The Rio News. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY. Vol. XVII. RIO DE JANEIRO, JUNE 23rd, 1890 Number 25 ©f fir ini pircrtovij UNITED STATES LEGATIÒN.- Âllen's Hotel, Largo dos Leões. OlTicc hours io a. m. to i p. m. JAMES FENNER LEE, Charge d'A fiai res BRITISH LEGATIÒN.—Travessa de D. Manoel, No. 8. GEORGE H. WYNDHAM, Minister. AMERICAN CONSULATE GENERAL.—N'.' ao, Largo da Carioca.O. H. DOCKERY, Cônsul General. BRITISH CONStn.ATI- GENERAL.— NV S, Travessa dcD. Manoel.E. NICOLIN1, Actiiig Cônsul, QTIfitrrlt pivcctíiftj CHRIST CHURCH.-Rua do Evaristo da Veiga. Divine Service every Sunday al 11 a in. (ind on the -s ti ti and .|tli Sundays in each nionth at 7.30 p 111. during thc cool season. II. MOSLEV, M. A., Cliaplain. N. 11. Ali notices should be sent to ALPERT ALLEN., Clerk. No. 6, Run fliitiiaytd. METHODISTEIMSCOPALCHURCII—LárgodoÇnttetc Rhglish services: Sunday School at 10 a.m: preacliing at 11:30 a.m. and 7530 ji 111. 011 Sundnys. Pravcr-mcetiiig and liyinti practice on Eridays al 7:30 and S;v> p.m. Portttg-uest services: Sunday School 10 a.m., prencliing 11.30 a.111. and 7.30 p.m. Suntlays. práyer-mceting, 7.3" p;m, Tuesdays. SEVERRO PEREIRA, Pastor Residence: Kua Fernandes dc Guimarães No. i.\. PU ESBYTERI AN CH U RCH—N" 15 Travessa da Barreira. Services iii Portuguese at 11 o'cloek, a. 111., and 7 o'clock, p. 111., .Sundays : and at 7 o'clock p. in., Thnrsdays. A. TRAJANO, Pastor. HAPTIST CHURCH.—Rua do Conde d'Eu, No. raa. Services in Portuguese every Sunday at 1 1 o'clock, a.m. and 7. o'clock, p.m: and every Wednesday at 7 ò clock p.m. Sunday School at 10 o'clock, a.m. W. B. BAGBY. Pastor. Residence: Rua de Petropolis N. a. IGREJA EVANGÉLICA Kl.UMINENSE.-No. ij5, Rua de S. Joaquim. Services in Portuguese at 10/clock, a.m., and 6o'clock,p.m., every Sumlay: and at /"V-clook, p.m., every Wednesday. Sunday school at .1:30, p.m. RIO SEAMENS* MISSION AND READ ÍNG-ROOM.- Open daily. No. 80 Kua da Misericórdia. Divino Service Oli Suntlays and Wednesdays at 7 p.111. Sailors free and easy on Tuesday Evenings at 7 P">- Gifta of papers, books, left off clothing, etc, may hesent to the above address, or the Missionary will gfádly call for them, THOMAS HOOPER, Missionary. AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY.—General agency at No. 79, Sete de Setembro, and llnor. BRITTSH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOC1 ETY.-Depotat No 71, Kua Sete de Setembro, Rio de Janeiro. BRITISH BENEVOLENT SOCIETY —Subscriptions are earnestlv solicited. Communications should bc addressed to ihe Hon. Secretary— R. S. QlMY.K. Quitanda. ffriiocUrv'0 pi-mtorn RA TL WA VS. ESTRADA CE.VTRA L.—'J hroitgh Expresses: Minas traiu leaves Kio at sa in'.J anives al liaria do Pirahy 7:-3. Entre Kios 9:32 and Itabira (terminus) at f.>? p.m. São Paulo train leaves Rio al 6 a.m arrives at Paria at S: 1 s a.m. and Ca- cltoeira, where passengers for S, Paulo must change. at tattgí. From Entre Rios train leaves at 10:0a a.m. arriving at Porto Novo da Cunha at 11:43. Dotúnwaid, trains leave Itabira at 5-15 a.m: Cachoeira (S. Paulo branch) la.aopan; Porto Novo at 1:05; Entre Rios 3.10. The S. Paulo train arrives in Rio at 6:45 and the Minas traiu at 8 p:m. Limited Express, leaves Kio at 7 a 111 : arrives at Barra at lòtBS! Entre Riosat-2:23 and Marianno Procopio (terminus) at 6:58 p.m. S. Paulo branch leaves Barra at 11:30 and arrives at Cachoeira at 6:25 p.m. From Entre Kios train leaves at 3:15 p.m. and arrives at Porto Novo at 0.05. Dòvniviard, train leaves Marianno Procopio at 5:00 a.m: Cachoeira 5:50 and Porto Novo 5:50, arriving at Rio at 5:10 p.m. Mtxed Trains, leave Rio at 8:30 and 9:20 a.m. 3:15 and 5:20 p.m; fusl goes to Entre Kios arriving at 8.03 p.m; second and tliird to Barra arriving at 0:10 a m and 3:55 p.m. and third lo lleleni arriving al 7:32. DoWHWard, trains leave Entre Rios at 4.30:1.111. arriving at Harra 0:17 and Rio at 3:90 p.m: leave Barra at 4 and «30 a 111: arriving in RtO at 0:1 > a.m. and 1:15 p 111. and leave Belém at 5:10 a.m. arriving in Riu al 7:50 Night service: Traiu leaves Rio at 10 p. tn. every Friday., arriving at Barra at 12:30 and Porto Novo at 5 a. m. />.>:<-«• ivard. traiu leaves Porto Novo at 10:50 p. 111. every Monday, arriving at Barra at 3:15 and Rio at 5:50 a. m. S. PA (ILO A.VD RIO— Train leaves Cachoeira at 12:25 p.m! arriving at S. Paulo at 6uo p m. Dowrtwanl train leaves S Paulo at ó;oo a.m. and arrives at Cachoeira at 12:0* pm. where passengeis change to the Estrada Central (D Pe- dro ll R Ri. LEOPOLDINA R R —For Nova Friburgo trains leave Nictheroy at 7:10a.m and ia; ;s p.m arriving at 10:41 •>-•« and 6:12 p in DwHVMrdt—leave Nova Friburgo at •• .1 m. and r."% p in. arnving ai Nictheroy at u:*> a m. and »;ií p m. For Macahé trains leave at 7:1° »•"»•• pi<*wngers changing at Porto das Caixas, and at n;*_5 a.m. arnving al ii:ai and 7:-^ p.m. From Macahé trains leave at 5 a.m , pasNcngcrs changing at Porto das Caixas, and at t p m arriving at Nictheroy at l«90 a.m. and &t_ p.m. -*eny b .ats leave tbe station, Praça de D Pedro II. about one hour before thc departure of lhe trains from Nictheroy. CORCOl 'A />'» R. R.—Trains leave lhe Station at Co«ne Velho. Larangeiras, at *ó. 50. 3. 30 a.m. ami ia m.. 3 and 5. 30 p.m. returning fwtn 1'aineiras at 7. 30, «o- 3* a ra.. r, 4.45 a»d 8 p. m. OoSundaysand holidays leave al 6, 8.9. 30, 11 a m , tt: 30. 2, 3. 30, 5 and 6. 30 p m , returning at 3.35, io. 05, 11. 3% a.m., i. 05, 2 35. 4- o.5- S- 35 •",ml 9' V m R/O DS JA SEIRO ò> XORPIIERN RAIL»'A K-- trains leave tlie central station of tbe Estrada Central railway at 6.^0 a.m. weck-days. and 5 i».m. Sumlay* arnv»nS at Petropolis at «MS a"*1 7 "• ••^«ensen* change at the 5.Francisco Xavier station of the Central railwav to the Northern iinc. Stkamsüs tor Petr «p <!i« leave thc l-arg > Piainhaat 4 |. m. on wcek-days anil 7 a.m. on Sundays and holidays amvingat 9.15 and 60$. Dimmw&rdt, trains lea*« Petrapoits at j.y a m and 3.30 p.m. ..n week days and at 6 a.in. and 4 p.m. Sundays and holidays. itlivavieo, iititocumo, &c. BRITISH SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY.—Rua dos Ou- rives, No. 53, ist floor. BIBLIOTHECA NACIONAL —Rua do Passeio N0.4S. BIBLIOTHECA FLUMINENSE —No. Ca, Ruado Oli vidor. MUSEU NACIONAL.—Praça da Acclamação, cor Rua da Constituição. GABINETE PORTUGUEZ DE LEITURA.—No. ia Rua Luiz dc Camões. JttcMral pircrtftnj Dr. W. Havelburg, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur; formerly of Santos, and recently from an extended visit to Europe. Ofiice and residence; Rua da Alfândega No. 29, from a to 4 p. 111. JtcrtclS. C ARSON'S HOTEL. 100, RUA DO CATTETE. ESTABLISHED 1872. This establishment is quite ready for the coming season ; first-class attendanee, good Baths and mod- era te prices. WILLIAM, D. CARSON, Proprietor. H OTEL PALMEIRAS. E. de F. Central. 'This Hotel, from the fine dry cltmatc ofthe situntipn and excellent water, is peculiarly suitable for inv.ilids and con- valeseents, and for rheumníism, hronchial iiOcctiáns, diarrhéa, intenuitteiit fevers, etc. Board and baths 1$ per dieni. Trains j times a day Return tickot for S days 7$2oo. Apply, Hotel Palmeiras, oral No. 1 Largo do Paço. TItTTTO.A. ^HYT^S HOTEL. 'This old and well known establishment—originally known as " BknNETT's "— situated amidst magnilicent niount.iin scenery, ten miles Irom lhe city of Rio de Janeiro, is now in tlté hands and under lhe personal supervision ofthe owner, JOHN WHYTE. Comfortable ap.irtnients, good table, moderate charges. Swiminillg baths and dotiches free to visitors. 'Telephone No. 2001. H AROLÜ JOSÉ MAMPSIIIRL. 58 Rua do Visconde de Inhaúma. P. O. Box 2Ô3. Importerand nranulacturer's agem. Correspondence solicited Rio de Janeiro. N OBÈL/S EXPLOSIVES Go. LIMITED. Gelignite and Dynamite In, cases of 50 lbs. ea.. nett weisrht Gelignite is a new and very powerful explosivo. Besides possessillg great bte.iking power it comineiids itself for use in this o lUIltry by reason of the fumes after explosion tiot being injiiiioiis to tne w -rkeis. On this account alone great no- vautnge is obtained over most explosivos, by its use, and more especial!)* when operating in contined places. Also patent Detonator caps and BickforcPs patent luse. Por further iiiformatnm and price, apply to the Agenis for Brazil: Watson, (Ritchie & Co. No. 25, Rua Theophilo Ottoni. Rio de Janeiro. RUBBER HAND STAMPS. and Melal-Bodied Rubber Type. S. T. LONGSTRETH, Oflke and wcrks: tS. Travessa do Ouvidor, tst floor. SU. -Special attention given to large stamps Urade-marks) and large type f»r marking coflee bags. T RAPICHÈ VAPOR. Receives fJoods in bond according to Table No. 7 o' the ctisiom house regulations. Rua t/ii Gamboa 1V0. io & 12. Telephone Call, No. )Ç. w ILSON, SONS & CO. (LIMITED) 2, PRAÇA LAS MARINHAS RIO DE JANEIRO. AGENTS OF Til li Pacific Steam Navigation Company, United Slates & Brazil Mail S.S. Co., Shaw, Savill & Albiou Co., Ld. Thc Nczv Zealand Shipping Co., Ld. and lhe Com mercial Union (Fire & Marine) A ssu fa i/ce Co., L im ited. Coíil. —Wilson, Sons & Co. (Umited) haye depâls at St. Vincent, (Cape Verde), Montevidéo, and at tliè chief Brazil Ports; and, among oiliers, supplv coal under cohlrnct, at Rio, io: 'The Brazilian Government; Her Britaiuiic Màjesty's Government; I licTransalUinticSteainsliip Companies ; lhe New Zealand Shipping Companies-, &c, Scc. Insurance.-Kire and Marine Insurances efiected at inodei.ite, rates Coal.-Urge stoeks oi the best Cardiff Coal always kept in depot on Conceição Island Tuç) Boats always ready for service. Ballast supplicd to ships. Esláblishments: Wilson, Sons & Co. (Liniii.d), l.ondon,St. Vincent, (Cape Verde), Rio, Bahia.Pernambuco, Santos, Montevidéo and Buenos Ayres. c HARLES HUE JUN'< & CO. Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants Rua Fresca No. 5. RIO DE JANEIRO. Water supplicd on short notice. VV Ri CASSELS & C o. 13 Rua Primeirode Março, RIO DR JANEIRO CASSELS, KING & Co. 858, Calle Cangallo, BUENOS AYRES Importers and Agents for Manufacturers_ Further Agencie:., suitable to their lines of business—Hard- ware,D imestiegoads, Special lies, etc, ele.—are respec liully solicitei!. \ T J ENC ESLA U G UIM A R À ES & Co. WINE MERCHANTS. Importers oT Oporto,_ Douro and Lisbon wines ofthe best qualities in bottíes, orm casks, and under lhe private marks of lhe house. Sole Agents for A. Izioko Gonçalves, Exporter of Madeira Wines ; G. PRBU.br & Co.,Bordeaux, Exporter ol Bordeaux Wines ; E. Rbmy Martin .'t Co , Exporter òfCognác Dealers in Burgtiody, Rbíne and Mosel wines, Sherries, Champaçne Cognacs and I.i.pieurs ofthe best brands. 'Rua da Alfândega, 83. CRASHLEY & Co., Newsdealersand liúoksellers, Subscriptionsreceived for ali the leading Ençlish and Amor- ican newspapers and periodicals. Agents for The European Mail. Alargeássortment of English novéis, ol the Tauchnitz Edi- tions.idthe Pranklin Square Library and ofthe Lovcll Library constantly on hand. Viev.vs of Rio and ncighbourhood. Order* received for Scientilic and othet books. <(«*«/* fir Lfugstrrtk*í Rn/ter Stamps. Dealers in AtkirtsoH'*, Piesseêr1 Lubin'sand Reyal Perfum.-ritswX Pear's .*?<»«/ No. 67. Rua do Ouvidor H ÀUPT & Co. 50. Rua da Alfândega Caixa 760.AVO DE ?AXEIRO, Representam es in Brasil of FRIED. KRUPP, Essen, Rhineland. AMERICAN Bank Note Company, 78 to 86 TRINITY PLACE, NEW YORK. Business Founded 1795. Inrorporatiil under Laws of tlu. Blaie or Sew York, 1858. Reorgtinizeil JS79. Engraveks and Printers of BONDS, POSTACE & REVHNUE STAMPS, LECAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK NOTES ofthe UNITED STATES; and for Foreign Covernments. ENGRAVING AND PRINTING, Sní^i-víS^íüi-lf^ 0KHTEPÍÒÀTJE8, noNDS «TÍV«?Í' «"^KSJÍILLS Ot* EXCHANGE; bi AMI », &c, In th. Onest nnd most artistie «tylo FKOM STEEL PLATES, With 8PErUl,8AKK(Jl*ARIISto 1'ltKVKJIT COirSTERKKITING. SpeciiU papers manufoctureU exclusively for use of tlie Company. SAFETY COLORS. SAFETY PAPERS. Work Exeented In Flreproof Idillillng». UTHOQRAPHIC AND TYPE PRINTING. KAILWAY TIOKETS «»E l.UPKOVEU STYLES Show Curtiu. I.uIkIh, Culcntlurs. JAMES MACDONOUGH, President. AUG. D. SHEPARD, . ¦-, TOURO ROBERTSON, j Vice-Presidents. THEO. H. FREELAND, Sec'y and Treas. JNO. E. CURRIER,Ass't Sec'y J. K. MYERS, Ass't Treas. T3ALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE :WWORKS, PHILADELPHIA, ILN A'. ' (Estublis/ted, 1831) HüKNHAM.PAKRy, WILLIAMS &CQÍ( Proprietors, viI-l,,e-n,l,ÜC0'"iOtÍr el,ei»"«re adal"ei110 ewíy wriéiy ul ser- iké , -, , ' V"!1.,n',CC",'i,U:l>'.tü sUllll:lld Sa"e« ""d templates changeable '**??"* e"S",eS °' samc' "ass" P"fectly inter Passenger and Freigli t Locomotives, MineLocomo- ttves, A an oro Gauge Locomotives, Steam Street Cars etc, etc. AU work thoroughly guaranteed. Illustraied catalogue íurnished on application of customers Sole Agents iu lirazil: Norton, Megaw <§• Co. i\'o. Sã, Rua /«> de Março. Rio de Janeiro. A NDREW STEELE & Ca, Import and Commission Merchants, have removed from 7a Kua Primeiro de Março to <? Rua do l Hsconde dc Inhaúma 8, .,. , Nio de Janeiro. 1 elcphone 67S.p 0< Box g4i H AUPT & Co. RIO DE JANEIRO. 50 & jj Rua da Alfândega. Imports and Conimissions. Railway Material. Kolling Stock. Machinery. j OHN II. BELLAMY&Go: _General and Commission Merchints, SHIPPING AND STEAMER AGENTS. AGKMS FOR Seirral leading Manufacturers, ALSO IOR TIIK lhames and Àfersey Marine Insurance Lo. AUiance Insurance Co. P. O. 13ux 741.Kio dc Janeiro. O KELL, WILSON & Co. 21 Rua Conselheiro Saraiva 22 Beceo de Bragança. AGENTS t»F TIIF. Northern Assurance Company, General and Commission Merchants for i.-ct£>i and hi«me trade with the interior.

