THE POINTER Se ri es III Vo l. V No . 2 St ve ns Point, Wis., October 2, 1930 · Price 7 cents LOCALS LO SE TO MARQUETTE 7-6 First Conference Con t est Saturday Th e local s inaugurated the 10:w Grid Reason hy a t lo:-;c, hard fo ught game thut c11 J ccl in bciu!! cl cfeatcd on ly hy Olll' point, i -fi . The game wns fcatur · e<l by the :,.t ro 11g off- tncklc play of :\larqu t.'tolc :111d th e ·ousistcnt line :--111;.i:,.hin~ uf the Pointer:-;. The J!ame OJll'IIC'd wi th tlH' Xorthl•r11- l'r:o- heing fon·e<l on dc fe n:,. c as the lo- (' al s bit <l <'L' P into their tl·l'l'itor~· . Th e ball w:1 ~ lost 011 c.lown s and t la•nfol· lowl •d sen• ral ('X1· li :111g<·:-: of' pun ts. :\l:1rqul·tl(' J'inally g-ot in :-:c·or inf,! tC'rri· t.ory h.,· pl;i('ing- a punt on the l:!-yard lin l·. F ou1· pl: 1ys took thC' hall o\·cr, Yi t·k lund 111:1ki11~ the fi11al p lu ngl': Ne lwark pick('d th e extra. poi ut . Th e ·r('111: 1i11 dt:'r of th C' hull' w:1:- fC'alu1·od Uv lung- uff . taL· kl1"' ;.:-:iiu:-: by the 11o rthN1; . u:-: . hut WL'rt~ ht• ld hy the fighti n g: pur- pl e :incl goltl. 'l'ih' sn on d half s t:irt cd with another Summer Doings Of The Faculty :\liss Sc<'u SJIL'lll her nication at h er ho1 11C' in G,alc~hurg, Illin ois wbnc she indulged in go lf and swimming to li er l a~:i rt 's dL lighi. :\li :oc:s :\l cs ton drove to a nd from her home in Ha st ing~, Nebraska where she spe nt }l('r st1111111 er \":l Cn tion. She al- . tL•1akd the American Hom e Economics .\ si,;ot:iation which la sted five days at Dcn,·L·r , Co lorado. :\Ir. S111ith co11 1pl ctc d a cou rse in l ·:,lutat iun ut the Uni,·ersily of Chi ca- go. At thC' L·nd of the tcrn1 he rccci,·- L'tl the degree of )fa ster of Arts . Dur- ing thl' su111111cr this fa c ult y member puhli~hcJ a IJook a nd teacher ·s manual 1nt•11tiu11cd elsewhere in this i ss ue. Hf' also d ronlo De11,·cr whcro he visited :\la,\'Or Paul <.:rawford, a brother-in-law. . \li :-s \\'il :-011 completed the work for I hl·r :\la st e r's Degree thi s summer at Kan ~as State Cu ll cgc, 1'1an hattan, Kan· :-:1:--. 'l'h t• n·st of the s ummer was spe nt I ut h C' r hu111 c in Lalf:1rpe, Kan sas . .\li:-s Ch ur ch t aught for six weeks i11 our Cen tr al Stale Summer 'essi o11 . A ftt ·r that :; he w:is at her home iu " 'a I wt1rth, Wi sco nsin. pitki11g dt1L•I. tltL' loca ls havin g db,- )dis:,. Hoal·h spent six \\'Cl·ks t ?:iching <'.O\'l'r cd the !"il'l'rl't of th e slro ug off. iu c. :---. T. (' . :-: umm er :sr hool. Follow- t:ttklc pl:iy a 11 d mu :,,;:-cd it up t·o n :,. ist· i n,; 1lia1 L ',·c ry ,,eek end hu t one wa s e1t tly. __ '.lJ tCJ.L the l!oi.Jtters... sl :.1-rtc.tl a I spi' nt in \·ariotf. . o, - ffr the mar~-h down th e fiC'ld fe at ur ed by the :,; t:ih'. pcrsi:--tcnt linL' I?l1111gi11::::. or . \l!J(•r t s ~n<l I .\ li ss .l unc•s t: tu ght in our s ummer J!:t111 :-=1 lC' 11 , the !?rm ('~ frn.ally ,·:nryi _ng- :-=t•s:-: ic, 11 and thL' II nttende<l. the seco nd tin· h:1.11 on:1:, ll ~c k1 l ·k tor L ' -~tra porn t I tL·l'Lti of thl° :,,; 11111111 cr sc hool ~Lt the Uni- \\';l !,I \\'Hk. I h i..: );'urt~it·~nl' r~ ku·krd an ti I n:r:--it ,. of ('hitago when:s he eo ntintu. •d tho 101·:t~:- :o-t:trlL·• l a lut1lc lorwanl p:~ss I h1 •r ~1 ::iduato work in th e S <: hool of Eel· a.tt:u·k lll au :itle1.11p1 to :-=t·orc ,.,ag:!111. u1·:11in11. The rest of the time was 'I h C' i.r:1111t• e nd ed wit h the :-= t·orc 1-U. ~pt.· ut :i t hl'r ho me in '.\linn capo li s. ' l1h c /!:tllll' was. a ~oud, 1.·lc: 1 ~ 1 , h:ird 1 1 .\ flt'I' :\Ir. ';:itc•i nt•r had co mple te d hi s fou ght IJ:it1l c . Sut·~·cs:-:ful_ 1 1 :1:-::-: rn g ,v:_is dutiL·s a !:- din.• ctor oi :- ummL'I' s(•ssion of p rcn·1. 1t cd l, th~ l11gh. wJ11 d :111 d T:tll~ t't•ntrn l 8rntc during s u111111 l'r sl.'.11001, he tha t ft'.11 rno:--t of. the t1111e .. :,,.;:ut :di uf I :t nd his f:tmilv took an exte nd ed to ur of th e l' o111tns _ got 111 thr ser1111111.t :,!C hut I th(w t·:-; t. :\[u~h of their time was ·pent 1h_ o:,.c th:~t dul look('(! ,·~ry S 111 1Ll an ,I ::t Puy a llup, hut they also · visitl'd th~ w 1lh a li ttle 111ore cxpc riP 111· c sho uld Hl:u·k llill 8 , \" e ll owstonC' Jlark, Port· mnk c a rP:d 111c•11:11·c in 1h1· Ped . to n fe r- J :rnd 1 OrC'go n, V:tncou,·er, .Uriti~h Co lu111 · euce. l, i: 1, Rani er Xational 1-'al'k, south e rn X cxt Satunl:1y Lh e purplL· :rntl go ld fcl :1 ho, Snit Lak e City , \\'y u 111i11f_! 1 Dt:'1L journey~ tu . \l eu omo ni e to ope n t ho ,·t•r, :rn <l th (' rest of Xeb ra sk:i, J owa and <·onfercnt e :- c hctlulc with Stout ln sfi· \\' is1-o ns in - makin g i n :lll :i trip of tul e. H op('S ar c high :tn<l. all prospect:; (l\'t·r (i ,300 mili.•s. arc bright. Gi,·c th e b oys your whol e ( Contin u C'd on p:1ge 2. ) h cnrtt·d s upp u rl aml in return they will giy e th eir nil for th e Old Ce ntral. The Game By quarter:;: ~l. S. T. C. . 0 i O 0-i Steven:; Point .. . 0 0 0 G-6 Th o li1 1('-t1 p:-- : )l arqu c ttc - Ja co~on, le; ~laki, It; 'L'rr :1d o, lg:; ~clsouc; Furgerson. rj:!: ~cmark , rt; S. 'l'reado, r e; \ "i ck luntl , qb: \Vilkiu :,. , rh; Hin ey, lh : Gti nd ry, fh . Stevens point - K en nedy , l e; Smith, lt.; Chnda , l g; )fnrs hall, c; Bloc k, rg; Kitowski, rt; Ne ub erger, re; ~rar co, qb; Sc hroeder, rh; Alhcrts; lh; Vr abe l, ib. -- . Subs tituti o ns: )larquettc - ~ oo nan for '.\l. Tr r a<l o, Zenti for A. 'l'r endo, ,v cs tc dch for Ruppancn, Kilpe la · for Zi nti, :\I. 'l' rea<lo for Noonan, Happan- sn for Kilpe la . Steve ns Point - Ramsden for Vro· be) Green ior Kennedy, :\fcDermott for' Kitow8ki, Clausen for Bloch, Foste r for Sn1ith , Bak er for Schroeder, _ Vrabel for Schroeder, Kitowski for McDer- mott. Ref e ree, Rouch, Notre Dame; Um· pire, Pond, Lawr e nce; Head-linesman, Drury, Chicago Y. - Pres . yer ATtends - M ey ting Of Regents President Hyer was to attend the gc- .neral meet ing of the Board of Regents which was to be held at Madison ye----ret'll,cy--aml-tod Prof. Smith Adds Manual To Series One of our loca l profi•s!iOrs is author of :1 r('1· c 11tly publi sh ed l(•xtUook. Pro - ft• sso E. T. S mith , la•:td of th(' High 8t·hrnd Dl·p:1rt11tl'nt, c·umplt•tf'tl his third 1100k in hi 8 :-;c ri es. lt is n manual cn- t itll·d n 11 7\'C'w Appro:1 h to Europenn History .. and is fo r U S(' in high schools. R. :\ I. Trvon of the Jli sto r.,· Dcpart- nw11t of th C' U ni vcrsit:· of C' hil·ago, in 1·0 11111 w nting upon .:\..lr . S111ith 's book says, " l hope that !