The Popular Osteopath Vol. 1 No. 4 April 1899 Still National Osteopathic Museum © May not be reproduced without the permission of the Still National Osteopathic Museum

The Popular Osteopath - ATSU · THE POPULAU OS'I'li:OI"A'!'E1 H~ P l'ULAR OSTIWPATI_ [A It~~tel'!'{jeontl -.nt to the memb l'S by resident 'att ews.] dille enl Scbools o[ 0 ·leo]JJ.Hl),

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Page 1: The Popular Osteopath - ATSU · THE POPULAU OS'I'li:OI"A'!'E1 H~ P l'ULAR OSTIWPATI_ [A It~~tel'!'{jeontl -.nt to the memb l'S by resident 'att ews.] dille enl Scbools o[ 0 ·leo]JJ.Hl),

The Popular Osteopath  

Vol. 1    No. 4   April 1899    

Still National Osteopathic Museum ©   

May not be reproduced without the permission of the Still National Osteopathic Museum 

Page 2: The Popular Osteopath - ATSU · THE POPULAU OS'I'li:OI"A'!'E1 H~ P l'ULAR OSTIWPATI_ [A It~~tel'!'{jeontl -.nt to the memb l'S by resident 'att ews.] dille enl Scbools o[ 0 ·leo]JJ.Hl),


a~1' ~a mall phi' id",ns who Calland clo tell 'lOU eX.1-ctly \ hat yourcondilion is but they sdd om tell

au le exact Gause thal product'sthe cOl1dL~inn. I Iaim that theprofcs 'ioJ] hacl a gr .at deal betterIt:arn when: lhe ca.lI e is located r

than te.aFn til -Ole COil ditiol1,and IlItme of condition produclidby tha cause, Now more fullyto must! te my position, 1 wingtve <1.5 all HI u·;tralio I] a. c:a5C thatcam.e to us al Kirks dUe someyean SlllC _ Th. pat len t was a:bo . of Six.tellll, a fr. E--wnohall wb t OLlr ]ocal ph r 'iciar stbN, prono lilced 11 .uralgia ot the:otomach. lIe first betTan by hav-­i rJ~ p'rLodLeal aLt. cks of cram pingor , I ooti ng pain sin he sto.machallJ bowL.:!s-t1u:se: aUttck" -at firwcr' of < m[I I natnr and quiteall interval. a.part. ThL'y gn.:w iiifn:YIJ~ncy ror ne'Lrl y Lb ree yearsju pdol' to th _ ti IHe \'1hen 1 madetbe fir~t examination of- th c: pa­~icnt. I y the ~ in e we e arnined


VI/h Il writin g; my article for lhe'larch Il umber Ot be J Ol, -L,\ I(

O'T Ol'AT 1 1 had 110 idea ofwriting <J.!lj-CthlLlg m.ore Oil lhisnbject; but. that art] 1', til myjudgmen t, c !led for an th, r orthis reason: That the rtlaD iog pub&lie might not fully under t nd nl vposition 0 mi",h eas~hr L1J [_ co~­strne my meaning, Tbcre was nothought of saying lhaL only :>te­pa.th LC diagnmi was CQI'Fect-or

that our school is the only schooland that tllerc, a e no othersin exlstt:nce. It was flot my illtel1·bon to criticlse o~her scllool- 0

r.nueh as It was my d 'sir to dnH\f

the aileD tiol! of tI > pI' fe~ lon as

~ ell as the public to tbe 1m oft­,mce of a cor.reet dit~g Ilu .. is find 0i tlustrate til, dfHel' n-e betwe~1l

be old schooL exnmill,tion anddiagnosis wbicb i-almost entire!a patbological d i gnosis an dours wh'icb i_~ almost entIrely ap byslcal diagnosis.

ow we 11 1 no',v th~t there are

B .A. • H L BETH, D. .

"0 sign ofa~ny W'llS~e':U.

No tnt<:c of localpllin ;I,l~e smnmex twilj gut, all &ere.ne,

WI! !>BW h~ {JQwer~ wane.lte;rna~t.!; days the doc 01:' ci!tme,ATId quite lhrE1'e Wee:k9 sihc lay,

]lnt 50ln~hO\~medic s =ill 'Was Inllle,Whbll Grlll dma 1)''L,'>5~d away_

Ee.r dOCt0r11~had lit.'tu lor yellif.~, '-when 'life t1.J.1d' dt=alli hed truce,

A.nd. all our !lOpe!; gll,>'e way to fea~s.,

Wheu. she told .him-' 'No use.• ,The patient doctor 'did Ws b~t."

