THE POINTER Series III ,... Vol. I No. 18 Stevens Point, Wis., May 5, 1927 Price 5 Cents VETTER TIES 1st AT INTER · -STATE MEET GRID, TRACK WORK BEGINS CEDAR fALLS MAN TRACK TALENT . IN Musical Program Swetland Is Victim SPLITS HO NORS IN FORMIDABLE FORM Charms Audience In Serious Smash -up EXTEMP CONTEST WO BK-OUTS SHOW :\[usic. in the f!lllncss of its f, '01·nlt'1· ('nach Sll'c tland. ll'ho is Vetter Talks Ably On P oliti cal n g-lnry. hc·ld sll'ay t'oi· more than 811 11011· athl ctil: mentor at th e North- Aspect Of Farm B ill ho!lr la st :\l onda~·. )la~, 2nd. dni·- ,•rn , 'tail' 'I' ' achcr's Collt>gc, .-\ hc1 ~ · Tying t'ol' l'i1·st plal ·c in the Jnte1·-stat,· c•xtempol'aneous speak- · ing- co nt es I. Donald Ve ller h1·011ght n c \\' lau1 ·e ls to him self and to th(• Normal ll'h •11 he to ok equa l ho1101 ·s ll'ith 'l'l'u esda le, speaker 1' 0111 'cdar !<'alls, Iowa , ll'here th e <·ontcst 11·as hel,1. Don - ald s pok e 011. " 'l'hc Po l itical ig- nifa·an ce o[ th e P1·cside nt ial V •to of the :\fc:s.'ary-Haugen Bill" . Trn ·sda le 's spe ech ll'as e ntitled '"L \1xat ion P1·oblcms " . S pring Foo tball P resages E arly ing- the ass e mbly pe riod. 'l'he dee 11. 'n uth Dakot,1. \\'HS serious ly S tart At . P erfe ct Grid Mach ine occasion 11 -as the obsc rnin ce of inj!lretl J 'l'ccntly wh en the ca r Hca\'ing- the hamm er one hun- th ·c d and f ift een feet. !~en \\' cron- kc, as pirnnt fo r t1·al:k honors and ll'Ci!!'ht• nrnn for the school. came within one foot of last year's Stat e recol'cl for th e hamm er thl'ow ,. during- ) londay tv cninμ-'s p1·act ice. He also put the sixtee11 pound shot 11·cll ovcl' forty [t•ct. .\ consillc1·ablc numb er of m e1 are o ut !'or (riwk. amo ng th e 1 be in g- Kc1111 ct h .14,,.an z, discus~ l ·'. ishl eig h. pole \'ault and hi!!'h jump: George Sel11·iH 1·. hamm,,r and discus; Paukert. 100 am! 220 , ·al'ds and b1 ·oad jump: Joe (: un - ;1ing-. mil e: Krnk c, half mil e; Ii: 1·au s. tll'O mil e; .Hal'old Holmes. .i.io , Bidll'cll and \"nn H ecke, hurdles: a1id S('\'l'J·al ot hc1 ·s. Pra c- tice is held each t•vrn ing- af t er Sl·hool , e ith er at the l •'a il' Grounds 01· in th e !!'Y m, as the 11·cat he dic- tat es. Candidates are beto ming- well rounded· into shape and ar c train- ing- hard in e xp edation o[ the Oshkosh m eet here on ~l ay 2 .1. Spr -ing Footba ll Beg un t\pring football is also in \'Ogue. A numb e1 · o[ men a1 ·e out. pre- paring for ne xt ~~all, ll'hcn th e g-l'ids op en up. Spring football i,; coming mor e a nd more into p1·om- inence in the smalle r schools, ha,·- ing bee n th e l'U le at the la1·ger univ ersiti es f or se\'c1·al years. Coac h II unt ing- hop es to keep the vetcrnns in practi c·e and to initiat e n e \\' mat e 1·ial into th e myst er ies of th e pi "s kin cu lt. b efo re next Fall. wh en int e nsi\' c practice wi ll be put into perfecting a 1 .p·id ma- t·hine. Drama, Comedy To Be Presented Thursday " Rid e rs To Th e Sea" , by Syng e. greatest American one-act play, and "Overtones" , by Alice c: er- stenberg- , a satirical comedy, \\'ill be pres e nt ed in th e auditorium during the ass e mbly period , next Thursday, )lay 12th , nud er the dir ec tion of Mr . T ,. )f. Burroughs. Th e play e rs in " Rid ers To The Sea" will he : Helene K11op c. C:ral:e Roskie . Sybil :Mason and Raymond Arno. Thi s play is a heavy drama , but it will be fol- l owed by the lig ht er, "Over- ton es" in \\'hich Ha1·riet Collins , :S:ational )lus ic W ec k . . ll'hich he 11·as dri \'ing \\'as for ced !';ong-s wc1·e su ng by the kin,lcr- int o the ditch by a laq.\1·1· cm·. }!HJ·tcn and primary trainin g He wa~ t1·avcli ng- with hi s ])t'O- sl·hool childi·t·n und er the <lir (•c - t,•g-,•s to , 'ioux Falls ll'hcn tlw tion of' :\I iss P1·itch anl. Th e ~ong- 8 an·id,•nt Ol·cu1· ccl. 'l'he car t1.1J'Jl cd 11 ·crr dclil:a!L• , capti\'lfi ing mcl- tllrtlc pinning him uuder th e odies and 11 ·e e fo~vcd by songs 11·l we l. All but 'll'ctland ll'ere hy the hi; .di e gra<lcs under th~ able to erall' I out . At present he is din•,·1inn of' Alma Kraus e and confine<] in th e Moc h ospi tal. It' (:ladys :-- elson. Th feat ur e or is ho ped he ll'ill be ab le to be tak- tllt's1.; song-s was th e J,!il'ls' qnar- t·n home soon. tPttc : ------- ~<' lcl'lions In· the Normal 01·- To Award Prizes cht·strn l'ollo\\'cd . At the pi,mo P,thel E,•n (' )J(crtaincd ll'it h " lm- To Net Winners prompt u ". hy Schumann. Th e applause 11·as so hea 1·t y she rt· · s1 ondr d ll'ith an "ncorc which \\'as her l'OIJ(•eption of fi\'C ,rnys · to pla,\'. :\I assa 's In De Co ld, Cold (:l'Oun". Th e concluding' · numher wa~ a μTOllp