The Quiz Book

The Quiz Book

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The Quiz Book

Wandle Industrial Museum Quiz Book

Quiz One

Q1 Which friend of William Morris suggested the works at Merton


Q2 The rail line through Merton Abbey Station closed in 1975 but what

year did it stop carrying passengers?

Q3 Who did the company of Morris & Co take over the works at Merton

Abbey from?

Q4 The Hatfeild family are associated with the Morden Hall Estate but

what was the name of the company that operated the snuff mills?

Q5 Which company based on the River Wandle do you associate with

parliament, cars and liners?

Q6 Which family name, better known for its beer, would you associate

with mills along the Wandle Valley?

Q7 What grave of a well known person who worked in the calico

industry can be found in St Mary’s Church, Merton Park?

Q8 The River Wandle was once one of the best for fishing for which fish?

Q9 There was once a mill on Carshalton High Street where today’s

Coach and Horses pub is located. Where was the source of the water from

that drove its waterwheel?

Q10 What historical route are you taking if riding the tram from Mitcham

to Croydon?

Answers can be found on page 14

Page 1

Wandle Industrial Museum Quiz Book

Photo Quiz—The Old Mills Can you identify these mills?

Answers can be found on page 14

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

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Wandle Industrial Museum Quiz Book

Answers can be found on page 14

Crossword One

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Wandle Industrial Museum Quiz Book

Answers can be found on page 14

Quiz Two

Q1 What took place at The Spread Eagle Inn, Wandsworth on 4th June


Q2 Which naval leader is said to have fished the River Wandle and

watched cricket at Mitcham?

Q3 There were four mills at Mitcham Bridge. One was a snuff mill.

Which famous Elizabethan person had their name associated with it?

Q4 Which public house stood at what is said to be the start of the

Croydon branch of the River Wandle?

Q5 Which textile designer and printer would you associate with the flora

of London?

Q6 Before they moved to the Morden Hall Estate which home did the

Hatfeild family occupy?

Q7 What was the name of the company based at Wimbledon Mill who

supplied copper vats to Young & Co, Wandsworth?

Q8 What are the bleaching grounds owned by the Reynolds family now

known by?

Q9 John Smeaton, a civil engineer, was well known by millers along the

Wandle Valley. Which type of waterwheel did he design?

Q10 First recorded on the River Wandle in 1303 at a mill in Wandsworth

what industry, lasting into the mid-1600s, are we speaking off?

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Wandle Industrial Museum Quiz Book

Answers can be found on page 14

Photo Quiz—Birds of the Wandle Valley Can you identify these birds?

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

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Wandle Industrial Museum Quiz Book

Answers can be found on page 14

Quiz Three

Q1 Which industry do you associate the Potter & Moore with?

Q2 In 1610 there was a plan to extract water from the River Wandle to

supply London. Which Monarch was on the throne?

Q3 As well as block printing which other method was used for printing

fabric in the 1700s?

Q4 What is the name of the manmade water channel that runs from

Morden Hall Park to Phipps Bridge?

Q5 Which palace was built using stone that was taken from Merton


Q6 The largest waterwheel on the River Wandle measured 18 feet

diameter by 14 feet wide. Which mill was it located at?

Q7 “The Adoration of the Magi” was a tapestry work made by Morris &

Co but who designed it?

Q8 What type of stream is the River Wandle?

Q9 Water for Grove Mill, Carshalton came from a tributary to the River

Wandle. Part of it was carried on a length of artificial embankment which

was given what name?

Q10 The Littler family took over the site at Merton Abbey, now Merton

Abbey Mills, in 1883. At the time where else did they have works?

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Answers can be found on page 15

Crossword Two

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Wandle Industrial Museum Quiz Book

Answers can be found on page 15

Quiz Four

Q1 St Mary’s Church, Beddington has an organ loft decorated by which

Victorian designer?

Q2 What is the name of the civil engineers who carried out a survey of

the River Wandle in the mid-1800s?

Q3 Chuter & Sons produced which leather product?

Q4 What is the name given to fine high-quality parchment?

Q5 The name of Josiah Dewye is associated with which product?

Q6 What are the upper stone and lower stone called for the milling of

corn or flour?

Q7 How many mills on the River Wandle were listed in the Domesday

Survey of 1086?

Q8 What was the name given to a person who bleached calico?

