The Reverend Dr. P. Shane Green The Reverend John Fugh, Jr. Pastors Phone: (706) 327-7419 Fax: (706) 327-0412 www.stpaulunitedmethodist.com Vol. 52 Columbus, Georgia September 22, 2013 No. 38 This year is my 30 th anniversary. Something very special happened to me thirty years ago this year. Anniversaries are important, aren't they? They commemorate weddings, birthdays, the start of a job, and other things that we want to remember. We remind ourselves of these events by marking them in our calendars. Thirty years ago on May 15, 1983, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. It was in a small Sunday school room in Western Pennsylvania at 10:50 in the morning. As I reflect about that day along with the days and years that followed, I realize many things on so many different levels. I rejoice that God gave me an opportunity to respond to His love. I am elated that a Sunday school teacher was willing to give me an opportunity to respond to that love. And I celebrate the faithfulness of God throughout the years to bring me to a place such as St Paul to serve with such wonderful people. It was that day when Jesus said "Follow me" like He had with so many others including Philip whose story unfolds in John 1:43. In this verse we are reminded of the persistent pursuit of God for us: A pursuit that invites us to follow Him. Over the years I've wondered what it really means to follow Jesus, and I've come to the conclusion that following Him centers around a willingness to imitate Him. Jesus spent several years with His disciples, and these men along with others watched Jesus. They saw how he responded when He was discouraged. They noticed how He responded to those who were unfriendly to Him. They learned how He cared for children and the marginalized. Over those years, these disciples gradually became imitators of Christ. This call to follow Christ is a call to not merely follow once, but rather it is a call to keep on following. Those of us who are gradually learning to be imitators of Christ are discerning what is relevant and what is irrelevant. What seems to be the case is what is relevant to the world is mostly irrelevant to Jesus, and what is relevant to Jesus is mostly irrelevant to the world. For example, Jesus encourages us to put others first and to care after the needs of the marginalized. The world would tell us that we should look out for ourselves and scramble for places of honor. I've resolved over the years to reflect upon those things that I know are relevant to Jesus and make them relevant to me even if those around me do not share my same ambition. As we continue to follow Christ together, I pray that we walk this road together as individuals and as a church. Beginning October 6, our early worship service will begin at 8:30 a.m. instead of 8:45 a.m.

The Reverend Dr. P. Shane Green The Reverend John Fugh, Jr.storage.cloversites.com/stpaulunitedmethodistchurch/documents/St… · Live Broadcast at Eleven O’clock – The Truth

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  • The Reverend D

    The Reveren


    Phone: (7Fax: (706


    Vol. 52 Columbus, Georgia September 22, 20

    This year is my 30th anniversary. Something very special happened this year. Anniversaries are important, aren't they? They commemorate westart of a job, and other things that we want to remember. We remind ourselmarking them in our calendars. Thirty years ago on May 15, 1983, I accepand Savior. It was in a small Sunday school room in Western Pennsymorning. As I reflect about that day along with the days and years that followedon so many different levels. I rejoice that God gave me an opportunity to reselated that a Sunday school teacher was willing to give me an opportunity t And I celebrate the faithfulness of God throughout the years to bring me to ato serve with such wonderful people. It was that day when Jesus said "Follow me" like He had with so manywhose story unfolds in John 1:43. In this verse we are reminded of the pefor us: A pursuit that invites us to follow Him. Over the years I've wondered follow Jesus, and I've come to the conclusion that following Him centers aimitate Him. Jesus spent several years with His disciples, and these mwatched Jesus. They saw how he responded when He was discouraged. responded to those who were unfriendly to Him. They learned how He caremarginalized. Over those years, these disciples gradually became imitators This call to follow Christ is a call to not merely follow once, but ratherfollowing. Those of us who are gradually learning to be imitators of Christ relevant and what is irrelevant. What seems to be the case is what is remostly irrelevant to Jesus, and what is relevant to Jesus is mostly irrelevexample, Jesus encourages us to put others first and to care after the needThe world would tell us that we should look out for ourselves and scramble foresolved over the years to reflect upon those things that I know are relevathem relevant to me even if those around me do not share my same ambitifollow Christ together, I pray that we walk this road together as individuals an

    Beginning October 6, our early worship service will begin at 8:30 a.m. in

    r. P. Shane Green

    d John Fugh, Jr.


    06) 327-7419 ) 327-0412


    13 No. 38

    to me thirty years ago ddings, birthdays, the

    ves of these events by ted Jesus as my Lord

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    , I realize many things pond to His love. I am o respond to that love. place such as St Paul

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    stead of 8:45 a.m.

    This year is my 30th anniversary.  Something very special happened to me thirty years ago this year.  Anniversaries are important, aren't they?  They commemorate weddings, birthdays, the start of a job, and other things that we want to remember.  We remind ourselves of these events by marking them in our calendars.  Thirty years ago on May 15, 1983, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  It was in a small Sunday school room in Western Pennsylvania at 10:50 in the morning.

    As I reflect about that day along with the days and years that followed, I realize many things on so many different levels.  I rejoice that God gave me an opportunity to respond to His love.  I am elated that a Sunday school teacher was willing to give me an opportunity to respond to that love.  And I celebrate the faithfulness of God throughout the years to bring me to a place such as St Paul to serve with such wonderful people.

    It was that day when Jesus said "Follow me" like He had with so many others including Philip whose story unfolds in John 1:43.  In this verse we are reminded of the persistent pursuit of God for us: A pursuit that invites us to follow Him.  Over the years I've wondered what it really means to follow Jesus, and I've come to the conclusion that following Him centers around a willingness to imitate Him.  Jesus spent several years with His disciples, and these men along with others watched Jesus.  They saw how he responded when He was discouraged.  They noticed how He responded to those who were unfriendly to Him.  They learned how He cared for children and the marginalized.  Over those years, these disciples gradually became imitators of Christ.

