MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AND FAMILY ECONOMICS (2018) VOL 21 (SPECIAL ISSUE 2) The Risks of Cosnuming Haram Food From Medical Perspectives Dr. Muhammad Yanis Musdja 1 ABSTRACT As it is said in the Al-Qur'an, surah Al-Baqarah, verse 168, that consuming food and drink halalanthayyiban is very good for all mankind. The truth of this verse has been proven by scientific research, namely: when a person consumes food that is forbidden in Islam, such as consuming; alcohol, pork, blood, beasts, animals not slaughtered in the name of God and others, causing the person will be susceptible to certain diseases, disorders of character, etc. This should be communicated to all mankind. Therefore, the teachings of Islam is a mercy to all mankind. The objective of this paper is to enhance confidence for the Muslims as well as provide information for non-Muslims about the truth of Islam and the Al-Quran miracle, so people will be more interested for convert to Islam. The observation is based on analysis of SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses Opportunities, Threats) Strengths”: Islam is a religion that comes from God, the truth of Islamic teachings is the absolute and there is no iota of doubt to him and Allah has promised to reveal the truth of the verses in every field of science, as it is said in the Al-Qur'an in Surah Fushilat, Verse 53. “Weaknesses”: At this time, The countries that have Muslim majority population is lagging in science and technology. Some people who do not understand the teachings of Islam have prejudice, the cause is Islam. In fact in this case, the cause of Muslims are lagging due to less active and less serious in mastering science and technology. “Opportunities”: As it is said in the Al-Qur'an, Surah Ali Imran, verse 110. Muslims are the best people are born for the humans, ordered to the goodness, and prevent it from evil, and believe in Allah. Therefore, Muslim intellectuals who already know about the scientific truth of the teachings of Islam about the dangers of consuming haram foods. The truth of the teachings of Islam must be disclosed by scientific knowledge. This is a mission that shows the truth of Islam. So it will be more and more people are interested to Islam. Threats”: People who do not like Islam and the people who do not understand Islam is often said that food and beverages are prohibited in Islam does not have a foundation of scientific knowledge. They said it will only hurt the followers of islam. Whereas in fact, scientific knowledge has proved the truth of the teachings of Islam. That food and beverages are prohibited by God will cause great harm to those who violate it. In conclusion, as promise of Allah in the Al-Qur'an, in Surah Fushsilat, verse 53: That God will reveal the truth the verses in the whole field of science has been increasingly evident. This is most evident with the scientific evidence about the dangers of consuming forbidden foods. This should be communicated to all mankind, because in the Al-Qur'an at Surat Al-Baqorah verse 168: That consuming foods that halalanthayyiban not only for the Muslims, but for the all mankind. This proves that Islam is a mercy for the all mankind. Keywords: The risks of consuming, Haram Foods, Fobidden food, Based on medical aspects 1 Corresponding author : Chairman of Indonesian Halal Products Foundation, Coordinator of Program, The Center of Assessment and Development for Halal Products, Islamic State University, Jakarta. Email : [email protected], [email protected]

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The Risks of Cosnuming Haram Food From Medical Perspectives

