*n Cwy «f nat iawwa*. H a n * Co • e w a t s t w a t r t f sprH. is**, at 10 1

— r*«»a*«ar . .- - —,—S pesevfcwe

r i n s < ta *m » M 4 . vht-a l l tana*ewtata vlllawe V««B at'-nto IvtswawO

batsf am tt* » latierty t*m at >>-Ms»t«T« «T«aae. («r tnmrmrm B e w v ta lite *11;««e wa4 tnwa wf PVaUsaarrk. CU<tt«a <*»nnty. i*-w York r t r bam a w n — a t Tarse .n-»»»•» T>-•*!*• it*- f*. tasafrt^-eTswwM IT, Ni>»««e» m wa4 wast oaaae i f of lot "««»t>-r i s M < r « » «< AJw* HwaOnea) « w t nf i«i« twn (?•. ) • » r'«wr <«»-BirM i s v m lav T » w n i «>« (•«> T w w f e r n oa-Tairrr <»>- rwJrtr tw» *r> rwrtrf««r .a»u Tatrtv-slcW i«H-T*»rtv • » • • (SSVwat Tani tww m na tba a ia tksr ty «Ma - t woaty | . « l s r « M Alan InM »V«r •*« 'W^ r<«ty W M <«TK P a r t r e f s W («s>-Party a b m a x a s w » W f am na t s * S D « t a « r t r a M e n r t i n a t r " > « 4 • * a » t w * P w a wwswftatl v>4 pmrff* sw^wtwieai or aaM loss saw asea wr tasm reFsesaes Is asreoa saase tAO • a p n r Platnf aaM MM* wli«< ~ Baraar4 « ms-

l » C W I ia O w w a a O u a a t | O o s k w

WTDK TIRgS Bitter complaint is coming in from

parts of the state that thoughtless ing that tbe improved road will to carry from two to six tons oa will place ibis weight opoo a w a g o n and then proe—d tov g o state, county and town rondo and matlmto

1 Three persons were killed and all hut one dwel l ing demolished at the town of Union Ark. in the mm:hern nart of Fulton County, F e b 7. by a tornado 300 yards wide.

Luther Qnlhert arid his wife, both colored, were burned at the s lake at D>d8ville, Misa.,

tired wBKtmn. Tbe aanoo of ooworxwl» ia the roads on tbe part of t h e res ideam of tbe countv and town who paid for tbe roads i s incensed at tho d e t r a c t i o n of county and

character. Your committee . th<


Btktca on rtgjojv saaitary q a a n e r a a n o w n e d o r dwtrojed, too oMdieal saarkowaafcfrUiasd nations a r e being; introdweed, and w e are j'tanned ia high expec taUoos of future im-provetnenL nVtwoen tort* and Mty oat OSaBaTmL wBaf aawaT BBBBBV OBBBBBBBBBBV BBWT BBBBBW* Wf^-J-^^-Wg&j*-

IKOBWI n of boboa aaoor oaoyoaroM. This resolts from profoond igooraoce o t

O o o o f b i o


pool and brought h i s brotfcar law from tbeir e o m a t o b e bis

ommend tba introduction o t t k o wide t i n Sundy Pikes - L a d y , can't yon help a poor bill, which w a s in'roduced a year a e o . and I obstetrical expedten s. T h e poor people do

guir-rer fmm de Japane«e-Ru-s ian war? which passed tbe Senate , bat which failed of | not know now t o manage , and the way tn-The L a l v — Sufferer? Wby, the war passage in the Assembly , and farther recom- i fanta d ie and mothers suffer U very pa-

hasn'i started yet. mend a resolution direct ing a c h a n g e in tbe , thetic. But I look confidently tor constant Sandv Pikea— Dit 's just de trouble; i t Penal C o d e defining nuisances aa applied t o , and rapid betterment .