·our work will fi ntl it~ wny 111 to rne - lfafid1l'cff,rr:nry- tc::aeh--cr-s ot' his tory. I h:n·O :1 f l'e ling thn t hi sto ry lra,·hing in 111:111 y hi gh sc hools is in n pr et ty bad s tat e. Works like yours will clo 111uh to rt•form present l'Ollditi ous. '' CALENDAR \". W. C. A. i:30 P. )f. Oet . Rtout Game Oct . Cla ss :\lcct ings J0:05 A. M. Oct. 7 Xt.•lson Ha ll there Cen tral \Vis. Teachcrs 1 Association 0c . 10 Wnusau HO)lECOMING--Oshkosb Oc-C-11 hero De partmental Meetings 10: 05 A. M. Oct. 14 PLANS UNDER WAY FOR THE ANNUAL HOMECOMING FESTIVAL What About Pep? You h ave hl' :1n1 ~1bout pep from S(' \ '- L · ral :;o ur ('CS, nuw what ab out it ~ Who li (·a <l:, this di sp lay of pe p? . Pr c\· iou sly we ha YC had n Pep C lub which took u,·pr thi s f un d iou . Thi s , ·(';1r thl' \\'. A A. ha ,·c C' lel'tNI themseh·~·s to h ea r t hi~ C'nthusi:isrn . B eca use th l• ho\':- athlC'ti1· ... ;.! h"1. ' m; Ol'(' a sio n for sue h <li:;play the ~i rl s ' :1 t Id e ! il·S :1ssotia I ion wi II h:a·k th e m. 1'hc girls arc pl:1 1111i nt: to ~e ll hr\':,;:llll"lll'llllllll S SU C\"(.')°\'fl ll (' t·: 111 wcn r tht•ir sc hoo l (·olu rs. But 'n o thing- l':1 11 bP d one uul C'ss Lhc whole Sl· hool L"o lllf' S out :111 cl h:1c k s t h e W . A. A. \\'(' t·:1 11 :ll't :lS the 1:c 11 t(' 1' 1 l':lll pl:111 I ii<· prm·NlurC', but Wl' cn n 't Uc the ..:1·!1001 pr p. I t's up to C'\'l ' l"Y on(' of you to l' Ht('r into th e ~·ells, to do ~·our bl'st wh c111. .. 'V(' r ~·011 l·n n 1 to he lp when th er e's so nll' t hing- tu dn , :i nd to ha tk the tea m. Th e \\· .. \. A. girls will be the Pep Cluli nnlC'ss the school or ganiz('S one for th nt p:1rlil·11l:ir purpose . - But we wunl it to ht• s1.· hool pep , n ot W. A. A. pL'p. Tf yc,u :err a mt•mlil'r of thi:; in:-:titu· t.i.~,......, \:.U.u. h~t\' • yo.l.l.t.....fillar c to do, so (1 (1 it with Yi m! FEATURE OF DAY IS GAME WITH OSHKOSH , 'tmlcn t s, fn<'u l ty and al,pmni of C. S. 'I'. C. hnv c so mcthin~ to loo k fo rward lo n('xt WC'Ck - :in<l t hat ''something-'' i. -1 Ho111cto111i 11μ. H o111c1:omi 11g- is alway s anti c ipat ed with grc:1t pleas ur e by ovc ry onc nnd t hi :; ,·l ·ar a slu cl ent will hav e to be ilea( d11111h 1 or indiffc>rcnt no t to tnke part iu all l'\.·stivities. Vari ou :; fa cul ty 111 c111 b cr:,. gave a hint in assembly of I ill· good tillll' to s tart a week fr om to- 111orrow. ) Ir. ~ tl;mee kl e, backed l1y the a.th- lt•l i1· :1ss11c·i:itio11, is general c hairm an of the eu tir i..: affair. Various a ct ivity ht•a 1l:,. h:n·hcl'll appoint ed as follows: :\1 i:-:s Ca rl i,1 t c11 - D t• coration . C. l::\·:111 s - Parade. Steiner - Boufirc. Oarliy - Spccinl , ·tunts. .\I i :-;s Hoacli - Local Publi c ity. Spindler - \lumni Publicity. 'I'. A. Hug-L· rs - S_ uc·ial.~ -- -~~~-- l'il · l'l ·t• an,J D:n-idsu11 - 'f n1 i11in g S.('}1001. I Tiu: l.l o11tt'l·0111i11g is to :-; !ar t with a S h D t t 111:tss 111 cct i11 ~, s11:1kc da111· < ·, u11(1 bon fire peec epar men Oil 1-'rida_r night . Sulurda_v morniug Pres e nts Program tl1e par adl' c·o111 p osed of floats r:0111 _t he ,·a ri ou:-: d epar tm ents and orga11 1 zatio ns wi ll parade down tow n. An alumui ThC' .\ s~e 111bl y progr:11n I hi:- rnornin:.,:- wns prt•st•nt t•d hy lh C' ,·p('(·t· h d('p:1r1 · lltl' n t. Hand numhcrs opCll (' ll the prn · grn 111 whil e th e fo ll o\\'i n _g lnl ks wnc• pr••sC' nt (' d in a mo;o;t intl'rl' s ti11g 111an111•r: Pulilit· 8p1..• :i ki 11 _g :rnd rlw l"ndl rgr:1d u :1lt• - 1, .. \ l tn Stnuffcr. lun theo u will be h ld hcforc t:he game with Os hkosh in t he aftornoon. ' £ho f in:d " ·iud11p of th e Wl 1 ek-cn<l will bo 1hc 1la11l'(' 10 bt' h(•ld in the n ew gym at , "{::~ u. Pri z1·:-. will lie awarded there to the winm·r s of \·ari<n1s :--tu nt s and to l'uhli,• Sp<'aking t111Cl 'l'(•:11·hi11g-Lorrai11 the hL•st float. Go rdon . Th e \Y. ;\ . A. will se ll c hrysa nth 11 1u ms bl'forc 1h e :,!:1111e aml gi,·c eve ry · 1 ..:xk mporan C'o us Speakin).! - Clar C' Hl'~ one a d1:1 111·l! to show our co lors. T eske . Ho11 1l• 1·0111i11g is plaunctl especially to lhl1:1fr-Burton lf llt\'C<lt. Or:itory-:\lr s. Ila rold S1·rih11cr. Th e n cr onl of Our St· h ool-)Jr. )Lott. ll l'. 111:nk s-P r es i clt' nt Jl!·e r. Th e talk s show('d !ht· :due of pul,lil' speakin~ and all kinds uf SJ)('Cth wor k. ~ 1 \u~~~;!\t'~· ;;~ti ~1;.ged to p'i ;L · ipatc i11 Many Report For Work In Forensics wt·lcome ou r graduates a nd the idea. is to f:!Ct c,·er. "on c hack again. )Jr. Spinfl ler a nti :\1 i ss Hoa. ch ar c se nding forin1ll i11vil:1tiu11s hu t ii 's up to every· one to se nd a per:,.onal invitnti on (o r i11vit:i.tio11s ) to an alumni member, ant.I aft er they get here show them that they 're welco me. Excellent Musician Enrolls As_ Student .ForC' nsic work hn s s lart cd : Ah out \ "ioli11 ksso ns :He !i r ing give11 iu the fiftee n s tud e nt s have :ilr c:1dv indicat ed 1·o ll ege hy Edward K:tl s d1 e <l 1 a new stu· thC' ir int erest in o rator~· .. \Jr: Burroughs d C' n t. is ~oing to begin work with th em imm.\lr. Kals<· hl'd has had thr ee year's diatl'ly, h op ing t ha t r. S. T. C. t"an add tP:u· hini:r instmet ion at \Vi scon s in Con· 1 0 h1 :r p'f~"\1l>mrspm:rktn g-n_,rnTd . · -~e r-v-a-tor-Y-of- . Uusic- a.t........_ \Lilwa.uk.e.c. a.nd four ve:trs ot' teaching ex perie nce. He Pep Assembly Goes Over With a Bang ,v c all hope ~fr. Sc hm ec klc will be ~aiueC.i co n~ide rabl e approval 1Jrond- 1·:1sti ng un•r Station \V 'CO a.t '?,,linn e a · polis. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE p uni :,1hcd (!) again soo n. \Vh yl Well, Sto ut w:isn 't that n re al pep meet ing la st Oct. -l th ere 'J'hurs day 1 Everybody e ntered into th e Oshkosh spirit of the ne w.f all sess ion as thry Oct. 11 H omeco riiing should. )lilwa uk ec That hand showed what may be ex· Oct . 18 th ere J>ectcd of an e ntir e coll eg e band be· ,vhilcwatcr for e long. Having the football fc llowit Oct . 25 ther e en lied to the front and a few spcce h e~ 0 · e n trtr~Jtom1mnmii:rg,nndc everyone- an1-+---= ca N °"' 0 - ,-,.- 1 -- -------+-- xi ous for a home game. 1-+--- F-latrte-v-il-l&-- - ----~f-- L Cr's- hn ve mor · -' c'-p -c - p- n-s- sc ~ ·m=tmesmore ,,. Nov . 7 or 11 here pep in school, n nd mor e pep eve rywher e! Eau Claire Remember the ma..~m-' 1 A good b Nov. 15 here ginning makeB more sure a go ro -'- d--'- en _d ""- rt:::=============::::l rngtt - an e s a fs{iclttoiti