The Rio News. - BNmemoria.bn.br/pdf/349070/per349070_1890_00025.pdf · train leaves Rio al 6 a.m arrives at Paria at S: 1 s a.m. and Ca-cltoeira, where passengers for S, ... Also

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Vol. XVII. RIO DE JANEIRO, JUNE 23rd, 1890 Number 25

©f fir ini pircrtovijUNITED STATES LEGATIÒN.- Âllen's Hotel, Largo

dos Leões. OlTicc hours io a. m. to i p. m.

JAMES FENNER LEE,Charge d'A fiai res



da Carioca. O. H. DOCKERY,Cônsul General.


dcD. Manoel. E. NICOLIN1,Actiiig Cônsul,

QTIfitrrlt pivcctíiftjCHRIST CHURCH.-Rua do Evaristo da Veiga. Divine

Service every Sunday al 11 a in. (ind on the -s ti ti and .|tliSundays in each nionth at 7.30 p 111. during thc coolseason.

II. MOSLEV, M. A., Cliaplain.N. 11. — Ali notices should be sent to

ALPERT ALLEN., Clerk. No. 6, Run fliitiiaytd.

METHODISTEIMSCOPALCHURCII—LárgodoÇnttetcRhglish services: Sunday School at 10 a.m: preacliingat 11:30 a.m. and 7530 ji 111. 011 Sundnys. Pravcr-mcetiiigand liyinti practice on Eridays al 7:30 and S;v> p.m.Portttg-uest services: Sunday School 10 a.m., prencliing11.30 a.111. and 7.30 p.m. Suntlays. práyer-mceting, 7.3"p;m, Tuesdays.


Residence: Kua Fernandes dc Guimarães No. i.\.

PU ESBYTERI AN CH U RCH—N" 15 Travessa da Barreira.Services iii Portuguese at 11 o'cloek, a. 111., and 7 o'clock,p. 111., .Sundays : and at 7 o'clock p. in., Thnrsdays.

A. TRAJANO, Pastor.HAPTIST CHURCH.—Rua do Conde d'Eu, No. raa.

Services in Portuguese every Sunday at 1 1 o'clock, a.m.and 7. o'clock, p.m: and every Wednesday at 7 ò clockp.m. Sunday School at 10 o'clock, a.m.

W. B. BAGBY. Pastor.

Residence: Rua de Petropolis N. a.

IGREJA EVANGÉLICA Kl.UMINENSE.-No. ij5, Ruade S. Joaquim. Services in Portuguese at 10/clock,a.m., and 6o'clock,p.m., every Sumlay: and at /"V-clook,p.m., every Wednesday. Sunday school at .1:30, p.m.

RIO SEAMENS* MISSION AND READ ÍNG-ROOM.-Open daily. No. 80 Kua da Misericórdia. Divino ServiceOli Suntlays and Wednesdays at 7 p.111. Sailors free andeasy on Tuesday Evenings at 7 P">- Gifta of papers,books, left off clothing, etc, may hesent to the aboveaddress, or the Missionary will gfádly call for them,

THOMAS HOOPER, Missionary.

AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY.—General agency at No.

79, Sete de Setembro, and llnor.

BRITTSH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOC1 ETY.-DepotatNo 71, Kua Sete de Setembro, Rio de Janeiro.

BRITISH BENEVOLENT SOCIETY —Subscriptions areearnestlv solicited. Communications should bc addressedto ihe Hon. Secretary— R. S. QlMY.K. iü Quitanda.

ffriiocUrv'0 pi-mtornRA TL WA VS.

ESTRADA CE.VTRA L.—'J hroitgh Expresses: Minastraiu leaves Kio at sa in'.J anives al liaria do Pirahy 7:-3.Entre Kios 9:32 and Itabira (terminus) at f.>? p.m. São Paulotrain leaves Rio al 6 a.m arrives at Paria at S: 1 s a.m. and Ca-cltoeira, where passengers for S, Paulo must change. at tattgí.From Entre Rios train leaves at 10:0a a.m. arriving at PortoNovo da Cunha at 11:43. Dotúnwaid, trains leave Itabiraat 5-15 a.m: Cachoeira (S. Paulo branch) la.aopan; PortoNovo at 1:05; Entre Rios 3.10. The S. Paulo train arrivesin Rio at 6:45 and the Minas traiu at 8 p:m.

Limited Express, leaves Kio at 7 a 111 : arrives at Barraat lòtBS! Entre Riosat-2:23 and Marianno Procopio (terminus)at 6:58 p.m. S. Paulo branch leaves Barra at 11:30 and arrivesat Cachoeira at 6:25 p.m. From Entre Kios train leaves at

3:15 p.m. and arrives at Porto Novo at 0.05. Dòvniviard,train leaves Marianno Procopio at 5:00 a.m: Cachoeira 5:50and Porto Novo 5:50, arriving at Rio at 5:10 p.m.

Mtxed Trains, leave Rio at 8:30 and 9:20 a.m. 3:15 and

5:20 p.m; fusl goes to Entre Kios arriving at 8.03 p.m; secondand tliird to Barra arriving at 0:10 a m and 3:55 p.m. andthird lo lleleni arriving al 7:32. DoWHWard, trains leave EntreRios at 4.30:1.111. arriving at Harra 0:17 and Rio at 3:90 p.m:leave Barra at 4 and «30 a 111: arriving in RtO at 0:1 > a.m. and1:15 p 111. and leave Belém at 5:10 a.m. arriving in Riu al 7:50

Night service: Traiu leaves Rio at 10 p. tn. every Friday.,arriving at Barra at 12:30 and Porto Novo at 5 a. m. />.>:<-«•ivard. traiu leaves Porto Novo at 10:50 p. 111. every Monday,arriving at Barra at 3:15 and Rio at 5:50 a. m.

S. PA (ILO A.VD RIO— Train leaves Cachoeira at 12:25

p.m! arriving at S. Paulo at 6uo p m. Dowrtwanl train leavesS Paulo at ó;oo a.m. and arrives at Cachoeira at 12:0* pm.where passengeis change to the Estrada Central (D Pe-dro ll R Ri.

LEOPOLDINA R R —For Nova Friburgo trains leaveNictheroy at 7:10a.m and ia; ;s p.m arriving at 10:41 •>-•«and 6:12 p in DwHVMrdt—leave Nova Friburgo at •• .1 m.and r."% p in. arnving ai Nictheroy at u:*> a m. and »;ií

p m. For Macahé trains leave at 7:1° »•"»•• pi<*wngerschanging at Porto das Caixas, and at n;*_5 a.m. arnving alii:ai and 7:-^ p.m. From Macahé trains leave at 5 a.m ,pasNcngcrs changing at Porto das Caixas, and at t p marriving at Nictheroy at l«90 a.m. and &t_ p.m. -*enyb .ats leave tbe station, Praça de D Pedro II. about one hourbefore thc departure of lhe trains from Nictheroy.

CORCOl 'A />'» R. R.—Trains leave lhe Station at Co«neVelho. Larangeiras, at *ó. 50. 3. 30 a.m. ami ia m.. 3 and

5. 30 p.m. returning fwtn 1'aineiras at 7. 30, «o- 3* a ra.. r,

4. 45 a»d 8 p. m. OoSundaysand holidays leave al 6, 8.9. 30,11 a m , tt: 30. 2, 3. 30, 5 and 6. 30 p m , returning at 3.35,io. 05, 11. 3% a.m., i. 05, 2 35. 4- o.5- S- 35 •",ml 9' V m

R/O DS JA SEIRO ò> XORPIIERN RAIL»'A K--trains leave tlie central station of tbe Estrada Central railwayat 6.^0 a.m. weck-days. and 5 i».m. Sumlay* arnv»nS atPetropolis at «MS a"*1 7 "• ••^«ensen* change at the5. Francisco Xavier station of the Central railwav to theNorthern iinc. Stkamsüs tor Petr «p <!i« leave thc l-arg >Piainhaat 4 |. m. on wcek-days anil 7 a.m. on Sundays andholidays amvingat 9.15 and 60$. Dimmw&rdt, trains lea*«Petrapoits at j.y a m and 3.30 p.m. ..n week days and at6 a.in. and 4 p.m. Sundays and holidays.

itlivavieo, iititocumo, &c.BRITISH SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY.—Rua dos Ou-

rives, No. 53, ist floor.BIBLIOTHECA NACIONAL —Rua do Passeio N0.4S.BIBLIOTHECA FLUMINENSE —No. Ca, Ruado Oli

vidor.MUSEU NACIONAL.—Praça da Acclamação, cor Rua da


Rua Luiz dc Camões.

JttcMral pircrtftnjDr. W. Havelburg, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur;

formerly of Santos, and recently from an extended visit toEurope. Ofiice and residence; Rua da Alfândega No. 29,from a to 4 p. 111.




This establishment is quite readyfor the coming season ; first-classattendanee, good Baths and mod-era te prices.

WILLIAM, D. CARSON,Proprietor.

H OTEL PALMEIRAS.E. de F. Central.

'This Hotel, from the fine dry cltmatc ofthe situntipn andexcellent water, is peculiarly suitable for inv.ilids and con-valeseents, and for rheumníism, hronchial iiOcctiáns, diarrhéa,intenuitteiit fevers, etc. Board and baths 1$ per dieni.

Trains j times a day Return tickot for S days 7$2oo.Apply, Hotel Palmeiras, oral

No. 1 Largo do Paço.


^HYT^S HOTEL.'This old and well known establishment—originally known

as " BknNETT's "— situated amidst magnilicent niount.iinscenery, ten miles Irom lhe city of Rio de Janeiro, is nowin tlté hands and under lhe personal supervision ofthe owner,


Comfortable ap.irtnients, good table, moderate charges.Swiminillg baths and dotiches free to visitors.

'Telephone No. 2001.

H AROLÜ JOSÉ MAMPSIIIRL.58 Rua do Visconde de Inhaúma.

P. O. Box 2Ô3.

Importerand nranulacturer's agem.Correspondence solicited •

Rio de Janeiro.


Gelignite and DynamiteIn, cases of 50 lbs. ea.. nett weisrht

Gelignite is a new and very powerful explosivo. Besidespossessillg great bte.iking power it comineiids itself for use inthis o lUIltry by reason of the fumes after explosion tiot beinginjiiiioiis to tne w -rkeis. On this account alone great no-vautnge is obtained over most explosivos, by its use, andmore especial!)* when operating in contined places.

Also patent Detonator caps and BickforcPs patentluse. Por further iiiformatnm and price, apply to the

Agenis for Brazil:Watson, (Ritchie & Co.

No. 25, Rua Theophilo Ottoni.Rio de Janeiro.



Melal-Bodied Rubber Type.S. T. LONGSTRETH,

Oflke and wcrks: tS. Travessa do Ouvidor, tst floor.SU. -Special attention given to large stamps Urade-marks)

and large type f»r marking coflee bags.

T RAPICHÈ VAPOR.Receives fJoods in bond according to Table No. 7 o'

the ctisiom house regulations.

Rua t/ii Gamboa 1V0. io & 12.Telephone Call, No. )Ç.




Pacific Steam Navigation Company,United Slates & Brazil Mail S.S. Co.,

Shaw, Savill & Albiou Co., Ld.Thc Nczv Zealand Shipping Co., Ld.

and lhe

Com mercial Union (Fire & Marine)A ssu fa i/ce Co., L im ited.

Coíil. —Wilson, Sons & Co. (Umited) haye depâls at St.Vincent, (Cape Verde), Montevidéo, and at tliè chief BrazilPorts; and, among oiliers, supplv coal under cohlrnct, atRio, io:

'The Brazilian Government;Her Britaiuiic Màjesty's Government;

I licTransalUinticSteainsliip Companies ;lhe New Zealand Shipping Companies-,

&c, Scc.

Insurance.-Kire and Marine Insurances efiected atinodei.ite, rates

Coal.-Urge stoeks oi the best Cardiff Coal always keptin depot on Conceição Island

Tuç) Boats always ready for service.Ballast supplicd to ships.

Esláblishments: Wilson, Sons & Co. (Liniii.d),l.ondon,St. Vincent, (Cape Verde), Rio, Bahia.Pernambuco,Santos, Montevidéo and Buenos Ayres.


Ship Chandlers and Commission MerchantsRua Fresca No. 5.


Water supplicd on short notice.

VV Ri CASSELS & C o.13 Rua Primeirode Março,


CASSELS, KING & Co.858, Calle Cangallo,


Importers and Agents for Manufacturers_Further Agencie:., suitable to their lines of business—Hard-

ware,D imestiegoads, Special lies, etc, ele.—are respec liullysolicitei!.



Oporto,_ Douro and Lisbon wines ofthe best qualities inbottíes, orm casks, and under lhe private marks of lhe house.

Sole Agents forA. Izioko Gonçalves,

Exporter of Madeira Wines ;G. PRBU.br & Co., Bordeaux,

Exporter ol Bordeaux Wines ;E. Rbmy Martin .'t Co ,

Exporter òfCognácDealers in

Burgtiody, Rbíne and Mosel wines, Sherries, ChampaçneCognacs and I.i.pieurs ofthe best brands.

'Rua da Alfândega, 83.

CRASHLEY & Co.,Newsdealersand liúoksellers,

Subscriptionsreceived for ali the leading Ençlish and Amor-ican newspapers and periodicals. Agents for

The European Mail.Alargeássortment of English novéis, ol the Tauchnitz Edi-

tions.idthe Pranklin Square Library and ofthe Lovcll Libraryconstantly on hand.

Viev.vs of Rio and ncighbourhood.Order* received for Scientilic and othet books.

<(«*«/* fir Lfugstrrtk*í Rn/ter Stamps.

Dealers in AtkirtsoH'*, Piesseêr1 Lubin'sand ReyalPerfum.-ritswX Pear's .*?<»«/

No. 67. Rua do Ouvidor

H ÀUPT & Co.50. Rua da Alfândega

Caixa 760. • AVO DE ?AXEIRO,

Representam es in Brasil of

FRIED. KRUPP,Essen, Rhineland.

AMERICANBank Note Company,


Business Founded 1795.Inrorporatiil under Laws of tlu. Blaie or Sew York, 1858.

Reorgtinizeil JS79.Engraveks and Printers of



Sní^i-víS^íüi-lf^ 0KHTEPÍÒÀTJE8, noNDS

«TÍV«?Í' «"^KSJÍILLS Ot* EXCHANGE;bi AMI », &c, In th. Onest nnd most artistie «tyloFKOM STEEL PLATES,

With 8PErUl,8AKK(Jl*ARIISto 1'ltKVKJIT COirSTERKKITING.SpeciiU papers manufoctureU exclusively foruse of tlie Company.

SAFETY COLORS. SAFETY PAPERS.Work Exeented In Flreproof Idillillng».



Vice-Presidents.THEO. H. FREELAND, Sec'y and Treas.JNO. E. CURRIER,Ass't Sec'yJ. K. MYERS, Ass't Treas.



(Estublis/ted, 1831)HüKNHAM.PAKRy, WILLIAMS &CQÍ(


viI-l,,e-n,l,ÜC0'"iOtÍr el,ei»"«re adal"ei110 ewíy wriéiy ul ser-

iké , -, , '

V"!1.,n',CC",'i,U:l>'.tü sUllll:lld Sa"e« ""d templates

changeable '**??"* e"S",eS °' samc' "ass" P"fectly inter

Passenger and Freigli t Locomotives, MineLocomo-ttves, A an oro Gauge Locomotives, Steam Street Carsetc, etc.AU work thoroughly guaranteed.

Illustraied catalogue íurnished on application of customersSole Agents iu lirazil:

Norton, Megaw <§• Co.i\'o. Sã, Rua /«> de Março.

Rio de Janeiro.

ANDREW STEELE & Ca,Import and Commission Merchants,

have removed from 7a Kua Primeiro de Março


<? Rua do l Hsconde dc Inhaúma 8,.,. , Nio de Janeiro.1 elcphone 67S. p 0< Box g4i


50 & jj Rua da Alfândega.

Imports and Conimissions.Railway Material.

Kolling Stock.Machinery.

j OHN II. BELLAMY&Go:General and Commission Merchints,


Seirral leading Manufacturers,ALSO IOR TIIK

lhames and Àfersey Marine Insurance Lo.AUiance Insurance Co.

P. O. 13ux 741. Kio dc Janeiro.

O KELL, WILSON & Co.21 Rua Conselheiro Saraiva

22 Beceo de Bragança.


Northern Assurance Company,General and Commission Merchants

for i.-ct£>i and hi«me trade with the interior.





THE RIO NEWS. [June 23rd, 1890.


Tbe Equitable Life Assurance Society of tbe United States.120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.

Commenced business 1859.


Insurance in Force £131,461,805New Insurance written, 1889 „ 36,5»3,354Total Income, 1889 „ 6,331,935Premium Income „ 5,282,817Paid Policyholders „ 2,467,262' Total Assets £21,322,981Liabilities (4% basis) ,,17,568,591

Surplus ,, 4,754,390

Policies issued and claims paid at the Branch Office for Brazil :RTT-A. COSTA PEEEIEA 3STo. 71





Capital ;£l,000,000 sterling

Agent in Rio ae JaneiroWm. A. Gordon,

31, RuaGeneralCamara. Telephone No.427.



Authorised 1870Marine lUslcs

Authorized 1884.

Agents for tlie Republic of BiazilWilson Sons &• Co. Limited.

No. 2 Praça das Marinhas.


Agents in Rio de JaneiroSmith & Youle.

No. 62, Rua 1 de Março.


Agents for lhe Republic of Brazil

Norton, Megaw & Co.No. 82, Kua 1" de Março, Rio de Janeiro.



Agents 111 Rio de Janeiro

Watson Ritchie & Co.No. 25, Rua de Theophilo Otton .