Feb 7. hy a m o b of over 1000 persons for takes no long. If it Marted I could g o to public h ighways s o a s t o include the destrue-ihe murder of J a m e s Eastman, a prominent Russian families an' Oder me services to tbe tion of a highway b y a narrow t ire when white planter and John Carr, a negro. • Cz*r. Den I could s o de J a p a n e s e an' say they are used t o c a n * a a e x c e s s i v e load that

Wm. Monahan, aged 38 who had been ' I was on my way to flght for Japan, imprisoned in Matteawan Hospital 19 years for assault in the second degree in Washing­ton County, N Y . , committed suic ide by banging with bis suspenders , F e b . 8.

X.S» aex* moralr-a;. T b e c o m a a a y will

pox oo toe market soma of tko ones ia tk* Adtroariecka, near Chess Lake, Lone IV k». Ckaieaoiroy Lake, sVagged Lako, riamadore Poad. Ac. Tbe Cbaieaogay On mma horn Co, with over 180000 agree of

ioclodina: OHM* loo troot sties, ht

w > « B « » « s i C o " ^ b t l B w

ostty lotko R w t o a w B w W


RELIGIOUS. A n Industrial Mission Associat ion has

been formed In N e w York City to deve lop tare b e requested t o enact laws requiring self-supporting m t o i o o s all o v e r tbe world.

Tbe Knights or C o l o m b i a will endow a chair of Americrn History at the Catholic Ui.iversiiy or Washington, D. C , at an e x ­pense of f 50,000.

The fourteenth year or tbe Chicago Tract Society, just Closed bas been the most im­port ant in its history. Twenty missionaries,

A C o n f e s s i o n .

I r e been down tojthe cltv. and I've seen the 'lao-trle, lights.

Tbe twenty story buildln'a an' the other stunnin' sieht*.;

ir jam the rood, in ordor to pnniah a lees offender. Your committee realize that much of tb« barm dooabs tba roads by tko or aarrow Bros is doe to ussxpsrionos o a t h s part pt road asera aod not to natural eussad-neso, and tba rooomuMc^atlooo oo the pott of your eomanttae a n tor tha o a m o n o t

I've seen the trolley c a n a ruehln' madly down Calling a t tent ion o f all road I

,^A*W^**-»^ - |kkjs^Mp\


I ^ S W *

sod other foreign ginseng roots to be sold and shipped as such,

and prohibiting tha sale thereof under mere ••ginseng."

Resolved. That the State Grange favors j paying rural mail carriers at least $800 per aanom, with 15 days leave of absence with­out k m ot time. !

Beaolved, That the 8'ste Grange favors o ployed, and among; tbe Selavic people the jerol appropriation by the legisiatare for o work or tbe society bos extended to Ive

swot afjrwolton buildUs; ot Cornell Uurnr- su te s , reaching from Detroit oo the oast to

the street. An' all the place a lo. kin' like a fairyland eom-

I Pi te . But I'd rather see tbe big trees that's a arowtn'

up to h»me. An' watch the stars atwlnklln' In tbe U n a an'

lorty dome; An' I'd ra her hear the wind that goes a-suwhV

pact the do r Than the trafllo of tbe city, with its bustle an' its


to tha I

aUy. that Soetioa 154,

4 J a 8 , o r i b w l a w a o f 1890. b o a m e o d -• f » f iBwawft lmWOmat H a l t IhuWiB

I reckon I'm peculiar, an' my tastes i s H a d o'

speaking thirteen languages have been e m - * But whaf's tbe a s s denyln' tbbsrs that -—*¥ttT ahing; t o • ' " Issof the

I went o p to a ooncert. aa' I sawraBVsmaais • !»• there; r T !