Q9 If there is reference made to a ‘Drug Mill’ what are they producing?

Q10 What was the relationship between John Leach and Thomas Bennett

who were calico printers at Merton Abbey?

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Wandle Industrial Museum Quiz Book

Answers can be found on page 15

Missing Letters Put in the missing letters to identify these people who were involved in the

Wandle Valley textile and calico industry.

1 Wi_l_a_ _or_is

2 _a_u_l M_k_p_a_e

3 P_t_r _a_v_lli_n

4 _o_n A_bu_h_ot_

5 _ra_ci_ N_x_n

6 H_nr_ G_rd_n_r

7 J_h_ _e_ch

8 _dm_nd L_itl_r

9 Th_ma_ _ey_o_ds

10 _il_i_m K_lb_rn

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Wandle Industrial Museum Quiz Book

Answers can be found on page 15

Photo Quiz—Fish of the River Wandle Can you identify these fish?

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Answers can be found on page 15

Quiz Five

Q1 There was only one windmill on the River Wandle but which mill

was it part of?

Q2 The Ashby family were operating Lower Mill, Carshalton from 1864

and later Grove Mill, Mitcham. Which mill elsewhere in South London

did they move from and then return to in 1902?

Q3 Which firm would you associate ‘Daffodil’, ‘Poppy’, ‘Fritillary’ and

‘Daisy’ with?

Q4 Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Holman Hunt and John Millais were

members, with others, of which group?

Q5 William De Morgan never made money from his ceramics. Instead he

forged a highly successful career as what?

Q6 Which designer for Morris & Co was the author Rudyard Kipling

related to?

Q7 What type of mill are edge runners and pestle and mortar used in?

Q8 Mitcham is known for its lavender but which other plant is it also well


Q9 What was happening in North America at the time Wandsworth

calico printer Henry Gardiner was supplying printed cloth to that market?

Q10 What took place at Merton Priory in 1235/6?

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Wandle Industrial Museum Quiz Book

Answers can be found on page 15

Photo Quiz All these pictures were taken after 2010. Can you identify the location?

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Answers can be found on page 16

Quiz Six

Q1 May Morris helped with the founding of which organisation?

Q2 John Smeaton founded which society in 1771?

Q3 What was the location of the works where Francis Nixon and

Theophilus Thompson developed copperplate textile printing?

Q4 What happened at Grove Mill, Mitcham in 1907?

Q5 What was the full title of the report produced by Frederick

Braithwaite on the Wandle?

Q6 Which year was the River Wandle Protection Act put in place?

Q7 William Kilburn was a witness in 1787 for a petition for which Act of


Q8 John Anthony Rucker is known for ‘Rucker’s Cut’ at Phipps Bridge.

How much did he have to pay to Mitcham Vestry annually after building


Q9 Which mill along the River Wandle would you associate the name


Q10 The WIM logo on the front of this book shows the remains of a

chimney and waterwheel at Willow Lane Calico Printing Works,

Mitcham. What did the works become after they closed?

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Wandle Industrial Museum Quiz Book


Page 14

Quiz One

1. William De Morgan

2. 1929

3. George Welch

4. James Taddy & Co

5. Connolly Brothers

6. Watney

7. Francis Nixon

8. Trout

9. Hog Pit Pond, Carshalton Park

10. Surrey Iron Railway

Photo Quiz—The Old Mills

1. Morden Hall Snuff Mills

2. Liberty Print Works (Merton Abbey Mills)

3. Butter Hill, Carshalton

4. Connolly’s Leather Works, Colliers Wood

5. Deeds Mill, Mitcham

6. Grove Mill, Mitcham Bridge

7. Morris Works, Merton Abbey

8. Ravensbury Mill, Morden

9. Middle Mill, Wandsworth

10. Chuters & Sons, Wimbledon Mill

Crossword One


1 Hawks 7 Walthamstow

2 Domesday 9 Worsfold

3 George 11 Ravensbury

4 Jane 12 Oxford

5 Corn 13 Horses

6 London 16 Wheelhouse

8 Tesco 17 Sainsburys

10 Wandsworth 18 Snuff

14 Nelson 20 Alphabet

15 Thames

19 Upper

Quiz Two

1. Committee of management for the

Surrey Iron Railway formed.

