THE REVEALING SCIENCE OF GOD -or- What the Universe is Really All About Overview This document attempts to answer the deepest questions about the origin, destiny & purpose of God, humanity, and the Universe. This is The Church of Yahweh's Summa Theologica, explaining all aspects of cosmology, showing how everything is embodied in The Name. As always, I seek your comments. Ahyh © 2000 The Church of Yahweh The Revealing Science of God - 1 © 2000 The Church of Yahweh www.yhwh.com

THE REVEALING SCIENCE · Web viewThe Revealing Science of God tells us that the only reality, the anchor of all dependencies, is God by definition or postulate or conclusion, however

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Page 1: THE REVEALING SCIENCE · Web viewThe Revealing Science of God tells us that the only reality, the anchor of all dependencies, is God by definition or postulate or conclusion, however


-or-What the Universe is Really All About


This document attempts to answer the deepest questions about the origin, destiny & purpose of God, humanity, and the Universe. This is The Church of Yahweh's Summa Theologica, explaining all aspects of cosmology, showing how everything is embodied in The Name.

As always, I seek your comments.

Ahyh© 2000 The Church of Yahweh

May be freely distributed, but never sold

The Revealing Science of God - 1© 2000 The Church of Yahweh


Page 2: THE REVEALING SCIENCE · Web viewThe Revealing Science of God tells us that the only reality, the anchor of all dependencies, is God by definition or postulate or conclusion, however

PART 1: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................4

The One Really Big Question............................................................................................................4

The 6 Domains of Human Thought................................................................................................5

The Bible is Silent..................................................................................................................................6

Does Anyone Really Care?.................................................................................................................7

PART 2: EPISTEMOLOGY..........................................................................................................................9

Holy Books...............................................................................................................................................9

Religious Organizations....................................................................................................................10

Authority Figures.................................................................................................................................10

Reason & Logic....................................................................................................................................10

Direct Revelations...............................................................................................................................11

Overcoming Culture...........................................................................................................................11

The Scientific Method........................................................................................................................12

Applying the Scientific Method to Religion................................................................................13

PART 3: DID GOD CREATE?..................................................................................................................15

Life is More Than Chemical Interactions....................................................................................16

The Fractal Universe..........................................................................................................................17

The Astounding Nature of Order...................................................................................................18

PART 4: "WHO?".......................................................................................................................................21

Can God Be Known?...........................................................................................................................21

God's Sex...............................................................................................................................................23

The Procession of the Gods.............................................................................................................23

The Self-Existent One........................................................................................................................24

God has simply always existed.....................................................................................................25

The Mathematical Equation for God............................................................................................26

PART 5: "WHAT?".....................................................................................................................................30

What is the universe made out of?..............................................................................................31

Internal and External Creations.....................................................................................................33

The Universe is God's Imaging......................................................................................................33

The Body of Christ..............................................................................................................................34

God is Light............................................................................................................................................35

The Energy/Mass Continuum..........................................................................................................36



PART 6: "WHEN?".....................................................................................................................................41

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Page 3: THE REVEALING SCIENCE · Web viewThe Revealing Science of God tells us that the only reality, the anchor of all dependencies, is God by definition or postulate or conclusion, however

The Relativity of Time.......................................................................................................................43

Life is Here and Now..........................................................................................................................45

PART 7: "WHERE?"...................................................................................................................................46

In the Mind of God..............................................................................................................................48

PART 8: "HOW?".......................................................................................................................................52

The First Moment of Creation.........................................................................................................52

Deeper, Slower Layers of Consciousness..................................................................................52

A Conscious Process..........................................................................................................................53


The Future..............................................................................................................................................56

PART 9: "WHY?"........................................................................................................................................58

Rejecting PreDeterminism...............................................................................................................58

Perhaps There is No Purpose..........................................................................................................58

God is Forgetting in Order to Remember..................................................................................59

Being Alone...........................................................................................................................................59

From Possibilities Into Reality........................................................................................................60

The Shocking Conclusion.................................................................................................................61

The Problem of Evil.............................................................................................................................62

The Biblical Evidence.........................................................................................................................63

Hide and Seek......................................................................................................................................63

PART 10: IN SUMMARY...........................................................................................................................65

The Revealing Science of God - 3© 2000 The Church of Yahweh


Page 4: THE REVEALING SCIENCE · Web viewThe Revealing Science of God tells us that the only reality, the anchor of all dependencies, is God by definition or postulate or conclusion, however

PART 1: INTRODUCTIONFrom the dawn of time, whenever that was, and the dawn of human consciousness, whenever that was, mankind has looked around in wonder and has asked questions. Why is the sky blue? Where is the world? Why do birds fly? What is grass made out of? What happens after I die? How far away are the stars? Is there a God?

These questions have helped create the human race. All of human knowledge, all of human enterprise can be seen as one form or another of attempting to define and answer questions. What can I do to have a little more leisure time? How can we live in peace with our brothers? Is there anything I can do to lead a happier life?

The One Really Big QuestionThe highest form of human thought is in the realm of religion. And as it pertains to religion there are really only six questions. Those six questions are inside of the one really big question.

The one really big question is, "How is it possible that anything exists at all?" This is the ultimate question, and all other questions are derivative from it. All other questions are very small subsets of this very, very big question.

And that very big question is expressed in different ways. "Why wasn't the universe forever just a big black nothingness?" "Where did God come from?" "If there is no God then how did the universe get here?" "If we come up with a scientific theory that says that it all came from a 'big bang', then where did all the stuff come from to be able to 'bang'?"

The fact that anything exists at all anywhere in any way, shape or form is the ultimate cosmological, ontological mystery. It is the great unknown. It is the fundamental rubric of all human thought.

And in the attempt to answer that one really big question we have six smaller questions:





How? and


It's almost like we have a murder mystery. We've arrived upon the crime scene and, lo and behold, there is a dead body. In our investigation there are only six questions we have to answer. Who did it? Exactly what did they do, and, what did they use to do it? When did they do that? Where did it take place? How was it done? And, why?

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Page 5: THE REVEALING SCIENCE · Web viewThe Revealing Science of God tells us that the only reality, the anchor of all dependencies, is God by definition or postulate or conclusion, however

Opportunity and motive. When we come to the really big question, the really big question is like our dead body in the murder mystery. And in order to be able to approach the really big question we have to answer these 6 questions.

The 6 Domains of Human ThoughtThese 6 questions have become all different branches of human knowledge.

When we ask who, we are asking the question of theology. Tell me about this God, what are His attributes? Does He think? Does He feel? Does He get personally involved with us? Perhaps there is no "He", only an impersonal, mindless force.

When we ask what, this is the field of science. What is in this universe? What's it made out of? Tell me about the atoms and electrons and photons. What is gravity, after all?

When we ask when, we are contemplating in part cosmology, in part astronomy and a part paleontology. How old it the Earth? How old is our sun? How old is the universe? How old am I? Am I just a body? Or, has perhaps my soul, whatever that might be, been here a lot longer and got somehow stuck inside of my body?

When we ask where, we are asking the questions of astronomy and metaphysics. Is the Earth the center of the universe? Where is our sun in relation to the other suns? And if you add up all of the suns and all of the galaxies, where are they? Does the universe go on and on and on forever? Does it stop? If it stops, what's on the other side of it? Where is the whole thing located? And, where is it in relationship to God? Is it apart from God? Is it inside of God? If it's inside of God, then how does it relate to God?

Fifth, we ask how? How was the universe born? Was there a Big Bang? Did God create? How did this all come about? This is an issue of metaphysics and theology and part mysticism. The science of the Kabbalah for example, attempts to explain step by step exactly how God made the world. And exactly how God is related to the world.

Sixth, we come to the most interesting question of all. If we adopt a theistic view, meaning that there is a God and he/she is a person, why would He do this? Why did God make this world? Why does God allow there to be suffering? Why does God permit human beings to do the horrible things that they do? Why does God bless some and curse others? This is a question of the highest philosophy. This is a question of religion. It comes down to the very core of the purpose of life: why am I alive? What is the highest I can attain?

The Bible is SilentThese six questions, ladies and gentlemen, lie outside of the realm of the Bible! The Bible does not answer any of them! Not completely. Of the six questions the Bible attempts to do the best job on the question of "who." Who this God is and some of his nature and attributes.

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But the other five are left to be a mystery. Open up a Bible if you have one, and you will read in any Bible the very first verse. It is so familiar to western civilization that even the youngest school children have it memorized. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth." That's all it says. But what it does not say speaks volumes. It does not tell us who this God is. And what the Bible will reveal to us during the course of it's pages is ways in which we can relate to this person because of what he has done to, with and for us.

But before God made the world, what was He? Who was He? The Bible does not answer that question.

Then we ask "what?" Well, the Bible will give us only very broad brush strokes as to what the world is. Because Genesis describes God creating stars and oceans and fish and birds. But the Bible is very quiet as to the scientific, mathematical, astronomical and atomistic nature of this world. The Bible has left it to mankind to search out the answers to the "what" of existence.

The "when" is never answered. We are told "in the beginning" God created the heavens and the Earth. But we do not know when that was. Some people go through a laborious process counting up the ages of the Saints and know generations and come up with a calculation that indicates that "in the beginning" was about 6,000 years ago. But the Bible doesn't tell us that. Perhaps it was billions of years ago.

"Where", the Bible again is silent. The way in which the world is created, within God, or outside of God, or as a part of God, or with God's being, the Bible is very quiet. So where we are in the universe is a mystery. It is such a mystery according to the Bible that the Renaissance astronomers who indicated that the Earth was not the center of the universe were ostracized by the Ecclesiastical authorities for blasphemy. The Bible does not do a very good job of telling us where we are.

And where was God before He made the world? Where is He now? This is a very interesting question, and again the Bible is silent.

How did God make the world? The Bible gives us no clue what so ever. The Bible indicates that God said, "Let there be light" and the saying made it so. Well, how did that work?!?? I can say "let there be pizza," and I don't see any pizza.

So, while the Bible indicates that it was through an act of speaking, the Bible does not indicate to us at all how God actually created this world.

And finally, most mysteriously of all, the Bible gives us not one clue as to why God would do such a thing. Was it because He was bored? Was it because He wanted to have some little creatures down here to torture? Was it because He is an egocentric maniac, and wanted to force us all to sit around and worship Him? Meanwhile, preparing ghastly and unspeakable tortures for those who refuse to do so? The Bible does not tell us why.

And those theologians who have attempted to say, "Well it was obvious that God wanted to have fellowship with Adam and Eve." don't tell us why that would be of any interest to God. And do not tell us why he would care.

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Page 7: THE REVEALING SCIENCE · Web viewThe Revealing Science of God tells us that the only reality, the anchor of all dependencies, is God by definition or postulate or conclusion, however

So, as we look to the first verse in Genesis, we have the following results:

Who? God.

What? Created.

When? In the beginning.

Where? Ah, the heavens and the Earth.

How? He said it and it was done.

Why? Because he's God.

Does Anyone Really Care?Perhaps you are satisfied with these answers. It is all too obvious that the overwhelming majority of mankind is entirely satisfied with these answers, or with no answers at all. The human race is at this point at a stage of development where we are enamored of technological inventions. We are in love with our machines, and are frankly much more interested in a warm place to live and a cold beer, then we are in understanding the Who, What, When, Where, How and Why of existence.

And even those who do persue a knowledge of God, or face religion, for the most part approach it for two reasons. Number one, to make sure that the big guy upstairs is listening to them so that if they get sick or have a problem the big answer man in the sky will take care of them. And, number two, once they die they want to know what the magical formulas are that they have to say in order to be able to make sure that they won't go to the really, really bad place.

And, for countless millions of people that is the sum total of their religion. Morality takes a back seat and the higher questions, the six questions inside of the one really big question, are never approached.

Therefore it is obvious to me by the very nature of this writing that I have a somewhat limited audience and will probably not wind up at the top of anybody's best seller list. Be that as it may, I feel compelled to proceed with this project.

The creator of the universe has given us, and wants to give us, much better answers to the really big question and to the six minor questions. That is the purpose of this writing.

The Revealing Science of God is to explain the best I can, to anyone who might be interested, the totality of the universe:

Who God is,

What he has done,

When this occurred,

Where we are, The Revealing Science of God - 7

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How the creation was affected, and

Why it was done.

Having explored these six we will then turn to the ultimate question because we will then have much data to enable us to understand.

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PART 2: EPISTEMOLOGYThis leads us to the question of epistemology. Epistemology is the study of how we know what we know. It is not so much an examination of those ideas, facts and notions which constitute our knowledge, but rather a study of how human beings can know anything. And the manners and degrees in which that knowledge is possible.

As it comes to the question of religion there is one fundamental, epistemological question which every aspirant for truth must answer. That question is,

What criteria will you use to evaluate truth and falsehood?

Pontius Pilot asked Jesus, "What is truth?" The most important thing you have to do is ask yourself, how you are going to answer that question.

Perhaps mankind is not capable of knowing anything. Many people would say this. That anything having to do with religion, and even those things having to do with science, are simply interplays of words and thoughts which have no connection to actual existence.

To those people I simply respond that they may ultimately be right. But if so, then our interactions with a dog or a snowflake are likewise based upon pure imagery, pure conjecture and fantasy. If we can know anything at all, then, we can come to knowledge of the universe. And as we do so we are presented with different tools. How do you know something about God? What sources of information do you have? There are many.

Holy BooksNumber one, a holy book. The Bible, either the Christian version or the Jewish version. Or, maybe the Catholic version. Or maybe add in a couple more books for the Moslem version. Or maybe add in a couple more books for the Mormon version. And then you have different translations. Or you could read it in the original language it was written in 2,000 years ago. Or if you are not going to do that then you're going to have to trust that somebody else has given you the right understanding of the words. And that they're manipulating you or lying to you.

So which translation do you use? The good old King James, maybe the New American Standard. How 'bout the living Bible? What about what is for many people the only true translation, the New World Translation from the Watch Tower Bible and Tract society. What is your position on the great scholarly debates around the proper translation of certain Greek words?

So, simply saying that you are going to trust in what the Bible says, is not necessarily an easy way out. Why pick the Bible? Why not the Koran? Why not the Bhagavad-Gita? Why not the Lotus-Sutras? Why not the Tao Te Ching? Is it because the Bible claims to be inspired by God? Sri Rama-Krishna said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to Atman-Brahman except through me." How do you pick one scripture over another?

