The RATTLER Issue number 355, March 2002 Monthly newsletter of the Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia H HP ill™™g^w Metro Tours Leyland Comet 24 seat coach "Miss Westralia" At Kings Park in the early 1950's


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RATTLER Issue number 355, March 2002

Monthly newsletter of the Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia

H HP ill™™g^w

Metro Tours Leyland Comet 24 seat coach

"Miss Westralia" At Kings Park in the early 1950's


Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia (inc) Postal Address for all general correspondence, including membership enquiries and other matters -

Secretary 1 Kobelke Street Dianella, WA, 6059

The Rattler is published monthly and circulated to members of the Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia (Inc) as part of their subscription. It is not sold separately, through newsagents or booksellers, so does not have a cover price. Copyright © 2001 Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia (Inc) and individual authors. Material published in The Rattler may not be reproduced in any form unless prior written approval is sought and received from the editor, except in the case of information extracted news items which may be used in kindred enthusiast publications provided acknowledgement is made of the source. The opinions expressed in articles in The Rattler are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect or coincide with the views of the Bus Preservation Society of Western Australia or of the editor.

Editor: Mark Tattersall Distribution: Christopher Bell

Material for publication in The Rattler, Including news items, articles and photos, should be sent to -

PO Box 879 Mirrabooka, WA, 6941

Or by e-mail - [email protected]

History of the Metropolitan Omnibus Company: Max Hayles October 20/ All of the Lions had arrived bringing the fleet to 31, 21 Lionesses and 10 Lions. Buses from 27 to 31 inc. would be changed in gear ratios. October 28th C & M sought an increase in price of £85 per body. Agreed Nos 26, 27 and 28 to be £700 and 29,30, and 31 to be £730. ) November 19th Emu Bus Company, (Mr Downe) again offered his business on the West Subiaco route to Metro. The board declined. November 30th Annual profit to November 30th was £29496. Funds of £1200 had been set aside for new bodies for Nos 1 and 5. The board members at this time were Messrs. R. Rennie (Chairman), G. David. C. Spicer, Mr Weir, Mr Wittmer, Mr Fontaine, Mr Samson and Mr E. Adams.

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Synopsis of A.G.M. for 1929; Passengers carried 1928 = 1,900,000 Passengers carried 1929 = 2,285,000 Gross revenue 1928 = £69,699 Gross revenue 1929 = £94,134 Net profit 1928 -£15,744 Net profit 1929 = £23,296 Mileage 1928=1,134,440 Mileage 1929-1,482,108

C foment was made of the justification for the importation of one Lion wun English body (No 24) for the specific purpose of comparison with the local C & M body in quality and durability. Agreed that the local body compared favourably. The staff levels were - 47 drivers, 47 fare collectors, 33 mechanics and garage hands and 5 salaried staff.

1930 January 21st Buses 7,10,11,12 & 12a had been overhauled. The cost of a new spare Lioness gearbox was £112. A legal definition was sought to distinguish between Conductors and Collectors to minimise future labour problems. February 25th The Federal and State governments were to increase petrol tax by 4d for a gallon to bring the total to 8d. March 11th Texaco advised that new petrol prices would be introduced in a few days. Metro ordered 12,000 gallons at old price. The total mileage of all Leyland's was now 3,000,000 miles. Photos of all the fleet had been taken and would include a photo of all Directors (a copy of this photo is held by BPSWA). L )1 8' Metro agreed to subscribe to the Mayors Relief Fund at £5 per month for unemployed persons. A census of competitors buses and taxis would be made by the manager. The Metro fleet was now running 5,000 miles per day. July 22ndA further increase in petrol cost of 3d per gallon was expected. Metro ordered 20,000 gallons, saving 9 shillings and 6 pence per drum. August 26{ A skeleton service to Mosman Bay had began as a feeder service to the Perth - Fremantle run. One bus had been running on

Page four Kerosene to judge performance and costs. Mr Molloy of the Subiaco Service was interested in selling his buses. It had already been offered to Mr Downe. Mr David asked to investigate and report to the board. September 9th Two directors had interviewed Mr Molloy. The sale would include the garage, several acres of land and the buses. Mr Sumpton of South Suburban Buses had made contact with Metro to sell out. Further investigations to be made. September 24th Profit for year to date was £19,000. Molloy declined to negotiate as his son in law operated the company. Also decided not to make any further approach to Emu. Messrs Carroll and Withers of S.S.B.S had also declined to negotiate with Metro in any way, Tyi amendment to the Traffic Act had increased tax by 30/- per seat. October 7th Petrol prices had increased by 2d per gallon. Metro had 20,000 gallons of Shell in stock. Decided to ask Texaco to continue at old price. October 21st Texaco offered 20,000 gallons at old price in drums. November 4th Bus No 22 had been overhauled after 97,000 miles, condition satisfactory. Complaints about fares on Peppermint Grove route. The Routes Advisory Board had convened a meeting with Peppermint Grove and Cottesloe Beach Councils to discuss the matter. November 18th The overhaul of No 22 was the first for the Lions at a cost of £32/15/4. A vegetable based oil had been recommended to prevent pitting of the differential gears. The government was vigorously applying Reg. 230 in regards to pick up and set down on tram routes. Metro decided to install Street signs and a seat for customer convenience. The meeting with the Road Board was hostile and insulting, with the Chairman overbearing and arrogant. Metro delegate withdrew. December 9th Metro was prosecuted for carrying parcels from Perth co Fremantle and visa versa, but was cautioned by the magistrate. Metro also prosecuted for picking up passengers less than 150 yards from tram routes under Reg. 230. Expenses for 12 months - wages £26363, petrol £14481, tyres £4686, fleet now 31, 21 Lionesses and 10 Lions at cost of £57353, passengers carried 2,300,000, mileage run 1,641,823. All of the old originally acquired vehicles had been disposed of.