It sounded like ansjsHo harpsaaoatta ' throi Cedar Rapiis, Iowa,onf>e Ooo of the Israest dsoeoxoa oa earth ia

pronably tbe Cataone mwaiua to the Arctica, of which Monsoiaaear faseal af the Kobop.

swOsat nnaetioa a o g i a e a a n d tbresb- ft i s bounded o n t b e south by t b v allel of totltodo aa 8o»ha0Bkai oa the west by toetltodo loV

that tba changed osed t t toos o f our need chsnged enaxHttoas)

sxowsunr snx. So grost w tbo deo>ss4 for rood iafesroos-

ment in tbw statu and to tbe nation that wo area the urge the hearty approval oa your partortheMttiotnuwaad bv rmniammsa Brownlow appnxo^otias; •Sa.OOa.flot far state aid. t«.0Xw 0a» bewst aswMahla each yeortoeaehortaoaaamtor tae Daka da-

ecepttba to the ob

UinooiitliBB; tsaTBtntoof Bww leak that the stab* of

Y o t s p h e o f all tm sJor*a»' taeBj i claim.

U 1 stopped t o t h t a k a u U a n t a . I i j ^ ^ m s s s a w ;

A a ' I e o n l d n t b e l p c

V h a t P d i


4^m*^mW^mmmm0^ &^%t$*'i'%$^m

aoH IttBSBi

r*gss.«r. ,«usi, ^s£mm ^•i^L^smmi •m


and s o n g it t o his o w o a c c o m p a a l m e o t o a

the piano. Years after when she w a s triad

for murder i t w a s tbe composer w h o waa

most act ive io tbe prosecution, and the most,

d a m a g i n g wi tness aga ins t her. a l l the efforta No, the Americana in tbe Phil ippines

are not suffering what can properly o a cal led hard t imes . But they a n ac t ive a n d a m - of Lord Roaartl o t Ki l towen being; e n a b l e t o bilious and they want to get rich quck and stake km toetiawoy. come borne. 1 suppose tbey anke lass ; money thee they did when the army t h e n > The Eav. Dr. uTttkwn Bmanoo, eon ot

five timn as large as U ie aow. Soon p-^pa, w ^ n , ^ few York TH of the won

em tba i

wfll alwaye b Tbenisofiwi to oaaka moo or deopoilinsr the ootivoa ta is soraly needed than as

tot » !

eapitaltodBveh onlitoolaco by right sort of

fo-a end bah.

lot the

of the

s t b v i

• *:§tttta<raHr>'0SB&i

"Bo an

t l b v a a r o a y o t f j s x w l m x « f c w a aawerawasa.a r e f i m a to a n d by ashf mwwt m i 4 t m * f.ic taat | j n u — Oulf sge Batatas, w m tall at pabtle aaetlna to tae hajL ss t Maaar. at t t « frmu diwrnf tba «sBrt H O M . la *ha City ot nsttsbwnjb. rue tna Cowotv. S a w Tort- o a the 1st 4my of •prtl. *.aM at M »vi,ir#; latasforeannaivf that day. tba tarn rani «*t*te aaa t w t w a w a tin ailsuslaarsla l i i i r t l i l o d i l l rest** to beso t s , v * .

Afl t s — rartala Villa— l.<t «Ht»ato o a t h s •••», «**•«( bafararsastrswi. ta tba Vu:at» taww the C8») of rtattottanh. and a w h M a a 7 * owa<wnatorto tmaw* by D a '«*M

asbwaaawMr Oaa n.

i taartyets irs«> east, SMSO

niflam a. B<uuv «ta nam. O a a i t ) • e t t i a u i a t toe

»W5-«, «at»

^ ^ • i

i* *• «-

, ; « ^ t * * ^ i * ^ - - > * « - ' *<M :'^af f ir i^ i--^^^N^i^*©- *4&pmawmu&™*m

mm ^ ^ ^

^ ^ ^ ^ 3



mm* iz^mmM^^mm ^ f e & a

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..;: , , . " i _ _i» 4 . . ' ..3




\pmjm^m<m>i^^-^i/-m.i---*^>^s--» • s f t i ? V r * •:• •*' ,<%„ -r^^^g^^Sif

W^m^' sis»^!«#**«>- m&'*-**r*>&

P?i^ isffl



J r - t o * ^ ! * ^ * ^

l^w*^^-^asoF*weaxoae> T#pPSb : * * P

'ewa»ie-*»*s^O>. ias*sS/~'^r^supsio-^—- ?