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Religious OrganizationsWell, that leads us to number 2: an Ecclesiastical structure of some form. The Mormon church, millions of people have the witness in their hearts, is the one true church. To belong to the community of Israel is to enter a holy and sacred covenant with God. The Catholic church is God's instrument, and to leave or question the Edicts of the Catholic church is to question God himself, which one must do only with immense fear and trembling.

So if you are going to trust the edicts of a particular structure or organization, how do you know that the structure is telling you the truth? Well, perhaps they just "preach the Bible." That gets us back to point 1, and we really haven't accomplished anything.

Authority FiguresThird, we can trust in a person. Maybe it's a preacher on the old time gospel hour who really ministers to us. Maybe it's our priest or our pastor. Maybe it's a particular teacher we had in school. Maybe it's the author of a book, like this one. How do you know whom to trust? Why accept the words of one person and not another?

Ultimately, you must come personally to some form of evaluative technique. Whether it is a book or a structure or a person, you must turn inside to evaluate for yourself whom to trust, or forever abdicate responsibility to an outside entity!

Reason & LogicSo, that leads us to part four. You can use your reason, you can think things out. You can analyze, you can use logic. The powers of the mind are great and immense, but what happens if your logic is faulty? What happens if you are operating upon insufficient data? What if the Ecclesiastical structure is hiding some things from you? Why is it out of all of the thousands of scrolls in the Dead Sea, only 5% of them have been made available to the public? Did you know that there were hundreds of letters and Gospels written around the time of Jesus, but the church only decided to allow you to read 27 of them?

How do you know that they found the right ones? How do you know that your reason is based upon proper information? And even if it is, how do you know that you were drawing the right conclusions?

Well perhaps we need divine guidance. That leads us to number 5.

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Direct RevelationsWe can receive a direct word from God, in a vision or a dream or perhaps a miraculous prophecy spoken through someone else. We can sit and wait for God to talk to us directly. But, what if He never does? What if we are lied to? What if what we think is God is actually Satan appearing as an angel of light? How will you know if what is being told is true?

Overcoming CultureAs you see, ladies and gentlemen, there is no single answer. In every venue, every tool which we could seek to use as a criteria for truth is fraught with potential hazards, uncertainty and therefore ever in danger. If the religious life matters enough to pursue it then it matters enough to find the right answers. If you are one of those rare people who is actually seeking for the divine truth then you must do something which 98% of the world's planet does not do.

What is that? Well, for 98% of the world's population the overwhelming majority answer to the question of epistemology is "whatever mommy and daddy told me." And by mommy and daddy we mean the entire social societal structure around the child as that child grows. The book that is presented to the child as being holy, the practices that the child undergoes, the songs that the child sings, the mythologies and stories that the child is told, the religious authorities that the child meets, the holy buildings that the child attends gives to the child that child's religion.

And worldwide statistics indicate less then 2% of the worlds population ever abandons that societal structure. Jews give birth to Jews. The number one thing that will convert people to Islam is being born to Moslem parents. The overwhelming factor to make people decide to become Hindus is if their mommy and daddy live in India. Christians give birth to Christians.

Conversion, abandoning the faith, all of these things to occur. But, if you are talking about the human race as whole less than 2% of the population ever actually changes.

Therefore if you are going to be a genuine seeker for truth, the first thing you must do is rise above the social constructs which have been donated to you by reason of your birth and heritage, and begin a process of examining them for yourselves! To look at the books, to look at the organizations. To look at your prophets, priests and kings. To examine your dreams, visions and to challenge your thinking.

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The Scientific MethodHow, then, do we approach this? Is there any hope at all? The answer is an undeniable, unquestionable yes. The answer is what I call "The Revealing Science of God."

Science is an epistemology, it is a system geared toward the pursuit of knowledge, and is not just the combination of facts and ideas which we have. It is a methodology for discovering new truths. And that methodology has become absolutely codified over the centuries. And it is a actually verifiable series of steps which are reproducible by other people. Scientific method is designed to find as close to objective reality as is possible. The steps are quite few, and quite distinct.

First. Find a question, find a problem, find something you wonder about. This can be something simple from "how many times will a ball bounce when it's dropped 5 feet in the air?" to "what is cancer?" "How do we stop aids?" "Why are stars born?"

Second. You start with the question, now what you do is you formulate a hypothesis. This is your educated guess, the best answer you have at this given time.

Third. You read the literature. You see what other people have written upon this topic. And see if there's any consensus, see what the results of their research have led them to. See if any of it pertains to you. What areas are they uncertain of? Did they have dissatisfactory results in any particular experiment?

Fourth. You perform your own experiment. This can be something very simple like counting the number of times a cat purrs in a minute, to creating a 5 billion dollar nuclear reactor.

Fifth. You perform your experiment and gather your information. As you do that you evaluate the data. Was your test clean? Were you interrupted? Are there any extraneous circumstances? Can the test be repeated and the same results occur for someone else?

Sixth. Reevaluate your hypothesis in light of your new data.

Seven. Go back to step one. Perhaps we now need a new hypothesis. Perhaps we need to examine a new question.

This is the methodology of science. It has led us to everything from laser beams to symphonies. It has led us to the creation of antivirus vaccines. It has led us to aircraft carriers. It has led us to pencils and computers.

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Applying the Scientific Method to ReligionLadies and gentlemen, you can and must apply the same scientific method to your investigation of God! You must create a hypothesis. You must find your questions. You must formulate your initial hypothesis, you must do the research of the other people, other experts in the field. Fourth, you must perform experiments. Fifth, you must evaluate that data. Sixth, you must reexamine your hypothesis in light of the new data. And seventh, you must return to step one.

The problem, many people will say, is that the process and methodology of science is not applicable to the field of theology because science deals with quantifiable, measurable physical matter. Religion by its very nature is not dealing with mere physics, mere matter, but is dealing with non-corporeal, non material realities. How then can one apply this method to God?

Several comments here. First, if there is a God, and if that God is in any way associated with the creation, then all physical attributes and all scientific formulas are indicators of the nature of this creator. In exactly the same way that a artist's painting says something about the artist, so too, God's creation says something about God.

Second, every system of knowledge is based upon certain postulates. The postulates are those items which stand before the theorems. They are those items which cannot be proven, not disproved by any know methodology.

For example, the parallel line postulate. The parallel line postulate says in Euclidean geometry, that two parallel lines will forever remain equidistant. That means on out to infinity they never touch. Non Euclidean geometries will state either that at infinity the parallel lines meet. Or, that at infinity the parallel lines are an infinite distance apart. These are postulates, they cannot be proven, they cannot be disproved. They are then the building blocks of a system. The building blocks of further theorems. They are the definitions. Upon those definitions, if they are agreed to, we can come to sound conclusions based upon those postulates.

Much of religion then, boils down to postulates. And it just so happens that there is a very or relatively small number of postulates that one can pose regarding God.

You see, much argumentation in the religious community comes about because people start from different presuppositions. They start with different assumptions, they start with different postulates. Therefore they must come to different conclusions. However, since most of this remains preconscious, they sit arguing and bickering with each other about their different conclusions and are unable to explicate the problems stemming from the different assumptions.

If we are basing discussions upon assumptions and we grant that these assumptions cannot be proven or disproved, and if we start from different postulates then we can agree to disagree in peace.

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Also, the scientific method is for the most part limited to simple external tests and examinations. When we come to religion we are dealing with the totality of your being. We are dealing with all of you. We are dealing with your body. We are dealing with desires. We are dealing with emotions, we are dealing with feelings. We are dealing with thoughts. We are dealing with reason. We are dealing with intuition. We are dealing with dreams. We are dealing with a subconscious and super conscious mind.

All of these things can be applied to the pursuit of knowledge of God. So, whereas the materialistic scientific community is limiting its research and its evaluative results to the realm of physical matter, the Revealing Science of God is not so limited. And there are tests which you can perform in matter, in your body, in your emotions, in your mind that can yield verifiable, repeatable results.

This is not abstract science, this is The Revealing Science of God. By revealing I mean God's attempts to give information to us. You see, if there is a God then we could easily postulate, and I do, that God is interested in making some part of him/herself known to us. In this way the divine mind is reaching out to touch and inspire human beings.

We then have a dance wherein through science mankind is reaching out with the totality of his being to God, and in grace God is reaching out with the totality of his being to man. This is why I call this, "The Revealing Science of God."

Knowledge of God is a pursuit, it is constant, it is clear, it unending. It affects every part of your being. You can leave nothing out. You must read the literature, you must talk to your Ecclesiastical authorities. You must use your reason. You must follow your heart. You must dream dreams and seek visions from God.

And using all of these, through an attitude of prayer and supplication, make yourself open to God's revelation.

You can and will come to your religion!

You will be freed from the religion merely that was handed to you by society and your religion will become your own. The unexamined life is not worth living and the unexamined faith is not worth having.

As I have said, The Revealing Science of God is a quest, it is constant and clear. And it is forever. This writing, then, is the result of my quest. I have read the literatures of the world's religions, I have attended many of their holy places. I have spoken with many of their holy people.

I have thought my thoughts. I have dreamt dreams, I have had visions. This is my scientist's journal, if you will, presenting to you the results of all of my experiments. I will leave it for you if you are interested to make it a part of your pursuit of truth. Not as a final authority figure, but as one more piece of literature in the never ending Revealing Science of God.

PART 3: DID GOD CREATE? The Revealing Science of God - 14

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The fundamental postulate upon which all of this material will be based is that

a) God is the creator of this universe.

b) We therefore can learn about him through the creation.

We must examine the likelihood and probability of this postulate. Because all of the revelation of God, all of the science of God is useless if this is not true.

So the first question we have to deal with is, did God create the universe? You have several different theories in the world. Some say that no, all we have is matter and that matter has exploded through a big bang and is now dancing throughout the universe. And due to laws of physics the different atoms are collecting and recollecting in different fashions. The result is eventually universes, galaxies, stars, planets, oceans, frogs and people.

Others say no, everything has come down from above. That the matter is a reference of other non-physical beings. The two views are absolutely opposite. And to clearly distill the difference, I think is to frame it in this manner. To camp #1 consciousness is a result of matter. To camp #2 matter is a result of consciousness. This is actually a chicken vs. the egg question. And upon it hinges all other discussions.

And it seems to me that this is a very, very good question to have the ability to focus upon. You see, the entire religious debate, the entire debate between the religious and scientific communities, revolves around this one postulate.

Is matter a result of consciousness, or is consciousness a result of matter?

Inside of the human being this is the difference between seeing that human knowledge resides in the brain vs. the brain is simply the organ through which human knowledge (mind) expresses itself.

In camp #1 when you are dead there is nothing left because your biophysical organism is the totality of your being. For camp #2 when you die very little happens other then the loss of one part of your organism.

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Life is More Than Chemical Interactions From my studies and research it is clear, at least to me, that the absolutely overwhelming body of evidence is that matter is the result of consciousness, and not the other way around.

The primary reports and ramifications, and experiential data that I have for this comes from a cross cultural report of events which happen to the human being after their death.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead, written centuries ago, accounts in symbolic language the same exact steps that human beings go through who have reported events after their death, upon being clinically resurrected. Some people have been dead for as long as 2 hours. And have come back to report astounding things. The details do not concern us here. You can do the research yourself.

Next we add evidence which we find in cultures world-wide: the encounters, in one form or another, that people have had with non-corporeal beings, such as what we call demons and angels.

Finally we have the experience of astral projection or soul travel, wherein the person leaves their body & travels in the next world.

I therefore concluded that the overwhelming evidence is that consciousness is primal. That there is a non-physical counterpoint to all that we see. We are, in short, more than our bodies.

Life, in other words, will never ever be found in a laboratory, because there is no thing, no chemical interaction which defines life. We have organisms, very, very, small organisms, one cell bacteria and other amoebae, that science has been able to chart completely. And science has been able to map out every single molecule in the body of that unicellular organism. We actually have worms that we have the entire DNA chain mapped out and understood. And there is no visible chemical interactions which can create life.

Life, whatever it is, is a non-physical force which finds itself expressing through matter.

But we don't have to go simply by the evidence of visions or dreams or after death experiences. The totality of our lives also indicate to us the primacy of consciousness. Every single creation, every single man made object, every single animal made object. And there are many of them, there are bird nests, there are rabbit holes, there are beaver damns, there are many constructions, not just from the human world. Every one of these is based upon a preceding consciousness, a knowledge, a plan.

Even if we go so far as to speak of random art where the painter is simply throwing paint upon a screen, there is still a consciousness, a plan to perform this random act. And every single enterprise we have ever seen in this world shows us that consciousness comes first and matter comes second!

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First we have the idea for a book, then we have the book. First we have the idea for a restaurant, then we have the restaurant. First we have the idea for a candle, then we have the candle. It is never the other way around.

As it comes to nature then, we have a choice. We can theorize that nature has become as it is, due to a series of the exact same processes that have resulted in everything else in the creation. Or that they are based upon processes which are completely absolutely and utterly foreign to them. In other words, since everything in nature, as it manipulates nature's energies creating dams and bombs and sparrows nests, always begins with a intellectual consciousness, preceding the physical creation, then either there is some unseen creative intelligence which is manifesting this universe, or, all of nature exists from a fundamentally different perspective and different avenue of creation then everything else that we see.

In other words, if the sparrows have some form of consciousness before they build their nests, how did the sparrows get here? Doesn't it seem reasonable to at least theorize or perhaps postulate that some creative guiding intelligent force led to the existence of the sparrow? For me the answer is overwhelmingly yes.

The Fractal Universe One thing which we have seen, especially recently in nature, in the revolution going on in the sciences through fractal geometry, and the application of fractal mathematics to all fields of science, is that all of nature a reflection of itself. Cycles which occur on a microscopic scale, occur on a macroscopic scale. The same factors of gravity which hold the moon in rotation around the Earth, hold you to the Earth.

The scale is different, but the result is the same. The same mathematical structures which are inside of the roadway system of the human race also exist inside the arteries of the human body. As above so below. The air turbulence which helps create our weather patterns also affects the flow of liquid into your bathtub.

