i) Research, Statistics and Publications Division ii) Development Division I iii) Training Division ' " " . iv)". Forensic Science Di vision "'i 1-- ;~1yJ~ .. ...?- The iunctions being performed by the aioresaid (~/\(+f"i,tiJms at present relate to the. police set-cup in the t:~ Stat'es. f, . No. Vlr.l1018/14/92_GPA.rv Government of India MinIstry of Home Affairs New Delhi November 1995 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subjec~: Entrusting Correctional Administration Work I to Bureau of Police Research and D€velopment The Government of India established the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR.D); New Delhi vide resolution No. 8/l36/68-Pl. dated 28.8.70 with a view ' to promoting speedy and systematic study of police problems in a changing society and for considering the application of science and technology to the methods and techniques of police administration in t.he COuntry. The scope of the Bureau w as further extended vide Resolution No. 34il/73-BPR&D/GPA.r .dated 13.9.73 to Cover the ·area of Pol ice Training. The Bureau of Police Research ahd Dev.lop~ent consistj of the following bivisions:_ u .. , '.~ 2. The proposal for entrusting corr.ecu'onal Administra tion work to BPH&D has been under conSideration of 1 ~', the Minisb,y for some~ime past. It has been decided that "\:\ . BPR&D Would also take up iunctions relating t o Correctional ! ~. Administration through the above mentioned DiviSions as well :. since the above work involves _.,interaction with the .,,',\'\ Pol ice/Pr Lson Departments .of Sta te Government s .". Al s o, in a )\ large number of States, Police Administration and Correctional . £d~ist~ation a r e _deal, t,. v i th by th~ samE? Dep~t",tment. "/c(,\\\\.('\ ./ r,; ,;.,;; .. :," ;;, \' , 1.'0C-"· ! I i I '.! " v

The Police Research and Development (BPR.D); Delhi vide ANNEXURE.pdf · ANNEXURE CHARTBR·OF..tUNCTIONS FOR BPR&D ON CORRECT10NAL ADMINISTRATION The BPR& D \.Ii11 undertake the following

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i) Research, Statistics and Publications Divisionii) Development Division

I iii) Training Division' " " . iv)". Forensic Science Di vision"'i 1--;~1yJ~ . ....?- The iunctions being performed by the aioresaid(~/\(+f"i,tiJms at present relate to the. police set-cup in thet:~ Stat'es.

f, .

No. Vlr.l1018/14/92_GPA.rvGovernment of India

MinIstry of Home Affairs

New DelhiNovember 1995


Subjec~: Entrusting Correctional Administration Work I

to Bureau of Police Research and D€velopment

The Government of India established the Bureau ofPolice Research and Development (BPR.D); New Delhi videresolution No. 8/l36/68-Pl. dated 28.8.70 with a view ' topromoting speedy and systematic study of police problems in achanging society and for considering the application ofscience and technology to the methods and techniques of policeadministration in t.he COuntry. The scope of the Bureau wasfurther extended vide Resolution No. 34il/73-BPR&D/GPA.r .dated13.9.73 to Cover the ·area of Pol ice Training. The Bureau ofPolice Research ahd Dev.lop~ent consistj of the followingbivisions:_

u.., '.~ 2. The proposal for entrusting corr.ecu'onalAdministra tion work to BPH&D has been under conSideration of

1 ~', the Minisb,y for some~ime past. It has been decided that"\:\ . BPR&DWould also take up iunctions relating to Correctional! ~.Administration through the above mentioned DiviSions as well:. since the above work involves _., interaction with the. ,,', \'\ Pol ice/Pr Lson Departments .of Sta te Government s .". Al so, in a)\ large number of States, Police Administration and Correctional

. £d~ist~ation a r e _deal, t,. vi th by th~ samE? Dep~t",tment.

"/c(,\ \\\.( '\ ./ r,; ,;.,;;..:," ;;, \' ,

1.'0C-"·! I iI '.! "v

. - ........ .-..._---------.I'!""~~~.r~


3.. The detailed functions to be p'erformed by BPR&D inthe' fierd' of Cor·rectional· Administration will be as given inthe Annex·ure.

4.The O. ('1.

issues with the approval of the Home




'f S NOV ~:J95~ector Ge~eral, Bureau of Police Research and'Develop~entl N~w Delhi.

Copy forwarded to:-

i) 'Chief SecretariesStateof allAdministrations.