of. divcrsiEied mel ocl it•s hy the Normal Gil'ls' Q111irtctte. com p osed of Ann e R o ll' C. Alma .Joie, Arlin e C'a l'lsten and Julia Vnn Hecke. They l'ul'llishc,l a fitting elosc to th e s ple ndid prng-1· am. Yellowstone Lecture Proves Rare Delight One of th e most cnte1·ta inin g and instl'Ucti\'c di,·ertis men ts ot:.. th e y,•ar was g-i ,·cn Friday even- ing- , April 29th, by Mr. Payne , r eprcsc ntati\' e oE th e Northern l'a l: ific Ra il ll'a~·. Plan s ha,·c been com pl ete d fo r the tennis tou rn ament whic·h will be held th e . f il'st \\' eek in Jun e. P1·izes fo 1 · t lw ll'inners in both the sing-les and th e doubles lrn \' e been sec ur ed. Th e \\" ii son Sporting C:oods Co mpany ha s cont1·ibuted a hug-e l'llP on the side or \\'hich the names of th e 11·inn crs of the doub- les will be eng rn\' ecl. '!'he cup ll'ill re1nain at sc hoo l but ea ·h vcar th e double ll'innc rs ll'ill hav e iheir names in :cribed on it. ;\lcd- als will be all'ardecl the \\'inners of th e singl es. One med al is to be pr e~c nt ~cl to the winner of the mens' sing- land one to the win- ner of the girls' s in ~ .des. Th e al'l'ay of ahility 011 th e cou1 ·ts indicates that th e final fra cases ll'i ll be hot contests. Th ere ll'ere but three ep1·cse nt- at ives at Cedal' Falls, tl1 c man fl-om :s.'01·111al. 111. he in!!' unable to come. 'rhc otlw1· man in t h • ex- te mp contest \\'US l.,o c, o{ r<irks- \'ill e. :llo., \\'ho took se,·o nd . :\ It·. l: u1To11 ghs and Vette r left \V dn es d ay , in 01 · ckr to ,uTi\'e in time , th • co1 ;test being on th e al'ternoon ol' l·'1·iday. Ap1·il 29th. W inners Di vide P rizes T"'o topi(·s ll'ere drn,rn by eac h contestant and ,•ach 11·as g-iven his choil'e of thP ·t\\'O subjrcts. Vct- te r's othe 1 · topic 11·a s h ow the Effects of the Imm igra tion La w on th e Fa 1 ·m." Uf the tll'o, Ve tter chose th e one pe1·tainin:; to the farm-relief bill since he had mad e co nsid e rabl e specializ ed st ud y of the suhject 1:or de bate. A p1·iz of f ifty clolla 1 ·s a nd twenty-f ive dollar s ll'as di\'ided equa ll y bc- t\l'een the \'icto1·s. Donalt] reports Ced a1· Fa ll s as being a "fin e plal:C " . Th e school is at some distance from the c ity . proper , and has a fine ca mpu s and sc,·e ra l \' Cr y fine buildings : llis lcl'tur e \\'as supplemented by co lo1·ed vie\\'s of Y cll owstone i\'at ion al l'a1·k flashed on the sc cP n. Arranged in Sto1-y fo rm th e lec t111 ·,• ca rri ed the audience l'J'Om one e nd of th e gr ' at natural pa1·k to th e other \\'ith all th e ad- \' Cnt ur cs and exp er iences th e tra,·- cle1· i1l\'11riably e1wo unt ers. 'fhere ll'as beauty in untold quantities and ll'calth of . knowl edge in th e e nt e rtainm e nt. l\o d eta il \\'as overlooked by Mr. Payne to mak e th e ,·icario us trip as r ea listi c and pleasant as th e genuine trip itsel l'. This number of the students' cn- te1·tainment pl'Og1·am goes · doll'n as a presentation unique in it s appeal. Kelley's Team Wins - -----. Volley-Ball Tourney Pres. Burns To Talk ;\fari e Da\' !' I, Alma Hou gu m and I sabelle Gallaf!'her will play. )[r~. Maloney. local rege.nt , \\'ill b present \\'ith a promin e nt women's or~ani za tion to sec the productions. · On Kentucky Problem Th e g-irls' ,·olley- ball tourn- ament which closed ' fu esday 111 ght \\'as \\'O il b., · El izab ct h Kell ey's team. Th e team und er the cap- taincy or Faith He rri ck won sec- ond. " Pif f" Ke ll ev 's ancrreiration n·on t~nsi:tentl); from"the"fi1·st. '!'h e contests were hard foug-ht and !'or some time the ultimat e r es ult s were ha zy for all th e teams . Th e tourn ey ha s, 7 been runn ing' o\'er a period of a 'foonth more !!'ames being plnyc:d thnn in th e men's con t est. · Mig'ht be a sp lendid id ea to pu t the ll'inncrs of the gil'ls ' toul'l1ey against the winn ers of the m ens': With the e xp e1· ience both of them had. th e con t est sho uld he a fa . t one . Pre sid ent J. :\. 13urns. of the One ida In st itut e, One ida, Ken. tuck~,, will sp eak in the Normal auditol'ium tom o rroll' night, Fri- clay at 8 : 15 o'clock. Be in:; a pro- duct o.f th e mo unt ains ll'hencc he hails. Pr •s id ent llul'llS is pel:uliar- ly able to disclose th e probl ems of the mountain eers. 'l'he On e ida Institut e. of \l'hil·h he is the founder. is in th e remote r eaches of the Kentucky mo untain coun- t1·y, that part of th, Cnit ecl States ll'hich is most often look ed to for e x11mpl cs of poorly edu cated typ es. P1·esid e nt Burhs knows th e pa1·tieular d iffi c ulti es of b1·ing-ing ed u cation to th e Moun- tain ll'hitcs and it is to this that he wi ll dc,·otc his lect ur e. .;.