As TUeu of d£IJgs all say'And to 11\111 W~llt he. liken chest,

Wllell GffilldDill l)l)ssed aWlliy.•

. h~ long hOO: said she Wii.lJt~d hituTo have Ul:;lt when sbe diefl,

Anil we, who hOllored ev~ whim,Of OOUIse itb that complied..

We ],atew .!lot wttllt the ehdt ~oIlUlined,

His service 0 ~ep.J;I:Y,

mit knowledge on 'tha~ p(lInl we gained,When GrolldUla ~s~d aWfi)-,

Tile chest .~a~ full of me£r ciAlld tlFt1b"S of lill deg.re-es;

A 11ot~ 98.1d, 'This, bas helped you winSolle battles itll diselUle!"

Slie always took the ~tlJft"he left­To Uurt-will:loul dell1iYj

E1~ we:. bll.(] SOQner been ~~eft.

When .1:nndmaJJJlEl!>ed away.

'':Remember to he j;,'llodJ'" Her toileIn h.lIey s~m 1 beBr,

AIiId of tile- be...t I would be known,In nll the 11~1cr-i~ spbere:

Am.a. lienee au O!;1:eopath am. I,N'or qw'Ich nor ills dism:t.y:

1 felt my faUh in dosiIlg die,When GrandttlSo p<lSscd away.


When Grll;ndmil sough tbe l~)'llil. of sbade9b.t ei~hty. life' 'Wl)l'k dOll ,

Sbe. faded as th~ ge tian fadesBetI~:l.tl:i october's SIlm

w~ evenlovL>d the !lHowy capl'1:tnt bound l:Iertm:s~e 1Ttly­

Ah i we! it \va~ a Bon:!; ttlisllap,Vilhen Grandma p~~d ~y.

'Ea~ child (Iud pet aOO(lt tnc pl3.ceW~U ktlew lieF good an.a .kind,

jcl1d ever)' rink.le i:tl llerfa~t:

Il~1JokeheF gc1ltle mifld_ •Ii ~hIditig panmu; ll1'Clllgh t El t.ear,5h~ smiled U~ ol.lt t.Q pb),;

A. world. or ~LTOW tl'l:l,fk d ili.e yearWhen Grandm pas5(!tlawny.

~r tOIJCS ,\-ere trettlttlous, but rich'With ]~iS oe1t:'sUal !:Iote,11{} 1 adre tlm 11lem!ing 9t!t.cliHer needle gav~ 1l:Iy CQ:3l ,

l'fe~ eyeS' \ er~ tHm, but ~e~tudlW see,l'lcyOl!d. ') e T~I1lS of daY1

The wu.rldas all too dt1.F1~ foo: me,When. GrnUth3111 pass illJway.

Her pre~pl:sof I hllvcrehearsed­All. if r only COQId

De mo~e inclwed to h~edtbe 'J1l:St:"peruew er to Q goad!"

She che:ri!iliootftlth a.nd loved the ri~ht,

Yetphied rdllg cll!.Y;We lo!ill a Shin' llg lJ1omllight,

Wht:tl '~mudmapassed "'-'Wlll'.

Tbe ShlgiTlg Uirds lllllolJgthe ee6Stl'l;tug saililess eem~ tl)kuQw,

And W~l~l1 we told tb,1! houey·bees,Tiley hushed ll1e:ir bnmttlillf{ tow;

'TlJ.e hmoklet e\ll 'n CCB1;ed lo laugh,u(I mut1Clled wIth fB:iiliIu1 ray­

:Oh, lif~ W"<lS 1Je~vier by half,'Wllen Cro:udllla pBSsed a,wa:r

Page 3: The Popular Osteopath - ATSU · THE POPULAU OS'I'li:OI"A'!'E1 H~ P l'ULAR OSTIWPATI_ [A It~~tel'!'{jeontl -.nt to the memb l'S by resident 'att ews.] dille enl Scbools o[ 0 ·leo]JJ.Hl),

OF THE 'L.s .........,r>



Page 4: The Popular Osteopath - ATSU · THE POPULAU OS'I'li:OI"A'!'E1 H~ P l'ULAR OSTIWPATI_ [A It~~tel'!'{jeontl -.nt to the memb l'S by resident 'att ews.] dille enl Scbools o[ 0 ·leo]JJ.Hl),


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Page 5: The Popular Osteopath - ATSU · THE POPULAU OS'I'li:OI"A'!'E1 H~ P l'ULAR OSTIWPATI_ [A It~~tel'!'{jeontl -.nt to the memb l'S by resident 'att ews.] dille enl Scbools o[ 0 ·leo]JJ.Hl),