2. Lord Nelson

3. Walter Raleigh

4. Swan & Sugar Loaf, South Croydon

5. William Kilburn (Flora Londinensis)

6. Wandle Villa

7. (Edmund & William) Pontifex

8. The Culvers.

9. Overshot Wheel

10. Fulling.

Photo Quiz—Birds of the Wandle


1. Wren

2. Robin

3. Great Tit

4. Chaffinch (Male)

5. Mullard (Female)

6. Grey Heron

7. Moorhen

8. Kingfisher

9. Pied Wagtail

Quiz Three

1. Lavender or Herbal Distilling

2. James I of England/James IV of


3. Copperplate

4. Rucker’s Cut

5. Nonsuch

6. Wimbledon Mill

7. Edward Burne-Jones

8. Chalk Stream

9. Westcroft Canal

10. Waltham Abbey and West Ham

(River Lea)

Quiz One

1. William De Morgan

2. 1929

3. George Welch

4. James Taddy & Co

5. Connolly Brothers

6. Watney

7. Francis Nixon

8. Trout

9. Hog Pit Pond, Carshalton Park

10. Surrey Iron Railway


Wandle Industrial Museum Quiz Book

Crossword Two


2 Vellum 1 Middle Mill

3 Madder 4 Morris

6 Fulling 5 Thirteen

7 Liberty 8 Surrey Iron Railway

9 Galley 10 Mill Pond

11 Young’s 12 Nonsuch

14 Wind 13 Connolly’s

Page 15

Quiz Four

1. William Morris

2. Frederick Braithwaite

3. Chamois

4. Vellum

5. Gunpowder

6. Upper—The runner, Lower—


7. 13

8. Whitster

9. Dyes

10. Bennett was Leach’s son-in-law Missing Letters

1. William Morris

2. Samuel Makepeace

3. Peter Mauvillain

4. John Arbuthnott

5. Francis Nixon

6. Henry Gardiner

7. John Leach

8. Edmund Littler

9. Thomas Reynolds

10. William Kilburn

Photo Quiz—Fish of the

River Wandle

1. Perch

2. Stickleback (Three Spine)

3. Chub

4. Dace

5. Roach

6. Gudgeon

7. Pike

8. Smelt

9. Trout

10. Flounder

Quiz Five

1. Middle Mill, Wandsworth

2. Brixton Windmill

3. Morris & Co

4. The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood

5. Novelist

6. He was nephew of Edward Burne-


7. Snuff Mills

8. Black Mitcham Peppermint

9. The America Revolution

10. The Statue of Merton was drawn up

in the Chapter House

Photo Quiz—Photos since 2010

1. Cart Run, Carshalton Ponds

2. Fisheries Cottages, Mitcham Bridge

3. Restored Waterwheel, Morden Hall


4. Paper Mill Cut, Watermeads

5. Ravensbury Park route marker

6. Morden Hall Park

7. Canon Bridges’ Bridge, Beddington


8. Stable Block Tower and Clock,

Young’s at Wandsworth

9. Butter Hill, Carshalton

10. Mill Green, Mitcham


Wandle Industrial Museum Quiz Book

Quiz Six

1. Women’s Guild of Arts

2. Society of Civil Engineers

3. Drumcondra, Dublin

4. The original mill was destroyed by fire.

5. On the Rise and Fall of the River Wandle;

its Springs, Tributaries and Pollution

6. 1908

7. Calico Printers’ Act

8. One Guinea (£1.05)

9. Carshalton Paper Mill

10. To grow watercress and as a pig farm.

Page 16

How did you do?

We hope that by completing the challenges in

this book that your knowledge of the heritage

and history of the industries and people of the

Wandle Valley has improved.

If you want to learn more then please visit our

website www.wandle.org for access to

documents, films and photographs.

The Wandle Industrial Museum Vestry Hall Annexe,

London Road,



CR4 3UD.

Tel: 020 8648 0127

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: www.wanlde.org


OPEN: Every Wednesday 1 ~ 4 pm;

Every Sunday 2 ~ 5 pm.

(The Museum is closed Bank Holiday weekends)

The Museum is also open to schools and groups by appointment.


Admission: Adults 50p, Children & Senior Citizens 20p

Company No 01792482, Charity No 288655.

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Copyright © May 2020 The Wandle Industrial Museum

The contents of this book should not be reproduced

without permission of the copyright holder.