COMPANY.Agents in Rio de Janeiro :

Okell, Wilson, & Co.21, Rua Conselheiro Saraiva.

Telephone No. 193.


Establishéd t782Authorized by Imperial Decree No. 8,057 '.'/

March 24.H1, /SS/.Insures against risk of fire, houses, gooils and merchandise,

and oflers the best of guarantees with the most favorableconditions.

G. C. Andcrson, Agent.Rua de S. Pedro, No. 1—ist floor.


LONDON AND LIVERPOOLCapital /2,00o, oonAccuihulated Kuiuls....,£6,000,000

Insures againstthe risk of fire, houses, goods andinercban*dise of every kind at reduced rates.

John Moore &* Co, agents.No. 8, Rua da Candelária


Capital ,£i,ooo,ooosterlingReserve fund £ 450,000 ,,

Agettt in Ria de Janeiro

G. C. Andcrson.Rua de S. Pedro No. 1—ist floor.





Rio de Janeiro, Pará, Pernambuco, Bahia,Santos, São Paulo and Porto Alegre.

BRANCHES IN THE RIVER PLATE:Montevidéo and Buenos Ayres.

A. J. LAMOUREUX, Editor and Proprietor.

Contains a sumniary of news and a review of Brazilian aflairs,a list ofthe arrivals and departures of foreign vessels, thc com-mcrcial report and price current ofthe market, tables of stockquotations and sales, a table of freights and charters, a sum-mary of the daily coflee reports from the Associação Com-mercial, and ali other information necessary to a correctjudgmcnt on Brazilian trade.

(Cash invariably in advance)Subseription : 2o$ooo per annum for Brazil.

$ic.oc, or jC2 abroad (24$ when paid here).SINGLE COPIES; 400 reis; for sale at the office

of publication, or at the English Book Store, No. 67 Rua doOuvidor.

Ali subscriptions should run with tbe calendar year.EDITORIAL A NU PUBLICATION OPFICES:-

79, Rua Sete de Setembro.

Subseription and advertiscmenl accounts will be received byGeorge H. Phelps, Esq.

154 Nassau Street, Nnw York.Messrs. Street & Co.

30 Cornhill, London E. C.

Messrs. Bates, Hendy & Co,37 Walbrook London, E. C.

Rio de Janeiro, June 2yá, 1890.

Capital jCDitto, paid up £Reserve Fund jr


Draws on

THE LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK,and transacts every description of Banking business.


as it is to restrict them to one fixed religiousceremony. A simple provision for civilmarriage is ali that can be required, not asan exclusive legal ceremony, but as an al-ternative where the contracting parties pre-fer it to the religious ceremony. Primarilymarriage is a private contract, and it shouldtherefore be left as far as possible to thelistes and preferences of the parties directlyconcerned. To prevent im proper and illc-gal uniohs, the state may very propcrly ex-act an application for a license, where proofsmay be required that no legal obstacle ex-ists to such union. Then, too, the statemay specify who is legally empowered tocelebrate marriage, impose penalties onthose infringing the law, and impose anobligation of registering the act at somespecified public ofiice. Béyorid that thestate should not go, and particularly undera form of government designed to leave itscitizens free to manage their own aflairs.In a republic we are concerned mainly topreserve order, prevent crime and see thatjustice is executed between man and man.These matters of personal sentiment arebest left to individual choice.


lisbon;,oporto, pará, pernambuco, hah1aRIO DE JANEIRO, SANTOS,SÃO PAULO,



Capital f ,,250,000Capital paidup -.. I( 625,000Reserve fund ,, 400,000

Draws on:Messrs. GLYN, MILLS, CURR/E & Co.,

London,Messrs. A/ALLET FRÈRES &> Co.,

Paris,Messrs. J. 11. SCtlRÒüER à* Co.,



DO BRAZIL.22, Rua da Alfândega, 22

Capital (Gold). . Rs. go,ooo,ooo$oooWith right of emission.




London and County BankingCompany Limited

Banque de Paris & des Pays-Bas

Deutsche Bank.

Banque d'Anvers.

BancaGeneralc, and agencies. JI

Banco Hipotecário de Es-pana, and agencies

Banco de Portugal, andagencies

London & River Plate Bank s


Paris.Hamburgll-rlinBremenFrankfurt o/ MainAntw ipRonicGenoaNaplesMila,,

and othcr Italiancities

MadridBarcelona•adi/M alagaTarragonaValeriaand othcr cities in

Spain and tbe Ca-nary I .lands


citiesBuenos Ayres

Thk. new constitution was formally signedyesterday evening and was promulgatcd bya decree of the same date. It appears, froma hasty examination, to be a dose copy ofthc constitution ol the United States, evento the re ten ti oii c.í features, such as the coi-lege oí electors in presidential elections,which experience lias proved to be imprac-ticable. It also contains restrictions, suchas the sole recognition of civil marriage,which must precede the religious ceremony,which seem to us out of place iri a funda-mental law of this character. In other re-spects, however, the instrument, like itscelebrated model, is most wisely and liber-aíly concèivèd. In some particulars it con-tains decided improvements on the Ameri-can constitution, as in the extension of thepresidential term to six years and a prohi-bition on a second sueceeding term. Thiswill render it impossible for any Presidentto intrigue lor his re-election, though it willnot prevent such intrigues as that which se-cured the election of President Çelmah, olArgentina. In a general sense the newconstitution provides for a federal union ofthe old provinces under thc designation ofstates; for a President and Vice-Prcsidentelected indirectly by popular vote for a termof six years, not etigible for re-election fornext sueceeding term; a natiònal Congressof two chambers, viz.: a Chamber of Depu-lies elected for three years by popular votein the ratio of onc to every 70,000 of popu-lation, and a Senate elected by state legisla-tures in the proportion of three to each statefor periods of nine years, renewable bythirds; a federal district for the natiònalcapital, invested with the rights of represen-tation similar to the states; a federal judi-ciary composed of a Supreme FederalTribunal of 15 justices appointed for life,and district tribunais; a cabinet of ministersto advise and assist the President; responsi-bility of President and cabinet before theSupreme Tribunal and Senate; the auton-omy ofthe states for local government; uni-versai sulírage for ali citizens except beg-gars, illiterates, private soldiers and mem-bers <>f religious orders and bodies owingallegiance to rules which deprive them oftheir individual liberty. The states mustadopt constitutions and organize their gov-ernments before the end of 1892. The firstelection of President and Vice-Prcsidentwill be by the Congress called to meet onNovember 151b next, and the first term willend 011 November 15th, 1896. The presiden-tial elections will be held on March ist, theelectoral college will meet May ist, andCongress will assemble annually on May3rd. From a cursor}' glance, the consti tu-tion is an able document, and the country isto be congratulated on its promulgation,even if it is not an expression of popularchoice.

The dispatch from the minister of agri-culture to bis colleague at the Treasury, atranslation of which we publish elsewhere,will wc trust lead to a strict investigationinto the question of "aid to agriculture,''and also to some official report as to themanner in which the favored banks haveemployed tbe enórmoüs sum of money—over 40,000,000$—advanced by lhe Treas-ury, free of interest, to meet thc complaintsof the sufTering agriculturists of Brazil.From the incèplion we have combatled thisidea. Il was openly a political move to se-cure voles from unrüly planters; it wasstigmatizèd as such and the fear was ex-pressed that it would result in scandalousjobbery. The question would not havebeen veiililated, we fear, but (or lhe confiictbetween the Banco Colónisador e Agricolaand the inspector-general ol lands and colo-nizalion, which is to result in a suitor suitsfor libel, for it was very evident that theTreasury was quite prepared to continue Sr.Affonso Celsos contracts until the questionof funds arose. And it is also to be fearedthat the Treasury had no inten tion of takingsteps t«) eníorce those çlauses of the con-tracts lhat provide for the banks advancingIrom their own funds a sum equal to thatadvanced by the state. Such banks as havelarge amounts represehting mortgages ontheir books may easily meet the law by atransfer from one to another account, forrenewals are declared to be legitimate " aidto agriculture" by the minister of finance :but such banks as were started merely towork the proflered government agencv willbe placed in serious straits, if the Treasuryinsists upon their fulfilling the strict termsof their contracts. And it is to be hopedthis will be insisted upon. From a com-mercial point of view it would have beeninfinitely preferable had the governmenttaken over the land represenled by this 40,-000,000$ and proceeded as the banks do insimilar cases—appoint the former ownersoverseers with a salary. For in this casethe "aid to agriculture" would have reachedlhe agriculturist, whereas it is now toleràblycertain that it has been interceptei! beforereaching him. This question ol" "aid toagriculture" needs lhe lullest investigationand it is onlv to be attributed to fear oí theomnipotent pianter, lhat so much delay hasoccurred in securing it.

Lim ited i ^"n'««deo» KosanoMessrs. G. Amsinck & Co. Ne»- Vo,k

This Bank draws and undertake*. the cnllection of Bills nn11 Brazilian Ports.

Iluys loreign exchange on ali points. (írants letters ofcredit f-.r travcllers and for commercial p„rp«*cs Ad%-ance*madr »n coffee and other merchandise in accnrdanre withtlie M.itutes of thc Bank, and transacts cveiy olher des-cription of banking business.

While we are undcr many obligations toour colleague ttntzif for transcribing ourbrief discussion of lhe new civil marriageact. we trust lhat no mis take will be madein regard to our position on that questi. >n.We are wholly and unreservedly in fav«ir ofcivil marriage. but we are consistem enoughin our republicailism to leave the choice be-tween a civil and religious ceremony en-tirely lo the parties concerned. In ouropinion it is as much of a mistake i«i re-strict m.uriages to one lixed civil ceremony,

We decply regret to note that the ad-ministrator of the Misericórdia feels obligedto charge us wilh an undue exercise of im-agination in the statements made in ourlast issue in regard to the death of Mr. JohnWetson. We are not in the habit of editingthis paper with nothing but imagination,and are therefore quite prepared to provethat the role ofaecuser is not so "very dif-ticult" after ali. In the first place Sr. Coi-onna says that *' not one of the many per-sons seeking to visit the American subject(sii) John Wetson failed tospeak with him."Two ol our informante, one of whom is aclergyman, called at the Misericórdia inApril, asked for the patient and were toldthat no such man was in the institution.One <«(' these genilemen went through someof the wards making inquiries. and eventhen obtained no information. As neitherof them knew Mr Wetson personally theywere obliged t«> depend wholly on the hos'-pitai attendants. A third gentleman wentthere. at our request, some weeks since andwas lold lhal there was nu such man in the

June 2 3rd, 1890.] THE RIO NEWS


hospital. He insisted and asked to see thebooks. He informs us that objeclions wereat first made to his examining the books,and that on looking them over he found ]\Ir.Wetson's narre entered as ''João Wilson."He then learned that the pátieht had diedearly in May and that his name was pub-lished as "Jo.sé Wilson." Our informantis a gentlértian whose word can not bequestioned, but if Sr. Colonna wishesfurther proof we beg to refer him to llieburial list of May 6th, publislied in theJornal do Cominercio of May ioth, wheremay be ssei this en,ry: " Hemorrkagiacerebral,—O Americano José Wilson, 61annos, soHeiro, morador na rua do Curvellon. 17 e fallecido no hospital da Misericor-dia." This c'early proves ali the state-ments made in these cohimns and is, in ouropinion, ample justi ficalion for our criteismson the management of that institution.As to our còmplaint that Protesianl in matesaie not permitted to have clergytnèh andpublications of their faith, the admiriistratórissilent. Itis an old dispute on which there isnothing more to be said, except to petitionthe government for a pròpòr.tional divisionof the port dues, now paiu the Misericórdia,with some cher hospital where completereligious toleralion exists. And now thatwe are discussing this matter, will Sr. Col-onna give us information (not imagination)in regard to this case ? We have the namesof three men, presumably sailors, who statethat they saw an attehdant strike a.sickman, an American named George Plum-mer, across- the breast with a folded sheetat half past íive o clock on the móm-ing of the iSth inst., at the same timecalling him vile names, because lhe patienthad soiled his bed. Plnmmer was lyingonhis bed in a helpless condition, and died at12:15 p.m. on the same day—less than

seven hours after this b .ltal treatment. Inthe name of humanily such iucidents as thiscannot be permitted to pass without investi-gation. Sr. Colonna will now permit us toadd that wetlo not charge the sisters andadminislrafors of the hospital wilh wi.lfulneglect and cruelty, but we do charge thatthere is culpable negligence, needless intol-erance, unwarranied restfiction upon friendsand visitors, and frequeiitly very hársh treat-ment by stewards and nurses. There isalso too much carelessness in lhe medicaiand surgical treatment of ihmates, as maybe yerified from the number of deaths fu!-lowing surgical operations. This is a quês-tion, however, for future discussion.

FOREIGN COMPANIES.Rio de Janeiro, 14 th June, 1890.

To the Editor ofthe Rio Nkws :S.IR, — ít is obvious that the second of

your leading articles ofthe 9 th inst. relátingLo the Companies Act of 17Ü1 January., waswritten before you had time lo sludy theminister's declaration of 71b June. Thisdeclaration limits the obligation pf foreigncompanies already established here to com-pliàncü wilh the dispositions of only thefinal clause of Art. i, viz.: No. III, whichrefers merely lo registralion of the statutesand such other formalities. Foreign bank-ing companies that may come to be estab-lished here from the dale of lhe decree on-ward (lili its revocation) will still be subject tothe condition of "reâlizing within two yearstwo-thirds, at least, of lheir capital in thiscountry," whatever that may exactly mean.But lhe declaration makes il quite clear andfinal that neither this obligation, nor anyother beyond those reláting to the formali-ties before mentioned, is now incumbent onthe banks or companies already establishedhere. This is, of course, quite lhe con-trarv of what was óriginãlly intended, thevague provisiori as lo realizàtiõh of capitalbeing plainly désigned not to deter the es-lablishmerit of new banks, but to hang as akind of menace over the foreign banks al-ready established. so as 10 induce good con-duct, such as their drawing at unprofitablerales whenever exchangé might be weak. Itis not agreeable to say anylhing so discour-teous of a ministerial declaration, but thetheory ofthe omission by a ''çlerical error"of the words "anonyma bancaria" in No. 1of § 2 of Art. 1, is quite unaccounlable, forvarious reasons, one of which is that thesewords res tri ct in a way evidently not in-tended the application ofthe following twonumbers in which lhe words ''these com-panies" would wilh the alteration refer onlyto banking companies.

I am, Sir, etc,

the speciíied proportion of capital within theco-ntrv at once. Any other interpretationinvolves an absurdity. These comnanieshad aheady been compelled to apply forauthorizatioh to transact busine.ss, evenwhen, like the Lidgerwood ManufacturingCo., they had been established here fortwenty or thirty years ; and they had alsocomplied with ali the requirements ofregistéring their statutes, lists of share-holders, etc. Givirig them six months totio what luis already been done is clearlyabsurd. Still further, the last number ofthe last section of Art. 1. to which theDiário Official says that Art. xxxiii refers,is in itself only a "pointer" to another partof the decree, viz. : Art. iv, § 4, Nos. 1to 3, and § 5. K these particulars onlywere in view, why -did not Art. xxxrn referto them directly, instead of through theroündábout médium of .Art. 1, § 2, ni ?And if the minister méàrit this last numberof Art. 1, why did he not specify it in íig-tires, as is almost invariably done. insteadof using lhe indèfmite phrase "in fine,''which is generally used in another sense ?

However, a.s the explanalion stands, ex-isting foreign companies have two years forcompliance with tlie decree, instead of sixmonths. The minister of finance is a law-yer and must know the value of clear, ex-plicit and unequivocál terms, and we trustthat he will improve the first opportunity torevise these vague expressions so that noone mav be decèived. Perhaps a revisorycommission would not be a bad measure forthe first General Assembly, for the expresspurpose of lègàlizing the.se hastily-drawndecrees and siinplifying and harmonizingtheir provisions ?

If the leading article in the Diário ,/<¦Noticias of 171b June is to be taken as afair indication of the sentiments entertainedby the minister of finance towárds foreign-cts and merchants, then lhe outlook for tlieimmediate future isanythingbut reassuring.We are aceustomed to consider this paperas the personal organ of lhe minister ;therefore its opinions on current topies ofgreat importance must be considered asmore or less inspired. When, therefore,wc find the hundred and fifty importantmercantile firms who recently protestei!against the 20% gohl duties, described as ahalf-dozèn intrigueis, and lheir prótest as a"representação dos inglezes? follòwed byinsinuations that the signatures were ob-tained by intrigue, falsehood and coercion,it is full time to call a halt. The ministerof finance ought to know—and leàch hishenchmen as well—that there are no firmsin Brazil more- respectable and influentialthan those which signed that represenlation.As they belong to a class through who.sehands three-fourths ol the public revenue ispaid, their opinion is enlitled to seriousconsidera ti 011 and may be considered 10

It is possible, of course, that we aremis taken in our interpretation of lhe lawas it now stands, particularly as it is of-ficially explained that the article in questionmeans something widely different fromwhat it says. As a minister's unoflicial ex-planalion is not law, we have given theitiisigned explanalion published in the Di-ario Official of (une 7th, which may, ormay noi have emanated from lhe Treasuryatuí certainly has no legal force, no motecredit than mav be given lo any other in-dividual opinion. In countries governei!by parliamentary institutions, it generallyrequires a legislalive act to concei even açlerical error, bul admitting thal the manwho enjoys lhe authority lo decree such alaw, may further exercise the power tomake subsequent correclions, can we féèlassured that his suecessors will accept hisihterpretations of passages which are cer-tainly far from clear ?