THE POINTER · tht•ir school (·olurs. But 'nothing-l':111 bP done uulC'ss Lhc w hole Sl· hool L"o lllf'S out :111 cl h:1cks the W. A. A. \\'(' t·:1 11 :ll't :lS the 1:c 11 t('1

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Page 1: THE POINTER · tht•ir school (·olurs. But 'nothing-l':111 bP done uulC'ss Lhc w hole Sl· hool L"o lllf'S out :111 cl h:1cks the W. A. A. \\'(' t·:1 11 :ll't :lS the 1:c 11 t('1

THE POINTER Series III Vol. V No. 2 St vens Point, W is., October 2, 1930 · P rice 7 cents


First Conference Contest Saturday

The locals inaugurated the 10:w Grid Reason hy a t lo:-;c, hard foug h t game thut c11 J ccl in bciu!! clcfeatcd on ly hy Olll' point, i -fi. The game wns fcatur· e<l by the :,.t ro11g off- tn ckl c play of :\larqut.'tolc :111d th e ·ousistcnt line :--111;.i:,.hin~ uf the Pointer:-;.

The J!ame OJll'IIC'd wi t h tlH' Xorthl•r11-l'r:o- heing fon·e<l on dc fe n:,. c as the lo­('als bit <l <'L' P into their tl·l'l'itor~· . The ball w:1 ~ lost 011 c.lowns and t la•n• fol· lowl•d sen• ral ('X1· li :111g<·:-: of' pun ts. :\l:1rqul·tl(' J'inally g-ot in :-:c·or inf,! tC'rri· t.ory h.,· pl;i('ing- a punt on the l:!-yard lin l·. F ou1· pl:1ys took thC' hall o\·cr, Yi t·k lund 111:1ki11~ the fi11al p lu ngl': N e lwark pick('d th e extra. poi ut . Th e

·r('111:1i11 dt:'r of th C' hull' w:1:- fC'alu1·od Uv lung- uff .taL· kl1"' ;.:-:iiu:-: by the 11o rthN1; . u:-: . hut WL'rt~ ht• ld hy t he fighti ng: pur­pl e :in cl goltl.

'l'ih' s n on d half s t:irt cd with another

Summer Doings Of The Faculty

:\liss Sc<'u SJIL'lll he r nication at her ho1 11C' in G,alc~hurg, Illin ois wbnc she indulged in go lf and swimming to lie r la~:i rt 's dL•lighi.

:\li :oc:s :\l cs ton drove to a nd from her home in Hasting~, Nebraska where she spe nt }l('r st1111111er \":l Cn tion. She al­

. tL•1akd the American Hom e Economics .\ si,;ot:iation which lasted five days at Dcn,·L·r, Co lorado.

:\Ir. S111ith co11 1plctcd a cou rse in l·:,lutat iun u t the Uni,·ersily of Chica­go. At thC' L·nd of t he tcrn1 he rccci ,·­L'tl the degree of )faster of Arts. Dur­ing thl' su111111cr this fa culty member puhli~hcJ a IJook and teacher ·s manual 1nt•11tiu11cd elsewhere in this issue. Hf' also d ron• lo De11,·cr whcro he visited :\la,\'Or Paul <.:rawford, a brother-in-law.

.\li :-s \\'il :-011 completed the work for

I hl·r :\laste r's Degree this summer at Kan ~as State Cullcgc, 1'1anhattan, Kan· :-:1:--. 'l'h t• n·st of the summer was spen t

I ut h C' r hu111 c in Lalf:1rpe, Kansas. .\li:-s Ch urch taught for s ix weeks i11

our Cen tra l Stale Summer 'essio11 . A ftt· r that :;he w:is at her home iu " 'al·

I wt1rth, Wi scons in.

pitki11g dt1L•I. tltL' locals havin g db,- )dis:,. Hoal·h s pent s ix \\'Cl·ks t ?:iching <'.O\'l'rcd t he !"il'l'rl't of the slroug off. iu c. :---. T. (' . :-: umm er :sr hool. Follow-t:ttklc pl:iy a 11 d mu :,,;:-cd it up t·on :,. ist· i n,; 1lia1 L' ,·c ry ,,eek e nd hu t one was e1ttly. __ '.lJtCJ.L the l!oi.Jtters... s l:.1-rtc.tl a I spi'nt in \·ariotf. . o,-ffr t h e mar~-h down the fiC'ld fea t ured by the :,; t:ih'. pcrsi:--tcnt linL' I?l1111gi11::::. or .\l!J(•rt s ~n<l I .\ li ss .l unc•s t:tu ght in our summer J!:t111 :-=1lC' 11 , the !? rm ('~ frn.ally ,·:nryi_ng- :-=t•s:-: ic, 11 and thL' II nttende<l. the seco nd tin· h:1.11 on:1:, ll~c k1 l·k tor L' -~tra porn t I tL·l'Lti of thl° :,,;11111111cr sc hool ~Lt the Uni­\\';l !,I \\'Hk. I h i..: );'urt~it·~nl' r~ ku·krd an ti I n:r:--it ,. of ('hitago when• :she eontintu.•d tho 101·:t~:- :o-t:trlL·• l a lut1lc lorwanl p:~ss I h1•r ~1::iduato work in the S <: hool of Eel· a.tt:u·k lll au :itle1.11p1 to :-=t·orc ,.,ag:!111. u1·:11in11. The res t of the time was 'I h C' i.r:1111t• ended wit h the :-= t·orc 1-U. ~pt.· ut :i t hl'r ho me in '.\linn capolis.

'l1h c /!:tllll' was. a ~oud, 1.·lc:1~1, h:ird 11 .\ flt'I' :\Ir. ';:itc•i nt•r had co mple ted his fou ght IJ:it1l c. Sut·~·cs:-:ful_ 11:1:-::-:rng ,v:_is dutiL·s a !:- din.•ctor oi :-ummL'I' s(•ssion of p rcn·1.1t cd l,~· th~ l11gh. wJ11 d :111 d T:tll~ t't•ntrn l 8rntc during su111111 l'r sl.'.11001, he tha t ft'.11 rno:--t of. the t1111e .. :,,.;:ut :di uf I :t nd his f:tmilv took an exte nded tour of th e l'o111tns _got 111 thr ser1111111.t :,!C hut I th(• w t·:-; t. :\[u~h of their time was ·pent 1h_o:,.c th:~t dul look('(! ,·~ry S1111Ll an , I ::t Puya llup, hut they also · visitl'd th~ w 1lh a li ttle 111ore cxpc riP 111·c s hould Hl:u·k llill 8 , \" e ll owstonC' Jlark, Port· mnk c a rP:d 111c•11:11·c in 1h1· Ped . to n fe r- J:rnd

1 OrC'go n, V:tncou,·er, .Uriti~h Co lu111 ·

euce. l, i:1, Ranier Xational 1-'al'k, southe rn X cxt Satunl:1y Lh e purplL· :rntl gold fcl :1 h o, Snit Lak e City, \\'yu 111i11f_!1 Dt:'1L

journey~ tu .\l e uomonie to ope n t ho ,·t•r, :rn<l th (' rest of Xeb ra sk:i, J owa and <·onferc•nt e :-chctlulc with Stout lnsfi· \\' is1-onsin - making i n :lll :i trip o f tule. H op('S arc high :tn<l. all prospect:; (l\'t·r (i ,300 mili.•s. arc bright. Gi,·c th e b oys your whole ( Contin uC'd o n p:1ge 2. ) h cnrtt·d suppu rl aml in return they will giye their nil for the Old Ce ntral.

T he Game By quarter:;:

~l. S. T. C. . 0 i O 0-i Steven:; Point .. . 0 0 0 G-6

Th o li11('-t1 p:-- : ) l arquc ttc - Jacob· ~on, le; ~laki, It; 'L'rr :1do, lg:; ~clsouc; Furgerson. rj:!: ~cmark, rt; S. 'l'reado, re; \ "ick luntl , qb: \Vilkiu :,. , rh; Hiney, lh : Gtind ry, fh .

Stevens poi n t - K en nedy, le; Smith, lt.; Chnda, lg; )fnrshall, c ; Block, rg; Kitowski, rt; N euberger, re; ~rarco, qb; S chroede r, rh; Alhcrts; lh; Vrabe l, ib. -- .

Subs titutio ns: )larquettc - ~ oonan for '.\l. Trr a<lo, Zenti for A. 'l'rendo, , v cs tc dch for Ruppancn, Kilpe la · for Z inti, :\I. 'l' rea<lo for Noonan, Happan­sn for Kilpe la.

Stevens Point - Ramsden for Vro· be) Green ior Kennedy, :\fcDermott for' Kitow8ki, Clausen for Bloch, Foster for Sn1ith, Bake r for Schroeder, _Vrabel for Schroeder, Kitowski for McDer­mott.

Refe ree, Rouch, Notre Dame; Um· pire, Pond, Lawrence; Head-linesman, Drury, Chicago Y.

- Pres. yer ATtends - Meyting Of Regents

President Hyer was to attend the gc­.neral meeting of the Board of Regents which was to be held at Madison y es·


Prof. Smith Adds Manual To Series

One of our loca l profi•s!iOrs is author of :1 r('1· c11tly publi s hed l(•xtUook. Pro­ft•sso 1· E. T. S mith , la•:td of th(' High 8t·hrnd Dl·p:1rt11tl'nt, c·umplt•tf'tl his third 1100k in hi 8 :-;c ries. lt is n manual cn­t itll·d n 11 7\'C'w Appro:1 l· h to Europenn History .. and is fo r U S(' in high sc hools.

R. :\ I. Trvon of the Jli stor.,· Dcpart­nw11t of t h C' U ni vcrsit:· of C' hil·ago, in 1·0 11111 wnting upon .:\..lr. S111ith 's book says, " l hope that !·our work will fintl it~ wny 111 to rne- lfafid1l'cff,rr:nry- tc::aeh--cr-s ot' his tory. I h:n·O :1 f l'e ling thn t histo ry lra,·hing in 111:111y high schoo ls is in n pret ty bad stat e. Works like yours will clo 111u1· h to rt•form present l'Ollditi ous. ''


i:30 P. )f. Oet.

Rtout Game Oct.

C lass :\lcctings J0:05 A. M. Oct . 7

Xt.•lson Hall


Cen tral \Vis. Teachcrs 1 Association 0c . 10 Wnusau

HO)lECOMING--Oshkosb Oc-C-11 hero

D epartmental Meetings 10: 05 A. M. Oct. 14


What About Pep? You have hl' :1n1 ~1bout pep from S(' \ '­

L· ral :;our('CS, nuw what about it ~ Who li (·a <l:, this di sp lay of pe p? .Prc\· iously we ha YC had n Pep C lub which took u,·pr thi s f und iou . This , ·(';1r thl' \\'. A A. ha ,·c C' lel'tNI themseh·~·s to hea r t hi~ C'nthusi:isrn . B eca use t hl• ho\':- athlC'ti1· ... ;.! h"1.' m; Ol'(' a sio n for sue h <li:;play the ~i rl s ' :1 t Ide ! il·S :1ssotia I i on wi II h:a·k the m. 1'hc g i rls arc pl:1 1111i nt: to ~e ll t· hr\':,;:llll"lll'llllllllS SU C\"(.')°\'fl ll (' t·: 111 wcn r tht•ir sc hoo l (·olu rs. But 'n o thing- l':1 11 bP d one uul C'ss Lhc w h ole Sl· hoo l L"o lllf'S out :111 cl h:1cks t he W . A. A.