THE POINTER · 2016-03-28 · THE POINTER Series III ,... Vol. I No. 18 Stevens Point, Wis., May 5, 1927 Price 5 Cents VETTER TIES 1st AT INTER·-STATE MEET GRID, TRACK WORK BEGINS

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Page 1: THE POINTER · 2016-03-28 · THE POINTER Series III ,... Vol. I No. 18 Stevens Point, Wis., May 5, 1927 Price 5 Cents VETTER TIES 1st AT INTER·-STATE MEET GRID, TRACK WORK BEGINS

THE POINTER Series III ,... Vol. I No. 18 Stevens Point, Wis., May 5, 1927 Price 5 Cents


FORMIDABLE FORM Charms Audience In Serious Smash-up EXTEMP CONTEST WOBK-OUTS SHOW :\[usic. in the f!lllncss of its f,'01·nlt'1· ('nach Sll' ctland. ll'ho is Vetter Talks Ably On P olitical n g-lnry. hc·ld sll'ay t'oi· more than 811 11011· athl ctil: mentor at th e North- Aspect Of Farm Bill

ho!lr last :\l onda~· . )la~, 2nd. dni·- ,•rn , 'tail' 'I' ' achcr's Collt>gc, .-\ hc1~ · Tying t'ol' l'i1·st plal·c in the Jnte1·-stat,· c•xtempol'aneous s peak­

· ing- co nt es I. Donald Ve ller h1·011ght nc\\' lau1·e ls to himself and to th(• Normal ll'h •11 he took equa l ho1101·s ll'ith 'l'l'uesda le, speaker 1' 1·0111 'cdar !<'alls, Iowa , ll'here the <·ontcst 11·as hel,1. Don­ald s pok e 011. " 'l'hc Po litical ig­nifa·ance o[ th e P1·cs ident ial V •to of the :\fc:s.'ary-Hauge n Bill". Trn ·sda le 's speech ll'as entitled '"L\1xat ion P1·oblcms " .

Spring Football P resages E arly ing- the assembly period. 'l'he dee 11. 'nuth Dakot,1. \\'HS serious ly Start At. P erfect Grid Mach ine occasion 11-as the obscrnince of inj!lretl J'l'ccntly wh en the ca r

Hca\'ing- t he hamm er one hun­th·cd and f ifteen feet. !~en \ \ ' cron­kc, aspirnnt fo r t1·al:k honors and ll'Ci!!'ht• nrnn for the school. came within one foot of last year's State recol'cl for th e hamm er thl'ow,. during- ) londay tvcninµ- 's p1·act ice. H e also put the sixtee11 pound shot 11·cll ovcl' forty [t•ct.

. \ consillc1·abl c numbe r of m e1 are out !'or (riwk. amo ng th e 1 bein g- K c1111ct h .14,,.an z, discus~ l·'. ishl eigh. pole \'ault and hi!!'h jump: George Sel11·iH 1·. hamm,,r and discus; Paukert. 100 am! 220 ,·al'ds a nd b1·oad jump: Joe (: un ­;1ing-. mile: Krnk c, half mil e; Ii: 1·aus. tll'O mile; .Hal'old Holmes. .i.io , Bidll'cll and \"nn H ecke, hurdles: a1id S('\'l'J·al ot hc1·s. Prac­tice is held each t•vrn ing- after Sl·hool , eith er at the l•'a il' Grounds 01· in th e !!'Ym, as the 11·cathe 1· dic­tates.

Candidates are betoming- well rounded· into shape and arc train­ing- hard in expedation o[ the Oshkosh meet her e on ~lay 2 .1.

Spr-in g Foot ball Beg un t\pring football is also in \'Ogue.

A numbe1· o[ men a1·e out. pre­paring for ne xt ~~all, ll'hcn th e g-l'ids open up. Spring football i,; coming more a nd more into p1·om­inence in the smalle r schools, ha,·­ing been th e l'U le at the la1·ger universi ti es for se\'c1·al years. Coach II unt ing- hopes to keep the vetcrnns in practi c·e and to initiate ne\\' mate1·ial into the myster ies of the pi "skin cult. befo re next Fall. when intensi\' c practice wi ll be put into perfecting a 1.p·id ma­t·hine.

Drama, Comedy To Be Presented Thursday

" Riders To Th e Sea", by Synge. greatest American one-act play, and "Overtones", by Alice c:er­stenberg-, a satirical comedy, \\'ill be presented in the auditorium during the assembly period, nex t Thursday, )lay 12th , nuder the direction of Mr. T,. )f. Burroughs.

Th e players in " Riders To The Sea" will he : H elene K11opc. C:ral:e Roskie. Sybil :Mason and Raymond Arno. This play is a heavy drama , but it will be fol­lowed by the lighter, "Over­tones" in \\'hich Ha1·r iet Collins,

:S:ational )lusic W ec k . . ll'hich he 11·as dri \'ing \\'as fo rced !';ong-s wc1·e su n g by the kin,lcr- into the ditch by a laq.\1·1· cm·.

}!HJ·tcn and primary trainin g He wa~ t1·avcling- with his ])t'O­sl·hool childi·t·n under the <lir(•c - t,•g-,•s to , 'ioux Falls ll'hcn tlw tion of' :\I iss P1·itchanl. The ~ong-8 an·id,•nt Ol·cu1·ccl. 'l'he car t1.1J'Jl cd 11·crr dclil:a!L• , capti\'lfi ing mcl- tllrtlc pinning him uuder the odies and 11·e i·e fo~vcd by songs 11·lwe l. All but 'll'ctland ll'ere hy the hi ;.di e i· gra<lcs under th~ able to erall' I out . At present he is din•,·1inn of' Alma Krause and confine<] in th e Moc hospi tal. It' (:ladys :-- e lson. Th <· feature or is hoped he ll'ill be ab le to be tak­tllt's1.; song-s was th e J,!il'ls' qnar- t·n home soon. tPttc : -------

~<' lcl'lions In· the Normal 01·- To Award Prizes cht·strn l'ollo\\'cd . At the pi,mo P,thel E,•n (' )J(crtaincd ll'it h " lm- To Net Winners prompt u ". hy Schumann. The applause 11·as so hea 1·ty she rt· · s1 ondrd ll'ith an "ncorc which \\'as her l'OIJ(•eption of f i\'C ,rnys · to pla,\'. '· :\I assa 's In De Cold , Cold (:l'Oun". Th e concluding' · numher wa~ a µTOllp of. divcrsiEied melocl it•s hy the Normal Gil'ls' Q111irtctte. com posed of Anne R oll' C. Alma .Joie, Arlin e C'a l'lst en and Julia Vnn H ecke. They l'ul'llishc,l a fitting elosc to the splendid prng-1·am.