With respect to the interpretation ofArt. 33, ^[, which mav or may not seriouslyatlect the status of foreign companies inBrazil, is it clear that this unollicial andunsigned declaration oi June 71I1 settles alidoubts? Let us see. The article in quês-tion reads as follows:

Art. XXXIII, II,—-Foreign societies now existingin tlie country are obliged to comply with the dis-posttions of Ail. 1 in fine within six mouths, (ocoiiut dom tlie date ol the publieation ol thepresent decree; penalty tliat of losing the right totransact business in this republic.

It has always been our opinion that thisarticle was désigned soleiy for the appli-cation of the words "within six months" to



Ou tlie 101I1 inst. the Diário Ofjiciat piiblishes adispatch from Gen. Glycerio, minister ol agriçul-ture, lo Gen. Barbosa, niinistei of finance, svhiclimay be Iranslaléd as follows :

Kio de Janeiro, June 7th, uSoo.Sr. Minister:

This department hearing that proposals made byagricúlturists to certain banks of this federal capital,which had contracted with tlie imperial governmentfor the extencling of assistance to agriculture, liavebeen decided, either iu violation of the legal pre-scription which determines tlie granting of loans upSo tlie value of onc-half the real estate offered in

guarantee, or by the purê i nd simple rejection olnew and of the reuewals of former contracts, deignto have opened an invêstigation as 'o tln* executionmade of these commitments assttmed by lhe saidbanks in the sole interest ol aclvãncing resources tonative agriculture.

\\>u will permil me to address this dispatch tovou relatiye to a matter ot your cognizance, andmy procèeding arisis from the duly belonging tolhe department in my charge of overseeing every-thing which àlTects llie interests of agriculture, infavor ol which 1 have done but little.

1 have hol in view to direct suspicion towardscredit establish ments which are parties to the con-tracls for aid to agriculture, whose direciones, 1 aminformei, are composed, without exception, of citizens deserving the confidence ol the government.

lt is possible, however, thal in tln* ihanuer ol un-derstanding the clauses ol lheir contracts, theymay diverge from lhe government on essential

points as to the íullillnient of engagements con-tracted íor tlie exclusive purpose of adváncing fundsto agriculture under the ordinary conditions ofcredit Jomier. Health and íraternity.

Francisco Glycei io.

have more weight than those of the petti- I ^ie capital of companies already transactinglogging lawyers who are aceustomed t° i business in Brazil. lt is the only reason-look upon public administration as belong- j fá\p interpretation, because ali the othering to their special province. The minister | fèqüírements of the decree were already inis apparently resolved to treat these men J force—sUCh as registry and presenta tion ofwith the contempt expressed in his organ. statutes, list of shareholders, etc.—throughlf he does, it will be a blunder which tj)tí operations of an existing law. and hadsooner or later will react upon his ownhead. The merchants of Brazil possess apower which they do not yet know how tomeasure and use ; if the minister of financecontinues in the páth he is now followinghe will drive them eventually into anorganized resistance which lie will be whollyunable to meet.

Ir has always been the custom of Braziüai». Cibincts to make a bule display -.ri military force

and lo order an enrolbnent of ali citizens subject t«»military service, just before a general election. llalways had a very satisfactory intluence on lhe op-position. lt would l>e interesting to know if therecent shipments ol ann» and orders lor müilaryentolbnenl ate lor the -»ame efiect.

been complied with by these companiessome years previously. The crusade againstforeign companies some two or three yearsago. and the lines imposed on several be-cause of non-compliance with the law, hassurely not been so completely forgotten thatthe minister now feels it necessary to decreethat ali these companies must do in sixmonths what everybody knows was donelong ago ! Notwithstanding the use of thephrase

"tn jiiu\" therefore, which from the

j contexi invariably gives the impression that! "/// totó" was intended, we are inclined lo

believe thal the object uí this article was loforce existing foreign companies to realize only b> a canal twat


—Small-pox continues unabated at Rosário.

—Tlie sanitary authorities ol Buenos Aires haveordered lhe closing of lhe British cemetery in thatcity.

—A Montevidéo telegram of the loth says thatGen. Rodrigues had been placed under arrest foroslentatiously neglecting to call on the President !Really, a South American republic is a thing ofnever ending delight.

— lt is said that the Argentine government hasresolvei to give empresário Ferrari a subvenlion of

$300,-000 per annum. We are really unequal totlie emergéricy; if any mau can do justice to suchmonumental idiucy our whole establishineut is athis dispostll.

—A telegram from Buenos Aires on the iQlhsays that the Brazilian steamer Ladnio had thrownthê body of a yellow fever victim into the river,and ad.ís that lhe Argentine sanitary authorities aredemanding restriclions on lhe lice navigation oíthe Kiver Blate.

—The United Slates sveamer T.t/Iapoosa melwilh .m accident at the River on lhe Joth ult. Shebroke a stíàft when near t!te Chico light-ship andhad to go lo Buenos Aires under sail—a disianceof about 30 miles. She reuched the ottler roads onthe morning oí lhe fourth day, made eight milesmore wilh the assistance of a steam lug, and thensjot into lhe Boca salely .tlwut noon of the six thSay. As a sailer the Ja/iapuosa is 10 l>e licaten

Provincial JNJotes—A public meeting has been called in Santos to

prótest against the new municipal taxes.—The minister of war has furnislied the police

corps of Minas Geraes with 700 Chassepot rifles.—Our Pará exchanges state that the overflow of

the Amazon has caused considerable losses of smallstock along that river.

Foreigners nurribèririg 1,043 hnve declaredthey did not see any immediate advantage of join-ing the Brazilian republic in .Manaós, Amazonas.

Four employés of the Rio de Janeiro state sta-tistical bureau have gone into the wilds of that stateto organize the work. Tlie results will be anxious-ly expected.

—The local press states that small-pox is prey-alent in Nictheroy, Rio de Janeiro, and complainsthat sanitary measures are unequal to the gravityof lhe situation.

—A proposál lo establish a vvboleh factory, anda sheep farm to fumisli lhe raw material, was re-ferred to lhe govenior òf S. Paulo by the ministerof agriculture on the 1S1I1 inst.

—Telegrams published here on the 2lst (rom S.Paulo mention ruihors that the parish priests atsome of the interior towns are advising their par-ishoners to disregard lhe civil marriagê decree.

—A telegram from Pernambuco published in lheGazeta de Noticias on the 19U1 states that PachaMartins, |r. has decided to call a meeting to lorman execuüve commission ofthe republican party ofthat siate.

The first civil marriagê at Campos, Rio deJaneiro, was celebrai ed o n the 2ist. AU the au-tliòrities—and the press -were present. TheCampos authorities and press must have a good

1 r ¦•.-... °deal ol spaie ume.

The Diário da Manhã of Sanlos says thatsome coinnieicial houses of thal city have resolvedto counlermand their orders íor wine and beer inEurope because of lbe new municipal tax of 100reis per litre on lhose articles.

—A quarrel has already broken out in São Pauloover the priorily in the discovery of a new mclhodfor aerial navigation. Would it not lie advisabíe tofirst test lhe value of the discovery ? Perhapsneither competitor will desire to father the 111-vention nker a fair trial.

—Ollicial telegrams state that Martins, fr. hasbeen accepted as chief of the " genuine

" republi-cans of Pernambuco. 1 low many grades of repub-licans are there ? Genytine, histórical, "originalold shell-backs," adhesiohists, etc, make one be-wildeicl.

—The Porto Alegre papers announce the organ-izalion oí a new political party in Rio Grande; lobe known as the "União Nacional," which is com-posed of members of the old parties and leaders oflhe republican disthe party is Viscoiu

—Telegrams published here on the 2oth give lhenumber oí voters registered in the city of Bahia at<),54>), and of those registered in the state of Rio1 liande do Norte at tS.ooo. A superlluous addi-liou to the latter news is that a large majority arerepublicans. Everyone is a republican in Brazil.

—Telegrams published here as to the politicalsituation 111 Rio Grande do Sul are very contra-dictory. Those from one source, lhe new consoli-dated party, desenhe many adhesions; those fromlhe opposite side are accounts oí prolests from for-mer liberais and conservatives against the league.

— The Pinto usine, Pernambuco, reports having

ground 1S.433.364 kilos. of sugar cane during the

p.ast season, which resulted in a gross return of38s,076$9S7, or 171.347.i332 more than for lastVeãt's work. Tlie net result was 9I.7.>5$S2S,from which a 10 per cent. dividend was declared,alter carrying a large sum to profit and loss account.

—The Santos inlcndeiicia has been increasingtaxation in that city to almost the point of pro-hibition. Dn steamship and insurance agencies thetax is raised from 200$ lo 400$ per ann um. Thestreet fruit-sellers are to pay from 30$ to 50$,instead of 20$. Even the managers and directorsof banks and companies are to be specitically taxed.

—A telegram from Fortaleza on the lodh saysthal the govenior of Ceará had prohibited a meet-ing called to discuss the orgauization of therepublic. The people of Ceará evidently do notunderstand that Brazil is to be a republic only inname. and th.it discussion is not to be permitted.We are to live, move and have our being only by

lents. The chosen headMe de Pelotas,


decree!—The municipal intendencia of Santos seems in-

clined to play the part of an autocrat in that littlecity. Not only do they override ali judicial auth-ority, but lhey decree new taxes and by-laws atpleásitre. The local nnposts have been so largelyincreased that the merchants are beginning toseriously complain. One house which paid 3-5*in municipal taxes for the past year, has beenassessed 625$ for next year.

—On the 2ist there was quite a little tempest atthe S. Paulo law-school. As there is njthing but" soaping "

going on, a number of students fromRio went to S. Paulo for reasons l>est known tothemselves and the statesmen in einbryo at S. Paulodetermined upon a glorious receplion. One of theprofessor.*? seems lo have seen the absurdity of theaffair and was treated with open disrespect by theboys, follòwed by a demand for his retirenient.

W **WWWMWMIPPPPBWWWMi —— fôiítflt^Wfí?!*!»*?'

THE RIO NEWS [June 23 rd, 1890.

Railroad Notes—A decree of the gòvernor of Rio de Janeiro

dated on the l8th grants a concession for 70 yearsfor a railway from Maxambomba to S. João doPrincipe.

—On the 2lst a local journal states that it is pro-posed to grant a concession for a railway from aplace called Estreito to the town of Lages, SantaCatharina.

—Advices from S. Paulo state that a proposal forthe pürchase of the Ituana railway had been sub-mitted to the directory. The price offered is saidto be about 9,500,000$.

—Mail advices from Santa Catharina state thatthe people of Laguna will present the D. TherezaChristina railway with the road-bed ready for railsdown to a terminus on lhe sea shore.

—A decree dated on the 20Ü1 joins the two RioGrande do Sul government railways, Porto Alegreto Cacequy and Bagé to Uruguayana, under oneadministration, lhe name of the road to be the"Porto Alegre and Uruguayana Railway."

—It is expected that the Botànical Garden tram-way branch to the military school will be ready fortraffic about the end of the month. When it is fin-ished we shall not be surprised to hear that thecompany has been asked to carry cadets and in-structors free.

Local JsJotes—A translation of lhe new Constitu tion, rohich

was published this moming, ioi ll be issued a t thisoffice in a feiv days.

—We are advised that a decreed reform in lheimmigration service is to be published ihis week.

—It is to be supposed the summil is reachedwhen the brokers organize a manifèslation for thetransfer clerk ofthe Leopoldina railway.

—It really appears lhat Sr. Botafogo had takenthe contract to clean tlie Augean stables at the eus-tom-house May his ann be strengthened to meetthe demands upon it!

—The minister of war has agreed to let thc min-ister of agriculture have enough of the army toopen the road from the Upper Paraná river to aJunction with railway extensions.

— "We hear it said that the present ministers,with the exceplion of Gen. Benjamin Constant,propose themselves as candidates for senatorships."—Gazeta de Noticias June 16U1.

—On the I2th the minister of lhe interior gra-ciotisly allowed the pròvisional municipal authoritiesto reduce the license for races from 150$ to 50$.Gen. Alvim should have had the amount increasedto 500$.

—The chief oí police issued a circular to his sub-delegados on the 19U1 urgiiig grealcr vigilance inthe proteclion of property against thieves. Therobbery oí a minister seems to be more than theauthorities can hear.

—A mysterious skeleton in an earthen-ware ves-sei was discovered on the iStli by laborers engagedin digging the fotindations for a new building 011the Praia S. Christovão. The bonés have beensubmitted to the examination of the police sur-geons.

—Shortly there will appear thc first list of thechevalios of Coltimlnis and the monogram ofthe grand Genoese will shine upon lhe manlybreasts of those who sought to complete the unityof America on this Brazilian soil.—O Paiz, June17U1. "Nuffsed!"

—It is said that Dr. Magalhães Castro, of theconstitutional commission, declines to accept thedecoration of grande dignitatio in the new order ofChristovão Colombo. Bravo! There is at leastone republican in Brazil who recognizes the ab-surdity ol such orders in a republic.

—We should not say it, perhaps, but lhat articleon the 17Ü1 in our esteemed colleague, the Novi-dades, leads to a belief that the author is "long"

on stocks.' Just a word, colleague; get "short" assoon as you see signs of rain, and do not wail forthe signs if time is requisite. Get out now !

—On the 17U1 the Diano de iVoticias says thatthe efforts to embarrass the march of the republi-can government are nothing more than a vile reac-tion oí a dea.l past that fled livid and affrightetlfrom the streets on November 15111 last and hadnot the courage to defend its benefaclors. Stronglanguage certainly, and 011 lhe eve of lhe electionstoo! Sounds like defying a gas company !

—The American "white" squadron, comprisingtlie new cruisers Boston, Chicago and Atlanta. un-der the command of Admirai Walker, entered lhe

port of Bahia on lhe afternoon of lhe 171I1 inst.After a shorl delay the squadron sailed 011 the 19U1for Rio de Janeiro and arrived in ihis port tinsforenoon. Great festivities are talked of in honoroi the visit.

—Rio vs. Buenos Aires at cricket on July 41)1.—The Brazilian minister at Montevideo, Dr.

Ramiro Barcellos, left for that capital yesterday 011the French steamer La Plata.

—The subscription started by the Corieio doPovo to help build a montiment to Victor Hugo inParis, does not seem to have been an alarming sue-cess.

—The Gazeta says that the 22nd of June will bemade a national holiday. Tn a very short time itwill be necessary to decree the days set apart forlhe transaction of business.

—When the Diaiio de Noticias finds it necessaryto call attention to a gratuitous insult by an em-

ployé of lhe state of Rio de Janeiro to a Portu-guese merchant, the insulter's tennre of office maybe considered precarious.

—The new 10$ notes oí the Banco do Brazilhave a figure representing Meditation on the back.It is suggesled that the young woman is medilatingas to when, lhe "promise to pay 10$ in gold" onthe face of the note will be realized.

—The government has declared the Spanish Med-iterranean ports as cholera infected, and the otherSpanish ports together with those 011 lhe África»coast as "suspected." Ali arrivals from thoseplaces must go to Ilha Grande for qüarantine orobservalion.

—On the 19II1 there was a "kissing match" atthe jury. The jury complimented the judge andthe prosecuting attnrney, the judge complimentedthe jury and the prosecuting attorney, and the prós-eculing attorney complimented the judge and thejury. Il was quite lovely—and the clerk gotagold pen.

—The Diaiio dc Noticias proposés that ali newhouses shall be retired some six feet from the pres-entíront line 011 our narrow streets, but to préventinconvenience the landlords will be permitted tobuild a species of booth in íronl o) lhe retiredhouses. The Rua do Ouvidor will thus presentthe chéerful appearance of a fair, until the presenlhouses are ali clemolishecl and tebuilt.

—On Saturday lasl a special train, furnished bythe minister oí agricíilture, left for São Paulo wilha party oí students in lhe higher courses of thepublic schools of this city, who are making a visitto their fellow students in thal city. flu: boys areaccompanied by the hand ofthe ioth regiment. IIthe government were as splicitous ior sotind in-slruclion in lhe public schools as it is for lhese pre-tentions displays, nolhing more could be desired.

—On lhe lóth the Novidades slated lhat Sr.Rangel Pestanha would not accept tlie ChristopherColumbus decoration. It is not stirprising ; whowill? A decoration has an evil smell in true re-publican nostrils. Me who does his duty is satis-fied wilh his own conscience and does nol reqtiireto advertisè lhe íact to a staring, or sneering pub-lie. A decoration on a republican is about equalto a Phrygian cap 011 an image of our Lady of thcConception.

—On the 151b an attendant in one oí lhe wanlsoí lhe .Misericórdia hospital gave onc of lhe sistersof charily a severe benting, and even then his com-panions had to interfere to save her from furtherviolénce. A man capable of treat ing a woman sobrutally, cau hardly be considered a model nurse.However, we may not be a good judge of theproper relalionship between a hospital nurse and asister oí charity, and would therefore like to havean opinion from Administrator Colonna.

—Thc Rio Grande émbroglio has resulted in thedismissal of Dr. Francisco' da Silva Tavares íromthe post of ist vice-govetnor, and lhe appointmentof Dr. Julio de Castilhos to (he place. Silva Tava-res also loses his place as fiscal ol the new bank olemission. This is a victory for lhe "ancient repub-licans" who werelired at 011 May 13111. How muchfarther the government has yielded to the KioGrande opposition is not known. The " ancientrepublicans," 011 their side, seem to have with-thawn their opposition lo the Ruy Barbosa banks.