'1 III~ POl' I .... 7



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Page 6: The Popular Osteopath - ATSU · THE POPULAU OS'I'li:OI"A'!'E1 H~ P l'ULAR OSTIWPATI_ [A It~~tel'!'{jeontl -.nt to the memb l'S by resident 'att ews.] dille enl Scbools o[ 0 ·leo]JJ.Hl),



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Page 7: The Popular Osteopath - ATSU · THE POPULAU OS'I'li:OI"A'!'E1 H~ P l'ULAR OSTIWPATI_ [A It~~tel'!'{jeontl -.nt to the memb l'S by resident 'att ews.] dille enl Scbools o[ 0 ·leo]JJ.Hl),

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Page 8: The Popular Osteopath - ATSU · THE POPULAU OS'I'li:OI"A'!'E1 H~ P l'ULAR OSTIWPATI_ [A It~~tel'!'{jeontl -.nt to the memb l'S by resident 'att ews.] dille enl Scbools o[ 0 ·leo]JJ.Hl),
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Page 10: The Popular Osteopath - ATSU · THE POPULAU OS'I'li:OI"A'!'E1 H~ P l'ULAR OSTIWPATI_ [A It~~tel'!'{jeontl -.nt to the memb l'S by resident 'att ews.] dille enl Scbools o[ 0 ·leo]JJ.Hl),

05'1' OPATH.


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Page 11: The Popular Osteopath - ATSU · THE POPULAU OS'I'li:OI"A'!'E1 H~ P l'ULAR OSTIWPATI_ [A It~~tel'!'{jeontl -.nt to the memb l'S by resident 'att ews.] dille enl Scbools o[ 0 ·leo]JJ.Hl),


[A It~~tel' !'{jeontl - .nt to the memb l'S by resident 'att ews.]

dille enl Scbools o[ 0 ·leo]JJ.Hl),and no matte 110\1;' wol't~y aidable a.ny or ail of th m may b ~ itis t:.vid nt that from Lbdr numberno selection of an official organsatisfac ory t.o nl ~ could havebeen made,

The POI'UL R 0 -'1' "01' \T I is anably edited mag~lzi.ne, entirely ill­ckpendel]t o( the different schools,ad 'ocatltlg tbe principles o[ OSH:­opathy ai.dlng its struggleS l anddevoted to its lntt:rests. Its pur­pose is to strengthell and.solLdify

KI rksvllll!, ~r",

mOllth's Ln.:aLment. Olher casesof blilldnes cured are reportedand are nlat e s of CO iJ.1.O1on kno\ 1·edge,

In C) C C<lSt:s, as in other, thesteopatb simply works to re­

move a.ll)' obst 'uet/oll to nen'e 0hlood flow, He \l'orks in the. up­p r pari of lbe b"l.ck, in the neckand locally about the ey.. IiI-elaxes CO! tl cntred mu.scles, re­pbcc.s di~orden~d ,~rtebras aodsUmulat 's weal{eJ1 d ner cs, Hiswork is Llpon a. physlo.lo,gic.l ba­sis; it i.s scientific; it briogs results.

It is need! SS" to say that Oste­01 11th}; CannO~ cure n eye dis­eases. Tr~aunent is 0 len S"O\~

::md di~appoi IHil'lg. Y,- t the sumtotal of results show it to be a\'alnabl !.n:almCIl ~ for .sucb dis­e es. It has o(teo SUGce ~ded

where the oculi:;; had faUed.

Some time ago the A. A. A. 0.,< cli ng- lb rough its t ust. sadopted til > p. J'll";\!{ OSrn_Of'r\ A

as its official organ, It must bt:e\·ident to <Ill thal an orgaflizat~oL'l

of the 'COl tid P1J1"PO~._ 0 thA, A. A. _I an organ izalion wi than eyer lnCfc-asing- meml e hip.~nd an e ('r \\' idenl ng -sphere ofactivlty mo~t have a publicationin harmoIiY with ils purposes to<l-ssist in the accomplishmenl.o itsends. 1\] l other jouma.ls or ourprofesiorl "Ire pu!:>1 ished by he

eye, Th·s defec may take theform 0 blindJ]~SS i'n t.hl'! OL]~er Or

in 1 Thai (or ooe or both eyes, orill a CiI:dc- at the out~r edge of 0 Et ht: e) e, or [II a sJlot at t1 e III iddleof the eye. uch tro bles indi­cat. dise. se in the optic comm~s­

sure, ,mel an: t:hci-dore st.::1"iou 1n­dicatlo [l • These cases yield loreor less read;! to Osteopath I. 1nolle :;luch case, io which thel-e wa.sbl[ndncs iIi tlc oulcr balf of thcright eye, alte one montb's treat~

ru nl the defect had dlsapp ,flred,1n another case in which the

patient had bee 11 practically b]Jndin OnC eye, aud in the other hal Iof be oth 1', the sight was re~tol'ed

to nearly l.he whole of both eye'a.£teF mOr~ tlIa nay ~IF'S lr 'atlltnl.