-^",.4 $**•*


j mssr-


:"Bgm r»'«»#»fa*(^'i««~*i*;-^

• •«>#*»«*-.'ie>!**'> *s*

l&MSdtx^SXmmm i *JBC*- ."^-^m—»4^*3 j '•mm laxmhu. toaga


"; ^ & -it J 3

„ . , _ _ j«n»: F «3P^PBjaj|BJBjSmBXwaBXw^BwaE ^aunBawoBSBSS'^^WslBWSBwar

•3»i^SiMl¥£2mM Mmmm

I jv^%^£s^^k*k^&

^p)ffl|ptJ|p|f^pV4:o*o^B^*' ^

' BBWS^'asBmUjr^wawwj^^^^^W' ^— ^^

^•Jpaiaaw9p"0siaBaBBBBBBay ^BBSBP WS^SW^SSWSJ


mwmmmwwawiaa *m m BOM now of Ho rkwX


lap aire. I t s s «• sw«rtoh, twatataW C. f. U axfloetothosBwmooAswaao rw8w»,ea waaVsMas«ar«»r*ai.

TwaCvuw>rstotriosa>y,ot ffwnl

i ossw ty w* , and Mr. f a o s -

tfco pr»pfVtor. The oM

» ^ . _ * .

ftwnrtA* s i i to •aantagtee vto the

^K^p^na eft- - gmt^^S*!*-^-***1 ^ ^ » * i


• m o I

tVA t . whh th

Bor#-Dr. f • . ffjaMfc, * K. I B Cheftla, Critorga iwlsna.

, V. r. Wether, A. T. Deal - L A ItsaVtawrm


L A .

Oaa way. BVk*r. Meffatt ie , B<fsfWrd. Too I6iu>wina nolo w e n aod

^ « < Y m « t o r « ' # i ' % " » « » . ' hMsjffiser" -II- —si . I » » > I . A I - - fc{5_ ; # •** *^%


f:js*&*Sii" TrnW?-.

U -^«li»J«telk»«BS WS^S&

- ^B^SL^st^

;ial fob. 7, to the

M.I8a.a>., s t o n o f j j j "

t h e n tool

tobeofgae A S f s a t i

s t r o s j r w t o d T k o I


woslWwwedby J ^ ^ X w m a a T

t»w**r4».c«. . laMb- A Brlggn, *im»or Gebo, E J R - b i i s o n -

The tiond of J

30 M • 10 IS

si at L, Nash, c i 'y chamberla in .

fat; t t S O O ; tJhJawAmH. t l l . 0 0 ;

B u t U a d . f U O O ; a * i l a » d , $ 1 1 0 0 ; Tro>,

$ 1 0 ; a l i i t r . m n.lera»e«iij»te 8laiu>ti* at pro-

por.ioi M..v i"W rates. T ickets g o o d ni.tli

t e b i'i . - o p <vers a l iowed for Pni iade l - I in tt

p h m or New York on return trip. Apply to ]J^ r^

your D A H stal l on agent for full luforme-

t iOli .

w a EI»W*IID HVT.-H w*s iu Burlington

U»; T i — t«v i ; li- in. ere*-, of the pr. j -c i to

r . i v ibe |>M..U'I.>O ot .tie wa'er* ot L.»ke

Cti»n>i"W'i, »'•<! " »* •»»•' ! b » t Gov . Mt-Oui-

iouih, ot Vena.* . , w.ls be a.he.1 to t .keae- I ^ , w j rfrf-rt ^ ^ tfc#Bwt» ^ , 4 tioo io the mailer Ii to mo« earnest!j hoped j tf „„, BBrt m9lX„ tmJ eoUoetioa. Adopted. ttl-st l b - I'-qiMrj i» to this imp-wtaat m a t t e r |

wi!l » i e . d to r t n a w r c a m p s a o d bote i s

ha Bna saaaaoaml

Fhiladeipbto, Hew York and other places.

aootbsr. Beny bnildinss

A SOB ha sjsvpeajori oven beat by • and baa bean bousdK by berg, ot Qavetoud. tor tTO.SOO.

