THE POINTER Se ries III. Vol. II. No . 11. OSHKOSH QUINTET BEA ts PURPLE IN , OVERTIME BATTLE Point 32 - Oshkosh 35 Pb1~· ing the Ucst Urnnd of bnll seen 011 the home t.•o urt this year, the fight- ing Purpll• W('rc uoscd out of f1 wcl1 l'arnctl vi,·tory in an over time spasm with the Bug 'ity hop1 on. Washing- ton's Birth day, 35-32, her e. The g:unt? came to a close with a total of 32 all :tfft•r \ Vall , Oshkosh forward , im nk :1 frt'C' throw to m:1kt• it ~o. Stt:v1::ns Point , Wis .. i\tarch i, 192S .. Pric t: i ce nt s Qrder New Books · For Library Use :\ ~ w:1~ 11oh•1l in n rrcC'nt i ssue of The P11i11tt>r 1 $ 1,500 wu~ app ropr intcd hr the ~tah• l,f'gi8lature for P.oint co1,rgc r e f- l'TC'IICc books . .-\11101\g the new books orde red _ fo r the H('fc>rl'n~c f.ihr:t ry a rc the following: Book .. Author lfomia rk ....... · .. . ..... . .. by Lud,dg· Life nncl Letters nf \Voodrow \Vil son .. .. by R. S. Baker Charil's Dnrwin .. .. by Henshaw Ward D. L. )foocly .. .. . .. ..... by Braclford Ginn ts iu the E nrth . ... .. . by Rol vaag )I ot her Incl in .. ... by Kath eri ne Mayo Our Times . ...... .. by O( n.rk Sul livan The King's H enchman .... .... ..... . . . . . . b.,· Ed. na St. Vincent - Millay ,JH11glt• P ut h i- :111(1 Inca Ruins .... . .. . ... ...... by W. W. 1fcGove.rns Philosophy .. . .. .. by Bert r am Uusscll 'l'run sit i ou ........ . .... ... by Durant Trader H orn .... ... ........ by Lewi s Hoy:al Roa rd to Homuncc .... ... .... . .. . by Riehnrd Hnlburtou Practil'al Hook of l' hinn \\'a rc ...... · ... . ... . by Aberlinc A Lu ce Gui de for Mnk~rs and Coll ectors .. by G. Whiting Besides t h e:-c hooks, a represcnta.tivo li:..t of r eforclll'C hooks in Ed ucat ion, P~yc hology, Home Economies, Physical Educntion , :.111cl ~istory have been <'hos C'n :inti wi ll arrive soon. CALENDAR Normal Confer ence w L Pct. Plattcvilk· 6 1 .857 Os hkosh .. 5 1 33 Superior 4 1 00 Rivn ~ ·,11, 4. .667 La Crosse 4 .500 Ht t• vcns P11i11t 3 :) .37;3 t-::111 Clai 4 .:333 \\"hit c wat, •r " :286 Stout 4 .200 .\tilw:1uk ce .167 Form . Tentative. Plans To Change To Quarter Basis Pauline Buh/man Awarded Verdict 111 thl' Estt•mpora11 co m1 Conkst wllil'h was hC' ld during th e Assc mblv hour 'l'hur:-111:iy , J,\hrua' ry 16th , firsi:. pl1u·e was given to Pa ul ino Bu h lmuu, who ~poke of ''Lntin Amcl'icn 'R Att.i t. uck t ownnl tho Unitc il Sta t es". Clnrc ner ' l_ 'N1kc ,,·ith hi s answer '' ' rh o A ttit uclc of th e u ·nitC'd States toward Lntin 'Am('rita,'' was :awarded sN·o11cl place . The j ud ge8 of th e l' Ontcst Wl'rc Mi ss Bt•rt hn Tiu ss<·r, Profrs1mr T. A. Rngrrs, anti Professor r;. •r. S mith. 'f hc spt.•nk · t•rs We're Poadwd hy Professor L. ·M. BmTnUJ:{hs, who is :.;t the ht•111I of tl l(' F.11glish dcpartmrnt. A:,i :1 n.• s ult of this lo1· al ,·u ut eMt, l \l" iss Buhlma n will rr pr cs<'nt Point ,·olkgc nt' th e Sta lf' orato ri<:11 1 arn l l'xtc mporn- 11coul< c·o 11tl'st at Oshkosh 011 Man·h 1 6t h and 17th. Frank Joswi ck, co ll ege ora· tor, will :dso repr esent St eve ns Point 011. !hat d:1~· with his ora tion ; "Crime, :l (' h:dl e ng<' to Youth". L co nftrd Sprngm-', who wn:,; :iw:1rtlcd sct·on d pla ce , with 11 't' ht• f'harneh!of the Ages,'' will a.ct a~ i\fr, Joswi ck 's nltcr11ntc. }fr. Teske will nrt as a ltcrnn te for )U ss Buhlm:111 in th e Extcmporn ncous t·O n · test. 1'111..' rt'l'C'11tl.v o rg:11tizefl Cumpus C'hoir will :rlso f.!O to Os hk os h. 1'fr. Frank Pcre ivnl will a ec• ompnny th C' orj.!'anizn · tion afol dir cttor. Standings Examin ed By Economics Class No Decision Reached I I ha :-1 IJ oo u unoffidnl y n•po 1 ·tc tl frow till' offi ce lhttt the Dcpartml'lll Jl ctld S ar c 011h•mp l11ting a c hnng e- i11 -sy:-1tcm. 'rhtl(•ntntive plans ar c tu c hange t ho sd1ool fro m a se mester pro~rmn :rnd re · organize 011 n c 1uarter hnsis. \Vi scon· sin C"o llegC'S hn,·c n• t11i11l'd th e old sys tem for so long on a l·l· oun t of th o ,-ilatc Un in •rs i ty whit·h i i< likt•· \V isc on 11 f-CC Ul l'S tC l' l,nsis . 'l'hc l\llllOU I H'l'l11C1tt, is u11offit· i:1I 111{(1 the Dl'partnwnt Head s h11vt• not de fini · tcly c lcr idt•d lo at·Cl'Jll th e suggested p l:rn . If, howc,·cr, the 11t•w plan goes into cffcl·t th s,· h oo l will lrnu,;:c from two IS WCl'k s1• 11wstr rs to three 12 week <p1:1rtl•r plnn. · Old Credits '!'lit• c n•rlit's :ilready ac 11111ulatl <l wi ll Ji ot l1l' c l11111gc d, L, ut wi ll rota.in the ir rormer \'a lue. For exa mp le if a s tud e nt li:i s r1•t· l•i\'C'Cl six c·rcdit~ for a fiClllCHte1· up1m tile• h1tllJ.rC of pl:111 Ju• will l'C'(· c iv c <1l1a1·tt•r 1·rNlit s. Iu ot her words th e : 1111ou uL of i;n•tlits whi ch ,,·ill IJo r ece ived fo 1 · th<· Nl ud cnt's work wi ll he on<' c n11d a half ai< 111 ul'h as fornwl'ly. As ha s bCl ' II stated tht·r c• has not hco 11 a ch•fi nit c lh·t·isiou made as it will tnkc so nH' time to u:-wcrtaiu tht• lic• sl muth o«l. Tiuh :iug-1• will not lt l' 111:111 (' th is ~ ·c·:i r. School Debate Team Engages Eau Claire 'l'hl· Affin11nt·iv c cil'IJ11 tc te am ' l' Om· pnsccl of All, ·11 l \feVcy, Captain , Paulin e Buhlm:111 :1111! 1''r:111k Joswi ek rnl't the Enu Cl:1irc dl'l ,atc team Tm•stla,· }.,<'b· runry 28th i11 th e Assemlily roo 1l1 . 'J 1 h,c , CLlll'i<I io11 fu !· dC' l,:1tc• wns, RcsoJv. l·d: Ih at lh f' U 111 tC'd , tal cs ccast• to prot ect 1,y force of Hl'II\S Am('riean t·:t pital iu,·csk <l in foregi11 lmu ls except aftn for mal tl ct· larnt ion or wa r. 'fh o (ilo liat l' t oo k t he form of a 11 Open Po · rum iu whic)1 th e :rndicn,•t• :ts we ll as th,• dl' hu to rs was pcn11iJ ~1·rl to e ngage·. Th is is till' fi na l Ccyicgiat c dclmt o fo~ I !l2i · 2R. Ther e w:1s · 110 dec ision rcn- 1lf• rcd. l.' oint Co ll ege is 11ot e nter ed in the St:11 <' Dc i,atc Triang- lc this year duo fo ltt k of fu11tl s :rnd h cnc·c inabi li ty to mak t• tlw 111 •1·,·~s:iry lrip8. Wh il e this i:-i unfortu11:d1• it i~ plonnl'tl thut 11 ext ~·f •n r th<' tt:1 1 11 ~ will !Jc entered and' ng-:ii11 givcu a d1a11l· t• to do what for - mer tc·:1 111~ 11:i n? 1lo11l' liy w:iy of win - n ing . Collegi-a,:rs Perform For Radio Audience

THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point POINTER Series III. Vol. II. No. 11. OSHKOSH QUINTET BEA ts PURPLE IN , OVERTIME BATTLE Point 32 - Oshkosh 35 Pb1~·ing the Ucst

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THE POINTER Series III. Vol. II. No . 11.


OVERTIME BATTLE Point 32 - Oshkosh 35

Pb1~· ing the Ucst Urnnd of bnll seen 011 the home t.•ourt this year, the fight­ing Purpll• W('rc uoscd out of f1 wcl1 l'arnctl vi,·tory in an over time spasm with the Bug 'ity hop1 on. Wa shing­ton's Birthday, 35-32, here.

The g:unt? came to a c lose with a total of 32 all :tfft•r \Vall , Oshkosh forward , im nk :1 frt'C' throw to m:1kt• i t ~o.

Stt:v1::ns Point, Wis .. i\tarch i , 192S .. Pric t: i ce nts

Qrder New Books · For Library Use

:\ ~ w:1~ 11oh•1l in n rrcC'nt issue of The P11i11tt>r 1 $1,500 wu~ app roprintcd hr t he ~tah• l,f'gi8lature for P.oint co1,rgc re f­l'TC'IICc books.

.-\11101\g the new books ordered _fo r t he H('fc>rl'n~c f.ihr:t ry a rc the following:

Book . . Author lfomia rk ....... · .. . ..... . .. by Lud,dg· Life nncl Letters nf \Voodrow \Vilson . . .. by R. S. Baker Charil's Dnrwin .. .. by H enshaw Ward D. L. )foocly .. .. . .. ..... by Braclford Ginn ts iu the E nrth . ... .. . by Rolvaag ) I other Incl in . . ... by Katherine Mayo Our Times . ...... . . by O(n.rk Sul livan The King's H enchman .... . . . . ..... .

. . . . . b.,· Ed.na St. Vincent -Millay ,JH11glt• Put h i- :111(1 Inca Ruins .... . .. .

... ...... by W . W. 1fcGove.rns Philosophy .. . .. . . by Bertram Uusscll 'l'runsitiou ........ . .... ... by Durant Trader H orn .... ... .... .... by Lewis Hoy:al Roa rd to Homuncc . . . . ... .... .

.. . by R iehnrd Hnlburtou Practil'al Hook of l'hinn \\'a rc ...... · ... . ... . by Aberlinc A Luce Gui de for Mnk~rs and Coll ectors .. by G. Whiting

Besides t he:-c hooks, a represcnta.tivo li:..t of reforclll'C hooks in Education, P~ychology, Home Economies, Physical Educntion , :.111cl ~istory have been <'hos C'n :inti wi ll arrive soon.