    This call to follow Christ is a call to not merely follow once, but rather it is a call to keep on following.  Those of us who are gradually learning to be imitators of Christ are discerning what is relevant and what is irrelevant.  What seems to be the case is what is relevant to the world is mostly irrelevant to Jesus, and what is relevant to Jesus is mostly irrelevant to the world.  For example, Jesus encourages us to put others first and to care after the needs of the marginalized. The world would tell us that we should look out for ourselves and scramble for places of honor.  I've resolved over the years to reflect upon those things that I know are relevant to Jesus and make them relevant to me even if those around me do not share my same ambition.  As we continue to follow Christ together, I pray that we walk this road together as individuals and as a church.

    Beginning October 6, our early worship service will begin at 8:30 a.m. instead of 8:45 a.m.


    Live Broadcast at Eleven O’clock – The Truth 88.5 FM, WBOJ

    Morning Worship Services – 8:45 a.m., 9:00 a.m., & 10:55 a.m.

    Eleventh Sunday in Kingdomtide – Green

    September 22, 2013

    The Church Gathers for Worship

    The Choral Call to Worship: “Brethren, We Have Met to Worship”

    The Parish Concerns & Announcements

    The Chiming of the Hour

    The Flame Comes to the Altar

    The Preludes:

    (8:45) “Prelude in Classic Style”by Gordon Young

    (10:55) “Toccata”by Pachelbel

    *The Hymn of Celebration: “My Hope Is Build”No. 368

    *The Minister: “Let Us Unite in the Historic Confession of the Christian Church”

    I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

    *The Gloria Patri

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.

    (8:45) The Baptism of Anna Patrick TommasoNo. 39

    (Daughter of Jennifer & Tim Tommaso)

    (Granddaughter of Martha Cargill)

    The Baptismal Hymn of Response: “Jesus Loves Me”No. 191

    (10:55) The Baptism of Katherine (Kate) Jean MartinNo. 39

    (Daughter of John & Melissa Martin; sister of John, Jr.)

    (Granddaughter of Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Coolik, Mrs. Helen Martin; great-granddaughter of Mrs. John Endahl; Goddaughter of Mr. Frank K. Martin, Jr. and Mrs. Courtney Amos)

    The Baptismal Hymn of Response: “Jesus Loves Me”No. 191

    The Call to Prayer

    The Pastoral Prayer: Rev. John Fugh, Jr.

    The Lord’s Prayer

    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

    *The Hymn of Preparation: “Seek Ye First”No. 405

    The Minister: “Let Us Worship God with His Tithes and Our Offerings”

    The Offertory Prayer

    The Offertory: “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need”by Roger Wilson

    *The Doxology

    Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below:

    praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

    *The Scripture Lessons:

    (8:45 & 10:55) Isaiah 40:28-31Pew Bible, page 583

    (9:00) John 2:1-11

    Minister: The Word of God for the People of God.

    Congregational Response: Thanks be to God.

    *The Passing of the Peace

    Minister: The Peace of Christ be with you.

    Congregation: And also with you.

    The Registration of Attendance

    *The Welcome to St. Paul and Recognition of our Guests

    (Please take this time to greet those around you.)

    (8:45) The Word in Song: “Blessed Assurance”by Joel Raney

    (10:55) The Children’s SermonRev. Dr. P. Shane Green

    (Immediately following the Children’s Sermon, all children ages K4- 2nd grade are invited to go to Children’s Church)

    (10:55) The Anthem: “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”by G. Martin

    The Sermons:

    (8:45 & 10:55) “Our Sustenance”Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green

    (9:00) “The Effect of the Miracle”Rev. John Fugh, Jr.

    *The Call to Christian Discipleship

    If you made a decision today or if you would like to unite with St. Paul,

    come forward on the last verse of our hymn of consecration.

    *The Hymn of Consecration: “Blessed Assurance”No. 369

    *The Flame Goes Before Us into the World

    *The Benediction and Amen: “On Eagle’s Wings”

    *The Postludes:

    (8:45) “Ach Gott, vom Himmel sich darein”by Johann Pachelbel

    (10:55) “Fanfare”by A. Metzner

    *The Church Returns to His World to Serve Him

    *Those who are able please stand.

    Organists: Mr. Wayne Martz and Mrs. Sue Dietrich Soloist: Mr. Cy Dietrich

    All music used by permission. One license (#A-714141) CCLI (#2035792)

    THE FLOWERS ON THE SANCTUARY ALTAR today are given to the Glory of God and in celebration of the baptism of Anna Patrick Tommaso and in loving memory of her grandfather, Mr. Edward Bouchard.

    THE FAMILY OF CHRIST AT ST. PAUL extends our Christian love and sympathy to Doris Ivey and family in the death of her husband, John S. Ivey, September 11, 2013.

    If you are interested in joining St. Paul UMC, please contact Rev. John Fugh, Jr. by calling the Church Office at (706)327-7419 extension 205 or by email at [email protected]

    sunday, september 22:

    8:45 a.m.Early Worship (Sanctuary)

    9:00 a.m.Contemporary Worship (CWC)

    9:45 a.m.Weekly Communion (Illges Chapel)

    9:45 a.m.sunday school for all ages!

    9:50 a.m. E3am (E3 Classroom)

    10:15 a.m.Chancel Choir Rehearsal

    10:55 a.m.Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)

    3:00 p.m.Cub Scouts (Illges Chapel)

    4:30 p.m.Acolyte Training (Sanctuary)

    5:00 p.m.Committee on Lay Leadership

    (Forum Classroom)

    5:00 p.m.Carol Choir Rehearsal

    5:00 p.m.E3 Youth Activities

    5:30 p.m.Snack Supper (Fellowship Hall)

    (for Choirs, Acolytes, & E3)

    6:00 p.m.Covenant Choir Rehearsal

    monday, september 23:

    10:30 a.m.St. Paul Staff Meeting

    (Wilson Library)

    tuesday, september 24:

    9:45 a.m.Women’s Morning Bible Study

    (Miller-Wilson Classroom)

    11:30 p.m.Women’s Lunch Bible Study

    (Cornerstone Classroom)

    12 noonOne Anothers Circle

    (Miller-Wilson Classroom)

    4:00 p.m.Spring Harbor Devotional

    (Spring Harbor Theatre)

    wednesday, september 25:

    12 noon Prayer Guild Luncheon

    (Off Campus)

    4:30 p.m.E3 Band Rehearsal

    4:30 p.m.Bible “Word” Study Group

    (Cornerstone Classroom)

    5:00 p.m.Cherub Choir Rehearsal


    (Fellowship Hall)

    6:00 p.m.FPU (Cornerstone Classroom)

    6:20 p.m.study series (details inside bulletin)

    (Fellowship Hall)

    6:30 p.m.Adult Handbell Choir Rehearsal

    7:15 p.m.Chancel Choir Rehearsal

    thursday, september 26:

    12 noonDowntown Lunch Bible Study

    (Chattahoochee Building)

    5:30 p.m.Mentor Meeting

    (Fellowship Hall)

    friday, september 27:

    6:30 a.m.Men’s Bible Study

    (Miller-Wilson Classroom)

    * (contemporary worship center)

    Serving this week:


    (8:45) Ken Crumpler and Trey Carmack

    (10:55)Charlie Jarrell (lead usher), Jason McDonald, Guy Kenimer, Jr., Asa Swift

    altar guild:

    (sanctuary) Celia Jenkins and Pam Shuler

    flower rearranging & delivery:

    Knoxie Heisler


    (8:45) Ashley Ledbetter and Springer Tebeau

    (10:55) Stevie Lorentz and Stewart Rushin

    Helper: Caroline Smith

    children’s church:

    (4 & 5 yr. olds – meet in 4 & 5 yr classroom)

    Teacher:Laurie McRae

    Volunteers:Ken & Sue Beth Bunn

    (1st & 2nd grades – meet in activity room)

    Teacher:Caroline Smith

    Volunteers:Mark & Courtney Ellis

    registration collector:

    Barbara Farish


    (8:45)Bruce Roberts (CWC)

    (9:00)The Sims family (CWC)

    (10:55)Bettye Spence and Gloria Stover


    B.R. Johnson (Sunday School)

    prayer guild:

    Sally Kenimer, Ann Norris, Becky Averett, Velma Patterson

    meals on wheels volunteers:

    route I- Helen Burgin, Kathie Bridges, Charlie Jarrell, Knoxie Heisler, Ben Miller

    route II- Ron & Karen West, Mary Varner, Gail Hudson, Becky Averett, Joanne Hudson, Alex Woodward, Chuck & Marilyn Magoni

    “God’s Graciousness, Our Gratefulness”

    Sunday School214

    A.M. Worship Services397

    Budget Needs to Date$1,215,080

    Budget Receipts Last Week$20,572

    Budget Receipts to Date$966,518

    Altar Fund in memory of HELEN L. JACKSON by Peggy Jenkins, Sonny & Lisa White, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Crumpler; RANDY JORDAN by Mr. & Mrs. Ken Crumpler; JOHN S. IVEY by Shirley & Jack Fatum, the Miller-Wilson Class; BENJAMIN A. KOON by Mary Ann Clark, Betty & Buddy Roberts, Fran Greene, Peggy Jenkins, the Miller-Wilson Class.

    Building Fund in memory of JACK S. COPELAN by Tootie & Robert Bickerstaff; BENJAMIN A. KOON by Shirley & Jack Fatum, Shirley & Ben Moon, Larry & Ginger Harper, William Thorne, Mr. & Mrs. George Jeter, Robert & Anna Johnson; JOHN S. IVEY by Corinne Jarrell.

    Meals on Wheels in memory of DORA LEE BROWN by Fran Greene.

    Music Ministry in memory of HELEN L. JACKSON, BENJAMIN A. KOON by Crow & Kay Gudger.

    Prayer Guild in memory of HELEN L. JACKSON by Velma Patterson.

    Sound Choices in memory of JERRY S. LORENTZ by Jean Lorentz.

    Ukraine Missions Fund in memory of DR. BOB RESSMEYER, REV. WILLIAM O. POWELL by Dr. & Mrs. Jack Sherrer, Jr.; RULON T. STEPHENSON, BARBARA PRUITT by Matthew & Tammy Reynolds; JACK S. COPELAN by Matthew & Tammy Reynolds, Nelia Partain REV. WILLIAM O. POWELL by Dr. & Mrs. Jack Sherrer, Jr., Nelia Partain; HELEN L. JACKSON, DR. JOHN H. DEATON by Matthew & Tammy Reynolds, Nelia Partain; LT. GEN. WILLIAM B. CALDWELL, IV, SUE T. BETTS, ANNE EDGE, FLOYD C. JARRELL by Nelia Partain.

    Wesley Glen Ministry in memory of HELEN L. JACKSON by Charles & Judy Gower, Corinne Jarrell, Ann & Billy Key, Margaret Ledford, Stephen Butler, Jacquie Rawls, Mrs. T. Earl Taylor, Sherry & Tom Wade, Janice Watson, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Howard, Charlie & Pam Johnson, Dr. & Mrs. John Watson, Carol Auten, Roberta Alston, George & Patti Lipscomb, Sue Cheney, Mr. & Mrs. Jarratt Pryor, Shirley & Jack Fatum, Robinson, Grimes, & Company, P.P.C., Charles Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. George Jeter, Barbara Farish, Robert & Anna Johnson, Frank Reames, Dala Durham, Carol Graham, Larry & Ginger Harper, Michael & Elizabeth Hipps, Judge & Mrs. John Laney, III, Julie & Neal Littlejohn, Rev. Riley Middleton, Jr., Mary Elsie & Buddy, Barbara S. Peebles, Charles & Linda Reynolds, Julie & Mizelle Alexander, Betty & Buddy Roberts, Mary Ann Clark, Pat Ward, Mary Pat & Buford King, Fran Greene, Sue Ann & Champ Baker, Susan & Tom Buck, III, Carol & Doug Harvey, Kathy Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Williams, Mrs. Louise O’Kelley, Faith Curran; JACK S. COPELAN by Faith Curran.

    Memorials continued:

    Wynnton Neighborhood Network in memory of JACK S. COPELAN by Barbara Farish; LANNY & SUSAN BISHOP by Barbara Farish, LUTHER DURHAM by Fran Greene; RANDY JORDAN by Louise O’Kelley.