These mathematical structures show across widely disparagingly different systems, fundamental underlying mathematical harmony. The same process of photosynthesis exists in the tallest mighty pine trees and hundred foot tall oak trees. And 300 foot redwood trees, as it does in the tiniest blade of grass.

And that has been part of the delight and ecstasy for the human race over the centuries as seeing the oneness of nature. And yet the scientific community today is unable to make the connection and find any comfort or allow the realization that, based upon all the evidence from within the creation, that all beings use consciousness to form and create. They're unwilling to accept that this can indicate that there is indeed a higher consciousness which is forming and creating the entire universe. Fractal. As below, so above.

Modern science is completely incapable of dealing with non-physical entities. Therefore they must state with their fundamental postulate that there is nothing outside of matter and that matter is the only reality.

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The Astounding Nature of Order There is one final piece of evidence which for me is absolutely conclusive, to state that everything has a conscious creation, and that is the nature of complexity. A bird is not a simple thing. And if you remove even 5% of the bird's feathers that bird will not be able to fly. If you remove 5% of the bird's muscles, that bird will not be able to fly.

The structure of DNA alone is so unbelievably, incomprehensibly complex that to theorize that all of the immense incalculable complexity of the universe results from chance manipulations of eons of time, results for me and millions of other people in a complete paradox.

If structure has resulted from chance interactions cast throughout the ages of time, then there must be 2 equal tendencies: toward order and disorder. But if these 2 tendencies are only equal (as pure chance would require) then nothing could exist at all!

Grant right now a function, wherein during the first cycle the function adds 10% and during the 2nd cycle it subtracts 10% and then it repeats. If you begin with any substance and pass it through that function, the result after an infinite series of reiterations is absolutely zero!!

For example, if you start with $100 and come noon each day I give you an additional 10% of your money, come noon you will have $110. And if come sundown everyday we remove from you 10% of your money then at sundown we take out $11 and you are left with $99.

Notice, please, that these are two absolutely equal functions. Let us assume that the forces of creation are part creative and part destructive, tending toward & away from order. And that they are absolutely equal, for the laws of chance would require it. The limit of the function plus 10% minus 10% as the function moves toward infinity is zero. It will not take very many years until you have no money at all and I have all of it.

Now, the paradox is that this function leads to zero even after it has started with $100. If you are not going to be able to start at that point then how in the world will you ever get the $100 dollars? Since equal functions will always destroy more then they create, how do we ever get to the point where we have anything to be destroyed?

This problem has not been addressed by the evolutionists. If we are going to have any order at all, then the forces of creation are going to have to be stronger then the forces of destruction. If that is true, then the forces of creation must be mathematically, statistically unequal to the forces of destruction. And by its very definition, then, creation is stronger then destruction. The tendency to order must be greater then the tendency toward disorder. Yet this is not a simple random chance. This means that flipping heads will come up more often then flipping tails.

The mechanism that "sees to it" that heads comes up more often, that sees to it that the forces of creation are stronger then the forces of destruction, that sees to it that the forces of ordering are greater then the forces of chaos, must lie outside of pure chance.

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So what we can say is, due to the incredible complexity of the material world, if there is not going to be some form of creative intelligence guiding it, then at the least there must be a skewing of the results so that equal cycles of order and disorder are not in fact equal but are favoring order.

That force favoring order, that part of the creation that tends to make things more ordered then disordered, is exactly what we call God.

So, based upon the evidence of those who have physically died and have come back to talk about it, based upon the experiences that people have had throughout the years with non-corporeal beings, based upon the nature of all creative processes that we can witness have a intelligent antecedent, and based upon the overwhelming complexity of the universe, and the necessity of having some skewing of the forces of order and disorder toward order for anything to exist at all, I conclude that:

1) It is at least reasonable to state that the entire universe has a creative, intelligent source.

2) Consciousness precedes matter.

3) God is defined as the agent which has shaped and molded nature.

If none of this makes any sense to you, or you disagree with it, then there is simply no point in continuing to read this. This is my starting point. This is the postulate, if you will. I cannot actually prove to you that two parallel lines stay forever equidistant. In the same way I cannot actually prove to you that God made the heavens and the Earth. But I can give you reasonable evidence as to why it is acceptable to define the terms this way. And I can state that, based upon the totality of my experiences, it is much more consistent within nature. It is much more rational. And it is much more cohesive and justifiable to state that God is the creative force which has shaped this universe then it is to state that God is merely an idea that is the result of consciousness bubbling up from the interaction of matter.

That being said, the most difficult part is over. Because, this postulate leads us to many conclusions which we can draw based upon it. If we are able to be comfortable postulating that God created the heavens and the Earth, then we can in fact learn much, much, much about who He is. That leads us to our next section, who is God?


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PART 4: "WHO?"Who is God? In the previous section we spent a fair amount of time attempting to establish some reasonable grounds for the statement that God is the creator. And in a fairly rationalistic formula how we can make sense of that and justify it.

Now, who is this God? Is it a who or a what? If God is the creator then this much is absolutely certain, that God's nature and attributes can be seen and understood through the creation. This is a very Biblical principal that the heavens declare the glory of God and the Earth shows his handiwork. It is the essence of the Secret Way of Judaism, the Kabbalah.

Everything we see explains to us some aspect of God. This is a very familiar concept and we need not dwell on it a length. Just as every word in this writing somehow reflects something about me, so too every single thing in the universe says something about God. That being the case, one thing we can say is that God is at least a person. That is a very important phrase. God is at the very least a person. Why?

Well, certainly a creator cannot make something greater then himself. Even the most lofty invention of the human race, be it a symphony or a war machine or a nuclear reactor is a subset of the mind and or minds which created it. Therefore, since no thing can create something greater than itself, since God has created persons God is in the very least a person.

Individual people and individual organisms have many attributes. They have a self will, they have a consciousness, they have desires and they have, of course, on this plane at least some physical attributes. Therefore God must contain mind, consciousness. God must contain desire. God must contain animation. And God must contain material.

That is why we say that God is at very least a person. In the world's religions there are three primary views of God. An impersonal force, a person without attributes and a person with attributes. The impersonal force is the primary view especially of the Buddhists, where God is not seen as an active involved creative agent so much as the ground of being. And while it is certainly true that God is the ground of being, it cannot be true that God does not have personality, because the personalities which we see must be a subset of God.

Can God Be Known?At the same time to say that God is a person but without attributes is often a statement not so much about God but about our inability to know him. Many people say that regardless of what the universe is, regardless of what God is we cannot know, we are too small. Certainly in some respects this is true. My creation cannot comprehend everything about me. Because my creation is just a very tiny subset of all of my powers and abilities. Therefore certainly no writing could ever understand it's author. No symphony can ever understand it's composer. No bridge can ever understand it's builder.

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So on the one hand the position of the agnostics is very reasonable that we cannot know all there is to know about God. However, we as animate beings with thought are capable of having the totality of our minds expanded to the point that with all of our ability we do comprehend God. That is not to say that we will understand everything there is to know about God. But we will understand everything we can about God.

Now this gets us slightly off the subject. But one of the divine mysteries as to who this God is, is a creator who has placed within his creation the ability to fully comprehend him. This is a very Biblical idea. And this idea exists in many other religions. The notion that at some point we will come to a complete total knowledge of God. The Bible says that right now we understand dimly, but eventually we will see God face to face. Now we know only in part that eventually we will know everything fully and completely about God even as we have been full and completely known.

The divine mystery is that we as creation will eventually understand as much about God as God understands about us. This is a very big clue as to who God is and how we relate to him.

How are we to know this? How is this going to happen? If we as God's creation are to know anything about him, how is it possible? Well, the only way the bridge could understand the bridge builder is if the bridge builder was able to actually put some of his own mind into the bridge. So that the bridge could think the bridge builders thoughts.

If the bridge builder could do that then the bridge could eventually learn everything that there is to know about the bridge builder. Having the bridge builder's brain the bridge would then eventually come to recognize what the bridge builder obviously has known from the beginning.

Astounding as it is we are told clearly not only in Christianity but also in Islam, also in Hinduism, that we have been given God's brain. That as a part of his creation we have his brain. In this respect, then, the notion of human beings as they relate to God is not so much on the order of creator and creation but of a much higher much more powerful relationship. That is God as father and mother.

You see, God has created the heavens and the Earth. The rocks and the waterfalls and the super novas and the black holes. But as it comes to the human race, while we are in part creation, we also have a different relationship. That relationship of children. We are God's children.

In terms of who we are and who God is, this notion of children is a very important idea. It means that in exactly the same way that you can understand the creation as an expression of the creator, much more so, much more so! You can see the children as inheriting genetically the personalities of their parents.

God's SexNow I have to address the issue right now of God's sex. You see, in the Western world we always talk about God the Father. We are incredibly nervous about talking about God

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the Mother. This is unfortunate. One thing that we see in the world is that the vast majority of organisms reproduce sexually, with a male and a female counterpart. It is completely irrational and very sad to talk about God the Father and never mention God the Mother.

We talk about Father God and Mother Earth, and while there is valuable symbolism there, certainly there must be a spiritual non-material counterpart to God the Father.

So when we talk about God as "He" or God as "She", we must understand the divine unfolding of this one principal. God as Father and Mother have begotten children. So who God is is both the male spirit side and the female form giver side. And God as Father/Mother begets children.

In this document, following western convention, I most often use "He." This is more readable than "He/She" or "(S)He." This is a convention only. Nothing theological is to be taken by it.

The Procession of the GodsThis leads us to another primary theory regarding God as Father/Mother. This idea is know as the procession of the Gods. The theory comes from a very simple natural view. That is this: we call God Father, and indeed he is. He calls us children, and indeed we are. And we are told and taught and believe that eventually we will grow up to the fullness of God, which we will. This can only mean one thing, that eventually we will become Godlike. We will grow up to be gods and goddesses. And we will grow up to create our own universe, our own galaxies. Have our own starchildren. This view is surprisingly popular in today's world, it is held very devoutly by many, most especially the Mormons and Hindus.

And I will take position on this that may surprise some. My position is that the procession of the Gods may or may not be true. I can see a certain reasoning behind it, and I can see why some people would be drawn to that conclusion. But I do not take a definitive position on the procession of the Gods because it cannot, in the ultimate sense, matter!

Here is why. Let us assume for the moment, for argument's sake, that the procession of the Gods is the absolute total truth. Baby pine trees grow up to be adult pine trees and adult pine trees have new baby pine trees. Maybe God the Father is having his children, and those children will grow up to be God and have more heavenly children.

If that is true, then what we are talking about is a whole stream of local gods. Sometimes they are referred to as galaxy gods or local order gods. But the important point is this, that the entire flow of processions of gods has to exist inside of something. Where did the first God come from? What is the mechanism within which all of these gods exist? What lies outside of them? What is the ground of being of all of these gods and goddesses? In other words, even if the procession of the gods is true it does not answer any questions of a ultimate nature. It explains more of the dance perhaps, but that is all. By the dance I mean all of those phantasmogorical events which happen in the lives of seekers for truth, happens within the created universe.

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But where does it all come from? You see, we still haven't answered any questions! Postulating or proving or seeing the procession of the gods does not help us to answer any of the questions. It certainly does not help us answer the really big question. Why was there ever a first God to have children with? It does not answer any of the smaller questions in terms of the ultimate ground of being.

So for me, any discussion or theory regarding the procession of the gods, while interesting, and certainly it could be amusing, is simply not the point. I seek not to know this local God as much as to comprehend and become reunited with the ultimate ground of being. The field, the first seed that came from wherever to create the first pine tree. The field that all grows in that has given birth to all of the billions of trees.

That is the field which I seek. That is the quest for God which I am on. Not for the local God, certainly not to denigrate such a creature. If such a being exists then I would do very well to pay attention to, worship and adore such an incredible creature.

But ultimately, if that creature is there, then that creature is nothing more nor less then the non-physical counterpart of my earthly father and mother. And while I certainly adore them, and could never properly thank them for the gifts which they gave me through my childhood, eventually I must stand up to become my own adult and decide what to do with my life. And perhaps I, if I am to become a local god, am going to grow up to the point where I do not seek anymore children. I'll pursue the religious life and want to find out what made me.

What does the local god worship? Where did he come from?

I hope this is clear, because it is a very key point.

The Self-Existent OneWhat this boils down to is discovering the anchor for ground zero, for all of the chains of dependencies. What do I mean by that?

The chain of dependencies seeks to establish that fundamental unchangeable foundation which is the root of all existence. Everything which we see, everything which we hear, everything which we know has dependencies. One upon the other.

A "self made man" depends upon a social order in order to have a job or money. He depends upon gravity to connect him to the Earth. He depends upon parents who gave him good genetics. He depends upon air to stay alive. He depends upon molecular cohesion to keep his body formed and solid. Remove any one of the hundreds of dependencies and this "self made man" simply ceases to exist.

So, where does it all come from? Where does it start? Who is God? What is it upon which everything else is dependent? What is it that is the source and origin of all, including, if it exists, the procession of the local gods?

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Well, that being or substance must exist. This is a logical consistency in that we find that there is at least the appearance of existence in this world. Remember the really big question; How is it possible that anything at all ever exists what so ever?

God, being the source and origin of everything, we define as being self existent. I am not self existent, the United States of America is not self existent, this Earth is not self existent. Because without these different dependencies even the Earth would cease to exist.

If anything exists at all there must be one primal source and origin which is outside of all dependencies. This is what philosophers have called the first mover, ground zero, the causeless cause.

And as such we can know, logically, certain things about this being.

God has simply always existedThis is completely incomprehensible to us as mortals. Because everything that we have ever or will ever encounter has a beginning, has a middle and has an end. Even if that extends beyond our time frame we know that at one point those mountains were not there. And at one point in the future they will not be there again.

So to say that God has always been there means that he is self existent, without any source at all. Without any origin at all. Without any dependencies what so ever. Without any antecedent. Without any history and without any cause. Completely, utterly and totally self existent.

In the beginning God, from the beginning. What was before then? There was no before. So how did he get here? Where did he/she come from? These are the wrong questions to ask, because he/she has always been here.

Let me give you an example.............

So the night clerk gives the bellboy 5 one dollar bills. Tells him to give them back to the men. The bellboy does not know what to do with $5 divided among the three men.