Dr. Muhammad Yanis Musdja1


As it is said in the Al-Qur'an, surah Al-Baqarah, verse 168, that consuming food and drink halalanthayyiban is very good for all mankind. The truth of this verse has been proven by scientific research, namely: when a person consumes food that is forbidden in Islam, such as consuming; alcohol, pork, blood, beasts, animals not slaughtered in the name of God and others, causing the person will be susceptible to certain diseases, disorders of character, etc. This should be communicated to all mankind. Therefore, the teachings of Islam is a mercy to all mankind. The objective of this paper is to enhance confidence for the Muslims as well as provide information for non-Muslims about the truth of Islam and the Al-Quran miracle, so people will be more interested for convert to Islam. The observation is based on analysis of SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses Opportunities, Threats) “Strengths”: Islam is a religion that comes from God, the truth of Islamic teachings is the absolute and there is no iota of doubt to him and Allah has promised to reveal the truth of the verses in every field of science, as it is said in the Al-Qur'an in Surah Fushilat, Verse 53. “Weaknesses”: At this time, The countries that have Muslim majority population is lagging in science and technology. Some people who do not understand the teachings of Islam have prejudice, the cause is Islam. In fact in this case, the cause of Muslims are lagging due to less active and less serious in mastering science and technology. “Opportunities”: As it is said in the Al-Qur'an, Surah Ali Imran, verse 110. Muslims are the best people are born for the humans, ordered to the goodness, and prevent it from evil, and believe in Allah. Therefore, Muslim intellectuals who already know about the scientific truth of the teachings of Islam about the dangers of consuming haram foods. The truth of the teachings of Islam must be disclosed by scientific knowledge. This is a mission that shows the truth of Islam. So it will be more and more people are interested to Islam. “Threats”: People who do not like Islam and the people who do not understand Islam is often said that food and beverages are prohibited in Islam does not have a foundation of scientific knowledge. They said it will only hurt the followers of islam. Whereas in fact, scientific knowledge has proved the truth of the teachings of Islam. That food and beverages are prohibited by God will cause great harm to those who violate it. In conclusion, as promise of Allah in the Al-Qur'an, in Surah Fushsilat, verse 53: That God will reveal the truth the verses in the whole field of science has been increasingly evident. This is most evident with the scientific evidence about the dangers of consuming forbidden foods. This should be communicated to all mankind, because in the Al-Qur'an at Surat Al-Baqorah verse 168: That consuming foods that halalanthayyiban not only for the Muslims, but for the all mankind. This proves that Islam is a mercy for the all mankind. Keywords: The risks of consuming, Haram Foods, Fobidden food, Based on medical aspects

1 Corresponding author : Chairman of Indonesian Halal Products Foundation, Coordinator of Program, The Center of Assessment and Development for Halal Products, Islamic State University, Jakarta. Email : [email protected], [email protected]

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As the Word of Allah Almighty in the Al Qur'an at Surah Sad, verse 29:

“(This is) a Book (the Quran) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over (conduct research) its Verses, and that men of understanding may remember”

Based on the verse above, if we conduct scientific research in the field of medical knowledge about the commands Allah Almighty, in the Al Quran, Surah Al Baqorah verse 168, that said:

“O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy”.

Then, Al Qur'an on Surah Al Araf verse 157, that said:

“Who enjoins upon them what is right and forbids them what is wrong and makes lawful (halal) for them the good things and prohibits for them the evil and relieves them of their burden and the shackles which were upon them”.

At the Surat Al Baqorah, verse 168 above, Allah Almighty not only calls Muslims but to all mankind to consume foods that halalan thoyyiban (lawful and good) This proves that Islam is a mercy to all the worlds (Rahmatan lil Alamin) This is strengthened by the Hadith the prophet who said that:

“The main source of various diseases is the stomach. Stomach is a repository of illness and fasting it is the cure "(Hadith narrated by Muslim).

Islamic Sharia about the obligation to consume halal food should be verified and proved about the truth. Therefore, Allah Almighty has instructed us to examine the truth of the verses Allah Almighty, as Allah Almighty commanded in Surah Sad, verse 29 mentioned above. Experts should be able to prove this, because Allah Almighty has promised to prove the truth of the verses of Allah Almighty, as the promise of Allah Almighty in surah Fushilat verse 53.

“We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their ownselves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Quran) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things”

Based on verses of the Al Quran and the Hadith mentioned above. We will explain the suitability of Islamic teachings with medical science, about the dangers of consuming haram foods and beverages on physical and spiritual health. According to Biochemistry, the human body is a collection of chemical compounds whose chemical compounds are very complex and consist of millions of chemical compounds, reaction processes and chemical compounds in the human body which are estimated to be less than 0.0000001%. (Sadikin Muhammad, 2002).