\\'(' t·:1 11 :ll't :lS the 1:c 11 t(' 1' 1 l':lll pl:111 I ii<· prm·NlurC', but Wl' cn n 't Uc t he ..:1·!1001 pr p. I t's up to C'\'l' l"Y on(' of you to l' Ht('r into th e ~·ells, to do ~·our bl'st w h c111. .. 'V(' r ~·011 l·n n1 to he lp when th e re's so nll' t hing- tu dn , :i nd to ha t k the tea m.

Th e \\· .. \. A. girls will be the Pep Cluli nnlC'ss t he sc hool organiz('S one for th nt p:1rlil·11l:ir purpose. - But we wunl i t to ht• s1.· hoo l pep, not W. A. A. pL'p. Tf yc,u :err a mt•mlil'r of thi:; in:-:titu· t.i.~,......,\:.U.u. h~t\' • yo.l.l.t.....fillarc to do, so (1 (1 it with Yi m!


, 'tmlcn ts, fn<'u lty and al,pmni of C. S. 'I'. C. hnvc so mcthin~ to look fo rward lo n('xt WC'Ck - :in<l that ''something-'' i.-1 Ho111cto111i 11µ.

H o111c1:omi 11g- is alway s antic ipated with grc:1t plea sure by ovcryon c nnd t hi :; ,·l·ar a slu cl ent will have to be ilea( d11111h 1 or indiffc>rcnt no t to tnke part iu all l'\.·stivities. Vari ou:; fa cul ty 111 c111 bcr:,. gave a hint in assembly of I ill· good tillll' to s tart a week from to-111orrow.

) Ir. ~tl;mee kl e, backed l1y the a.th­lt•l i1· :1ss11c·i:itio11, is general chairm a n of the eu tir i..: affair. Various activity ht•a1l:,. h:n·L· h cl'll appointed as follows:

:\1 i:-:s Ca rl i,1 t c11 - D t•coration . C. l::\·:111 s - Parade. Steiner - Boufirc. Oarliy - Spccinl , ·tunts. .\I i :-;s Hoacli - Local Publicity. Spindler - .·\lumni Publicity. 'I'. A. Hug-L· rs - S_uc·ial.~-- -~~~-­l'il· l'l·t• an,J D:n-idsu11 - 'f n1 i11in g


I Tiu: l.lo11tt'l·0111i11g is t o :-; !art with a

S h D t t 111:tss 111 cct i11 ~, s11:1kc da111· <·, u11(1 b on fire peec epar men Oil 1-'rida_r night . Sulurda_v morniug

Presents Program tl1e paradl' c·o111 posed of floats r:0111 _the ,·a ri ou:-: departm ents and orga11 1zations wi ll parade down tow n. An alumui ThC' .\ s~e111bly progr:11n I hi:- rnornin:.,:­

wns prt•s t•nt t•d hy l h C' , ·p('(·t· h d('p:1r1 · lltl' n t. Hand numhcrs opCll ('ll the prn· grn 111 while th e fo ll o\\'i n _g lnl ks wnc• pr••sC' nt (' d in a mo;o;t intl'rl's ti11g 111an111•r: Pulilit· 8p1..• :i ki 11 _g :rnd rlw l"ndl•rgr:1d u :1lt•

- 1, .. \ l tn Stnuffcr.

lun theo u will be h c· ld hcforc t:he game with Os hkos h in t he aftornoon. '£ho f in:d " ·iud11p of th e Wl1ek-cn<l will bo 1hc 1la11l'(' 10 bt' h(•ld in the new gy m at ,"{::~u. Pri z1·:-. will lie awarded there to the winm·rs of \·ari<n1s :--tu nt s and to

l'uhli,• Sp<'aking t111Cl 'l'(•:11·hi11g-Lorrai11 the hL•st float. Go rdon . Th e \Y. ;\ . A. will se ll c hrysanth e·

11 1u ms bl'forc 1h e :,!:1111e aml gi,·c eve ry· 1..:xk mporanC'o us Speakin).! - Clar C' Hl'~ one a d1:1 111·l! to show our colo rs.

T eske. H o11 1l•1·0111i11g is plaunctl especially to

lh•l1:1fr-Burton lf llt\'C<lt.

Or:itory-:\lrs. Ila rold S1·rih11cr. Th e n cron l of Our St· hool-)Jr. )Lott. ll l'.111:nks-Presiclt' nt Jl!·e r.

Th e talk s show('d !ht· \·:due of pul,lil' speakin~ and all kinds uf SJ)('C t h work.

~1\u~~~;!\t'~·;;~ti~1;.ged to p'i;L·ipatc i11

Many Report For Work In Forensics

wt·lcome ou r graduates a nd t he idea. is t o f:!Ct c,·er."onc hack again. )Jr. Spinfl ler a nti :\1 iss Hoa. c h arc sending forin1ll i11vil:1tiu11s hu t ii 's up to every· one to se nd a per:,.onal invitntion (o r i11vit:i.tio11s ) to an alumni member, ant.I afte r t hey get he re show them that they 're welco me.

Excellent Musician Enrolls As_ Student

.ForC' nsic work hn s s lart cd : Ahout \ "ioli11 ksso ns :He !i r ing give11 iu t he fiftee n s tud e nt s have :ilrc :1dv indicated 1·o llege hy Edward K:tl sd1 e <l 1 a new stu· t hC' ir int e rest in o rator~· .. \Jr: Burroughs d C' n t. is ~oing to begin work with th em immc· .\lr. Ka ls<· hl'd has had three year's diatl'ly, h oping t ha t r . S. T. C. t"an add tP:u· hini:r instmet io n at \Vi scons in Con · 10 h1:rp'f~"\1l>mrspm:rktng-n_,rnTd . · -~e r-v-a-tor-Y-of- .Uus ic - a.t........_\Lilwa.uk.e.c. a.nd

four ve:trs ot' teaching ex perie nce. H e

Pep Assembly Goes Over With a Bang

,vc all hope ~fr. Schm ec klc will be

~aiueC.i con~ide rable approval 1Jrond-1·:1sti ng un•r Station \V 'CO a.t '?,,linnea · polis.

FOOTBALL SCHEDULE puni:,1hcd (!) again soon. \Vhyl W ell , Stout w:isn 't that n r eal pep meeting la st Oct. -l t here 'J'hursday 1 Everybody e ntered into th e Oshkosh spirit of the ne w.fa ll session as thry Oct. 11 H omeco riiing should. )lilwa uk ec

That hand showed what may b e ex· Oct. 18 • th ere J>ectcd of an e ntire coll ege band be· ,vhilcwatcr for e long. Having t he football fc llowit Oct. 25 there en lied to the front and a few spccehe~ 0 · e n trtr~Jtom1mnmii:rg,nndc everyone- an- ·1-+---= caN°"' 0- ,-,.- 1- - -------+-­x ious for a home game. 1-+---F-latrte-v-il-l&-- - ----~f--

L Cr's- hn ve mor·-'c'-p-c- p- n-s-sc~·m=tmesmore ,,. Nov. 7 or 11 here pep in school, nnd more pep everywhere! Eau Claire

Remember the ma..~m-' 1 A good be· Nov. 15 here ginning makeB more sure a goro-'-d--'-en_d""--rt:::=============::::l rngtt - an e s a fs{iclttoiti

Page 2: THE POINTER · tht•ir school (·olurs. But 'nothing-l':111 bP done uulC'ss Lhc w hole Sl· hool L"o lllf'S out :111 cl h:1cks the W. A. A. \\'(' t·:1 11 :ll't :lS the 1:c 11 t('1

2 'l'HE POI:-;1'1.;R

Vol. V. THE POINTER No. 2.

!'ublishcd \Vcrkly :it StcYc n~ P, 'nt. by the st udents of the Central \\"iscons,in St:ltl' '.1\•nchcrs' Co ll ege. Suhscription P r il' e $:!.00 per year.

EnlC'rl"" <l as SCl·oncl ·dass mattrr :\ tar :W, 1H27, at the po:-st uffit·t• :it ::itc,·ens Poinr, \\"isco nsi 11 1 nuder the i\ ct of )larch 3, 1879.

Editor .. News Editor H ead writer.. . ..•....•... Societv Editor ...... . , .. . . . .. .


Sports' Editor . . . . . . . •. . ..•. . .

.... ..... l>oroth\' Johnson ... . . J.<(:l•ri11it Frater

Gl' ncden.• Pulda

Jlumor Editor . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . l\ e rmit Frater \Vomcn'sAthlctic . . . ...• . • . . • . • . .•. • . .... . .............. E sthcr llawkl•s Rusin ss )lanager . . . .. .. • .. .. . . ................. .. ...... Ced ric Yig Proof Re:1dcrs . . . . . . . •. . • . • . . . . . . . . ..... );at~ilic Gorski, Doruthy )frLnin / R oporters . . . . . . . . .. . . .•.. .. Alt:! Stauf fcr 1 )lina llu11 t 1 Frant·cs \'an H el'kl• Cin·ulntiou . . . . . . . . • . • . . • . • . . . . . . . . . E:1rl l:pthagron:: '£.vpists . . . . . ... . .... Estelle Buhl, :F'rauccs .J ohn son .Faculty Advi.:sor . . . . . . .. . . .. )Lr. n. ::\l. Rights..:ll


L :\S1' ll'eek 's pep meeting- "·as a poll'e1·ful scud-off fo·r the boys, and the.,· surely put up a \'igol'Ous game in return. \ \-it11 a ll

that music and c heering. ll'hO ll'Ot1ld11 't fight? Gin) them such a send-u[f eYery time ,rnd a championship team is a much greater poss­ibility. Wht•n a man knoll's that a ll his 1'1·ie11ds are backing him and cheC'1·i11g him , ll'ill or lose. he ll'i ll put up a much harder fight than othcrn·is,• possible.

Keep th e pep and enthusiasm and don't a lloll' it to la". . Thro\\" out , ·ou r ehest a11d misc• the r oof fo,· the team eYc1-y time ! \ \ ' hen the tean; lc,l\·es for Stout holl' about a big delegation at the bus to prove that the pep 011 'l'hnrsday is just as strong on other days '


W 1-l.\'I' is homeco min g? To the stu dent it should represent an oppur t unit~· to sholl' the old g- rads that he is doing a ll h e can

to make Alma i\later eyer greate r in the estimation of e \'erybody ; that he i · car1-yi 11 g on with th e Yim and ,·ig-01· inspired and enhanced by lo\'e and adm iration for his co ll ege.