Yellowstone Lecture Proves Rare Delight

One of the most cnte1·ta ining and instl'Ucti\'c di,·ertismen ts ot:.. th e y,•ar was g-i ,·cn Friday even­ing-, April 29th, by Mr. Payne, r eprcscntati\'e oE th e Northern l'a l:ific Ra il ll'a~·.

Plans ha,·c been com pl eted fo r the tennis tou rnament whic·h will be held th e . f il'st \\' eek in June. P1·izes fo 1· t lw ll'inners in both the sing-les and th e doubles lrn \' e been secured.

Th e \\" ii son Sporting C:oods Company ha s cont1·ibuted a hug-e l'llP on the side or \\'hi ch the names of th e 11·inncrs of the doub­les will be engrn\' ecl. '!'he cup ll'ill r e1nain at schoo l but ea ·h vcar the double ll'innc rs ll'ill have iheir names in:cribed on it. ;\lcd­als will be all'ardecl the \\'inners of th e singl es. One medal is to be pre~cnt ~cl to the winner of the mens' sing-le· and one to the win­ner of the girls' s in~.des.

The al'l'ay of ahility 011 the cou 1·ts indicates that the final fra cases ll'i ll be hot contests.

Th ere ll'ere but three 1·ep1·csent­at ives at Cedal' Falls, tl1 c man fl-om :s.'01·111al. 111. hein!!' unable to come. 'rhc otlw1· man in t h • ex­t emp contest \\'US l.,oc, o{ r<irks­\'ill e. :llo., \\'ho took se,·ond .

:\ It·. l: u1To11 ghs and Vette r left \V dnesd ay, in 01·ckr to ,uTi\'e in time, th • co1;test being on th e al'ternoon ol' l·'1·iday. Ap1·il 29th.

W inners Divid e P rizes T"'o topi(·s ll'ere drn,rn by each

contestant and ,•ach 11·as g-iven his choil'e of thP ·t\\'O subjrcts. Vct­ter's othe1· topic 11·as '· how the Effects of the Imm igra tion Law on the Fa 1·m." Uf t he tll'o , Vetter chose th e one pe1·tainin:; to the farm-relief bill since he had made considerable s pec ialized stud y of the suhject 1:or d ebate. A p1·iz of f ifty clolla 1·s a nd twenty-f ive dollars ll'as di\'ided equa lly bc­t\l' een the \'icto1·s .

Donalt] reports Ceda1· Fa ll s as being a "fine plal:C " . The school is at some distance from the c ity . proper, and has a fin e ca mpus and sc,·era l \' Cry fine buildings: llis lcl'ture \\'as supplemented

by co lo1·ed vie\\'s of Y cllowstone i\'at ion al l'a1·k flashed on the sc1·cPn. Arranged in Sto1-y fo rm th e lec t111·,• carri ed the audience l'J'Om one end of th e g r 'at natural pa1·k to th e other \\'ith all the ad­\'Cnt urcs and exper iences the tra,·­cle1· i1l\'11riably e1wounters. 'fhere ll'as beauty in untold quantities and ll'ca lth of . knowl edge in th e ent ertainm ent. l\o d eta il \\'as overlooked by Mr. Payne to make th e ,·ica rious trip as r ea listi c and pleasant as th e genuine trip it sel l'. This number of the students' cn­te1·tainment pl'Og1·am goes · doll'n as a presentation unique in it s appeal.

Kelley's Team Wins - -----. Volley-Ball Tourney Pres. Burns To Talk

;\farie Da\'!' I, Alma Hougum and I sabelle Gallaf!'her will play.

)[r~. Ma loney. local r ege.nt, \\'ill b present \\'ith a prominent women's or~aniza tion to sec the productions.

· On Kentucky Problem Th e g-irls' ,·oll ey-ball tourn­

ament which closed 'fuesday 111 gh t \\'as \\'Oil b.,· El izabct h K elley's team. The team under the cap­taincy or Faith H erri ck won sec­ond.

" Piff" Kellev 's ancrreiration n·on t~nsi:tentl); from"the"fi1·st. '!'h e contests were hard foug-ht and !'or some time the ultimate result s were ha zy for all the teams. Th e tourney ha s, 7 been runn ing' o\'er a period of a 'foonth more !!'ames being plnyc:d thnn in the men's con t est. ·

Mig'ht be a splendid id ea to pu t the ll'inncrs of the g il'ls ' toul'l1ey against the winn ers of the mens': With the expe1·ience both of them had. th e con test should he a fa . t one.

Pres ident J . :\. 13urns. of the On eida Inst itut e, Oneida, K en . tuck~,, will s peak in the Normal auditol'ium tomo rroll' nigh t, Fri­clay at 8 : 15 o'clock. Bein:; a pro­duct o.f the mountains ll'hencc he hails. Pr •sident llul'llS is pel:uliar­ly able to disclose th e problems of the mountain eers. 'l'he One ida Institut e. of \l'hi l·h he is the founder. is in th e remote r eaches of the Kentucky mountain coun­t1·y, that part of th, Cnitecl States ll' hich is most often look ed to for ex11mpl cs of poorly ed ucated types. P1·esident Burhs knows th e pa1·tieular d iffi culti es of b1·ing-ing education to the Moun­tain ll'hitcs and it is to this that he wi ll d c,·otc his lect ure.

.;. _·

Page 2: THE POINTER · 2016-03-28 · THE POINTER Series III ,... Vol. I No. 18 Stevens Point, Wis., May 5, 1927 Price 5 Cents VETTER TIES 1st AT INTER·-STATE MEET GRID, TRACK WORK BEGINS


Vol. I. THE POINTER Series m.

Published Weekly by the students of the Stevens Point, Wisconsin State Normal School.