Governmen t s/U.· T.

ii) . All attached and subordinate offices 'of Minis'try ofHome Affairs'_

iii) All Officers in the Ministry of Home Affairs.

PS to Home Minister

. PS to Minister.of State (R) iri the Ministry of HomeAffairs.

PS to Minister of State (S) in the Ministry of HomeAffairs.

\ .PS to Minister of State (Pi ) in the Ministry of HomeAffairs.

Ps to Home Secretary.

. ':'" : .\ IQ~~e>""'










The BPR& D \.Ii 11 undertake the following work relatingto Cqrrectional Administra~ion i~ the countty:-


f i i)II

.1 iii)


r iv)

Analysis and study of prison statistics and problemsof general nature affectirig Prison Administration.

Assimiliation and· disseminationinf~rmation . to the States i~Correctional Admi~istration.


relevantfield .of

Coordination of Research Studie.s.conducted by RICAsand other Aca.demic/Research Institutes in.Correctional Administration and to frame guidel.inesfor conduct; of research, studies/surveys inconsultation with State Governments.

~o reV1ew Training Programmes ke~ping in view thechanging social conditions, introduction of newscientif~c techniques and other related aspects.

v ) To prepare uniform Training Module incIu~ing course,syllabi, curri c uLum etc. for providi ng training atvarious levels to the Prison Staff in the field ofCorrectionil Administration.

vi) 'Publication of reports, newsletters, bulletins andpreparation of Audio Visual aids etc. in the field ofCorrectional Administration.

vii)To set up an AdvLsory Commi t tee to guide the workrelating to Correctional Administration .

y~.\'1 \







NEw ~''3lhi-11ooo1,thr: nth Septembe'r, 1973•H,e 22nd Bhad r a, 'j89S.I ".e, •/



In Dreier' to Irrp ro ve all ~OU~'ii _C9~t=-ncy o f poUce force in thecountry, a Committee on Police lrai'ni0Q IJ.:QS set up in 1971 by thc~G·~vp.rnfi1en.t of India to'study training afpects of thr~ police arid give·~ecci.lmnd.JtiC1fls so 85 to f:tster at t i tuo i.ne I 'changes arrPng police keepingi', 'fi9'~ the ch.3ngir10 soc:'o-ecanornic co nd i t.i :,5. BBs,,:d on its r8Cor'menc:2-tLons , it has bacn d~~cideLJ to set up 3 :.:ir,;ctorat8 of Training i'l t.heBu re au 0 f Po Li ce R,"'~""o r ch c: Dev.::_IOi'me nt tr 3i<1 .::.n.::1; adv i se the S tate'3/Union Territories on t.h,e t'raini'l9 o f poliCE nf f Lce-r s ,-_.......2 .... The Dir~ct .. ratE' of Training in tr!2 lJrsClu of Po Li.r e Rc::sea:rch ant!Oevehi'Jm'''3nt u i.Ll,: 1001: after Ca rrt r-a i Training Institutions '3nd will ~eros;Jonsit.le for e va Luet i.nq the .Dxisti'lg p roo ranne s sr,::J assessing thefuture needs of po Li.ce tnininq. It will Li ai s e Ulit;-, U"'GState PO'liceTraining Institutions a nd ether acadc=u c bod i s s ar.d help in thep rap er at aon and circulation of necessary traini'lg material.

3. !Jith the f •cmat io n of the Directorate [3f Traininq, the 2,ure3t.l ofPolice Res8arch ana Oevf.:lopment l:.!ill·h3V¬ ii the followi;lg three OivisicrlS:-

..(11) Dev'11opm,H1t DivisiGn.

(III) Training DiVision.

--"CY The fUr)cti(ins of these Divisions Ulill ~e as laid down in the Annexwrein s~pers'3ssion. of ths functiC'ls rrentiGnsc. i:l the -'lnn'''xure to the rhnistryof Home ~ff'airs ear-L ..dI' -i8sr:·lutiGn :la. 8/i36/6C3-P.I(P['rs.!j d3tE::J28th ,J,ugust, 1970.--. - ..."'t)I

,',0/-(:J.f: .r'iuk3r ji)

SeCb'st3r)' tc to;12 C,ov8rnfOlS:lt 'of Indi'J •......~ Ii'lr1[UI,J,E----,--

·'lo.34/1/7 3-8P :1[~D/GP.n. I "121.:1De In i-11 0001 t ti-!8 '::5 th Sep tembe r 7"3.t.he '22'10 :lhadra, 1895.