So he gives each of them $1 back and puts $2 in his pocket. We then see that since each man paid $10 and got $1 back, each man paid $9. The bellboy still has $2 in his pocket. 9 X 3 is 27, plus the bellboy's $2 is 29. What happened to the extra dollar?

Well this is a wonderful example of a very entertaining dinner party question. But the reason I bring it up is to illustrate that sometimes the question is wrong. There is simply no way to answer “what happened to the extra dollar?” There is no extra dollar. What happened to the $30? The hotel has $25, the men each have $1, the bellboy has $2. That is the right question. Sometimes we can ask questions which simply do not have any connection to reality.

It is beyond our comprehension to understand how anything or anyone can be eternal and self existent. Without cause and without origin, and therefore having always existed. But

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this much we can say, that based upon the notion that God is creator, and understanding as we do that we are talking about more than the simple procession of the gods and are looking for the actual rubric of existence itself, then, if indeed anything exists at all there must be a final ground from which everything has come. And that being, by very definition, must be self existent.

The Mathematical Equation for GodWe are actually given a formula that enables us to understand this being and understand what is necessary and sufficient for the creation of the universe. The terms necessary and sufficient are very important precise mathematical terms.

Something is necessary if it must be true in order for certain conditions to be met.

Something is sufficient if in and of itself it defines the structure.

Let me give you an example: A circle is a familiar object to everyone. One property that it is necessary for a circle to have is that it is an enclosed space. And while that is necessary it is not sufficient. Because, a square is also an enclosed space.

What is sufficient to define a circle is the definition of the collection of all points equidistant from a center within a plane. That is sufficient.

Now, as it comes to this self existent being, there are many things that we can say that would be necessary for it. It must have no source, no origin, no dependencies, etc.

But we're interested in much more then that. We want to know who God is. We want to know how we relate to him. We are pursuing The Revealing Science of God. Therefore it is not enough for us to merely discuss God's necessities. But what we are actually looking for is His sufficiency. What is the sufficient condition for the self existent being to be able to generate a universe?

And we actually have that formula. That formula is:

I + WILL = EXISTENCE. That formula is what is necessary and sufficient for God to be able to generate the universe. What do I mean by that?

A rock could have, theoretically, for arguments sake, been the ground of all being. And this great grand and glorious rock floating out in the middle of space could have been all that there ever was. And it could theoretically have been there forever and just been there.

However that would not be able to generate this universe. It's missing two things.

1) "I" hood. This self existent being must be a person. Not a person as we think of it, because our personhood is very limited in terms of time and space. But, a personhood which while it transcends time and is beyond the confines of space, is also able to

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become self directed. That's what it means to be the "I", and that's what it means to have a will.

2) Will, you see is one of the most unconsidered of facts of our lives. But, will is what shapes all we do and who we are. It is the exertion of your will that enables you to determine if you are going to react to something simply physically, on the basis of your feelings or on the basis of your intellect. Your will focuses all of your vehicles into action. Your will decides and defines who and what you are.

Therefore God, the ground of all being, has two attributes. And those two alone are sufficient for generating the universe.

Attribute #1 is self, "I". Because being self dependent God has no other dependencies. There is no not-I for God to interact with. There is this being and he lives on his own, he has no one to talk to and nothing to do. He is, self existent.

This is crucial. His "I" has one and only one attribute. That attribute is will. And notice that these are absolutes, this is the complete absolute self existent, self dependent "I". Within this "I" lays the potencies for all manifest creation. It does so as an absolute "I" being coupled with an absolute will. "I" plus will, the will to be able to shape, mold and form the "I" into whatever the "I" will be.

I will be. I will be whatever I will to be. I plus will equals existence.

Ladies and gentlemen this is the infinite, limitless formula that has generated the universe. And it is this formula which God has given to us as His Holy Name in the Bible. God's Name in the Bible is "I will be what I will be." This shows us an integration and a unity in The Revealing Science of God, that rings true with the type of consistency one looks for in the fields of science.

We have this one revelation in the Bible that God's Name is "I will be what I will be." We have the logical determination that a self existent being and "I", must only have one attribute in order to be able to generate a universe. And that is will.


I + Will = Being

And we see that this formula is the absolute rockbed foundation for the sum total of human psychology and human development. All of your tens of thousands of books on the human mind and the human psychology and child development. And family interactions and the recovering alcoholic. And all of the other thousands of topics we discuss as human beings all boils to one single thing.


You, in order to receive and maintain health as a human being, must reclaim your "I" hood. To recognize that you are both dependent and independent of those around you. That no one is responsible for you but yourself. And that no one can make decisions for you but yourself. This means that you must learn to exert your own will. You are the only

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one who can lose weight. You are the only who can make you happy. You are the only one who can find your life fulfilled.

And you can express this in a hundred thousand different ways. But it all boils down to the same thing, you will be what you will be. You will be what you will to be.

The 1) sum totality of your life, the 2) sum totality of the rubric of existence and 3) God's holy and infinite name by which he says he will reveal all of his attributes are all one complete whole. This is precisely what we mean by The Revealing Science of God.

As we said in our introduction, nature works in principles which extend beyond boundaries. And what you look for are mathematical relationships which transcend their individual manifestation. Force = Mass X Acceleration (F=MA) is a scientific mathematical principal that exists in uncountable billions of specific applications.

We have here the formula for the entire universe. And that universal formula exists in all dimensions, I plus will equals existence. This is God's name, this is the generational sufficiency for the entire manifest universe. It is the sum total of your human existence. And it is the reflection of all human interactions. We have this world the way it is because we want it this way. If we willed to do so we could eliminate war, we could eliminate all hunger, we could eliminate all pain and suffering.

The collective "I" of the social order manifests it's collective will to create this world as it chooses. We collectively spend 2 million dollars every minute on maintaining our war instruments on this earth. If we took all of that energy and placed it into the creation of health and conquering diseases, and eliminating poverty and suffering, we could do so in years, not centuries. Perhaps even months.

So we have found the central principal. The Revealing Science of God is an explanation of this one formula.


One final note about this. It is very important that you notice the fractal nature of this revelation. "I" plus will equals existence, and that existence becomes your new "I". I will be what I will be what I will be what I will be.....

The "I" is placed into the will and the result is placed into the will and so forth. Your output of today becomes your input for tomorrow. What you eat today becomes your source of energy for tomorrow. Your "I" hood coupled with the decisions which you make as a manifestation of your will becomes your destiny. And in that destiny you then couple your situation with your divine will to create your new destiny.

This is how the universe works. That is who God is. "I" plus will equals being.

You can say, in shortest form, that the universe is a fractal equation of the formula

In+1 = In + WILL

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I will be what I will be. In terms, then, of God the creator, in the beginning "I will be" created the heavens and the Earth.

If you want a marvelous exercise, get the Bible in computer form. And go through and teach your computer how to replace the word "God" with "I will be." Teach your computer how to replace "Lord" with "I will be." And teach your computer to replace "Lord God" with "I will be." Read the resulting translation of the Bible. You will be astounded at what you see.

In the beginning I WILL BE created the heavens and the Earth. And the spirit of I WILL BE was moving over the face of the waters. And I WILL BE said, "Let there be light." And there was light. Literally translated from the Hebrew, this is "And light HE BECAME." And I WILL BE saw that the light was good and I WILL BE separated the light from the darkness.

As it comes to the question of the creation, then, what do we have? We have the self existent being whose "I" hood is limitlessly coupled with his/her divine will to create existence. The nature of the creation then in terms of who this God is becomes the subject of our next section. What is this creation? We have seen the best we can see within my abilities to communicate and within the limitations of our language, who this being is. Now we will turn to the What? of this creation.


PART 5: "WHAT?" What did God make the universe out of? What is the universe? We have said that the truly great question is Why? or How? the thing ever came into existence at all. Why, once again, wasn't the universe forever simply an empty nothingness of vast immeasurable blankness? And we have looked at the notions of God being the ground of all existence. The source and origin of everything that exists. We have seen the root formula of the universe, I plus will equals being. We have discovered and defined God as being the end of all of the chains of dependencies.

Now, in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. What is it that he created? Well, the vastness and complexity of the universe is a subject which has absorbed humanity's quest for knowledge since the beginning of time. And what we have found is a universe so immense and so detailed in every aspect of it's being, that it completely defies any attempt of the human being to comprehend it.

When God said, "Let there be light." We now know that he created a substance which travels 186,000 miles every second. And we now know, based upon our most detailed astronomical calculations that the expanse of the heavens which he created is at least 12 billion light years across. That means that light traveling 186,000 miles every second, will take 12 billion years to pass from one end of the creation to the other.

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That's the breadth of the universe, and within that universe there are literally billions of galaxies. And inside of each galaxy there are literally billions of stars. This is quite a vast place.

And yet if anything is more stupefying then the breadth of the universe it is it's depth. You see, all of those stars are made of absolutely completely uncountable numbers of electrons, neutrons, photons, particles of light, particles of energy, atoms and molecules which go to such a small measure that there is no way for the human mind to conceive how small they are. Just as we are incapable of imagining how truly vast the universe is we are completely incapable of contemplating or conceiving of how truly detailed and microscopic the universe is.

And we have upon last count discovered well over 200 subatomic particles. That means that inside of each of these uncountable trillions of atoms, there are hundreds of subatomic particles. Scientists have not found an end to the universe in terms of a border line, after which there are no more galaxies. And we have also not found, yet, a single fundamental building block for matter.

Now, with The Revealing Science of God ladies and gentlemen, we cannot hope to explain all of the scientific and mathematical structures that God has placed into this universe. But the fundamental question as to what this is we can indeed address. For you see, if anything we have said so far about God is true then certain things become logically extended from our previous conclusions.

For one, God operates in harmony with law and logic. God could not for example make a round square. God has self limited in order to make the universe. And therefore abides by the form, structure, laws and logic of the universe. They are his creation and he has placed them here for a purpose and a reason.

Otherwise we could not learn anything about Him. God would then be seen as being utterly capricious and not in any sense being genuinely connected to the universe.

But there is something of a much more profound nature here. In terms of the what? of the universe, which I have found over the years to have caused more controversy and more uneasiness and more upset among my students then any other single topic I have ever discussed.

But regardless of how people react, I cannot alter the conclusions which The Revealing Science of God has inexorably pushed me to. It all boils down to one simple thing, which is the subject of this section.

What is the universe “made out of?” According to the laws of logic, which we are comfortable concluding God works within, there are logically only two choices. Either God made the universe out of himself or he/she made it out of something else.

And this seemingly innocuous statement has threatened people for years. Because it leads us to some rather startling but absolutely undeniable conclusions.

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Many people feel that God is a shaper and molder of matter. Some teach, for example, that within the procession of the gods matter is eternal. And that God is a spirit who molds and shapes the matter.

There are other groups of people on this planet who share similar views, that there are indeed two eternal beings. 1) The eternal spiritual being or beings which we call God or gods, and 2) physical matter. And that what God was doing was shaping and molding the physical matter. This winds us to a situation wherein you actually have two separate eternal beings. And you have a much greater problem discovering the actual foundation of existence. Because you must determine not only the self existent nature of the gods, but the self existent nature of matter.

Within the scientific community matter is the only self existent entity. Matter has combined into planets, out of which developed life and that life has theorized this fantasy of a god.

But as I said in the introduction that position for me ultimately is a complete violation of many of the tenants of science.

So if matter is not eternal and matter is not what generates God, then perhaps matter is eternal and God is eternal. At which point we really have complicated things. Such discussions are completely silly. The whole purpose of what we are trying to do with The Revealing Science of God is discover the root and foundation of all existence. That is exactly the explicated purpose of our previous chapter. And we have discussed the chain of dependencies. And have come to the conclusion that God is the source and origin of all things and is the root and final anchor of all chains of dependencies.

Therefore when God created the heavens and the Earth, what did he create them out of? Well, if in the beginning the only reality was God, one self existent being, "I plus will equals being," and that being is the soul source and foundation of all existence, then logically and simply everything that exists must have come from God.

Now to this point the Christian church has very little trouble with hardly anything that I've said. The classical Christian position is "ex nihlio", meaning out of nothing. God created out of nothing, God did not have a co-eternally existent entity called matter, which he shapes and molds. That he actually created everything out of nothing.

However, upon deeper examination that statement does not hold up to any tests of logic, and is fallacious. To say that God created out of nothing is true, in that, yes, there was no thing outside of God for him to mold and shape. However, to say that he created out of nothing, to imply then that the physical creation has a separate existence apart from God, is completely wrong. When God said, "Let there be light," the only thing in the universe to generate that light was himself/herself!

Therefore when we ask, "What did God make the world out of?" to say that he made it out of nothing is an incomplete answer. The complete answer is he made it out of nothing other than himself! The only energies that were there to create anything, were the energies of this self existence, I will be.

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In other words God took part of him/her own energies and transformed them into light and matter. In short form, what is the universe made out of?

The universe is made out of God. To say that God made everything out of nothing, most people imply then that the physical creation remains apart from him. The most common illustration used is that he is the potter and we are the clay. The difficulty with this is that God first had to find the clay, and where did he find it? Well, he had to pull the clay out of himself, first!

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Internal and External Creations You see, there are two and only two forms of creation, internal and external. An internal creation is one wholly within the creator. And an external creation is where the creator takes his energies and molds and shapes something outside of himself.

Most people conceive of God as a molder and shaper. However, if this is an external creation then we are left once again with the inexorable question as to where this material came from for God to shape and mold.

Everything that we do inside of the world is either an internal or an external creation. Every creation begins with a will, which we have discussed before. Which is an internal impulse. Within the realm of imagination we are able to create things within our minds. We can design elaborate patterns, we can tell stories, we can create brand new worlds. The entire realm of fiction and storytelling and television begins as an internal creation with our imagination, image-nation. Which we then, in order to communicate with other people, project onto the external creation in forms of video tape and words and song.

We can do that because we have something outside of ourselves to project our internal creation upon. However, if you are the source and origin of all existence, if you are the anchor of all chains of dependencies then you have nothing outside of yourself upon which to project your internal creation.