    Youth Ministry in memory of BENJAMIN A. KOON by George Pruitt.

    Building Fund in honor of DR. GEORGE JARRELL on the occasion of his birthday by Corinne Jarrell.

    Ukraine Missions Fund in honor of MATTHEW & TAMMY REYNOLDS by Nelia Partain.

    The Annual St. Paul Family

    Sunday, October 20, 2013

    3:30 pm - 6:00 pm

     Open to Everyone

    And Free for All!!!

    Includes hot dog dinner, hot dog eating contest, carnival games, awesome inflatables, and great prizes!

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      Have your friends told you that you make the best chili around? Then be sure to enter…

    The Annual Chili Cook Off! 

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Help us with this outreach event by donating candy over the next few weeks. We will have boxes throughout the church marked for your donations. Thanks for all you do to make this event such a success each year!

    The American Red Cross Blood Drive

    A Blood Drive will be held at the Church Sunday, October 13, from 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. This will give you an opportunity to donate before or after Sunday school or your preferred worship service. Please contact the Church Office to sign up for this event.

    E3am – Sundays mornings @ 9:50 a.m.

    in the E3 Room.

    E3pm - We will meet this Sunday, Sept. 22, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Be sure to bring $1 for snack supper! Questions…please email [email protected].

    In Christ, Mitch

    Wednesday Night Program Schedule


    “What Do Christians Believe Compared to Other Religions?”

    · Sept. 25-Series continues: Islam

    · Oct. 2-Series continues: Judaism

    · Oct. 9-Series continues: Christianity

    · Oct. 16-Series Recap

    Wednesday, September 25, 2013

    Soup @ 5:30 p.m. Dinner @ 5:45 p.m.

    Program – Study Series:

    What Do Christians Believe…?

    Please call the Church Office at (706)327-7419 to make or break reservations no later than noon Tuesday or email:

    [email protected]

    or go to our website


    ADULT MENU Baked ham, macaroni & cheese, yams, turnip greens, cornbread, dinner rolls, assorted desserts, tea, & coffee.

    Kids’ Corner Lasagna, macaroni & cheese, sweet peas, rolls, Jell-O, cookies, & milk.

    Meal Reservations– September 25, 2013


    Please: No bills larger than a $20

    Adult Child

    4TH Grade-Adult - $6.00 _____

    3 yrs. thru 3RD grade - $3.50 _____

    Under 3 yrs. no charge


    Name: ___________________________


    All ladies of the church are invited to attend!!!

    The One Anothers Circle will meet on Tuesday, September 24, at 12:00 noon in the Miller-Wilson Room. Please make plans to attend.

    Study Opportunities for Fall 2013


    “Revelation” Study at 10 a.m.

    Begins September 29, in the Fellowship Hall

    Led by Dr. Shane Green and Rev. John Fugh, Jr.


    Online Bible Study at 8:30 p.m.

    Begins October 14 Led by Rev. John Fugh, Jr.


    * Word Study at 4:30 p.m.

    Every Wednesday in the Cornerstone Room

    Led by Rev. John Fugh, Jr.

    * Nursery available with advance request.

    See Calendar section for studies already in progress. Please call the Church Office at (706)327-7419 for more information or to sign up today!!!

    We are training our third graders for the office of Acolyte in the Church. We are excited about this time we have together with your children, teaching them about the church, her worship, and their place of service by being an acolyte. They are learning about the Christian Year, the Christian Colors, lighting the candles, serving the altar, baptisms and communion. Acolyte Training is held on Sunday afternoons from 4:30 till 5:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. They are also invited to stay for snack supper following the training session. The cost for snack supper is $1.

    Remaining training dates: Sept. 22 & 29.

    Please Let Us Know…

    If you or someone you know is in the hospital, has a baby, has a death in the family, etc., please inform the Church Office so that we can minister to you and your loved ones effectively. In the event of an emergency, please call (706)478-5533.

    PRAYER LINE: 706-327-1547

    The Reverend Dr. P. Shane Green

    The Reverend John Fugh, Jr.


    Phone: (706) 327-7419

    Fax: (706) 327-0412

    � HYPERLINK "http://www.stpaulunitedmethodist.com" ��www.stpaulunitedmethodist.com�

    Vol. 52 Columbus, Georgia September 22, 2013 No. 38


    Benjamin Allen Koon

    September 11, 2013


    Cindy Lee�September 22, 2013.doc�


  • SAINT PAUL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Live Broadcast at Eleven O’clock – The Truth 88.5 FM, WBOJ

    Morning Worship Services – 8:45 a.m., 9:00 a.m., & 10:55 a.m. Eleventh Sunday in Kingdomtide – Green

    September 22, 2013

    The Church Gathers for Worship The Choral Call to Worship: “Brethren, We Have Met to Worship” The Parish Concerns & Announcements The Chiming of the Hour The Flame Comes to the Altar The Preludes: (8:45) “Prelude in Classic Style” .............................................................................. by Gordon Young (10:55) “Toccata” .............................................................................................................by Pachelbel *The Hymn of Celebration: “My Hope Is Build”............................................................................No. 368 *The Minister: “Let Us Unite in the Historic Confession of the Christian Church”

    I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

    *The Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.

    (8:45) The Baptism of Anna Patrick Tommaso...................................................................No. 39 (Daughter of Jennifer & Tim Tommaso)

    (Granddaughter of Martha Cargill) The Baptismal Hymn of Response: “Jesus Loves Me”.........................................No. 191 (10:55) The Baptism of Katherine (Kate) Jean Martin ........................................................No. 39

    (Daughter of John & Melissa Martin; sister of John, Jr.) (Granddaughter of Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Coolik, Mrs. Helen Martin; great-granddaughter of Mrs. John Endahl; Goddaughter of Mr. Frank K. Martin, Jr. and Mrs. Courtney Amos)

    The Baptismal Hymn of Response: “Jesus Loves Me”.........................................No. 191 The Call to Prayer The Pastoral Prayer: ................................................................................................ Rev. John Fugh, Jr. The Lord’s Prayer

    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

    *The Hymn of Preparation: “Seek Ye First” .................................................................................No. 405 The Minister: “Let Us Worship God with His Tithes and Our Offerings” The Offertory Prayer The Offertory: “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need”.................................................... by Roger Wilson *The Doxology

    Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below: praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

  • *The Scripture Lessons: (8:45 & 10:55) Isaiah 40:28-31........................................................................... Pew Bible, page 583 (9:00) John 2:1-11 Minister: The Word of God for the People of God. Congregational Response: Thanks be to God.