Normal Conference

w L Pct. Plattcvilk· 6 1 .857 Oshkosh .. 5 1 33 Superior 4 1 00 Rivn ~·,11, 4. .667 La Crosse 4 .500 Ht t• vcns P11i11t 3 :) .37;3 t-::111 Clai n · 4 .:333 \\"hit c wat,•r " :286 Stout 4 .200 .\tilw:1uk ce .167

Form .Tentative. Plans To Change To Quarter Basis

Pauline Buh/man Awarded Verdict 111 thl' Estt•mpora11 com1 Conkst wllil'h

was hC' ld during the Assc mblv hour 'l'hur:-111:iy , J,\•hrua'ry 16th , firsi:. p l1u·e was given to Paul ino Bu hlmuu, who ~poke of ''Lntin Amcl'icn 'R Att. i t.uck townnl t ho Unitc il Sta tes". Clnrcner ' l_'N1kc ,,·ith his answer '' 'rho A ttituclc of th e u ·nitC'd States toward Lntin

' Am('r ita,'' was :awarded sN·o11cl place . T he j udge8 of th e l'Ontcst Wl'rc Mi ss

Bt•rthn Tiu ss<·r, Profrs1mr T. A. Rngrrs, anti Professor r;. •r . Smith. 'fhc spt.•nk · t•rs We're Poadwd hy Professor L . ·M. BmTnUJ:{hs, who is :.;t the ht•111I of tl l(' F.11glish dcpartmrnt.

A:,i :1 n.•sult of this lo1·al ,·u uteMt, l\l" iss Buhlma n will rr prcs<'nt Point ,·olkgc nt' th e Sta lf' orato ri<:11 1 arn l l'xtcmporn-11coul< c·o 11tl's t at Oshkosh 011 Man·h 16th and 17th. Frank Joswick, college ora· tor, will :dso represent Stevens Point 011.

!hat d:1~· with his ora tion; "Crime, :l

( ' h:dl e ng<' to Youth". Lconftrd Sprngm-', who wn:,; :iw:1rtlcd sct·on d place, with 11 't' ht• f'harneh!1· of t he Ages,'' will a.ct a~ i\fr, Joswic k 's nltcr11ntc. }fr. Teske will nrt as a ltcrnn te for )Uss Buhlm:111 in th e Extcmporn ncous t·O n ·

test. 1'111..' rt'l'C'11tl.v o rg:11tizefl Cumpus C'hoir

will :rlso f.!O to Oshkosh. 1'fr. Frank P c re ivnl will a ec•ompnny th C' orj.!'anizn · tion afol dircttor.

Standings Examined By Economics Class

No Decision Reached I I ha :-1 IJ oo u unoffidnly n•po 1·tc tl frow

till' office lhttt t he Dcpartml'lll Jl ctldS arc 1· 011h•mp l11ting a chnnge- i11 -sy:-1tcm. 'rht• l(•ntntive p lans arc tu c hange t ho sd1ool fro m a se mester pro~rmn :rnd re· organize 011 n c1uarter hnsis. \Vi scon· sin C"o llegC'S hn,·c n• t11i11l'd the old sys t em for so long on a l·l· oun t of th o ,-ilatc U nin•rsi ty whit· h ii< likt•· \V isc o n 11 f-CC Ul l'S tCl' l,nsis.

'l'hc l\llllOU IH'l'l11C1tt, is u11offit· i:1I 111{(1

the Dl'partnwnt H eads h11vt• not d e fini · tcly clcr idt•d lo at·Cl'Jll th e suggested p l:rn . I f, ho wc,·cr, t he 11t•w plan goes into cffcl·t t h l· s,· hool w ill t· lrnu,;:c from two I S WCl'k s1• 11wstr rs to three 12 week <p1:1rtl•r plnn. ·

Old Credits '!'lit• c n•rlit's :ilready ac1·11111ulatl•<l wi ll

Ji ot l1l' c l11111gcd, L, u t wi ll rota. in t heir rormer \'a lue. For exa mp le i f a s tude nt li:i s r1•t· l•i\'C'Cl six c·rcdit~ for a fiC lllCHte1· up1m tile• 1· h1tllJ.rC of pl:111 Ju• will l'C'(· c ivc <1l1a1·tt•r 1·rNlits.

Iu other words the :1111ou uL of i;n•tlits whi ch ,,·ill IJo received fo 1· th<· Nludcnt's work wi ll he on<'c n11d a half ai< 111 ul'h as fornwl'ly.

As has bCl' II stated tht·rc• has not hco 11 a ch•fi nitc lh ·t·isiou made as it will tnkc so nH' time to u:-wcrtaiu tht• lic•s l muth o«l.

Tiu• c· h :iug-1• will not lt l' 111:111 (' t h is ~·c·:i r.

School Debate Team Engages Eau Claire

'l'hl· Affin11nt·ivc cil'IJ11 tc t eam ' l'Om· pnsccl of All, ·11 l\feVcy, Captain , Pauline Buhlm:111 :1111! 1''r:111k Joswie k rnl't the Enu Cl:1irc dl'l ,atc team Tm•stla,· }.,<'b· runry 28th i11 th e Assemlily roo 1l1 .

'J1h,c, CLlll'i<I io11 fu !· dC' l,:1tc• wns, RcsoJv. l·d: Ih at lhf' U 111 tC'd , talcs ccast• to prot ect 1,y force of Hl'II\S Am('riean t·:t pital iu,·csk<l in foregi11 lmuls except aftn for mal tl ct· larnt io n or wa r. 'fho (ilo liat l' t ook t he form of a 11 Open Po· rum iu whic)1 th e :rndicn,•t• :ts we ll as th,• dl' hu to rs was pcn11iJ~1·rl to engage·.