The body's chemical compounds will react with food chemical compounds and are called metabolism. This metabolic process is divided into two, namely the process of decomposing food compounds into molecules that are simple and called the Catabolism reaction. The results of this catabolism will react with the body's chemical compounds to form compounds needed by the body and called the

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Anabolism reaction. If the composition of food is not good or in accordance with the needs of the body, xenobiotics will be formed in the body. Xenobiotic compounds are compounds that are not needed by the body and can endanger the balance of the body's chemical compounds or interfere with the body's chemical homeostasis. Examples of xenobiotic compounds are alcohol, poisons, drugs that gift is not appropriate, enzymes that bothered chemical systems of the human body, particularly those found in wild animals, pigs, repulsive animals and etc. (Sadikin Muhammad, 2012; Murray RK, 2012).

Figure 1. Classification of Halal and Haram in Islam based Al Quran

Homeostasis disorders are not only caused by Xenobiotic compounds, but can also be caused by excess or lack of certain compounds in the body such as excess and deficiency, oxygen, water, carbohydrates, protein vitamins and minerals. (Murray RK, 2012).

Classification of foods and beverage based on

the Al Qur'an

Halal (Lawful)

All Food and beverages

are considered Halal in

Islam, Except the list

under Haram

(In the right column)

Haram (Unlawful

1. Pork and its byproducts

2. Alcohol and intoxicants

and its byproducts

3. Carnivorous animals

and birds of prey

4. Animals improperly


5. Animals killed in the

name of anyone other

than Allah

6. Bloods and blood


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One example can be seen clearly with the naked eye, ie, the result of a chemical reaction processes of the body with food variety of colors, after reacting with the chemical compounds the body, then the result is always yellow colored stools.

As shown in Figure 1. We write a classification of foods and beverages that are haram and halal accoring to the Al Qur'an.

The body chemical compounds that react the most with food are enzymes and hormones, while food also works to make enzymes and hormones in the body. Reaction results of enzymes and hormones with food determine the physical shape of the body and psychological and character of a person. In this case people who often eat wild animals tend to be ferocious like wild animals, because the wild animal enzymes form enzymes in the human body that make the character of the person is also ferocious like a wild animal. Enzymes are the main compounds of body chemistry that regulate the nature and character of humans, all chemical reactions in the body are regulated by enzymes. All human activity is a process of chemical reactions regulated by enzymes, such as talking hurt, falling in love, anger, affection, thinking, sleeping, all of which are regulated by enzymes.(Murray RK, 2012)

The mechanism of biotransformation of xenobiotic compounds on haram food and beverage in the human body based on which the biochemistry is as in Figure 2.

Figure 2. The process of biotransformation of xenobiotics compounds (Murray RK, 2012)


and Poisons


1. Poten

2. Less Poten

3. Toxic

Xenobiotics/Haram food

(Alcohol, Pig, Animal

beast, Blood, Animal

disgusting, animals are

slaughtered in a way not



compounds of

Haram food that

harmful will be

transformed into


1. Active and

2. None active

Active compounds

of haram food will

be transformed into


1. Xenobiotics

2. Poisons


mation of


and Poisons


and Poisons

(None active) Xenobiotics and Poisons that Poten



1. Character & Personality is not

good or

2. Physical conditions will be

changed from Normal

Sitokrom P-450



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Based on classification of foods and beverage according to the Al Qur'an, we will explain below, the risk of consuming haram foods and beverages based on medical aspects:

1. Why Pork and Its Byproducts is Haram

After discovery instrument Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the determination of the genetic variety of living creatures, by Kary Mullis in 1983. In relation to this, he obtained a Nobel Prize award in 1994, the discovery of PCR which is very useful to compare the genetic variety of living creatures. The results of the study by PCR, showed that among all the animals, the pig is the animal most similar genetically with humans (Rothschild, et al 2007, Lunney et al, 2007; Tuggle et al, 2007)

Therefore, pig organs can be transplanted into the body of human. This process is called xenotransplantation and has already done a lot of experiments to try to replace damaged human organs with pig organs as illustrated in Figure 3 below.