OF[)ER: Ordered tt:i3.t 2. copy .of the r1esolL!tior. be coml.'unicat~d to .:=1':':"hd_~Goverr)l!lsnts/Uni.::;n TIO::-:-itories .~dministr?ti~ lS; Directci, Intelligence8urRau, Director, ~ent.r21 Burl?au of Irv~;3tigation, Directo!' G.8nr:nal, Border:Security Forcs, 05~c'Cr.r C;sneral, Centrol Re.,::CniE Polic"? Forc:.:::; DirEctor,;;at Lanai Police -'\cdoemy; OirGctcr, 11'r3titute cf Criminclr.gy and FOI'R'''lsicScie nce ~ Con'iilcnd ant~ [3ntr~ 1 Fe.n, ns ic I -,stit'~ te s; all rII :i'nis t!eiE' s/Oe:::,':irtments of Gover:l;TIsnt of Irriia. ,

fr;r general informat.i.on.. Sd/"­

(:-j.t\.f'L_.;- .:Jrji.1S8c!_"'et~r'/ ~c :~g i..J~· ../2:U":-e-~ of Ire ~


r. -- - ... " ...~~

1 • R, ,,: ri10:·. 3 "TIc TiCS .,.,0 Pi OllC1T:iLl; 0 I VISIO:<3~-------. :---:----------Analysh ,rd study 0 f cr ime ana rnobhms 0 f g, ncr., 1 natur'affocting th3 police, ~_.

(a) Trende.3rd 8aldses of crime;

(p): Prs vnnt [0 n 0 f crime - Pre venti ve measures, their effecti vOnessanri rplationship bJ.lth crime;( c)

r rganisat ic n, s tr-sngth; adminis to 3t inn, methods, procoduresaOd teChniqu"s of peIica forces and their oodernisatko; Police.get and f1anuals:


!"IJrovements in ~"thods of investigat [en, utility andresults de intrcduciog SC'entific a~!s srrt equipment,Inad2quaey of laws;

Ju'venile d.dinquency;

Police. uni fo·rm, bag2es, mod'Is •. decorat in ns , ccloursfh,s, poliee <Jdll, Uanont of precedence etc.

, ,.

2. ~s.'istanC9 L, police research Proonmnes io S'ates. nrece',singa<)j coordC"ati.on DC rasearch Projects; snOOSori09 extra-''''''a) reSBardo.

4.Polics Scie Oc·, [0 ogrsss 20d et, ,er Conrs r20C8stc stUdy c~ police Problems .

•~I t

5. Partic i.oct 'c 0 i., so ci ,) GofenCe ' ..0 Crime pre vsnti"o nrogrammes.Partici~c:t..:..: If "l --".J. , the· uo rk 0 F th2prevention of Crii:ie ·2'!d tr·;.::t'··!f: it or. ofP'?'1ders.

10. PUblic"tion of


(iii){i!J )( v), .)lill.

Polic9 Res~arch & 0 evelor~ont Jour~al.CrimE: in InCi",.Ino ia!) Po l.ice JoU·rnal.ACCiJ-::ntal U?at;hs 'a'no ~uicidn:~.Ibs5dreh R8PCr~s 3.'/,'j iI![Us18~':':rs.

'<.,'orts, Reek,s, otl"r jOurnals a."" bOOks relating tomatter.f CG!lnGcted wit'~ poliC:3 8ork.

,.'a,io.' of ·th., psrformonce of ~2riouS typos of eqUipme.,t us,id byt·'a Police fcrcss i,! ndia.. i", CI8',ebpm',ot of 08U equipme.,t inths f~llOwing fields:_(i)(ii)

(ii i)(iv;"( v)

·~riTi8 :!.;-Jd amrnunitio,,;. ,Riot Contro 1 Ei~uip:;ji.!nt;Ira"&'ic Control [qUip:T"iE'1t;Poli<;:3 Tr :lns )Crt; -'!nc'... .,.. . ~ . . "~.'

""co,1303,ue 0 C.rec,t" l.C rooio'c:"". icc;u.j i '" sCi, ,tiC i caids to j_~V!'?sti~.="ti.c:".'

" .' ..

equipme n_t. ._ .,3. ,,' A~PU!:a~i!JJJ_p t:,,'"JfpRUt8~.·t~~~'l~~Y;,;'i~·~~¥~b,'ui'T.i~e~Yf~~;·'·~'J)i~e" w~'rt .",._::,;:;,;,:, C; :!lij{',ij\.~¥l':;'[\' <""', '. i- ,l;.". c f 'C)\ ,'0""" : ~"" :.:, . ~, '.~ . • .