In the February numbet~ of thePoPu At~ 0 'TiC P TH, the writerreported a case of bl ~mhH':s' wb lehwas a pracl ie.al cure aftt:t lev 0


a thn:I::rn-oIiths courseo£ treat­m ell t l til e spectades were laidaside Dd though a setolld attackof measles, occurred meanwhiletkc eyes became strong enougb toad m tt 0 being cal'dully usedwith out ald, The lady WQuid goabout all da) w'thout spectade3.

Tbee is lLttle doubt that themo~t frequent of eye lro Ible~,

(lIdi nary weak eyes cOIJld in mostC<l5~S'be speedily clued under 05­leopa 1 Ie treat"ment. ucb arethe cases generaUy found iJ schoo]children, and itl ). oung and middleaged people- These: ca5~5 atetl'oubleo. by burning, "wat.ering," 01'

sma.rting; b) dimness 0 v[~ion andb) bll.lrrillg t ,or ~xamplc, 0 fP il1ted characters, This dlse,lseis frcquently c use J b) some acute

- ill LI ess. as m ea.s1es PI' ~cFlrlet fe \'cr i

or by oller.wor-k, Oi!rvou5n S ,poorgeneral health, heredi 'y, etc.

Anoth I' d~ss O' C;lses, moredifficult of cute. yet usuall.t.reated. 5ucce55'full}," by 'he O~teo­

palh, may be llH,tde bmadly to in­dude "short" and "loog sigbted­ness" ptcrygLlltl1, granulated Iidsund al~ ordinaril. difficult, but noten 0 us, cases_

One of the InO t palilfut and aggravated C(l.se~ of graoulated .lidsord inaril}t rrlet \viib r one j (l wh i·chbli od []es would hav'fl SOOIl re­sul ed has been observ(:d by thewriter, cured by Osteopathic treat­anent.

Doe freqLlent.ly meets ill prac­tice CtLSC5 in which ll.ere is entire10s5 of vjsion in Olle part of the

,of a family of six, of whicb all themembers but otle wear spec.tac1l::s.Tr~atmc-Ilt was given thili easc, oil;:Lnd OIl, 01' a year or mo eO' Butthe rea: ment was given jar otAertm~ Ni!,~, 11~Vcr for tbe'yes. It sohap pc ned hat she W"lS h-O\lhI edwitb a W ,ak throat be[llg fn~­

quently aUacked with tonsilitis,a.Dd it was for his that trM.lntcnwas given. Y t the eye were sofavorably aHp.ctccl tha 'he use ofspectac::les was grady,dly discon­tinued. She 110\\1' works for nOll S

at n[gilt, sew; Llg 01- :reading, andnever requires the s.pectades, TIl!::fact is often noted that eyes arethus improved by treatment givenfor otber infirmities.

This facti th rdor-c, goes to- show bow jmport 11 a 111 ans of

treatment is Osteopathy in Cases

()f disease of th<; eyes. \ h nspeci Uy directcd to thei cUI'e_

Another case will im press tbereader with lbe ll'uth of lili' slate­menlo case similar to the firsti taken to show lhe di ff rence ill

time ill ecuring similar n: ultsunder direct Ireatmct:lt, In thiscase th _ palienl a yonng lady.h <d suffered fo years iroan weakeyes fono ving all ",Hack of tbem~asle~. _ he had astigmatism,also, in whidl unevenoesS lEI l ,erefracting surfaces brings Ihe rapof light into a Iine upon theI'ef na Irlst,ead of to.a focus, caus­i L1 g hIttrre(~ \,lsioIi. She coulo at,10 time gowjlho\lt hel- spectacles

Rnd often had headacbes causedby eye·strain. Graduall'y~ during

Page 12: The Popular Osteopath - ATSU · THE POPULAU OS'I'li:OI"A'!'E1 H~ P l'ULAR OSTIWPATI_ [A It~~tel'!'{jeontl -.nt to the memb l'S by resident 'att ews.] dille enl Scbools o[ 0 ·leo]JJ.Hl),

·e .



hcirshould b.md _lep5t~lldtng.

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Page 14: The Popular Osteopath - ATSU · THE POPULAU OS'I'li:OI"A'!'E1 H~ P l'ULAR OSTIWPATI_ [A It~~tel'!'{jeontl -.nt to the memb l'S by resident 'att ews.] dille enl Scbools o[ 0 ·leo]JJ.Hl),