'l'o the grad it shou ld be a bec koning finger ot ll'Clcome to re­turn, to thP halls ot: co lkge days, to cast off the cloak of serious ness a cquired in ll'Orldly c·ontact. and engage for a short ti me, at least, in the can•frec and sp iri t<•d al'li\'ities of co llege l ife. It is his opportun­ity to gi ,·e e ,·iclc• nc e that the old flam e sti ll burns st r ongly ll'ithin his heart .

Th e hom ecoming- this yea r is the f irs t ll'e ha,· e had in t wo years. '.!'here must be a n1st amount of energy stored up somell'her e dttr ing this inte1·\'al. B\'erybody shou ld join in the C\' ent and let that ene r gy free•. Wi th the pooling- of so much spi rit and Yitality a hig hl y s uc­cessful pl'Ogn,m ,·an be the only result . Let's do our part to put this homecoming O\'er tlw top wit h a bang that ll'iil ,place the a-lumni 'way in t he rear and set a ma rk to be en\'ied in the future !

Plan to be he1·e o,·e r the \\'eek-end and si1pport your co llege in th is celebration to the utmost .

~ NELSON HALL NOTES II J kilo r'olks :

1 1 111 h:H·k agaiu. .[ -il upl' you 're all :wtt IC'tl a nd ready tu J;l'l down to good !1:-.rcl work, and also a g rL':ll deal of r L'· t·rt•atio u in l, l'tWl'L' ll ti111t.•s. Tht! typ1:· \\"ritl•rs han;· IJl'l'll going ' 1 lh·kL•cly·· split'' so I know you do gL·t strc::iks ot' a111hit ion . Kt"CP it up.

ll ow do~ou Fn.•:.;h111c11 lik(' C. S . T. (;~ \\"c'cl lw g


lad to ht•ar fl'um some of you, tt•lliug us :1hout yo ur first impressions of ~lt•,·t•ns PoinL

TIU.'l'L' ·s j u~t oo<lks of gossip thi s wt•ck. You ',·c kept me IHl'tty husy try­iug to finJ out cvcr_r1hi11g. P(•rhaps :di of yuu d1111 "t know all that l do ; so 1 ·11 tt•II what J know. Herc goes!


CAN YOU IMAGINE? (At M arr1uette)

Ul•:ttttli n tryi11).!' to rn:lil a lcilt"•r t o his ~irl al puh lh· lihrnry !

.\l ari- hall and .Frntt•t· gett ing los t on ) !ain ~t l'('l't.

Xl·a lc• going hu,·k to his JH<-'p-~c hool li:t~·:,,.

Trl'b:1tow:tki lu~i11g hi:,; :-;hoc in the hu:-; ho\\'L'\'l'r, p,·i.:-ry out• <·O·oper:itctl i n th,· :,;(•arch :1~ ii was too l~old io lean~ all of tht• windows opeu.'

;l'li:it was a gn":it sc11cLuff yvu ga,·c TRY THIS ONE the ho~·~ .f'ritlay morning .• \lthough I. was cu111i11g ho111 c fro111 110 place till'.'" di<ln ·r win, a :-core ot' sc ,·l•n to La st year c111c d:iy l:i ~t ni;,:ht: six from :\larquettc isn't so U:1d :t11d I Be hind 111e was a girl i11 t'rout. know the boys apprcl'iatl'll your l·hct.'I'· W ith bl:11·k t.:luthl'S tlH·~sed in white; in}! and .tlso thl' lclegr:111!s !R' ll t t o thl'III. , Shl' '-poke no "'IJ'-'t't h, s in• said no \\01<l~,

l!etlt' I h11·k next t11ne, fello ws. But .tll "'hl• did \\:IS tall~: Did ~ou hea r the " moonlight St.'ll' ll:Hl · :-.o st:11uli11;,! ""till. [ kt•pt 011 runmng

l'I~" till· othc1 111i;ht! Thl·,· a i t.• qu11 c .\~ 1:i ... 1 11.., I t·oul<l \\,ilk! ung111 :d in that thC'y JHt·k out .1 crr~,tiu - V. S. N. wi 11do w in thl.' dorm nnd pla~· t..'Xl'IUSl\'l'·

ly for two of tht• g irls <•11 firi-t flour . Thl• l'C'St of l: S liste nt•cl i11 anyw:1y.

PartieR :ire again in f ull sw ing :1t 2'l·lsvn H all. A sl um ht•1· p:trty was held in Katherine Wiggins' room 1:tst wet•k . :\ l ildrNI ::\l:1t·k, :\larit: Hoduso,·il'.11, a1HI 1':itlu•rinl' rcpurtf•d an l'njoyal,lc 1

' :·dl'cpless '' night. .\li ss .F.llamac Xl'whcrr,· en tl'rtni11cd

at a surpri se part~· 8:1tu{·clay ni ght foi­:\liss Patril'ia C't>wnu, thl• on :i sio n heing 11 Pat's'' hirthda\'. A lnrge l'110l·Olatc <::lkl• fill<• d with in:irshmnllows a n <l dL·· t·oratt'd with 1: :111cll t"" S w:1:- Sl'l'\'l'll. Lr111011:1dc was tht• ht•,·er:tgl'. rrh ose IJl' t.' · Sl' llt were Y era SargL• nt, Adeline Bcli· ,ilan, Alta St:1uffcr1 nuth Lippkt.·, )1ar. g arct ).lart t• ns, Erna \\"cg-crt, Hu iJy ll:rnd, Jl c \C'n ll a 111 111cs, Esth t· r lI:iwkes. :\:italic Gorski. An~·o11 e goi ng down t hC' l'Or ridor knc•,,· that the,· had a g ood time judging from the sC'rc:1mi11g, talk·

F:it hl'r - 1' Did ,·011 sC'c me shoot

1ha1 tlutk 011 1ht• \\'i'ng! '' !--011 - 11 You ut•,·~·r :,,;hot hi111 0 11 the

wing. You broke his leg. ·'

You ean tell a faithful hushau<l by thl' necktiC'Sc h t.• wea rs. •

Look! Look! )..la kl' X1•lso11 11:tll ~·our hc:ulquartcr~

for llollll'l'flllling! Lu nthru11 will be scn·t.·d ·afH•r tile p:tr:llll• 011 ~·aturday. The pr i(·l: will l;c fifty t'l'llls a plate. .\II studl· n ts, :du11111i :111d t':H·ulty arc in­vited . Danc ing and singiug- will furnish the c11t('l'tainme11t.

Training Teachers Revel I n Vacation

in~ :rnd s inging. Primary Dept.: 1 h op <' none• of you mis~c cl t he L \V. .\ti 8 :,; Bii'.l"" I': Visitt•d a t her home in

('. :\. pnrty Thursday nig h t. A ll those l\alamazoo, :\lit·higan. who Wl'lll l'n.io.n.·cl it, l know the i<l t:t ::\li ss Brown: \\"('nt to her home of lil' l'\' in<r C'l'ilckl'r · jitt·k for r('t' rcshments \\'ashi ngton :rn<l whil<' then• went to uddl·cl no~·elt,· to ,the "cat s ". Spukaue, Sl•attlc, Port land, Ore., \ "a 11 -

HC'furc thC'0

1·ohl wcatht•r :irri,·Nl )Li ss cou,·e r, \"ido r ia, B. C., Ban ff :lllll Lake Uowc m:111:1gcd to hn\'c Oll t.' of li<'r f:1- J.uui sP . On her ret urn trip she v is i ted 111ous law n suppers la:-1t Wt'<'k . A good \\•llowstrm(' ~ :,t ional P:1rk. 11i:111y of the girls w[•re g!)ttL' on :i hik e, )li~s Phillip::1: T ook 11 tour we a ll hut pcrh:1ps you may g-ct :1 d1:lllL'l' to hopt• :rnd wish to t:1k<' :,;o me day. . 'he \·njoy auothl'r o ll l' sometime. The mNtl s:iilC'd Jun e 1-1 for E:uropt•. During her

SUMMER DOINGS )l'r. Enrns ,· isited in Ohio after scr ,•- ~:i:t~~d ;~e" ~1~~~~r i~~~LIJ(•ttt.>r out of doors. ~S//~1,~';~J.ks F~-~


11~:otl ~~ll~~

OF THE FACULTY ing n:- un in strU('tOr during t he sum· )li ~si Jlu sisc ,·, ::\frs. Sims, :\l.iss Alle11 , Ucrma n\' a nil Il ul l:rnd. Sh C' motored 111 e r sc~:,; ion . a nd )Ii~ ). Englehart WC'l'l' guests at clin, t h rough· Englau<l nnd ~:ko tl nud .

( Co ntinut'd from page 1. ) :\ Ir. Schml·ek le !aught i n t he su mme r ut•r at t hl' hom e of Dr. nnd ).!rs. Co ll i n!-. Among the m:rny th in gs of interest Aite r spC'ndi 11g s ix weeks as au in - ~cssio11 an<l :;pC'nt one wcl'k in northern Thl' ,\' cnjoyNl tht• l'Vl'ning n•r.,· muc·h. she• r-m w, prol,:ild~· lhe most interesting

~tructor in the summ e r session, ·:\I r . \Vi sC'o 11 s i11 on a f ishing trip. 'l'he r es t :\ li !-!s .\lta St:wff<•r's mi.tht.• r a111 l ::\li ss t(I us ,- was th e Passion Play, R e in-'J'hompi-011 a nd hi ~ family motored of the su111111er was spcut in Stevens ::\lnrjor~· T:1rcliH wen• J.'UC'sts of Attn h:irdt'}..;' E,·C'ry ).!:in'', S<·hiller .:Festi-1hroug:h the Ulaek Hill i-, Yellowstone Point. 8ta u f f\ ir :it suppt·r on S uncby. ,·al, opera in P:1rsif:il :it Bayreuth, Gcr-Natio11:d Park , Sail Lak e City, Denver, :\li:-is Hu:,;sl'y ~pent four weeks in the ::\[iss .\nn OeBast• is taking her lun<·h1..•s mauy . (T his is till' only plaec• in th e :rnd Ht. Luu i:,; . hill8 and wootls around Grafton, !Iii· at Xe lso n H :11 1. S he e njoyg tl1l' mt•als world whl'r(' t he l' nlirc ope ra is gi\'Ctl .

