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Why SAFETY is our highest priority?

“Traffic crashes are not accidents. They are preventable events. They represent personal, family and community tragedies regardless of fault.” Joanne Fairchild, Trauma Nurses

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Transportation Safety - ECONOMY • Crashes cost Portland

over $100 million per yearfrom health care and

productivity losses – Crashes are the #1 cause of

job related death – Injury from crashes are the #1

cause of worker compensationclaims

• 40% of all congestion inPortland is non-recurringand primarily caused bycrashes

I-5 traffic, 2008

J A M I E F R A N C I S / T H E O R E G O N I A N

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Traffic Safety - HEALTH

66% of Portlanders limit

walking and bicycling due to their fears about traffic.

“Annual cost of obesity to be $147

billion and growing.That translates into $1,250 per household, mostly in taxes and insurance premiums.” Health Affairs 2010

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Traffic Safety - NEIGHBORHOODS • Portlanders have

historically ratedTRAFFIC SAFETY asa top neighborhoodlivability concern

• Walking and bicyclinglevels are linked to a

neighborhood’ssense of safety• Portland’s least safe

streets for crashes

are also the highestfor criminal activity

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Safety Trends – POSITIVE

• 2010 lowest number of vehicle deathssince 1925

• 75% reduction in motor vehicle fatalities – last ten years

• No bicyclist fatalities – 6 of last 12 years

• 2.5-fold decrease in children involved in

bicyclist and pedestrian crashes – overlast 15 years

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Bike Fatal 1 5 3 0 0 5 0 4 1 4 0 6 0 4 0Ped Fatal 17 9 13 15 10 10 11 15 9 7 6 11 5 11 15

Motorcycle Fatal 4 4 5 3 3 1 5 4 1 4 4 5 4 9 4

Motorist Fatal 37 31 25 19 14 20 24 24 26 19 18 14 11 9 7

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

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Safety Trends – NEGATIVE

• 15 pedestrian deaths in 2010

• Still too many Portlanders limitingwalking and bicycling because of trafficsafety concerns

• Still too many Portlanders expressingconcerns with the behavior of somedrivers, walkers and bicyclists (many ofwhom are the same people)

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Previous Safety Summits / Safe Sound and Green

• Safety – High Crash

Intersections /

Corridors – Pedestriansafety andbicycle safety

– Safe Routes to

School• Maintenance – Paving – Signals – Bridges

• SignalModernization

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One-Time General Fund – $19 Million FY 07-09

• Maintenance – Signal upgrades at 122nd

• High CrashIntersections – 6 new red light cameras – Safety improvements in 9

high crash corridors – 16 speed reader boards

• Bicycle and PedestrianSafety – 6 main street safety projects – Numerous bicycle /

pedestrian safety projects – Cully Safety Project

• Safe Routes – 96 school beacons – Safe Routes to School

support in 75 schools

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Stimulus - ARRA• Bicycle and Pedestrian

Safety – Signage and sharrows on 53

miles of Neigborhood

Greenways – Street lighting – 2.25 miles of new sidewalk – 7.5 miles of repaving the

Springwater Trail

• Maintenance – 5.7 miles of street paving

• Signal Optimization – SW Barbur Boulevard – 82 nd Avenue – Sandy Boulevard – Beaverton Hillsdale Highway

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Safe Routes to School Grants• 2008 - $500k infrastructure

grant - ODOT

• 2008 - $100k programminggrant - ODOT

• 2009/10 - $200kprogramming grant - EnergyStimulus

• 2010 - $500k infrastructuregrant - ODOT

• 2010 - $100k programminggrant via PPS

• Additional grants from PDC,1% for Green, Coca Cola,Centers for Disease Controland Prevention

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HB 2001 Annual Allocations• Maintenance

– Paving ($3.4 million) – Bridges ($867,000)

• Signal Optimization – ($434,000)

• High Crash Intersections – High Crash Corridor program

($260,00) – Engineering improvements,

safety plans and safetybanners

• Bicycle and PedestrianSafety – Sidewalks ($16 million - next

2 years) – Pedestrian crossing

improvements ($350,000) – Neighborhood Greenways

($1,000,000) – Safe Routes to School


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Combined Investments

• One-timeGeneral Fund

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Combined Investments

• One-timeGeneral Fund

• Stimulus –ARRA

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Combined Investments

• One-timeGeneral Fund

• Stimulus –ARRA

• Safe Routesto SchoolGrants

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Combined Investments

• One-timeGeneral Fund

• Stimulus –ARRA

• Safe Routesto SchoolGrants

• HB 2001AnnualAllocations

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Combined Investments

• One-timeGeneral Fund

• Stimulus –ARRA

• Safe Routesto SchoolGrants

• HB 2001AnnualAllocations

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Another way to see it?Budget by Mode, FY 10-12Total Capital Budget

$388,130,000• Bike: 4.6%• Transit: 46.2%

• Pedestrian: 18.2%• Motor Vehicle: 29.8%

– General: 9.2%

– Freight: 7.3% – Rehab: 13.3%

GTR Capital Budget

$46,740,000• Bike: 10.7%• Transit: 0.6%

• Pedestrian: 18.6%• Motor Vehicle: 65.6%

– General: 6.0%

– Freight: 3.9% – Rehab: 55.7%

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Partnerships: ODOT

• Safe CommunitiesGrant

• 82 nd Avenue• SE Powell

Improvements• Safe Routes to


• I Brake for People Campaign

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Partnerships: TRIMET

• Numerous safetyaccess to transitimprovements – Rose Quarter Transit Center

– Islands – Curb ramps – Lighting

• Education efforts• Outreach to seniors

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Partnerships: SCHOOLS • Portland school districts,

principals, teachers andparents are incorporatingintensive education inbusy school schedules – 1.5 hours walking education – 10 hours bicycling education