    *The Passing of the Peace Minister: The Peace of Christ be with you. Congregation: And also with you.

    The Registration of Attendance *The Welcome to St. Paul and Recognition of our Guests

    (Please take this time to greet those around you.)

    (8:45) The Word in Song: “Blessed Assurance” ................................................................by Joel Raney (10:55) The Children’s Sermon........................................................................ Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green

    (Immediately following the Children’s Sermon, all children ages K4- 2nd grade are invited to go to Children’s Church)

    (10:55) The Anthem: “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”................................................by G. Martin The Sermons: (8:45 & 10:55) “Our Sustenance”................................................................. Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green (9:00) “The Effect of the Miracle”......................................................................... Rev. John Fugh, Jr.

    *The Call to Christian Discipleship If you made a decision today or if you would like to unite with St. Paul,

    come forward on the last verse of our hymn of consecration.

    *The Hymn of Consecration: “Blessed Assurance” .....................................................................No. 369 *The Flame Goes Before Us into the World

    *The Benediction and Amen: “On Eagle’s Wings”

    *The Postludes: (8:45) “Ach Gott, vom Himmel sich darein” ........................................................ by Johann Pachelbel (10:55) “Fanfare” ........................................................................................................... by A. Metzner *The Church Returns to His World to Serve Him

    *Those who are able please stand.

    Organists: Mr. Wayne Martz and Mrs. Sue Dietrich Soloist: Mr. Cy Dietrich All music used by permission. One license (#A-714141) CCLI (#2035792)

    THE FLOWERS ON THE SANCTUARY ALTAR today are given to the Glory of God and in celebration of the baptism of Anna Patrick Tommaso and in loving memory of her grandfather, Mr. Edward Bouchard.

    IN MEMORIAM Benjamin Allen Koon

    September 11, 2013

    THE FAMILY OF CHRIST AT ST. PAUL extends our Christian love and sympathy to Doris Ivey and family in the death of her husband, John S. Ivey, September 11, 2013.

    If you are interested in joining St. Paul UMC, please contact Rev. John Fugh, Jr. by calling the Church Office at (706)327-7419 extension 205 or by email at [email protected]

  • SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22: 8:45 a.m. Early Worship (Sanctuary) 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship (CWC) 9:45 a.m. Weekly Communion (Illges Chapel) 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES! 9:50 a.m. E3am (E3 Classroom) 10:15 a.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10:55 a.m. Traditional Worship (Sanctuary) 3:00 p.m. Cub Scouts (Illges Chapel) 4:30 p.m. Acolyte Training (Sanctuary) 5:00 p.m. Committee on Lay Leadership (Forum Classroom) 5:00 p.m. Carol Choir Rehearsal 5:00 p.m. E3 Youth Activities 5:30 p.m. Snack Supper (Fellowship Hall) (for Choirs, Acolytes, & E3) 6:00 p.m. Covenant Choir Rehearsal MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23: 10:30 a.m. St. Paul Staff Meeting (Wilson Library) TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24: 9:45 a.m. Women’s Morning Bible Study (Miller-Wilson Classroom) 11:30 p.m. Women’s Lunch Bible Study (Cornerstone Classroom) 12 noon One Anothers Circle (Miller-Wilson Classroom) 4:00 p.m. Spring Harbor Devotional (Spring Harbor Theatre) WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25: 12 noon Prayer Guild Luncheon (Off Campus) 4:30 p.m. E3 Band Rehearsal 4:30 p.m. Bible “Word” Study Group (Cornerstone Classroom) 5:00 p.m. Cherub Choir Rehearsal 5:45 P.M. FAMILY NIGHT SUPPER (Fellowship Hall) 6:00 p.m. FPU (Cornerstone Classroom) 6:20 P.M. STUDY SERIES (DETAILS INSIDE BULLETIN) (Fellowship Hall) 6:30 p.m. Adult Handbell Choir Rehearsal 7:15 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26: 12 noon Downtown Lunch Bible Study (Chattahoochee Building) 5:30 p.m. Mentor Meeting (Fellowship Hall) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27: 6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study (Miller-Wilson Classroom)


    Serving this week: USHERS: (8:45) Ken Crumpler and Trey Carmack (10:55) Charlie Jarrell (lead usher), Jason

    McDonald, Guy Kenimer, Jr., Asa Swift

    ALTAR GUILD: (SANCTUARY) Celia Jenkins and Pam Shuler


    ACOLYTES: (8:45) Ashley Ledbetter and Springer Tebeau (10:55) Stevie Lorentz and Stewart Rushin Helper: Caroline Smith


    Teacher: Laurie McRae Volunteers: Ken & Sue Beth Bunn

    (1ST & 2ND GRADES – MEET IN ACTIVITY ROOM) Teacher: Caroline Smith Volunteers: Mark & Courtney Ellis


    GREETERS: (8:45) Bruce Roberts (CWC) (9:00) The Sims family (CWC) (10:55) Bettye Spence and Gloria Stover (Sanctuary)

    B.R. Johnson (Sunday School)

    PRAYER GUILD: Sally Kenimer, Ann Norris, Becky Averett, Velma Patterson

    MEALS ON WHEELS VOLUNTEERS: ROUTE I- Helen Burgin, Kathie Bridges, Charlie Jarrell, Knoxie Heisler, Ben Miller ROUTE II- Ron & Karen West, Mary Varner, Gail Hudson, Becky Averett, Joanne Hudson, Alex Woodward, Chuck & Marilyn Magoni

    “God’s Graciousness, Our Gratefulness”

    Sunday School............................................ 214 A.M. Worship Services ............................... 397 Budget Needs to Date .................... $1,215,080 Budget Receipts Last Week ................ $20,572 Budget Receipts to Date.................... $966,518

  • Altar Fund in memory of HELEN L. JACKSON by Peggy Jenkins, Sonny & Lisa White, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Crumpler; RANDY JORDAN by Mr. & Mrs. Ken Crumpler; JOHN S. IVEY by Shirley & Jack Fatum, the Miller-Wilson Class; BENJAMIN A. KOON by Mary Ann Clark, Betty & Buddy Roberts, Fran Greene, Peggy Jenkins, the Miller-Wilson Class.