Figure 3. Xenotransplantation organ from pig to human

Therefore, genetic of pigs is very similar with genetic of humans. Pork is more difficult to be digested by human body and a lot of bad things in pigs is very easily transmitted to humans (Rothschild et al, 2007; Klymiuk et al, 2010)

Genetic determine gene expression and gene expression determines the shape of proteins and protein determines the type of an enzyme that is made in the body. Enzymes are that determines character of good and bad of an organism (Lunney et al, 2007).

Pigs enzyme produce a lot of bad character in pigs. Some bad characters of pigs are the most voracious animal, dirty, and of the raunchiest in its class, gluttony pigs beyond gluttony of other animals. Pig also likes to eat carrion and faeces itself of other animals that he encounters, because of the character greedy of pigs, if nothing else he can eat, the vomit of his stomach will be eaten. Moreover, pigs

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very often urinated on the food and then he will eat food that has the tarnished piss (Karen et al, 2012, Peta, 2010)

On the other hand, the pig farmer is always the pursuit of economic advantage. Therefore, pig farmers will only breed pigs with a genetic obesity. In this case, the enzyme and the obesity gene of pigs will cause people to become obese. According to medical research, Obesity is a major trigger of cardiovascular disease, because pork contains high cholesterol and fat are difficult to be tolerated by the human body (Kim et al 2004)

Various diseases are triggered, because of the consumption of pork, among others: the hardening of the artery, increasing blood pressure, chest pain that gripped (angina pectoris), inflammation (pain) in the joints of the body (Denner, 2014)

Currently, cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death in the population of many countries that consume pork. Obesity gene transfer process as shown in the figure below

Figure 4. The obesity gene from pigs will form the obesity gene in people who eat pork

Other diseases which a lot of the pork is sourced from are viruses, bacteria and worms, and other pathogenic parasite which is easily transmitted to humans. Very dangerous virus in pigs is a retrovirus, this virus trigger cancer diseases (Peta, 2010, Denner 2014).

Virus H3N2 (Hong Kong flu) originating from pigs have caused illness influenza pandemic, occurred in 1968 with the Hong Kong Flu (H3N2) outbreak, which resulted in nearly 34,000 deaths in the United States. The 1968/69 pandemic, which was milder than 1957, is thought to have caused around 1 million deaths worldwide. In early 1968, the Hong Kong influenza pandemic was first detected in Hong Kong. It then spread worldwide during the following two winters, causing greater morbidity in some countries the first winter and others the second. Outbreak continues to this day with various forms of modified virus and has caused many deaths in some countries (Edwin et al, 2006; Tuggle et al, 2007; Mujoriya et al, 2011)

In the cells of the pig virus is replicating and genetic exchange occurs which consists of eight fragments such as HA, NA, PA, PB1, PB2, M, NP and NS. These fragments can be exchanged to form a new kid on the genes of the virus. It may also happen antigenic drift, which is the process of mutation by genetic material "child virus" is more complex. Among the viruses that are often endemic, namely are the H1N1 (swine flu), H5N1 (Avian Flu). (Tuggle et al, 2007; Mujoriya et al, 2011)

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Figure 5. Pork and its derivatives

Pork is one of the most widely eaten meats in the world today. The pig has also been an excellent biomedical model for various human health issues such as obesity, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, reproductive health and infectious diseases. (Edwin et al, 2006; Tuggle et al, 2007; Mujoriya et al, 2011). Pigs are increasingly appreciated as excellent models for medical research, as pigs and humans are so similar in many aspects of both infant and adult anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology and pharmacology. Because there is no placental transfer of antibodies to the developing pig foetus, new born piglets lack maternal antibodies, making them good for studies of the mechanisms of immunity (8, 10, 12). (Lunney et al, 2007, Patrick et al, 2016)