. \li :,is ::\lausur spe1tt he r summer at no i~ aft L· r ~he had taught dur ing sum- vt·n· muc·h. lt is of int.Nes t to 11 ote that 110 applause h •r hv111c i11 Ste,·c us Point. 111 C' r sr hoo) here. The Dean spent t he )...li ss Xe wherr\' , t1ur ht•:Hlw:dtre8s, t o- wn~ a ll owed wh e n )liss Phillips visited

:\Ir . Pncival and his fami ly toured rrst of he.r ntct1tion at her home in Al- ;!cfh l'r with )[is~ Rowe and )fi ss lln ssey t hen•, lic•ca usP of !h t• rN·t• n t dc:1th of parts of the lj nitc<l States e n route to ton , Illinois with t he exceptio n of t he have fi,i:?ur<' cl out n new sea ting ana ngc· \\'agnl'!''s son two wl'eks J,cfo rc. ) 'l'oronto, Ontario where they visited I i111 cs when she \' ii-lited St. Loui8, Paris, mcnt for thC' wPe k-c ncls. Th e gir ls wh o Intermediate Dept.; with rcl:11ives and friends. ,'oml' time rrcrre Haut e, UHll 't. ::\ fary·s of the do not go home arc nss ignecl to spec ific )..liss Di<'hl: Did grad11:1tc work at thl' wm~ ~pt·11t at Xiagar:t Falls before they , voods. tal,Jes whiC'h avoids n grc•n t deal of t·oi:. ,· . of Chil'ngo. The !:1st wPt""k of \' :lCa·

co11l i11u cll on th eir way to Jthaca, )few ~.: r. Spindler taught for ~ix weeks fusion . 1 nu she spe nt ,·i~iting at Duluth. York where :\fr. J>e refra l taught classes lluriug ~u111111er sc·hool. Then h e took a )Tis:-1 Ruth )(pifert w:t:,; the _guest of )Ir. ,fo~1 nc : 11:ul 11 delightful trip up

__in_l!:uhlic.. Sc.hoo.L.llusic. Methods.. for six fl!'C''ITTr ... nutotTip to \ isit trts-rrtd ~r-t.&:.ud • i-be.r.t-U.Jiw week end Q.c.t.,_ ·nto-ennmi"a:-Re-wrrrrrwttli hi::: <',If .111 WC'cks. home at :\I t. Yernon, Oh io. En Toute tru<ll' ra nd her rar find t he ir way t •J !'-l t:1\' e,l tht• r ntirc ,·nt·:1tio11. ).!rs. ,JU\'IIC

)Ir. Watson spent the sun1mcr in and · he visited Oberlin , Cleveland, Kent, Stcn• us Point oftC' n. We 'r<' glad to sec rnul f:l m ih· :H·c·01nani t• <I him . · about the twenty-se\'Cn hikes of the :ind Logan. hot h of them. ) li ss Pfi C" ffC'r: Spent ,•nt irc vnc·ation ,_. I 11· ('h . :\I f I. t· :Mi ss L ucille 'mith was the guest of :it homl'to wn, .F'ranklin , \Vist·nnsin . .c.a g c 1vt•r J run. · Ost O us ime A ftl·r dii-charging the d uties of Li- )li ss Crp,tal .T o~eph Inst wcek-e ucl nt Jr. Hig h Dept.: wa~ ;Vl' llt at Dt•crwoo <l Lake. brarinn duri ng the summer session, )fr. Crystal's hom l' . The girls are cousins. :\Ir. D:t \· idso n : Stn\·c<l :

1t home nnrl

:\Ir. ::\lott :--pC'nt six week!-! teaching ht .-\llcz uccump:.11iied by :\!rs. Allez, mo· Th('rC''s been an incre:is(' in the Xel- nttemptc<l to keep e~o l. We nt up to C. 8. T. C. Th e re~t of hi :-1 vacation torc•d 10 Pike's Peak and through the son Hall familv rceeuth- )[i ss 'i\lnrtha willow ('r<'l'k and tried to fish (777) was occupied by doiug research work Hot·k,· :\ l ountain Park~. Our librarian LoC'khardt fro~1 Norwa~·, 1\Ii ch ig:111 i1 ::\li s:-; 11:inson: Visited at hom e in in Chi ld Ps~·chol ogy at t he Uni \' Crsity also ;pent some time fishin g in no r th- li\'ing at the "dorm''. S·h<' has ;1 1Ca\'e Richland Ct'nter, \Visconsi n. S he travel-of )linn <'sota and in un<l about the em \\' h1consi 11 during the ~umm e r. of absence from her sc hool for n scmes- t•d unu·h in the south('l'n pnrt of the


~ 1


1~:.:::. ~:/ti~~::r~~tor in the ~Ir . Hight scll taught u.t su mmer ter. stute, nnd sh<' snid she saw morr of ou r

summer :,ichool this scsl" iou after wh ich school agai n th is year. 'l'he rest of his A good many gir l~ went home t hi s stnt.e t h is summ t•r t ha11 evL~r before. she :111d her niece toured northern ,·ncatiou wn!-1 spent at h ia· :mmmer cot- wcrk-end . Th ry nrc taki ng ndva u ta~e :\Ir. PiC'rr<': 111 ,Ju11 c, 3h. Pierce snid, Wisco nsi n nnd the upper peninsula of tngC' in Snwyer County, \Visconsin. of t he weather :tfi long R!t t l~ ey I ('R n. hl' '' IC"ft for Tow a City, I owa and spent Michigan. En route they visited Du ring t he summe r 'Mr. Neale spent foul~;a~;:~~!-1 took t he usual tnp iom~ the r est .of the summe r in the tropics".

f · I <l I t · \ · t k much of his time conducting county i n- SI An~ong th(' 11111 11 .r th~n_g_s he did he n enc s un re a 1ves. -r tnp was a · stltnt'es 'ir-\VisconSTTl d-rrH·-th·e-a-d.-±::,.:;i;Hf,u=:;;t~h,r.:::niri;,a:::;bgnn;;;t;,.;::n:j1~1d~liii{'!a:;:;tl.;;1r;:y::jnio'ji,iie,o,;::,.:;'c,&·~·~:·~· ~~~;;:::-;;·~::.,o.st.. i.rlrpot.tan \~

_ ..e.vLn.<Wlilll.L.1.w.:.Jf'i>..tIB snll!S_ a o -- - otu-r..J.HH-- ~ · r-ee-pee "'(1:) \\ Ctitto~- l'lJwn, (2) uteco111, Port Arth ur and Fort William, Cana-dil . jOini ng states. .\ fosince th is week-end. ~\ f r. H errick: \Vent op on the farm nt '\Vhile in Cnnada )liss Hnuna visited Dr. Coll ins was n t his home nll dur· )fargnret Allmnn nncl Imogene Smith Augusta and bad a very good t ime fish -various points of interest, paying espc- ing the summe r. He taught in the <'njoyed the week -end at their home in ing, motoring, swi mming, etc. cial :1t · n . h rurnl and hi h 1C.[_S£Jis.Uu nd then entcrt a.r.sbli,=~-----------1-....ruc.·.,._.1,n-lt.ig.Ji-0,.;-Spc.n.t.....su.mme.t-at-U--schools ~f our northe rn n eighbor. relatives during the su mmer . (Continued on page 3.) of ~finnesotn.

Page 3: THE POINTER · tht•ir school (·olurs. But 'nothing-l':111 bP done uulC'ss Lhc w hole Sl· hool L"o lllf'S out :111 cl h:1cks the W. A. A. \\'(' t·:1 11 :ll't :lS the 1:c 11 t('1


SOC I ETY ~~11 Loyola Club Plans

lnteFesting Program .\ ,·Ny inll'l'C's tiug meeting is hl· ing

pl:11111Nl for th 1.· L oyola 'Juh w hi c h wil l 11u•t•t in the Hural Asscmbh· on T hu rs· day t·,·L• nin g. ) I rs. Hou ssc:n; of \\'i scon · sin lfopi il s will speak to t he (' )ub o n hC'r i111prl':--si1111s of the Pass ion 1•1ay at Ol!t'rn111111Prgau. .Mrs. R oussea u spe nt thn·c month~ :d,roncl ancl lwr 1t1 C'ssn.gc s hould h1.• particu lar ly int eresting io :di C:itholi(· l'-'t udc nts of t.hc College.

T hl' 111 1.•cting- of Loyola ton ight is th e fir :-=t of t lw n ~:lr n nd i t is au cx(·c llc n t eh:111 1·<' to n;:tkl! t hings s t:1rt off first rak. Bl' a fir.:it rater hy hc i11g prc~c n t :tt tht• fi rst mct~t ing.

Home Economics Tea .\ ll':l w :1s scrn·d 1,,. the old Home

F.1·011 om i1·~ !,!iris for t ill' II('\'' {!iris on Thu rsd:1,· nf l:i .: t wC'ck . Th is f urn islh•d a 11w: 111 s· for <'\'1•ryonr to g-C't :tl'(JU:li 11t 1•cl. Tc•:1 was poun~d liy ).fi ss ) l u r illa R o­hcrb; . .:\ l iss Lnura 8l" hOP 11i11gC' 1\ :uHl :\li ~s: E sh·ll ,· Ru hl 'l'h L• lio:,;tc>:--sL·s ,,·l·n• :\liss Ann .r1•.::.-J u 11 and )I i :H1 fiL' lH'ViC'\'L' P u ld:t.

rr:·stnl .Tos(• ph was in 1·harge of the tt•:i a nd i~ to IJl' eongrn tul:"t t<•d o n t h <: ~m·t·l·S~ of the affair.

w. A. A. Th C' \\' . . \ . ,\ . girls have ht•t~n acliYc

this wei.•k !10th phys i l·:d ly :i ncl lll l'nt nlly . Pat Cow:in h a'i u sed ln•r hr:d n 0 11 n f loat and she pla118-b11 t t he n I ' m no t ~n ppm;C'd to rt ll- jnst wnit :tncl sec . E stL•llt• Buhl h:1s a n•ry l' lh'O t1l'ag ing n·porl , ,11 t h l• n •st ruom . l' rC'si cl ,•nt HyL'I' is ,·,· r.\· 1•111Jt11 ...;i:is li c :thou! t h e pl'Ojl•i:t and i..; d oi ng :ill i n h is power to h e lp m:ik l• t l11• :1f'f:iir :1 f•om plctc sm· tess.