THE STAFF Editor,in ·Chief ...... .... ........ . ............... . . . .. Arnold M. Malmquist A,ssocinte Edi tor ....... .. ............. ..... . . ...... . .. . ..... Russell Lewis Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....•. . . .. . .......... Keith Berens N ews Editor ........... . .. . .. ..... . ..... . . .. . ...... . . ..... . . H elene Knape Society Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·Bernice Vinklc Reporters ... .. . . .. ..... • .•. •.. Pauli111' Buhlma u, )[uric )t o llc11 , Hch.•11 ·weber

High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Margaret Taras Home Economics ... . . .•.. . .... . .......... . . ... . , . Henrietta Timme Gramma r . . .. . ......• . .... , • . ... . . , . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . 'l'h chna Kroll Rural ........ . ....•.•.• . . .. ....... . . . •...... Frnncls Roman Primaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sylvia Libak ken

Business Ma nager . . .. _. . .. . .. .. . . .... . .. . . . ..... .. .... . . .. . Allen l\icVey Advertis in g Manager .......... . ... . . . : ....•. . ............. Walter Wasrud· Circulation Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edna Wasrud Facul ty Advisor . . ..................... . .... . .......... . .. . . . _J . J . Rellahan


'l'hc day seems to be rapidly approaching when the so-called Ameri­l'an ri ghts or '' life, libert~, a nd the pursuit of happiness'' will .~e . r e­garded as transtic. Blue nosed reform ers and amateur politicians haYc taken the husiness of determining t he l'ules of the game of life upon themsclHs. 'l'hey have ought, by conniYance and legisla tion , to ·· l'cg-nlate c,·p1·yt hin g fro m the· makin" of. mince-pies in the private citizen's own homl' to d ictat ing the clays on which he may haYe l11 s shot's sh illl•d.

Th mayor of CollinsYille. New .Jersey. has b~ticked a measure t hrough t·o nt rolling the \\' earin g ot' knickers- in l1is domain. Today a fine of $2flfl wi ll be imposed upon any woman appearing in knicker s on the stn,l'ls o[ CollinsYill,c . Out of the magnanimity of his hear t he has di..tated that he \\'ill tche rate it one night a year: Rallowe'en. 'l'hat means t hat it is immoral and improper every day of the year except Halloll'c'en. On that day. by special indulgence, the·1!1 orals of t he ha ml et of Colli 11 s\'i ll c " ·ill not be outraged. But on 'rhanksgivin" or Jnly l~ourth the aet \\'ill be vicious and licentious.

In sout hel'll W isconsin the President of the village of Union Grove has pnt th e clamps on Sunday base-ball. Being a man of 78 years of age it is impossib le fo t· him to understa nd how the game of base-ball could br ,111ything less than.iniquitous if played on the Sabbath . There ar e hundreds of peo pl e younger than himself who can see 11{\ irreYe­r cncc in Su nday base-ba ll. Never-th e-le. s they are regardec_~'l1eretics and fa natics a uc1 a rc summa rily punished if t hey fail to abide by the dogmatism of th is patriarch.

A la ll' has just been passed in Ne\\· York ma kin g the shining of shoes ill ega l on Sun<la.,·. A wcstem Un iversity Im . decreed that co­eds must i•ither CO \' cr their knees or be expelled.

'l'he mo,·emcnt is g rowing toward complete suppr ession of such an ent ity as liberty. It :cems impossible to curb this maniacal ma king of Jaws. If it " ·ere t he leaders of so ·ial , intelligent welfare who were responsibl e fo r the making of these laws the situat ion would be ration11l. As it is. th e hardwa1·e merchan t who spends several months of th e year in th e state Assembly and t he balance of his time engaging in his business is t he man who is esta blishing the moral code fo r t he people who 11ncl crstancl infinite ly mo1·e about the sit uation than he. H e apJ ea r s at th e lcgislati,·e sess ion ll'ith some pet-pc('VC which is perha ps noth ing more t han an ha llucina tion. Having su<:ceeclccl in it he fee ls that he ha. contr ibuted· something to the moral welfa r e of the ll'orld. lli : ego is satisfied, · and fro m a political standpoint

· lw has gained a notch. Wh en the next election comes he will · be sent hack as a compensation for h is ac hicnmen t.' Meanwhile the stance of the ind i,·idual has been ,·educed to an a bsu1·d conformity to regula­tions that he neit her respects 1101· recoi,rnizes. ·wh ereupon more politi ­,ca l sate lli tes a1·e appoiu ted to ca 1Ty ou t th e impos itions.

'rh c thi nking indi"idual is the scape-goat. H · has long since learned what he ca n do for his ex pedient goecl. He will conform to what he heli c\'Cs is right. He· has lea rned tha t the best way is the r ight way. But when his p t·ivil cgc o[ thinki ng is taken from him he becomes a law breaker.

"Ch in a for Chinese" sePms to be the reason fo r the fuss in t he Orient. Good. idea to introduce some of that idea here. H istory for Historians, Biology for Biologists. lf we had to f ight for this knowl edl(1' it " ·oulcl be worth somctl1ing to us.

Seems like \\'e arc gett ing a bird's eye \'iCII' of t he wor ld from the faculty in t he assembly se. :ions. Great stuff from that distance. May­be t hey can help us out with some of the problems close r to us0

Accounti ng for thi s Sprin:.r lassitude, for insta nce.

Spring has come. The boys are tak ing to motoring. So arc the girls.

It isn't ho"· far you have risen , but the method you have em­"floyed that counts.-B. C. Forbes.


by "Rusty"

Conan Doyle recently expressed his ability to materialize the spirits of dead animals. What Rot!

Su that's who's hl'l'II s tirri11g up :ill th e buH!

But we ·don ' t care; here's some more:

11 Bo~·s will IJC' l1or::. ancl :11q1:1n•111ty girls, too.''

THIS 'LL PASS. Ed. G. - Ah, the blessedness of g las,i

- plain, unadultera ted glass! Outburst from dorm. - I didn't raise

my shade to be a. spectacle!

BUT THIS IS HOTTER. S ilcn cc. ~ton· of it. Strni uc<l si le nce. She - non 't \'OU think th L~ w:llls ;II'('

unusually pcrpc iulkul:ir thi~ t·,·(· 11i11J:t:

AND HOW! Considering what happens without it,

mistletoe might be dangerous nowadays.

SAME CAPTION AS ABOVE. '' When wil<lcr wo 11wn arc made.

co llege Uoys '11 makC' 'rm, 1 ' rut huscd George• 1-1. g lowingly.

Julia: What kind of a. dress did Arline wear at the party last night?

Velma: I don ' t know, I think it was checked.

Julia: Say, what kind of a party was that.

T!I{' 111odcri1 1·0 tcrt,-K!_rl i:,; j ud gt•1l b~· th e' f lexibi li ty of her wilt··puwor.

Huh i Uh uh . .\fovrm(•11t~ :ds1 ,.

Thanks Whitey.

IS THAT NECESSARY? Bill: H an· ~·ou lit•anl thf· lln nllc

:,;ong~ Clara: 1'6, s in g it. Bill: Oh, l 1•an 1t in·t ov,·r a girl lik('


HUMAN, TOO. ' ' Never the twains shall meet ' '.

sighed tlte small boy as the brakeman threw the switch .