T h is is till' fi na l Ccyicgiat c dclmto fo~ I !l2i ·2R. There w:1s · 110 dec ision rcn-1lf• r cd . l.'oint College is 11ot entered in the St:11 <' Dc i,atc Triang- lc this year d uo fo ltt (· k of fu11tl s :rnd h cnc·c inabi li ty to mak t• tlw 111•1·,·~s:iry lrip8. Wh il e this i:-i unfortu11:d1• it i ~ plonnl'tl thut 11 ext ~·f•n r th<' tt:1 111 ~ will !Jc entered and' ng-:ii11 givcu a d1a11l· t• to do what for ­me r tc·:1 111~ 11:i n ? 1lo11l' liy w:iy of win ­n ing .

Collegi-a,:rs Perform For Radio Audience


Voh II. 'I~HE POINTER No. 17.

Publish ed \Vcek ly at Stevens Point by the s tudents of the Ce ntral Wi s..:onsiu State' Teachers ' Col1ege. ·

Entered as second-class matte r May 26, l !.12i, at th e post office :1.t Stevens P oint, \Visconsin, under the Act of March 3 1 1879.

Subscription Price $2.00 per, yen.r. ·

THE STAFF Editor-in -Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solomon Welantzik Asso<'iate Editor . . . . . . . . • . • . . Ann Sharff News Editor ..... . . .. •.. .. . ..• . , . . • . . . • ...... . . . Pauline Buh Iman Society Editor .... , .. , . , .. , .• . ... • . . .. .. . . . , . . Crys tal H oldercgger Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . • . . . .•. . .. •. • . . • . .. . • . •.. , ....... Ca rl ton Lintner Girls' Ath letics .... . •. , .. . . • .. . •....•... . • . ...... . •... .... . Mildred Patchin Reporter . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . • . • . . . . • . • . . • . • . . • . . . . • . . . . . . H elen \Veber Reporte r . . . ....... . ... .. .. . ....•... . .. . ....•..•. . . . •.. .... 11nrjorie Foote Proof Reader .. • ....• ... . . •... . • .. . . • .•..•..•.. . ... . . Eth el ::\fodsen Busi ness Manage r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . • . • . . ... \Valte r Wasrud Cirrujation Mnnage r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. • . • . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . . . John Pralguski Ass tft.nnt Circulat ion Mnnnger . . Richard Marshall Faculty Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. J. Rellahan


Sc1·1·ice is th,• byc•11·ord of Amcl"iea tocla,v. .\ mcrica has g·onc a l­m ost tompld l'i .,· mac! oYcr it. It has [il tercd int o the most un hea rd of placl's: it has permea ted the most haloed at mosph eres.

'rh l' 11·0J"d its,, lf ap p<' ars ever,vw l1 e1·e. l t g la,·es a t one froin t he trndc•ma rks of th e busin ess world , from t he s igns and Jette r heads of ~o mc of th t· most odd bus iness c ·tablishments - whose ri ght to the use of t ht• wol'cl might 11·ell be quest ioned. The public dema nds it; :i nd th ,· pu hl ic g-ets it. El edri ,· light com pan ies and gas con:ipan ies kno\\". 1'1 ·11J11 the ir 0\\"11 cxpl'r icnce. , whi1t happens wh en th e ser\"l ce falls of f. '!'he raill·oacls kno\\" what ha ppens: the tro lley companies know what happens : rnr.v husiness c•nt erp r ise knows what happens. Scl'\·ice rnl es today. Everyone knows it is expected of him, and cn· ryone cxpcds it of others.

!:;c1·1"il'c i., a dominnt in g- power in th e wo rld about us - especially in th e hus iness world . H owever it goes even fa r ther . Medica l men will answ,•r ca ll s at a ll hou1·s : they will venture into th e country on the bi1t 1• r est 11 ig-hts. i\Tany a tim e, no doubt , th e doctor would will­in g l,Y g- i,·e l'rnm his 011·,.- pocket a sum ·eq ual to that wh ich he would earn if lu· mi g-ht he spa1·ed th e d iscomfo 1·t, but th e money is nothing! Rl' r\·ie l· rul es .

fn thr ccl u,·ationa l f ield; as well as in a ll the res t , the se rvice com­plex has entrenched itse!L \\· hat professo r is unwilling to spend a fe "" hours aft<• r school hours in helping an unfortunate studen t who has fa llen behind in hi s work .. \Vh o won't g ive adYice to some espec­ia lly amhitious student . It is not part of th e contract! It does not ha Yr to be done! The unll' rittcn la 11· of se rvi ce demand · it - and it is do ne !

Larg-e as the in fluence of sen ·ice niay be, librari es and librar ians seem to be arn101·-plated aga inst it. Ser vice may reign supreme in the halls and in Lhe classes; it may be paramount in the offices of t he Regist r a1· a nd President; it may hold the length and breadth of the land in an iron grip - but in t he library, the librarians hold sway.

Th ere is no compromising with these people. If the nbrary is to upen at cig-ht , it opens" at eight. It always has opened at eight and it always \\"ill ()pen a t e ight . All the king's horses and a ll the king's men ca n't make it open at fil"e minutes to eight. Th e library is to be ,·_losccl at fi\' e - and it close.- at fiYC. \ Voe unto him wh o has a pa r­-1,grnph st ill to read ll'hen t he holy hoUJ· com es. Bang ! f ive o'clock th e library closes.

Th e h' xt librnry closes ·at 4 :1 5. Jnst try to get a book at 4 :30, :i nst t ry! Th e cloo r is not Jocked; the records are still t here : the librarian is s t ill th ere to get it , but th e iron bal'S of the Rule arc s t rong-e r tha n any lock could be. At 4 :30 th e-text library is closed , no matt er what th e cause of the delay that made it imposs ible to appear at 4 : Iii, too lrnd . .. so sad. Bah! ·

Of. cou1·sc th e libraria ns have th eir worl, , but so has everyo ne else. Everyone goes out of his way-for se1·vice. The who le world does it, hut th e librn1·ians have the ir ll"O rk to do. To the ord inary un know­ing stud('T1! it ll'Ot1 ld seem t hat servi ce is the wo1·k of librarians. I t woulcl seem t hat o[ a ll people lib rnrians should be the most devoted to it- to seei ng- that th e li b1·a1·~- is used , and th e most made of the bo.oks.