—We have been favorcd with an exhibition ofanew patent fire kindler by its patentee, Mr. ParryIj. Randall, who is oblaining palents here, and hasorganizei! a syndicate for working lhe invention inBrazil. The invention consists in a conibinatioti of

petrolcum refuse with a few simple inexpensive ar-Lides, from which results a compound that igniteseasily, and btirns frecly for some lime, fiunishing asuperior kindler for coal either in steam engines orin domeslic use. Thc arlicle is claimed lo beeheaper and preferable to wood, and is mucll ni"tcconvenient to use. It was first patenteei at BuenosAires in Septemlier iSSS, where il lias been provedlo be most valuable on account oí lhe scarcity ofwood. It was subsequcnlly patenled iu Urnguay.United Slales and Fngland. We understand thatMr. Randall will soon go to Fngland lo introducelhe arlicle, where, 011 account o| its cheapness,convenience and utility in slarling fires in steamengines, it is sure to meet wilh a successful recep-tion.

—On the 21 st O Paiz says that a gold medal

will be struck at the Mint to commemorate the ar-

rival ofthe American squadron.

—On thc 2oth the Juntai do Commercio men-tions with ali reserve that the minister of finance,

Gen. Barbosa, will visit Bahia early next month.

—Morris has just brought down 27 kinds of

camelias from S. Paulo for Gen. Deodoro, but he

did not get his restaurant at lhe Botànical Garden,ali the same.

—A man complained to the police recently that

he had been robbed of 800$ and suspected an em-

ployé who had disappeared. The suspicion is cer-

tainly reasonable.On lhe lóth inst. the man arrested ior trans-

mitting alarming telegrams to the River Plate wasreleased írom custody. The military commissionfound no case evidently.

—The danghter oí lhe late Rio Grande journalistKoseritz, who is herself a brilliant writer, is givingDr. \ssis Brazil a sound lashing in the Porto Ale-

gre press for maligning her father.—Telegrams dated Paris on the 2ist slale that

the Brazilian minister had been formally receivedby thc president of the French republic, and thatmilitary honors had been shown him.

—On the 22nd the Diaiio do Commeicio gives anaccount oí a most brutal atlack by an armed en-sign of the army upon a civilian, unarmed. Ií lhestory is true, the aceused man deserves FernandoNoronha.

—On thc 2oth inst. a man condemned in 1847to imprisonment for life, .for poisoning his wife,was pardoned by Gen. Deodoro. For.ty-lhr.ee

years oí penilence should certainly have com-muted lhe crime.

—On the 22nd lhe Diaiio de Ahiticias was partic-ulaily happy in a metaplior. The government or-

gan likens the decreeing of the constitution to thc

plàcing of a cúpola on a building; and so it is, but-where is lhe/ building?

— lt is said lhat the rush of foreigners through-out tlie provinces, on the I4U1, to register non-acceptance of Brazilian cilizensliip, was soinellungiinexampled. In Pelotas, 184 Portuguese wereregii terèd the last day, and they paid 5$6oo eachfor lhe privilege, loo!

—On lhe 201I1 a Spanish woman, still young, ap-

pear.ed at the police oflice and declared that as hertwo children, 3 and 5 years old, prevented herearning a living, she wished to turn them over tolhe authorities, who appear to have taken churgeof these foundlings of a new description.

—Gen Constant did not like a reference made bythe Diai to do Commercio to his tables drnwn up forthe benefit ol thc old " Monte Pio " and sent Ma-

jor Sodré to explain thal these tables had been sub-mitted to ample discussion, both at the PolytechnicSchool and by lhe directors of the Monte Pio.There is 110 reason to doubt this; Gen. Constantestables were not inlallible ali the same, although itmay be granted that mortality tables are not easilycalculated,

—On the 2lst inst. the Diano do Commerciotells lhe story ol a poor man in the last stages olconsumption, a patieiit in lhe Misericórdia hospital,who wished to legitimize his children by marryinghis mislress, their mother. The woman was aniinor, and Sr. Aragão, the judge of niarriages,salvo seja, placed obstacles in the way, with theresult that the man died and the woman andchildren are left without the reparation which lhedying man wished to make.

—Among thc depar tu res by lhe Britannia 011the 18U1 inst. was Mr. A. T. Crocker, ol lheFquilable Life Assurance Society, who has beenemployed here during the past six months in or-

ganizing the work which that company has under-taken in ihis country. In his short residence hereMr. Crocker made many warm personal friendswhose good wishes go with him wherever he maygo. Should he ever return ihis way again he willmeet with a hearty reception.

—A niysterious crime oceurred here 011 the nightof lhe I7th inst. A man whose name is given asElliott and who is descrilud as an American, wasfound dead with his throat cut, in his house 011 theRua Santa Luzia. The inan's wife declared hehad come home drtink and cul his throat in a lit offreiuy with a piece of crockcry, but the police sur-

geons .suspect a crime írom their examination ofthe wound, and the authorities have thc wife anda female servant in custody.

—As a poor laborer was sprinkling chloride oílime about a sewer ojicning a few days since, a lit-tle oí lhe powdcr fell on thc iminaculatc unmen-tionables of a passing police inspector. An ex-plosion of righleous indigtiation itnmedialely foi-lowcd aud tlie-poor fellow was mardied off to apolice station under arrest. Fveiilually the pris-oner was discliarged and lhe arrest called an " cx-cess of real," but no satisfaction is ofTcrcd fer lheontrage. When are we lo have a decree ait'1» mt.ing penalties for false iinprisonntent ?

—The new 10$ notes of the Banco do Brazil,printed by the American Bank Note Co., are un-questionably lhe finest specimens of bank notework ever issued in this country. Thc engravirigis exceplionally fine and is shown to the best ad-vantage by lhe light brown color of the ink. Itwill be impossible to counterfeit the note by anyknown photographic process.

—Could not Admirai Wandcnkolk "cast an eyeto leeward" and have lhe piíots of the ferry boatslooked afler? We have good information that dur-ing this foggy season these piíots are considerablyat sea, and the compass does nol help them much.When sea-faring passengers are 011 board, no dan-ger is imminent; but if no maritime expert shouldhappen lo be on board an accident may happen.

—A recent robbery attracts peculiar attention.The irreverent rascals broke into and robbed thehouse of Gen. Boeayuva, the minister of foreignaffairs, and secured a quantity of cash that theminister had been hoarding—possibly with an eyelo a sudden trip to foreign paris. Why did Gen.Boeayuva keep his economies at home? Let Gen.Barbosa explain this apparent unbelief in hisbanks and financial system.


The marriage of Mr. Thomas George Cross,third son of Rev. Thomas Henry Cross, D. D.(Dublin) viçar of St. Andrew's Soulhport, Hon.Canon of Liverpool and prebendary of Clonfert,Ircland, to Miss Evici.vn Ford Wyatt, seconddanghter of James Henry Wyatl, Esq., of Rio deJaneiro, was celebraled 011 the 161I1 inst. at the Bril.ish Consulate, Rio, by F. Nicolini, Esq., andbeíore the Registrar ol Brazilian civil niarriages,also011 the 17 £ íi inst. at the British Church by lhe Rev.íl. Mosley, M. A. 'lhe bride was given away byher father, and Mr. Wm. Fletcher aclcd as bestman. Mr. and Mrs. Cross sailed for England persir. Britannia on lhe iSth inst. The good wishesof a host of friends go wilh llieni, not only for apleasant voyage lo the "old country," bul lor aliappy journey through a long and prosperous life.

Financial NotesA decree dated 011 lhe 141I1 increased the num-

ber of brokers lo 50.—The " Manufactora de Ferro " company was

organized 011 the 191b inst.A joint slock company to manufacttire hats,

Capilal 2,000,000$, is in process of organization.—On the iSth lhe joint stock dairv company,

" Lacticinios,'' was organizei!. Capital 400,000$.A company, capital 500,000$, is in process ol

organization to condnct lhe business of furnitiireman ti íact tire.

—A company to be known as the " ProduetosCerâmicos," capital 1,000,000$, is to be broughtotil ihis week.

—On the 171b lhe dealers in groceries also pie-scnled their protest againsl lhe 20 per cent. goldimport duties decree.

—The government will open a credit of 134,000$atthe Espirito Santo sub-treasuiy to be applied toimmigration expenses.

—On the 191I1 another credit, this time for 300,-000$, was opened for the department of lhe interior.Public assistance is the plea.

—Tlie " Banco Protector Industrial " with a cap-ital oí 6,000,000$, will be offered shortly, TheBanco Auxiliar is the sponsor.

—On lhe 161I1 lhe shareholders oí the S. Lázaromill decided upon a fusion with the " Nacional deTecidas " (silk m\\\) company.

—The organization meeting at the " Nacional deSalinas Mossoió-Assú " company was held ou the19U1. The capital is 4,000,000$.

—The Banco ítalo-Brazileiro, with a capital of5,000,000$ and headquarters in the city of S. Paulo,has offered a part of its shares in Rio.

—We hear lhat an old setting-hcn down 011 the"Coast of África*', is trying to hatch a j oint-stockcompany ol chickcns. Capital 10,000,000$.

—A company under the name of "Precati(,ão" isbefore lhe public. The proposed capilal is100,000$ and lhe purposes are lo insure salaries,incomes, ele, to creditors upon the death of recip-ients.

—It is reported that the surcharged Trcasurynotes issued by lhe Banco Emissor do Rio Grande,which were at first received very suspiciouslv, arenow finding 110 obslacles to free circulation. Debt-01 s prcler them lo nothing, of course.

—Telegrams published here on the 22nd statethat lhe pròvisional municipal government ol S.*Paulo had couitactcd wilh lhe firm of HenriqueWright & Co. lhe negotíation of the 4,000.000$loan anti eatieelled ai! powers granted other partiesfor lhe same purpose.


June 23rd, 1890.] THE RIO NEWS

The Banco Federal do Brazil was formally or-

ganized on tbe 2ist inst.

—Telegrams published bereon lhe 2lsl say thatParis knows nothing of financial negociaiióhs re-

garding Brazil.

—The joinl stock bakery company will be knownas tbe " Nacional de Panificação " company andthe proposed capital is 2,000,000$.

—Under the name oí the " Banco do Povo" acompany has been organized al Campos, Rio de

Janeiro. Particülars are not given.—Another boot manutactory under lhe name of

" Cruzeiro do Sul, " with a capital of 2,000,000$,was placed before the public on the 20th.

—The joint stock quarries and stone companywas organized 011 tlie 19II1 and the title changed lothe " Alvenaria, Cantaria e Construcções" company.

— O Paiz says 011 the 2ist that in view oí tbe de-mand here for ils shares lhe directors ofthe BancoItaliano had decided to increase the capital to


—On the 191b the contract was signed by lhe

state authorities of Rio de Janeiro and tbe con-

traclors for the railway to and the improvements at

Theresopolis.—The new municipal budget of Santos im poses a

tax of 100$ on bank managers. What a source of

revenue such a tax would be here in Rio just al

this moment !—On lhe 22nd a telegram was published here

irom lhe governor of Rio Grande do Norte in which

he prolests against the organizalion of the Mossoró-

Assú salt conipany.—The imporlation of foreign merchandise into

Rio Grande, to anticipalc lhe gold duties, is said

to be very heavy. june will be a good month for

customs receipts.—A conipany is in process of organization lo

work under lhe recently decreed Torrens law ; Io

purchase property, registei" that oí others and ren-

der it of circulating value.

—Applications lor shares iu lhe "Agricola deParaníiinnpiiin " comnaiiv (land ami colonization)


iranápanema " company (landaon the 17Ü1 were about five times the ainotinl of

tbe capilal stock, S,ooo,ooo$.—The " Companhia Industrial do P.nv/.il," capi-

tal 12,000,000$, is the suecessor oí lhe "União

Mercantil " and will work (oil ml ri es, etc, besides

stiniulaling ''national industry " in general.— Under the auspices of lhe Banco Ço-operativo

a company to boil soap, etc, under lhe style of lhe"Sabão Nacional" conipany, with a cãpit

1,000,000$, was offered tlie public "ii the 2ist.

—This inonth's customs receipts will show up

well, and bring the half-year's figures up. li must

be remembered, however, that lhe 20 per cent.

gold duties fali due 011 and after lhe ist próximo.—On lhe 19U1 lhe Banco de Lavoura e Com-

mercio offered here 5,000 shares of lhe " Mercantil

e Obras Publicas Paulista" conipany. The rest oí

the capital, 15,000 shares, were taken in S. Paulo.

Thé municipal government has allowed Sr.

Azevedo Castro, lhe Treasury agent iu i.ondon,

/20o as a gratification for his services iu legard lo

tbe loan raised by this city in London.

—The new municipal lax of IOO reis per litre 011

wine in Santos Cin place ol 15 reis) is stated to be

eqüivalem to au increase ol 44$l40«on a pipe oí

vinho Vil gem costing 50$fortes in Lisbon.—There appears lo be a diversity oí opinion as

to how the judicial branch of the Brazilian govern-ment should be organized. Clinico by election is

generally decried; but competitive examination is

not generally accepted.—On the 2ist the " Progresso Industrial do

Caraudahy" conipany. capital 1.000,000^, was

placed on the market, The conipany proposes lo

work marble, quarries ele. in thedislricl of its namein Minas Geraes.

—On the 20th the Joinal do Conmercio is in-formed lhal a bank is in process of organizalionunder the auspices of the Banco dos Estados Unidosto be known as the " Banco tio Brazil e Rio daPrata." Capital 10,000,000$.

—A commission, accompanied by a force of 50men under the command olan ensign, haslelt toexplore the Paiaiiápaneuia valley, S. Paulo, The

shareholders in the new company are lhos assuredthatacquired rights will be respected by the bagres.

—The municipality ol Uberaba, Minas Geraes,has been authorized by the provisional governor ofthat state lo boriow 50,000$, al a maximum interestof 7 per cent. per annum, for water-works. '•treet

paving, public illuminalion and a municipalslaughter hoose.

—On the 20lh the Diário de Noticias says the

Lloyd Brazileiro has purchased lhe foondry and

marine construction works of Messrs. A. G. Mattos

& Co., and the price is said to bc 750,000$.When the Lloyd has purchased lhe rest of Bratil

a reaction will set in.

—Tbe slalules, wilh someinconsiderable changes,of the bank of issue at Pará, to be known as the" Banco Emissor do Norte" have been approved,and Sr. MacDowelI, minister of justice in lhe Cot-egipe cabinet, bas been appointed fiscal. Thisloolcs like business.

—On lhe l6th the inspeelor ofthe custom housevisited some of lhe warehouscs and detected thiev-ery. Some cases ordered to be opened by the in-specior showed evident signs' of violation. The

parties responsible for this serious crime will hecalled upon íor explanations.

—At lhe meeling of the shareholders of the" Phosphalo de Cal " conipany on the i6th, it wasdecided lo issue 1,710 shares with 60$ paid up,which will be considered òf a nominal value oíloo$, lhe balance to be charged to "concession,

affairs and properly of tbe company."—Al the meeting of tbe shareholders of the Ban-

co União de Credito ontíie2íst, it was resolvedthal the capital should be formed of 10,000 fully

paid up 200$ shares and 40,000 with 25$ paid,equal to 6,000,000$ already called up. Holders of25$ shares may pay up in full at their discretion.

A decree dated on April 251b, but only pub-lished in the Diário Official ofthe171b inst., per-mits lhe Banco de Credito Real do Brazil to increaseUs capital, of the hypothecary department, to6,200,000$. This is probably done to cover tlieshares to be delivered in exchange íor those oí theextinet Banco Predial.

On lhe 1 Sl li insti tbe directors of the Asso-cinção Commercial called lhe attention oí directors,

agents and other parties interested iri foreign com-

panies estáblished in this city to the conditiòns oí

the Deciee of January 171I1 last, and warn them

that the period for presenling the required docu-

ments expires on July 17U1 next.

—On lhe I2lh insti tbe junta Compiercial asked

the president ol lhe Associação Commercial lhal

orders be given to have lhe hall of the Exchangeopened on all working days to avoid tlie interrup-

tion of lhe P.olsa. Tbe president has treated lhe

Exchange as if it were his private oflice and

ordered il closed at his own discretion.

—'• At the Exchange lhe organization of a greatenterprise in the United States of thé North, is also

spoken of and which will bring a formidablc (sic)capilal to be locatecl here."—Diário de Nolicias,

lime 2 ist. This evidently reíers tp Lhe rumor cur-

rerit bete thal American bankers are contemplating

the estabíishment of a bank in Rio; which they

had much better defer for a season; at least.

June so. Oflicial rates at lhe banks were 23 on London, 434on Paris and 536—537 on Hamburg at go d|s, 2$270—

'z.fsQo 011 New Yorl: at sight. The market was very firm

durííig lhe day, but appeared rather (latter at the close.

The business doing was small and reported at 22—22 3|i6bani; sterling 011 bankers and 22% 011 I.ondon oflices.

Fr.an second hands bank was reported at 22^-22 5P6

and brokers quoted commercial sterling at 2234—22 7(16.Sovereigns closed with buyers at lo.fçQo, sellers at n$oio

for cash: buyers at 11^050, sellers at n$2oo for July Sth.

June 21—Official rates were unchanged, but tbe market was

lower and 22% was tbe highest quotation for bank sterling

direct. From second hands bank sterling was reported at

72'A and brokers quoted commercial at 22^—22^. It was

reported that speculators were again taking, and to this was

asciibed the (latter feeling. Sovereigns sold at n$o20,

closing with buyers at 11 $030, sellers at 11 $040 for cash;

buyers at n$o5o, sellers at ii$líoo for July íoth.

June 23—Official rate on I.ondon is 22^ at the Banco Na-

cional. Commercial sterling is quoted at 22^—22^, but

money is scarce and the market is very firm, with an up-

ward tendency.


700 Leopoldina wc. 56500' 550 Sapucahy, 3pth 86040 do 57 1000 do July go500 Montes Claros. 40 500 do w d. do g2250 do 41 100 Sorocabana,

50 do ..... 41 500 prolongation... g825 do 41 750 200 do gg

Insurance. Navigation.