LENGTHS OF EXTRA V. .Justman: \Vh v do you ah,·ay:-- !imok,•

cigar butts f · }-,ritz : P eo ple don't throw awa~·

who ll! t' i ga rs.

HOW NARCOTIC! 1 1 An increase in population,'' ex.

plained Mr Smith , ''makes it necessary to feed more mouths on the same old standard.''

ADVICE FROM THE FARM: Look before you lip!

'N.OTHER CONFESSION. ''Honest, j udge,'' the victim moaned

'' I didn't mean to go wrong, but m:,! t'cll(•r kept bringing me old copies of the t·o ll cge magazines-'' .

N 'EN SOME. liv!:.me Ee. ' ers certainly lea,d stirring

Aha! .)J°ow we k11ow where sen lega (·omc from.



Cntcb whnt you cnn; Ca n what you catch.

EUREKA! 'l'wo , ·onn,; co-eels from the

t ried to ·beat th eir " ·ny from l\Ia l­ison ?ii Supcl'ior' Yia the blind en,l of the bHggagc cnr. · 'l'hey wct·e apprehelldcd tw ice in the course ot' t heir journey. Now of course this is a tel'l·ihle predicament, bu t we. th,, nohle st udents of · thi s g!'an<l institoot are· s pared the hu­mi liation of b!' ing police ch a t·gc · when we journey home. '\Ve r ollel' ska te and remain happy. " Pure jo,,· fr(lm co ntentrd skates· •, that 's ll' !

LAMP THIS. .\1 :1ry had u ltttlc 1:unp,

I t hurm•tl a 1.·hcrry glow: Hut ('\'C' r\'wlwre that M:u,· wC'nt

Tiu• ·1:11°np Will-' tUl'IHH I quite lo\\'.

CAN YOU IMAGINE: Springer d is .. nssing the Einstein

t h cord Asel Weldon doing the Pavlowa

Garntt,· " Don Vetter be in:; ton gue-t ied? Ben Weronke tw itterin" sweet

lo,·~ note.·? Mildred Patchin hating men ? Heinie Timme for getting he,·

uniqu ity ~ • · Catherine George weigh ing nine­

ty-five. Velma Davis as S is Hopkins1 Harold -Paukert .. as a- shrinkin )!

"iolet ~ Rusty Lewis in Joye? Lucille Markham out of it ? Maurice Rice ask ing for a ki:s t Mary Agnes refus ing him . · Leonard Sprague as a masterful

lo,·c t· '!

Quasi- Serio- Comed'}! lJa.v 1,y tlay she staggered unde r t.h c

k illi ng weight of ht•r J,urdc n. It was an intlcsc·ribalJlc mass of curio8itics and 1i,cecssiti,es. Then one tlay . aomconu t hought Hhc had fl'cC'd herse lf of it. 'rhC'Tl' w:18 a jubi lant moment of rap· t urous ;jo~·. But, a h, s he hnd forgotten . '1'wo stCJJ!-1 retraced nud she hud TC· c l:ti mcll it: ' 1 l:'ouud' ', Alma liouga111 cx1· h1inwd , 1 1 ~\.ly lit.ti t! note book i:t fuu11cl. ''

Pandemonium ~ 'l.'hc si lence is pierced by the

twa ng- in g of a bell. Out of t he doors f lock crowcl-x of grimacing, talk ing, gibbering. excited people. Th e ail' is suffused with an indcs·

. cribab lc· babel of hy:terical clat-ter. Voices intermin,,le; k,c.t scuffl e and :tamp: foet drng; feet scam pc1·. Giggles go up from the mass of uncanny color. Voices rise, fall, stra in , fade. The scuff­ling- gl'Ows fainter. A few stray foot steps jilod flatly against the suprcssed si le11ce. 'rhe bell blurts .out aga·i n. And the classes lrnvc passed.

- Observer.

GOSH!. ''Sunday,'' Dloaned Elm.a Joie, ''is

such a contradictory day; All Hymn• and no mails. ''

Page 3: THE POINTER · 2016-03-28 · THE POINTER Series III ,... Vol. I No. 18 Stevens Point, Wis., May 5, 1927 Price 5 Cents VETTER TIES 1st AT INTER·-STATE MEET GRID, TRACK WORK BEGINS


/~ SOC f £TY /IJ WJ I! o,;~~;~;;=;,. G:.'.~':~~;; m~:;~~!~r.d :;,i:~~;,,k/ ''.:;;a;;;::;;:;;:a::;;:;;:a::;;:;;:a::;;:;;:a::;;:;;:a::;;:;;:a::;;:;;:a::;;:;;:a::;;:;;:a::;;:;;:a;;;;;; • ~ f '-....... See Berglin over Taylor's Drug Store, or call 7881 for appointment

I Engagement Of Local / ' . ··

Speech Classes To Banquet At Dorm Th e Public Speaking classes

will ho ld th eir a nnual banquet at N elson ll a ll on Friday. May -13, t he same time as th e .Dist rict High School Fo1·e ns it· contest is to be held. 'l'hc coachc · a nd rnprcsent­ati\'es who arc in the cit" at the time. " · ill be in \'ited to attend.

Donald Vetter . general chair­man, wil l be 'l'o11stmastcr. and Dr. Hak1win. s peaker of the evening. 'l'wo 01· three spcPches wi ll be g-iY­cn by members of the public speak in g- clas. ·. Lt is expected tlrnt cove,·s will be laid l'nr ci;.d1ty people.

Spring' s Call Lures Students on Picnics

;l'he ba lmy sprin g- wea the r onr the past week-end promoted a numbc 1· of picni,· parti es among th,· ~rnrnl s tudents. S unset Lake 11nd Lake 8mily were among­the popu lar scttin g-s fo r these in ­fonna l 11 ftairs, while ~~cho D ell s wa · espec ia ll y popul ar a mong t he unattached co-eds. because of its ,•asy h iking distance.