4':' '.",~e'ntlt~~l: F,,6 ~ 1)5 Ie; :SCie'~lce.'L;;rgp,r'a"to ;-i8s ,'~'t·~~·outt-a"';tJ0.d ''f1ydei r abad .:'. '~:'i~;'_:':'?·~';-- ". . . -. " .I~,. .. _,

5. Government Examiner of .Ju8stiqned DocLjfl¬ nts, ..Simla, Calcutta andHYdeT"~bad . ., ..•.. 1•.•' ....,.1.•. :~. :", ':--' _"~"_- ". , ".,: .~

":'- .... .' • '- ,~; ; :;1;' ,~;.:; _ .~., .~, ) .i;' "";-.:>'6.\ BienQia~ .~Bll·~flPia .fpren.'3·ic ~5chnce C,?nfDF~n_~ ~rid ':Confere'lce of

o i,Beto rs a f Fare ns1c Scie,;~e'laboratn iios am Seminars etc,. to discussthe application -of sc~enc13. ~~' t8~h~logy .to police Ll!ork.. 'i' '.

7. Forensic SCience Laboratories J n the States.

8.India,., lkad.Jmy of For~nsic 501.=:nc3.

.( ~ ~

11. Police Publicity and Police ~;LJtlicity films; Police Ueeks alih-:1Parades.

10. Fellowship ~cheiTie for Post-GradU'3te work in forensic science.


12. Work relating to polic:~ Res2erch ::Inci Oev,:olojJment ridviso!'y C::Junciland its St2ndinl] Committ'?es cl'l:;h"'r than that on po!l.~cer Res0arch.

III. TR,l\Ir~Wf. LiIV:SIO;\J----------

1. To ""vieu from time to ti", tho arrang,,'OCnts for police tr2iningand the nr-,pds of be country in this field in the light of thechanging social conditions 3nd t-.~8 intrOductions of sCientifictechniquGs i!l training and in police !,:Jork and to fOrmulate ant!Coordin;:te training policies i3r.d fJrogram'iles h, the fiald of' policeadministr.,·t.La n ·and man;:)y8m8nt.

2.Central Detective TrainiClg S c:-hool~; Calcutta, HyriElrabad andCn 3n-digarh .•

3.Institute of Criminology ..3: Forensic Scislce.

f13. e.taluats traini:1g 'P!'ogramiTs ~Jith ~ 'Jiew t:J securing suchstam ardi, .tion and uniformity in the. tr.'ining arr,ngcm8nts. includinccO'urSGS, s'yllabi am curricula, for various ::-anks in the StatGs/Union Territori'3s as may be r;gsir'lble 3r('j to sur~gnst modificationsand i~ro\jsfT18nts that Inay bel c",n'sidcred necessary f;:-c.r.; tif:i':: to tilT);;;tc mi?et ne'w 'challenges al')d probb.ns.

S. To holP. jevise 'O~.:refreshQr. promotic'-,. specialist an:: oriontationcOurS3S 'con~idared necessary fc,i tho diff-=:rent grades iJr.-d kims ofP:Ji.~c9·officers.

6.!.:JorLr-:13ting to the .8stablisrrr:c.lt cf til'.? Centr31 (I~dicc-L.~:;=.:1no:tituta 3nd tnt? Cij-itr-'3l. Tr;,fPic r:-;st'itu'Co.

. ... 3/-

- _:t: --=- -,r


,\'" ,

.... - 3 -

7. To prepare, in coo rdLne t u-n U!..Lt:. the po Li ce trjinino institutions,'st<JmjJI'C mcnua I s , textbooks, ranii-:-'lots, lecturG notes, C'JS'-' s tud ir s ,o r act Lco l .rx r r-c i.s ns .,rei o th rr edlJc<3tiVt' lit~ratur[!' for USl. inth8se insti1..ut ions. .,.

8. To distribu:f rBl,:?v1nt liff)ratuT::J to ~Mp8ctors Gu~:;ral/OlsC(Tr-3injnCi:in th8 Stat£:3 for cLr cu La t io n te' officors in o rcc r to f"l'Tiilbris'Jtne m with training co nce p ts/ 3r)j ~o st.rengthen t r a i ni nc consciousnc;s'.arneng th> 'highl'H r 3nl( s • "

9. Io st.3rdch'cisc G·~~ipr.trJnt f.o-r tt.]i.rli:tg .J",j t r a ini nq ::ids ,Ji":;,1 toar r anqe for their pre duc t ton & supply to tho:; various traininginstitution3.