2. Why Alcohol and intoxicants and its byproducts is Haram

Alcohol is an organic compound solvent which is widely used as solvents for organic chemical compounds in the laboratory. The human body is a mixture of organic chemical compounds. Therefore, people who frequently drink alcohol, the chemical composition and the balance (homeostasis) of the body chemical compounds, slowly but surely will be damaged by alcohol especially enzymes of the body. Organic compounds of the human body composed mainly of protein, ie approximately 44%. Approximately 66% of the body's proteins work as enzymes. Enzymes are mainly working as bio-catalyst in the body. Because the action of the enzyme, people can talk, see, sleep, love, anger, and others. Basically, all human activity is very much determined by the enzyme. Therefore, people character will be changed by alcohol, as well as the effects of alcohol will be able to alter the physical person addicted to alcohol. The character of the man who had normal will be turn out to be not normal, if the level of alcohol in the body is very high can make people drunk with talk uncontrolled. Therefore most of the enzymes that

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person is already disrupted the person's character can be permanently impaired. (Paturel et al, 2011, Murray, 2012)

Below is a figure of brain scanning results about the comparison of drinker alcohol with normal people's brains using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Figure.6. Functional MRI scans of two teens. (Photo : Paturel, Amy M.S., M.P.H.;) American Academy of Neurology, December/January 2011 Volume 7(6) p 23–24,26–28 (14)

3. Why Carnivorous animals and birds of prey is Haram

Fanged animals and birds of prey contain enzymes that have the character of a savage and ferocious, when people eat these animals will make people have a savage and ferocious character as a result of the properties of the enzyme savage and ferocious. As explained above about the dangers of xenobiotics (Murray, 2012)

4. Why Animals improperly slaughtered is Haram

Animal besides containing proteins that are useful to human beings, animals also contain xenobiotic compounds that are harmful to humans (especially xenobiotic compounds in the blood). If the animal is slaughtered in a way that is not true, then the blood does not come out perfectly and is harmful to human health. (Murray, 20122). As explained about the dangers of consuming the blood below

5. Why Animals killed in the name of anyone other than Allah is Haram

Animals and what is in the earth, created by Allah Almighty is to human beings. Therefore, if we are going to kill God's creation, then we have to ask permission to the creator, and slaughter in accordance with Sharia provisions of the creator, that we may obtain mercy, and grace, and avoid things that are harmful. Therefore,

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Islam set the slaughter by the provisions of Allah Almighty. In sharia Islam to obtain meat halal, Animals must be slaughtered according to the provisions set by Allah Almighty, Animals must be slaughtered according to the provisions set by Allah Almighty. This ritual is known as as Zibah or Zabihah.

Al Quran Surah Al-Maida 5:3 as below “Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah, and [those animals] killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a head-long fall or by the goring of horns, and those from which a wild animal has eaten, except what you [are able to] slaughter [before its death], and those which are sacrificed on stone altars, and [prohibited is] that you seek decision through divining arrows. That is grave disobedience. This day those who disbelieve have despaired of [defeating] your religion; so fear them not, but fear Me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin – then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”

If viewed from the medical aspect, actually the purpose of slaughtering animals according to Islamic teachings is to maintain the composition of proteins and enzymes as well as the composition of other chemical compounds in the animal's body in order to remain in a state of homeostasis or good, because enzymes are proteins and are composed by amino acids, these chemicals can affect the taste and balance of body chemicals in animals. Protein compounds from these animals will be used by the human body to build the body of people who eat them, and to make antibodies in the human body. Besides that enzymes from animals will also affect a person's personality and character, then Islamic teachings regulate slaughter, so that proteins from animals really are useful to the body and make the nature of the people who eat them have good behavior, and sacrificed animals are not tormented or are in welfare.

How to slaughter animals according to Islamic teachings

• Animals must be slaughtered in a comfortable manner. Animals are creatures that also feel sick like humans, because of that the suffering or pain of slaughtered animals must be minimized.

• Slaughtered animals should not be hungry and thirsty, because it will affect the composition of the animal's proteins and enzymes and can affect the people who eat them.

• Slaughter of animals should not be seen by other animals waiting to be slaughtered. This is to prevent animals that will be slaughtered from stress. Because stressed animal proteins and enzymes are different from normal animals. Protheens and enzymes of animals that are stressful are not good for human health.