Page five Important Notice to Members

At the council meeting on February 20n the following resolutions were taken. All members please take note.

1. No member is to remove a vehicle from our depot without the specific approval of the President (9349 4125), Vice - President (9367 7016), or the Secretary (0408 904 874). Members with private buses may remove their vehicles at any time, but only with another person in company, to supervise reversing. The President, Vice - President or Secretary should be advised in advance as a matter of courtesy.

2. No member including private bus owners is permitted to work alone at the Society's depot for safety reasons and to comply with Worksafe and Duty of Care regulations.

Lotteries Commission This issue of the Rattler has been delayed in the expectation of a decision in respect to our application for a grant placed in August 2001. The decision had been deferred from December to February, then to March. Regrettably we are still waiting.

Quiz Answers

1. One, you are only ever born on one day 2. Twelve, every month has at least 28 days 3. No, a man cannot marry his widows sister because he is dead 4. 22, (40 divided by 20 (half of 40) = 2 + 20 = 22). Or 100, (40

divided by 0.5 = 80 + 20 =100). Let us know if you come up \ with any other answers

5. Yes, every country that follows this particular calendar would have a 4th of July

6. Moses didn't take any animals onto the ark, that was Noah 7. 12, 1 dozen 2 cent stamps equals 12 8. 2, its asking how many apples you have and you took away two 9. Michael. 10. 10km. If you want an explanation of this one let us know and we

will put it in another issue.

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Bus Society Caps To better identify ourselves as members of this society to the public, particularly at Whiteman Park on "Friends of Thorns the Tank engine" and "Marlows Classic Car Show" days, your council has initiated the production of caps with our logo. The caps are of good quality black wool blend with a light brown Suede peak. Limited stocks are available to members at the subsidised price of $15 each including postage. To order please complete the enclosed order form and post with cash, money order or cheque to Max Hayles, 34 Hannaby Street, Dia^ Ala 6059. Orders will be posted within three weeks.

It's a small world: Cameron Bell

As a result of a article I wrote for the Bus and Coach Preservation magazine in the U.K. we now have two new members. Gordon McGregor of Scotland wrote asking for information and photo's of Leyland Nationals in Australia. Gordon has set himself the almost impossible task of collecting a photo of every National built. To this end I photographed the Nationals in the Midland Bus Fleet (ex Bunbury Transit - previously ex the ACTION Fleet in the A.C.T). 1 travelled south and introduced myself to David Adams owner of the Bunbury Transit and South West Coaches (a massive fleet of over eighty units). David was most helpful and discussed at length his purchase of ten Nationals from ACTION. Only the MAN repowered bus remains in his fleet. The upshot is both joined the Society. David was previously a member and Gordon becomes our second overseas member. The guru of all things buses, Colin Davidson unearthed even more photo's and information on Nationals from his vast reference library. Rumours have it that there could be as many as four nationals, converted to mobile homes, parked around Perth. If you see one please ring me urgently on 9367 7016 as they tend to disappear quickly.

Our other U.K. member, Ralph Oakes-Garnett, is a regular visitor to Perth (he has family here). During his visits he is a 'hands on' regular at every Wednesday workshop. He has e-mailed that this years

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visit has been delayed due to him buying a new house in Manchester. Ralph has generously offered his two spare bedrooms to any member visiting the U.K. (if anyone is interested in taking up Ralph's kind offer contact me for details, phone numbers and for a letter of introduction).

Unfortunately there hasn't been any response re the missing Scottish 1948 half cab Maudslay bus.

A more personal part of bus history in Western Australia

17th. 11.1940 W.X. 1284 Sig.A. Miller C/o"G" Section 6th. Div.- Sigs A.I.F. ABROAD

To the Manager of Metro Bus Company. Dear "Sir"

Am enclosing 2 snaps of the boys in Egypt also one of the signs off bus number 37 which "happened" to come over with us. 1 have carried it all the way in my Kit Bag. I have had several snaps taken with it showing. Hoping you don't mind me having a LEND of it I'll carry it further afield to victory I hope and will return same on my return (if ever) of course judging by the look of the boys around it I think Musso or Adolf wouldn't care to get it the same way as I did, do you? These snaps were taken out in the Desert, as you can see the place is not overrun with shady trees or green grass. The proud possessor of this IP " \ "souvenir" is standing 4 from the left with cap on. All the boys send their regards to the Metro Company and Staff and are waiting for the day when they are being carried by your Buses from Fremantle to Perth again (via Karrakatta and Nedlands.) Hoping these few lines reach you safely I'll say cheerio. P.S. This sign was "swiped" on the 20th of April Saturday day of embarkation. Yours Sincerely Sig. Arthur Miller

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If you recognise anyone in the photos, Max Hayles has the names. Ring 9349 4125