I t b o a

world's supply of ew»t of i

sswntoo. in WTl leas BHnwd then , ood now

• e n blown ^ with d^mnito t o e t o p * . g^J m ° n ^ m %£^ V m ' M * Ira. Martial law was dMlared in the city mmm 9^m »»., m^ - _ _

. . . . . •. . L . * _ • • r s . SJODD swMamwa or twawtam 7«nwwa, •aauWa) ot noon. Al l day a o d all n ight the f.re b | n | | ]MtW9l^ to a i w r i v a t o IbrmawehiM raged, and it w a s not until n igbt , F e b . 8, with t w o beads . T b e child dteddjorjog i t s thirty-Bve hoo f s , that i t w a s under control , birth, s a d Mw body h o a b o s a aaroOxtto pvo-a o d then the river appears t o bave s t o p p e d **"*** * r ^ r r t l f " " j " " • ^ l _ o * 0 » k -i t More that 1*0 a e r n in the heart o f t b e ^ J ^ b O b * o w » 0 » a f tto IT. & I

city w a s borned over and over 1000 g r e a t bui ld- mtmg &, ing* went . Tba C. S. regulars from Fort b i t s

an prese t t ed ami approved The bond i s he pe ta l snm of $50 ,000 Mr Hash's l e e s t e t i F T u » l e , j F BTBrien. B .

G. wo->re E F Botsiord, and L L. Sbeddea . B» Mr R r k » e | l ; B>*»ve<i. That on and after Wednesday,

Fe». 10. 190* the t i 'v chamberlain shall corn 'nc t ' i s . fB e at the First National Bark , _ w _ in a place M ' - M e tor | « M » v e a f t e i n ^ e « t t i e n s a t e v e r • S e f l a t ' ion. tr at i-u«-h • fflee he kept ot'en from 9 to I n w o e o r j wou w » " « " " • • • « " •"•"•"" "*°*" l i a m t Taw awsl to aa> 3 'clock e»ch day. legal holidays excepted, | called oat. Then was much disorder and mmm*- mm" •"^^m ""


j *

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AM 1 D I 8 0 N

, 4 S ^ ^ : - i 5 8 u j B s »

asj •^oa, I


also en Toe«day and tSaterdav e v e o i a g s

wbtth » t e r»©.«i | i g s o Dumeroos on these

l l eaoaM rhwres. Mr H %'cn o w i . s ihe F>ur

B i.ih'-fs I«iai a», and a summer borne on

VtUt»«t»«) f o l c t .

T a x eu-ry c o m e s dowa worn bUlone of I S

Wai e W>ae<M>tle beus DMiougtog i o G-<o. J .

W t u w i a •b i e i l told 26 d««itt Of e g * * . In

Jaooary G « x l m a c ! Q.iod b e e s ! It

waruM u»e cockias wf tbw atumacb t o m m k

of tt, a*d nim-wt m a k e s o n e iac l ioad to s tag ,

wtttt • xt»t variatioiM. tb« met t ing Haas of

the "Lriliie Browb Jufi:"

If I b«d a ervm tks* « « « • «och »( !« . I'd enter her ail over with mat and rtU;

r d t—A nar wWk tmtm and fead bar with hwf.

LW I'd nitik that euw alas ilsMS s d a y .

A ruicx ol piue grosbeak* era belat fed thia ander t * t»«ckabe»i from the bounty ot f o r e » t » e m e j lowassaao . Mr E » Witistow.