    Building Fund in memory of JACK S. COPELAN by Tootie & Robert Bickerstaff; BENJAMIN A. KOON by Shirley & Jack Fatum, Shirley & Ben Moon, Larry & Ginger Harper, William Thorne, Mr. & Mrs. George Jeter, Robert & Anna Johnson; JOHN S. IVEY by Corinne Jarrell.

    Meals on Wheels in memory of DORA LEE BROWN by Fran Greene.

    Music Ministry in memory of HELEN L. JACKSON, BENJAMIN A. KOON by Crow & Kay Gudger.

    Prayer Guild in memory of HELEN L. JACKSON by Velma Patterson.

    Sound Choices in memory of JERRY S. LORENTZ by Jean Lorentz.

    Ukraine Missions Fund in memory of DR. BOB RESSMEYER, REV. WILLIAM O. POWELL by Dr. & Mrs. Jack Sherrer, Jr.; RULON T. STEPHENSON, BARBARA PRUITT by Matthew & Tammy Reynolds; JACK S. COPELAN by Matthew & Tammy Reynolds, Nelia Partain REV. WILLIAM O. POWELL by Dr. & Mrs. Jack Sherrer, Jr., Nelia Partain; HELEN L. JACKSON, DR. JOHN H. DEATON by Matthew & Tammy Reynolds, Nelia Partain; LT. GEN. WILLIAM B. CALDWELL, IV, SUE T. BETTS, ANNE EDGE, FLOYD C. JARRELL by Nelia Partain.

    Wesley Glen Ministry in memory of HELEN L. JACKSON by Charles & Judy Gower, Corinne Jarrell, Ann & Billy Key, Margaret Ledford, Stephen Butler, Jacquie Rawls, Mrs. T. Earl Taylor, Sherry & Tom Wade, Janice Watson, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Griffin, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Howard, Charlie & Pam Johnson, Dr. & Mrs. John Watson, Carol Auten, Roberta Alston, George & Patti Lipscomb, Sue Cheney, Mr. & Mrs. Jarratt Pryor, Shirley & Jack Fatum, Robinson, Grimes, & Company, P.P.C., Charles Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. George Jeter, Barbara Farish, Robert & Anna Johnson, Frank Reames, Dala Durham, Carol Graham, Larry & Ginger Harper, Michael & Elizabeth Hipps, Judge & Mrs. John Laney, III, Julie & Neal Littlejohn, Rev. Riley Middleton, Jr., Mary Elsie & Buddy, Barbara S. Peebles, Charles & Linda Reynolds, Julie & Mizelle Alexander, Betty & Buddy Roberts, Mary Ann Clark, Pat Ward, Mary Pat & Buford King, Fran Greene, Sue Ann & Champ Baker, Susan & Tom Buck, III, Carol & Doug Harvey, Kathy Riley, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Williams, Mrs. Louise O’Kelley, Faith Curran; JACK S. COPELAN by Faith Curran.

    Memorials continued:

    Wynnton Neighborhood Network in memory of JACK S. COPELAN by Barbara Farish; LANNY & SUSAN BISHOP by Barbara Farish, LUTHER DURHAM by Fran Greene; RANDY JORDAN by Louise O’Kelley.

    Youth Ministry in memory of BENJAMIN A. KOON by George Pruitt.

    Building Fund in honor of DR. GEORGE JARRELL on the occasion of his birthday by Corinne Jarrell.

    Ukraine Missions Fund in honor of MATTHEW & TAMMY REYNOLDS by Nelia Partain.

    The Annual St. Paul Family

    Sunday, October 20, 2013 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm

    Open to Everyone And Free for All!!!

    Includes hot dog dinner, hot dog eating contest, carnival games, awesome inflatables,

    and great prizes!

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * Have your friends told you that you make the

    best chili around? Then be sure to enter…

    The Annual Chili Cook Off!

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    WE NEED CANDY DONATIONS!!! Help us with this outreach event by donating candy over the next few weeks. We will have boxes throughout the church marked for your donations. Thanks for all you do to make this event such a success each year!

    The American Red Cross Blood Drive

    A Blood Drive will be held at the Church Sunday, October 13, from 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. This will give you an opportunity to donate before or after Sunday school or your preferred worship service. Please contact the Church Office to sign up for this event.

  • E3am – Sundays mornings @ 9:50 a.m. in the E3 Room.

    E3pm - We will meet this Sunday, Sept. 22, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Be sure to bring $1 for

    snack supper! Questions…please email [email protected].

    In Christ, Mitch

    Wednesday Night Program Schedule Series:

    “What Do Christians Believe Compared to Other Religions?”

    • Sept. 25-Series continues: Islam • Oct. 2-Series continues: Judaism • Oct. 9-Series continues: Christianity • Oct. 16-Series Recap

    Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Soup @ 5:30 p.m. Dinner @ 5:45 p.m.

    Program – Study Series: What Do Christians Believe…?

    Please call the Church Office at (706)327-7419 to make or break reservations no later than noon Tuesday or email:

    [email protected] go to our website


    ADULT MENU Baked ham, macaroni & cheese, yams, turnip greens, cornbread, dinner rolls, assorted desserts, tea, & coffee. KIDS’ CORNER Lasagna, macaroni & cheese, sweet peas, rolls, Jell-O, cookies, & milk.