It will hL· the initiation duh· of t he n t •\\· m t• m hrrs uf \\' . A . . \. to l~o llcr t a q uartC'r frn m t•a1·h lll'\\" g irl fo r t hi s resl room. I f :rny of you SCl' Bl:1.n t h L' 1':·ler, \'id:rn F: ngc, J.il:l K e n.\'011, .frn ny Nt•w­sn mt·, Ruth 1. ippke, o r Alta St:1uffr1·, gi,·1• thl'III :'our q u:irtf'r. 'l'la~rC' is ph~11 -ty of pnH· l i1·:tl work, so if :inyonc w ant s to gl'f sonir 11 cw and o ri gi nal id ea~ o n how to f urn ish a home, 1·0 111 c an<l help 11 8 for a whilt•. \\"a frh t he se n e w m c m ­Lrrs of W. :\. :\. Th e\· ha ve a.Jrcadv fe lt th r re-.ult s. of init.i:1tio n and t.h·e n ~s pon~ihili ty of 111 c 111hership. \\' C' he ar .\dt•li n C' Bellrn:111 has no mcri·.,·, an d s h e i:a; t r:1ini11g Ruth )[(• i fr r t nnd Doroth y ·:\! ,· Lain i n thC' sa nh ' lines.

T.:1 st TuC'sday nig h t :tllllut :iO girls t ook shn n k po n it·s lo the o ld WatC'rworks pa r'l:. T wo gi rl s \\' C' llt w :uli ng-suun ds kiddis h , hu t w (' :il l :ire t hn t way :1t t iml'~ . \\'<' ro:1stNI ,,·,-. i,wrs . hu t t hC'rC w1'r<·n 't .. ~nough pi{·klrs to suit :\(i hs . :\ nywa.\' 1•,·er,,·011 l' w~1s gl:icl s h t• fo und ou t wlia t \\'. J\ . :\. gi r ls \\'L•rc li k(• .

Ru nd :1\· CiC' n t•,· il'\'C' P nld :i again ){'d lw r hik


C'l'S . hut t h is tim.<' to Riv t? r PinC's. \ Ve u ndrrst:i nil t h ey like ice

NELSON HALL NOTES (Cont inue d frn111 p:lg'l' 2. )

O!i,·l"' 8 in•rtso 11 , the s i:.. t L' I' of l~n·lvn Si \"l•rtS(1 11 , who at I e nd l•d s1·hoo l hl'l' l' l:;st year , SfH' Ht the \\' CC' kl'nd :tt h('\- homl' in Aul,u r nclal t•.

JJorot h\' LL·Roux \\"l' nt to hC'r h ome :1t .Sltl.'1'1' \' 1 l; is Wl'l'k -c> nd •• IL•nnie X1•\\'S01Jh'

:111 d f~il,' l'll l ,P:111:· ~pt•nt 8:1turc l:1.,· :1 11 d .Su 11d:1y at \\',rnp:h'a 1 whil·h is t he ir

ho me t o ,,·n. I J C'a 11 ~·kin lL L'I° :111d Eld a -:\filler ,n• u t tr,

thei r h o mc•s in E nd e :1\·01·. .Jn n i,·c Bouns:111 and Lou ise K enilen

spe 11 t the WC'l'IH•1Hl :1t :\1..•lrnosa . Fr:111 (· t•s J.;:orhd 's ho111 C' is also in Xekoo~a .

'.\I:1rg:1 rct' 13t•ardslc \· w c·11t to h L·r liuuw i n Wisci m si n R:1 pi ds."

Ot l11•rs who WC'llt hn m C' this WC'l'k:.C' nd \\'t' 1·e llil<l :i Luka~, Lul :1 \ \"orking, C h ar­lotte Gnuth ic r , V c n tur:1 Baird, C r: ·stal .Toseph, )lyr t lC' :rncl Eth1_•l \Vii:k <.·, An ua \\"orlu nd, H u t h :\IC'ifr1·t , fn:1 \\'il son , .\l:tn·l•lla :\l :1 gi11, Trcm• )lilll'I', H c l<.•n :ind J,c•:1 )loht•rg.

J l :1,·e \'OU hN1ri l th (• l:1tt.•s t rum or? I t :ti\ s t:lrtrd ton ig-h t ,1t a mC'C'fiug of :1

,:rou p of X(·lso n H nll gil'ls . \\' ould .,·nu Jik1• tCt g1>f in 11 11 l h l' St't·rt•t ~ f t i:. :-ai d lhat r lu• d h rm w i ll hnn• :1 r:1diu s11011. \\' 1• hnp,• ! h e rn11 1<11·s wi ll h l• :;u l,st:1n t i:il ­"fl.

Thl'l'l' :H l' otht•r 1·u111nr~ too :tho u t sn111 1• gund t im es \\" hi 1· h Wt' :tl'l' :111 :1 11 -ti i· i p:it i 11g. Tli e old l,!ir ls wi ll entert:iin th t• Il l'\\' J.:"il'ls :1t a party \\\•dn(•sd:1.\' 1•\'t' lli11g- :i t Xelson 11 :11 1. T.:11l'r (11 1 th1•rL' wil l I,,, the• :·11111u:i l part.,· for :Ill girl-; w h o lin• r, nr s ide thC' dor m.

I '11 \\'.l}'.!t·r with anyonl' t hat :\"C'lson ll :111 g i rls 1, t•at nil wht• n it ,·n nl <'S t o nm ­h i t io n. Prr p:11·:1tio n~ for n Xe lson lla ll 1' lu:1t :II'<' :dn•.i d:· ht•gun :i ncl t h r r:n t o hl• ust•<l h:1s lit~r n :,.dt•t·h•cl. Get bus ,· c•,·en·horh-! '. You know \\'f' want t hi s t·,. ht• ih(' 1·,i,!g1•...;t :111d h<' st ho111 r~omi 11 g ('. 8. T. (' . h:1s c• ,·t•r sl.'1•11 . Th t• r1• :irr p rirP_s ol'it-1·rd too. \\' :.!J_!·h :\"els,111 Hall!

I 1u s t w:rnt t o rC' m1 11fl \·o u to trll I 1•\·1·r~·n 11 r yo u k now :1hout 'tht• lun1·h co 11 whit·h \\·ill h e SC'n·ed :1ftt>r th C' H o m e-1•11111i11g p:1r:1,k. \\" l' promise y o u a good I rnt- :tl :rnd li\'eh· t•11 t L•rt:1 inm c 11 t.

T ' II he wil l; ,·ou next \\'t•t• k, . X ogC'y X:111.

P.S. \\" h :1t ,lo you think a h out h:l\"· ing :1 ;.! II C'~t hook for thC' \\'(•(•k-C'1Hl of h11111('1·oming? Thi s wo u !tl furni s h :1

m t•a 11 s of l'l't·ordi ng n:.1111 l.'s :tnd :tl't i , · iti1•s d u ring- ll o mf"l'<1mi11g .

Th C' n thC'rC' \\":lS th e :1bsC'11t mindC'd t r:i ff i<' cop who hl ew his n ose and wip­ctl hi s whi:,.tl e.

CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE Fruil s a nd Vegeta bl es

Phone 51 457 Main St.

Olson's Barber Bobbing Shop A pprecia te Y c,u r Bus iness

T RY O UR SER V ICE 112 Strongs A v enue

, PECIAL PRICE 'f O STUDE'.'l'l'S On ,\ 11 Standard ;\[akes Of

FOUN'l' AIN PENS 305 Main Street




Is An Investment

In Good A ppea rance

Hotel Whiting Blk. Phone 625

F1SCHER 'S Specialty

Shop for

Women " \ \"h ere Sma rt St~·le

:lfods :l[odcrntc Price"



For All Occasions Hotel Wh :ting Block


Always Fresh At Any Locally Owned Grocery



"Say It With Flowers"

Wilson Floral Company



Drg Cleaning

Phone 380

N o Extra Charges for Collecti on and

Deli ve ry








1·n•nm <>O nes. Th e rain a nd w ind rat her p n t " r rimp "Where Graltmanship UNITY

3 '

in h o<·k<'.", IHI it \\':l :-! lll' cl a way our fiC' ld I ~iF§§§§§§§§§§§§~=rfw $ _______ Ef':£r:!:e~d~oum!!linates"_ - fITTrr~ ilfJ?~"l'""Wttt'tTtri'rn'r'k""'fnlt-foT~C' t

this WC'C'k . Lnts of t h <' girl !-! h :1 \·C'u 1t trird our ardu• n· hows a nd :nrows. 1.(•t 's d o t lwt t hi s ·wcrk. Il :111d in \' ou r h·n n is hours t o :\ 1111 .rf'!-!<'l nn, a~ _vOli g<'t two points an hour. F:n•r:• Tuesda:· :\lid 1'hurscl:i\' aftC'r !!C' h ool th C'l'c i~ h ock cv praC'ti ('(; fo r every girl. 'T'h o!i(' wh{J "·oul<l r:ither s hoot or h :1 t :i t<' nni s ha ll


mav do so. R ~"' mf'mhcr, gir l:-, every Tuesda y a nd

Thurscla\' night there is somrthing for you out ·on the h oekcy f ie ld!

It 1s lucky fo r some guys that lip­st i ck~ arc not fatten ing .

Stevens P o int. Wis.

A Growing Institution



STORE Fashion Decrees Dul Sheer Hose---W e Have Them

In All The New Fall Tones---Van Raalte Phoenix and Belding .