Tfeeae bnrus tjelobg am«Dg lte» pine and

%rm toreau far to the north, and are

> s - e n here except dar ing except ional ly

Wfta- r. wben tbey ordibai i l ) feed on

•ft i w f l . u**t Uwm l*«t yeai's crop nf rosaacb, KH't' »'° *ah awl Jauiper oeeda, i SK l«t<« >•< • «^»-« o f e g t r a o i i ) l a a r ] i l a c k ( o f

t aasa . a b j c b towy • « » rawMMOtmr g r o t o t a l i y .

B> Mr. B- t - f -Td: R-eol»e,t . that the Board of Fubi i e Works

>w r> quested t o provide for t a e employ m e a t « f two men. whose pervieea when BOf es>-tsnted on the public works may beetllitexl '•y the fie departmeBt. That the • n o B a v wwttee bv r e q i e a t e d t o p r s s e a t t b t o a b e t t e r

t e the Bmrd of PobHe Workt. Jdapstol On motkm of Mr. Bock well too aaaass-

awwt roll tor 1904 was urdered taraoi ovar m the Ch»mber»aln, who was a l n a a s i t o swonsb the usual notice.

» S*. O. B A L o d g e mT toe Bwaewataat

Orter ef B k s wtU aeon be taaikoisd la MwrnaartoB. V i . aodertba dtrasttoo of law ftoleat L o d g e , by tustriet BUaoH u n a - * -€ t a m W , of Rot laad. T l A Itaws awaHMV Of asewibars of f to t t sowraa linitojs wtH aextsaV

m a o y arrests w e n

Balt imore w

der. maay o f t h e

of t h e OH

, aad the pottos of o n e b a a s t a f l to pnasrveor-1 F l » » |


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\\Yi JffT a t t o i


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• • 8»"M«fntai»J1^*jB«#'~ efWB^IIWgSi

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a t a > s •CHLTr. a t l oouwrn. u»i


S . a U *an. H tarn. JOaTS U X. T.. to aXABCBB

r . » . B . « . T - J a a . M. ttto. V t B t t X

AtCadrvM a o r i x r ' a b . a

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• t l aat "J1


.af at utoiwalt'ofi



f-vvmmiisrSMM^j^mmh^- ^ K * - * 4 * >


Hew York L o d g e No. I . I F O t WtQ •etertaln oa Monday evenwc, Feb. U , (tba S t : k aonivereary of tbe order), J o s e p h T. Fanning, of Indtaaapmla. lod., Graod MM-aited tutor. The banquet win na served at ihe Waldorf Astoria. Tbe eommluee hi tov aoui'Ong n y : "In tbe ball in tbe wort i, an e g c e b e a t a r * . soaveot rs . m a a i c * a d • t i e e r b e * '>> toe g r e a t e s t e rasers l a e a r der, the e w e t t a a Wttl InBtT w i i k i»l esars a a too sar taOeer I t s o s I

•sWbrattoa ef the bsnh of "atl Be. I."

, i , i h e <

. *«jk- -^*''.

At Btl j c r . i

, » • « • ;

'TTT"*'"..^ ..

,rtrrf" K f f e fA'-Hi


••s%dfe •'

^•4- „.••- . y . . . M d j f \ i i ' » i .

„-4vl. *• •^^•mer^^' •«^8ShtsaH&i


Are j o o mt«r 'WtaMlf THHrW

Lf tlMES. TBHY > f

Hate ><M a laaa on $>MU :.o<jse. ram, toctary or mill, that you <!**ir* to pay est or uT y o u desire to p i e c e a manga*;*, write a o d tot axe offer y o u my easy term o a motuhiy oayawnt loan. Ail good apptleauone eoav sutsraw oetokly; ssaaii cnargae, i pur cent aad « par e m t int*ra»t.


Ckf at iMftoa wm aw a t i a .

i tool

T*ia. r Misisix. t'urtT.wt.

• « > B a d wail i b j aesayawx o t t toa

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_ '* •. . W A ^ J . . N . * 2 * s > 3 g & i &r Jk.. - j . 1MB1™-* „