• Supporting walking toschool, buses and biketrains

• Helping identify high-priority improvements

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Partnerships: NEIGHBORS • Office of Neighborhood


• Transportation Man-agement Association• District coalitions –

East Portland / SWNI• Crosswalk enforcementactions

• Senior centers

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• Elders in Action – Safe Routes to Senior Centers

• Trauma Nurses Talk

Tough – Youth driver education

• Willamette PedestrianCoalition – Crosswalk enforcement actions

• Bicycle TransportationAlliance

– Eye to Eye campaign

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10 corridor safety plansand improvements

• Annual performance reports for HighCrash Corridors

• Engineering improvements (speed reduction, safe crossings, minimize

conflicts for all modes) • Enhanced enforcement (DUII / red light

cameras / speed)

• Enhanced education (Citywide and corridor-specific education campaigns)

Sandy Boulevard82 nd Avenue122 nd Avenue

Division StreetPowell BoulevardFoster RoadMarine DriveBurnside StreetBeaverton-Hillsdale HighwayBarbur Boulevard

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The most cost-effective strategy tominimize conflictsbetween modes

• Adding 15 miles per year of newfacilities

• Over five years, increasing the

percentage of Portlanders withina half mile of a low-stressbicycle facility from less than25% to over 80%

• Almost all costs focusing on

intersection crossingimprovements benefiting ALLmodes

82 nd



New Improvement:



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program success – Over 80 schools participating

• Over $1 millionFederal grants

• Incorporated insystem planningand investmentstrategy

Humboldt Elementary School,before and after

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• $16 million in sidewalks

in East and SouthwestPortland• $350,000 per year of

crossing improvements• Continued partnership

on Portland’s busiest

streets and transit routes




Willamette Pedestrian




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Crash Background

• Nobody expects to be in a traffic crash• Crashes impact ALL Portlanders• Regardless of mode we can all improve

safety by:

– Wearing a seatbelt correctly – Crossing in crosswalk – Being seen – Being predictable – Minimizing distractions

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Crashes: Driver’s Perspective

• Common messages of drivers that strikea pedestrian – “I never saw them…” – “They came out of nowhere...” – “I just didn’t have time to stop…”

• Solutions – Slow down – Don’t be a distracted driver – Pay extra attention at intersections and driveways

(remember that every corner is a crosswalk) – Drive sober

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• Speed enforcement in school zones• Photo radar in High Crash Corridors• Additional red light cameras• Crosswalk enforcement actions• Targeted DUII enforcement• Traffic Safety and Livability Hotline


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Education dramatically increaseseffectiveness of enforcement• I Brake for People • Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving • See kids

• See and Be Seen • Keep an eye out for pedestrians and bicyclists

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Traffic Safety Class

12,000+People that have participated in the

Share the Road safety class!

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‘Safety Projects and Programs in Region 1’

Jason Tell, ODOT Region 1 Manager

Partners: ODOT

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Traffic Safety – In the News

“Early morning collision kills one,injures two” Feb 7, 2011

“23-month-old remains in critical

condition after struck by a car in North Portland” Nov 8, 2010

“Vehicle hits pedestrian, closing

Southeast 82nd Avenue near Otty; victim critical” January 3, 2011

“Police: Driver was distracted by her dog when she hit cyclist” Feb 5, 2011

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ODOT Safety Programs

• Public Education

• InfrastructureImprovements• Enforcement

bl d

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Public Education

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Infrastructure: Completed Portland Safety Projects

f l d f

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Infrastructure: Upcoming Portland Safety Projects

2011 S f t S it P i iti

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2011 Safety Summit Priorities

• Regional Transportation Plan Amendment

• Pedestrian Crossing and SidewalkImprovements• I-205 Multi-Use Path

L ki Ah d

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Looking Ahead

• Strategic Investments inHigh Crash Corridors

• Road Safety Audits• Public Education Campaigns

E f t

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• More than $1million in grants to

law enforcement inPortland since 2009• DUII court• Work zone



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• East Portland Action Plan• TriMet• City of Portland• Trauma Nurses• ACTs Oregon• Friends of Trees

• Law Enforcement• Metro• Multnomah County• Bicycle Transportation Alliance• Willamette Pedestrian Coalition

ODOT: Your Partner in Transportation

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ODOT: Your Partner in Transportation

Partners: TRIMET

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‘Safety and Service Excellence’ Neil McFarlane, TriMet General Manager

Partners: TRIMET

Safety as a value not a priority

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Safety as a value, not a priority

• National Safety Council expert report

• Safety & Service Excellence Task Force• Line-by-Line review of system• Work plan for implementation

Line 4: Chautauqua & Alaska

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Line 4: Chautauqua & Alaska• At a Northbound near-

side stop at corner of NChautauqua Boulevard

& N Alaska Street, a busturns left onto Alaskaimmediately from astop. The turn is illegal and unsafe.

• The bus stop wasmoved back 100 feet to

allow proper distancefor a signaling move.

Partnerships in Safety

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Partnerships in Safety

New stop, shelter and pedestrian treatments at SE 46 th and Belmont.

Partnerships in Safety

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Partnerships in Safety

A ‘human ribbon’ celebration.

What are we asking from you?

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What are we asking from you?

• Think about how you can help• Introduce yourself to people who you

don’t know• Sign-up on email lists for projects that

you want to help• Write comments on the ‘Share Your

Ideas’ posters


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• Do you support legislation requiringthat young drivers must take atransportation safety class before beinglicensed to drive?


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• What is your top priority for how we canbest address pedestrian safety?


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• What innovative safety project ortechnology should Portland pursue toreduce fatalities and injuries?