..../ Rules arc neccssa ry, ther e is no doubt about it . Libra r ies must be r un systematica ll y . Lal'ge libraries are ve1·y st ri ct, \"Cry strict. They must be. Sma ll librnr ics like ours, wh ere ther e arc only fo ur hundred people wh o use it, haye nu reasons fo r hold in g to rul es wh ich are nec­essa1·y in larger libraries .

The presen t policy has led to a n Cl"il which should not be toler ­ated, but which, in a way is justifi ed . ~Iany students have found it much more s imple or much more foasible to pick out a needed r eserve book and, with an a ir of nonchalance, complacently stride out of the lion 's den without sign ing for th e book at a ll. In th is way a book may be kept from Friday afternoon to Monday morning without the necessity of bringing it back for inspection Saturday mornin ". This i s bad, but it is better than the good.



H _EARD IN H OME ECONOMICS ' 'Now girls, what type of face would

you wear with this neckline? •• ·

:Miss Pft• iffrr: '' I 'm pulling- <Il l

weight. What .,...s lw u ltl 'I do ?" Ca ndid dol'to r: 11 lh'g ul:i r t'X<'n isl'.

P ush ,·ouriw lf nwa,· fl-0 111 the t: il 1lc t hree li mt•s :1 1by.' 1

Its called cold cash because we don ' t k eep it long enough to get it warm.

- IT MUST BE LOVE! J oyce : " 'l'ha t':i la t·I' sixth da nt·e with

hi m tonight. Th~·.r mu st 1,c engagl•cl. ' ' .A1111c : " T hnt 's no sig n. 11 •

J o.n ·c : '' But ,vou don't k 11 0 w how she dn 11 1·cs. ''

The biggest difference between men is women.

NOT THE HOME EC VERSION Greg : '' Do \ 'OU ku ow how to make :·1

]1<":1e h c·o rdial / 1 1

1-'l o li tl : " Hun• , Sl' IHI hl'I' n liox of C'a ndy.' '


''What's the difference between a mouse and a CO·ed?' '

'' One harms the cheese, and the other harms the hes.' '

AT LEAST TWO DOZEN! l\l ary Agnes: " I <lo my "Daily

Dozen' ' every d ay . ' ' Frank: "'Vcll , I don' t enrc so long

as I ' m not one of th e dozen .,,

' ' P ass your exam?' ' 1 ' It was this wa.y-' ' "Neither did I. Shake."

IN F ACT, HE'S ALMOST CURED! 'Mrs. Smith: " H as Ed's somnambu·

!ism im proved Hin ce he went to col· lcge 1"

:\[rs. :\ful acly: "Oh, yes, he wri tes t ha t· he (·an · walk from l'l:, ss to c lass with out waking u p.,•

IT'S A NEW VARIETY '"'ne!;r.o,ld: " ?t is that on your

Marga~A freckle. ' ' H arold : '' That 's funny ; it 's the first

time I ever saw a freckle walk. 1 ,

FABLE. Onte . upon :i time a young co llege

mn n s:11d t o hi s roo mi (', 1 1 Bi II , you play the !mxo ph o,a• and J 'II s tudy."


Guide : '' That is a skyscraper. '• Bennie: " Oh my! I ' d like to · see it


, ~o, Oswnlfl , t hl' .:\l ing Jll' riod is not a ChrnC'se pun e tuation mark.



7~t,hcr : ' ' How many miles to the gal.

Mother: "What color Is the uphol­stery? "

Son: ' 1 How f ast will she go?, 1

erf.~ughter : '' Has it a cigarette light·

it?~'eigl~ ' How can ~they a.ffo;d


~ T ttE SHOWER ROOM ~ : 13Y EL D UCE :

§ COI.D \VATER r\ND 'BOQUETS ~ § CHEEIIFU I.LY THRO\VN . : §· KNOCKS A SPECI ALTY § Ei1111111111111111111111111111111~111111111115

El Duce lias a lways greatly en'. joyed giving notoriety and fame to his a thlet ic friends, giving the public a bir:l. 's eye view of their petty affectations of heart ·and brain, coupled with inside in. cidents t hat would have been lost to posterity but for this depart­ment. Last Tuesday he received

. a letter tha.t set him t hinking t hat he was not doing the right t hing by our dear varsity boys. The missile proceeds as follows:

• • • ll o11 r11·nu l,· ) I is tcr L . Duecc :

I IH· ilw s,•11i or Klass of K orn ­s la lk K or11 c• r 's hi g- h sckool and we l,!it I hP Poi 111l·1· 11t'al'I .'" c ,·ery weak th1·u ~·111· mal cing- list. I be a ))!'(' tt y m iss of 18. l'rcklcs, -snub 110:-;(•d with long· go lde n h a re, i11

oth !' r W<'l'<ls jist a n old fashioned g u1·l. r think yo1·c horrid! I nwe11 I actua ll y do ! I 1·edc yur Ko11ll C\"Cl'Y wea k and kry and hy 1'01· t he pore hoys you ab1Ji?e so te1Tilily. Yuh otwht to b,[ a­sham ed or yursc lL L. Duece !

l i'C'a l specially sorry fe r yore gTate a thl ete Scooty i\lacDonald. He must fca l tcr ibul af ter all the menc thin gs yuh say about him. Pl ese tcll liim that I wood lyke his pid1u1·c i[ he has go tten moor then 11·011 . l le is my idec l hero and I no he wood like mi if he sca n me one't. If Scot ty. lik es music tell him t het l \· c ju •st g-o tten a knew uke fr um Scars Roebuck and ken ah1111s t p lay S11'ete Rosy o 'grady on 11'011 st1·ing a lready. Kan he plcy anytini.: besides besket ball Y

A1J,\"\vay, L . Du •cc, I wan t you to stop pestering those -boys; if I had yo u hea t· I wood shake you godc, yuh horrid t hing.