-.i--n-o_O_K __ CT_ U_D_IO-----ill+,>!l-_HA-.. R-r s-c~~-FF~NE~-R-&=MA-R\Q.Wll== l·..,,,,~l -h~NN=MS=~lr-u~ c) I AND PENWOOD CLOTHES 437 MAIN STREET

Page 4: THE POINTER · tht•ir school (·olurs. But 'nothing-l':111 bP done uulC'ss Lhc w hole Sl· hool L"o lllf'S out :111 cl h:1cks the W. A. A. \\'(' t·:1 11 :ll't :lS the 1:c 11 t('1


]I EXCHANGES 1111 ALUMNI NOTES STATIONERY, ROOKS, DRUGS Hl.!m ingto n Portabh: T ypewritt:rs


l'la 11 s h:1 ,·l· Lc>t• n 1· 11mJ,l l' ll·tl fur a ll l'W fit•ld hou st• at )lilw:rnkt• t· 'l\·:tt·lh•r:, ('ollC'J!C' to irwludc t,,·o g:y 11111a si u111 ~, rt•stroo111 a n<l swimming puul.

Stout 8lt1ul is dt.•n·lopin~ :i r i fh• t· lu h i n

w!li (' h both me n :ind WO ll h.' 111 partiv i-p:1t c . ...,

Aberdeen Sixtct•u powerfu l illn111i11a ti11g projec­

to rs ha,·c IJct•n in sta llNl on th t• footl;a ll field :1t ):orthcrn State 'l' t•:1t·ht•rs' Col­kgc • . \hc>rtlN· n , South D:ikota . . \ I I hu t t wo of tht· games this yt•:tr wi l l he pla::­cd at nigh t.

River F alls );'in t•ty pe r tent of !ht' 1!130 gradu:1tt·s

of Hi n· r f.'all s tt•:td1t• rs ' Co llt:g C' ha ve t,l,t:1 i11 cd positions. In t he Hural :111 <1 Gr:1111mar (l ('p:trt m c nts t h(' p l:i t·t·111<.• 11 t was I Ol i~,( .

Marquette This ~·t·:ir is tliC' ~o ld t·n a1111in•r:-:ary

of ) [ar<1u('ttC', l" n i,·crs i1~·1 )l ilw:rnkL•(•. The sdtool first opt• 11<.• d in 18 1 and w a :,;

. org:rn i zl•d :is a C ni \·t.•rs ity in l UOU. - --College Papers Are

Available In Library .\re you inti.·l"l'Stl'd in n•ad ing p:1pcrs

from otht•r 5whouls! l-'t•r h:1ps we h:1 vr :111 t'Xl" h :1 11 gc• fro m yc111 r .X I IU:t ) la ter . .\11yu1ll' i11kn.•stL'd iu n•ading t hese E xtl1: lll J!t'S , will fi n d t h l'III i n t lw bottom of the• m:1~:1 z inc r:t<:k in thL' lil 1rar~-- I f yuu 11 :1,·c· dift'i.·ulty in findi ng 1he111 ask tlw Jihr:1 r i:lll :111<1 shl· wi ll gin· ~·o u the n•nuirC'd i u for matio n.

·i'ia• prim ary rc·:tson fo r the~w ex -ch :rng-cs is Ir, g in· ideas to aid t h e ml• 111hc r s of till· Pointer St:1ff.

AND A BALE Ol' HAY! Two 111011ks ,,·err dchatiug which

c•ould kt.·L'P hi~ 111 i n1 l f'o,· n~ctl on one s uhjC't:I the lo1q,!C':;1. Finn. II~· one bet hi :-: h orse aJ!!lin:.;t t h e other's t h at h e crn1 ld r('fWat t h<' Lo rtl s Prnyer a nd thi 11k of noth iug e l:-:c at t he time. rl'hi s was :ign·ed u pou , ancl th e former s tnrt­C'd to prny . W hc·n ahou1 half way through he r:d:..e J his he:111 :in<l s aid , " If I w i 11 t h t• h t.ll"Sl' w i ll vo u throw t h e brid le in too?" ·

E\"(:•ry clou<I has it s s ih-c r li ning. ancl e,·ery o ld !'-U it has it s :-:hiny s ide .

CHET'S BARBER SHOP "Hair Cut While You Wait"

l 0"2 ~ tronµs A \ ' c.!llllt:

PORD STEVENS POINT MOTOR CO. 309 Strongs Ave. Phone 82


''I The comfortable and homelike

rL dormitory for women of Central

Sta te Teachers' College

Dining Room

for both men and w o men


Varied, abundant, delicious and


· ' MAY A. -ROWE, Director

(Graduate Dietitian)

i )


) I r :111d ~\f r:-1 . P :dml'I" Budahl \"lsitt•d ~\•lsu 11 11:tll o n t h l•i r w a y th ro u g h Ste,·.

.1.·1H1 P o int. 'l'h t• tri p w a s t:ikC' n iu h o nor uf tlu• i r f i i-sl Wt•dtl ing ani\'t·rsa ry . . \_t r:-. Huclahl w:1:.. for ml.' rl\' Jl rlc n Lahti . . \l r. Hu rl:1111 is tt•:u·hing ' at S·is ter l {ay, nea r ,'t urgl'O II B.1y.

:'\ li$S l l l·ll· n 'l' isscr:111c1 s topped :ll Xl-. J· s11 11 11:tll an d ('. ti . 'l'. C. :'\lon<ln~·. S ill· wil l 1·t.• turn t o lit.•r l e:11·hi 11 g po :,; iji o n a l 1,i el on , 'n ndtn- a fte r :t , ·a c·atio n of :1 nwnt h . ~·h e a l;o !,rin gs ll l'WS t h at Regi ­na Gro th r nj oys tr:11:hint: at K iel. l l t•lt•n :1111 1 He~iua :trC' ruo 111:1tt•:.; t h l'n'.

l.u l'i lk llyla nd spt.• nt the w eek-end :1t ~t~ll'.lon H al l. S lw \"i sit:-: u s oftl' n , :rnd we li k C' to hnvc h er.

frl 'l'hurhcr fo rmcr l\" of C'. S. 'r. C. is 1um· t r :u·hi ng :i t Park· .Fa ll s .

~((•h · in D" 1111 er wh o t cad1C's a t En cka · \'Or s tnpprll at the '' llun ·c of H e rrick' 1

t hi s Wl·C'k -C' nd. Jt is reported t hat liasebn ll t ea ms

h:i,·r sprun g- up nt t h l· hig- h :.;t· lt0o ls in r--Enc.lr:n·or and P:l(·kw:rnkrC'. )[r. Do 11 -1H·r i s tht· l·n:11·h at ·..:11<1 <.':n·or :111d :\(r. lh•inh:1rcl L:1tzig- is t he c·oaeh a t Paek · wnu kcc. Th e teams ~,re qui te t:ompcti­tin· . Thi s is so mewhat !llTOUn tcd for Ji ,· th e• fad l hat both. co1u- hcs :ire from t l1t~ t·it ,. of )f rr ril.

\\· 011(lrow IJ :1 ~n ra u n fo rm(' r st uclcut nf ( ', 8. T. r. left for ('hi L· ngo Sntu rcla~·. ill· i,i nttC'1Hl ing th (' l'ni\" c rs ity of Chi ­t·:igo.

1.ron ar<l Spr:1guc•, B<'n \\' cro nk (' :111,I '' Bann:H·h ·· h:i\·(• hr<' 11 si•c n abou t f'. T. (' , l:t ll•h· L t.~1rn:1rcl nnd Bl' n t c:1c: h at \\'a u t o111:1 1 • Tiny ii- pri 11 l"i pnl of o ne of 1lw :-·Hcn~ns _P o int ward sd10(1ls .

Ha ~·111u111l II oup:i :111cl ":\farg:irct Be ll · 111:1 11 . former s tuck nt s . :1 re uow attc ,u l ­ing the \\"h itc\,·ah~r State T r :iehcrs 1


Emil Pagrl h as rC':mm cd his :,;t u dit•s :1 ! t hl' rn i,·c,;· :.. i t~· of \Yisrousin and p lans to work hard.

X o w o11df' r the ro1111try is get ting n li tt le w:npNl. Tt 's dr~· o n o ne ~ide and wl't 0 11 t he oth e r.

- Pathfin der.

~ o.Y LLE SB V--....; • V • - --.,, WISOONSIN lll - VALLEY (J


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" " co. IIJ tll "' 1 ='it): {; .,.

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FERDINAND A. HIRZY "ll!:be l!§ift Counstlor"


Home Made -Candy II =AT ~



NO \ .HS AU.K -<:>FO R R E >, ULTS-<:>

l '2:"l S tro n gs A vi:nne


BERENS' BARBER SHOP [Under Hirz y' S tore]


422 Main St.



Stevens Point Beverage C.o HI GH G R ADE



JOHN N. PEICKERT, Prop. 451 Main St .



RINGNESS SHOE GO. 40 Years Quality Foot Wear

4-17 MAIN ST.

•!•·:~··x-: ... :-:-: ... :-:-.-~··r:-:-:••:-:-:-:-r:--·:-:-:•


Home Made Cakes and Pies ME.ALS ~nd L UNCH ES


COLLEGEEAT SHOP !!=~~~~~~~~~~~=

French Campbell & Co. Stmknts Suppli,:s

449 Main St. l'hone 134-W





srotRESTAURANT 414 Mai n S t. Ph ., nc 95

WELCO,U E STUDENTS! Wh ere Fine Hair Cue s Are n S1>cci11 li1y

BURCH BARBER SHOP :1 11~ ,Uain St.


)1eals and Lunches At All Hours



"The Bank Thot Service Built"

Th e B urn t l\fatch anll lh o.!

\\" asted Dollar a rc eq ual-

J~- W or thies.- . •




f Thousand Island Dressing ! Ex~:!1;.; :.,~~:!!.~;• Low

PLUMBING and HEI\TING I Mayonnaise Dressing ~ Lo_;:;1:.,Jt'::'r~~":!ed f An Influence AB Woll All a ' School

Maytag Washers Sandwich Spread credits Accepted At All Univorsltlos _

-~~~.l!!i==Ei!!ii!iill.~~~~---+-~1-__JD~o~gr~ee Oourse"""sF"or:-AllTeacllen Silent Automatic Oil - , SpeciaTTralning-Por

Burners It Try "ttELLMI\NS" Ho:',:'..Joo~~::0:nd

Phone 297 431 Clark St.- 11 *++1-B+;e .... tt ... er+TMh.+a+n i"iTJo<fhe.+R+e .... s .. t ++<II-+ .,. ___ Se_n_d -l'o_r_IJ_te_ra_tu_re ___ - -.