50 Esperança 4t 273 Lloyd Braz.... 1S0Miscelianeoiis.

300 O. Publicas... 346 1320 S. Jcr. min. 2 s. 20220 Saneamento .. 53

June 20.Banks.


June 16.


300 Estados Unidos 106200 Auxiliar 62S77 do 63600 do 7oJ87 Brasil, 2 Sótoo Col e Agric.... 83 50220 Constructor .. 74 500635 do ..-• 74 75"

500 do Aug. pr 2u63 Cr. RI. S.Paulo 64 300


30 Leopoldina w.c. 59 20 Sapucahy

170 Mac. k Camp. 135 500 7'5250 do 3oth.. 137100 Mon les Claros. 40

7,5 do 106 500¦to Lavoura e Com. g3

400 Nacional g731 Rural 35°

íoi Sue. Bane 1S56 do 1S6

700 Sul Americano. 4565 União de Cr... 50

50 Constrnctor .. 811500 do Aug .. 87

1000 do Aug. pr. 25

1000 do do 27

40 Estados Unidos 106

50 do ro6 50012 Nacional gs

143 Cr. Kl. S.Paulo,

com dep 14

200 do 14 500

150 Agricola 70fioo do 71

553 Auxiliar 80

100 Col. e Agric... 85

160 Commercio 258

70 do 260150 do 2 ser.. 72

500 Constructor .. 7g200 do 79 500

6250 do 80llaiíways.

1500 Leopoldina vAc. 57 150 Montes Claros. 43

300 do 5850 do 5g

250 do sg 500200 do 60

6C02 do 63

200 Mac. & Camp. 136

50 do 137

40 Lloyd Braz. navigation.


250 do 200 Sapucahy ..

50 S orocabana,

prolongation... 98100 do gg500 Viação Central 42200 do 43


do.... 87

;oth.. 9030 Sorocabana, pr. gS

100 Viação Ccntial. 42

Tra iiiways.

25 Carris Urbanos. 255 100 Jardim Botânico..

50 Esperança Insurance

500 Lloyd Braz. navigation

437 Saneamento

June 17.





Miscellaneoits.246 Docas P. IL. 130 300 S. Jer. min 2 s. 24 500200 S. ler. min. 2 s. 23 200 do 26

554 do 24 20G0 do b.o. Aug. 25

June 21.1000 Sovereigns. n$o2o

122 deb. S. Jeronymo mines 95 000Banks.

«00 Const'r. Aug. pr 251000 Lavoura e Com. gi

500 A gricola 71580 Auxiliar 85

475 do S61 :»o Commercio .... 260

«694 Constructor ... 70igoo do 70

200 dob.n.ijJVpr ^3

100 Nacional g5100 Cr. RI. S. Paulo

com. dept 14 500:3o 130 do 15

330 Minas Geraes.. 100

Rail toa vs.

Goveritmeiil Bonds

4000$ 6 s, 68....

500 Agrícola ..

200 do

68 Aiixiüar ..150 tio

ioo Comiuercial, 2 s 132

50 Commercio — «58

2290 Constructor— 75

510 do ... 75850



114I4 200 Leopoldina.... 185


200 Estados Unidos 105 500400 do 106

300 do 106 50060 do 107

50 Nacional 95

700 Sul Americano. 45

7474 50068


100 Leopoldina 147







dodo Aug. pr

221 IO


76 ÍOOO76 2 50 160O


45 500


301b 48do

590 Cr.RI. S.Paulo,com. dept

(JommkrcialRio de Janeiro, June 2jrd, 1890.

Par value of tbe üia/ilian mureis (l^ooo), gold. 27 d.

do do do do in U. S.

coin at $4 86,65 per £1 stg ..

do $1.00 (U. S. coin) Brazilian gold

do of.£i stg. iu Brazilian gold

54 75 ds


8 890


go Leopoldina w.c. 57

ioo do 58

711 Mac. & Camp 136200 Montes Claros. 40

jo Sorocabana, pr. 98


10 Canis Urbanos. 255

50 Sapucahy

500 do

g5 do

322 d.. .


83 500868788

Bank rate ol exchange,oflicial,011 London to-day

Present value uf the Brazilian mil reis (paper)..

d,, d.i do in U.S.

coin al $4 80 per £1 stg

Value of $1.00 ($4.80 per £t stg ) in Brazil-

ian currency (paper)

Value of £\ sterling ,, ,,


45.00 c



; > O. Publicas, ss. 90tio 91 500

85 Saneamento... 53

June 18.Government bonds.

50000$ 6 s. 68 i"5

200 do 30U1. 90


26 Lloyd Braz 170

220 do

Miscellaiteous.200 S. Jer. min300 do

150 do

100 Montes Claros.

w call õo 500 50 do

61 180 do

62 1100 do

64 400 Sapucahy

400 Viação Central.


4 Argos Flum .. 330 10 Lealdade

10 Bonança 10 10 N. Permanente

10 Geral 40 to Previdente

30 Integridade 130

no Lloyd Brazileiro navigationMiscellaneoits,

100 O. Publicas 346 270 S. Jer'mom.2s100 Man. de Fumos 40 710 do

100 S. Jer'mo mines uo

4444 5°o454687







EXCHANGE.luiic 16.—Oflicial rates at lhe banks were 2i!{-2i^ on

London, 446-449 on Paris and 553-557 on Hainburg at

90 d[s; a$34o-2$38o on New Vork at sight. Th* market

was very firm, with bank sterling reported direct at 2114

and at ai 9p6—21->s from second hands. Coinmerci.d

sterling is scarce and quoted at ítfé—il ii|i6. Sovereigns

closed with buyers at n$4oo, sellers at u$44o for cash;

buyers at u$44o, sellers al u$6oo for the joth.

June 17.-The matket was higher again, although no changes

were made in oflicial rates. Business was reported in bank

sterling direct at the extremes of 2\}i—21 u\i6 and at 21*4

—iiii from second hands. Commercial sterling was quoted

at 2tJ$-atK. but 'he latter was probably the rate for busi-

ness. Sovereigns sold at 11Í350. closing with buyers at

this price. seller> at n$36o tor cash: buyers at 11Í3S0.

sclleisat n$55° for the 3oth.

June iS.—The market opened very strong and rates were

rapidly advanced by the Banco Nacional, closing at nH

on London; the English Bank was officially at ai^ and all

tbe others at íiH- 0ÍRcial ratcs wcre ^""H on

London, 439-444 «» P"« and 543-54» ou Hamburg at

90 â[K 2Í3*>-*$35<> <«» ^e* York at sight. There was

considerable business doing, wilh bank sterling from second

hands icpwtted at 2i>i -il I5I«6 and commcrcial quoted at

jiií-22. Sovereigns closed with buyers at iifioo, sellers

uSsoo for cash;buyers at nf 2:v» sellers at n$40oforthe


June 19-The Bane» Nacional and the Sul Americano ad-

VftOCed to « on London in the forenoon, lhe English Hank

was officiJly at aijsí attd the olheis wereàtaiH- rhc

ma,ktt «*s wy <"""* and tak-rs few The business report-

csi was at 22-22 M«* b*0* stetling direct and at 21-22)4

(nm second hands; broker* quoüng commercial sterling at

the estremes df «-**}$. Swereígns closed with buyeis

at io$9$0i sclleisat ufuoo.

850 Agricola 7-

400 do 73


292 Leopoldina.... 186


100 Esiados Unidos to6

700 Lavoura c Com.10 Aug. wd 95

67 500 600 Nacional 95

.. 83 500 200 do 95 5°°

.. 270 100 do 96

ioo do 31 July 98950 Sul Americano. 46200 do 47

300 do 48200 Cr.RI. S.Paulo,

com. dep 14 500

500 do 15

800 do 74

550 Auxiliar....

95 Col. e Agric25 Comiuercial14 Comniercio 257

5SS do -J58

2000 Constructor ... 7°1300 do 76 5001100 do 77

1S70 do 77 500

700 ilo 78

100 Delerederc 363Railways.

750 Leopoldina w.c, 56 500 Montes Claros. 40

100 do 57

io;> Mac. & Camp. 136

100 do 137


7IÍ Carris Urbanos. 255

ioj J. Botânico.... 146


7S Saneamento ... 53 lo6 S- Jer" min- 2 s '7

ioo S. Jcr. min. as. 15 *35<>

too do «ó 500 200

766 Sapucahy 3oth. 88

850 Sorocabana,prolongation.. 98


250 Lloyd Braz.... iSo


June 19.

Government kmds. #>A X«(es-

5aós,óã iH% ««Predial 88

i5>4S, S>9 97Banks.

H» Agricola 72 550 Constructor.... 78

47o do 73 »«» do A"S Pr *5

5<!o Auxiliar 70 600 Estados Unidos toó",_,

j4, 73 ioí» Lavoura e Coro. gz

450 Brazil, 30K1, as. *> I(» Nacional...... 96

200 Col. e Agricola s4 100 Sul Americano. 46

M.> do 5, Cr.RL S.Paulo,

fe, j%, 86 cum. dep 1*

4a COHUIICIUO.... -;i

MARKET REPORT.Rio de Janeiro, 23rd June, 1890


Coffee.—Some little business has been doing during theweek, lhe sales probably amounting to 30,000 bags, nearly all

of which goes to the United States by tbe Nasmytli. Re-

ceipts have increased smartly tn proportion to precedingweeks. but are after all still very moderate, and the probabil-ities are lhat they will be irregular during this season, for, if

the published accounts are reliable, the question of labor in •

the state of Rio de Janeiro is ven' far from settled. On thei7th some of the brokers reduced quotations by 200 rs. perarroba, and again on tlie 2oth by 300 rs., but this last reduc-

tion is not generally made, and tbe published quotations areonly 200 rs. lower than at date of our last, to which extent

tbe official value at the custom house was also reduced lastSaturday. Stocks begin to increase, but are still very small.

Sliipments since our last report have been :

bagsforthe United States2,676 ,, Europe6,545 .1 Cape of Good Hope8,006 ,, Elsewhere

17,227 bags.

In the accompatiying table we have dedueted 2,455 bags

shipped to the Cape which appeared in the shipments to tlie

United States.

For the same time the daily foreign clearances at the

custom house have becn:1,391 bagsforthe United States

3,846 Europe4,000 ,, Cape ot Good Hope

3.433 .. Elsewhere

«,67o bags.

The vessels cleared with cofTee are :Europe: bags.

J uac 13 Havre Fr str Ville dc SsNicoLis 1,50016 England Br str 7n->í.' 1.600

Antwerp do 10018 Hamburg Ger str Campinas 971

Elsewhere :

J une 10 Port Natal Br lug Hornet 6,000x 7 Cape Town Amer bk Justtne H. Ingersoll.. 4.00019 River Plate Fr str La Plata 5,744

The market is reported weak this morning -it the following

quotations: C H.pet 10 kilos. per arroba. z-alne.

Washed 8$i7o— 0Í530 i2$aoo— t4$ooo £$850

Superior nominal nominal nominalGood ist do do 8 fos

Regular ist... 8440—8 510 t2Í400—«$500 8 398Ordinary ist.. 8 170— 8 370 13 000—12 300 8 270

Good and 7 830— 8 030 11 300—11 800 7 939Ordinary «nd.. 6 67a— 7 690 9800—11 300 7 180

Receipis for the past week weie 40,976 bags, against aa.ooi

bags for lhe preceding week and 20,210 bags foi the week


¦:¦:.."¦:!•.¦>;-•! .i_..,...- ..; .«P? ' '"

¦ ¦

THE RIO NEWS [June 23rd, 1890.

Stocks were this morning estimated to he 151,892 bags,in ali hands.

Vessels loading and to load. bags.

New York Br str Nasmyth 20,000do Ger str Salemo —

New Orleans ? 4,000Baltimore Amer bk Julia Rollins 7,000 _•Hamburg Ger str Santos —Trieste Aust str Zichy 7,000Genoa Ital str Maiteo Bruzzo 1,800


Rio Associação Commercial daily cablegram to New Yorkregarding position and quotations of the Coffee market.



D.. o- £ .; o ., to: o, 5. D, .10 a '% otn w 5 M rt ü »Tl

3 8 ,_, * N s ia »•-a 8 » 3" •" f W< »

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g-' í ^ jf £ í» s - o-

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g ~ ~

ê s m js ^ » _? . . -10 ^ ° 1»" o* h 1* rp » : ;: § o -0 goi~0i„a_3 22on. ¦ .0 .3, 8 % ¦.*•._ o o § „

to„ H <_|

S ln ív O u »\ 0 05, ° ° vo •< O O g

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í" 31 :¦¦'. 1. 1 • t 1 -%. t 1. O O O rtD. OOO>< O O O 10


\u CO !2 J. <¦? \W s_ • 'OOo n

o o> o ui OOo w*


Shipments for United States during tlie week.do for Europe, etc do do 18,000 bags

Sailing clearances for thc United StatesSteamer clearances do [a| 13,000 „Clearances for Europe and elsewhere ic,ooo ,,Freights by steamer 20 c- & s°ciSteamersloading for United States 1

Stock at Santos this morning, ist and 2iul hands 60,000 bagsSales for United States during week

do Europe doSteamer shipments for United States |-|Shipments for Europe 6,000 ,,Market quiet: Good Average nominalSteamers loading for United States







> vi H< ; :8 s.¦ g.w ai

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rt >Z * '. '. BY?-'-\




S! :

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í§4 4. 00 008 8 2

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O <*>. Q O o &

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•í ^» 00 w_<> t*J l_n |*i OJ -vj

Kn lin ** 00 '!>1*1 u* -jj

*• -s» 4».

Imports.Brokers report a fair movement in the markets during the

past week, but supplies of most articles are virtually nil. Re-ceipts of Flour are a few hundred bags from the River Plateand of which iscomposed our stock in lirst hands. There havebeen no receipts of pine and thc markets are firm, at uncliaiig-ed quotations. Kerosene, Lard and Rosin are reported un"changed; the second continues dull. Turpentine is quotedrather lower. Indian Coin is quoted smartly highcr, theadvance being about 1 $200 per bag for good, sound RiverPlate, and German cement is also reported at an advance.Rice is quoted unchanged, hut the market is flat and a declinenot impossible ; another large cargo isjust in from Rangoon.There is still no improvement to report in Codfish. Receiptsof Norwegian appear quite equal to thc demand and stocksremain almost unchanged.

Flour.—Receipts since our last report have been :

Adour, from River Plate :2,448 bags 1,373 brls.

Sales and withdrawals for the same lime are about 6,700brls. and stock in first hands is estimated to bc 1,000 brls.River Plate.

Brokers report lhe market quiet and quote as follows, viz:TriesteRichmond ist

do 2iulBaltimore ist

do 2iidWestern & InteriorChiliRivcr PlateCity Mills

nominal—i7$ooo—15 000—17 000—16 000


i5$5oo—16 50014 000—16 500

Pitch Pine.—Receipts nil and tlie market is reported firmat 4o_pooo—41 $000 per doz.

White Pine.—The market is steady with New Yorkboards still quoted at 105—110 rs. per foot. There havebeen no receipts.

Spruce Pine.—Nothing new.

Swedish Pine.—Nothing to report.

Kerosene.—Receipts nil. Thc quotation of 7$ooo percase shows 110 change.

Lard.—Tbe market continues dull and brokers still quoteGeorge's brand at 340—350 rs, Armour's and Liou at 320—330 rs, per lb. in lots.

Rosin.—Receipls nil and quotations are unchanged at6$5oo—S$ooo per bri. às to marks.

Turpentine.—Brokers quote ;jt 530There have been no receipts.

550 rs. per

Coal.—Receipts since our last report have been :3,298 tons per Karoo, from Cardiff2.53° .. Çraitdec, from Newport

284 ,. Miirioii Iiigiis, from Glasgownil to dealers and companies.

Indian Corri.—Receipts have been 4,575 bags per lime-lins and 1,722 per Trent, from the River Plate. Good, soundRiver Plate coin is scarce and is quoted at 5$.|oo -5$6oo perbag: otlier qualilies are quoted according to condilion at3$;,oo—,|$5oo. The market is firm.

Hay. —Receipts nil and llicre are no changes in quotationsof 60 • 70 rs. per kilogramme.

Bran.—River Plate is still nominally quoted at 1Í3&0 perbag; lhere have been no receipls. City mills bran is quotedat lífioo— ]_F:'Oo.

Cement—Receipts are 2,473 brls. French per Etoile duNord, 267 British per Hersctiel and 750 brls. German perCintra. Quotations furnished us are: British ylflooo—7$s'ooGerman 6$20o—6$700 and French 7$ooo—7.1=500, per bri,

Rice.—Receipts nil. The market is flat, with Rangoonquoted at 8$30o—8$soo per bag; other qualilies nominal. TheYarrow from Rangoon arrived ycsterday.

Codfish.—Stocks are estimated at about ri,000 packagesand dealers report thc market ll.u. Quotations at retail are '<i6$ooo—iolfooo old Canadian tubs, 20^000—23^000 new do;Norwegian cases 2i$ooò-.aa$ooo. Receipls are 730 casesNorwegian per Cintra.


Messrs. 'Singlehurst,

Brocklehurst &* Co. write under dateof May yst.