    Meal Reservations– September 25, 2013

    DINE-IN FAMILY MAX - $20 Please: No bills larger than a $20

    Adult Child

    4TH Grade-Adult - $6.00 _____ 3 yrs. thru 3RD grade - $3.50 _____ Under 3 yrs. no charge _____

    Name: ___________________________


    All ladies of the church are invited to attend!!!

    The One Anothers Circle will meet on Tuesday, September 24, at 12:00 noon in the Miller-Wilson Room. Please make plans to attend.

    Study Opportunities for Fall 2013

    SUNDAYS “Revelation” Study at 10 a.m.

    Begins September 29, in the Fellowship Hall Led by Dr. Shane Green and Rev. John Fugh, Jr.

    MONDAYS Online Bible Study at 8:30 p.m.

    Begins October 14 Led by Rev. John Fugh, Jr.


    * Word Study at 4:30 p.m. Every Wednesday in the Cornerstone Room

    Led by Rev. John Fugh, Jr.

    * Nursery available with advance request. See Calendar section for studies already in progress.

    Please call the Church Office at (706)327-7419 for more information or to sign up today!!!

    We are training our third graders for the office of Acolyte in the Church. We are excited about this time we have together with your

    children, teaching them about the church, her worship, and their place of service by being an acolyte. They are learning about the Christian Year, the Christian Colors, lighting the candles, serving the altar, baptisms and communion. Acolyte Training is held on Sunday afternoons from 4:30 till 5:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. They are also invited to stay for snack supper following the training session. The cost for snack supper is $1.

    Remaining training dates: Sept. 22 & 29.

    Please Let Us Know… If you or someone you know is in the hospital, has a baby, has a death in the family, etc., please inform the Church Office so that we can minister to you and your loved ones effectively. In the event of an emergency, please call (706)478-5533.

    PRAYER LINE: 706-327-1547

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.stpaulunitedmethodist.com/

    This year is my 30th anniversary.  Something very special haAs I reflect about that day along with the days and years thIt was that day when Jesus said "Follow me" like He had withThis call to follow Christ is a call to not merely follow onBeginning October 6, our early worship service will begin atSAINT PAUL UNITED METHODIST CHURCHLive Broadcast at Eleven O’clock – The Truth 88.5 FM, WBOJMorning Worship Services – 8:45 a.m., 9:00 a.m., & 10:55 a.mEleventh Sunday in Kingdomtide – GreenSeptember 22, 2013The Church Gathers for WorshipThe Choral Call to Worship: “Brethren, We Have Met to WorshiThe Parish Concerns & AnnouncementsThe Chiming of the HourThe Flame Comes to the AltarThe Preludes:(8:45) “Prelude in Classic Style” by Gordon Young(10:55) “Toccata” by Pachelbel*The Hymn of Celebration: “My Hope Is Build” No. 368*The Minister: “Let Us Unite in the Historic Confession of I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and ea*The Gloria PatriGlory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost;(8:45) The Baptism of Anna Patrick Tommaso No. 39(Daughter of Jennifer & Tim Tommaso)(Granddaughter of Martha Cargill)The Baptismal Hymn of Response: “Jesus Loves Me” No. 191(10:55) The Baptism of Katherine (Kate) Jean Martin No. 39(Daughter of John & Melissa Martin; sister of John, Jr.)(Granddaughter of Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Coolik, Mrs. Helen MThe Baptismal Hymn of Response: “Jesus Loves Me” No. 191The Call to PrayerThe Pastoral Prayer: Rev. John Fugh, Jr.The Lord’s PrayerOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kin*The Hymn of Preparation: “Seek Ye First” No. 405The Minister: “Let Us Worship God with His Tithes and Our OThe Offertory PrayerThe Offertory: “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” by Roger Wi*The DoxologyPraise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all crpraise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and *The Scripture Lessons:(8:45 & 10:55) Isaiah 40:28-31 Pew Bible, page 583(9:00) John 2:1-11Minister: The Word of God for the People of God.Congregational Response: Thanks be to God.*The Passing of the PeaceMinister: The Peace of Christ be with you.Congregation: And also with you.The Registration of Attendance*The Welcome to St. Paul and Recognition of our Guests(Please take this time to greet those around you.)(8:45) The Word in Song: “Blessed Assurance” by Joel Raney(10:55) The Children’s Sermon Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green(Immediately following the Children’s Sermon, all children a(10:55) The Anthem: “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” by G.The Sermons:(8:45 & 10:55) “Our Sustenance” Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green(9:00) “The Effect of the Miracle” Rev. John Fugh, Jr.*The Call to Christian DiscipleshipIf you made a decision today or if you would like to unite wcome forward on the last verse of our hymn of consecration.*The Hymn of Consecration: “Blessed Assurance” No. 369*The Flame Goes Before Us into the World*The Benediction and Amen: “On Eagle’s Wings”*The Postludes:(8:45) “Ach Gott, vom Himmel sich darein” by Johann Pachelbe(10:55) “Fanfare” by A. Metzner*The Church Returns to His World to Serve Him*Those who are able please stand.Organists: Mr. Wayne Martz and Mrs. Sue Dietrich SoloistAll music used by permission. One license (#A-714141) CCLI (THE FLOWERS ON THE SANCTUARY ALTAR today are given to the GlTHE FAMILY OF CHRIST AT ST. PAUL extends our Christian love If you are interested in joining St. Paul UMC, please contacsunday, september 22:8:45 a.m. Early Worship (Sanctuary)9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship (CWC)9:45 a.m. Weekly Communion (Illges Chapel)9:45 a.m. sunday school for all ages!9:50 a.m. E3am (E3 Classroom)10:15 a.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal10:55 a.m. Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)3:00 p.m. Cub Scouts (Illges Chapel)4:30 p.m. Acolyte Training (Sanctuary)5:00 p.m. Committee on Lay Leadership(Forum Classroom)5:00 p.m. Carol Choir Rehearsal5:00 p.m. E3 Youth Activities5:30 p.m. Snack Supper (Fellowship Hall)(for Choirs, Acolytes, & E3)6:00 p.m. Covenant Choir Rehearsalmonday, september 23:10:30 a.m. St. Paul Staff Meeting(Wilson Library)tuesday, september 24:9:45 a.m. Women’s Morning Bible Study(Miller-Wilson Classroom)11:30 p.m. Women’s Lunch Bible Study(Cornerstone Classroom)12 noon One Anothers Circle(Miller-Wilson Classroom)4:00 p.m. Spring Harbor Devotional(Spring Harbor Theatre)wednesday, september 25:12 noon Prayer Guild Luncheon(Off Campus)4:30 p.m. E3 Band Rehearsal4:30 p.m. Bible “Word” Study Group(Cornerstone Classroom)5:00 p.m. Cherub Choir Rehearsal5:45 p.m. FAMILY NIGHT SUPPER(Fellowship Hall)6:00 p.m. FPU (Cornerstone Classroom)6:20 p.m. study series (details inside bulletin)(Fellowship Hall)6:30 p.m. Adult Handbell Choir Rehearsal7:15 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsalthursday, september 26:12 noon Downtown Lunch Bible Study(Chattahoochee Building)5:30 p.m. Mentor Meeting(Fellowship Hall)friday, september 27:6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study(Miller-Wilson Classroom)* (contemporary worship center)Serving this week:ushers:(8:45) Ken Crumpler and Trey Carmack(10:55) Charlie Jarrell (lead usher), Jason McDonald, Guy Kealtar guild:(sanctuary) Celia Jenkins and Pam Shulerflower rearranging & delivery:Knoxie Heisleracolytes:(8:45) Ashley Ledbetter and Springer Tebeau(10:55) Stevie Lorentz and Stewart RushinHelper: Caroline Smithchildren’s church:(4 & 5 yr. olds – meet in 4 & 5 yr classroom)Teacher: Laurie McRaeVolunteers: Ken & Sue Beth Bunn(1st & 2nd grades – meet in activity room)Teacher: Caroline SmithVolunteers: Mark & Courtney Ellisregistration collector:Barbara Farishgreeters:(8:45) Bruce Roberts (CWC)(9:00) The Sims family (CWC)(10:55) Bettye Spence and Gloria Stover(Sanctuary)B.R. Johnson (Sunday School)prayer guild:Sally Kenimer, Ann Norris, Becky Averett, Velma Pattersonmeals on wheels volunteers:route I- Helen Burgin, Kathie Bridges, Charlie Jarrell, Knoxroute II- Ron & Karen West, Mary Varner, Gail Hudson, Becky “God’s Graciousness, Our Gratefulness”Sunday School 214A.M. Worship Services 397