You see, the Bible is clear that God said, "Let there be light." And God said, "Let there be mountains." And God said, "Let there be oceans." Ladies and gentlemen, you share that exact ability. You can close your eyes and within your imagination create whatever you want! Let there be a mountain, and upon that mountain let there be a river flowing down from the mountain. And inside of that river let there be purple avocados that have four eyes and sing French marching songs.

As simple, as complex, as sublime and as silly as you want, you can create just by saying, "Let there be, let there be, let there be!" Let there be light.

The Universe is God's Imaging The conclusion then is that the entire universe is God's imagination. God is thinking about himself and placing his thoughts about himself into his realm of imagination. But his being is so much more powerful then ours that we actually appear to be alive, and the creation takes upon itself the appearance of reality.

So the "what" of the universe is God. The entire universe is simply God.

There is much Biblical and scientific evidence to support this. But, it still makes people very nervous. Mankind currently is much more comfortable thinking of God as being utterly separate and apart from mankind. That there is an inseparable gulf between God and us. He is the potter and we are merely the clay.

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It makes people uncomfortable to think that they might, in fact, be part of God's mind. And yet the witness of science and the witness of the Bible is that that is exactly what the truth is. What the universe is, is God.

#1. The Bible says that God made us in his image. The connection between that and imagination cannot be denied.

#2. Acts 17:28 says, "Inside of God we live and we move and exist." The Bible itself, if you will simply read it, as a part of The Revealing Science of God, will tell you that we live inside of God. Just like your liver lives inside of you, you live inside of God. That message is reiterated in Psalm 139, where the psalmist indicates that no matter where I go, I'm still there with God. "If I go to the highest heavens or the deepest hole, the farthest sea, into the darkness or into the light, you are evermore with me."

Well, we are also told in the book of Colossians, that inside of him all things hold together. Colossians 1:17, he is before all things and in him all things hold together. Romans 11:36 tells us, "From him, through him and to him are all things." That message is so clear that it is easy to overlook. It is telling us:

1) Everything comes from God.

2) Everything is currently passing through God.

3) Everything returns to God.

4) Therefore everything is inside of God.

The Body of Christ The Biblical message is quite clear, it is absolutely clear. The Bible also gives us this very astounding and startling and shocking vision which most people ignore and take merely allegorically. That image being the body of Christ. If this is one of the parts of the Bible you wish to take literally then you will see the Bible is describing that we are being built up into becoming the physical body of God.

You, ladies and gentlemen, have many parts, as we have discussed. You have a divine will, you have a mind. You have emotions and desires and it's all placed inside of your physical body. Why then would it be so shocking to see that God's "I plus will equals being" has placed itself into the realm of mind. Into the realm of desire and emotion. And is actually inside of the material world creating for himself a body.

But he is growing his body, not from anything outside of himself. But he is growing himself a body out of his own powers and energies.

God is becoming born again through the universe. That is the what, God is taking upon himself a body and that body is essentially his reincarnation. Reincarnation simply means to be put into a body again. And the greatest, grandest image of all, God is forming the body of Christ and shall live in it.

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We can see, then, that the procession of the gods could be seen as developing different cells within the cosmic body of the "I WILL BE."

God is Light The witness of science however, is no less convincing. You see, part of the revelation tells us that God is light. And universally, across all centuries and across all generations and across all continents, God is associated with light. And the Bible tells us literally, actually and clearly in 1 John 5:1, "God is light."

This is another verse which we tend to take very symbolically. Most Christians will take this to mean that God is somehow the inner illumination to make us all able to see how beautiful he really is. But the overwhelming evidence of science is that this part of the Bible is speaking a literal, actual fact. That God is light.

This gets us into some very weighty deep waters. We as a human race have been spending centuries studying light. And trying to figure out what it is. We know certain things about light. And in short form it all adds up to an understanding that light completely defies all our laws of logic and science. And is the absolute foundation of all existence. Let me explain.

This will be in very sketchy form, because it is a very deep and weighty subject deserving of it's own treatment.

Some of the most significant aspects of light that we have learned are among the following.

#1. Light exhibits all characteristics of operating as a wave and life exhibits of operating an particles. And we know absolutely that particles cannot move in waves. And waves do not consist of particles. A wave is a disturbance. If you look at an ocean wave some of the ocean water moves up and some moves down. But the actual water molecules are not flowing. There is simply a disturbance in the water.

A bullet is a particle. Now for a particle to move in a wave defies all laws of physics because the law of inertia states that an object will continue to move in the direction it's moving unless acted on by an outside force. So if the bullet begins to move up then there is nothing to make it move down again, so a particle is not going to move like a wave. And a wave being a disturbance is absolutely not a flow of particles. And yet with all of the tens of billions of dollars of research we have done, we can prove absolutely, scientifically that light behaves like a wave and behaves like particles. Light therefore stands completely outside of the bounds of what we can comprehend.

#2. Another very important aspect of light is that it is the foundation of all time. If you took a clock and were on a spaceship and wound up being accelerated to the point that you were traveling exactly at the speed of light, your clock would stop. There is no time within the realm of absolute light. This is completely consonant with the understanding that God is eternal and outside of all time and space.

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#3. Light is the absolute foundation of all existence. Nothing can move faster then light. And light is pure energy. We know through Einstein's theories of relativity, which we have actually been able to verify in the laboratory, that the mass of an object is directly related to it's speed. The mystical equation, E=MC2, simply states that the total energy in a system equals it's mass times the speed of light squared.

In other words, light is pure energy, and that energy divided by the mass is always going to equal the same thing, the speed of light. Energy can change and mass can change but they will always be related in terms of the speed of light. In other words if you take pure energy and you slow it down it begins to become matter.

I will repeat that. This is a finding from nuclear physics and relativity, which we have been able to verify inside of a laboratory. If you take pure energy and slow it down it turns into matter. It takes on mass. And if you take matter and speed it up then it's energy as it approaches the speed of light becomes freed. This is the theory behind nuclear weapons. What happens with nuclear weapons is we take matter and we accelerate it to the point of releasing all of the matter and turning it back into pure energy. These results have led scientists to make a startling conclusion, that energy and matter are different sides of the same coin!

The Energy/Mass Continuum Scientists now speak of the energy mass continuum. That energy cannot be created or destroyed, it merely changes form. And matter cannot be created or destroyed, it merely changes form. And that energy can become slowed down and form matter. And matter can be sped up and returned to pure energy. If you look at a rock, what you are seeing is simply condensed energy slowed down, light slowed down. And if you perform the proper acts you could release all of that matter from it's confines and return that rock into it's pure energy state. This completely astonishing result happens to be 100% consonant with The Revealing Science of God:

God is light quite literally. And the first moment of creation the "I will be," limitless source of all being manifested him/her self as pure infinite light.

Through acts of absolute will that being has been slowing parts of him/herself down into ever denser forms of energy.

Matter is simply God in a different form.

All of physical existence then is made out of God, and is completely connected to him.

The laws of science therefore tell us that we do in fact live inside of God, move inside of him and live inside of God.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the proclamation of The Revealing Science of God. The answer to the question: What is the universe made out of? The universe is not made out of anything. The universe is the manifestation of God's absolute will. The only reality is God.

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That is another logical, derivative conclusion from the statement that God is the root of all dependencies. If God is the root of all dependencies then everything else is derived one way or the other from God. This is simple logic.

If the only thing we have in the universe is water, infinite masses of water, and that water has the ability to manipulate itself by putting more or less energy into it, then no matter how many ice cubes or ice ages or clouds of steam there are the only reality is water, H2O, simply sped up and slowed down!

That is the essence of the universe. That is the greatest proclamation and that is the greatest mystery. It has many religious implications.

Panentheism The tendency for pantheism, while understandable, must be avoided. Pantheism says that everything is God, and that is very close to what we are stating. However, pantheism focuses on some part of the creation as being God and worships that part of creation. Pantheists will find a particular mountain or a rock and worship that rock as God.

We are not espousing pantheism. And this has been a very difficult concept for people to understand. The nature of the universe is not pantheistic, it is pan-en-theistic. Panentheistic religion states that everything is in God. "Pan"-all, in "theist"-God. Everything is in God. And that is exactly what science tells us and that is exactly what the revelation tells us.

The Revealing Science of God tells us that the only reality, the anchor of all dependencies, is God by definition or postulate or conclusion, however you wish to state it. And, that everything therefore must be an aspect of God. Panentheism does not seek to worship any part of the creation as God, because Panentheism recognizes that only the totality matters.

I do not seek to worship my big toe, although I do not wish to harm it. I do not want my liver to run my life, although I certainly do no wish to abuse it. I, as a human being, am a total entity. And all aspects of me are important. My body and all of its organs. My personality, my thoughts, my emotions, all my desires, this is me. This is the totality of me. And to ignore that totality is of an ultimate shame.

Therefore, we must resist panicking and allowing misuses of the truth to cause us to shy away from them. We are in God and everything is God. But God remains outside of all of this.

The best illustration I can give you is, once again to return to the notion of the body. I use my right arm all of the time, and I would be devastated if I was to lose my right arm. But you could in fact cut my right arm off, and I would still exist. I would still have my thoughts, memories, hopes, dreams, desires, emotions and the rest of my physical body. What we can say, then, is that the whole is greater then the sum of its parts. As it pertains to the body I am not my arm, but at the same time my arm is a part of me. It is not a part

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of you or anyone else. This is the simplest illustration I can give you to explain the relationship of the creation to the creator.

Before God created the heavens and the Earth, before he limited any of himself and began to condense into light, energy and mass, God remained the self existent one capable of manifestation through a divine and absolute will. Being the self existent one God forever remains that way. Therefore, while it is true that the universe is inside of God and is a part of him and is nothing other than God, it is also true that God forever remains beyond the creation.

The simplest way this can be stated is

God is not the universe

- and -

the universe is God.

It cannot be anything else. If there's nothing outside of God for God to have shaped and molded, and if God out of his own divine will, "I plus will equals the existence of the universe," then this universe must be God.

But God remains beyond this universe, for he could indeed roll the heavens and the Earth up like a scroll. Bring all energies completely back into himself and start again.

Now the religious implications of this I believe are obvious, but of course must be stated very clearly. The relationship of the material universe to God is exactly the same relationship that you have to God. The temptation is one of ego. And I have written quite extensively about this in other places.

The nature of ego is the appearance of a separate self. Wherein the energies which God has placed within the human being begin to feel that they are completely separate and apart from God. And that they do not need God and that there is in fact no God. And that the only thing in the world that is real is the individual human being. This is separation, this is a fracturing of the unitive state and this the essence of sin.

Sin is not disobedience to external laws. That is a very shallow understanding.

The religious pathway consists of enabling the individual personality and the individual ego to transcend this individualization, and to become reunited with the totality. That is what is meant by the commandments to love God with the fullness of your being, to give and share all that you are and have with him. And to love your fellow man as yourself. To serve others, to take care of them. To recognize that each individual is sacred and divine. To die to the illusion of ego and self and rise into the realm of the redeemed.

This is the purpose of the revelation of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. And The Revealing Science of God will echo with that, with every fiber of it's being. If the only reality is God and if we for a time see that we are separate from God, and act apart from him, the only thing that we have to act apart from him is the energy that he has given. In other words God has taken a little bit of himself and placed it into us.

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A little bit of that cosmic stuff has been placed into each and every human being. That is what we call the spirit. We are all too familiar with our bodies, the soul encompasses your emotions, desires, thoughts and memories and will. And the spirit is the actual spark of God, pure and unmanifest.

This is why in the true proclamation everything is grace. This is why the notion of self works and work righteousness is so anathema to the truth. Because there is no self in reality to work. There is no individual in reality to perform any deed to in any sense be worthy of anything. All that is left to be done is to gain the realization that we are simply particles in the great stream of life. That we are a manifestation of grace. Grace, not just in a limited fallen sense of God loves you and will let you go to Heaven when you die. Because while there is truth in that, that is a very small and fallen conception focusing as it does upon the immortalization of the individual's self. No, the higher proclamation of grace is that all things, all energies and abilities come from God. The ability to curse is a manifestation of God. The ability to murder, the ability to love, the ability to procreate, all things that we do are manifestations of God's energy. Because every single one of those is dependent upon something and ultimately that something is God.

Therefore God has slowed a part of himself down. The result is you. We all become miniature gods and goddesses. Not that we should be worshipped as such, but that we should die to ourselves. And recognize our oneness with the totality to find our place inside of the body of Christ. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the what of God.

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Summary And as we work together to understand the nature of The Revealing Science of God, we can see that not only does this have cosmological implications, but is important for each of us individually. And that the religious pathway of dying to self and rising to newness of life, that the commandments to love God with the totality of your being and to love your fellow man as yourself are in fact 100% in harmony with all revelations and comprehensions that we have been given.

You are a part of God, every breath you take you take by his grace. Every bird you see and every click of every clock you have ever heard is a heart and manifestation of the divine mind. That is what this universe is. God voluntarily through a act of his divine will slowing himself down into matter, into pencils and into people.

The what of the universe is nothing more nor less than God's energies. God cannot have made the universe out of anything other then himself because there was nothing to make it out of. Therefore everything lives and moves and exists inside of God. The energy mass continuum is a literal association with the divine presence. And The Revealing Science of God finds immense perfect harmony between the revelation of God being light and the science of understanding that light with our knowledge.


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PART 6: "WHEN?" We now come to the interesting question of, "When?" When did God create the heavens and the Earth? All the Bible tells us is in the beginning. We have seen that God in his/her eternity existed before any worlds were made. In the beginning God. Later God then decided to make the world. God did not come into being at the moment he/she created. However, up until that point God was not a creator. You become a parent by having a child. You become an employer by having an employee. You become a creator by having a creation.

In the same way that a parent begets a child, through the child we become the begotten father. This is a significant clue to the nature of why God made the universe, which we will be dealing with later. For the moment we wish to turn ourselves specifically to the question of when.

Within the religious and scientific communities there are hardly any questions which generate as much controversy as this one. Within classical Judaism the scholars who have most meticulously counted the generations and years and ages within the Bible, it is in the most orthodox circles felt that we are now living in the year 5832. This is based upon counting as well as we can the generations from one person to another. Some people, for example King David, we have very fixed dates for. And then working backward through the generations to determine the actual age of the universe.