RUBBER.—In the absence ol any new feature to distlirb thcgeneral position nfthis article, our market has continued re"markably even iu tone and temper during the last three weeks.Ali arrivals fiiiding ready buyers without exciting undue com-petition, prices have ruled steady, and tinaílccted by occasionalfluetuations of exchange, at 3S.500 per kilo. for fine, and a.fóooforcoarse Upriver, and at 3$3so and 2$3So for Is].uU!s. thclatter description only having impiovcd in value since our lastadvices. As was expected entries have also this month fallenshort of thc quantity received during the same period last yeartbe diffeience being Sj tons, viz; 660 tons against 740 tons inMay, 1889. These short receipls added lo the 580 tons of lhepreceding months give so far a total deficiency of 660 tons, ascompared with last year; certainly a serious item COllsidering,that it represents 4 per cent. of last ycar's crop, that there hasnever before been a rctrogiession in lhe former annually in-creasing produetion of rubber and that the growing consump-tion of this article can but badly afford to he deprived of solarge a quantity at thc present lime. Entries last year iu Junewere 640 tons and to ali appearanccs they will not execed thisfigure this year, and in fact may even be a trille less.Stock, on gth MayEntries to date

... tons 15S- • ., 517

Less shipments to Eurnpc:

per Laufrauc.... tons 78do United States:

per Jercme „ 126„ Alliança , 130„ Maranhense.. „ 153

Stock, this day in :ist hands tons 19snd do „ 169

tons 675


tuns 188


JUNE 16.Glasgow—Br ship lilarioh Itiglis; 1,548 tons; Watson;

44 ds; sundries to Andrcw Muir & Co.

JUNE 17.Cahdifk—Br ship Karoo; 2,080 tons; Munro; 43 ds; coal to

Wilson Sons & Co.Rosakio -Nor bg Jo/le; 358 tons; Larsen; 21 ds; wheat lo

Rio Flour Mills company.

JUNE 18.NitWPOlíT—Br ship Graiulce; 1,578 tons; Smith; 47 ds; coal

to Central of Brazil railway.

JUNE 19.RouiiN— Kr bk Etoile dn Nord; 917 tons; Bumier; 45 ds;

sundries to order.

JUNE 21.H01.1.OUN!!—Fr ship Emil Postei; 1,089 tons; Gouris; 64 ds;

cement to Avenicr, Dale & Co.

JUNE 22San Francisco— Amer ship Florence; 1,605 tons; Drew; 73

ds; wheat to Rio Flour Mills company.Rangoon —Br bk Yarroiu; 1,318 tons; Péaltie; 107 ds; rice

to Norton, Megaw & Co.Rosário—Br bk Bine Bird; 393 tons; McDonald; 20 ds;

sundries to G. Rosino.S. Francisco do Sul—Br bg Mary E. Bliss; 189 tons;

Stiupat; 1 d; sundries to Queiroz, Moreira & Co.


JUNE 16.Barbados—Nor bk Crown Prince; 987;.to"ns; Paulsèn; ballast.

JUNE 17.Portland -Amer ship City of Philadelphia;. 1,384 10115;

Winii; same cargo.JUNE 18.

Port Natal-Br lug Hórtiet; 407 tons; McDonald; cofTee.Barbados-— Ger lug piano; 375 tons; Vorbrddl; ballast.Müssqro'—Nor bMNoriitiiuvick; .711 tons; 'Mortcnsen; do.

JUNE 20.Sandy Hook—Br ship Fred, E. Scainiiiell; 1,349 tons;

Chapnian; ballast.Barbados—Br lug Ethandune; 398 tons; Jamisón; do.Santos—Br bg lilanco; 343 tons; Tucker; sundries,

JUNE at.Barbados—Brbk Scotia; 327 tons; Duncan; ballast.Macáo—Amer lug Henry Norivell; 507 tons; McGilvery;

do.JUNE 22.

Sandy Hook—Amer bk E. IV. Stctsoii; 1,106 tons: Knieht:ballast.

Macáo—Arg bk Leòpoldina; 1,433 tons; Santos; do,


Cai'11 Town -Amer bk Justinc II. tiigersoll; coflee.1'iianniíl k.ò—Dnri bk Iniperiettse; liides.Savannah — 1'orl bg Armando; ballast.Bay Viirt—Nor bk Freya; do.Jamaica—Aust bk Marta Andritia; do.Cáhdikk'—Brshii. Cltdrliè Baker; do.Cai.cutta— Bi- bk ilfiltiatles; do.1'QÜIQUE—Br bk Royal Alia-; do.

Amer ship City of Philadelphia, from New York forPonlaiul, proeceded 011 her voyage on thc 171b inst.

—The new steamer Brazil, for the iiorthern ports serviceof the Lloyd Brazileiro, arrived here from Glasgow dn thctgth.

—It is reported tbat thc provisional government will permitthe Lloyd Brazileiro to eniploy the best of their coastingsteamers to iniiiate the transatlantic service

Tbe Light House department advises that the light aiSanto Antônio da Barra, llaliia, will 011 and after the àardJuiic be suhstitiited by a tempórary liglu showing two whileand one red llaslies at intervals of n> seconds. The new lightis visihle 14 miles in clear weather and will serve duringrepairs to the former light.

—On thc 22iul O Paiz meiltions a report lhat the aiillioritiesbad granted permission to the captain ofthe Ghargetirs Réunisconipahy's str Ville de Bueiros Aires to touch at Beneventeand Victoria, Kspitito Santo, but with the condilion thatcargo was not to be received As Victoria is a port of entrythe prohihition to receive cargo is not readiíy cxplainabíe,

FREIGHTS AND CU ARTE RS.—Tliu only charter reported is Amer bk Justinc ll. Inger-

soil, cofTee to Cape Town, L 460.Freights—steamer;

New York 20C perbagNew Orleans 40^ doLondon ?5í—^o.í per touLiverpool 3oj ,|0Antwerp 25í ,|0Hamburg 20.v doHavre 30 fes doBordeaux 25 j0Macules 35 c|0Trieste 3oí doGenoa 25 fes do

sail:Uniled States, North l

do South ) t5*—aa* 6rfChanncl f. <>. . ,Lisbonf.o. ns M-sis (m

VESSELS AFI.OAT &* LOADING FOR rio.Areola GrangemouthAMianistan CardilT 14 MayAfiica 1 .portoAmiicM. Law Cardili 13 MayÁustria Cardifl 9 MayA.-oiua Nowpori NewsAllertoH Cardifl 5 MayAnglesea CardilTÁsia Cardiflfítitz LiverpoolCândido Marseilles 29 Ap.Caéiâoti Mobile '4 AprCeylon Cardifl 13 MayConduetor. Newport NewsCharles Loring Richmond ..Intua NewcastleClandiua Oporto 14 MayColorado New YorkCi'/.- CardiflCrtisiuie* CardilT 1 MayDominion Cardifl to MayEiimitnd Phinncy New York 1? MayEmblem CardifT 16 MayFawiy L. CaiH Bruswick 3 .May1'id'i Marseilles 17 MarGaspar» Marseilles 28 AprIlu.ch Cann LiverpoolIl.ui.ion Hall Rangoon 7 Âpr'"*»• Newcastle 8 MayIno............ I jverpoolIndian Chief. Cardifl „ \ÍayJoliaime M.irte Newcastle 1 MayMargaret Runcorn 13 May•.'.'"."1". r''Shtbo,iy GUígow 16 May'YfílK*'* NevY,rk 29 AprNetueTroo/A RangoonOncnt Batn.wOsberga Ijverpoolf'"'adii Hamburg i MavPassepartout Shield* 7 May

Pride of IVales I tnmhi irg 2o A nrFcgasus CardifTPri tee Victor Liverpool{'«lermo St.SimoiVs 15 Aprlonte-orvo Mobile 28 Marl^cavery Norfolk 3„ Apr[V'WU' Swansea 19 May.Snow Queeu PensacolaSn Robert Fernie CardiflSteinvora CardilT.S7. Vitlcent CardifTSttllan CardiflSylMide.i Glasgow ,6 AprJ,f"iJu' Cardiff I9MayVentas Cardifl ..



June 16in1717iS1"

2021ü 121212122


Maori BrTrent BrBlackhcath BrLassei BrBritannia BrCampinas GrHerschel BrArawa BrCintra GrMagellan BrLa Plate FrV.de Bs.AircsFiNasmyth BrChatham Br

Lyttlcton 23dRiver Plate* 6dAntwerp* -.^dLiverpool* 2^dValparaiso* aodSantos 16I1London* zgdWèllington 2idHambuig* igdLiverpuo!" 23dBordeaux* i5dSantos 1ÜI1

do iyhPorto Alegre* 7d


Wilson Sons & CRoyal MailWalter, H. & CNorton, M'w &CWilson Sons & CE. Johnstoii & CNorton, M'w SiCWilson Sons & Clí Johnston & CWilson Sons & CMess. iMantiinesF. MazonNorton, M'w&C




June 16 Hevelius Blg Antwerp* Sundries16 V.deS NiçoIasFi Havre* do16 Salerno Gr Santos (i,i16 Nasmyth Br do do17 Treiit Br Southampton'' do17 Maori Br London do18 Britannia Br Liverpool* do18 AcLuir Fr Bordeaux* do18 Canning lir^ Porto Alegre* do20 Campinas Gr Hamburg* do20 Arawa Br London do21 Magellan Br Valparaiso' do21 Lassei Br Rosai io dosa La Plata Fr River Plate do

1 Calling at iiilerinedinie portsFOREIGNSAILING VESSELS IN THE PORT OF


n Am k


.'. Xv. H


WHKKIIKIIHM riiHsiiiii ki

A inericdnbk 1.11. Ingersollblc-F P.Liichlieldbk C. E. Long ..bk Julia Rollinssp Florence

. 1 rgentinebk Abíiotsford...hk Zelmira

A ust'ria nbk Maii.i Aiidtin.i

Drilislihk MiltiàdcsbkC. IL Léfurgeysp Puritán sp Sardinian ....hk Choicesp Glencona ....bk Br.uidon bk Souvenirsp Stiatbgryfe...bk Royal Alice..sp Charlie Bakersp RnssignoL...bk Armênia .sp Mi-iley Hall.lug Eiliel sp Scott Gletis..bk Abana spMaiionB,'d'ynesp Tuskarbg Mississippi ..sp Pendrngon ..bk M.il.el sp Mári n Itiglissp Karoo sp Grnndeç..bk Yatrow.hk Bine Bird...bg M. I£. Bliss..

Frenchbk l)ug'y Trouinbk Pies Mal.iresp Persêverance.bk Etoile du Nordsp F.inil Postei..

Damshbk Imperieuse ..

DutchbkOld.unpl II .

Germanbg Adie.

Ita lia 11bk Piet.i... ...bk C1101110 Brunobg 11 Cam'oglio

Noituegianbk Pr. Henry...bk Prince Regentbk Alpha ......sp Kom.Sv.Foynbk Freya ...'..bk Clarabk F.ui-t bk Gann........bk Skurcgrom...bk Salatiga ...>P Hercules .bk Avantisp For. Riçhts..sp Hallgerda ...bk Chrys dite ..bk Sagatun bk Prof.Noidúldbk Nelsonbk Coiicotdia ...bgjolle

Portuguesel>i{ Armando .bk Açoro Unidoslug Gilbk baitelbg Victoriabk Ligeirabk YeniuivM ..



May 14[New York União MercantilBiunswick Uerla & C

(uua8 S. Nicólasio| Baltimore,22|S.Fraiícisci

t77|Máy 14 Pensacola8661 31 Bruiiswick

Rússia 11bk Ju!w ....

Spawskbg P. M.ni-l.i;,y




I tlu.480I2ÍO




718154820 ^'o'57«i_;iS


38766 s











May f)IS. Nicólas

Apr 3 Glasgow;'.6! Pensacola

May 81 Glasgow .II Cardifl"..'.!i.i CardifT...1 .•.'! ilasgow,..1 alNewport .13" Mobile...i8jGreenock181 Newcastle22|Caidill ...

Cardili . ..CaidifT. ..CardilT...NewcastleGlasgow..

Cardifl ....311 Glasgow ..loICanlilT...III Baltimore.111 Rangoon .1 '[Swansea...io Glasgow...171 aidifl ...18INewport ..28 Rangoon ..' iosnrio....àãlS. F. doSu

To orderl.evering ,Sr CRio Flour Mills

Berla St CW. Guimarâes&C

W ,G uimaraes &C




|un 1021

SlRptien ...St NnaaireCardifT ...Rouen ....Boiilogne..

May 11 Newcastle


Jun. 13'Bs. Aires.

May 24

Jun. 6

¦\pr 468




Apr. 6

May o*727

Jun. b

May 27

Jun. 12

l'o orderC. \V Gross S: CTo orderWilson Sons «Sc CBraz Coal Co.Wilson Sons «*«_ CCem. Braz R.R.F. P. PassosWatson, R. & CB. Rodrigues ,t CWilson Sons ."v: GNorton, M'w ,S: CMess MaritimesNorton, M'w .S: CProgresso Ind.Watson, R; & (jBraz. Coal Co.A. MilirS: CCent. Bra/. R R.Levei ing «"v CTõ orderWilson Sons & CA. Muir ,t CWilson Sons «S: CCent. Braz. RRNprtq'nvM'w& CG, RosinoQueiroz, Al. «Sc C

Düvivier «S: CTo orderWilson Sons «Sc CAvenicr, D, & CAveiiier, D. & C

I c. Pacheco &C

11. Stoltz «S: C

To order

Marseilles. Progresso [nd.Marseilles., Karl Vaiais «Sc CMarseilles.. Berla «S C

Glasgow .. Düvivier & CGlasgow .. Düvivier .*t CLiverpool.. [. & J. Pe.ikeCaidilT.... Wilson S ns «* CCardifT |i Rodrigues ^t CCardifl —] Wilson Soi.s «Sc CNew York Io distiessCardifl .... Royal MailMarseilles.. A Líhericy&CCardifT..., Wilson .sons íi CCardiff Bra/. Coal Co.Cardifl.... Royal MailI ardiff ... BraV Coal Co.Glasgow... |; Rodrigues .v CGrimsby... Watson, R ít CRosário ... Düvivier ,* CMaceió.... C. W. Gross «\c CLeith Wilson. R. ív CMagdalcna Frü* Herm. & CRosiiu ... Kio Flour Mills


'porto..Aracaju.Oporto..t>poi to ..


Bs. Airta,

Costa Simões«% CGU.C. dc AlmeidaMacedo Jr. & CMacedo Jr & CD. Sotua GuedesMacedo Jr {v CJ. A. G. Santos

. S Wilson Sons &C

. jrnas Hon J4 C


June 2'3'rd, 1890.] TII E RIO NEWS 7

STOCK AND SHARE LIST.jr-uLixe 2Ist, 1890.










Rate Denoniinalion


Gold Loan 1868do 1879do 1889


200$ —1,000$


500 —1,000

Last sale


i,M5 00°1,105 000

97 9o

Closing quotations

•i,i55$oóo-1,090 000-97 °/o


paid upReservefund




t, 300,000$1,500,0001,133.*°°




I ,600,0OOL '37.'"°




6 56,25°i\ j,ooo250,000278,000



¦a, ooo, ooo









Jan — lulyApr.-Oci.


Apr -Oct.Jan.—JulyFeb. — Aug.)an.—IvilyMar.-Sept.Apr.—Oct •Jan.-July

|an -lulydodo

Feb.—Aug-Apr -Oct|.ui.-J"ly


May —NovJun.—Dec.

Apr.-Oct.Jan.—JulyMar. -Sept.


May—Nov.Apr -Oct.


Jan".— July.\pr.-Oct.lan.-July"


Mar. -Sept









£ 150,000266,000600,000


ooj Jan.—July



Mar.—SeptMay —Nov.


RAILWAYSBragantinaCampos and Carangòla ..Juiz dc Fora and Piau..1 .copoldi na

do gold £50MaricáRio das FloresSapucahy . £20S Isabel do Rio Pieto...

do gold '.soSorocabana

do goldUnião Valenciana

THAMWAVS.Cant. e Viação Fluminense. | £20Garris Urbanos

doNitherohy gold | ',¦¦¦Pernambuco S. Paiilo and S. AmaroVilla Isabel

StllFPING••''ryloyd Brazileiro

Centrai.Sugak Factoru- -Pureza Quissamã Uio Branco

MILLS.AlliançaBtriberyBom FimHrazil IndustrialCarioca • -- •Confiança I nclustrial .Industrial MineiraPétropolitahaPáo Grande KinkS. ChristovãoS. )oão S. LázaroS." Pedro de Alcântara

MINESS. Jeronymo | coal|...

MISCBLLÀNEOUSArcliitectonicaCatitareirae Esgotos, gold.. £5°Còhstructora ElcvadoreFab.de Chumbo *>Empreza de Obras Publicas.. 1-°Docas D. Pedro IIInd. I.av.e Col. Macahé.... -Lavoura, Ind & Colou..... £20Melhoramentos U. de Nicth,Nacional de ÓleosNova IndustriaPlano Inclinado S. Thereza.Serviços Marítimos

Last sale Closiilg quotations

.... — 195^.000

.... — 197 000i36$ooo-- 188 000

202 500

210 000—



M 10,000,000100,000,000




80,000,000I 000,000r, 000,000






£i,2 5°.c,0°2,000,000






Mi, 500,00033,000,00013,400,000







234,060I, • 30.1802,000,000

























Agricola do BrazilAuxiliar -•

do 2 seriesBrasilianiscbeBrazil

do 2 seriesClasses LaboriosasColonial do BrazilColonisador e Agricola ICommeicial do Rio de Jan.

<Jo 2 seriesCommerciantesCommercio

do 2 seriesConstruetor do HrazilCredito CommercialCredito Public»Credito Real do Brazil

do 2 seriesdo comm. dep...

Delcredere Knglish, LimitedF.stados Unidos do Brazil...I nduslrial e Mercantil

do 2 seriesIntermediárioLavoura e CommercioLondon & Brazilian, LmtedMercantil dos Varegistas..Nacional do Brazil (gokl).