10. To cr·c.3:'e ··.-,rd f7l3int:3in Cl cirr.lJl,_jtin~ ,L.bI':::'!"· of file,!':; for the: u·-­of various pclira tr~i~ir)q i'stitution~.

11. To as s i s t i'1 th:' t r c i n ino or rcliCt· or-;:-i;:i.?~S of v ar Lous r ank s atapr: ron r iatn 'no -,-pc-lie.;; ins ti t tt i,o ns i nGido ard ou t s Ic c the country.

A ')I .:.... To ~lrQ::iis~ th: ?;nn'j::~l

II Ins~tutiG:-)s and,shorttr;:'1.nlil::;.

Symr:.nd.U~:1of thr h0::J,j:, of ;-·olic,,, TrainingS~~rrrlrvr,=. on 'y'''ri,;!_!<,; .oo,"'rt',ch, of rolicr'

,3. To sU:;9.::,st t;-ic '-'3t'Jj'lishfT:~'it of ;-).~~ tc- ;ir,ic'~ instib tions ur;:P_r tl;~:CentrD 3-:' r,..~cr:~;:::~!'1 frc~n ti!'l2' t.e t~:lCI.

i 4. To aC t AS :) C1-J::i r i -'1;1 ho US~:: 7'(.:' ':'J"',f c'ri7I'YC_!_,~ fl I>:;1 3t i'lel to ~y 11 :3~i,!1t,:th,:ls 'Jf tr-:;ini-,'~, te3c~':i,~ ·:~i;·;s. tr- ..it:i-,g ~)!,G9!,,~i:I,!?S ~n:-Jlit:?r3:ut~ 'In v-:~i""!.Js aSi-l::ct::: c: pc..lic=- __Icri" c:tc. from I;-:dij 2~.j:~ljroJ':i.

1S. ;:_ ~i;-~l~ ;..:- th2 d::-\.i.::lo;-:~:~:·'-itcr lit'!'·::~i·-·5 2.1 t~q:: [:-;'r1tr_:l ,=;-)j ':It:.~'.~;­Pc 1.ic( Tr~:'iling l::·~t i::ut iC·ilf.

Ii. T,:, li.::;isb wi.th thG i_'lirnctor~t8 n~ Tr3ir,in;j of t;-,<" u",f;3rtnoil: 'OfPCT.'so'lnEl 5_r' rcl-=t.iGrl,. int.'_·~r-:,li.-~" tc trairling aids, projc:cts .:jncf(111cH.J3i--·;lP9 ur;:;er t-··-::·· U\[~P, :J .. ·'J.[.~.C .C;,. :]:'l:~Cololibc Pl·l:-: etc •

............( !

, I




~yt-:V:l4 ,p~.tU)


No.8/136f68-PI.(l>ers.l)Government of India

Ministry of Home Affairs

. ~.New Delhi - 1~the 28tll August, f970.


The' Government of. India have, from time to time taken steps for themodernisation of systems, methods and. organisatinn of the police in the country. In1963 when the Central Bureau of Investigation was set up, a Crime Records and StatisticsDivision and a Research Division well~'established. in it. In 1966 a Police Research andAdvisory Council was constituted to oversee, guide and direct the functioning of theResearch Division of the Central Bureau of Investigation. In furtherance of tile objectiveof modernisation, the Government of India have now decided to set up with immediateeffect a Bureau of Police Research and Development in til~Ministry of Flame Affairswith a .....iew to taking a more direct and active interest in the matter and to promoting aI5p~~dy and systematic study of police problems in a changing society and' bringingabout rapid application of science and technology to the methods and techniques of thepolice ill the country


The Bureau of Police Research and Development will have the following'Divisions:

(1) Research, Statistics and Publications.(II) Development.

The charter of Functions of the above said Divisions will be as laid downin the Annexure.

The Research Division will identify the needs and problems of the policeservices in the country and initiate, stimulate and .guide research in this field in co­ordination with various Institutions, Organisations, Ministries, Universities, Chiefs ofResearch Institutes, Inspectors General of Police of States and other agencies andindividuals interestedinthe subject.

Th~ Development Division will keep' abreast with developments in theapplication of science ~111d technology to police work in India and other countries; and'smc1ynew procedures and methodologies with a view to promoting the introduction ofsuitable equipment dud techniques In police work in India.