• Animals must be slaughtered using a very sharp knife. If there are some animals that will be slaughtered with the same knife, then the knife must be sharpened again. This is done to keep animals from suffering too much when slaughtered, because animals that suffer too much pain will change the composition of the protein, especially the enzymes in these animals.

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Animals killed in the name of anyone other than Allah, often animal blood is not flowing perfectly out of the animal's body, or the blood is intentionally not removed, because many people think that blood makes animal meat more delicious and tasty, but in Islamic teachings blood must be completely removed from the animal's body, because blood can cause various disease, Islam prioritizes safety rather than taste, as explained below.

6. Why blood and its products are haram

As we have seen to date in several countries, including Indonesia, there are still many people who consume the blood, including some Muslims are do not understand, such as; Saren or Marus. Culinary blood is a common sight in Java, made from blood of animals are collected, mixed with water and salt in order to freeze and then fried. Said people who eat it, the taste it very delicious. Several other products from the blood, among others: blood sausage, blood flour and there are also cooking goulash and food with blood, to obtain a savory taste. On the other hand there are people who consumed the raw blood of a snake (cobra) to increase the strength of the body

Then there are also some ulema, do not understand in taking Tafsir Al Quran, in surah Al Anam verse 145:

“Say, "I do not find within that which was revealed to me [anything] forbidden to one who would eat it unless it be a dead animal or blood spilled out or the flesh of swine - for indeed, it is impure - or it be [that slaughtered in] disobedience, dedicated to other than Allah Almighty . But whoever is forced [by necessity], neither desiring [it] nor transgressing [its limit], then indeed, your Lord is Forgiving and Merciful."

Ulema do not understand the interpretation of the Al Quran: say blood is forbidden in the Qur'an to be consumed is the blood that flows, while blood was frozen as Saren / Marus or blood sausage are not flowing, because it's halal. This is very wrong. Because there is blood is halal. ie; The remaining blood in meat and other animal organs that can not flow out at the time of slaughter. While Saren / Marus and blood products for food is food made from the blood flowing. Therefore Saren / Marus and food products made from blood are forbidden. Islam forbids the consumption of blood because of the dangers of consuming blood.(Schulz et al, 2003; Stephen et al, 2010)

Figure 7. Saren or Marus is made from blood of animals in Indonesia

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Blood has been forbidden by Allah Almighty because of the danger to human health, where the blood contains many substances hazardous to health, namely: Blood carries various toxins and waste products from food debris that are not processed in the body; the blood also contains the remains of the body's metabolism that are harmful to the body. A harmful compound in the blood is excreted in the urine and faeces. The compounds with a molecular weight less than 500 issued through the kidney glomerulus, compounds with a molecular weight greater than 500 excreted through faeces. (Schulz et al, 2003; Stephen et al, 2010). This is the logical reason in Islam, why Allah Almighty requires that animals must be slaughtered in the right way; so that blood contains many harmful ingredients can exit through slaughter. On the other hand, in the blood there are many bacteria and viruses and parasites that have been inactivated by the antibodies in the body, but is still of potential to cause disease. .(Schulz et al, 2003; Stephen et al, 2010). Where all this will flow out at the time of a slaughtered animal. Saren or Marus and other products made from blood flowing animal slaughtering time, many products contain a variety of toxic and hazardous waste as well as bacteria, viruses and parasites are easy to damage the health of people who consume them.


As the meaning of the word of Islam is safety, the main concept in consuming food in Islam is to prioritize safety rather than others. This concept is called Halalanthayyiban, or foods that are halal and good and beneficial for the body. As pork is very tasty and drinking alcohol can also make the body feel more comfortable and pleasant for a while, but it turns out the disadvantage is greater than the advantage.

The food was forbidden by Allah Almighty is giving various kinds of disadvantage to people who consume it, as has been proven by science, therefore the call of Allah to all mankind to consume halalanthayyiban food is a roadway safety for all mankind


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