Pep Club Honor Their President By Party

Tlw Pep Club \\·as well 1·cp­n•scnted at a pa1·ty held in th e r e­c rea tion hall at K elson Hall on

, Sat urday, Apri l :30. Th i• affa ir was :,riven in honor of th r ex.Pres­ident Donald \ " cttc r . A leather. h ill -fold \\' HS pres,•nt ed to Mr. Y cttcl' during the coU1·sc of t he evening. 'rh c membe rs cn te1·tai 11 -rcl t hemsel vcs with dan <; ing and car ds. Rcf1·c~hm c.nt s of ice-cr eam and ,·a ke were served towa rd· th e clo. iJ of the e\'Cning.

'l'h c chape rones wel'c Miss lvc v. Miss f'ost er a nd )[iss Tobi11s. ·

Clothes For College Men

Featuring the new

Charte; House Models

KELLY'S Mens Wear

Between the two theaters.



1:~c~j' CONK!;!~R!;:?~~tre PENS

Vinklc, four yea 1· High School Hannon Bach Phy. Inc. 431 Main St. course enior to Allen R eading, w11 s announced at a party given I by Miss H elene Knope at her home at 602 Church Street, r e­cently. 'l'h e " ·edd inµ- will take place l\fay 2 .

Forum Plans Matinee Dance For May 20th

Students. take noti ce. be r eady I fo r the Fol'iun matinee-da nce, )! 11\' 20. H ere is \'OUr chance for

JHE I i Deerwood Coffee

CON Tl NE NT AL I =' ~ ' ·yo=u'I I f,~n·or t~hc t'la=vor" = I [I The Students

a g-·ood time . 'l'h ~ Fon1m mem- Haberdashery


Stevens Point; Wis. he1·s p1·omi8e t he he:t ma t inee- -..."x!r-dance of t he year. School is al- 1 --., Easily Accessible mo:t oYct·-SENI ORS, do11t ' miss The Home of 'I Expense Relatively Low th , las t Pon1m matinee-dance ; Location Unsurpassed For Heahhlulness I JliNIORS, come and see \\'ha~ou 1· HART, SCHAFFNER I An lnlluence as Well as a School l'llll ant icipate fo1 · ne xt r ear: & l\lARX CLOTHES I ; I Credi1s Accepted At All Universities 1 SOPH S, come and he merry : ·:...,.,..,....,....,..a,;a;..,.._;,;a;;; ____ ...;i I l<'RO, 'I come ancl hid the :;;e niol's ~ Oegre;.~:i"~:i;ti::;~e~~v:?;!: and


1;p:~~its About j KREMTBYS 1

\ 11 Pres. Rob;;d~~:(1e Ballfwin · Normal Studes , Double Malted Milk j


To Know The Difference [ Stevens Point, \Visconsin I i\fi ss ·Hei-;;;-;e Knopc d ro\'e ·to

~l ad ison Sunday. to ,· is it among I I J

r ,.i cnds. · jJ(c§uliffe ~orset .ebop , French Campbell & Co. l\la c \' ettel'. Ruby Tilleson. Nie I I F or Lingerie, Hosiery, Handker- I Student Supplies

Allen . Bernice Chapmau. Fred I · chiefs, Gift Novelties 449 Main St. . Phone 98J Kuh l. K ath leen Gething . a l'l llaeh,·1·. and R o,al Ander on wei-e 1n,·k -end ,·isitors.

Ruby C' u l'tis. Riµ-h . chool D e- I ' partmcn t Scw>homorc. was ca ll ed to Gr a nton 'J'hu,.sday afternoon.


beca use of the Se l'ions illness of

j;eason l 927

her g randfathel'.

)[iss Cathc l'i, ;e Geo l'g-c s pent th e week-end at her home in Xc.­koosa.

Schaftner's Electric Shoe Hospital 519 Stroags An. r~oae 196-W'

We will call for and deliver .• Have your call in before 9 A. M. and

4 P. M.. for quick service

BAEBENROTH'S DRUG STORE -1 The Stor.e For Everybody


<ttotntntncttntnt Jnbitations • !Zl~nouncements

anb ~rograms


1 cA wonderful new line read]! for..]!ou to select from .

I I Worzalla rublishing Go. [


. I I

We Now Sell I




Shoes, Clothing, Mens Furnishings / WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE


OPENED A SAVINGS AC­.COUNT FOR YOU AT YOUR BffiTH and deposit-ed one dollar each week un-til you att11cined the age of twenty years, at 3% interest

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Sta r t an account today at , the


"The Bank That Service Built".

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1 J!)anoluit?; ~


The Guarantee Hardware Company 1 · I

The Store For Women The Co11cern that will allow 5 per

cent off for Cash. I Collegiate Cars J

- See --

G. A. Gullikson Company :~:W:h: e~re~ d:So~T:Y~~~: d~~~N~Y~~u:~:'i:ra:d:;:in:g:? ~I i p....,;;;;;;;;;;;;.T- A='Y- L;;;.O,,;;;;R;;;.';;;.S--;;;;;;;;;,;;i i

I do mine with the Pointer FO~

~--"' ... D ... V""'E""'R""'T""'IS ... E ... R ... S._.....,~11 jflotf)er's JBap <tarbs l l!:;;;.;; ________ .-:1

Page 4: THE POINTER · 2016-03-28 · THE POINTER Series III ,... Vol. I No. 18 Stevens Point, Wis., May 5, 1927 Price 5 Cents VETTER TIES 1st AT INTER·-STATE MEET GRID, TRACK WORK BEGINS


Pointer Quizz Series ' "WAFFLE MATINEE" TO 1· 11 I ,~--~---9i1 Begins In This Issue ! BE THROWN BY GIRLS ,1

All Home Ecs Should

floll" 111a11v qu,·stions pit·k,·d at Th ,· ri1·st~;~:;M\' al'flc .:llat- 1


1 Visit ! l'ando m f'l-o;n lill'rat11_1"c'. politic·s . . 1 inc·,··· ll" ill ht• "iY1'll ' l'11,·s1lin· aft- I <'le· .. ('}lll VOii Ull S\\' (•1· ! 1-f pr c ur,• i ('l 'II Ollll .. \lay 1 0t h . ill tlw ·1-1 0 111,· 1