~ .'/ .

[mpro\.t;me:rH~ IT: r1Jdlv:::d.s of ifl\,esI1g;:U1!}t\i7Jt"()(1'1<'l'P'~<;"il>n~litl" 'lir1,~·\pel ~~(nl"I'nl~'i't':..t ~" I_\. J~ _ ~.. _.... r... ~ ...... 1-.-_.,· "" 1.-1"- ....... 1,.



- :2 -

Besides advising the Government of India, the BUfr;;.1Uwill if required bythe State Governments advise them 011 matters falling within the field. of its operations,

Sc1/-LP, Singh

Secretary to the Government. of India

';-,J.) S 136,'(58-P.l (Pend). New Do.sihi-l, the 28th August, 1910.

ORDER: Ordered that a copy of the resolution be communicated t(1 all StateGovernments/Union Territories Administrations; Director, Intelligence Bureau: Director,((n1T.:11 Bureau of Investigarion: Director General, Border Security Force; DirectorG( neral, Central Reserve Police; Director, National Police ..!-\ cad emy; Commandant,C~nmt.l Forensic Institutes: all Ministries Departments cf the Government ofIndia.

Ordered aha that the Resolution be published ill the Gazette of India £)1' general1.11.1ormari ,)U.


L.P. SmghSecretary to the Government ofIndia

•",\p.:" ·-t',;'''lfRE·tJf '11'I.e. ..(~, . .~~

Analysis and stud? or crime and problems of general nature affecting thepolice, e,g.

(h: Prevention (;f I'rlrne -. preventiv e measu res, their effccriven ess andrelationship. \1111h ;,:ri111';;

l ...! <•.':'rgan.i3ati(.·n. adruinistr.uion, methods and techniques of police forces,m,'j tll-::ir iU(lch:rni3i11[.:'lt.

'- .,J!" IIIII ~'.':,

• IlLtr• I

lIS , :I iLl!.,

I jI.,'j 4'_,I did " ...:.........:I .1",,':. \ .,

JM$i-...ISII.• ·[

(e) Inadequacy of 1<IW9: and

(f) JUVeD.1Je:. delinquency.

Axsistance in police research programmes in States, processing and coordination ofresearch projects; sponsoring extra-mural research. .

Participation in and convening of Conferences and Seminars relating to study ofpolice problems,

I'~ ,

• ,:3111_Participation in 'social defence and (Time prevention programmes.

-~~" -~

Ii. J"L-.:6. . Participation in the work of the United N~1ions in the .field of prevention of crime

and treutment of offenders, .

Crganisation of training courses ill the research field.I .i •


• .n''.1 ,;;a':• Til,I 'F!II', .. ..1 ,n ... =.X-

I ;

.'" # ~~.l=;

9 Stati sti ,'" 1 '~tnlvs l' s. of t·t'("·I.,IIS of crir 11' e~ t t o_ ~,(.~ _ _ _ U _\ ) ... 1.. I..,.t ._"I.. ~ 1,..>.... •

10. Documentation relarinz to police science and criminolozv."- .. :::.1

11. Publication of·_

(i) Research P...eports, N;twsktterr:; and Research and Development Journal.

(ii) t::'rLnw ill India

(iii) R~pOJIf;and Reviews relating to suicides, accidents, losses and recoveriesof propertv <Hid other information of police interest.

I, Review ut the perf,.rmance of various types of equipment used by thePolice forces in India and development of new equipment in the following fields

'i) ,\.1'11115 and .uumunition;





·~T.l:O;i,j, ~~TTod ,.. OJ.(:B(lIOlnl'i~~pU"P-;):)u~psJ(IUOql10Hdd~' ~ql8sn~)~Hl01"fjJiJUTWdSPUt)8~:lUdJ~JUO;JJ~lpO·pU'!1~~UM~JUOJSJ~~moucJ1le';)mlU;?lpI,1:~n>tTInvIf.~l!lI~!8:,10:51t~I.~~!\U(.\q

.";S~~U~f:.'lS:)~i;U~JdJ'l)'qn'\'~(JIOU'~'lU~[';)Jc,~ltu!lf.lt:lI1.r.,llU~J;;nppun?lnmSl:qIr13ril-O'J!P:;)y\IlE'.nriJ~),?tll]:OlU~il;lTqS!Iq1!lS~, ::nnt~1J1II1Cl;'i1:)pq_,\\




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