On the other hand we have the scientific community which through a series of tests and experiments have determined that their best guess is that the planet Earth is approximately 3 billion years old and that the universe as a whole is approximately 12 billion years old.

Now the difference between 6,000 and 12 billion is a very large difference. How large? Well, it is exactly 2 million times different. If you take 6,000 and multiply it by 2 million, you come up with 12 billion. There seems to be a fair amount of question then as to when this whole thing came about. I'll give you my observations and though they may not be ultimately satisfying to you, they are simply the best answers I can come up with.

I do not know when the Earth was created. While there is a large amount of paleontolgical and chemical evidence to support the 3 billion year theory of the Earth, there are also certain clues which the scientific does not want to tell you about. Because it frankly does not fit in with any of their theories and therefore makes them most uncomfortable.

I will give you what I consider to be the most important. That has to do with our moon. We spent a couple of Apollo projects before we actually landed upon the moon, circling the moon and shooting rockets into it. Why did we do this? It just so happens that there is a thing in space called cosmic fallout. Also known as cosmic dust. It is collected on satellites in space and we are able to measure with unbelievable accuracy. These are specs of dust perhaps from other planets, perhaps from other stars that have cooled, cosmic debris.

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Well, to the greatest most precise measurements we can give cosmic dust falls at the rate of exactly 125/1000 of an inch per year. That doesn't seem like very much. It would then take the cosmic dust 25,000 years to develop one inch of dust. The problem is that if you are dealing with something like the age of the moon, which is anticipated or theorized to be as old as the Earth, and therefore approximately 3 billion years old. What you have to do is divide 25,000 into 3 billion and you wind up with a figure. That figure represents how many inches of dust there should be on the moon. That figure winds up to be approximately 1 mile. About 5,200 feet of dust.

That is why we did not initially land a man on the moon. That is why we spent a lot of time and a lot of money shooting missiles at it. Because according to all of the greatest scientific theories which NASA had there should be approximately a mile of dust upon the surface of the moon. And that the craters that we see are impressions and dents inside of this dust. Much like footprints upon a beach.

Well, lo and behold, much to their shock and continued amazement, they did not find a half a mile or a mile or even a hundred feet of lunar dust. But rather they found ¼ inch to a ½ inch of cosmic dust. There are different theories as to explain this.

#1. The rate of cosmic fallout is increasing dramatically, and therefore the moon could in fact still be 3 billion years old, but it's only, say in the last 100 years, that the rate of cosmic fallout has his 1 25/1000 of an inch per year. If before that time there was virtually no fallout then there would be nothing to fall upon the moon. The problem with that theory is that there is no known mechanism to explain why the rate of cosmic fallout would appreciably change.

#2. While the Earth is 3 billion years old, the moon only broke of from the Earth or was only captured around the Earth some 6 - 10,000 years ago. While an interesting theory, this does have other major problems with it. Such an event of that magnitude would have left such incredible marks and impressions, clues if you were on the base of the Earth, that the scientists are quite perplexed as to why there are no indications what so ever that such an event ever occurred.

It is also possible that the rate at which we measure cosmic fallout has been in error. But they are not able to verify that. And it is also possible that for some reason the cosmic fallout blows off of the moon. 1) There is no evidence of any wind on the moon. 2) Even if there were wind it would simply, as it does on the Earth, blow the dust around the Earth and not actually away from it.

In summary then the moon is a clue, the half life of the Earth's magnetic field is a clue. The complete lack of any form of transitory fossils, where one species evolves into another. This is another important clue, to indicate that perhaps we do not yet fully comprehend the age of the Earth. For me this is a fascinating scientific inquiry which we must continue with. I am not going to take a position one way or the other, because so often what people do is they fight the hardest and most vehemently about those things that they are the least certain of. We want to believe something for one reason or another. But without any evidence or data we hold to our beliefs and scream, hurt and kill those who do not agree with us.

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But you see you never find people arguing like that over mathematics. Once you leave the realm of your beliefs, which is what The Revealing Science of God is all about, and enter the realm of knowledge then you no longer have any reason for upset. If you know that 15 + 17 = 32, and someone else comes along and says no it's 33, there is no reason to hurt that person or hate them or try and kill them. Or burn their holy books. Because you understand that this person is simply ignorant and wrong. Therefore if you have any compassion you will attempt to show the person your understanding, and if they simply cannot accept it, then you will grant them the peace and freedom to discover the truth at their own pace.

Therefore since I do not have any knowledge of the history of the universe, I cannot take any definitive position in terms of the chronology of the when.

The Relativity of Time My second major comment regarding this issue is that regardless of the actual calendrical computation of the Earth's age, certain truths remain self evident.

Those are: God is light and in him there is no darkness at all. And one of the attributes of light as we saw in the previous chapter is that light stands out side of time. You see there is something fundamental about light and that is that it's speed is completely absolute. What do I mean by that?

Let's say that we are walking along a train that is traveling North at 100 mph. And we are walking North along that train at 5 mph. Our direction North, is then 105 mph. That is called the addition of velocities. The train at 100 mph North and our feet at 5 mph North add up to 105 mph to the North. But this additive property of velocities does not pertain to light. If we are on a spaceship traveling at the speed of light and we shoot a laser beam out from that spaceship, which is also traveling at the speed of light. Then relative to North light is not moving at twice the speed of light, but only at exactly the speed of light.

The additive properties of velocities breaks down when it comes to approximating the speed of light. This is a very significant result. And this also has been proven scientifically in many different venues. What it tells us then is that if anyone is attempting to measure speed, that speed is a function of time relative to distance, miles per hour.

In as much as the additive velocities break down and at the speed of light there is only one speed. Then you come to the conclusion that time must be relative. My clock running in my wall in a very stationary position will run at a different rate then your clock on your spaceship traveling at the speed of light. And while you may only see one hour tick by, I may see hundreds of millions of years click by.

I admit that this is a thumbnail sketch. If you want more information there are many books available which will explain Einstein's theories of relativity specifically as it comes to the relative nature of time and space based around light being the absolute.

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The point for this discussion however is that God, being light, is eternal. He stands outside of time and he stands outside of space. The revelation tells us that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. One of the proclamations of Einstein's relativity is that at the speed of light any matter would have infinite mass and therefore be incapable of change.

We have a completely consonant description then of the state at the speed of light. We can see no change because at the speed of light no light can approach us. At the speed of light we travel with all light and therefore since the additive property of velocities does not work we could never see anything. There would then be no change what so ever. We would in fact be the same yesterday, today and forever.

We come to the understanding, then, that time is a function of the creation. It is a function of the flow of the manifest world in terms of the electrons and photons of God's light having slowed down. And it is only in that slowing down that time appears to exist.

However, it is crucial to understand that this is only an appearance. Time seems to flow only because God has voluntarily taken his energies of limitless light and slowed them down. Therefore in that slowing we appear to have birds that fly, bands that march and automobiles that roll across the highway.

But in the higher deeper truth all of this can be seen as a dance upon the screen of God's mind. Remember that the only reality is God, therefore the only time is now. Time can be seen much like a parade, wherein you sit in a fixed position and you watch things move from your left to your right. From behind you into the front of you. But you remain unmoved.

God the same yesterday, today and forever can watch the phantasmagoria around him, but he remains the same. He remains unmoved. In the same way you remain outside time and space. Remember we discussed that your body houses your soul and your soul houses your spark. That spark is none other than God himself. That spark is life eternal, and eternity goes on forever and is completely limitless. Not affected by time and space.

That is why you must recognize that you can wait until later but even then it will only be now. You can go somewhere else but even there it will only be here. What is happening in life is that the parade is moving around you, but you stay where you are. That spark of God which is your true nature lies outside of the realm of time and space. That is the religious call to get us to live not just for today, not just for the temporal nature of the body, but with an eye and focus toward the eternal nature of time, God and ourselves.

Life is Here and Now Jesus said even when we have an abundance our life does not consist in our possessions. This is a very, very high teaching. Most people think of their possessions as the physical objects which they have accumulated on the material plane. But it is much more then that. You also have a body, you have toes, fingers and a nose. You also have desires. You have emotions, you have memories. You have thoughts, you have opinions.

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All of these are your possessions. They can all change but you remain the same. That indefinable, indescribable essence which is you remains the same regardless of your material possessions. Remains the same regardless of your body, because your cells are continually dying and renewing. Remains the same regardless of your particular emotions or desire state. Remains the same regardless of what you think about and what your memories are.

Your life is not a part of any of these possessions. Your life is that spark of God which is eternal. An everlasting life means that you do not focus your energies exclusively upon this dance within time and space. But, begin to recognize and dwell in those domains where the infinite eternal God of pure light is recognized as being your one and only true life.

So that is what I have to say regarding the when. Exactly when this material came into being I simply do not know. There are some interesting clues to indicate that it could go either way. But on the much more important question the when is now. Because God in his fullness lives outside of time and space and therefore lives as a part of an unchanging eternal immortal reality. That reality is your essence. That reality is your life. You are called to that eternal life which then rises above time and space.

And there is no point in pretending that you have to wait for this to happen or that to happen, because the only time is now. When did God create the world? He created it now. And we sit in the same seats we were in at the first moment of creation. Because the Bible tells us that even before the worlds were made "I knew you." We were then inside of God's mind before the world was made, and that is where we still are. The whole question of when is a question within the creation. And as we return to our celestial home the whole issue of time falls away.

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PART 7: "WHERE?" Where is the universe? We continue to explore the fundamental questions of existence; who, what, when, where, how and why?

When it comes to the where of the universe mankind has wondered for centuries. Where is the Earth? The ancient Chinese theorized that it was on the back of a hare which stood on the back of a turtle. Upon what the turtle stood they never asked. We may find this amusing but even in Biblical times it was not at all clear to people where we are.

They spoke of the Earth and the firmament. The Earth being conceived as being flat. And the firmament being a fixed location up above. The stars for the longest time were felt to be holes in Heaven through which the light of God would shine.

While we can look upon these ancient cosmologies with amusement today we nevertheless face the same ultimate questions. We now know that the Earth is essentially a ball or a sphere which rotates on it's axis creating our days. Which evolves around the Sun creating our years.

We know that the Sun is one of several billion stars in a local island of stars which we call the milky way. And we know that every 160 million years the milky way makes one complete cycle. It is spinning almost like a flaming fire work. Or perhaps it's being sucked in to the center. Just like water swirls into a whirlpool before it disappears down the drain.

And we know that this milky way is one of billions upon billions of uncountable galaxies. There is a project being done in astronomy that is attempting to map and count all known galaxies. And they are working on creating a three dimensional model to represent the arrangement and alignment of galaxies in the universe.

I remember in college days seeing a wall sized poster in one of my religion teacher's rooms that had thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dots. And the caption of the poster taught us that every one of those dots was not a star, but was rather a galaxy. And the title of this poster was "1 Million Galaxies." And I was always held in awe, and as you can tell, still remember that poster, because of it's immense power, it's immense distance. It's immense size.

So when we ask the question "Where are those things?" we have a very challenging time. For one thing distance and location are always and only knowable relatively speaking. The term North has meaning only in reference to the globe. The term up has reference only in terms of the Earth.

If you are out in the middle of space then there is no North or South, there is no up or down, there is no East or West. Down is simply the attraction of a gravitational field. And without that gravitational field there is no down. Up is only an ascent into the sky. And without any sky to ascend to there can be no up.

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So if we are going to attempt to answer the question, "Where is the universe?" we will be hard pressed to give any sort of definitive answer because we must understand our framework, our perspective. From the Earth's perspective the universe is all around.

Man's mind is capable of expanding until it at least hopes to conceptualize the totality of the universe. And once we reach the farthest galaxy, what lies on the other side of it?

If you want to take a totally atheistic approach and discuss the big bang, all of this cosmic stuff that got condensed to form the big bang, where was it? Was it North of us, South of us, East, West? Where would you go? Where is the center of the galaxy? Where is the center of the universe?

Conservation of momentum requires that there is actually a center for the universe, if there was ever a big bang. Why is that? All mass behaves as though the totality of it's mass was localized at the non-dimensional point, which is the balancing point, if you will, of the object. The very center of the sphere, the balancing point of the fulcrum etc..

If you have a mass of hundreds of billions of cannon balls, place them all together in a huge pile and then explode them, the center of mass which is the balancing point where all of those cannon balls were centered, does not move at all by causing them to explode. The center of mass remains unchanged within closed systems across all permutations, combinations and transformations.

Therefore if there was a big bang there must an actual geometric center of the universe. Where is it? Scientists do not know. And even if we found where that center point was, what is it located within?

Well, these and other speculations I can give you my answer to. I cannot claim that this is the absolute definitive answer, but I can tell you that this answer appears upon all examinations to be 100% in harmony with all of the other theories which we are formulating in The Revealing Science of God.

We do not have actual proof of the existence of electrons. All we know is that we do not have any data that will contradict the theory which the electron is.

Properly understood a neutron is much more of a theory to explain mathematical relationships then an actual particle. So what I'm going to present I cannot prove anymore than we can prove the existence of a photon. However, I have been able to find no evidence that would contradict it.

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In the Mind of God The answer to the question, "Where is the universe?" is, "Inside the mind of God."

This is in complete agreement with other things we have discussed.

The universe does not share the same ontological status that God does. By ontological status I mean the way in which something exists. That is the study of ontology, the forms and manners of existence. A symphony does not exist in the same way that a cactus plant exists. A cactus plant does not exist in the same way that the United States of America exists. And the United States of America does not exist in the same way that Alice in Wonderland exists. They all have different ontological grounds.

If anything that we have said is correct about the nature of God the creator, that using his own energies is the way in which the universe came about, then it is clear that the universe must have a different ontological status than God does. It's ontology is a subset of the divine.

The best analogy I can possibly give you is, as I have said before, the analogy of an author. An author first tells his or her story inside of his or her mind and then puts it down on paper. The paper is merely the transmittal form to get the information from the author's mind into the reader's mind. The paper is simply the servant. It has no ultimate purpose.

In the same way God has fashioned everything out of his own energy and exists in his image and is therefore his imagination. This is all the visible image of the invisible God. In exactly the same way that words type on a page are the visible image or reflection of the invisible thoughts and concepts.