l\\'C• Htv-f i,:<. bn1i11 twistc·l's . 'l'r,\' 1-;,. lu11c!H·o 11 rnom,. It ll"il l be ~~~[~~W'~ , .0111. iiand at them . 'l'h,• l'oi 11t1·1' , po11s111·,•d h." till' ('amp l•' in· (;iris . ii I ;viii pu~ilish th,· a 11 s\l·c 1·s in 111•xt :S:on•lfil's sm·h as th< · ·' \\' ul'fll' Wl'l' k '~ i:-:~\ll'. },i{) :-,;a \" l' th ese: 1. .\ l ati1ll'c" han.~ Ht·,·<· r befot·c hcc_11 \\' ho sti1m pcd y .. llow f,,,·,· r out of lrn o\\' 11. '!'his 011,· ll'ill 1,c an i11 110- 11 th,• cana l zonl'? 2. \\' hat is l il\1 ! rnt io11 . \\' at'l'ks. ba co 11 . d c licio 11 s 'J.,,.;a;a;a ___ ....,'=" __ ,........,....,..,1J :J. \\' hut 1·rlntio11 wns l'l u11cli11s to ('Oft',,,. a11d i1·1· Hca111 "'ill he sen·­ll amlet ' +. :S:am c tlw l'almetto .. d l'rom +:l:i i11 tlw a ft e rnoon un ­state ! :; , !l o\\' ma11y \\'ht•,·ls had I til 7 :00. 'l'h ,· ,diok o utlay ma~· th ,· r,rs t Packanl ? fi. \\' ho" thc· 111· ord, ·1·ecl as ' 't a bl e• cl ' hote" 01· nuthor of the phi-a!-ic· "(•abhag-r :,,; m s1:.·µ- m1.: nt'.'.. "a la ca1tc". 'rh c and ki 11 g s ·• ! 7. \\' hat is Ca1:- 1 pl'iCl', "· ill he killingly ft>e ble. . h •rrn ·. ' .or " hat 1, Chal'ks (,. E l,•a1101· Booth all(( ~l ar.10 1·1c l la\\' t'S p~·c ide11t' 9. l•'or , " I.wt .John,on are in c· hi!l'i!e of the af­mi"ht K ' 1:,:- ,\r t h111· ha,·,, sll •d fair. 'l'h l' 1d ,·a lw h111d th e 11 0 \'el ty l.,a~cc lot. 10. \\'h o sa id " Don '. t I is to 1·a isc 11'.o ncy to l'Ht1b lc th e ,.i ,·e lip tlw ,h ip"! II . \\' ho ls ('a mp Fii·• G irl s lo make II w eek­;;(:loom y (:us"! 12. Wh at fur r, nd t1·ip ~l ay 20t h. · .\ ccomoda­lwi r in" · an imal la ys cgi,!S! f :3. ,' t1011s ai·,, being- ma de on th e bas is \\'iiat iiupoitant bil i did P1·l'sic) e11l o f t hP or di nary hunrn1'. :S \\' cak-

. C'oo li dooc ,· .. to i·c,·cnt ly ! I+ \\ hat ll l'SS lo r stc11m111g- \\' al f i es and is -111 "'ichth yo lo"ist. 1:i. Jl o"· 1 dab, or nw lting- butter. 1;,u;n. dia,,onal :l lias a rhomboid ? ·-------16. \\'h o T>ut bibles in h ot e l bed- THEY HAVE IT . • • J 17 \\'h o was Ul'i ah th e l-\•llow:-1 :111 d. girl~ sur~ d~1· a lot:

t OO lllS. · . . I . ft:l lows !'la Y " \' t'S !-t t r that's my l; a l,y.' · Hittite? I . \\ ha t 1s meant 1) · ' '

-111 ,,: I. MAJESTIC ii

/ 1/ S/'BC/,.\L

91 4 BIG Com. Mon. May




Whm Qu~~ity Counts I I

Pure Drugs Fine Stationery

and Books ·

Eastman Kodaks and Supplies

Engraved Visiting Cards ---

Remington Portable Typewriters

H D MCII hC I/ . . C u oc o. Service First-Quality Always

// Phone 47 1

• 324-326-328 Main Street ~

I [1




I ~"fonlon, \ '· LI Nt: HOSIERY

Moll-Glennen Co.





pornographi l' ! 19. \V hat fr,dern l office is held h~· Snoo k ! 20. In \\'hat mo nth s is it sa re to eat (l\·stet·s in t he l'. S. 9 :!I. \\' ha t is th e· sho1·t cst way to spell blind pi::r ! 22. How many woml' ll arc members or ( '011gr css '. :.n. F or \\'hat an im a I is )I isso11ri 11oted ? 24. Ho\\' ma ny feet to a mil e? 25. \\'hq J)l'Cdi ttcd he \l'Ould di e at t he top fi rst lik e an oa k .



I I A !o?i~!v~l~~~u~~~~S1~ong I LET'ER RAIN~-- . I If you have a U. S. Rubber I Bank--not hoarded--is a dollar emp- Co. Slicker

Latest S heet Mus ic Bruns wick Records &

Radio Supplies Jacobs Novelty Co.

Visit Our New Gift Shop

KennedIJ Studio -====--==7sTtV£NS POINT•


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102 Strongs Ave. Phone 847W



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..._ L

i I



I Tempestuous love drama played againt the sweeping spectacle of the World War. Romance .

I behind the lines with the fate of armies and a girl's love de-pending on the sacrifice of her reputat ,on.



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Every Monday---- (

All Seats 10 Cents.

Bargain Night Eve_ry Wednes-day----lOc and 15c.

loyed. That means prosperity. All Colors $8.50 Uncertainty as to the future should

' induce you to make that first deposit AT THE I of a dollar or more here today. TO-DAY-DON'T DELAY. Hegg Clothing Co. FIRST NATIONAL BANK I I Capital & Surplus $250,000 I I ··The best in men's wear" -.....1

Largest in Portage County [ I , 1

_ 455 MAIN ST. I -- . .._ , I


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Stevens Point, Wis.


The Home of Good Furniture A Growing Institution Established 1888



II i , .. I

lh I

Fruits and Vegetables 414 i\tain St. Phom: 95

I Phone 51 11-57 J\laiu St.

-- · -

PEICKERT'S SANITARY MEAT T hit ~t>JCt' h 1'1ld For II\' TIU!

MARKET S'f1'1VJ<; 1', ::; PU!'.\T l)J.;~TAL JOHK N. PJ<~lCKKRT, Prop. ASSOC IAT ION

451 .M ain St. d'


Meyer Drug Co. 305 Main St .

I J Orthophoiiic Victrolas Victor Records Sheet Music ·


11 Wilson Music ·company ~est of Everything in Musical" Opposite Lyric Theatre