N[ust k losc a nd fead the chick­•ns now, and I feal grate pow I ka ll rd you bad names 'cuz ynrc a bad, had boy.

1'. S. Our old cow d ied last weak of tonsili t is and mi heby bl'llther kut hi s 2nd tu t h y istcrday. Would 11 put this knews i11 the Po in ted l hcve a lways wanted to ri ght fer a newspcpcr. Give Scotty my clc1·cst lu \" and yu h cin kcpe wut: left.

Uud by, yours tl'Ooly, )fiss Symanthi a McNoocUe.

• • • Wow folkes, we always did our

best but it seems our dear little country cousin thinks we are all wet.

To show you a.11 how sorry we are we will wreck the Shower Room and labor henceforth no more poking fun a.t our defense­less, innocent Sweater wearers of the school. . In plain United States, El Duce is through and • must sell out his entire stock of second hand lead pencils, erasers and yellow pa.per a t once.

It breaks our heart to have to quit but we ca.n 't stand fair IJ1D.id­ens ' destructive criticism so we must. Adios, cruel world. -The Showe Roonr· no more a.n E Duce must go back to ·knitting socks for excitement. Help, H~lp.

. .Regular Meeting 0(

Loyola Club Is Held Tiu· Loyol;l Cluh h t:' ld it s regular

~ll l'<'t ing l:1~t Thu rsday <'Vcning at 7:30 ~n tht• Hur:d .\ sst• mhl,v . After t he sing· 111g of h,nu11s by th l' Clu h, L eona K n• 111 hs gave two rC'aclings w h it:h til e audic· 11 1.·P l' njo~'(•tl ,·e r~' 111ud1.

Till' remain de r of th e c ,·c ning was dc,·otcd to t !l(' l·onsi•lnati on of a re· t·r n t arti<·l1.• hy R l·,·. ,J. 1 1. \Vol fc, P h. I •. u n '' Lnst ing .1 1:ihits, Attitudes, Pra<· t il·es, :111d A ffcl't i\'e R l'snlts of R e· ligious ]11 st rud iou ' ' .

~l iss Hu:1l·h s ug,L!csh•cl t h at t•,·<• r.,· o n e 111:1k,• p:irtieui:lr effort to plan s j1cei al •lcvotions for th (' Le nt e n srason ::i ncl arr:rngl-. tc1 att.t-.ud all t he lt•t tu r<'s at St. Stcphl' n ' !'. 011 Wc,ln es,l:i,,·s duriu g L en t. T hc-sr IPt't urcs will bt• givr n hy r"'ath cr )f t·G inl t•y of )f:rn:1 wa , who is ,·l•ry in· str ul'fi n• as wf' ll a s t•ntc-r tai nini:r s pC'ak-1..•r.

'l'ht• SUJ!j!C'Stio 11 w:1~ madt• that mcm · hrrs gt•l tl l~' h:1hit of 1H' iug- pro mpt in 1·0111i11g to 111 <1{' tings.

[ Nelson Hall Notes

)liss )l:trion K owitz ent eytnin cd her 1n ot h<-r o ,·(• r t hC' ,n•('k (' 1Hl.

Th C' Juni or llonH' El·ono m ic:~ n•ll'lJra · t C'd t he liirth<lay of )liss )lt•rt•l Qu:irm· , one of th C'ir 11u 111li <1 r, liy :i party in thl'' rC'c-rC'nliou ruom on Sit turday (•,·c n ing .

)I iss Elt•:111or Raker wa s <·a iled ho111 c to Wau pun to attt-nd the fun e ral of her u ncle.

hliss Irenr Nourse motored fro m Wau ­p:11:a to ~1arshf ie l<l wi th her broth e r to v isit her un t ie who is eo nvnlcscing in th e hospital the re.

Mi ss L orrnin c •rrc leve n of ~t•koosn, mad e her WC'ek l~: trip to Mars h f ie ld to ,· is it her mothe r who, she repo rts , i~ rc>gai 11i11 g lll' r st reng t h rapid ly .

T he )li sses L eit h Lindow, )larian )lo lan, Dorot h~· Ca wley, )l:t rgaret Caw­ley, Gral'C' Linclahl, Ev<"lyu Dalton, and \ ' crn J onl :rn spent the w eC' k C' 1HI with th eir p<'oplc in tln•ir respeetin• h om e tow ns.

~ti ss D 0rot11,· Ol eso n C' 11 t1•rt:1i11cd her room ma lt•, .\li Rs ::\lildrcd Patt hiu , at hl'r home i n .\ fosinee .011 Saturday .

Th<' -:'t.fisiws t uni <·C' TI:ilc,· and LUl· ill c ~l' hmi<l t had the c·x t'i ten11: 11t of :1 near a e l'idc nl as t lH.'Y motorecl to t lwir hom e.• in A t h C' llS on }~riclny night.


SCHAFTNER'S SHOE oosrITAL 519 Strongs Ave. Phone 196-W

Call for and Delivery Service

Have u ever had a pair of pajamas with the famous

no Belt Feature? Let us tell u about them.

Popular price.

fftQu-GbO-ltllNQ:.-60. "The ~est in Men's Wear"



Lunch To Be Served At Meeting Tonight

l.a :-.t Thur:-;d:iy Evenin g Professor \\::d~o n . ~p_ok C' h l'fo r C' a joint meeting ol th r ). \V. C. A. and the Y. i r. C. A., 0 11 the topic 11 Servi ce". Professor W ut:-10 11 made t hi ~ a , ·c ry time ly address hy show ing h ow ~mch men as \Vashing­ton, Lincoln , J::di son, a nd Ste inmetz have mnde t heir lives worth while throu~h se rvi ce.