God is forever sustaining the universe by means of his thought. Where are we? We are inside of God's head. But how does that make any sense? What does it mean to say that the universe is inside of God's head? Isn't there at least the appearance here of reality?

When I knock on a table it certainly feels solid, it certainly feels real. Aren't we just playing verbal games to say that the world is nothing more than God's imagination? The best answer I can give you, is that the imagination is a forming of God's energy into what we call time and space. If an author sits in a chair, that author has, with a clear mind, the infinite potential for thought. The author can think about anything.

The author then takes his mind, focused through his brain and arranges the electrical energy in his mind in such a fashion as to focus his energies into a leprechaun, a green leprechaun. That's going to be the focus of his story. To say that that green leprechaun does not exist is a falsehood. That leprechaun may not have been projected yet into the external physical world but that green leprechaun does exist. That green leprechaun is nothing more then the author's thought condensed and formed and focused. What is the leprechaun made out of?

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The leprechaun is made out of something more real than physical matter. The leprechaun is made out of the very mind stuff of the author. The leprechaun is made not out of rock or stone or clay or wood, but the leprechaun is made out of the author.

At this stage in our development we worship the physical creation. And if anything is going to be real it has to be put into physical form. An interesting thing has happened with the electronic revolution. Since we now communicate so quickly and easily electronically, and since so many of our documents in the industrialized world are simply transmitted through computer, we have actually discovered that we have more paper rather than less. Because, it is not until the document becomes printed into what we call "hard copy" and is physically on the page, that it appears to the user to be real.

In the same way we worship this physical matter. That is where we are localized. That is our centering, that is our base. For many people what they cannot feel and see has no reality at all. But if you will leave that frame of mind for a while and contemplate upon the higher things, you see that a leprechaun in my imagination is actually made out of the most glorious stuff in the universe.

The reason for this rather lengthy explanation is to hopefully enable you to see that the universe being made of God's imagination does not make it less real, it makes it more real. It makes it made of a higher more glorious substance. The universe is not created out of rock or stone or electrons or neutrons or photons. But the universe is created out of God's mind.

Now, this is our theory. The theory gives us many wonderful results.

#1. This would explain why God is everywhere.

Because, everything is inside of God as we have said so often before, and everything is inside of his mind. Therefore, there is no where that could be gone to leave God.

#2. It explains where we are.

We are inside of God's mind, we are a focusing of his energies.

#3. It explains what is outside of this physical universe, the answer is nothing.

And now we can see why that nothing can be real. In a physical sense it is very hard for us to imagine there being something outside. It is hard for us to imagine there not being something outside. In every physical relationship there is always something on the opposite side of where ever or what ever we are.

However, if our theory is correct and we are all inside of God's mind and simply God's imagining, then the limits of the universe stop where God stops imagining.

To illustrate, most people are familiar with Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland", and they know that there was this large mysterious world that Alice explored. You have the Duchess's house and the rose garden and the Caterpillar and many, many creatures and many lands. What was on the other side of the wall at the Queen's rose garden? The

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answer is absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing. Because Lewis Carroll never conceived of it, never shaped it, never molded it.

Therefore there was simply nothing there. That's why we can say, that right now at the ends of the outer boundaries of the universe there is simply nothing there.

#4. The universe is infinite.

The reason it currently appears to be 12 billion light years across is because that is as far as we can see. If we were able to get into a spaceship and travel to the outer regions of the universe, then we would all of a sudden discover that there was a lot more universe to explore. How can this be?

Currently, Lewis Carroll never thought about what would happen to Alice if she went over the wall in the Queen's rose garden. But, if Lewis Carroll had Alice do that, then as a process of forming that image he also would have had to know what was on the other side of that wall. The wall would not come into being until Alice crawled over it.

In the same way it is possible, though frankly unlikely, that the physical universe extends only 12 billion light years. But that once the human race or any other race of creature's comes to explore or see any of those other galaxies beyond the known galaxies, that they will "magically" come into existence. For you see we are the condensation of God's thought and he is pouring out an immense story here for all of us. Ultimately for himself. When he comes to the point that he is now ready to explore areas beyond what is currently formed then those areas will exist.

I realize that none of this appears in the Bible. I realize that much of this must seem like idle speculation. And I freely grant to you that it may very well be. But I also present that these are the best results that I have. Where is the universe? The universe is inside of God. It is in his mind, it is his consciousness which is molding and shaping it from the beginning until the end.

What is on the other side of the universe? Only God. This is a theory meant to try and explain many things, the vastness of the universe. The incomprehensibility of how it got here. And also some of the mysteries as to how God can be everywhere and inside of everything. The highest heavens the lowest sea, how can be the first, the last. The same yesterday, today and forever. Lewis Carroll remained the same author regardless of what journeys he put Alice through. And there was not a single bud on a single rose in that Queen's garden that was not there because of Lewis Carroll's concentration.

But God of course is a much, much higher profound being, much more powerful then we are. And therefore our imaginations only dimly reflect his. And we must extrapolate. Lewis Carroll could so immerse himself into his imagined world that it could for him actually become real. Some authors can become so lost in their little world that they lose touch of what we call "reality."

And all that is left for them is the fantasy life of their creation.

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God in some respects, you can say, has lost part of himself, within this world. And he is concentrating on it so clearly that it all has immense detail, shape and form.

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PART 8: "HOW?" When investigators look into a crime scene they are trying to figure out not only who did it, not only what happened, not only when and where, but exactly how? What were the first steps, what were the last events? Was there a murder weapon?

As it comes to the discussion of this universe we habituate, the question of how is truly a great mystery. Much of the ground work we have already laid. The universe is in God's mind and has come from him, through him, is returning to him. How does this actually happen? What follows will to many people appear to be idle speculation.

I present it for purposes of information only. If this material seems particularly threatening or foreign to you please feel free to ignore it.

The First Moment of Creation The first moment of creation is when God sat and thought upon himself. The self existent one, the I will be what I will be, in the first moment of manifest creation had nothing outside of himself to contemplate. Had nothing outside of himself to be amused by, and nothing outside of himself for distractions. So, therefore the only reality was and remains God.

The first moment of creation is when God began to contemplate his and her own essence. Doing this through thought generated the word. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. We tend to think of language as simply scribbles on a piece of paper or vibrations in air. But, ultimately the word is much more than that. A word is a representation a re-presentation of what is represented.

The highest representation of God is God's own thoughts and meditations upon himself. At this point the holy trinity was born. God the father/mother, the pure limitless self thought upon himself and his thoughts are himself. This is the son. And the relationship between God and his thoughts, the power at the spirit which sustains those thoughts is the Holy Spirit. Father, Son and Spirit, one being, subject, object, relationship. Thinker, is one with thoughts in thinking.

Out of this multiplex, out of this incredible potential all kinetic forms of energy were released. God the Father, God the Son, the holy word, united forever in spirit became now not just potential but kinetic, real energy.

Deeper, Slower Layers of Consciousness What happened afterwards is deeply shrouded in mystery but is never the less comprehensible. As God continued to think on himself he put upon himself deeper and deeper layers of consciousness. It's much like making sculptures out of play-doh. Play-doh is the only substance, play-doh in this analogy is the mind stuff of God. That play-doh can be flattened out into the form of a mere pancake. It can be molded into a rock. It

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can with much more care be sculptured into a bird. That is in very crude analogy form exactly what the divine mind did.

God poured a bit of himself out and some of him became slowed down and said let there be light. And in fact the physical creation came into being. That light, it has to be understood, is a limiting of the divine infinite potential. Then the light condensed further into other chemical elements and the creation of actual matter.

Notice if you will how similar this is to modern scientific theory in the first moment of the big bang. This endless energy which is poured out begins to combine and collect into different forms until eventually hydrogen appears, then nitrogen, then carbon etc...

While such a system is conceived of as happening automatically and is therefore not properly reflective of the creative nature of God. It does never the less properly account for the steps.

When the human race wants to build a automobile we start with a frame inside of that frame we put an engine. Into that engine we attach different fluids and those fluids are touched with a spark and the engine comes to life.

It is precisely the same thing with the creation. God begins with matter, then God pours out a little bit more and that matter comes alive. That life form begins in the smallest parts. The single cell organisms. The amoebae, the bacteria. Eventually those organisms turn into plant life.

If you look at a plant you can almost see God's energy being poured out. It is astounding that the steps of the seven days of creation in the Bible parallel exactly the phases of evolution which the secular scientists theorize.

So while the Biblical account explains the steps and the secular account explains the steps in essentially the same manner, they disagree entirely as to the mode and operation. I'm going to present to you that the how of the creation centers around the fact that both of them misunderstand. They both have a part of the story, but it is not as simple as either side makes.

A Conscious Process The how of creation, the how of the universe is not simply a intermingling of chemicals. In that respect the big bang theorists and evolutionists are wrong. It is a conscious process guided from above. At the same time this is not simply something that God does instantaneously; there is a outpouring of his energy into the universe.

What is happening is that God's energy “gains experience”, if you will. This is so incredibly difficult to explain because it lies outside of our normal realms of experience and therefore we do not have shared common language to communicate it with. There is no way to actually describe chocolate unless you have tasted chocolate. The best you can do is say that chocolate tastes just like something else which you have experienced. If you have experienced nothing and have no taste then it is pointless to attempt to communicate to you what chocolate tastes like.

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Acknowledging as I do that this lies beyond the normal sphere of our language I will attempt to continue. God takes his pure energy and as his energy condenses it turns into matter. Then God pours a little bit more of himself out and that matter becomes animated with single cell amoebae and the plants.

God then pours a little more of his energy out and the organisms wind up being disconnected from the Earth, they become ani-mated which means animal.

Eventually enough of God's energy is poured out and the organism becomes it's own autonomous self willed creature. As this happens the creation goes through different states of consciousness. Inanimate matter is likened unto absolute unconsciousness. The lowest forms of matter of animation, the unicellular organisms and plants are likened unto non-dreaming sleep. It is a different form of consciousness and yet it is not aware of very much.

The higher life forms enter into a state of dreaming sleep. Eventually the life forms gather around human beings in the form of domesticated animals, cats, dogs, some kinds of birds, some horses, wherein they see and learn and experience what the human race is all about. Eventually then that part of God, that self consciousness of God enters into the waking state, that is the state of human beings.

Humanity We stand at the midpoint between inanimate matter and pure godliness. That godliness is our destiny. Now, so that I am perfectly clear, I am stating that the energy which is you, the soul which is inside of you has been around forever. As the Bible says, "Before we were formed in our mother's womb God knew us." We were in the mind of God. Because that is the only reality, the mind of God.

But our bodies have been here forever, our souls have been here forever. They have simply been taking upon different forms over the course of time.

There is a fair body of evidence to suggest that the souls do not immediately come into "creation" as soon as the body is born. Many people are very uncomfortable with the idea of pre-existence. But, the Bible is clear and The Revealing Science of God is clear that you existed before you were born. How does the Bible say that? Well, in those passages that refer to God knowing us before we were formed in the womb of our mother. That knowledge of God means that our personality, our being, our soul was something specific enough that God could have consciousness of it.

But there is another point. That is, if anything which we have said here in this writing is true then the only reality there was, the only reality there is, the only reality that there ever will be is the reality of God. That reality means to complete our analogies of conservation of energy and mass, conservation of momentum, the conservation of God, that's what the Bible refers to when it says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Therefore what you are is nothing more then condensed and re-shaped Godhood.

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How did God create the world? He thought on himself, slowed himself down and came into lower and lower forms of vibration. A gold atom is a very much lower vibration then a hydrogen atom, so to there are realms beyond physical matter which are much higher vibrations then physical matter.

God pours himself out into matter and the matter becomes alive. He pours himself into that animated matter and the animated matter begins to be able to walk and fly and meow. He pours enough of himself out and says ultimately that he has completed this phase of making himself in his own image.

So the how of it is that God is much like Lewis Carroll, and Lewis Carroll sent Alice not to meet a white rabbit, but to meet Lewis Carroll. God has placed himself as a character inside of his own story. He's created images of himself and placed them within the dance of creation. That is you, that is me.

Now, how that occurs is through following the chain of evolution as the secularists believe or the pathway of creation as the creationists believe. But it is neither pure evolution nor pure creation. Every invention that mankind has ever done goes through a growth and evolution but it is always a consciously guided growth and evolution. I think that that bears repeating. No creation which mankind has ever made has been instantaneously delivered. Mankind did not decide to invent a car and have the first thing to roll off the inventor's wheel be a Lexus sports coupe. No, the Lexus sports coupe is the result of years and years of consciously guided evolution.

In exactly the same way the human race and all of creation is the result of consciously guided growth, development and evolution. Again I am laying aside the question of how long this has taken.

How long have you been around? Since the beginning of all time. How does God create the world? In exactly the same way that the human race creates a car or the human race creates a telephone or a television or a composer creates a symphony. You start with the raw materials and you shape them. And you shape them deliberately and consciously throughout. Lengthy process of growth and development.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the best answer I can give you regarding the how of creation. Yes, there is an unfolding, but the seven literal days of creation as the radical fundamentalists want to believe I don't find any reason to hold to one way or the other. It is certainly possible, but I don't see any reason to fight for it either way.

At the same time it is clear that such a universe could not possibly have been created haphazardly by chance. The marriage of the two grants us The Revealing Science of God. We as co-creators with God find common truths regarding how we create anything. We start with an idea and that idea we then start to fashion into matter. And that matter slowly becomes more and more and more exactly what we are striving for.

What God is striving for is to re-create himself. God seeks to become re-incarnated, that is the how. He guides, forms and fashions, beginning with an idea, manipulating matter until finally he has been made in his own image. Let us make man in our own image, that is the how.

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The Future As we look to the future, once mankind overcomes his moral limitations and discovers how to truly live together in peace, the next phases up to the technological development will bring us that much closer to the reincarnation of God. We are coming to the point where instantaneous travel of information is possible.

Imagine all of the computers linked up instantaneously. And imagine having instantaneous access to all of the information in all of the computers, you would in effect know everything. And you would know it automatically and completely. Imagine an interface where televisions are so clean and clear and crisp that your image can be projected anywhere, and you can receive images form anywhere. You would at that point be omnipresent, because you could see everything and you could know everything, thus making you omniscient.