I PopularRip de JaneiroRural e HypóthecarioSociedade BancariaSul-AmericanoU nião ile Credito

Closing quotations

$800—Jan. 90 4°$10 ooo—Jan. 90 ,0°

1 ooo—Jan. oo 4o" yi/250

ro ooo—Jan. 90 200

400—Jan. 90

Nom. Lastvalue sale '



4,i 00,0008,000,0005,000,000



500,000Si 6,700





800—Jan, 90o 000 -Jan. 902 500—lan. 90

800—Jan. 90ro ooo—Jan. 90

700—lan. 90800—Apr. 90

9 000—Jan. 90

5 °0-Jan. 905 96—jan; 90

15 000—Jan. 90Ss—May 90

8 ooo—Jan. go500—Jan. 90

3 000—Jau. 901 120—lan. 90

8í—Apr. 907 500-Jan. 90

6 000--lan. 901 000— Jan. 00

10 OOO—Jan qo

400—Apr. 90



71 $000150 000

86 000

299 000

90 000

85 000270 000132 000102 000260 000

72 000

79 000120 000

69$ooo— 72$ooo — 200 000

85 000— 89 000 ' í i

87 000

84 000— 86 000265 000-274 000129 000—131 000

.... —109 000259 000 — 261 00069 000— 72 000

79 000— 79 250

47 000!(63 000

106 000210 000

362 000—375 000

106 000- 107 000

148 000

91 oool 91 000— 93 00°







Credito RealS. Paulodo 2 series do ....do comm. dep

Lavoura dó ....Mercantil. Santos _.

do 2 series...Popular, S. PauloProvincial, do S Paulo Credito Real, MinasMinas GeraesTerritorial, do

do 2 seriesUnião, Bahia PernambucoCredito Real, Ri G. do Sul

3 000— lan.6%-jan.6 'V-Jan.

5 000—lan.10 ooo—Jan.

1 540—Jan.x 750—lulyio ",,-Jan.


220 000

95 000124 00'

50 000

350 000186 000

46 00050 000

217 000—220 000

95 000— 96 500 —125 000

345 000— .--•

44 000— 47 00069 000— 72 000

100 000—104 000






Capitai Reservtpaid up \ Jund





Amazon Steam NavigationLloyd Brazileira

doS. João da Barra e Campos

Dividend Nomiria lpaid I value

97$5°°180 000

66 000

Closing quotations

«179$ooo— 18o$ooo — 66 000


PresentA inoiint




i,93 i.3006,363,800


Rate Banks

June. —Dec.Jan.—July

doApr —Oct.


BrazilCredito Real do Brazil...

do gold ;,••;••Credito Real de S. Paulo.Estados Unidos, gold



Last sale



Closing quotations



.... -97°/..I02$O00—

91 %—97 °0

-89 %


Capitalpaul 11 p

CapitalCapitalpaid 11 p











r ,813,000$Soo,000




7 29, Soo10,665,000



CompaniesDivide ini




Bahia and MinasBaião de Araruama |uiz de Fôra and Piau..Leopoldina.{„ subsidiaries...

do with callMacahé and CamposMaricá Monte ClarosMu.MinbinhoOesie de Minas

do 2 seriesdo 3 seriesdo subsidiaries ..

Ri» das Flores...S. Paulo and Rio.

do xsubs...do subsidiaries...


jo prolongation..União ValencianaViação Central do Brazil..


?ooo—July 89ooo—Jan. SS

s td-Feb. 90s 4</—Aug. 89

000-July 89

Closing quota/tons


o 000-

9 ooo-

3 "o-6H 96

May 89- lan. 90

-Jnnc 9.-) une 90-Feb. 84

i75$ooo147 000

23 00060 500

136 000


60 000— 61 000135 000—137 000

AlliançaArgOS FluminenseAtalaiaBonançaConfiançaFidelidade •-GarantiaGeral..lnileniizad.uaIntegridadeLealdadeNova PermanentePrevidenteProsperidadeUnião Com. dos VaregistaiVigilância


Last Closing quotations

1 o 000-1 000-

19$ooo330 ooo

10 50010 000

31 0001S0 000140 000

40 00012 000

130 000

9 000iS 000•25 00016 50040 000

9 000!

I j0$000 —



44 000— 44 5°°

54 "0l>87 000

305 00008 000

54 000— 85 000— 88 000

300 000—325 00098 000— 99 000


Soo, 0001,200,000


Capitalpaid up




A 000,000





Carris Urbanos .Jardim BotânicoPernambucoPorto AlegreS. Christovão...



.. — Apr. 90300—Apr. 90ooo—Jan. 90

4 000—Fcb. 9018 ooo—Jan. 90

Last j closviff quotations

255$oo.<146 000

90 000

255$ooo-150 000-

269 oool 285 000—


41 oool 43 000— 43 500


a, 400.000$400,000


t ,000,0001,200.005


4<X>,000250,000600,0006»o,ooo20 l.OXJ

4 o j, 000





Capitalpaid up

1,4 >>,O..K>f400*000


1,0)0,000ÓOO, O K>








103,2 12$









MltanÇaBom Fim Brazil IndustrialBrazileiraCarioca •• ••-•Confiança I nduslrial

do . sciies.......CorcovadoCruzeiro do Sul.---- -•••-ü. IsabelIndustrial Mineira Industrial de Ouro Preto...Nacional de SedaPáo GrandePetropolitana ......-•••.«Progresso InJ. do Hrazi!.Rtnk S. Christovão ......

do a serie* S. João

do * *eiies ...S. Lázaro

do 7 series-.......S. Pedra de .Montara...União Industrial..-

Dividend Nominal] East I/.aid value salei *****

,ó$oo -Jan. 90 200$ 3$O$00O.... 200

6 000—lan. 90 soo 217 000

s %—jan. 90 aoo 200 oco12 ooo—Jan. 90 20015 000—Jau. 90 300 2400006 660—Jan. 90 too 120000

40 42 0004°

200 220 000"... 200 aoo 000

120 45°°°200 Í20 OOO

1» ooo-Jan. 89, soo 2200009 <voo-)uly S9, 200 170 0001 050— Jan. qo 80

14 òoo—Jnly 88 200

7 500-Jan. of- "4 oo°. «50—Jan. 90 «8o

.... 200 *jo 000

1607 ,00—July 89 aoo zto 000

40_ f an. 90 aoo aoa 000

7 000—.jan. 90 aco

— 81 *c


4 00,0001800,000





u\ 000,000








Capitaipaia tip








I 20,00022,200



220,000 220,000"3.100.000

l, JOO,OOO200,000

40,0001,500.0007.000,000 «35,040


1,926.0001,20 4.000 4O.50



Agtt.CoIoniz. de VassourasAgre. S. SebasliãoCant. e Viação Fluminense.Carruagens Fluminense....Commercio e LavouraCommercio e I ndustriaCordoalha. ¦Docas D. Pedro 11........

do subsidiaries.Klevador e Falir, de Chumbo

do 2 series....Empreza de Obras Publicas,

do 2 seriesFabrica de Biscoutos.......Ind Lv. e Viação dc MacahéIndustrial Flum. tKiosques)lavoura, Ind. & Colon....Nacional de ÓleosNova Industria

do 2 series...-Parahyba c Sergipe |C. F.|Pastoril, Agric. & IndustrialPastoril MineiraPh(.sphato de CalSaneamento do Kio........Serviços MarítimosS. J eronymo mines...

do a seriesi L cii«i.' • *'**?¦*••*»**'***•*•*'*

4 $000—A pt10 000—Jan.

1 600—Jan.

3 500-Jan

4 «Ó-Jan.


8 000 -Jan.

.. —Jan.

8 000—Apr.6 000—Jan.

7 500—Apr

.. —Jau

. 90










Closing quotations

i9$$ooo200 000205 000200 000

38 000aoo 000

130 000

205 000

34600090 000

too 00047 000


346$ooo—350 00088 000— 9a 000

60 000— ....


55 <**»160 000

60 00053 0°°

aoS 000ito OOO

aS 000240 000

54 ooo— 55 000

tto 000— 120 00037 000— 30 000

fc.J .1. , ¦¦¦¦^.






Loading Bei th ; Coveud Pier No. 17, East Rivet

For Freight and General information apply to

Thomas Norton,104 Wall St., New-York.



Under contracts with the British and BrazilianGovernments for carrying the mails.




June 26*





Santos, Montevidéo and Buenos Ayres.

Southampton and Antwerp, callinE atBahia, Pernambuco, Lisbon and Vigo.

This Company'ssteamers leave Southampton every alternateThursday, and Rio de Janeiro, homeward, every alternateTuesday,

Insurance on freight shipped 011 these steamers can betaken out at the Agency.

For freight, passages and other information apply to

Hua de S. Pedro No. 1, Sobrado.

G. C. Anderson,Superintendent.

* This steamer takes cargo and passengers for Montevidéoand Buenos Ayres.




ADVANCE Captain Griffiths... 9 Aug.FINANCE Baker 27 „

The fine packet


will sail i6th July for

NEW YORKcalling at

Bahia, Pernambuco and Maranhão[entertng the two last named ports]

Pará, Barbados, Martinique andSt. Thomas

Passage Ratescabia steerage

To Liverpool $220 gold„ New York $143 $7B ,,

<St back.. $278

For passages and information apply to

Wilson, Sons &* Co., Limited; AgenlsNo. 2 Praça das Marinhas.

And for cargo to

W. C. "Peck,No. 6 Praça do Commercio.





To New York:Nasmyth June a8tli

For Antwerp:calling at Southampton (for London)

Vega.... June jgth

For New Orleans:A Steamer J«uly 5U1

For Liverpool via Bahia :Chaucer June 77th

For Southern coast Ports:Cavour )Chatham UveeklvCanning ', "eeK|yor Cabral J

Mails are closed as announced hy the Post Office.For cargo apply to

Wm. R. McNiven,97, Rua i° de Março.

For passages, parcels, specie, etc., to thcAgents:— Norton, Megaw & Co.

82 Rua i° de Março.




Due at Rio de Janeiro.Aorangi July 3rdRimutaka „ 3ist

These steamers are first-class in every respect and arecelebrated for quick homeward passages and superior ac-commodations. Passengers may land at Plymouth.

For freights apply to W. C. Peck.

No. 6, Praça do Commercio;and for passages and other information to

Wilson Sons & Co., L'd., Agents,No. 2, Praça das Marinhas.






HOMEWARDS-Due at Rio de Janeiro.Coptic July TOthlonic Aug. i4tli

Steamers superior in every respect and fitted with everyconvenience for the comfort of travellers. Call at Tènrriffeand Plymouth.

For freight apply to W. C. Peck,

No. 6, Praça do Commercio;and for passages and other information to

Wilson, Sons & Co. L'd., Agents,

No. 2, Praça das Marinhas.


DEPARTURES for LIVERPOOL.Calling at Lisbon and Bordeaux.

Potosi June 27.I1Galicia July nthJohn Elder „ 25th

These popular steamers are fitted with lhe electric light andall modem conveniences. Insurance policies may be takenout at the agency 011 mcrchandtse, baggage and values.

For freights apply to W. C. Peck,No. 6, Praça do Commercio;

and for passages and other information to

Wilson Sons & Co., L'd.,Agents.No. 2, Praça das Marinhas.




Estãblished tn Hamburg on ibth December1887 by the "Direclion der Disconto Gesellschaft"in Berlin and the " Norddeutsche Bank ,„Hamburg," Hamburg.

Capital. 10,000,000 Marks.BRANCH-OFFICE IN RIO DE JANEIRO.

1 A, Rua da Candelária, 1 A(Autlwriscd by Decree No. 10,030;

Draws on:

Capital. 30,000,000 Marks.Regular Lines of Steam Packets between

Bremen — United States,, Brazil,, River Plate

China, Japan,, Austrália

Departures from Rio de Janeiro on thc Sthof each month to

Bahia, Lisbon, Antwerp and Bremen.Passengers and cargo for all ports ofthe difierent lines

accepted.Passage Rates: ist.-cl.

Rio—Antwerp, Hrcnien 500 Marks.,, —New York via Bremen. 1,000 ,,

,, —Lisbon 500 ,,For further information apply to

fDirection der Disconto )Germafly J „ Gesellschaft, P.erlin. ( and1 Norddeutsche Rank in | pondents.


HERM. STOLTZ & Co., Agents.Rua da Alfândega, No. Co. Rio dc Janeiro.

The Singer Manufacturing CompanyNEW YORK AND LONDON


CelebratedSewing Machines SINGER Celebrated

Sewing Machines

corres- nmw

( Hamburg. Hamburg. )f tf. M. Rothschild & Sons, London.

England J International Rank of London, Limited1 London.1 Wm. Brandt's Sons & Co., London.

France í Credit LyonnaisSpain ) and branchesBelgiurn y Banque d'Ativers, Antwerp."

t* H. Albert de Bary & Co., Antwerp.( Banca Generale. branches and corres-Italy e pondents.( MeuHcoltrç Sc Co., Nanlcs.

Portugal f Banco Lisboa & Açores and cones-" ) pondents

United States 5 Kiddcr Peabody & Co., New York.•"• \ G Anisinck & Co.. New York.

Uruguay F.mcslo Tornqnist & Co., Montevidéo.Argentine f Ernesto Tòriiquist & Co., B. Ayres."¦'{Deutsche

Uebcrsee Bank, B. Ayres.and any other countries

Allows 3°ó p. a. interest in account current.Pays interest on deposits for a certain time.

¦l 9n p. a. for 1 to 6 months. ,5°o ., „ .. 7 „ o „° o ,, ,, ,. 10 ,, 12 „

Executes orders for purch.tses and sales of stocks, shares,etc, and transaets every description of banking Ihimiicss.




General Agency in South America:




3Ç, Rua do ImperadorSão Paulo:

34 B, Rua da ImperatrizBahia:

ln front ofthc ElevatorCampos:

69, Rua 13 de Maio

Porto Alegre:329, Rua do.s Andradas

Buenos Aires:137, Calle Maipú

Rosário:193 'A, Calle Mendoza

and at Montevidéo, Salto, La Plata, Cordoba, Santa Fé, Tucuman, Asuncion, Valparaiso, Santiago,Guayaquil, Lima, lquique, La Paz, etc, etc,

For Dyspepsia, Mental and Physical Exhaustion, Nervousness, Diminished Vitality, etc,USE


Prepared according to the directions of Prof. . N. Horsford, of Cambridge, Mass.A preparation of the phosphates of lime, magnesia, potash and iron with phosphoric acid in such

form as to bc rcadily assimilatcd by the system.As Food for an Exliausted Brain, In Liver and Kiilney Troubles, In Seasickncss and Sick Headaclie,

In Dyspepsia, Indigeslion and Constipation, ín Inebiiety, Despondency, and Cases ofInipaired Nerve Funclion

HORSFORDS ACID PHOSPHATElias become a necessity in a large number of liouseholds throughoul tlie world, and is universally

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AND THE NEIGHBORING COUNTRIES,Wanted, for prompt paynient, (cish or exchange.)Circular of instruciioiis free. Agents wanted. Comillissiòns

of all kinds executed.Address: Frankford Stamp Co., Stamp Importcrs,

1'rankford, Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A.

çrjwoBsonEüH ^u<^ cKk




w ^. cuãls< Rheumatism.Neuralgia.Sciatica,U Lumbago, Backache. Neadache, Toothache,£ Bor* Tkrost, Swelljac». Nprmln.. Brulaea.Uarna, Bcald* FroH Ultcs,





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3 m.


Sole Agents, W. R. CASSELS àr Co.


. Purchasers should see that thc Label on every bottlc of the original

WORCESTERSH^E SAUCEbears thc Signature, thus:—

OL^CCV d^^f^T^uíAsk for Lba X* 1'kkkins' Sauce, and see Xanie on Wrapper. tabel. Bottle and Stoppcr.

Wholaale and for Ezpcrt by the Proprietor*. tforcester ; Crown «V Blaekmll, Lundu», $*•» «J*"-»" i"ui byGrocers and Oilmen í'.*¦, .y. .-: tlie Wvrld.

GERMAN SCHOOL.Rua dos Arcos, 19.

Thc public examination will t.ike place a6th june from ountil 1 o*clock. New pnpils for the next quarter will !>cadmitted ou application to the head master at thc end úf thismonth.

DEUTSCHE SCHULE.Dic oflentliche Prüfung findei Donuerstag afi limi von

Morgens 9 bis Nachmittags 1 uhr statt. Die Anmeldttngneuer Scltüler fiir den am i Jtili beginnehdeil Kursits niiniiitder Oberlehier am Knde Ae* Monats Júni eiitgegen.

Carl Burmester, Scluiftr-jhier.

BRITISH SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY.New Half-year commencing July.

Large asnorlmenl of English Works of Eiciioti, standard andother. Io which tecent works i f f.ivourite living .unhaisare from time to ume added. Also standard works ofrravel. Btography, Historv. Literature, etc.

Leading English Newspapers and Periodicals.piclorial and olher. received by carliest mails from Europealso puncip.il Rcviews and Magaxines, EnKlisfi

'and American.

SUBSCRIPTIONS -Paid in Advance:30Í per annum, with rieht to four wotks and two maKaxincs18$ wtth nght to two works and «te mganne«

Employés of Mibscribing firms. banks, etc. admittfd forpayment ofl 2$ anmuilly, with nyht to two wotks and onemagazine

Subscriptions may bc paid half yeaily

Temporary Residents in Rio are entitled to „<* theRording K.-o,„. wuhout the „cht of taking „„, 1hjovs f„r amoiithlv subscription. paid in advance. of tf.All infoinutioii may bc «blained from the Libtanan

eJcplêj "**"fr " '"no,>n tn 6" " • s,,nJ,ys :,m, "°^y*

53. RUA DOS OURIVES - First Floor.

Tvp. Aldixa, 79, Sete de Setembro.