'J'onigh t · th e 11 1cetin~ will be vn rietl 1m 111cwha t , t h <' Y. \V. C. A. nnd the 0 . A. A. will holJ a j oint meeting, at which 'l\li :,;s SC'en is to give a. i;hort talk . 'J'h c r~ nre two :-:urprises in s tore fo r you at t l11 s llll'l..' tiug, so bring n li ttle s mall .changt•, not Jes::. than fift een cents, and dou 't fo rget :vour nppQtitcs.

The• party will Jll ('C't at Nelson H a ll in the Recrea t io n Room nt 7:30. After th e hike everyone will go to t he Blue Kitchen for Jun c h , wh ich will be fif. t C'l•n ce nts. All girls nre i nv ited, so i f you en j oy hikes, and have a good uppetit e we would like to sec vou nt thi~ 111 ccti11g. ··

Junior Class Girls Plan, Serve Dinner

:\1 r:-.. Bnldwin a nd :Mrs. Gar by were ho~tc:.ses to e ig hteen guest s a t a dinner J' rid:1y evenin g in the Home Economics room s.




ROSENOW'S Furnishers of Modern Homes .,


THE SPOT REST AU RANT 414 Main St. Phone 95





Gas and Electr.ic

Service and Appliances


MOJ!fag Wasqers Hoover Vocu.um Cleaners

Silent Automatic Oil /3urners


The Citizens' National Bank

'" The Bank That Sorvi~ B11ill"

KennedtJ Studio -====-fTEV[NS POINT•


and Gift Sqop

Latest Sheet Music Brunswick Records and

Radio Supplies Jacob's Novelty Co.




:\ commi t tee of Junior girls un der t h<' chai rman ship of Dora :Mae Losby, planned an<l :,;crvcd the dinn e r. The culor scheme of r ed nnd wh i'tc was l·arried out in the center piece of r ed tulip~ and white na rc issus a nd in t he fo,·or:. and place ca rds.

Th <' dinn e r was a i;ucccss in every r<':O:Pl'Ct. THE MAYER SHOE STORE

Dry Goods Rurals Meets

Tin• Rural Life Cluh is gh·in g t heir annual Saint Patri ck 's Dnneing party, )fareh 16th. I nvitations wiJI be issuc,l. The l·omm ittec ass isting :Miss Hanna is l'O lll pos{'() of Agn es :iicGin ty, Chairman, Ecl cli {' Opprceh t, and F orr('st Custn e r . 'l' IH· gy mnasium will be appropriately tlN· oratcd in t he g ood old colors, green :11a l white. .

YOUNG women are invited to open accounts here and avail themselves of the excellent faci­lities we place at the command of women depositors.

FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surp lus $250,000.00

Largest in Portage County

Take a peep at our window and see the stunning new patterns in " Brown Built" shoes fo r women.

J•:ach pair is a del ightful an~wer to the urge fo r distine­ti,·eness in footwear.

Domack Clothing Co.

We handle a complete .line of Foot Wear


"Blue Ribbon"

and ·

Ladies I


To-Wear Thousand Island Dressing

Mayonnaise Dre~sing

Sandwich Spread Come and see us 7 ry "Blue Ribbon" ·· Better

Than 'The Rest Moll-Glennon. Co.


([ha~te~ J~ouz~ of Stevens Point

The character of the suits and overcoats tailored by Charter House will earn your most sincere . lik.ing.

KELL Y'S STORE 11-----1...aLS(fUlU:e----ll-+--S :-----­

Shoes; Clothing, Men's Furn.

nm PO LN'fER

IT'S ALL OVER Iler(' lies the rt•mains of a grcnt c·agc

contest, pl:1yed at Sk\"cns P oi nt St:1tc 'f ral·hcrs' Coll('ge '"· s. Oshkosh. Point out.played, out shot, and outfought their classy brothers, and in turn were sunk in au O\"crti 1n e pc r iocl liy :i lutky long shot plus au insig11i.f i ca11t free throw. T hr.,· 'rt" game's lik{' these · that make sports writers' ha ir turn gr:1~·. Hen.·'~ the t!\'idc ntc•:

Box Score Oshkosh .. .. . fg ft pf Ross, rf . . . 4 2 4 "~an, I f, rf ...... 1 2 l H a nsen, If . . ... l 0 l Brcdendi(•k, ,. ····· '.l 1 0

.,Baxter, rg .. .. ... 2 1 0 P lcnke, rg .... I 0 l Uah lkr, lg ....... 0 '.l 3

- - -To ta l~ .... . . 13 ~ 10

Sk\•ens .Point ... fg ft pf \ Vicrenzcnr1ki , rf .... 3 1 1 M nr$bnll , l f . .. .. . 1 1 1 Ran nnch, c ..... 1 1 4 Pauker t, lg, < ..... . . 1 0 u McDona ld, rg ..... .. :) 1 2 \Vcron ke, lg ······· 2 2 4

- - -Tota ls ... 13 ti 12

F'rcC' t hrows missed : B an ach 3, Pan· kcrt 1, ) fcDona lcl 1, Ross 3, \Vall 1, P lenkc 1, Da hlk e 3; RC'fcree, Denny, L awrence.

0. W. Neale Conducts Teachers' Institute

On Snturclay, F ebrua ry 25th . Pro· fessor 0. "'\V. Nea le, of the ru rn l depar t­ment, was nt L adysmi t h whcr<' he con­ducted a teachers' institu te. R epresen­tatives fro m both the tra ining and high sehools of t he cou nty were prese nt a nd he lped to mnkc t he mee ti ng a large an d c> n thusiast ic one.

I n t he morning .:\fr. );ealc spok e on ' ' L a ng uage in t he F irst :1ncl Second Grades " , a nd in t he a fte rnoon hi s sub· j ec t was 1 ' Thc Contral't Pla n ' ' .

Earl E des, a for mer stude nt of t h is college, con du cted :i minuet a nd Musie ){croon · contest fo r t he t<.'ar hc rs.