The entire human race as it joins together then, to form, as we've said before, the literal body of Christ, is having God's infinite mind placed inside of it. The book of Colossians promises us that in the glorious final day we will know everything about God that he knows about us. Well, he knows everything about us already.

When we know everything about him what will we be using to know this? How will this happen? The Bible is clear and The Revealing Science of God is clear that only mechanism by which God can know anything is through his own mind, that is the only active consciousness in the universe. The Bible tells us that no man can know the thoughts of another man except for the man's spirit which is in him. But we have the mind of Christ.

In the glorious day then we will know everything about God. But the only mechanism we will have to know that is God's mind. Therefore the Bible and The Revealing Science of God are quite clear:

In the final day God will know himself fully as God.

We are the cells in that body. That is the how of creation. By pouring himself out, beginning to meditate upon himself and seeking to discover all that there is to know.

I know that this is very far flung series of ideas, but as we've said at the very beginning we are dealing with notions which touch upon the very essence of existence itself.

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PART 9: "WHY?" It is self apparent that, having read this far, you are at least intrigued, if not in some what of an agreement with me, about the previous material.

That being said, what conclusions have we drawn? The self existent being has created time and space out of his and her own mind. And through the power of imagination projected himself into the universe. Everything is inside of God, everything is connected to God.

The induction of human consciousness is an outpouring of God's divine being. But having discussed the who, what, when, where and how of existence, leads us to the deepest question of all. The question of why?

Rejecting PreDeterminism If we assume that all of the previous material is true, why is it that way? Could it have been any other way? Perhaps there is an inevitability in the universe. Perhaps God could not have created any other way. Perhaps that, due to the nature of the self existent one, things could not possibly have been other then they are.

This notion is shared by many people. The idea of predestination, preordination and absolute determinism shaping the course of the universe. I renounce this on two bases: 1) Each individual human being does have free will. I do not have to jump out of a 15th story window in order to prove that I can. 2) That freedom of the individual as it relates to the creator means that freedom of will and freedom of choice are a subset of the divine mind. Therefore to me God is a conscious, willful being who is doing all of this for a reason, for a purpose. In other words, this universe is not inevitable, this universe is not required. But this universe is consciously and deliberately shaped by God. This leads us back to the central question, "why?"

If we are correct, if God is a conscious being and is directing the universe and has created it as an act of free will, why is he doing it? What is his motivation? Again, what is the purpose of the universe?

Perhaps There is No Purpose Another possibility is that there is no purpose as we think of purpose. By purpose we usually mean that we are passing through a means in order to reach an end. The purpose of having a job is to procure money so you can buy the things you want. The purpose of taking a shower is to get clean.

But many things are able to be an end in and of themselves. And, do not have to form another purpose. You can pet the cat simply because the cat is nice to pet, for no other reason, no other purpose. Perhaps then the "why" of the universe is very simply "because." That there is no purpose, there is no reason. God did it because he felt like it, it gave him something to do, and is ultimately no more nor less then scratching an itch.

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You may be comfortable with that, but I am not. To gaze upon the miracle of the Andromeda galaxy through a telescope is a deeply and profoundly transensual experience. To think that all of this has been done simply for idle dispassionate meaningless amusement is, I think, to deprecate the universe. To negate the beauties of God's nature and personality.

Having exhausted, then, or rejected at least the possibility that there is no purpose and the possibility that the universe is deterministic and had to be this way, we must address the only remaining issue. That the universe is willful and has a purpose, there is an answer to the question, "Why?" What would that be?

God is Forgetting in Order to Remember The best answer I can give you is that God is forgetting himself in order to have the pleasure of rediscovering himself. That may seem shocking and it may seem scandalous and it may seem silly to you, but it is simply the best answer I can give.

If what we have said in the first few chapters is correct, then God is alone. This is a self existent being. Since this self existent being is the source and origin of the totality of the universe, this being must, tautologically, be absolutely alone. Therefore there is nothing and no one outside of himself for amusement. For relationship. This aloneness is one of the fundamental aspects of the human race.

Being Alone For, you see, everything inside of the creator shares in this relationship. What do I mean by that? For each of us, ultimately, the fundamental issue is our aloneness. As we become children we must eventually learn that we are responsible for our own lives and cannot rely upon or blame our parents.

As we become parents we must realize that our children are ultimately their own people. And that we as parents cannot rely upon them to fulfill us or complete us. As we become spouses we must recognize that it is impossible for the other person to complete or fulfill us. That we must stand on our own.

As we become healthy, as we try and overcome whatever limitations we may have, whether it's eating too much or drinking too much or gambling too much or working too much, we must recognize that no one can help us but ourselves. And if we are related to a person with a problem, no one can help that person but themselves.

When we close our eyes at night, the only one living behind the eyelids is ourselves and no one else. We are utterly and completely alone.

No one knows our thoughts, no one shares our history. No one shares our memories. We are isolated. That no one deeply or truly understands us accept ourselves. Even a spouse who might have lived with us for 50 or 60 years knows almost nothing about the totality of our being. The myriad of thoughts, the myriad of feelings, the infinity of the internal

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world of dreams and subconscious desires and reality relies forever hidden. Even to the closest friend.

Imagine, then, that we would not be able to cover this with the illusion and fantasy of togetherness. What if there were no other human beings at all? The greatest, deepest, punishment human beings have ever found for one another is to place each other in solitary confinement. For the deepest, darkest, most hardened criminals we reserve that greatest of all punishments.

To be completely, utterly, totally removed and isolated from the human race is the pathway to insanity. Is the ultimate psychological torture. You can read upon this in other books, there is no reason to elaborate.

The point of the story is however, that for God the only truth is an unending infinity of absolute, complete, total, solitary confinement. Think about that. Couple that with the understanding of a God of love, a God of beauty, a God of joy, a God of forgiveness of bliss. And to take such a being and to isolate him/her from all other beings would be a horror and a torture the likes of which none of us could deal with.

And yet, if anything that has been said in this pamphlet is true, that is the absolute state of God. Being total love, being bliss, being peace, being a person, this person as self existence finds himself in solitary confinement for all eternity, without hope of parole.

Now, what would such a being do? With the attributes of I hood and will generating existence, and absolute self determinacy, what would such a being do? There are two choices. Choice #1 is to remain eternally alone, accept and acknowledge the reality of the situation and remain in that constant state.

From Possibilities Into Reality The fundamental problem with this is that potentiality or potential always seeks to become kinetic and be expressed.

God, we say is love. But without another to love, that love cannot be expressed. God is light, but without that light being able to shine on anything or be reflected back it cannot be seen. God is truth but without anyone to hear the truth there is no point in calling it the truth. As long as love is not expressed there is no difference between love and hate. As long as truth is never communicated there is no difference between truth and falsehood. As long as light can never be seen there is no difference between light and darkness.

Therefore God sought to leave the realm of pure potential and become real. To express or manifest or transform into kinetic energy is potential energy that is exactly what happened. Now, how do you do this?

Well, one way you could do this is to simply create a bunch of little beings to run around the cosmos and teach them how to worship you. But why would an eternal being do that? Is that the why of the universe? God wanted something to worship him? God created Adam and Eve to sit there or bow on their knees and worship him and tell him how truly really big he is? My, we're all so impressed down here. Well, that to an infinite eternal

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being is not very satisfying. It is despotic and sick. If that is the vision of God you wish to have, fine. But I think that's very fallen and pitiful.

What orthodox Christianity usually states is that God created us so that we might have fellowship with him, so that we might enjoy being with him. The problem is if he is the center and source of the entire universe then all of the energy which we are must be an extension of him. It is only because of his energy that we can breath. We've discussed this before.

Therefore, if we are looking for a why to the universe, to say that God made us because he wants us to worship him, or because he wants us to enjoy worshipping him, both responses fail as answers.

The Shocking Conclusion Ultimately then I'm only left with one conclusion. That God, being self existent and eternal, being all that there is, in order to express himself had to, in a certain extent, forget himself. He had to manifest himself as creation and then enter into that creation. This is at least consistent. We, you and I, all human beings, a slice of the Godhead, we are a tiny piece of the totality of the self existent one. We are a tiny drop in the ocean of God consciousness.

We are therefore God, slowed down and transformed. We remain connected with him, and are in fact himself. This is consistent with the notion of the body of Christ. God takes upon for himself a body, that body is made up of individual cells and those individual cells are all human beings.

Now, God through the process of creation is going into a voluntary sleep, or a forgetting. So that he can, #1, have relationship, all be it ultimately only with himself because that cannot be avoided. But it can appear for a while that there is a relationship because he has forgotten that he is both the subject and the object. This is another lesson which we learn as we grow older, that what we like about some thing, some object, is not the object but rather what the object does for us.

To give you a radical example, heroin and morphine do not do anything to the human body except stimulate and accelerate the production of chemicals which are natural to the human body. We project upon other people our hopes and our dreams and our desires. We project this upon our children, we project it upon our spouses. We project it upon relationships. We see not what is there, but what we want to be there.

Ultimately we are the subject and the object of our lives because as we've said before we are alone. So, God has entered into this world as each of us and is splitting himself up into a billion, billion pieces. Just like Humpty Dumpty falling off of the wall, he is now genuinely forgotten, at least this part of him, who and what he is. He is growing, he is seeking, he is learning. And as he does so he begins to remember who and what he is.

Everything has come from the same place, the same central origin. Therefore in one manner or another, everything must have memory and relationship to that origin. God

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lives inside of each of us and we are all on a process of rediscovering and remembering the true nature of existence. It could not be otherwise.

The Problem of Evil This helps us to deal with the problem of theodicy. The problem of theodicy has puzzled and perplexed people from the beginning of time. The question of theodicy is phrased as a question. How is it possible that the following three statements can equally be true:

#1. God is good.

#2. God is all powerful.

#3. Evil exists.

There are many, many ways to deal with this question. Perhaps there is no God. Perhaps God is not good. Perhaps God is not powerful. Perhaps there is no such thing as evil.

The Revealing Science of God gives to us an answer to the nature of theodicy. Evil is an ignorance voluntarily entered into by God himself. Which ultimately has no bearing upon the limitless nature of the Godhead. In other words God as we know him is different from as he really is. To sit and worship God as being separate and apart from us is wrong. That is the first misconception. Because God is intimately related with every human being. And is right here, right now. We are apart of him and live inside of him, that is Biblical, that is absolute truth. That is the first misconception.

#2. To state that God is all powerful is to misunderstand that he has voluntarily entered into this creation and is voluntarily limiting his options.

#3. To say that God is all good makes it as though God is simply a painter who is supposed to paint pretty pictures. And since there is pain and suffering and agony on this planet God doesn't look like he's painting a very nice picture. If he's the potter and we are the clay, he's very naughty because he's not doing a very nice job. What it fails to fully recognize is that God is not separate and apart from creation but is one with it.

Therefore why does evil exist? Evil is an unknowing, a failure to recognize the totality. An ignorance. The only reality is God. It cannot be otherwise. That fundamental reality shapes and molds all aspects of creation. And is therefore intimately related with all parts of it. That is the only truth that there could ever be. Any other truth is merely a delusion. And since the only being that ultimately exists is God, all other perceptions are a self delusion of God, by God himself. Evil then is God's forgetting of his true nature. Goodness is the truth of this self existent being. This, ladies and gentlemen, solves all of the questions.

The Biblical Evidence Remember how we said that the book of 1st Corinthians talks about us ultimately knowing everything about God that he knows about us. And remember that we said that no one can truly understand God except for the spirit of God, which is also in 1st

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Corinthians. And that we have the mind of Christ. This is simple mathematics. If you put the statements together we will know everything about God and be the only thing that can know anything about God is God. Then the Bible itself tells you, that "in the end God will remember himself fully as God." The Bible tells you, and it is in complete harmony with The Revealing Science of God, that God has forgotten himself in order to have the pleasure of remembering himself.

That is my best shot, as a human being on planet Earth in the late 1990's, that's the best and only answer I can give you.

Hide and Seek It's funny where you find truth. There's a pop-rock keyboard player named Howard Jones. He was very popular in the 80's, and in the early 80's had a hit song called "What is Love?" He's fairly out of fashion now, but on his album "Human's Lib" you can find the most astonishing lyrics, which encapsulate better then any other place I have ever found exactly what I am trying to tell you. I reprint these lyrics without any permission. Because I don't know how to get a hold of Howard Jones. But here they are.

Hide And Seek - Howard Jones

There was a time when there was nothing at all, nothing at all,

just a distant hum

There was a being and he lived on his own he had no one to talk

to and nothing to do.

He drew up the plans, learned to work with his hands a

million years passed by and his work was done

and his words were these

Hope you find it in everything, everything that you see

Hope you find it in everything, everything that you see

Hope you find it, hope you find it, hope you find me in you.

So she had built her elaborate home with its ups and its

downs its rains and its sun

She decided that her work it was done, time to have fun,

and found a game to play.

Then as part of the game, she completely forgot where she'd hidden

herself and she spent the rest of her time trying to find the parts.

Hope you find it in everything, everything that you see

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Hope you find it in everything, everything that you see

Hope you find it, hope you find it, hope you find me in you.


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PART 10: IN SUMMARY I don't know how to communicate it any better then that. And as radical and wild as this may appear at first reading, as strange as it seems and as widely different it is from orthodox Christianity it is never the less quite consistent and makes apparently perfectly reasonable sense based upon certain presuppositions.

Why did God create the universe? So that his potential could be made known. So that he could derive infinite bliss from rediscovering his true nature. That is the why.

The truly big question then, why wasn't the universe forever just an empty black nothingness, boils down to a simple statement. And from the beginning of time, before time, there was a being who was simply self existent and could never be otherwise.

If that is true then all other statements in this writing have been results and what we in the world of mathematics call corollaries to that fundamental postulate. If the universe was not simply matter blowing up and creating consciousness, then the universe must be consciousness from which matter has become derived. And if that is so, then this eternal being must ultimately and completely be alone. And every single thing inside of this universe must be that being transformed, modified and slowed down.

The cosmology then becomes one of the being entering into his own imagination and through the power of creative thinking (will) transforming his pure potential energy into mountains, fields and galaxies. The where of existence must therefore be inside of this self existent being and the why can only be for the process of personal rediscovery.

I sincerely appreciate your time. And I value deeply your questions and comments of any type.

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