    Budget Needs to Date $1,215,080Budget Receipts Last Week $20,572Budget Receipts to Date $966,518Altar Fund in memory of HELEN L. JACKSON by Peggy Jenkins, SBuilding Fund in memory of JACK S. COPELAN by Tootie & RoberMeals on Wheels in memory of DORA LEE BROWN by Fran Greene.Music Ministry in memory of HELEN L. JACKSON, BENJAMIN A. KOPrayer Guild in memory of HELEN L. JACKSON by Velma PattersoSound Choices in memory of JERRY S. LORENTZ by Jean Lorentz.Ukraine Missions Fund in memory of DR. BOB RESSMEYER, REV. WWesley Glen Ministry in memory of HELEN L. JACKSON by CharleMemorials continued:Wynnton Neighborhood Network in memory of JACK S. COPELAN byYouth Ministry in memory of BENJAMIN A. KOON by George PruitBuilding Fund in honor of DR. GEORGE JARRELL on the occasionUkraine Missions Fund in honor of MATTHEW & TAMMY REYNOLDS bThe Annual St. Paul FamilySunday, October 20, 20133:30 pm - 6:00 pm Open to EveryoneAnd Free for All!!!Includes hot dog dinner, hot dog eating contest, carnival ga* * * * * * * * * * * * *  Have your friends told you that you make the best chili arThe Annual Chili Cook Off! * * * * * * * * * * * * *WE NEED CANDY DONATIONS!!!Help us with this outreach event by donating candy over the The American Red Cross Blood DriveA Blood Drive will be held at the Church Sunday, October 13,E3am – Sundays mornings @ 9:50 a.m.in the E3 Room.E3pm - We will meet this Sunday, Sept. 22, from 5 p.m. to 7In Christ, MitchWednesday Night Program ScheduleSeries:“What Do Christians Believe Compared to Other Religions?”Sept. 25-Series continues: IslamOct. 2-Series continues: JudaismOct. 9-Series continues: ChristianityOct. 16-Series RecapWednesday, September 25, 2013Soup @ 5:30 p.m. Dinner @ 5:45 p.m.Program – Study Series:What Do Christians Believe…?Please call the Church Office at (706)327-7419 to make or [email protected] go to our websitewww.stpaulunitedmethodist.comADULT MENU Baked ham, macaroni & cheese, yams, turnip greensKIDS’ CORNER Lasagna, macaroni & cheese, sweet peas, rolls, Meal Reservations– September 25, 2013DINE-IN FAMILY MAX - $20Please: No bills larger than a $20Adult Child4TH Grade-Adult - $6.00 _____3 yrs. thru 3RD grade - $3.50 _____Under 3 yrs. no charge _____Name: ___________________________UNITED METHODIST WOMEN NEWSAll ladies of the church are invited to attend!!!The One Anothers Circle will meet on Tuesday, September 24, Study Opportunities for Fall 2013SUNDAYS

    “Revelation” Study at 10 a.m.Begins September 29, in the Fellowship HallLed by Dr. Shane Green and Rev. John Fugh, Jr.MONDAYSOnline Bible Study at 8:30 p.m.Begins October 14 Led by Rev. John Fugh, Jr.WEDNESDAYS* Word Study at 4:30 p.m.Every Wednesday in the Cornerstone RoomLed by Rev. John Fugh, Jr.* Nursery available with advance request.See Calendar section for studies already in progress. PleaseWe are training our third graders for the office of Acolyte Remaining training dates: Sept. 22 & 29.Please Let Us Know…If you or someone you know is in the hospital, has a baby, hPRAYER LINE: 706-327-1547

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