1Ir . 0

Nea le was s in gul ar ly fortunate w hile mnkiug the t ri p in that he escaped in j u ry w hile r id ing ou a Soo passenger trai n which was dera iled. Mr. Nea le was able to g ive a g reat dea l of a id to ma ny of t he vi ctims.

r+:z~~:i-M ..... 1

0 ..... 1

~ ..... ~~--

11 i li.l .; +t---H-l-++-H 1111111 !•

)liss El izabeth H a tch, a graduate of the H ome Economic8 Department of 1923, is tcnching Clothing nnd ·Related Subjects in t he Voeat iona l School at :Ma d ison, W isconsin.

Edit h L orrain e L owe, Class of 19151

e ni-oll c<l f rom Neillsville, was drowned in 1920 while teac h ing at Aber deen , ,v o.shin gton.

D uncan H . R eid, Class of 1907, took J1is B. S. Degree in 1919 and his 11. S'. in 1922 from the U n ive rsity of ,visco n­sin aud is now P rofesso r of P oul try H usbandry in t he Tcxns A. and :M. College.

L eon \Valdo Sanford, Class of 19141

d ied October 13, 1918 w hile serving his country in the 3rd s ig nal Co rps.

J oh n C. G r imm, Class of 1901, is V ice Preside nt of Hill .Jaiucr and Co. Inc. a t 111 Broadway, New York City, ~cw York.

Edward G. R eyer, Class of 1909, i s Treasurer of the Gas Utilities In c. at

' Columbus, Oh io.

Cut Down Your Fuel Bills With

Consolidation Elkhorn 2,000 lbs. of pure .power­

ful ashless heat.

Order To-day ·Phone 192

Ruediger '9 7 Sends Letter To Poi n·te r

, villiam Carl Rued iger of the ~lass of l ,S!l7 rl'<"l'lltl.'· w r otC' t o Thl• l'ointC'r. li t• 1·1 ·t-l·in.•d his Ph. B. in 18!l!), his P h . .:\I. in 1no3 from W iSl"OltSill a11d his Ph ." D. fr om ('ol um bi.1 in 1!107. A l prL'Sl'nt 1H· is P rot'cs:rnr of J-:clutatiou :i111l l k :111 of tin• Sc-1100 ) of Edttt·ntion l•t' Gt'ot·gc \\" tt!3hington Llui\'C.~rsity. ll is :uldrrss is 2836 2,8 St. c<. W., Washi ngto n, D. C.

'f hc follo\\"i11g is tlH· l<-ttn 1·t•t·t•in• li 'l

bv t he e<litor: J)cur Etl itor :

I a m grat<•ful fur t ill> occasio nn I co· pies of 'rhr Poiu t C' r flwt h :1,·c rcat hed me la t e ly. Evidl• n t ly t he Coll<'ge- is t he same up an <l do ing ins t it u t ion that it was i n th<• ni net ies und l'r t h t• rffh· ir n t :Hlm i11 istr:1t io11 of T hNOH B . 1')rny.

S i1 iccrely yours, W. C. D ea n Huecliger .

Report Net Balance From Oshkosh Game

rrhe fo llowing !J3 a summa ry of t he C'xpcnditu res for t ho Pqint-Osh kosh L,ask C' t ba ll . g a m C', F eb ruary 22nd :

Offi1·c Gate


14 @ $.35 4.90 118 @ .25 29.50 10.) @ .50 ;j2.50

136.90 Expenses

$50.II U

Gumc Offira l Help ...

$i5.00 ;J0.00



Ba la nce

<!lassp .t)rinting. in a l.I its phaSt!S



" Where Craftsmanship Predominates"

jflc~uliffe <!orset ~bop For Lingerie, Hosiery, Handker­

chiefs, Gift Novelties.

t T. OLSEN FUEL CO. Coal, ,v ood and

Building Material

, ' ==PHO=NE=51=. =

Drink Cocoa - Crush

A Rich Milky Chocolate Drink



Co. 'Telephone 61

For Utmost Satisfac­tion, Greater Charm

and Beauty 1-'HONE 0152

CARLEY COAL Powder PufJ ~ ------PO,.-~~-·~-n-~B_eautp_ Shop

HO'fEJ. WH I'l'l-" G BLOCK

USE PINO PAIN TABLETS For Pains and Headacqes

.. MEYER DRUG CO. 305 Main Street

OUR POLICY: Helpful, Friendly Cooperation

WISCONSIN STATE BANK Steve n s Poi n t , Wis .

French Campbell & Co. Student' Supplie~

449 Main St. Phone 98J


Stevens-Point, Wis. Easily Accessible

Expense Relatively Low Location Unsurpassed Fur Healthfulness

An Influence as Well as a School Credits Accepted At All Universities

Degree Courses in Home Economics and Rural Education Effect ive Now

A ddress

Pres. Robert Dodge Baldwin Stevens Paint, Wisconsin

CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE Fruits and Vegetables ·

Phone 51 457 Main St.

Home Made Candy -AT­


l~[ ~~llf ~l~~[ " FINE COLLEGE SNAPPY

KIRSCHBOUM CLOTHES Gent's Furnishings and a Complete Line of Ladies'

and Gent's Shoes

If you are loo kin g f'or th e latest S nappy Cloth es

cmrn A~ D s~:~; TJS FIHS'I'

Stevens Point 317 Main St.


KR EMBS Double Malted Milk

To Know The Dlffereni::e

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"Bigger and Better"



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Main Str66t

DEE~wooo~ ·~°FFEE

Just The "Best

~ '-{t@s 111 I

.·,-1i ·/ , -SPEC~LTIES _ - Flits.l.eaders .tlooks

Reels .Lines.Rods. ·

, · f ·, .flies ,node to order I . ' ' .' ,. \,l ntt for Lotes t

·., , ' CATA LOG •



Q-Where did you get that Collegiate Hair Cut?



For only 35c. 216 .PUBLIC SQUARE




"The Best of Evel'}!ti/ing Musical" Opposite Lyric Theatre